Analgesik/Pire Tik Dosis Sediaan Obat DOA OOA Drug Interaction Paracetamol IV
Analgesik/Pire Tik Dosis Sediaan Obat DOA OOA Drug Interaction Paracetamol IV
Analgesik/Pire Tik Dosis Sediaan Obat DOA OOA Drug Interaction Paracetamol IV
Paracetamol IV Child: Onset: Oral: <1 hr. Duration: 4-6 hr May reduce serum levels w/ anticonvulsants
<10 kg: 7.5 mg/kg as a single dose, at least IV: 5-10 min (analgesia). IV: 6 (e.g. phenytoin, barbiturates,
4 hrly. Max: 30 mg/kg daily; 10-33 kg: 15 (analgesia); w/in 30 hr (antipyretic). carbamazepine). May enhance the
mg/kg as a single dose, at least 4 hrly. Max: min (antipyretic). anticoagulant effect of warfarin and other
60 mg/kg (up to 2 g) daily; coumarins w/ prolonged use. Accelerated
>33-50 kg: 15 mg/kg as a single dose, at absorption w/ metoclopramide and
least 4 hrly. Max: 60 mg/kg (up to 3 g) daily. domperidone. May increase serum levels w/
Admin by infusion over 15 min probenecid. May increase serum levels of
Oral Child: chloramphenicol. May reduce absorption w/
3 to <6 mth 60 mg; colestyramine w/in 1 hr of admin. May cause
6 mth to <2 yr 120 mg; severe hypothermia w/ phenothiazine
2 to <4 yr 180 mg;
4 to <6 yr 240 mg;
6 to <8 yr 240 or 250 mg;
8 to <10 yr 360 or 375 mg;
10 to <12 yr 480 or 500 mg;
12-16 yr 480 or 750 mg.
Given 4-6 hrly if necessary. Max: 4 doses in
24 hr.
Rectal Child:
3 mth to <1 yr 60-125 mg;
1 to <5 yr 125-250 mg;
5-12 yr 250-500 mg. Given 4-6 hrly if
necessary, up to 4 times daily.
Ibuprofen Oral Fever: 6 mth to 12 yr 10 mg/kg 6-8 hrly. Onset: Analgesic: Duration: 4-6 hr Increased risk of GI bleeding w/ warfarin,
Max: 40 mg/kg/day. 30-60 min. Anti- (oral). corticosteroids, SSRIs and aspirin. May
(harus dengan Intravenous inflammatory: 7 reduce the natriuretic effects of diuretics.
makanan) IV Closure of patent ductus arteriosus days (oral). Reduced antihypertensive effect of ACE
Child: Given as 3 IV doses infused over 15 inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor
min at 24-hr intervals. Initially 10 mg/kg antagonists. May increase toxicity of lithium
followed by 2 doses of 5 mg/kg. A 2nd and methotrexate. Increased nephrotoxicity
course may be given if ductus remains open w/ ciclosporin and tacrolimus.
after 48 hr. Dose should be based on birth
Cefixime Child: >6 mth <50 kg: 8 mg/kg daily as a Increased prothrombin time (w/ or w/o
single or in 2 divided doses. bleeding) w/ anticoagulants (e.g. warfarin).
Increased plasma carbamazepine
concentrations w/ concomitant use.
Increased bioavailability w/ nifedipine.
Increased serum concentration w/
Ceftriaxone Child: 12 yr 20-50 mg/kg once daily May increase nephrotoxicity of
increased to 80 mg/kg in severe infections. aminoglycosides. May diminish therapeutic
Doses 50 mg/kg should be given as IV effect of BCG, typhoid vaccine, Na
infusion over at least 30 min. Max: 50 mg/kg picosulfate. May increase anticoagulant
daily via IV infusion over 60 min (neonates). effect of vit K antagonists (e.g. warfarin). May
increase serum level w/ probenecid.
Potentially Fatal: Admin w/ Ca-containing IV
soln may cause precipitation of a crystalline
material in the lungs and kidneys.
Cefotaxime Parenteral Child: Increased risk of nephrotoxicity w/
0-1 wk 50 mg/kg/dose 12 hrly IV inj; >1-4 aminoglycosides. Increased serum
wk 50 mg/kg/dose 8 hrly IV inj; 1 mth to 12 concentration w/ probenecid.
yr <50 kg: 50-180 mg/kg IM or IV inj in 4-6
divided doses.
Parenteral May enhance the anticoagulant effect of vit K
Susceptible infections antagonists (e.g. warfarin). May diminish the
Cefazolin Child: >1 yr 25-50 mg/kg daily in 3 or 4 therapeutic effect of Na picosulfate, BCG and
divided doses to be given by deep IM inj, typhoid vaccine. May decrease the protein
slow IV inj over 3-5 min, or intermittent or binding of fosphenytoin and phenytoin.
continuous IV infusion. Max: 100 mg/kg daily Probenecid may decrease renal tubular
in divided doses for severe infections. secretion of cefazolin, resulting in increased
and prolonged blood levels. May increase
Parenteral the nephrotoxic effects of aminoglycosides.
