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The document describes various operational modes, system inputs/outputs, diagnostic parameters, and error messages related to an elevator control system.

Some of the operational modes described are ATTendant service, EHS Emergency Hospital Service, INSpection, LNS Load Non Stop service.

Some of the system inputs mentioned are DOL (door open limit), RDOL (rear door open limit), Hwy-Access (hallway access switch), AES (access switch).


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Reference List

Authorization Date D1: 21-Nov-2003

Running on PCB: GCA 21240 D1 - D3
GDA 21240 D1 - D3
Software Version: GAA 30082 BAA - GAA 30082 BAJ
GAA 30082 CAA - GAA 30082 CAC

Document Revision : V 1.2

Date SCN Author Comment

21-Jun-1996 GAA 30082 BAE A. Gerwing new document which covers all previous
software versions
09-Apr-1997 GAA 30082 BAF A. Gerwing variable input list added
25-Feb-98 GAA 30082 BAG A. Gerwing MCS120M
17-May -99 GAA 30082 BAH A. Gerwing REM-G
18-Jan-2001 GAA 30082 CAA A. Gerwing new blink messages
14-Mar-2002 GAA 30082 CAB A. Gerwing Korea FireService, RBU-1
21-Nov-2003 GAA 30082 CAC A. Pfeffer REM-LD signals added; HAD added
Info Messages corrected;

Copyright 2003, OTIS GmbH & Co. OHG Berlin.

No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of OTIS.
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Table of Contents
1 Operational Modes .......................................................................... 3
2 Motion States................................................................................... 4
3 System Inputs.................................................................................. 5
4 System Outputs............................................................................... 8
5 Info Messages ............................................................................... 11
6 Blinking Event Messages ............................................................. 12
7 Event Logging ............................................................................... 15
8 Diagnostic Parameters ................................................................. 20
9 Commands..................................................................................... 21
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1 Operational Modes

Mode Description
ACP Anti Crime Protection
ANS Anti Nuisance Service
ARD Automatic Return Device
ATT ATTendend service
CHC Cut off Hall Call
COR COrrection Run
CTL Car To Landing
DAR Drive / brake fault with Automatic Return
DBF Drive / Break Fault
DCP Delayed Car Protection
DCS Door Check Sequence
DHB Door Hold Button mode
DTC Door Time protection Close
DTO Door Time protection Open
EFO Emergency Fireman's Operation
EFS Emergency Fireman's Service
EHS Emergency Hospital Service
EPC Emergency Power wait for Correction run
EPR Emergency Power Rescue run
EPW Emergency Power Wait for normal
EQO Earth Quake Operation
ESB Emergency Stop Button resp. J-Relay fault
GCB General Control of Buttons
HAD Hoistway Acces Detection
INI INItialize
INS INSpection
ISC Independent ServiCe
LNS Load Non Stop service
MIT Moderate Incoming Traffic
NAV Not AVailable
OLD OverLoad Device
PKS ParKing Switch
ROT car RiOT operation
SHO SHabat Operation
UFS Up Final Limit Switch was active (Hydro: 8LS2)
WCO Wild Car Operation
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2 Motion States

State Description
BR BRake current fault
CR Correction Run
C2 Class C2 Loading (not authorized, removed in CAC)
DP DDP time elapsed
EF Emergency Fast Run
ES Emergency Slow Down
EW Emergency Wait
FR Fast Run
IN INspection Run
JR J-Relay fault (3-Phase Sequence fault)
NR Not Ready
RL ReLeveling
RR Reduced Run
RS ReScue Run
SD Slow Down for LSVF-W
SR Slow Run
ST STop (for LSVF-W: first period of Stop/Wait sequence)
WT WaiT for LSVF-W
8L 8LS2 limit switch is active
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3 System Inputs

The following list shows all available inputs and the condition under which these inputs are
displayed (set DISP-ALL=1 to view all available inputs):

input group Description is displayed when ...

