EED2-TP-030 HEG UsersGuide 2.14

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The Synergy program, under the auspices of NASAs Earth Observing System Program,
provided a tool for the conversion of HDF-EOS formatted granules to Geographical Information
System (GIS) compatible formats, namely GeoTIFF. The initial focus of the development was to
provide conversion for standard science products produced by the MODIS, MISR and ASTER
instruments. Support for other products, such as products produced by AMSR-E and AIRS
instruments, HDF-EOS5 products (such as OMI), SMAP HDF5 L3/L4 products, and VIIRS
l2/L3 HDFEOS5 and netCDF products were later added to the tool. The tool is available as a
stand-alone product, and is meant to be downloaded to a user workstation. The tool also is
designed to be used in a web or other client based interface, connected to on-line data storage.
This document was formerly known as EED2-TP-002 for previous version, 170-TP-013-001,
HDF-EOS Data Format Converter Users Guide, under the ECS Project, 515-EMD-001, HDF-
EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool (HEG) Stand-alone Users Guide under EMD project, 515-
EEB-001, HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool (HEG) Stand-alone Users Guide under EMD
to EED Bridge contract, and 516-EED-001, HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool (HEG)
Stand-alone Users Guide under EED.
Technical Points of Contact within EOS is:
Abe Taaheri, [email protected]
An email address has been provided for user help:
[email protected]
Any questions should be addressed to:
Data Management Office
The EED-2 Program Office
Raytheon Company
5700 Rivertech Court
Riverdale, MD 20737

iii EED2-TP-030
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iv EED2-TP-030

This document describes a software tool which provides conversion functionality for HDF-EOS,
HDF-EOS5, SMAP HDF5 L3/L4 EASE-2 grid formatted granules, SRTM grids in binary
format, or VIIRS HDFEOS5 and netCDF formatted granules. The tool will reformat HDF-
EOS/HDF-EOS5/VIIRS netCDF/SMAp HDF5 Swath and Grid data to HDF-EOS/HDF-EOS5
Grid, GeoTIFF, or to a generic binary format. It will also reformat SMAP HDF5 EASE-2 grid
formatted granules to HDF5 Grid, or GeoTIFF format. The tool can also be used to re-project
data from its original projection to other standard projections, to subset data, and to mosaic/stitch
adjacent granules together. Swath data can be converted to a Grid data or output in swath
format. The tool is available as a down-loadable tar file.
Keywords: HDF-EOS, HDF-EOS5, HDF5, GeoTIFF, GIS, netCDF, SRTM, Subsetter

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1. Introduction
1.1 Identification .................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Purpose and Objectives .................................................................................................. 1-1
1.4 Status and Schedule ....................................................................................................... 1-1
1.5 Document Organization ................................................................................................. 1-1

2. Related Documentation
2.1 Parent Documents .......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Related Documents ........................................................................................................ 2-1

3. Operations Concept

4. Download and Installation Instructions

4.1 Download Instructions ................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Install Instructions .......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Installation on Linux/MAC ................................................................................ 4-1
4.2.2 Installation on Windows 7, 8, and 10 ................................................................ 4-3

5. HEG Graphical User Interface

5.1 HEG Conversion Window ............................................................................................. 5-1

vii EED2-TP-030
5.2 HDF-EOS Stitch/Subset Window .................................................................................. 5-8
5.3 Examples of Usage ....................................................................................................... 5-11
5.3.1 Grid Conversion ................................................................................................ 5-12
5.3.2 Swath Conversion ............................................................................................. 5-16
5.3.3 HEG Stitch/Subset Tool Examples ................................................................... 5-18
5.3.4 Grid Stitch/Subset ............................................................................................. 5-18
5.3.5 Swath Stitch/Subset .......................................................................................... 5-21

6. Software Architecture
6.1 HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool ....................................................................... 6-1
6.2 HEG Subset/Stitch Tool................................................................................................. 6-2

7. Command Line Interface

7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 hegtool............................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2.1 hegtool Usage..................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.2 Format of Header Files ...................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.3 An Example of a HegHdr.hdr File ..................................................................... 7-5
7.2.4 Header File Data Ordering ................................................................................. 7-8
7.2.5 MISR Block Header File ................................................................................... 7-9
7.2.6 An Example of a HegMisrCoords.hdr File ........................................................ 7-9
7.2.7 Reading the Header Files .................................................................................. 7-11
7.3 gdtif ............................................................................................................................... 7-11
7.3.1 gdtif Usage ........................................................................................................ 7-11
7.3.2 Parameter Files.................................................................................................. 7-11
7.3.3 Parameter File Format....................................................................................... 7-12
7.3.4 Sample of a Parameter File (for stacked products) for gdtif ............................. 7-15
7.4 resample ........................................................................................................................ 7-16
7.4.1 resample Usage ................................................................................................. 7-16
7.4.2 Parameter File Format....................................................................................... 7-16
7.4.3 Sample of a Parameter File for resample .......................................................... 7-18
7.5 swtif............................................................................................................................... 7-19

viii EED2-TP-030
7.5.1 swtif Usage........................................................................................................ 7-19
7.5.2 Parameter File Format....................................................................................... 7-19
7.5.3 An Example of a Parameter File for swtif ........................................................ 7-22
7.6 SWATH SUBSET/STITCH ......................................................................................... 7-23
7.6.1 Program subset_stitch_swath Usage ................................................................. 7-23
7.6.2 Parameter File Format....................................................................................... 7-23
7.6.3 An Example of a Parameter File for subset_stitch_swath ................................ 7-26
7.7 Grid Subset/Stitch ......................................................................................................... 7-27
7.7.1 Program subset_stitch_grid Usage .................................................................... 7-27
7.7.2 Parameter File Format....................................................................................... 7-27
7.7.3 An Example of a Parameter File for subset_stitch_grid ................................... 7-30
7.8 Subsample_grid............................................................................................................. 7-30
7.8.1 Program subsample_grid Usage ....................................................................... 7-31
7.8.2 Parameter File Format....................................................................................... 7-31
7.8.3 Example Parameter Files for subsample_grid .................................................. 7-34

8. Batch Processing
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Usage.............................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.2.1 Batch Initiation from GUI.................................................................................. 8-1
8.2.2 Command Line Usage........................................................................................ 8-2

9. Output Data Formats

9.1 Raw Binary File Description ......................................................................................... 9-1
91.1 Binary File Description ...................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 Header File ......................................................................................................... 9-2
9.1.3 Reading the Binary File ..................................................................................... 9-4
9.2 ASCII Metadata ............................................................................................................. 9-6

List of Figures
5-1. HEG Conversion Window ................................................................................................. 5-1

ix EED2-TP-030
5-2. File Selection Window ...................................................................................................... 5-2
5-3. HEG Conversion Window (with opened file) ................................................................... 5-4
5-3. Tile location View ............................................................................................................. 5-5
5-4.1. Subsampling Dialogue Window ..................................................................................... 5-6
5-4.2. HEG Projection Parameters Window ............................................................................. 5-7
5-6. HEG HDF-EOS Stitch/Subset Window ............................................................................ 5-9
5-7. Objects Combo Box.......................................................................................................... 5-12
5-8. Fields List ......................................................................................................................... 5-12
5-9. Spatial Subset Area ........................................................................................................... 5-13
5-10. GeoTIFF Conversion Window Containing Example ..................................................... 5-15
5-11. Swath Example ............................................................................................................... 5-17
5-12. No Match Warning ......................................................................................................... 5-19
5-13. Grid Stitch/Subset Example............................................................................................ 5-20
6-1. Overview of HEG Tool ..................................................................................................... 6-2
6-2. Overview of Stitch/Subset Function .................................................................................. 6-3
8-1. Selection of Batch Process in HEG GUI ........................................................................... 8-1

Appendix A. List of Supported Products

Appendix B. State Plane Zones and Values

Appendix C. Datum/Ellipsoid Values

x EED2-TP-030
1. Introduction

1.1 Identification
The HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool (HEG) Users Guide was prepared under the Earth
Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) Evolution and Development-2
(EED-2) Contract (NNG15HZ39C).

1.2 Scope
This document is a users guide for the Stand-alone version of the HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF
Conversion Tool (HEG) software.

1.3 Purpose and Objectives

This document will provide a user with a description of the functionality implemented by the
HEG stand-alone software. The document describes usage of the HEG stand-alone software by
both Graphical User Interface (GUI) and command line interfaces. The document is meant to
have sufficient detail to enable complete use of the software.

1.4 Status and Schedule

April 1, 2001 Software development begun
Nov. 15, 2001 Beta version available to selected users
Dec. 24, 2001 Version 1.0 available to general users
Jan. 15, 2002 - Software turned over to ECS Development (Synergy Program)
November, 2004 Version 2.0 available to general users

1.5 Document Organization

This document is organized as follows:
Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. Related Documentation
Section 3. General description and operations concept
Section 4. Instructions for downloading and building software
Section 5. Description of the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Section 6. Software module diagrams

1-1 EED2-TP-030
Section 7. Description of the command line interface
Section 8. Batch Processing
Section 9. Output data formats
Appendix A. List of Supported Products
Appendix B. State Plane Zones
Appendix C. Datun/Ellipsoid values

1-2 EED2-TP-030
2. Related Documentation

2.1 Parent Documents

The following documents are the parents from which this documents scope and content are

2.2 Related Documents

The following documents are referenced within this technical paper, or are directly applicable, or
contain policies or other directive matters that are binding upon the content of this document.
333-EED-001 Release 7 SCF Toolkit Users Guide
170-EED-001 HDF-EOS Library User's Guide Volume 1: Overview and Examples
170-EED-002 HDF-EOS Library Users Guide Volume 2: Function Reference Guide
175-EED-001 HDF-EOS5 Library User's Guide Volume 1: Overview and Examples
175-EED-002 HDF-EOS5 Library Users Guide Volume 2: Function Reference Guide
HDF User's Guide, Version 4.2.10, The HDF Group, Campaign, IL,
HDF Specification and Developer's Guide, Version 4.2.10, The HDF
Group, Campaign, IL, 2014
HDF Reference Manual, Version 4.2.10, The HDF Group, Campaign,
IL, 2014
HDF5 User's Guide, HDF5 Release 1.8.8, The HDF Group, Campaign,
IL, 2011
HDF5: API Specification Reference, Release 1.8.8, The HDF Group,
Campaign, IL, 2011
none An Album of Map Projections, USGS Professional Paper 1453,
Snyder and Voxland, 1989
none Map Projections - A Working Manual, USGS Professional Paper
1395, Snyder, 1987

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3. Operations Concept

EOS Terra, Aqua, and Aura launched in December 1999, May 2002, and July 2004 respectively.
EOS SMAP launched in January 2015. They carry instruments which provide observations of the
earth at many wavelengths and spatial resolutions. The data are used to provide scientists, policy
makers and others with a continuous record of parameters used to characterize, for example, land
use, pollutant transport and climate change.
The standard format for EOS instrument data are HDF-EOS, HDF-EOS5, and HDF5, which are
derived from the HDF Group's HDF format. HDF is a self-describing, portable format for
scientific data. HDF-EOS applies standards for attaching geolocation and temporal information
to scientific data. Most EOS data products are stored and distributed in this format. HDF-EOS
files also contain core and product-specific metadata. The former metadata are also stored in
databases for user search and access.
HDF-EOS is not generally accessible to common GIS applications, such as ArcInfo, ENVI and
ERDAS. In order that EOS data is accessible to the GIS and land process community in general,
it needs to be converted into a standard format for that community. In order that the data is useful
to any group of users, that data must be accessible to application tools commonly used by that
community. For example, tools commonly used in Geographical Information Systems (GIS),
often require that data be in a common format, such as GeoTIFF. The most common format is
GeoTIFF. Furthermore, the data needs to be stored in a common geographic projection, such as
UTM, Space Oblique Mercator, or Homolosine.
Land and atmospheric products from ASTER, MODIS, and AMSR-E come in HDF-EOS Swath
and Grid formats. Swath products are multiple bands and in geographic coordinates. In the case
of ASTER, the data are geolocated in UTM coordinates. Swath data are primarily organized by
temporal index. Grid data are projected onto a regular grid in one of several coordinate systems.
MODIS products are in Swath and Grid format, SIN (or ISIN) and CMG projection systems.
MODIS Leve1 1 and 2 products have geolocation information, which is in a separate file for
some products. ASTER products are uniform in format. MODIS products, on the other hand
have a variety of storage methods. MISR data are stored in blocks, of up to 180 per dayside
path. In order to make MISR data more amenable to comparison with other data, blocks must be
extracted, stitched together and subsetted. MISR also has some regular global grid products like
AMSR-E products are in Swath and Grid format. The swath granules are for half orbits and grid
products are in EASE grid format and usually global.
The OMI and HIRDLS have some products in HDF-EOS5 grid format. These are global and
resemble grids for HDF-EOS products. The SMAP products are in HDF5 format, but they carry
geolocation fields, resembling HDF-EOS swath and grids. The L3/L4 products are EASE2 grids
in Cylindrical Equal Area or Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projections

3-1 EED2-TP-030
The HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool (HEG) will allow a user working on his/her
workstation to reformat, re-project and perform operations such as subsetting, stitching, or
subsampling on a selectable HDF-EOS object. The output file produced by the tool will be
ingestible into commonly used GIS applications. The Tool also allows the user to select other
output formats, binary and HDF-EOS Grid, or for the case of ASTER L1B, AMSR-E and MISR
products a satellite-path oriented grid. The output data can be in other projections selected from
the USGS General Coordinate Transformation Package (GCTP). Access to and processing of
HDF-EOS input will be controllable from a GUI or from a command line interface. The GUI or
command line interface allows selection of file and object to be processed, a new projection for
output, a lat/long box to subset, output file format, and output file location. The recent
enhancement also allows users to run batch jobs processing many granules of the same product
with just opening of one granule (see section 8).
It is expected that a user will have access to a number of files in his/her local directory. The HEG
tool can access and process files in this local directory. Processed files will contain original and
new metadata.
The Stand-alone version of the HEG is built in C and Java, with both a GUI and a command line
The HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool is available to the user community at an ftp site,
from which users may download the Tool and its command line interface or GUI. The current
version of the tool operates on Linux, MAC and Windows platforms.

3-2 EED2-TP-030
4. Download and Installation Instructions

4.1 Download Instructions

HEG is available on an anonymous ftp site. Three tar files for Linux/MAC and a zip file for
Windows 7, 8, and 10 are available:
hegLNX32v2.14.tar.gz - built on Linux Red Hat 6
hegLNX64v2.14.tar.gz - built on Linux Red Hat 6 built on PC with Windows 7
hegMACv2.14.tar.gz - built on MAC OSX Yosemite

All Java code built using Java Version 1.8 (update 65). Therefore, Java 1.8 or later will be
required to run HEG. Please use or download page in HEG web site

4.2 Install Instructions

4.2.1 Installation on Linux/MAC

There are two ways to install HEG on your system:

1. Run the install script
2. Manually install HEG

IMPORTANT: Before installing HEG, make sure you have Java 1.8 (update 65) or greater
installed on your system (MAC Java version 1.8 or newer is required).


* Uncompress and extract the files contained in the tar file.

gunzip hegLNX32v2.14.tar.gz
tar -xvf hegLNX32v2.14.tar
gunzip hegLNX64v2.14.tar.gz
tar -xvf hegLN64v2.14.tar
gunzip hegMACv2.14.tar.gz
tar -xvf hegMACv2.14.tar

NOTE: Once the install script runs, it will automatically remove

heg<LNX/MAC>.tar from your current directory. If you want to backup this file, now is
the time to do so.

4-1 EED2-TP-030
* Run the install script


NOTE: The install script will ask you a series of questions to assist you in installing HEG
on your system

* Once HEG is installed, go to the directory in which you installed HEG, go to the bin directory,
and invoke the HEG script to load up the HEG GUI.

For example, if HEG is installed in /home/bob/heg,

cd /home/bob/heg/bin


Make a heg directory in your home directory:

cd $HOME
mkdir heg

Change to the heg directory and copy the tar file to that location.

cd heg
mv (location of tar file/heg<LNX/MAC>v2.14.tar.gz

Uncompress and extract the files contained in the tar file and start HEG.

gunzip heg32LNXv2.14.tar.gz
tar -xvf heg32LNXv2.14.tar
gunzip heg64LNXv2.14.tar.gz
tar -xvf heg64LNXv2.14.tar
gunzip hegMACv2.14.tar.gz
tar -xvf hegMACv2.14.tar

After uncompressing and extracting, you will get two files, install and heg.tar. Ignore the install file.

Extract the files contained in the heg.tar file and start HEG.

tar xvf heg.tar

4-2 EED2-TP-030
cd bin

HEG has been installed and should be running

4.2.2 Installation on Windows 7, 8, and 10

1. Install java (jre8 or newer windows version).
2. Put the in a new directory and unzip it to the current directory.
Important: HEG cannot handle blank spaces in path (its own path and also the data that it
reads). So always make sure that HEG is installed in a directory that has no blank spaces in
its path (for example C:\Program Files\HEG2.14\ path is unacceptable).
3. Double click on install.bat and follow the instruction in MS-DOS window that appears.
4. A file HEGTool.bat will be created by the installation in \HEG\HEG_Win\bin directory.
5. Go to this bin directory, where HEGTool.bat file is, and right click on HEGTool.bat. Click
on the Create Shortcut. You can change the icon for this shortcut as in step 6.
6. Right click on the HEGTool.bat Shortcut. Click on the Properties and then click on the
Change Icon. Now click on Browse and select the file "heg.ico" in the HEG_Win\bin
7. To run HEG Double click on the created shortcut(s) or the HEGTool.bat in the
HEG_Win\bin directory.
Important: HEG only runs from its bin directory. So you can run it using the shortcut or
running HEGTool.bat while you are in its bin directory.

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5. HEG Graphical User Interface

5.1 HEG Conversion Window

The HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool (HEG) has a graphical user interface (GUI) which
uses Java Swing technology. The user interface consists of two (2) main windows. The first
window is for the selection of HDF-EOS files for conversion into the GeoTIFF format. The
second window is for stitching and subsetting common HDF-EOS files.
The main purpose of the HEG tool is to assist users in creating files that are more useful and
informative. The HEG tool works specifically on HDF-EOS Swath and Grid objects, some
HDF-EOS5 grids and SMAP HDF5 L3/L4 products. An HDF-EOS object is a structure, built on
HDF arrays, tables and attributes. The object is self-described by machine- and human-readable
metadata. The objects are accessible via a software interface, the HDF-EOS library. For a
detailed explanation of a Swath or Grid object, please refer to the HDF-EOS Library Users
The Java Swing widget set is comparable to the widget set of X-Windows and MS-Windows.
Therefore, an HEG user should be able to become a proficient user of the tool after a short period
of time.

