Commission of Inquiry Into Higher Education Report

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1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 9

1.1 The start of the #Feesmustfall protest: the demands and the outcome
............................................................................................................ 9
1.2 The students demands .................................................................... 16
1.3 The consequences of the protest and determined increases ........... 20

2 The Mandate of the Commission .................................................................. 26

3 Higher Education and Training: Purpose, Policy and Historical

Development and Funding............................................................................. 32

3.1 The purpose of higher education ...................................................... 32

3.2 Higher education policy .................................................................... 34
3.3 The National Development Plan (NDP) ............................................ 36
3.4 The White Paper for Post-School Education and Training (PSET)
(2013) ............................................................................................... 38
3.5 Early policy decisions on university funding ..................................... 39
3.6 Public or private benefit .................................................................... 42
3.7 Defining higher education and training for the purposes of the
Commission ...................................................................................... 57
3.8 Post-school education and training (PSET): developing and
maintaining the sector ...................................................................... 64
3.9 The PSET system ............................................................................. 66
3.10 The PSET sector .............................................................................. 67
3.11 The college sector ............................................................................ 67
3.12 TVET funding needs ......................................................................... 71
3.13 The university sector ........................................................................ 78
3.14 University funding ............................................................................. 79
3.15 Private higher education and training ............................................. 100
3.16 Conclusion ...................................................................................... 104

4 Fee-free in the Context of Higher Education and Training ..................... 105

5 Feasible ....................................................................................................... 107

6 Legal Considerations, including the Constitution..................................... 107

6.1 The constitutional obligation in relation to higher education and

training ............................................................................................ 107

6.2 The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996 . 110
6.3 Expression of the Constitution in government and ANC policy ...... 116
6.4 ANC policy decisions, 2007 to 2012 ............................................... 119
6.5 Fee-free Working Group ................................................................. 122

7 International Obligations ............................................................................. 125

8 Steps taken to Realise the Right to Accessible / Free Higher Education 134

9 Testimony on free education ....................................................................... 137

9.1 An overview of the testimony on free education ............................. 138

9.2 Government and statutory bodies testimonies .............................. 140
9.3 Students and student organisations ............................................... 148
9.4 Higher education institutions .......................................................... 164
9.4.1 Universities ....................................................................... 164
9.4.2 TVETS .............................................................................. 186
9.4.3 Private providers ............................................................... 190
9.4.4 Civil society groups, research bodies and individuals ...... 193

10 The Cost of Education: The Research Report on the Costing and

Financing of the White Paper on Post-School Education and Training:
September 2016 ............................................................................................ 206

11 National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) ..................................... 210

11.1 NSFAS legislative and regulatory framework ................................. 210

11.2 Rules .............................................................................................. 213
11.3 Rules applicable to unversities ....................................................... 213
11.4 Means test to assess financial eligibility ......................................... 215
11.5 Implications of the NSFAS cap ....................................................... 217
11.6 Topslicing ....................................................................................... 217
11.7 Shortcomings of NSFAS ................................................................. 219
11.8 The NSFAS Student Centred Model .............................................. 220
11.9 Rules for NSFAS funding to TVET Students .................................. 225
11.10 Rules regulating other NSFAS sources of funding ......................... 226
11.11 Views regarding the NSFAS system .............................................. 227
11.12 Testimony by NSFAS ..................................................................... 232
11.13 Testimony to the Commission on NSFAS ...................................... 235
11.14 Governance and administration of NSFAS ..................................... 236
11.15 University financial aid offices ........................................................ 237
11.16 Means testing ................................................................................. 238
11.17 Insufficient funding .......................................................................... 239

11.18 Student success ............................................................................. 241
11.19 Collection of loans .......................................................................... 242
11.20 Loans and black tax ........................................................................ 244
11.21 Conclusion ...................................................................................... 245

12 Prioritisation of Higher Education and Training ........................................ 246

13 The Balancing Process ................................................................................ 248

14 The Historical National Budget and Future Financial Outlook................. 248

15 Government Funding on Higher Education and Training as a Percentage

of GDP............................................................................................................ 259

16 State Subsidy in Line with Consumer Price Index (CPI) v the Higher
Education Price Index (HEPI) ...................................................................... 262

17 Enrolments Outpace the Subsidy ............................................................... 263

18 The Appropriateness of Using GDP as a Measure to Assess the Level of

Government Funding ................................................................................... 263

19 Government Spending on Higher Education and Training as a Percentage

of State Budget ............................................................................................. 265

20 Improvements in the Budget ....................................................................... 268

21 Funding of Institutions in the Post School Education and Training Sector

(PSET) ............................................................................................................ 271

21.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 271

21.2 Regulatory framework .................................................................... 272
21.3 The Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Funding of
Universities ..................................................................................... 275
21.4 Income sources of public higher education institutions .................. 279
21.5 First stream ..................................................................................... 279
21.6 Second stream ............................................................................... 285
21.7 Considerations when setting fees. .................................................. 286
21.8 Third stream ................................................................................... 290
21.9 Availability of third stream funding across all institutions ................ 291

22 Funding Framework for Government ......................................................... 292

22.1 Analysis .......................................................................................... 292

22.2 Critique of the funding formula ....................................................... 294
22.3 Steering mechanisms ..................................................................... 295
22.4 Processes underway ...................................................................... 296

23 Student Housing ........................................................................................... 299

23.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 299

23.2 Overview of student accommodation in the PSET sector .............. 299
23.2.1 Universities ....................................................................... 299
23.2.2 TVETs ............................................................................... 303
23.2.3 Findings of the Committee ................................................ 304
23.3 Experiences of students ................................................................. 308
23.4 Processes underway ...................................................................... 312

24 Outsourcing .................................................................................................. 314

25 Libraries......................................................................................................... 319

26 TVET Colleges............................................................................................... 323

26.1 Regulatory framework .................................................................... 323

26.2 Funding model ................................................................................ 325
26.3 Ministerial Committee on the Review of the Funding Frameworks of
TVET Colleges and CET Colleges ................................................. 327
26.4 Challenges in the TVET sector ....................................................... 329

27 Decrease in Subsidies and Increase in NSFAS Allocation ....................... 335

27.1 The factual position ........................................................................ 336

27.1.1 The declining state subsidy to universities ....................... 336
27.1.2 The block grant ................................................................. 337
27.1.3 Eroding factors.................................................................. 337
27.1.4 The disparity between the subsidy (less NSFAS) and student
growth ............................................................................... 339
27.1.5 The effect of the declining subsidy ................................... 342
27.1.6 Are subsidies regressive?................................................. 343

28 Rationale for the Increase in the NSFAS Allocation.................................. 344

29 Student Success ........................................................................................... 350

29.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 350

29.2 The NDP ......................................................................................... 350
29.3 The 2012 Green Paper ................................................................... 351
29.4 The Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) ........................... 351

30 The Working Group on the Feasibility of Providing Fee Free Higher

Education to the Poor .................................................................................. 353

30.1 The 2013 White Paper .................................................................... 353

30.2 Student support .............................................................................. 354
30.3 The University Capacity Development Programme (UCDP) .......... 355

30.4 Other interventions ......................................................................... 358

31 Alternatives to Address Accessibility ........................................................ 359

31.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 359

31.2 Definition of open learning .............................................................. 360
31.3 International trends ......................................................................... 362
31.3.1 Expanded access through open learning ........................ 363
31.3.2 Developments in information and communication
technologies...................................................................... 364
31.3.3 Learning content management systems ........................... 364
31.3.4 Use of open educational resources .................................. 364
31.3.5 Blended learning ............................................................... 365
31.3.6 Massive Open Online Courses ......................................... 365
31.3.7 New Types of open Institutions......................................... 365
31.3.8 Cross-institutional collaboration ........................................ 366
31.3.9 Emphasis on active learning approaches ......................... 366
31.3.10 Digital badges ................................................................... 366
31.3.11 Popularity of non-formal and informal learning ................. 367
31.3.12 Mobile technologies .......................................................... 367
31.4 Legislative Framework .................................................................... 367
31.5 Implementation ............................................................................... 373

32 Funding of Open Learning ........................................................................... 375

32.1 Submissions to the Commission .................................................... 377

32.2 Student funding .............................................................................. 382
32.2.1 The historical position ....................................................... 382
32.2.2 Tuition fees as a percentage of university income............ 384
32.2.3 Different increases in student funding across institutions . 385
32.2.4 Further sources of student funding ................................... 387
32.2.5 National Research Foundation (NRF) .............................. 392
32.2.6 Sources of NRF funds ...................................................... 394
32.2.7 Inherent limitations to NRF funds ..................................... 395
32.2.8 Eduloan/FUNDI................................................................. 397
32.2.9 Loans ................................................................................ 398
32.2.10 FUNDI bursaries ............................................................... 400
32.2.11 Other commercial student loans ....................................... 400
32.2.12 BASA bursaries ................................................................ 402
32.2.13 BASA loans....................................................................... 403
32.3 Historic Debt ................................................................................... 406
32.4 Funding models .............................................................................. 407
32.5 Alternative Sources of Funding ...................................................... 408
32.5.1 Public Investment Corporation.......................................... 409
32.5.2 Funds held by the PIC ...................................................... 410
32.5.3 PIC funding sources ......................................................... 411
32.5.4 PIC investment in student accommodation ...................... 415
32.5.5 PIC contribution to loan financing ..................................... 416

32.6 Government Employees Pension Fund .......................................... 417
32.6.1 Limitations on the use of unclaimed funds........................ 419
32.6.2 Funds under management................................................ 421
32.7 Unemployment Insurance Fund ..................................................... 422
32.7.1 UIFs financial position ...................................................... 424
32.7.2 UIFs investment portfolio ................................................. 425
32.7.3 UIFs investment in education........................................... 427
32.7.4 Constraints to using UIF funds ......................................... 427
32.8 The Skills Development Levy ......................................................... 431
32.8.1 Financial position .............................................................. 434
32.9 The National Skills Fund ................................................................. 435
32.9.1 Funding of the No Fee Increase ....................................... 436
32.10 Increased taxation .......................................................................... 438
32.10.1 Proposed increase in direct taxes..................................... 439
32.10.2 Increasing indirect tax ....................................................... 441
32.11 Social impact bonds ....................................................................... 442
32.12 BBBEE ............................................................................................ 443
32.13 Thuto ke Lesedi .............................................................................. 444
32.14 Corruption and other inefficiencies ................................................. 447

33 Fee Regulation .............................................................................................. 448

33.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 448

33.2 What is fee regulation? ................................................................... 449
33.3 Processes underway ...................................................................... 450
33.3.1 Ministers request for advice ............................................. 450
33.3.2 The work of the Council on Higher Education .................. 451
33.3.3 The CHEs advice ............................................................. 452
33.4 Implications for Institutional Autonomy ........................................... 459

34 Student Funding Systems ........................................................................... 464

34.1 Online university ............................................................................. 464

34.2 Principles, priorities and challenges ............................................... 466
34.3 Differential fee ................................................................................ 471
34.4 ISFAP proposal (Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme) ........ 479
34.4.1 The means test ................................................................. 481
34.4.2 The mix of loans and grants (gap year) ............................ 483
34.4.3 The inclusion of private sector money .............................. 484
34.4.4 CSI money ........................................................................ 485
34.4.5 Social impact bonds.......................................................... 486
34.4.6 BBBEE .............................................................................. 486

34.4.7 The full costing of the ISFAP model and the assumptions /
modelling undertaken ....................................................... 486
34.5 Fee-free for all ................................................................................ 494
34.6 Graduate tax ................................................................................... 502
34.7 Income-contingent loans ................................................................ 508

35 The ICL Scheme Proposed by Professor Fioramonti................................ 512

35.1 Conclusion ...................................................................................... 525

36 Selection of a Model That Best Answers the Test of Feasibility .............. 526

36.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 526

36.2 The cost of providing ICL funding to university and college students
........................................................................................................ 536

37 Recommendations........................................................................................ 540

37.1 Funding the sector .......................................................................... 540

37.2 Quality ............................................................................................ 543
37.3 Size and shape ............................................................................... 544
37.4 Student accommodation ................................................................. 546
37.5 Online and blended learning as a form of cost reduction in education
........................................................................................................ 547
37.6 Funding for CET students ............................................................... 548
37.7 Costing the proposals for funding university and TVET students ... 548
37.8 Funding for TVET students ............................................................. 549
37.9 Funding for university students ....................................................... 551
37.10 Postgraduate students .................................................................... 555
37.11 Historic debt .................................................................................... 556
37.12 NSFAS ............................................................................................ 557
37.13 Funding for the TVET sector .......................................................... 558
37.14 Funding for the university sector .................................................... 559
37.15 Other sources of funding for the PSET sector as a whole .............. 559
37.16 ISFAP as an alternative .................................................................. 561

Annexure A : Reconciling Efficiency, Access, Fairness and Equality: The case for
income-contingent student loans with universal eligibility...................... 562

Annexure B : Governance innovation for funding tertiary education in South

Africa: The case for a public private partnership in the management of
income contingent loans ............................................................................. 593

Annexure C : Unemployment Insurance Fund: Assessment of the Financial

Impact of the Amendment Bill of 2015........................................................ 611

Annexure D : Brief from the Commission to the Actuarial Society of South Africa
and Report titled Cost of Different Scenarios for the Funding of Higher
Education and Training ............................................................................... 691

Annexure E : Letter from the Banking Association of South Africa to the

Commission dated 26 May 2017.................................................................. 747




1. In 2015, the South African higher education sector was shaken by

protests across the country. What distinguished the 2015 protests from

those experienced periodically over the decade before, was that the hub

of these protests was at the historically-white universities. The majority

of the protests experienced since 2000 were focused at the historically-

black universities, where issues including fees, access to the National

Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), student accommodation needs

and other related issues were the cause of frequent, but uncoordinated


2. In 2015, protests began on 9 March at the University of Cape Town. The

main concern of these protests was a lack of institutional transformation,

and the focal point was the prominent statue of Cecil John Rhodes on

campus. The #Rhodesmustfall movement achieved its short-term aim of

having the statue removed, but deeper tension remained. 2 At the

University of Stellenbosch, a similar movement, called Open

Stellenbosch, emerged to counter the lack of transformation at that

institution, and one of their focal points was the language issue. The

There are many accounts of the student protests of 2015-16. In this chapter we provide one
version with no pretensions to meticulous accuracy.

movement consisted predominantly of black students and academics

who resisted the slow rate of transformation.3

3. In his testimony to the Commission, the Minister of Higher Education and

Training, Dr. Blade Nzimande, explained that tensions on university

campuses continued during 2015, even after these initial protests

subsided.4 There was renewed concern regarding university fees, and in

September 2015 Universities South Africa (USAf), the forum for

university Vice-Chancellors, and the University Council Chairs Forum

(UCCF) wrote a letter to President Zuma requesting a meeting to discuss

the crisis at universities. Minister Nzimande explained that:

USAf and UCCF were particularly concerned about potential violence on

campuses at the start of the 2016 academic year, and the large number
of NSFAS qualifying students who were un- or underfunded due to the
NSFAS shortfall, and who would be financially excluded in the new year
unless a solution was found. The Minister was alerted to the letter by the
Presidency. It was only after contacting the Chair of USAf that USAf
formally informed the Minister of the request.

The meeting was held on 6 October 2015 between his Excellency

President Jacob Zuma; Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr.
Blade Nzimande MP; various Ministers and Deputy Ministers; and
representatives from Universities South Africa (USAf) and University
Council Chairs Forum (UCCF). The meeting discussed key issues facing
universities, including student financial aid, the politicisation of university
campuses and transformation of higher education, brought into sharp

Minister of Higher Education and Trainings Input for Presidential Commission, 13 October

focus by various new student movements, e.g. Rhodes must fall, Open

4. Emanating from this meeting, a Presidential Task Team was established

to look at measures to mitigate possible student protests and unrest at

the start of the 2016 academic year. This meeting took place a week

before the second higher education summit on transformation was due

to commence on 15 October 2015.

5. On the same day (6 October), protest action was initiated at the

University of the Witwatersrand under the banner Wits Fees Must Fall.

The number of students who gathered at the gates to the University in

the early hours of the morning was small, but later as they marched

across the campus other sympathetic students and academics joined

their ranks. At the height, about 5 000 joined the protest. Shaeera Kalla

(2015 Wits SRC President) explained that they were upset after losing

the vote on student fees at the Wits council meeting, and rejected the

reasons provided for the agreed increase. However, the protests only

gained momentum a week later.5

6. In his testimony, the Minister explained further that,

At the summit, it became clear that the climate was ripe for protest when
the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) announced a fee increase of
10.5%, coinciding with the first day of the Summit. The #FeesMustFall
campaign took the country by storm, spreading first to other more

Malcom Ray, Free Fall. Why South African universities are in a race against time (Bookstrom:
2016), pp.362-4.

privileged institutions (University of Cape Town, Stellenbosch University,
Rhodes University) and then on to other institutions across the country.
Following the protests over the fee increases announced at Wits, the
Minister attempted to broker a solution between universities (represented
by the executive committees of Universities South Africa (USAf) and the
University Chairs of Council Forum (UCCF), students (represented by the
South African Union of Students (SAUS)), and Staff Unions. At the
meeting, it was agreed that fees should increase by no more than 6%;
this was seen as a reasonable compromise and stakeholders were
requested to go back and negotiate at the institutional level to find a
solution within that framework.

Students immediately rejected this proposal, protests escalated across

the system, and students renewed their demand that #Feesmustfall and
that there should be a 0% increment across all universities.6

7. On Wednesday 21 October 2015, protests reached a new height as

students and workers joined together in protest at Parliament in Cape

Town, with protests bringing together demands for free education and the

insourcing of workers. Parliament that day was scheduled to hear the

Finance Minister, Nhlanhla Nene, deliver his medium-term budget

speech. Students were demanding that more money be allocated to

higher education. Police, armed with stun grenades and tear gas,

gathered to try and block students from accessing the area. Students and

workers managed to reach the Parliament precinct, with calls for Fees

must fall and End outsourcing. Students demanded that Nzimande

address them. The Economic Freedom Front (EFF) delayed Nenes

speech inside Parliament, demanding that the issue of fee increases

Minister of Higher Education and Trainings Input for Presidential Commission, 13 October

should be debated. Students managed to enter Parliaments grounds and

police responded with stun grenades and tear gas. After Nenes speech,

Nzimande tried to address the angry crowd, but was faced with calls for

his resignation. The protest resulted in the arrest of 23 protestors and

injury to others. This only led to further protests at campuses across the


8. Minister Nzimande explained to the Commission that,

On 23 October 2015, the President called a meeting of all student and

university leaders, as well as some members of his Cabinet and senior
government officials to discuss the situation, try to find some common
ground and enable academic programmes and university examinations
to go ahead. At the meeting, SRCs and student formations were
represented as well as university Vice-Chancellors and Chairs of Council.

Preceding the meeting, the Vice-Chancellors and Chairs of Council met

to caucus on their position. Government did not meet prior to the meeting
to caucus. At the meeting, the President provided ample time for all
students to speak. They had varying positions from a 0% increment, to
no fees at all; ending outsourcing; decolonising the curriculum and so on.
Following the students input, the President requested that university
leaders respond. The Chair of USAf (Professor Adam Habib) stood up,
informed the meeting that UCCF and USAf had caucused before the
meeting, and had a proposal to put on the table for discussion. He then
proposed specifically:

- There should be an agreement on a 0% fee increment for the 2016

academic year, which would give time for longer term issues to be dealt;

Ray, Free Fall, pp. 368-71;

- That the President should consider setting up a Presidential
Commission to look into the whole issue of effectively funding higher

Students agreed to the terms. The President then gave the Minister of
Higher Education and Training, and the Minister of Science and
Technology an opportunity to comment. Minister Nzimande accepted the
decision. Minister Pandor raised a major concern over how this would be
funded. The Deputy Chair of USAf (Professor Derek Swartz) indicated
that in line with previous discussions with the Minister of Higher
Education and Training, universities who had good balance sheets would
assist with raising the funds required, and that government would not be
expected to cover all the costs themselves.8

9. On the same day, two days after the protests in Parliament and one day

after protests at Luthuli House, thousands of students marched on the

Union Buildings. Students came from across Gauteng, and were joined

by school learners. Students expected that the President would make an

announcement to them on the outcomes of the meeting. This did not

happen. Certain students were incensed at the Presidents silence and

tried to push through the barricades. Police responded with tear gas and

rubber bullets. Fires were started and a battle between police and

students ensued, with a police van being overturned and students being

forced out of the grounds of the Union Buildings.9

Minister of Higher Education and Trainings Input for Presidential Commission, 13 October

10. In his testimony to the Commission, Minister Nzimande said that the zero

percent increase was not a Government decision, but that it was rather

the universities that put forward the proposal and that the collective

meeting agreed on it. The President announced the decision.

11. The Minister added further that the Presidential Task Team, which was

due to report at the end of November 2015, was asked to quantify the

cost of the zero per cent increase. The Task Team found that the cost for

2016 was R2.330 billion. Furthermore, the shortfall for unfunded and

under-funded NSFAS students in the system for the 2013 to 2015

academic years was R2.543 billion. It was recommended that

government find a way to cover these costs in the short-term.10

12. The start of the 2016 academic year witnessed renewed protest.

Demands escalated beyond the call for free education and came to

include the scrapping all student debt; an end to the outsourcing of

service workers at universities; curriculum transformation; the availability

of decent and affordable student accommodation for university students;

and an end to rape culture on university campuses. 11 The issue of

transformation came to the fore again, and protests about the language

of instruction reared at some institutions. By this time, it was clear that

student discontent stretched beyond a single-issue, and that even the

students had different priorities and aims. Protests led to violence and

Minister of Higher Education and Trainings Input for Presidential Commission, 13 October
DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.

the destruction of property on some campuses, and the estimated cost

of damage to property between October 2015 and June 2016 stood at

R500 million.12

13. Calm was restored until 19 September 2016, when Minister Nzimande,

announced that fee-increases for 2017 would be decided by university

councils, but would not exceed 8%. He also provided for a 0% increase

for all those from families with a household income of less than R600 000

per annum.13 Protests resulted in further damage to university property

across the country, with many institutions closing down as a result.

Examinations were cancelled or postponed. Some institutions decided to

complete the academic year online.


14. The South African Union of Students (SAUS) is made up of Student

Representative Council (SRC) Presidents from most of the universities in

South Africa. In their submission to the Commission, the students from

the University of Venda explained that they had decided not to affiliate to

SAUS for 2016 as they would rather engage with university management


than strike, and they felt that their circumstances differed from the

experience of other universities.14

15. SAUS made both a submission and presentation to the Commission to

clarify their view on the demand for free education.15 They explained that

they believe that free education will help to achieve social justice and

transformation. They argued that charging fees is against the spirit of the

Freedom Charter of 1955, and that the vast majority of South Africans

support the demand for free education and identify with the aspirations

of the Freedom Charter. However, SAUS accepts that free education,

where finances are no longer a barrier to access, is a long-term vision,

and that a phased model is most likely required. Free education for the

poor is the first step towards a progressive higher education system.

SAUS explained that empowering the poor is the starting step to

alleviating class struggles.

16. Regarding the missing middle, SAUS explained that these are not

middle-class students, but rather working-class students who are too rich

for NSFAS, and too poor to pay fees: too poor to be rich, and too rich to

be poor. They described them as the children of teachers, of policemen,

of civil servants and others.

University of Venda presentation to the Commission, 24 August 2016.
SAUS submission and presentation to the Commission, 10 August 2016.

17. SAUS explained further that the fight is not just for free education, but for

decolonized free and quality education a total overhaul of the current

system that is inherently exploitative and exclusionary. Exclusion is not

only on financial grounds, but also on academic and emotional levels.

Thus, a restructuring is needed to ensure student success.

18. SAUS was of the opinion that institutions have allowed education and

learning to be commodified, meaning that people get the education that

they can AFFORD, not the education that they deserve. It has become

a marketable service which the student pays for, rather than an academic

project. According to them, the focus has shifted towards accumulating

credits at a certain cost, rather than on teaching and learning. SAUS also

criticised the TVET system as students cannot find work after completing

a course, and described private institutions as the epitome of the

commodification of education.

19. In summary, SAUS explained that the demand is for the decolonisation

of the education system; the de-commodification of higher education;

curriculum review; broader transformation of the sector; the eradication

of structural issues and the defeating of institutional autonomy; together

with free quality education for the missing middle and the poor.16


20. The South African Students Congress (SASCO) also made a submission
and presentation to the Commission. SASCO commented that

commercialization of higher education, which essentially advocates for

the management and governing of institutions of higher learning in ways

identical to the manner in which business corporations are managed, has

reversed some of the tactical victories we have made in the post 1994

period. They also referred to the Freedom Charter and to the missing-

middle, explaining that capable students from working class and lower

middle-class families should also be subsidised with their families

providing a household contribution to their studies in proportion to their

ability to pay.

21. SASCO articulated the demand for free education to include tuition,

accommodation, food, books, other essential study materials or learning

resources and travel that are the full cost of study fees. It referred to the

NSFAS review, which stated that Free university education for the poor

can directly assist in tackling the problem of the growing numbers of

youth who are not in education, employment or training, and reducing the

high levels of dropout from universities, thus strengthening the higher

education system as a whole.

22. SASCO re-iterated SAUSs call for the de-commodification of education,

explaining that Free, accessible and relevant education is a means for

social development, personal empowerment and the advancement of

SASCO submission and presentation to the Commission, 22 August 2016.

well-being, as well as economic development of nations. It provides for

teaching, learning, research and community engagement which leads to

production and reproduction of knowledge and cultural capital. As such,

SASCO supports the complete eradication of tuition fees as a step

towards dismantling the market, which would also lead to collaboration

between students and institutions, rather than competition. SASCO

criticised the ranking of institutions in this regard. SASCO concluded that

for fees to be removed, a funding model would be required that gave

financial security and autonomy without unhealthy competition for




23. The #FeesMustFall protests and the subsequent decisions about funding

have had a major impact on the post-school education sector. The effects

have varied across the system, but have been felt by all. One of the

consequences of the protests was the establishment of a Presidential

Commission of Inquiry into higher education and training (higher

education) on 14 January 2016. The terms of reference included making

recommendations on the feasibility of making higher education and

training fee-free in South Africa.


24. The financial impact of the protests was profound. For students, it meant

no fee increase for 2016 and either a reduced or no fee increase for 2017,

depending on the students income bracket. All students, no matter their

household income, benefited from the 2016 decision.

