Thuc Consecrations
Thuc Consecrations
Thuc Consecrations
The second complex lineage case is that of Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc Pierre Martin, a brother
of Ngo Dinh Diem Jean Baptiste, the rst President of the Republic of Viet Nam, who was
murdered in November 1963.
In the mid-1970s, while living in exile in Italy, the lonely, depressed and impoverished Msgr. Ngo
was befriended by Rev. Maurice Revaz, a Swiss priest who, at that time, was teaching canon law
at the traditionalist seminary of the Sacerdotal Society of St. Pius X which Archbishop-Bishop
Emeritus Marcel Lefebvre has established in Ecne, Switzerland.
Throughout the 1970s many traditionalist clergy and laity in Europe and America were
expressing impatience over Msgr. Lefebvre's then reluctance to consecrate traditionalist
Canon Revaz, for his part, had even become convinced that the real Pope Paul VI was being held
prisoner in a Vatican dungeon, with an imposter playing his rle as Pope.
Around 1976 Canon Revaz heard there was a lay group near Seville, Spain, that was also
convinced that Paul VI either was a prisoner in the Vatican or was being kept in a drugged state
in order to manipulate him. Canon Revaz began corresponding with its two leaders, Clemente
Dominguez Gmez and Manuel Alonso Corral, both of whom for several years had been saying
that they were receiving visions of Our Lord and Our Lady.
Canon Revaz, after a trip to Rome and an unsuccessful attempt to nd, and liberate, the
imprisoned and/or drugged Pope Paul VI, left the Ecne seminary permanently, and went to
Spain along with two companions, an Irish woman visionary who claimed to be receiving
mesages from the incarcerated and/or drugged Pope, and a German nun, Sr. Cherubina, who for
some time had been working at the SSPX seminary.
Canon Revaz had gotten to know Msgr. Ngo, both from making many visits to Rome, where the
exiled Archbishop had been living since 1963, and from a trip that Msgr. Ngo had once made to
the seminary in Ecne. Revaz convinced the Archbishop to go to Spain and to consecrate priests
and bishops for the Dominguez/Alonso group.
There are reports, from sources very hostile to Msgr. Ngo, that Canon Revaz and his companions
persuaded Msgr. Ngo to perform the ordinations and consecrations by convincing him that a bi-
locating Pope Paul VI (the real, imprisoned, one, not the imposter) had appeared in Spain and
approved the idea.
At any event, within days of the ordinations and the consecrations that Msgr. Ngo performed in
Spain, the Vatican announced publicly that Archbishop Ngo had been automatically
excommunicated for attempting to consecrate bishops without a Papal mandate. Msgr. Ngo,
however, quickly expressed regret for his actions in Spain and sought forgiveness from the
Vatican. The excommunication was then lifted.
The Dominguez/Alonso group, however, went on without him. Its newly made bishops within
weeks started ordaining priests and consecrating bishops and, at the death of Paul VI in 1978,
they declared themselves the Holy Palmarian Church (the "Iglesia Una, Santa, Catlica,
Apostlica y Palmariana").
But, right after the lifting of his excommunication, Archbishop Ngo was again back to
consecrating independent bishops. This time, the consecrations were for a wide variety of
groups, including sedevacantists loosely grouped under the name Tridentine Latin Rite Church.
Finally, some years before his death, Msgr. Ngo agreed also to perform consecrations for a wide
assortment of splinter groups, some of them not even Roman Catholic.
Excommunicated a second time for these later consecrations, Msgr. Ngo moved to Rochester,
NY, where for a few years he lived with an independent bishop (who had been consecrated by one
of those bishops whom Msgr. Ngo had earlier consecrated for the Tridentine Latin Rite Church).