Figure 5-1. HEG Conversion Window

5-1 EED2-TP-030
Figure 5-1 is a snapshot of the HEG GeoTIFF Conversion Window. The data in this window
may be converted to GeoTIFF, Non-standard binary, or HDF-EOS Grid formats (HDF5 for
L3/L4 SMAP products). The window is divided into 4 basic sections: a menu bar, left panel,
center panel, and right panel. In the description of the window widgets, it must be noted that an
object is an HDF-EOS Swath or Grid.
Please note that Version 2.14 Conversion windows has an extra feature for showing
MODIS/VIIRS tile locations on Earth for SINUSOIDAL products. The button for launching this
feature is located next to the "Object Info:" button of 2.13 version shown above.

Menu Bar
The menu bar on the GeoTIFF conversion window contains three options File, Tool, and Help.
The File menu bar option allows the user to open an HDF-EOS file (to processes a single
granule, or many granules in a batch run), Parameter file, Clear All, or exit the HEG tool. To
open an HDF-EOS/HDF-EOS5/SMAP HDF5 file the user will click on File Open Hdf-Eos,
Hdf-Eos5, or SMAP HDF5 or File Open Sample Hdf-Eos, Hdf-Eos5, or SMAP HDF5 for
Multi-Granule Batch Process (see Figure 8-1). A file selection window (Figure 5-2) would
appear allowing the user to browse through the directory structure and pick the desired HDF-
EOS, HDF-EOS5, or HDF5 file for viewing. In order to exit the HEG tool, the user will select
File Exit, which causes the HEG GUI to close. To open a Parameter file and populate HEG
GUI with the content of this file user will click on File Open Parameter. A file selection
window (Figure 5-2) would appear allowing the user to browse through the directory structure
and pick the desired Parameter file for populating HEG conversion GUI.

Figure 5-2. File Selection Window

5-2 EED2-TP-030
The Clear All option in File menu will remove all fields from GUI reading GUI for opening
another file.
The Tool menu option works as a toggle between the HEG GeoTiff Conversion and
Stitch/Subset Tools. Selecting the option Tool Stitch/Subset will cause the HEG Stitch/Subset
Tool Window (Figure 5-6) to appear. The stitch/subset tool portion of the HEG is described in
detail in section 5.2.
The Help menu option allows for the user to display a help window. Selecting Help User Help
will pop up a help window.

Left Panel
If the user selects a valid HDF-EOS or HDF5 file containing either Swath or Grid objects the file
name will appear next to the button labeled Input File. This field is a text field and cannot be
edited. The only way to open a different file is by use of the menu bar. Pressing the Input File
button will cause a dialog to pop-up containing the full path and file name of the selected input
file. This is provided as a convenience function to allow the user to view the entire file/path
name of the selected input file.
The list of objects (swath and/or grid) contained in the selected HDF-EOS file will appear in the
combo box labeled Objects. The user may select any object in the combo box by clicking on
the box and clicking on the desired object. Selection of a new object will change text in most of
the other fields. This will become self-explanatory as the remaining widgets are described.
The fields list, labeled by the text Fields, lists all the fields in the selected object. The user
may select a field to be converted to a desired format by clicking on a field and pressing the
select button. The select button is labeled with a down arrow. Pressing the select button will
cause the highlighted field to move to the list labeled as Selected. To deselect a field the user
would highlight the field to be de-selected in the Selected list and press the deselect button.
The deselect button is labeled with an up arrow. Pressing the deselect button would cause the
desired field to be returned to the fields list. Some objects will allow multiple field selections.
If the current object contains 3 or more dimensions, the third dimension desired may be entered
into the text field labeled Band. The user may also put multiple GeoTIFF images in the same
file by using Multi-Band GeoTIFF option in the combo box labeled Output File Type in the
central panel (see below). If the current object contains 4 dimensions the user may enter the
desired 4th dimension dataset to be converted in the field labeled 4th Dim. The user can
determine which dimension in the dataset is considered 3rd or 4th by checking the text in the
Object Info text field or dragging the mouse over the text field. For MISR products HEG
supports 5 and 6 dimensional data starting with version 2.12. Again by moving mouse over the
text fields user can find out the dimension name, its maximum dimension size, and enter desired
value for 5th and 6th dimension.
For some objects spatial subsetting is available. If the combo box labeled Spatial Subset: is
sensitized the user may pick between two options, Lat-Long or Rows-Columns. The text
fields labeled UL Corner: and LR Corner: allows the user to adjust the upper-left and
lower-right corners of the selected output file. For most objects the user will only be allowed to

5-3 EED2-TP-030
enter Latitude and Longitude values in these fields. There are some objects (i.e. MODIS Grid)
that will allow the user to enter the number of rows and columns to use in the conversion.
With HEG 2.12 two new buttons were added to the left panel. The Default Corners button can
be clicked to reset subset lat/lon or row/col to the default values that were showing before any
modification to these fields by user. The other button can be clicked to view image of the
selected field (in the right panel) showing in the Selected window. By pressing the left mouse
button over the image and dragging user can select a subset area. Once the mouse is released the
subset area is set, and a click on OK will populate lat/lon or row/col (depending on selection in
the Spatial Subset field) text fields for subset area. For version 2.14 this lat/lon or row/col
populating functionality is available only for Grid objects. For Swath objects this is supported
only for hdfeos2 products. Please also note that a palette selection is provided so that user view
the field image with desired colors for better subset box setting.

Figure 5-3. HEG Conversion Window (with opened file)

Figure 5-3 is a snapshot of the HEG GeoTIFF Conversion Window with an opened MODIS
product and field image used for setting subset corners.

5-4 EED2-TP-030
Center Panel
The upper most widget in the center panel are the buttons labeled "View Input Tile" and Object
Info. This window contains information about the selected object. For example, if the selected
object is a grid the window will contain the projection type, projection parameters, pixel size,
etc. For all objects the window will contain all fields, field names, data type, etc. applicable to
that object. The user should look at these values since they are used as defaults. Pressing the
Object Info button will cause a window to appear with all the object information in it. This
window may be sized and moved as the user desires. Pressing the Close button will close the
window. The click on "View Input Tile" for MODIS/VIIRS SIN grids will show the tile location
for MODIS or VIIRS SIN grids as in figure 5.3, showing location of the tile h19v04 of the
granule VNP09GA.A2015041.h19v04.001.2017067052539.h5.

Figure 5-3. Tile location View

The output file name will appear in the text field labeled Output File Name. This field is filled
with a default once a field is selected. This field is editable so the user may just type in the file
name as desired. This may also be edited by pressing the Browse button. Pressing the browse
button will cause a file selection window (Figure 5-2) to appear. The user may peruse through
the directory structure and type in the file name as desired. This directory and file name will
then appear in the output file name field. The output file name must end in .tif for a GeoTIFF
file, .bin for a non-standard Binary file, or .hdf for an HDF-EOS file. Please note that with
version 2.10 one can output all HDF-EOS outputs to a single file in a multi run case. You just

5-5 EED2-TP-030
need to have the same output filename for the fields that you want to put in the same HDF file.
This feature will not work for tiff outputs, except for the Multi-Band GeoTIFF explained below.
For most objects the user may select what output file type they desire. The options are GeoTIFF,
Binary, HDF-EOS, Multi-Band GeoTIFFor Multi-Band HDF-EOS. This action is performed by
pressing on the combo box labeled Output File Type. Once the user selects the output file
type, the file extension will be automatically changed in the text field labeled Output File
If Multi-Band GeoTIFF is selected, then user can put more bands in the same geoTIFF file. This
can be done after selecting X and Y Pixel sizes for the output (if the field is sensitized) and
pressing Accept Button. User then can select another field or band and push Accept button
again. All the chosen bands will be shown in the right panel in the text field labeled Accepted
List. Please note that for Multi-Band Geotiff all fields or bands must have the same dimensions.
Therefore, if user selects a field or band that has different dimensions than the first selected field,
the HEG Error window will pop up reminding the problem.
Multi-Band HDF-EOS in principle, works the same as Multi-Band GeoTIFF except all the
selected bands are placed in the same object of an HDF-EOS data set
Some objects (e.g. MODIS Grid) allow the user three different types of resampling. They are
Bilinear, Nearest Neighbor, and Cubic Convolution. This option may be made by pressing on
the combo box labeled Resampling Type. For other objects such as MODIS swath only
Nearest Neighbor resampling is available at this time.
The output projection type may be selected for some objects (Grid/Swath). With version 2.10,
the options are: Geographic (GEO), Albers Conical Equal Area (Albers), Polar Stereographic
(PS), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Transverse Mercator (TM), Mercator (MER),
Cylindrical Equal Area (CEA), Lambert Azimuthal (LA), Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC),
Sinusoidal (SIN), State Plane (STP), and No Reprojection (NO_REPROJECTION). This option
may be selected by pressing on the combo box labeled Output Projection.
The Subsample (yes/no) button will allow the user to perform subsampling and specify the Start
and Stride Values for X and Y through a Subsampling Dialogue Window. (See Figure 5-4.1).

Figure 5-4.1. Subsampling Dialogue Window

5-6 EED2-TP-030
Figure 5-4.2. HEG Projection Parameters Window

Pressing the Edit Parameters button allows the user to edit the projection parameters. Pressing
the edit parameters button will cause the HEG Projection Parameters Window (Figure 5-4.2) to
The user may fill out the output projection parameters as desired or accept the default. The
default output parameters will always be 0.0. Different parameters will be sensitized and
desensitized based upon which output projection type the user has selected. This window will
also allow the user to select the UTM Zone and Ellipsoid Code if the user has selected UTM as
the output projection.
Pressing the SP Zone button allows the user to select the State Plane Zone. This button is only
activated if the user selects State Plane as the output projection. The user will be forced to select
a zone since HEG does not assign a default. Pressing the SP Zone button will cause a dialog to
appear displaying the possible zones that the user may select. See Appendix B for list of State
Plane zones available to HEG.
For output grid objects the user has the option of setting the pixel size. The default pixel size
will be listed in the Object Info: text box. The user may adjust that size by entering the desired
size (the default values will show before entering desired values) in either the text field labeled
Pixel Size X: or Y: Please note that for Geographic projection the pixel size unit is decimal

5-7 EED2-TP-030
degrees while for other projections the unit is meters. The Pixel Size Unit box will show the
relevant unit for the pixel size.
Once the user has all the desired output options selected the Accept button should be pressed.
This will cause all the input options to be saved and the object and field name to be listed in the
Accepted List. The user may select another object and/or field for conversion to allow batch
conversions to take place.
If the user is creating a Multi-Band GeoTIFF file, then all items in the Accepted list will be
placed into one GeoTIFF file as multiple bands. Different fields from different objects can be
selected. All the items selected must be of the same dimension sizes. If this is not the case, then
an error box will pop up and warn the user.

Right Panel
The right panel deals with output selections after the user has selected all the desired inputs. A
list of desired outputs will appear in the text field labeled Accepted List. The items in this list
are removed from the list by pressing the Remove button. The entire list can be removed all at
once by pressing the Clear button. The user may select to save the parameter files but not run
the conversions by pressing the Save button. This will cause a file selection window to appear
(Figure 5-2). The user will select the directory and type in the name of a parameter file. The
items in the accepted list will then be removed.
To perform the conversions as selected the user would simply press the Run button. This will
cause all items in the accepted list to be converted and the list to be removed. During
conversions a status window will appear giving an update on the conversion.

5.2 HDF-EOS Stitch/Subset Window

The HEG HDF-EOS Stitch/Subset Window (Figure 5-6) allows the user to stitch together and/or
subset common datasets. It must be noted that the Stitch/Subset tool will only stitch or subset
objects that have the same name and the same field name. The names must match exactly (it is
case sensitive).
The window is divided into 4 basic sections: menu bar, left panel, center panel, and right panel.

5-8 EED2-TP-030
Figure 5-6. HEG HDF-EOS Stitch/Subset Window

Menu Bar
The menu bar on the Stitch/Subset window contains three options File, Tool, and Help.
The File menu bar option allows the user to open an HDF-EOS file, clear all input files, or exit
the HEG tool. To open an HDF-EOS file the user will click on File Open. A file selection
window (Figure 5-2) would appear allowing the user to browse through the directory structure
and pick the desired HDF-EOS file for viewing. If the user wishes to clear all files from the
input file list and start a new stitch/subset session the File Clear options would remove all files
from the Input Files list. To exit the HEG tool the user would select File Exit, which would
cause the HEG GUI to close.
The Tool menu option works as a toggle between the HEG GeoTIFF Conversion and
Stitch/Subset Tools. Selecting the option Tool GeoTIFF Convert will cause the HEG GeoTIFF
Conversion Tool Window to appear.
The Help menu option allows for the user to display a help window. Selecting Help User Help
will pop up a help window.

5-9 EED2-TP-030
Left Panel
The Input Files: text field lists the files that are open and may be stitched and/or subsetted.
Once again, when the files are open, the list of objects and fields that appear in the lists have
already been checked to match exactly the objects and fields in the previously opened files. If
the user opens a file that has no matches with the currently opened files a warning will appear
and the file name will not appear in the input files list.
The Objects: combo box will list all the common objects in the open file(s). The user may
change the object by clicking on the combo box and selecting the desired object.
The fields list, labeled by the text Fields, lists all the fields in the selected object. The user
may select a field to be stitched and/or subsetted by clicking on a field and pressing the select
button. The select button is labeled with a down arrow. Pressing the select button will cause the
selected field to move to the list labeled as Selected. To deselect a field the user would
highlight the field to be de-selected in the Selected list and press the deselect button. The
deselect button is labeled with an up arrow. Pressing the deselect button would cause the desired
field to be returned to the fields list.
Once a field has been selected some widgets will be sensitized based on the type of object that
has been selected. The Band Number: field will allow the user to select which band of a field
to perform an action on. This will be sensitized in cases where a field has more than two
The corner points of the new file are set in the fields labeled UL Corner and LR Corner.
This will contain the maximum sized dataset that is capable of being made based on all the files
currently opened. The user may adjust this at their preference for subsetting.

Center Panel
The upper most widget in the center panel is the button labeled Object Info. This window
contains information about the selected object. For example, if the selected object is a grid the
window will contain the projection type, projection parameters, pixel size, etc. For all objects
the window will contain all fields, field names, data type, etc. applicable to that object. The user
should look at these values since they are used as defaults. Pressing the Object Info button
will cause a window to appear with all the object information in it. This window may be sized
and moved as the user desires. Pressing the Close button will close the window.
The output file name will appear in the text field labeled Output File Name. This field is filled
with a default value once a field is selected. This field is editable so the user may type in the file
name as desired. This may also be edited by pressing the Browse button. Pressing the browse
button will cause a file selection window (Figure 5-2) to appear. The user may peruse the
directory structure and type in the file name as desired. This directory and file name will then
appear in the output file name field. The output file name must end in .bin for a non-standard
Binary file or .hdf for an HDF-EOS file.

5-10 EED2-TP-030
The user has the opportunity to set the name of the new object being created in the new stitched
and/or subsetted file. This may be performed by editing the text in the text field labeled Output
Object Name. This field is filled in with a default value upon field selection.
The user may select what output file type they desire. The options are GeoTIFF, Binary, or
HDF-EOS. This may be performed by pressing on the combo box labeled Output File Type.
As in the Conversion Tool, user has the opportunity to choose the output projection type, and
type of resampling (currently only Nearest Neighbor NN is available). Once the projection type
is selected user has the opportunity to modify projection parameter values by clicking on Edit
Parameters button and/or SP Zone button if State Plane projection is selected for output.
The user can specify the granularity by setting the pixel sizes in the fields labeled X Pixel Size
and Y Pixel Size.
The Stitch/Subset tool creates a master file before it creates the user-requested file. This file is in
the HDF-EOS format and may be saved per the user request. To ensure that the master HDF-
EOS file is saved the user must press the Yes radio button next to the Save Stitched File?
text field. Pressing the No radio button will cause the file to be deleted upon completion of the
stitch/subset operation.
Once the user has all the desired output options selected the Accept button should be pressed.
This will cause all the input options to be saved and the object and field name to be listed in the
Accepted List. The user may select another object and/or field for conversion to allow batch
conversions to take place.

Right Panel
The right panel deals with output selections after the user has selected all the desired inputs. A
list of desired outputs will appear in the text field labeled Accepted List. The items in this list
may be selected to be removed from the list by pressing the Remove button. The entire list
can be removed all at once by pressing the Clear button. The user may select to save the
parameter files but not run the stitch/subsets by pressing the Save button. This will cause a file
selection window to appear (Figure 5-2). The user will select the directory and type in the name
of a parameter file. The items in the accepted list will then be removed.
To perform the stitch/subsets as selected the user would simply press the Run button. This
will cause all items in the accepted list to be run and the list to be removed. During the creation
of the new stitch/subset field status window will appear giving an update on the run.

5.3 Examples of Usage

The conversion of a HDF_EOS, HDF-EOS5, or HDF5 Grid, or HDF-EOS Swath object to
GeoTIFF, or non-standard binary, or to another HDF-EOS/HDF5 Grid is straightforward. An
example of converting each type of object will be provided in this section.

5-11 EED2-TP-030
5.3.1 Grid Conversion
After completing the download and install instructions provided in Section 4, the user should
have successfully started the HEG tool. The main GeoTIFF conversion window (shown in
Figure 5-1) will appear.
The first step to converting a Grid object will be to select a file for opening. Selecting a file is
performed by selecting File Open Hdf-Eos, Hdf-Eos5, or SMAP HDF5 from the menu bar (for
batch run see section 8). This will cause the file selection window (Figure 5-2) to appear. The
user has the ability to move through the directory structure as desired. Once the desired file is
found, click on that file and press Open button. This will cause the desired file to be opened and
the information regarding that file to be placed in the proper fields of the HEG GeoTIFF
Conversion window. In the case of this example, the file
is selected and opened. This is a MODIS file containing a grid named MOD_Grid_L2g_2d.
The grid MOD_Grid_L2g_2d will now appear in the objects combo box (Figure 5-7).

Figure 5-7. Objects Combo Box

Pressing down the down arrow button will cause all objects in the file to be listed. The user may
click on the desired object at this point. Since our example file contains only one grid, only one
object appears in the objects list. The grid that we have selected contains 10 fields. All of them
will appear in the fields list (Figure 5-8).

Figure 5-8. Fields List

The user may select a field for conversion by selecting a field name and pressing the select
button. The select button is marked with a down arrow. The field name will then move to the
selected field list. Once a field has been selected many other areas of the GUI will become
sensitized, or available for user input.

