Village of Fredonia Inspection Report 2015
Village of Fredonia Inspection Report 2015
Village of Fredonia Inspection Report 2015
The Village of Fredonia has a population of LA,792 which is served bythe Village's Public
Water Supply through 3,500 + service connections, The Village also serves another 400
people in the Town of Pomfret Water Districts (Berry Rd, Chestnut Rd and North End)
through 156 service connections, along with 6,224 students and staff at the State
University of New York at Fredonia.
The original water supply system was completed in 1884 and utilized a small surface
water reservoir located close to the current one. Water from the current Fredonia
Reservoir is treated using a conventional surface water treatment plant with
coagulation, solids removal, conventional filtration, corrosion control and chlorine
ln 1967 the reservoir intake was cut down to allow water to be drawn from as deep as
possible during drought. Two 12" cast iron pipes lead from the reservoir intake to the
filter plant that are encased in concrete inside a rock tunnel. These pipes provide the
ability to draw water from either the shallow or deep portion of the intake. There is
also an abandoned 24" line that used to draw water from an old intake that has not be
used since before 1964 because it is covered with silt.
The reservoir suffers from infilling by erosion and sedimentation. This is a natural
process that is exacerbated by the steep topography and erosive soils. Stream
gradients in the watershed range from2.7 to 4.6Yo, which is steep but typical of the
entire Lake Erie Escarpment in Chautauqua County. For comparison, the average
stream gradients for the streams feeding Chautauqua Lake, located in the Alleghany-
Mississippi watershed, are less than 1%. Since it was constructed, the reservoir has lost
43% af its volume to sedimentation, or about 2 MG per year.
Numerous heavystorms and floods overthe years have accelerated reservoir infilling. A
report by FEMA stated that 5 feet of sediment was deposjted in the reservoir along the
inlet stream and 2 feet at the water intake structure between 1954 and 1972,with75%
of it from one storm (Hurricane Agnes in June 1,972). Ongoing erosion processes and
other storms have also deposited large amounts of sediment in the reservoir. Dredging
projects were planned in 1965, 1972,1999 and 2001 but were never completed.
The total amount of water currently avaiiable for use (i.e. above the intake) is currently
unknown. Most recent estimates are 213.8 MG by Harza Engineering (1999), 157 MG by
Wilson and Shermet {2008) and 201 MG by O'Brien & Gere (2011). These
measurements vary significantly and must be recalculated. O'Brien & Gere will be
completing a new bathymetric survey in 201"6 to help sort this out.
ln addition to erosion and sedimentation problems, the reservoir has also been stressed
by drought. lt has been depleted in late summer-fall due to drought at least l-0 times
Photos: Fredonia Reservoir intake when
lmpacted by drought; Left 2007; Right 1991.
over the past 50 years. The reservoir capacity during these times ranged from about
50% to less than 5% {5A%b 95% depleted). The three most serious recent droughts
occurred in L991 (95% depleted), 1998-1999 {78% depleted)and 2007 (60% depleted).
During water emergencies in 1991 and 1998 the Village pumped water from Cassadaga
Lakes, across the Allegheny - Lake Erie watershed divide to the stream that feeds the
reservoir. NYSDEC made emergency provisions to permit this water transfer but they
will not allow it again. lnstead they required the Village to conduct a supptemental
water supply study which was complete in 1999. This study looked at various options to
increase the supply of water including construction of another reservoir, increasing the
size of the existing reservoir, dredging and developing groundwater wells, Dredging had
been proposed several times previously but never underlaken; the other options
including wells were investigated but found to be too costly or not feasible.
An interconnection to the City of Dunkirk system along with a drought emergency plan
and water conservation plan were ultimately chosen as a solution to reservoir
shortages, but development of a permanent alternate source of water was mandated by
NYSDEC in 1998 and never accomplished.
Supplemental Source
The interconnection to the City of Dunkirk's water system was constructed in 1993 in
response to the 1991 drought. lt has been used on a semi-routine basis, especially
during the droughts of 1998, 1.999 and 2007. However it is only capable of supplying a
portion of the village's needs. The design flow of the pump station was 800 gpm (1.2
MGD). However its actual maximum pumping capacity is only 640 gpm (0.92 MCD). To
achieve 800 gpm, Dunkirk's 8" water main on Vineyard Drive would need to be upsized
to a 10" main and the line into and out of the station would need to be upsized. More
importantly, use of the pump station reduces water pressure to the City's commercial
customers on Vineyard Drive to a point where water service is disrupted or pressures
fall below 20 psi, which creates a violation for the City. These limitations make using the
existing interconnection a problem, except at a much reduced pumping rate.
