NA2 Chapter 3

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Naval Architecture Notes

Chapter 3
Hydrostatics and Floatation
3.1 Archimedes Law of Floatation
Archimedes (born 287 B.C) Law states that
An object immersed in a liquid experience a lift equivalent to the mass of
liquid the object displaces.

A man immersed in water for example will feel a weight reduction because part of
the weight is supported by buoyancy. This buoyancy is equal to the weight of water
displaced by his immersed body.

3.2 Reduction of Weight of Immersed Objects

The maximum buoyancy is when the object is fully immersed and this equal the
total outside volume of the object multiplied by the density of the fluid. When
maximum available buoyancy is less than the weight of the object, the object will
sink. That is why an anchor will sink to the bottom. However the object will still feel
the weight reduction.

Example 3.1:

Consider a cuboid having dimensions 1m x 1m x 2m. If it weighs 3 tonnes in air,

what is its apparent weight in water density 1000 kg/m3?

If the object is immersed in liquid, it will

displace liquid around it equivalent to its
external volume. ? tonne

In this case, displaced volume = 1 x 1 x 2 =

2 m3
This is the volume of liquid pushed aside by
the cuboid.

Archimedes says that the weight of this

object in liquid is reduced due to the support
given by liquid on the object. The apparent 2m3
weight equals the weight in air minus the
reduction in weight of the object; or the
buoyancy i.e.

Buoyancy = volume diplacement x density of liquid

= mass displacement
= 2m3 x 1000 kg/m3
= 2000 kg
= 2 tonnes
= reduction in weight

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Apparent weight = weight in air buoyancy

Since the object weighs 3 tonne in air, it will apparently weigh only 1 tonne in

Exercise 3.1

Do similar calculations to find out the apparent weight in oil (density 0.85
tonne/m3) and muddy water (density 1.3 tonne/m3) and mercury (density 13,000

Fluid Density Fluid Support Apparent Weight

( ) ( ) ( )
Fresh Water
Muddy Water

What can be concluded about relationships between buoyancy of objects

and the densities of fluids in which they are immersed?

3.3 What make a Ship Floats?

When the maximum available buoyancy is more than the weight of the object, the
object will rise to the surface. It will rise to the surface until the weight of the object
balances the buoyancy provided by its immersed portions. When the object is
floating, its buoyancy is just enough to support its weight. At that point:

Total weight W = Buoyancy = Displaced volume x liquid

This principle explains why a steel or concrete ship can float. As long as the outer
shell of the ship can provide enough volume to displace the surrounding water
exceeding the actual weight of the ship, the ship will float. A floating ship is such
that the total weight of its hull, machinery and deadweight equals to the weight of
water displaced by its outer shell. If, while it is floating weights are added until the
total weight exceeds the maximum buoyancy provided by the outer shell of the ship,
the ship will sink.

3.4 Effect of Density

An object experiences buoyancy force equivalent to the weight of fluid it displaces.
For a particular object, the buoyancy force will depend on the density of the fluid,
since its volume is constant. This explains for example why a bather will feel more
buoyant while swimming at sea compared to in the river or lake. Also, a floating
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object of constant weight will sink at a deeper draught in freshwater compared to in

Total weight W = Buoyancy = Displaced volume x liquid

Since weight does not change, the buoyancy is also constant. So displaced volume
will be inversely proportional to the density of fluid. For floating object, this will
determine its level of sinkage or draught.

3.5 Some Simple Problems

The fact that a floating object displaces fluid equivalent to its weight can be used to
solve a number of problems.

Total weight W = Buoyancy = Displaced volume x water

From this equation, we can obtain the weight of the object if we know the volume of
water displaced. On the other hand, if we know its weight, we can work out its
displaced volume.

Just to understand the concept, consider a floating box of dimension L x B x D,

floating at a draught T.

CASE 1: We know its weight, we can find its draught

In this case, we know the weight of the object, we can find the displaced volume:

Displaced volume = W

i.e. for a box-shaped vessel:

Displaced volume = L x B x T
Hence draught T of the cuboid can be found.

