Banana Macro Propagation Protocol
Banana Macro Propagation Protocol
Banana Macro Propagation Protocol
K. P. Baiyeri* S. C. Aba
Bananas and plantains (Musa spp.) are the most important tropical fruit crops. They are staple food in most part of the humid tropics and
important source of rural income for the smallholders who produce them in compound farms. A common limiting factor to large-scale
production of Musa crops and expansion of existing plantations is the difficulty in obtaining planting materials. This is due to poor
suckering ability accentuated by the strong hormone-mediated apical dominance exerted by the main plant. Rapid production of propa-
gating materials could be achieved through various vegetative multiplication techniques, including micro-propagation, but micro-propa-
gation is not an option for the traditional small-scale farmers in the humid tropics. Therefore, several macropropagation techniques have
been developed, such as field decapitation, excised bud, and the detached corm techniques. These techniques are relatively simple and
require minimum investment to set up, and plantlets obtained thereof, have the uniformity of tissue-culture plantlets. However, rootless
explants obtained through macropropagation have lower survival rate during the acclimatization and stabilization stages in the nursery
compared to tissue-culture plantlets. Several organic nursery substrates have been developed for optimum performance of Musa explants
in the nursery. Musa plantlets require a warm, humid, and translucent nursery environment to allow the plantlets stabilize and escape
desiccation. These conditions can be met by raising plantlets under green polyethylene chamber or under palm frond shade as commonly
practiced in tropical sub-Saharan Africa. Above all, nursery substrates must be composted for at least eight weeks before use, and rooted
explants should be preferred during nursery planting. Other valuable options discussed include nutrient, moisture and shade management.
INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
MACROPROPAGATION TECHNIQUES ................................................................................................................................................ 111
Field decapitation techniques ................................................................................................................................................................ 111
Excised bud technique (EBT)................................................................................................................................................................ 111
Detached corm multiplication techniques.............................................................................................................................................. 112
NURSERY MANAGEMENT OF MACROPROPAGATED Musa PLANTLETS .................................................................................... 112
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 113
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 114
REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................................................................... 114
Fig. 1 Traditional Musa planting materials. From left to right: Maiden sucker; water sucker, early and late sword suckers; peeper; butt; bits.
Table 1 Mean bunch weight (kg/plant) of the parent crop derived from five different types of plantain propagules.
Plantain propagules
Planting depth Peeper Early sword sucker Late sword sucker Bit Maiden Mean
10 8.50 10.10 10.10 9.70 9.90 9.64
22 7.50 11.00 11.03 9.40 8.80 9.60
30 11.10 10.30 11.33 10.20 8.80 10.34
Mean 9.03 10.47 10.87 9.77 9.17
Source: Obiefuna (1983)
LSD at 5% for depth of planting means = 1.34
LSD at 5% for propagule means = 1.00
tions is the difficulty in obtaining planting materials (Teze- Field decapitation techniques
nas du Montcel 1985; Schill et al. 1997; Baiyeri and Ajayi
2000; Schill et al. 2000), due to poor suckering ability Field decapitation technique generally involves two me-
(Robinson 1996). There are several types of propagating thods vis--vis false decapitation and total decapitation. The
materials (maiden sucker, water sucker, sword suckers, butt, two decapitation methods involve stimulating lateral bud
peeper and bits; see Fig. 1 for illustration) used for the production by destroying the active growing point (apical
establishment of plantain plantations, but they vary in their meristem) in the pseudostem (Wilson et al. 1985; Swennen
degree of suitability (Ndubizu and Obiefuna 1982; Baiyeri 1990; Awodoyin 1997; Faturoti et al. 2002; Tenkouano et al.
and Ndubizu 1994; Baiyeri et al. 1994) and may be inade- 2006). The rate of suckering per plant ranges from 9-14
quate to meet the needs of medium to large-scale produc- suckers per annum.
tion at the recommended population of 1600-2500 plants In false decapitation, a window or small hole (5 cm 10
ha-1 (Awodoyin 2003). A study (Obiefuna 1983) on plantain cm) is made on the pseudostem slightly above the soil
(Musa AAB cv. Agbagba) revealed that early- and late- (corm) level, and the growing point physically removed,
sword suckers often flower earlier and yield better than the while the plant is left standing with foliage that remains
rest of the propagules (Table 1). photosynthetically active for approximately three months. In
In most plantain and banana cultivars, the emergence of complete decapitation, the pseudostem is cut down at the
new suckers follows a hierarchical pattern and natural rege- soil (corm) level and the apical growing point destroyed by
neration is somewhat slow due to strong hormone-mediated screwing with a metal blade. A study with plantain (Musa
apical dominance exerted by the main plant (de Langhe et AAB) revealed that false decapitation when carried-out at
al. 1983; Swennen et al. 1984). Besides, natural regenera- five months after transplanting (MAT), performs superior to
tion often produces materials that are usually contaminated complete decapitation and natural suckering (Awodoyin
by various soil-borne pathogens such as nematodes and 1997), in terms of net returns, cost-benefit ratio, quality and
banana-corm weevils (Cosmopolites sordidus). Rapid pro- number of plantable suckers produced.
