N. B A - C.I.T. JT 2003 (1) SC 363: Agavathy Mmal V
N. B A - C.I.T. JT 2003 (1) SC 363: Agavathy Mmal V
N. B A - C.I.T. JT 2003 (1) SC 363: Agavathy Mmal V
JT 2003(1) SC 363
Statutory Provisions.
Section. 2(14) Capital Asset means property of any kind held by an assessee, whether or
not connected with his business or profession, but does not include
(i) any stock-in-trade, consumable stores or raw materials held for the purposes of his
business or profession ;
(ii) personal effects, that is to say, movable property (including wearing apparel and
furniture) held for personal use by the assessee or any member of his family dependent on
him, but excludes (a) jewellery; (b) archaeological collections; (c) drawings; (d)
paintings; (e) sculptures; or (f) any work of art.
(iii) agricultural land in India.
(1) Notwithsatnding anything contained in section 45, where the assets of the company are
distributed to its shareholders on its liquidation, such distribution shall not be regarded as
transfer by the company for the purposes of section 45.
(2) Where the shareholder on the liquidation of the company receives any money or assets
from the company, he shall be chargeable to income tax under the head Capital Gains in
respect of the money so received or the market value of the other assets on the date of
distribution , as reduced by the amount assessed as dividends , and the sum so arrived at shall
be deemed to be the full value of the consideration .
The income chargeable under the head Capital Gains shall be computed by deducting from
the full value of the consideration received or accruing as a result of the transfer of the capital
asset namely ;
(i) expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively in connection with such transfer.
(ii) the cost of acquisition of an the asset and cost of improvement thereto.
(1) Before making the assessment, reassessment or recomputation under section 147, the
Assessing Officer shall serve on the assessee a notice requiring him to furnish within such
period, as may be specified in the notice, a return of his income or the income of any other
person in respect of which he is assessable under this Act during the previous year
corresponding to the relevant assessment year, in the prescribed form and verified in the
prescribed manner and setting forth such other particulars as may be prescribed.
(2) The Assessing Officer shall, before issuing any notice under this section, record his
reasons for doing so.
The assessee appellants are sisters. They were share holders in M/s. Palkulam Estate
(Private) Ltd., Nagercoil. The company went into liquidation in 1964.Pursuant to a
compromise decree dated 22nd December 1969 in litigation between the assessees and their
brother (who was also a share holder in the company), and the company represented by the
liquidator, the assets of the company which included agricultural lands were distributed to the
appellants and eight others. The appellants thereby received 479.89 acres of the agricultural
lands prior to the end of the relevant accounting year that was 31.3.70. The assessment in
respect of the year 1970- 71 had been completed on 27.2.71. The Income Tax Officer
reopened the assessments under the relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act. The
appellants filed their returns in respect of the two notices under the relevant provisions for
reassessment. The assessing officer did not acccept the contention of the assessee appellants
that in terms of the definition of assets in section 2(14), agricultural lands were entitled to
be excluded while computing capital gains on assets received by the shareholder from a
company in liquidation under section 46(2) .
According to the assessing officer, section 46(2) refers only to money received on
liquidation or the market value of the assets on the date of distribution and it was immaterial
whether the asset was agricultural lands or otherwise. The value of the share of agricultural
lands transferred to each appellant was, therefore, included as income subject to capital gains
and subjected to tax. The assessees appeals before the Commissioner of Income Tax
(Appeals) were allowed by holding that the scope of section 46(2) would have to be read in
the light of the definition of the word capital asset in section 2(14) and that having
exempted agricultural lands from capital gains under the general provision , it was difficult to
interpret section 46(2) as including agricultural land. The action of the Income Tax Officer
in charging the income of the distribution of agricultural lands as capital gains under section
46(2) of the Act was accordingly set aside. The revenue appealed before the tribunal. The
tribunal dismissing the revenues appeal held that : On a combined reading of section 45,
46(2) and 48 it will be clear, according to our opinion, that assets mentioned in section 46(2)
would mean capital assets. In as much as section 47(viii) exempts transfer of agricultural land
from capital gain tax under section 45, we agree with the Commissioner of Income Tax
(Appeals) in coming to the conclusion that it is difficult to interpret section 46(2) as including
agricultural lands which is outside the scope of the Income Tax. At the instance of the CIT ,
the Tribunal referred the following question for the consideration of the High Court.
Whether on the facts and in the circumstances of the case, the appellate tribunal is right in
law in holding that the assets mentioned in section 46(2) would mean capital asset as
defined in section 2(14) and that consequently, the value of agricultural lands received by the
assessee on the liquidation of Palkulam Estate (P) Ltd. cannot be charged to be tax under
section 46(2) of the Income Tax Act, 1961?
The High Court answered the question against the assessees and in favour of the revenue.
The High Court construed the provisions of section 46(2) and held, reversing the decision of
the CIT(A) and the tribunal, that the definition of capital assets under section 2(14) of the
Act is not of any relevance for the purpose of construing section 46(2) of the Act, and the fact
that agricultural lands to the extent provided in section 2(14)(iii) of the Act are excluded from
the definition did not have any impact on the taxability of the market value of the agricultural
land received by the assessee on the distribution of the assets of a company in liquidation.