While he was living in upstate New York, Msgr. Ngo was invited to New York City to attend a
conference of exiled Vietnamese. While there, he was persuaded to join (some say, was
kidnapped by) some emigr Vietnamese who were living in a monastery in Missouri and were
loyal to the Vatican. Shortly after arriving there, Msgr. Ngo died. Upon his death, the Vatican
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released a statement saying that he had recently asked for, and had received, John Paul II's
Msgr. Ngo's lineage includes the broadest conceivable spectrum of theologies likely ever to be
held by men all claiming to possess valid "Catholic" priestly and episcopal orders that are
derived from a single prelate alive in their lifetimes. The spectrum ranges from the head of a
French Satanist sect all the way to the strictest of Traditional Roman Catholics.
Needless to say, there are critics of both the liceity and validity of the various "Thuc lineage"
episcopal consecrations. Click here for a web site comprising arguments favoring and opposing
the validity of the Thuc consecrations and another web site posting a recent essay denying
validity. Also of interest is "Document sur la mort de Mgr Thuc"
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Ch-1904 Vernayaz
10/20/1976 Manfred Damaso Zewell (see below).
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Troya, Spain, by xxxxx, a bishop of xxxxx..
Consecrated a bishop on 02/13/1976 at Palmar de Troya, Spain, by Clemente Dominguez
Gmez, a bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church, assisted by Manuel Alonso Corral, a bishop
of xxxx, and by Camilo Estevez Puga, a bishop of xxxx.
He left the Palmarian movement in 1990 and was reconciled with the Roman Catholic
Church. In 1998 he became AN AUSTRALIAN
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Antoine Laurent Charles Roux, a bishop in the Fraternit de Archveque Ng-dinh-
Thuc. Later ordained a priest, sub conditione, on 08/xx/1994 at Miami, Florida, by
Raymond Maurice Terrasson, a bishop of the xxxxx Church.
Consecrated a bishop on 08/28/1998 at Coussac-Bonneval, France, by Raymond
Maurice Terrasson, a bishop of the xxxxx Church.
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bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church, assisted by Manuel Alonso Corral, a bishop of xxxx,
and by Camilo Estevez Puga, a bishop of xxxx. AN IRISHMAN
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Bishop of xxxxx.
Consecrated a bishop on 10/05/1976 at Sevilla, Spain, by Clemente Dominguez Gmez, a
bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church, assisted by Manuel Alonso Corral, a bishop of xxxx,
and by Camilo Estevez Puga, a bishop of xxxx. A SWISS
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and by Camilo Estevez Puga, a bishop of xxxx. AN ARGENTINE
01/06/1978 Josef Xavier Gregor Berghofer (see above).
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02/13/1977 James Michael Moises Beinecke (b. in 1959; still living).
Ordained a priest on 11/12/1976 at xxxxx by xxxxx, a bishop of xxxxx.
Consecrated a bishop on 02/13/1977 at Sevilla, Spain, by Clemente Dominguez Gmez, a
bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church, assisted by Manuel Alonso Corral, a bishop of xxxx,
and by Camilo Estevez Puga, a bishop of xxxx. AN AMERICAN
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O'Brien, abandonned any claim to priestly or episcopal orders, and reconciled
with the Vatican. A SCOTSMAN.
11/1/1978 Benedikt Lorenz Magnus Alberto Gunthner (b. in 1936; still living).
Ordained a priest on xx/xx/19xx at xxxx, xxxx, by xxxx,. a bishio of xxxx.
Consecrated a bishop on 11/01/1978 at Palmar de Troya, Spain, by Clemente Dominguez
Gmez ("Pope Gregory XVII"), a bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church, assisted by Manuel
Isidoro Maria Alonso Corral ("Cardinal Isidoro"), a bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church,
and by xxxx ("Cardinal Leander"), a bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church.
11/01/1978 Alfred Paul Athanasius Maria Seiwert-Fleige (b. in 1939; still living).
Ordained a priest on 01/01/1976 at xxxxx, Spain, by xxxxx, a bishop of xxxxx.
