Procurement Contracts in R12 Steps
Procurement Contracts in R12 Steps
Procurement Contracts in R12 Steps
Ø Setup Organizations
Ø Profile options
Ø Approval workflows
Ø Lookup Codes
Ø Enable Keyword search
Ø Setup layout template
Ø Setup purchasing document format
Ø Associate layout template to document types
Ø Setup Duff’s
Ø Setup auto numbering
Ø Value sets
Ø Functions Security
Ø Migrate clause to contract terms library
Ø Import clauses from external sources
Ø Setup contract folders
Ø Setup variables
First setup:-
To set up operating units:
1. Log in to the Human Resources responsibility.
2. Open the Find Organization window.
Navigation: Work Structures -> Organization -> Description.
3. Select the desired operating unit from the list of values.
4. Click the Find button.
5. In the Organization Classifications region, place the cursor in the Operating
6. Click the others button.
7. Select the Contract Terms Setup option from the list of values.
8. In the Contract Terms Setup window, enter values for the following options:
• Auto Adopt Global Clauses: This enables automatic adoption of global clauses
in a local operating unit. The clauses do not have to be approved separately in
the local operating unit if the Auto Adopt option is set to Yes.
• Library Administrator for Buy Intent: Set a library administrator Buy intent to
receive notifications when a global clause is created and needs adoption in the
local operating unit.
• Library Approver for Buy Intent: Set a library approver for Buy intent to route
workflow approval notifications for clauses and templates.
• Clause Sequence Category: Provide a value here if you want to activate the
AutoNumbering function for clauses in the operating unit. Leave it blank if you
want to number clauses manually
4. Select a business group to which all the operating units belong. If you have not
defined your own business groups, select the default business group.
6. Navigate to the Organization Security tab. At this stage, you can select one of the
following options:
• Navigate to the Classification region and provide a list of operating units and
their names. This will be the list of operating units under the security profile.
• Select an organization in the Organization Hierarchy field. To use this option,
you must first set up an organization hierarchy. See: Setting Up Organization
Hierarchy, page 4-5.
Once this request is submitted , the subsequent requests are automatically fired as mentioned
below :-
Ø Contract Security
Ø Contract Setup
Approval Workflow
In order to enable the keyword search , you must run the concurrent program as
mentioned below on periodic bases.
Ø Synchronize Clauses Text Index: This program synchronizes the clauses text
Ø Optimize Clause Text Index: This program optimizes the clauses text index
Ø Synchronize Template Text Index: This Program synchronizes the contract
template text index.
Ø Optimize template text index: This program optimizes the Contract Template
text index.
Here we need to prepare the layout in Oracle XML publisher and then need to
upload the same.
5. Click the Duplicate icon for the Oracle Contract Terms Template.
9. In the Template Files region, click the Download icon for the
13. Save the template with a new name, for example, MyTemplate_en.xsl.
14. In the Template Files region, click the Update icon for the OKCTERMS_en.xsl
15. Click the Browse button to locate and select your customized XSL-FO
(Example: MyTemplate_en.xsl).
To generate the contract document in the PDF format, you need to set the PO Output
Format value to PDF.
1. Log in to the Purchasing Super User responsibility.
2. Navigate to the Purchasing Options window.
Navigation: Set Up > Organization > Purchasing Options
3. Navigate to the Control tab.
4. In the PO Output Format field, select the PDF option from the list.
5. Save your work.
Setting Up AutoNumbering
In all responsibilities that create clauses, set the Sequence Numbering profile option to
For more information on setting this profile option, see the Oracle Applications System
Administrator's Guide.
Note: You can only delete a numbering scheme that is not assigned to a
contract template.
If you define a numbering scheme with the "a,b,c," numbering type and
a specific level with more that 26 entries, the system does not create
further alphabets. Instead, the system uses symbols for all entries
beyond 26. Preview the template or contract, as applicable, and make
sure the numbering scheme used is changed to use some other type.
1. Log in to the System Administrator responsibility.
2. Define a document sequence.
Navigation: Application > Document > Define
Enter a sequence name, the Contracts Core application, an effective date, Automatic
type, and an initial value.
3. Define a sequence category.
Navigation: Document > Categories.
Define the category using OKC_ARTICLES_ALL as the table to be associated.
4. Assign the category to a set of books.
Navigation: Document > Assign.
Associate the category defined with the set of books and sequence.
5. Set the OKC: Clause Sequence Category profile option with the sequence created
Contract negotiators may have standard authoring privileges allowing them access
to standard clauses and pre-approved alternates from the library.
• Contract administrators may have additional privileges allowing them to author
non-standard clauses or remove contract terms.
