Oriented Strand Board: The Wood Composition Boards

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Oriented Strand Board The wood composition boards

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

The wood composition boards Oriented Strand Board

Flakeboard is a term that also includes waferboard WHAT IS OSB?

(WB) and oriented strandboard (OSB).
Oriented strand board (OSB) is a performance-
They are structural panels produced from wafers
obtained from logs. rated structural wood-based panel
engineered for uniformity, strength, versatility
The first waferboard plant was opened in 1963 by and workability ().
MacMillan Bloedel in Canada. Aspen was the raw
material, and the wafers were randomly oriented. It is utilized internationally in a wide array of
In the late 1980s, most wafers were oriented, applications including residential and
resulting in oriented waferboard (OWB). commercial construction and renovation,
packaging/crating, furniture and shelving, and
Long and narrow strands are now used in OSB,
OSB which
do-it-yourself projects.
typically have 3 or 5 layers.

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board


Because it is engineered, OSB can be custom

manufactured to meet specific requirements
in thickness, density, panel size, surface texture,
strength and rigidity.

This engineering process makes OSB the most

widely accepted and preferred structural
panel among architects, specifiers and

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board

In fact, in many areas of North America, OSB has

virtually replaced other panels in new residential
Today, all model building codes in the U.S. and
Canada recognize OSB panels for the same uses
as plywood.
Since the early 1980s, the North American OSB
industry has experienced a period of
tremendous growth.

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board

One limitation with OSB is edge swelling.

swelling Although
the edges are coated during transport,
subsequent cutting causes limitations in high
humidity applications.

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board

One advantage, however, is that OSB is more OSB is increasing its market share as a result of its
consistent than plywood. lower cost as compared with plywood.
(Soft spots caused by overlapping knots do not OSB is now used for about 70 percent of all floor,
exist, nor do knot holes at edges, and delamination wall and roof sheathing in North America.
does not take place)

Since one OSB sheet may consist of 50 strands,

properties are homogeneous, and there are only
minor stiffness variations with location in the panel.

Through-thickness shear strength is approximately

twice as high with OSB.

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Structural Panels Structural Panels

OSB production OSB production

Log Sorting
After harvest, whole logs
are hauled to the mill's
wood yard ( ), then

Logs are soaked, to
remove ice and prepare
wood for stranding, then
sent up the jackladder.

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Structural Panels Structural Panels
OSB production Debarking
The principal reasons used to justify debarking are:
Logs are run through the 1. To remove bark from wood that is to be chipped
debarker to remove bark. for board use since any substantial quantity in the
Bark is later used as fuel in chips is detrimental to board quality.
the mill's energy supply.
2. To prolong the life of cutting tools in the sawmill.
The sand, grit, and rocks in bark cause dulling and
Stranding tool wear.
The strands are cut from
3. To reduce debris in the mill that otherwise would
whole logs into precise
require more frequent cleanup and higher
dimensions of up to six
inches long.
4. To enable the sawyer to see and evaluate the log
for breakdown.
Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Structural Panels Structural Panels

Debarking Debarking
Cambio debarker Mechanical ring debarker

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Structural Panels Structural Panels
Debarking Debarking
Rosserhead debarker Drum debarker

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Structural Panels Structural Panels

Debarking OSB production
Hydraulic debarker
Logs are run through the
debarker to remove bark.
Bark is later used as fuel in
the mill's energy supply.

The strands are cut from
whole logs into precise
dimensions of up to six
inches long.

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Structural Panels Structural Panels
OSB production OSB production

Wet Bins Strands are blended with resin
Strands are deposited binders and a small amount of
into wet bins. wax, which improves the
efficiency of the resin binder and
enhances the panel's resistance
to moisture and water absorption.
Strands are then dried Forming Line
until the appropriate Strands go through the forming
moisture content is line where cross-directional
reached. layers are formed.

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Structural Panels Structural Panels

OSB production OSB production

Finishing Line
Panels are cooled, cut to size, grade
Layers of cross-directional strands are
stamped, stacked in bundles and edge
pressed under intense heat and
coated. All graded panels bear a
pressure to form a rigid, dense structural
mandatory certification agency stamp,
panel of oriented strand board (OSB).
plus the SBA logo if applicable.
Presses are primarily multiple opening
allowing 8 to 16 master panels to be
pressed in one operation for increased
Finally, the panels are ready to be
loaded and shipped to destinations
Since 1997, continuous presses
around the world. Panels can be
producing a ribbon of OSB
ordered smooth sanded for special uses
commenced operation on certain sites.
or with tongue and groove edges.