duction of propagating materials can be achieved through Plant growth regulator 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) has
various vegetative multiplication methods, including micro- been proved to enhance lateral bud production in field deca-
propagation (Vuylsteke 1998; Tripathi et al. 2007). pitation technique (Macias 2001). In his study with FHIA-
Micropropagation (i.e. meristem/tissue culture) assures 20 banana (AAA) hybrid, Macias reported that a total of
more rapid production of healthy, vigorous, and disease- 156 plantlets could be obtained from one treated sucker,
free planting materials (Swenmen 1990), but requires a from the first to the third generation. Therefore, when five
more sophisticated technique, skill and care to handle suckers are selected on each stool (mat) for mass propaga-
(Vuylsteke and Talengera 1998). Thus, tissue culture as a tion, 780 plantlets (which are very similar to in vitro plant-
method of generating planting materials is not an option for lets) could be obtained per stool in 8 months.
small-scale farmers who are the major stakeholders in Musa The procedure for this in-situ mass propagation as des-
production in the humid tropics, so there is a need for cheap cribed by Macias (2001) is as follows: Sword suckers of
and simple techniques (Lopez 1994). Consequently, the height 20-30 cm from a preflowering mother-plant are used.
Plantain and Banana Improvement Program (PBIP) of the The pseudostem of each sucker is cut transversally 2 cm
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nige- above the collar of the rhizome and the apical meristem re-
ria, advanced the use of macro-propagation methods for moved at a depth of 4 cm, leaving a 2 cm-diameter cavity in
increasing sucker multiplication at farm levels (Faturoti et the rhizome. The pseudostem fragment is then cut with cross-
al. 2002). It has been, however, observed that plantlets ob- wise incisions, boring down to the rhizome collar. Four ml
tained through detached corm propagation have lower sur- of BAP at 40 mg/l distilled water is deposited in the cavity
vival rate during the acclimatization and stabilization stages left by the removal of the apical meristem. The rhizomes are
in the nursery compared to plantlets from tissue culture then covered with well-composted organic substrate up to 5
(Tenkouano et al. 2006). Intensive nursery management of cm above ground level. The so-called second-generation
macro-propagated plantlets becomes imperative. suckers (G2Ss) appear after 3 months on each treated sucker.
This paper, therefore, summarizes methods of macro- When these G2Ss have differentiated and reached a height
propagation in Musa species with farmer-friendly clues on of 20 to 30 cm, they are dissected and treated following the
the nursery management of excised plantlets for better sur- same routine described above to obtain the third-generation
vival in the nursery, and subsequent field establishment. suckers (G3Ss). Sixty-days later, the G3Ss are treated in the
same way as the preceding generations to obtain fourth-
MACROPROPAGATION TECHNIQUES generation suckers (G4Ss) which are excised and raised in
nursery bags for subsequent field planting.
These are methods that use whole suckers, large pieces of It should be noted that this technique, when carefully
the parent corms, or sword-sucker-corms to produce plan- applied on the mother-plant (without damaging the root sys-
ting materials (Faturoti et al. 2002). Repression of apical tems), could still bear its bunch normally. The technique
dominance to stimulate lateral bud development and in- also makes it possible to obtain in 8 months, propagules that
crease suckering rate can be achieved through complete or are practically free of pests and diseases when healthy
partial decapitation on a field of growing plants or by de- plants are selected for field multiplication.
tached corm techniques.
Excised bud technique (EBT)
Macropropagation of Musa. Baiyeri and Aba
Fig. 2 Macropropagation via excised bud technique. From left to right: Excised buds; bud forms multiple shoots; multiple shoots separated; separated
shoots grown into independent suckers.
Table 2 The main effect of genotype on number of days to plantlet emergence and total of plantable explants produced per corm.