Consecrated a bishop on 11/01/1978 at Palmar de Troya, Spain, by Clemente Dominguez
Gmez, ("Pope Gregory XVII"), a bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church, assisted by Manuel
Isidoro Maria Alonso Corral ("Cardinal Isidoro"), a bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church,
and by xxxx ("Cardinal Leander"), a bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church. He was later
onsecrated sub conditione a bishop on 04/08/1994 at Chaillac, France, by Jean Grard de la
Passion Antoine Laurent Charles Roux, a bishop of xxxxx.
He resides at Rosenheim, Germany (SEE BELOW).
06/26/1994 Charles Ignanga (b. in 19xx; still living).
Ordained a priest on xx/xx/19xx at xxxxx by xxxxx, a bishop of xxxxx.
Consecrated a bishop on 06/26/1994 at xxxxx, Gabon, by Alfred Paul Athanasius Maria
Seiwert-Fleige, a bishop of xxxxx.
He resides at Librville, Gabon.
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xx/xx/197x Alvaro Ernest Andrs Bejenaro-Quesada (b. in 19xx; still living).
Ordained a priest on 01/01/1976 at Palmar de Troya, Spain, by Msgr. Ngo Dinh Thuc Pierre
Martin, Titular Archbishop of Bulla Regia.
Consecrated a bishop on xx/xx/197x at xxxxx, Spain, by Clemente Dominguez Gmez, a
bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church.
09/09/197x Manfred Bleile (see below).
01/11/1976 Manuel Isidoro Maria Alonso Corral (b. in 19xx; still living).
Ordained a priest for the Carmelite Order of the Holy Face on 01/01/1976 at Palmar de Troya,
Spain, by Msgr. Ngo Dinh Thuc Pierre Martin, Titular Archbishop of Bulla Regia.
Consecrated a bishop on 01/11/1976 at xxxxx, Spain, by Msgr. Ngo Dinh Thuc Pierre Martin,
Titular Archbishop of Bulla Regia.
Bishop Alonso Corral became a Cardinal and the Secretary of State for the Holy Palmarian
01/28/1976 Francis Gabriel Coll (see above).
02/13/1976 Georey Francis Estanislao Luc Eifer Lucifer Legionnaire Mayne (see
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02/13/1976 Richard Subiron Fernandis (see above).
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11/27/1976 John Mary Martin Ebigbo
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02/06/1976 Richard xxxx Delaney (see above).
02/13/1976 Georey Francis Estanislao Luc Eifer Lucifer Legionnaire Mayne (see
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10/08/1976 John L. xxxx McGrath
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Ordained a Roman Catholic priest for the Order of Saint Benedict on 01/01/1958 at xxxx, USA,
by Msgr. xxxxx, Roman Catholic Bishop of xxxx.
Consecrated a bishop on 01/11/1976 at Palmar de Troya, Spain, by Msgr. Ngo Dinh Thuc Pierre
Martin, Titular Archbishop of Bulla Regia. A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
04/20/1976 & 10/20/1976 Michael Celestino Power (see above).
07/10/1976 P. E. M. Labat d'Arnoux (b. in 19xx; still living) - This is but a reported
consecration by Msgr. Thuc. It may never have occurred.
Ordained a priest on xx/xx/19xx at xxxxx by xxxxx, a bishop of xxxxx.
Consecrated a bishop, sub conditione, on 02108/1976 at xxxxx, by Msgr. Pierre Martin Ngo
Dinh Thuc, Titular Archbishop of Bulla Regia.
03/19/1977 Claude Nanta de Torrini (b. in 19xx; still living). - This is but a reported
consecration by Magr. Thuc. It may never have occurred.
10/19/1978 Michel Fernandez (b. in 19xx; still living). - This is but a reported consecration
by Magr. Thuc. It may never have occurred.
Ordained a priest on 06/xx/1974 at xxxxx by Jean Laborie, a bishop of the glise Catholique
Latine Traditionelle. Ordained sub conditione a priest on xx/xx/19xx at xxxxx by Andr Maurice
Alexandre Enos, a bishop of the xxxxx. Ordained again sub conditione a priest on xx/xx/19xx at
xxxxx by xxxxx, a bishop of the Holy Palmarian Church.
