Nawdem Dict
Nawdem Dict
Nawdem Dict
Daniel M. Albro
June 14, 1998
1 Introduction and Explanation of Notation 1
1.1 Nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Tones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Abbreviations 2
4 Verb Charts 16
4.1 Imperatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2 Imperfectives and Perfectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3 Gerundives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.4 Agentives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.5 Imperfective Continuatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.6 Perfective Continuatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.1 Nouns
Each noun is notated with its noun class. These are identified by the object pronoun associated with the
noun class. The noun classes are: the Po class, which seems to have no semantic unification; the ga class,
which subsumes small things; the go class, which subsumes large things; the we class, which includes humans;
the de class, which includes round things, and other random items; the be class, which includes animals and
other long things, as well as active verbal nominalizations; the me class, which includes mass nouns (such as
water) and abstract verbal nominalizations; and the perhaps nonexistent te class, which could perhaps be
a part of the go class that takes plural markings without having singular equivalents. Te class nouns tend
to be mass nouns or abstract nouns. Nawdem speakers seem generally to have assigned borrowed words to
noun classes on the basis of their pronunciation, rather than their semantics.
1.2 Verbs
In order to save space, only verb stems have been given where the related verb forms are predictable.
Section 4 provides almost all of the verb forms that have been elicited, so that section should be consulted
for verbs and verb forms not found in the actual word list. Each verb has been annotated, where possible,
with its verb class, which consists of a major class (I or II), and a minor class (1, 2, or 3). Class I verbs have
stems that end in a vowel. The imperfective of those class I verbs ending in a vowel other than /a/ is formed
by adding -ne. For class I verbs whose stem ends in the vowel /a/, the imperfective is simply the stem. The
perfective of class I verbs is formed by adding -ra. Class II verbs have stems ending in consonants. For Class
II verbs of minor class 1 or 2, the imperfective is formed by adding -a, and the perfective by adding -e. For
Class II verbs of minor class 3, the imperfective is formed by adding -a, and the perfective by adding -ege.
Agentive and gerundive forms of the verbs are given both in the dictionary and in the verb charts.
1.3 Tones
Nawdem is a tone language, and the words of Nawdem are lexically specified to have particular tones.
However, the extensive tone sandhi and intonational tonal effects of Nawdem render it difficult to determine
what the lexically specified tones are for a particular word. In the future this dictionary should be updated
to mark the lexical tonal specification for each word. In the meantime, the tones given on words are the
tones that appeared on the words in the contexts in which they appeared in the example database. With
each word is paired the identificatory number of the example from which it was drawn, and for many of the
words alternative tonal patterns are given, along with numbers to indicate the sentences from which they
were drawn. Thus, for some of the words it should be possible to determine what the underlying tones are.
2 Abbreviations
adj. adjective pn. proper name
adv. adverb perf. perfective
agt. agent(ive) poss. possessive
conj. conjunction post. postposition
cont. continuative prep. preposition
dem. demonstrative prn. pronoun
gdv. gerundive (nominalization) sg. singular
inter. interrogative quant. quantifier
n. noun refl. reflexive
neg. negative particle rel. relative
num. numeral temp. temporal
obj. object v. verb
part. particle v. aux. auxiliary verb
pl. plural v. imperf. imperfective verb form
pln. place name v. perf. perfective verb form
Pa [303]: pl. prn. for de-class ala: [593]: inter. how much.
nouns. Pa+ta+Pa [79]: three (mod- amEnEPa: [955]: quant.
ifying de-class noun). all (modifying de-class
a: i. [705] prn. he, she. ii.
[1281] poss. prn. his, her. Pa+we+Pa [1276]: nine noun)+spec.
iii. [104] poss. prn. his. iv. (modifying de-class noun). amErka [167]: pln. America.
[799] prn. him. a+hEn [836]: akpaN+ga [1340]: n. (ga a+me+e [1081]: n. (me
refl. prn. himself. >
class). side. akpam [1339]: class). the wind.
asdEnt [595]: n. (te class). bat [1462]: post. about. bErm: i. [715] adj. tall. ii.
accident. batON+go [1475]: n. (go [715] adj. adult.
atOkfa:+re+n+de+na class). ship. be: [1446]: rel. prn. for pl.
[77]: adv. this morning. baw [1749]: v. (Class I.2.). we-class nouns.
atOkfa+re [558]: n. (de steal. be:: i. [897] part. can. ii.
class). morning. be: i. [664] prn. you. ii. [747] part. able.
children. fire. dZOn [1190]: pn. John.
biPi+m [997]: n. (me class). bol`
@m [1459]: adv. seldom. dZa [1441]: quant. a bit.
sand. bol`
@m+re: i. [767] n. (de dZareNge [1561]: bother-
bP+re [451]: n. (de class). class). spot. ii. [767] n. (de perf.
breast. b+Pa [452]: n. (de class). place. dZe:do [1012]: heavy.
class). breasts. bo:la [1855]: v. (Class II.1.). dZe:go [1389]: n. (go class).
bid [54]: v. (Class II.3.). fly. burn. bo:lebe [1858]: gdv. load.
bfOka [414]: n. (ga class). (be class). burning a sin-
gle object, where burning is dZele [1294]: n. (de class).
girl. bfOke [415]: n. (ga wall.
class). girls. completed. bo:lem [1966]:
gdv. (me class). setting fire. dZel
eN+ga [372]: n.
bga [340]: n. (ga class). (ga class). tongue.
child. boleNga [1718]: n. (ga class).
direction. dZelem`@+Pe [373]: n. (ga
b [1127]: adj. small. class). tongues.
bolega [1339]: adj. other.
blega [855]: adv. now. dZe+m [256]: n. (me class).
bolome [1499]: n. (me class). blood.
bn+a [1685]: n. (de class). fire.
drums, years. dZena [879]: adv. today.
bu:Nga [1706]: v. (Class
bna [704]: prn. you (em- II.1.). repect, show re- dZe:re [541]: n. (de class).
phatic). spect. bu:Nge+be [1704]: last year.
bnde [1683]: n. (de class). gdv. (be class). respecting. dZbe [368]: n. (be class).
drum. bu:Nge+m [1703]: gdv. (me hair. dZPe [369]: n. (be
class). respect. class). hairs.
bnd [1107]: n. (de class).
year. buboko [678]: adj. tall. dZiPel [900]: v. (Class II.3.).
br [1481]: v. (Class II.1.). bugud [1553]: v. (Class stand.
disappear. II.3.). burn. dZdZdEga [679]: adj. short.
brw [1405]: v. perf slide, bugur [1910]: v. (Class II.1.). dZde [922]: v. (Class
roll. burn repeatedly. I.1.). cut repeatedly, chop.
bO:le [908]: n. (de class). ball. burPe [931]: n. (ga class). dZ:rra [324]: v. perf. (Class
goats. Also reported as bu- I.1.). has cut repeatedly.
bOda [1480]: v. perf. lose.
ruPe [1250]. burugu [1236]: dZle [1500]: n. (de class).
@l+o [1187]: n. (Po n. (go class). goat. wall.
class). height. Also reported
burugu [556]: n. (go class). dZi+m [781]: n. (me class).
as bOgl+o [890].
jar. hair.
bOlO+m [220]: n. (me class).
buruweteNgo [1388]: n. (go dZm+te [1458]: n. (te
class). wheelbarrow. class). difficulty.
bobOko [1184]: adj. tall.
bo:da [1547]: adj. good seed. J dZ:+re [1536]: n. (de class).
last year.
bo:de [1751]: v. (Class I.2.). dZ@t`@ge [580]: v. (Class
II.3.). cut. dZta [576]: v. (Class II.3.).
plant. cut (once, one object).
bodobodo [1255]: n. (Po dZE+de [916]: n. (de class). dZitegem [1979]: gdv. (me
class). bread. chair. class). cutting (normal us-
dZElege [1285]: v. perf. age). dZitegebe [1979]: gdv.
bog`@dege [1594]: v. (Class
(Class II.3.). frighten. (be class). cutting (active,
II.3.). burn.
rare, must take an object).
bogo [1131]: adj. big. dZEr+ga [1085]: n. (ga
class). chair. dZom [1158]: n. fly (stem).
@ga [1077]: adj. other. dZon+Pe [1154]: n. (ga
dZEta [1279]: v. (Class II.3.).
@+m [766]: n. (me class). class). small flies. dZon+de
[1153]: n. (de class). fly. dama+n [1007]: v. imperf. (me class). cooking.
dZonte [1155]: n. (go class). is shaking. den [1616]: v. aux. used after
big flies. da:n [835]: v. (Class II.1.). ba: to indicate future imper-
dZon [1248]: pn. John. come (perfective stem). fective and certain condition-
dZon+de [1156]: n. (de daw [1558]: n. (we class). als.
class). worm. dZon+Pa man. Also reported as dawa de+na [1104]: dem. this
[1157]: n. (de class). worms. [785]. (modifying a de-class noun).
dZo:ra [1291]: drive-perf. d`@bugu [726]: n. (go class). Also reported as de+naP
stick. [558].
dZu [1747]: v. imperf.
(Class I.1.). eat (imperfective d`
@t [590]: n. (te class). story. dende:n [560]: adv. yes-
stem). dZu:Po [1423]: v. terday. Also reported as
dE [1432]: v. aux. marker of de:nden [1168], de:nden
cont. eat . past action, indicates action [1037], and denden [28].
dZub [984]: v. (Class II.1.). occurred more than one day
enter. dZube+m [988]: gdv. ago. de:te [747]: n. (te class).
