Ce491 Lab 2 METU
Ce491 Lab 2 METU
Ce491 Lab 2 METU
Course Section : 1
- Wave flume - Stop watch
- Wave generator - Particles of submerged (heavy) material
- Ruler - Particles of floating (light material)
- Fill the flume with water to a suitable height.
- Measure the water depth
- Start the wave generator
- Measure the wave period
- Observe the motion of the floating material on the water surface
- Observe the motion of the submerged particle at the flume bed
- Measure the maximum horizontal displacement ((2A) b measured) of the particle at the flume bed) to
compare with the corresponding theoretical displacement ((2A) b measured)
- Stop the generator
Table 1: Measurements
8 2
= = 0.8 = = 1.11 /
10 1.8
As it could be seen after calculations, the difference between theoretical and laboratory values are
significant. Many factors may have influenced to this. Firstly, due to quick movement of the particle
the real displacements could be missed. Secondly, the materials behavior under water, having
difficulty to move freely, could be the obstacle.