Days to specific emergence
Genotype 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Plantable explants/corm
PITA 22 (AAAB) 33.7 39.6 53.0 62.4 85.4 3.0
PITA 25 (AAAB) 52.2 66.1 74.4 118.0 151.4 3.5
Nsukka Local (AAA) 45.8 55.3 65.7 73.6 84.6 2.9
Agbagba (AAB) 36.3 45.8 55.6 83.0 96.1 4.5
FHIA 17 (AAAA) 31.3 41.4 49.9 62.9 69.8 3.1
LSD (0.05) 7.1 9.6 12.2 18.8 26.8 NS
Adapted from Baiyeri and Aba (2005).
field decapitation techniques, an alternative method, EBT ment, for 20 minutes at a temperature of 53-55C practi-
was introduced (Lopez 1994) to spare the mother-plants. cally frees planting material from nematodes (Speijer et al.
Upper bud development is stimulated in the field of healthy, 1995, 1999). Lateral bud growth is activated by planting the
vigorous plants by exposure and earthing up of the corms. corms in rich composted organic substrate (Faturoti et al.
Peepers (side shoots) which consequently develop to a 2002) in nursery bags or more recently, in humidity cham-
height of 3-5 cm are carefully excised (separated from the ber conditions resulting in the high production of planting
mother-corms) and raised in nursery bags in fertile topsoil material (Kwa 2003; Tenkouano et al. 2006).
or well-composted organic substrate. These are kept under The humidity chamber consists of a 2 m 5 m 1.5 m
the canopy of banana crop or in a half-shade environment framework mounted on a block-wall base of height 0.6 m,
until they are ready for field planting (see Fig. 2). with a hinge door (0.5 m 1 m) for accessibility. The sides
and roof are made of thick transparent polyethylene mate-
Detached corm multiplication techniques rial to allow for light penetration, moisture conservation and
heat build-up within the chamber. During planting, the 0.6
A well-developed banana or plantain corm contains several m block plat-form is nearly filled with well-composted
axillary buds, which essentially host meristems of different sawdust, wherein the corms are planted completely-buried
ages and stages of development (Kwa 2003). Sword- to a depth of 3-5 cm. Watering in the chamber is done by
sucker-corms, as well as corms from preflowering and har- sprinkling only twice a week. The whole structure is best
vested plants could be used in detached corm multiplication sited under a half-shade environment (translucent roof). At
techniques (Faturoti et al. 2002; Tenkouano et al. 2006). three-leaf stage, the plantlets are ready for nursery planting
Corm techniques can either be in form of whole-corm or and are carefully excised and raised in the nursery for sub-
split-corm. In split-corm technique, the dug-out corm is sequent field planting. A well-composted ricehull could also
cleaned of roots and outer leaf sheaths to expose the lateral be used as an alternative plantlet initiation medium (Baiyeri
buds, then washed and split into two or several fragments and Aba 2005) to the recommended sawdust. This detached-
(bits). These are planted face down and raised in a well- corm technique is relatively simple and requires minimum
composted organic nursery substrate. investment to set up. Moreover, plantlets obtained thereof,
In whole-corm technique, the apical meristems of the have the uniformity of tissue-cultured ones.
pared corms are scarified, either by making two cross-wise An ex-vitro multiplication study (Baiyeri and Aba 2005)
incisions on the buds (Kwa 2003; Tenkouano et al. 2006) or revealed that there were significant variations in genetic res-
by mechanical removal by screwing with sharp knife (Bai- ponse of Musa species to sucker plantlets initiation (Table
yeri and Aba 2005). These methods are illustrated in Fig. 3. 2); the study revealed that genotypes with the B genome
Scarification of side buds on the corm has the potential to had more plantlets than the AAA group. However, Hirimbu-
further increase plantlet production by a factor of 2-10 regama and Gamage (1997) reported that in an in-vitro stu-
(Tenkouano et al. 2006). In nematode or weevil infested dy the multiplication rate was found to be variable among
soils, it is recommended (Baiyeri and Aba 2005) that the cultivars, and it appeared that genome B had the lowest
pared corms are sterilized in 10% solution of household multiplication rate compared to the AAA group. The vari-
bleach, JIK (3.5% a.i., sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl) and ance in results of the two studies might be due to inherent
allowed to air-dry and cured for three days before planting genotype by environment interaction.
to avoid pest dissemination. Alternatively, hot-water treat-
Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 1(2), 110-115 2007 Global Science Books
The quality of nursery potting medium is important to of flooding, close to constant and good quality water, and
the successful growing of plants in containers (Bunt 1988). should be sited under a natural shelter against wind and in-
The physical composition has a profound effect on the sup- tense tropical heat.