(me class). entering. food. Also reported as de:te
dEbete [589]: n. (te class). [792] and de:te [1452].
dZu:+ga [1514]: n. (ga wood.
class). knife. dZu+Pe [225]: dete [328]: n. (te class).
dEda:go [1285]: n. (go class). story. Also reported as detP
n. (ga class). knives. lion. [330].
dZub+ga [228]: n. (ga dEn [1545]: v. aux. used after
class). knife. dZub+Pe dete+de [1043]: n. (de
ba: to indicate future imper- class). week.
[229]: n. (ga class). knives. fective and certain condition-
dZu+fO:+te [489]: n. (go als. dla [1047]: n. word.
class). brains (intestines of dE:+re [1716]: n. (de class). dla [1045]: v. (Class II.3.).
the head). horse. believe, think.
dZugbO:loN+go [482]: n. (go dEwlege [1511]: v. perf. dna [1109]: dem. this (mod-
class). temple (of the head). (Class II.3.). rest upon. ifying a de-class noun). Also
> reported as dna [1105],
dZugbO:l@n+te [483]: n.
dEwnte [1009]: v. perf. put dnaP [607], de+na [1104],
(go class). temples.
oneself on top of. and de+naP [558]. duna
dZugu [1211]: n. (go class).
dEwra: i. [911] v. (Class [1110]: this (modifying a
head, top. dZugun [1500]:
II.1). sit, float. ii. [911] v. de-class noun).
adv. above.
(Class II.1). lie upon. dOdEge [1079]: v. perf.
dZukO:te [487]: n. (go class).
de [794]: v. (Class I.1.). eat (Class II.3.). make-few-steps.
skulls. dZukO:wa [488]: n.
(perfective stem). dO:ge [1956]: v. (Class I.2.).
(de class). skulls.
de [1107]: sg. prn. for de-class cook (describes the entire
dZ+m [450]: n. (me class).
nouns. process). Also reported
as do:ge [1690]. dO:g @be
de: [1600]: rel. prn. for sg. de-
D class nouns. Also reported as
[1955]: gdv. (be class). cook-
da: [632]: v. aux. indicates de: [1098].
habitual action, following n- dOg@da [1295]: n. (we class).
de [1099]: sg. prn. for de-class
past indicates recent past im- doctor. Also reported as
perfective. dOgda [676].
debe+te [588]: n. (te class).
daPaN+ga [881]: n. (ga dOk+o [722]: n. (Po class).
wood. debugo [1515]: n.
class). family. turkey. dOk+ga [719]:
(go class). wood.
n. (ga class). small turkey.
daba [345]: n. (we class). dega [1261]: v. (Class II.1.). dOk+go [721]: n. (go class).
men. cook, put on a fire. degeda big turkey.
dage: [1389]: v. perf. has [1959]: agt. cook, one who
dO:la [832]: v. (Class II.3.).
filled. cooks. degem [1954]: gdv.
lay/put. dO:l`
@ge+m nouns. leaf. faba+t [1398]: n. (go
[834]: gdv. (me class). Pe [117]: pl. prn. for be class class). leaves.
putting/laying. nouns. fadZonP+a [1152]: n. (de
dOmm [293]: n. (me class). Pe [114]: pl. prn. for ga class class). tails.
animal. nouns. fa:ga: i. [1489] post. above.
dO:ra [902]: v. (Class I.1.). lie. Pe+na:+Pe [623]: num. four Also reported as fa:ga [1396].
dO:re [199]: n. (de class). (modifying ga-class noun). ii. [1352] n. (ga class). top.
mountain+cm(de). dO:ra iii. [169] adv. up. Also re-
Pe+nu+Pe [1204]: num. five ported as fa:ga [170].
[200]: n. (de class). moun- (modifying ga-class noun).
tains. fal
@m [977]: adj. pretty (of
Pe+re [321]: num. two (mod- men). Also reported as
dO:ta: i. [1791] v. (Class ifying ga-class noun).
II.1.). sleep. ii. [1802] fa:l`@m [970]. fal`
v. (Class II.1.). lie-down. Pe+re+Pe [1401]: num. two [971]: adj. pretty (modifying
dO:tem [813]: gdv. (me (modifying be-class noun). a ga-class noun). falem@N-
class). going to sleep. Pe [982]: adj. pretty (modi-
Pe+ta+Pa [538]: num. three
fying a pl. ga-class noun).
do:ge [1690]: v. (Class I.2.). (modifying Po-class noun).
cook (describes the entire fal+ga [967]: n. (ga class).
eN [751]: v. copula. Also re-
process). Also reported as young male.
ported as en [749], en [659],
dO:ge [1956]. and en [752]. fa:n: i. [162] post. under,
doge [1691]: v. (Class I.1.). down. ii. [903] n. bottom.
e:l+a [460]: n. (de class).
beat. horns. fan+dZon+de [1151]: n. (de
do:ta [1430]: v. (Class II.1.). class). tail.
en: i. [1569] conj. and. ii.
sleep, lie down. Also re- [628] prep. with. fa:r+re [178]: n. (de class).
ported as dO:ta [1791]. dry-season. fa:r+a [179]: n.
en [749]: v. copula. Also re-
duna [1110]: this (modify- (de class). dry-seasons.
ported as en [659], en [752],
ing a de-class noun). dna and eN [751]. fefePeN+Pe [734]: adj. lit-
[1109]: dem. this (modifying tle (modifying a pl. ga-class
e:nde [459]: n. (de class).
a de-class noun). Also re- noun).
horn. Also reported as
ported as dna [1105], dnaP fe:m+be [1057]: n. (be
P:n+d`@ [733].
[607], de+na [1104], and class). a squirrel-like animal.
de+naP [558]. etuda [1445]: n. (de class).
Also reported as fe:m+be
E [1565], fem+be [1067], and
PE: [1604]: rel. prn. for pl. ga- F fe:m+be [1070]. fem+Pe
class nouns. [1580]: n. (be class). fembes.
fPaba:t [1393]: n. leaves.
PE [568]: v. (Class I.1.). do, fna [1173]: pn. Fina. Also
fEda [838]: v. imperf. hate.
make. PE:+Po [1633]: v. reported as f:na [1052] and
fE:le+ga [1348]: n. (ga f:na [1184].
cont. do, make. PEPE+da
class). outside.
[1631]: agt. doer, maker. fOga [342]: n. (we class).
Also reported as PEPE+ta fEr+gu [163]: n. (go class). woman, wife, sister. Also re-
[1631]. PE+be [doing, mak- basket. ported as fOga [851]. fOgba
ing]: c666 (Class gdv.). . fEtEge [588]: v. (Class II.3.). [468]: n. (we class). women,
PE [443]: how. have finished. wives, sisters. fOka [731]:
n. (ga class). small woman.
@ [529]: adv. usually. fOte [171]: n. (te class).
fOko [732]: n. (go class).
En: i. [623] prep. with. ii. large woman.
[623] conj. and. fa:NdZu:n+de [461]: n. (de
fOrge [1009]: v. perf.
class). tail. fa:NdZun+a
E [462]: n. (de class). tails.
(Class II.3.). have jumped.
@ge+me [1282]: gdv.
Pe [204]: pl. prn. for Po class faba:+go [912]: n. (go class). (me class). jumping, bounc-
ing. gbaPada [1669]: agt. night [669].
forow [906]: v. jump re- watchman (lit. one who hO:nd@ [738]: n. (de class).
peatedly, bounce. forowbe sleeps over). black. Also reported as
[1281]: gdv. be jumping re- gbam [1848]: v. (Class II.1.). hOnd@ [739], hO:nde [1603],
peatedly. > and hO:nde [610].
ask. gbambe [1845]: gdv.
fuw [1088]: v. (Class II.2.). (be class). asking. gba:mta hO:r+re [288]: n. (de class).
blow (a person, blowing [1846]: agt. one who asks. war. hO:r+a [289]: n. (de
so as to move something). > class). wars.
gbano [441]: n. (Po class).
@+m [1968]: gdv. (me > ha:re [1600]: n. (de class).
skin, body. gbane [442]:
class). blowing. house. Also reported as
n. (Po class). skins, bodies.
fug [1780]: v. (Class I.1.). > ha:re [1341] and ha:re [246].
gbante [457]: n. (go class).
blow (of wind, evidenced skins. ha [1602]: n. house (stem).
by the shaking of trees). > haj:a [351]: n. (de class).
fuge+ta [1778]: agt. blower. gbaraPa [1187]: adj. same. houses. Also reported
Also reported as fuge+da gbu [1762]: v. (Class I.3.). as haja [955] and haj:a
[1778]. > [247]. ha+bbPu+go
beat repeatedly. gbuta []:
fuge:+go [1013]: n. (go agt. beater. [1031]: n. (go class). big
class). light. > house. ha+bbP+te
gbuPudege [1273]: v. perf
[1032]: n. (go class). big
fura [1781]: v. (Class II.1). (Class II.3.). has happened.
houses. ha+brm+re
blow (of a person, blowing >
gbuPul [1264]: v. (Class [1029]: n. (de class). big
to no purpose). fu:re+m II.3.). meet. house. ha+brm+a [1030]:
[1953]: gdv. (me class). blow. > n. (de class). big houses.
gbuda [1683]: v. (Class
G II.3.). beat, kick, strike.
ha:+ga [86]: n. (ga class).
small house. ha:+go [735]:
gOga [850]: n. (we class). gbudegebe [1982]: gdv. (be
n. (go class). big house.
wife. class). beating.
ha+mOn+de [1603]: n. (de
gO: [811]: v. (Class I.1.). H class). red house.
sleep. gO:+m [810]: gdv. haPar [1503]: v. (Class II.1.).
