J Cell Biol 2015 Helma 633 44
J Cell Biol 2015 Helma 633 44
J Cell Biol 2015 Helma 633 44
Antibodies are key reagents to investigate cellular pro- exclusive to small and stable binding molecules and cannot
cesses. The development of recombinant antibodies and be performed easily with full-length antibodies, as a result of
crucial inter- and intramolecular disulphide bridges that do not
binders derived from natural protein scaffolds has ex-
form in the cytoplasm. Thus, researchers have found a plethora
panded traditional applications, such as immunofluores- of new applications in which binders have been combined with
cence, binding arrays, and immunoprecipitation. In enzymatic or structural functionalities in living systems.
addition, their small size and high stability in ectopic en- The development of in vitro screening techniques has
been a decisive step for the rise and generation of recombinant
vironments have enabled their use in all areas of cell re- binding reagents. These methods include classic phage display
search, including structural biology, advanced microscopy,
In vitro binder selection with display techniques epitopes on large folded proteins, respectively (Sundberg and
Mariuzza, 2002). In contrast, the prolate shape of a VHH ex-
Several polypeptide display techniques are available to identify anti-
gen-specific binders in vitro. Although these methods use different bi-
poses a convex paratope that is well suited to bind cavities or
ological vehicles, they share common features, including the capacity cryptic epitopes, which are likely unavailable for bulkier IgG
to screen large gene libraries, physical coupling of the encoding DNA paratopes as was exemplified for the blocking of the active site
sequence with its respective protein, and the possibility to increase bind- of lysozyme and the recognition of elusive structures of patho-
ing specificity and affinity by repetitive mutagenesis and selection cycles
genic trypanosomes (Nguyen et al., 2000; Stijlemans et al.,
2004; De Genst et al., 2006).
Phage display Nonimmunoglobulin binders.The specific needs of
Phage display, the most common display technique, involves the display the various fields of application as well as patenting issues mo-
of a recombinant binder library on the surface of bacteriophages upon
genetic fusion with a viral coat protein. Individual phages comprise a
tivated the development of several alternative binder formats
defined binder on the surface and the respective gene within a phagemid that are based on defined nonimmunoglobulin protein folds.
inside the phage particle. Challenging this phage library with an immo- Here, we describe a few that are well established and suited for
bilized antigen allows for in vitro selection of specific binders that can be cellular research (Fig. 1 B).
amplified and identified by reinfection of Escherichia coli. Most widely
There are different strategies to engineer completely new
used are M13 filamentous phages.
classes of antibody mimetics. On the one hand, researchers have
Bacterial and yeast display used natural protein folds as universal scaffolds for the genera-
Both techniques rely on fusing the gene of the binder library to respec- tion of recombinant binding reagents. For example, the 10-kD
tive surface proteins. In contrast to phages, bacteria and yeast can be
screened via flow cytometry. Displaying binders on yeast is additionally
fibronectin protein fold serves as a template for the bioengi-
advantageous because the expression is mediated by a eukaryotic ma- neered Adnectins/monobodies (Fig. 1 B). They are structured
similarly to immunoglobulin domains with seven sheets and
The structural subunit of a DARPin consists of a turn followed however, the success in retrieving a potent binder with a desired
by a pair of antiparallel helices and a loop, typically comprising target specificity largely depends on the library size as well as
33 amino acids. Randomization of defined helix residues enables the techniques and conditions used for their screening.
selection of high-affinity binders (Binz et al., 2003; Forrer et al.,
2003; Kohl et al., 2003). In contrast to barrel-like binder folds with Applications of recombinant binders in
antigen-reactive loop structures, DARPins form slightly concave molecular and cellular biology
binding surfaces that favor large, conformational epitopes. As a Cellular proteomics.The analysis of proteomes relies on
result of the complete absence of disulphide bridges, DARPins the availability of high-quality binding reagents. They are nec-
are well suited as potential intracellular binders (Parizek et al., essary for the molecular analysis of specific target proteins and
2012) and can be expressed in large amounts in bacteria. their spatiotemporal cellular abundance using standard detec-
In addition to these established formats, a plethora of tion methods such as microscopy and Western blot analysis.