ply of water and air to the growing plants (Beardsell and Management of shade in the nursery can be very critical
Nichols 1982), as well as affects anchorage, and nutrient since lack of shade or excess of it could lead to poor seed-
and water-holding capacity. It is often common to think of ling growth. Palm frond is probably the oldest and most
soil as a good medium, but most soils when used alone are common nursery shade used in Nigeria (Baiyeri 2006), and
very poor growing medium. Soil has been indicated as the had proved satisfactory for the young delicate Musa plant-
easiest way through which seedlings become infected by lets (Baiyeri and Aba 2005). Different polyethylene colours
diseases such as root knot nematode and seedling root rots used as shade reflect different spectra of the visible light and
(Egunjobi and Ekundare 1981). Besides, soils have the at- transmit some spectra of the visible light with consequent
tribute of heavy weight when large volumes are used to effect on physiological behaviour of plants (Hart 1988).
raise containerized plants, and nursery men may have the Consequently, green polyethylene nursery shade enhanced
problem of bulkiness in transporting them (Bunt 1988). the highest percentage emergence and the best seedling qua-
However, Baiyeri (1997) recommended a 100 kg N/ha lity of paw-paw (Carica papaya) in the nursery and hence,
combined with 9-day watering interval as nursery practice better field re-establishment (Baiyeri 2006). A similar result
for upgrading plantain peepers to certified planting mate- was observed in Musa plantlets initiation (Baiyeri, unpub-
rials in 12 kg of topsoil. The soil should also be amended lished data) using different colour shades in a plantlet initia-
with P2O5 (using single superphosphate), K2O (using muri- tion chamber. Musa plantlets generally require a warm,
ate of potash) and a systemic insecticide-Furadan 5G at the humid and half-shade/translucent environment to allow the
rates of 60, 480 and 172 kg/ha respectively. plantlets stabilize and escape desiccation immediately after
The use of organic substrate (compost) offers a great excision from mother-corms. The plantlets should be ex-
advantage over the conventional topsoil (Akanbi et al. cised at 2-3 leaf stage and planted immediately after exci-
2002; Adams et al. 2003). Organic substrates provide better sion from the mother-corm. With over-grown plantlets, it is
root-substrate relation than conventional soil mix, adequate better to cut-back to a maximum height of 10 cm. This
nutrients for the seedlings, less pre-dispose the seedlings to would help to maintain fairly uniform plantlets. Further-
soil borne pests and diseases, assures better moisture and more, the floor of the nursery shade should be lined with
nutrient management (by minimizing leaching losses) and moist sawdust, and mist spraying practiced intermittently
as well maintain optimum pH. The nutrient value of nursery for the first 2 weeks after transplanting (especially in hot
mixtures could be further improved by incorporating inor- weather) to abate desiccation of the young plantlets.
ganic salts such as rock phosphates, lime and nitrogenous Watering of the potted plantlets should be done at most
fertilizers during composting (Matthew and Karikari 1990). twice a week to avoid water-logging with the consequent
Several organic nursery mixtures had been developed root asphyxiation, and/or leaching losses. It is rather a good
(Baiyeri and Aba 2005; Baiyeri 2005) for raising Musa practice to moisten the floor of the nursery shade daily to
plantlets to vigorous suckers for field planting (in 8 to 12 maintain fairly high air humidity within the nursery envi-
weeks). Among the so far selected elite mixes, include: ronment. The nursery bags should, as well, be adequately
Ricehull + poultry manure (3:1, v/v) perforated underneath to ease drainage and improve root
Sawdust + ricehull + poultry manure (1.5:1.5:1 v/v/v) aeration. With time, the plantlets require more light for fur-
Plantain fruit pulp + sawdust + poultry manure (2:2:2, ther growth and development. Thus, at about 6-8 weeks
v/v/v). after transplanting, only light shading is required until about
Plantain fruit pulp + sawdust + poultry manure + top- five days prior to field planting when the young suckers are
soil (1.5:1.5:1.5:1.5, v/v/v/v). allowed to acclimatize to the ambient environment. Nursery
Topsoil + poultry manure + sawdust (3:2:1, v/v/v). practices are best done in the dry seasons to get plants ready
Nursery substrates must be composted for at least 8 for wet season planting.
weeks before use. Composting ensures that compounds of
high molecular weights are broken down into smaller mole- CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
cules to allow for readily availability of nutrients previously
tied-up (Bunt 1988). Decomposition of sawdust, for exam- Macropropagation provides cheap, simple, and relatively
ple, causes nitrogen deficiency as microflora deplete avail- rapid techniques for vegetative multiplication of Musa spe-
able nitrogen in the decomposition process (Wootton et al. cies that could be amenable to the low-income, unskilled,
1981). Consequently, well-composted sawdust is preferred small- and medium-scale farmers who are the major grow-
in any nursery mix. ers of bananas and plantains in the humid tropics. These ex-
As media development continues world over, a wide vitro multiplication techniques including on-farm decapita-
range of crop residues, organic wastes and other industrial tion, involve the stimulation of lateral shoot development on
by-products could be used as nursery potting medium; pref- the sucker corms.