E: [1429]: adv. slowly.
(me class). sleep. be-difficult.
hEPE [1328]: v. imperf own. >
ga [76]: sg. prn. for ga-class haNkpaw [477]: n. (go class).
nouns (object case). hEd [903]: v. (Class II.3.). >
chin. haNkpaw+te [478]:
slide. n. (go class). chins.
gabrjEl [889]: pn. Gabriel.
hEn [1593]: n. self. hale [1185]: adv. very.
gale [155]: adj. left.
hE:rO [528]: adv. always. Also ham [818]: v. (Class I.2.).
gam+re [1162]: n. (de class).
reported as hErO [1532], hEro mix. hambe: i. [816]
time. Also reported as
[1729], hEro [1533], and hE:ro gdv. (be class). mixing. ii.
gam+re [1168] and gam+re
[551]. [1637] gdv. (be. class). mix-
[1229]. ga:m+a [593]: n.
(de class). times. hO:+ga [1409]: n. (ga class). ing. ha:mta [1638]: agt.
[1283]: n. (Po class). middle. Also reported mixer. Also reported as
as hO+ga [1401] and hO:ga ha:mda [1638].
[1073]. hamte [815]: nom. (Class te).
go [137]: sg. prn. for go-class
hO:ga [1005]: post. dance (a mixer).
nouns (object case).
across/through. haw [1489]: v. (Class II.1.).
go: [1550]: rel. prn. for go-
hOl [971]: adj. black. Also get-dark.
class nouns.
reported as hOl`@ [1577] and hawa [814]: v. imperf. dance.
go+re [1099]: n. (de class). hO:l`@ [1581].
day. haw+te [817]: n. (te class).
hO:m [672]: adj. good. Also cold.
GB reported as hO:m [670], hOm
[673], hOm [716], and hO:m heP [1084]: v. (Class II.1.).
push. widen. kalaN+ga [595]: n.
heroPo [1454]: adv. always. jage [1202]: v. (Class I.1.). (ga class). place.
surpass. kalam+bEPE+ga [1580]:
hg+re [131]: n. (de class). n. (ga class). bad place.
name. hg+a [132]: n. (de ja:ge [1765]: v. (Class I.1.).
class). names. beat (a bush). jage:r+ta []: kan [79]: adv. there.
hoho [539]: adv. already. agt. beater. kanaP [605]: this (modifying
@ge [1196]: v. perf (Class a ga-class noun). Also re-
hur [1770]: v. (Class II.1.). ported as kanaP [429].
blow (of wind, evidenced II.3.). has surpassed.
by the sound). hu:re+m jejEl
@go [1014]: adj. wide. kan+de [1510]: n. (de class).
[1952]: gdv. (me class). blow- lamp. kandEN+ga [899]: n.
joNge [843]: v. perf. (Class (ga class). lamp. Also re-
ing. II.1.). have gotten. ported as kandeN+ga [902].
hur+u [201]: n. (Po class). jo:N+go [135]: n. (go class).
road. hur+e [202]: n. (Po kasan+t` @ [164]: n. (te class).
night. festival.
class). roads.
jom [830]: v. (Class II.1.). kaw+re [435]: n. (de class).
huNe [1577]: v. perf. (Class sing. jomda [1665]: agt. back. kaw+a [436]: n. (de
II.1.). have forgetten. singer. Also reported as class). backs.
I jumda [1665]. jom+be
[825]: gdv. (be class). singing. k@ [1431]: present participial-
:: i. [570] prn. someone. ii. jom+ga [830]: n. (ga class). izer, while (precedes imper-
[1270] quant. some. song. fective stem of verb). Also
reported as kE [886] and kE
P:n+d`@ [733]: n. (de class). jo [1416]: v. imperf. (Class [1202].
horn. Also reported as e:nde I.1.). see (imperfective stem).
[459]. Also reported as ju [1416]. k`
@ [671]: conj. if.
ndZONge [595]: v. perf. jowa: [1060]: v. imperf. k
@ [108]: genitive sg. prn. for
(Class II.3.). has happened. (Class I.1.). is seeing (from ga-class nouns.
a distance). jone [873]: v. k`@ [796]: neg. not (modi-
Y imperf. (Class I.1.). is seeing fies imperfective/progressive
jE [1175]: v. (Class I.1.). (certain contexts...). ju:ta form of verbs). Also reported
see (perfective stem). jEna [1834]: agt. one who sees. as k@ [837] and kE [1738].
[1829]: v. (Class I.1.). have Also reported as ju:da [1834].
@ba: [863]: adj. able. Also
seen (in main clauses). Also jo:n+te [136]: n. (go class). reported as k@ba: [1116].
reported as jEna [627] and nights.
jena [1171]. jEne [665]: v. k
@ [937]: neg. not (used for
jum [1667]: v. (Class II.1.). habitual imperfectives).
(Class I.1.). have seen (in sing.
subordinate clauses and wh k@ma: [1616]: conj. there-
questions). jun [1669]: n. night (stem). fore.
jEd [1269]: v. (Class II.3.).
K kE [1206]: genitive sg. prn. for
ga-class nouns.
ka [547]: sg. prn. for ga-class
jEna [1211]: adj. same. nouns (subject case). Also kE [1738]: neg. not (modi-
jOb+re [176]: n. (de class). reported as ka [1538]. fies imperfective/progressive
rainy-season. jOb+a [177]: form of verbs). Also reported
ka:be [114]: adj. small.
n. (de class). rainy-seasons. as k`@ [796] and k@ [837].
kada [1343]: v. imperf. is sit-
@p [1273]: pln. Europe. kE [886]: present participial-
ting. kade [1559]: is sitting
izer, while (precedes imper-
jaPa [1472]: v. (Class I.1.). (subordinate clause).
fective stem of verb). Also
open. jaPa+nte [1473]: v. ka:+ga [1136]: adj. small. reported as kE [1202] and k@
(Class I.1.). had opened, but ka:+go [1137]: adj. big. [1431].
no longer open.
kaka: [534]: for, during. kE: [672]: rel. prn. for sg. ga-
jad [1495]: v. (Class II.3.). class nouns.
kE [1407]: sg. prn. for ga-class ke+na [979]: this (modifying kOw+re [433]: n. (de class).
nouns. a ga-class noun). bone. kOw+a [434]: n. (de
kENga [1601]: this (modify- kena [1274]: v. imperf. class). bones.
ing a ga-class noun). (Class II.1.). is coming. ko: [1238]: rel. prn. for sg. go-
kEba [898]: adj. able. kd+ga [139]: n. (ga class). class nouns. Also reported as
moon. kd+Pe [140]: n. (ga ko: [1237] and ko: [1576].
kEda [1313]: v. imperf.
(Class II.1.). is going. Also class). moons. ko [1621]: sg. prn. for go-class
reported as kEda [1306]. kl [94]: n. (de class). race. nouns (in subjects).
kej [1903]: v. (Class II.1.). kOkOa+go [1082]: n. (go kula: [1394]: v. imperf. is
contradict (with a person class). feather. flowing .
as an object), deny. ke:m kO+m [799]: n. (me class). ku+m [1679]: n. (me class).
[1895]: gdv. (me class). con- hunger. Also reported death.
tradicting, denying. ke:ta as kO+m [804] and kO+m kuna [1617]: this (modifying
[1896]: agt. contradicter. [1303]. a go-class noun).
Also reported as ke:da
[1896]. kOmbu+gu [1292]: n. (go kur [1766]: v. (Class II.1.).
class). piece of metal. bury. kud+ta [1726]: agt.
ke: [1592]: rel. prn. for sg. ga- burier. Also reported as
class nouns. kOr+ga [909]: n. (ga class).
chicken. kur+ta [1727].
keda [168]: v. imperf. (Class kur+ra+n [919]: v. perf.
II.1.). is going. Also re- kOr+go [217]: n. (go class).
city, town. Also reported has invented.
ported as kEda [1313] and
kEda [1306]. as kOr+go [1395]. kOrn+e
[219]: n. (ga class). cities.
keke [1226]: neg. not (used kOr+te [218]: n. (go class). kpEle [1281]: n. (de class).
for habitual imperfectives). big cities. table. Also reported as kpEle
[161] and kpEle [582]. tives). specified antecedents of rel-
> ative clauses. Also reported
kpEn [1377]: v. perf have la [1675]: adv. over there.
as le: [1169].
come from. la: [884]: v. imperf. (Class
> lehEn [1506]: prn. itself.
kpaPa [679]: v./neg. is not, II.2.). is putting in. Also re-
> ported as loa [1870]. l:ba [1445]: quant. few.
are not, etc.. kpaPa+na
[844]: v./neg. is not, are not, la: [361]: inter. how. ll [1396]: v. (Class II.3.).
etc., with a predicate nomi- hang.
laPa [1675]: dem. that. Also
> reported as laPa [427]. lOge [1543]: v. (Class I.1.).
kpaN+ga [1078]: n. (ga take.
laPa [1617]: neg. not (con-
class). side.
> stituent negation). lO:+ga [744]: n. (ga class).
kpagoPo [971]: adj. smart. laPad [1483]: v. (Class II.3.). small car. lO:+go [743]: n.
Also reported as kpagoPo laugh. laPad
@m [824]: (go class). large car.
[969]. gdv. (me class). laughing. lO:n+de [984]: n. (de class).
> laPa+m [821]: gdv. (me tree hole.
kpalebe+re [834]: n. (de
class). bottle. Also reported class). laughing (repeatedly). lO:re [1349]: n. (de class). car.
as kpalebe+re [831]. laParE [1656]: adv. there. lO:ra [279]: n. (de class).