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Example 3.2

A cuboid shaped wooden block (L x B x D) 1.45m x 0.5m x 0.25m floats in water. If

the block weighs 0.154 tonnes, find its draught if it floats in freshwater density 1.00


The weight of the block of 0.154 tonnes must be supported by displaced water i.e.
the block must displace 0.154 tonnes of water:

In fresh water,
Volume of displaced water =LxBxT
Weight of displaced water = x FW
= 1.45 x 0.5 x T x FW

This must equal 0.154 tonne

1.45 x 0.5 x T x fw = 0.154 tonnes
T = 0.212 m

Exercise 3.2

Do similar calculations for salt water (density 1025 kg/m3 and oil density 0.85 tonne/m3)

CASE 2: If we know its draught, we can know its volume displacement, we can
find its weight

If we know the draught of the cuboid, we can find its volume displacement and
hence the weight of the object;

Say if we know its draught T, volume displacement = L x B x T

Weight = Buoyancy = Volume Displacement x water
Weight = L x B x T x water

Example 3.3

A box barge length 100m breadth 20m floats at a draught of 5m in sea water 1.025
tonne/m3. Find its weight.


While floating in sea water density 1.025 tonne/m3:

Volume Displacement = =LxBxT
Weight of barge = Weight displacement,
W = = x salt water
= 100 x 20 x 5 x 1.025
= 10250 tonnes
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Exercise 3.3

A block of wood length 5m, breadth 0.5m and depth 0.2m is floating in seawater
at a draught of 0.1m. Find the weight of the block.

Exercise 3.4

Find the new draught of the box in example 3.3 when it goes into river, water
density 1.000 tonne/m3. Also find a new draught if it is in sea water with density
1.100 tonne/m3.

Exercise 3.5 1.0m

A cylindrical container weighing 5 tonne floats

with its axis vertical. If the diameter is 1.0m, find
its draught in:
i. sea water
ii. oil of density 870 kg/ m3.

Exercise 3.6

A cylindrical tank diameter 0.6m and mass 200kg floats with its axis vertical.
Find its present draught in oil ( = 0.95 tonne/m3).
Find the weight of cargo to be added to ensure it will float at a draught of

3.6 Hydrostatic Particulars

A floating object will be at a certain draught depending on the total weight of the
object, density of water and the shape of the object. For a ship, the shape of the
object has strong influence on the draught of the ship; the shape and draught have
to provide enough buoyancy to support the ship.

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When a ship is floating at a certain draught, we can find the mass displacement
and weight of the ship if we can find its displaced volume . Also we can know its
waterplane area, calculate its TPC, KB, Cb etc. These particulars which are
properties of the immersed part of the ship are called hydrostatic particulars.
Examples of hydrostatic particulars are:


These particulars describe the characteristics of the underwater portion of ship at a

particular draught. It is related to volumes, areas, centroids of volumes and areas
and moments of volumes and areas of the immersed portion. If the ship is out of
water, and draught becomes zero, the particulars ceased to exist.

As long as draught and trim is maintained, the size and shape of the underwater
immersed parts of the ship remains the same. The volumes, areas and moments of
areas and volumes remain the same. Once draught or trim changes, the particulars
will also change.

This change in draught will normally occur due to changes in total weight of the
ship, or if a force is applied to the ship to make it sink to a deeper draught.

Example 3.4

A box 2m x 1m (LxB) in sea water is floating at a draught of 0.3m.

Calculate its , , CB, CWP and TPC.

i. = L x B x T = 2 x 1 x 0.3 = 0.6m3
ii. = L x B x T x = x = 0.6 x 1.025 = 0.615 tonnes

iii. CB = = 0.6 = 1.00

LxBxT 0.6

iv. CWP = Awp = 2x1 = 1.00

LxB 2x1

v. TPC = Awp x = 2 x 1 x 1.025 = 0.0205

100 100

Exercise 3.7
Calculate the particulars at draught of 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7m.

Exercise 3.8
Find hydrostatic particulars in sea water (, ,Awp,LCB, LCF,TPC) of a box barge
with dimension L=100m, B=20m, at draughts of 1.0m, 3.0m, 5.0m, 7.0m, 9.0m. If
the barge weighs 2300 tonne, what is its draught? If the barge is floating at a
draught of 4m, what is its CB?

