Explorations On The Chindwin River, The Upper Burma, 1888
Explorations On The Chindwin River, The Upper Burma, 1888
Explorations On The Chindwin River, The Upper Burma, 1888
Above the junction of the Uru river with the Chindwin is the tea
district. I could not visit it, but I overlooked it from a hill on the right
bank of the river opposite Homalin. My guide told me that the
Maharajah of Manipur makes a large profit out of the tea seed, which
he buys in Thaungdut, and sells in Cachar. My guide, who spoke
English, also said, "By and by plenty gentlemen coming here, then
seeing many bungalows all over that side." A good deal of rice is
exported from the upper Chindwin, and one noticeable feature on the
river is the number of long bamboo rafts, each of which carries what at
first seems to be a small and neatly built village, but which is really a
number of small storehouses for grain, and one or two huts for the
raftsmen and their families. I was told that the commercial steamers
often do a good business in grain-carrying. The oflicers of the Bombay
Burma Corporation have long carried on extensive operations in the
magnificent teak forests of the Chindwin and Kabu valleys ; they have
several stations on the river, the highest being Kendat. It will be
remembered that King Thibaw's repudiation of the agreement with this
company and confiscation of their property were among the causes of
the war. When war was declared, several of the company's officials
were killed, and others had very narrow escapes.
South of Manipur, and bounding Burma on the west, lies a mass of
lofty hills, running in parallel ridges north and south, and inhabited by
the tribes known as Chins, Lushais, Shendus, and Kukis, all, I imagine,
closely allied. As the Lushais used to raid on our eastern frontier, and
do still on the Chittagong border,* so do the Chins raid on Burma. They
hold that human sacrifices are necessary to ensure the success of their
agricultural operations, and their views have not changed with the
change of administration in Burma, and their raids are not at all a
consequence of our annexation of that conntry. It may be necessary,
before these tribes can be induced to settle down quietly, to send a small
force against them from Burma to operate simultaneously with one
sent from Chittagong. This would be the best way of opening up the
hills, but such expeditions are costly, the country is very difncult for
troops, and the transport has to be carried on entirely by coolies; but
unless met from both sides the Chins would merely retire before us.
In the meantime, a special " Chin levy" is being raised, and pre-
cautionary measures are being taken to protect, as far as possible at
present, our Burmese subjects from Chin incursions; and certainly not
too soon if, as stated in a late Indian paper, it is true that in the month
of October, twelve Burmese were killed, many wounded, and 120 carried
offinto slavery by the Chins.
As to the climate, a little rain fell in December, and there were a few
Onlytwoor threedays afterthis paper was read,the telegraphbroughtnews of
a seriousChin raid on the Chittagongborder,whichneceseitatedan expeditionbeing
sentfromthateide as well as fromBurma.
wet days in the beginning and end of January, otberwise it was fine and
pleasant. Towards the end of March there were a few thunderstorms,
and the weather became very hot, continuing so up to April and May,
when the thermometer averaged 100? in the shade; but it was dry, and
the temperature was pleasanter to bear than in Calcutta at 85?.
Now to turn to the more narrative portion of this paper.
On my return from Gilgit to Simla, in September 1886, I found that
a proposal had been made by the Chief Commissioner of Assam and
General J. Gordon, c.b., commanding the North-east Frontier District, to
the Government of India for an exploration of the route between Makum
and Bhamo; and it was proposed, moreover, that I should conduct this.