AES Safety Chain Auxiliary Emergency Stop switch MD/AES = 2
ES Emergency Stop switch
DW door open contact
MD Manual Door contact MD/AES = 1
DFC Door Fully Closed contact

SE Start Enable Start Enable

PLS hydro oil over Pressure Limit Switch EN-PLS0 and DRIVE=hydro
OTS hydro oil Over Temperature Switch EN-OTS0 and DRIVE=hydro
MPD Motor Protection Device EN-MPD0
OP Drive Operation from OVF10 DRIVE=ovf10
DR Drive Ready from OVF20 DRIVE=ovf20

TCI Inspection Top of Car Inspection switch

UIB Up Inspection Button
DIB Down Inspection Button
ERO Emergency Recall Operation switch
TDO Top of Car Door Open Button
TDC Top of Car Door Close Button
^TDO rear Top of Car Door Open Button
^TDC rear Top of Car Door Close Button
TCB Top of Car Inspection Button (TCIB)

DZ Doorzone Door Zone (LV1 and/or LV2, DZ)

LV Level zone (LVU/LVD, LV) LV-MOD=1
1LV Door Zone switch 1LV
2LV Door Zone switch 2LV DZ-TYP0 with C-TYPE=2, 3

UIS Releveling Up Impuls Switch (for Releveling) LV-MOD=4 or EN-RLV=1

DIS Down Impuls Switch (for Releveling) LV-MOD=4 or EN-RLV=1
DS1 DIS for Delayed Releveling DRIVE=hydro

IPU Stop Signals ImPuls Up switch

IPD ImPuls Down switch
SLU Short Landing UP switch DZ-CNT=0
SLD Short Landing Down switch DZ-CNT=0
RUN Run Signal DRIVE=Gamma-x, Spec60, Dynalift
RN Run Signal from OVF20 DRIVE=ovf20

1LS Limit Switches Limit Switch 1

2LS Limit Switch 2
8LS Limit Switch 8 DRIVE=hydro

DR OVF20/LSVF-W Drive Ready DRIVE=ovf20

RN RuN DRIVE=ovf20
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input group Description is displayed when ...

SC Speed Check DRIVE=ovf20
LN Load Non stop DRIVE=ovf20
DS3 Drive State bit 3 DRIVE=ovf20
DS2 Drive State bit 2 DRIVE=ovf20
DS1 Drive State bit 1 DRIVE=ovf20

ACS Hydro Anti Creeping switch DRIVE=hydro and ACD/UXT=1

1CL Close Limit switch 1 DRIVE=Mot.Valve

LWO Load Weighing overload signal LWO

LWX load weighing bypass LWX No ACS (see above)
LNS Load Non Stop

DOL Front Door Door Open Limit switch

DCL Door Close Limit switch
DOB Door Open Button
DCB Door Close Button
EDP Electronic Door Protection
LRD Light Ray Device
DOS Door Open Signal
MDD Moving at front of Door Detection

^DOL Rear Door rear Door Open Limit switch

^DCL rear Door Close Limit switch
^DOB rear Door Open Button
^DCB rear Door Close Button
^EDP rear Electronic Door Protection
^LRD rear Light Ray Device
^DOS rear Door Open Signal
^MDD Moving at rear of Door Detection

EFO Emergency Emergency Firemen Operation

AEF Alternative EFO (AEFO)
EFK Emergency Fireman Key
ASL Alternative Service Landing
ESK Emergency Service Key switch
ESH Emergency Service Hold switch
CFS Car Fireman Service switch
CS Car fireman service Start switch
XEF Overide EFO
EFB Emergency Firemen Key Bypass

NU Emerg. Power emergency power operation signal EPO-P<=32

NUD emergency power operation signal EPO-P<=32
NUG emergency power operation signal EPO-P<=32

CCT OCSS Car Call to Top

CCB Car Call to Bottom
CHC Cut off Hall Call
DDO Disable Door Operation
ISS Independent Service Switch
^ISS rear Independent Service Switch
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input group Description is displayed when ...

PDD Partition Door Device Switch
CTL Car To Lobby CTL-P<=31
PKS ParKing Switch PKS-P<=31

COC Cut/Disable Car call cut Off (Car)

COH Car call cut Off (Hall)
HCO hall call Cut Off (Hall)
GCO hall call Cut Off (Group)
DFD Disable Front Door
DRD Disable Rear Door
CRC Card Reader Contact EN-CRO0
BOS BOSs card reader overwrite EN-CRO0

ATU Attendant Attendant key Up

ATD Attendant key Down
NSB Non Stop Button
RB Reset Button
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4 System Outputs

Type Output Description since

U Up
D Down

One Speed T fast speed relay T

1A fast speed resistor 1A

Two Speed T fast speed relay T

G slow speed relay G
1A fast speed resistor 1A
2A slow speed resistor 2A

Gamma S-D ST STop

Gamma L V2 Velocity 2
V1 Velocity 1
V0 Velocity 0
VN relevelling Velocity N

Spec-60 STI STop Initialize

SP1 SPeed 1
SP0 SPeed 0

Gamma NAO - -

Hydro MV L star relay L

UX delta relay UX
OV Open Valve
CV Close Valve
TRO Inspection / ERO relay

Hydro SV L star relay L

UX delta relay UX
T fast speed relay T
UD UpDown relay BAE
FIS Fast Inspection Switch BAE
UXT 1 sec delay after UX for UASV
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Type Output Description since