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It can be seen from Exercise 3.8 that for a box-shaped object at different draughts,
the waterplane areas are constant. Hence, many hydrostatics particulars remain

Exercise 3.9:

An empty cylindrical shaped tank is floating in sea water (density 1.025 t/m3) at a
draught of 8.0 m with its axis vertical. The external diameter of the tank is 12.0 m,
internal diameter 11.0 m, thickness of base 1.0 m and the overall height is 16.0 meter.
Its centre of gravity is 6 meter above its inner base.
i. Find Hydrostatic particulars , Awp, LCB, Cb, Cp, TPC, WSA
at T=1, 2, 4, 6, 8m.
ii. Plot hydrostatic curves similar to page 19 showing all data.

iii. Final draught of the tank after 500 m3 diesel oil (density 850 kg/m3) is poured
into the tank.

D 4
The second moment of area of a circle about its diameter is .

3.7 Hydrostatic Particulars of a Ship

Hydrostatic particulars of a real ship will be different. Consider the ship whose lines
plan is shown below. At different draughts, the ship will have different waterplane
areas, volumes and centroids. Hence, the hydrostatic particularly will vary as the
draughts changes.

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If areas, volumes, moments, centroids of the waterplanes and sections of the ships
can be calculated, hydrostatic particulars of a ship can be obtained. These are
calculated at the design stage, once the shape and size of the ship has been

Exercise 3.10

A ship with length 100m, breadth 22m has the following volumes and areas at
different waterlines. Calculate its , CB, CW and TPC in saltwater density

Draught Aw
(m ) (m3) (tonnes)

Aw Aw x ro
x ro (LB) 100
2 1800.0 3168.0

4 2000.0 6547.2

6 2100.0 10137.6

8 2120.0 13728.0

10 2130.0 17424.0

The particulars can be presented in two forms, either as a set of curves or in tabular
format. Table 3.1 shows a typical table of hydrostatic particulars while an example
of hydrostatic curves is shown on page 18.

Table 3.1 Hydrostatic Particulars of Bunga Kintan LBP 100m

Draught Displacement KB BMT BML MCTC LCF
Cb (m from
(m) (tones) (m) (m) (m) (tonne-m) (m from )
8.00 14820.00 0.72 4.07 3.66 180.00 190.00 2.50 2.00
7.50 13140.00 0.71 3.67 3.98 195.00 183.00 2.30 1.50
7.00 11480.00 0.70 3.26 4.46 219.00 180.00 2.00 0.70
6.50 9870.00 0.69 2.85 5.02 244.00 172.00 1.80 -0.06
6.00 8280.00 0.67 2.44 5.66 279.00 165.00 1.50 -1.00
5.50 6730.00 0.66 2.04 6.67 327.00 157.00 1.10 -2.00
5.00 5220.00 0.64 1.63 8.06 392.00 146.00 0.00 -3.00

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3.8 Using Hydrostatic Curves and Tables

Hydrostatic curves and tables can be used to obtain all hydrostatic particulars of a
ship once the draught or any one of the particulars is known.

Example 3.5

From MV Bulker hydrostatic Curves (pg18) at a draught of 7m, we can obtain

displacement = 31,000 tonnes, LCF = 2.0m forward of amidships and MCTC =
465 tonne-m etc. Also if we know the ship weighs 40,000 tonnes, its draught, TPC,
MCTC, LCF and LCB can be obtained.

Exercise 3.11

Using MV Bulker Hydrostatic Curves, find displacement, LCB, LCF, TPC at draught
of 9.5m. If 1500 tonnes is added to the ship, what is its new draught?

Hydrostatic tables can be used in a similar manner to obtain hydrostatic particulars

once draught is known or to obtain draught and other particulars once the
displacement or another particular is known. There is however a need to interpolate
the table to obtain intermediate values.


By using the hydrostatic particulars of Bunga Kintan shown in Table 3.1:

i. Draw full hydrostatic curves of the ship

ii. Find values of displacement , KB , LCB, BMT, BML, MCTC, CB,
LCF of the ship if it is floating at a draught of 6.75m.
iii. Find values of T, KB , LCB, BMT, BML, MCTC, CB, LCF of ship if
the ship weighs 11,480 tonnes.
iv. When the ship is floating at a draught of 5.5m, 3000 tonne cargo
was added. What is its new draught?

Submission Date: _______________________

Exercise 3.11:

Calculate , , KB , LCB, Aw, TPC, CB, CP, CM, CW, LCF of a cylinder radius 1m
floating with axis vertical at draughts of 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5m.