Harza Engineering (1999) looked at several options to increase source water capacity for
the village. Those options deemed feasible are listed below with capital costs
extrapolated to 2015 dollars using U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation rates.
o Reservoir Dredging (adds 62 MC) s8.33 M
r Relocate intake to deeper pool (adds 27 MG) s613K
To maintairr the rcsenoir as a reliablc source for the foreseeable future will require
careful planning and a sigriificant investment by the Village Board. A combination of
actions listed above is lequired to secure the reservoir for another 30 to 50 years, The
ultimatc useful lifc ol'thc rescrvoir and dam will depend on the rnaintenance and
improvements undertaken over the next ten years, as well as the severity and frequerrcy
of future stomls.
A sltorl- attd lortg-lernr ttcliorr plart to ctdt{ress source issrtes mus! be devcloped nttd
snbtrtitted to the CCDHHS. Tltis x'auld be best accornplished through strategic
planning by the Village Board.
Water from the reservoir flows from the intake through the plant and to the village
entirely by gravity. High capacity pumps are used to backwash filters. When water
enters the plant polyaluminum chloride, cationic polymer, and bentonite clay are added
in a rapid mix chamber, Powder activated carbon was used in the past as a ffeatment
additive, but was discontinued several years ago. From the mix chamber water enters
the two upflow clarifiers that are connected in parallel and provide coagulation,
flocculation and 95% of particle removal. Water then flows to the four dual media
filters containing 18" of anthracite coal and L2" of sand, where any remaining solids,
particulates and contaminants are removed. Chlorine gas is then added as a
disinfectant and zinc orthophosphate is added to inhibit corrosion and reduce lead and
copper problems in the distribution system. The water then enters the clearwell that
provides the required chlorine contact time and initiai water storage and then onto the
viltage. Backwash water from the filters and sediment that accumulates in the clarifiers
is pumped to a sludge basin where the solids settle out and the liquid discharged to the
creek. The basin is pumped out every two to three years and the sludge transported to
the Village's wastewater treatment plant.
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Average water production was 1.82 MG in 2014 and 1.55 MG in 2015. Average
production dropped approximately 0.5 MGD after the Carriage House closed in spring of
. The surface wash pumps each must have a reduced pressure zone (RPZ)
backflow prevention device installed. This is a violation of Part 5, Subpart 5-1.31
Cross Connection Control in that a NYSDOH approved reduced pressure zone
(RPZ) backflow prevention device needs to be installed forthe surface wash
. The disinfection byproduct (DBP) removal study needs to be finished by O'Brien
and Gere, engineering plans approved by the CCDHHS and fully implemented for
reducing DBPs in the distribution system, Refer to the Distribution section of this
report for information about DBP levels.
. Drainage in the underground pipe gallery is very poor and needs to be improved.
This is a high moisture area with standing water that accelerates pipe and valve
. Spill containment is needed around the liquid chemical storage area and the area
needs to be configured to minimize the need to move 55 gallon drums around.
. For safety reasons dry chemical storage, handling and feed operations must be
isoiated from the general plant area. Use of powdered activated carbon is
strictly prohibited without this and other protective measures in place.
. Windows in the chlorine gas treatment room need to be bricked up and securely
blocked out. They are currently covered with plywood.
. Clearwell manholes are deteriorated and must be repaired; manhole covers
must be replaced with Bilco type hatches that are watertight, overlap and are
lockable; vents must be repaired or replaced.
. The hydraulic actuators for the valves that control the discharge of the sludge
from the clarifiers should be replaced and tied into the SCADA system.
Storage Tank:
. Drained completely, sediment removed, cleaned and inspected by village staff in
. Cathodic protection replaced in 201,4: new cathodic monitoring system installed
and placed into operation in 2015 by Corrpro, lnc. The system is now inspected
annually under maintenance contract with Corrpro.
e Exterior last painted in 2001; interior recoated in 200L,
. Pressure differences between tank and adjacent main require pumps be used to
transfer water from tank to distribution system.
. Provides approximately 0.7 days of drinking water storage which is less than the
minimum l day required by NYSDOH.
r Does not provide adequate storage for fire flow, which was estimated to be 4.1
MGD when the plant was upgraded in 1957.
. The Village is in violation of Part 5, Suhpart 5-1, Appendix A, Recommended
Standards for Water Works Section 7.01 in that there is an insufficient amount
of finished water storage to meet fire flows and domestic demands combined.
The total available amount of finished drinking water storage is approxirnately
70% of the average daily demand not including fire flow {one full day of storage
is required by NYSDOH standards). The village must construct additional storage
capacity or a new, upgraded interconnection with the City of Dunkirk.
. The storage tank volume must be turned over more frequently. Obrien & Gere
are to make recommendation on this such as installing a mixer in the tank.