After much consideration the Government finally decided to postpone
the survey of this route for various reasons, not the least cogent being
that the country about Mogoung was in such a disturbed state that it
might be dangerous for a small party to attempt to pass through from
the Hukong valley, and a large party could not have attempted it for
want of carriage and supplies. Sanction was, however, given for a small
force to proceed from Manipur to the Kabu valley and the Chindwin
river, under General J. Gordon, and I was permitted to accompany tbis
force. I left Simla on the 28th October and proceeded to Calcutta,
where I was joined by my assistant, Mr. Ogle, a gentleman who has
been my companion in many of my exploratory trips in Assam and
elsewhere. He is an excellent surveyor, with great powers of endurance
and energy, combining personal courage with discretion, and possessed
of a good deal of forethought and resource: he is, moreover, a pleasant
and utterly unselfish companion, and as staunch a comrade as one could
wish for. To him I owe much of the success which I have achieved in
the survey. It is too often the case that the head of an enterprise gets
all the credit of success, and those who assisted him to it are overlooked;
and Mr. Ogle has not, I fear, met with the general recognition to which
his merits and worth en title him, and I often regret that it has never
been in my power to do more for one who has done so much for me.
My other assistants were, a native surveyor Bapu Jadu, a Mahratta, an
excellent man who had been employed with me on the Gilgit and
Chitral Mission, and a native cavalryman, Sawar Kishan Sing, of the
13th Bengal Lancers, a very fine specimen of a Sikh soldier. He also
had been employed in Chitral and Gilgit, and turned out excellent
Our equipment consisted of (1) a Troughton and Siins' 6-inch
subtense theodolite with micrometer eye-piece and complete vertical
circle; and for general work, whether trigonometrical or astronomical,
such as I was engaged on, there could not be a better instrument.
(2) A subtense instrument for routes and traverses. This consists of a
small telescope mounted above a prismatic compass, the whole fitting on
a light stand. The telescope is fitted with micrometer eye-piece, the
once carried thus by two men, turn and turn about, for six weeks, having
sprained my ankle badly.
The Khasia coolies brought down from Shillong, where I had left it
when I started for Gilgit, a Berthon boat which I had purchased in
1884, in London, for our explorations from Upper Assam to the Irawadi.
It is so well known that it is unnecessary for me to describe it here.
I need only say that it was the smallest size made, i. e. seven feet long,
weighing just a coolie load. One coolie always carried it, with oars
eomplete; and as it only takes two or three minutes to set up, and less
to shut up, it was always available. The road from Cachar to Manipur
lies across several high parallel ridges separated by deep valleys, through
which flow fine fishing streams, the Barak, Irang, &c. Sometimes our
day's march brought us to the banks of one of these streams, sometimes
we crossed one on the march. In either case I set up my boat and
sculled Mr. Ogle, who is no boatman though a fair fisherman, up and
down some deep-blue pool lying still between steep dark rocks and the
most glorious masses of foliage, while above and below murmured
dangerous rapids. Mr. Ogle would trail out a spoon, and was generally
very successful, especially in the afternoon, when our coolies were eating
the remains of their morning meal previous to making more elaborate
arrangements for dinner. Their lunch, if I may so call it, some cold
boiled rice, had been carried in plantain (banana) leaves, and the men
sitting at the river's edge threw from time to time a leaf into the
stream, and as it floated slowly down, fish rose at the grains of rice still
adhering to it. As the leaf was carried towards us I would so manoeuvre
that Mr. Ogle's spoon. with a long line out should pass under this leaf,
and it was a certain find; as witness an hour's sport one afternoon: five
fish, weighing 2\, lf, 1\, ?, and ^ lbs., an aggregate of 6 lbs. of mahseer.
The bridges across these rivers are peculiar. They are suspension
hridges constructed of cane and bamboos. The span is 50 to 60 yards,
and the footway from 20 to 30 feet
above the river, winter level. The _.s?,?n,,on
^?\ CaMES_ffo
suspension ropes are. strongly anchored \\ I]
t , t , ji \\ .Bamboos-. //
over, and to, living trees on the \V. """""""-//
banks. There is very little dip, not ^\ matting II
more than four feet. The section of y4/' \V/
the bridge is a parabola, with the ^L jt/
roadway in the apex. The roadway *s^^ JZyl/r
is matted, the matting being curved r-jp^p^E-i
up on either side to the height of SectionofSuspension Bridge.