> Also reported as laPrE [583]. cars. lO:r [999]: n. (de class).
kpa+m: i. [768] n. (me
class). field, farm. Also re- lad [1515]: n. (de class). axe. car. Also reported as lO:re
> [278].
ported as kpa+m [1347]. ii. la:de [1043]: adj. last.
[1949] gdv. (me class). culti- low [885]: v. (Class II.2.).
vating. la:+de [1098]: n. (de class). put in. lo:m [1971]: gdv.
> week. (me class). putting in. lo:ta
kpam+go [1346]: n. (go
lag [1238]: neg. not (con- [1872]: agt. one who puts in.
class). fence. Also reported
> stituent negation). Also re- lo: [1880]: v. (Class I.1.). peer
as kpam+go [1344].
ported as la:ga [1234], laga repeatedly. lo:da [1873]:
kpen [1371]: v. (Class II.1.). [1247], and lagana [1125]. agt. repeated peerer.
return from. kpeneme la:j [19]: v. (Class II.1.). fall lo:d [1876]: v. (Class II.3.).
[1325]: gdv. (me class). re- (once). lajem [1714]: gdv. peer (once). lo:degem
turning. (me class). falling. lajebe
> [1882]: gdv. (me class). peer-
kpi [1745]: v. perf. (Class [1964]: gdv. (be class). a ing. lo:degeta [1883]: agt.
> single act of falling, rarely
I.1.). has died. kpu [1810]: peerer.
v. imperf. (Class I.1.). is used, refers to a planned fall.
> lajeta [1735]: agt. faller. loge [1222]: v. (Class I.1.).
dieing. kpube [1951]: gdv. take. log @be [1622]: gdv. (be
(be class). the active process lE: [534]: rel. prn. for unspec- class). taking. log@ta [1623]:
of dieing, as in plants (wilt- ified antecedents of relative agt. taker. Also reported as
ing). kpum [1950]: gdv. (me clauses. log@da [1623].
class). dieing, death. kpura lE [628]: prn. it for unspec- log`
@fa:nla:le+m [1293]: n.
[1688]: v. perf. (Class I.1.). ified nouns such as times, (me class). necklace.
has died (in continuatives). manners, places, etc.. Also
> lotr [1730]: v. (Class II.1.).
kp:ra [1681]: adj. dead. reported as le [761] and le
> [592]. fall repeatedly. lotrebe
kpnden+ga [1016]: adj. [repeatedly 1713]: gdv. (be
tiny. lEmEgo [1594]: adj. tasty. class). falling. lotreka
L le [761]: prn. it for unspec-
ified nouns such as times,
[1731]: cont. continuative
morpheme (... and fall re-
la:: i. [1358] neg. do not manners, places, etc.. Also peatedly). lotreta [1700]:
(used to negate imperatives). reported as le [592] and lE agt. one who falls repeatedly.
Also reported as la: [1358]. [628]. lugbr [1506]: n. (de class).
ii. [1120] neg. do not (used
le: [1182]: rel. prn. for un- money. Also reported as
to negate hortative subjunc-
lugbre [636]. emerge from. [973]. memEr+ga [972]: n.
(ga class). skinny.
M mEPEr [955]: v. (Class II.1.).
build. me:re [305]: n. (de class).
m [750]: part. introduces rel. nose.
mEPrePem [319]: n. (me
clauses and clefts. Also re-
class). the number two. mer+ra [1276]: v. perf.
ported as N [1316].
mENgo: [957]: quant. all, (Class I.1.). has given birth
m [760]: prep. with. Also re- to.
"ported as N [857]. used as a relative head.
" mE:+ga [268]: n. (ga class). mfaga [439]: post. above.
m [574]: temp. aux. re- "
"cent past (less than one day). small nose. mE:+go [269]: m [1620]: v. perf. have
n. (go class). big nose. thought.
Also reported as N [574] and
n [329]. " mEl [1513]: v. (Class II.3.). m: [716]: conj. if.
" return. mP [996]: v. (Class II.1.).
ma: i. [3] prn. I. ii. [782]
poss. prn. my. Also reported mEmare [300]: n. (de class). dive, submerge.
as ma [102]. iii. [641] prn. elephant. mEmara [302]: n. mPe [287]: n. (ga class).
me. (de class). elephants. army ants.
@mbogo [309]: n. (go mEmbga [1395]: n. (ga mSa [759]: pn. Misha.
class). bird. maP`
@mb+ga class). bird.
m:ga [1212]: n. (ga class).
[310]: n. (ga class). small mEna [1280]: v. imperf. is string. Also reported as
bird. coming from. mEnan [1321]: mga [1216]. mPe [284]: n.
madZk [1277]: n. magic. adv. just now. (ga class). cords.
mad [625]: v. (Class II.1.). mEnte [1240]: quant. all mlm [47]: quant. several
hold. (modifying a pl. go-class (modifying me-class noun).
@+be [847]: n. m:n [1445]: v. perf know,
(be class). work. mE:re [354]: n. (de class). have though.
ma:G@+bEr@m+be [849]: nose. Also reported as mE:re
[306]. mEja [355]: n. (de m:+na [1594]: conj.
n. (be class). big work. whether+that. Also re-
class). noses. mE:+ga [268]:
mage [893]: v. try. n. (ga class). small nose. ported as m:+na [1593].
maik@l [668]: pn. Michael. mE:+go [269]: n. (go class). mna:m [101]: num. four
man [1332]: prn. I (em- big nose. (modifying me-class noun) .
phatic). Also reported mEtEg [1091]: v. (Class II.1.). m:re [80]: n. (de class). rice.
as mana [1547] and mane return.
mta [99]: num. three (modi-
[1571]. mE:ta:N+ga [1194]: n. (ga fying me-class noun).
man [999]: post. next to, at, class). meter. Also reported
mOPO+da [1606]: agt.
chez. as mE:ta:N+ga [1193].
mangel [1768]: v. (Class mEwdege [1338]: v. perf.
mONga [961]: quant. even
II.1.). prepare. (Class II.3.). has crossed.
(modifying ga-class noun).
ma:r+a [627]: n. (we class). me [82]: sg. prn. for me-class mONgo [960]: quant. even
older sister. nouns. (modifying go-class noun).
@mbo+go [316]: n. (go me: [1617]: conj. but. mONgo [1391]: adv. very.
class). bird. Also reported as mela: [592]: inter. how- Also reported as mONgo
m@mbo+go [315]. many. [1396] and mOngo [1442].
mE: [842]: conj. but. me+l+m [56]: quant. sev- mOl@m [782]: n. (me class).
mE: [1211]: n. mass. eral (modifying me-class red. mOn [1602]: adj. red.
moPo [283]: n. (Po class). cheek. akpja [481]: n. (de [1340].
cord. mPe [284]: n. (ga class). cheeks. n [1272]: part. locative par-
class). cords. ama:ra [642]: n. (we class). ticle, follows nouns, meaning
moge [1524]: v. perf. has re- elder sister. in, at, to.
peated. awN+ga [1672]: n. (ga nEmbja [1276]: n. (de class).
mom [1415]: adv. own. class). cat. fingers.
mo:no [1284]: n. (Po class). E:te [1288]: n. (te class). nEwr [986]: v. (Class II.1.).
sun. dark. Also reported as E:te walk.
mo:te [1591]: n. (te class). [1287]. ne [52]: you-pl.
grass. en+de [261]: n. (de class). nONga [1341]: n. (ga class).
muPu [1212]: n. (Po class). tooth. face, front.
rope. Also reported as muPu i [1742]: v. (Class I.1.). nO:gra [1296]: adj. first/best.
[1214]. drink. i:da [1719]: agt. Also reported as nO:gra
mu:nu [143]: n. (Po class). drinker. Also reported as [1295].
sun. ewda [1720].
nOm+be [884]: n. (be class).
N : i. [164] post. in. Also re- glance.
ported as [163]. ii. [1518]
N: i. [857] prep. with. ii. adv. still. Also reported as nO:r [352]: n. (de class).
"[857] conj. and. mouth. nO:ra [353]: n. (de
class). mouths. nO: [739]:
N [1316]: part. introduces rel. da [463]: n. (we class). n. (de class). mouth (stem).
clauses and clefts. Also re- person. ba [1276]: n. nO:+ga [265]: n. (ga class).
ported as m [750]. (we class). persons. Also small mouth. nO:+go [736]:
N [574]: temp. aux. recent reported as d@ba [464]. n. (go class). big mouth.
"past (less than one day). dewe [1674]: n. (we
class). the person. na: i. [1037] comp. that.
Also reported as n [329].
" Also reported as na [574].
N [1340]: part. precedes OPO [1579]: adv. close. ii. [1580] v. copula. iii. [582]
this. OPOr [1397]: approach-perf. adv. here. Also reported as
> naPa [1655].
NgbaPa: i. [1438] adv. a bit. uru [484]: n. (Po class).
"ii. [1438] adv. at all. iii. neck. u:re [485]: n. (Po naNpaN+ga [446]: n. (ga
[1438] adv. a little. class). necks. class). leg. naNpa+Pe [447]:
@ [1551]: adv. usually. n+de [370]: n. (de class). n. (ga class). legs. Also re-
" tooth. n+a [371]: n. (de ported as naNkpa+Pe [623].
class). tooths. naba+go [448]: n. (go class).
a [627]: n. (we class). foot.
mother. Also reported as a N nadZudu [156]: adj. right.
