India Tourism Report

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India Tourism Report 2017

Edition 1.0

Jitendra Kumar Rajput

Pankaj Kumar |Swastika Dash

Introduction: What drives Tourism?
Tourism represents the greatest mass migration in human The movement is the nature of living things in the mortal
history, and it is one of the most significant movement world and human is one of them. Aristotle said that man
sector of our times. It directly or indirectly controls a lot of is a social animal. Their requirements are different from the
trends, mindsets and sectors like hospitality. The other living beings. The movement of culture developed
temporary displacement of millions of people worldwide the cross-cultural relationship among the various
at very particular timeframes has quite a major social, civilizations of the world. Tourism provides opportunities for
cultural, and political as well as huge economic culture, religion, social life, lifestyle, living standard,
consequences. It can be asserted with some confidence language, literature, music, dance, craft, fair & festivals
that, through an examination of tourism, we can learn a etc. From the social and cultural point of view there is
good deal about ourselves and the times in which we live. enough evidence to support the fact that tourism travel
Today, tourism is one of the fastest growing economic unquestionably produces an interaction between
sectors in the world, the key reasons being the socio- cultural customs of visitors and those of host population.
economic progress within our society and the inter- Tourism has been a major social phenomenon of the
connectedness of the world we live in. People from across societies all along, which is motivated by the natural urge
the globe are traveling more than ever before. By 2030, a of every human being for new experiences, adventures,
global population of 8.5 billion people would take nearly education and entertainment. The motivations for tourism
2 billion international trips. The United Nations has also includes social, religious, leisure and business interests.
designated 2017 the International Year of Sustainable The spread of education has fostered a desire to know
Tourism for Development. As one of the worlds largest more about different part of globe. The basic human thirst
economic sectors, Travel & Tourism creates jobs, drives for new experiences and knowledge has become
exports, and generates prosperity across the world. stronger, as communication barriers are getting
overcome by technological advances.
According to Hellen (Hellen, Kim,1965) The spread of
education has created cultural awareness and has
stimulated desire to travel In Europe, researches have
proved that The inhabitants of large urban and industrial
cities are most eager escapers from their environment on
weekends and annual holidays.
is expected to have a significant positive impact on
foreign tourist arrivals in India.
Recently, the Indian government has also released a fresh
Growth Drivers: category of visa - the medical visa or M visa, to
encourage medical tourism in India. Short term medical
A growing recognition of tourism's contribution to visa under existing E-Tourist scheme is included.
employment and economic growth. The availability of
better infrastructure, focused marketing and promotion Criteria in order to characterise a trip as belonging to
efforts, liberalisation of air transport, the growth of online tourism:
travel portals, growing intra-regional cooperation and
more effective Private Public Partnerships (PPPs) are seen 1. Displacement outside the usual environment: domestic
as key drivers for tourism in the next decade. More than or international travel.
half of the Ministry of Tourism's Plan budget is channelized 2. Type of purpose:
for funding the development of destinations, circuits, The travel must occur for any purpose different from
mega projects as well as rural tourism infrastructure wage-earning in the place visited.
project. Tourism is not restricted to recreation or visiting
There is a renewed focus on skill development in the travel friends & family
and tourism sector 21 government-run hotel Multi-motivational tourists
management and catering technology institutes and 10
food craft institutes have been established to impart
specialised training in hotelkeeping and catering. 3. Duration: maximal duration (12 months)
Commencing from 27th November 2014 e-Tourist Visa Tourism displacement can be with or without an overnight
facility has been made available for citizens of 150 stay.
countries arriving at 16 airports in India as on date. During Overnight visitors are considered as tourists, while Same-
2015, a total number of 4,45,300 Visas on Arrival were day visitors are excursionists.
issued as compared to 39,046 Visas on Arrival during 2014,
which amounts to a growth of 1040.4%.
The Tourist Visa on Arrival (TVoA) was renamed as
Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) on 15th April, 2015.
Currently the ETA facility is available for 150 countries. This
Purpose of Visit:

This shift in tourism from relaxation to self-discovery is

reflected in the explosion of niche market designations
within the tourism industry. The more widely known include
adventure tourism, culinary tourism, religious tourism,
ecotourism, sustainable tourism, and educational tourism.
Cultural heritage tourism is one of the fastest growing
specialty markets in the industry today.

This form of tourism is a leisure oriented concept, where
people take some time off from their mundane day to
day life and are looking for a change. Leisure is the
opportunity to do something after completing the
necessities of life, and how someone chooses to spend
their free time.

Riley (1995) claims that luxury tourism is in the destination
that is perceived as unique, but it is also on the manner
individuals choose to travel. This means that tourism is also
allied with luxury, whether it is by tourists attitudes or by
the destination they visited. In one way or another,
defining what constitutes luxury tourism is critical to
reinforcing this niche market.

Regardless of the economic situation of a country at a

given moment, luxury tourism is an activity constantly
practiced by the people with substantial material Ministry of Railways has taken several important initiatives
resources, even if their number may fall or rise depending to promote tourism. These include introduction of new
on the economic impact had periods of crisis on areas of tourist train services on popular tourist circuits in different
activity in which they operate. Luxury tourism represents a regions of the country to offer one weeks fully packaged
special category of the tourism industry, both with regard rail travel itinerary inclusive of travel, accommodation, on
to the supply, and especially to the demand. board catering - on-board and conducted sightseeing
tours at the destinations. This aims at curating an entirely
As middle-class markets develop and mature across the luxurious experience for the travellers to give a glimpse of
globe, the luxury hospitality market is expanding to meet Indias rich and luxurious heritage. Palace on Wheels,
their needs. A recent report from Transparency Market Deccan Odyssey, Golden Chariot, Royal Rajasthan
Research found that the global luxury hotels market will on Wheels and Maharajas Express have been
continue to expand at CAGR of 4% from 2015-2021. The operating in collaboration with the respective State
increased wealth and refined travel aspirations of these Tourism Development Corporation/ Indian Railway
new middle classes will compel them to invest in long-haul Tourism & Catering Corporation (IRCTC).
travel to new destinations, thus encouraging their peers
to follow suit and explore other corners of the globe.

Luxury experiences are a category of activities that, even

though it might seem to only target very wealthy people,
celebrities, public persons or businessmen leading
successful companies from around the world, imply, aside
from the material resources available for the acquisition
of these service packages, a desire to practice tourism on
a superior level that not many people can afford. One of
the most important factors that determine wealthy clients
to acquire luxury vacations is social recognition, the open
manifestation of their social status and showing off in front
of their relatives, acquaintances, friends and colleagues
the financial level that the persons in question have
visiting places that are significant to the past or present
cultural identity of a particular group of people.
Indias rich history has created a vibrant and complex
patchwork of cultural heritages. Indians are
accustomed to an array of compound identities that
jointly indicate the communities from which they
come and the nation they now share. Travelers who
are interested in cultural heritage tourism would visit or
take part in any of the following:
Historical attractions, monuments, or landmarks
Museums, art galleries, or theatres
Festivals, concerts, or performances
Culturally significant neighbourhoods or

From a certain view, cultural heritage tourists might be

thought of as amateur ethnographers. But while they are
Heritage/ Cultural: interested in learning about other cultures, they are first
Cultural and Heritage Tourism is a tool of economic and foremost tourists. Cultural heritage tourists travel to
development that achieves economic growth through experience other cultures and learn about the past, but
attracting visitors from outside a host community, who are they do so as tourists and not as specialists. While some of
motivated wholly or in part by interest in the historical, their interests differ from those of more recreational
artistic, scientific or lifestyle/heritage offerings of a tourists, cultural heritage tourists have the same need for
community, region, group or institution (Silberberg 1995). amenities such as restaurants and hotels that the tourist
Such travel is focused upon experiencing cultural economy as a whole depends upon. Cultural Tourism is
environments, including landscapes, the visual and the coordinated and mutually supportive application of
performing arts and special lifestyles, values, traditions, cultural, heritage and tourist resources for the
and events. improvement of the overall quality of community life.