• Contract approvers or super users may have privileges that allow them to override
standard authoring controls. For instance, with override authoring privileges, users
can delete a mandatory clause from a business document or edit a protected clause.
So here you can control the access by setting up the main functions.
These two menus are exclusions from the Main menu: OKC Contract Repository root menu
There are few functions which can be kept as “ View only / Authoring Responibility / Adminsitrator
Ø View Contract
Ø Create and Update Contract
Ø Change Status for approved signed
Ø Manage deliverables
Ø Manage risk
Ø Terminate contract
Ø Update contract administrator of a contract
Ø Change status from draft directly to signed
Ø Import Contracts
Ø User Repository Setup Tab
You are import clauses in order to stay update with the current business regulations and scenario .
You can organize clauses under different folders for easier retrieval.
Setting Up Variables
Oracle Procurement Contracts supports the use of business variables (tokens) in clause
1. Log in to the Contract Terms Library Administrator responsibility.
2. Navigate to the Numbering Schemes page.
Navigation: Library > Numbering Schemes tab> Create Numbering Scheme button
3. Enter the Scheme Name.
4. Optionally, enter a Description for the scheme.
5. Optionally, select the Number Clauses check box to automatically number the
clauses in the contract.
6. Click the Add Another Level button to define the first numbering level.
7. Enter the following information for the numbering level:
• In the Sequence field, choose a sequence from the list of values.
• Optionally, enter an End Character. For example, a close parentheses ()).
• Optionally, select the Concatenate with Child check box to ensure that the
child level includes the numbering of its parent during previewing and
printing of the contract.
For instance, you would set up the numbering scheme as:
First level:
• a,b,c
• end character is "."
Concatenate with Child check box selected
Second level:
• end character is ")"
The document will be numbered as:
• First Level = a.
• Second Level = a.I)
8. Click the Refresh button to preview the layout.
9. Optionally, add additional numbering levels.
10. Click Apply to save and close the Numbering Scheme page
Setting Up Sections
Sections are headings under which you organize contract clauses. The headings provide
structure and organization to a printed contract document. You can define sections that
can be used in authoring templates and contracts.
Define approval hierarchy and approval rules through the Oracle Approvals Manager.
6. Select an Intent from the list of values. Depending on the nature (Intent) of a
contract, the contract could be buy-side, sell-side, or neither. Each Contract Type
should be associated with one Intent. The possible values for Intent are Buy, Sell,
and Other. If the Contracts Intent Access Control profile option is used, this
selection will limit which users will be able to select this Contract Type.
7. Select a Start Date. This is the date that the contract type becomes available.
8. Optionally, select an End Date for the contract type. After the End Date has passed,
when creating new contracts, users will not be able to select this type.
9. Click the Apply button.
Setting Up Risks
When users create Repository contracts in Oracle Contracts, they may select multiple
risks associated with these contracts. For example: partner bankruptcy,
non-performance of a deliverable, non-compliance with non-disclosure terms, loss or
1. Log in to the Contracts Workbench Administrator responsibility.
2. Click the Risks link.
Note: For your reference, the Risks page displays the list of all
user-defined risks. Oracle Contracts does not provide seeded risks.
3. The risks you define should be unique across all organizations within the company.
4. Click the Create Risk button. The system displays the Create Risk page.
5. In the Name field, enter a unique identifier for the risk.
6. Enter a Description for the risk.
7. Select a Start Date.
8. Optionally, select an End Date for the risk. After the End Date has passed, the risk
cannot be selected on a contract.
9. Click Apply to save the risk.
The following are the most common ways to personalize Contracts Workbench:
Ø Notifications
Ø Recent Contracts
Ø Expired Contracts
Ø Expiring Deliverables
Ø Contracts at Risk.
Contract terms Library is the central library of all pre-approved clauses and contract
templates that can be used to create contracts across the enterprise.
Clauses can be grouped into sections and stored as reusable
contract templates to codify best practices. Templates provide a framework for rapid
assembly and creation of contracts.
Organizations can manage clauses and templates centrally
in a global organization. Local organizations can then use or duplicate these clauses and
templates and customize them to meet their own specific local requirements.
In addition to standard clauses and contract templates, the Contract Terms Library
supports the creation and maintenance of a library of folders, sections and variables.
A standard clause is the text that describes the legal or business language used to
author a contract. Clauses are drafted based on both business and statutory
• Default Section: Optionally select the default section from the list of values. You
can use sections as heading to format contracts.
• Description: Optionally enter a description for the clause.
• Status: The system controls this field. During the creation process, the clause is
in Draft status.
• Version: The system generates the version number.
• Start date. Accept the default or change the start date.
• End date. Optionally enter an expiration date for the clause.
Setting Up Contract Terms Library 6-3
• Provision. Provisions are used in negotiation documents in Oracle Sourcing
only. If applicable, select the Provision check box.