LSVF T fast speed relay T
G slow speed relay G

LSVF-W, V1 coded interface bit 1

OVF20 V2 coded interface bit 2
V3 coded interface bit 3
V4 coded interface bit 4

UP UP-signal for REM

PON Power On (used to switch drive package on/off)

OVF10 T fast run signal BAD

LS Limit Switch signal BAD

The meaning of the coded interface V1-V4 is listed below:

Type Display Description
LSVF-W, (WT) Wait
OVF20 (ST) Stop
(FR_U) Fast Run Up
(FR_D) Fast Run Down
(IR_U) Inspection Run Up
(IR_D) Inspection Run Down
(RL_U) Releveling Up
(RL_D) Releveling Down
(RR_U) Reduced Run Up (for Short Landing)
(RR_D) Reduced Run Down (for Short Landing)
(RS_U) Rescue Run Up
(RS_D) Rescue Run Down
(SD) Slow Down
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Type Output Description since

Doors DO Door Open
DC Door Close
LVC Door ByPass-Relay
RV ReVersal

RDO Rear Door Open

RDC Rear Door Close
DBP Door ByPass
RRV Rear door ReVersal

REM BUT BUTton operated (any demand to move)

DO Door fully Opened
NORM NORMal operation (no faults)
CPR Car PaRked, waiting for demand

MF Main Floor (lobby)

LND LaNDing passing
OOS Out Of Service
LEV LEVel signal BAH

DO Door Open Signal CAA

DC Door Close Signal CAA
RDO Rear Door Open Signal CAA
RDC Rear Door Close Signal CAA

BRK BraKe signal (i.e. moving) CAB

SAF Safety Chain (ES) CAB
DS Door Switch (with DBP: DW, w/o DBP: DFC) CAB
CLM Car Light Monitoring (I/O 1000) CAB

DOP Door Fully Open Signal (I/O 1007) CAB

^DOP Rear Door Fully Open Signal (I/O 1030) CAB
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5 Info Messages

The following messages are accessable in the Main Menu LCB_II - Menu.
Please use Shift Key UP.

Info Message Comment

MCS310 Controller Type and Drive Type (parameter C-TYPE, DRIVE)
MCS220M 1AC > (One Speed Drive)
2AC > (Two Speed Drive)
Ga.S-D > (Gamma S, D)
Ga. L > (Gamma L)
Spec60 > (Spec60)
Ga.NAO > (Gamma NAO)
Mot.V > (Hydraulic: Motorized Valve)
Sol.V > (Hydraulic: Solenoid Valve)
OVF20 > (LSVF-W, OVF20)

Stop on: DZ > used Stop Signal

/RUN > (parameter LV-MOD, DRIVE)
/RN >
LV >

Operat: FCL > used Operation Mode

DCL > (parameter OPERAT, EN-BSM)

DBP : yes > Door ByPass enabled?

no > (ADO or RLV enabled: parameter DRIVE, EN-RLV)
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6 Blinking Event Messages

The following messages are blinking in each status display of the Service Tool:

Blink- Description related

Message setup
TCI-lock The sequence to leave TCI-mode was not correctly fol-
1. open door
2. switch TCI off
3. close door
LS-Fault a) In a doorzone where 1LS or 2LS is required, the cor- 1LS (692)
responding signal is not detected. 2LS (693)
b) 1LS or 2LS is detected in a doorzone where the cor- DRIVE
responding signal is not allowed. C-TYPE
Note: In case of a short landing in bottom or top two
doorzones are present in 1LS/2LS - zone!
Note: Some controller-/drive- types require the LS sig-
nals directly connected to LCBII and others to the
Please refer to the document Guide Lines
start DCS! a) Normal operation is not allowed until DCS hasn't
been completed successfully.
b) During normal operation the DW-signal was active NoDW-Chk
while the door was fully opened in a door zone. In
this case the wiring of the hoistwaydoors have to be
checked very carefully again!
Enter M-1-3-5 to start the DCS!
ACS is on The bolts of the Anti Creeping Device are active ACD/UXT
ACS (007)
1LS+2LS on Limit switches 1LS and 2LS are active at the same time. 1LS (692)
2LS (693)
Note: Some controller-/drive- types require the LS sig- DRIVE
nals directly connected to LCBII and others to the C-TYPE
Please refer to the document Guide Lines
DBP-Fault Two correction runs have been performed in sequence. EN-RLV
This can occur if no doorzone is detected after having DRIVE
stopped. The reason for that can be a defective LVC-
This event is stored into EEPROM so that the ONLY
way to bring the elevator into operation again is by using
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Blink- Description related