. The storage tank must be retrofitted with a device for reducing DBPs following
O'Brien & Gere's report.
. Upgrades to the manhole covers and frames above the clearwell still have not
been completed. The clearwell manhole covers and vents need to be replaced.
This is a violation of Part 5, Subpart 5-1-1.71 (b) in that the respondent failed to
exercise due care and diligence in the maintenance of its water treatment plant.
. The Village should evaluate whether modifying the hydraulics frorn the plant by
means of installing pressure reducing valves in specific locations would allow the
pumps at the storage tank to be abandoned.
. A water tap must be installed to measure chlorine residuals at the tank outlet
without having to enter a confined space area.
o O'Brien and Gere to provide recommendation on tank operations to reduce
disinfection byp rodu cts.
o Webster Road tank must be inspected every 5 years by a qualified storage tank
inspector to determine if any repairs are needed and when the interior and
exterior must be painted/recoated.
Three major transmission mains lead to the village from the treatment plant: a 12" cast
iron pipe installed in 1"895 and?4" ductile iron pipe installed about 1984 are routed
down Water Streeq another 12" cast iron pipe is routed down Spoden Rd and Route 60
and Porter Ave installed in 1935.
Approximaiely 75% of water mains in the distribution system are cast iron pipe that
were installed more than 60 years ago, with a large portion installed in the 1890s.
System expansions in the 1940s and 50s extended water service to outer areas of the
village. Coincidentally, the iron pipes used in the late 1890s were made with better
steel than those from the 40s and 50s and have thus performed better. The remaining
25% of water mains are ductile iron pipe that were installed after 1970. Water lines
along Main Street (Rt 20) were replaced in 1996 when the NYSDOT reconstructed the
road. Most service lines connected to Village owned mains are made of either lead,
galvanized iron with lead goosenecks to main, or copper with lead goosenecks. Copper
only services were not installed until approximately 1960 or possibly later. Almost all
customer water meters have been replaced since 2O04. Unaccounted for water (volume
of water lost to leaks, hydrant flushing, fire department use and unmetered
connections) was determined to be L2% in 2010,
Compliance monitoring results from 2015 for TTHMs are currently between 55 and 57
pg/l, and for HAAs between 30 and 56 prg/l ll Ve/l = 1 part per billion) from samples
collected from targeted locations in the village. The maximum contaminant level for
TTHMs is 80 [e/l; and for HAAs is 60 pg/|. \4/hile the village is currently in compliance,
the levels are elevated and have exceeded the MCL at times. DBP monitoring
conducted in the Pomfret water districts has also been close to the limit.
Lead and Copper: To reduce leaching of lead and copper from water rnains, service lines
and household plumbing, the Village treats the water with zinc orthophosphate to
control corrosion in the distribution system. Elevated lead levels were identified in the
village in 2005 subsequent to the completion of filter upgrades. These upgrades could
have altered water quality enough to slightly increase corrosivity, which increased lead
levels. Corrosion control treatment was subsequently added, which has reduced lead to
acceptable levels. Compliance levels for lead in the distribution system are 7.4 prg/I, well
below the action level standard of 15 pg/|.
A new distribution system model and GIS mapping program is being developed by
O'Brien & Gere. This should identify all distribution system facilities and their condition
for use in targeting those needing replacement based on age, material and condition
along with identifying and logging the location of main breaks and water quality
Prepare an updated water audit report to calculate unaccounted for water and update
An annual water quality Leport is distributed each year to village customers which
includes water testing results arid ideutifies any ploblems. This report must be distributed
byMay3l"eachyear,buthasnotbccnconrplctcduntil lateMayinpreviousyears. This
must be complete by the Village and reviewed by CCDIJI{S muclr earlier; it is
recomnreuded this be courpleted by Aplil I to provide ample tin-re fbr our review.
Basik, Karpinski Associates. 2001. Preliminary Engineering Report for Fredonia Reservoir
Maintenance Dredging,
Chautauqua County Health Dept. 2007. Annual lnspection and Sanitary Survey Report.
Hardison, Catherine. 2015. Fredonia Reservoir Dam lnspection Report. New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation.
Harza Engineering. 1999. Draft Supplemental Water Supply Study for the Village of
Matai, Kenneth E. 1984. Bathymetric Map and Volume Estimate of the Fredonia
O'Brien & Gere Engineers. 2002. Fredonia Water Treatment Plant Renovations.
Rowley, D. 2008, Sanitary Survey for the Village of Fredonia. New York State
Department of Health.
Senior, Bissell & Bronkie Engineering. 1964. Vlllage of Fredonia, New York Report on
Water Treatment Plant and Reservoir.