5-12 EED2-TP-030
All necessary inputs will now be filled in with defaults and the Accept button may be pressed.
In the case that the user will want to modify the default values, the next step in the conversion
process would be to select the geographical area in the file for conversion. This is done at the
bottom of the left panel in the Spatial Subset area. In the case of this example, the Spatial
Subset combo box is available for selection. The user may use this box to toggle between Lat-
Long and Rows-Columns. This combo box will not be sensitized for any other data except
for MODIS grid data.
This next step in the process will be to enter the proper coordinates in the coordinate boxes.
(Figure 5-9)

Figure 5-9. Spatial Subset Area

The default values provided in the subset area provide the largest image possible from the
selected grid. These values may be edited (or set by using the field image that is created after
clicking on Field Image for Subset Selection button, as seen in Figure 5.3) to create a smaller
image from the selected grid.
The next step in the process would be to select the output file name desired by the user. In the
center panel below the text field labeled Output File Name: is a text field containing the
default file name. This field is editable or the user may want to click on the Browse button,
which will open a file selection window. The user may then peruse through the directories and
enter the desired file name. Selecting Save in the chooser window will cause the selected file
name to appear in the output file text field.
The user may alter the output type by selecting the Output File Type: combo box. There are
four options for output file type: GeoTIFF, Binary, HDF-EOS, Multi-Band GeoTIFF or
Multi-Band HDF-EOS.
The user may alter the resampling type by selecting the Resampling Type: combo box. There
are three options for resampling type: Bilinear, Nearest Neighbor, or Cubic Convolution.
The user may alter the output projection by selecting the Output Projection: combo box. The
options for output projection are Geographic, Polar Stereographic, UTM, Mercator, Transverse
Mercator, Lambert Azimuthal, Lambert Conformal Conic, Sinusoidal, State Plane, or No
Reprojection (if output grid is desired to have the same projection as the input grid). The next
step in the conversion process would be to ensure that the proper projection parameters are

5-13 EED2-TP-030
entered. Pressing on the Edit Parameters button would perform entering the projection
parameters. Pressing this button will cause the Edit Parameters window (Figure 5-5) to appear.
All parameters will be 0.0 unless edited by the user. If the user selected the State Plane
projection, the SP Zone button will need to be pressed and a zone will need to be selected in
the State Plane Zones dialog (see Appendix B for a list of available state plane zones). State
Plane should only be selected for data that is located in the United States.
The subsampling (yes/no) button will activate the subsampling input dialogue box if the user
presses yes. The default is no. Start and Stride in the X and Y direction are entered in the
Subsampling Dialogue Window (Figure 5-4).
The user may wish to specify an X and/or Y pixel size for the output grid. The default pixel size
is shown in the Object Info text area. This value is in input projection units. For our example
the default value is 463.31 meters. If no values are entered into these fields the default values
will be converted to the output projection type units and used in the conversion. If values are
entered into these fields they will be used as is. No conversions will be performed on them.
Once the user has selected the desired input parameters for file conversion the next step is to
press the Accept button. This will place the selection into the Accepted List of items that is
ready for conversion. These conversions may be from multiple files, swath and grid intermixed,
and different output types. The items will remain in this list until they are removed, saved to a
parameter file or the conversion is run.
If the user is creating a Multi-Band GeoTIFF file, then all the objects in the Accepted List
must be of the output file type: Multi-Band GeoTIFF. If not, an error window will warn the user.
Also, all the objects must be of the same dimensions. Different fields from different objects are
allowed. The same is true for Multi-Band HDF-EOS.

5-14 EED2-TP-030
Figure 5-10. GeoTIFF Conversion Window Containing Example

As shown in Figure 5-10 the user has entered a second selection for conversion and may now
press the Accept button. Items in the Accepted List are ready for conversion. It is possible that
the user has decided to not perform one or all of the conversions in the list. Items may be
removed one of two ways; the first way will be to highlight an item and press the Remove
button. This would remove only the selected item. The second way will be to press the Clear
button. This will remove all items from the accepted list.
In most cases the next step would be to perform the conversions. The easiest way to perform this
is to press the Run button. This will cause all conversions listed in the accepted list to be
performed. The user may choose to perform the conversions manually at the command line. To
perform the conversions manually, or at the command line, the user would need to press the
Save button. Pressing the save button will cause a file selection window to appear. The user
enters the name of the desired parameter file and the items in the list will be written to the
designated parameter file. This file can then be used as input into the proper conversion
program. Running the conversion programs from the command line is described in detail in
Section 7.

5-15 EED2-TP-030
5.3.2 Swath Conversion
The first step to converting a swath object would be to select a file for opening. To select a file
to open the user would select File Open from the menu bar (for Batch run see section 8). This
will cause the file selection window (Figure 5-2) to appear. The user has the ability to move
through the directory structure as desired. Once the desired file is found, click on that file and
press the Open button. This will cause the desired file to be opened and the information
regarding that file to be placed in the proper fields of the HEG GeoTIFF Conversion window
(see Figure 5-11). In the case of this example, the AST_L1B file
AST_L1B_003_04122000183023_03262003224936.hdf will be selected and opened. This is an
ASTER file containing three swaths named VNIR_Swath, SWIR_Swath, and TIR_Swath.
For our example we have selected the swath VNIR_Swath. Therefore, the swath VNIR_Swath
will now appear in the objects combo box. The user may press the down arrow button to cause
all objects in the file to be listed. The user may click on the desired object at this point.
The next step for swath conversion would be to select the desired field to be converted. The
swath VNIR_Swath contains four fields. These fields will be listed in the Fields list. The user
may pick a field by clicking on the field and pressing the select button. The select button is
marked with a down arrow. The selected field in the example, ImageData2, is now in the
Selected fields list. Once a field has been selected other areas on the window will now become
available for input.
Now that the user has selected a field, all fields that the user may enter as parameters will be
filled in with default values. The user may press the Accept button and perform the
conversion as is or alter the default values.
The next step in our example will be to set the geographical size of the image to be created. The
default values provided in the Latitude and Longitude text fields will create the largest
image that can possibly be created with the selected swath. These values may be edited to create
a smaller image from the selected swath. Please also note that one can see the image of the
selected field in the right panel by clicking on Field Image for Subset Selection button.
However, unlike the grid the subset selection by image is available for swath only in
hdfeos2 products.
The next step in the process would be to select the output file name desired by the user. In the
center panel below the text field labeled Output File Name: is a text field containing the
default file name. This field is editable or the user may want to click on the Browse button,
which will open a file selection window. The user may then peruse through the directories and
enter the desired file name. Selecting Save in the chooser window will cause the selected file
name to appear in the output file text field.
The user may alter the output type by selecting the Output File Type: combo box. There are
four options for output file type: GeoTIFF, Binary, HDF-EOS, Multi-Band GeoTIFF, or Multi-
Since currently only Nearest Neighbor resampling type is available to users, we cannot change
the default resampling type.

5-16 EED2-TP-030
The user may alter the output projection by selecting the Output Projection: combo box. The
options for output projection are Geographic, Albers Conical Equal Area, Polar Stereographic,
UTM, Mercator, Transverse Mercator, Lambert Azimuthal, Lambert Conformal Conic,
Sinusoidal, State Plane, or No Reprojection. The No Reprojection option is valid only for
ASTER L1B data where the swath is projected to a satellite path oriented UTM grid. The next
step in the conversion process would be to ensure that the proper projection parameters are
entered. Pressing on the Edit Parameters button would perform entering the projection
parameters. Pressing this button will cause the Edit Parameters window (Figure 5-5) to appear.
All parameters will be 0.0 unless edited by the user. If the user selected the State Plane
projection, the SP Zone button will need to be pressed and a zone will need to be selected in
the State Plane Zones dialog (see Appendix B for a list of available state plane zones). State
Plane should only be selected for data that is located in the United States.

Figure 5-11. Swath Example

Once the user has selected the desired input parameters for file conversion the next step is to
press the Accept button. This will place the selection into the Accepted List of items that is
ready for conversion. These conversions may be from multiple files, and different output types,
but the objects should be either swath or grid. The items will remain in this list until they are
removed, saved to a parameter file or the conversion is run.

5-17 EED2-TP-030
As shown in Figure 5-11 the user has entered a selection for conversion and may now press the
Accept button. Items in the Accepted List are ready for conversion. It is possible that the user
has decided to not perform one or all of the conversions in the list. Items may be removed one of
two ways; the first way would be to highlight an item and press the Remove button. This
would remove only the selected item. The second way would be to press the Clear button.
This would remove all items from the accepted list.
In most cases the next step would be to perform the conversions. The easiest way to perform this
is the press the Run button. This will cause all conversions listed in the accepted list to be
performed. The user may choose to perform the conversions manually at the command line. To
perform the conversions manually, or at the command line, the user would need to press the
Save button. Pressing the save button will cause a file selection window to appear. The user
enters the name of the desired parameter file and the items in the list will be written to the
designated parameter file. This file can then be used as input into the proper conversion
program. Running the conversion programs from the command line is described in detail in
Section 7.

5.3.3 HEG Stitch/Subset Tool Examples

HEG can perform stitching and/or subsetting of like datasets. Like datasets are defined as those
having the same object name (swath name or grid name) and the same field name. The user may
use this tool to make a dataset smaller or to combine datasets from multiple files. HEG will
write the new dataset to either GeoTIFF or HDF-EOS or to non-standard binary. The following
sections provide examples of stitching and subsetting datasets.
The Stitch/Subset GUI is similar to the GeoTIFF Conversion GUI. This will help the user to
easily perform the conversion or combining of HDF-EOS files to the desired size and type of

5.3.4 Grid Stitch/Subset

The first step in stitching and/or subsetting HDF-EOS files is to open the selected file(s).
Opening an HDF-EOS file is performed by pressing the File Open option on the menu bar.
This will cause a file selection to appear. The user may browse through the file structure and
pick the desired file. Pressing the Open button in the file selection window will cause this file
to be opened. The file name will appear in the Input Files: list. If the user wishes to stitch
multiple files the above process would be repeated for each file. If the user opens a file which
does not have a matching object name and field name, a warning will appear and the file will not
appear in the input files list.
The warning may only appear when at least one file has already been opened for processing.
The next file opened is compared to the last file on the list for matches. For this example, the
files MOD09A1.A2001065.h28v04.003.2001190021128.hdf and
MOD09A1.A2001065.h28v05.003.2001190024429.hdf will be used. These files contain a
MODIS grid named MOD_Grid_500m_Surface_Reflectance.

5-18 EED2-TP-030
Figure 5-12. No Match Warning

The objects combo box will list the objects that are common to all the currently opened files.
The user may select a different object by pressing on the combo box and the complete list of
objects will appear.
Once an object is selected the fields associated with that object will appear in the Fields list.
This is the list of fields that may be selected for processing. The user may pick a field by
clicking on the field and pressing the select button. The select button is marked with a down
arrow. The selected field in the example, sur_refl_b01, is now in the Selected fields list.
Once a field has been selected, other areas on the window will now become available for input.
Now that the user has selected a field all fields that the user may enter as parameters will be
filled in with default values. The user may press the Accept button and perform the
conversion as is or alter the default values.
If the selected field has 3 dimensions the Band Number: field will be available for input. The
default value is 1. The user may enter a number not greater than the number listed as Num
Bands: in the Object Info: window for the selected field.
The next step in the process of creating a new object would be to determine the geographical
area of the new object being created. The largest possible area will be listed in the Latitude
and Longitude fields. These coordinates will represent the largest land area an object can be
by combining all the grids (in this example) into a single object. The user may edit these values
to customize the size of the area covered.
The next step in the process will be to select the output file name desired by the user. In the
center panel below the text field labeled Output File Name: is a text field containing the
default file name. This field is editable or the user may want to click on the Browse button,
which will open a file selection window. The user may then peruse through the directories and
enter the desired file name. Selecting Save in the chooser window will cause the selected file
name to appear in the output file text field.
The user may specify the name of the newly created object. This is performed by editing the text
in the field marked Output Object Name.
The user may select the file type by pressing the Output File Type: combo box. The options
will be GeoTIFF, Hdf-Eos or Binary.
User may choose any of the supported projections as explained in the grid/swath conversion

5-19 EED2-TP-030
Here we have selected UTM. The UTM zone code will be evaluated by hegtool and put in the
parameter file.
The next step in the process is to set the pixel size. The output grid will be written at the same
granularity of the input grid, if the fields marked X Pixel Size and Y Pixel Size are left
blank. The input pixel size will be listed in the Object Info field.
To create the specified file the stitch/subset tool will create a master HDF-EOS file. The master
HDF-EOS file will be used as input to create the user specified file. If the user desires to keep
this master file they can press the Yes radio button labeled Save Stitched File?

Figure 5-13. Grid Stitch/Subset Example

Once the user has selected the desired input parameters for new file stitch/subset creation the
next step is to press the Accept button. This will place the selection into the Accepted List
of items that is ready for creation. There may be multiple items in the list with varying inputs.
The items will remain in this list until they are removed or the stitch/subset tool is run.
As shown in Figure 5-13 the user has entered a selection for stitch/subset and may now press the
Accept button. Items in the Accepted List are ready for creation. It is possible that the user has
decided to not perform one or all of the runs in the list. Items may be removed one of two ways.
The first way will be to highlight an item and press the Remove button. This will remove only

5-20 EED2-TP-030
the selected item. The second way would be to press the Clear button. This will remove all
items from the accepted list.
In most cases the next step would be to perform the conversions. This can be performed by
pressing the Run button. This will cause all stitch/subset parameters listed in the accepted list
to be performed.

5.3.5 Swath Stitch/Subset

The process of stitching and/or subsetting swath objects is identical to that of stitching or
subsetting a grid object. (See Section 5.3.4)

5-21 EED2-TP-030
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5-22 EED2-TP-030
6. Software Architecture

6.1 HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool

Figure 6.1 gives an overview of the HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion tool (HEG).
Module Descriptions
HEG GUI The HEG GUI is actually a parameter file editor. It allows the user to open and
display the contents of and HDF-EOS, HDF-EOS5, or HDF5 file in a readable format. The user
may then pick the desired options and perform the conversion.
hegtool The hegtool module opens and reads all the information needed from the HDF-EOS
file. This information is written to a header file which is ingested in the graphical user interface.
resample The resample module performs conversions on all non-MISR Grid objects.
gdtif Performs conversions on the MISR grid datasets.
swtif Performs conversions on swath data.
subsample_grid Performs subsampling on grid objects.
The HEG program is constructed so the user need not have knowledge about the type of object
or instrument that created the data.

6-1 EED2-TP-030
hegtool examines
HDF-EOS file and
returns header file to

User selects HDF-EOS file to be
examined for possible conversion to
GeoTIFF format.
User selects parameters for file
conversion and a parameter file is
created. The type of file object is
determined here.

gdtif -
process files subsample_grid
containing MISR Process files
Grid objects containing Grid
objects for
swtif - resample - subsampling
process files process files
containing Swath containing non-
objects (i.e. Aster MISR Grid
and Modis) objects

Figure 6-1. Overview of HEG Tool

6.2 HEG Subset/Stitch Tool

Figure 6-2 gives an overview of the HDF-EOS Subset/Stitch tool.
Module Descriptions
HEG GUI The HEG GUI is actually a parameter file editor. It allows the user to open and
display the contents of and HDF-EOS file in a readable format. The user may then pick the
desired options and perform the conversion.
hegtool The hegtool module opens and reads all the information needed from the HDF-EOS
file. This information is written to a header file which is ingested in the graphical user interface.
subset_stitch_grid Perform all subset and stitch operations on grid objects.
subset_stitch_swath Perform all subset and stitch operations on swath objects.

6-2 EED2-TP-030
hegtool examines
HDF-EOS file and
returns header file to


User selects HDF-EOS file to be

examined for possible stitching
and /or subsetting.

User selects parameters for file

stitching and/or subsetting and a
parameter file is created. The
type of file objects is determined

process files
subset_stitch_grid containing Swath
process file objects
containing Grid

Figure 6-2. Overview of Stitch/Subset Function

6-3 EED2-TP-030
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6-4 EED2-TP-030
7. Command Line Interface

7.1 Introduction
The HEG tool is operable by either a GUI (Section 5) or by a command line interface. The GUI
uses the command line interface by converting user input parameters such as bounding box
latitude and longitude into a parameter file. Commands are then executed underneath the GUI.
The user can also execute commands manually. In this case, parameter files will need to be built
manually, or using HEG GUI and clicking on "Save" instead of "Run". This section describes the
commands needed to execute the main functions described in Section 6. Also described are the
contents of the parameter files required by the commands.
For proper handling of reading/writing metadata user must set environment variables
PGSHOME and MRTDATADIR to the TOOLKIT and data directories in the heg
directory respectively. This must be done prior to executing all tools described below so that
they work correctly.

7.2 hegtool
The HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion tool (HEG) uses a tool called hegtool to determine the
objects in an HDF-EOS, HDF-EOS5, or SMAP HDF5 file. Objects may be defined as Swaths or
Grids. hegtool places the object information into a header file which is interpreted by the HEG
graphical user interface (GUI).

7.2.1 hegtool Usage

The usage of the hegtool is by using the -h flag. For example, if the file in which the user
wants examined is named MOD09GHK.A2000238.h20v11.001.2000253195532.hdf then the
command would be:
hegtool h MOD09GHK.A2000238.h20v11.001.2000253195532.hdf
hegtool then produces the file named HegHdr.hdr.
Also one may specify the header file name using -n instead of -h:
hegtool n MOD09GHK.A2000238.h20v11.001.2000253195532.hdf myhegHdr.hdr
If the input file is a MISR file, then hegtool also produces a file called HegMisrCoords.hdr. This
file contains the upper-left and lower-right corner coordinates for the MISR blocks and the MISR
block data flags.