Message setup
DBSS-Fault One of the following faults occurred during DCS:
OTS, PLS, MCLS, SKL, MPD, J, LS-Fault, OVF10-Fault
Adr-Check Specific remote station addresses do not correspond to NoAdrChk
the Standard-IO-list:
OTIS2000: TCI (691) = 16-3,
1LS (692) = 16-1,
2LS (693) = 16-2
MCS220M: TCI (691) = 16-3
P_OFF activ LSVF-W has been switched off to save energy. The P-OFF-D
drive package can only be switched on again after a P-ON-D
delay of at least 8 seconds.
ACD-Fault The bolts of Anti Creeping Device didn't move within ACD/UXT
timeout. ACS (007)
RLV-Count The car did not reach the UIS/DIS-zone after the maxi- EN-RLV
mum number of releveling steps which is given by the RLVCNT
parameter RLVCNT. RL-UIS
SE-Fault The car cannot start due to missing SE-signal (please
check SKL, THB, door bypass, fuses, ...)
Learn Run OVF20 is performing its Learn Run to know the hoistway DRIVE=16,17
Door Stall Only for FCO 9550 door operator. DOOR=2
When the door is not fully opened or fully closed within REAR=2
4 minutes after starting the door movement, the door
relays are switched off to protect the door motor.
OTS Lock fault output of AHVS (connected to OTS input) is active. HY-TYP
TCI run is not possible
MCLS/SKL-3 Car Light Switch in Machine Room has been switched MCLS (697)
off (since BAG).
Car Light Relay on top of car is dropped (since BAH). CLR (1000)
LBG/CSP-2 Light Beam Gate has been active (since BAG) LBG (967)
SpeedCheck The SC signal from OVF20 was always high during a
normal run. SC is not reliable.
ADO and RLV are disabled until the controller is
switched off.
Ill. Setup Illegal Setup TOP>11
An invalid configuration has been programmed. The GROUP=4
following situations are not accepted by the software:
4-car-group with more than 11 openings per car
RBU-Fault Rope Brake has detected overspeed or Selftest has RBTC (1029)
failed; car is blocked until TCI/ERO is switched or the RBTE (1028)
controller is switched off
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Blink- Description related

Message setup
switch INS An automatic landing door (DW or MD input) has been MD/AES
opened for longer than 2 seconds.
This event can also occur if the car door contact (GS) is
bridged and the system has a door bypass.
The elevator is taken out of service.
This event is stored into EEPROM so that the ONLY
way to bring the elevator into operation again is by using
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7 Event Logging

The event logging of the Service Tool can contain the following messages:

event reason related setup

total runs total number of runs since last power on -
minutes on minutes since last power on -

0000 Task Timing software entered endless loop -
0001 W_Dog Reset watchdog circuit on LCBII was triggered -
0002 Illegal Int illegal interupt was executed -

0100 OpMode NAV OCSS is not available due to drive fault (e.g. -
8LS-fault (8L), brake-fault (BR), drive-fault
(NR). This mode is also active after INS before
the COR starts
0101 EPO shutd. car is not able to run during EPO; the next car NU (017)
is allowed to recover NUSD (018)
NUSG (019)
0102 OpMode DTC door was not able to close (missing DCL, DFC DCL (694)
or DW) within timeout RDCL (695)
0103 OpMode DTO door was not able to open (missing DOL) DOL (000)
within timeout RDOL (544)
0104 OpMode DCP car was not able to answer a call within timeout DCP-T
(e.g. door was held open manually)
0105 DBSS fault Due to a fault the elevator had been shut down DRIVE
in a landing. The resulting Operational Mode is
DAR for hydraulic elevators, DBF for other
The reason can be:
a) LSVF-W, OVF10, OVF20 reported an error
b) SKL has been switched off
c) OTS, PLS, MPD, THB was active

In generell, this event occurs together with an-

other event.
0106 PDS active partition door switch is opened PDD (784)
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event reason related setup