25. For the government, R16.2 billion was reprioritised into university

baseline funding and NSFAS from across government for the MTEF (to

fund unfunded poor students through NSFAS and the effect of the 0%

fee increase in 2016 and its carry through effect over 3 years).19 The

NSFAS allocation for historic debt was R2.543bn; and additional funding

for students to continue was R2.039bn. This resulted in an additional

funding allocation of R9.2bn for NSFAS over the MTEF period.20 This will

be an ongoing cost into the foreseeable future. The cost of the 2017

government funding of zero percent for all those from households with an

income of less than R600 000 is yet to be determined, as the number of

students falling into this category is unknown. It is expected that about

75% of students will need to be covered.21 While funding for NSFAS has

been increased, there is still a shortage to cover all qualifying students.

26. For the universities, it meant increased financial strain. Many institutions

were already under severe financial pressure as a result of costs

increasing at above inflation rates and student numbers rising quickly,

DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.
NSFAS presentation to the Commission, 15 November 2016.
Minister of Higher Education and Trainings Input for Presidential Commission, 13 October

meaning that subsidy increases were too low. For instance, Rhodes

University indicated that it was not bankrupt, but cash-strapped. 22

Furthermore, a number of institutions indicated that they projected a

budget deficit as a result of the zero percent increase, which would have

deepened with a second zero percent increase in 2017.23 All historically-

disadvantaged institutions and some smaller institutions, such as Rhodes

University, declared that they will not contribute to the effect of the zero

per cent increase. UCT, Wits, Pretoria, Stellenbosch all contributed on a

Rand-to-Rand basis together with the DHET to absorb the effects of the

zero percent increase, totaling a R395 million contribution from

universities to lessen the impact of the no-fee increase decision.24 Nelson

Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) reported to the Commission a

loss of R15.6 million after the DHET subsidy for the loss. The 2016 zero

percent increase will impact on these institutions for many years to come,

as any possible future fee increases, will be on a reduced fee base.

Furthermore, institutions faced the further burden of historic student debt

and non-payment of fees. Institutions explained to the Commission that

debt was a problem for their sustainability, and that in the wake of the

protests, fewer students were paying their fees.25 High levels of debt are

also indicative of the fact that many students couldnt afford these fees.

Rhodes University presentation to the Commission, 2 September 2016.
For example: Walter Sisulu University presentation and submission to the Commission, 1
September 2016; North-West University presentation to the Commission, 12 August; Tshwane
University of Technology presentation to the Commission, 21 October 2016; Nelson Mandela
Metropolitan University presentation and submission to the Commission, 2 September 2016.
Correspondence with DHET, 11 May 2017.
For example: Walter Sisulu University presentation and submission to the Commission, 1
September 2016; Rhodes University presentation to the Commission, 2 September 2016;
North-West University presentation to the Commission, 12 August; Tshwane University of
Technology presentation to the Commission, 21 October 2016; Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
University presentation and submission to the Commission, 2 September 2016.

NMMU indicated that another challenge for 2016 was debt relief to

academically deserving students. A number of institutions indicated that

they had created bursaries for deserving poor students, or provided

NSFAS top-up money, and that this was a form of cross-subsidisation

between students from different economic backgrounds.

27. USAf, in their submission to the Commission stated that At the same

time, South Africas higher education system faces some of the most

telling challenges in its recent history with widespread concerns about

the instability it experiences, in particular in terms of its funding. It has

always been assumed that its primary roles are to address the national

social justice agenda, on the one hand, and to contribute to the creation

of high-level human resources and knowledge for the economy and for

the national socio-political project. To make progress in achieving these

the sector has to be properly funded.26

28. Added to this, many universities agreed to the insourcing of workers as

part of the negotiations to end the protests. USAf explained to the

Commission that full insourcing was expected to cost the sector

somewhere between an additional R0.5 to R2 billion per annum. This

would include salary supplements to meet agreed minimum wages of

between R5 000 and R10 000 per month. NMMU indicated that this was

an immediate additional cost of R34.5 million.27 USAf added that it was

Universities South Africa submission to the Commission.
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University presentation and submission to the Commission, 2
September 2016.

hoped that there would be efficiency gains in terms of productivity and

reducing profiteering; and that some institutions didnt foresee any cost


29. Damages to infrastructure as a result of the first wave of protests (2015

until April 2016) were estimated at between R500 and R600 million.29

Figures for the second-wave of protests would likely be higher as a

number of buildings were burnt, including part of a law library at UKZN.30

30. There was also a cost to the academic project as class time was lost and

some examinations were postponed or even cancelled. There was

considerable concern about how this would impact on final year students

and the knock-on effect for hospitals and health care institutions awaiting

their new intake of graduate interns. Various institutions indicated

austerity measures including a freeze on all administrative posts (with

academic posts possibly to follow); a reduction in library budgets and

reductions in investment for long term projects or in maintenance

budgets. These measures impact further on the academic project.

31. For the TVET sector, there was a perceived negative overall impact. The

TVET students were not involved in the protests, despite serious

underfunding in that sector. According to the submission by SAFETSA,

Universities South Africa presentation to the Commission, 20 October 2016.
Minister of Higher Education and Trainings Input for Presidential Commission, 13 October

the TVET sector experienced budget cuts as a result of the protests; this

affected the administration of colleges, but also the students directly as

bursary allocations were reduced. This problem also related to the fact

that NSFAS is under-funded to support all qualifying students. SAFETSA

indicated that they strongly believe that the call for free education should

be inclusive of poor students in the entire sector, which includes the

TVETS, but that free education should only be introduced as far as is

viable.31 Furthermore, they explained that their view is that it would not

be correct to sacrifice the poor masses of our people in the TVET sector

to protect the yet to be found middle. The original context of FMF is

aligned to the higher education component of the post-school sector, but

decisions taken and policies drawn may have implications for the

Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sub-sector.32

32. According to the Technical and Vocational Education Training Colleges

Governors Council (TVETC Governors Council), the sector was

underfunded by almost R4.7 billion in 2016. Underfunding was also noted

by the DHET, and will be discussed in more detail later. The Council

indicated that the sector was not compensated, like the university sector,

for the no-fee increase in 2016. They were also excluded from the R2.6

billion for student debt relief, despite the fact that the sector writes off

large sums in bad debt annually. Due to underfunding; bad debt; and no

SAFETSA presentation to the Commission, 29 September 2016.

compensation for no-fee increases, the TVET sector is under severe

financial pressure. 33


33. The Commission of Enquiry into Higher Education and Training was

appointed by the President on 14 January 2016 with the following terms

of reference:

Whereas the President of the Republic of South Africa Mr. JG Zuma on

23 October 2015 conducted meetings with the vice chancellors,
Chairpersons of the Universities Councils, Presidents of the Student
Representative Councils and the representatives of Student
Organisations national wide to discuss grave concerns with regard to fee
increases and funding of higher learning;

And whereas the President agreed that the government would lead a
process that will look at broader issues affecting the funding of higher
education, cognisant of other endeavours in this regard;

Now therefore a commission of enquiry (the commission) is hereby

appointed in terms of section 84(2)(f) of the Constitution of the Republic
of South Africa 1996.

The Commission shall enquire into, make findings, report on and make
recommendations on the following:

The feasibility of making higher education and training (higher education)

fee-free in South Africa, having regard to:

TVET Governors' presentation to the Commission, 30 August 2016.

1.1 the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, all relevant higher
and basic education legislation, all findings and recommendations of the
various presidential and ministerial task teams as well as all relevant
educational policies, reports and guidelines;

1.2 the multiple facets of financial sustainability, analysing and assessing

the role of government together with its agencies, students, institutions,
business sector and employers in funding higher education and training;

1.3 the institutional independence and autonomy which should occur vis-
-vis the financial funding model.

34. The initial proclamation required the commission to complete its work

within a period of eight months and to submit its final report to the

President within two months of completing that work. At the request of

the commission the working period was extended by the President until

30 June 2017 with the report due within two months of completion of the


35. The delay in the commencement of work led to the request for the

extension. There arose, from the outset, logistical problems of finding an

appropriate venue for public hearings and appointing evidence leaders

and administrative staff, matters in which the commission members were

not engaged or consulted. As a result, public representations were called

for only in May 2016 and the Commissioners met with the evidence

leaders on 19 May 2016 for the first time. In this context, it should be

borne in mind that neither the Commissioners nor the evidence leaders

professed any prior expertise in the structure and administration of higher

education or its funding. The field to be investigated required in-depth

understanding of universities, technical and vocational training

institutions, community colleges and the extensive and diverse provision

of higher education by and within the private sector. It also included the

nature and extent of state funding here and abroad, and an

understanding of its challenges and the reasons for its successes and

failures. As will also appear hereinafter, numerous attempts had been

made at governmental level and by private institutions to investigate all

aspects of the provision of higher education and its funding, the product

of which was usually a lengthy, complex technical report which may or

may not have approved the findings and recommendations in earlier

reports. The commission was fortunate in securing the services of

Professor Themba Mosia, Chairperson of the Council on Higher

Education and Vice-Principal: Student Affairs of the University of Pretoria

and Dr. Genevieve Simpson, Senior Manager: Research at the Council

on Higher Education. They acted as expert advisers to the evidence

leaders and, later, to the commissioners. Their participation was


36. The evidence leaders appointed were:

36.1. Advocate Kameshni Pillay SC;

36.2. Advocate Mandla Zulu;

36.3. Advocate Matsileng Lekoane; and

36.4. Advocate Tshefilwe Mabuda.

(Adv. Zulu left the Commission early. In May 2017, he was cruelly killed

in a criminal attack.) Our thanks go to all the evidence leaders for their

unremitting labours and their contribution to this report. Thanks is also

due to all the support staff and particularly to the Secretary of the

Commission Ms. Gugu Ncongwane.

37. The Commission, guided by the evidence leaders, thought it necessary

to develop a programme for the commission that would serve the

following purposes:

37.1. Educating the commission into all matters that would bear on

the performance of its mandate.

37.2. Producing views (in writing and by evidence) from the widest

range of interested members of the public, students,

academics, governmental agencies and private sector

38. Initially about 180 written representations were received. These were

afterwards supplemented by witnesses sourced by the evidence leaders

or requested by the Commissioners. In all about 160 witnesses appeared

in person before the commission, several on repeated occasions. The

Commissioners were at all times interested in innovative proposals that

could sensibly contribute to the provision of funds for higher education.

39. The programme of work drawn up for the commission (in the form of

working sets) was as follows:

39.1. An overview by stakeholders of the terms of reference of the


39.2. Post-school education and training in South Africa;

39.3. The funding of institutions of higher education and training and

understanding their operational costs;

39.4. The nature, accessibility and effectiveness of student funding

by government, the private sector and foreign aid;

39.5. The meaning and content of fee-free" higher education and


39.6. Alternative sources of funding;

39.7. The social, economic and financial implications of fee-free

education and training;

39.8. The feasibility of providing fee-free higher education and

training and the extent of such provisions.

40. Application of the programme gave rise to certain clear advantages and

disadvantages. On the positive side, the Commission was presented with

the breadth of knowledge, experience and opinion which individual

witnesses and investigators and even departmental task teams could not

match. The negative aspects were delay (largely attributable to the

volume of evidence) and the concomitant irritations of repetition and

small relevance to the direct terms of the mandate. It can be mentioned

that a number of representors, having encountered the shortcomings of

the whole spectrum of the system, offered the commission the

opportunity of considering and recommending solutions devised by them.

These are only referred to in this report where the commission regards

them as bearing on the feasibility of providing fee-free education.

41. We think it would be helpful first to discuss certain elements of the

Commissions mandate that do not speak for themselves. Many of these

elements will be expanded upon when the context justifies such




42. The expression higher education and training" is not one that occurs in

the Constitution. In section 29 a distinction is drawn between basic

education including adult basic education and further education".


43. In different times and places, the purpose of higher education and its

impact on society are interpreted differently. In some cases, there is a

greater focus on the way higher education develops an individual through

scholarship; and in others a greater focus on the skills that higher

education provides, which leads to subsequent job opportunities.

Similarly, the societal impact can move from a focus on the

characteristics of those with a higher education, to the developmental

impact of higher education and innovation on the economy. In this

chapter, the current (or post-apartheid) South African understanding of

the purpose of higher or further education will be explored, together with

the impact such an interpretation has on the way in which it should be

funded. Particular attention will be given to whether further/ higher

education is interpreted as a public good or as a mixture between a public

and private good. Various policy documents clearly articulate the

Throughout this report the expression higher education will be used in a sense inclusive of
technical training unless the context otherwise indicates.

governments position on the purpose of higher education, and an

analysis of these, together with evidence from various presentations and

submissions to the Commission, will form the basis of this discussion.

44. The University of Mpumalanga in their presentation to the Commission

argued that The roles of higher education are numerous and varied.

Higher education will contribute to the creation of high-level human

resources and knowledge for the economy and for the national social-

economic project. Higher education will also promote the achievement of

some of the goals of the Constitution including the achievement of

equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms. However,

Higher Education must reach far beyond the creation of skilled human

resources for the economy and will include the promotion of socially

conscious, critically thinking graduates who will find innovative answers

to old and new questions.35

45. The Council on Higher Education (CHE) explained that: The first

consideration is the need to have a shared understanding of the purpose

or purposes of higher education. Cognisant of the fact that higher

education leads individuals to greater opportunities and that it also

contributes to overall national socio-economic development, the CHE

views higher education as both a private good and a public good, and not

exclusively one or the other. This has a bearing on how it is constituted

and how it is funded. The basic questions to ask are who should benefit

University of Mpumalanga, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 22 August 2016.

from higher education, and who should fund it? These have become

acutely difficult questions at this political conjuncture; twenty or more

years after the beginning of the democratic dispensation, inequality is still

widely evident in terms of access to higher education and in the share of

benefits that it brings. These are thus profoundly moral questions, and

the answers depend on our vision for the future and what we want to

achieve in terms of higher education.36


46. The White Paper (1997) began by considering the important question of

the purpose of higher education, highlighting its significance in

determining policy. It states that the transition to democracy requires that

all existing practices, institutions and values are viewed anew and

rethought in terms of their fitness for the new era and goes on to say that

Higher education plays a central role in the social, cultural and economic

development of modern societies. In South Africa today, the challenge is

to redress past inequalities and to transform the higher education system

to serve a new social order, to meet pressing national needs, and to

respond to new realities and opportunities. It must lay the foundations for

the development of a learning society which can stimulate, direct and

mobilise the creative and intellectual energies of all the people towards

meeting the challenge of reconstruction and development. This section

of the White Paper highlighted the role of higher education in developing

CHE, Presentation to the Commission, 22 August 2016.

a transformed society, both in economic and philosophical terms. This is

a public benefit for society as a whole. The following section considered

the purposes in more detail, namely to meet the learning needs and

aspirations of individuals through the development of their intellectual

abilities and aptitudes throughout their lives as a vehicle for achieving

equity in the distribution of opportunity and achievement among South

African citizens, focusing on the private benefit to individual recipients of

higher education; secondly to address the development needs of society

and provide the Iabour market, in a knowledge-driven and knowledge-

dependent society, with the ever-changing high-Ievel competencies and

expertise necessary for the growth and prosperity of a modern economy,

focusing on the skills required and delivered by higher education. This

carries both a public (development of the economy) and private (entry

into specialised professions and careers) benefit; as well as a benefit for

the private sector; thirdly, the development of critical citizens, with a

willingness to review and renew prevailing ideas, policies and practices

based on a commitment to the common good, focusing on the

characteristics of a graduate and how this benefits society as a whole.

The final purpose identified is academic scholarship and intellectual

inquiry in all fields of human understanding, through research, learning

and teaching. The Commission aligns itself with this summary of the

purposes of higher education and considers that it applies equally to

technical training.

47. In the next section the White Paper highlights that if higher education is

to contribute to the reconstruction and development of South Africa, then

inequities, imbalances and distortions that derive from its past and

present structure must be addressed, and higher education transformed

to meet the challenges of a new non-racial, non-sexist and democratic

society committed to equity, justice and a better life for all. (1.6) As such,

there is a focus on the knowledge economy, human resource

development, and developing skilled graduates.


48. The NDP, in its chapter on education, starts by clearly identifying the

need for public investment in education, while at the same time

recognising that the benefits of education are both to the individual and

to society. It states that: The single most important investment any

country can make is in its people. Education has intrinsic and

instrumental value in creating societies that are better able to respond to

the challenges of the 21st century. Lifelong learning, continuous

professional development and knowledge production alongside

innovation are central to building the capabilities of individuals and

society as a whole.37

NDP, p.296

49. In referring to universities, the NDP recognises that they contribute to the

whole learning environment as Teachers in schools, ECD centres and

colleges are trained in universities. 38 In considering the purpose of

higher education, the NDP notes that higher education is the major driver

of information and knowledge systems that contribute to economic

development. However, higher education is also important for good

citizenship and for enriching and diversifying peoples lives.39 It goes on

to state that Universities are key to developing a nation. They play three

main functions in society: Firstly, they educate and train people with high-

level skills for the employment needs of the public and private sectors.

Secondly, universities are the dominant producers of new knowledge,

and they critique information and find new local and global applications

for existing knowledge. South Africa needs knowledge that equips people

for a changing society and economy. Thirdly, given the countrys

apartheid history, higher education provides opportunities for social

mobility. It can strengthen equity, social justice and democracy. In todays

knowledge society, higher education is increasingly important for opening

up peoples opportunities.40 It is, therefore, clear in the NDP that while

highly skilled individuals are key to the economy, higher education also

benefits the individual both through developing their social understanding

and through providing expanded work opportunities. Public and private

benefits to education are described. This interpretation of the purpose of

NDP, p.316
NDP, p.317
NDP, p.318.

the university was referred to in a number of presentations; and it is key

to the way in which higher education should be funded.41


(PSET) (2013)

50. Similarly, the PSET White Paper (WP) highlights the role of further and

higher education in developing skilled individuals who can contribute to

the expansion of the economy, and who can find employment. This is the

dual public and private purpose. It states that National economic

development has been prioritised, and the role of education and training

as a contributor to development has begun to receive much attention.

The National Development Plan (NDP), the New Growth Path and other

key policy documents of government have set out important strategies

and priorities for development, with an emphasis on inclusive growth and

employment generation. It is essential that the post-school education and

training system responds to these, especially with regard to expanding

the pool of skills and knowledge available to the country; achievement of

this goal will enable the expansion of the key economic focus areas and

equip young people to obtain work.42 It goes further to explain that this

functional purpose of further education does not devalue the intrinsic

importance of education. Quality education is an important right, which

plays a vital role in relation to a persons health, quality of life, self-

USAf, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 29 August 2016; NMMU, Submission
and presentation to the Commission, 2 September 2016.
PSET WP, p.2

esteem, and the ability of citizens to be actively engaged and

empowered. This White Paper reasserts these basic values that have

informed the Constitution and which will continue to inspire everyone

involved in education and training. 43 All these statements are equally

valid in 2017.

51. With regard to transforming South African society, the PSET WP notes

that Education has long been recognised as providing a route out of

poverty for individuals, and as a way of promoting equality of opportunity.

The achievement of greater social justice is closely dependent on

equitable access by all sections of the population to quality education.

Just as importantly, widespread and good quality education and training

will allow more rapid economic, social and cultural development for

society as whole. Education will not guarantee economic growth, but

without it economic growth is not possible and society will not fulfil its

potential with regard to social and cultural development. 44 The policy

thus focuses on the importance of access to further and higher education,

as part of societys transformation.


52. Higher education policy making has also focused on the issue of who

should fund higher education. In 1996, the National Commission on

PSET WP, p.3.
PSET WP, p.5.

Higher Education (NCHE), appointed by then-President Nelson Mandela,

submitted its report: A Framework for Transformation. This extensive

report considered all aspects of higher education, as well as policy

articulated by the African National Congress (ANC) during the struggle.

The chapter on funding starts by considering the issue of public and

private benefit. It considered the fact that, on the one hand, higher

education colleges (for instance nursing education colleges) were free,

based on the understanding that the main benefit derived from such

education was public. On the other hand, universities and technikons

charged fees (and received state subsidy) as a result of the combined

public and private benefit. After consideration of a variety of issues, the

NCHE concluded that higher education generated significant benefit for

both the student concerned and the public. It found that to establish a

higher education system characterised by increased and widened access

for students, greater responsiveness to societal needs (including the

elimination of unacceptable inequalities in higher education) and

increased partnership and co-operative governance modes, the

Commission believes that the cost should be shared by the student

and by the public (government). 45 It is important to note that the

Commissions decision was partly based on the cost of expanding the

higher education sector, thus prioritising access. The NCHE also

discussed the need to ensure a balance between public and private


NCHE, p.220.

53. This view was re-iterated in the 1997 Education White Paper, which

explained the need to expand the system, and the costs associated with

this, but also noted high levels of government expenditure on the sector.46

It went on to explain that: Fee-free higher education for students is not

an affordable or sustainable option higher education qualifications

generate significant lifetime private benefits students from middle-

class and wealthy families still tend to be disproportionately well-

represented. For all these reasons, the costs should be shared

equitably.47 The White Paper also discussed the need for a national

financial aid scheme for poor students and the possibility of a graduate

work scheme. The Higher Education Act, 101 of 1997 (as amended)

noted money payable by students as one source of institutional funding,

adding that council may discriminate in a fair manner between

students who are not citizens or permanent residents of the Republic and

students who are .48 These policy decisions forged the course of the

first decade of student funding; and continue to guide policy.

54. It appears that in the various debates and discussion around the purpose

of higher education there was no endeavour to analyse or interpret

s29(1)(b) of the Constitution. There was an implicit acceptance that there

is no obligation on the State to provide higher education fee-free to all

and that a cost-sharing model was the solution,

Education White Paper 3: A Programme for the Transformation of Higher Education (1997)
chapter 4.
Ibid., 4.7.
HE Act, 40(1).


55. As can be seen above, one of the prominent indicators in deciding who

should carry the cost of education, is whether it is a public or private

benefit. The funding positions in policy articulate a dual public and private

benefit, and for this reason argue for a cost-sharing model. During the

Commission, the issue of public and private benefit, and how this should

impact funding, was a common topic of discussion, and many individuals

and institutions explained this in their presentations and submissions.

Some of these views will be considered below. Taking the argument

further, a number of presentations also highlighted the benefit to the

private sector, thus arguing that the private sector contribution to the

funding of further and higher education should be expanded. This, in the

result, is also the view of the Commission.

56. What is notable is that some supporters of free education, discussed a

private benefit to higher education but rejected the notion that it should

include a private financial contribution, focusing on it as a pure public

benefit. For instance, SAUS, SASCO and the Students for Law and

Social Justice, all argued in favour of free higher education, but referred

to the private economic benefits. SAUS noted that it believes that

educated people are having more chances of getting jobs and thereby

getting a salary. When free education is introduced, our people will

access the system, get education and look after their families. They also

recognised the public benefit of this opportunity in that fewer people

would need social support from the government; and went further to

argue that free education would lead to a reduction in crime as they were

convinced that most of the people who commit crime are either drop-

outs, uneducated or unemployed. When free education is introduced

people will access it easily and thereby get separated away [sic] of crime.

They also saw an increase in innovation and research output as more

people could study further, leading to the advancement of the country.

SAUS also commented on the private sector benefit, arguing that Human

Resource capital for the private sector will be intensified. We know that

amongst the beneficiaries of the output or products of free education is

the private sector that will gain the much-needed human resource [sic].

57. SASCO explained that Free, accessible and relevant education is a

means for social development, personal empowerment and the

advancement of well-being, as well as economic development of nations.

It provides for teaching, learning, research and community engagement

which leads to production and reproduction of knowledge and cultural

capital. It is for these bases [sic] that commodification of education should

be criminalised; as it steals the true and correct purpose of the very

existence of institutions of learning and undermines our birth right. They

also claimed that the Higher education summit hosted by DHET in 2015,

resolved that Higher Education is a public good, and thus the

SAUS, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 10 August 2016.

responsibility of providing higher education lies with the


58. In explaining the need for higher education to be accessible, the Students

for Law and Social Justice, explained that education has the ability to

alter the lived realities of the historically oppressed, as well as open the

doors of opportunity to those whom society has traditionally relegated to

subservience and poverty. Thus, universal availability and access to

further education is an aspiration all peoples should seek to realise.

Education yields the benefit of bearing returns on investments made for

the proliferation of this right. Significantly, education edifies the human

existence in enabling individuals to pursue lives in which they can

maximise their potential.51

59. Professor Makgoba, when discussing the National Development Plan,

focused on the public benefit and the need for more public funding to

make higher education sustainable. In his presentation, he referred to the

NDP saying that The single most important investment a country can

make is in its people. Education has intrinsic and instrumental value in

creating societies that are better able to respond to the challenges of the

21st century. Lifelong learning, continuous professional development and

knowledge production alongside innovation are central to building the

capabilities of individuals and society as a whole. As such, he explained

SASCO, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 22 August.
Legal Resources Commission: Students for Law and Social Justice, Submission and
presentation to the Commission, 12 August 2016.

that any cost of investment in PSET must also be compared to the

potential cost of not investing. He explained the need for us to maintain

our competitive advantage in higher learning & knowledge generation

and the critical need to invest in research and teaching staff, especially

to encourage better racial representivity. According to him, the main

focus was public investment and public benefit.52

60. The DHET referred directly to the public and private benefits of higher

education, indicating that policy recognises that investment in higher

education is important for economic development of the country; but

knowledge and skills acquired from achieving a university qualification

result in significant lifetime private benefits for successful students. This

is the reason for the cost-sharing model adopted in the 1997 White

Paper, with the caveat that lack of finances should not prohibit students

from accessing higher education.53 The nationwide student protests in

October 2015 demanded fee-free higher education, thereby rejecting the

payment of fees by students (cost-sharing model). This issue will be

addressed elsewhere in this Report.

61. The Council on Higher Education argued in favour of cost-sharing, based

on the public and private benefits of higher education. However, the CHE

also stressed that while equitable and increased access are important for

transformation and should be central to any funding solution, this should

Professor M.W. Makgoba, Presentation to the Commission, 3 October 2016.
DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.

not be done at the expense of quality education. The CHE explained that

the public benefits of higher education include economic and cultural

development; and that there should be a correlation between the levels

of public investment and public benefit. For this reason, state subsidy of

higher education is both necessary and desirable. With regard to private

benefits, the CHE focused on greater employment opportunity and better

earning power. They referred to a 2016 Statistics South Africa

Community Survey, which showed that graduates on average earn more

than non-graduates and that there is only 5% graduate unemployment in

South Africa. This contrasts with the UK, for example, where it has been

reported that a quarter of all graduates are low earners 10 years after

graduating this after the rapid massification of their higher education

system. We have a relatively small system in which only 19% of 19-24

year-olds participate; the fact that graduates do get better jobs accounts

in part for the huge demand in South Africa for wider access to university,

yet the UK instance indicates that widening participation may reduce the

certainty of high level employment for graduates. There is no doubt,

however, that graduates derive individual benefits from their education

that are not shared by those not receiving higher education. This was

one of a number of submissions that pointed out that increased access,

whether free-free or not, carries the inherent risk of producing

disappointed graduates.

