Sports Sept 2018, 6-7 PDF

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September 29, 2017

Old Faces, New

Teams in CFB NFL Season
BY Bobby Murphy
Staff writer

As the college football sea-

son begins, many new coaches
Six Peach Bowl win. Herman
will lead a prolific Texas pro-
gram, as he will try to bring
them back to the dynasty they
were in the 2000s. Cal will be
BY Bobby murphy in the opening week featured 4th quarter down 17. With
will be under the microscope led by new head coach Justin Staff writer the defending NFC champion help by their defense forcing
as they lead their respectives Wilcox, who was the defen- Atlanta Falcons, who escaped turnovers, they came back
teams for the first time. Many sive coordinator at Wisconsin. With the end of September with a win after a goal-line de- with a chance to tie the game
big name programs, like LSU, He will look to turn around a approaching, the National fensive stand vs the Chicago at the buzzer, but the poten-
Oregon, Texas, and Oklaho- Cal team that has had one of Football League season will Bears. Another big game was tial game-tying field goal
ma will be led by new names the nations worst defenses be a quarter of the way com- between the Seattle Seahawks was blocked. Denver won
as they will try to replicate the past couple years. Baylor plete. Many fans all over the and the Green Bay Packers, 24-21, and the Los Angeles
the programs recent success hired Matt Rhule from Tem- country have been spending where the Packers came out Chargers left Denver with a
in the past seasons. Other ple as their new head coach to their Sundays watching their with a win. One game that loss. The Chargers had their
schools with new head coach- help return them to their win- favorite teams play, whether may have surprised was the home opener in Los Ange-
es include Cal, Baylor, and ning ways as well. at the game or on television. Los Angeles Rams command- les on September 17 at the
South Florida. After many coaches depart- With the first couple weeks of ing blowout win over the In- new place they call home, the
With a few weeks of the ed, some schools decided to the season completed, we have dianapolis Colts. With Colts StubHub Center, which only
season already having passed, promote someone up to head seen every team in the league quarterback Andrew Luck out seats about 30,000. The atten-
we have seen these programs coach who was already on the play and have gathered in- with an injury, the Rams de- dance in their home opener
beginning new eras under staff rather than search for a formation on how each team fense harassed backup Scott was only around 25,000. The
their new coaches. Oregon new coach. Some of these in- has been playing so far. As a Tolzien, along with the Rams Chargers missed a game-win-
will look to Willie Taggart to clude big time schools, like surprise to many, the defend- offense dominating the Colts ning field goal in the final
lead this team back to their LSU promoting defensive line ing champion New England defense. Led by new head seconds and lost 19-17 to the
winning culture from the past coach Ed Orgeron to head Patriots opened their season coach Sean McVay, the Rams Miami Dolphins. Many are
decade. Taggart was the head coach, and Oklahoma pro- with a loss to the Kansas City began the season in a domi- concerned about how the
coach at South Florida last moted offensive coordinator Chiefs. Some experts have nating fashion. Chargers will do establishing
season, where he was a suc- Lincoln Riley to head coach been thinking that this could With one Los Angeles team a fanbase now that they have
cessful 10-2. With Taggarts as well, as he will look to lead lead to the end of the Patriots winning, the other LA com- moved to Los Angeles, and
departure, South Florida had them to the College Football dynasty, but most still think petitor, the Los Angeles Char- they will be competing with
to look for a new coach. They Playoff as one of the nations that the loss will just be more gers, did not start the season the Rams to win over the fans
hired Charlie Strong, who top teams. Some big name motivation for the defending as they wanted. Opening the of LA.
had an underwhelming past coaches moved schools as champs to bounce back. season in Denver vs the Bron-
three seasons as Texas head well, as P.J. Fleck left Western Some other notable games cos, the Chargers entered the
coach. With Strong no longer Michigan, where he almost
at Texas, they too had to find had an undefeated season last
a new coach; they hired Tom season, to become the head
Herman, who was the Hous- coach at Minnesota. Anoth-
ton head coach the past two er big name coach moving
seasons. He had a very suc- is Lane Kiffin, who was Ala-
