Down Time Expanded
Down Time Expanded
Down Time Expanded
Masters are far rarer than journeymen, Not all skills can be used to practice a
and it is up to the GM to determine if you profession, and some skills will require an
can find one. They are best used a quest organization or institution to be accessible
reward -in return for completing a task, an to you in order to practice them. It is up
NPC as thanks will provide Master to the DM to determine if these places are
training in a proficiency for a certain accessible to you or not; it is a good idea
numbers of days (or for as long as it takes to use access as a quest or story reward, or
to train the PC). Consider using Masters to add flavor to locales.
to add a little flavor to locations in your
campaign, like a master smith who lives in The following skills and proficiencies can
the small village getting raided by be used to practice a profession. Skills that
northern barbarians. While the PCs are in have an access requirement are noted with
the village helping, they can spend the requirement in parentheses:
downtime with the Master. Gaining a
certain amount of Renown within a
Role Play Craft Downtime Expanded
Artisans Tools (of any type): Crafting Each ability check counts for 10 days,
simple items is an easy way to make even if you choose to do less than 10 days
money. at once. What you roll stays in effect until
Animal Handling: Hired hands are 10 days of practicing your profession pass.
common in both small towns and cities. When starting another 10 days, another
Arcana (Rare: Magical Institutions): roll is required. You may perform work of
Though rare, it is not unheard of to be a different profession any time you begin
paid for magical lore. another 10 days of professional work.
Athletics: Manual labor is always needed,
especially in places with a lot of trade like As an example, a PC decides to find work
ports. on the docks of a port city loading and
History (Rare: Museums or Libraries): unloading cargo. They have a Strength of
Local and historical lore can be valuable 14 (a +2 modifier on the roll), and are
to certain institutions. proficient in Athletics.
Medicine (Rare: Apothecaries and
Healers Institutions): Those who know They roll the ability check and get a 12.
the non-magical healing arts are valuable, Combining their proficiency bonus (+2 at
especially in remote places. this PCs level) and Strength modifier,
Performance: Entertainment is a they have a 16. This means that for the
constant need in any place one visits. next 10 days, the PC can make 2 gp a day
Religion (Rare: Temples and Churches): working the docks. If they choose to live a
Some temples hire those well versed in modest lifestyle as per the living expenses
the religious lore of their patron deity. rules for those 10 days, then their take-
home pay will total to 10 gp.
Alternatively, the PC may do unskilled
labor, automatically making enough to Running a Function
support a poor lifestyle (2 sp/day).
PCs might come into situations where
When making the ability check, consult they want to influence NPCs or factions,
the table below to see how much gold you and one way to do so would be to create
make a day. Keep in mind you still must an event like a feast or a ball. Such events
pay to support a certain lifestyle for each require time and money, but can go a long
day you spend practicing a profession. way in endearing the party to individuals
invited to such functions, as well as
DC provide a way to help gather information
1-9 : 2 sp/day or keep track of people the party has an
10-14: 1 gp/day interest in.
15-19: 2 gp/day
20-24: 4 gp/day When the function is actually executed, a
25+ : 10 gp/day few ability score rolls will be needed to see
how well the event was pulled off. Better
For professions with Rare access planning and willingness to spend money
requirements, or if you are proficient with will make these rolls easier. A well run
an instrument while using Performance, function will gain the party renown and
lower the DC required by 5. If you disposition with local NPCs and factions.
critically fail the check by rolling a 1, then
you only make 1 sp/day.
Role Play Craft Downtime Expanded
each of these are the Function Preparation monetary prizes for contests. The more
Table. time and money you spend, the better the
event will be.
When looking for a venue to reserve, the
organizer needs to roll 3 Intelligence
(Investigation) checks and consult the
Function Preparation Table, which lists
the DCs of the venues. The 3 results are
the venues currently available. If none are
acceptable, you will need to wait 7 days to
look again.
Function GP/Day Poor Venue Average Venue Good Venue Grand Venue
Rental Cost Rental Cost Rental Cost Rental Cost
(DC:1-9) (DC:10+) (DC:15+) (DC:20+)
Festival 1 0 10 50 100
Tourney 15 20 40 80 200
Role Play Craft Downtime Expanded
Good: +5
You can also purchase additional perks, Grand: +10
which will help the function succeed. A
perk is usually someone or a group of Preparation
people of value, like a bard, a chef, an Poor: -5
acting troupe, a game master, etc. Each Average: 0
one costs 100 gp, and the party needs to Good: +5
decide who this person or group of Grand: +10
people are as they spend the money.
Alternatively, you can pick from the Perks
following small list: +2 for each
After the score is determined, the GM you will spend less on materials the better
now needs to role play out the event as a your roll is.
scene in the game itself, using the score as
a factor when deciding how NPCs are As an example, a Chariot costs 250 GP. A
acting and how well the PCs can get PC wanting to craft one rolls an ability
information, sow rumors, or try to check using their Intelligence of 16 (a +3
influence other people. The perks bonus on the roll), and adds their
purchases should be represented as well, proficiency bonus (+2). They roll a 13,
and can even provide new hooks for the and so add 13 + 3 + 2, getting 18. This
game. Even a function that went poorly means that spending the next ten days of
can have fun consequences throughout downtime on the chariot, they complete
the game. 150 GP worth of labor. There is still 100
GP of labor to go. Additionally, they
spend 20 gp on the materials. If on their
Crafting Expanded next 10 day segment of downtime they
roll a 13 including bonuses, they would do
When crafting, you can either create items 100 GP worth of labor in 10 days,
in 5 gp increments as per the base rules, completing the chariot, and spending 20
or if you are proficient in the tools needed gp on materials again. Collectively the
to craft that item you can choose to make chariot cost the PC 40 gp to produce, and
an ability check to dictate the GP took 20 days to create.
increments per day for the next 10 days of
downtime. This ability score roll only affects the item
you are crafting. If you start a new item,
For the ability check you will use either you must roll again.
Wisdom or Intelligence and add your
proficiency bonus. Then, consult the table This change of the crafting rules makes
below to figure out how much work you crafting much more beneficial for PCs,
can get done in a day for the next 10 days. but the amount of time needed to craft
expensive items should help to balance
this out. It should still be far more
DC GP/Day profitable to plunge the depths of the
world for treasure than to try to become a
1-9 5 full-time chariot craftsman.
20-24 20
25+ 25