[127]. a:+mba [128]: n. n: i. [784] prep. with. Also
(we class). mothers. "reported as N [857]. ii. [784] na:g+be [111]: n. (be class).
conj. and. Also reported as cow. na:ge [112]: n. (be
ab [26]: v. (Class II.1.).
N [857]. iii. [696] v. copula. class). cows. na:g+bP+m
leave. Also reported as Eb
" [473]: n. (me class). milk
[27]. Ebta [1692]: agt. n [1056]: part. introduces rel. (cows breastmilk).
leaver. clauses and clefts. Also re-
nan [963]: part. follows the
@m [258]: n. (me class). ported as N [1316] and m
main verb, and appears to
water. Also reported as [750].
explicitly restrict the pred-
a:l`@me [1394]. a:bePete n [329]: temp. aux. recent ication of that verb to the
[206]: n. (go class). waters. "past (less than one day).
subject of the sentence.
a:ge+be [1113]: n. (be Also reported as N [574].
" nanne [618]: adv. together.
class). happiness.
n [1109]: part. precedes na:ra [100]: adj. fourth.
akpE:t [480]: n. (de class). this. Also reported as N
nawr [63]: v. (Class II.1.). fying Po-class noun). Also reported as saPa [74].
walk. saPa [94]: v. imperf is run-
ndZaPa [837]: adv. only. Also
P ning.
"reported as ndZaPa [835]. pO:N+go [1394]: n. (go saPa [1758]: v. imperf.
" class). bridge. (Class I.2.). give (imperfec-
ne: i. [701] prn. you-pl. ii.
[106] poss. prn. your-pl. pOmpe [912]: n. pipe. tive stem). saPata [1634]:
agt. giver. Also reported as
ne [667]: prep. with. pap`@we: [1450]: n. (we
saPada [1634].
class). the pope. Also re-
ne [656]: v. copula. Also re- saPa [79]: adv. before.
ported as pap`@we: [1451] and
ported as nen [160]. >
pa:pawe: [1448]. saNgban+de [1488]: n. (de
negenege [259]: adj. cold. >
pare [1608]: pln. Paris. class). God. sa:mgb a+m
nem+go [298]: n. (go class). [132]: n. (me class). God.
meat, flesh. nem+te [292]: R samba [794]: pn. Samba.
n. (go class). animals. rO: [363]: v. perf. have come
sa:+mba [472]: n. (we class).
newr [1835]: v. (Class II.1.). out.
fathers. sa [471]: n. (we
walk. newre+be [1838]: rOd [1467]: v. (Class II.3.). class). father.
gdv. (be class). walking. open.
newre+ta [1839]: agt. san [764]: v. perf. (Class
walker. rado [280]: n. (Po class). ra- II.1.). go (perfective stem).
dio. radoN+go [281]: n. san
@m [1657]: gdv. (me
n [1122]: v. perf. have fallen. (go class). radio. Also re- class). going. sa:na [1658]:
nP [339]: n. (Po class). arms. ported as rE:doN+go [282]. agt. visitor.
nm+be [887]: n. (be class). ra:+go [1279]: n. (go class). sEPEd [1975]: v. (Class II.3.).
eye. Also reported as forest. cut.
n:m+be [364]. n:n [734]: n. ran [1608]: v. (Class II.1.). >
sEkpEPa [n.]: ga civilized
(be class). eye (stem). n:ne come from, exit. Also re- nails.
[365]: n. (be class). eyes. ported as r@n [806], red
n:n+suPun+te [476]: n. sePed [1930]: v. (Class II.3.).
[1407], rEn [807], and re:d
(te class). eyelash. spit (once). sePedegebe
[1071]. rEn`@me [807]: gdv.
[1976]: gdv. (be class). spit-
nnd [1284]: v. (Class II.3.). (me class). coming from.
ting s.t. out (must take an
melt. raora [1470]: v. perf. has object).
nuP [253]: n. (Po closed. Also reported as
sePer [1923]: v. (Class II.1.).
class). arm/hand. rowe [1470] and row [1469].
spit repeatedly. sePere+be
nuP+tentan+de [260]: n. raw+te [449]: n. (te class). [1928]: gdv. (be class). spit-
(de class). palm. stomach. ting repeatedly. sePereta
nu:ro [729]: n. (Po class). re: [595]: re-place+spec. [1929]: agt. one who spits re-
neck. peatedly. Also reported as
rPda [97]: adj. second.
O sePereda [1929].
rk+ka [720]: n. (ga class).
ONre [745]: n. (de class). sele [1486]: v. (Class II.1.).
root. rk+ko [723]: n. (go
mouse. run.
class). root.
@mga [109]: n. (ga class). sesako [1270]: n. (go class).
fish. OlamPe [718]: n. (ga S room.
class). fish (plural). sa [471]: n. (we class). fa- si [871]: v. perf. (Class I.2.).
ther. sa:+mba [472]: n. (we give (perfective stem).
O class). fathers. sd+a [465]: n. (we class).
Po: i. [1608] . sg. prn. for Po- saP [1160]: adv. before. Also husband. sd@+ba [466]: n.
class nouns. ii. [1550] . rel. reported as saP [1221], saP (we class). husbands.
prn. for sg. Po-class nouns. [842], and saPa [79]. sOge [894]: v. imperative try.
Po+naPa [1614]: this (modi- saP`
@ [72]: v. imperative run!.
sOkl [1444]: v. (Class II.1.). stone. Also reported as nouns. ii. [1561] . rel. prn.
like. Also reported as sokl tande [1392]. for manner adverbs.
[1442]. tante: i. [1275] n. (go class). te [1521]: adv. also.
solen [1096]: v. imperf. run earth. ii. [192] n. (go class). te+PrePe+te [320]: num.
(imperfective). stones. iii. [183] n. (go two (modifying emphgo-class
class). soil. noun). Also reported as
suP [336]: adv. tomorrow.
tarow [1059]: v. (Class II.2.). te+rePe+te [963].
suko [207]: n. (go class). hut.
touch. tar`
@wa: [1059]: teta [1525]: adv. again.
sukPe [209]: n. (go class).
v. imperf. used to ex-
huts. Also reported as sukte t:be [254]: n. (be class).
press a situation where the
[208]. tree. Also reported as
subject is touching some-
sukur [1309]: n. (de class). thing, and the subject is t:b [1392] and t:b [124].
school. Also reported as distant from the speaker. t+b+ga [1020]: n. (ga
sukure [276]. suka [277]: n. Also reported as tarow`@na class). small tree. t+b+Pe
(de class). schools. [1058] and tarowna: [1070]. [1021]: n. (ga class).
tarowbe [1063]: gdv. (be small trees. t+brm+be
su:l [1399]: v. (Class II.3.).
class). touching. tarowta [1026]: n. (be class). big
[1066]: agt. toucher. tree. t+brm+Pe [1028]:
sOn [845]: n. church. Also re- n. (be class). big trees.
ported as sOs ta+rara [98]: adj. third. ti+fOtOr+go [1008]: n. (go
tE: [1314]: inter. where. class). tree trunk. t:+ga
T tE:n [1316]: inter. where, to [1138]: n. (ga class). small
ta: [1865]: v. imperf (Class where. tree. t [1139]: n. (be class).
II.2.). is giving. ta:ta/da tE [1540]: adv. also, too. Also tree (stem). t:ne [322]: n.
[1867]: agt. giveer. reported as tEta [1173]. (be class). trees. Also re-
ta: [1268]: prn. each other. ported as t:n [125] and t:n
tE:m+te [479]: n. (go class). [1400].
ta [1446]: v. (Class I.1.). beards.
reach. tiPir [909]: v. (Class II.1.).
tEta [1173]: adv. too. tE bounce.
taNg [1267]: v. (Class II.1.). [1540]: adv. also, too.
meet. tN+ga [905]: n. (ga class).
@l [1621]: v. (Class II.3.). down, below, ground.
taN+go [191]: n. (go class). put on.
stone. tind [1603]: v. (Class II.3.).
te: [594]: inter. where. become.
@+re [453]: n. (de class). te [879]: neg. will not (parti-
thigh. ta:ga [454]: n. (de tt`
@POn [709]: adj. small, lit-
cle precedes verb to indicate tle. tt
@PONga [1442]: n. (ga
class). thighs. negation in the future). Also class). small amount, a bit.
tagede [1008]: v. imperf. fol- reported as te [944]. Also reported as tt`@Ponga
low . te: i. [805] prn. we. Also [1444].
ta:man [1596]: post. close. reported as te [164]. ii. tO:l [3]: v. (Class II.3.). send.
tambr [195]: n. (de class). [105] poss. prn. our. Also re- tOl@gebe [1981]: gdv. (be
pebble. tambeja [196]: n. ported as te [243]. iii. [84] class). sending s.t..
(de class). pebbles. prn. us.
tOm: i. [47] n. (me class).
tamd [1085]: v. (Class II.3.). te: i. [1171] . sg. prn. for te- times. ii. [56] n. (me class).
throw. class nouns. ii. [138] . pl. time.
prn. for go-class nouns. iii.
ta:n [589]: v. (Class II.1.). [956] . rel. prn. for pl. go- tOme [222]: n. (me class).
arrive. ta:ne+m [1851]: class nouns. Also reported ash.
gdv. (me class). arriving. as te: [1240] and te: [1241]. tOw
@m [1970]: gdv. (me
ta:n+ta [1852]: agt. one iv. [405] . pl. prn. for go- class). pounding.
who arrives. class nouns. t:: i. [1566] tow [869]: v. (Class II.2.).
tande [1717]: n. (de class). . rel. prn. for pl. go-class give. tow
@m [1969]: gdv.
