Telaah Jurnal Penelitian Sistem Neurobehavior
Telaah Jurnal Penelitian Sistem Neurobehavior
Telaah Jurnal Penelitian Sistem Neurobehavior
Yeni Suryaningsih*
Disusun Oleh:
All praise and thanks to God Almighty I pray because of the blessings and
grace I can complete the task of study journal Evaluation of quality of life pre- and
post-vestibular rehabilitation in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
associated with Menieres disease is well .
Upon completion of the task of this journal study I would like to thank the
parties who help and provide guidance to me, for that I say thankyou.
I hope that this journal editor can be useful to the readers. But I realize that in this
writing many shortcomings, for that I expect suggestions and constructive criticism for
the perfection of this task.
Kesimpulan ....................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Rumusan Masalah
Bagaimana telaah jurnal Evaluation of quality of life pre- and post-vestibular
rehabilitation in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo associated with
Menieres disease.
1.3 Tujuan
Evaluation of quality of life pre- and post-vestibular rehabilitation in patients with
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo associated with Menieres disease.
1.4 Manfaat
Jurnal yang saya telaah ini bermanfaat untuk menambah wawasan ilmu
pengetahuan khususnya dalam bidang kesehatan bagi masyarakat luas dan
mahasiswa kesehatan. Semoga penelaahan jurnal ini dapat berguna sebagai bahan
untuk intervensi sebagai tindakan keperawatan sekaligus pendidikan kesehatan.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the preand post-VR quality of life of
patients with MD-associated BPPV by using the Brazilian version of the DHI as an
evaluation tool.
In the stipulated period for data collection, 12 individuals fulfilled the criteria for
inclusion and exclusion. There were 4 (33.33%) men and 8 (66.66%) women, all
Caucasian, aged between 35 and 86 years (mean, 53.17 15.75 years). Three (25%)
were less than 40 years old, 6
(50%) were aged between 40 and 59 years, and 3 (25%) were aged 60 years or more
(Table 1).
There was a significant reduction in all DHI values after VR, independent of the
aspect. The median final values were 0 (zero) for the physical aspect, 1 for the emotional
aspect, and 1 for the functional aspect, demonstrating the favorable impact of VR on the
quality of life of our patients (Table 2). Generally, the score must be reduced by at least
18 after treatment to be indicative of benefit (1). In our series, 7 (58.33%) patients
showed areduction greater than 18 points, 5 (41.67%) did not show a reduction greater
than 18 points, and 3 (25%) did not achieve a pre-VR score large enough to show such a
reduction. In the evaluation of post-VR scores, 2 (16.6%) patients who had scores less
than 18 pre-VR, despite showing an improvement in the aspects evaluated, did not show
score reductions of the specified magnitude.
To compare the effects on the different aspects, the raw score values were
normalized as percentage values, with 100% indicating the maximum score in every
aspect. Next, we compared the pre- and post-VR scores. In the preoperative evaluation,
we noted that the diseases had a greater impact on physical and functional aspects than
the emotional aspect. Although none of the aspects showed a predominant effect of VR,
the differences in the pre- and post-VR values showed that VR had the greatest influence
on the physical aspect (Table 3).
In the first evaluation (pre-VR), the correlation between the physical and
functional aspects was moderately positive, and that between the emotional and
functional aspects was strongly positive, indicating the interrelationship of these factors
on quality of life of the volunteers, i.e., the functional aspect influences and is influenced
by physical and emotional aspects. Post-RV, these correlations were not observed.
However, analysis of the difference (pre -post) showed a weak positive correlation
between the emotional and functional aspects (Table 4).
In the pre- and post-VR analyses, there was a lack of correlation between age
and gender with the DHI scores, indicating that the results of the VR were not affected
by these characteristics (Table 5).
2.5 Kualitas Keseluruhan
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