Pakpak Lawin

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PAKPAK LAWIN (Drynariaquercifloia)



Presented to

The Faculty of Science and Technology Department

Of Palawan National School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Research II




Ms. Liza O. Juanich


August 2011

We, the researcher of this study would like to acknowledge the following who helped and
inspired us to make this research study possible.

To Mrs. Liza O. Juanich, for her ideas and guidance to make this research paper

Mrs. Nenita F. Capague, the school principal, for her guidance & encouragement.

Mrs. Vicky G. Aquino, for her patient consideration and continuous support.

Mrs. Rolina G. Bermejo, for he financial assistance, guidance and prayers.

To the researchers parents, Mrs. Imelda Gutierrez and Mrs. Dinah Masa, for their
cooperation, prayers and willingness to help us out.

To the researchers friends and classmate, for the neverending moral support and their
ideas that helped this research study.

And above all, to Almighty God, for giving us enough strength, wisdom and for all the
blessing He has given and most of all, for guiding us all the way to help us fulfill this
research study.




The study entitled Pakpak-Lauin as Diuretic was conducted to determine if

Pakpak-Lauin has the ability to increase the amount of human urine excretion. It
employed two treatments involving different extraction methods namely, cutting for A
and pounding for B.

An experiment was conducted at Bermejos residence. The conveniently selected

respondents administered with 350 mL Pakpak-Lauin solution. The urine excretion after
drinking the solution was measured.

It was noted that solution B performed best in terms of amount of urine excretion
and solution A performed least in the same basis.

Alternative hypothesis was accepted and pounding was found out to be the best
extraction method.
Chapter I


Many people are suffering from urinary tract infection.

In our study, Pakpak-Lauin (Drynariaquercifloia) as Diuretic, we will be able to test its

effectiveness and find the effect of which when we suffer from kidney problems.

Background of the study

Since people are fond of eating junk foods and other salty foods, they always find
themselves having kidney problems. Since then, many doctors consult different
medications to those who are suffering from these problems.

The kidneys are organs that filter wastes from the blood that excrete them, along
with water, as urine. The kidneys excrete a variety of waste products produced by
metabolism, including the nitrogenous waste: urea and uric acid and water. The kidney is
one of the major organs involved in whole body homeostasis. Among its homeostatic
functions are acid-base balance, regulation of electrolyte concentrations, control of blood
volume, and regulation of blood pressure. Because our kidney has a lot of functions, it is
prone to acquire disorders or problems. Some of these are urinary tract infections,
electrolyte disorders or acid/base imbalance and kidney stones. These orders are
primarily caused by delayed or postponed urination. Because of this, bacteria in the urine
multiply causing infection. Postponement of urine is also a cause of the imbalance of
minerals and other substances in the body.

B. Significance of the study

By conducting this research proposal, we can determine the properties of Pakpak-

Lauin that can prevent kidney problems.
C. Statement of the problem

Which of the sample preparations would greatly stabilize the amount of urine

D. Scope and Delimitation

The study aimed to produce an herbal diuretic that maybe used as substitute to
commercial diuretic treatments. The product is effective if it can increase the amount of
urine excreted by the conveniently selected sample patients. This study does not aim to
replace the commercial treatments but it will help in preventing or curing mild kidney

E. Definition of Terms

Pakpak-Lauin a tropical plant having broad and numerous leaves which radiate
from the center resembling a birds nest.

Homeostasis a state of equilibrium or a tendency to reach equilibrium, either

metabolically within a cell or organism.

Electrolytes any ion in cells, blood, or other organic material. Electrolytes help
to control fluid levels in the body, maintain normal pH levels, and
ensure the correct electric potential between nerves cells that
enables the transmission of nerve signals.

Diuretic a chemical compound that increases the flow of urine and thus
eliminates accumulations of water in cells, tissues, blood, and


A. Literature

Cited in this chapter are different literatures which are in any way, related on this
study. These were obtained from websites,books,encyclopedias and other references of
well-known authority souces.