• Protect text. To prevent modification to the clause text in documents, select the
protect Text check box.
• Global. To make the clause available to all organizations, select the global check
box. This field is only available in the Global operating unit.
• Text. Enter the necessary text for the clause. Clause texts can include business
variables. In the text area you can choose one of the following modes:
• Rich Text. The Rich Text editor provides special formatting of the text that
is driven by business and legal requirements. The Rich Text editor provides
a Tool bar and a Text area.
• Text. The Text mode provides a plain text area only. If you use the Rich
Text mode to enter the clause text and then toggle to the Text mode, the
system displays the HTML source for the text you have entered. However,
the system prints the clause using the Rich Text features even if you have
toggled to the Text mode.
• Add Variables. Click Add Variables to search for available variables, The Add
Variables page appears. From this page you can search for available variables,
then click the Insert icon to add the variable that you want into your text, at the
location of the cursor within the text area. In the clause text, variables are
displayed as tags in the format [@variable name@].
Note: If you do not use the Rich Text editor to author clause
text, the system inserts the variables at the end of the test
instead of where the cursor is located. You can use the Cut and
Paste operation to move a variable tag, within the clause text to
the appropriate location.
• Instructions. Optionally enter instructions on how and when to use the clause
in a contract template or business document. Users can view these instructions
when they add the clause to a contract template or business document.
• Allow Include by Reference. Select the check box to replace the clause text with
the Reference text when the clause is used in a contract. Optionally enter the
following information:
• Reference Source. Provide the source of the clause that may not Be printed
in full text.
Approving Clauses
To make standard clauses available for use in contracts, they must be approved first.
You can
• Approve once clause at a time.
• Select and submit more than one clause for approval at the same time.
• Respond to approval.
• Comment on either approval or rejection decision.
You must have set up an approver first.
Note: The default workflow supports a single approver. However, you
can modify the workflow processes to include more approvers and
route approvals based in additional business conditions.
1. Navigate to the Clauses page.
Navigation: Contract Terms Library > Clauses tab.
2. Create a new clause or search and open a clause in Draft status.
3. Click Submit to
• Change the clause status from Draft to Pending Approval.
• Send a workflow notification to the approver.
4. The approver opens the notification and reviews the clause.
5. The approver either approves or rejects the clause. As a result
• The clause status is changed to Approved or Rejected.
• A workflow notification informs the author of the clause of the decision.
Whenever the clause is adopted an email notification is send to the local administrator and the
global administrator for information and approval process of the clause. If the global clause is
adopted for local org , notification is send to the local administrator stating the date and type
of adoption of clauses.
Global organizations can monitor when and how global clauses are adopted across local
organizations. The Adoption Status report provides an overview of the adoption status
across multiple local organization for a given global clause. This report is only available
in the global organization and allows the global organization to analyze cases where the
global clauses are not adopted in a timely manner.
To copy the all the global clauses in a new org you just need to run the concurrent program
“Adopt Global Clauses for a New Organization concurrent program”.
Comparing Clauses:
You can compare any two versions of a clause. the system provides a redline
comparison of the changed made to the clause text.
You can choose any two versions of a clause, and then click the Compare button
available in the Version History subtab of Updating Clause page.
Importing Clauses
You use the Clause import feature to import clauses into the Contract Terms Library. In
addition to clauses, you can import the following related entities:
• Variables
• Value sets that are used in variables
• Value set values
• Clause relationships that establish a clause to be an alternate or incompatible with
one or more clauses
Clause import can also be used on an ongoing basis to update these entities in the
You can import clauses and the related entities using the following methods:
• Open Interface, page 6-25: For this method, use SQL*Loader, PL/SQL Scripts, or
JDBC to load the entities directly into the corresponding interface tables. This
process is outside the scope of the Clause import program. The clause import
validates the data and imports the content into the library.
• XML Data File, page 6-27: Using this method, you import data directly from a
source XML file that conforms to the XML schema that is published for import. The
clause import validates the XML data and imports the content into the library.
Create Variable : ( Rushi Just check where this Value set is created from )
When u click on update, again one more check box appears which is meant for “DISABLE”
just below the check box of “External Party Updateable.
Folders :-
Create Folder:-
After creating folder, you save the same,. Again another window for “ ADD CLAUSE” appears.
Create Section:
Go to Page Down:-
See above the “Questions and Clauses” are once again repeating though they are in Condition
Don’t “TICK” the check box of “Apply to all templates”, if business demands then only do it.
Create Constants:
Before filling up the details we need to provide the “Program Name”, for what
purpose should we do this.This program names are nothing but the Request which
we fire.
When we select next why it is jumping directly to notifications, and not taking