7.2.2 Format of Header Files

The header file produced by hegtool is an ASCII file. The format is as follows:

7-1 EED2-TP-030
STATUS_VALUE = status value
If the status value is not zero (0) then there was an error retrieving information from the
selected file. The header file should be closed and not used as a description of the
selected HDF-EOS file.
FILE_NAME = input file name
The input file name will be listed exactly as it was passed to the hegtool. If the full file
path was present it will be listed here in the header file.
NUM_OBJECTS = number swaths + number grids
The number of objects parameters will contain the total number of swaths and grids in the
selected input file.
NUM_GRIDS = number grids
The number of grids parameter will contain the total number of grids objects in the
selected input file.
NUM_SWATHS = number swaths
The number of swaths parameter will contain the total number of swath objects in the
selected input file.
GRID_NAMES = grid names
The grid names parameter will be a comma separated list of grid names. The names will
be listed exactly as they appear in the input file.
GRID_PROJECTION_TYPE = projection types
The grid projection types will contain a list of integers separated by spaces. The total
number of integers will be equal to the number of grids in the file. The numbers will
correspond to the mnemonics assigned a projection name in the GCTP library.
The grid projection parameters will list a series of fifteen (15) parameters for each grid in
the input file. The parameters will be written three (3) per line and the line will end with
the backslash symbol (\). The last line will not have the backslash, signifying the last
line. The parameter values are a series of double values which appear exactly as they do
in the selected input file.
GRID_UL_CORNER_LATLON = upper left lat/lon values
The upper left and latitude and longitude values are listed in double values separated by a

7-2 EED2-TP-030
GRID_UR_CORNER_LATLON = upper right lat/lon values
The upper right and latitude and longitude values are listed in double values separated by
a space.
GRID_LL_CORNER_LATLON = lower left lat/lon values
The lower left and latitude and longitude values are listed in double values separated by a
GRID_LR_CORNER_LATLON = lower right lat/lon values
The lower right and latitude and longitude values are listed in double values separated by
a space.
GRID_NCOLUMNS = number of columns
This parameter will list the number of entries in the x-dimension of the grids. The values
are integers and are separated by a space.
GRID_NROWS = number of rows
This parameter will list the number of entries in the y-dimension of the grids. The values
are integers and are separated by a space.
GRID_PIXEL_SIZE = pixel size
The pixel size will be a space separated list of double values. The pixel size will be the
lesser of the pixel size in the x-dimension vs. the y-dimension.
GRID_PIXEL_SIZE_X = x-pixel size
The x-pixel size will be a space separated list of double values. The pixel size will be in
the units dictated by the input projection type.
GRID_PIXEL_SIZE_Y = y-pixel size
The y-pixel size will be a space separated list of double values. The pixel size will be in
the units dictated by the input projection type.
GRID_NFIELDS number of fields
The number of fields for each grid will be listed in a space separated list. The list will
consist of integers.
GRID_FIELD_NAMES = field names
A comma separated list of field names associated with the grids in the file.
GRID_DATA_TYPES = data types
An integer list separated by spaces. The values will correspond to the standard HDF data

7-3 EED2-TP-030
GRID_NUM_DIMS = number of dimensions
The list of dimensions corresponds to the number of dimensions in each field of each
GRID_NUM_BANDS = number field dimensions
The number of field dimensions for a 3-D data set is listed in a space separated list.
GRID_4TH_DIM = number of dimensions in 4th dimension
The number of field dimensions in the 4th dimension of a 4-D data set listed in a space
separated list.
GRID_BAND_NAME = band names
The names of the dimensions corresponding to the grid bands (or 3rd dimension) of a 3-D
or 4-D dataset listed in a comma separated list. If the field does not contain 3 dimensions
the value -99 will appear in the list.
GRID_4TH_DIMNAME = 4th dimension names
The names of the dimensions corresponding to the grid 4th dimension of a 4-D dataset
listed in a comma separated list. . If the field does not contain 4 dimensions the value -
99 will appear in the list.
ASTER_FLAG = aster_flag
If the file is ASTER L1B then the flag will be YES, otherwise it is NO
SWATH_NAMES = swath names
The swath names parameter will be a comma separated list of swath names. The names
will be listed exactly as they appear in the input file.
SWATH_NFIELDS = number of fields
The number of fields for each swath will be listed in a space separated list. The list will
consist of integers.
SWATH_FIELD_NAMES = field names
A comma separated list of field names associated with the swaths in the file.
SWATH_NUM_DIMS = number of dimensions
The list of dimensions corresponds to the number of dimensions in each field of each
SWATH_NUM_BANDS = number field dimensions
The number of field dimensions for a 3-D data set is listed in a space separated list.

7-4 EED2-TP-030
SWATH_DIM_X_SIZE = x dimension sizes
The size of the fields in the x dimension.
SWATH_DIM_Y_SIZE = y dimension sizes
The size of the fields in the y dimension.
SWATH_DATA_TYPES = data types
An integer list separated by spaces. The values will correspond to the standard HDF data
SWATH_LAT_MIN = latitude minimums
The list of minimum latitudes for each swath. The list is a space separated list of double
SWATH_LAT_MAX = latitude maximums
The list of maximum latitudes for each swath. The list is a space separated list of double
SWATH_LON_MIN = longitude minimums
The list of minimum longitudes for each swath. The list is a space separated list of
double values.
SWATH_LON_MAX = longitude maximums
The list of maximum longitudes for each swath. The list is a space separated list of
double values.
SWATH_X_PIXEL_RES_METERS = output x pixel size in meters
SWATH_XYPIXEL_RES_METERS = output y pixel size in meters
SWATH_X_PIXEL_RES_DEGREES = output x pixel size in decimal degrees
SWATH_Y_PIXEL_RES_DEGREES = output y pixel size in decimal degrees
INPUT_TYPE = one of the file types HDFEOS, HDFEOS5, or HDF5
INPUT_SHORTNAME = Shortname of the ECS Product

7.2.3 An Example of a HegHdr.hdr File

This is an example of a completed header file created by hegtool on an HDF file that contains a
Grid object.


7-5 EED2-TP-030





6371007.181000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 \
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 \
0.000000000 0.000000000 86400.000000000 \
0.000000000 1.000000000 0.000000000 \
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000

GRID_UL_CORNER_LATLON=-20.000000000 21.283409287

GRID_UR_CORNER_LATLON=-20.000000000 31.925113930

GRID_LL_CORNER_LATLON=-30.000000000 23.094194376

GRID_LR_CORNER_LATLON=-30.000000000 34.641291564








GRID_DATA_TYPES=22 22 22 22 22 22 22 25 21 20

GRID_NUM_DIMS=2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

GRID_NUM_BANDS=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7-6 EED2-TP-030
GRID_4TH_DIM=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




This is an example of a header file created by hegtool on an HDF file that contains swath objects


FILE_NAME= /hdfdata/AST_L1B/pg-PR1B0000-2000080702_241_001.hdf






6 \


SWATH_NUM_DIMS=2 2 2 2 \
2 2 2 2 2 2 \
2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 \

7-7 EED2-TP-030
1 1 1 1 1

SWATH_DIM_X_SIZE=4980 4980 4980 4980 \

2490 2490 2490 2490 2490 2490 \
830 830 830 830 830

SWATH_DIM_Y_SIZE=4200 4200 4200 4600 \

2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 \
700 700 700 700 700

SWATH_DATA_TYPES=21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 23 23 23 23 23

SWATH_LAT_MIN=43.268890 43.268811 43.268492

SWATH_LAT_MAX=43.957176 43.957096 43.956780

SWATH_LON_MIN=-100.096085 -100.096012 -100.095719

SWATH_LON_MAX=-99.035063 -99.034991 -99.034701

SWATH_X_PIXEL_RES_METERS=15.006083 30.012167 90.036504

SWATH_Y_PIXEL_RES_METERS=15.005466 30.010931 90.032797

SWATH_X_PIXEL_RES_DEGREES=0.000186 0.000372 0.001115

SWATH_Y_PIXEL_RES_DEGREES=0.000135 0.000270 0.000810


7.2.4 Header File Data Ordering

It should be noted that order is important in the header files. For example, in the case of the
header file with the three (3) swath objects all other objects correspond to the order of the swath
names. The number of fields values are listed as 3 6 5 which means that the first swath in the
list has 3 fields, the second swath in the list has 6 fields and the third swath has 5 fields. This
holds true for all the parameters listed including data that is specific to each field. For example,
the first 3 field names would be associated with the first swath, the next 6 field names with the
second swath, and the final 5 fields with the third swath. The data types, dimensions, pixel sizes,
etc. appear in the same order as their respective fields.

7-8 EED2-TP-030
7.2.5 MISR Block Header File
The file HegMisrCoords.hdr is created by hegtool if the input file is a MISR file. The purpose of
this file is to list the upper-left and lower-right coordinates of each block in the MISR-grid. This
file is an ASCII file and the format is as follows:
NUM_BLOCKS = number of blocks in the grid
The number of blocks in the MISR grid. This value is an integer.
MISR_DATA_FLAG = data flag
A space separated list of integers. The number of integers corresponds to the number of
blocks. A one (1) represents a block with valid data. A block not containing valid data
would be represented by a zero (0).
MISR_UL_LAT = upper left latitudes
A space separated list of double values. The number of values corresponds to the number
of blocks. These values represent the upper left latitude of the MISR block. These
values are in the order of the blocks in the file.
MISR_UL_LON = upper left longitudes
A space separated list of double values. The number of values corresponds to the number
of blocks. These values represent the upper left longitude of the MISR block. These
values are in the order of the blocks in the file.
MISR_LR_LAT = lower right latitudes
A space separated list of double values. The number of values corresponds to the number
of blocks. These values represent the lower right latitude of the MISR block. These
values are in the order of the blocks in the file.
MISR_LR_LON = lower right longitudes
A space separated list of double values. The number of values corresponds to the number
of blocks. These values represent the lower right longitude of the MISR block. These
values are in the order of the blocks in the file.

7.2.6 An Example of a HegMisrCoords.hdr File

This is a partial example of a MISR coordinates header file created by hegtool. For the purpose
of brevity many of the lines of latitude and longitudes were removed.



7-9 EED2-TP-030

66.222667511 67.448182064 68.629200205 \
69.844139745 71.007048750 72.206807974 \
73.398062353 74.578905134 75.684688709 \
76.831101249 77.955651952 79.051667690 \
80.109722514 81.015784744 81.939921316 \
82.763750002 83.449366096 83.949640857 \
84.216306788 84.216971119 83.951546234 \
-58.902190108 -60.044391982 -61.231111722 \
-62.353638361 -63.523647161 -64.684888677

-176.915029963 -177.673288338 -178.928326962 \
-179.880521059 178.591574567 177.364432075 \
175.970749522 174.373584825 171.938453824 \
169.735013024 167.129249378 164.008947141 \
160.223704252 154.793275082 149.006517931 \
141.832622041 133.010376510 122.455075848 \
-18.317674258 -19.356120823 -20.485538797

65.752702723 66.889716660 67.939469463 \
69.043628868 70.046571534 71.105956587 \
72.139396375 73.142156782 74.003924580 \
74.920418315 75.784536752 76.586187643 \
77.313555064 77.813899148 78.344831170 \
78.759543258 79.044844706 79.190494625 \
-65.049024953 -66.279258963 -67.506288073

170.339099246 168.979765543 167.114815102 \

7-10 EED2-TP-030
165.454042726 163.222283759 161.167701894 \
158.878311830 156.318505721 153.018938526 \
149.789526751 146.161639423 142.089034475 \
137.530961090 132.110535270 126.577525356 \
-8.255109393 -8.931367053 -9.673657430

7.2.7 Reading the Header Files

The headers are written to conform to Java Properties class standards. Therefore, reading the
header files from Java is performed by creating a FileInputStream and loading (method load())
the stream into the Properties. The values can be accessed as a key and value pair per the Java

7.3 gdtif
The gdtif converter tool is used to read MISR data parameter file for processing. MISR data
sets with SOM blocks have special HDF-EOS structures called MISR stacked grids. The
program will obtain data of the region of interest by the user, using the
reproject the data into a Geographic Projection (GEO), Albers Conical Equal Area (Albers),
UTM Projection (UTM), Polar Stereographic Projection (PS), Transvers Mercator (TM),
Cylindrical Equal Area (CEA), Lambert Azimuthal (LA), Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC), or
State Plane (STP). Beginning with version 2.0, the Bilinear algorithm is implemented. Or the
data can be left in its original Space Oblique Mercator (SOM) projection. It can convert the data
into GeoTIFF format (GEO), HDF-EOS format (HDFEOS), Binary format (BIN), or Multi-Band
GeoTIFF format. When creating HDF-EOS data sets, metadata files will also be created which
preserve all the original Metadata from the original input file. OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE_X/Y can
be used to control the resolution of the output data set.
With version 2.13 HEG also supports new MISR products that contain a single SOM block that
resembles a regular grid. Other normal MISR grids (such as global geographic grids) are handled
by "resample" executable.

7.3.1 gdtif Usage

The GDTIF program is run with the -p flag. For example, if the parameter file is named
MyParameter.prm. The command to run the resample program would be:
gdtif p MyParameter.prm

7.3.2 Parameter Files

Parameter files are user-editable ASCII text files that contain information required by the HDF-
EOS to GeoTIFF Converter (HEG). gdtif is a program for processing MISR SOM stacked-grid
data, or new un-stacked MISR single SOM block granules. Information entered by the user in
the HEG Graphical User Interface is stored in a parameter file, either for future use, or to run the

7-11 EED2-TP-030
gdtif program. In fact, the HEG GUI is basically a parameter file editing tool. This section
specifies the parameter file format for the HEG gdtif program.
The HEG Tool requires information about the input and output data products in order to perform
the desired data transformations. The parameter file contains this information in user-editable
ASCII text format. For the most part, this information is stored as field-value pairs,
corresponding to GUI fields and values.
The parameter file consists of field-value pairs and comments. Comments begin with the #
character, and extend to the end of the line. Each field must begin on a new line, and may span
more than one line for convenience and readability. Fields may occur in any order. All field-
value tokens must be separated by white space (including the equals and parentheses symbols).

7.3.3 Parameter File Format

NUM_RUNS = number of runs in file
The user may have a list of files to convert in the HEG GUI. The user may also want
several different types of conversions performed on the same grid field. This field states
how many conversions are requested in this parameter file. If the user is creating a Multi-
Band GeoTIFF, then all the runs (BEGIN/END pairs) are bands to be included in the
single Multi-Band GeoTIFF output. All the runs will be of output file type: Multi-Band
GeoTIFF. All objects processed for a Multi-Band GeoTIFF file must come from the
same input file. A Multi-Band GeoTIFF output is indicated by appending the following
string: |MULTI_BAND_GEOTIFF:N, where N is the total number of bands in the
output GeoTIFF file. (Note the starting PIPE, | symbol). For example, a full line could
look as such: NUM_RUNS=3|MULTI_BAND_GEOTIFF:3 indicating 3 runs and a
total of 3 bands in the Multi-Band GeoTIFF output file.
Each conversion run listed in the parameter file must begin with the keyword BEGIN and
end with the keyword END. The parameters may be listed in any order between the
BEGIN and END keywords.
INPUT_FILENAME = input file name
The input file name may optionally contain a directory path. This field is required, since
much of the information required by the gdtif program does not come directly from the
parameter file, but must be read from the input data file. An invalid file name will
generate an error.
OBJECT_NAME = name of grid
This field should contain the name of the grid exactly as it appears in the HDF-EOS file.
This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple grids in the same file.

7-12 EED2-TP-030
FIELD_NAME = name of field|
This field should contain the name of the grid field exactly as it appears in the HDF-EOS
file. This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple fields in the same grid.
Note that name of field ends with a PIPE |. If it is left out the parameter file will not
be read correctly.
BAND_NUMBER = band number
This field should contain the number for the desired band. Since the field data can be 3-
dimmensional, it is essential to read a 2-dimmensinal slice from the data field. If the input
field is 2-dimmension, this number will default to 1. For the moment, this Field is not
being used for MISR data Sets, but is required for proper functioning of the program.
FOURTH_DIM = fourth dimension
This field specifies the 4th dimension (when possible) to use. This field is optional.
FOURTH_DIM_NAME = name of fourth dimension
This field specifies the name of the fourth dimension in the field dimension list. This
field is only mandatory when the FOURTH_DIM field is used.
FIFTH_DIM = fifth dimension
This field specifies the 5th dimension (For MISR products only when possible) to use.
FIFTH_DIM_NAME = name of fifth dimension
This field specifies the name of the fifth dimension in the field dimension list. This field
is only mandatory (for MISR products only) when the FIFTH_DIM field is used.
SIXTH_DIM = sixth dimension
This field specifies the 6th dimension (For MISR products only when possible) to use.
SIXTH_DIM_NAME = name of sixth dimension
This field specifies the name of the fifth dimension in the field dimension list. This field
is only mandatory (for MISR products only) when the SIXTH_DIM field is used.
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( int int ) or ( float float )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( int int ) or ( float float )
These are the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners for spatial subsetting.
Values indicate lat/lon values. These fields are normally required for MISR data
otherwise, by default, the entire input image will be selected, which is not appropriate for
a MISR data set which scans from North to South Pole.. Note that the spatial subsetting
takes place in the input images space, not the output image space.

7-13 EED2-TP-030
The resampling type may be NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, NN, BILINEAR, BI, CUBIC,
CC, or CUBIC_CONVOLUTION. Presently, only BI processing is available and always
resorts to this method.
The output projection type may be GEOGRAPHIC, GEO, ALBERS,
This field is required for processing. At the moment, the program resorts to using the
WGS84 Ellipsoid.
UTM_ZONE = utm number
When the output projection type is UTM, a UTM zone value may optionally be specified.
If present, the UTM zone overrides values specified in the output projection parameters
STP_ZONE = state plane zone number
The zone number of the corresponding state plane zone (see Appendix B for state plane
zone numbers). This field is only required when the output projection is state plane.
This array contains the 15 output projection parameter values. This field is optional; by
default, all projection parameter values will be set to zero. (An exception is UTM: when
the first two UTM projection parameters are zero, the projection will default to the scene
center.) Projection parameter values are floating point; integer values will automatically
be converted to floating point. If there are fewer than 15 projection parameter values
specified, the remaining values will be set to zero. If there are more than 15 values
specified, the extra values will be ignored.
A single output pixel size, in the X (column) direction, may be specified in output
projection units (meters). This field is optional; by default, the output pixel size will be
the same as the input pixel size for the selected field determined by the HDF-EOS data
A single output pixel size, in the Y (column) direction, may be specified in output
projection units (meters). This field is optional; by default, the output pixel size will be

7-14 EED2-TP-030
the same as the input pixel size for the selected field determined by the HDF-EOS data
A single output pixel size may be specified in output projection units (typically meters).
This field is optional; by default, the output pixel size will be the same as the input pixel
size for the selected field.
OUTPUT_FILENAME = output file name
The output file name requires a full directory path. This field is required. An invalid file
name will generate an error.
This field specifies the type of output the user has requested. The type may be GEO for
GeoTiff and Multi-Band GeoTIFF output, HDFEOS for Hdf-Eos grid output, or BIN for
raw binary output. This field is required.

7.3.4 Sample of a Parameter File (for stacked products) for gdtif

Below is a sample of a parameter file for a 3-D MISR field (For MISR fields with 4, 5, and 6
dimensions the parameter file will contain information for these dimensions as well). Each field
needs to have its own separate line.