Consecrated a bishop, sub conditione, on 10/19/1978 at Toulon, France, by Msgr. Pierre Martin
Ngo Dinh Thuc, Titular Archbishop of Bulla Regia. Previously he had been consecrated a
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bishop on 05/xx/1977 by Manuel Isadoro Maria Alonzo Corral ("Cardinal Isidoro"), a bishop of
the Holy Palmarian Church.
From 1978 to 19xx he was a bishop for the glise Catholique Latine Traditionelle. He has been
retired since xx/xx/19xx.
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the Catholic Alliance), working among the Zulus in the Republic of South Africa.
He resides at xxxxx.
05/07/1994 Jean Gerard Antoine Laurent Roux (SEE BELOW).
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He was a bishop of the Latin-Rite Catholic Church., 1987-199x. He ceased functioning as a
priest or bishop in 199x.
He resides at xxxxx, Madagascar.
06/18/1982 Jos de Jesus Roberto Martnez y Gutirez (b. in 1917; still living).
Ordained a Roman Catholic priest on 05/26/1946 at Mexico City, Mexico, by Msgr. Salvador
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Martnez-Silva, Archbishop of Mexico City.
Consecrated a bishop on 06/18/1982 at xxxxx, Mexico,, by Moiss Carmona-Rivera, a bishop
of the Union Catlico Trento.
Since 1982 he has been a bishop in Acapulco, Mexico, for the Union Catlico Trento.
He resides at Jalisco, Mexico.
04/18/1982 Jean Grard de la Passion Antoine Laurent Charles Roux (b. in 1951; still
e-mail address: [email protected]
Ordained a priest on xx/xx/19xx at xxxx by _____ Girard, a bishop of xxxx.
Allegedly consecrated a bishop on 04/18/1982 at Loano, Italy, by Msgr. Ngo Dinh Thuc Pierre
Martin, Titular Archbishop of Bulla Regia.
The truth of Bp Roux's ordination(s) and consecration(s) is hard to ascertain:
Bp Roux resides at Chaillac, France.
There is a web site critical of his claims and also another such web site. And even a third such
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web site.
10/27/1993 Thomas Maria Fouhy (b. in 19xx; still living).
Ordained a Roman Catholic priest on xx/xx/19xx at xxxxx by xxxxx, a bishop of xxxxx.
Consecrated a bishop on 10/27/1993 at Chaillac, France, by Jean Grard de la Passion
Antoine Laurent Charles Roux, a bishop in the Fraternit de Archveque Ng-dinh-Thuc.
He resides at Levin, New Zealand.
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He resided at xxxxx.
07/27/1984 Peter Hillebrand (see above).
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1. by Jos Ramon Lopez-Gaston, a bishop of the xxxxx Church. [See the
Thuc lineage]
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Ordained a priest on xx/xx/19xx at xxxxx by xxxxx, a bishop of xxxxx.
Consecrated a bishop on 05/22/1994 at xxxxx, Guadaloupe, French West Indies, by Jean
Grard de la Passion Antoine Laurent Charles Roux, a bishop in the Fraternit de
Archveque Ng-dinh-Thuc. Bishop Strijmeersch had already been consecrated a
bishop on xx/xx/19xx at xxxxx by Andr Maurice Alexandre Enos, a bishop of the xxxxx
Church, and again on xx/xx/19xx at xxxxx by Philippe de Coster, a bishop of xxxx. ( See
He resides at Mont St. Amand, Belgium.
04/28/1996 Gilles-Marie Pommier (b. in 19xx; still living).
Ordained a priest on 05/22/1994 at xxxxx, Guadeloupe, by Luc-Cyril Strijmeersch,
a bishop of the xxxxx Church.
Consecrated a bishop on xx/xx/1996 at xxxx by Lucien-Cyril Strijmeersch, a bishop
of the xxxx Church.
He resides at Saint Sulpice, France.
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