0107 DS Bypass Disable Door Switch Relay Contact is active DDSRC (970)
while the car is not in EFS
0108 EEC bypass Emergency Exit Bypass Contact is active while DEMERC (971)
the car is not in EFO/EFS

0200 Pos. Count. An unmatching number of DZ-signals and IP- LV-MOD,
signals has been counted during a run. This DZ-TYP
check is made after completion of the run.
Note: The signals might be too short to be de-
0201 correct.run A correction run was performed (e.g. after INS, -
0202 /DFC in EFR ES-input was activated during Fast Run MD/AES,
0202 /ES in FR (renamed in BAH software) ES-TYP
0203 /DFC in ESR ES-input was activated during Slow Run MD/AES,
0203 /ES in SR (renamed in BAH software) ES-TYP
0204 TCI/ERO on TCI or ERO has been switched on ERO-TYP
0205 SE-Fault The car cannot start due to missing SE-signal -
(please check SKL, THB, door bypass, fuses,
0206 OTS active OTS input has been activated EN-OTS
0207 DDP in FR no hoistway signals have been detected during DDP
Fast Run (missing DZ)
0208 DDP in SR duration of Slow Run is longer than 3P-time 3P
(i.e. no stop signal has been detected)
0209 DDP in RS duration of Rescue Run is longer than 3P-time 3P
(i.e. no stop signal has been detected)
0210 /DZ in NST DZ-signal was lost or not deteced at all after LV-MOD,
having stopped DZ-TYP
0211 /DFC in FR safety chain was opened during Fast Run -
since BAG:
car door has been opened during Fast Run
0212 /DFC in SR safety chain was opened during Slow Run -
since BAG:
car door has been opened during Slow Run
0213 8LS2 oper. 8LS2 input was activated -
Note: Hydraulic controllers only
0214 OTS or PLS1 PLS1 input has been activated EN-PLS
0214 PLS1 active (OTS event has been moved to 0206 in BAH
0215 Mot.Vlv tim motorized valve got stuck -
0216 DZ missed UIS & DIS have been detected without DZ. EN-RLV,
This happens when one of LV relays is defect. DRIVE
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event reason related setup

0217 bolt_out fault during bolts moving out C2_1OUT (683)
(removed in CAC) C2_2OUT (684)
0218 PLS3 time oil pressure not <PLS3 during move down MVD-T
(removed in CAC)
0219 time lev+ upper C2-level not reached during move up MVU-T
(removed in CAC)
0220 bolt_in fault during bolts moving in C2_1IN (681)
(removed in CAC) C2_2IN (682)
0221 PLS4 time oil pressure PLS4 not reached after step up PLS4-T
(removed in CAC)
0222 bolt in/out in- and out- contacts of bolts active C2_1OUT(683)
(removed in CAC) C2_2OUT(684)
C2_1IN (681)
C2_2IN (682)
0223 PLS3/Bo.in oil pressure < PLS3 and bolts in active C2_1IN (681)
(removed in CAC) C2_2IN (682)
0224 J-Relay The LCBII detected a fault at the 3-line-power- EN-J,
supply (i.e. phases missing or turned) J-T
Note: This event is always logged when you
have set EN-EVT=1 and you switch off
the power. The reason is that the 3-line-
power supply breaks down earlier than
the LCBII power supply.
0225 brake-fault The brake current (hydro: valve current) was BON-D,
missing during run. BFLT-T,
0226 LS-fault --> see description for blinking message -
0227 NST:NoBrake During stop the brake current (hydro: valve BON-D,
current) was detected BFLT-T,
0228 1LS+2LS on 1LS and 2LS are active at the same time 1LS (692)
Note: Some controller-/drive- types require the 2LS (693)
LS signals directly connected to LCBII DRIVE
and others at the RSL. Please refer to C-TYPE
the document Guide Lines.
0229 ACS operat. --> see description for blinking message 'ACS ACD/UXT
is on
0230 RSL Adr chk --> see description for blinking message 'Adr NoAdrChk
0231 LSVF-W:/DR LSVF-W reported an error (Drive Not Ready) DRIVE
(see MCB)
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event reason related setup