(me class). giving.
tu:Ngo [151]: n. (go class). waPadege+ta [1936]: agt.
rain. tu:nte [152]: n. (go hitter.
tobE+re [374]: n. (de class).
ear. tob+ba [375]: n. (de class). rains. waPa [534]: v. (Class I.1.).
class). ears. tobga [266]: n.
(ga class). small ear. tobgo
U hit repeatedly. waPada
[1722]: agt. one who hits re-
[267]: n. (go class). large ear. Pu: [1594]: rel. prn. for sg. peatedly. Also reported as
Po-class nouns. waPata [1721].
tog@d [865]: v. (Class
II.3.). attach (one action). unaP [428]: this (modifying a wad`@+ga [675]: n. (ga
tog@degebe [1978]: gdv. (be o-class noun). class). book. Also reported
class). attaching (must take as wad`@+ga [658], wad`@+ga
an object). tog`
@degem W [632], wad@+ga [1503], and
[1941]: gdv. (me class). w`@n [93]: inter. who. Also re- wadE+ga [656]. wad` @+Pe
attaching. togedege+ta ported as w@n [790] and w`@n`@ [1540]: n. (ga class). books.
[1942]: agt. attacher. Also [631]. wad+re [145]: n. (de class).
reported as togedege+da w`@na [1673]: this (modifying cloud. wad+go [146]: n.
[1942]. a we-class noun). (go class). big cloud.
@ [931]: v. (Class I.1.). at- w`@n+saPa+kaPa+te [698]: wa:g`@+be [359]: n. (be
tach (multiple actions). n. (go class). gifts (things to class). snake. wa:g+e [360]:
to+ga [1948]: n. (ga class). be given away). n. (be class). snakes.
joint. w`@nte [697]: n. (go class). wa:m+go [356]: n. (go
togo [806]: pln. Togo. Also things. Also reported as class). monkey. wa:m+te
reported as togo [1321]. w@nte [1241] and w`@nte [358]: n. (go class). mon-
toneg [1050]: v. (Class II.1.). [1240]. keys. wa:m+Pe [357]: n.
look like (together with tura, w@wePNga [1015]: adj. nar- (ga class). small monkeys.
q.v.). row. wambu+go [1034]: n.
@+m [1969]: gdv. (me wEPEd [33]: v. (Class II.3.). (go class). calabash.
class). giving. leave. wEPEdegebe [1980]: wambe+ga [1033]: n.
gdv. (be class). leaving (must (ga class). small calabash.
tu: [1081]: v. perf has car- wambe+jejEl+go [1035]:
ried. take object).
n. (go class). large cal-
tuNbEtre [1103]: n. (de wElE [362]: adj. so-so. abash. wambe+jejEl+te
class). day after. wEm [1210]: adv. fast. Also [1036]: n. (go class). large
reported as wEm [1197] and calabashes.
tud [1505]: v. (Class II.3.).
find, pick up. tudege+m wEm [1199]. wan [935]: who.
[1503]: gdv. (me class). find- wEn [753]: inter. who. wan+te [959]: n. (go class).
ing. wE:r [1797]: v. (Class II.1.). things.
tug@d [546]: v. (Class II.3.). suffer, be sick. wE:re+be wa+te [147]: n. (go class).
attach. [1798]: gdv. (be class). suf- clouds. Also reported as
tumer [1606]: v. (Class II.1.). fering. wE:r+ta [1799]: agt. wa+te [1490].
send. sufferer.
we: [1056]: rel. prn. for sg.
@n [1122]: rain. wE:r+o [535]: n. (Po class). we-class nouns. Also re-
mark, hour (from the marks ported as we: [1616].
tura [102]: n. book. Also re- on a clock). wE:r+e [536]:
ported as tura [104]. n. (Po class). marks, hours. we [391]: prn. him, her (ob-
ject). Also reported as we
tura [621]: n. friend. Also re- waPad [570]: v. (Class II.3.). [618].
ported as tura [620]. hit (once). waPad` @g@+m
[791]: gdv. (me class). weg+ra [1466]: v. (Class
tura [1050]: adv. like (follows
hitting. waPadege+be I.1.). has broken.
toneg, q.v.).
[1977]: gdv. (be class). hit- wem [1366]: quickly. Also re-
tututu [1582]: inter. which.
ting (must take an object). ported as wem [1429], wem
[1365], and we:m [1126]. we:ra [675]: v. imperf. ported as w: [1556].
wen [1830]: who. bother (imperfective). wo [1397]: comp. like, that.
we+naPa [1678]: this (modi- w: [1553]: rel. prn. for sg. woturu [1469]: n. (Po class).
fying a we-class noun)+spec. we-class nouns. Also re- door.
4 Verb Charts
4.1 Imperatives
Translation Neg. Impf. Neg. Perf. Imperative
Class I
Forms with imperfective ending in /e/ and perfective ending in /ra/
search bage (14-1) bage (14-2) bage (10)
cultivate kO (14-4) kO (14-5) kO (10)
drink Ni (14-7) Ni (10)
take lOge (14-8) lOge (6-1)
> > >
die kpu (14-9) kpi (14-10) kpi (496)
eat dZu (14-12) de (14-13) de (G25-15)
blow (of wind) fuge (14-36) fuge (14-38) fuge (14-39)
attach-rep toge (16-30) toge/a (16-31/DB932) toge (16-32)
see ju(na) (1070) jE (1071) jE (1075)
invent kude (DB918)
cut-rep dZde/a (DB922)
surpass jage (DB1202) jage (DB1199)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /ra/
steal baw (14-14) baw (14-14) baw (10)
plant bo:de (14-16) bo:de (14-17) bo:de (10)
hit-rep waPe (14-18) waPe (14-19) waP(a/e) (779)
do PE (14-20) PE (14-22) PE (662)
give saPa (14-23) si (14-24) si (687)
mix ham (14-25) ham (14-26) ham (745)
cook do:ge (14-58) dO:ge (17-8)
Forms with imperfective ending in and perfective ending in /ra/
> > >
beat-rep gbu (14-27) gbu (14-28) gbu (12-1)
Class II
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /e/
hunt (beat bush) ja:ge ba:go (14-29) ja:ge ba:go (14-30) ja:ge ba:go (10)
bury kura: (14-31) kure/a (14-32) kure (10)
prepare mangela (14-33) mangele/a (14-34) mangela/e (10)
blow (of wind) hura (14-35) hure/a (14-37) hura (10)
blow (person?) fura (14-46) fure/a (14-47) fura (10)
come kE:na (14-48) dana (14-49) da:n(a) (799)
go kEde (14-50) sana/(e) (14-53) kEda/sana (800/801)
sing joma (14-54) jom(a/e) (14-55) jom(a) (705)
sleep/lie down dO:ta (14-56) dO:ta/e (14-57) dO:ta/e (709)
cook/put on fire dega: (19-1) dege/a (14-59) dege/a (710)
leave NEba (14-60) NEbe/a (14-61) Naba (B25-12)
continued on next page
continued from previous page
Translation Neg. Impf. Neg. Perf. Imperative
suffer wE:ra (14-62) wE:ra (14-65) --- (12-7)
respect bu:Nga (14-68) bu:Nge/a (14-69) bu:Nge/a (12-14)
want bage (14-70) ba:ge (14-71) --- (12-20)
fall (once) la:ja: (1066) la:(j) (1068) laja/i (291)
walk newra (15-1) newre (15-2) newre/a (15-3)
> > >
ask gbama (15-8) gbam(*e) (15-9) gbam(a) (15-10)
arrive ta:na (15-15) ta:n(a) (15-16) ta:n(a) (B25-33)
burn bo:la (15-21) bo:le (15-22) bo:la/e (15-23)
fall-rep lotra (15-27) lotre (15-28) lotre (12-27)
deny/contradict keja (1197) keja/ke: (1198) keja/ke: (1194)
spit-rep sePera (16-7/16-8) sePere/a (16-9) sePere/a (16-10)
burn-rep bugera (16-1) bugure (16-2) bugure (1223)
enter dZube (DB983)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in
blow (person) fuwa (15-29) fuwa (15-30) fuwa (10)
give ta: (15-31) to (15-32) to (672)
put in la:/loa (15-36) lo/loa (15-37) lo (694)
touch tarow(a) (DB1061)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /ege/
peer lo:da/lo (15-40) lo:dege (15-41) lo:dege/a (15-43)
burn (once) bug@da (1212) bug@dege (1213) bugedege (10)
spit (once) sePeda (16-5) sePedega/e (16-6) sePedege/a (10)
hit (once) waPada (16-19) waPadege (16-20) waPadege (4-1)
attach (once) tog@da (16-24) tog@dege (16-25) tug@dege (5-1)
cut (once) dZta (19-2) dZtege (19-3) dZt`@ga/e (B212-10)
leave wEPEda (19-4) wEPEdege (19-5) @ga (B25-23)
send tOla (19-6) tOlege (19-7) tOl@ge (Ba23-1)
> > >
beat gbuda (19-8) gbudege (19-9) gbudege (11-11)
lay/put dO:lege (DB831)
surface mEPEdege (DB995)
cut sEPedege (DB1975)
tell baPa (19-22) b`@re (19-24) b`@re (19-23)
split ba:ga (DB585)
try mage! (DB893)
exit re:de (DB989)