62. The CHE explained that what is needed is a higher education system to

which access is not limited by lack of access to good schooling and to

student funding, but which is funded fairly in the context of the spectrum

of possibilities for all school-leavers.

63. The majority of the universities focused on the dual public/ private

benefits, thus supporting cost-sharing models of different ratios, with

some suggesting increased private sector participation. Universities

generally agreed that more state funding was needed to support the basic

costs of running institutions (block grant) and that fees should be


64. Universities South Africa (USAf) referred to the National Development

Plan to explain the purpose of universities to educate and train citizens;

to produce new knowledge; and to transform South African society and

provide opportunities for social mobility. They went on to explain that it is

well established that South Africas higher education system is a

fundamental ingredient in the development strategy that has been

adopted and simultaneously universities are key social institutions in

addressing the social justice agenda of one of the most unequal societies

in the world though creating pathways to social mobility.54 Thus, while

there is an important public benefit to higher education, there is also

personal gain.

65. Mr. Bikwani, speaking on behalf of the University Council Chairs Forum

of South Africa (UCCF-SA) focused on the purposes of higher education,

USAf, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 29 August 2016.

mentioning both public and private benefits. He referred to their critical

role in shaping discourse on societal transformation in our fledgling

democracy and the imperative to arrest and reverse growing inequality

in our country, an inequality that has entrenched itself along racial

demographics and an inequality that exacerbates the exclusion of the

poor and previously disenfranchised from meaningful participation in

society at large and the economy in particular. He referred to the role

higher education can play in reducing unemployment, especially among

the youth. He focused on the need to deliver world class and quality

education to build the requisite skills profile that would ensure the

competitiveness of South Africa in a globalised economy and the related

need to transform curricula to meet the needs of our country and

continent. As part of the purpose of a higher education institution, he also

mentioned enabling all students to participate in all academic and

campus activities in a dignified manner without fear of exclusion due to

financial considerations. Our students should never be hungry or without

decent accommodation whilst pursuing studies.

66. The University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), in their submission, argued

that the benefits of a vibrant and thriving higher education system are

clear. Universities and graduates are direct contributors to South African

knowledge and innovation and contribute to economic growth. They

added that Graduates are not only more likely to obtain employment, but

often enter into well-paying jobs, increasing the number of taxpayers;

contribute to a more informed democratic participation; tend to be

healthier individuals, and are less likely to engage in criminal activity, and

display higher levels of civic engagement. A vibrant higher education

sector is, thus, essential to the creation of a thriving civil society. The

project of nation building is also implicated since, without a thriving civil

society, such an ideal cannot be realised. When considering the context

of South Africas legacy of apartheid and the institutionalized system of

inequality that has been entrenched, higher education plays an important

role in transformation. Furthermore, from a social justice perspective,

university education in South Africa is also a public good. We all benefit

from higher education, whether personally or societally.55 This is a project

for which everyone in South Africa bears responsibility. They concluded

that funding higher education is not just a burden that the public purse

must bear, but that Government, universities, the Private Sector and

Society at large must all contribute to the mammoth task of creating

solutions to the higher education funding crisis.56 The University argued

that outside of general taxes and philanthropy, the private sector

supports universities through earmarking funds for specific projects and

through supporting mostly students who are potential employees. What

is absent, is a systematic mechanism that channels private sector

funds to all universities57. This is despite the fact that the private sector

In this sense, we need a system for funding higher education that treats the private and public
benefits not as opposing ideas but as complementary in the social justice project of the country.
Wits University, Submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.
Our emphasis.

as a whole, is a beneficiary of graduates produced from South African


67. The University of Pretoria argued that a cost-sharing model is best based

on the understanding that higher education has both public and private

benefits. Public benefits include social capital (better health, lower crime

rates, lower teenage pregnancy rates, etc.), social cohesion, and

economic development. Private benefits include enhancement of career

prospects, higher salaries and benefits, professional mobility and

increased personal status. The University explained further that, as a

result of the private benefit, once employed, the majority of university

graduates earn more than average incomes, even if they were poor as

students. Over their life-cycles, they cannot be counted amongst the

(permanently) poor. From a life-cycle perspective, the problem is not one

of poverty, but the mismatch between the timing of expenditure and

income. Thus, they argued that the charging students fees is therefore

a rational element in the financing of HE, provided that, on the one hand,

these fees are adjusted by subsidies to account for public benefits, and

on the other, students from lower-income households have access to

financial aid. 59

68. The University of Zululand also supported shared costs, with more focus

on private sector contributions. They explained that education is a public

Wits University, Submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.
University Pretoria, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 11 August 2016.

good that has significant positive externalities to society, hence all

beneficiaries including government, private sector, students and the

tertiary institutions ought to all contribute to meeting the costs of providing

higher education on a sustainable basis for the purposes of creating a

thriving society based on a knowledge economy. New innovative funding

formulae ought to be sought that involve public-private-partnership and

social investment bond issues to meet the bulk of the financial needs of

tertiary institutions. Since students are the major beneficiaries of the

tertiary education system they ought to pay for their education once they

earn high enough incomes. Moreover, all graduates ought to pay a

special income contingent tax to ensure future generations have access

to tertiary education. The University thus gave its support to a deferred

fees scenario, where those who have benefited from higher education,

and can afford to pay when they are earning, should contribute, together

with government and the private sector.

69. The University of Kwa-Zulu Natal argued three basic principles. The first

is the need for adequate public funding as higher education is a public

good in terms of greater civic participation; increased tax revenue from

higher paid graduates; and lower costs for social grants and other

support. They explained that Public funding has declined, and this has

made universities reliant on fees to a greater extent leading to increased

fees and student debt; and problems retaining critical academic staff. The

second principle is that the individual should pay for the private benefit or

individual gain in terms of better employment opportunities and pay,

better social protection in terms of benefits and pensions, and less

chance of retrenchment. The third principle is equity and equality which

relates to access and affordability, and the need for a financial support


70. The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University also referred to the National

Development Plan and the role of higher education in development,

highlighting the public good. It explained that Recent reports of the World

Bank (2009; 2010) have similarly highlighted the critical role of higher

education in stimulating knowledge-intensive socio-economic growth and

development. In the light of South Africas inequality and Gini coefficient,

the important role of higher education in transformation was also

mentioned. NMMU also referred to the additional costs of transformation

in higher education in South Africa; such as adequate food and nutrition,

transport and many other hidden costs highlighting the need for

universities to be in financially sound positions to meet these additional

challenges or [else] students from poor backgrounds will remain

marginalised and set up for failure.61

71. The University went on to consider the public and private benefits of

higher education as referred to by the Institute for Higher Education

Policy. Considering the private benefit, the university explained that

According to Montenegro and Patrinos (2014, 19 & 33) globally, and

UKZN, Submission to the Commission, 29 August 2016.
NMMU, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 2 September 2016.

especially in Africa, there are considerable benefits to higher education.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, private returns on higher education are higher

than returns on primary and secondary education. This research showed

that the region with the highest private returns on higher education is

Sub-Saharan Africa, and that South Africa specifically has the highest

private returns to higher education in the world. This is the result of

shortages in high-level skills. South Africas high returns on higher

education coupled with high levels of inequality mean that free higher

education will proportionally benefit the privileged more than the poor

(Patrinos 2015). This is supported by Langa et al (2016, 1) who asserts

that free higher education in highly unequal societies mainly benefits the

already-privileged (new political and business elite), who have the social,

cultural and economic capital required to access, participate in and

succeed at higher education. They concluded that In South Africa, post-

school qualifications contribute to enhanced employment opportunities

and higher wages. It is thus fair to expect students to contribute to these

improved lifelong benefits that they receive from pursuing higher

education qualifications. However, the inability to pay student fees should

not constitute a barrier to obtaining a higher education qualification and

therefore a well-established student financial aid scheme is imperative to

ensure equity. Thus, the NMMU called for increased state funding in line

with the intentions of the NDP; and a cost-sharing model with an

expanded loan option, with the possibility of private sector investment in


72. The TVET Governors Council argued that education is an apex

programme of the South African government; as such it is the highest

priority and all resources necessary should be channeled such that there

is no unfunded mandate as far as education is concerned. They argued

that the percentage of the GDP going towards further and higher

education is insufficient, and that more government money should be

allocated to allow for free education. This was considered to be in line

with the public developmental benefits of higher education.63

73. The CHET argued that there are a number of public and private benefits

to higher education. The public benefits are both economic (increased

tax revenues; greater productivity; workforce flexibility) and social

(increased quality of civic life; increased charity giving; social cohesion;

adaptation to technology). The private benefits are also economic (higher

salaries and benefits; enhanced employment opportunities; higher

savings levels; professional mobility) and social (improved life

expectancy; improved quality of life for family/children; enhanced social

status; better consumer decision making). The CHET also referred to

research which found that the private returns on higher education in

South Africa are higher than in many other countries double that of

NMMU, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 2 September 2016.
TVET Governors Council, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 30 August 2016.

Mexico and Brazil; four times that of Norway. In countries with a high Gini

coefficient, like South Africa, free education tends to benefit the rich more

than the poor; and private benefit is higher. 64

74. The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) argued that we have to

decide whether Higher Education is something we value as a nation and

that if government is serious about confronting the countrys triple

challenge of unemployment, poverty and inequality, then it has to be said

that Education in general must be accorded a high priority position and

value, if not the highest. The NTEU accepted both public and private

benefits to higher education, and explained that university education is

an expensive alternative. As such, university access should [not] be free-

for-all, but for all it should be cheaper and the alternatives must be made

even easier to access, such as TVETs for those who cannot access

universities, whether it be for financial or academic reasons The

viability of TVETs as alternative fee-free institutions should be


75. Having considered the aforegoing views, the Commission is persuaded

that higher education brings with it substantial private benefits. At the

most basic level no student attends university or a TVET college because

he or she intends in so doing to benefit the state and increase taxes. He

or she does so for the potential increase in personal or family

CHET, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 11 August 2016.
NTEU, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 1 September 2016.

advancement, status, income, future opportunity or simply, self-

gratification. These are lifelong advantages (many transmissible to ones

estate) which can be exercised within or without the country that provides

education. Insofar as the state receives a return on its education

investment, this is very much related to the degree in which the student

achieves his personal fulfilment. The less successful the student the

smaller is likely to be the return from taxes and indirect economic benefits

to the state. Benefits of higher education are shared between public and

private goods in a measure that differs widely between individual

comparisons. What can be concluded without fear of rational

contradiction is that to tipefy higher education as exclusively or even

essentially a public good is to ignore reality. There can, therefore, be no

principled objection to cost sharing of higher education provided the core

values of equity and fairness are maintained. There are also

beneficiaries from higher education production beyond the state and the

individual, most obviously the private business sector. Much of the

success of that sector depends on the continuing production of university

trained graduates or college educated and workplace skilled technicians.

Yet the role of business in providing the cost of higher education has, in

South Africa, been largely voluntary or confined to statutory contributions

deducted from salaries and wages. It is clear that the distinction between

public and private benefit from higher education is often blurred and

Unless it is argued that the State alone has a constitutional obligation to provide funding for
further education, a view to which this Commission does not subscribe.

varies from case to case and that such provision should be shared

between the state, the former student and the private sector.



76. The terms of reference of the Commission refer to higher education and

training. Therefore, the Commission spent some time understanding the

post-school sector in its entirety. The DHET takes responsibility for four

sub-sectors of education: Community Education and Training (CET);

Technical and Vocational Education and Training colleges (TVET) and

university education; and the Sector Education and Training Authorities


77. Community Education and Training Colleges (CET) are a relatively new

type of institution being established to assist youths and adults who never

completed or attended school. These are people who cannot enrol in

either TVET colleges or universities, and who require a second-chance

to attain skills or re-skilling. The colleges are being built off the base of

general education and training for adults. There is very limited provision

and this is a marginalised sector, which is chronically under-funded.

There is very limited funding available for growth; little infrastructure and

only part-time educators. Nine CET colleges have recently been

established, incorporating approximately 3 200 Community Learning

Centres (Adult Learning Centres) from across the Provinces. A Task

Team is currently working on developing a funding model for the CET

sector. The potential demand for CET is significant considering the

number of NEET (not in employment, education or training) youths (see

diagram below). According to the NDP, these colleges are targeted to

enrol one million people by 2030. The colleges could also provide for a

wide-range of student and community needs. 67 While the need for

additional funding for the CET sector is clear, the training offered at

these centres cannot be defined as higher education and training.

As such, the Commission is of the view that CET does not fall under

its mandate. Consideration should be given to funding these colleges in

the same way as no-fee schools are funded, as they are providing basic

education in poor areas. The needs of the CET should be taken into

consideration before determining to allocate further funds to universities

- approximately R46.210 billion in additional funding is needed for CET

over the MTEF.68

78. The Minister of HET provided a similar interpretation of CET, explaining

that The Department and Government generally, reads the constitution

to clearly articulate that basic education, including adult education, is a

fundamental/ basic right that must be provided to all who need it; while

further education, which can be interpreted as including Higher Education

(HE) (also referred to as university education) and Technical and

Vocational Education and Training (TVET), are secondary rights that

DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016 & 4 October 2016.
DHET, Presentation to the Commission on community colleges & funding requirements, 26
October 2016.

must be made progressively available and accessible to those who merit

it (meet the academic requirements). Within the remit of the Department

of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the provision of Community

Education and Training (CET) gives effect to section 29(1)(a), namely

that everyone has the right to adult basic education, while the provision

of TVET and HE responds to section 29(1)(b). To make further education

available is interpreted to mean that the system must grow to provide

sufficient spaces (opportunities) for study. To make it accessible means

it should be affordable and individuals should not be denied access

based on financial need, on the basis of a disability or other form of


79. The SETAs are not institutions of learning. They are bodies focused on

different skills areas, which were formed to provide information on the

skills needed in that specific area, and to support education and training

in colleges and workplaces. Prior to 2009, SETA management was under

the Department of Labour, hence their focus on workplace training

through learnerships. The various SETAs perform at very different levels,

but in general they have not reached their goals of providing good

information on skills needs and the necessary quality provision. The

system is administratively expensive, and revisions are underway. There

are also concerns about poor governance.70 Given their nature, these

institutions fall outside of the mandate of the Commission. Their role

Minister of Higher Education and Training, Presentation to the Commission, 13 October 2016.
DHET, Presentation to the Commission, 4 October 2016.

in funding and training however, remains of great importance in the

funding of higher education. Most of the training they provide is done

through TVET colleges, with funding from the SETAs. SETAs receive

money from the National Skills Fund (NSF), which consists of funding

from the levies charged to employers based on their number of

employees. There were some suggestions that the levy could be

expanded or better utilised to fund higher education and training, but this

will be considered in a later chapter. Some SETAs do provide financial

assistance to selected students studying at universities and TVET

colleges. Others channel financial aid through NSFAS.

80. Another way of interpreting higher education and training is to align it to

the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The NQF consists of 10

levels of education divided into three bands. The first band is considered

basic education and consist of levels 1 to 4, which equates to high school

grades 9 to 12 or to similar vocational training. Levels 5 to 7 are offered

at both colleges and universities, especially universities of technology.

Qualifications offered on levels 7 to 10 are university degrees.

81. TVETs (discussed in more detail below) straddle the line between basic

and higher education and training. The National Certificate-Vocational

(NCV), which is offered at the colleges, is equivalent to Grades 10, 11

and 12 (up to NQF level 4). Other courses, such as the National

Accredited Technical Education Diploma (NATED) courses, are offered

up to NQF level 6. It is possible that the various TVET courses should,

therefore, be funded according to different norms. In dealing with the

training aspect of our mandate we have not, however, differentiated

between such different levels.

82. University (also discussed below) offerings can begin at NQF level 5 (with

a higher certificate), although the majority are at levels 6 and above

(diplomas and degrees). As such, universities fall clearly within the

definition of higher education and training.

83. Having confined the terms of the Commission to TVET colleges and

universities, it is still important to consider the funding for higher

education within the funding for the education sector as a whole. It should

be remembered that only a relatively small proportion of South Africans

benefit from higher education.

84. In terms of the school trajectory, while Early Childhood Development

(ECD) and Basic Education (BE) should provide for all youth (compulsory

education from Grade R to Grade 9), only a proportion of youth continue

into the Further Education and Training band of schooling, and an even

smaller proportion continue to study post-school. In fact, in terms of the

pyramid of enrolment needs (discussed later, and illustrated in the

diagram below) the university sector should be the smallest in terms of

the number of students. Currently, about 19% of youth, or about just

under one million students, continue to university study (this is called the

participation rate). 71 Furthermore, the representivity of those attending

university is not equal. As illustrated by the University of Pretoria in their

presentation to the Commission, from a matric class of 100 000 students

from deciles 1-5, about 90% do not qualify for university. The majority of

those who qualify and attend university come from middle class or

affluent families.72

85. A section of education which receives too little attention in terms of

resource allocation in South Africa is Early Childhood Development

(ECD), although it falls under the priority areas of scarce skills in

education. Studies have shown that what happens to a child in the first

1000 days impacts critically on their future achievements. This is

reference not only to formal education, but also to health and nutrition. In

South Africa, there is very little attention given to institutional support

before the age of 5 (Grade R), with support up to this age divided between

different Departments (mainly DBE and DSD). Even Grade R remains a

challenge for many South Africans. While no-fee schools can offer free

Grade R, poor people living in areas with schools in quintile 4 and 5 are

left to find their own solutions. 73 Research has shown that children

without the necessary grounding prior to Grade 1, struggle in Grade 1

and in general perform more poorly throughout their school career. It is

clear that all children should be able to benefit from education in these

CHE (2017), VitalStats. Public higher education 2015.
UP, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 11 August 2016.
DBE, presentation to the Commission, 23 September 2016.

early years if we are going to solve the challenges we find in our

education system.

86. The Commission heard much testimony on the fact that Basic Education

receives the bulk of funding, but that there is, none the less, an

articulation gap between what is taught at school and what is needed in

higher education. It is clear from studies (such as TIMS), that our Basic

Education system is not producing the required outcomes. The

Department of Basic Education explained to the Commission that there

is solid evidence of improvements in the performance of learners, for

instance in international tests, but that overall there is Still a

problematically low level of performance. The reasons for these

challenges need to be better understood and may lie in ECD provision

or funding arrangements or a range of other necessary interventions.74

The number of learners who dropout before they finish Grade 9 (which is

the end of compulsory schooling), and even more before they reach

Grade 12, is a matter of serious concern.

87. Regarding PSET, the Minister stressed that while cost-sharing is an

entrenched principle, finances should not prohibit students from

accessing higher education. As such, the DHET has put in bids to

National Treasury to improve the funding to support students at full cost

of study. Since 2013, the Department has consistently attempted to get

sufficient funds to effectively fund all poor students. Despite insufficient

DBE, presentation to the Commission, 23 September 2016.

funds, substantial funding has been provided through NSFAS. The

Minister explained that since its inception NSFAS has supported 2.6

million students (1.5 million in universities and 1.1 million in TVET

colleges) through loans and bursaries amounting to R59.7 billion

(according to the 2015/16 NSFAS audited statements). This funding has

increased significantly since 2010, and currently supports approximately

205 000 poor undergraduate students to access higher education and

200 000 TVET college students. 75



88. Part of the outcome of the 2009 democratic elections saw the

restructuring of the then Department of Education into two distinct

Departments of Basic Education and Higher Education and Training.

Consequently, the mandate of the new DHET included the TVET and

CET sectors, SETAs, universities and private higher education

institutions offering qualifications from NQF level 5 and above. In 2013

the DHET published the Post-School Education and Training White

Paper, which captured the expanded sector and the desired integration

between sub-sectors. This shift in policy had funding implications for the

PSET sector, and at the time of publishing the White Paper, there was

no costing done to give effect to the implementation of the policy.

Additionally, the per capita funding allocated to universities had been

Minister of Higher Education and Training, Presentation to the Commission, 13 October 2016.

declining in real terms, thereby deepening the funding crisis and leading

to an increase in student fees.

89. The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), in their

opening presentation to the Commission, stressed the importance of

taking into account the entire education context when considering the

students demand for free education. They indicated the various

demands on the education budget, including the need to fund

universities adequately to provide quality higher education and research;

expand, improve the quality of and adequately fund TVET colleges and

financially support TVET students; develop and expand CET colleges

and financially support CET students; fund practical workplace based

learning for University students, TVET students and CET students; and

provide universal quality basic education and early childhood

development more generally. They also referred to the need to expand

the system to provide sufficient spaces for study, but also to ensure that

beyond physical and financial access, there is epistemological access.76

This chapter will briefly consider the mandate of the Commission in terms

of higher education and training; the current PSET context and how it

has been shaped by the past and how it can be developed; and the

various costs facing the TVET and university sector in order to ensure

sustainability and the provision of quality education.

DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.


The shape of the PSET system in South Africa, 2010 and 2014,

compared to the USA pyramid and indicating the NEET challenge77

- 2010 NEET = 2.7m - 2014 NEET = 3.0M (CHET) (Not in Employment,

Education or Training). It may be simply noted at this stage that this

comparison highlights two major weaknesses in our system; the small

proportion of college students as against students attending universities

and the number of unemployed and uneducated persons.

APPETD reproduced this slide in their presentation to the Commission, 22 September 2016,
title added by author, no source provided by APPETD.


90. The post-school education sector, like all other parts of South African

society, has been shaped by its apartheid past, and it continues to

experience pressures as a result of this. During apartheid, the post-

school sector was divided into a number of colleges, technikons and

universities. Within each of these sectors, there were institutions with

specific foci and for designated races. For instance, within the college

sector, there were, among others, teacher education colleges and

agricultural colleges. Universities were designated by race, and research

was only a focus at the white universities, and even within these to a

greater degree at some than at others. Technikons did not have a

research focus, but provided technical and vocational training in various

fields. In the post-apartheid period, this landscape has changed

significantly, but the history of an institution tends to still have a bearing

on its current status.


91. The college sector has not developed along as clear a path as the

university sector has.78 Understanding of the best vocational structure

has shifted over time, and attempts to ensure sufficient artisans and

technically trained workers and to improve the image of this sector

The section on the college sector is based on a workshop given to the Commission by Volker
Wedekind on 28 July 2016. Additions are made (and footnoted) from various presentations to
the Commission.

continue to this day. Unfortunately, most people still see college as a less

prestigious career option compared to a university education, and this is

one of the reasons why South Africa has too few people with vocational

skills in comparison to those with more theoretical skills. It is generally

accepted that what is needed to best develop the economy and

development in a country, is a pyramid, with those with technical or

vocational skills forming the bulk at the bottom (these would be

those trained in college or through apprenticeships) and those with

theoretical skills (a degree, or university education) filling the

smaller space at the top. The structure of such a pyramid is the

reverse of what presently exists. The model which is adopted to

fund students at TVETS and universities must accordingly reflect

the priority of the college system if a meaningful reversal is to be

brought about. South Africas lack of technical skills problems is

compounded by the fact that technikons (as discussed later) have

changed into Universities of Technology, and there has been a shift away

from diplomas in favour of the more sought-after degree.

92. Aside from the image problem that they face, the colleges have also

experienced various challenges over the last couple of decades. In an

attempt to create a more integrated education system, changes were

made that have not always had the desired outcome. For instance, the

number of public colleges was reduced from 153 to 50. Governance

structures have changed and so have conditions of service; and

challenges to governance and management structures persist at some

institutions, while others are progressing well.79 The lack of security and

clear direction, and the introduction of new lecturer qualification

requirements, has led to many lecturers leaving the sector (and a

shortage is now faced). There is a need for lecturers with an

understanding of theory and practice, and for professional development

of these lecturers.80 Another change to the sector was the decision to

close down all education colleges in favour of teachers getting a degree

through a university. Colleges remained a provincial competency until

2013, meaning that the funding for and standards of different public

colleges was very different.81 Furthermore, some colleges (to this day)

remain the competency of a department other than the DHET (for

instance agricultural, nursing and police colleges).

93. Added to this, interpretations of what vocational training is, have changed

intermittently over this period. At one time, there were Further Education

and Training Colleges (FET), and now they are Technical and Vocational

(TVET) Colleges. Some offered Adult education, but now this is being

moved to community colleges. TVETs offer programmes like the NCV

which is a matric equivalent but also post-school qualifications (like

NATED) and skills development courses and occupational programmes

(mainly together with the SETAs) and higher certificates (with

universities). These programmes are diverse in terms of level and focus,

with more than twenty specialisations in the NCV alone. They offer pre-

DHET, Presentation to the Commission, 04 October 2016.
DHET, Presentation to the Commission, 04 October 2016.
False Bay College, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 25 October 2016.

service and in-service training. This means they straddle the line between

different types of education and different quality assurance bodies,

making it hard for them to develop a specific identity. NATED courses

were being phased out, and were then brought back at the behest of

industry. There has also been a lack of development in the programmes

and courses, meaning that there are challenges with curriculum design,

relevance, and with some outdated content.82

94. One of the big challenges facing these colleges continues to be their

relationship with industry or the workplace. 83 First, this impacts in the

relevance of the courses they offer, which need to be up-to-date. Second,

it leads to a problem that students cannot complete their courses as they

cannot access workplace training and work-integrated learning, which

are formal requirements of many of the programmes. This results in

students having a theoretical training only, for a technical or practical

qualification. Articulation, both between the TVETs and industry and

between TVETs and higher education, remains a concern, and is most

likely one of the disincentives to a TVET education.84

95. Despite these challenges affecting the basis of the college sector, there

is still a push to grow the sector to meet the needs of the economy and

the demand for further education. The number of students in the TVET

sector more than doubled, from 345 000 students (headcount enrolment)

DHET, Presentation to the Commission, 04 October 2016.
DHET, Presentation to the Commission, 04 October 2016.
DHET, Presentation to the Commission, 04 October 2016.

in 2010 to 709 535 in 2015. However, in terms of the fully costed funding

norms, the number of headcount enrolments funded in the Ministerial

approved programmes is approximately 429 638, as compared to the

approximately 664 748 enrolments in the system. This is indicative of the

level of underfunding and over enrolment in the colleges.85 New colleges

are planned - one is complete; two are underway and another nine are

out for tender (although a lack of funding remains a concern for full

functionality).86 While there are initiatives to correct the problems in the

sector, the sector is currently in a situation where student throughput is

worse than at universities (although a lack of data means this is hard to

analyse); where many students go to colleges as a last resort; where

many students enrolled in the college are following the NCV, despite

already having done the equivalent in a school; and where funding is a

major problem both at institutional and student level as these colleges

tend to cater for the poorer students.87


96. The TVET sector is facing severe financial pressure, which impacts on

the quality and innovation of the sector, and on the student experience.