This chapter contains four parts namely (A.1) Pakpak-Lauin and its folkloric is
and (A.2) Background on diuretic drugs, (B) Related Studies and (C) Hypothesis.

A.1 Pakpak-Lauin na babae and its folkloric use

Pakpak-Lauin na babae (Asplenium macrophyllum Linn.) is found widely

distributed in the dry thickets of the Philippines with the common naes of Buntot-kapon
(Tagalog), Culantrillo (Bukidnon), Pako (Palawan, Tagalog) and Pakong-gubat (Tagalog).
It is also found in someregions of Tropical Asia.

Its rootstock is shotrt and is covered with linear lanceolate, acuminate scales. The
stipes are tuffled, rigid, erect, brown, glabrous, or nearly so and 3 to 30 centimeters wide,
lanceolate. The sores are in close long, parallel, oblique lines reaching for midrib nearly
to margin. Decoction of the fronds is diuretic. It is also used for the treatment of dysuria
and bladder complaints associated with beri-beri.

A.2 Background on diuretics

Etymology: dia-, thoroughly + ourien, to urinate = to urinate thoroughly.

Diuretic (dy-yur-ret`-ik) is anything that promotes the formation of urine by the kidney.
It is a drug that elevates the rate of the bodily excretion (diuresis). There are
several categories of diuretics. All diuretics increase the excretion of water from the body,
although each class of diuretic does so in a distinct way.

Diuretics are chemical agents that help body to rid itself of excess fluids by
increasing the rate of urine production by the kidneys. Excess-fluid accumulations in
tissues, also known as Edema, are symptomatic of a wide heart, kidney, liver and other
disorders. Such disorders must be addressed, but drugs may be used with other

Diuretics vary in a way that they alter the excretion of electrolytes by the kidneys;
these electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium salts, are involved in the regulation of
blood pressure.

The drugs derive from a number of pharmacological groups, including steroids,

sulfonamides and thiazides. They must be chosen according to need: for example, a
diabetic patient should probably avoid thiazides. Adverse reactions to diuretics include
dizziness, numbness, rashes, electrolyte imbalance, and even shock so their use in
treating mild chronic should be carefully considered.

B. Relates Studies

Thiazides or thiazide-like diuretic are commonly used to treat high blood pressure
(hypertension). High lost pressure adds to workload of the heart and the arteries may not
function properly. This can damage the blood vessels of the brain, heart, and kidneys,
resulting in a stroke, heart failure, or kidney failure. High blood pressure may also
increase the risk of heart attacks. These problems may be less likely to occur if blood
pressure is controlled.

Thiazides diuretics are also used to help reduce the amount of water in the body
by increasing the flow if urine. They may also be used for other condition as determined
by your doctor. Thiazides diuretics are available only with your doctors prescription.
Once a medicine has been approved for marketing for a certain used, experience
may show that it is also useful for other medical problems. Although these uses are not
specifically included in product labeling, thiazide diuretics are used in certain patients
with the following medical conditions:

Diabetes insipidus (water diabetes)

Kidney stones (calcium-containing)

For patients taking this medicine for diabetes insipidus (water diabetes)

Some thiazide diuretics are used in the treatmenr of diabetes insipidus (water
diabetes). In patients with water diabetes, this medicine causes a decreases in the flow of
urine and helps the body hold water. Thus, the information given about increased urine
flow will not apply to you.

C. Hypothesis

H : There is no significant difference in the urine excretion between treatments A,B,C,

and D and treatments A and D, B and D and C and D.

H: There is a significant difference in the urin excretion between treatments A,B,C and D
and treatments A and D, B and D and C and D.

Research Design

Research Paradigm

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Different methods of Amount of urine excreted

preparations of the Pakpak- by the respondents.
Lauin solution

* Two conveniently selected * Determination of the most
respondents effective method of preparation
Figure 1. Research Paradigm
The study conducted was an experimental research. Three selected persons were
used as sample patients. The following persons served as respondents for the experiment.

Table 1. The respondents and their physiological aspects.