FIELD_NAME = Blue Radiance/RDQI|
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)
OUTPUT_FILENAME = /home/outdata/MISR_BlueBand.tif

7-15 EED2-TP-030
7.4 resample
resample performs conversions on HDF-EOS, HDF-EOs5 or HDF5 Grid objects for non-MISR
data. MISR global geographic grids are also handled by "resample".

7.4.1 resample Usage

The resample program is run with the -P flag. For example, if the parameter file is named
MyParameter.prm. The command to run the resample program would be:
resample P MyParameter.prm
Beginning with version 2.0 there are no other options associated with the resample program.
The resample program produces a log file named resample.log which saves all the messages
which appear during the resample run. This is a helpful way of tracking down any possible
errors in the case where many conversions were described in one parameter file.

7.4.2 Parameter File Format

The parameter file consists of field-value pairs and comments. Comments begin with the #
character, and extend to the end of the line. Each field must begin on a new line, and may span
more than one line for convenience and readability. Fields may occur in any order. All field-
value tokens must be separated by white space (including the equals and parentheses symbols)
NUM_RUNS = number of runs in file
The user may have a list of files to convert in the HEG GUI. The user may also want
several different types of conversions performed on the same grid field. This field states
how many conversions are requested in this parameter file. If the user is creating a Multi-
Band GeoTIFF, then all the runs (BEGIN/END pairs) are bands to be included in the
single Multi-Band GeoTIFF output. All the runs will be of output file type: Multi-Band
GeoTIFF. All objects processed for a Multi-Band GeoTIFF file must come from the
same input file. A Multi-Band GeoTIFF output is indicated by appending the following
string: |MULTI_BAND_GEOTIFF:N, where N is the total number of bands in the
output GeoTIFF file. (Note the starting PIPE, | symbol). For example, a full line could
look as such: NUM_RUNS=3|MULTI_BAND_GEOTIFF:3 indicating 3 runs and a
total of 3 bands in the Multi-Band GeoTIFF output file.
Each conversion run listed in the parameter file must begin with the keyword BEGIN and
end with the keyword END. The parameters may be listed in any order between the
BEGIN and END keywords.
INPUT_FILENAME = input file name
The input file name may optionally contain a directory path. This field is required, since
much of the information required by the resample program does not come directly from

7-16 EED2-TP-030
the parameter file, but must be read from the input data file. An invalid file name will
generate an error.
OBJECT_NAME = name of grid
This field should contain the name of the grid exactly as it appears in the HDF-EOS file.
This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple grids in the same file.
FIELD_NAME = name of field
This field should contain the name of the grid field exactly as it appears in the HDF-EOS
file. This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple fields in the same grid.
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( int int ) or ( float float )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( int int ) or ( float float )
These are the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners for spatial subsetting.
Float values (containing a decimal point) indicate lat/lon values; integer values indicate
row/column pairs. If any value is float, then lat/lon will be assumed. In the case of
multi-resolution data sets, the highest resolution of any spectral band will be assumed for
row/column values. These fields are optional; by default, the entire input image will be
selected. Note that the spatial subsetting takes place in the input images space, not the
output image space.
The resampling type may be NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, NN, BILINEAR, BI, CUBIC,
CC, or CUBIC_CONVOLUTION. This field is optional; by default nearest neighbor
resampling will be used.
This field is required for processing. It can be "DEFAULT" or other supported ellipsoids
such as "WGS84", "WGS72", etc.
The output projection type may be GEOGRAPHIC, GEO, ALBERS,
UNIVERSAL_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR, UTM, or TM. This field is required.
This array contains the 15 output projection parameter values. This field is optional; by
default, all projection parameter values will be set to zero. (An exception is UTM: when
the first two UTM projection parameters are zero, the projection will default to the scene
center.) Projection parameter values are floating point; integer values will automatically
be converted to floating point. If there are fewer than 15 projection parameter values
specified, the remaining values will be set to zero. If there are more than 15 values
specified, the extra values will be ignored.

7-17 EED2-TP-030
UTM_ZONE = zone
When the output projection type is UTM, a UTM zone value may optionally be specified.
If present, the UTM zone overrides values specified in the output projection parameters
STP_ZONE = state plane zone number
The zone number of the corresponding state plane zone (see Appendix B for state plane
zone numbers). This field is only required when the output projection is state plane.
A single output pixel size may be specified in output projection units (typically meters).
This field is optional; by default, the output pixel size will be the same as the input pixel
size for the selected field.
OUTPUT_FILENAME = output file name
The output file name may optionally contain a directory path. This field is required. An
invalid file name will generate an error.
This field specifies the type of output the user has requested. The type may be GEO for
GeoTiff and Multi-Band GeoTIFF output, HDFEOS for HDF-EOS Grid output, or BIN
for raw binary output. This field is required.
BAND_NUMBER = band number
This field specifies the number of the 3rd dimension to convert. This field could be a
colon (:) separated list of values when creating a geotiff image. This would allow the
user to place multiple images in the same geotiff file. This field is optional.
BAND_NAME = band name
This field specifies the name of the 3rd dimension. This field is only mandatory when the
FOURTH_DIM field is used.
FOURTH_DIM = fourth dimension
This field specifies the 4th dimension (when possible) to use. This field is optional.
FOURTH_DIM_NAME = name of fourth dimension
This field specifies the name of the fourth dimension in the field dimension list. This
field is only mandatory when the FOURTH_DIM field is used.

7.4.3 Sample of a Parameter File for resample


7-18 EED2-TP-030
INPUT_FILENAME = /home/hdf/data/MOD09GHK.A2000238.hdf
FIELD_NAME = sur_refl_b01_1
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( -20.0 21.283409287 )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( -30.0 34.641291564 )
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
OUTPUT_PIXEL_SIZE = 14.99993594144807
OUTPUT_FILENAME = /home/out/data/newbin.bin

7.5 swtif
The swtif converter tool is used to read a Swath object from an HDF-EOS file and convert it to a
grid with all supported projections. Once converted the tool subsets the grid if the
from the default values (values that HEG displays after opening input HDF file or the grid corner
values determined by the tool for the whole swath ) by one pixel. The output then is written to a
GeoTIFF file. The swtif tool will also create HDF-EOS or Binary forms of the requested user
file. Note that if BINARY output is requested, the tool creates *.hdr and *.dat files. The *.hdr
file is an ASCII file that contains information about the output grid and *.dat is a binary file
containing field data. Please also note that a *.met file is created automatically. This file is an
ASCII file containing INVENTORY metadata that is written to the output HDF-EOS file. The
attributes in the INVENTORY metadata are a minimum set of attributes required by ECS. If the
required attributes exist in the input HDF-EOS files coremetadata section, they will be set in the
MCF file. The swtif tool will issue a warning for attributes not found in the input HDF file.

7.5.1 swtif Usage

The swtif program is run with the -P flag. For example, if the parameter file is named
MyParameter.prm. The command to run the swtif program would be:
swtif P MyParameter.prm

7.5.2 Parameter File Format

The parameter file consists of field-value pairs and comments. Comments begin with the #
character, and extend to the end of the line. Each field must begin on a new line, and may span
more than one line for convenience and readability. Fields may occur in any order. All field-
value tokens must be separated by white space (including the equals and parentheses symbols).

7-19 EED2-TP-030
NUM_RUNS = number of runs in file
The user may have a list of files to convert in the HEG GUI. The user may also want
several different types of conversions performed on the same swath field. This field
states how many conversions are requested in this parameter file. If the user is creating a
Multi-Band GeoTIFF, then all the runs (BEGIN/END pairs) are bands to be included in
the single Multi-Band GeoTIFF output. All the runs will be of output file type: Multi-
Band GeoTIFF. All objects processed for a Multi-Band GeoTIFF file must come from
the same input file. A Multi-Band GeoTIFF output is indicated by appending the
following string: |MULTI_BAND_GEOTIFF:N, where N is the total number of bands
in the output GeoTIFF file. (Note the starting PIPE, | symbol). For example, a full line
could look as such: NUM_RUNS=3|MULTI_BAND_GEOTIFF:3 indicating 3 runs
and a total of 3 bands in the Multi-Band GeoTIFF output file.
Each conversion run listed in the parameter file must begin with the keyword BEGIN and
end with the keyword END. The parameters may be listed in any order between the
BEGIN and END keywords.
INPUT_FILENAME = input file name
The input file name may optionally contain a directory path. This field is required, since
much of the information required by the swtif program does not come directly from the
parameter file, but must be read from the input data file. An invalid file name will
generate an error.
OBJECT_NAME = name of swath
This field should contain the name of the swath exactly as it appears in the HDF-EOS
file. This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple swaths in the same file.
FIELD_NAME = name of field|
This field should contain the name of the swath field exactly as it appears in the HDF-
EOS file. This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple fields in the same
swath. Note that name of field ends with a PIPE |. If it is left out the parameter file
will not be read correctly.
Output pixel size in x may be specified in output projection units (typically meters). By
default, the output pixel size will be the same as the input pixel size for the selected field
in the center of image.

7-20 EED2-TP-030
Output pixel size in y may be specified in output projection units (typically meters). By
default, the output pixel size will be the same as the input pixel size for the selected field
in the center of image.
BAND_NUMBER = band number
This field should contain the number for the desired band. Since the field data can be 3-
dimmensional, it is essential to read a 2-dimmensinal slice from the data field. If the input
field is 2-dimmension, this number will default to 1. If the user has requested multiple
images to appear in one geotiff file the band number will be a colon a colon (:) separated
list of values.
The resampling type may be NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, NN, BILINEAR, BI, CUBIC,
CC, or CUBIC_CONVOLUTION. This field is optional; by default nearest neighbor
resampling will be used.
This field is required for processing. It can be "DEFAULT" or other supported ellipsoids
such as "WGS84", "WGS72", etc.
The output projection type may be GEOGRAPHIC, GEO, ALBERS,
UNIVERSAL_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR, UTM, or TM. This field is required. For
ASTER L1B on can also use NO_REPROJECTION, which will produce a satellite-path
oriented UTM grid TIFF output.
This array contains the 15 output projection parameter values. This field is optional; by
default, all projection parameter values will be set to zero. (An exception is UTM: when
the first two UTM projection parameters are zero, the projection will default to the scene
center.) Projection parameter values are floating point; integer values will automatically
be converted to floating point. If there are fewer than 15 projection parameter values
specified, the remaining values will be set to zero. If there are more than 15 values
specified, the extra values will be ignored.
UTM_ZONE = zone
When the output projection type is UTM, a UTM zone value may optionally be specified.
If present, the UTM zone overrides values specified in the output projection parameters

7-21 EED2-TP-030
STP_ZONE = state plane zone number
The zone number of the corresponding state plane zone (see Appendix B for state plane
zone numbers). This field is only required when the output projection is state plane.
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( float float )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( float float )
These are the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners for spatial subsetting.
Float values (containing a decimal point) indicate lat/lon values. If these values differ by
one pixel from the default values that are used for creating the original grid from the
whole swath, the outputs will contain the subsetted grid..
OUTPUT_FILENAME = output file name
The output file name may optionally contain a directory path. This field is required. An
invalid file name will generate an error.
This field specifies the type of output the user has requested. The type may be GEO for
GeoTiff and Multi-Band GeoTIFF output, HDFEOS for HDF-EOS Grid output, or BIN
for raw binary output. This field is required.

7.5.3 An Example of a Parameter File for swtif


INPUT_FILENAME = /hdfdata/AST_L1B/pg-PR1B0000_001.hdf
FIELD_NAME = ImageData1|
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( 43.957176 -100.096085 )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( 43.26889 -99.035063 )
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
OUTPUT_FILENAME = /outdata/AST_L1B/pg-PR1B0000-VNIR_Swath.tif

7-22 EED2-TP-030
The subset_stitch_swath converter tool is used to read 1 or more similar swaths from HDF files,
convert them to grids with one of supported projection and stitch them together. During the
conversion the tool also performs subsetting using the user provided subset upper left and lower
right corner points (lat/lon) for the subset box. The output then is written to an HDF-EOS, TIFF,
or Binary file depending on users request. Note that if Binary output is requested the tool creates
*.hdr and *.dat files. The *.hdr file is an ASCII file that contains information about the output
grid and *.dat is a binary file containing field data. Please also note that a *.met file is created
automatically. This file is an ASCII file containing INVENTORY metadata that is written to the
output HDF-EOS file. The attributes in the INVENTORY metadata are a minimum set of
attributes required by ECS. If the required attributes exist in the input HDF-EOS files
coremetadata section, they will be set in the MCF file. The subset_stitch_swath tool will issue
warning for attributes not found in the input HDF-EOS file.

7.6.1 Program subset_stitch_swath Usage

The subset_stitch_swath program is run with the -p flag. For example, if the parameter file is
named MyParameter.prm. The command to run the subset_stitch_swath program would be:
subset_stitch_swath p MyParameter.prm
or if user do not want warnings when the granules to be stitched are too far apart:
subset_stitch_swath p MyParameter.prm A

7.6.2 Parameter File Format

The parameter file consists of field-value pairs and comments. Comments begin with the #
character, and extend to the end of the line. Each field must begin on a new line, and may span
more than one line for convenience and readability. Fields may occur in any order. All field-
value tokens must be separated by white space (including the equals and parentheses symbols).
Following is a sample of parameter file.
NUM_RUNS = number of runs in file
The user may have a list of files to convert in the HEG GUI. The user may also want to
stitch several different fields on the same swath. This field states how many stitchings
are requested in this parameter file.
Each conversion run listed in the parameter file must begin with the keyword BEGIN and
end with the keyword END. The parameters may be listed in any order between the
BEGIN and END keywords.

7-23 EED2-TP-030
NUMBER_INPUTFILES = number of files containing the swath fields to be stitched
This field is the number of files that contain the desired swath fields that to be stitched.
This number should agree with the number of files entered in the INPUT_FILENAMES
field. Note that if this number is one, and there is only one file name in the
INPUT_FILENAMES, only one field in the input file will be used for conversion.
INPUT_FILENAMES = input file names
The input file names may optionally contain a directory path. This field is required, since
much of the information required by the subset_stitch_swath program does not come
directly from the parameter files, but must be read from the input data file. An invalid
file name will generate an error. If more than one input file is entered they must be
separated by a PIPE |.
OUTPUT_FILENAME = output file name
The output file name. This field is required. An invalid file name will generate an error.
If user requests Binary instead of HDF-EOS file, the tool will generate *.hdr and *.dat
file names using this output file name.
OBJECT_NAME = name of swath
This field should contain the name of the swath exactly as it appears in the HDF-EOS
file. This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple swaths in the same file.
FIELD_NAME = name of field|
This field should contain the name of the swath field exactly as it appears in the HDF-
EOS file. This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple fields in the same
swath. Note that name of field ends with a PIPE |. If it is left out the parameter file
will not be read correctly.
OUTPUT_OBJECT_NAME = name of grid in the output file
This field should contain the name of the grid that will be created in the output HDF-EOS
file. The same name as in the OBJECT_NAME can be used for this field. This field is
required since HDF-EOS will require a grid name in the output file.
BAND_NUMBER = band number
This field should contain the number for the desired band. Since the field data can be 3-
dimmensional, it is essential to read a 2-dimmensinal slice from the data field. If the input
field is 2-dimmension, this number will default to 1. Note that the desired fields in all
input files must have the requested band number.
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( float float )

7-24 EED2-TP-030
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( float float )
These are the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners for spatial subsetting.
Float values (containing a decimal point) indicate lat/lon values. These fields are required
since the output grid will be created using these corner latitudes and longitudes.
OUTGRID_X_PIXELSIZE = pixel size along the X (longitude) axis of output grid
OUTGRID_Y_PIXELSIZE = pixel size along the Y (latitude) axis of output grid
These fields are in Decimal Degrees and are required since the tool uses them to find the
number of pixels in the output grid.
The resampling type may be NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, NN, BILINEAR, BI, CUBIC,
CC, or CUBIC_CONVOLUTION. Presently, only BI processing is available and always
resorts to this method.

This field is required for processing. It can be "DEFAULT" or other supported ellipsoids
such as "WGS84", "WGS72", etc.
The output projection type may be GEOGRAPHIC, GEO, ALBERS,
This field is required for processing. At the moment, the program resorts to using the
WGS84 Ellipsoid.
UTM_ZONE = utm number
When the output projection type is UTM, a UTM zone value may optionally be specified.
If present, the UTM zone overrides values specified in the output projection parameters
STP_ZONE = state plane zone number
The zone number of the corresponding state plane zone (see Appendix B for state plane
zone numbers). This field is only required when the output projection is state plane.
This array contains the 15 output projection parameter values. This field is optional; by
default, all projection parameter values will be set to zero. (An exception is UTM: when

7-25 EED2-TP-030
the first two UTM projection parameters are zero, the projection will default to the scene
center.) Projection parameter values are floating point; integer values will automatically
be converted to floating point. If there are fewer than 15 projection parameter values
specified, the remaining values will be set to zero. If there are more than 15 values
specified, the extra values will be ignored.
OUTPUT_STITCHED_FILENAME = name of output stitched file
This field is not used by the tool and will be removed in the future. User may use a
dummy name for this field.
This field should be YES or NO. Please use NO for this field. It will be removed from the
parameter file in the future.
This field specifies the type of output the user has requested. The type may be HDFEOS
for Hdf-Eos grid output, or BIN for raw binary output. This field is required.

7.6.3 An Example of a Parameter File for subset_stitch_swath


INPUT_FILENAMES = /hdfdata/AST_L1B/pg-PR1B0000-
FIELD_NAME = ImageData1|
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( 49.157685 -124.25158 )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( 47.930699 -122.852332 )
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
OUTPUT_FILENAME = /outdata/VNIR_Swath.tif
OUTPUT_STITCHED_FILENAME = /outdata/VNIR_Swath_stitched_.hdf

7-26 EED2-TP-030

7.7 Grid Subset/Stitch

The subset_stitch_grid converter tool is used to read 1 or more similar grids from HDF-EOS
files, stitch them together and then subset the stitched grid (if requested). The output then is
written to an HDF-EOS or Binary file depending on users request. Note that if Binary output is
requested the tool creates *.hdr and *.dat files. The *.hdr file is an ASCII file that contains
information about the output grid and *.dat is a binary file containing field data. Please also note
that a *.met file is created automatically. This file is an ASCII file containing INVENTORY
metadata that is written to the output HDF-EOS file. The attributes in the INVENTORY
metadata are a minimum set of attributes required by ECS. If the required attributes exist in the
input HDF files coremetadata section, they will be set in the MCF file. The subset_stitch_grid
tool will issue warning for attributes not found in the input HDF file.