97. False Bay College explained the funding situation from the Colleges

perspective to the Commission.88 College programmes can be grouped

DHET, Presentation and testimony to the Commission, 10 August 2016.
DHET, Presentation and testimony to the Commission, 10 August 2016.
DHET, Presentation to the Commission, 04 October 2016.
False Bay College, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 25 October 2016.

into 3 categories, namely, Ministerial Programmes, Occupational

Programmes and Higher Education Programmes. The Programme

Qualification Mix (PQM) of the college is developed taking into account

the economy of the region, employment opportunities, past programme

performance and job placement performance. The funding

arrangements for these programmes differ.

98. Ministerial Programmes include the National Certificate Vocational

(NC(V)) as well as Report 191 (NATED) programmes. The DHET funds

these programmes out of their allocation from Treasury in the form of

formula funding. The DHET is responsible for the costing of these

programmes and the current policy is that the DHET funding provides for

80% of the programme costs and the student is responsible for paying

the remaining 20% in the form of tuition fees. NSFAS bursaries are

available for needy students who are not in a position to pay the 20%

class fees. The reality however, is that in 2015 there were 664,748

students in these programmes at colleges countrywide whilst the DHET

could only fund 429,638 (64%) students. This underfunding continued in

2016 and indications are that it will remain unchanged in 2017. The

College explained further that both NSFAS and DHET allocations are

based on 2013 figures, resulting in a large number of unfunded students.

The College had a shortfall of R19 million in 2016.89 The DHET explained

that Colleges are expected to recover fees from students that do not

Presentation and submission by False Bay College, 25 October 2016

qualify for NSFAS bursaries; however, due to the no fee increase in

universities, colleges are finding it difficult to recoup these funds.90

99. Occupational Programmes include learnerships, apprenticeships and

skills programmes. These programmes are not funded by the DHET but

are offered at a cost to the client. Colleges work together with SETAs and

the National Skills Fund (NSF) to fund these programmes and provide a

stipend for needy students.91

100. Higher Education Programmes are offered in partnership with a

university, mainly at NQF level 5 (higher certificates). These programmes

are subsidised by the DHET through the partnering university and the

students can access NSFAS loans through the university.92

101. The situation is made worse by fear that the university crisis is diverting

attention from TVET sector; and that funding will be directed to

universities. 93

102. The Tshwane South College reported a similar unstable financial

position. Since 2013 the college has submitted a negative budget to their

Council each year, although it has each time managed to meet its

obligations and commitments by making cuts in other areas or from

DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.
False Bay College, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 25 October 2016.
Presentation and submission by False Bay College, 25 October 2016
False Bay College, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 25 October 2016.

project funding. 94 The College carries 73 staff members who are not

funded through the annual DHET allocation; and this prohibits the college

from making critical appointments on all post levels, affecting the quality

of teaching and learning. The College feels that there is pressure to

increase enrolments from the DHET, despite the fact that there is no

additional funding.95

103. The South African College Principals Organisation (SACPO) agreed with

the Colleges general assessment, explaining that while the DHET uses

the 80:20 ratio for funding, the allocation has been reduced to 62% or

less and bursaries have also been cut. Furthermore, DHET keeps a

portion of this money (63%) for salaries, without considering the different

budget status of each college. Remaining funds are retained by the

DHET. Colleges are also not receiving Capital Funding.96

104. The TVET Governors Council went even further, expressing their opinion

that the funding of Post-Schooling education in South Africa has been

distorted in terms of allocation by prioritising universities over the TVET

Colleges, the supposed skills machinery for the country.97 This had led

to under-funding in the sector since at least 2009. In 2016, underfunding

reached almost R4.7 billion, and TVET Colleges were excluded when

universities were compensated for the no-fee increase; and when relief

Tshwane South College, Presentation to the Commission, 25 October 2016.
Tshwane South College, Presentation to the Commission, 25 October 2016
South African College Principals Organisation (SACPO), Presentation to the Commission, 24
October 2016
TVET Governors Council, Presentation & Submission to the Commission, 30 August 2016.

was provided for historic debt. TVETs annually write off bad debts,

leading to even more chronic financial strain. The Council explained that

they are expected to increase the size of the sector, without the proper

levels of funding, or capital budget or sufficient funding for student

support, despite the fact that the sector provides for the poorer student

population and many under-prepared students. The Governors Council

called for an increase in the allocation from the state.98

105. The DHET agreed that there is a crisis of underfunding in the TVETs

sector. They explained that in terms of the fully costed funding norms, the

number of headcount enrolments funded in the Ministerial approved

programmes is approximately 429 638, as compared to the

approximately 664 748 enrolments in the system indicating the level of

underfunding / over enrolment.99 They explained that for 2017/18, TVETs

were funded at 53% rather than 80% as per policy (where the remaining

20% should be made up through tuition fees). In 2013/14 they were

funded at 81%, but since then this has declined to 68% in 2014/15; 60%

in 2015/16; and 56% in 2016/17. This underfunding is heading towards a

major crisis.100

106. The DHET also discussed the underlying principles of fair funding for

TVETs. This is not currently the situation as the level of funding is not the

same across all provinces. For instance, in the Eastern Cape TVET

TVET Governors Council, Presentation & Submission to the Commission, 30 August 2016.
DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.
DHET, Presentation to the Commission on Funding of TVET & CET Colleges, 24 October

students are funded at R26 857 per FTE (full-time equivalent) learner,

and in Limpopo at R16 050. This is a result of the process of changing to

a single national system from the old provincial system. Fair funding

would include equal rand values per weighted FTEs; an allowance for

whether colleges are urban or rural, small or large; and allocations based

on effective throughput levels. 101 Currently, allocations are made based

on the funding formula for different programmes, regardless of

certification or throughput rates. Once the enrolment-based allocation is

determined, TVET colleges only received a percentage of the allocation

based on previous provincial allocations and available funding. Actual

spending per FTE by Colleges does not differ substantially between

different types of courses and, in practice, Colleges do not spend

substantially more on higher funded (more practical) courses. This

impacts on the quality of practical courses. There is also evidence that

Colleges spending more on staff development have significantly higher

certification rates. Low throughput rates can also result in small class

sizes at higher levels, which increases the cost per student for offering

that course. The Ministerial Committee on the Review of the Funding

Frameworks of TVET Colleges and CET Colleges, has suggested a

greater focus on the cost per graduate, rather than on the more basic

measure of cost per enrolment. Even though targets in this sector are

mostly focused on enrolment numbers, if students dont complete, then

DHET, Presentation to the Commission on Funding of TVET & CET Colleges, 24 October

there is no benefit to society or the economy. The Committee also

recommends free tuition in TVET and Community Colleges.102

107. The DHET added that NSFAS bursaries (amounting to R2.3 billion in

2015) have been allocated to poor students to fund tuition fees (229 000

beneficiaries), as well as to provide accommodation and or travel

allowances to needy students staying 10 km from a TVET college

campus.103 The Minister explained that while significant NSFAS funding

is available, and about 50% of students dont pay fees, there simply is

insufficient funding to support all poor students adequately.104 This has

led to unrest in colleges.105 The South African Further Education and

Training Students Association (SAFETSA) corroborated the fact that

there is insufficient funding of TVETs, and that the poor infrastructure to

support their learning and training, as well as a myriad of NSFAS

challenges, complicates life for many students. NSFAS will be

considered in more detail in a separate chapter. There is also pressure

on the examination system which is underfunded.106

DHET, Presentation to the Commission on Funding of TVET & CET Colleges, 24 October
DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.
Minister of Higher Education and Training, Presentation to the Commission, 13 October
DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.
DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.


108. As mentioned above, the technikons (which were diploma awarding

institutions focused on technical courses) no longer exist, and have either

been converted into universities of technology (UoTs) or have been

merged with traditional universities into what are now called

comprehensive universities (institutions with both technical qualifications

and formative degrees; and some postgraduate offering). A number of

traditional universities still exist, and while racial barriers have been

removed, a distinction between universities based on their past and

language barriers continue. A process of merging institutions was

undertaken in the early 2000s in an attempt to transform the university

landscape. In some instances, this process has been effective, but not

all institutions were merged, and not all mergers were successful. The

post-merger landscape consisted of 23 universities 11 traditional; 6

comprehensive universities (when including the Universities of Zululand

and Venda, which were to move towards a comprehensive offering) and

6 universities of technology (UoTs) - reduced from 36 universities and

technikons in 1994. Since then, two new universities were established in

2014, and one merger was undone to create two universities, leaving the

system with 26 universities currently.

109. The historical disadvantages tend to still impact on the current trajectory

of the majority of these institutions. Despite the mergers and other

initiatives since 1994, people still refer to institutions as historically-black

(HBIs) or historically-white (HWIs) and the nomenclature is used to

denote Historically Disadvantaged Institutions (HDIs) and Historically

Advantaged Institutions (HAIs) respectively. HBIs tend to have a higher

proportion of black students, less research focus, and greater financial

strain. UoTs (whether HBI or HWI) find themselves in a similar situation,

with a generally poorer student base. HWIs tend to be institutions of first

choice, so they can select students with higher matric averages, who are

more likely to succeed. They can also offer better support (academic and

financial) and better student life and employment opportunities.

110. Nonetheless, as mentioned earlier in this report, it was at these HWIs that

the 2015 protests began, both over a lack of institutional transformation

and over financial strain. Furthermore, as indicated to the Commission, a

number of these HWIs are currently under severe financial strain. This

has resulted in, for instance, cuts to support staff and library collections.

The financial state of the university sector (before considering the

demands for more affordable fees or free education) is not healthy

and is unsustainable. This state of affairs poses serious risks to the

quality of provisioning and support to both students and staff.


111. A number of submissions were made to the Commission commenting on

the lack of funding for universities. A focus of these discussions was on

the fact that while the number of students enrolled in the sector has

doubled from 495 356 in 1994 to 983 698 in 2013, there has not been a

relative increase in funding. The Report of the Ministerial Committee for

the Review of the Funding of Universities (2013) found that Meeting the

resource needs of the sector will require significant additional funding. An

analysis by the Committee found that state funding of higher education

(in real terms) has been declining over the years. Between 2000 and

2010, state funding per full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolled student fell by

1.1% annually, in real terms. During the same period, perhaps as a

response to declining state funding, tuition fees per FTE student

increased by 2.5% annually, in real terms. South Africas funding of

higher education, even though significant, does not compare favourably

to other countries. Testimony was given to the Commission

comparing funding of the university sector in South Africa as a

percentage of GDP to a number of other countries. While this comparison

is indicative of underfunding, such comparisons can be misleading as the

size and shape of the sector varies in different countries (for instance,

should the whole of the post-school sector be considered or just

universities; what about comparative participation rates?). Furthermore,

while a country like Cuba spends a greater percentage of their GDP on

university education, the private benefits to a graduate are much lower

than in a country like South Africa as indicated elsewhere in this report.

Whatever the historical or international comparison, testimony from

Report of the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Funding of Universities (2013), p.7.

colleges and universities indicated severe financial strain, not only on the

students but also on the institutions.

112. The cost of an education goes beyond what is often considered. 108

During the Commission testimony was heard regarding a number of costs

to an institution, as well as the impact of these costs not being sufficiently

met. Due to this not being the primary focus of this report, these will only

be discussed very briefly. However, it should be borne in mind that

any solution to the financial crisis in the college and university

sectors, must also take these into account if the quality of education

on offer is not to be negatively affected. One of the costs highlighted

by the University of Johannesburg in their presentation to the

Commission was the high cost to ensure that underprepared students

are successful in their university studies and to ensure that students do

not drop out before they have completed their studies. This requires a

suite of academic and social assistance programmes which the university

has to provide In addition to this UJ also has an extensive tutor and

mentoring programme to ensure students success in the classroom. This

is funded from the operating budget and the increasing investment has

resulted in an increased graduation rate over the past 5 years of 10%.

The University of Johannesburg highlighted the need for universities to

build and to maintain an adequate level of reserves [to] allow Councils

to invest in strategic initiatives, such as new facilities or the funding of

Universities were unable to explain clearly why an LLB degree for example would cost more
at one institution than another. This question may need to be addressed in finding a solution to
fee regulation.

strategic research areas. It added that although UJ had modest

operational surpluses this was not enough to fund the backlog


113. CHET reported on the DHET analysis of 2015 Reports by universities

(2016), which found that six universities had operating deficits in their

2014 council controlled funds (NWU, RU, UKZN, UNISA, CUT, MUT);

nine universities had council controlled personnel costs above the DHET

norm of 53%-63% (CPUT (67%), TUT (66%), RU (73%), UFS (64%),

UCT (65%) , WSU (71%), DUT (71%), MUT (65%), VUT (70%)); and that

student debt before provision for doubtful debt was R5.451billion or 28%

of expected tuition fee income.110

114. Another key issue raised during the Commission, in particular by

universities, is that inflation in the education sector is higher than general

inflation. This is referred to as the Higher Education Price Index (HEPI),

which stands at CPI plus 2%. 111 An expert analysis of the funding

framework and the challenges was further provided by Prof Rolf Stumpf,

a retired vice chancellor and advisor to a number of universities in South

Africa.112 A number of reasons were discussed for this higher inflation

rate. In the first instance, a large proportion of the budget of an institution

UJ, Presentation & Submission to the Commission, 2 September 2016.
CHET, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 11 August 2016.
USAF, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 29 August 2016; UNISA Bureau of
Market Research (2014), Research and development of a higher education price index for
South Africa (Commissioned by HESA).
Rolf Stumpf, Presentation to the Commission, 18 October 2016.

goes to salaries (in the case of the University of Johannesburg, 61%).113

Salaries are one of the items that tend to increase beyond CPI, and in

households salaries do not form a large portion of expenditure. The

second main reason for higher inflation is the proportion of goods bought

internationally, and the additional cost of the depreciating of the Rand.

This is particularly the case with research equipment and access to

international journals. In 2014 the costs to libraries actually increased by

an estimated 40% due to the combined effect of a new e-resource tax

and the deprecation in the value of the Rand.114 Another major cost driver

raised by Universities, which has also been increasing at a higher than

inflation level rate, is the cost of utilities (water, electricity) and these,

together with costs for cleaning and security, account for 10% of the UJ

budget.115 It is further expected that the demand for in-sourcing non-core

services and concomitant staff costs will exacerbate the situation at many

universities in the near future.

115. Teaching and academic staff: 116 While the cost of staff salaries is

normally taken into account when measuring the cost of providing an

education, this is one of the factors leading to the high rate of inflation in

the sector. Lecturing staff (both at college and university level) need

specific training and a general shortage of academic staff is experienced

by the university sector, especially in some professional fields.

UJ, Presentation & Submission to the Commission, 2 September 2016.
CHE (2016) South African higher education reviewed. Two decades of democracy, p. 214.
UJ, Presentation & Submission to the Commission, 2 September 2016.
This section is partly based on the presentation by USAF to the Commission, 20 October
2016; but also on broader reading, including CHE (2016) South African higher education

Academics need to have undergone many years of study (undergraduate

and postgraduate, preferably up to doctoral level) in order to have the

requisite knowledge in their field, and in order to be able to carry out

research. Only an academic with a doctorate can supervise a doctoral

candidate. Such qualifications are scarce but necessary, and the

National Development Plan has set targets for the number of academics

with a doctorate by 2030, although this is not the only measure of quality,

and in some fields industry experience may be more beneficial.

116. Aside from the necessary qualifications and research ability, teaching

skills are required to ensure effective teaching and learning. An additional

cost with staffing is the need to transform the academy to be more

representative of the countrys demographics. There is a particular

shortage of black female academics, and most Professors are white men.

There is an urgency in transforming the sector, but appropriate strategies

and the attendant investment needs to be put in place to accelerate

transformation. The challenge is not only as a result of the limited number

of students who decide to pursue doctoral studies, but also in making

academia attractive. In some fields, professionals will earn considerably

higher salaries outside of the university, and those with postgraduate

qualifications are in high demand in our economy.

117. The staffing challenge is exacerbated by the fast expansion of the sector

over the past twenty years, meaning that more staff are needed. USAf

has calculated that the sector will require the recruitment of 3 683

additional academics into newly created posts by 2019, adding an

average of 737 per year. This excludes those needed to replace staff who

retire or resign from existing posts. Add to this the general problem of the

under-preparedness of students, and the demands for and on academic

staff increase. Unfortunately, the last twenty years have not witnessed an

increase in academic staff concomitant to the increase in student

numbers, leading to greater pressure on academics, larger classes, and

a less attractive profession. CHET explained that academic staff

numbers have increased by about 2% per annum, meaning that the

overall student: staff ratio has increased from 20:1 in the early 2000s to

27:1.117 The system has been employing about 233 (fulltime equivalent)

academics into newly-established posts each year between 2000 and


118. On the other hand, the National Tertiary Education Union raised the issue

of low cost higher education without affecting the quality.118

119. There has been much written on the state of the academic profession

globally, and it is not necessary to dwell on that in detail in this context.

The demands on academics are increasing, there is a publish-or-perish

culture, and an increasing number of academics are employed on

CHET, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 11 August 2016.
NTEU, Submission of May 2016.

contract rather than permanently. South African universities are similarly


120. In South Africa, an additional staffing cost which needs to be taken into

account, is the cost of insourcing. This was one of the demands of the

2015/16 protests, and a number of universities agreed to the insourcing

of certain support staff (including security, catering and cleaning staff).

The full cost of insourcing has been estimated by USAf to stand at

between R0.5 and 2 billion per annum. This will also see an increase in

the salaries and benefits for insourced staff. Some universities have

indicated that they expect no additional costs, which has yet to be seen.

121. Research:119 The cost of research is not always taken into account when

considering the cost of running a university, and yet research is a core

function of the university. Research is not only important for the country

in terms of innovation and development, but it is also vital for teaching.

The focus of any funding debate should not only be on undergraduate

students, simply because intense protest action comes from

undergraduates, but also on postgraduate and research students who

are at formative stages of knowledge production. The National Research

Foundation indicated that they fund 10% of all postgraduate students,

and also make allocations to the universities third-stream funding.

Maintaining research is not cheap. It requires, among other things,

This section is partly based on the presentations and submissions to the Commission by the
National Research Foundation (NRF), 5 September 2016 and by Loyiso G. Nongxa, 19 October
2016, but also on broader reading, including CHE (2016) South African higher education

laboratories, expensive equipment, IT facilities and expensive software

licences, and libraries with access to journals. The needs differ by field.

Agricultural research will require experimental farms. Medical research

requires tertiary hospitals as training platforms. In the case of the

Veterinary education and training, which is a scarce skills area, animal

hospitals and related facilities are required. All of these are run at a high

cost to the university, and in certain instances cross-subsidised by other

programmes and fundraising initiatives. In some instances, research can

bring in an income, but the experience has been that enthusiasm for new

developments decreases quite quickly, and that funds often end up being

directed from existing programmes to keep research projects going.

Private companies can ask an institution to conduct specific research for

which they are willing to pay, or non-profit organisations may be willing

to fund research in a specific field. This money is however, ring-fenced

only for specific projects and the blue skies research of an institution

needs institutional funding. Some of this research funding is also used by

undergraduate students, and as such is more directly linked to teaching

costs. For instance, students need access to the library and to relevant

recent publications, students also need access to laboratories and need

to be able to do experiments and use field-specific equipment. For

postgraduate students, the difference between teaching and research

costs is even less clear. The NRF indicated that Any policy, planning or

funding decisions that respond to the challenges of HE must enhance

research excellence innovation and knowledge production. Any funding

decisions for students must include appropriate resourcing for

postgraduate studies (number and value of bursaries and


122. Student support services: 121 Support services have become more

extensive and more important in recent years, not only in South Africa,

but also internationally. Support services include administrative, financial,

psychological, medical, career advice and academic support. The cost of

such services depends on the extent and uptake of the services. The

main reason for student support is to make the transition to higher

education easier for students in the hope of improving throughput rates

and lowering dropout levels. There has been extensive research both

internationally and nationally on the ways to improve the efficiency of the

higher education sector. Career advice is considered an important

intervention to ensure that students are studying in the field most suited

to them (academically and personally) as this will make them more likely

to persevere and succeed. Students also need to receive the assistance

they need when they start in higher education, and throughout their

studies, to ensure than they can succeed physically and emotionally.

Such support includes assistance with the application process and other

administrative tasks; assistance in applying for financial support where

necessary and available; and medical care and counselling if and when

NRF, Presentation to the Commission, 5 September 2016.
This section is partly based on the presentations to the Commission by Emeritus Professor
Ian Scott, 19 October and 9 November 2016 (based and updated on a proposal produced by a
CHE task team of senior academics submitted to the Minister of HET in December 2014) and by
the DHET, 24 March 2017. Also on broader reading, including CHE (2016) South African higher
education reviewed; CHE (2013), A proposal for undergraduate curriculum reform in South
Africa: The case for a flexible curriculum structure.

needed. Some universities have introduced specific programmes for first

year students to help them to adapt to university life and to understand

what will be expected of them.

123. Another important aspect of support is academic support, which has

received a lot of attention over the last couple of decades, especially in

South Africa. Academic support can take on different forms, such as an

extended programme where an additional year is added to the curriculum

to assist with the articulation from school; additional classes in key

subjects such as literacy and numeracy; IT innovations (such as clickers/

robot system) which help identify when and where there is a problem;

language support; and summer/ winter schools. It is clear that while

student support adds a significant additional cost to the provision of

education, it is crucial considering the current throughput and dropout

levels. Research by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) indicates

cohort throughput rates as shown below:

Accumulative throughput comparison of 2008, 2009 and 2010

cohorts finishing within regulation time up to n+2 years for 3-year

diplomas, 3-year degrees, 4-year degrees and weighted national

rate (excluding UNISA)122

124. Based on such cohort throughput studies, the South African university

system is generally deemed inefficient as a large number of

students are given the opportunity of education without them

succeeding. This is financial burden for the state, the university and the

individual, and also comes with psychological consequences. Professor

Scott explained to the Commission, drawing on a CHE task team report

on a flexible curriculum, that the university sector is a low participation

system compared to similar income countries, with a Gross Participation

CHE (2017), VitalStats. Public higher education 2015.

Rate of 20% in 2013.123 This participation is racially skewed. About 12%

of African and coloured youth access universities, making it a small,

select intake who should collectively have strong potential to succeed.

However, this is not the case and performance has stayed stubbornly

poor over time with overall throughput rates as shown in the table above,

and only 7% of African and coloured youth succeeding in higher


125. Scott suggested that one of the reasons for the demand for Decolonising

the curriculum could be the need to remove inequalities in

epistemological access. He suggested that low and skewed

performance could be creating disaffection with the higher education

sector. He went on to explain that while no racial group is performing

well, there is still abundant evidence of racial and class inequalities in

successful engagement with the undergraduate educational process. He

added that the extent of the under-performance of such a small and

select intake clearly indicates systemic obstacles within the universities

educational structures and processes themselves pointing to a

mismatch between the assumptions on which SAs undergraduate

education is based and the realities of the educational backgrounds of

the majority of the student body.

126. Scott outlined the history of Academic Support (AS) or Academic

Development (AD) programmes in South Africa, and referred to the

Ian Scott, Presentation to the Commission, 19 October 2016.

articulation gap between school and university. He discussed under-

preparedness and how the gap could be closed from either side, but that

there is a lack of opportunity to explore subject and curriculum choice.

He referred to possible language barriers, and proposed ways to better

engage students. Scott also addressed a proposal to extend the standard

curriculum for 3-year programmes to 4-years, and showed analysis which

indicated that the cost of expanding to 4-years would be less than the

cost of admitting more students in an attempt to get the same number of

graduates. This analysis was based on the success of foundation

programmes, which have been implemented at most institutions, and on

the assumption that any additional students given access would be less

able to succeed without support than the current, top achieving, intake.

127. The DHET, in their response, described a number of initiatives already

underway to improve throughput, and the proposed University Capacity

Development Programme. The DHET suggested that the current

interventions are bearing fruit, and that there are clear improvements in

throughput. The proposal of an extended curriculum, as put forward by

Scott, is not the route favoured by the DHET at this time. The Minister

explained that the DHET has provided significant funding for foundation

provisioning and a range of other initiatives, such as the teaching

development grant at universities with the aim to improve the success

rates of all students and therefore ensure access with success. 124

128. While there are a number of different views on this issue, and various

initiatives either proposed or underway to try and improve throughout,

there are certain elements of overlap. There is agreement by all

involved that the current throughput levels need to be improved.

Treasury agreed with the inefficiency of enrolling more students

and allocating more money to a system that is not yielding the

desired results. Throughput in both universities and colleges was of

great concern to Treasury. 125 The issue of the best way to improve

student throughput falls outside the mandate of the Commission.

However, the Commission is focused on university funding, and it is clear

that improved throughput is a necessary pre-requisite for broadening

opportunity to access higher education (and the funding of such access).

The necessary measures must, therefore, be introduced to ensure a

higher education system focused not only on access, but also on

success. Increased access without success is not in line with the spirt of

the Constitution. It will be destructive of the very opportunity that it is

intended to provide, viz access to quality education and consequent

productive employment through the former students lifetime. Further

Minister of Higher Education and Training, Presentation to the Commission, 13 October
National Treasury, Presentation to the Commission, 7 October 2016.

consideration will be directed to the important issue of student support in

chapter 23 of this Report.

129. Infrastructure (including student accommodation): One of the larger

expenses, which most institutions indicated that they cannot afford

without state assistance, is infrastructure development. As mentioned

above, the size of the higher education sector has increased significantly

over the past two decades both at colleges and universities. With

growing student numbers, there is a need for more infrastructure be it

lecture halls, library space, laboratories and rooms for practical work, or

student accommodation. Investment in infrastructure is costly, with slow

return. The 2002 university funding formula did not make an allocation

for infrastructure development, or even for infrastructure maintenance.