about three feet, which gives a greater
idea of security. Innumerable stays and guys give a certain stability
to the structure. Ponies cannot easily pass, and in the winter a small
floating bridge gives them passage. In Assam two boats fastened
together and covered with a platform make a suitable horseferry-boat;
but in conservative and Brahminical Manipur such an innovation could
in charge of the Lekayain district, a very able and zealous young officer,
whose headquarters were at Poungbyin, and with him I started for that
On the 26th we stopped for the night at a place called Kaia, where
we lodged in a very nice little " ziat," or traveller's rest-house, a feature
in all Burmese villages. It is generally a prettily carved and very well
carpentered room, constructed entirely of wood, raised a few feet from the
ground, and opening in front into a spacious verandah. Here cholera
broke out among my coolies. Mr. Mitchell had had cholera among his
Naga coolies while at work on the Sweja route; we stopped at one of
his camps for the night, and must have picked up the disease there.
The first case occurred at 8 p.m., just as we were going to dinner.
Mr. Daly sent to the priests, who kindly placed at our disposal one of
their small houses adjoining the monastery, in which they kept a
bishop's throne and some spare drums; to this we removed the sick man
to keep him apart from his fellows; the native doctor and I remained
with him till 12, and just as I was going to sleep, a man lying immedi?
ately under that portion of the raised floor where my bed was, began to
groan. Getting up, I found he also had been seized, and I removed him
to the ziat where the other poor fellow was lying. The doctor and I
again did what we could till 2 a.m. without success. At 6 a.m. a third
man was seized. The first two died in the early morning, the third
lingered till the afternoon; a sepoy was also seized in the morning and
we sent him up by boat with the sick coolies and the doctor to
The villagers were again very good in assisting us in burying the
dead and in getting boats, &c. All the arrangements for the dead and
sick delay ed us, and as we had a long march of 23 miles, a good deal of
it through slush and mud, we did not get in till late. The next day
we halted to let the native doctor join us and to rest the coolies.
Poungbyin is a largish village on the Chindwin, 70 miles above
Kendat, and on the opposite bank is a large marsh and lake where wild
fowl of all kinds literally swarm. Subadar Hema Chand, of the
44th G.L.I., stationed at Poungbyin, used frequently to go out for a
couple of hours of an afternoon and return with a couple of geese and
six or seven ducks of various kinds, not to mention snipe and such small
game. He is a great shot either with gun or rifle; and, somewhat rare
for a native, brings down birds on the wing as easily as when sitting.
On the 29th, Mr. Daly and I, with a guard of 50 men of the 44th
under Hema Chand, started on a trip to the Uyu river; we marched up
to Homalin by land, returning by river in boats, paying a short visit to
the Tsawbwa of Thaungdut on our way down. He was very friendly
and said we might explore any part of his dominions.
During our trip we saw some gold-washing. Small channels conduct
water into a wooden tank sunk in the ground. The gravel containing
gold-dust is brought down' in baskets from the low hills near, and the
heavier stones are sifted out with a bamboo sieve; the finer portion is
then put into a circular wooden vanelling vessel and held over the tank;
water is then poured over and the vanelling carried on till only the gold-
dust remains; the residuum is a fine black heavy sand containing iron.
On our return to Poungbyin on the 7 th, we found that the place had
been attacked by Chins two days previously and part of the village
burned before the garrison, under Captain Boileau, succeeded in driving
them off. My Berthon boat proved most useful on the Chindwin. I
sculled myself nearly the whole of the 70 miles between Homalin
and Poungbyin, and I was able to explore small creeks on the way, and,
going ahead, could look about for good plane-table stations before the
heavier boat, in which were my khaldsis and plane-table, came up, and
thus saved time. I had intended after this trip to have gone down to
Kendat, but rumours of dacoits being in the neighbourhood induced
Mr. Daly to organise two more little excursions eastward in the hope of
catching some of them ; and although we were disappointed in this, I
was enabled to do a good deal of work. I finally reached Kendat on the
'27th February, where I found Mr. Ogle, who had made all arrangements
for commencing the triangulation of the Chindwin.