submerge miPi (DB996)
jump-rep/bounce forow (DB906)
continued from previous page
Translation Neg. Impf. Neg. Perf. Imperfective Perfective
> > > >
die kpu (14-9) kpi (14-10) kpune(n) (494) kpi:ra(n) (493)
eat dZu (14-12) de (14-13) dZu((ne)n) (503) dera(n) (718)
blow (of wind) fuge (14-36) fuge (14-38) fugen(en) (14-40) fug(`@)ra(n) (14-41)
attach-rep toge (16-30) toge/a (16-31/DB932) tog@n(en) (DB931) tog`@rra (DB926)
see ju(na) (1070) jE (1071) ju(n) juna june (C35-11) jEna (C33-2)
sleep " (DB811)
gO:n(en) "
invent kuden(en) (DB920)
kurra(n) (DB919)
cut-rep dZrran/dZrra (DB923)
surpass jage (DB1202) jage (DB1199) jagen (DB1213) jagra (DB1195)
disappear bre(n) (DB1479)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /ra/
steal baw (14-14) baw (14-14) bawa(n) (10) baw@ra(n) (10)
plant bo:de (14-16) bo:de (14-17) bo:da(n) (10) bo:rra(n) (10)
hit-rep waPe (14-18) waPe (14-19) waPana (4-13) waParra(n) (4-18)
do PE (14-20) PE (14-22) PEna(n) (663) PEra(n) (665)
give saPa (14-23) si (14-24) saPane (690) sira(n) (691)
mix ham (14-25) ham (14-26) hama(n) (746) ham@ra(n) (747)
cook do:ge (14-58) do:ga(n) (711) dO:gra (17-10)
Forms with imperfective ending in and perfective ending in /ra/
> > > >
beat-rep gbu (14-27) gbu (14-28) gbun (C23-5) gbu:rra (C25-5)
Class II
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /e/
hunt (beat bush) ja:ge ba:go (14-29) ja:ge ba:go (14-30) ja:ga ba:go (10) ja:ge ba:go (10)
bury kura: (14-31) kure/a (14-32) kura(n) (10) kure (10)
prepare mangela (14-33) mangele/a (14-34) mangela(n) (10) mangele (10)
blow (of wind) hura (14-35) hure/a (14-37) hura(n) (10) hure(n) (10)
blow (person?) fura (14-46) fure/a (14-47) fura(n) (10) fu:re (10)
come kE:na (14-48) dana (14-49) kEna:(n) (802) da:n@(n) (805)
go kEde (14-50) sana/(e) (14-53) kEda:(n) (803) san@(n) (805)
sing joma (14-54) jom(a/e) (14-55) joma(n) (753) jom(en) (754)
sleep/lie down dO:ta (14-56) dO:ta/e (14-57) dO:ta (734) dO:te (735)
cook/put on fire dega: (19-1) dege/a (14-59) dega(n) (17-9) dege (C122-2)
leave NEba (14-60) NEbe/a (14-61) Naba(n) (B25-14) Nabe(n) (B25-16)
suffer wE:ra (14-62) wE:ra (14-65) wE:ra (C33-10) wE:re (C33-11)
respect bu:Nga (14-68) bu:Nge/a (14-69) bu:Nga (C33-18) bu:Nge (C33-19)
want bage (14-70) ba:ge (14-71) ba:ga(n) (C33-20) ba:ge (C33-22)
fall (once) la:ja: (1066) la:(j) (1068) laja (292) laje(n) (B25-6)
walk newra (15-1) newre (15-2) newra(n) (299) newre (302)
> > > >
ask gbama (15-8) gbam(*e) (15-9) gbama (8-13) gbam(en) (10)
arrive ta:na (15-15) ta:n(a) (15-16) ta:nna(n) (B25-35) ta:nne(n) (B25-38)
burn bo:la (15-21) bo:le (15-22) bo:la (407) bo:le (396)
fall-rep lotra (15-27) lotre (15-28) lotra (13-14) lotre (13-15)
deny/contradict keja (1197) keja/ke: (1198) keja(n) (1200) ke:n (1202)
spit-rep sePera (16-7/16-8) sePere/a (16-9) sePera(n) (16-11) sePePre(n) (16-12)
burn-rep bugera (16-1) bugure (16-2) bugura(n) (1221) bugure(n) (1222)
sit/float dEwra(n) (DB911) dEwre(n) (DB912)
enter dZuba (DB987) dZube (DB912)
continued on next page
continued from previous page
Translation Neg. Impf. Neg. Perf. Imperfective Perfective
float bEPEra(n) (DB914)
enter dZuba (DB987) dZube (DB984)
push hePa (DB1084) hePe (DB1083)
return mEtEga(n)/mEta(n) (DB1092)
mEtEge(n) (DB1091)
get dark hawe(n) (DB1488)
forget (DB1577)
surround kOgla (1093) kOgle (1097)
build mEPEre (DB955)
approach OPOra (DB1397) OPOre (DB1393)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in
blow (person) fuwa (15-29) fuwa (15-30) fuwa (10) fu: (10)
give ta: (15-31) to (15-32) ta:/towa (675/676) to
put in la:/loa (15-36) lo/loa (15-37) la:/lowa (699/700) lo (698)
touch tarowa (DB1057) tarow (DB1064)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /ege/
peer lo:da/lo (15-40) lo:dege (15-41) lo:da(n) (15-44) lo:dege (15-47)
burn (once) bug@da (1212) bug@dege (1213) bugeda(n) (10) bug@dege (10)
spit (once) sePeda (16-5) sePedega/e (16-6) sePeda(n) (10) sePedege (10)
hit (once) waPada (16-19) waPadege (16-20) waPada (484) waPadege (4-14)
attach (once) tog@da (16-24) tog@dege (16-25) togeda (491) tog@dege (488)
cut (once) dZta (19-2) dZtege (19-3) dZita(n) (B212-11) dZitege (B212-13)
leave wEPEda (19-4) wEPEdege (19-5) wEPEda(n) (B25-25) wEPEdege(n) (B25-27)
send tOla (19-6) tOlege (19-7) tOla (Ba23-3) tOlege (Ba23-5)
> > > >
beat gbuda (19-8) gbudege (19-9) gbuda (11-12) gbudege (11-13)
laugh laPadega (DB1483)
lay/put dO:la (DB832)
slide hEdege (DB903)
pass/move dZEta (DB1279) dZEtege (DB999)
fly bda(n) (DB54) bidege (DB1008)
jump (once) fOrge (DB1009)
descend su:lege (DB1010)
throw tamda (DB1086) tamd@ge (DB1085)
happen gbuPudege (DB1273)
melt nndege (DB1284)
rest upon dEwlege (DB1511)
frighten dZElege (DB1285)
stand dZiPera (DB900) dzPelege (DB1510)
think/believe dla/d:la (DB571) dlege (DB1442)
finish fEtEge (DB588)
> >
meet gbuPula(n) (DB1264) gbuPulege(n) (DB1263)
happen ndZONge (DB595)
separate jEda (DB1269) jEdEge (DB1268)
widen jadege (DB1495)
hang lla (DB1396) llege (DB1500)
emerge mEPEdege (DB995)
cross mEwdege (DB1338)
open rOdege (DB1467)
continued on next page
continued from previous page
Translation Neg. Impf. Neg. Perf. Imperfective Perfective
put on tEw`@lege (DB1621)
become tind@ge (DB1603)
find/pick up tuda (DB1505) tudege (DB1502)
peer-rep lo:n(e) (15-46)
tell baPa (19-22) b`@re (19-24) baPa (C35-12) b@da (B212-9)
4.3 Gerundives
Translation Neg. Impf. Neg. Perf. -be Gerundive -m Gerundive
Class I
Forms with imperfective ending in /e/ and perfective ending in /ra/
search bage (14-1) bage (14-2) bag@be (10) ---
> >
cultivate kO (14-4) kO (14-5) kpa:be (10) kpam (17-1)
drink Ni (14-7) NEbe (10)
take lOge (14-8) log@be (775)
> > > >
die kpu (14-9) kpi (14-10) kpube (17-3) kpum (17-2)
eat dZu (14-12) de (14-13) dZube (C35-6)
blow (of wind) fuge (14-36) fuge (14-38) fugebe (14-42)
attach-rep toge (16-30) toge/a (16-31/DB932) tog`@be (18-38) --- (18-38)
see ju(na) (1070) jE (1071) ju:be (C35-3)
sleep gO:m (DB810)
surpass jage (DB1202) jage (DB1199)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /ra/
steal baw (14-14) baw (14-14) babe (10)
plant bo:de (14-16) bo:de (14-17) bodebe (10)
hit-rep waPe (14-18) waPe (14-19) waPabe (780)
do PE (14-20) PE (14-22) PEbe (666)
give saPa (14-23) si (14-24) saPabe (692)
mix ham (14-25) ham (14-26) ha:mbe (790)
cook do:ge (14-58) dO:gO:be (C127-1)
Forms with imperfective ending in and perfective ending in /ra/
> > >
beat-rep gbu (14-27) gbu (14-28) gbu:be (C25-3)
Class II
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /e/
hunt (beat bush) ja:ge ba:go (14-29) ja:ge ba:go (14-30) ba:go ja:g(r)@m (10)
continued on next page
continued from previous page
Translation Neg. Impf. Neg. Perf. -be Gerundive -m Gerundive
bury kura: (14-31) kure/a (14-32) kurem (10)
blow (of wind) hura (14-35) hure/a (14-37) hurebe (10) hu:rem (17-4)
blow (person?) fura (14-46) fure/a (14-47) furebe (10) fu:rem (17-4)
come kE:na (14-48) dana (14-49) kE:na (808) da:neme (C219-1)
go kEde (14-50) sana/(e) (14-53) kE:na (809) san@m (810)
sing joma (14-54) jom(a/e) (14-55) jombe (752)