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MV Bulker Hyrostatic Curves

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Naval Architecture Notes

Chapter 4
Basic Stability Consideration
4.1 Introduction

One of the factor threatening the safety of the ship, cargo and crew is the lost or
lack of stability of the vessel. Stability calculation is an important step in the design
of the ship and during its operation. While designing the ship, the designers must
be able to estimate or calculate to check whether the ship will be stable when
constructed and ready to operate. For the ship's master, he must be able to load
and stow cargo and handle the ship while ensuring that the ship will be stable and

4.2 What is stability?

Stability is the tendency or ability of the ship to return to upright when displaced
from the upright position. A ship with a strong tendency to return to upright is
regarded as a stable vessel. On the other hand, a vessel is said to be not stable
when it has little or no ability to return to the upright condition. In fact, an unstable
ship may require just a small external force or moment to cause it to capsize.


(a) (b) (c) analog
y for
stability is often given of the marble. In Figure 1 (a), the marble in the bowl will
return to its original position at the bottom of the bowl is it is moved to the left or
the right. This marble is in a condition called positively stable. A slight push on
the marble which is put on an upside down bowl as in Figure 1 (b) will cause it to
roll off, a condition equivalent to instability. A neutrally stable ship is analogous to
a marble put on a flat surface, it will neither return nor roll any further.

4.3 Longitudinal and Transverse Stability

Ship initial stability can be seen from two aspects, longitudinally and transversely.

From longitudinal viewpoint, the effect of internal and external moments on ship's
trim is considered. Important parameters to be calculated are trim and the final
draughts at the perpendiculars of the ship. In any state, there is a definite
relationship between trim, draughts and the respective locations of the centres of
buoyancy and centre of gravity. The trim angle is rarely taken into consideration.
Transverse stability calculation considers the ship stability in the port and
starboard direction. We are interested in the behaviour of the ship when external
statical moment is applied such as due to wind, waves or a fishing net hanging from
the side. The effect of internally generated moment such as movement of masses
on-board transversely is also studied. An important relationship considered is that

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between heeling and righting moments and the resulting angle of heel and its
consequence on the safety of the boat.

This Chapter will focus on basic transverse stability particularly the relationships
between the metacentre and the centre of gravity.

4.4 Basic Initial Stability: The role of GM


w G L w1 L1


K B1

(a) (b)

Figure 4.2

Consider the ship floats upright in equilibrium as in the above figure 4.2 (a). The
weight of the ship equals its displacement and the centre of buoyancy is directly
below the centre of gravity. When the ship is slightly disturbed from upright, the
centre of buoyancy being centre of underwater volume moves to the right. The line
of action of buoyancy vertically upward crosses the original centreline at the
metacentre, M. Since G does not move, a moment is generated to turn the ship back
to its original position. This moment is called the returning moment.

In this case, M was originally above G and we can see that the returning moment is
positive. If M was below G i.e. GM negative, the returning moment will be negative
hence the ship is unstable. If M is at G, then the ship is neutrally stable.

Righting moment is the real indication of stability i.e. the ability of the ship to
return to oppose any capsizing moment and return the ship to upright position.

The larger the righting moment, the better stability is.

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Consider the triangle shown below:

Righting moment = x GZ
and GZ = GMT sin

For any displacement, righting moment depends

on GZ.

And GZ depends on GM. The bigger GZ, the

G Z bigger Righting Moment.


Relationships between K, B, G and MT are important.


For any particular draught or displacement at low angle of heel, keel K and
metacentre M are fixed. Therefore the values of KB, BM and hence KM are fixed,
as can be obtained from hydrostatic particulars. Therefore the distance GMT will
only depend on the height of centre of gravity. In other words, to ensure a large
GMT, we can only control KG.

4.5 Determining Centre of Gravity, Areas or Volumes of Composite Bodies

The above section has shown that the relative position of M and G are important in
determining ship stability. Since M is constant for any particular draught, only G
will finally determine the value of GM.

Before we go into the details of stability calculations, we have to consider how to

determine the location of G. Consider a composite body consisting of two portions
shown in Figure 4.3.
Area A

Area B
ca C cb

Figure 4.3

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Distance of Centre of Composite to the reference axis:

X = A x xa + B x xb

X = Total moment of area about the reference axis

Total area

If the composite consists of volumes,

Centre of Volume
X = Total moment of volume about the reference axis
Total volume

If the composite consists of weights,

Centre of Gravity
X = Total moment of weight about the reference axis
Total weight

Example 4.1

Find centre of area (from AP) for an object consisting of four components shown in
the figure below.