cessful 2015 season, leading bamas offensive coordinator,
the Cougars to a New Years to become Florida Atlantics
head coach, as he will look to
put them on the map.
Hurricanes Effect on
The Drastic Impact on Sports Across the U.S.
BY annabelle reeves this season which has upset
Staff Writer some players. Jay Cutler, the
Quarterback of the Dolphins
In the past two months the has said, Guys kind of need
United States has been hit that bye week to get healthy
with two catastrophic hur- and push through the second
ricanes. Hurricane Harvey
hit Houston, Texas late Au-
half of the season. This is the
latest bye week I ever had.
Bobbys Predictions
gust and Hurricane Irma hit Its not an ideal situation not
Florida early September. The to have a bye for us. Cutler College Football edition
damage caused by the hurri- has also said its going to be BY Bobby Murphy continue to watch the excite- week after as they travel to
canes has been horrific and very tough playing 16 weeks Staff Writer ment of college football, such Ohio State. One team looking
many people have donated straight. The Jacksonville as watching big ACC and SEC to make some more noise will
and helped with the relief Jaguars at Houston Texans With the start of school, all clashes, along with hopeful be USC. I predict that this USC
for these hurricanes. Twelve is still going to take place across the country fall school teams looking to dethrone team, led by Heisman-hope-
thousand of Texas state na- but the Jaguars will remain sports have begun. From Alabama as the nations top ful quarterback Sam Darnold,
tional guard members have in Houston after the game volleyball, water polo, field team. I believe the biggest will end up in the Pac 12
been sent to assist with the and then decide their next hockey, and many peoples game of October will the Big Championship Game, where
rescue effort. Experts have move. A lot of the college favorite, football, all have Ten showdown on October they will look to beat a great
said it could take years for games have been cancelled started their seasons. Along 21st between Jim Harbaughs Washington team led by Jake
Houston to fully recover from or postponed too. This will with high school sports, colle- Michigan team and James Browning. As October begins,
Hurricane Harvey. Hurricane put a huge damper on this giate sports have also gotten Franklins Penn State. This many teams will be looking
Irma is said to take a long time years college football sea- underway too, most notably matchup could very well ar- to gain momentum to achieve
to recover and is predicted to son rankings. For baseball, college football. Throughout rive with both teams being the main goal: a spot in the
be one of the costliest hurri- the Miami Marlins at Atlan- the college football season, in the top 5, and the winner College Football Playoff and a
canes the United States has ta Braves will still be going we will see numerous exciting could very likely earn a spot chance to fight for a national
seen. These hurricanes have on because the location was games weeklyfrom rivalries in the Playoffs. Penn State championship.
put a huge damper on sports not affected by either hurri- to upsets to dramatic end- also has another huge test the
these past months and will cane. The Braves announced ings, like the UCLA vs Texas
continue to do so. The Tam- on Thursday that they would A&M game in opening week
pa Bay Buccaneers at Miami be giving free tickets to Flor- this year, and of course all
Dolphins has been postponed ida residents to any game in those crazy high-stake games
until November 19th. the series. New York Yankees as teams fight to get into the
The Miami Dolphins have against Tampa Bay Rays has College Football Playoff. With
been relocated to Califor- been moved to the Mets Citi conference play having just
nia and will remain there for field in New York. The Florida started, we have already seen
their game against the Los State League has canceled its some big games, including the
Angeles Chargers on Sunday, championship series sched- huge USC win over Stanford,
September 17th. Since the uled for this weekend. All and some big nonconference
announcement of the Miami these sports teams are hoping games, like Oklahoma vs
Dolphins rescheduled game for good seasons and fast re- Ohio State, where Oklahoma
against the Buccaneers has covery after these catastroph- took the win.
caused the team to have to ic hurricanes. As October begins, college
play sixteen straight games football fans will be eager to
September 29, 2017 7
Player Profiles
Record Breaking Sports
From Baseball to Football
BY sydney oconnor
Staff writer strategic plays, which one
of them involved catching a
