Tratamiento de La Gastroparesia
Tratamiento de La Gastroparesia
Tratamiento de La Gastroparesia
Reproduced from Abel et al. [9]. intermittent symptoms that are controlled with diet
modification and avoidance of exacerbating agents.
Grade 2 patients have moderately severe symptoms but
no weight loss and require prokinetic drugs plus anti-
emetic agents for control. In Grade 3, patients are refrac-
postprandial fullness/early satiety and bloating are the tory to medication, unable to maintain oral nutrition
commonest manifestations. Nausea is the most consis- and require frequent emergency room visits. These pa-
tent symptom found in over 90% of patients [6, 7]. Bloat- tients require intravenous fluids, medications, enteral
ing and early satiety are present to a lesser degree, being or parenteral nutrition and endoscopic or surgical ther-
found in 75% and 60%, respectively, in one study [6]. apy.
Abdominal pain may be present in 4689% of patients
but is unlikely to be the predominant symptom [6, 7].
As the symptoms are nonspecific with a significant Treatment
degree of overlap with other gastric disorders, the initial
work-up should include an upper endoscopy, even if gas- A wide array of therapeutic interventions is available
troparesis is strongly suspected. This is necessary to rule to treat gastroparesis. Diet modification, pharmacologi-
out any mechanical obstruction and other common dis- cal agents, endoscopic techniques, surgery and psycho-
orders like peptic ulcer diseases and nonulcer dyspep- logical counseling are some of the modalities em-
sia. ployed.
When an upper endoscopy does not reveal any organ-
ic obstruction and the endoscopic findings do not ade- General and Dietary Measures
quately explain the patients symptoms, a definitive test While there are no controlled trials testing the effi-
to diagnose gastroparesis such as gastric scintigraphy cacy of diet modification in the therapy of gastroparesis,
must be done. some dietary recommendations may prove helpful in pa-
tients with milder forms of the disease. Multiple small
meals a day as opposed to 2 or 3 large meals facilitate gas-
Assessment of Severity tric emptying. Generous intake of fluids during a meal
may aid gastric emptying, as liquids empty more rapidly
Assessment of severity is important for appropriate than solids. An overall reduction in the solid food content
management. One method is the Gastroparesis Cardinal is also advised. A diet low in fats decreases the inhibitory
Symptom Index (GCSI), which is a sum, total of 3 sub- effect of lipids on gastric emptying. Patients should be
scales (ranging from 13) for the 3 main symptom com- told to avoid a high fiber diet to prevent phytobezoar for-
plexes: postprandial fullness/early satiety, nausea/vomit- mation.
ing and bloating [8]. Proper mastication and postprandial walking are ad-
Another simple gradation of severity is outlined in ditional factors that may facilitate the gastric emptying
table 1 [9]. Grade 1 usually includes patients with mild process.
Prokinetic Agents study [16]. Other studies [17, 18] have shown that meto-
There are 3 broad classes of prokinetic agents used in clopramide may be equally effective or marginally infe-
the treatment of gastroparesis: dopamine receptor antag- rior to domperidone in efficacy.
onists, motilin receptor agonists and 5-HT4 receptor ago- Patients may develop tolerance over time and uncom-
nists (table 3). fortable side effects may limit its use in up to 30% of pa-
tients. Irreversible tardive dyskinesia is a serious side ef-
Dopamine Receptor Antagonists fect that occurs in 110% of patients treated for more than
Metaclopramide. Metaclopramide is a 5-HT4 agonist, 3 months [19]. Therefore, it is not advisable to maintain
a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist and a direct stimulant patients on metaclopramide for a prolonged period.
of smooth muscle, all of which contributes to its proki- When initiating therapy, the side effects should be dis-
netic effect [1]. In addition to accelerating gastric motil- cussed and documented in the patient record.
ity, metaclopramide has an independent antiemetic ef- Domperidone. Domperidone is a peripheral dopamine
fect. Metaclopramide can be administered intravenously, D2 receptor antagonist with prokinetic properties and a
subcutaneously or through the oral route. A liquid prep- potent antiemetic effect. As it does not cross the blood-
aration is also available. brain barrier, its central nervous system side effects are
Although there are several studies [1018] that have minimal.
attempted to document the efficacy of metoclopramide In clinical trials, the efficacy of domperidone matches
in gastroparesis, most of them suffer from significant de- that of metaclopramide and cisapride [18]. However, its
sign flaws or insufficient numbers. Some of the more ac- effect on solid-phase gastric emptying is lost by 6 weeks
ceptable trials are listed in table 4. The overall conclusion [20]. The drug is not approved in the United States by the
that can be drawn from these trials is that a minority of FDA but can be made available through special applica-
patients may experience symptom benefit from metoclo- tion for patients with refractory gastroparesis.
