Mooreaudrey Nov8obs
Mooreaudrey Nov8obs
Mooreaudrey Nov8obs
Junior/Senior Intern
Did the interns/student teachers classroom management support the learning outcomes?
Yes. Very nice job keeping up the energy of the lesson and keeping students engaged! Asked questions to redirect or re-
engage if needed. Add more praise to positively remind of expectations during transitions(I like how quietly ___ and ___
moved to the table and got started working!)
Was the Teaching Behavior Focus goal achieved?
Provide clear directions and make sure to do a guided demonstration- nice job explaining various portions of the
lesson, demonstrated the introduction sort, showed and explained the suitcase activity before sending students
back to seats
Engage students through discussion, and have a good balance between direct instruction and student
questioning- nice job guiding the discussion throughout and allowing students to turn and talk and share out,
then using their comments to further explain the lesson
Paraphrasing students verbal content- nice job repeating student responses and using them to further explain
your point
Student Intern Signature:______________________________________ Date:______________