As the term implies, cultural heritage tourism involves

Reflecting the economic importance of tourism in Traditional in character, growing slowly and
general and cultural and heritage tourism in particular, organically, and connected with local families. It
there are many national and international organizations will often be very largely controlled locally and
that provide expertise and support for these activities in developed for the long term good of the area.
both developed and developing nations. These include
the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Tourism generating regions for rural tourism are highly
the European Commission, the European Regional developed and urbanized the stresses of urban living
Development Fund (ERDF), the United Nations and the remoteness from the natural environment has
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization created a desire for escape from the monoculture of city
(UNESCO), World Travel and Tourism Council, living. Rural locations offer an idealized release from stress
Organization of World Heritage Cities. and the opportunity to re-engage with a simpler, quieter
way of life that offers rest and relaxation.
Rural: At times, increasing environmental awareness and
Rural tourism can be defined as the country experience interest in the relationship between humans and the
which encompasses a wide range of attractions and environment drives this sector. Green issues have raised
activities that take place in agricultural or non-urban the attractiveness of rural experiences as ecologically
areas. Its essential characteristics include wide-open sustainable tourism.
spaces, low levels of tourism development, and Rural areas are perceived as healthier, offering fresher air,
opportunities for visitors to directly experience agricultural cleaner water and the opportunity for outdoor
and/or natural environments. recreation. Rural areas offer fresh, and sometimes,
Consequently, rural tourism in its purest form should be: specialty foods. Transport, communications, and the
Located in rural areas. removal of political and economic barriers to travel have
Functionally rural built upon the rural world s facilitated accessibility of rural areas.
special features of small-scale enterprise, open Another major factor could be an increasing desire for
space, contact with nature and the natural world, authentic experiences including interaction with local
heritage, traditional societies and traditional people - Rural tourism is REAL (Rewarding, Enriches the
practices. spirit, provides Adventure and Learning); authenticity is
Rural in scale both in terms of buildings and believed to be found in genuine country experiences and
settlements and, therefore, usually small scale. lifestyles.
Incredible India campaign has defined the term rural employment and income augmentation, putting it on a
tourism as: Any form of tourism that showcases the rural much larger canvas of community based action.
life, art, culture and heritage at rural locations, thereby
benefiting the local community economically and Health / Medical: Medical tourism is becoming a
socially as well as enabling interaction between the popular option for tourists across the globe. It
tourists and the locals for a more enriching tourism encompasses primarily and predominantly biomedical
experience can be termed as rural tourism. Rural tourism procedures, combined with travel and tourism. The term
is essentially an activity which takes place in the medical tourism has been coined by travel agencies and
countryside. It is multi-faceted and may entail the mass media to describe the rapidly growing practice
farm/agricultural tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, of travelling across international borders to obtain hi-tech
adventure tourism, and eco-tourism. As against medical care. The key competitive advantages of India
conventional tourism, rural tourism has certain typical in medical tourism stem from the following: low cost
characteristics like; it is experience oriented, the locations advantage, strong reputation in the advanced
are sparsely populated, it is predominantly in natural healthcare segment (cardiovascular surgery, organ
environment, it meshes with seasonality and local events transplants, eye surgery etc.) and the diversity of tourist
and is based on preservation of culture, heritage and destinations available in the country. According to
traditions. Goodrich & Goodrich (1987), medical tourism is the
Tourism growth potential can be harnessed as a strategy attempt to attract tourists by deliberately promoting its
for Rural Development. The development of a strong health-care services and facilities, in addition to its regular
platform around the concept of Rural Tourism is definitely tourist amenities. Laws (1996) has defined medical tourism
useful for a country like India, where almost 74% of the as a travel from home to another destination to improve
population resides in its 7 million villages. The Endogenous ones health condition as one type of leisure. This includes
Tourism Project- Rural Tourism Scheme (ETP-RTS) is a getting indigenous and alternative medical services, and
collaborative effort between the Ministry of Tourism, any other form of tourism undertaken with the purpose of
Government of India (MoT) and United Nations addressing a health concern.
Development Programme (UNDP) initiated in 2003 and
being implemented currently at 36 sites across the The main reasons for the growing popularity in medical
country. While the primary objective of the project is to tourism in India are:
focus on sustainable livelihoods, it extended beyond the the long waiting lists in the developed countries,
achievement of mere economic objective of
the low cost of medical treatments in India than the
other developed countries. In India, complicated
surgical procedures are being done at one-tenth of
the cost as compared to the procedures in the
developed countries,
The affordable international air fares and
favourable exchange rates,
the Internet; with the development of
communications, new companies have emerged
who acts as middlemen between international
patients and hospital networks, giving patients easy
access to information, prices and option,
the state-of-art technology, specialist doctors,
nurses and paramedical staffs that has been
adopted by the big hospitals and diagnostics As a part of medical tourism, India is recognized as the
centres in India. In India, the medical education cradle for test tube babies and is popular for surrogacy
system also caters to the ever increasing demand services (Qaders and John, 2009). Over than these, India
for the delivery of the quality health care services offers high-tech cardiac, paediatric, dental, cosmetic
all over the country ( Suthin et al., 2007). and orthopaedic surgical services as well as the
traditional healing systems. The medical tourism definitely
Tourism in India are mainly divided into four categories. does not cater to emergency services. The services
Wellness Tourism provided are largely knee joint replacement, hip
Alternative systems of medicine replacement (mostly orthopaedic), bone marrow
Cosmetic Surgery transplant, bypass surgery and cosmetic surgery etc.
Advanced & Lifesaving healthcare Hospitals also advertise for preventive health check-ups
for family members accompanying the patients in
addition to alternative medicine services (Peacock,
Many countries are working to successfully compete in
the medical tourism marketplace by offering a wide
variety of medical, surgical and dental services in the most ancient civilizations of the world, India has been
comfortable modern facilities. in contact with almost all the major religions of the world,
Medical institutions in less developed countries benefit by and despite being dominated by Hinduism in the present
serving foreign patients. The skills and financial resources context, religions like Islam, Buddhism and Christianity
derived by providing health care in the global have also influenced a sizeable portion of the population,
marketplace allow these facilities to better care for the apart from niche religions like Sikhism, Jainism,
local residents who otherwise would have limited access Vaishnavism, Jewism that grew as an offshoot to the
to modern medical facilities and services. Medical tourism major religious schools of thought.
enables countries that have long waiting lists for certain
procedures to clear their backlog by sending patients to Sometimes called spiritual tourism, this particular type has
foreign countries for expedient care, at low cost, without gained an increasing role throughout the world. Due to its
expanding local capacity. Finally, there are opportunities initial component, pilgrimage, it is often considered the
for innovative physician executives and other health care oldest form of tourism, dating thousands of years back.
leaders to explore ways to better fund the care of poor Travels to the ancient holy places didn't have today's
patients by directing certain services to lower cost logistical support, but they had the same human
hospitals in foreign destinations. motivation: faith. Today, millions of people travel
throughout the world in search of sacredness, spiritual
guidance, reaching places considered holy and
Religious/Pilgrimage: worshipped as such. The most concentrated tourist flows
Religious tourism, sometimes called spiritual tourism has are still the religious ones: KumbhaMela in India, Hindu
gained an increasing role all over the world. It is certain pilgrimage which gathers around 70 million people, and
that part of this position is due to the explosion of the Hajj, Muslim pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia (which gathers
overall tourism phenomenon supported by an increase in around 2 million people). Other millions of people travel in
income, technology, by information circulation or order to express their devotion towards Buddha, Jesus
promotion actions. However, religious tourism is growing Christ or other deities.
especially in direct relation with peoples thirst for
knowledge, understanding other religions than their own.

It can also be defined as travel with the core motive of

experiencing religious forms, or the products they induce,
like art, culture, traditions and architecture. Being one of
Religious travel is not a new phenomenon. Religion has
long been an integral motive for undertaking journeys
and is usually considered the oldest form of non-
economic travel (Jackowski and Smith 1992). Every year
millions of people travel to major pilgrimage destinations
around the world, both ancient and modern in origin.
Jackowski (2000) estimates that approximately 240 million
people a year go on pilgrimages, the majority being
Christians, Muslims, and Hindus. Religiously or spiritually
motivated travel has become widespread and
popularized in recent decades, occupying an important
segment of international tourism, having grown
substantially in recent years both in proportional and
absolute terms.
Tourism acts as a crucial enabler in facilitating
development of basic infrastructural facilities, generates
income for the local community as well as the
government, balances regional development strategies
through 'umbrella' effect, and fosters peace and socio-
cultural harmony. However, tourism development in any
region needs to be regulated to prevent the negative
Figure 1 shows religious tourisms stakeholders without impacts.
regard for the order they are placed in.
Adventure: Rafting Water
Adventure tourism is a type of niche tourism involving Skiing
exploration or travel to remote areas, where the traveller
should expect the unexpected. Adventure tourism is 2. Land based:
rapidly growing in popularity as tourists seek unusual Mountaineering/Trekking
holidays, different from the typical beach vacations. Bungee Jumping
Mountaineering expeditions, trekking, bungee jumping, Camping & Caving
sea surfing, sky diving, paragliding, parasailing, Wildlife Self Drive Tours
ballooning, rafting and rock climbing are frequently cited Cycling
as an examples of adventure tourism. Adventure travel is Skiing
a type of tourism, involving exploration or travel with Jeep Safaris
perceived and possible actual risk, and potentially Elephant, Camel, Horse Riding
requiring specialized skills involving physical All-Terrain Vehicle
exertion. Adventure Tourism is mainly seen as thrilling Motor Bike Tours
activities tourism such as mountaineering, trekking, sailing, Snow Boarding
white water rafting, angling, ballooning, parachuting and Artificial Wall Climbing
so on. Adventure Tourism is becoming quite a rage with Rock Climbing
the younger generations, who wants to venture into and Zip Wires
experience the unknown adventure world. High rope Trekking
Mountain biking
The leading adventurous activities available in India
1. Water based: 3. Air based:
Boat Safaris Hang Gliding
Canoeing Hot Air Ballooning
House Boat Stays Paragliding
Kayaking Parasailing
Scuba Diving Sky Diving
Surfing Water
Steps Taken By Govt. To Promote Adventure Tourism In Various adventure courses have been started and are
India: being successfully run by this institute. The National
Institute of Water Sports, another organisation of Ministry
As per the policy for the diversification of tourism product of Tourism based in Goa, is getting a new building and
of India, special attention is being given for the facilities upgraded for training in water sports activities.
development of Adventure Tourism in the country. The The Ministry is working with the Indian Mountaineering
Ministry of Tourism has also issued Guidelines for Approval Federation and Adventure Tour Operators Association of
of Adventure Tour Operators, which is a voluntary India to explore positioning India as an Adventure
scheme, open to all bonafide adventure tour operators. Destination. Ministry of Tourism has been following up with
The Ministry of Tourism has also formulated a set of concerned related Central Ministries with regard to
guidelines on Safety and Quality Norms on Adventure facilitation for development of adventure tourism. As an
Tourism as Basic Minimum Standards for Adventure outcome, the Government of India has given security
Tourism Activities. These guidelines cover Land, Air and clearance for opening of 104 additional peaks in Jammu
Water based activities which include mountaineering, and Kashmir (Leh Area) subject to stipulations and
trekking hand gliding, paragliding, bungee jumping and clearances form State Govt., Home Ministry and other
river rafting. Central Financial Assistance is being concerned agencies. The opening of the additional
extended to various State Governments/ Union Territory peaks will help in positioning the Indian Himalayas as
Administration for development of Tourism Infrastructure Adventure tourism destination.
in destinations including Adventure Tourism destinations
these include facilities for trekking, rock climbing, Sports:
mountaineering, aero sports, winter/ water related sports, It refers to a specific travel outside the usual environment
trekker huts, wildlife viewing facilities etc. Financial for either passive or active involvement in competitive
assistance for purchase of water sports equipment sport. Sport is the primary reason for travel whereas the
consisting of kayaks, canoes, paddle boats, fibre glass leisure element may reinforce the overall experience.
boats, hovercrafts, water scooters, etc. are also provided Another school of thought explains it as a combination of
to State Governments. sports activities and travel wherein it consists of two broad
The Indian Institute of Skiing & Mountaineering has been categories.
made fully operational in Gulmarg from January 2009. This 1. Active Sports Tourism I.e. Travel for the purpose of
institute now has its own building and all modern participating in a sport, leisure or recreational activity.
equipment and training facilities for adventure sports.
2. Passive Sports Tourism i.e. Travel for the purpose of
visiting a sport, leisure or recreational activity or an event.