As a result, universities found it hard to maintain current infrastructure,

and those without reserves could not expand. Lack of maintenance has

led to an even greater infrastructure backlog, and institutions under

severe financial strain continue to prioritise immediate costs over long-

term maintenance. In 2006/07 the DHET realised that the sector was

growing without sufficient emphasis on the development of infrastructure;

and as a result, the government invested more than R13 billion from

2007/6 to 2014/15 over 3 funding cycles. 126 The first cycle ran from

2006/07 to 2009/10. It saw R3.6 billion invested in engineering and other

SET categories, as well as general infrastructure capacity. The second

DHET, Presentation to the Commission on Infrastructure initiatives and related costs, 20
October 2016.

cycle, 2010/11 to 2011/12, consisted of funding to the value of R3.3

billion, with an additional R2.5 billion in co-funding from universities (total

R5.8 billion). The priority areas were architecture, engineering, health

sciences, life sciences, student housing (R660 million) and teacher

training. Third cycle, 2012/13 to 2014/15, funding amounted to R8.5

billion (R6 billion from the state and R2.5 billion in university co-funding).

The priorities changed for this cycle to include the backlog at historically-

disadvantaged institutions (HDIs), infrastructure to support students with

disabilities, research equipment, assistance for project management

capacity and African languages. Money was also made available for

student housing (R1.69 billion and university co- funding of R670 million)

to provide 9000 new or refurbished beds. The HDIs received R1.443

billion (85%) of this allocation, and the other campuses R247.3 million


130. From 2015/16 the DHET changed the process for allocating the grants

so as to focus on the system as a whole in a more integrated way. All

institutions have developed campus master plans and have carried out

maintenance audits, disability audits, and IT audits. The sector has a

maintenance backlog of R25 billion. The cycle made allocations of R1.9

billion, R700 million going to maintenance; R850 million to student

housing, and R350 million to priority commitments from the third cycle. It

is envisaged that the 2016/17 to 2018/19 cycle will make R7.5 billion

available, with about half going to student housing and the other half to

infrastructure needs.127

131. In 2010 the DHET identified the need for new universities to be created

to meet the capacity demands in the sector. A feasibility study and 10-

year spatial development plan were completed with an initial grant of R50

million from National Treasury. After a successful bid to Treasury, the

process of establishing the new universities began. Separate earmarked

grants were put aside for the two new universities (Sol Plaatje University

(SPU); University of Mpumalanga (UMP)). Their first intake was in 2014

(124 at SPU and 240 at UMP, mainly in refurbished facilities) and the

plan is to grow over the next 10 to 15 years to 7 500 students at SPU and

18 000 at UMP.128

132. In 2011 a Ministerial Committee produced a report on the state of student

accommodation at universities. 129 The report only considered contact

universities, and found that across the sector the provision of

accommodation was inadequate. At some institutions, students were

staying in private accommodation that wouldnt meet minimum health

and safety standards. Official university residences were too few to meet

the student demand with 107 598 beds for the approximate 535 000

DHET, Presentation to the Commission on Infrastructure initiatives and related costs, 20
October 2016.
DHET, Presentation to the Commission on Infrastructure initiatives and related costs, 20
October 2016.
Report on the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Provision of Student Housing at
South African universities (2011); Iain LAnge, Submissions and presentation to the
Commission, 26 January 2017.

students in contact institutions at that time (20% in residences). The

problem of housing was worst at HDIs. Dr. LAnge explained some of the

advantages of university accommodation, including a safe and hygienic

living and studying environment; access to nutrition; close proximity to

the university and amenities; a living-learning environment; support for

first year students; and improved academic success. It is felt that

university accommodation is especially important for students on

financial aid, given the array of support measures in place, but that it can

also be important as an environment for developing social cohesion

between students from different races and social classes, and notably

creating living and learning spaces.

133. The Committee proposed three options for student accommodation

development (i.e. to cater for between 50% and 80% of the student

population; or to grow at 5% p.a.) at a cost of about R147 billion over a

period of 15 years. This excludes the R2.5 billion backlog in maintenance

of student accommodation across the sector. To modernise existing

residences so they are fit-for-purpose, a further R1.9 billion is

required. These costs exclude the cost of developing student

accommodation for the TVET sector. In this sector, a lower percentage

need to be accommodate as more students are likely to be able to live at

home, but the current provision is close to non-existent.

DHET, Presentation to the Commission on Infrastructure initiatives and related costs, 20
October 2016.

134. Language: 131 The issue of the language of our institutions of higher

learning remains a sensitive issue, and the 2015 Higher Education

Summit noted that the increasing levels of frustration due to the slow

pace of transformation in the university sector. One of the major issues

highlighted in this regard, was language practices which create barriers

to effective teaching and learning. In an attempt to be more inclusive, the

majority of institutions have selected English as the main language of

teaching and learning. However, the vast majority of those attending

higher education institutions do not come from English speaking

households. Language can, therefore, act as a barrier to academic

success. Many institutions are trying to incorporate an indigenous

language into their administrative culture, but this does not tend to carry

through to teaching and learning. Another sensitive issue is the use of

Afrikaans. A number of the HWIs were historically Afrikaans institutions;

and while some have selected to drop the language entirely, and had to

go through court battles in order to achieve this, others have attempted

various dual language policies with associated costs. The issue of

language was one of the matters raised during the protests of 2016, and

it is clear that it remains an emotive issue. The view held by the protestors

is that it is expensive, favours one race group over others, and leads to

a lack of integration. The cost of a bilingual (or multilingual) policy at an

institution is high. In order to offer courses in more than one language,

an institution needs to ensure sufficient academic staff proficient in such

languages, study guides and other support material need to be

Marlene Verhoef, Presentation to the Commission, 20 October 2016.

developed and produced in these languages, and duplicate classes need

to be offered (even when the demand is low). At certain institutions, this

emotive issue led to demands for mother tongue instruction, even if it

may not be developed as an academic language. This argument was to

justify equitable treatment of students on campuses.

135. Transformation: South African society cannot shy away from the need

to transform the society, with higher education institutions being no

exception to this rule. In 2008, a racist incident at the University of the

Free State, led to the formation of a Ministerial Committee on

Transformation and Social Cohesion and the Elimination of

Discrimination in Public Higher Education Institutions. The Committee

reported later in the year. 132 Broadly, it found that that discrimination,

particularly on the basis of race and gender, is pervasive in the higher

education sector. It found a disjuncture between institutional policy and

practice, with institutional culture remaining a challenge. Transformation,

much like other higher education initiatives, requires funding. Some of

the recommendations by the Committee were: the creation of a

permanent oversight body to monitor transformation in the sector;

earmarked funds for the development of black and female academics;

earmarked funds for academic development; attention to the state of

student housing and residence cultures characterised by discriminatory

practices, especially at previously Afrikaans universities; increased

Report of the Ministerial Committee on Transformation and Social Cohesion and the
Elimination of Discrimination in Public Higher Education Institutions (2008).

funding for NSFAS; and the implementation of language policies that

promote African languages. The issue of transformation is one of the

prominent issues leading to student dissatisfaction with the higher

education experience. The need for curriculum reform (or decolonisation

of the curriculum) is a key demand by the study body. Rhodes University

stressed the need for transformation in their presentation to the

Commission, and highlighted the costs associated with it. 133 They

explained the need for re-curriculation for more inclusive programmes;

for transformation of staff demographics; for better support of

students to ensure they are not just provided physical access to the

universities but also epistemological access to the knowledge within it,

all of which need additional funding.


136. Section 29(3) of the Constitution recognises the place of private tertiary

education. It provides:

(3) Everyone has the right to establish and maintain at their own
expense, independent educational institutions that-

(a) do not distinguish on the basis of race;

(b) are registered with the state, and

(c) maintain standards that are not inferior to standards at

comparable public institutions.

RU, VC presentation to the Commission, 2 September 2016.

(4) Subsection (3) does not preclude state subsidies for independent
educational institutions.

137. While the State has a programme for providing subsidies to independent

basic education institutions, as envisaged in the Constitution, it has not

yet developed a similar programme for independent tertiary institutions.

In many developing or comparable economies (e.g. Brazil) such

education assumes a far more important role than is presently the case

in South Africa. We have considered that the terms of our mandate

extend to the feasibility of providing fee-free tertiary education to students

at private institutions of higher learning including those offering technical


138. The purpose of this discussion is not to consider the challenges and

merits of private institutions. However, it is important to remember that

these institutions provide another avenue of access to PSET, often in

specialised areas. There are currently 114 private higher education

intuitions and 627 private colleges in South Africa, offering a range of

programmes.134 It is estimated that about 10 to 15% of enrolments are

currently in private institutions. The Commission heard testimony from

the Association of Private Providers of Education, Training and

Development (APPETD) and the Private Higher Education Interest

Group (PHEIG), and also from some individual institutions.

Minister of Higher Education and Training, Presentation to the Commission, 13 October

139. APPETD described the private further and higher education sector,

pointing out that the sector is regulated through the Higher Education Act,

like public institutions. These private institutions receive no subsidies or

grants from government, even though low-cost providers address the

needs of the poor who cannot access public universities. APPETD

argued for support from the Treasury for these institutions. They

explained the real cost of an education at a public institution by referring

to subsidy contributions from DHET, tuition fees and third-stream income.

They then referred to some other countries where the state provides

financial aid to students attending private institutions. Finally, they

referred to the massive growth targets for higher education as projected

in the NDP, and how private institutions could assist with human

resources capacity building.

140. APPETD concluded by suggesting a voucher system for poor and

missing middle students taking courses in skill-priority disciplines, which

could be used to access approved private institutions. In this way,

APPETD argued that private institutions could become part of the

solution to the higher education crisis.135 Richfield Graduate Institute of

Technology, a higher education provider, put forward a very similar

proposal to APPETDs. They indicated that they receive no subsidies,

grants or allowances, but argued that they provide low-cost education to

the poor, both in relation to TVETs and universities. In the light of this,

APPETD, Presentation to the Commission, 22 September 2016.

they argued for financial support to be available to students attending

these institutions.136

141. PHEIG, on the other hand, focused on the crisis in the public higher

education sector, and indicated in their testimony that we do not believe

that any state funding should be directed in any way to the private sector.

We fully support the current structure in that the private sector should be

paying for full costs in relation to regulation accreditation and we think it

is completely inappropriate to be advocating for redirection of any subsidy

towards the private sector. So, our interests are fundamentally different

on this matter.

142. PHEIG noted the current situation where, as a result of not being able to

afford fees, higher education [is] inaccessible for many students. They

indicated the growing problem of the so-called missing-middle and the

need to address this situation, pointing out that fee increases meant

fewer students who can afford public higher education and fewer

students who existing state support systems can support. If that is taken

with the reported low repayment rate on the NSFAS system, the net

impact is serious in terms of limiting access. The PHEIG also pointed to

continued inequity in the public higher education system between

historically advantaged and disadvantaged institutions, and increasing

costs which have not been offset by subsidy increases or fee increases.

Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology, Presentation to the Commission, 30 August

Finally, the problem of low throughput and graduation rates was referred

to, pointing out that more graduates graduating sooner may result in an

increase in the repayment of NSFAS funds and therefore more funds for

new students and less stress on institutions with repeating students.137

143. While the private higher education sector in South Africa is relatively

small, its role in expanding capacity should be given serious thought.

Although a number of presenters rejected private education as part of the

commodification of education, it seems to the Commission that the

private education sector must necessarily play a role in supplementing

the lack of capacity in the public sector, the more so if student numbers

are materially increased by the provision of universal access. It may be

noted that the model proposed by the Commission is one that seeks to

treat students at all institutions of higher learning on a basis that is as

equal as possible.


144. The discussion above highlights the many funding pressures facing the

PSET sector, and most specifically the TVET colleges and universities.

There is already a severe funding crisis, which is impacting on capacity,

quality, throughput, staff ratios, infrastructure maintenance, research and

on basic provision and transformation. It is clear that the sector faces

many challenges, and while some of these could be solved through

PHEIG, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 22 September 2016.

efficiency changes, many require additional funding. The purpose of this

chapter is to highlight the need to consider the entire education sector,

and the entire range of needs of each sub-sector within the education

sector, before determining whether it is feasible or not to provide fee-free

higher education to one section of the entire PSET system. That said, the

affordability of education is a key concern which needs consideration,

especially in a country where the income distribution is so skewed, and

the poverty level rises unabated.


145. The expression fee-free may bear a seemingly obvious meaning on its

face. In practice, the position is otherwise. First, the evidence before the

commission has been virtually unanimous that although the fee element

of higher education and training represents a substantial proportion of the

cost of such education or training for the student, it is, on its own, of little

practical significance unless regard is also had to other elements of the

full cost of study. Thus, it has been emphasised (and persuasively so)

that tuition is for the great majority of the student body (and also for the

aspirant student population) of little practical value without food,

accommodation, transport, books, computers/tools/equipment, internet

connectivity, health care and in many instances, family support (i.e.

support of the students family, not a family contribution). It has been

urged that one of the contributors to the high dropout and failure rate in

higher educational institutions has been the emphasis on tuition fees

while underplaying the full cost of study. The truth of this assertion is not

measurable but the Commission has been persuaded of its likelihood and

the consequent need to take the full cost of study into account in any

assessment of the cost and feasibility of a fee-free higher education and

training system.

146. Nor have we regarded the expression fee-free as limiting the

commission to higher education which carries no tuition fee at all for the

student during the period of his or her studies and at any time

thereafter. It has become apparent from a consideration of the many

reports and published articles on the subject as well as world trends, as

also the diverging views expressed in evidence before us that the real

need in relation to higher education in South Africa (in universities,

colleges and private institutions) is to make access available to all

who qualify academically for it, irrespective of whether they can or

cannot afford to pay the tuition fees demanded by such institutions

at the time of applying and for the academically acceptable period

of their studies. This does not exclude the obligation to pay the whole

or part of such tuition fees at a later date when the former student, now

reaping the benefits of free access to an institution of higher learning, is

able to pay. We have therefore understood the concept in this sense, i.e.

fee-free at the point of access and for the academically acceptable

duration of study.


147. Feasibility is a word of wide import. It means not merely whether a

project is affordable or doable but, according to the Shorter Oxford

English Dictionary whether it is capable of being done, carried out or

dealt with successfully in any way; possible, practicable. It is in this broad

sense that that we have interpreted this concept. Thus, many presenters

were motivated by idealism, political or economic philosophy, or a desire

to further human rights. While we honour such motives each proposal

must, in the end, stand or fall by the degree of its practical application.




148. A wide discussion ranged in the Commission between the

Commissioners, evidence leaders and experts as to the scope of the

Constitutional obligation to provide higher education. The Commission

listened to the views of interested persons and weighed them up with

deference. What follows reflects the Commissions understanding of the

law.138 We accept that a definitive interpretation lies with the Courts.

It must fairly be noted that the Commissioners (all legally trained) were not in agreement with
the advice of the evidence leaders (also legally trained) in all respects.

149. One of the key foci of the Commissions work has been to better

understand the reasons for the demand for free education; the

Constitutional obligations; and the governments policy in this regard.

When presenting their demands, many stakeholders referred back to the

1955 Freedom Charter. The Freedom Charter was a document drawn up

during the struggle against apartheid by the South African Congress

Movement (an alliance of the African National Congress (ANC), South

African Indian Congress, Coloured Peoples Congress and South African

Congress of Democrats). In historical terms, the Charter was considered

to be the blueprint for a democratic, post-apartheid South Africa. The

Freedom Charter does not form part of South African law and, while not

detracting from its historical and political significance, is not a legal

document. The Freedom Charter states that:

The Doors Of Learning And Of Culture Shall Be Opened!

The government shall discover, develop and encourage national talent

for the enhancement of our cultural life;

All the cultural treasures of mankind shall be open to all, by free

exchange of books, ideas and contact with other lands;

The aim of education shall be to teach the youth to love their people and
their culture, to honour human brotherhood, liberty and peace;

Education shall be free, compulsory, universal and equal for all children;

Higher education and technical training shall be opened to all by means

of state allowances and scholarships awarded on the basis of merit;

Adult illiteracy shall be ended by a mass state education plan;

Teachers shall have all the rights of other citizens;

The colour bar in cultural life, in sport and in education shall be


150. The document refers to free, compulsory basic education for all children.

However, when referring to higher and technical education it does not

refer to free education, but rather to state allowances and scholarships,

which are awarded based on merit. The Charter does not explain merit

in this context. It can be taken to mean that state allowances and

scholarships should only be provided to the best performing students.

Another interpretation was provided by SAFETSA. They explained that

our understanding in the association is that they are also saying that

there must be a system in place not for us to be given education, whether

it is free or not, there must be systems in place on the basis of merits.

Those merits are [the] means test [to see whether you] are from a poor

background or not but there are discussions and assumptions outside

there to say once we achieve free education any person irrespective of

merits 139 should receive free education. In other words, SAFETSA

interpreted merit to mean financial need, and that a means test to

determine need is within the understanding of the Freedom Charter.

SAFETSA, Testimony to the Commission, 29 September 2016.

151. The Commissioners are satisfied that the Freedom Charter did not

address the question of fee-free higher education. Its emphasis seems

rather to have been on access and merit.


OF 1996

152. The Commissioners hold differing views as to the scope of the states

obligation to provide higher education. In the view of the Chairperson the

state has no legal obligation to provide such education free of charge.

Commissioners Ally and Khumalo interpret the United Nations

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as

requiring the state to progressively provide free higher education

according to the capacity of the state. We shall begin by setting out the

Chairpersons reasons for his conclusion.

153. While the Freedom Charter was a document often referred to, it is the

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996 which

determines the states obligations in terms of higher education and

training. The Constitution deals with education in section 29:

(1) Everyone has the right:

(a) to a basic education, including adult basic education; and

(b) to further education, which the state, through reasonable

measures, must make progressively available and accessible.

(2) Everyone has the right to receive education in the official language or
languages of their choice in public educational institutions where that
education is reasonably practicable. In order to ensure the effective
access to, and implementation of, this right, the state must consider all
reasonable educational alternatives, including single medium institutions,
taking into account:

(a) equity;

(b) practicability; and

(c) the need to redress the results of past racially

discriminatory laws and practices.

154. The key point is that everyone has a right to both basic and adult basic

education and to further education. However, in the case of further

education, the state must take reasonable measures [in order to make

it] progressively available and accessible. There is, therefore, not a right

to free further education140; but there is the expectation of progressive

steps towards increased access and availability. The right to basic

education and adult basic education is not limited in the same way. As

such, CET as discussed previously, must be treated in the same way as

basic education, and falls outside of this discussion on higher education

and training.

155. In discussing their interpretation of the Constitutional obligation, the

Minister of HET explained that The Department, and Government

generally, read the constitution to clearly articulate that basic education,

Nor is s29(1)(b) reasonably capable of an interpretation that includes such a right (to the
extent that s233 of the Constitution may be invoked in interpreting the first-mentioned section).

including adult education, is a fundamental/basic right that must be

provided to all who need it; while further education, which can be

interpreted as including Higher Education (HE) (also referred to as

university education) and Technical and Vocational Education and

Training (TVET), are secondary rights that must be made progressively

available and accessible to those who merit it (meet the academic

requirements). Within the remit of the Department of Higher Education

and Training (DHET), the provision of Community Education and Training

(CET) gives effect to section 29(1)(a), namely that everyone has the right

to adult basic education, while the provision of TVET and HE responds

to section 29(1)(b). To make further education available is interpreted to

mean that the system must grow to provide sufficient spaces

(opportunities) for study. To make it accessible means it should be

affordable and individuals should not be denied access based on

financial need, on the basis of a disability or other form of


156. The Students for Law and Social Justice (SLSJ) explained that There

are three key features of section 29(1)(b) that must be noted: 1. The right

to education, both basic education and further education, is the only

socio-economic right contained in the Bill of Rights that is not expressly

circumscribed in its wording by the availability of resources. 2. In realising

the right to further education, the state is enjoined to take measures that

Minister of Higher Education and Trainings Input for Presidential Commission, 13 October

are reasonable. 3. The right to further education must be made

progressively available and accessible. They explained further that On

the question of availability of resources, SLSJ submits that it is not

appropriate to read the availability of resources into section 29(1)(b) as a

justification, in and of itself, that can be relied on by the state for non-

fulfilment of the right but it may be a component in assessing the

reasonableness of measures taken. It should therefore be incumbent on

the state and all relevant stakeholders, including the institutions, involved

in realisation of the higher education framework, to work to constantly

develop a system that accommodates legitimate concerns, needs and

aspirations of students. 142

157. Availability is a key aspect of the Constitution. In line with DHETs

understanding of the Constitution, they have taken a number of steps to

ensure greater (and growing) access to higher education. The National

Development Plan (NDP) and the subsequent PSET White Paper (WP),

set high targets for growth in the higher education and training sector.

The White Paper, taking its lead from the NDP, targets student enrolment

in universities of 1.6 million and in TVETs of 2.5 million by 2030. This

continues a trajectory of high levels of growth in the sector over the past

two decades.

158. Future growth is, however, reliant on increased government subsidy, if

the quality of education is not to be negatively affected. As explained

SLSJ, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 12 August 2016.

previously, per capita funding to both TVETs and universities has not

grown in line with expanded enrolment. This has contributed to high

increases in university student fees, and a crisis in funding at TVETs. The

National Treasury, in their interaction with the Commission, indicated that

the targets were not costed prior to the publication of either the NDP or

the PSET WP. As a result, when bids were put to Treasury to fund this

growth, it was agreed that an in-depth costing should be completed as

the first step.143 This costing report indicates that, in order to fund all

increases in the PSET sector (CET, TVET and university), about

R655 billion would be needed by 2030 (or R253.1 billion in 2014

prices), compared with R64 billion expenditure on the sector in

2014. 144 The costing report indicates that while enrolments are

expected to increase by 168% between 2014 and 2030, the total

expenditure (in real terms) needed to achieve the aims of the White

Paper is expected to increase by 242%. Consequently, expenditure

on PSET as a percentage of GDP will rise from 2% in 2014 to 4.4%

by 2030, if the policy targets are met. 145 The report goes on to

explain that in the TVET sector, expenditure would need to increase

from R8.7 billion (2014) to R292.2 billion (or R112.4 billion in 2014

prices. The cost increase would be as a result of increased enrolments,

quality improvements, and changes to the training programme mix.

University expenditure was not expected to increase as quickly. The

report calculated that expenditure would increase from R52.9 billion

National Treasury, Testimony to the Commission, 7 October 2016.
Volume 5: Consolidated Report on the Costing and Financing of the White Paper on Post-
School Education and Training, p. I.

(2014) to R334.3 billion in 2030 (or R129.8 billion in 2014 prices). The

main reason for slower growth is less expenditure on quality changes as

the throughput rate is higher in the university sector. Cost increases

would be due to increased enrolment, higher staff costs as more would

require a PhD, higher post-graduate enrolment, and more students

housed in student accommodation.146

159. Accessibility refers to both affordability and, as argued before the

Commission, epistemological access. Over the past decade, higher

education fees have grown at a rate higher than inflation. As a result,

higher education has become unaffordable for a large part of the

population. The states financial aid scheme is only available to the

poorest section of society, leaving the so-called missing middle to find

alternative funding. Failing to do this, higher education becomes

inaccessible. This is the key concern for the Commission. Added to this,

high failure and dropout levels across the system, indicate a systemic

articulation gap. This concern was discussed in more detail earlier in this

Report. Failure to address the issue of epistemological access, or

access with success, will negate any attempts by government to increase

the availability of affordable higher education.

160. There was also some debate in the Commission regarding the

interpretation of the progressive realisation of the right. In determining

this, it is important to consider the primary focus of the right. From the

Ibid., p. I - II.

above discussion, and the DHETs interpretation, the primary focus is on

access and availability. The Constitution states through reasonable

measures, must make progressively available and accessible. It does

not refer to free education, and does not indicate the progressive

realisation of free education. The focus is not on the policy used (such as

the preferred financial aid intervention) to ensure the right, but on the right

itself. Therefore, if increased access and availability would be ensured

through a different or changed funding model, this would be progressive

in meeting the Constitutional requirements. As such, policy changes

away from free education could be introduced should these meet the

Constitutional demand for higher education to be progressively [made]

available and accessible. It must, however, be borne in mind that higher

education and training must be accessible to individuals from all financial




161. For the past twenty years, the Constitutional requirements have found

expression in government policy. As discussed before, higher education

policy has focused on expanded access, a cost-sharing model, and the

provision of student aid to ensure that no student is denied access on the

basis of financial need. More recently, there have been nuanced changes

to the policy position, moving towards a call for free education for the

poor. These are expressed in the PSET White Paper (2013), the task

team report on free education for the poor and various ANC manifestos

and resolutions. It is necessary to examine more clearly what the shift

has entailed, and how the call for free education is defined. These

policies and manifestos will be considered below.