Area Distance from AP Moment of Area

(m2) (m) about AP (m3)
1 -2.5

Centroid from AP = Total moment of area about AP

Total area
= m

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Example 4.2

A trimaran has three hulls and the respective volume displacements, LCB and KB
are shown below. Find the total displacement, LCB and KB.

Hull Volume Lcb (m aft of Kb

Displacemen amidships) (m above keel)
t (m3)
Side 1 158.7 13.0 2.5
Main 1045.8 2.0 2.0
Side 2 158.7 13.0 2.5

Hull Volume lcb (m aft Moment about Kb Moment

Displace of amidships (m4) (m above about keel
ment amidships) keel) (m4)
Side 1 158.7 13.0 2.5
Main 1045.8 2.0 2.0
Side 2 158.7 13.0 2.5

LCB= Total moment about amidships = 4.56 m aft of amidships

Total Volume

KB= Total moment about keel = 2.12 m

Total Volume

Example 4.3

A stack of weights consists of one 3kg weight and two 2kg weights. Find centre of
gravity of the stack above the floor:

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Item Weight (kg) CG above floor Moment about Floor
(cm) (kgcm)
Wt A
Wt B
Wt C

Final CG = = cm

Example 4.4

A ship has three parts and the respective weights and Kg are as follows. Find the
total weight and KG.

Part Weight Kg
(tonnes) (m above keel)
Lightship 2000 5.5
Cargo 1 300 7.6
Cargo 2 500 2.5

Part Weight Kg Moment

(tonnes) (m above about keel
keel) (tonne-m)
Lightshi 2000 5.5
Cargo 1 300 7.6
Cargo 2 500 2.5

KG = Total moment about Keel = m

Total weight

Example 4.5

A ship of 6,000 tonnes displacement has KG = 6 m and KM = 7.33 m. The following

cargo is loaded:
1000 tonnes, Kg 2.5 m
500 tonnes, Kg 3.5 m
750 tonnes, Kg 9.0 m

The following cargo is then discharged:

450 tonnes of cargo Kg 0.6 m

And 800 tonnes of cargo Kg 3.0 m

Find the final GM.

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Item Weight (tonne) Kg Moment about keel


Ship 6000 6.0

Loaded 1000 2.5
Cargo1 500 3.5
Cargo2 750 9.0
Unloaded -450 0.6
Cargo -800 3.0

Final moment
Final KG = Final displacement
= ________

Final KG = m

Final KM = m
Final KG = m
Ans. Final GM = m

Homework 2

A box-shaped barge is floating in sea water at a draught of 5m. The extreme

dimensions of the barge (L x B x D) are 12m x 11m x 10m. The wall and floor are 0.5m
thick. Its centre of gravity is 4m above keel.


i. The displacement and GMT of the empty barge.

ii. The barge is to be used to carry mud (density1500 kg/m3). If the draught of the
barge cannot exceed 7.5m, find the maximum volume of mud that can be loaded
into the barge.
iii. For the barge loaded as in (ii), find its GMT.

Submission Date: _______________

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4.6 Movement of Centre of Areas, Volumes and Weights

When a portion is added or removed from an object, its centre moves.

Consider a homogenous object as shown below:

i. If weight is moved a distance y:

Centre of gravity moved x = GG = m x y

i.e. total moment divided by total weight

ii. If weight m is removed:

The remaining weight M-m

Movement of centre of gravity x = GG = m x d


i.e. total moment divided by remaining weight.

Example 4.6

A ship weighing 7000 tonnes is floating at the wharf. At that time, KM = 6.5 m and
GM 0.5m. Find new GM when a 30 tonnes box is loaded at Kg 10.0m. Assume no
change in KM.

