Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager For Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager For Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager For Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
Reconnaissance Applications
Eldon Puckrin1, Caroline S. Turcotte1, Marc-Andr Gagnon2, John Bastedo3, Vincent Farley2
and Martin Chamberland2
Defence R&D Canada Valcartier, 2459 Pie-XI Blvd N., Quebec, Qc, Canada G3J 1X5
Telops, Inc., 100-2600 St-Jean-Baptiste, Quebec, Qc, Canada G2E 6J5
PV Labs, 175 Longwood Road South, Suite 400A, Hamilton, On, Canada L8P 0A1
[email protected] / 2 [email protected] / 3 [email protected]
Persistent surveillance and collection of airborne intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance information is
critical in todays warfare against terrorism. High resolution imagery in visible and infrared bands provides
valuable detection capabilities based on target shapes and temperatures. However, the spectral resolution
provided by a hyperspectral imager adds a spectral dimension to the measurements, leading to additional
tools for detection and identification of targets, based on their spectral signature. The Telops Hyper-Cam
sensor is an interferometer-based imaging system that enables the spatial and spectral analysis of targets
using a single sensor. It is based on the Fourier-transform technology yielding high spectral resolution and
enabling high accuracy radiometric calibration. It provides datacubes of up to 320256 pixels at spectral
resolutions as fine as 0.25 cm-1. The LWIR version covers the 8.0 to 11.8 m spectral range. The Hyper-Cam
has been recently used for the first time in two compact airborne platforms: a belly-mounted gyro-stabilized
platform and a gyro-stabilized gimbal ball. Both platforms are described in this paper, and successful results
of high-altitude detection and identification of targets, including industrial plumes, and chemical spills are
Emerging applications in the civilian and defense context require sensors with state-of-the-art sensitivity and
capabilities. Among these sensors, the imaging spectrometer is an instrument yielding a large amount of rich
information about the measured scene. This powerful spectrometric tool is becoming more common in civil
applications such as search and rescue, geological surveys, pollution monitoring, forest fire detection and
monitoring and combustion studies. These sensors are also emerging as important assets for defense
operations through the role they can play for troop protection against chemical attacks [1], detection of mines
and unexploded ordnance (UXO) [2] and for military target detection [3].
Imaging spectrometers have unmatched capabilities to meet the requirements of these applications. The vast
majority of commercial-off-the-shelf airborne hyperspectral imaging sensors are of the dispersive push-broom
type. The Hyper-Cam sensor developed by Telops is unique in that it is an interferometer-based system that
operates in the 8-12 m longwave infrared (LWIR) spectral range. In principle, it can map regions of terrain
by using a step-and-stare technique if the pointing stability of the system is sufficiently reliable. The Hyper-
Cam is based on the Fourier-transform technology yielding high spectral resolution and enabling high-
accuracy radiometric calibration. The Hyper-Cam, a portable sensor, provides datacubes of up to 320256
pixels at 0.35 mrad spatial resolution and at spectral resolutions of up to 0.25 cm-1. The Hyper-Cam-LW has
been used in several ground-based field campaigns, including the demonstration of standoff chemical agent
detection [1].
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
The Hyper-Cam has been recently used for the first time in two compact airborne platforms: a belly-mounted
gyro-stabilized platform onboard a fixed-wing aircraft and a gyro-stabilized gimbal ball mounted at the front
of a helicopter. This paper describes both and presents successful results of high-altitude detection and
identification of targets including gases and chemical spills.
The control software has a user-friendly interface and provides real-time feedback to the operator. A
screenshot of the control software (named Reveal Pro) is presented in Figure 1. On the right, the non-
uniformity corrected broadband IR image is displayed with a greyscale code where black means low radiance
level and white high radiance level. The uncalibrated raw spectrum (or the interferogram as selected by the
operator) of a selected pixel in the image is displayed in real time on the left of the screen. The sensor has the
capability to change the focus of the IR image to produce a clear image from 3 meters up to infinity. The
Hyper-Cam was presented in detail in previous papers [1,4,5]. It has been successfully used during several
field trials.