Fall Sports 2017
Baseball and football fans
have had a lot of record break- 26 yard pass. After the game PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO
ing excitement recently. On Rosens said,It feels great. Its
been a long, long off season. A Vintage Vintage Vintage
September 4th, 2017, a Major
League Baseball world record lot of thinking. A lot of reflec-
was tied by the Arizona Dia- tion. This would become the
mondbacks, J.D. Martinez. In second largest comebacks in
a game against the L.A. Dodg- all of college football history.
ers, Martinez hit four home What seemed to appear like
runs in two innings. This a definite defeat for UCLA
particular record has only turned into a miracle as the
been accomplished eighteen Bruins took the win with an Boys Water Polo Boys Cross Country Boys Football
times in Major League Base- astonishing score of forty five Maverick Becker- Senior Cole Wolf- Senior Johnathon ONeal- Senior
ball history. joined the Arizo- to forty four. The initial re-
na Diamondbacks in July of cord was made by Michigan How many years on the team: How many years on the team: How many years on the team:
this year. When Martinez was state in 2006, but the UCLA Varsity 4 years 4 years on Varsity 4 years
asked about when the fourth Bruins were only one point Team Goals: Beat Bishops, Team Goals: Place better than Team Goals: become a cohe-
hit went out, he stated Its scarce from demolishing it. beat Coronado and to win CIF last year and beat UC sive unit that embodies the
kind of one of those things Another upset occurred on Open Vision Favorite aspect of playing: I word team
where youre kind of laughing the same exact day in college Favorite aspect of playing: dont always enjoy running Favorite aspect of playing:
about it. Was I shocked? No. football when the underdog The overall aspect of being but I like the camaraderie and love the game and love the
Going up there and hitting it, team, Howard University, on a team and that my team- the willingness to run miles unteachable morals that are
didnt really shock me. I was played against UNLV. The mates are like my brothers. for friendship. instilled that will help me on
just happy it went over. So large majority of football fans Most energetic: Coach Atwell. Most energetic: Vittoria By- and off the field
far, he has been the only play- figured UNLV would be able He is a great coach and men- rne Most energetic: Sola Hope
er on the entire team to have to take the win easily. Fans tor. He has taught me a lot. Pump up song: I Gotta Feeling Pump up song: Transporting
tied the all time single-game claimed the game was suppos- Pump up song: Taka By Black Eyed Peas By Kodak Black
record. Ever since he joined edly over before it had even Takata by Joe Dassin
the team, J.D. Martinez has began to start. However,these
hit a total of eighteen home fans were completely shocked
runs in forty games.The Dia- when Howard University
mondbacks were figured to be won the game by three points.
the underdogs going into the (The score being forty three PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO
season, but have definitely to forty) Due to the fact that
progressed considering they most people placed their bets Vintage Vintage Vintage
beat the Dodgers with a dras- on UNLV winning, this lead
tic score of thirteen to zero. to a gigantic upset in Vegas
This victory would continue lines. UNLV head coach,Tony
the Diamondbacks eleventh Sanchez reflected, Extremely
game winning streak. disappointing outcome, the
On Sunday, the UCLA Bruins most frustrated I have ever
football team played a remark- been since Ive been here. We
able game going up against shot ourselves in the foot so Girls Tennis Girls Volleyball Girls Cross Country
Texas A&M. During the last many times early on in that Alex Kuo- Senior Monaghan Cromeans- Junior Gina Spagarino- Sophomore
eighteen minutes of the game, first half. Our inability to play
UCLA was losing by a total well on our third downs and How many years on the team: How many years on the team: How many years on the team:
of thirty-four points. In the our defense the entire game 4 years on Varsity 3 years Varsity 2 years on Varsity
fourth quarter, Josh Rosens was pretty evident...Thats Team Goals: win CIF again Team Goals: To improve Team Goals: Make it to State,
succeeded in throwing four a game we fully except and and have fun! Favorite aspect of playing: not lose, and dont go slow
impressive touchdown pass- should win and we did not. Favorite aspect of playing: Because I like to compete and Favorite aspect of playing:
es. The team performed very Weve got some work to do. getting to play a sport with I like the hype of the sport The people