Sports tourism is a pretty popular phenomenon in areas

such as North America, Australia and Europe. Sport
tourism is a fast-growing sector of the global travel industry
and equates to $600 Billion a year. It has been given sub
sectored into notable products such as Golf Tourism, Polo
Tourism and Adventure Tourism through various activities.

Sport tourism inevitably affects more than the economy;

tourists by their presence impact on the host population
and, at least in some regards, hosts have an effect on
their visitors. The trend to increase sport touristic
experiences and to provide them in faraway, often very
different cultures simply increases the importance of Positive Impacts of Sport Tourism on Culture:
addressing both the potential positive and the negative Sport tourism can strengthen national heritage,
socio-cultural impacts of sport tourism. identity, and community spirit as local people join
together to promote their culture.
Sport tourism can provide a vehicle through which
visitors can come to know foreign people and their
Sport tourism can instigate the regeneration and
preservation of cultural traditions.

Heres a list of the biggest sporting events that India has

organized in the past:

Cricket World Cups (Mens 1987, 1996, 2011;

Womens 2013)
Hockey World Cups (Senior mens 1982, 2010, focus of the tour visiting another country to learn about
2018; Junior mens 2013) the culture, such as in Student Exchange Programs and
Commonwealth Games 2010 Study Tours, organizing specialized lectures of the eminent
Asian Games (1951, 1982) personalities and for research.
South Asian Games (1987, 1995) The term education tourism or edu-tourism refers to any
Kabaddi World Cup (2004, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, "program in which participants travel to a location as a
2013) group with the primary purpose of engaging in a learning
FIFA U-17 World Cup (2017) experience directly related to the location" (Rodger,
1998, p. 28). Educational tourism is a tourist activity
As quoted by the World Tourism Organization, by the year undertaken by those who are undertaking an overnight
2020, it is expected that India will become the leader in vacation and those who are undertaking an excursion for
the tourism industry in South Asia, with about 8.9 million whom education and learning is a primary or secondary
arrivals. part of their trip (Brent Ritchie, 2009).
Lack of infrastructure tops the list of challenges faced by
most tour operators in the country while promoting Sports A general increase in the educational level in society has
Tourism. Most travel operators feel that the government had a profound impact on the tourist marked. The
should cooperate more resourcefully for them to growing trend towards involvement and participation has
showcase Indias true potential as a sports been described as active vacation (Richie 2003; Hall &
destination. Although Sports Tourism is a niche segment in Weiler 1992) and Smith and Jenner (1997) describe this as
India, it is growing rapidly, with a large number of a trend towards a leisure-education hybrid, whereby a
entrepreneurs willing to invest in it. In order to support their new demand for leisure products which have an
endeavours, the government needs to arrange an overall educational or learning component is created.
sprucing of infrastructure management, security issues Education tourism can take a variety of directions and
and marketing strategies. serve a diversity of visitor interests, such as satisfying
curiosity about other people and their language and
Education: culture; stimulating interest in art, music, architecture or
Educational tourism developed, because of the growing folklore; inspiring concerns for natural environments,
popularity of teaching and learning of knowledge and landscapes, flora and fauna; or, deepening the
the enhancing of technical competency outside of the fascination of cultural heritage and historic places
classroom environment. In educational tourism, the main (Kalinowski & Weiler 1992, p 17). Educational tourism goes
beyond a curiosity, interest or fascination for a particular 21 per cent of all international students, and Asia
topic but includes an element of organized learning with 18 per cent.
(Kalinowski & Weiler 1992). Over the past three decades, the number of
students enrolled outside their country of citizenship
A diversity of organisation may combine to develop the has risen dramatically, from 0.8 million worldwide in
supply side of the educational tourism experience. 1975 to 4.5 million in 2012, a more than fivefold
Among the most relevant are: increase.
Attractions and events which provide the venue for
learning experiences (e.g. parks, historic sites, zoos,
bird and wildlife sanctuaries and archaeological The annual report 2015 of Ministry of Tourism also says,
dig sites), Indias contact with other civilisations is reflected in the
Resource specialists who are responsible for rich cultural diversity of its people through its languages,
delivering the learning component of these cuisines, traditions, art and craft. Despite an impressive
vacations (e.g. employees, curators, interpreters, growth in foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) witnessed in the
lecturers, storytellers, researchers and academics), recent years, it is felt that India still has a vast untapped
Affinity travel planners from organisations who help potential in tourism.
plan and develop learning programmes for
travellers (e.g. special interest groups, conservation
organisations, universities and language schools). Educational tourism may become a major educational
Some of the facts which came into light with the report of paradigm in near future, creating added value in the
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and society both in a form of increasing education level and
Development (OECD), Education at a glance, 2014: creating new economic opportunities as a result of
Students from Asia represent 53 per cent of foreign gained knowledge due to travelling. Moreover,
students enrolled worldwide. The largest numbers of education tourism will provide a platform for life learning
foreign students from this continent are from China, education for all people without age difference that
India and Korea. gives additional opportunities in the ageing society. The
Europe is the top destination for students at the content of educational trips and tours, thus, needs to be
tertiary level of education enrolled outside their result oriented, giving people full knowledge-package,
country of origin, hosting 48 per cent of these which they can use later and achieve certain results. The
students, followed by North America, which hosts concept of education will gradually change with
alternative education methods offered in form of
educational tourism.

The business travellers main motive for travel is work.
Tourists visit a particular destination for various reasons
pertaining to his /her work such as attending a business
meeting, conferences, conventions selling products,
meeting clients. Business tourism is popularly called as
MICE (Meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions)
Business tourism is concerned with people travelling for
purposes which are related to their work. As such it
represents one of the oldest forms of tourism, man having
travelled for this purpose of trade since very early times.
(Davidson, 1994).

A general typology of business travel and tourism can be

seen in the following image.
Given the expenditure levels of business travellers noted
in the previous section, it is not surprising that many
destinations are keen to attract all forms of business
tourism. There is also a belief that business tourism can lead to
The following diagram summarises the main benefits of increased inward investment. While there is little empirical
business tourism for destinations evidence to support this idea, the suggestion is that the
business tourist who is an owner of an enterprise visits the
destination as a business tourist, likes what he or she sees
and decides to set up a new business or transfer their
existing business to the destination.
Historically, business tourism, is in the form of traveling to,
spending money and staying abroad, away for some
time, has a history as long as that of international trade. In
late 20th century, business tourism is seen as a major

Others & Special Interest:

This type of tourism depends on the purpose and varies
from person to person.
Wildlife tourism (sports/educational)
Cuisine tourism (educational/ business/ health)
Argo (health/ business)
Music (recreational)
Space (futuristic destinations / luxury / education)
Fashion (business)
stronger, as communication barriers are getting
overcome by technological advances.
According to Hellen(Hellen,Kim,1965) The spread of
education has created cultural awareness and has
stimulated desire to travel In Europe , researches have
What drives Tourism? proved that The inhabitants of large urban and industrial
cities are most eager escapers from their environment on
weekends and annual holidays
The movement is the nature of living things in the mortal
world and human is one of them. Aristotle said that man
is a social animal. Their requirements are different from the
other living beings. The movement of culture developed
the cross-cultural relationship among the various
civilizations of the world. Tourism provides opportunities for
culture. religion, social life, lifestyle, living standard,
language, literature, music, dance, craft, fair & festivals
etc. From the social and cultural point of view there is
enough evidence to support the fact that tourism travel
unquestionably produces an interaction between
cultural customs of visitors and those of host population.