7.7.1 Program subset_stitch_grid Usage

The subset_stitch_grid program is run with the -P flag. For example, if the parameter file is
named MyParameter.prm. The command to run the subset_stitch_grid program would be:
subset_stitch_grid P MyParameter.prm

7.7.2 Parameter File Format

The parameter file consists of field-value pairs and comments. Comments begin with the #
character, and extend to the end of the line. Each field must begin on a new line, and may span
more than one line for convenience and readability. Fields may occur in any order. All field-
value tokens must be separated by white space (including the equals and parentheses symbols).
Following is a sample of parameter file.
NUM_RUNS = number of runs in file
The user may have a list of files to convert in the HEG GUI. The user may also want to
stitch several different fields on the same grid. This field states how many stitchings are
requested in this parameter file.
Each conversion run listed in the parameter file must begin with the keyword BEGIN and
end with the keyword END. The parameters may be listed in any order between the
BEGIN and END keywords.
NUMBER_INPUTFILES = number of files containing the grid fields to be stitched
This field is the number of files that contain the desired grid fields that to be stitched.
This number should agree with the number of files entered in the INPUT_FILENAMES
field. Note that if this number is one, and there is only one file name in the
INPUT_FILENAMES, only one field in the input file will be used for conversion.

7-27 EED2-TP-030
INPUT_FILENAMES = input file names
The input file names may optionally contain a directory path. This field is required, since
much of the information required by the subset_stitch_grid program does not come
directly from the parameter files, but must be read from the input data file. An invalid
file name will generate an error. If more than one input file is entered they must be
separated by a PIPE |.
OUTPUT_FILENAME = output file name
The output subsetted file name. This field is required. An invalid file name will generate
an error. If user requests Binary instead of HDF-EOS file, the tool will generate *.hdr and
*.dat file names for the subsetted stitched grid using this output file name.
OBJECT_NAME = name of grid
This field should contain the name of the grid exactly as it appears in the HDF-EOS file.
This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple grids in the same file.
FIELD_NAME = name of field|
This field should contain the name of the grid field exactly as it appears in the HDF-EOS
file. This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple fields in the same grid.
Note that name of field ends with a PIPE |. If it is left out the parameter file will not
be read correctly.
OUTPUT_OBJECT_NAME = name of grid in the output file
This field should contain the name of the grid that will be created in the output HDF-EOS
file. The same name as in the OBJECT_NAME can be used for this field. This field is
required since HDF-EOS will require a grid name in the output file.
BAND_NUMBER = band number
This field should contain the number for the desired band. Since the field data can be
3-dimmensional, it is essential to read a 2-dimmensinal slice from the data field. If the
input field is 2-dimmension, this number will default to 1. Note that the desired fields in
all input files must have the requested band number.
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( float float )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( float float )
These are the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners for spatial subsetting.
Float values (containing a decimal point) indicate lat/lon values. These fields are required
since the output grid will be created using these corner latitudes and longitudes.

7-28 EED2-TP-030
OUTGRID_X_PIXELSIZE = pixel size along the X (longitude) axis of output grid
OUTGRID_Y_PIXELSIZE = pixel size along the Y (latitude) axis of output grid
These fields are in Decimal Degrees and are required. If 0.00 entered for the value, the
tool will use the pixel size from the first input file.
OUTPUT_STITCHED_FILENAME = name of output stitched file
This field is the name of the stitched output file that is created by stitching all grids. If
will be saved. If OUTPUT_TYPE is BIN and SAVE_STICHED_FILE is YES the file
name will be used to create *.hdr and *.dat for the stitched file.
The resampling type may be NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, NN, BILINEAR, BI, CUBIC,
CC, or CUBIC_CONVOLUTION. Presently, only BI processing is available and always
resorts to this method.
The output projection type may be GEOGRAPHIC, GEO, ALBERS,
This field is required for processing. It can be "DEFAULT" or other supported ellipsoids
such as "WGS84", "WGS72", etc.
UTM_ZONE = utm number
When the output projection type is UTM, a UTM zone value may optionally be specified.
If present, the UTM zone overrides values specified in the output projection parameters
STP_ZONE = state plane zone number
The zone number of the corresponding state plane zone (see Appendix B for state plane
zone numbers). This field is only required when the output projection is state plane.
This array contains the 15 output projection parameter values. This field is optional; by
default, all projection parameter values will be set to zero. (An exception is UTM: when
the first two UTM projection parameters are zero, the projection will default to the scene
center.) Projection parameter values are floating point; integer values will automatically
be converted to floating point. If there are fewer than 15 projection parameter values

7-29 EED2-TP-030
specified, the remaining values will be set to zero. If there are more than 15 values
specified, the extra values will be ignored.
This field should be YES or NO. If it is YES output stitched file will be saved in HDF-
EOS format or Binary depending on the OUTPUT_TYPE value.
This field specifies the type of outputs the user has requested. The type may be HDFEOS
for Hdf-Eos grid output, or BIN for raw binary output. This field is required.

7.7.3 An Example of a Parameter File for subset_stitch_grid


INPUT_FILENAMES = /hdfdata/MODIS/MOD09A1.A2001065.h28v04.003.
OBJECT_NAME = MOD_Grid_500m_Surface_Reflectance|
FIELD_NAME = sur_refl_b01|
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( 50.0 115.470971881 )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( 30.0 171.135399879 )
OUTPUT_OBJECT_NAME = MOD_Grid_500m_Surface_Reflectance|
OUTPUT_FILENAME = /outdata/MOD_Grid_500m_Surface_Reflectance.tif
OUTPUT_STITCHED_FILENAME = /outdata/MOD_Grid_500m_Surface_
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 )

7.8 Subsample_grid
The subsample_grid tool is used to perform subsampling on Grid data sets (i.e. MISR or

7-30 EED2-TP-030
7.8.1 Program subsample_grid Usage
The subsample_grid program is run with the -p flag. For example, if the parameter file is
named MyParameter.prm. The command to run the subset_stitch_grid program would be:
subsample_grid p MyParameter.prm

7.8.2 Parameter File Format

The parameter file consists of field-value pairs and comments. Comments begin with the #
character, and extend to the end of the line. Each field must begin on a new line, and may span
more than one line for convenience and readability. Fields may occur in any order. All field-
value tokens must be separated by white space (including the equals and parentheses symbols).
Following is a sample of parameter file.
NUM_RUNS = number of runs in file
The user may have a list of files to convert in the HEG GUI. The user may also want to
subsample several different fields on the same grid. This field states how many
subsamplings are requested in this parameter file.
Each conversion run listed in the parameter file must begin with the keyword BEGIN and
end with the keyword END. The parameters may be listed in any order between the
BEGIN and END keywords.
INPUT_FILENAME = input file name
The input file name may optionally contain a directory path. This field is required, since
much of the information required by the swtif program does not come directly from the
parameter file, but must be read from the input data file. An invalid file name will
generate an error.
OUTPUT_FILENAME = output HDF file name
The output subsetted HDF file name. This field is required. An invalid file name will
generate an error. If user requests BINARY instead of HDFEOS file, the tool will
generate *.hdr and *.dat file names for the subsetted stitched grid using this output file
OBJECT_NAME = name of grid
This field should contain the name of the grid exactly as it appears in the HDF-EOS file.
This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple grids in the same file.
FIELD_NAME = name of field|
This field should contain the name of the grid field exactly as it appears in the HDF-EOS
file. This field is required since HDF-EOS files allow multiple fields in the same grid.

7-31 EED2-TP-030
Note that name of field ends with a PIPE |. If it is left out the parameter file will not
be read correctly.
OBJECT_TYPE=object type
This field identifies the type of input data set from which the input field originates. If the
input data set is a MISR data set, then object type is MISRGRID. If its a MODIS data
set, then the object type is GRID.
BAND_NUMBER = band number
This field should contain the number for the desired band. Since the field data can be 3-
dimmensional, it is essential to read a 2-dimmensinal slice from the data field. If the input
field is 2-dimmension, this number will default to 1. Note that the desired fields in all
input files must have the requested band number.
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( float float )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( float float )
These are the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners for spatial subsetting.
Float values (containing a decimal point) indicate lat/lon values. These fields are required
since the output grid will be created using these corner latitudes and longitudes.
The resampling type may be NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, NN, BILINEAR, BI,
CUBIC_CONVOLUTION, CUBIC, or CC. Presently, only BI processing is available
and always resorts to this method.
The output projection type may be GEOGRAPHIC, GEO, ALBERS,
MISR can be reprojected. Output from MODIS data sets will retain data in their original
This field is required for processing. At the moment, the program resorts to using the
WGS84 Ellipsoid.
UTM_ZONE = utm number
When the output projection type is UTM, a UTM zone value may optionally be specified.
If present, the UTM zone overrides values specified in the output projection parameters

7-32 EED2-TP-030
This array contains the 15 output projection parameter values. This field is optional; by
default, all projection parameter values will be set to zero. (An exception is UTM: when
the first two UTM projection parameters are zero, the projection will default to the scene
center.) Projection parameter values are floating point; integer values will automatically
be converted to floating point. If there are fewer than 15 projection parameter values
specified, the remaining values will be set to zero. If there are more than 15 values
specified, the extra values will be ignored.
A single output pixel size, in the X (column) direction, may be specified in output
projection units (meters). This field is optional; by default, the output pixel size will be
the same as the input pixel size for the selected field determined by the HDF-EOS data
A single output pixel size, in the Y (column) direction, may be specified in output
projection units (meters). This field is optional; by default, the output pixel size will be
the same as the input pixel size for the selected field determined by the HDF-EOS data
A single output pixel size may be specified in output projection units (typically meters).
This field is optional; by default, the output pixel size will be the same as the input pixel
size for the selected field.
This field specifies the type of outputs the user has requested. The type may be HDFEOS
for Hdf-Eos grid output. This is the only type allowed for subsampling. This field is
N_SUBSAMPLES=number of subsample (int)
This field indicates the number of subsamples output in the HDFEOS data set. Basically,
they can be stacked inside the HDFEOS data set.
X_START = x_start (int)
Y_START=y_start (int)
These fields indicate the starting X and Y positions in the field that subsampling is
performed. A : is used to separate values for multiple subsamples.

7-33 EED2-TP-030
X_STRIDE=x_stride (int)
Y_STRIDE=y_stride (int)
These fields indicate the strides that data will be subsampled in the X and Y directions. A
: is used to separate values for multiple subsamples.

7.8.3 Example Parameter Files for subsample_grid

The following is an example of a parameter file for subsampling a MODIS (MOD09GHK) data


FIELD_NAME = sur_refl_b02_1|
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( -20.0 21.283409287 )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( -30.0 34.641291564 )
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 )
OUTPUT_FILENAME = /net/cpradera/MODIS_test/MOD09GHK_subsample_test_a.hdf
X_START = 0:0:0:0
Y_START = 0:0:0:0
X_STRIDE = 2:3:4:5
Y_STRIDE = 3:6:5:10

The following is an example of a parameter file for subsampling a MISR (ELLIPSOID) data set:



7-34 EED2-TP-030
FIELD_NAME = Blue Radiance/RDQI|
SPATIAL_SUBSET_UL_CORNER = ( 17.0 -126.0 )
SPATIAL_SUBSET_LR_CORNER = ( 16.0 -119.0 )
OUTPUT_PROJECTION_PARAMETERS = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 )
OUTPUT_FILENAME = /net/cpradera/MISR_test/MISR_ELLIPSOID_abe_subsample_a.hdf
X_START = 3:8
Y_START = 8:3
X_STRIDE = 1:1
Y_STRIDE = 1:1

7-35 EED2-TP-030
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7-36 EED2-TP-030
8. Batch Processing

Since the early releases of the HEG tool users were trying to process many granules of the same
product using batch scripts. This task was challenging to some users especially in Windows DOS
environment. Though we had provided users some sample batch scripts for UNIX/LINUX and
Windows platforms in our HEG web site, still for some the use of script was a difficult task.
Therefore, with this release the HEG was enhanced adding batch run as an option to the HEG

8.1 Introduction
With the previous release of The HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool (HEG), Version 2.13,
the tool allows the option of running batch jobs internally after opening just one file in HEG GUI
for parameters setup. Figure 8-1 shows the file selection menu for batch processing

Figure 8-1. Selection of Batch Process in HEG GUI

After opening input file and GUI setup, user can click "Accept" and "Batch Run" buttons to run
the internal batch scripts, or user can click on "Accept" and "Save" buttons to create a template
parameter file that can be used later with included batch scripts or user-written scripts for a batch

8.2 Usage
The batch processing can be done using HEG GUI or on command line.

8.2.1 Batch Initiation from GUI

All input files for the same product that will be processed using batch process must be put in one
directory. To set up a relevant template parameter file for batch processing one of the input files
should be opened in File menu using "File Open Sample Hdf-Eos, Hdf-Eos5, or SMAP
HDF5 for Multi-Granule Batch Process. After opening the input file user can select needed
options for output. Setting of the subset lat/lon box needs more attention.

8-1 EED2-TP-030
If all granules to be processed are for the same region then user can set subset lat/lon box to full
image (the default value) or any acceptable subset box (user may use the field image, activated
by clicking on Field Image for Subset Selection button, for subset selection of grids).
However, if the granules are for different areas then the subset box must be set to its maximum
extent (90, -180) for Upper-left corner and (-90, 180) for Lower-right corner. Otherwise HEG
may fail for some granules since subset area may fall out of the input image area. Please note
that even if you set the subset box to whole earth, for each granule HEG will adjust the subset
area in such a way that area is the default area for that granule.
After clicking on "Batch Run" button a status window will pups up and show HEG processing of
files one after another.
Please note that if output file is HDF, user may select more that one field or band before clicking
on "Batch Run" button. This can be accomplished by setting GUI fields for a different field or
band after clicking "Accept". However, for GeoTIFF output the process cannot be done for
more than one field or band since the output file names will be the same and this will fail
any run after the first one for the same input file. See section 8.2.2 for processing more an
one field or band in each granule.

8.2.2 Command Line Usage

Users can also run self-written shell scripts (or those in the HEG's bin directory) from command
line for batch processing. To do this first user needs to create a directory and put all input files,
that are needed to be processed for the same product, in that directory. Next user needs to
prepare a template parameter file. The easiest way probably is using the HEG GUI as directed in
section 8.2.1. This time user should click "Save" after clicking on "Accept" button. A file
selection window (as in Figure 5-2) would appear allowing the user to select a name for the
template parameter file. It is recommended that the parameter file is put in a directory other than
where the input hdf files are. Also user may want to edit this parameter file, adding new runs or
modifying output file names or correcting other fields if they are not right. Next step will be
writing a shell script or modifying the existing ones in the HEG's bin directory. Once the shell
script is ready user should put it in the HEG's bin directory, set a few environment variables (see
HEG script for needed environment variable in Unix/Linux platforms, and HEGTool.bat for
windows platforms), and run it from there.
The pre-existing scripts accept 4 inputs on command line:
> Script <input directory path> <output directory path> <input template parameter file> <Type
of Object>
where Type of object is
SWATH if the input object is swath
GRID if the input object is grid
MISRGRID if the input object is grid in MISR stacked product
In this version of HEG we have <output directory path> =<input directory path>/HEGOUT

8-2 EED2-TP-030
Here is an example:
If we want to process MOD021K product files that contain swath object, the input files are in
/home/user/data, and the template parameter file is /home/user/data/parms/MOD021k.prm, then
we should have
> HEG_Batch_Tool_Unix /home/user/data /home/user/data/parmsMOD021k.prm SWATH

Windows DOS:
If we want to process SMAP L3 HDF5 grid product files that contain EASE2 grids, the input
files are in C:\data\SMAP, and the template parameter file is
C:\data\SMAP\parm\SMAP_FTA_Template.prm, then we should have
>Win_Batch_Script_Windows.bat C:\data\SMAP C:\data\Smap\parm\ SMAP_FTA_Template.prm GRID

8-3 EED2-TP-030
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8-4 EED2-TP-030
9. Output Data Formats

The HEG tool can be used to produce five output file types depending on input file types:
GeoTIFF, HDF-EOS, HDF-EOS5, HDF5 and binary.

Input File Type Output File Type





SMAP HDF5 L3/L4 Files

GeoTIFF output is input to ARCView, ERDAS and ENVI applications. HDF-EOS is assessable
to ENVI and through the standard HDF-EOS library interface. In this section, we will describe
only the binary output, which will require custom software to access.

9.1 Raw Binary File Description

The HDF-EOS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool (HEG) allows the option of creating a binary data
file when input is HDF4 based HDF-EOS. Since the binary file is not self-describing an
associated ASCII data file is created which describes the raw binary file (Section 9.2).

91.1 Binary File Description

The binary file is written in the most basic form possible. The input table (or field) is read in one
row at a time. That row of data is then written out to the binary file, using fwrite(), before the
next row is read in to memory. Below is a pseudo-code illustration of the algorithm used to
write the raw binary file.

dataSize = size, in bytes, of datatype in table

dataBuf = calloc(dataSize, numberColumns);

For (loop = 0; loop < numberRows; loop++)

9-1 EED2-TP-030
dataBuf = readARowOfData();

9.1.2 Header File

To correctly read the binary file the user must interpret the ASCII header file. An example of a
header file is provided below:

0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000
0.000000000 0.000000000 0.000000000 )


UL_CORNER_LATLON = ( -20.000031960 21.283705445 )

UR_CORNER_LATLON = ( -20.000031960 21.533970810 )
LL_CORNER_LATLON = ( -20.208365627 21.283705445 )
LR_CORNER_LATLON = ( -20.208365627 21.533970810 )

# UL_CORNER_XY = ( 21.283705445 -20.000031960 )

# UR_CORNER_XY = ( 21.533970810 -20.000031960 )
# LL_CORNER_XY = ( 21.283705445 -20.208365627 )
# LR_CORNER_XY = ( 21.533970810 -20.208365627 )

# UL_GRING_LATLON = ( -20.000031960 21.283705445 )

# UR_GRING_LATLON = ( -20.000031960 21.505410710 )
# LL_GRING_LATLON = ( -20.208365627 21.312055369 )
# LR_GRING_LATLON = ( -20.208365627 21.534055946 )

BANDNAMES = ( sur_refl_b01_1 )
NLINES = ( 51 )
NSAMPLES = ( 61 )
PIXEL_SIZE = ( 15.00 )
MIN_VALUE = ( -100 )
MAX_VALUE = ( 16000 )
BACKGROUND_FILL = ( -28672 )
# SCALE_FACTOR = ( 10000.000000 )
# OFFSET = ( 0.000000 )

9-2 EED2-TP-030
All lines that begin with the pound sign (#) are comment lines. The remaining lines are
described below.
PROJECTION_TYPE = projection type
This parameter contains the projection of the binary file.
This parameter contains the projection parameters of the binary file.
UL_CORNER_LATLON = ( latitude value longitude value )
This parameter contains the latitude and longitude of the upper left corner of the binary
data file.
UR_CORNER_LATLON = ( latitude value longitude value )
This parameter contains the latitude and longitude of the upper right corner of the binary
data file.
LL_CORNER_LATLON = ( latitude value longitude value )
This parameter contains the latitude and longitude of the lower left corner of the binary
data file.
LR_CORNER_LATLON = ( latitude value longitude value )
This parameter contains the latitude and longitude of the lower right corner of the binary
data file.
NBANDS = number of bands
This parameter contains the number of bands written to the output data file. Each band is
written to a separate binary data file, and the band name of each band is used in the
output name of the data file.
BANDNAMES = ( band name1, band name2, band nameN )
This parameter contains the field name(s) that were written to the binary files. There
should be nbands values in the list.
DATA_TYPE = ( hdf data type1, hdf data type2, hdf data typen )
This parameter contains the HDF data types that were written in each of the binary files.
There should be nbands values in the list.
NLINES = ( number of lines1, number of lines2, number of linesN )
This parameter contains the number of rows written in each of the binary files. There
should be nbands values in the list.