On the 1st March, Mr. Ogle went down with Bapu Jadu to a point
we had fixed a fewrmiles down the river, and pointed out the hills ahead
which the bdbu was to clear; and on the 2nd, having got all his men
and boats together and a guard of the 18th B.L.I., he started offdown
stream, while Mr. Ogle went back to the station on the Minthami route
to observe some necessary angles. Till the 6th I was employed at oflice-
work with the writer, and in advising about the curtailment of the
?stockade, which was far too large for the garrison intended to be left
On the 6th March I left with Colonel Toker and Captain Raikes in a
steam launch for Mingin, in which district a rebellion had just occurred,
and there seemed a chance of being able to move about with the troops.
However, this rebellion had collapsed, and the leader, Budayaza, had
been captured before we reached Mingin, and so I returned with
Captain Raikes to Kalewa. Thence he despatched messengers with
presents to the Tsawbwa of Kale, whom he had been trying for some
time to induce to make his submission. The message was to the effect
that he and I, being now in the neighbourhood, would pay him a visit,
if agreeable to him.
In consequence of the disturbances in the Mingin district, the Kendat
authorities had recalled Bapu Jadu, and finding that both he and
Mr. Ogle, were detained idling at Kendat, I asked Captain Raikes to
employ the few days we had to wait for the answer from Kale in taking
me up to Kendat and starting the triangulation again. This, with his
wsual readiness to oblige, he agreed to, and once more work was resumed.
It was now getting very hot and all the hill.sides were wreathed in
flames from jungle fires, the smoke from which rendered the atmosphere
very dense, and greatly hindered our work henceforth.
As I have said, the country to the east of the Chindwin above and
about Kendat consists of a confused mass of low hills, or table-lands,
intersected by numerous ravines and water-courses, and enclosing flat
cultivated valleys. The only possible way of surveying this country is
to traverse the small streams and village paths. These hills and plateaux
seldom attain a height of 500 feet above the general level of the plain,
and are all of such a uniform elevation that it is of no use to make
clearings for plane-table work. Below Kalewa, also, the country through
which the Chindwin flows is so low, or broken up into such a confusion
of low hills, that little or no topography could be done from any of our
trigonometrical stations, and military considerations prevented our
leaving the river banks for any distance. The forest on these low hills
is very light and open?a few stunted and scantily foliaged trees, with
little or no undergrowth.
Kalewa is very prettily situated on an elevated tongue of land,
between the Myittha and the Chindwin, at their junction, and is the
runs along
port for the Kale country. The one street of the village
the ridge, gradually rising to a commanding eminence crowned with
numerous graceful pagodas, shrines, and zidts. Here the sepoys lived,
and I also had a ziat to dwoll in?a nice airy building overhanging
the river which flows far below. The whole of the platform is of
brick, and formed a perfectly firm foundation for the theodolite in
taking observations for latitude, and here I obtained the best results.
Each pagoda spire is crowned with the usual hti, or gilt umbrella,
with nine small bells attached to each; at night, when a gentle
breeze plays over the hill, the air is full of sweet sound, which
rises and falls with beautiful effect. Often I lay awake at night
listening with pleasure to these innumerable fairy tinklings high over?
head, which mingled with my dreams when at last I slept. Around
Kalewa rise high peaks sloping to the south and east, but falling in
and at night we could see the jungle
abrupt precipices to the north,
fires creeping like snakes in long undulating lines up these steep slopes.
I asked Captain Baikes' Burmese servant how these fires originated.
He said, " At this time of the year the ground is covered with dead
leaves and dry grass, rocks roll from above on to others below and strike
sparks which set light to the inflammable dry vegetation." We were
inclined to pooh-pooh this explanation at first, but further questioning
of other entirely independent witnesses always elicited the same reply.