Tourism has been a major social phenomenon of the

societies all along, which is motivated by the natural urge
of every human being for new experiences, adventures,
education and entertainment. The motivations for tourism
also includes social, religious, leisure and business interests.
The spread of education has fostered a desire to know
more about different part of globe. The basic human thirst
for new experiences and knowledge has become
common traditions, faith and philosophy [Pran Nath,
History of Indian Tourism:
India is a centre of two ancient civilizations of the world Indian tourism industry has recorded a phenomenal
called the Indus valley civilization, and the Aryan growth especially from 1990s in terms of both international
civilization. Tourism development in India started in the and domestic tourists arrivals [Honnappa, Ramakrishna
early sixties. By that time most of the other countries have 2006]. The ministry of Indian tourism has launched a new
achieved a remarkable progress in this area and has programme called 'Athithi Devo Bhavah' which means
exploited to maximum possible extent. The best way to guest is god. The inspiration behind this expression is to
introduce India as a tourist destination to foreigners is that respect because; respect has always been an essential
'India is a country of all seasons and all reasons'. India's part of Indian soul. Tourism, which is the third largest
tourism resources have always been considered
foreign exchange earner in India, has started gaining
immense. The geographical features are diverse,
prominence to the public agenda only in recent years.
colourful and varied. As such the resource potential is so
much that it can cater to all kinds and tastes of tourists. Many countries in the world are relying on tourism as one
India has an ancient tradition of tourism. It existed as an of the fastest growing sectors. In the Chief Ministers'
industry in the informal sector in ancient times and was conference held on October 2001 [National Tourism
indulged in by all classes of people. Mark Twain aptly Policy 2002] the Prime Minister of India, Shri. Atal Bihari
remarked about India on 'India' [National Tourism Policy Vajpayee had stated that "Tourism is a major
2002] that "India is one country that is endowed with an phenomenon of economic growth in major parts of the
imperishable interest for alien prince and alien peasant, world. Many countries have transformed their economies
for the lettered and the ignorant, the wise and the fool, using the tourism potential the fullest, tourism has the
the rich and the poor, the bonded and the free - one land potential to create different types of employment in
that all men desire to see and once seen, by even a various sectors - from the most specialized to the unskilled
glimpse, would not give the glimpse for all the shows of all and what India needs is the generation of massive
the rest of the globe combined." The unity of India lies in productive employment opportunities ".
its diversity - people bound together by centuries of
Tourism in India has a strong relevance to economic their state time to time. Tamilnadu, UP, Andra Pradesh,
development and employment generation. It creates Karnataka, Maharashtra, MP, Kerala, Rajastan, Gujarat
huge employment opportunities, provides equitable and West Bengal are the important states where tourism
distribution of wealth, helps to acquire the much-needed industry has developed. Due to the increasing
foreign exchange, brings out a speedy development and importance of tourism sector Seventh five-year plan of
improvement of infrastructural facilities. Developing the Government of India has announced the tourism
countries have given a special importance for the sector as industry. The first public milestone in the history of
development of tourism, for it is the main source of the Indian tourism sector is the establishment of Indian
earning foreign exchange, thereby the economic status Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) in 1966. On the
of the country goes up [Honnappa, Ramakrishna 2006]. Basis of this, majority of the states have given the facilities
through ITDC separately.

Tourism is one of the few industries which generates high The first Tourism policy was announced in 1982 in India. This
levels of economic output, with minimum investments policy was launched for the action plan for the tourists
and has immense socioeconomic development arrival and necessary facilities to provide them. These
potential. Indian tourism industry has recorded a facilities are including ultra-modern facilities of
phenomenal growth particularly from 1990's accommodation, hotels and means of transport etc. The
[Sathyanarayana, Ramu 2006] in terms of both efforts were made to provide these facilities as a
international and domestic visitor arrivals. A noticeable cooperative venture to collect maximum earnings from
change in the holidaying trend was reported both the domestic and foreign tourists arrivals in India. The
international and domestic tourists showed an inclination government of India has appointed Committee on
towards adventure sports. India is slowly but surely National Tourism in 1988. This committee has focused on
awakening to its tourism potential. The outcome of many public sector to develop tourism sector in India. The
studies that has been done about tourism states that India committee has recommended to prepare a plan for
is best suited for all kinds of tourism rural, cultural, spiritual, Tourism development in each state. The committee also
sports and adventure tourism. suggested to the states to make the provision of fiscal and
monetary incentives along with environmental
protection. Since 1991 the Central Government has
In India, the Central Government and State Government revised the action plan for the development of Tourism
have announced separate tourism policy concern to industry in country. This plan is mainly focused for
increasing employment opportunities, preservation of 10. To develop shopping centres for the revenue
national heritage and environment and the generation and other rural tourism products
development of international Tourism for the optimization
of foreign earnings. This policy has also decided to The Indian government's "Incredible India tourism
enhance Indias share in world Tourism from 0.4% to 1% campaign and the information technology growth in
within the five years. India have been attracting millions of foreign tourists and
business tourists to India. Medical tourism has also recently
The important features of National Tourism Policy 2002 are mushroomed in India. Tourism industry is a big foreign
as follows; exchange earner in India, yet the industry still is hampered
1. Tourism is an important tool for employment generation, by Tourism development has always has been an integral
economic development and rural transformation in India part of the countrys five-year plans. Initially allocations
2. To take advantage of global trade transaction through were meagre: Rs.3.36 crore in the Second Plan, Rs.5 crore
travel and tourism in the Third Plan & Rs.36 crore in the Fourth Plan. It Was
3. This policy is based on seven key indicators of tourism doubled in the Fifth Plan. The National Tourism Policy in
development. These indicators are i) welcome ii) 1982 gave a momentum to this sector. Expenditure rose
information iii) facilitation iv) softness v) Co-operation vi) from about Rs.187 crore in the Seventh Plan to Rs.595
infrastructural development vii) cleanliness crore in the Ninth Plan and further to Rs.2900 crore in the
4. To use human resource, natural resources and Tenth Five-year Plan.
technical resources for sustainable development
5. To use labour intensive technique in tourism sector for The Tourism Development Corporation, Tourism Finance
employment generation and upgradation of quality of Corporation, Hotel Management and Catering
life. Technology Institutes, Food Craft Institutes, Indian Institute
6. To focus on rural areas for low cost programmes related Tourism and Travel Management, India Tourism
to tourism centres Development Corporation, Indian Association of Tour
7. To create forward and backward linkages in the tourism Operators, Travel Agents Association of India and a large
sector for overall development number of hotel management colleges, sports and
8. To increase the foreign earnings through export of adventure clubs, beach resorts etc have also contributed
tourism services to the growth and development of this industry. Emphasis
9. To promote understanding, peace and to contribute laid on HRD is clear. The first major effort to promote the
national unity and regional stability industry was launched with the announcement of 1991 as
the Visit India Year. Enormous tourist resources were which promoted Indias culture and tourist attractions in
commercialized. a fresh and memorable way. The tourism industry has
helped growth in other sectors as diverse as horticulture,
The first ever Indian Tourism Day was celebrated on handicrafts, agriculture, construction and even poultry.
January 25, 1998.The year 1999 was celebrated as
Explore India Millennium Year with a host of shows, Indias governmental bodies have also made a
exhibitions etc. The next decade saw the restructuring of significant impact in tourism by requiring that each and
the schemes of Integrated Development of Tourist every state of India have a corporation to administer
Circuits, and Product/Infrastructure Destination support issues related to tourism.
Development. Additional schemes/incentives were The tourism industry of India is based on certain core
announced for service providers. Upgrading of beaches, nationalistic ideals and standards which are:
airports, tax incentives were also introduced. Besides Swaagat or welcome,
creating an official website for the Tourism Ministry, now Sahyog or cooperation,
the calendar of events is planned. Even the new initiatives Soochanaa or information,
to encourage the NRIs and PIOs, through visit India Sanrachanaa or infrastructure,
programmes, Pravasi Bharatiya Divas celebration, Dual Suvidha or facilitation,
Citizenship to certain categories of diasporic Indians have Safaai or cleanliness
given much fillip to tourism in India. Thanks also to the Surakshaa or security.
booming IT and outsourcing industry a growing number of
business trips are made by foreigners to India, who will Commonwealth Games is the additional opportunity for
often add a weekend break or longer holiday to their trip. the Travel Industry to gain some additional business, by
Foreign tourists, generally spend more in India than almost offering special tour packages to the tourists. As per the
any other country worldwide. reports, it is estimated that more than 3.5 million tourists
are going to reach India in 2010 to be a part of the
Tourist arrivals are projected to increase by over 22 per eminent Commonwealth Games that are scheduled to
cent per year through till 2010, with a 33 per cent increase be held in Delhi - the capital city of India. It is the high time
in foreign exchange earnings recorded in 2004. The for the India's Tourism Industry, as the foreign tourists will be
Tourism Ministry has also played an important role in the heavily dependent upon them for the flight bookings,
development of the industry, initiating advertising hotel reservations, travel itineraries and visas. The growth
campaigns such as the Incredible India campaign, of India Tourism market is also equally beneficial for the
several associated industries such as the aviation industry, medical tourism industry and hotel industry.
Major leaps in Indian Tourism:
Tourism promoters have convinced them they need a
vacation, although they were unable to work this out for
themselves. Without discounting the persuasive power of
tourism brochures, commercials, films, and
documentaries, these seem more likely to influence the
choice of destination rather than the decision to travel.
Yet they do remind potential tourists that there really is
something different out there that is worth temporarily
leaving home for.