162. The government and DHET are not unaware of the challenges posed by

fee increases. In the 2013 PSET WP, the general policy position of a

shared cost-model was retained, although the focus had now shifted to a

significant increase in fees; the problem of poor students receiving

inadequate funding from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme

(NSFAS); and to students who fell outside of the NSFAS funding

allowance, but who couldnt afford university costs. The White Paper

explained that Education and training must also be affordable for

potential students and that government has significantly increased the

funds available for student loans and bursaries.147 The Policy explained

further that, since 2011, poor students in TVET colleges have not had to

pay tuition fees, and have been assisted with accommodation or

transport costs and that it was committed to progressively extending this

to university students as resources become available. 148 The White

Paper went further to recognise the problem of (what later came to be

called) missing-middle students, and committed itself to making

WP 2013, 7-8
WP, 2013, 8

resources available to this group. The option of capping fees was


163. Despite recognising the problem with the fee model, the White Paper

remains committed to fees, stating that all universities also charge

student fees, which are essential to institutional survival in the current

funding environment. Fees have risen substantially over the past two

decades, as overall government funding to institutions has not kept up

with the financial requirements of the system. Rising student fees

continue to pose a major barrier to access for many students. The

government will consider ways of controlling fee increases. 150 The

section notes the 2012 report on fee-free education for the poor

(discussed below), stating that this would require significant additional

funding, but that Everything possible must be done to progressively

introduce free education for the poor in South African universities as

resources become available.151 Thus, while the White Paper continues

to support the principle of fees, there is a clear departure from earlier

policy in that free education for the poor, fee regulation, and funding for

the missing-middle are all proposed concurrently. Despite this, the model

of loans is also clearly retained, with the White Paper explaining that

Partnerships will be essential to the success of student funding

initiatives. These will include intra-governmental partnerships, such as

cost-recovery support from the South African Revenue Service (SARS)

WP, 2013, 8
WP, 2013, 37
WP, 2013, 37

The principle of cost recovery of loans from students who have

benefited from state funding is well-established in South Africa, and is

essential to the affordability of continued and growing student funding.152


164. In order to understand shifting policy positions as well as the students

demands, and only with this in mind, it is necessary to traverse ANC

resolutions and policy decisions in the interim years.153 At the ANCs 52nd

National Conference in 2007 the ANC accepted a resolution to

progressively introduce free education for the poor until undergraduate

level. This resolution was reflected in the Presidents January 8th

statement in 2011, where he noted that: With effect from this year, 2011,

students who are registered at a public university in their final year of

study and who qualify for funding from the National Student Financial Aid

Scheme, will receive a loan equivalent to the full cost of study, which is

the full fee and the necessary living expenses. If these students graduate

at the end of the year, the loan for the final year will be converted to a full

bursary. They will not have to repay the amount. This model will be

phased in over the next few years to include students in earlier years of

study.154 He added that: Also from 2011, students in Further Education

and Training Colleges who qualify for financial aid will be exempted

WP, 2013, 37
Ms Naledi Pandor presented to the Commission on 27 March 2017 on behalf of the ANC
Health, Education, and Science and Technology sub-committee.

completely from paying fees.155 The Minister HET, Dr. Blade Nzimande,

responded to the 2007 resolution by appointing a working group to

consider the feasibility of making university education fee-free for the

poor (discussed below). This report of the working group was submitted

to the June 2012 ANC Policy Conference, which determined that a policy

for free higher education to all undergraduate level students from poor

and working-class communities should be finalised for phased

implementation from 2013.156

165. At the ANCs 53rd National Conference, in December 2012 in Mangaung,

the ANC noted that significant steps had been taken towards developing

a policy on free higher education for students from poor and working-

class communities, for phased implementation from 2014. It was

explained that A draft policy on Free Higher Education has been

completed, and the broad consultative process, including the social,

economic analysis and impact and consultation with Treasury will

ensue. 157 It was resolved that the policy would be completed and

adopted before the end of 2013. At the same conference, it was noted

that university education is costly and the principle of increased access

to higher education is a core transformation goal. Furthermore, it was

noted that students from poor families should not pay up-front fees; that

academically capable students from working class and lower middle-

class families should also be subsidised; that full cost of study should be

Report of the Working Group on Fee Free University Education for the Poor in South Africa,
157 Accessed 20 April 2017.

covered; and that The upfront fees that are provided and enable fee-

free university education for the poor and subsidised fees for the

working class and lower middle strata, should be made available as

loans through a strengthened NSFAS system. Part of the loan

should be converted to a bursary for successful students. As such,

the ANC resolved that NSFAS needed to be strengthened and

restructured for this fee-free model, that full-costing should be completed;

and that a graduate tax should be considered.158

166. Before moving on, it is important to analyse these resolutions. The ANC

called for free education, and supported the free education report

discussed below (which advocated deferred payment i.e. loans).

However, the ANC also noted the high cost of university education and

the need for an expanded system. It went further to explain free education

as a deferred payment system, where loans are repaid after study, but

with a bursary for successful poor students (neither term being defined).

This is, in effect, what NSFAS was already doing after the Presidents

announcement in January 2011. The main improvements called for in this

resolution are, therefore: full cost of study loans; loans for the missing

middle; and an improved NSFAS system.



167. In 2012 the Minister of HET appointed a working group to consider the

feasibility of making university education fee-free for the poor. This was

in reaction to the ANC resolutions discussed above. As part of its terms

of reference, the group was expected to determine the actual cost of

introducing fee-free education for the poor; suggest a definition of the

poor; examine international models and options of fee-free education;

and contemplate implications and consequences of fee-free education.

168. In the report, the definition of undergraduate study included all 3- and 4-

year degrees and diplomas; fees were taken to mean full-cost of study;

and the poor were defined as those earning less than the lowest SARS

tax bracket (R54 200 in 2010). In its analysis, the working group

considered the arguments in favour of a fully state-subsidised model as

opposed to a cost-sharing model, and pointed to a move towards cost-

sharing in the face of the increasing cost of higher education; the need

for greater participation; and declining government funding. The working

group also considered up-front fees (where parents take responsibility)

as opposed to deferred fees (where the individual is responsible).

Income-contingent loans (ICL) are considered, and compared to the

current NSFAS ICL. Various problems with the NSFAS system are

identified (including lack of resources to offer full-cost loans; low-

recoveries; administrative problems; and top-slicing by institutions). In its

analysis, the working group recommends an ICL model, where students

repay loans over a period of 15 years, dependent on whether they ever

reach a minimum threshold income. The group also identifies a possible

grant for poor students, which is the gap between their full-cost of study

and the repayable loan thus providing free education where a loan is

not repayable. They recommended full-cost loans for students from poor

households; loans with household contribution for those from middle

income households; and no loans for those from affluent households. The

working group also suggested reducing current NSFAS rebates for

academic performance; limiting the loan amount so as to avoid reckless

lending; retaining the current NSFAS system for those students already

enrolled in the system; and general increases in government subsidy to

universities in order to expand academic support and ensure success.

169. In considering South African policy, ANC resolutions and the inputs of

Commissions, task teams and working groups, it is clear that certain

principles overlap throughout. The first, is the need for a transformed and

expanded higher education system. The second is agreement that higher

education is expensive, with both public and private benefits leading to

a cost-sharing principle. The third, is that students should not be denied

access on the basis of financial ability (only academic ability). As such,

there is support for a financial aid system of deferred payment through

an appropriate and affordable loan and bursary mix.

170. The Commissioners, having considered the submissions of the evidence

leaders, understand the Constitution to mean that the state must provide

the public institutions, teaching staff and all ancillary measures necessary

to offer higher education to citizens and residents of South Africa.

Because the ideal of universal access was recognised as not immediately

obtainable the state was obligated to take reasonable measures (this

being a fact-based value question upon which the state exercises a wide

measure of discretion according to its balancing of available means and

priorities) to increase the breadth of its provision of education and its

accessibility to aspirant higher education students. The section says

nothing about the cost of or payment of tuition fees and there is in our

view no implication to be read into the state obligation in that regard. It

may be that in ensuring access to education such access will remain

barred to those who cannot afford it. It is then the duty of the state to

ensure that such bar is removed. Fee-free education may then become

a necessary means to achieve the primary goal of universal access. The

removal of the bar may however take various forms, for example, the

provision of scholarships, loans, incentives, grants, tuition fee write-offs,

or simply an exemption from paying tuition fees. Tuition free higher

education is thus, within the context of the constitution, merely one

means of achieving the constitutional right to universal access.


171. Evidence leaders, however, argued that the constitutional obligation of

the State must be understood 159 by the extension of that obligation

involved in South Africas ratification of the United Nations International

Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. South Africa signed

the Covenant in 1994 and ratified it in 2015160. In so doing South Africa

added a declaration to its signature, referring to article 13(2)(a) and

stating that: the government of the Republic of South Africa will give

progressive effect to the right to education, as provided for in article

13(2)(a) and article 14 within the framework of its national education

policy and available resources.". The relevant sections of the Covenant

provide as follows

Article 13(1) The states parties to the present covenant recognise the
right of everyone to education. They agree that education shall be
directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense
of its dignity, and shall strengthen the respect for human rights and
fundamental freedoms. They further agree that education shall enable all
persons to participate effectively in a free society promote understanding,
tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial ethnic or

Section 39 of the Constitution provides:
(1) When interpreting the Bill of Rights, a court, tribunal or forum -
(a) must promote the values that underlie an open and democratic society
based on human dignity, equality and freedom;
(b) must consider international law;
(c) may consider foreign law.
Ratification, of itself, is insufficient to render the Covenant domestic law in South Africa.
There has been no enactment into law by national legislation, nor does the Covenant contain a
self-executing provision (s231(4) of the Constitution).

religious groups and further the activities of the United Nations for the
maintenance of peace.

(2) The State parties to the present covenant recognise that with a view
to achieving the full realisation of this right:

(a) Primary education shall be compulsory and available free to


(b) Secondary education in its different forms, including technical

and vocational secondary education, shall be made generally
available and accessible to all by every appropriate means, and
in particular by the progressive introduction of free education;

(c) Higher education shall be made equally accessible to all, on

the basis of capacity by every appropriate means, and in
particular by the progressive introduction of free education;

(d) Fundamental education shall be encouraged or intensified as

far as possible for those persons who have not received or
completed the whole period of the primary education;

(e) The development of a system of schools at all levels shall be

actively pursued, an adequate fellowship system shall be
established, and the material conditions of teaching staff shall be
continuously improved.

(3) The States parties to the present covenant undertake to have respect
for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to choose
for their childrens schools, other than those established by the public
authorities, which conform to such minimum educational standards as
may be laid down or approved by the state and to ensure the religious
and moral education of their children in conformity with their own

(4) No part of this article shall be construed as to interfere with the liberty
of individuals and bodies to establish and direct educational institutions,

subject always to the observance of the principles set forth in paragraph
1of this article and to the requirement that the education given in such
institutions shall conform to such minimum standards as may be laid
down by the state.

Article 14 Each State party to the present covenant which, at the time of
becoming a party has not been able to secure in its metropolitan territory
or other territories under its jurisdiction compulsory primary education,
free of charge, undertakes within two years, to work out and adopt a
detailed plan of action for the progressive implementation, within a
reasonable number of years, to be fixed in the plan, of the principle of
compulsory education free of charge for all.

172. Testimony referring to the Covenant161 was provided by Oxfam and the

SLSJ. Oxfam referred to the Covenant and to the requirement to move

progressively towards free education. They explained their opinion that,

while the State always needs to contend with competing obligations, like

the right to access water and food and education, these are all subject to

the same Bill of Rights and Constitution. However, in the South African

case, [we need] to deal with the legacy of apartheid [and] the divided past

and how the state was used to systematically marginalise certain

population groups If you are looking at the quantum of the university

fees themselves, if we were not to intervene at that level it will mean the

majority of the black population will forever be dependent, so the

intervention of fee-free tertiary education [is] an attempt to aggressively

[deal] with inequality. They went on to explain that a tertiary education

The Commission has not treated this evidence as interpretative of South Africas obligations
(any more than it has done so in referring to policy statements) but rather as providing social
commentary on the obligations as the presenters perceived them.

would also help with the situation of poverty, alongside the question of

unemployment, and the question of very very low wages for the majority

of the population. They indicated that at primary and secondary school

level there are interventions like fee-free schools, but that at tertiary levels

the fees are much higher. In light of this, Oxfam gave its support to fee-

free education for everybody.

173. Oxfam contended that in terms of the Convention, South Africa has to

put in place all technical and economic apparatus towards the full

realization of the right of affording the citizens access to tertiary

education, and it has to use all appropriate means necessary in doing

so. They argued that NSFAS does not comply with this particular article

as while fees have increased, funding has remained stagnant. They

concluded that it is clearly a question of a violation simply because the

state has not been adhering to the obligation of the progressive

realization of this right over time [and because] the language that is

used in the current policies seem to suggest that the objective of the state

in South Africa is not full realization of the right rather The means test

is a permanent measure that has been put in place to ensure that we

discriminate based [on] those who are said to have the means to fund

themselves. In Oxfams opinion, the framing of section 29(1)(b), it

speaks to the element of progressive realisation so all that needs to

happen is that the government needs to demonstrate commitment to the

full realisation of the right and then putting in place reasonable measures

towards the attainment of the right, and then they will have to diagnose

progress over time.

174. The SLSJ explained that: Importantly, the language defines the right

broadly, setting a framework of ideals for states to fully realise over time

based on its available resources. As a state develops, it must take

measurable steps to reach the next goal in fully realising the right to

education. In the context of education, states have a specific and

continuing obligation to move as expeditiously and effectively as possible

towards the full realisation of the right to education as laid out by the

ICESCR and by national policies. While states must prioritise the

provision of free and compulsory primary education, they also have an

obligation to take concrete steps towards achieving fee-free secondary

and higher education for all. What can be interpreted from this SLSJ

explanation, is that the free basic education is the first priority. The SLSJ

did not refer to the declaration South Africa added regarding free basic

education. This should be read together with General Comment 13

below, which focuses on free basic education as the first entitlement.

175. The SLSJ explained further that General Comment No. 13 on the right

to further education as contained in the ICESCR provides that:

While the precise and appropriate application of the terms will depend
upon the conditions prevailing in a particular State party, education in all
its forms and at all levels shall exhibit the following interrelated and
essential features:

(a) Availability - functioning educational institutions and programmes
have to be available in sufficient quantity within the jurisdiction of the
State party. What they require to function depends upon numerous
factors, including the developmental context within which they operate;
for example, all institutions and programmes are likely to require buildings
or other protection from the elements, sanitation facilities for both sexes,
safe drinking water, trained teachers receiving domestically competitive
salaries, teaching materials, and so on; while some will also require
facilities such as a library, computer facilities and information technology;

(b) Accessibility - educational institutions and programmes have to be

accessible to everyone, without discrimination, within the jurisdiction of
the State party. Accessibility has three overlapping dimensions:

(i) Non-discrimination - education must be accessible to all,

especially the most vulnerable groups, in law and fact, without
discrimination on any of the prohibited grounds . . . ;

(ii) Physical accessibility - education has to be within safe

physical reach, either by attendance at some reasonably
convenient geographic location (e.g. a neighbourhood school) or
via modern technology (e.g. access to a distance learning

(iii) Economic accessibility - education has to be affordable to all.

This dimension of accessibility is subject to the differential
wording of article 13(2) in relation to primary, secondary and
higher education: whereas primary education shall be available
free to all, States parties are required to progressively introduce
free secondary and higher education;

(c) Acceptability - the form and substance of education, including

curricula and teaching methods, have to be acceptable (e.g. relevant,
culturally appropriate and of good quality) to students and, in appropriate
cases, parents; this is subject to the educational objectives required by

article 13(1) and such minimum educational standards as may be
approved by the State (see article 13(3) and (4));

(d) Adaptability - education has to be flexible so it can adapt to the needs

of changing societies and communities and respond to the needs of
students within their diverse social and cultural settings.

176. The SLSJ indicated that, section 29(1)(b) of the Constitution makes

explicit reference to two of the four factors above: availability and

accessibility. The question of affordability of further education is integral

when considering the availability and accessibility of the right. This has

been suggested by the Department of Higher Education and Training

(DHET), which has further acknowledged the need for an expanded

approach to dismantling the barriers to higher education as erected by

financial constraints and the ancillary social constructs.

177. It is instructive to glance at other countries who are party to the Covenant.

For example, the UK ratified the Convention in 1976. Since then, the UK

has moved from a free higher education system, towards one where

university fees are charged and students are offered income contingent

loans. Similarly, Australia ratified the Covenant in 1975, and has a

university fee system in place, without a policy to move towards free

higher education. There are a number of other countries that have ratified

the Covenant, but who are considering moving away from free education

to loans or other systems or that have no policy towards free higher

education in place (Ireland (1989); Canada (1976); China (2001); Russia

(1973)). None of these policies or policy changes is per se decisive or

necessarily relevant to the constitutional position of South Africa. They

are merely indicative of a recognition that the covenant does not set free

higher education as a goal to be striven for by its signatories.

178. The Chairman of the Commission162 is of the view that the ratification of

the Covenant does not extend South Africas constitutional obligations;

rather it affirms the existing obligations in relation to the provision of

higher education.

179. It appears to the Chairman that with regard to the terms of article 13(2)(c),

the end to be achieved is equal accessibility to all, on the basis of capacity

(i.e. the capacity of the signatory state): the means to achieve that end

are every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive

introduction of fee-free education. The end of universal accessibility is

peremptory but the means to be adopted are discretionary and

determined by the signatory according to what is appropriate in the

circumstances of that signatory. It is in this context that the progressive

introduction of free higher education must be understood. In so far as

article 13(2)(c) is concerned that sub-article must be read in the light of

the principles enunciated in general comment number 13. Particularly

relevant to the present context is the dimension of economic

accessibility. It is in relation to that dimension that State parties are

required to progressively introduce free [secondary and] higher

The view of Commissioners Ally and Khumalo differs slightly and is expressed in paragraph

education. This is simply a restatement of the progressive role of free

higher education as set out in article 13(2) but drawing attention to its

dependence on economic affordability. We are of the opinion that such

an interpretation reconciles the principles stated in the General Comment

with the intention expressed in Article 13(2)(c).

180. The view of the Chairman therefore is that the Convention is consistent

with the Constitution of the Republic and does not extend the obligation

of the State to the provision of higher education that is fee-free. In each

case fee-free education may be employed as a means to achieving the

end of accessibility. It would, in the view of the Chairman, have been

extraordinary conduct, if South Africa had materially broadened the terms

of its constitutional obligation under s29(1)(b) without an express

declaration manifesting that intention.163

181. When South Africa added its declaration to its signature it expressly

qualified only articles 13(2)(a) and 14 in both of which the virtually

immediate availability of compulsory primary education is affirmed

(subject to the caveat in article 14) by committing itself to the progressive

realisation of that right. That qualification has no bearing on the

interpretation of article 13(2)(c). The view of the Chairperson is therefore

that the Convention is consistent with the Constitution of the Republic

The expansion of the clear meaning of s29(1)(b) to create wider rights than are provided in
the section would require an amendment as contemplated in s74(2) of the Constitution. No such
amendment has been effected. Even a reasonable interpretation of s29(1)(b) does not include
an obligation to provide higher education at no cost to the beneficiary. Such an addition must
necessarily be burdensome to the State. Section 233 of the Constitution is not of application.

and does not extend the obligation of the state to the provision of fee-free

higher education. In each case fee-free education is a means to

achieving the end of accessibility.

182. In keeping with the economic and social demands of the country this

provides the flexibility to utilise the fee-free element either in an absolute

sense or in a modified application (such as fee-free at the point of access,

and throughout the duration of the students tenure, while requiring

repayment of the whole or part of the amount spent on the student, after

completion of his or her studies).

183. Commissioners Ally and Khumalo agree that s29(1)(b) of the Constitution

does not create a right to free further education, but merely a right to

further education made progressively available and accessible by

measures which are reasonable in the context of the States capacity.

However, they consider that the Covenant broadens the constitutional

obligation. In their view article 13(2)(c) means that a state party

acknowledges a duty to provide free higher education, a duty that is

limited only by its progressive realisation within the capacity of the state.



184. In a submission made to this Commission the Minister of Higher

Education and training has submitted that to respect, protect, promote

and fulfill the right to higher education and to ensure that it is made

progressively available and accessible, government has taken the

following measures:

184.1. has supported the system to double its enrollments since


184.2. has ensured a largely transformed student population;

184.3. has provided substantial funding through NSFAS to support

poor students at universities and TVET colleges;

184.4. since inception NSFAS has supported 2.6 million students (1.5

million in universities and 1.1 million in TVET colleges) through

loans and bursaries amounting to R59.7 billion (according to

the 2015/16 NSFAS audited statements). This funding has

increased significantly since 2010, and currently supports

approximately 205 000 poor undergraduate students to

access higher education and 200 000 TVET college students;

184.5. has provided significant investment in foundation provisioning

and a range of other initiatives, such as the teaching

development grant at universities with the aim to improve the

success rate of all students and therefore ensure access with


184.6. has implemented the Staffing South Africas Universities

Framework to assist with improving the quality of provisioning

and ensuring the development of the academic profession;


184.7. has established three new universities (the University of

Mphumalanga, Sol Plaatje University, and Makgatho Health

Sciences University) to further increase the number of spaces

in higher education and ensure the geographical spread of

contact institutions.

185. The Minister did however point out that the transformation of the sector

is facing the risk of reaching a plateau in terms of enrolments. It is unlikely

that there will be any further growth progressivity with respect to

increasing spaces without injection of additional funds.

186. We have no doubt that the government has progressively increased

availability of and access to higher education. Whether it now can and

should extend such access by the provision of fee-free education is the

issue before us. Depending on the correct view of the legal obligation of

the state, the answer to that question may be a constitutional imperative

or a matter of state choice (policy). On either interpretation of the

obligation the capacity of the state remains a key determinant.

187. If free higher education is not a right, questions of regression and

its constitutional impermissibility do not arise.164 Nor are those provisions

of the Covenant (e.g. General Comment No. 3) in relation to retrogressive

measures relevant to the states policy on whether or not to provide fee

free higher education and training.


188. According to the terms of reference of the Fees Commission, the main

focus for the Commission was on the feasibility of free education, in

particular for the higher education sector. The Commission took a broad

view of feasibility, to include a broad discussion of the points in favour of

and those against the introduction of free education for all (or some) in

the South African context. These different opinions will be considered

below. No attempt is made to bring all the various submissions together.

Rather, this section aims to provide a summary of the very different

opinions put before the Commission, which all needed to be given

consideration and understanding.

189. The parameters of free education were also a point of discussion, but

there was general agreement from all parties that whatever form financial

aid should take in South Africa, funding should cover the full cost of study.

See the judgements of the Constitutional Court in the following cases: Governing Body of the
Juma Musjid Primary School and Others v Essay NO and Others 2011 (8) BCLR 761 (CC) at
para 58; Minister of health and Others v Treatment Action Campaign and Others 2002 (5) SA
72 (CC) at para 46; Maphango and Others v Aengus Lifestyle Properties (Pty) Ltd 2012 (3) SA
531 (CC) at para 32; Sarrahwitz v Maritz NO 2015 (4) SA 491 (CC) at paras 45-6

Full cost of study means that funding should take into consideration not

only tuition fees, but also the cost of accommodation, transport, learning

materials, food and other living expenses. Some also called for funding

towards basic access to health care. While there were some different

views on the items to be included in full cost of study, it was generally

agreed that, given the levels of poverty in South Africa, providing for

tuition fees only is not a viable solution. It was noted that full cost of study

is not generally the focus in other countries, and in fee-free systems, only

tuition is covered with grants or loans to cover living expenses available

to those in financial need. Among those supporting free tuition, some

support free full cost of study, and others supported free tuition with loans

for other expenses.165


190. Most participants in the Commission gave some indication of what they

recommended in terms of funding arrangements for higher education

going forward. Below is a discussion of selected testimony to the

Commission. Many of the viewpoints were offered in the first set of the

Commission, which did not have a specific topic for consideration, but

rather an overview of the relevant issues related to the terms of

reference. In the discussion below, testimony will be divided among

stakeholders so as to allow the discussion to flow. The first section will

consider governments input; followed by students; higher education

DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.

institutions; and finally, civil society and research groups and individual


191. There were certain overlapping viewpoints which most, if not all,

participants agreed on. First, the issue of a decline (per capita) in state

funding was highlighted as a major problem, which has left not only

higher education institutions struggling, but also students, as institutions

have raised tuition fees in an attempt to cover costs without

compromising the provision of quality higher education academic

programmes. Related to this, many stakeholders discussed funding of

higher education as a percentage of GDP, and compared this to funding

in other countries to highlight the need for greater state funding. Second,

there was general agreement that NSFAS is underfunded, and that this

has led to some of the problems experienced by students. There was not

always agreement in identifying what the problems with NSFAS are

with some rejecting NSFAS completely and others suggesting reform of

the existing financial aid policies. NSFAS will be considered later in a

separate section of this report, and not as part of the testimony on free

education. Finally, there was agreement that, given South Africas

inequality and socio-economic situation, financial support needs to be

provided for academically deserving but financially needy students. It

was agreed that students should not be excluded from higher education

for financial reasons. The form and extent of support was the topic of

much debate in the context of the economic climate and the competing

priorities outlined in the National Development Plan.


192. The first perspective on free higher education to be considered is the one

provided to the Commission by government departments and statutory

bodies working in the higher education sector. The DHET explained that

Any funding considerations relating to university education cannot be

isolated from those of the whole education system - as a country we have

to balance the importance of a strong university sector with the serious

need for growth in other parts of the education system, and therefore

funding free higher education should not be contemplated outside

considerations for adequately funding institutions, including TVET, CET,

Basic Education Schools and Early Childhood Development.166

193. The DHET explained their view in reference to the general state of

underfunding of the sector. This report has already considered how

DHET described underfunding in terms of the PSET sector as a whole.

However, they also described the state of university funding in the context

of the demand for free education. They explained that block grant

allocation to universities have increased by 139.7% between 2004/05

and 2015/16 in nominal terms, but that due to the eroding effect of

inflation, this was only a 29.8% increase in real terms, not taking into

consideration the higher rate of inflation at universities. If the impact of

substantial increase in student enrolments is taken into consideration,

there was actually a decrease in the per capita full-time equivalent (FTE)

DHET Presentation, 04 October 2016

student allocation of -3.4% over these eleven years. The DHET explained

that Growth in student numbers without matching growth in subsidy

funding, has resulted in general underfunding of higher education, putting

pressure on institutions to raise funds through fees and third-stream

income. The net result is that university fees have become increasingly

unaffordable to the working and lower middle classes. In order to counter

this, the DHET proposed that block grant funding to universities should

increase to a level of 50% of the cost to run an institution; but that fees

should be retained as one of the three funding streams. 167 It should be

noted, however, that enrolment growth is a planned process in three year

cycles at universities. The huge demand for university places at the

different types of universities, and the commitment to increase access,

compounded the funding difficulties for the higher education sector.

194. The DHET also explained that, in its view, NSFAS is already

implementing fee-free higher education for the poor. A student entering

the university receives fees (and living expenses) up-front through an

interest free loan. Interest is only charged one year after he or she has

successfully completed their studies, and is below the commercial

lending rate. Furthermore, up to 60% of the loan is converted into a

bursary for students completing in regulation time. However, if a student

never graduates, and never earns above a certain salary threshold,

and therefore the student never benefits from the goods of

university education, i.e. they never find productive employment

DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.

and remain poor, they never pay back their loan and in effect receive

their entire university education free (paid for by the state). The

DHET explained that calculations have been made regarding extending

NSFAS loans to 25.5% of undergraduate university students (full cost of

study). This would require an additional R29 billion over the 2016/17 to

2018/19 MTEF period, and would cover most poor students at

universities (family income below R120 000 per annum). However, more

money would be required to assist financially needy students in the

missing middle category.168

195. Similarly, the Minister of HET in his testimony explained that the

approach has been to increasingly improve and widen access to higher

education and TVET by ensuring that NSFAS qualifying students (the

poor) are effectively funded for their studies. He explained that DHET has

put bids to the National Treasury to improve the funding of NSFAS to

cover students at full cost of study, but that these have not been

successful. He explained that he acknowledges the current fiscal

constraints of Government, but must also acknowledge that this in itself

creates numerous challenges for the Department and has a serious

impact on service delivery. The Minister explained that the principle of

cost-sharing in universities has been entrenched, but that lack of finances

should not prohibit students from accessing higher education. He added

that in response to the demand for fee-free higher education and training,

the government has made significant new funding available. Free TVET

DHET, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 10 August 2016.

college education for poor students has been introduced, but there are

insufficient funds to support all students who require full cost of study

support. Government is committed to ensuring that all financially needy,

academically deserving, university and TVET students, whether poor,

working class or middle class, are able to access loans and bursaries so

that they are able to access higher education TVET and are not expected

to pay fees (FCS) at point of entry. The loan portion of the financial aid

for university students should be recovered once the individual is working

productively and earning an income through improved systems. The

Minister also discussed the ANC resolutions regarding free education,

and that the Ministerial Review of the NSFAS (2010) proposed that full

state subsidization of poor students should be progressively realized and

it proposed an income-contingent loan scheme for students from lower

middle-income families, the so-called missing middle. In summary, the

Minister explained that NSFAS provides eligible students with the means

to obtain a tertiary qualification by offering loans at a low interest rate and

a reasonable repayment plan. These loans are repayable as soon as the

student begins to work and earns at least R30 000 or more per year. Up

to 60 % of the award may be converted into a bursary dependent on the

students year-end results. Final year students at higher education

institutions who qualify for NSFAS funding are offered an incentive of

having their total loan for the final year converted into a 100 % bursary if

they complete their studies in the same year.169

Minister HET, 13 October 2016.