Acute uncomplicated urinary tract
Child: >1 yr 25-50 mg/kg daily in 3 or 4
divided doses to be given by deep IM inj,
slow IV inj over 3-5 min, or intermittent or
continuous IV infusion. Max: 100 mg/kg daily
in divided doses for severe infections.
Child: >1 yr 25-50 mg/kg daily in 3 or 4
divided doses to be given by deep IM inj,
slow IV inj over 3-5 min, or intermittent or
continuous IV infusion. Max: 100 mg/kg daily
in divided doses for severe infections.
Bone and joint infections, Complicated
intra-abdominal infections, Skin and skin
structure infections, complicated
Child: <40 kg: 100-150 mg/kg daily in 3
divided doses. Max: 6 g daily.
Bacterial meningitis, Empiric therapy for
febrile neutropenic patients, Nosocomial
Child: <40 kg: 150 mg/kg daily in 3 divided
doses. Max: 6 g daily.
Complicated urinary tract infections
Child: <40 kg: 100-150 mg/kg daily in 3
divided doses. Max: 6 g daily.
Prophylaxis of disseminated
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)
Child: 20 mg/kg once wkly. Max: 1.2 g.
Alternatively 5 mg/kg once daily. Max: 250
Active immunisation against typhoid
fever caused by Salmonella typhi
Child: 3-17 yr 20 mg/kg (Max: 1 g) once
daily for 5-7 days or 10 mg/kg (Max: 500
Intravenous Rhabdomyolysis w/ or w/o renal impairment
Susceptible infections w/ HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (e.g.
Erythromycin Child: 12.5 mg/kg 4 times daily. Doses can simvastatin). Increased risk of colchicine
be doubled in severe infections. 0-1 mth 10- toxicity. Increased sedation w/
15 mg/kg tid. triazolobenzodiazepines and related
benzodiazepines (e.g. alprazolam,
midazolam). Theophylline may decrease and
cimetidine may increase erythromycin
Ophthalmic concentration. Hypotension, bradyarrhythmia
Treatment and prophylaxis of neonatal and lactic acidosis w/ Ca channel blockers
conjunctivitis (e.g. verapamil, amlodipine, diltiazem).
Child: As 0.5% oint: Apply approx 1 cm in Increased systemic exposure of sildenafil.
length into each of the lower conjunctival Increased or prolonged adverse effects w/
sac, then massage gently to spread the oint. ciclosporin, carbamazepine, tacrolimus,
alfentanil, disopyramide, rifabutin, quinidine,
Oral methylprednisolone, cilostazol, vinblastine
Prophylaxis of streptococcal infections in and bromocriptine. Increased risk of digoxin
patients with evidence of rheumatic fever toxicity. Increased bleeding w/ oral
or heart disease anticoagulants.
Child: For patients who are unable to take Potentially Fatal: QT prolongation, cardiac
penicillins or sulfonamides: 1 mth to 2 yr 125 arrhythmias, ventricular tachycardia,
mg bid. ventricular fibrillation, torsades de pointes w/
cisapride, pimozide, astemizole or
Oral terfenadine. Acute ergot toxicity w/
Respiratory tract infections, Skin and soft ergotamine and dihydroergotamine.
tissue infections, Susceptible infections
Child: 30-50 mg/kg daily, in 2-4 divided
doses, may be doubled in severe cases. <2
yr 500 mg daily in divided doses; 2-8 yr 1 g
daily in divided doses.
Severe infections
Child: 3-7.5 mg/kg daily in 3 divided doses.
Skin infections
Child: Same as adult dose.
Per 480 mg
tab Co-
Cotrimoxazole trimoxazole:
Indo Farma Sulfamethoxaz
( sulfamethoxaz ole (SMZ) 400
ole and mg,
trimethoprim ; B trimethoprim
elongs to the (TM) 80
class of mg. Per 120
combinations of mg tab SMZ
sulfonamides 100 mg, TM
and 20 mg. Per 5
trimethoprim, mL susp SMZ
including 200 mg, TM
derivatives. 40 mg.
Used in the
treatment of
Child: 1-3 yr 500 mg once daily; >3-7 yr 600-
800 mg once daily; >7-10 yr 1 g once daily.
Doses are given for 3 days.
Anaerobic bacterial infections
Child: <8 wk 7.5 mg/kg 12 hrly or 15 mg/kg
once daily. 8 wk to 12 yr 7.5 mg/kg 8 hrly or
20-30 mg/kg once daily. Duration of
treatment is usually for 7 days depending on
the severity of infection.
Child: 1-10 yr 40 mg/kg as a single dose or
15-30 mg/kg daily in 2-3 divided doses for 7
days. Max: 2 g/dose.
Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis
Child: 1-3 yr 50 mg tid; >3-7 yr 100 mg
bid; >7-10 yr 100 mg tid. Doses are given for
3 days.
Anaerobic infections
Child: <1 yr 125 mg; 1-5 yr 250 mg; >5-10
yr 500 mg. All doses to be given 8 hrly for 3
days, then 12 hrly thereafter until oral
medication is possible.
Prophylaxis of postoperative anaerobic
bacterial infections
Child: 5-10 yr 500 mg 2 hr before surgery,
repeated 8 hrly for 3 days, then 12 hrly
thereafter until oral medication is possible.