Incredible India Campaign:

In 2002, the tourism ministry engaged the services of The aim of the campaign was project India as a unique
Ogilvy & Mather(India) to create a new campaign to opportunity for physical invigoration, mental rejuvenation,
increase tourist inflows into the country. The Incredible cultural enrichment and spiritual elevation. A new
India campaign was launched with a series of television website ( was also launched
commercials and print advertisements. The campaign and the visitors to were automatically
was based on striking pictures and themes related to rerouted to the new website.
Indias cultural legacy.
Enumerated below are the prime business objectives of
Incredible India:

1. To promote India as the desirable destination

among international travellers from the United
States, Europe and Asia Pacific.
2. To build on the existing Incredible India campaign.
3. To attract more visitors to India.
4. To reach out to travellers in a cost-effective way. In 2004, in addition to launching a centralized electronic
media campaign under Incredible India, the
In the first phase, the campaign was rolled out on some Government of India announced its intention to make
of the major television channels (Discovery, Travel, BBC, efforts to improve tourist information facilities at important
CNN) between January and March 2002 to cover the tourist destinations and circuits, upgrade hotel
regions like Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa, Australia infrastructure improve approach roads to important
and New Zealand. The campaign also made an tourist sites and enhance air connectivity as well as air
extensive use of the Internet. In March 2002, the official seat capacity. The 2004 campaign covered emerging
website of the tourism ministry( economies like China and those of North-East Asia and
was redesigned to make it both more attractive and South-East Asia. The tourism ministry also organized road
functional. Prospective could even use the website to shows in Europe. From August 2004 to March 2005, digital
plan their trip to India. A new website brochures were placed on major websites like Yahoo!,
( was also launched and the Rediff, etc., and ads for promotional DVDs were carried in
visitors to were automatically major business and special interest magazines. Incredible
rerouted to the new website. India postcard inserts were also placed along with all
railway tickets bought online. In view of the immense
In the second phase of the online campaign, from popularity that the game of cricket enjoyed in India,
December 2002 to March 2003, about 100 unique Incredible India polls based on cricket were placed on
creative on various themes like spirituality, Yoga etc. were major Indian portals and websites to promote domestic
used. To increase interconnectivity, several online tourism.
contests were also held during the period. During 2003,
the print campaign focused mainly on spirituality. The aim
of the spirituality campaign was to attract wealthy and
busy people in the western countries who were looking for
ways to recharge themselves. We want to push wellness
and spiritual tourism in a big way. We want visitors to
spend a few days at an Ayurveda spa and go back
rejuvenated in mind and spirit, Renuka Chaudhry, the
then tourism minister said.
number of years is expected to be around 0.49 per cent
Impact of the Incredible India as shown in Table-1.
The Government of India formulated policies and
prepared pamphlets and brochures for the promotion of
tourism even before 2002 also; however, it did not support
tourism in a concerted fashion. As a result, the country
attracted very few tourists. A country like France, six times
smaller than India, attracted around 20 times the number
of tourists that India managed to draw. This was the case
in spite of the fact that the France not being able to offer
the sheer variety in terms of geography, culture and
experiences that India could. It is an indication of the
extent to which the efforts of the previous governments to
promote tourism had been unsuccessful.

However, the tourism ministry made a conscious effort in

2002 to bringing more professionalism in its attempts to
promote tourism. It formulated an integrated
communication strategy with the aim of promoting India
as a destination of choice for the discerning traveller.
The year 2006 has been a highly successful year so far as The online campaign which was run on digital media
tourism in India is concerned. For the fifth successive year, platforms presented the following key results:
India witnessed a positive growth in foreign tourist arrivals There was increased likelihood to consider India as
reaching a level of 4.43 million against 2.38 million during the tourist destination for vacation by 19
2002. The increase of 13.0 and 13.3 per cent during 2006 percentage points.
and 2005 was achieved over 2005 and 2004 respectively. 84 percent accuracy rate in terms of travel decision
makers target segment was witnessed.
With this growth, the share of India in world tourism, which 90 percent of the response sample used the
was hovering between 0.38 per cent to 0.39 per cent for internet for planning leisure travel.
More than 75 percent of the response sample enrich its cultural resources, protecting more cultural sites
perceived India as an attractive destination. and intangible expressions through UNESCO World
Online advertising which comprised of colourful rich Heritage lists, and via a greater digital presence.
media creatives to highlight Indias exotic appeal, International openness (55th, up 14 places), through
generated high level of interest amongst the targeted stronger visa policies implementing both visas on arrival
audience thus in way luring them to strongly consider and e-visas, has enabled India to rise through the ranks.
India as their travel destination.
The T&T sector benefited from improvements in the
country's ground transport infrastructure, which has
traditionally been a challenge (29th). Health conditions
are improving, though they remain inadequate (104th).
Similarly, ICT readiness (112th), security concerns (114th)
and human resources (87th) are improving, but remain
weak. While further improvements are needed across
these dimensions, India is taking small but important steps
in the right direction. The Indian T&T sector presents
significant opportunities that are yet to be reaped,
especially in the provision of tourist service infrastructure
(110th), and in terms of additional accommodation
capacity and entertainment facilities.

India has improved 12 places to reach the 40th position

globally. The country has seen continued growth in
international arrivals over the past 15 years, reaching the
8 million mark in 2015. India continues to charm
international tourists with its vast cultural and natural
resources (9th and 24th, respectively), and its price
competitiveness advantage (10th). India continues to
Past Performances:

Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Edition 2015 2017

Rank 52/141 40/136

Score 4.0 4.2

Factors Affecting tourism: i.e., 50% is under the age of 23 years.

Vast Culture:
Social Factors: As we all know that the India is country of various religion
Demographic trends and social changes will have and has oldest culture. India is often called
important impacts on the future development of the subcontinent. The Indian culture drives more and more
industry. The fact that people are living longer, the fall in foreigners to visit the country. The is so much vastness in
the number of young people, the increase in one parent Indian culture and demographics that the tourists find it
households, more couples choosing not to have children better to visit country like India as compared to any
or delay having children. They all point to the fact that the other country as they find various and vast cultures in
type of travel and tourism products and services will India.
change radically. Example: the aging population will be
an opportunity for the cruise travel market where seniors
are their key target groups. Social factor are those factors
that affect the tourism industry because of the society.
Social factors have more or less a significant impact on Healthier Lifestyle:
Indian tourism industry. India provides trends to the healthier lifestyle, one of the
biggest example is of Yoga. most of the foreign tourist
Some of the social factors that I have analysed, that also visit India because of this purpose as they find new
affect tourism industry of India are: and better ways that could keep them healthy in their
day to day lifestyle.

Demographic Changes:
Demographic trends describe the changes in Language:
demographics in a population over time. In India The Indian population is also good at speaking English
majority of the population is of the young people, who language, so this factor plays an indirect part in the
are willing to spend and to visit different parts of the upliftment of the tourism industry. The foreigners do not
country, thus one of this social factor has helped in find it much difficult to convey themselves to the people.
development of tourism industry majority of population
Environment is the main part of our lives that affect us
directly. Environment analysis is necessary for tourism
Technological Analysis: industry as it's dependent on environment. Environment
Technological Analysis always plays a vital role in any factor that has impact on tourism industry of India are:
sector, so it has also played its part in tourism industry.
Some of the major technological factors that affect the
industry if tourism is as under: Go Green Ideology: Go green ideology is one of the
major steps taken by our government for the preservation
of environment. This ideology states that more and more
trees should be planted and less consumption of fuel
Medical Tourism: should be done. This affects tourism industry directly as
Medical tourism has emerged in India from 1995, the better environment will drive more crowd to the country.
medical industry is driving more and more foreigners to
come to India for their treatment. India is cheap at
medical procedures and technologically advanced than Global Warming: Global warming is one of the issues of
the other countries. Around 1.5 lakhs of tourist visited India concern of the whole world. Global warming is affecting
just for medical purposes, which generated $300 million the tourism of India as glaciers of Himalaya and the
alone. Thus, this one technological factor is attracting various hill stations in the Jammu and Kashmir and in
more and more crowd to India. Himachal Pradesh are facing trouble because of global
warming as the temperature and weather conditions are
IT Sector: changing their dramatically.
IT sector is one of the sector in which India is getting
advanced day by day. It is driving more and more foreign Save Tigers Initiative: Tiger saving initiatives are also taking
nationals and tourist to our country as it's providing some a pace, because royal Bengal tiger is world famous.
job opportunity to them, which in turn makes rise in growth People come from different countries to visit the national
of the tourism sector. There are many IT parks in India and parks like Kaziranga etc, the tigers are the main attraction
many IT hubs which techno savvy people from abroad to the tourists, so government is taking initiative to save
visit to learn new things. tigers.

