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Public Lab Desktop Spectrometry Kit 3.0: Instructions 1.0

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Public Lab

Spectrometry Kit 3.0

Instructions 1.0
Getting Started
Calbration and setup
Once youve assembled your spectrometer and are ready to use it,
plug it in and visit:
to begin recording data with it. The web-based software works in
the Chrome, Firefox and Opera browsers on most computers and
Android phones.

Peer Support
Public Lab is not a corporation; were an open community of DIY
environmental science researchers which you have just joined!

The best place to get help is the spectrometry mailing list. The
spectrometry mailing list is made up of people like you, who are
building and improving open source spectrometry techniques. Ask
questions, look for help, and consider helping others too!

You can also post a question on this site; it helps to share some
photos or screenshots of what youre trying to do.

this is Open Hardware released under the CERN OHL (see back
cover), please join our community and make contributions to our
program and our future kits. Public Lab users contributing to the
current kit (as of 2015/02/10):

warren lionheadrex AndyZ filipsyssz ajtarnas

stevie Henry0815 tungs10 sonofaquark ckmurt
Guillaume123 nickha Naljorpa akje91 Livioguerrero
mathew stoft Ligon chem350vsap B.Williams
MrBumper chrisjob RachelFinan23 ben.alley43 kosamari
Deforme muyueh nemo Hudonnoodles Tom_H
jakemartin gaudi dckim Jean-Christo- ToF
amysoyka silverhammer Suiris phe-DORE Alex-McCarthy
bsugar jholmes5 danbeavers Smokey45 leeuwenstein
liz PascalW philippg mkoistinen beckman
cfastie Sreyanth janezhz BradDudenhoer Misterdeman
flatCat RTegelbeckers PeterDavidowicz ernestbolds JoshMc
bhickman Shannon id022012 Dplus dhaner
homechemist marlokeno drabanus cbreuer Adam-Griffith
Natalie wagnerc4 straylight jetson mmittler
WhiteRabbit borsaci06 dmdc nutandbolt jereyjoy
ygzstc Dongjie dusjagr pluharj
eustatic gbathree huggo wiebew
Parts List: Two-piece box

6 yard roll of
gumstick webcam double-sided
with USB Cable tape

45 degree ash
camera block,
3 cm x 4 x 4cm

ash bench 1/4 DVD-R

(6mm) x 40mm x & 0.2mm collimation slit
a 65-degree
angle mount for
the diraction
grating not pictured:
extra paper

5ocm of loop
fastener tape

25cm of hook
45-degree fold-up fastener tape
camera angle.
Your spectrometer is composed of three functional elements:

l^`^   ^   ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

rays through its apeture
l^ ^`  ^  ^ `     b
wavelength, creating a rainbow diraction pattern.
l^`^ ^ `^   ^`  ^ `  
collimation slit.

These elements are mounted on an adjustable velcro bench in a black

paper box.
Bench Assembly

Everything is built up from the bench, an ash board 4cm (1.5 inches)
wide. We will cover it with the loop tape (fuzzy side of the velcro).

The velcro loop tape is slightly wider than half the width of the bench,
two strips will hang over each edge a bit.

Camera block assembly

You will need the camera, double-sided tape, the block, and the hook
side of the velcro tape. Try to hold the camera by its edges, as it can
be sensitive to electrical shorts.
Start by putting a strip of double-sided tape on the back side of the

Remove the pink protective film

from the double-sided tape and
attach to the center of the blocks
45-degree angled side, with the white cable port on top:

On the underside of the block,

attach two short strips of the
hook tape (the velcros scratchy side).


Make a Diraction Grating From a DVD

Do not touch the surface of the DVD, always hold it by the edges,
fingerprints will blur this important optical component.

We are going to turn a DVD-R into a diraction grating, a device for

separating light by frequency. An ideal diraction grating would
create a straight rainbow. A DVD produces a curved rainbow, but its
rigidity and consistency make it a very good grating. Aligningy your
diraction grating will take some tweaking. Weve given you extra
material to help.
there are three steps,
cutting a quarter of the DVD out,
peeling o the reflective aluminum side,
and triming to a small piece.

OPTIONAL: Wash the purple ink o of

the DVD fragment for greater light
transmission. see note /n/11515.

Peeling apart a quarter of the DVD:

Cut out a quarter of the DVD with
scissors. It may take more than one
try to get a good diraction grating,
so save the rest too.

Use a knife or a fingernail to dig under

the corner of the DVD quarter and peel the two layers apart.

You will get two layers. We are trying to get a transparent purple
piece without aluminum stuck to it. If you cant find a good piece you
may want to try another quarter DVD. You only need a 2cm (.75)
square cut from the outer edge.
Trim down to a small square
with roughly 2cm of the DVD
s outer edge.
Assemble the diraction grating angle
You will need:

When taping the three flaps together, make sure the bottom flaps are
lined up. put hook tape on the bottom.

Put the outer edge of the dvd at the mid-point of the hole, and then
remove the handles from the binder clip.

Assemble the slit card

You will need

The collimation slit should be in

the DVD sleeve.
We will attach the slit using the
tape as single sided tape--
tape it on top and DO NOT
remove the backing film.

Line up the collimation slit with the line

on the slit card and tape down.

Assemble the box

We strongly recommend watching the box assembly video, which is

For the purposes of this instructional Ive highlighted the edges of the
box in white and used an unprinted box. your box will have a printed
and unprinted sides and no white edges.

Place the box with the printing facing down. Pre-crease all the
creases towards you. crease the box top as well.

Fold the left side of the box (to the left of the narrow spot) over on
itself, and insert the hold tab in place.
Fold the right side over to the left

Lay the box top so its tabs line up with the slots in the box bottoms
right side
Make sure the small rectangular holes on the top and
bottom of the box line up. We will put the webcam
cable through that hole later.

Insert the tabs together. The box top will not lay flat--
dont worry- that is extra space for folding.

Now open the box back up and fold left and right side flaps to the
middle to form the inner walls. They will hook together (see next pg)
The inner walls hook together:

Fold the outer walls up and over the inner walls. Use the two circular
holes in the outer walls to position the inner walls while folding the
outer wall over.

Flip the box upside down and make sure the tabs have all popped out
of the bottom of the box. Walk your fingers along the inside of the
box and make sure all the tabs are popped out of the bottom.
Putting it all on the bench

Line up the the bench with the side

of the box, and align the cameras
lens with the 200mm marker on the
side of the box. Press the camera
block down firmly.

Place the diraction grating angle

directly in front of the camera block
and press it down firmly.
Slide the slit card in the front of the box. The printing is slightly o,
unfortunately. level the slit cards line just above the boxs line. the
card should wedge in place on its bottom edge.

Push the camera cable through the cable hole in the back of the box:

Plug it into the camera-- it only fits one way, dont force it.

Slide the bench in at an angle, placing it down by the cable hole, and
then pushing it down to the bottom.

Close the lid and youre done! Your computer should recognize
your spectrometer as a webcam. go to Spectralworkbench.org to
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