novel protein scaffolds has been developed and includes recom- Furthermore, binder-mediated affinity purification in combina-
binant binders such as avimers (Silverman et al., 2005), affilins tion with systems biology techniques has contributed to a com-
(Ebersbach et al., 2007), fynomers (Grabulovski et al., 2007), prehensive understanding of cellular interactomes in
affitins (Mouratou et al., 2007), knottins (Smith et al., 1998), development and disease. Although such experiments were his-
armadillo repeat proteins (Parmeggiani et al., 2008), and the torically performed with conventional antibodies, the use of re-
very recently published adhirons, which can be stably produced combinant binding reagents for proteomic application becomes
in large amounts (Tiede et al., 2014). As a complement to con- increasingly popular, and international consortia have been in-
ventional antibodies, man-made recombinant binders, based on stalled with the long-term goal to cover the entire human pro-
immunoglobulin or nonimmunoglobulin folds, open up new teome with renewable binders (Taussig et al., 2007;
possibilities for the life sciences. The available formats have Colwill and Grslund, 2011).
common and unique properties (Table 1) that can be used to Biochemical and proteomic analyses of crude samples
choose the best format for a given application. For all formats, include affinity-based purification or depletion of specific com-
Ig derivative
Fab 50 IgG Four Ig domains, -sandwich Via six CDR loops, VH/VL Nonrecombinant generation by papain digest of IgG
(yes) interface is possible
scFv 25 IgG Two Ig domains , Via six CDR loops, VH/VL A synthetic link stabilizes the noncovalent interaction
-sandwich(yes) interface between VH and VL domains
VH 13 IgG -sandwich (yes) Three VH CDR loops Single domain antibody; exposed hydrophobic stretch
VL 13 IgG -sandwich (yes) Three VL CDR loops Single domain antibody; exposed hydrophobic stretch
VHH 13 hcAb -sandwich (yes) Three VHH CDR loops Small, stable Ig antigen binding unit; recognition of
cryptic epitopes
V-NAR 9 Ig-NAR -sandwich (yes) Three V-NAR CDR loops Small, stable Ig antigen binding unit; recognition of
cryptic epitopes
Non-Ig binders
Monobodies 10 Fibronectin -sandwich (no) Three CDR-like loops Ig-like structure lacking disulphides
Anticalins 20 Lipocalin Goblet-like -barrel (yes) Four CDR-like loops Binding pocket for small molecules and protruding
Affibodies 6.5 Protein A Three -helices (no) helix-mediated Bacterial origin, smallest recombinant binder format
DARPins 18 Ankyrin repeat Helix-turn-helix (no) planar, flexible surface Repetitive, modular design
ponents using chromatography columns that, however, require of cellular protein components (Fig. 2 A). However, array anal-
large amounts of affinity material. Thus, expensive monoclo- yses of complex protein samples require highly sensitive and
nal and polyclonal antibodies are less attractive to purify or specific detection reagents to measure low-abundant proteins
deplete endogenous proteins, whereas inexpensive immobi- (Fig. 2 A). In terms of recombinant probes, high-affinity scFvs
lized-metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) systems, such as have proven especially useful for protein arrays (Wingren et al.,
the Ni-NTA (nitrilotriacetic acid)/His-tag system, are widely 2007) and allowed for biomarker profiling of cancers (Ingvars-
used but also restricted to artificially tagged proteins. Con- son et al., 2008; Carlsson et al., 2010) and autoimmune diseases
sequently, recombinant binders that can be produced at low (Carlsson et al., 2011). However, the high cost per array is still
costs in high quantities offer valuable alternatives for immu- the limiting factor in protein array technologies.