Against this the assessees have come in appeal to the Supreme Court . Whether the word
assets in section 46(2) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 must be understood and construed
according to the definition of the word capital assets in section 2(14) of the Act.
Reasoning of the Court
Before considering the correctness of the decision of the High Court the context in which
section 46(2) came to be part of the Income Tax Act needs to be considered. Section 12-B of
the Income Tax Act, 1922 provided for payment of tax under capital gains in respect of any
profits or gains whatsoever from the sale, exchange, relinquishment or transfer of a capital
asset effected after 31st day of March 1956, and such profits and gains shall be deemed to be
income of the previous year in which the sale, exchange, relinquishment or transfer took
place. In Commissioner of Income Tax, Madras v. Madurai Mills Co. Ltd. [1973 (89) ITR
45] Construing section 12-B of the Income Tax Act, 1922, the Supreme Court in had held
that: When a shareholder receives money representing his share on distribution of the net
assets of the company in liquidation, he receives that money in satisfaction of the right which
belonged to him by virtue of his holding the shares and not by operation of any transaction
which amounts to sale, exchange, relinquishment or transfer within the meaning of section
12-B of the Act. Section 45(1) of the 1961 Act which substantially corresponds with section
12-B of the 1922 Act provides that: Any profits or gains arising from the transfer of a
capital asset effected in the previous year shall be chargeable to income tax under the head
capital gains, and shall be deemed to be the income of the previous year in which the
transfer took place.
The words capital assets has been defined in section 2(14) of the Act which provides that:
(14) Capital assets means property of any kind held by an assessee, whether or not
connected with his business or profession, but does not include
(iii) agricultural land in India.
It has been held by the Supreme Court that the principle of Madurai Mills that a distribution
of assets of a company in liquidation does not amount to a transfer continues to apply to the
1961 Act. The view in Madurai Mills Co. Ltd. has also been statutorily affirmed in Section
46(1) which provides: 46.(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 45, where the
assets of a company are distributed to its shareholders on its liquidation, such distribution
shall not be regarded as a transfer by the company for the purposes of section 45. In other
words, a distinction is drawn between a transfer of assets and a distribution of assets of the
company on liquidation. Where there is transfer of assets and not a distribution on
liquidation then having regard to section 47(viii) which provides that:
Nothing contained in section 45 shall apply to the following transfers:
(viii) any transfer of agricultural land in India effected before the 1st day of March 1970
it may have been argued at least on behalf of the company that the transfer having been
concluded in 1969 was exempt from capital gains.
This argument, however, is not available to the shareholders who receive assets from the
company on distribution consequent upon liquidation because of section 46(2) which was
introduced to make the receipts of assets from a company liquidation by its share holders a
taxable event for the first time.
Section 46(2) provides:
46(2). Where a shareholder on the liquidation of a company receives any money or other
assets from the company, he shall be chargeable to income tax under the head capital gains
in respect of the money so received or the market value of the other assets on the date of
distribution, as reduced by the amount assessed as dividend and the sum so arrived at shall
be deemed to be the full value of the consideration.
The question is does the words assets in section 46(2) mean capital assets as defined in
section 2(14) of the Act?
If it does then, it is conceded by the revenue, there is no question of subjecting the
agricultural lands received by the assessees from the company in liquidation to capital gains.
Indisputably, the object in introducing section 46(2) was to overcome the reasoning in
Madurai Mills by broadening the base of the incidence of capital gains and expressly
providing for receipt of assets of a company in liquidation by a shareholder as a taxable
event. Section 46(2) is in terms of an independent charging section.
It also provides for a distinct method of calculation of capital gains. It was mentioned in
C.I.T. v. R.M. Amin that:
Section 46 (2) , was enacted both with a view to make shareholders liable for payment of tax
on capital gains as well as to prescribe the mode of calculating the capital gains to the
shareholders on the distribution of assets by a company in liquidation. But for that sub-
section , it would have been difficult to levy tax on capital gains to the shareholders on
distribution of assets by a company in liquidation. However Section 46 (2) does not make
any reference to capital assets either in connection with the imposition of capital gains tax nor
its computation. Having referred to capital asset in section 45(1), 47 and 48, the Parliament
appears to have deliberately chosen to use the word asset in section 46(1) and (2), the
ostensible intention being to bring assets of all kinds within the scope of the charge. It is not
necessary to refer to a dictionary to hold that capital assets are a species of the genus assets.
If the words capital assets and assets as used in sections 45(1) and 46 respectively did not
overlap then there was no need to provide for a non obstante clause in section 46(1) with
reference to section 45.
Therefore the High Court correctly held that , agricultural land would have been a capital
asset but for the exclusion from the definition of capital asset and what is not a capital asset
may yet be an asset for the purposes of section 46(2). Therefore, to the extent that a
shareholder assessee receives assets whether capital or any other from the company in
liquidation, the assessee is liable to pay tax on the market value of the assets as on the date of
the distribution as provided under section 46(2). That appears to be the plain meaning of the
section and there is no reason to construe it in any other fashion. The invocation of section
2(14) of the Act which defines capital asset is as such unnecessary for the purpose of
construing section 46(2).