Air Compressor Control System For Energy Saving in Locomotive Service Plant

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Electromagnetic Analysis & Applications, 2009, 2: 114-117 1

doi:10.4236/jemaa.2009.12018 Published Online June 2009 (

Air Compressor Control System for Energy Saving

in Locomotive Service Plant
Wenyu Mo
Department of Control Science of Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Email: [email protected]

Received January 2nd, 2009; revised March 12th, 2009; accepted March 20th, 2009.

The actuality and disadvantages of traditional high power asynchronism motor drive air compressor in locomotive ser-
vice plant are discussed. In order to reduce the energy consumption and obtain safe running, a variable frequency con-
trol method to the motor is supplied. A PLC with touch screen is used for monitoring the status of the compressor and
its control system. It also presents energy consumption analysis caused by the variable frequency control method in a
locomotive service plant.
Keywords: Variable Frequency, Air Compressor, Locomotive Service Plant

1. Introduction
Air compressor is a key equipment to provide air power, air pressure will not go up further. When the pressure
which is driven by asynchronism motor. Air compressor goes down to the lower limit, the valve will be open
is operated by adjusting rotation speed of the motor. In again, and then the compressor exports compressive air
general, the output air pressure in pipeline of the air tank and the air pressure will be up again. The variable air
is acted as controlling object in the system. pressure is same as that of the first method. In this case,
The air pressure in the pipeline is controlled to be motor is running continuously, which can be used for
fluctuate in a certain range. Its upper limit (0.7MPa) is high power motor.
under the rating pressure of the pipeline, and its lower In locomotive serve plant, the second method is widely
limit (0.4MPa) is above the rating pressure of the equip- used for control the air pressure from air compressor be-
ment using the compressive air. Usually, there are two cause of high power motor being used, which rating
ways to control the air pressure in the pipeline to content power is about 100KW. Although the motor is in running
this demand. operation, its starting up should be controlled. Tradition-
The first method is starting up and stopping the motor ally, there are two ways to fulfill the starting up, which
continually for adjusting air pressure in pipeline. When are linking series resistor in the rotor loop and converting
the air pressure is under the upper limit, the air compres- Y-connection of the starter loop [1]. However, there
sor operates until the air pressure goes up to the upper are still some disadvantages in these two ways as follows.
limit, then the motor stops running. But the air pressure 1) The air pressure in pipeline fluctuates greatly be-
will be lowered with air leak or air consuming equipment tween the upper and lower limits.
operating. When the air pressure goes down to the lower 2) The continual upload and download of air compres-
limit, the motor begins to work and air compressor oper- sor causes voltage fluctuation in electrical power supply.
ates again. The variable air pressure in the pipeline is
shown in Figure 1. This method is simple and low cost,
but it is suitable for small power motor because the motor
will be started up continually.
The second method is using pressure valve to limit air
pressure in the pipeline. When the pressure goes up to the
upper limit pressure, the valve will close entrance of the
air compressor, then the compressor is in idle state. In
this case, the compressor is still driven in operation by
the motor, but it does not export compressive air, so the Figure 1. Variable air pressure in pipeline

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Air Compressor Control System for Energy Saving in Locomotive Service Plant 115