noaffinity chromatography of biological samples (Blank et al., State-of-the-art proteomics nowadays mostly relies on the
2002; Grnwall et al., 2007). use of mass spectrometry to analyze complex protein mixtures
The rise of comprehensive proteomic analyses started (Walther and Mann, 2010). Affinity tools are used in mass spec-
with the advent of protein microarrays enabling quantification trometrybased proteomics to purify or enrich defined targets
and subsequently identify PTMs and interacting factors (Fig. 2 and fixation of one native conformer in the ensemble (Zhou et
A). To bypass the time-consuming generation of specific bind- al., 2001; Uysal et al., 2009; Rasmussen et al., 2011a,b; Kruse
ers, proteins are often tagged with established foreign epitopes. et al., 2013) or by minimizing local flexibility (Chaikuad et al.,
The use of GFP as tag in cellular proteomics allows the ex- 2014); (c) shielding highly charged and flexible regions such
perimental link between live cell microscopy and proteomic as in the Polo-like kinase 1 crystal structure (Bandeiras et al.,
analysis (Cristea et al., 2005) and a high-affinity GFP-bind- 2008); (d) masking problematic peptide patches with unwanted
ing nanobodytermed GFP binding protein (GBP)enables self-polymerizing propensity (Hoyer et al., 2008; Domanska et
highly efficient one-step purification of GFP fusion proteins al., 2011; Baranova et al., 2012); and (e) introducing or by ex-
to study PPIs and proteinDNA interactions (Rothbauer et al., tending a hydrophobic and rigid surface area available to form
2008; Trinkle-Mulcahy et al., 2008; Frauer and Leonhardt, crystal contacts (Sennhauser et al., 2007; Bandeiras et al., 2008;
2009; Pichler et al., 2012). Similarly, an RFP-specific nanobody Schnfeld et al., 2009; Veesler et al., 2009; Rasmussen et al.,
was genetically immobilized to biogenic, magnetic nanoparti- 2011a; Koide et al., 2012; Krishnamurthy and Gouaux, 2012).
cles produced by magnetotactic bacteria (Pollithy et al., 2011) Especially, -rich chaperones (nanobodies and monobod-
for efficient magnetic bead pull-down of RFP fusion proteins. ies) have a pronounced tendency to form intermolecular self-as-
Recent efforts demonstrated that proteomics may be used semblies via an exposed edge of their sheet (Tereshko et al.,
to identify and generate recombinant binders by combining next 2008). However, DARPins were shown to be involved in crystal
generation DNA sequencing with mass spectrometry analysis of packing as well (Veesler et al., 2009).
immune repertoires (Fridy et al., 2014). For this purpose, nano- The availability of these diverse types of chaperones per-
body cDNA libraries from an immunized llama were sequenced mits the generation of binders against all possible topologies. It
and matched with the respective antigen-specific hcAb peptide is well established that the convex binding surface of nanobod-
sensors are widely used for the spatiotemporal analysis of target fusion partners should be preferentially added at the C terminus
structures in living cells. The genetic tagging of a protein of of nanobodies, which is the natural connection site for the con-
interest with a fluorescent reporter enables the dynamic visu- stant domain and thus distal from the antigen binding site.
alization of molecular features in living cells. Such studies in- Moreover, such visualization inherently depends on anti-
clude the subcellular localization, conformational changes, and gen-specific subcellular patternings (e.g., focal or filamentous
PPI that can be measured e.g., by distance-dependent Frster structures), because the fluorescence signal is constitutively de-
resonance energy transfer (FRET). However, the fusion with rived from the biosensor itself and thus does not report on the
FPs requires genetic manipulation and may compromise the bi- antigen abundance per se. One approach to quantify endoge-
ological function of the protein of interest (Hosein et al., 2003). nous factors with recombinant binders is based on solvatochro-
Moreover, recombinant expression rarely reflects endogenous matic fluorescent dyes whose fluorescence increases upon
expression levels, and nonprotein targets cannot be studied with antigen binding (Toutchkine et al., 2003; Nalbant et al., 2004).
this strategy. For these applications, recombinant affinity bind- Site-specific attachment of these dyes to a Src-specific mono-
ers offer new options to engineer novel intracellular biosensors. body for example allowed the quantitation of Src dynamics in
Tracing and tracking.A straightforward application living cells (Gulyani et al., 2011). So far, however, this approach
for dynamic intracellular tracking of endogenous target struc- requires in vitro dye conjugation and intracellular application
tures consists of the genetic fusion of specific binders with FPs via microinjection, which limits its utility in cell biology. In
(Fig. 3 A). For these applications, any recombinant binders can general, recombinant SNAP-/Halo-/CLIP-tag techniques (Kep-
be used, as long as they are functionally expressed in living pler et al., 2003; Gautier et al., 2008; Los et al., 2008) rely on
cells. The reported reagents cover diverse aspects of cell biol- self-labeling protein tags that covalently react with chemically
ogy, including the visualization of cytoskeletal components modified and fluorescently labeled substrates. This approach
(Rothbauer et al., 2006; Riedl et al., 2008, 2010), the DNA rep- offers new experimental options for site-specific dye attach-
lication machinery (Burgess et al., 2012), and viral infections ment in living cells and have been applied to label binders such
(Jones et al., 2010; Helma et al., 2012) as well as reporting on as DARPins and scFvs (Kampmeier et al., 2009; Hussain et
apoptotic progression (Zolghadr et al., 2012) and ubiquitin sig- al., 2011; Gu et al., 2013).