When we went up to Kendat I had left instructions with my
chaprdssi, Jhanu, to go up to a conspicuous point about three miles from
Kalewa and 2400 feet above it, and put up a mark; on my return I
found he had not done so. He had started with some sepoys with the
intention of getting up, but the day was hot and the climb was a stiff
one, and the guide took them by an unnecessarily roundabout route,
probably from not clearly understanding where he was wanted to go.
The sepoys were disgusted at having to climb hills, being princi?
pally long Pandis of the 18th, and they dawdled and sat down
frequently, saying they were not built to climb hills, and when Jhanu
remonstrated and said if I had been there they would have been up in
half the time, they replied irreverently, " Bosh! is he a bird to fly up
this confounded hill ? " And so Jhanu came back with his work undone.
I therefore, on the night of our return to Kalewa, requested the subaddr
commanding our 18th escort, a very nice gentlemanly man, to pick me
out a few good walkers, and we started next day at daybreak ; crossing
the Myittha took us some time, and we left the opposite bank at 7 a.m.
It was intensely hot, the slopes were very steep and covered with dry
leaves and grass, slippery to a degree. The range is quite precipitous
to the north, and slopes at an average of 40? to the south, the ridge
being a mere knife-edge, barely wide enough for foothold; indeed, where
we put up the mark we could not keep a footing till a little earth
platform had been built up. We reached the top at 8.45, and flashed
down to Kalewa, to the intense astonishment of the sepoys who had
gone with Jhanu. An idea of the steepness of the hill-side may be
formed when I say that when I had my lunch a hole had to be dug for
me to sit in and smaller ones for my heels, my feet being further
supported by a log pegged up below them. I got the mark up and
returned to Kalewa in the evening.
The next day an answer came back from the Tsawbwa to the effect
that raids by Chins, which were frequent just then, kept him at Indin,
his temporary capital, and so he could not come to Kalewa, but he
should be delighted to see Captain Kaikes at Indin if he would take
the trouble to go so far; so we made all arrangements to start on the
15th March. I had my Berthon boat with me, and it was the delight
and admiration of all the Burmese. At Kendat and Kalewa I frequently
went out for a scull in the evening, and there were always several
naked little urchins on the bank waiting for me, and when the boat
was launched they stepped in after me with as much calmness as if it
was the regular ferry-boat. Their confidence in me and my boat was
highly gratifying. On tlie 15th we started, the whole party in boats,
for Indin. On the way up we passed one or two villages which had
been lately looted and burnt by the Chins, in dread of whom the vil?
lagers build huts on piles in mid-stream, or roof over boats lashed
together in pairs and moored far out in the river; and to these temporary
abodes they retire at night, as Chins have a dread of water, as before
In all river scenery in Upper Burma the new comer is struck by
every here and there meeting with a little forest of tall bamboos rising
out of the water, with a black reel attached near the top of each pole.
On inquiry he learns that these are fishing stations, the method of catching
fish being as follows :?A small basket about six inches deep is suspended
from the top of the pole by a piece of cane; to the brim of the basket is
fixed a U-shaped stick, the ends of which are split. The bamboo pole
passes through the loop of the U and the basket is thus held to the
bamboo, but allowed movement with the current of the stream ; a reel
with a line ending in two strong
cords, carrying a hook each, is fixed
to the pole above water, and the
split ends of the U receive the
cords and hooks. These hang just
below and in front of the basket,
which is weighted with stones and
contains packets of pounded rice in
leaves, and hangs near the bottom
ofthe river. The action of the cur?
rent keeps the basket in motion,
shaking out the powdered rice,
which the fish come to eat, and
not seeing the unbaited hooks in
the issuing cloud, get caught.
Their tugs pull the hooks away
from the split sticks holding them,
and their struggles are indicated
by the eccentric movements of the
portion of the bamboo holding the
reel above the surface, to a boat-
man waiting near.