pramide therapy. However, there appears to be poor cor-
relation between the improvement in gastric emptying Motilin Receptor Agonists
and reduction of symptoms. Erythromycin. Erythromycin exerts its prokinetic ef-
When compared to erythromycin, metoclopramide fect by stimulating the motilin receptors on smooth mus-
proved to be inferior in terms of symptom relief in one cles and neurons in the gastroduodenal area [21]. How-
Psychological Glycemic control Nutritional care Prokinetic medications Antiemetic therapy Pain control
Empathy and Twice daily long- Small, frequent meals, Metoclopramide or Phenothiazine or dopamine Acetaminophen or
education acting insulin plus low in fat and fiber erythromycin PRN receptor antagonist PRN nonsteroidal agents
Patient support periprandial short- Primarily liquid diet Metoclopramide or Muscarinic receptor Tramadol or
groups acting insulin Liquid nutrient erythromycin scheduled antagonist or 5-HT3 propoxyphene
Behavioral or Insulin pump supplements dosing antagonist Tricyclic agents
relaxation therapy Pancreas transplant Enteral feedings Domperidone or Tricyclic agents Newer antidepressants
Hypnosis Central or peripheral tegaserod Tetrahydrocannabinol, TCAs, SNRIs
parenteral nutrition Pyloric botulinum toxin lorazepam or alternative Fentanyl patch or
short term therapies methadone
Gastric electrical Referral for pain specialist
stimulation Nerve block
A stepped care approach in a top-down vertical manner is recommended which is dependent on the severity of gastroparesis. Treatment from differ-
ent categories (columns) is often used in combination. TCA = Tricyclic antidepressant agent; SNRI = selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Re-
produced from Abel et al. [9].
the pylorus) into the pyloric area, which is thought to de- Initial experience with gastric stimulators was ob-
crease pylorospasm and accelerate gastric emptying. tained through 2 multicenter trials, the Gastric Electrical
Several open-labeled studies [3237] indicated a good Mechanical Stimulation Study (GEMS) [42] and the
symptomatic response (table 6) with symptom scores Worldwide Anti-Vomiting Electrical Stimulation Study
falling by 2955%. Gastric emptying rates also registered (WAVESS) [43]. GEMS was a multicenter open-labeled
a marked improvement (3352%) and correlated well trial that documented improvement in nausea and vom-
with symptom reduction. The effect of botulinium toxin iting in gastroparetic patients. WAVESS was a controlled
lasted up to 5 months in one study [32]. double-blind sham stimulation trial that reaffirmed the
However, the results from 2 randomized, placebo- efficacy of gastric stimulation and paved the way for FDA
controlled trials [38, 39] have not been encouraging. Arts approval of the Enterra system.
et al. [38] failed to demonstrate any beneficial effect on All trials [40, 4446] have produced encouraging re-
either gastric emptying or symptoms over placebo. In the sults with patients experiencing 7580% reduction in
study by Friedenberg et al. [39], gastric emptying rates symptoms (table 7). While some initial studies showed
improved, but provided no symptom benefit. More stud- conflicting results with regard to sustenance of improve-
ies are required before reaching a final verdict on botu- ment [40, 44], two subsequent studies have indicated
linium toxin injection therapy. long-term benefits lasting 3 and 4 years, respectively [45,
Dilation of the pylorus may produce the same benefit 46]. Cutts et al. [47] were able to demonstrate that gastric
as botulinium injection [1]. stimulation therapy is superior to intensive medical treat-
Gastric Electrical Stimulation About 10% of patients, however, develop complica-
Using exogenous electrical current to stimulate the tions like infection, which invariably warrants removal of
stomach in patients with gastroparesis is a logical and at- the device. Other adverse events noted include: lead dis-
tractive concept. Initial methods involved external leads, lodgement, wire breakage, penetration of the stomach
which were too large for implantation and unwieldy [40]. and intestinal obstruction, all of which require surgical
Recently, the FDA has given limited approval on human- intervention [41].
itarian grounds for a gastric electrical stimulator with a New methods that involve electrodes that can be
pulse generator that can be implanted into the abdominal placed orally by endoscopy or through a percutaneous
wall (Enterra gastric electrical stimulation system). The endoscopic gastrostomy [48] or by percutaneous tech-
pulse generator delivers low-energy, high-frequency niques [49] are also being explored.
stimuli and has a battery life of 68 years [41]. This meth- Gastric electric stimulation is not ready for prime time
od is, at present, limited to a few centers. yet. Available devices need to undergo further refinement
Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Most therapeutic measures available to treat gastropa-
Some patients with severe refractory gastroparesis may resis are less than ideal and patients may require a com-
need enteral or parenteral modes of nutritional support. bination of measures depending on the severity of their
Enteral nutrition is usually indicated in patients with sig- condition. Table 8 summarizes the overall approach to
nificant malnutrition (110% weight loss over 6 months), the treatment of gastroparesis.
evidence of mineral deficiencies and electrolyte imbalance
and in those who require frequent hospitalizations [1].
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