naling (Sims et al., 2012). However, it is important to note that Conformation and PTM sensors.As discussed in
live-cell visualization of endogenous structures and their re- the structural biology section, affinity reagents can detect and
spective cell biology with affinity entities requires careful mon- stabilize specific conformational states of proteins. Conse-
itoring of potential interference upon antigen binding, such as quently, reframing such binders as intracellular biosensors po-
effects on stability or localization of the target. To prevent that tentially enables the spatiotemporal analysis of specific
genetic fusion of a nanobody impairs its affinity and specificity, conformational changes and their biological implications in
living cells (Fig. 3 A). Such application was shown for a nano- systematically demonstrated arguing for the use of directly la-
body that binds the activated conformation of the 2-adrenocep- beled nanobodies for advanced nanoscopy (Ries et al., 2012).
tor (Rasmussen et al., 2011a). Fusing this binder with GFP Similarly, nanobodies have been used for photothermal sin-
reports on the subcellular localization of activated 2-adreno- gle-molecule tracking in living cells with functionalized gold
ceptor and lead to the identification of endosomal membranes nanoparticles (Leduc et al., 2013).
as initiation sites of acute G proteincoupled receptor signaling, Target modulation and validation.The molecular
which has previously been considered to occur exclusively from interaction between binder and antigen potentially alters or in-
the plasma membrane (Irannejad et al., 2013). hibits the biological function of the target structure (Fig. 3 A).
Similarly, a DARPin that recognizes the activated, phos- In combination with intracellular expression, recombinant
phorylated conformation of extracellular signalregulated binders may thus be used for targeted modulation of antigen
kinase (ERK; Kummer et al., 2012) was conjugated with a activity. The conceptual realization of such binder-mediated
solvatochromatic merocyanine to quantitatively report on ac- modulation was demonstrated by targeting the active site of the
tive pERK localization in living cells in absence and presence potato starch branching enzyme A in plant cells (Jobling et al.,
of an inhibitor of the upstream regulatory kinase MEK1/2 2003). In a related approach, estrogen receptorspecific mono-
(Kummer et al., 2013). Interestingly, this DARPin recognizes bodies were used to discriminate ligand-induced conforma-
a conformational change within the activation loop that is ac- tional changes of estrogen receptor in yeast (Koide et al., 2002).
tivation-dependent and thus indirectly reports on the primary Finally, nanobodies were used to modulate protein conforma-
modification, the ERK phosphorylation. Like conventional an- tion and thereby either enhance or minimize fluorescence prop-
tibodies, recombinant binders can be generated against PTMs erties of FPs (Kirchhofer et al., 2010).
and nonprotein epitopes. Thus, live-cell application of recombi- Novel recombinant binder formats have been developed
Figure 4. Recombinant binders as modular entities in conceptual, cell-based assay design. (A) A targeted protein knockout via an engineered proteaso-
mal degradation device. The natural WD40 domain that mediates the interaction with a substrate to be degraded via the Skp1-Cul1-F-box-protein (SCF)
ubiquitin (Ub) ligase complex is substituted with a recombinant binder, allowing targeted ablation of a protein of interest (POI; Caussinus et al., 2012). (B)
A scaffold-induced system to manipulate gene activity. Two different binders, recognizing distinct epitopes of a scaffold protein of interest are fused to a
DNA-binding protein (DBP) and a transcriptional activator (TA) enabling protein of interestdependent gene activation (Tang et al., 2013).
binders but also utilizes them to control gene transcription, pro- typespecific manner and to demonstrate that nanobodies can
tein turnover, or reroute signaling cascades (Lienert et al., be used as dimerization-mediating binding entities (Fig. 4 B;
2014). Central claims of the still young field of synthetic biol- Tang et al., 2013). The GFP/GBP system was also used in the
ogy involve the rational redesign of genetic building blocks to
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