Ocean Note Page

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Name: _________________________ Date: _____________________

The Ocean
What is the Ocean?

The ocean is a _____________________________ that covers more than


Earth has ONE large body of saltwater but scientists divide it into five different

sections. They are

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

4. ____________________________________

5. ____________________________________

Climate Control

Why is moving water around the globe important? What does it do?



Does the ocean help keep the Earth warm or cold? __________________

What does the ocean currents carry around the planet? _________________________

What would Earth be if heat did not travel around the planet in the ocean?


Ocean Life

How many species of animals are there in the ocean?



An example of an invertebrate (without a backbone) sea animal is ____________________



The most common verebrate (with a backbone) on Earth is the _______________________



What animal that lives is the sea, can you only see with a microscope?


Name TWO examples of a big fish that swims in the Ocean.

1. ____________________________________

2. ____________________________________
Why are tiny algae plants like, phytoplankton so important?

Through photosynthesis, they produce ______________________________________



An example of a bigger algae is ______________________________________

Watery Habitats


Are a complex structure that is made out of the skeletons of __________________.

It takes _____________________________ of years to build this structure.

Have been called the _____________________ of the ocean because of the


Animals such as ___________________________ and ______________________

live here.

Kelp Forests

Are found on the coastlines of the ____________________ and _________________


They are ___________________, _________________, ___________________ that

have hollow, globe-shaped growths on leaves.

Animals such as ___________________________, __________________________,

____________________________ live here.


Are areas where _______________________ and _________________ meet & have

a mix of ___________________ and ___________________

Animals such as __________________, ________________, and

________________ live here.

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