3) The air compressor is in full speed rotation all the

time, which may lead to mechanical failure and tempera-
ture rise.
4) The air compressor and the air pressure valve in
their operations cause a great noise pollution.
5) The driving motor of air compressor is inefficient
and energy consumptive and cause low power factor.
So, it is necessary to change the traditional control (=Enactment pressure Feedback pressure)
method of the air compressor operation for energy saving,
less pollution and low failure possibility.
2. Variable Frequency Control of Air
Compressor Motor
2.1 System Principle
With the rapid development of power electronics tech-
nology, transducer is widely used in adjusting speed of
AC asynchrony motor [2]. So, a transducer is designed as
an executor in the air compressor control system to adjust Figure 3. Air Pressure adjusted by PID arithmetic
output air pressure.
In order to control the air pressure in the pipeline, the 0: negative effects, when > 0, transducer output fre-
motors rotation speed should be in control. However, the quency raises; < 0, frequency declines.
motor disables to change its rotation speed itself, the only 1: positive effects, when > 0, transducer output fre-
method is to adjust its frequency to change the rotation quency declines; , frequency raises.
speed. So, a transducer used to control the motors rotation When the pressure detected by pressure sensor is
speed, then, the flux from air compressor can be adjusted. higher than the enactment pressure, PID regulator output
The system schematic diagram is shown in Figure 2. signal declines and the transducer output frequency falls
After comparing enactment pressure signal with feed- down, then the air compressor rotation speed reduces and
back pressure signal, a pressure signal error is obtained, the output air pressure declines; when the detected pres-
which is used for calculation of PID arithmetic and then sure is lower than the enactment pressure, PID regulator
converted the error signal to a control value to adjust fre- output signal raises and the transducer output frequency
quency of AC power supply. Then the asynchronies mo- increases, then the air compressor rotation speed in-
tor will drive air compressor to an appropriate rotation creases and the output air pressure increases. The system
speed with variable frequency power supply to eliminate controls the air pressure automatically through the above
the pressure error and ensure a constant air pressure. method.
The air pressure adjusted by PID arithmetic in the In Figure 4, a transducer of YASKAMA 616PC5
pipeline is shown in Figure 3. In general, a transducer has forms the air pressure feedback control system. On the
an inner PID control unit. transducer, FS, FV, FI and FC are ports of pressure en-
actment and feedback input signal. The FS provides
power supply (+15V). An input voltage, which deter-
mines frequency of AC power supply from the transducer,
is linked to the FV port from a resistor (4.7K). A feed-
back voltage of air pressure in the air tank detected by a
remote pressure gauge is linked to FI port. These two
signals are compared in the transducer and an error can
be calculated, by which PID arithmetic is used for calcu-
lating control variable. The transducer has self-educated
ability, i.e. PID parameters can be adjusted automatically
in terms of actual pressure change characteristic in the
S1, S3, S4 and SC are ports for several control func-
tions. When K1 is closed, the transducer operates nor-
mally. If there is a failure outside the transducer, K2 will
Figure 2. System schematic diagram be closed, and the transducer will stop operation. In this

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116 Air Compressor Control System for Energy Saving in Locomotive Service Plant