9-3 EED2-TP-030
NSAMPLES = ( number of samples1, number of samples2, number of samplesn )
This parameter contains the number of columns written in each of the binary files. There
should be nbands values in the list.
PIXEL_SIZE = ( pixel size1, pixel size2, pixel sizen )
This parameter contains the pixel sizes written in each of the binary files. There should
be nbands values in the list.
MIN_VALUE = ( minimum value1, minimum value2, minimum valuen )
This parameter contains the minimum data values written in each of the binary files.
There should be nbands values in the list.
MAX_VALUE = ( maximum value1, maximum value2, maximum valuen )
This parameter contains the maximum data values written in each of the binary files.
There should be nbands values in the list.
BACKGROUND_FILL = ( fill value1, fill value2, fill valuen )
This value contains the data fill values written in each of the binary files. There should
be nbands values in the list.

9.1.3 Reading the Binary File

Once the user has a grasp on the header file reading the binary file is quite simple. An example
of reading the binary file described in the above header file is provided here:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "hdf.h"

#define ROWS 51 /* NLINES */

#define COLS 61 /* NSAMPLES */

int main ()
char *fileName = /home/binary/data/bintest.sur_refl_b01_1.dat";
FILE *fp;
int rows;
int cols;
int dataSize;
int16 *dataBuf;
size_t amountRead;

fp = fopen(fileName,"rb");

9-4 EED2-TP-030
if (fp == (FILE *) NULL)
printf("Error: unable to open input file - %s\n",fileName);

dataSize = DFKNTsize(DFNT_INT16);
dataBuf = (int16 *) calloc(COLS,dataSize);
if (dataBuf == (int16 *) NULL)
printf("Error: unable to allocate memory for dataBuf - bytes needed - %d\n",
(int) (COLS * dataSize));

for (rows = 0; rows < ROWS; rows++)

amountRead = fread((void *) dataBuf,(size_t) dataSize, (size_t) COLS, fp);
if (amountRead == COLS)
int16 *temBuf = dataBuf;

for (cols = 0; cols < COLS; cols++)

printf("%d ", (int) (temBuf+cols));
printf("Error: data read problem - (amount read, should be) - (%d, %d)\n",
(int) amountRead, (int) COLS);

return 0;

9-5 EED2-TP-030
9.2 ASCII Metadata
The following is an example of a filled in template for an ASCII metadata file. This file is
created by the HEG tool and is attached to output HDF-EOS files as an HDF global attribute.

GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass
OBJECT = ShortName
Data_Location = "PGE"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = ShortName
OBJECT = VersionID
Data_Location = "PGE"
Value = 1
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass
GROUP = ECSDataGranule
OBJECT = SizeMBECSDataGranule
Data_Location = "DSS"
Mandatory = "FALSE"
OBJECT = LocalGranuleID
Data_Location = "PGE"
Value = "AST_06V#002042820011613570000000.hdf"
Mandatory = "FALSE"
END_OBJECT = LocalGranuleID
OBJECT = ProductionDateTime
Data_Location = "TK"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = ProductionDateTime
END_GROUP = ECSDataGranule
GROUP = PGEVersionClass

9-6 EED2-TP-030
Data_Location = "PGE"
Value = "2.5.5"
Mandatory = "FALSE"
END_GROUP = PGEVersionClass
GROUP = SingleDateTime
OBJECT = TimeofDay
Data_Location = "PGE"
Value = "16:13:57.869000"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = TimeofDay
OBJECT = CalendarDate
Data_Location = "PGE"
Value = "2001-04-28"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = CalendarDate
END_GROUP = SingleDateTime
GROUP = RangeDateTime
OBJECT = RangeEndingTime
Data_Location = "PGE"
Value = "18:40:00.000000"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = RangeEndingTime
OBJECT = RangeEndingDate
Data_Location = "PGE"
Value = "2001-03-03"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = RangeEndingDate
OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime
Data_Location = "PGE"
Value = "18:35:00.000000"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime

9-7 EED2-TP-030
OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate
Data_Location = "PGE"
Value = "2001-03-03"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate
END_GROUP = RangeDateTime
GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer
GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer
GROUP = BoundingRectangle
OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate
Data_Location = "PGE"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
VALIDRULE = "Range(-180.0,+180.0)"
END_OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate
OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate
Data_Location = "PGE"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
VALIDRULE = "Range(-90.0,+90.0)"
END_OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate
OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate
Data_Location = "PGE"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
VALIDRULE = "Range(-180.0,+180.0)"
END_OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate
OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate
Data_Location = "PGE"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
VALIDRULE = "Range(-90.0,+90.0)"
END_OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate
END_GROUP = BoundingRectangle
END_GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer
END_GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer
GROUP = InputGranule
OBJECT = InputPointer
Data_Location = "PGE"

9-8 EED2-TP-030
Value = ("LGID:AST_L1A:002:ASTL1A 0103021936190103130134")
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = InputPointer
END_GROUP = InputGranule

GROUP = AdditionalAttributes
OBJECT = AdditionalAttributesContainer
Data_Location = "NONE"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
OBJECT = AdditionalAttributeName
Data_Location = "PGE"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = AdditionalAttributeName
GROUP = InformationContent
OBJECT = ParameterValue
Data_Location = "PGE"
Mandatory = "TRUE"
END_OBJECT = ParameterValue
END_GROUP = InformationContent
END_OBJECT = AdditionalAttributesContainer
END_GROUP = AdditionalAttributes

GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor
OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer
CLASS = "1"
Data_Location = "NONE"
Mandatory = "FALSE"
OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName
Data_Location = "PGE"
CLASS = "1"
Mandatory = "FALSE"

9-9 EED2-TP-030
END_OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName
OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName
Data_Location = "PGE"
CLASS = "1"
Mandatory = "FALSE"
END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName
OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName
Data_Location = "PGE"
CLASS = "1"
Mandatory = "FALSE"
END_OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName
END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer
END_GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor



Following is another example of ASCII metadata file created with ASTER L1B swath







9-10 EED2-TP-030

VALUE = "2004-09-17T19:08:16.000Z"



VALUE = "03.00R02"



VALUE = "155308030000Z"

VALUE = "20020503"





9-11 EED2-TP-030







VALIDRULE = "Range(-180.0,+180.0)"
VALUE = -77.488089

VALIDRULE = "Range(-90.0,+90.0)"
VALUE = 39.131487

VALIDRULE = "Range(-180.0,+180.0)"
VALUE = -76.498469

VALIDRULE = "Range(-90.0,+90.0)"
VALUE = 38.474253


9-12 EED2-TP-030



VALUE = "AST_L1BE_003050320021553080000000"



CLASS = "1"

CLASS = "1"

CLASS = "1"

CLASS = "1"
VALUE = "1"



CLASS = "2"

CLASS = "2"

9-13 EED2-TP-030
CLASS = "2"

CLASS = "2"
VALUE = "1"



CLASS = "3"

CLASS = "3"

CLASS = "3"

CLASS = "3"
VALUE = "1"





VALUE = "AM-1"


9-14 EED2-TP-030



CLASS = "1"

CLASS = "1"

CLASS = "1"
VALUE = -20.654000

CLASS = "1"
VALUE = "2002-05-03T15:52:57Z"




VALUE = 9.818777

VALUE = 140.556708


9-15 EED2-TP-030
VALUE = 61.909232





NUM_VAL = 13
VALUE = (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)

VALUE = "WGS 1984"

VALUE = 18



VALUE = "Nearest neighbor resampling"

VALUE = 5622

9-16 EED2-TP-030
VALUE = 4987

VALUE = (284937.415469, 4334316.023925)

VALUE = (369286.756930, 4259500.068986)

VALUE = "Meters"


VALUE = 15.003440

VALUE = 15.002197

VALUE = "Meters"






9-17 EED2-TP-030
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9-18 EED2-TP-030
Appendix A. List of Supported Products

The HDFEOS products listed below have been successfully tested with the HDFEOS to GeoTiff
Conversion Tool (HEG). Additional products will be added to this list as they are released to the
public and tested.

Note that there may be additional products which have not yet been tested, but which are
supported by HEG due to their similarities to products below. Please contact the HEG
development team if you encounter problems using HEG with the data products below or with
any similar products.

MISR Products: (versions 1, 2, and 3, unless specified differently)

Level 1B (version 2, unless specified differently)

MI1B2E (versions 1, 2, 3) = MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid projected Top of Atmosphere (TOA) radiance
MI1B2EP (version 1) = MISR Level 1B2 Ellipsoid projected Top of Atmosphere (TOA) radiance
MI1B2T (versions 1, 2, 3) = MISR Level 1B2 Terrain projected TOA radiance
MI1B2TP (version 1) = MISR Level 1B2 Terrain projected TOA radiance
MIB2GEOP = MISR Geometric Parameters
MB2LME = MISR Level-1B2 Local Mode Ellipsoid-projected Radiance
MB2LMT = MISR Level-1B2 Local Mode Terrain-projected Radiance

Level 2
MIL2ASLS (version 1, 2) = MISR Level 2 Land Surface Data
MIL2ASAE(version 1, 2) = MISR Level 2 Aerosol Data
MIL2TCAF (version 1) = MISR Level 2 First Look TOA/Cloud Albedo Data
MIL2TCAL (version 1, 2) = MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Albedo Data
MIL2ASAF (version 1) = MISR Level 2 First Look Aerosol Data
MIL2ASLF (version 1) ) = MISR Level 2 First Look Surface Data
MIL2TCCF (version 1) = MISR Level 2 First Look TOA/Cloud Classifiers
MIL2TCCL (version 3) = MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Classifiers
MIL2TCSF (version 1) = MISR Level 2 First Look TOA/Cloud Stereo
MIL2TCST (version 2) = MISR Level 2 TOA/Cloud Stereo
MIRCCM (version 4) = MISR Level 2TC RCCM
MIRCCMF (version 1) = MISR Level 2 First Look RCCM

Level 3 (version 1, 2, 3, unless specified differently)

MIL3MRD (versions 1, 2, 3, 5) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Product covering a month
MIL3QRD (versions 1, 2, 3, 5) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Product covering a quarter (seasonal)
MIL3YRD (versions 1, 2, 3, 5) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Radiance Product covering a year
MIL3MAE (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Product covering a month
MIL3QAE (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Product covering a quarter (seasonal)
MIL3YAE(versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Product covering a year
MIL3MLS (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Product covering a month
MIL3QLS (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Product covering a quarter (seasonal)
MIL3YLS (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Product covering a year
MIL3DRD (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = MISR Level 3 Component Radiance Land Product covering a day
MIL3DAE (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Aerosol Product covering a day

A-1 EED2-TP-030
MIL3DLS (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = MISR Level 3 Component Global Land Product covering a day
MIL3DAE (versions 1, 2) = Component Global Aerosol Product covering a day
MIL3DAL (version 6) = Component Global Albedo Product covering a day
MIL3DCLD (versions 1, 2) = Component Global Cloud Product covering a day
MIL3DLS (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = Component Global Land Surface Product covering a day
MIL3DRD (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = Component Global Georectified Radiance Product covering a day
MIL3MAE (versions 1, 2) = Component Global Aerosol Product covering a month
MIL3MAL (version 6) = Component Global Albedo Product covering a month
MIL3MCLD (version 2) = Component Global Cloud Product covering a month
MIL3MLS (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = Component Global Land Surface Product covering a month
MIL3MRD (versions 1, 2, 3, 5) = Component Global Georectified Radiance Product covering a month
MIL3QAE (versions 1, 2) = Component Global Aerosol Product covering a quarter (seasonal)
MIL3QAL (version 6) = Component Global Albedo Product covering a quarter (seasonal)
MIL3QCLD (version 2) = Component Global Cloud Product covering a quarter (seasonal)
MIL3QLS (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = Component Global Land Surface Product covering a quarter (seasonal)
MIL3QRD (versions 1, 2, 3, 5) = Component Global Georectified Radiance Product covering a quarter (seasonal)
MIL3YAE (versions 1, 2) = Component Global Aerosol Product covering a year
MIL3YAL (version 6) = Component Global Albedo Product covering a year
MIL3YLS (versions 1, 2, 3, 4) = Component Global Land Surface Product covering a year
MIL3YRD (versions 1, 2, 3, 5) = Component Global Georectified Radiance Product covering a year
MI3DAER(version 2) = Component Global Aerosol Regional Product
MI3DALF (version 2) = Component Global Albedo Product
MI3DCDF (version 2) = Component Global Cloud Product
MI3DLSF (version 2) = Component Global Land Surface Product
MI3DLSR (version 2) = Component Global Land Regional Product
MI3DRDF(version 2) = Component Global Georectified Radiance Product
MI3DRDR (version 2) = Component Global Radiance Regional Product
MI3MAER (version 2) = Component Global Aerosol Regional Product
MI3MALF (version 2) = Component Global Albedo Product
MI3MCDF (version 2) = Component Global Cloud Product
MI3MLSF (version 2) = Component Global Land Surface Product
MI3MLSR (version 2) = Component Global Land Regional Product
MI3MRDF (version 2) = Component Global Georectified Radiance Product
MI3MRDR (version 2) = Component Global Radiance Regional Product
MISR_HR_TIP = MISR SOM grid with Unstacked blocks
MISR_HR_RPV = MISR SOM grid with Unstacked blocks
MISR_HR_BRF = MISR SOM grid with Unstacked blocks

Static Ancillary Products

MIANTASC = MISR Terrestrial Atmosphere and Surface Climatology

ASTER Products: (versions 2 and 3, unless specified differently)

Level 1B
AST_L1B = ASTER Level 1B Registered Radiance at Sensor
AST_L1BE = ASTER Level 1B Registered Radiance at Sensor (version 3)

Level 2
AST_04 = ASTER On-Demand L2 Brightness Temperature at the Sensor
AST_05 = ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Emissivity
AST_06V = ASTER L2 Decorrelation Stretch VNIR
AST_06S = ASTER L2 Decorrelation Stretch SWIR
AST_06T = ASTER L2 Decorrelation Stretch TIR

A-2 EED2-TP-030
AST_07 = ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Reflectance SWIR and VNIR
AST_08 = ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Kinetic Temperature
AST_09 = ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Radiance SWIR and VNIR
AST_09T = ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Radiance TIR
AST_07XT = ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Reflectance VNIR
AST_09XT = ASTER On-Demand L2 Surface Radiance VNIR

ASTER Level 3 DEM Product

AST14DEM = ASTER Digital Elevation Model (version 2)

MODIS Products: (versions 3, 4, and 5, unless specified differently)

Note: For many MODIS/Terra products shown below (e.g., MOD10A1), the corresponding MODIS/Aqua product (e.g.,
MYD10A1) has not been formally tested with HEG, but is likely to work. Please contact the HEG development team if you
find problems with HEG processing of MODIS/Aqua data products, which are similar to the supported MODIS/Terra
products below.