196. The National Treasury focused their attention on the financial situation of

the state, rather than providing a theoretical position on free education.

They referred to the lack of growth in GDP and as a result in government

revenue, while spending on social support has increased. This had led to

an increasing debt burden, leaving the state with a debt to GDP ratio of

50%. As a result, there is pressure to cut spending; and we have entered

a period of consolidating the budget. They indicated that aside from the

budget given to PSET, additional money is allocated through other

Departments, and Provincial and Local government, and through

earmarked taxes (like the NSF). In 2014/15, 71% of the PSET budget

was allocated to universities (R5.9 billion), 12% to TVETs and 2% to CET,

while an additional R13.8 billion was collected through the national skills

levy. NSFAS for universities has increased from R510 million in 2000 to

almost R7 billion 2014/15. NSFAS for TVETs has increased from R300

million (2010/11) to R2 billion (2014/15). The National Treasury indicated

that should the position be taken to fund free education, money would
have to be cut from other social priorities. National Treasury

highlighted that budget allocation is guided by Constitutional imperatives.

They indicated that Basic Education receives the highest percentage of

the allocation, with the PSET allocation among the top five together with

housing, health and social protection. Treasury argued that in their

understanding of progressive realisation within available resources,

there is an obligation for fiscal sustainability. They explained again that

National Treasury, 12 August 2016.

the relationship between taxation and economic growth is complex, and

that resources are ultimately determined by the size of the economy.171

197. The CHE explained that A central objective of transformation in higher

education is equitable access with success, but not at the expense of

quality. It discussed the private and public benefits of higher education,

and the need for state subsidisation. However, it pointed to the growing

number of poor students, and the limited tax base. Other funding

pressures in the sector were mentioned, and in the education pipeline as

a whole. The CHE discussed some funding options, together with their

challenges. First, fully state subsidised education, which could lead to a

reduction in quality within public institutions; exacerbated wealth

inequalities; and increased moonlighting. Second, an income contingent

loan, which could lead to a high debt burden. Third, the capping of fees,

which could lead to rapid fee increases at institutions with traditionally

lower fees. Finally, a sliding scale of fees, which would require a broad

enough tax base to raise sufficient funds, and would not be feasible in

poorer institutions where there are few or no wealthy students.172

198. The NRF began by discussing the public and private benefits of higher

education, and stressed their focus on the importance of innovation for

the knowledge economy. The NRF explained that The funding of Higher

Education is more than just about funding undergraduate students

National Treasury, 07 October 2016.
Council on Higher Education, 22 August.

There is need to provide adequate funding for postgraduate students,

researchers, research infrastructure as enablers for generating new

knowledge and enhancing our research and innovation. In this regard,

the NRF acts as an agency of the Department of Science and Technology

in the same way as NSFAS is an agency of the DHET. The NRF funds

10% of all postgraduate students in the country while NSFAS funds 25%

of all undergraduate students in the country. The funding of researchers

at universities comes in the form of NRF research grants, student

bursaries and scholarships, large infrastructure equipment grants which

cannot be based at one single university. Funding is on a competitive

basis. The NRF discussed the pressure that their funding is under,

especially as fees increase above inflation and the NDP has set targets

for increasing the number of doctorates, as well as the performance of

NRF funded students, which is above the set benchmark. The NRF

concluded that any policy, planning or funding decisions that respond to

the challenges of [higher education] must enhance research excellence

innovation and knowledge production and that funding decisions for

students must include appropriate resourcing for postgraduate studies

(number and value of bursaries and scholarships). In addition, funding

must take into account socio-economic circumstances and must be

scalable and support [the] sustainable growth of higher education. It

added that, in its view, primary and secondary education is a

constitutional right of all South Africans, free higher education is not

enshrined in the same manner. The affordability of free higher education

for all admitted students is questionable under the current economic

climate in South Africa. For this reason, the NRF would support an

affordable and sustainable solution that funds students on the basis

of cost of study but that is selective and differentiates on the basis

focus/priority areas and transformation imperatives and targets [and]

full, partial or no funding depending on income levels and access to

other funding such as bursaries.173

199. The Department of Basic Education focused their presentation on the

performance of Basic Education in preparing students for higher

education study. Regarding the university crisis, they suggested that their

pro-poor policy with regards to free schools has been a success; and

recommended making funding systems as simple as possible.174

200. In summary, the governments interpretation of the Constitution does not

support a free higher education system. Rather, the focus is on access

and support for the poor. The various government presentations

highlighted the severe financial constraints under which it is operating,

with various priorities struggling for better funding. Lack of funding to fund

new initiatives was highlighted more than once. Among these priorities is

education, which receives a substantial percentage of overall funding

(when considering the sector as whole). The need to focus on the

national perspective was highlighted by all. The achievements in

improving and increasing funding possibilities for higher education were

National Research Foundation Presentation & Submission, 05 September 2016.
DBE Presentation, 23 September 2016.

mentioned. Despite this, there is a clear recognition of the need for better

funding for NSFAS with a concomitant increase in the recovery of loans.

It was agreed that no poor student should be denied access based on his

or her financial situation. Further important points were the need for

quality, and for a mixed focus on under-graduates and post-graduates.


201. In their submission to the Commission, SAUS complained about

increasing student debts which in our struggle we call it the black debt.

They explained that the main problem is a lack of funding. First,

universities are underfunded, and as a result they have been increasing

tuition fees to mitigate shortfalls and related vulnerabilities. Second,

many students rely on NSFAS, but NSFAS is unable to provide financial

support to all the deserving poor families with an income below R130,

000. Added to this, poor students in the missing-middle cannot access

NSFAS. As a result, universities face high levels of student debt, and

students either drop-out as they cannot afford to complete their studies,

and continue to struggle and are harassed by institutions to pay huge

debts. SAUS recommended: Increasing Governments spending from

0.75% of GDP to 2.5 % of GDP [which] will relieve the burden on students

to fund their own education. This will go a long way in assisting in our call

for free education. 175

SAUS, 10 August 2016.

202. In light of this dire situation, SAUS gave its support to a free education

model. They argued that charging fees is against the spirit of the

Freedom Charter of 1955, and that free education would lead to various

public benefits, including reduced unemployment. However, in light of

financial constraints, SAUS accepted that the realization of free

education is likely to be a phased in model, thus free education for the

poor is the first step towards a progressive higher education system. We

need to ensure that we particularly empower and advantage the poor in

order for us to start alleviating class struggles, especially in the capitalist

scheme. They explained that the missing middle are not middle-class

students, these are students from the working class who are too rich for

NSFAS, and too poor to pay fees: too poor to be rich, and too rich to be

poor. They are the children of teachers, of police men, of civil servants

and others. SAUS believe that the problem began with the

commodification of education, meaning that people get the education

that they can AFFORD, not the education that they deserve... The focus

is no longer on the academic project. The focus is not on learning, or on

developing but on ensuring that we pay the institution for the service

rendered without proper academic support and holistic learning. 176

203. Regarding funding for free education, SAUS outlined a number of

possible initiatives: (1) Cutting the government wage bill, as one third of

government spending is on wages. SAUS believes 7% can be cut to raise

R26 billion. (2) Introduction of an education tax of 3%, to raise over R30

SAUS, 10 August 2016.

billion from all the tax payers. (3) As a developing country, South Africa

should be able to rely on fully developed countries to finance some of its

aspirations. Mozambique for example introduced free education in the

1990s and the international solidarity helped them to fund part of the free

education bill. The country will create a model that developed [countries]

can be able to release funding and assist in funding free education. (4)

Adjust government spending to meet priorities, for instance SAUS

suggested that sport is not a high priority. (5) Access private sector

funding For example if all companies listed at the JSE can contribute 4%

of the required funding for free education, only 25 companies can pay the

full amount towards free education (6) By dealing with corruption and

other leakages, such as Government Ministers who live a lavish lifestyle,

money could be diverted to higher education. For instance, When one

minister goes out of the country and spent R300 000 just for one holiday,

such money would have funded three students to receive free education.

(7) Private individuals and the general public wishing to contribute to free

education can be mobilised through government systems to fund free

education. This will be added by making them understand the benefits

accrued by the existence of graduates from free education. 177

204. The Students for Law and Social Justice stressed the importance of

making higher education available and accessible due to its ability to

alter the lived realities of the historically oppressed, as well as open the

doors of opportunity to those whom society has traditionally relegated to

SAUS, 10 August 2016

subservience and poverty. Their submission focused on the

constitutional imperative and obligation under international law, and

considered access more broadly than only financial access. The SLSJ

called for admission policies to be reviewed as a space in which to effect

redress of past and present injustices and for a progressive sliding-scale

model of governmental subsidisation directly to students, not as a

collective but as individuals, [to] ensure that personal circumstances of a

student (including the best interests of the student, any forms of

disadvantage, socio-economic disparities, and historic or continuing

social systems or structures) [are] accurately accounted for.178

205. Regarding free higher education, SLSJ believed that the immediate

realisation of fee-free further education for all would serve to benefit the

advantaged in society to the detriment of the overburdened poor. It

supported a model based on substantive equality where those most in

need are assisted at the justifiable expense of those wholly able to pay,

but that no retrogressive measures should be implemented in the pursuit

of realising the right to further education, save for measures designed to

redress the injustices of the past. This proposal would see greater

subsidisation of those with an inability to pay, and lesser and

subsequently no subsidy to those able to pay, depending on personal

circumstances. The system would entail fee-free education to those

wholly unable to pay; using increased governmental expenditure on

higher education coupled with reducing or removing subsidisation of

Students for Law and Social Justice, 12 August 2016.

those wholly able to pay. The sliding element of this proposal is realised

in students paying varying fees contingent on their available


206. The SLSJ also indicated that an alternative to the sliding-scale model of

subsidisation the implementation of a system of income-contingent

loans (ICLs) by the state It is a common occurrence that prospective

students are in need of credit facilities, but fail to meet the surety

requirements of private financial institutions. ICLs would be beneficial to

the student making use thereof and would, due to its income contingency,

prevent financial overburdening, particularly for students with less

financial means. The onset of repayment would trigger upon sufficient

income being earned exceeding a determined reasonable threshold. This

prevents a situation where students are forced to pay more than they can

afford at a given time.180

207. SASCO criticised the commercialization of higher education, which

essentially advocates for the management and governing of institutions

of higher learning in ways identical to the manner in which business

corporations are managed. They referred to the aspirations of the

Freedom Charter and Constitution, and gave their support to the 2012

ANC resolution that academically capable students from poor families

should not be expected to pay up-front fees in order to access higher

Students for Law and Social Justice, 12 August 2016.
Students for Law and Social Justice, 12 August 2016.

education. Academically capable students from working class and lower

middle-class families should also be subsidised with their families

providing a household contribution to their studies in proportion to their

ability to pay. The fees that must be covered include tuition,

accommodation, food, books, other essential study materials or learning

resources and travel that are the full cost of study fees. They also

referred to the Report of the Working Group on Free University Education

for the Poor in South Africa (2012), which indicated that Free university

education for the poor, in principle, can be considered to be a materially-

significant additional step in governments ongoing efforts to both

address some of the legacies of the past and deepen the scope and

quality of democratic life in South African society. 181

208. SASCO explained their opinion further: Free, accessible and relevant

education is a means for social development, personal empowerment

and the advancement of well-being, as well as [the] economic

development of nations. As such, We believe that tuition fees should be

completely removed from education in order to begin dismantling the

market. Fees are used purely as a way of creating a sticker price for a

degree, constructing the fantasy of a market transaction to turn students

into consumers and force universities into competition. SASCO called for

SASCO 22 August.

a funding system that provides universities with financial security and

autonomy without generating unhealthy competition for funding.182

209. Regarding the funding of free education, SASCO accepted that it might

be implemented in phases, for the poor, and missing middle, and later for

all. Identified sources of funding include using unclaimed pension fund

money; a wealth tax; an education fund where all working people

contribute R20; and increased business investment. They explained that

this did not need to be only in the form of additional taxes, but that

companies could be given incentives, like BEE points, to invest their

corporate social responsibility budget in higher education. Furthermore,

even a modest 1% increase [in the] skills levy, channeled into higher

education could take a huge burden off of government and, ultimately the

individual taxpayer, and go a long way in making business pay a fair

share towards generating the skilled workforce that they tap in to, rather

than continuing to free ride. SASCO also called for central control of all

money from local government, district government, provincial

government, national government, state owned companies, as well as

international government/bodies for loans, bursaries, scholarships,

grants so as to ensure maximum use, consistent rule application and

meeting our educational and skill needs.183

SASCO 22 August.
SASCO 22 August.

210. Finally, SASCO called for application fees to be abolished and for no

funding to go towards private providers. They said the question should

not be whether the country can afford the cost of free quality education,

the question we ought to ask, is whether can the country afford having

youth that is not educated, skilled and empowered?.184

211. Representatives of the UKZN SRC presented to the Commission,

explaining that the SRC was busy dealing with the problem of poor

students without NSFAS funding, and that this reemphasize the urgency

in relation to the need for free, compulsory, quality education. The current

system is not assisting anyone; in fact, it is excluding the poorest of the

poor. It doesnt even fund half of the students that, based on their

previously disadvantaged background, are not able to be funded

because of they are saying that there is shortage of money. The SRC

described inequality between previously advantaged and disadvantaged

institutions, and said that a Commission was not needed as no

Commission is set up when state owned enterprises need more funding

or bailouts. They went on to argue that free education is possible, but

that too much money is lost through corrupt practices. The SRC clarified

that they only support free education for the poor. They argued that too

much of a university budget goes towards executive salaries, and that

this is part of the commodification of education. They described their

problems with NSFAS, focusing on the fact that there was not sufficient

money for all qualifying students, and that the missing-middle also

SASCO 22 August.

needed assistance. They added that S-Bux (the NSFAS student card)

limits where they can shop; the means test is very problematic; and there

was some concern that NSFAS is a loan. However, another participant

did argue that Im saying maybe there should be a level at which, [sic]

once your tax contribution and theres a certain level in which you earn,

you are then asked to pay a particular portion. I dont particularly believe

that we should just give NSFAS money for free, because when you look

at NSFAS, what NSFAS is meant to do is give you a chance at changing

your individual circumstances. What NSFAS does, is it makes you swim

against the stream in the sense that if the natural evolution of your life is

that youre from a shack and you are destined to become a domestic

worker, through the intervention of NSFAS you become a doctor and

immediately you earn R37 000. Now, these are realities [sic] what NSFAS

can do, so we must not close that gap, we must allow that gap for people

that can to contribute.185

212. The UWC students also made a submission. They indicated that higher

education needed to be freed from, among others, exclusion on the basis

of being poor; high dropout rates; lack of student support; negative

labelling of students; and mismanagement of NSFAS and other funding.

The students criticised the continued policy focus on free education for

the poor, not allowing scope for wider consideration of free education and

in the context of no clear definition of the poor. The students added that

despite a focus on access, this remains limited and access is not

UKZN SRC, 29 August 2016.

translated into success. This leaves students with large debts which they

cannot pay as they have no qualification supporting their employment.

The SRC recommended that institutional autonomy be reviewed to

develop a hybrid system with a focus on academic freedom and

transformation simultaneously; that fee capping be introduced to allow for

better management of funding; and that NSFAS be restructured to ensure

better management and monitoring of funds and students, to ensure

better throughput and to ensure better tracking of students during study

and post-graduation. In relation to this, the SRC called for a better

tracking system for re-payment of NSFAS loans, and called for no interest

on loans. Finally, the SRC concluded that free education could be funded

through existing means (grants, SETAs, donor funding) and that a

National Education Redress Fund be established and linked to a

reparations process, with additional funds through CSI with tax


213. After commenting on the extension granted to the Commission, the

DASO moved to discussing the financial positon of universities. They

noted that South African Universities are inadequately funded which

leaves them in a precarious financial position, that both teaching and

research are important activities that should be adequately funded; and

that fees have been increasing quickly due to subsidies decreasing in

real terms, especially when considering the growth in enrolments and

research output. DASO noted that increases in allocations to NSFAS

UWC SRC Submission.

have largely been negated by fee increases, and that adequate levels of

NSFAS funding are vital to ensure that no student is excluded from higher

education on the basis of its affordability. DASO highlighted the dire

financial position of the HDIs, where most students rely on NSFAS. They

recommended that these institutions need to be considered in any

solution. DASO commented that access to higher education is a

fundamental basis for economic empowerment, and that fees need to be

affordable to ensure access for students from poor and working-class

families. DASO argued that By cutting corruption and reprioritising the

existing budget, free higher education for the poor with support for the

missing middle can be made a reality. They called for a focus on

graduates, rather than enrolments; for an increase in government

subsidy towards the level of 50% of costs so quality education and

support to poor students and the missing middle can be provided for;

and for improved student support. DASOs position regarding free

education is that the poorest students need the most comprehensive

financial support possible; missing middle students should also receive

financial support, proportional to their financial standing; and Better-off

students should not receive financial support for fees. They explained

that NSFAS could still be used as the body to manage this support, but

that more funding should be directed towards the entity. They argued that

poor students should receive full-cost of study funding, converted into a

bursary on completion; that missing-middle should be progressively

supported proportionate to their family incomes; and that academically

competent students should be funded for post-graduate study.187

214. SAFETSA is the student body for the TVET sector, and provided the

viewpoint of TVET students. They began their discussions by

contextualising the 2015 protests, and explained that current debates

seem to be dominated by the emergent notion of the missing middle.

While care is needed to search for ways of finding those that are deemed

to be missing. It should not be the case that their discovery occurs by

hiding those in lower social stratum. SAFETSA explained further that

students in the TVET sector tend to represent the poorest segment of the

population, and it would not be correct to sacrifice the poor masses of

our people in the TVET sector to protect the yet to be found middle. They

reminded the Commission that while the fees protests had originated in

the university sector, any decisions made could also impact on the

TVETs. They added that NSFAS provides TVET students with bursaries

rather than loans, due to the policy objective of increasing TVET

enrolment and because TVETs attract the poorest students. Despite the

assistance offered by NSFAS, SAFETSA pointed out that insufficient

funding is a serious challenge, which results in dropout and protests.188

215. Regarding free education, SAFETSA discussed some of the pros and

pitfalls of such a system, but argued in general for free education for the

DASO Presentation, 23 September 2016.
SAFETSA Presentations & Submission, 29 September & 22 November 2016.

poor. They explained that, in their interpretation, free fees appears as a

measure reasonable enough for making post-school education available

and accessible in line with the Constitution. They added that At stake on

this issue is the participation in education, by significant members of this

society despite their creed and economic status. In this light free-fee can

also be seen as longterm strategy to reduce the number of NEETs

Fees have implication[s] for meaningful participation in post-school

education. Education is not a place for making money, but provides [a]

context to build a country. They explained further that there are critics

who have raised concerns about monetary value, but that the other view

of sympathisers who place the people at the centre then end with

structure that could best serve them. SAFETSA also pointed to a South

African Institute for Race Relations (SAIRR) study which noted that only

5% of the households could actually afford paying for university education

fees. In conclusion, SAFETSA noted that study loans impose an extra

burden on students to start life on a deficit; and recommended that

South Africa makes undergraduate and all college studies to be free for

all those who cannot afford to pay; that government and business

commit to [a] mechanism that would raise necessary revenue; and that

those that have been helped should contribute to their alma mater once

they are employed.189

216. The Young Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA) was clear in

their support for free education, although they did accept that there would

SAFETSA Presentation & Submission, 29 September 2016.

need to be steps in the interim until it could be attained. The YCLSA

indicated that its vision is to see free quality compulsory education in

institutions of higher learning. We seek to strive for the creation of access

and success in all institutions of higher learning without students having

to pay. We further seek for transformation of curricula content and a

reconfiguration of institutional autonomy. In general, we want a

transformed education system and the product thereof. In preparing to

usher in free education, we want the government to evaluate the cost of

education and introduce control over fees in the meantime. The demand

for free education can only fail if it is reduced to cancellation of fees alone,

it should be a demand for quality education too with necessary

implications for the transformation of the curricula. The transformation of

the curriculum and its content is a necessary pillar for the demand for free

education. YCLSA explained further that Tuition fees must be abolished

and a grant be introduced for students. We call for more state funding for

higher education to complement the loss of revenue from tuition fees and

living costs for students. The responsibility to take a student to an

institution of higher learning must belong to the nation and society as a

whole and not a family. The YCLSA drew a distinction between free and

fee-free education, explaining that Free education is meant to speak to

free quality compulsory education and addresses the question of quality,

the content of education, transformation and fees while the loosely coined

word of fee-free is used to divert attention away from all issues of the

education and emphasizes the question of fees in exclusion from other

important issues. Therefore, the debate must be on the provision of free

quality compulsory transformed education and not on fee-free


217. In addition, YCLSA noted the need to address the existing difference

between historically white and black Universities and colleges We

need to recognise and redress the historical burdens of institutional

inequities among higher education institutions, which resulted in

financial, educational and geographical disadvantages. They also

indicated the need for increased access, but acknowledged that many

universities are at full capacity and new universities have been opened.

YCL noted that Lack of free quality education is amongst the major social

injustices in contemporary South Africa. They also called on people to

fight against the running of institutions of higher learning like businesses

and transform ivory towers into peoples centres for peoples education.

They noted that the commodification and commercialisation of education

remains the biggest challenge and that we need to develop systems and

opportunities that allow the poorest of the poor to attain education without

the burden of the cost. In this regard, YCLSA also called for government

to interrogate private institutions of higher learning. 191

218. Regarding NSFAS and loans, YCLSA noted that NSFAS has led to many

black graduates being in debt after completing school. The students fall

victim to unpaid loans which go on for years given the unemployment

YCLSA Presentation & Submission, 29 September 2016.
YCLSA Presentation & Submission, 29 September 2016.

rate. In addition, NSFAS does not cover all the costs and needs of poor

and working-class students. In the short term, the YCLSA called for

review of the NSFAS family income threshold, no fee increase, the

capping of fees, the removal of application and registration fees so that

students be allowed to pay as and when they can pay during the

academic year. They called for government, universities, business and

Finance capital through institutions and big monopolies to contribute

and find a funding solution.192

219. In summary, all students highlighted the problems with the current

system, and with NSFAS being insufficient. While most student groups

gave their support to free education in some format, the majority also

recognised that in the short term this could only be provided to the poor.

Definitions of the poor were not provided. Some students called for free

education without any re-payment, while others supported re-payment

when a certain income level has been reached so that other needy

students can be funded. Application fees and upfront registration fees

were highlighted as limiting access to financially needy students.

YCLSA Presentation & Submission, 29 September 2016.



220. Universities South Africa (USAf) referred to the growth in the higher

education sector, without the concomitant growth in public spending, as

well as improvements which have been made in throughput and in

African and women enrolment numbers. According to USAf, important

principles to maintain include institutional autonomy; accountability; high

levels of quality; and a contribution to the national social justice agenda.

USAf did not give its support to free education, which in its opinion would

benefit the wealthy. It recommended one of two models. The first model,

would give grants to poor students accepted at a university and loans to

students in the missing middle; with other students paying upfront fees.

Fee increases would be controlled through a national fee regulatory

framework; and DHET and universities would work closely together in

planning. This model could lead to high student debt. The second model

proposed is a graduate tax in a fee-free regime. In this model, no student

would be excluded on financial grounds, and no student would pay

upfront fees. A percentage would be added to their tax when employed,

collected by SARS, and which would be ring-fenced for higher education.

The problems with this system are that the tax burden increases;

emigrating students would not pay; and its success is dependent on the

state of the economy. USAf recommended further that whatever model

is adopted, additional measures should include improved tax incentives

to encourage individual and corporate donations to higher education;

business contributions through a levy or tax; and the use of skills levies

in a consistent and direct way. USAf referred to the current system of

cross-subsidisation (both of poor students, expensive courses, and post-

graduate study) and warned that this should be borne in mind in any

future model.193

221. The University of the Witwatersrand prepared their submission after

engaging with a number of stakeholders within the university. They found

that none of our respondents supported a free-for-all system in which

even those who could afford to pay were fully funded. This led to various

proposals for means testing and/or a sliding scale based on family

income. There was general agreement regarding the need for South

Africa to increase the amount it spends on education as a percentage of

GDP. The University argued that the public and private benefits of a

thriving education system are clear, especially given the need for

transformation in South Africa. For this reason, Wits argued for the

burden of funding to be shared between the government, the private

sector and individuals. They went on to explain that private sector

contributions to the university were normally earmarked; and that in the

case of Wits, funding has decreased over the past five years.194

USAF Presentation & Submission, 29 August 2016.
Wits University, 10 August 2016.

222. Regarding individual contributions, it was agreed that those who can

afford to contribute should. For others, there should be assistance and

Wits considered options including a means test, involving SARS in

determining household income, or leaving parental income out and

contracting students into a pay-back or work-back model. However, the

University also pointed out that according to Stiglitz: Student debt is not

benign and economically insignificant. It affects capital formation the

increase in per capita output, or net additions of capital stock such as

equipment, buildings and roads all of which go to create goods and

services and have a direct negative effect on our productivity as a

country. People will not start new businesses, invest in capital equipment,

manufacture goods and innovate. 195

223. The University of Pretoria started by pointing to both the public and

private benefits of higher education; and to the stagnating government

investment which led to higher than expected tuition fee increases. The

University highlighted how access and affordability in SA is a complex

challenge pointing to the unequal society and unequal participation in

higher education. The problem of insufficient NSFAS funding to support

all deserving poor students was recognised as one of the major problems

leading to the current funding crisis. The University described the tuition

fee dilemma within a life-cycle approach explaining that students from

poor households would not remain poor after they graduated and that,

from a life-cycle perspective, the problem is not one of poverty, but the

Wits University, 10 August 2016.

mismatch between the timing of expenditure and income. This mismatch

can be addressed through a revamped NSFAS. The University of

Pretoria views fees as a rational element in the financing of HE, provided

that, on the one hand, these fees are adjusted by subsidies to account

for public benefits, and on the other, students from lower-income

households have access to financial aid. The University also suggested

a sliding-scale tuition fee model, in which tuition fees [are] charged

according to a students household income [and] various tuition fee

tiers are determined based on a students household income.