About three miles above Ka-
lewa is a large outcrop of coal, a
seam of about 10 feet thick, of
which a good deal had been taken
out for the steamers plying on the
Chindwin. The bank had been
undermined, and further excava-
tions were dangerous and had been stopped for the time when we
passed up. I made a careful survey of the river as we went along.
We reached Indin on the afternoon of the 17th, and landed at a point
about three miles off,whence a path to Indin cut offa great bend of the
river; and here the Tsawbwa met us in great state with a procession of
girls carrying vases of flowers on their heads, musicians, dancing girls,
matchlock men, and spearmen, and personal attendants bearing a gold
umbrella over him. He mounted us on two elephants with funny little
howdahs, with only space in each for one person, and conducted us in
see the sub-surveyor's onward marks; we saw one, but could not make
out any clearings on the highest range. Mr. Ogle therefore started on
the 10th to put things right. He returned on the 14th, and on the
15th and 1.6th we observed at stations near Mingin. On the 14th April
we received the first letters we had had since 5th March, owing to con-
fusion resulting from our postal line being changed from via Manipur
to via Mandalay.
On the 17th news came that a new steamer going down the river
between Mingin and Alon had run aground, and it was doubtful
whether our launch might not be wanted to assist the steamer. Our
departure was therefore delayed a little, but we were able to start on the
18th, and observing at several stations on the way, reached Alon on the
21st, where we halted for one day to bring up arrears of correspondence,
and then returned up the river observing. All our work above Aldn
was finished by the end of April, only a few points remained south and
east which the sub-surveyor cleared. At Alon we lived on board a
steamer, as accommodation was limited in the small bamboo-walled hut
which did duty for quarters and mess-house for the officers of the
garrison. It had been very hot for some time past, the thermometer
going up to 104?-106? in the shade frequently during the day. The
anchorage was not as salubrious as it might have been, and the result
was that I got a touch of fever in the first week in May.
I was very anxious to visit Lepadaung H.S. to pick up some points
I had previously observed to, and I went down one morning when I
ought to have stayed in bed; we had a long walk across a barren stony
plain, and up a ravine where the breathless atmosphere was like a
furnace, finishing up by a very steep climb of 700 feet. With Mr. Ogle's
assistance, I finished the observations and got back to the steam launch,
but I had to go to bed on my return to Alon, and was on my back till
the 24th, i. e. nearly three weeks. I was moved up on the 15th to the
officers'barracks, Captain Sage very kindly giving up his little room to
me, and all the officers,from Colonel Toker downwards, did what tbey
could for me. The resources of the place were limited, there was no ice,
no soda water, no champagne, the commissariat bread was almost
uneatable, and I lived on tea and indifferent soup for three weeks.
During this time Mr. Ogle was very busy visiting Chaukkah twice,
having been disappointed by the weather of seeing all he wanted on his
first visit. Some heavy storms having cleared the atmosphere he was
more successful on the second trip. At last on the 24th May, a steamer
came and took us all to Mingyan, where Captain Hobday met me.
Mr. Ogle and I left for Mandalay on the 26th in the mail steamer, and
there, thanks to the kind care of General Sir G. White and Captain
Hobday, I rapidly recovered strength, and after a fortnight's stay we
proceeded down to Kangoon. We left Eangoon on the 22nd June and
reached Calcutta on the 25th, and Shillong on the 17th July.
The results of our work are as follows:?an area of 2800 square miles
was triangulated; a portion of the Manipur Valley (860 square miles)
was surveyed on the 1 inch = 2 mile scale; the whole of the Kabu
Yalley, and a large portion of the Lekayain district, comprising an area
of 3924 square miles; and an accurate map obtained of the Chindwin
river between the Uyu river and Monyua below Alon.