Respondent Name Age
A Dianne Pea 15
B Hannah Conales 15

The researchers chose the said respondents who have close age gaps.

Sampling Technique
The researchers used simple random method in picking the Pakpak-Lauin leaves
for their experiment. Three different ways of extraction methods were done before
the decoction of leaves. In the first, the leaves were cut into various pieces then
boiled. The second solution was prepared by cutting and pounding the leaves
before boiling. The amount of leaves was 150g per solution and the amount of
water was 500 mL per solution.

The following instruments were used by the researchers to complete the

Mortar and Pestle used to pound the leaves

Casserole used to boil the solution (water together with the leaves)
Weighing Scale used to weigh the leaves for accurate measurements.
Knife used to cut the leaves into small pieces.
Bottle an enclosed container with cap used for storing the prepared solution.
For the preparation of the first solution, the research weighed tha Pakpak-lauin
leaves to 150g using a weighing scale. Then, the leaves were cut into various
pieces. The leaves were then boiled in a casserole containing 350mL water. The
solution was boiled until the water turned brownish green. After boiling, the
researchers cooled the solution and placed it in a clean bottle.
For the second solution, the researchers again weighed the Pakpak-Lauin leaves to
150g using weighing scale. The researches then cut and pounded it using a mortar
and pestle. After pounding, the researchers boiled the pounded leaves in a casserole
containing 350mL water. The researchers waited for the leaves to turn brown. It
was the allowed to cool and was pleaced in a clean bottle.

Internal Validity
The researchers tested the effectivity of the solutions by testing two different
decoctions of Pakpak-Lauin. The independent variable was the difference on how
the Pakpak-Lauin decoction was prepared. (e.g cutting and pounding) and the
controlled variable was the amount of urine excreted and the amount of fluid
intake. The researchers orally administered the two different solutions to come up
with the best results and conclusions.


This study aimed to determine which of the two solutions (cutting before boiling
and pounding before boiling) was the most effective diuretic in terms of urine excreted.

The researchers used four conveniently selected human samples as respondents.

Three respondents administered 15 mL of their assigned solution twice a day (providing a
total of 30 mL per day) before meals.

Respondents A, B and C administered solutions A, B and C accordingly. Within 3

days of observation, the amount of liquid that the respondents drank per day was
controlled. Their liquid accumulation was 500 mL including the solution.

Table 2. Results of the efficacy of varied Pakpak-Lauin preparations as diuretic.


Solution A (cut) A 350mL 350mL 1107.36

Solution B (pounded) b 350mL 1570

The first respondent who tested solution A (extraction through cutting) produced
lesser amount of urine compared to the 2nd respondent who tested solution B (extracting
through pounding) had the most amount of urine excreted.

Studies show that diuretics should be chosen according to need: for example, a
diabetic patient should probably avoid thiazides. Adverse reactions to diuretics include
dizziness, numbness, rashes, electrolyte imbalance, and even so shock so their use in
treating mild chronic conditions should be carefully considered.

Since the Pakpak-Lauin decoction is an herbal diuretic, there were no noted side
effects or any reactions experienced by the respondents.

The pounding method was considered to be the best extraction method because
the solution (B) has enabled the 1st respondent to excrete urine in comparison with the
other respondent who took solution A.


The study was conducted to determine if Pakpak-lauin decoction has the ability to
increase the amount of urine excretion. It employed three treatments involving different
extractions namely, cutting for sample A and pounding for sample B.


Results of the study showed that:

The 2nd solution was the most effective in terms of the amount of the urine

Pounding was found out to be the best extraction method.

Based on the findings, the following conclusions was arrived at:
It was noted that the 2nd solution or treatment B performed best in terms of
the amount of urine excretion.

Based on the findings and conclusion, the researchers would like to present the
following recommendations:
The researchers recommend further studies regarding the determination if the
compounds or substances that constitute the solution which gives it its diuretic
abilities. Similar studies may also be conducted using other extraction methods.
The researchers would also like to recommend administering all the two samples
to each of the respondents under a period of time.

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