This document lists and defines many common irregular verbs in English grouped by their root form, past tense form, and past participle form. Some of the most common irregular verbs included are: be/was/been, go/went/gone, do/did/done, have/had/had, say/said/said, see/saw/seen, and make/made/made. The document provides students an overview of irregular verb structures in English.
This document lists and defines many common irregular verbs in English grouped by their root form, past tense form, and past participle form. Some of the most common irregular verbs included are: be/was/been, go/went/gone, do/did/done, have/had/had, say/said/said, see/saw/seen, and make/made/made. The document provides students an overview of irregular verb structures in English.
This document lists and defines many common irregular verbs in English grouped by their root form, past tense form, and past participle form. Some of the most common irregular verbs included are: be/was/been, go/went/gone, do/did/done, have/had/had, say/said/said, see/saw/seen, and make/made/made. The document provides students an overview of irregular verb structures in English.
This document lists and defines many common irregular verbs in English grouped by their root form, past tense form, and past participle form. Some of the most common irregular verbs included are: be/was/been, go/went/gone, do/did/done, have/had/had, say/said/said, see/saw/seen, and make/made/made. The document provides students an overview of irregular verb structures in English.
pay paid paid Pagar, recompensar. say said said Decir, afirmar.
make made made Hacer, confeccionar, producir.
lie lay lain Tenderse, descansar, estar, situado.
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood Entender mal. stand stood stood Pararse, tolerar, estar (de pie). understand understood understood Comprender. withstand Withstood withstood Resistir, oponerse, soportar.
draw drew drawn Dibujar
saw sawed sawn Cortar con sierra, aserrar. show showed shown Mostrar, exhibir, probar, demostrar. withdraw Withdrew withdrawn Retirar, retractarse, quitar.
begin began begun Empezar, iniciar.
cling clung clung Asirse, adherirse, pegarse. ring rang rung Timbrar, taar, repiquetear sing sang sung Cantar spring sprang sprung Saltar, soltar, brotar, surgir.