Afterthe paper,
Captain E. W. Dun (Deputy Quartermaster-General,Indian Intelligence
Department) submittedthe following notes on the paper, which were read to
the meeting. He said that though he had travelled in the country described
by Colonel Woodthorpe,north of Manipur and east of Samaguting,he could add
little to the informationgiven by so experiencedand observant a traveller.
He would venture to make a few remarks,the result of observationsmade while
he was employed in charge of the Intelligence Branch in Burma, on a subject
which then forceditselfon his attentionand mightmake an appropriateappendix
to Colonel Woodthorpe's paper. The subject is, the systematic collection of
geographicalinformationabout as yet unvisited countries. The subject has had
an attractionfor many distinguishedmen, and he mighi perhapsbe permittedto
instance Colonel Yule as the greatestcompiler of informationof this character.
When he enteredBurma, in November 1885, Colonel Yule's map of Upper Burma
was our sole guide to the northernportion,and without it we should have been
absolutelyat sea. He was placed in chargeof the IntelligenceBranch at Mandalay
in February 1886. In March it became evident that Burma was very far from
being conquered,and that numerousexpeditionswould have to be despatchedfrom
Mandalay in all directions. He was directedto supplyinformation on whichgenerals
could frametheir combinations,and fromwhich the Commissariatcould calculate
the requirementsof columns. At this time the Survey Departmentwas not repre?
sentedin Burma, nor would therehave been timeto make surveys. In these straits
he turnedto native information, and soon foundthat the Burmans possessed(com?
parativelyspeaking) admirable maps, many of them drawn roughlyto scale. As
the royal collectionhad been inadvertentlydestroyed,thesemaps had to be sought
foramong the privatecopies of formergovernorsof districts. This was an operation
of some delicacy,as many of these men naturallyhated us, and a sortof reignof
terrorexisted which preventedthe well-disposedfrombeing seen in conversewith
British officials. Many and various were the artificeswhich had to be employed,
and most picturesque and strange the circumstancesunder which the maps were
obtainedamong the ruined nobles of the Burmesecourt; This, however,only lent
a zest to the undertaking,and by the time Major Hobday of the Indian Survey
Department arrived,native maps of almost the whole of the valley of the Irawadi
had been collected. Major Hobday now supplied fixedpoints,and thejoint resultof
theirlabourswas a map comprising7? of latitudeand 4? of longitude,which,though
far fromaccurate,was found to be useful and eagerlysought after. As the work
progressed,much assistance was obtained fromroute surveysby militaryofficers>
but the main point he wishedto bringto noticewas the practicalvalue ofthe native
information collected.
In the followingyear the same systemwas applied to more distant portionsof
Burma?the Shan States, the Singpho countrybetween Bhamo and the Uyu river,
where the great Endawgyi Lake and the Jade quarries are situated, Wuntho
territory,which is an independent Shan State, and the Yaw country. On the
informationthen collected,five columns of troops were moved distancesvarying
from200 to 600 miles each. These columnswere suppliedwith foodand transport
Q 2
Map, p. 260.
We received from Mr. Selous, in February, another valuable map, illus?
trating the journeys he undertook north of the Zambesi and in the
Barotse country, after his return from Mashuna Land, his map of which
was published in the *Proceedings' for May 1888. After sending the
map and the following letters, he decided on returning to England, and
arrived in time to revise his map for publication.
Banks of the Zambesi,Oct.10,1888.
I left Panda-ma-Tenka on June 5th, 1888, with sixteen pack donkeys
and about twenty-five porters, with the intention of
crossing the Zambesi
at Wankie's, and then following the northern bank to the mouth of the
Kafukwe, as I did in 1877.* From there I intended to strike north,
through the Manica country, and, if possible, reach the Garenganze
country,?(?west of Lake Bangweolo, where elephants are said to be very
* Vide
'ProceedingsK.G.S.,' 1881,p. 169.
f See Mr. Arnot'spaperand map in the *Proceedings/ante,p. 65.
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East of Greeawicli
of theRqyaLGeographical, F.S.Wdler, RedHanSqoan