Ecological Analysis:
Political Factors: Terrorism & Security:
Political factors can lead to huge impacts on tourism Terrorism has an adverse effect on the growth and
development. Political change in a country can seriously progress of any country. Terrorism has also bad effect on
impact the prospects for the tourism industry in that the tourism industry of India. It is the big political problem
country. Radical changes in a country's politics can to the governing party of the country. With the rise in
cause tourists to fear for their safety and, therefore, avoid terrorism the growth of tourism industry in the disturbed
a country. Recently, Thailand (which has various popular parts of country has been at slew rate. The states like
beach resorts) has had political unrest which, at one Jammu and Kashmir, Assam etc. have a bad tourism
point, extended to the occupation of the airport in its output, which in turn affects the country's growth.
capital. This sort of political change is likely to have The govt. of India is taking steps in regard to tackle the
negative impacts on the tourism industry. terrorism by providing more security to the tourists who are
visiting such terrorist prone areas.
Political change in the tourists' home country can also
have an impact on the tourism industry. Perhaps the best
example of this right now would be Cuba. The restrictions
on travel by US citizens to Cuba seriously reduces the Political Instability:
prospects for that country's tourism industry. Political instability also has effect on tourism industry.
Sometimes frequent change of parties at state or central
The factors are the policies in encouraging tourism level have an impact on tourism policies and upliftment
activities such as investment in tourism related of tourist sites, as the different parties have different
infrastructures, openness in travel visa applications and approach to tourist industry.
favourable foreign tourism investments In India, one can
never overlook the political factors which influence each Infrastructure:
and every industry existing in the country. Like it or not, the Infrastructure development depends mainly upon the
political interference has to be present everywhere. government or ruling political party. There has been a
great infrastructure development from last 20 years in
Given below are a few of the political factors with respect India. The better infrastructure has attracted more and
to the tourism industry: more tourist in India that is why the tourists visited in 2000
were 684 million and 2004 were 760 million.
sector of Indian economy is at present experiencing a
Relations with Neighbouring Countries: huge growth. The Tourism sector of Indian economy has
Relationship with the adjoining countries have also a become one of the major industrial sectors under the
direct relationship with the tourism industry. The political Indian economy. The tourism industry earns foreign
relationship of India with most of adjoining countries is exchanges worth Rs. 21,828 crores. Previous year the
good, but the tourist from near countries are not growth rate of the tourism sector of Indian economy was
frequently visiting the country. recorded as 17.3%
Some of the economic factors that affect tourism industry
Lack of International Representation: One of problem that GDP (Gross Domestic Product):
is because of political factor is the lack of international Gross domestic product also plays major part in the
representation of the country. Indian government does upliftment of tourism industry. The GDP of India is growing
not give much preference to representation of country at constant pace, it was around 9% in July,2008. Better
internationally because of which tourism rate does not growth of GDP has helped to attract more and more
increase by any surplus amount. Countries like Malaysia tourist. The tourism will also help to raise the GDP of India
are representing their country internationally which is as if more and more tourist arrive they will spend more
giving boost their tourism. money which in turn raise the GDP of country.
Example: Ban/Tax Exemption on liquor by state
governments, Recent UP incident.
Rise in National Income:
Economic Factors: The Indian tourism is one of the major contributors in
Whether the global economic environment is healthy or increasing national income and improving the economic
not would affect peoples intentions of travelling to other conditions of India. US $ 4810 were generated in year 2004
countries. People tend to spend more on travelling if they alone from tourism industry and it has increased up to 36%
are under a favourable economic environment. (Rise of from previous year 2003.
middle class income due to IT & Service Industry).
Economic factor also plays an important role in the Better Economic Conditions:
analysis of the tourism industry. Better economic factors If we talk about the Indian tourism industry, the rise in the
help to drive more and more tourist from different output is not only because if the foreign tourists but the
countries as well as from domestic market. The Tourism domestic tourism has also been spreading its wings and
adding much more to tourism industry. As the economic locations in which female tourists were sexually assaulted
conditions has been getting better from last decade and or raped. This raises implications for several of Indias top
so people are now spending much on tours and tourist destinations, given that these states host some of
travelling. the highest numbers of foreign tourists in India. Foreign
tourists may be less likely to visit these states and some
may even forego the option of visiting India at all.
Cultural and Environmental Factors: Prior to being featured in the headlines for all the wrong
A greater environmental awareness and a society that reasons, these states had drawn many tourists to visit India
takes its health and fitness more seriously than it was in the in the past. Indias natural advantage over other
past. This awareness has affected travel and tourism countries is that its sheer size and regional diversity mean
developments in the recent years. tourists have a wide variety of locations to choose from
Whether it is Mumbai, with the old-world feel of 18th
Another factor that is damaging Indias tourism is the century Europe, Goa with the beautiful scenery of the
widespread nature of sexual assault in the country. Arabian Sea or Kerala where the abundant nature and
freedom of thought meet the lives of the Indian people,
India has something to suit the specifications of every
type of tourist. With rape and sexual assault of tourists
happening across India, however, choice becomes
severely restricted.

Projection of Indias distorted reality in global media as

violent and aggressive has drastically impacted Indias
tourism industry. Due to which, India has suffered from
stagnant growth in number of tourists visiting.

Contrary to popular perception, the risk of sexual assault

of foreigners is not limited to Delhi alone. In fact, it is
occurring in a number of places, such as
Kolkata,Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, all
In fact we saw a sharp drop in number of female visitors to note that the total foreign tourist arrivals increased by
after Nirbhayas case. After the Nirbhaya gang rape in 10.2% in 2014 as compared to 2% the previous year.
December 2012, India's dubious distinction of being
unsafe for women got even more strengthened. Industry Data from the tourism ministry reveals that 25,67,550
leaders spoke about women tourists from overseas shying women tourists arrived in India in 2012. This increased to
28,65,717 in 2013 (an increase of 11.6%) and 31,44,762
in 2014 (registering a lower 9.7% increase). At the same
time, foreign tourist arrivals increased from 65,77,745 in
2012 to 69,67,601 in 2013 (a mere 2%) to 76,79,099 in
2014 (10.2%).

The ministry has also found that the country's number

one attraction, the Taj Mahal, is losing its sheen. The
number of foreign tourist arrivals to the monument has
been steadily dropping, from 7,42,256 in 2012 to
6,95,702 in 2013 and 6,48,511 in 2014. This amounts to a
12.6% decline between 2012 and 2014.

away from the country.

However, its impact on tourism can only be gauged now,
with government data revealing how growth in women
tourist arrivals dropped from 11.6% in 2013 to 9.7% in 2014.
This may not appear to be a sharp slide, but it will be useful
alone. Thus, this one technological factor is attracting
Technological Factors: more and more crowd to India.

Travel and tourism has always been an industry that has

made extensive use of new technological equipment.
Computerized reservation system (CRS), the use of
computers and sophisticated databases for marketing
purposes are very common among travel agencies.
Increasing competition within the industry force agencies
to use new technology to its fullness.

Latest developments in transportation make extensive

use of new technology, for example the Mainlands High-
speed Rail and the advances in aircraft design help
opening up new long-haul destinations. Some of the
major technological factors that affect the industry if
tourism is as under:

Medical Tourism:

Medical tourism has emerged in India from 1995,

the medical industry is driving more and more foreigners
to come to India for their treatment. India is cheap at
medical procedures and technologically advanced than
the other countries. Around 1.5 lacs of tourist visited India
just for medical purposes, which generated $300 million
Medical Tourism is the growing practice of travelling
across international borders to obtain health care. It mixes
leisure, fun and relaxation together with wellness and
Within Asia, India, Thailand and Singapore are the three
countries that receive maximum medical tourists owing to
low cost of treatment, quality healthcare infrastructure,
and availability of highly skilled doctors. Medical Tourism
in India has been growing at a faster pace & many
private hospitals are doing their best to exploit this

IT Sector:
IT sector is one of the sector in which India is getting
advanced day by day. It is driving more and more foreign
nationals and tourist to our country as it's providing some
job opportunity to them, which in turn makes rise in growth
of the tourism sector. There are many IT parks in India and
many IT hubs which techno savvy people from abroad
visit to learn new things.
Legal Analysis: Fares:
Government also provides the facilities of the partly low
Legal factors of any country have an impact on its fare to the foreigners in the railways as well as in other
tourism. Various laws and acts have direct relationship services to show the kind treatment and hospitality to the
with the rise and fall in the rate of tourism. Some of the foreigners, this will generate the word of mouth publicity
legal factors that have impact on our tourism industry are of the tourism industry which in turn is the positive sign of
given as under: legal factors.

Tax Exemption:
The scheme and laws like tax exemption help to develop
the tourism industry. The tax exemption laws like, 50% of
profit derived by travel agents and tours operators will
only be taxed. Such legal schemes are helping a lot in
betterment of tourism.

Incredible India:
One of the aggressive advertisement campaign by
tourism department is the INCREDIBLE INDIA, it is a
advertisement scheme for which the government pays
the money. Many banners and advertisement on various
channels are shown, by this the ministry of tourism tries to
show various great places which can be visited in India.

Low Spenders:
Apart from the above stated schemes one of the legal
drawbacks is that Indian government does not spend
much on the development and upliftment of tourism
because of which tourism industry is not getting the
utmost best channel for performing the best.
SWOT Analysis: Indian Tourism left undone by man or nature to make India the most
extraordinary country that the sun visits on his rounds.
A SWOT analysis (alternatively SWOT matrix) is a structured
The importance of tourism as a creator of job
planning method used to evaluate the strengths,
opportunities can be understood from the fact that in
weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a
India every one million invested in tourism creates 47.5
project or in a business venture. A SWOT analysis can be
jobs directly and around 85-90 jobs indirectly. In
carried out for a product, place, industry or person.
comparison, agriculture creates only 44.6 jobs and
It involves specifying the objective of the business venture
manufacturing a mere 12.6 jobs. Moreover, tourism is the
or project and identifying the internal and external factors
third largest foreign exchange earner after gems and
that are favourable and unfavourable to achieve that
jewellery and readymade garments.