Method 1:

Find rise in KG

Original KG = KM - GM = m
Distance 30 tonnes box from original G = m
GG= 30 x 4.0 = 0.017m
B m
KG= KG+ GG = m
KM does not change, therefore, GM = = m

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Method 2:

Find final KG using table of moment about keel

Portion Mass (m) Kg (m) Moment about keel

Ori. Ship 7000 6.0
Box 30 10.0
Total 7030

KG = Sum of moment
Sum of weight
KG = m

GM = KM - KG
KM - KG = m

4.7 Hanging Weights, The Use Of Derricks And Cranes

The use of cranes and derricks will make the weights suspended. Suspended
weights acts at the point of suspension. Therefore a weight that was initially
located on the lower deck for example will instantly be transferred to the point of
suspension at the instant the weight is lifted by the derrick. The centre of gravity
KG will suddenly increase and since KM is constant, GM will reduce suddenly. If
the rise in KG is more than the original GM, the net GM will be negative, leading to

Example 4.7

A ship of 7,500 tonnes displacement is upright and has GM 0.20m and KM 6.5 m.
A heavy cargo of 100 tonnes already on the lower deck (kg=2m) is to be unloaded
using the ships crane. When lifting the cargo crane head is 15 m above keel.
What is GM during lifting. Comment of the safety of the operation.

Treat as if the weight is suddenly transferred from lower deck to the point of
suspension, a distance of 15 meters. The KG will rise, and since KM constant, GM
will be reduced.

Original KG = KM-GM= 6.5 0.2 = 6.3m

Rise in KG = 100 x 13


KG during lifting = KG + Rise = 6.473m

GM during lifting = KM- Kgnew = 6.5- 6.473 = 0.027m

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4.8 Free Surface Correction

When free surface exists on board the ship, stability of ship is affected. The free
surface gives rise to free surface moment which in effect reduce GM. The reduction
is called Free Surface Correction (F.S.C).

FSC is calculated from the second moment of area of the surface of the fluid;

FSC = Free surface moment

Ship displacement

Free Surface Moment (FSM) = i x fluid

Where i the second moment of area of the surface of the fluid and fluid is the
density of the fluid being considered.

Once the FSC is known, the new reduced GM called GMfluid is obtained

GM fluid = GMsolid - FSC

It is important that free surface be avoided or at least minimised.

Note also that KG in ships having free surface is called KG fluid and regarded
increased by FSC.

KGfluid = KGsolid + FSC

For tanks with a rectangular surface:

Free surface moment = 1 x tank length x tank breadth3 x density of fluid


Free surface correction = 1 x tank length x tank breadth3 x density of fluid

12 ship displacement


1. Bunga Kintan (Hydrostatic data given on page 12) is floating at draught of

6.5m. If its KG is 6.8m, what is its GM?

2. A ship has a displacement of 1,800 tonnes and KG = 3m. She loads 3,400
tonnes of cargo (KG = 2.5 m) and 400 tonnes of bunkers (KG = 5.0m). Find
the final KG. 2.84m

3. A ship sails with displacement 3,420 tonnes and KG = 3.75 m. During the
voyage bunkers were consumed as follows: 66 tonnes (KG = 0.45 m) and 64
tonnes (KG =1 m). Find the KG at the end of the voyage.

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4. A ship has displacement 2,000 tonnes and KG = 4m. She loads 1,500 tonnes
of cargo (KG = 6m), 3,500 tonnes of cargo (KG = 5m), and 1,520 tonnes of
bunkers (KG = 1m). She then discharges 2,000 tonnes of cargo (KG = 2.5 m)
and consumes 900 tonnes of oil fuel (KG = 0.5 m.) during the voyage. If KM=
5.5m, find the final GM on arrival at the port of destination.

5. A ship arrives in port with displacement 6,000 tonnes and KG 6 m. She then
discharges and loads the following quantities:
Discharge 1250 tonnes of cargo KG 4.5 metres
675 tonnes of cargo KG 3.5 metres
420 tonnes of cargo KG 9.0 metres
Load 980 tonnes of cargo KG 4.25 metres
550 tonnes of cargo KG 6.0 metres
700 tonnes of bunkers KG 1.0 metre
70 tonnes of FW KG 12.0 metres
During the stay in port 30 tonnes of oil (KG 1 m.) are consumed. If the final
KM is 6.8 m., find the GM on departure.

6. A ship of 9,500 tonnes displacement has KM 9.5 m and KG 9.3 m. A load

300 tonnes on the lower deck (Kg 0.6 m) is lifted to the upper deck (Kg 11 m).
Find the final GM.

7. A ship of 4,515 tonnes displacement is upright and has KG 5.4 m and KM

5.5 m. It is required to increase GM to 0.25m. A weight of 50 tonnes is to be
shifted vertically for this purpose. Find the height through which it must be

8. A ship of 7,500 tonnes displacement has KG 5.8 m. and GM 0.5 m. A weight

of 50 tonnes is added to the ship, location Kg = 11m and 7m from centreline
to the starboard side. Find final location of G above keel and from the
centreline. What is its new GM?