erence of any should largely be determined by considera- More than 30% of the plantlets obtained through de-
tions of availability, economics, physical and chemical cha- tached corm propagation are usually without roots (Table 3),
racteristics (Akanbi et al. 2002). and these rootless plantlets have lower survival rate during
Other factors that influence the performance of vegeta- the acclimatization and stabilization stages (Table 4) in the
tive propagules in the nursery include choice of nursery site, nursery (Baiyeri 2005). The root system is the link between
intense wind, excessive tropical heat, and the relative humi- the plant and the soil. It is responsible for the absorption of
dity of the nursery environment (Hartmann and Kester water and nutrients, anchorage, synthesis of some plant hor-
1975). An ideal nursery site for Musa plantlets must be free mones and storage (Blomme et al. 2000). These indispensa-
Table 3 Percentage of rooted and rootless plantlets at the time of excision as influenced by initiation media and genotype.
Genotypes Ricehull Sawdust
Rooted (%) Rootless (%) Rooted (%) Rootless (%)
PITA 22 (AAAB) 44.4 55.6 55.9 44.1
PITA 25 (AAAB) 28.6 71.4 63.2 36.8
Nsukka Local (AAA) 76.5 23.5 88.0 12.0
Agbagba (AAB) 83.0 17.0 85.7 14.3
FHIA 17 (AAAA) 68.0 32.0 71.4 28.6
Mean 60.1 39.9 72.8 27.2
Adapted from Baiyeri and Aba (2005).
Macropropagation of Musa. Baiyeri and Aba
Table 4 The effects of plantlet initiation media and rooting status of plantlets on percentage survival of plantlets in three weaning/rooting media at the
nursery stage. Data shown are the mean performance of five genotypes (PITA 22, PITA 25, FHIA 17, Agbagba, Nsukka Local).
Physiological status Plantlet Initiation Media
Sawdust Ricehull Mean
RD 29.9 33.1 21.3 44.5 21.0 45.9 32.6
RS 70.1 66.9 78.7 55.5 79.0 54.1 67.4
RLD 57.5 93.8 20.0 85.0 43.8 55.2 59.2
RLS 42.5 6.2 80.0 15.0 56.2 44.8 40.8
Adapted from Baiyeri (2005)
RD: Explants had roots but died in the nursery;
RS: Explants had roots and survived in the nursery;
RLD: Explants had no roots and died in the nursery;
RLS: Explants had no roots but survived in the nursery.
ble roles of the root explain the non-stability of the rootless nology 4, 223-228
plantlets. Therefore, cultural practices that could enhance Baiyeri KP, Ajayi AR (2000) Status and constraints of Musa spp. production in
rooting at the plantlet initiation stage should be pursued. a sub-humid zone of Nigeria. Acta Horticulturae 540, 73-77
Conventionally, the sucker corm is a nutrient reserve, Baiyeri KP, Egbufor FC, Ndubizu TOC (1994) Evaluation of sucker produc-
tion techniques in false horn plantain (Musa AAB). Nigerian Journal of Horti-
which could support growth for sometimes prior to foliage cultural Science 2, 41-43
development (Butler 1960). The inclusion of nutrient source Baiyeri KP, Ndubizu TOC (1994) Variability in growth and yield establish-
(organic, inorganic or a combination, thereof) to the sucker ment of falsehorn plantain suckers raised by six cultural methods. Musa Afri-
plantlet initiation media to supplement the nutrient reserve ca 4, 1-3
of the corms, may enhance the shooting ability of most Beardsell DV, Nichols DG (1982) Wetting properties of dried-out nursery con-
corms, as well as plantlet quality. More research, however, tainer media. Scientia Horticulturae 17, 49-59
should be carried-out to decry the efficacy of (in)organic Blomme G, Swennen R, Tenkouano A (2000) Assessment of variability in the
fertilizers and plant growth regulatory hormones on the root system characteristics of banana (Musa spp) according to genome group
development of plantlets in the multiplication chamber. and ploidy level. INFOMUSA 9, 4-7
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Egunjobi OA, Ekundare OO (1981) The cassava peelings as a soil amendment
ting, nursery substrates must be well composted before use.
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Nigerian Journal of Plant Production 5, 80-87
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FAO (2001) On-line database of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the
United Nations. Available online: http:// /default.html
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ous data for the purpose of this review. Ibadan, Nigeria, 12 pp
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