sleep/lie down dO:ta (14-56) dO:ta/e (14-57) dO:tem (740)
cook/put on fire dega: (19-1) dege/a (14-59) degem (17-6)
leave NEba (14-60) NEbe/a (14-61) NE:bem (C35-2)
suffer wE:ra (14-62) wE:ra (14-65) wE:rebe (17-14) --- (12-9)
respect bu:Nga (14-68) bu:Nge/a (14-69) bu:Ngebe (12-16) bu:Ngem (12-15)
want bage (14-70) ba:ge (14-71) bag(@)be (12-21)
fall (once) la:ja: (1066) la:(j) (1068) lajebe (17-16) lajem (12-26)
continued from previous page
Translation Neg. Impf. Neg. Perf. -be Gerundive -m Gerundive
dance hamte (DB815)
jump-rep/bounce forowbe (DB1281)
4.4 Agentives
Translation Neg. Impf. Neg. Perf. Agentive
Class I
Forms with imperfective ending in /e/ and perfective ending in /ra/
search bage (14-1) bage (14-2) bag@d/ta (10)
> >
cultivate kO (14-4) kO (14-5) kpam kpa:da (10)
drink Ni (14-7) Ni:da (10)
take lOge (14-8) lo(@)t/da (776)
> >
die kpu (14-9) kpi (14-10) ---
eat dZu (14-12) de (14-13) de:da/dZu:da (345/346)
blow (of wind) fuge (14-36) fuge (14-38) fuget/da (14-43)
attach-rep toge (16-30) toge/a (16-31/DB932) togota (18-37)
see ju(na) (1070) jE (1071) ju:t/da (1077)
surpass jage (DB1202) jage (DB1199)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /ra/
steal baw (14-14) baw (14-14) bawda (10)
plant bo:de (14-16) bo:de (14-17) bodeta (10)
hit-rep waPe (14-18) waPe (14-19) waPad/ta (781)
do PE (14-20) PE (14-22) PEPEd/ta (784)
give saPa (14-23) si (14-24) saPad/ta (787)
mix ham (14-25) ham (14-26) ha:mt/da (791)
cook do:ge (14-58) dO:g@da (C23-17)
Forms with imperfective ending in and perfective ending in /ra/
> > >
beat-rep gbu (14-27) gbu (14-28) gbu:d/ta (C23-6)
Class II
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /e/
hunt (beat bush) ja:ge ba:go (14-29) ja:ge ba:go (14-30) ba:go jag@da/jage:rta (13-10)
bury kura: (14-31) kure/a (14-32) kure:ta/kudta/kurta (10)
prepare mangela (14-33) mangele/a (14-34) mangeleta (10)
blow (of wind) hura (14-35) hure/a (14-37) hureta (10)
blow (person?) fura (14-46) fure/a (14-47) fureta (10)
come kE:na (14-48) dana (14-49) ---
go kEde (14-50) sana/(e) (14-53) sa:na (811)
sing joma (14-54) jom(a/e) (14-55) jomd/ta (818)
sleep/lie down dO:ta (14-56) dO:ta/e (14-57) --- (821)
cook/put on fire dega: (19-1) dege/a (14-59) degeda (17-11)
leave NEba (14-60) NEbe/a (14-61) NEbta (12-4)
suffer wE:ra (14-62) wE:ra (14-65) wE:rta/E (13-13)
respect bu:Nga (14-68) bu:Nge/a (14-69) --- (12-17)
want bage (14-70) ba:ge (14-71) bag(@)t/da (12-22)
fall (once) la:ja: (1066) la:(j) (1068) lajeta (13-20)
walk newra (15-1) newre (15-2) newreta (15-5)
continued on next page
continued from previous page
Translation Neg. Impf. Neg. Perf. Agentive
> > >
ask gbama (15-8) gbam(*e) (15-9) gba:mt/da (15-12)
arrive ta:na (15-15) ta:n(a) (15-16) ta:nta (15-18)
burn bo:la (15-21) bo:le (15-22)
fall-rep lotra (15-27) lotre (15-28) lotreta (12-12)
deny/contradict keja (1197) keja/ke: (1198) ke:t/da (1204)
spit-rep sePera (16-7/16-8) sePere/a (16-9) sePereta (16-14)
burn-rep bugera (16-1) bugure (16-2) bug`@rta (16-4)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in
blow (person) fuwa (15-29) fuwa (15-30) fureta (10)
give ta: (15-31) to (15-32) ta:t/da (15-33)
put in la:/loa (15-36) lo/loa (15-37) lo:ta (15-38)
touch tarowta (DB1066)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /ege/
peer lo:da/lo (15-40) lo:dege (15-41) lo:degeta (15-49)
burn (once) bug@da (1212) bug@dege (1213) bugudeta (10)
spit (once) sePeda (16-5) sePedega/e (16-6) sePedegeta (10)
hit (once) waPada (16-19) waPadege (16-20) waPadegeta (16-21)
attach (once) tog@da (16-24) tog@dege (16-25) tog`@degeta (16-27)
cut (once) dZta (19-2) dZtege (19-3) dZtegeta (19-10)
leave wEPEda (19-4) wEPEdege (19-5) wEPEdegeta (19-11)
send tOla (19-6) tOlege (19-7) to:mda/ta (19-12)
> > >
beat gbuda (19-8) gbudege (19-9) gbuda (19-13)
peer-rep lo:da (15-39)
tell baPa (19-22) b`@re (19-24)
continued from previous page
Translation Neg. Impf. Imperf. Cont.
mix ham (14-25) hama hamo (792)
cook do:ge (14-58) do:ga: dogo (12-2)
Forms with imperfective ending in and perfective ending in /ra/
> > >
beat-rep gbu (14-27) gbuwa: gbu:Po (797)
Class II
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /e/
hunt (beat bush) ja:ge ba:go (14-29) ja:ga ba:go (10)
bury kura: (14-31) kugen kugo (10)
prepare mangela (14-33) mangela:Pa mangelo (10)
blow (of wind) hura (14-35) hura huro (10)
blow (person?) fura (14-46) fura furo (10)
come kE:na (14-48) dZub`@na dZubePo (813)
go kEde (14-50) kEda: kEdo (814)
sing joma (14-54) juma: jumo (819)
sleep/lie down dO:ta (14-56) dOra: dO:ro (823)
cook/put on fire dega: (19-1) dega: dego (17-12)
leave NEba (14-60) NEba: NEbo (12-5)
suffer wE:ra (14-62) wE:ra: wE:ro (12-10)
respect bu:Nga (14-68) bu:Nga: bu:Ngo (12-18)
want bage (14-70) baga: bago (12-23)
fall (once) la:ja: (1066) laja lajoPo (13-18)
walk newra (15-1) newra: newroP (15-6)
> > >
ask gbama (15-8) gbama gbamo (15-13)
arrive ta:na (15-15) tana: ta:noP (15-19)
burn bo:la (15-21) bo:la: bo:loP (15-25)
fall-rep lotra (15-27) lotra: lotreka (13-16)
deny/contradict keja (1197) keja: ke:Po (1206)
spit-rep sePera (16-7/16-8) sePera: sePero (16-17)
burn-rep bugera (16-1) bugura: bugo (1218)
enter dZub`@na dZubePo/dZubo (DB1660)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in
blow (person) fuwa (15-29) fura furo (10)
give ta: (15-31) ta: to:Po (678)
put in la:/loa (15-36) lowa la (702)
touch tarowa: tarowPo (DB1068)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /ege/
peer lo:da/lo (15-40) lo:da: lodego (15-50)
burn (once) bug@da (1212) buguda: bugudego (1215)
spit (once) sePeda (16-5) sePeda sePedego (16-15)
hit (once) waPada (16-19) waPada: waPadego (16-22)
attach (once) tog@da (16-24) tog`@da: tog`@dego (16-28)
cut (once) dZta (19-2) dZta dZtego (19-14)
leave wEPEda (19-4) wEPEda wEPEdego (19-16)
send tOla (19-6) tOlega:/tOla: ... (19-18)
> > >
beat gbuda (19-8) gbuda gbudego (19-20)
tell baPa (19-22)
continued on next page
continued from previous page
Translation Neg. Impf. Imperf. Cont.
continued from previous page
Translation Neg. Perf. Perf. Cont.
burn bo:le (15-22) bo:le bo:loP (15-26)
fall-rep lotre (15-28) lotre lotreka (13-17)
deny/contradict keja/ke: (1198) ke: ke:Po (1209)
spit-rep sePere/a (16-9) sePere sePero (16-18)
burn-rep bugure (16-2) bugura/e bugo (1219)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in
blow (person) fuwa (15-30) fure furo (10)
give to (15-32) to: toPo (15-34)
put in lo/loa (15-37) lo: loPo (15-35)
touch taro:w tarowPo (DB1069)
Forms with imperfective ending in /a/ and perfective ending in /ege/
peer lo:dege (15-41) lo:dege: lodego (15-51)
burn (once) bug@dege (1213) bugudege bugudego (1216)
spit (once) sePedega/e (16-6) sePedege sePedego (16-16)
hit (once) waPadege (16-20) waPadege waPadego (16-23)
attach (once) tog@dege (16-25) tog`@dege tog`@dego (16-29)
cut (once) dZtege (19-3) dZtege dZtego (19-15)
leave wEPEdege (19-5) wEPEdege w`?Edego (19-17)
send tOlege (19-7) tOlege tOlego (19-19)
> > >
beat gbudege (19-9) gbudege gbudego (19-21)
tell b`@re (19-24)