The Jubilee Church: Welcome To
The Jubilee Church: Welcome To
The Jubilee Church: Welcome To
Entrance to the church is through large doors within
a glass faade. A weekday chapel and baptistery
each have their own entrances.
The building, which has an asymmetrical plan, is
characterized by a rational use of geometry, by
superb handling of light and by the use of white as
a symbol of purity.
Thanks to its glass
\ ceilings and
The church is part of a complex which also includes skylights, the
a community centre, that is a gathering place for church makes
social, educational and recreational activities. dramatic use of light
Richard Meier, who is the first Jewish architect in but it never allows
RICHAR MEIER history to design a church for the Roman Catholic direct sunlight
Church, has perfectly used the Catholic symbolism. inside. Only in the
Richard Meier was born in
The three curved walls resemble the sails of a ship afternoon, specially
Newark, New Jersey, on 12th and refer to the Holy trinity. In particular the highest in summer, sun-rays
October 1934. He graduated sail, which is 26 metres high, represents Gods
from Cornell University in 1957 can filter through to
protection over the Christian Community. The three the crucifix through
at Cornell University.
sails also evoke a boat symbolising the Church a small opening in
During a trip to Europe in 1959
sailing into the Third millennium.asdasdasd asda sd the back.
he joined the office of the Swiss-
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