Figure 1: Picture of the Hyper-Cam (left), a LWIR hyperspectral imager, and graphical user interface
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
In order to acquire the most useful infrared spectral ranges, the Telops airborne system allows mounting two
different Hyper-Cam instruments as shown in Figure 2. The Hyper-Cam-MW measures from 3 to 5.5 m
whereas the Hyper-Cam-LW measures the 8 to 11.5 m wavelength range. A single Hyper-Cam airborne
platform is also available. The optical bench includes a stabilization platform, the two Hyper-Cam
instruments, two Image Motion Compensation (IMC) mirrors, a GPS/INS unit and two visible boresight
cameras. All these modules are rigidly mounted on a high-stiffness base plate. This base plate is mounted on
the stabilization platform.
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
As illustrated in Figure 3, the IMC mirrors are used to compensate the airplane pitch, roll and forward motion
(independently for each Hyper-Cam sensor), while the stabilization platform is used to dampen the airplane
vibrations and to compensate the airplane yaw. The IMC mirrors are controlled by the navigation module
which receives and uses the information from two video trackers (one from each Hyper-Cam) and a GPS/INS
unit. The GPS/INS also enables ortho-rectification and geo-referencing of the collected data.
The Hyper-Cam instruments offer uncommon flexibility in adjusting their spatial, spectral and temporal
parameters. This flexibility proves to be invaluable for airborne applications where the flight parameters
impose severe restrictions on spectrometer operation.
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
where the numerator represents the squared norm of the measurement, m, projected out of the background
space, B, and the denominator represents the squared norm of the measurement projected out of the
background + signature space, S. If the measurement does not contain the signature of interest, the result of
the GLRT is approximately one.
(A) (B)
Figure 5: Images of the industrial site obtained from Google Earth (A) and with the airborne Hyper-
Cam-LW (B).
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
The LWIR image of the industrial site, shown in Figure 5B, measured with the airborne Hyper-Cam, was
analyzed for gaseous emissions using the GLRT algorithm. Figure 6 shows a summary of the detection and
identification results in the proximity of a large chimney. The measured radiance spectrum and SO2 gas
signature are represented in the upper panel of Figure 6A. It is evident that the SO2 is present even in the
unfiltered airborne Hyper-Cam measurement. The lower panel of Figure 6A also shows an excellent match
between the projected measurement and signature results. The output of the GLRT filter is shown in Figure
6B; the SO2 is detected well above the threshold value. The plume is clearly identified in the image of Figure
6C at the opening of the chimney. The corresponding ROC curve for the SO2 detection is given in Figure 6D,
where the detection probability is high compared to the probability of detection error [8].
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Figure 6: The detection and identification of SO2 gas at the industrial site using the GLRT algorithm.
Measured radiance and SO2 signature (upper panel), and projected measurement and SO2 signature
results (lower panel) (A). Filter output showing the clear detection and identification of SO2 well
above the threshold value (B). Identification of the plume in the LWIR image (C). ROC curves for SO2
for a different numbers of basis vectors (D).
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
The area containing the interrogated targets is shown in Figure 7A. Benign chemical targets consisting of
ammonium sulfate (AS) powder at different fill factors (12.5 %, 25 % and 100 %) were set up in 2m 2m
arrays. The area also included a controlled gas release apparatus intended for Freon (F-134a) dissemination.
The area contained other targets such as hotplates, acetone and methanol liquids and disturbed earth.
Figure 7: Target area as seen from flight altitude showing interrogated targets (A), 25% fill-factor
ammonium sulfate (AS) target (B), 100% fill-factor ammonium sulfate target (C), and gas release
apparatus on tripod (D).
Hyperspectral data measured for the scene at the different flight altitudes from the helicopter platform were
analyzed for the presence of ammonium sulfate powder using the GLRT algorithm. Figure 8 shows the
infrared broadband images of the interrogated area in black & white. The detection and identification results
from the GLRT algorithm are shown as a colored overlay pattern over the broadband image. The colored
pixels are those that showed positive detection of the interrogated material.
