Perter Grimes

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Peter Grimes

Pag. 10 Look out for squalls! It's veering in from sea.

When women gossip the result is someone Shutter your windows! Make your boats fast!
doesn't sleep at night! Sleep at night! The springtide's here wit a gale behind!
Pag.17 O tide that waits for no man, spare our coasts!
But when the crowner sits upon it, who can X3
dare to fix the guilt?. Who can dare to fix the Pag. 131
guilt?. Dare to fix the guilt!. We live and let live and look we keep our
(Fix the guilt! x3) Guilt! Guilt! hands to ourselves! X2
Pag. 21 (mezcla del texto de pag.10 y pag.17) We live and let live and look...
When women gossip the result is someone Pag. 137
doesn't sleep at night!. But when the crowner Talk of the devil and there he is x2
sits upon it, who can dare to fix the guilt?. Who And a Devil he is!. (A Devil he is x3)
can dare to fix the guilt?. Who can fix the guilt? Grimes is waiting his apprentice.
Fix the guilt! Fix the guilt! Fix the... Pag. 142
He's mad or drunk! Why's that man here? X2
ACTO I Why's that man...
Pag. 30 (unsono SATB) His temper's up. O chuck him out!
Oh, hang at open doors the net, the cork, His temper's...
While squalid seadames at their mending He looks as if he's nearly drowned x2
work. Welcome the hour when fishing through He's mad or drunk. Why's that man here?
the tide The weary husband throws his freight O Chuck him out, Chuck him out!
aside. Pag.151
(TB) O cold and wet, and driven by the tide, (Old Joe has gone fishing and
Beat your tired arms against your tarry side. Young Joe has gone fishing and
Find rest in public bars where fiery gin will aid You know has gone fishing and found them a
the warmth that languishes within. shoal... X2)
Pag. 36 (SATB) Pull them in in han'fuls and in canfuls and in
And if the springtide eats the land again, Till panfuls. Bring them in sweetly, Gut them
e'en the cottages and cobbled walls of completely, Pack them up netly. Sell them
fishermen. Are billets for the thieving waves discreetly. O haul away.... O haul....
which take As if in sleep, thieving for thieving's Old Joe has gone fishing and....
sake. O haul away, O haul....A- (away x2)
Pag. 41 (Old Joe has gone fishing and
For us seadwellers this sea birth can be, Young Joe has gone fishing and
Death to our garden of fertility. Yet only such You know has gone fishing and found them a
contemptuous springtide can Tickle the virile shoal... X2)
impotence of man. Old Joe, Young Joe, Old Joe,Young Joe
Pag. 54 You know, we know, I know, he know,
He's right! Dirty jobs! Dirty jobs! They all know, they found them a shoal!
Dirty jobs! Dirty jobs! He's right! Pag.171
What and be Grimes' messenger? Home! Do you call that home!
You'll be Grimes messenger! You...
Pag.58 ACTO II
ellen, you'are leading us a dance, fetching Pag. 183
boys for Peter Grimes, because the Borough is Now that the daylight fills the sky,
afraid, you who help will share the blame! We lift our hearts to God on high,
Pag. 66 That He in all we door say
Look out for squalls, x2 Would keep us free from harm today
Yes, make your boat fast! And bring in all the May he restrain our tongues from strife,
nets! Look! Look! And bring in all the nets! Shield from anger's din our life,
And bring in all the nets! And guard with watchful care our eyes
Flooding, flooding our seasonal fears x3 From earth's absorbing vanities!
Fasten your boats! The springtides here.. So we, when this day's work is done
Whith a gale behind, with a gale behind, And shades of night return once more,
Look! The storm come the wind veers in from Amen
sea at gale force. Is there much to fear?
Peter Grimes
Pag. 188
Almighty, And most merciful Father, we have Pag. 244
erred and strayed from thy ways like lost Now we will find out the worst!
sheep... To Grimes's hut! x2
And we have done those things which we Now is gossip put on trial
ought not to have done. Now the rumours either fall,
And grant, o most merciful Father Or are shouted in the wind, Sweeping furious
And our mouth shall show forth thy praise thro' the land.
O Lord make haste to help us. Now the liars shiver for
And to the Holy Ghost. Now if they've cheated we shall know!
The Lord's name be praised. We shall stroke and stroke to kill, at the
Pag 194. (Coro 1) slander or the sin!
O all ye Works of the Lord, bless ye Lord; Now the whisperers stand out
O ye Sun and Moon, bless ye the Lord; Now confronted by the fact,
O ye Winds of God, bless ye the Lord. Bring the branding iron and kninfe, what's
Praise Him and magnify Him for ever. done now is done for life. Now...
O ye Light and Darkness, bless ye the Lord; Pag 282
O ye Nights and Days, bless ye the Lord; Or are shouted in the wind. Sweeping furious
O ye Lightnings and Clouds, bless ye the Lord; thro' the land. Now!
Praise Him and magnify Him for ever. Now confronted by the fact, Bring the branding
iron and knife What's done now is done for life!
O all ye Fowls of the Air, bless ye the Lord; Now the liars shiver for
O all ye Beasts and Cattle, bless ye the Lord Now if they've cheated we shall know
O ye Children of Men, bless ye the Lord, We shall stroke and stroke to kill at the slander
Praise him and magnify him for ever. or the sin. Now!
Pag 334
Glory be to the Father and to the Son, Who holds himself apart, lets his pride rise. X2
As it was in the beginnig, is now Who hold himself apart. Him who despises us
world without end. Amen! we'll destroy!
And cruelty becomes his enterprises x2
Pag. 201 And cruelty.
I believe in God the Father Almighty, And cruelty becomes his enterprises x2
Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus His entreprise x2. Him who despises us, we'll
Christ his only Son, our Lord, who was destroy!
conceived. Our curse shall fall on his evil day; we shall
Pag 205. Amen tame his arrogance!
Pag 213. Who holds himself apart, lets his pride rise.
(What is it? x3) Grimes is at his exercice. Our curse shall fall on him!
What do you suppose? Grimes is at his Our urse shall fall, shall fall on him.
exercise. Him who despises us, we'll destroy! X10
(What is it? x3) Grimes is at his exercice. Pag 354
Grimes is at exercise x2 We'll make the murd'rer pay, we'll make him
What do you suppose? Grimes is at his pay, make him pay, him pay, him pay, for hs
exercise. Grimes!...... crime.
Pag. 221 Peter Grimes! X6. Grimes!
Whoever's guilty gets the rap, gets the rap! Pag 364
The Borough, the Borough keeps its standards Peter Grimes! Etc...
up! Where? Where's the parson? The parson? Pag 374
Evils! (Ellen Orford x2). (She help'd him x2) Or measured cadence of the lads who tow
Speak out in the name of the Lord! x2 Some entered hoy to fix her in her row
the name of the Lord! Speak Out! Or hollow sound that from the passing bell to
Who lets us down must take the rap some departed spirits bids farewell.
The borough keeps its standards up x2 In ceaseless motion comes and goes the tide,
Who lets us down must take the rap! Flowing it fills the channel broad and wide,
Haha, haha, Tried to be kind Murder! Then back to sea with strong majestic sweep it
Haha, haha, Murder! rolls in ebb yet terrible yet terrible and depp

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