Tourism has expanded from luxury to mass, and attracts

all classes of people from nearly all the countries of the
world. Tourism is a multi-dimensional industry and can
contribute significantly in improvement of economic
health of the nation. It is basically a service- based
industry. It is a unique amalgamation of many channel
Tourism is not only a growth engine but also an
employment generator. According to the Economic
Survey 2011-12, the sector has the capacity to create
large scale employment both direct and indirect, for
diverse sections in society, from the most specialized to
unskilled workforce.
It provides 6-7 per cent of the worlds total jobs directly
and millions more indirectly through the multiplier effect
as per the UNs World Tourism Organization. Mark Twain
had said, So far, as I am able to judge, nothing has been
India can cater to almost every tourist expectation and
even can surpass the expectations. India is quite blessed
to have such a gracious natural beauty, and can cater
to almost every type of traveller whether they are seeking
adventure, wellness, culture and heritage or cuisines.
Even geographically India is blessed to have five seasons,
and that too with a vast size can be experienced in a
single visit. One can feel the heat of summer in Mumbai
and chili weather in north at the same time.

India is home of 70% of the worlds tiger. India's tiger

population has grown by 30% according to government,
rising from a well visited reserve is now worth an estimated
$ 750,000 per year in tourism revenue. Indias huge labour
force both skilled and unskilled can act as a very strong languages to further position India as a leading tourist
point as tourism being a total service- based industry. destination.
English is quite commonly spoken and understood around
India, it gives India an added advantage as compared Ministry of tourism has recently launched Incredible
to other southeast Asian nations. Indias gems and India mobile application that will assist international and
jewellery, handicrafts are quite popular among tourist. A domestic tourist to access information about ministry
tourist on an average spends 40% of his budget on recognized service operators., a travel
shopping if souvenirs and other merchandise. Today planning engine, was launched in Delhi in partnership
India is emerging as most preferred destination for with Incredible India of Ministry of Tourism, on May 5, 2014.
Medical Tourism. The website instantly generates personalized travel
itineraries with fewer inputs and significantly reduces
We have world-class medical facilities with top class users efforts by replacing 10 tabs with one tab.
doctors, personalized nursing care, offering specialized
treatments at a cost 1/4th that of developed countries.
India is the best place to rejuvenate with traditional
medical concepts of Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy Weakness:
along with complementary therapies like Yoga,
Acupuncture and Aroma assisting in the process of
healing. Indian government pro-tourism approach is also If one analyses the history of development of tourist
being welcomed by the Industry. Tourist Visa on Arrival centric infrastructure, he will find that major investment
(VoA) enabled by Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) was done when the government took the decision to host
has been introduced for the citizens of 43 countries, any international sports or conferences. Malhotra writing
simplification of procedures for classification the foreword in a book by Maneet Kumar on Indian
/reclassification of hotels and restaurants, improving tourism industry laments on the countrys standing One
infrastructure development, identification and improving fails to understand why this position is persisting despite
major tourist circuits, intensification of promotional and the most mosaic personality of the Indian nation. India is
marketing strategies to further build brand Incredible a land of spectacular landscape, enchanting coastline,
India and translating of ministrys promotional website colourful seasons, wildlife paradise aesthetic and in various languages including exquisite tradition of architecture and a land of rich music
Chinese, Arabic, French, German, Korean, and Japanese and dance ...... the above versatile characteristics of
India attracted may voyages to India but today our
tourism industry is not keeping pace with the volume of will need to double this capacity if it is to meet the
trade elsewhere in the world. demands of new tourists, and this is where the state
governments should be proactive.

As the tourism industry is closely integrated with several We have lagged behind in marketing India as a
other industries like hotel and accommodation, aviation, destination, we are still focusing on mystical charm,
railway, roadways, health care, entertainment etc., the ancient civilization, but India has a lot more to offer better
combined weaknesses of all the sectors make it more than any southeast Asian nation.
vulnerable. Travelling around India is problematic, despite Infrastructure Seems to be the biggest bottleneck,
several attempts to improve transfers between airlines, condition and maintenance of roads, problems of
railways and buses. We may have well developed electricity, communication facilities, hygiene factors,
aviation sector, biggest network of trains in the world pollution and litter on the roads create an annoying
coupled with the bus and taxicab services, but all these situation for the tourist. First of all information are not
system works independently, that often results in long properly displayed to the tourist and if that is not the case,
waiting hours and create confusing situation for the language creates a barrier especially for non-English
tourist. The problem is that each of these transports speakers. India has a vast variety of cuisine to offer to the
systems works independently. An integrated approach, tourist, but we have not been able to make the tourist
as perfected by more tourism-focused countries, is experience the presence of world-class food nor have we
essential. marketed our own cuisine.
Additionally, the cost of travel and accommodation in
India is often higher than flying to a neighbouring country. Indian tourism industry has been constantly striving to
India needs more hotel rooms and lower taxes on flying. overcome attached stereotypes but there are following
A limited supply of hotels and excessive taxation in reason which can be assessed to resolve challenges
aviation means that an increasing number of Indians faced.
prefer to go abroad for their holidays. About 17 million 1. Training and Skill Development
Indians travel out of the country each year, more than 2. Safety and Security of Tourists
double the number of inbound tourists. The hotel industry 3. Healthcare for Tourists
in India is terribly underserved. The whole country has just 4. Inadequate Infrastructure
over 100,000 hotel rooms while the greater New York Area 5. Indias Global Image in western Media
has almost 80,000, according to industry estimates. India 6. Government Policies
Opportunities: recent years. It is expected that the hospitality division is
expected to see an additional US$11.41 billion in inbound
In 2014, the tourism sector contributed Rs. 7.64 trillion to investments over the next two years.
the GDP and provided employment to 36.7 million
people. By the end of2015, these numbers are expected Booming Information Technology and Outsourcing
to increase to Rs. 8.22 trillion and 37.4 million respectively. industry can also be a contributor in increasing tourist
This would mean that tourism will account for 7 per cent traffic to India. Increasing internet penetration and smart
of Indias GDP in 2015, according to FICCI-EY jointly phones have synced all the stakeholders and helps in
Knowledge Paper on Unexplored Tourism Destinations of facilitating the dissemination of information. Use of app-
India. India has got immense potential for tourism, how based services will also help in boosting the sector. Use of
we can channelize it for growth depends upon all the social media destinations like Facebook, twitter, Pinterest
stakeholders. With a view to stimulate domestic and and Instagram can be quite helpful for marketing of
international investments in this sector, the government hotels and destinations. Indian movies and their actors
has permitted 100 percent FDI in the automatic route are quite popular in southeast Asia. Shooting on Indian
allowing full FDI into all construction development locations can increase the popularity of the destinations.
projects including construction of hotels and resorts, Promotion of Indian movies across the borders also can
recreational facilities, and city and regional level contribute significantly in terms of tourist arrivals.
India is projected to be number one for growth globally in
100 percent FDI is now allowed in all airport expansion the wellness tourism sector in the next five years, clocking
projects subject to the condition that FDI for up gradation over 20 per cent gains annually through 2017, according
of existing airports requires Foreign Investment Promotion to a study conducted by SRI International. The fluctuating
Board (FIPB) approval beyond 74%. A five year tax holiday and depreciated value of Indian Rupee against US dollar
has been given to organizations that set up hotels, resorts is also a positive signal for the growth of inbound tourism
and convention centres at specific destinations, subject in India. Taking the Clean India movement forward,
to fulfilment with the agreed conditions. Some Government is also looking for corporate partners to
international hospitality majors such as Hilton, Accor, manage the historical monuments and in this series 36
Marriott International, Berggruen Hotels, Cabana Hotels, monuments have been identified. ONGC has taken the
Premier Travel Inn (PTI) and InterContinental Hotels group responsibility of management and cleanliness of Taj
have already announced major venture plans in India in Mahal.
The foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in hotel and Widespread poverty, presence of beggars, theft annoy
tourism sector during the period April 2000March 2014 the visitors and they often go back promising the will
stood at US$ 7,348.09million, as per the data released by never come back to India.
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion Large-scale political demonstrations increase security
(DIPP)..Right now, India is among the top-five nations for risks in the country as we have seen the instances where
medical tourism, and it has the potential to be number mob got uncontrolled and damaged public property.
one in wellness tourism. In summers, all the monuments Unregulated infrastructure development for tourism can
can be opened till midnight; it will provide revenues to the lead to ecological and environmental imbalances.
department and also please the tourist. Promotion of fairs Disposal of waste, destruction of forest depletion of water
and events like Goa Carnival, Kumbha Mela, Varanasi level, pollution caused by vehicles can be threatening for
Ghats, Pushkar fair can mesmerize and thrill the visitors. the environment.
Threats: The market is at risk from extreme weather events like
floods, rain and scorching summers.