Figure 8: Broadband infrared image of the interrogated area with the colored overlay detection and
identification results of ammonium sulfate powder spills. The area is shown for altitudes of 300 m
(A), 1000 m (B) and 3000 m.
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
The experiment shows successful detection and identification of the ammonium sulfate powder from the
300 m altitude for all fill factors (grids of 12.5 %, 25 % and 100 % respectively). The imaging quality of the
Hyper-Cam-LW sensor allows for the clear distinction of the different fill-factor grid patterns and without
false alarms. The 1000 m and 3000 m altitude measurements provide successful detection and identification
for the 100 % fill-factor grid only. The ammonium sulfate spectral features for the lolower
wer fill factor of other
grids (12.5 % and 25 %) could not be differentiated from the surrounding area.
Figure 9 shows the results of hyperspectral data measured and exploited for the scene at an altitude of 300 m
using an acetone target consisting of a glass container filled with the liquid. The acetone was detected and
identified at a flight altitude of 300 m, as shown by the colored pixels (B) and the detection plane (C) of
Figure 9, but not at higher altitudes due to the small target size.
Figure 9: Picture of acetone target (A). Detection and identification of acetone from an open source
at 300 m altitude (B, C).
Figure 10 Photo of methanol target (A). Detection and identification of methanol from an open
source at 300 m altitude (B,C).
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
The dissemination of F-134a gas could be detected and identified using the GLRT algorithm at all flight
altitudes, as shown in Figure 11. The Freon gas was released at a rate of 100 L/min during the measurement
Figure 11: Broadband infrared image of the interrogated area with the coloured overlay detection
and identification results of a Freon F134-a release at an altitude of 300 m (A) and 3000 m (B).
The Hyper-Cam sensor was installed onboard a fixed-wing aircraft and a helicopter using a belly-mounted
gyro-stabilized platform and a gyro-stabilized gimbal ball, respectively. The fixed wing aircraft was flown
over an industrial site in which sulphur dioxide plumes were readily detected and identified using the Hyper-
Cam. The gimbal-mounted Hyper-Cam onboard the helicopter was flown over a site consisting of benign
chemical powders and gas plumes. In this case, the sensor was capable of detecting ammonium sulfate and
plumes of F-134a, along with methanol and acetone at lower altitudes.
The next steps will involve trying to co-add datacubes in order to further reduce the NESR of the sensor
system, which will depend on having sufficient stability in the control of the pointing mechanism. The
possibility to temporally co-add spectra is something not offered in typi
cal pushbroom sensor systems.
[1] Farley, V., Chamberland, M., Lagueux, P., et al., "Chemical agent detection and identification with a
hyperspectral imaging infrared sensor," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6661, 66610L (2007).
[2] J.E.McFee, C.Anger, S.Achal and T.Ivanco, Landmine detection using passive hyperspectral imaging,
Proc. SPIE Conference on Chemical and Biological Sensing VIII, Vol. 6554, Orlando, FL, USA, 9-13,
April, 2007.
[3] M. Shimoni, F. van der Meer, and M. Acheroy, Thermal imaging spectroscopy: Present technology and
future dual use applications, Proceedings 5th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy. Bruges,
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
[4] Puckrin, E., C.S. Turcotte, Lahaie, P., Dub, D., Farley, V., Lagueux P. and. Marcotte F. and
Chamberland, M., Airborne measurements in the infrared using imaging hyperspectral sensors,
Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7324-46, Defense & Security 2009, Orlando, Florida, April 2009.
[5] Vallires, A., Villemaire, A., Chamberland, M., et al., "Algorithms for chemical detection, identification
and quantification for thermal hyperspectral imagers," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5995, 59950G (2005).
[6] Manolakis, M., Marden, D. and Shaw, G.A., "Hyperspectral image processing for automatic target
detection applications, Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 14, 79 (2003).
[7] Scharf, L. and Friedlander, B., "Matched subspace detectors," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
Vol. 42, 2146 (1994).
[8] Fawcett, T., "An introduction to ROC analysis," Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 27, 861 (2006).
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Airborne Infrared Hyperspectral Imager for
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Applications
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