Besides, the starting torque required when the air com-

pressor starts up is large. However, using the conven-
tional method to control will bring damage to other rele-
vant equipments. This system adopts vector control tech-
nical to raise the starting torque of motor. Besides, more
accurate rotation speed can be gained to control the air
compressor. So, almost constant pressure of air can be
acquired from this system.
3. PLC Monitor and Control
3.1 Status Parameters Monitored
Cooling water and lubricating oil are the necessary sub-
stances for air compressor running normally. When the
air compressor operates, temperature rise of the com-
Figure 4. Connection circuit of the transducer pressor body can be used to monitor if the compressor
runs normally, or not. So, there are three parameters to be
case, a signal can be detected in S3 port to protect the monitored in the system, which are pressure of cooling
whole system. However, if there is a failure in the trans- water, pressure of lubricating oil and temperature of the
ducer, MA and MC ports will be connected in it, by compressor body.
which control system (PLC) can stop the whole system The pressure of cooling water can be used to show
operation. When the failure is removed, control system cooling system normal operation easily, which includes
makes K3 close, a signal inputs to the S4 port, which can pump, pipeline and valves. Any problem can cause the
reset the transducer. M1 and M2 ports output running pressure abnormal. So, a pressure sensor is mounted at
state signal. Three-phrase AC power supply are linked to output of cooling water pump for monitoring the whole
R, S, and T ports on the transducer. Then, the variable cooling water system. In the same way, another pressure
frequency AC power supply can be exported from U, V, sensor is used for the lubricating oil monitoring.
and W ports. As the temperature of compressor body is one of syn-
A PLC acts as a control unit in the system, from which thetic images to show all malfunctions. In order to meas-
switches K1, K2 and K3 can output relative signals. Sig- ure temperature of the compressor body, a temperature
nals from ports M1, M2, MA and MC on the transducer
sensor is mounted at the output pipeline of cooling water
can also be input to the PLC.
from the compressor. The temperature of cooling water
2.2 Existing Problems and Solutions from the output pipeline is almost equal to the compres-
sor body temperature.
Using the transducer would generate harmonic wave. The
All these sensors are mounted on pipeline outside the
external input industrial frequency power supply AC
compressor, so it is convenient for maintenance and re-
(380V/50Hz) is rectified into DC by three-phrase bridge.
Finally, it is inverted into any frequency AC power sup- paired.
ply by high power transistors after capacitor filtering. In 3.2 Design of PLC Monitor and Control
the rectifier circuit, the input current waveform is irregu-
lar rectangular wave. The wave is classified into basic In order to monitor and control the whole air compressor
wave and harmonic wave based on the Fourier series. system, a PLC with touch screen is used [3]. The PLC is
The high-order harmonic would interfere with the power composed of power module, CPU module, analog input
supply system, and damages transforms, motors, capaci- module, digital input module and digital output module.
tors, switches and so on. The configuration of PLC system is shown in Figure 5.
Solutions for the input side of transducer: 1) setting A touch screen is connected to the CPU module, which
reactance to increase rectifier impedance for improving can display status of the transducer, pressure in the air
the rectifier overlap angle; 2) parallel using AC filter in tank, pressures of cooling water and lubricating oil, and
the power circuit to separate high-order harmonic at all so on. It also can accept many touch instructions instead
levels respectively from the power supply system. of mechanical buttons. The CPU module can receive all
Solutions for the output side of transducer: using high kinds of data from analog and digital module by interior
frequency switch components, adding filter equipments bus. It also has memory for program and data, and a se-
and adopting closed-loop control, using isolation, shield- rial bus RS232C for connecting with a computer.
ing, grounding and reasonable routing to improve the The power module provides power supplies for every
high-order harmonic interference. module, which includes +5V and +12V voltages.

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Air Compressor Control System for Energy Saving in Locomotive Service Plant 117

Table 1. Testing parameters 75KW motor

Voltage Current Fre- Rotate Input
Items (V) (A) quency Speed Power
(HZ) (r/m) (KW)
Power 380 117 50 1450 69.5
ducer 320 80 42 1210 39.8

300 working days, the air compressor control system

will save energy in one year as follows.
Obviously, the new system can save lots of energy.
Besides, it has other advantages:
Figure 5. Configuration of the PLC 1) It reduces greatly noise, realizes soft start and soft
stop of the equipment and avoids the shock current of
The analog input module (0~+5V input) accepts volt- power grid when the air compressor starts up.
age signals from the sensors to measure the compressed 2) It has high degree of automation and overcomes the
air pressure, cooling water pressure, lubricating oil pres- disadvantages of manual adjustment.
sure and temperature of the cooling water.
The digital input module (12V input) accepts status 5. Conclusions
signal of the transducer from M1 and M2, failure signal
High power air compressor is a kind of equipment widely
of the transducer from MA and MC, and some operation
signals from outside buttons. used in locomotive service plant. In order to save electri-
The digital output module (relay output) sends out sev- cal energy and improve operation condition, it is neces-
eral control signals, which are K1, K2 and K3, operation sary to rebuild traditional control system of high power
status signal, and failure signal. motor with the transducer and PLC system. In fact the
system also has low cost, high reliability and efficiency.
4. Experimental Results It also reduces greatly noise of air compressor operation
and possibility of failure. Finally, this system has solved
We use a PLC and a transducer to rebuild one air com-
the interference by the high-order harmonic and adopted
pressor control system in a locomotive service plant,
which use a high power motor of 75KW rating power. Its vector control technique to acquire high starting torque
other rating parameters are frequency of 50Hz, voltage of and stabilize motor rotation speed. As the effect of this
380VAC and current of 150A. We have measured a set of system is obviously in energy saving, it should be widely
actual parameters of the motor and its power supply at used in such a place as locomotive service plant.
the same regular load condition before and after the re-
building, which are listed in Table 1. On the majority of
time, the motor can run normally at 42Hz frequency of REFERENCES
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