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Structural Panels Oriented Strand Board
OSB production Cutting the strands
Log Hauling Debarking
and Sorting Jackladder
It advances into side of clamped bolts cutting
long strands parallel to the long axis
Wet Bins
Stranding Strand length of 15 cm common and four of
these can be produced by the 60 cm long
Thickness is 0.75 mm (provides a reasonable
balance between board properties)
Width 2 to 5 cm
Forming Line Pressing Shipping
Finishing Line

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board

Cutting the strands Cutting the strands
A commercial disk strander Strands

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board
Drying of the strands Blending and forming
For good adhesion, MC must be 2 to 6%
Rotary (like tumble clothes dryer) and flat Addition of wax, resin adhesive, is called
screen driers are used blending

Flat screen driers cause less strand breakage, Wax 0.25 to 2% to add water repellency
retain better strand surface quality Resin 2 to 5 % by weight
Hot air enters the dryer (540oC) Resin applied by spray like spot welding
Evaporating moisture cools the air Blending of surface and core furnish often
Exiting temperatures are lower (200oC) done separately

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board

Blending and forming Blending and forming
Blending Forming

The resin is applied in a drum that rotates Process of depositing strands onto surface to
form a mat is called forming
A fog of resin coats the strands
Try to make it uniform
Traditionally have used liquid resins
To align the strands parallel to the belt they
Modern technology allows use of powder drop through series of spinning discs (like
farmers harrow) onto belt below
adhesives, which are cheaper to ship, do
not add water to the strand, increases resin To align strands perpendicular to the belt
shelf life. they drop onto a series of spinning discs (like
paddle wheel) where they self align and
land on the belt
Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board
Blending and forming Blending and forming
Formation of the mat Forming
Common to use four forming heads
First aligns strands 25% parallel
Next two deposit the flakes 50 % perpendicular
Fourth deposits strands 25% parallel
Final board thickness, dimension and density
determined during forming
To produce a 12.5 mm thick panel, loose mat
is 100 mm thick

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board

Blending and forming Pressing
OSB Lay-up
In batch processed OSB loose strand mat is
transferred to press charger
Multi-opening presses used 3.66 x 12.2 m platen
size and can produce sheets 2.74 x 7.62 m
175 to 205oC)
Platens conduct heat to mat (175
Press times are generally between 3 and 6 min
depending on board density and thickness
Conductive heat transfer is approximately a
function of the square of panel distance (Press
time for 38 mm OSB is 4x 19 mm OSB)

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board
Pressing Pressing

Long, hot press cycles damage board surfaces

and substantially impede production volumes
To accelerate the cure of thicker mats, both
high-frequency curing and steam injection are
sometimes used
Pressures 4,800 to 5,500 kPa
After pressing, panels are hot stacked in bulk for
about twenty-four hours to assure complete
adhesive cur

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board

Adhesives Adhesives

Only thermosetting resins used for structural

Phenol-formaldehyde (PF) is primary resin in
North America used for plywood and OSB
Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) is used
for OSB
Both form water proof bonding necessary for
structural panels

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board
Adhesives Adhesives

Both derived from petroleum industry

Plywood resins are not pure
Cost of PF is 25% of MDI and is available in
powdered form Includes fillers and extenders

MDI is clear, and does not contain any water Extenders have adhesive value (e.g. furfural)

MDI uses water in wood to cure, can tolerate Fillers are additives to prevent over-
>MC than PF and can cure faster than PF penetration of adhesive and have no (or little)
adhesive value (e.g. wood flour)
In practice use PF for face and MDI for core
which increases production

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board

Adhesives Adhesives

An adhesive mix for southern pine plywood An adhesive mix for southern pine plywood

The purpose of caustic soda is to improve

adhesive penetration, modify the chemical
cure reaction, and aid in the dispersion of the

Source: Sellers (1985). Source: Sellers (1985).

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board
Panel Selection and Use Applications

There are five primary considerations when selecting Sheathing

structural panels for a specific use:
Oriented Strand
(1) durability of the glueline needed to avoid
delamination; Board (OSB) can be
used for roof, floor
(2) strength requirements for panels to be used
structurally; and wall sheathing
(3) quality needed on the faces to accomplish in engineered
the appearance desired; construction.
(4) special requirements such as fire or decay
(5) market cost differences.

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board

Applications Applications
Engineered Components Shearwalls and Diaphragms
OSB is extensively used for the webs of prefabricated
wood I-joists () OSB can be fastened
to wood floors and
walls to create
structural shearwalls
and diaphragms
capable of resisting
lateral loads (wind or

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu

Oriented Strand Board Oriented Strand Board
Applications Applications
Gussets for Frames and Trusses Formwork
OSB can be used as gussets for trusses or frames
Standard grades of
constructed with dimension lumber.
OSB sheathing are
sometimes used in
applications where the
forms are left in place
after the concrete sets.

Jyh-Horng Wu Jyh-
Jyh-Horng Wu


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