Viking Alumni in Sports

my friends and that Ive had Most energetic: Leyla Black- Most energetic: Ines Robo
so many great memories with well Pump up song: I Gotta Feeling
Today Most energetic: Everyone is
pretty energetic! We pump
each other up!
Pump up song:
Countdown By Beyonce
By Black Eyed Peas

BY Bobby murphy la High career averaging 14

Staff writer points per game. Two other Pump up song: Right Round
Over the years at La Jol- La Jolla High athletes from By Flo Rida
la High School, we have had the Class of 2017 continuing

Fall Sports Preview

many amazing teams led by their athletic careers in col- BY CARSTEN FEHLAN
great athletes. From foot- lege are Nico Ivanov and John
ball to basketball to baseball, Murphy, both of whom are
along with many more, we currently playing water polo
have seen many exceptional for Johns Hopkins University.
student-athletes come and go They began their season in
through our Viking program. early September, helping lead
Whereas some of these ath- the Bluejays to an undefeated BY Carsten Fehlan ra Roberson to the team with huge for the teams and their
letes finished their careers 4-0 record to start their colle- Staff writer high hopes this year of a run success throughout the year.
in their sport after graduat- giate careers. They both look This year at La Jolla High to state. On Friday, October 6th, the
ing, having played through- forward to continuing this School, our fall sports teams The boys sports this fall in- football team takes on Hoover
out their high school careers success throughout the sea- look very promising. There clude football, boys water High School at home and the
and even before. Whereas son. are eight sports teams that polo, and boys cross country. girls volleyball team begins
others have even continued Onto the professional lev- are competing in this years The water polo team lost in the Coastal Challenge Volley-
their careers after graduat- elit is pretty rare to have fall sports season . the CIF championship game ball Tournament held at La
ing, going on to play their two children, both whom are The girls fall sports teams last year to Vista High School Jolla High School.
respective sports in college professional athletes. Well La this season include, field 8-6, but look to have anoth- Make sure to come out and
or professionally. From our Jollas own Mrs. Hutchins has hockey, cross country, volley- er deep run at CIF under the support your schools sports
most recent graduating class, two sonsKyle and Bradley ball, golf, cheerleading, and coaching of Mr. Atwell. The teams and experience the fun
the Class of 2017, there were Zimmer, who both graduated tennis. Our girls tennis team football team lost in the quar- and excitement of fall sports.
many athletes that went on from La Jolla, went on to be is coming back this year as terfinals of D3 CIF to Bishops
to continue their athletic ca- first round picks in the Major defending D1 CIF champions. in a rough game but has a
reers in college. One of La League Baseball draft. Kyle, Their team is lead by Alex strong senior class this year
Jollas most prolific basket- 25, is currently a pitcher in Kuo returns as the captain of hoping to lead the team. Boys
ball players in the schools the Kansas City Royals mi- the team who is nationally cross country is led again this
history, Reed Farley, enrolled nor league organization, and ranked 272 in the U.S for high year by senior captains Cole
at Harvard and will be play- Bradley, 24, is a center field- school girls tennis players. Wolf, Casper Abbasi, Mitch
ing in his first season this fall. er on the Cleveland Indians. Field hockey returns from an Morrison, and Raul Jackson.
He received many accolades Bradley made his MLB debut 11-12 record last year look- With a new coach, the boys
throughout his 4-year cam- earlier this year and is having ing to improve upon that. Mr. have been pushed harder
paign at La Jolla High, all 4 a solid rookie season for the Quesnell leads the girls golf then harder than ever to help
years as a member of the var- World Series contender Indi- team this fall towards a hope- them improve their times.
sity team. Farley averaged 19 ans. Unfortunately, he broke ful CIF title. Cross Country Our fall teams have a lot of
points per game in his senior his hand on September 10 and looks to run hard this year, potential and high hopes this
year, which was halted by an will miss the remainder of the lead by captain Ines Robo and year.
injury, and finished his La Jol- season. with the addition of star Sier- Support from our school is

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