9. A ship has a displacement of 3,200 tonnes (KG = 3 m. and KM = 5.5 m.). She
then loads 5,200 tonnes of cargo (KG = 5.2 m.). Find how much deck cargo
having a KG = 10 m. may now be loaded if the ship is to complete loading
with a positive GM of 0.3 metres.

10. A ship of 4,500 tonnes displacement is upright and has KG 5.4 m and KM
5.5 m. It is required to move a weight of 50 tonnes already on the deck
(kg=6m) using the ships derrick. The derrick head is 13 m above keel. Is it
safe to do so?
11. A ship of 9,500 tonnes displacement and has KM 9.5 m and KG 9.3 m. The
ship has two fuel tanks in double bottoms, rectangular shape each 20 x 5m
containing bunker density 900 kg/m3. Find GMfluid when free surface exists
in the tank.
12. Find Gmfluid for the ship in question 11 but with one tank only, length 20m
breadth 10m.
13. What happens to i when there are three tanks with b = 3.33m in question

Omar bin Yaakob, July 2008 29

Naval Architecture Notes
Appendix A

Second Moments of Areas

The second moment of an element of an area about an axis is equal to the product
of the area and the square of its distance from the axis. Let dA in Figure A.1
represent an element of an area and let y be its distance from the axis AB

Fig. A.1

The second moment of the element about AB is equal to dA x y2

2. To find the second moment of a rectangle about an axis parallel to one of its
sides and passing through the centroid



Fig. A.2

In Figure A.2, l represents the length of the rectangle and b represents the breadth.
Let G be the centroid and let AB, an axis parallel to one of the sides, pass through
the centroid.

Omar bin Yaakob, July 2008 30

Naval Architecture Notes
Consider the elementary strip which is shown shaded in the figure. The second
moment (i) of the strip about the axis AB is given by the equation:-

i= l dx x x2

Let I AB be the second moment of the whole rectangle about the axis AB then:-

1AB l. x
- b/2

1AB l
- b/2
x 2 .dx

b / 2
3 b / 2

lb 3

3. To find the second moment of a rectangle about one of its sides.



Fig. A.3

Consider the second moment (i) of the elementary strip shown in Figure A.3 about
the axis AB.

i= l dx x x2

Omar bin Yaakob, July 2008 31

Naval Architecture Notes
Let IAB be the second moment of the rectangle about the axis AB. Then :-
1AB l. x 2 .dx

3 O


lb 3

4. The Theorem of Parallel Axes

The second moment of an area about an axis through the centroid is equal to
the second moment about any other axis parallel to the first reduced by the
product of the area and the square of the perpendicular distance between the
two axes. Thus, in Figure A.4, if G represents the centroid of the area (A) and
the axis OZ is parallel to AB then:-
I OZ I AB - Ay2



Fig. A.4

Omar bin Yaakob, July 2008 32

Naval Architecture Notes

5. Second moment of area of a circle



Fig. A.5

For circle, the second moment of area about an axis AB.


What is IXX?

6. Applications.

Second moment of areas are used in calculations of BML and BMT :



Where IF is longitudinal second moment of area of the waterplane about the

centre of floatation, IT is transverse second moment of area about the centreline
and is volume displacement.

Omar bin Yaakob, July 2008 33

Naval Architecture Notes


1. Find BML and BMT of a box shaped barge 120m x 20m x 10m floating at a
draught of 7m.
2. A cylinder of radius r = 10m is floating upright at draught of 6m in fresh
water. Find its KML and KMT.

3. A fish cage consists of a wooden platform placed on used oil drums with the
following dimensions.


If the total weight of the structure is 3 tonnes, floating in sea water calculate:

i) draught
ii) KMT
iii) KML

Homework 3:

A catamaran consists of two box-shaped hulls spaced 5m apart, centreline

to centreline. Each hull measures (L x B x D) 10m x 0.5m x 1m. If its
draught is 0.3m, find its :

i) and
ii) KB
iii) BMT
iv) Maximum allowable KG if GM minimum is 0.2m

Submission Date: _______________

Omar bin Yaakob, July 2008 34

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