India faces many security risks. Active terrorist groups

linked to al-Qaeda have been connected to attacks
against Westerners. Regional Border tensions, particularly
in Kashmir and states in the north-east, mean these areas
are particularly volatile. The majority of tourist areas are
safe, but border regions can be more dangerous, and as
the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks demonstrated, even
mainstream tourist destinations are at risk. An increase in
crime, including recent high-profile attacks against
women. Switzerland and Japan have issued guidelines for
the women travellers visiting India. India ranked 97 among
141 global economies on safety and security parameters,
according to the World Economic Forum's Travel and
Tourism Competitiveness Report 2015 however we are
optimistic about situation and have improved ranking to
90 in recent 2017 report.
The Way Forward: tourism such as new product offerings, price
competitiveness, rich natural/cultural resources and
geographical diversity, government initiative and policy
Tourism can be a significant contributor in foreign
support, multiple marketing and promotion activities,
exchange, employment and income. If the slew of
healthy economic growth levels, host nations for major
favourable announcements that have come from
international events and many more. The managers of
policymakers in the last few months in relation to tourism
tourism and hospitality industry should make best use of
in the country is anything to go by, it would certainly make
such potential so that Indian tourism industry can stand
one believe that balls have ultimately started rolling for
tall in the highly competitive market.
the tourism industry in India. The recent decision of the
Planning Commission to recommend comprehensive
reforms in Indian visa processing is, of course, the latest Trends:
initiative [9].Tourist Visa on Arrival (VoA) enabled by
Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) has been introduced Demographic, sociostructural and sociocultural
for the citizens of 43 countries, allowing tourists to obtain developments have always led to changes in tourist
a 30-day visa at the airport upon arrival instead of demand and faced service providers in tourism with
applying in advance, which will help to reduce substantial need to adjust. These constant challenges
bureaucratic obstacles to travel thanks to the proactive have expanded and intensified considerably in the first
Modi government that included tourism in its manifesto, few years of the new millennium. War and tourism,
and undertook measures to boost the sector in the extreme weather, the ongoing internationalisation of
country. Challenges can be overcome by taking the right tourism and the ageing of society (increasingly prominent
steps; here the role of state government is critical. Tourism in public awareness) have emphatically demonstrated
is a state subject in federal India and, as a result, the the latent vulnerability of tourism as a boom industry. The
national government can't do much beyond frame survival of the tourist industry depends decisively on
policies. All implementation must be done by state recognising relevant trends and allowing for them in good
tourism bodies, and here the track record is uneven. time.
Some States have done well, others less so. Regional
Indian governments will have to work together to create The sharing economy is seeing surging growth and is
a seamless and uniform ecosystem that allows tourists to forecast to reach USD 335 billion by 2025, according to
experience India with ease.In sum there are various projections by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Much of this
factors which could contribute as key drivers of inbound growth is in the tourism sector.
The two main drivers are: global exports. Furthermore, the sector is expected to
Technology leading to the advent of digital outperform the global economy throughout the forecast
distribution platforms and access to them through a period and increase its share of global economic activity
range of mobile media. across each of GDP, employment, exports and
Cultural shifts with consumers increasingly open to the investment. In addition to outperforming the global
idea of sharing resources, being more experimental, and economy over the next ten years, Travel & Tourism is also
seeking authentic experiences when travelling. forecast to outpace a range of other major global
economic sectors, including communications, financial
Licensing and permit systems have been introduced by and business services, manufacturing and retail and
some destinations, which thereby have started to distribution.
regulate the sharing economy. Direct promotion and
engagement has been pursued by a few destinations Future growth and success for the sector also depends on
which have sought to influence the sharing economy by recognising trends which will drive future travel habits and
taking a lead themselves, through setting up or positively consumer expectations.
supporting platforms that align with their interests. Self- Travel brands still aspire to meet high customer
regulation has sometimes occurred, where platforms expectations set by non-travel brands. With the
have introduced their own quality controls, standards and exception of frequent business travellers, most consumers
insurance systems, recognising that this is helpful in in even the most mature global travel markets like the USA
underpinning the market. Governments should consider and Europe do not travel very oftenmaybe two or three
how the sharing economy can help achieve sustainable times a year. Consequently, their exposure to travel
development, social well-being, affordable and brands is relatively limited. Everyday brands, however,
accessible transport and other priorities. showcase their innovation and services to their customers
often sometimes daily. Many well-known brands, such
By 2027, Travel & Tourism is expected to support more than as Amazon and Starbucks, are leading on the customer
380 million jobs globally, which equates to 1 in 9 of all jobs experience front and setting the bar quite high for
in the world and the sector is expected to contribute consumers brand expectations. Travel and hospitality
around 23% of total global net job creation over the next brands will find themselves subject to the same
decade. Meanwhile, total Travel & Tourism GDP is expectations. Those able to capitalise on these changing
expected to account for 11.4% of global GDP and global expectations with speed and agility are more likely to
visitor exports are expected to account for 7.1% of total capture their share of the billions of additional dollars that
will be spent on travel in 2017. Experience is now integral slow pace of mobile development that we see across
to core travel product offerings. travel companies at large. From initial research to on-
Navigating the technology paradox from augmented location assistance, mobile devices have the ability to
and virtual reality to the Internet of Things (IoT), the truly transform the core of travel experience, but only if
promise of emerging technology has never been greater. companies reimagine their offering in a user and mobile-
When it comes to leveraging new technology, todays first way.
travel brands have a daunting amount of choice. Travel
companies must first envision the customer experience Immersive Connectivity
they want to deliver. Then, they can explore the Between increased overall connectivity across device
technology options best suited to support their goals. types and the rise in virtual/ augmented reality, we
Companies should resist the urge to invest in new appear to be moving solidly in that direction. Computing
technology simply because it seems innovative. infuses our daily lives, built increasingly on devices that
Travel brands prioritise risk management the influence of work together to solve complex user problems.
various firm political decisions and recent terrorist acts are Virtual reality (fully immersive digital worlds) can deliver
reminders that, while globalisation has brought travel experiences independent of location. Augmented
innumerable benefits to the travel market, reality (digital objects presented in the physical world)
interdependence also has its downsides. Pandemics such enables an entirely new layer of interaction with ones
as the Zika virus can also have regional and global impact surroundings. Ironically, with more devices and
on travel behaviour. Additionally, travel and hospitality technologies, we are able to focus more closely on the
companies will become more vulnerable to other risks experience being delivered.
too, such as cyberattacks and food safety. Travel is
fragmented across many micro-experiences that define Evolving physical spaces changing how people travel
it. The globes approximately 16.5 million hotel rooms have
been joined by several million home sharing listings. At the
Mobile-first user Experience same time, hotel occupied room nights are at all-time
Over the next 4 years, another 1 billion people globally highs, suggesting that the home sharing model is leading
will be coming online in emerging markets; for the vast to new, induced demand. Impact from home rental sites
majority of these people, a mobile device will be their and alternative accommodations remains relatively small
only computing device. A burgeoning population of in the grand scheme of the global hotel sector. The
mobile users, however, remains starkly in contrast to the alternative accommodations market is estimated at
approximately 10% of hotel room bookings in gateways
across the world.
Alternative accommodations have notable runway for
growth in secondary and tertiary markets, but research
suggests that the number of home sharing room nights Tourism is one of the key sectors of the Indian economy
accommodated is plateauing in urban gateway cities; leading the international trade in services and representing
due in part to new regulations and the number of willing the leading income activity for many regions. Tourism
hosts reaching a structural ceiling. Alternative industry in India is growing and it has vast potential for
accommodations primarily tend to take share from lower- generating employment and earning large amount of
tier hotels, but a significant portion of the demand, often foreign exchange too besides giving a support to the
as much as 30% to 50%, is induced, meaning that those countrys overall economic and social development.
visitors may not have made the trip had it not been for Tourism in India should be developed in such a way that it
what is often a lower-priced option. accommodates and entertains visitors in a way that is
The lines between traditional hotels, serviced apartments, minimally intrusive or destructive to the environment.
and home sharing will continue to blur. Hotel companies Moreover, since tourism is a multi-dimensional activity, and
are yearning to become fully integrated basically a service industry, it would be necessary that all
accommodations providers. Also blurring are the lines wings of the Central and State governments, private sector
between business and leisure travel, which has its own and voluntary organizations become active partners in the
implications for the sector. The trend is for more localised endeavour to attain sustainable growth in tourism if India is
experiences, and in many cases for smaller and unique to become a world player in the tourism industry. The
rooms. events like Commonwealth Games and Cricket World Cup
have contributed a lot to promote tourism in India. A policy
implication which may be drawn from this study is that India
can improve its economic growth performance by
strategically harnessing the contribution of the tourism
industry and improving their governance performance.
Since tourism is an important engine of local development,
it is necessary to increase domestic tourism too in order to
have more decentralization of local development caused
by such activity. Finally, there is a need for more sharing of
knowledge and good practices about this rapidly References:
developing aspect of economic activity and tourism.
All wings of the Central and State governments, non-public
sector and voluntary organizations ought to become impact-research/countries-2017/india2017.pdf
active partners within the endeavour to realize property
growth in commercial enterprise if India is to become a
world player within the commercial enterprise business. tourism-0?src=lipdf Chapter 1: Tourism and Tourists

Book : Tourism In India , edited by Prof K Vijaya Babu,

Jayaprakashnarayana Gade
indian-tourism-industry-with-swot-analysis-2167-0269- s_forum_white_paper_2010.pdf?v=635264421266205336
1000196.pdf directorate/stat_econ/pdf/FACTS_FIGURES_ENG_2011_12
pdf/important-documents/annual- /21.pdf
report/Annual%20Report%202009-2010.pdf$Department/deptdocs.n sf/all/csi13476/$FILE/Rural-Tourism.pdf
ry=UERGQnJvY2h1cmVzfC85NC5wZGZ8Lzk0LnBkZg== _uid13.pdf
16/V5N6-139.pdf pdf/product/rural-tourism/rural-guideline.pdf Medical_tourism_health_care.pdf
ULTURAL_AND_HERITAGE_TOURISM /12/12_chapter%204.pdf Tourism_091211.pdf nars/kelley_presentation_medical_tourism.pdf
of-Faith.pdf 56789/12394/1/%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8_%D0%9
mensions_of_religious_tourism D%D0%A3%D0%A6%D0%97%D0%A3_2016.pdf
Volume :2, Issue :4, 374-379 April 2015 n%20India.pdf e-ISSN: 2349-4182 p-ISSN:
2349-5979 Impact Factor: 3.762 Manzoor Ahmad Khan /protour_arbeidsdokument_mo_50369-2013.pdf
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