0232 LSVF-W:/SC During deceleration the speed of the car was (see MCB)
too high to perform ADO or Releveling.
Therefore ADO and RLV are not allowed any
0233 LSVF-W:P-ON LSVF-W has been powered on P-OFF-D
0234 OP lost OVF10 announced a drive problem by switch- DRIVE=18
ing off the OP signal.
Look into Event Logging on OVF10.
0235 OP/T fault The interface check between LCBII and DRIVE=18
OVF10 (OP and T signals) has failed.
Look into Event Logging on OVF10 and check
wiring of these signals.
0236 Learn Run The OVF20 has started its Learn Run. DRIVE=16,17
0237 /DW in FR landing door has been opened during Fast -
Run (since BAG)
0238 /DW in SR landing door has been opened during Slow -
Run (since BAG)

0300 DBP: dfc_SE While the door was opening or fully opened, EN-RLV
the door bypass was found to be inactive (DFC DRIVE
low or SE high)
0301 DCL in [ ] (R)DCL was active while the door was fully DCL (694)
opened RDCL (695)
(renamed in BAH software)
0302 DCS:DW err During normal operation the DW-signal was NoDW-Chk
active though the door was open.
0303 DBP-Fault --> see description for blinking message 'DBP- -
0304 DOL:alw. on (R)DOL was active while the door was fully DOL (000)
closed. This event is also logged when the RDOL (544)
fuses of DO2000 are burned.
0306 Hwy-Access Landing Door was opened or the car door is MD/AES
--> see description for blinking message
'Switch INS'

0400 RSL parity Two remote stations with the same address -
are connected to the same link
0401 RSL sync Synchronisation lost on remote serial link -
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event reason related setup

0500 RNG1 msg data error on Duplex/Triplex ring -
0501 RNG1 time no ring messages received from other car for a GROUP
specific time
0502 RNG1 sio framing error on Duplex/Triplex ring -
0503 RNG1 tx ring messages couldn't be sent in an appropri- -
ate time

0600 C-circuit C-circuit does not work correctly C-CHK (704)
Note: only for MCS310
0604 RBU-Selftst Selftest of Rope Brake has failed (i.e. lasted RBTC (1029)
longer than 5 seconds). RBTE (1028)
Car is blocked until TCI/ERO is switched.
0605 RBU-Fault Rope Brake has detected overspeed. RBTC (1029)
Car is blocked until TCI/ERO is switched. RBTE (1028)

OPSYS: Operating System
OCSS: Operational Control Sub System
MCSS: Motion Control Sub System
DCSS: Door Control Sub System
SSS: Signalling Sub System
GROUP: Duplex/Triplex Controller
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8 Diagnostic Parameters

These diagnosis parameters are stored in non-volatile memory and are kept even if the
power is switched off. They can only be reset manually via Service Tool, except ACT-T and
REC-OK which are refreshed after each power-on.

Parameter Meaning since

01 ACT-T Actual elapsed time since last power-on
02 TOT-T Total elapsed time
03 UP-CNT Up flight count
04 DN-CNT Down flight count
05 UP-RLV Up Relevel Count BAG
06 DN-RLV Down Relevel Count BAG
07 FD-CNT Front door openings count (reversals not considered)
08 RD-CNT Rear door openings count (reversals not considered)
09 DZ-CNT Door zone count
10 W_DOG-R. Watch-dog reset count (warm starts)
11 POW-ON Power-on count (cold starts)
12 REC-OK Recovery of previous stored diagnosis
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9 Commands
These internal commands are used for the on-board DCSS and MCSS.
Type Display Description
Door Commands OPEN open door
DEEN deenergize door
CLD1 close door; no DOB, no LRD, no EDP
CLD2 close door; full DOB, full LRD, full EDP
CLD3 close door; full DOB, full LRD, lim EDP
CLD4 close door; full DOB, lim LRD, lim EDP
CLD5 close door; full DOB, no LRD, no EDP
CLD6 close door; full DOB, no LRD, lim EDP
CLD7 close door; lim DOB, no LRD, lim EDP
CLD8 close door; lim DOB, no LRD, no EDP
CLD9 close door; full SGS, nothing else

DO-5 Commands Ded&Eds deenergize door; no door movement allowed

Ded stop door; door may be operated using Serv-
ice Tool connected to DO-5
Cld&Dob close door; only DOB enabled
Cld close door; no Reversals enabled
Ndg close door; no Reversals enabled
Cld&Rev close door; LRD, DOB and PP enabled
Opn open door

Motion Commands CarGoTo Go to specific floor

ESMGoTo Emergency Service
Stand By Standby or Inspection
ReInit reinit position
ImmStop Immediate Stop
Nxt Flor Go to next reachable floor

DOB = Door Open Button
LRD = Light Ray Device
PP = Passenger Protection

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