Lesson 1 - Recycling

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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Kayle Brobst & Karlie Coppola Date: 9/30/17

Group Size: 24 Allotted Time: 45 min Grade Level 2nd

Subject or Topic: Recycling

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

4.5.2.D: Describe how people can help the environment by reducing, reusing, recycling, and

Learning Targets/Objectives:
Students will identify the different types of recyclables.
Students will understand that reusing items helps the environment stay clean
Students will be able to reuse items by making something new and useful.

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Thumbs up/down 1. # of thumbs up
2. Kahoot 2. # of items correct

Assessment Scale:
Assessment #2
7-10 correct: Proficient
4-6 correct: Basic
1-3 correct: Below Basic

Subject Matter/Content:
Students knowing if their household recycles or not
Students knowing that items are able to be recycled
Students being able to identify the recycling can from the trash can based on the color
and symbol

Key Vocabulary:
Reduce- make smaller, less amount and size
Reuse- use again, more than once
Recycle- convert waste into reusable materials. Make something suitable to be reused.
Landfill- system of trash and garbage disposal in which the waste is buried between
layers of the Earth to build up
Pollution- when the environment is contaminated or dirtied by waste, chemicals and
other harmful substances
Compost- decayed organic material used to improve soil- especially for growing crops
Biodegradable- capable of being broken down rapidly by the action of microorganisms.
Can include: food scraps, cotton, wool, wood, waste, and some others
Non Biodegradable- a substance or chemical that cannot be changed to a harmless
natural state and may damage the environment. Ex: waste and pollution
Global Warming- he recent increase in the world's temperature that is believed to be
caused by the increase of certain gases (such as carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere

The effects of reduce, reuse and recycle. Explain what can be considered in each
Walk or ride a bike instead of driving
Use energy efficient bulbs and appliances
Turn the water off when brushing your teeth
Compost food to change it into rich soil
Use refillable water bottles
Use reusable grocery bags
Use reusable lunchboxes
Use the back side of a paper
Reuse materials for crafts such as bottles and paper towel holders
Recycle plastic containers
Recycle soda cans
Recycle cardboard boxes
Recycle paper newspapers and magazines
Compost leaves and yard waste
Fun facts regarding recycling:
Each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees
Americans use more than 67 tons of paper per year, or about 580 pounds per
Every Sunday, Americans waste 90 percent of recyclable newspapers
Paper products make up the largest part of our trash (40%)
When trash is burned it produces harmful fumes that pollute the air
Natural materials quickly decompose on their own, making sure nothing goes to
Biodegradable- kitchen and yard waste can be put in a compost
Non Biodegradable items can sit outside and be unchanged for years (plastic, glass,
some metals)
When recycling glass- it gets broken and melted to form new glass
Plastic is cheap and useful- just make sure you recycle properly

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
Hook: Brain Pop Video -
- Review common definitions and meanings of words related to recycling
- Essential Question: Today we will learn what items are able to be recycled and how to best
separate them when recycling

Development/Teaching Approaches
The teacher will bring up the powerpoint containing the vocabulary words and
definitions, along with additional content such as reduce reuse recycle information, fun
facts, etc.
As the teacher is reviewing the powerpoint, students will get out their guided notes
worksheet and fill in the blanks with the correct information.
The teacher will describe the differences between glass, plastic, paper, and metals and
how they get broken down to be reused.
It is important for the teacher to stress that since they get broken down to be reused,
this is why its important to make sure they get separated in their certain cans.
Once going through a few slides, ask the class to give a thumbs up or thumbs down
depending on how they feel they understand the information.
If there are thumbs down, review all previous materials and redo thumbs up thumbs
Teacher will them explain to the class that they can reuse different items in their home
as well to cut down on waste.
Teacher will give examples of what the students can make out of different recyclable
materials that will be available to them.
Students will then discuss with their table groups what they are going to create.
The teacher will pass out pieces of paper with the engineering design process on it
where the students can see how to work through a problem.
Students will work on their worksheet until they are finished and the teacher can check
their work.
After the students finish the worksheet they can get up and go get a recyclable item to
resuse and turn into something else.
Once the students work on that and complete their project they will get ready for the
kahoot to check their knowledge.
Teacher will bring up the kahoot and give each student an iPad to create Kahoot user
When the questions appear on the board, the students will answer on their iPad the
answer they think is best
At the end of the Kahoot, the teacher will be able to see the results

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
The students will sit in a circle on the carpet while the teacher reads a book
- Garbage and Recycling by Sally Morgan and Rosie Harlow
- Harlow, R. & Morgan, S. (2001). Garbage and Recycling. Boston: Klingfisher.

Additional copy of book for student that needs additional help, needs to refer back to
Make sure kids are aware that they can ask their classmates for help

Book: Garbage and Recycling by Sally Morgan and Rosie Harlow
Brain POP video- Recycling
- https://www.brainpop.com/science/ourfragileenvironment/recycling/
Guided notes paper
Engineering design process paper
Gallon jugs or cartons
Art supplies for decorating

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels
Remediation Plan (if applicable)
Personal Reflection Questions:
1. Did I teach this well enough for students to comprehend and learn?
2. Did students showcase their knowledge properly on independent activity?

Additional reflection/thoughts

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