Level 1
MOD021KM = MODIS/Terra Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 1km
MOD02HKM = MODIS/Terra Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 500m
MOD02QKM = MODIS/Terra Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 250m
MOD03 = MODIS/Terra Geolocation Fields 5-Min L1A Swath 1km

Level 2 MODIS Oceans

MODOCL2 (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color Radiance Products 5-Min L2 Swath 1km Day
MODOCL2A (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color Derived Products Group 1 5-Min L2 Swath 1km
MODOCL2B (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color Derived Products Group 2 5-Min L2 Swath 1km
MODOCQC (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color QC Products 5-Min L2 Swath 1km Day
MOD28L2 = MODIS/Terra Sea Surface Temperature Products 5-Min L2 Swath 1km
MOD28QC = MODIS/Terra Sea Surface Temperature QC Products 5-Min L2 Swath 1km

Level 2 MODIS Atmosphere and Land

MOD04_L2 = MODIS/Terra Aerosol 5-Min L2 Swath 10km
MOD05_L2 = MODIS/Terra Total Precipitable Water Vapor 5-Min L2 Swath 1km and 5km
MOD06_L2 = MODIS/Terra Clouds 5-Min L2 Swath 1km and 5km
MOD07_L2 = MODIS Temperature and Water Vapor Profile Product
MOD09GQK (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 250m SIN Grid
MOD09GHK (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 500m SIN Grid
MOD09GST (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Quality Daily L2G Global 1km SIN Grid
MOD09GA (version 5) = MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global1 km and 500m
MYD09GA (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global1 km and 500m
MOD09GQ (version 5) = MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 250m
MYD09GQ (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 250m
MOD10_L2 (version 5) = MODIS/Terra Snow Cover 5-Min L2 Swath 500m
MYD10_L2 (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover 5-Min L2 Swath 500m
MOD11_L2 (versions 3, 4, 5, 41) = MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity 5-Min L2 Swath 1km
MYD11_L2 (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity 5-Min L2 Swath 1km
MOD29 (version 5) = MODIS/Terra Sea Ice Extent 5-Min L2 Swath 1km
MOD35_L2 = MODIS/Terra Cloud Mask and Spectral Test Results 5-Min L2 Swath 250m and 1km
MOD04_3K = MODIS Terra Near Real Time NRT Level 2 aerosol product
MyD04_3K = MODIS Aqua Near Real Time NRT Level 2 aerosol product

A-3 EED2-TP-030
MOD09_L2 = MODIS Terra Level 2 surface reflectance
MYD09_L2 = MODIS Aqua Level 2 surface reflectance

Level 3
MOD08_D3 (version 51) = MODIS/Terra Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone Daily L3 Global 1Deg CMG
MOD08_E3 (version 51) = MODIS/Terra Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone 8-Day L3 Global 1Deg CMG
MOD08_M3 (version 51) = MODIS/Terra Aerosol Cloud Water Vapor Ozone Monthly L3
Global 1Deg CMG

MOD09A1 = MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 500m SIN Grid

MYD09A1 (version 4, 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 500m SIN
MOD09Q1 = MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid
MYD09Q1 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid
MOD09CMG (version 5) MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG

MOD10A1 (version 5) = MODIS/Terra Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 500m SIN Grid
MYD10A1 (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 500m SIN Grid
MOD10A2(version 5) = MODIS/Terra Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 500m SIN Grid
MYD10A2 (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 500m SIN Grid
MOD10C1 (version 5) = MODIS/Terra Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG
MYD10C1 (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG
MOD10C2 (version 5) = MODIS/Terra Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG
MYD10C2 (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG
MOD10CM (version 5) = MODIS/Terra Snow Cover Climate Modeling Grid (CMG), Monthly Level 3 Global Product at
0.05Deg Resolution
MYD10CM (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover Climate Modeling Grid (CMG), Monthly Level 3 Global Product at
0.05Deg Resolution
MYD10CMG (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover Climate Modeling Grid (CMG), Monthly Level 3 Global Product at
0.05Deg Resolution

MOD11A1 (versions 3, 4, 5, 41) = MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MYD11A1 (versions 4, 5, 41) = MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity Daily L3
Global 1km SIN Grid
MOD11A2 (versions 3, 4, 5, 41) = MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity 8-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MYD11A2 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity 8-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MOD11B1 (versions 5, 41) = MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily L3 Global 5 km Grid SIN
MYD11B1 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily L3 Global 5 km Grid SIN
MOD11C1 (versions 5, 41 only) = MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MYD11C1 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Daily L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MOD11C2 (versions 5, 41 only) = MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity 8-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MYD11C2 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity 8-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MOD11C3 (versions 5, 41 only) = MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Monthly L3 Global 0.05Deg
MYD11C3 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Monthly L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG

MOD13A1 = MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 500m SIN Grid

MYD13A1 (versions 4, 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 500m SIN
MOD13A2 = MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MYD13A2 (versions 4, 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 1km SIN
MOD13A3(version 5 only) = Vegetation Indices Monthly L3 Global 1km

A-4 EED2-TP-030
MYD13A3(version 5 only) = Vegetation Indices Monthly L3 Global 1km
MOD13C1(version 5 only) = Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MYD13C1(version 5 only) = Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MOD13Q1 = MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid
MYD13Q1 (versions 4,5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 250m SIN

MOD14A1 = MODIS/Terra Thermal Anomalies/Fire Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid

MYD14A1 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Thermal Anomalies/Fire Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MOD14A2 = MODIS/Terra Thermal Anomalies/Fire 8-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MYD14A2 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Thermal Anomalies/Fire 8-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid

MOD15A2 = MODIS/Terra Leaf Area Index/FPAR 8-Day L4 Global 1km SIN Grid
MYD15A2 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Leaf Area Index/FPAR 8-Day L4 Global 1km SIN Grid
MCD15A2 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Terra + Aqua Leaf Area Index - Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation 8-
Day L4 Global 1km

MOD17A2 = MODIS/Terra Net Photosynthesis 8-Day L4 Global 1km SIN Grid

MYD17A2 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Aqua Net Photosynthesis 8-Day L4 Global 1km SIN Grid

MOD29P1D(version 5) = MODIS/Terra Sea Ice Extent Daily L3 Global 1km EASE-Grid Day
MYD29P1D (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Sea Ice Extent Daily L3 Global 1km EASE-Grid Day
MOD29P1N(version 5) = MODIS/Terra Sea Ice Extent Daily L3 Global 1km EASE-Grid Night
MYD29P1N (version 5) = MODIS/Aqua Sea Ice Extent Daily L3 Global 1km EASE-Grid Night

MCD43A1 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Terra +Aqua BRDF-Albedo Model Parameters 16-Day L3 Global 500m
MCD43A2 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Terra + Aqua BRDF-Albedo Quality 16-Day L3 Global 500m
MCD43A3 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Terra + Aqua Albedo 16-Day L3 Global 500m
MCD43A4 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Terra + Aqua Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance 16-Day L3 Global 500m
MOD43B1 (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra BRDF/Albedo Model-1 16-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MOD43B3 (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Albedo 16-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MOD43B4 (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance 16-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MCD43B1 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Terra + Aqua BRDF-Albedo Model Parameters 16-Day L3 Global 1km
MCD43B2 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Terra + Aqua BRDF-Albedo Quality 16-Day L3 Global 1km
MCD43B3 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Terra + Aqua Albedo 16-Day L3 Global 1km
MCD43B4 (version 5 only) = MODIS/Terra + Aqua Nadir BRDF- Adjusted Reflectance Reflectance 16-Day L3 Global 1km

Level 3 (maps) OCEAN products

MO04MD (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color and SST Mean Maps Daily L3 Global 4km CylEqDis
MO04QD (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color and SST Quality Maps Daily L3 Global 4km CylEqDis
MO04MW (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color and SST Mean Maps 8-Day L3 Global 4km CylEqDis
MO04QW (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color and SST Quality Maps 8-Day L3 Global 4km CylEqDis
MO1DMW (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color and SST Mean Maps 8-Day L3 Global 1Deg CylEqDis
MO1DQW (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color and SST Quality Maps 8-Day L3 Global 1Deg CylEqDis
MO36MD (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color and SST Mean Maps Daily L3 Global 36km CylEqDis
MO36QD (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra Ocean Color and SST Quality Maps Daily L3 Global 36km CylEqDis

Level 3 MODIS Land Products

MOD43C1 (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Albedo 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MOD43C2 (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra BRDF/Albedo Parameters 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MOD43C3 (version 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MCD43C1 (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra+Aqua Albedo 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MCD43C2 (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra+Aqua BRDF/Albedo Parameters 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG

A-5 EED2-TP-030
MCD43C3 (versions 3, 4, 5) = MODIS/Terra+Aqua Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg
MCD43C4 (version 5) = MODIS/Terra+Aqua Nadir BRDF- Adjusted Reflectance 16-Day L3 0.05Deg CMG

MOD12C1 (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Land Cover Type Yearly L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MYD12C1 (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Aqua Land Cover Type Yearly L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
MOD12Q1 (versions 3, 4 only) = MODIS/Terra Land Cover Type Yearly L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MCD12Q1 (version 5) = Land Cover Type Yearly L3 Global 500 m SIN Grid

MCD45A1 (version 5) = MODIS/Terra+Aqua Burned Area Monthly L3 Global 500m

AMSR-E Products: (version 2)

Level 2
AE_Ocean = AMSR-E/Aqua L2B Global Swath Ocean Products derived from Wentz Algorithm
AE_Rain = AMSR-E/Aqua L2B Global Swath Rain Rate/Type GSFC Profiling Algorithm

Level 2A
AE_L2A = AMSR-E/Aqua L2A Global Swath Spatially Resampled Brightness Temperatures (Tb)

Level 3
AE_DyOcn = AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 Global Ascending/Descending .25x.25 deg Ocean Grids
AE_WkOcn = AMSR-E/Aqua Weekly L3 Global Ascending/Descending .25x.25 deg Ocean
AE_MoOcn = AMSR-E/Aqua Monthly L3 Global Ascending/Descending .25x.25 deg Ocean Grids
AE_DySno = AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 Global Snow Water Equivalent EASE-Grids
AE_5DSno = AMSR-E/Aqua 5 Day L3 Global Snow Water Equivalent EASE-Grids
AE_MoSno = AMSR-E/Aqua Monthly L3 Global Snow Water Equivalent EASE-Grids
AE_SI25 = AMSR -E/Aqua daily L3 25 km Tb, Sea Ice Conc., & Snow Depth Polar Grids
AE_SI12 = AMSR-E/Aqua daily L3 12.5 km Tb, Sea Ice Conc., & Snow Depth Polar Grids
AE_SI6 = AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 6.25 km 89 GHz Brightness Temperature (Tb) Polar Grids
AE_RnGd = AMSR-E/Aqua Monthly L3 5x5 deg Rainfall Accumulations
AE_Land3 = AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 Surface Soil Moisture, Interpretive Parameters, & QC EASE-Grids
AE_SID = AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 6.25 km Sea Ice Drift Polar Grids (sea ice speed and direction)

AIRS Products: (version 2, 3, 5, and 6)

Note: AIRS products have been tested with some, but not all fields. Please contact the HEG development team if you find
problems with HEG processing of AIRS products.

Level 1B
AIRABRAD = AIRS AMSU-A1 & AMSU-A2 combined, geolocated & calibrated brightness temperatures
AIRHBRAD = HSB geolocated & calibrated brightness temperatures
AIRIBRAD = AIRS Level 1B IR geolocated radiances
AIRIBQAP = AIRS Level 1B Quality Assurance Product
AIRVBRAD = AIRS Vis/Near IR geolocated radiances
AIRVBQAP = AISR Vis/Near IR Quality Assurance Product

Level 2
AIRI2CCF = L2 Cloud Cleared Radiance Product (AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB)
AIRX2RET = L2 Standard Retrieval Product (AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB)
AIRX2SUP = L2 Support Product (AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB)

Level 3
AIRX3STD = AIRS Level 3 Daily Standard Physical Retrieval Product

A-6 EED2-TP-030
SMAP HD5 Products:

Level 2
SPL2SMA = SMAP L2 Radar Half-Orbit 3 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture
SPL2SMAP = SMAP L2 Radar/Radiometer Half-Orbit 9 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture
SPL2SMP = SMAP L2 Radiometer Half-Orbit 36 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture
SPL2SMP_E = SMAP Enhanced Resolution L2 Radiometer Half-Orbit 9 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture
SPL2SMAP_S = Combined SMAP and Sentinel data for high-resolution Soil Moisture product

Level 3
SPL3FTA = SMAP L3 Radar Northern Hemisphere Daily 3 km EASE-Grid Freeze/Thaw State
SPL3FTP = SMAP L3 Radiometer Northern Hemisphere Daily 36 km EASE-Grid Freeze/Thaw State
SPL3FTP_E = SMAP Enhanced Resolution L3 Radiometer Northern Hemisphere Daily 9 km EASE-Grid
Freeze/Thaw State
SPL3SMA = SMAP L3 Radar Global Daily 3 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture
SPL3SMAP = SMAP L3 Radar/Radiometer Global Daily 9 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture
SPL3SMP = SMAP L3 Radiometer Global Daily 36 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture
SPL3SMP_E = SMAP Enhanced Resolution L3 Radiometer Global Daily 9 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture
Level 4
SPL4SMAU = SMAP L4 Global 3-hourly 9 km Surface and Rootzone Soil Moisture Analysis Update
SPL4SMGP = SMAP L4 Global 3-hourly 9 km Surface and Rootzone Soil Moisture Geophysical Data
SPL4SMLM = SMAP L4 Global 9 km Surface and Rootzone Soil Moisture Land Model Constants
SPL4CMDL = SMAP L4 Global Daily 9 km Carbon Net Ecosystem Exchange

SRTM Binary Products:

Geographic Grids
SRTMGL1 (1-arc-second)
SRTMIMGR (1-arc-second)
SRTMIMGM (1-arc-second)
SRTMGL3 (3 arc-second)
SRTMGL3S (3 arc-second)
SRTMGL30 (30 arc-second)

VIIRS netCDF and HDF-EOS5 Products:

Level 2 netCDF
VNP10 = VIIRS/NPP Snow Cover 6-Min L2 Swath 375m
VNP30 = VIIRS/NPP Ice Surface Temperature 6-Min L2 Swath 750m
VNP21 = VIIRS/NPP Land Surface Temperature
VNP14 = VIIRS Active Fire L2 swath 750m

Level 2 HDF-EOS2
VNP09 = VIIRS/NPP Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance 6-Min L2 Swath IP 375m, 750m NRT

Level 3 HDF-EOS5
VNP09A1 = VIIRS/NPP Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid V001

A-7 EED2-TP-030
VNP09H1 = VIIRS/NPP Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 500m SIN Grid V006
VNP09GA = VIIRS/NPP Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 1km and 500m SIN Grid V006
VNP13A1 = VIIRS/NPP 16days Vegetation Index 500m SIN Grid
VNP09CMG = VIIRS/NPP Surface Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG V001


MOP03JM = MOPITT CO gridded monthly means (Near and Thermal Infrared Radiances).

A-8 EED2-TP-030
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A-9 EED2-TP-030
Appendix B. State Plane Zones and Values

NAD83 = North American Datum 1983

NAD27 = North American Datum 1927

NAD83 Alaska Zone 1 = 5001

NAD83 Alaska Zone 2 = 5002
NAD83 Alaska Zone 3 = 5003
NAD83 Alaska Zone 4 = 5004
NAD83 Alaska Zone 5 = 5005
NAD83 Alaska Zone 6 = 5006
NAD83 Alaska Zone 7 = 5007
NAD83 Alaska Zone 8 = 5008
NAD83 Alaska Zone 9 = 5009
NAD83 Alaska Zone 10 = 5010
NAD83 Alabama East = 101
NAD83 Alabama West = 102
NAD83 Arizona East = 201
NAD83 Arizona Central = 202
NAD83 Arizona West = 203
NAD83 Arkansas North = 301
NAD83 Arkansas South = 302
NAD83 California Zone 1 = 401
NAD83 California Zone 2 = 402
NAD83 California Zone 3 = 403
NAD83 California Zone 4 = 404
NAD83 California Zone 5 = 405
NAD83 California Zone 6 = 406
NAD83 Colorado North = 501
NAD83 Colorado Central = 502
NAD83 Colorado South = 503
NAD83 Connecticut = 600
NAD83 Delaware = 700
NAD83 Florida East = 901
NAD83 Florida West = 902
NAD83 Florida North = 903
NAD83 Georgia East = 1001
NAD83 Georgia West = 1002
NAD83 Hawaii Zone 1 = 5101
NAD83 Hawaii Zone 2 = 5102
NAD83 Hawaii Zone 3 = 5103
NAD83 Hawaii Zone 4 = 5104
NAD83 Hawaii Zone 5 = 5105

B-1 EED2-TP-030
NAD83 Idaho East = 1101
NAD83 Idaho Central = 1102
NAD83 Idaho West = 1103
NAD83 Illinois East = 1201
NAD83 Illinois West = 1202
NAD83 Indiana East = 1301
NAD83 Indiana West = 1302
NAD83 Iowa North = 1401
NAD83 Iowa South = 1402
NAD83 Kansas North = 1501
NAD83 Kansas South = 1502
NAD83 Kentucky North = 1601
NAD83 Kentucky South = 1602
NAD83 Louisiana North = 1701
NAD83 Louisiana South = 1702
NAD83 Maine East = 1801
NAD83 Maine West = 1802
NAD83 Maryland = 1900
NAD83 Massachusetts = 2001
NAD83 Massachusetts Island = 2002
NAD83 Michigan North = 2111
NAD83 Michigan Central = 2112
NAD83 Michigan South = 2113
NAD83 Minnesota North = 2201
NAD83 Minnesota Central = 2202
NAD83 Minnesota South = 2203
NAD83 Mississippi East = 2301
NAD83 Mississippi West = 2302
NAD83 Missouri East = 2401
NAD83 Missouri Central = 2402
NAD83 Missouri West = 2403
NAD83 Montana = 2500
NAD27 Montana North = 2501
NAD27 Montana Central = 2502
NAD27 Montana South = 2503
NAD83 Nebraska = 2600
NAD27 Nebraska North = 2601
NAD27 Nebraska South = 2602
NAD83 Nevada East = 2701
NAD83 Nevada Central = 2702
NAD83 Nevada West = 2703
NAD83 New Hampshire = 2800
NAD83 New Jersey = 2900
NAD83 New Mexico East = 3001
NAD83 New Mexico Central = 3002

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NAD83 New Mexico West = 3003
NAD83 New York East = 3101
NAD83 New York Central = 3102
NAD83 New York West = 3103
NAD83 New York Long Island = 3104
NAD83 North Carolina = 3200
NAD83 North Dakota North = 3301
NAD83 North Dakota South = 3302
NAD83 Ohio North = 3401
NAD83 Ohio South = 3402
NAD83 Oklahoma North = 3501
NAD83 Oklahoma South = 3502
NAD83 Oregon North = 3601
NAD83 Oregon South = 3602
NAD83 Pennsylvania North = 3701
NAD83 Pennsylvania South = 3702
NAD83 Rhode Island = 3800
NAD83 South Carolina = 3900
NAD27 South Carolina North = 3901
NAD27 South Carolina South = 3902
NAD83 South Dakota North = 4001
NAD83 South Dakota South = 4002
NAD83 Tennessee = 4100
NAD83 Texas North = 4201
NAD83 Texas North Central = 4202
NAD83 Texas Central = 4203
NAD83 Texas South Central = 4204
NAD83 Texas South = 4205
NAD83 Utah North = 4301
NAD83 Utah Central = 4302
NAD83 Utah South = 4303
NAD83 Vermont = 4400
NAD83 Virginia North = 4501
NAD83 Virginia South = 4502
NAD83 Washington North = 4601
NAD83 Washington South = 4602
NAD83 West Virginia North = 4701
NAD83 West Virginia South = 4702
NAD83 Wisconsin North = 4801
NAD83 Wisconsin Central = 4802
NAD83 Wisconsin South = 4803
NAD83 Wyoming East = 4901
NAD83 Wyoming East Central = 4902
NAD83 Wyoming West Central = 4903
NAD83 Wyoming West = 4904

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Appendix C. Datum/Ellipsoid Values

AIRY = Airy
MODISSPHERE = Authalic Sphere(MODIS) 6371007.181
AUSTNAT = Australian National
ASGRS80 = Authalic Sphere(GRS80) 6371007.0
STDSPHERE = Authalic Sphere(Clarke66) 6370997.0
EASESPHERE = Authalic Sphere(Inter. 24) 6371228.0
BESSEL = Bessel 1841
CLARKE1866 = Clarke 1866
CLARKE1880 = Clarke 1880
EVEREST = Everest
GRS80 = GRS 1980
HOUGH = Hough
HUGHES80 = Hughes 1980
INTER1909 = International 1909
INTER1967 = International 1967
KRASSOVSKY = Krassovsky
MERCURY60 = Mercury 1960
MODAIRY = Modified Airy
MODEVEREST = Modified Everest
MODMERCURY68 = Modified Mercury 1968
SEASIA = Southeast Asia
WGS66 = WGS 1966
WGS72 = WGS 1972
WGS84 = WGS 1984
NAD83 = North American Datum 1983
NAD27 = North American Datum 1927
DEFAULT = Default Ellipsoid
NAD83 = North American Datum 1983
NAD27 = North American Datum 1927

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