Accordingly, students from lower-income families pay lower fees while

students from well-off families pay the full fee rate. The University

explained that such a model would require that all students are means

tested. The University was not in favour of a regulated set fee model, as

different universities have different costs, and some have instituted a

cross-subsidisation policy (either to subsidise expensive programmes or

to subsidise poorer students).196

224. Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) explained that they increasingly

rely on student fees as a source of income, due to a decline in direct

subsidy from the government. This has affected the institution negatively

as they cater for poor students, and as a result student debt (and debt

written off) has been increasing, especially since the protests in 2015.

TUT projected a deficit budget from 2017. The problem is compounded

by insufficient NSFAS funding for all qualifying students, even though

University Pretoria 11 August 2016.

TUT does not provide full-cost of study allocations to students, and has

rather developed its own model to cater for more students. TUT

recommended that universities should not expand to meet the enrolment

targets set in the 2013 White Paper on PSET education, unless the

necessary funding is available. Furthermore, expanded access should

focus on the college sector to turn around the skills pyramid. TUT did not

give its support to free education for all, as this is unaffordable, but

suggested a sliding scale of fees to accommodate all students. They

suggest that students who can afford fees continue to pay upfront, and

that other students pay after they have studied either through community

service or through a tax (administered by SARS) on their earnings when

a minimum income threshold is reached.197

225. The University of Mpumalanga argued that the provision of high quality

higher education is expensive and that in order to make higher education

progressively more available and accessible, then the issue of the

funding must be addressed. The University went on to discuss public and

private benefits, and the need for a cost-sharing model. They explained

that the key questions that must be answered are the proportions of the

private and public contributions and when and how these funds are

collected. This problem is compounded through by the fact that South

Africa remains one of the most consistently unequal societies, meaning

that some can afford upfront fees, and others require assistance.

Pressure on institutions and students has increased as a result of

TUT, 22 August 2016.

government funding not keeping pace with inflation and growing

enrolment. The UMP supported a loan and bursary system, where loans

are repaid through the tax system over a number of years, with no interest

charged; and an increase in government subsidy in light of the public


226. Like many of the other universities, the University of Limpopo (UL) began

by referring to a decline in government subsidies which has led to higher

tuition fees; a high reliance on (insufficient) NSFAS funding for students;

growing student debt; and the public and private benefits of higher

education. The UL explained that even with fees levied, the higher

education system is currently underfunded by about R90 billion, making

fee-free education unaffordable, although poor students should be

helped. UL recommended that the State should provide more direct

funding; that business and civil society contributions should expand; and

that expansion targets for the university and TVET sectors should be

moderated. Together with this, NSFAS recoveries need to grow;

institutional autonomy should be protected; and HDIs should be given

dedicated support to address the backlog as a result of the historical


227. The University of Venda referred to the rising costs facing institutions,

together with increasing student debt. They indicated that a minimum of

University of Mpumalanga, 22 August 2016.
University of Limpopo Presentation & Submission, 24 August 2016.

an 8% increase was needed by the institution to remain sustainable.

Univen recommended that municipalities should give universities a

rebate on their utilities; that the HDI Development Fund should be

implemented urgently; that provincial governments should provide more

bursaries in skills shortage areas; and that there could be engagement

with the National Lottery to devise a new category of assisting

universities. The Univen also said that rather than a student-centred

NSFAS model, universities should be given more latitude to allocate

funds according to the needs of their students; and SARS should assist

with collections and household data.200

228. The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) began by referring to the

principles of adequate public funding; public and private benefits; and

equity and equality. They indicated that the decline in public funding was

putting pressure on institutions and on student fees; but that free

education was not the solution as this would benefit the rich. They

recommended a system of grants for the very poor for undergraduate

study only, with a means test linked to SARS and social security data.

They also recommended income contingent loans for those from

households with an income between R150 000 to R500 000.201

229. The Durban University of Technology (DUT) accepted that there is a

compelling transformative rationale for fee-free education, but also

University of Venda Presentation, 24 August 2016.
UKZN Submission, 29 August 2016.

recognised high private returns and limited resources. As a result, they

did not give their support to a total fee-free education [system] for all

undergraduate university students but rather a formula based notion of

fee-free undergraduate higher education for the poor and indigent based

on family income, which should be extended to accommodate the

missing middle. The DUT supported full cost of study allocations, and

recovery through some form of additional tax once recipients graduate

and begin working.202

230. The University of Zululand (UZ) argued that the central problem is the

inability of students to pay upfront fees. The University argued that due

to the public benefits, a public-private-partnership and social investment

bond [solution should be found] to meet the bulk of the financial needs of

tertiary institutions and Since students are the major beneficiaries of the

tertiary education system they ought to pay for their education once they

earn high enough incomes. Moreover, all graduates ought to pay a

special income contingent tax to ensure future generations have access

to tertiary education. As such, the submission argued that integral to

future financial sustainability is effective cost sharing, diversifying income

sources, creating new sources of income, building partnerships at home

and abroad, and creating wealth beyond teaching and research.203

DUT Presentation & Submission, 30 August 2016.
University of Zululand Presentation & Submission, 30 August 2016.

231. Based, on this, UZ proposed a loan repayment system or taxation

mechanism after the student enters the job market on the basis that it

shifts the burden of payment from the point of consumption to after

graduation when the graduate is able to earn. Loan re-payments would

end once the loan is paid off, while a graduate tax would be ongoing. UZ

proposed that such loans be available to students from poor and middle-

income families, and that the size of the loan would be on a sliding scale

based on household income. Furthermore, students from more affluent

homes should be charged higher fees on a sliding scale. The University

also proposed that tuition fees should be responsive to employer

preferences, i.e. lower fees for courses and programmes that are in high

demand in the market place relative to those which are not.204

232. The University of Fort Hare (UFH) began by explaining that, as an

historically disadvantaged institution, they experienced serious

underfunding, which in turn led to backlogs in infrastructure and

equipment for teaching and learning, research, staff and student

accommodation, transport etc. In this way, the university highlighted how

a lack of money was affecting the quality of the education the institution

could provide. The UFH referred to and critiqued the post-apartheid

funding formula and the recent funding review. They also indicated that

There is no national decision to fund higher education in an amount

related to a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product. As a result of this

there are varied unplanned proportions of funding compared to GDP over

University of Zululand Presentation & Submission, 30 August 2016.

years. As a result of the decline in funding the institutions have been

increasing fees to match the requisite need for quality higher education.

For HDIs, whose majority of students come from poor families, this has

led to high demands for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme

(NSFAS) to provide more funding. The lack of matching increases in

NSFAS funding has led to increased student debt. The UFH went into

some more detail regarding underfunding for both university quality

development and students.205

233. UFH indicated that, in their view, Fees should be a component of higher

education funding but the poor should access higher education without

having to pay at the point of service. The students supported by the state

should pay back after qualifying, either in kind or in cash. Public service

in various spheres of government is one option. This needs proper HR

planning so that the public service is not bloated in the end.206

234. The Walter Sisulu University (WSU) focused on their financial position.

They indicated that 90% of their students applied for NSFAS, and about

73% qualified. The rest of the students were part of the missing middle

and cannot afford fees. As such, the university is very reliant on state

funding, and bad debt is a growing problem, leaving the University in a

dire financial situation. It can hardly cover the costs of basic educational

services, and has no money for maintenance or for improving the student

UFH Presentation, 01 September 2016.
UFH Presentation, 01 September 2016.

accommodation situation. WSU suggested a differentiated fee system,

with a three-year rolling plan model for fee setting. 207

235. The NMMU discussed the public and private benefits of higher education

in some detail, and indicated that the transformation of the sector carries

additional costs to cater to the needs of students from working class and

poor backgrounds. The University indicated that Universities must be in

financially sound positions to meet these additional challenges or

students from poor backgrounds will remain marginalised and set up for

failure. As in the submissions of other universities, NMMU discussed the

decline in university funding and funding as a percentage of GDP.

Regarding NSFAS, the NMMU argued that loan recovery is a major

issue, and that if recoveries had continued to grow along a normal

[upward] trajectory, it is estimated that, in 2014, they should have brought

in R1.7 billion, instead of just R2.48 million [and] NSFAS would have

been in a position to fund 51 000 students. Another concern is

defining and including the missing middle, where NMMU has their own

model to cover students coming from households with an income up to

R300 000. NMMU concluded that for them, the question is: Who must

pay and when?. Their argument was that Firstly, government needs to

prioritise the funding of higher education in line with the policy intentions

of the National Development Plan. Secondly, since there are public and

private benefits to higher education, both the state and students need to

contribute to the cost of higher education on condition that those who are

WSU Presentation & Submission, 01 September 2016.

unable to pay are supported adequately through a strengthened NSFAS

with loan options for the middle-class. Furthermore, the role of the private

sector in strengthening NSFAS through loans and investments in

scholarships needs to be investigated and incentivised by the State.208

236. Similarly, Rhodes University (RU) began by discussing the public and

private benefits of higher education, and social justice in terms of access.

They indicated that broad access is a moral obligation, and that it is

already skewed by the uneven school system. While the rich can afford

fees, the upper-middle can access bank loans and the poor can access

NSFAS, the majority of South Africans sit between these categories and

are denied access to higher education by the crushing fees. The RU also

referred to the costs of transformation, including the need for re-

curriculation, and to South Africas low investment in terms of GDP and

per-capita decline in subsidies. RU discussed its serious financial

position, and why relying on third stream income is not a viable option,

partly due to the impact this would have on quality. Rhodes University

discussed NSFAS, and some of their achievements and challenges.

They explained how the real concern about NSFAS is that it is only

available to the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum and thus

potential students who have perhaps got a better chance of success are

denied access on financial grounds. RU is one of the Universities which

supplement NSFAS, but access remains limited given the high cost of

university education and the difficulty many experience in obtaining bank

NMMU, 02 September 2016.

loans. RU went on to support some aspects of the proposed new NSFAS

model, but expressed concern at the centralised nature of the proposal.209

237. Finally, RU agreed with Nico Cloete of CHET, indicating that it needs to

be very clearly acknowledged that if free education is uniformly provided

to all, it will be a regressive subsidy of the upper middle class and the rich

by the rest of the population. It added that While the idea of free higher

education is popular, it privileges the elite in a mockery of a pro-poor


238. The University of Johannesburg (UJ) began its presentation by referring

to the history of its merger as a comprehensive university, the size of the

institution as well as its programme and qualification mix. It highlighted

the importance of institutional autonomy, and how university councils,

together with executive management, bear fiduciary responsibility and

ensure effective universities with the highest levels of quality. To achieve

high quality teaching/learning and research, they have to be funded at

appropriate levels. Like other universities, the UJ went on to describe the

importance of financial sustainability, the cost of quality education,

declines in government subsidy and the resulting fee increases. UJ

described their internal student assistance programme, funded through

fees, which includes a food assistance programme. UJ pointed out that

there is no subsidy for operational expenses for student accommodation,

RU Presentation, VC Presentation & Submission, 2 September 2016.
RU Presentation, VC Presentation & Submission, 2 September 2016.

and that residence fees charged are not at a level where institutions could

finance new residence developments. The University discussed various

costs, including the increased cost of supporting underprepared


239. UJ recommended that the cost-sharing model between the state and the

student continue due to mixed public and private benefits. However, UJ

argued that a necessary element of social justice is that the funding

model should include mechanisms to ensure that academically deserving

and academically achieving students should be not excluded from

university because they cannot afford it. UJ suggested assistance will

be a combination of grants and loans, depending on the student and his

familys ability to contribute to the education costs. In addition, UJ

suggested that government subsidy be increased to 1% of GDP, and that

a graduate tax be considered.212

240. The University of the Western Cape (UWC) began their presentation by

referring to their history. In 1995, the Minister of Education called for no

fee increases to allow indigent students to register. The UWC heeded

this call, which resulted in severe financial pressure, students who could

not afford to pay their debt, and eventually by 1998 the University was

insolvent and had to retrench 41 academic and 300 non-academic staff.

UWC warned that we should learn lessons from the past. Only after an

UJ Presentation & Submission, 02 September 2016
UJ Presentation & Submission, 02 September 2016.

injection of money from the state, was UWC able to recover. Since then,

they have slowly regained financial security, and increased student

numbers with gradual fee increases (above inflation). Nonetheless, a

large percentage of UWC students rely on NSFAS, and over the last

twenty years there has been an increased focus on fee income as

government subsidies have not kept pace with growth. In conclusion, the

University indicated that they support free education for the poor and

missing middle. However, if increases in state subsidy are to continue

along the current trajectory, there will be financial loss in real terms. If

funded at the correct level, free education for the poor could result in

better support for the HDIs due to better cash flow and lower levels of

student debt.213

241. Stellenbosch University (SU) began by arguing that chronic

underfunding of the sector over close to two decades has given rise to a

plethora of consequences affecting much more than the financial

situation at our universities. These sectoral challenges necessitate a

sectoral approach to find lasting solutions. They referred to an academic

study on education funding, which argued in favour of cost-sharing,

despite this not being the most politically favourable policy, as this was

the best way to ensure not only the financial health and sustainability of

higher education institutions, but it can also bring about enhanced

efficiency, equity and responsiveness. Despite favouring cost-sharing,

the authors stressed the importance of government funding, with fees to

UWC Presentation, 05 September 2016.

supplement this funding. The University went on to discuss the current

underfunding of the sector, higher education inflation, and funding as a

percentage of GDP. Having highlighted the need for more funding and a

differentiated higher education landscape, SU acknowledged that South

Africa has an unequal society comprising of an affluent and upper middle

class that can afford university education and a large component of lower

middle class and poor students who cannot pay their way. We realise that

student fees are a major concern for many of our students and their

families. However, we do not believe that fee-free higher education is

currently feasible. They indicated that they currently assist students is

the missing-middle who do not qualify for NSFAS and described their

bursary system, funded out of the fees of those students who can afford

to pay, and their general financial situation.214

242. In their recommendations, Stellenbosch indicated that they think free

higher education is not feasible in the current economic situation, and

that Studies have also shown that in the developing world fee-free higher

education has tended to benefit the upper middle class and very affluent

sectors of the population rather than the poor. They added that, given

the public and private benefits, they support a cost-sharing model, but

due to the socio-economic context a differentiated approach of fee

increases that are mitigated through financial support to academically

deserving poor students related to the combined annual household

income. They clarified that they do not support differentiated student

Stellenbosch University Presentation & Submission, 06 September 2016.

tuition fees based on household income, but we do support the provision

of bursaries and/or loans to academically deserving, needy students

according to a sliding scale linked to the combined annual household

income of the students family. Examples of three income scenarios were


243. The University of Cape Town (UCT) referred to the success of higher

education in South Africa over the last twenty years, but highlighted

various pressures, including financial pressure, low throughput and

increases to student fees. The University explained that the ideal position

would be if South Africa was a rich country with little inequality and if it

was already providing universal fee-free quality primary and secondary

schooling, universal access to early childhood development centres,

healthcare, social welfare support for all elderly and unemployed, we

would support a system of no-fee higher education. However, given

significant inequality and rationed public resources and low to middle

income; in the next 30 years, higher education will not be the highest

priority such that it commands the resources from public funding needed

to cover its full costs. Therefore, a cost-sharing model is needed. UCT

went on to discuss funding streams, public and private benefits, and the

need for increased government subsidy. They explained that Tax based

public funding should benefit all, and not just a small proportion of the

population who are likely to be the most privileged. Higher education is

only accessible to about 20% of the population and a much smaller

Stellenbosch University Presentation & Submission, 06 September 2016.

percent of households, and even though this should increase to about

25% over the next 20 years, this is still a small minority of the population.

Furthermore, this 20% is already relatively privileged as evidenced by the

fact that they have been to better schools and come from family

backgrounds that have enabled them to succeed academically. They will

also become even more privileged relative to the rest of the population

as a result of their university education. This is unlike public funding for

schooling or health, which will benefit 100% of the population if everyone

chose to use the public schooling and health systems. Thus, everyone is

paying tax (e.g. through VAT, duties, and for many, income tax) while

only a small proportion who are already relatively privileged, benefit.216

244. UCT discussed different options to support students in financial need, but

pointed out that poverty is a continuum, and having cut off points could

therefore affect some negatively. As such, UCT suggested that two levels

of fees could be unfair to those near the cut-off; and sliding scale fees

are administratively challenging. Therefore, they recommended one

tuition fee with bursary and loan support on a sliding scale for those in

need. UCT discussed the benefits of loans (and good and bad loans),

including the replenishing of financial resources and the possibility of

banks becoming involved, but also the possibility of the poor being over-


UCT Presentation & Submission, 06 September 2016.
UCT Presentation & Submission, 06 September 2016.

245. Like other universities, the UFS started by focusing on government

subsidy as a proportion of GDP; low throughput; and the role of

universities within the entire PSET sector. The University suggested that

government subsidy should be increased to 1% of GDP. The UFS gave

its support to free education for the poor, and discussed their bursaries

for poor students and their feeding scheme, as well as access to a

number of other bursaries and scholarships. They explained that another

0% fee increase was not possible, and would impact severely as many

cuts had already been made.218

246. UNISA discussed the financial position of the University and higher

education in general. They explained that substantial additional

investment is required to move UNISA from a correspondence to an

Open Distance Learning institution. They added that Online interactive

teaching and learning is not inexpensive and therefore does not meet the

economies of scale often attributed to distance education. They

explained that, in their opinion, in the Long-term fee-free education is

unsustainable and puts most South African universities at risk unless

Treasury is able and willing to make up the shortfall. UNISA explained

that a fee-free higher education system without additional sources of

funding will impact negatively on the quality of [their] offerings, for

instance, they explained that academic talent would be lost if salaries

were not competitive. However, UNISA believes that Free education in

South Africa is an inspirational goal worth pursuing, especially for

UFS Submission, 22 September 2016.

students who are poor and who qualify for access to higher education

institutions. In the current context, free education for all would benefit the

wealthy who can afford fees; would remove the current cross-

subsidisation of the poor by the rich through fees and of certain fields by

others; could cause distortions in funding through an extended formula;

and may affect postgraduate and part-time students negatively.219

247. The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) began their

submission with a discussion of the role of the university and the public

and private benefits, then moved to consider the historical context of

universities and argued that inequality continues between institutions and

not only between students. The CPUT suggested that any funding

changes need to take into account the different needs of universities and

students in order to overcome these inequalities at both levels. CPUT

went on to consider free education, and noted that The risks associated

with a free-fee structure are considered high. While the model is followed

in other countries, there is sufficient evidence that shows it is difficult to

sustain. Nigeria is an example of a fee-free system which struggles from

underfunding and lack of competitive infrastructure. It is also considered

that not paying for a service has a psychological impact on society with

respect to the value of the service provided, which in turn affects the

sustainability of that service. In addition, CPUT noted that a centrally

UNISA Presentation & Submission, 22 September 2016.

controlled loan or graduate tax system would need to ensure that fee

money filtered back to institutions.220

248. CPUT went on to consider the impact of a number of factors on the

financial state of various institutions, including the impact of mergers and

very different fee structures. CPUT argued that these perpetuate the

inequality between advantaged and disadvantaged institutions, and

between traditional universities and universities of technology. Returning

to funding, CPUT argued that Diversification of funding sources is

considered essential, as is the need to maximize the potential value of

investment and research in terms of both finance and infrastructure.

Public investment in universities is now paramount if South Africa is to

continue to address redress and inequality amongst its citizens. It is

suggested that the scope for formal partnership between government,

industry and the higher education sector should be explored further with

the aim of increasing the public sector investment in higher education.

Furthermore, CPUT argued that that there is a basis to consider a

funding model that provides for the differentiation of funding based on

past inequalities, together with consideration for those institutions that

cater mainly for the financially impoverished and who have a very low fee

base. As such, CPUT concluded that erosion of the financial grants in

real terms indicates that if a fee-free scenario were to be considered by

the State, universities would require a commensurate increase in the

block grants provided by the State. It is therefore considered unlikely and

CPUT, Presentation & Submission, 23 September 2016.

irresponsible by CPUT to suggest that a fee-free scenario for higher

education can be considered. CPUT added that the Commission should

be mindful of perpetuating a system of differential fees amongst the

student population, as this could be considered unconstitutional. In

conclusion, CPUT indicated that that beneficiaries of the education

sector should pay for the services received. Individuals as beneficiaries

should pay fees. Those who cannot should then be subsidised by the

state. Business as a beneficiary of the skills should also contribute

directly to the sector and not only through current tax but perhaps an

additional education tax.221

249. The Central University of Technology (CUT) focused on the size and

shape of the institution, and their financial challenges. They noted that

fees have become an increasingly important part of the budget, but that

student debt as a proportion of fees is also increasing dramatically. CUT

pointed out that a large percentage of their students rely on NSFAS or

other funding, but that NSFAS does not cover all students or all costs. In

conclusion, CUT gave their view that fees cannot be taken out of the

equation [as] they represent the commitment of students, their families

and communities to their own development; that legislation providing tax

benefits to private enterprise and individuals providing bursaries must be

examined that benefits like a BEE credits system should also be

considered; and that NSFAS should be further strengthened, [in]

CPUT, Presentation & Submission, 23 September 2016.

helping needy students who should not be exonerated from paying back.

250. In brief, all the universities highlighted the financial pressure on the

sector, and explained that a decline in funding per capita had impacted

on student fees and university sustainability. Many institutions referred to

the public and private benefit of higher education, which justifies private

contributions through fees. Autonomy and quality were raised by some

institutions. All institutions called for some support for poor students

through a loan system; free education; a loan/ bursary mix; a graduate

tax; fee regulation or differential fees. Challenges with these various

systems were also raised. HDIs highlighted the additional problems they

face as the majority of their students are poor and rely on NSFAS. HWI

institutions referred to the bursaries they offer poor students and cross-

subsidisation between students. It should be noted that not much focus

was placed on whether international students should pay their full fees,

or whether some form of subsidy will be paid to cover their cost of study

in lieu of the benefits universities derive from international student

participation, e.g. international ranking of universities.

9.4.2 TVETS

251. The TVET Governors Council started by discussing the severe

underfunding of the TVET sector, and how universities often received

CUT Presentation, 23 September 2016.

preferential treatment. They discussed the cost-sharing model of post-

school education, but that within this government subsidy was declining,

putting pressure on students and institutions. The Council suggested

that, given skills shortages and the need for transformation, South Africa

should consider free education for students in TVETS, colleges and

universities. It argued that this is affordable, and that government should

consider a possible education tax through increasing income tax (1%),

capital gains tax (5%) and PAYE (0.5%). In addition, it called for the skills

levy to increase to up to 5% on a sliding scale.223

252. The TVET Governors also indicated that NSFAS capacity should be

strengthened as a matter of urgency, it should improve its debt collection

systems to ensure more available funds for redistribution, and that the

funding and distribution model by NSFAS for the universities, TVETs and

Community Colleges should be the same. In conclusion, it recommended

that a sustainable free education model be phased in on [an] incremental

basis with effect from 2017.224

253. The Buffalo City TVET College explained that, in their view, no South

African learner, who meets the minimum entry requirements for a chosen

programme, should be excluded from his or her studies for financial

reasons. The TVET management felt that that those who can afford fees

should pay, while the college SRC was of the view that higher education

TVET Presentation & Submission, 30 August 2016.
TVET Presentation & Submission, 30 August 2016.

should be free for all regardless of the financial status of students. The

College explained that, when referring to fees, they understand this as

full-cost of study. They argued for an interest-free loan with repayments

to begin when the graduate starts earning. This would assist in the

sustainability of the funding model. They added that graduates wishing

to emigrate within a period of five years need to pay back the value of

benefits received. They added that there should be an emphasis on

academic performance. A learner who fails to meet an acceptable level

of academic performance should be immediately excluded from the

programme and replaced with another deserving learner. The excluded

learner will be responsible to pay back the costs. However, they also

called for more emphasis on academic support. Finally, there should be

Continuous evaluation of the relevancy of vocational education and

training provided by TVET colleges in order to meet the needs of the

country and the National Development Plan.225

254. The College of Cape Town discussed the benefits of expanding the TVET

system, and called for government funding for all TVET programmes and

students. They recommended that the poor be given bursaries for tuition

and living expenses, and that the missing middle be given loans, while

those who can afford to pay should continue to do so. In conclusion, the

college reported that their SRC had indicated that if the government is

serious about expanding the TVET colleges sector, then it should review

Buffalo City TVET College, 02 September 2016.

the allocation to TVETs, review which programmes qualify for student

financial support; and expand the group with access to financial aid.226

255. False Bay College explained the system of funding for different TVET

programmes, and indicated that if all programmes and students were

funded according to the regulations, then it would be a system very close

to free higher education as TVET students get bursaries from NSFAS.

However, the College does not support a fully free system, but rather

differentiated support through a strengthened NSFAS. The differentiation

would be between poor (family income below R175 000 pa), missing-

middle (family income between R175 000 and R300 000) and wealthier

students (called category 3 with income above R300 000 pa). Category

1 students would qualify for a NSFAS bursary covering tuition, training

material, transport, accommodation and R4000 for food pa. Category 2

students should qualify for a NSFAS bursary for tuition and training

material and a loan for other expenses. Category 3 students could apply

for a loan for tuition only, but only if their family income is below R500 000

pa. The College concluded that the university fee crisis is diverting all

attention to universities and it could be at the cost of TVET Colleges.

There is a real fear that funding that would have been committed to

support the growth of TVET Colleges could be recommitted to solve the

university crisis.227

College of Cape Town Presentation, 06 September 2016.
False Bay College Presentation, 06 September 2016.

256. In summary, TVET providers focused on the levels of poverty in the

sector and the need for financial support for students as a result. While a

free-for-all system was supported by some and not by others, the need

for more funding if enrolment is to expand (as per policy) was highlighted

by all. It should further be noted that a significant number of the fifty public

TVET colleges have serious infrastructure backlogs which need to be

funded in order to improve the quality of education and realise economic

growth with rising employment levels. The estimated costs of such

developments have been discussed earlier in this submission.


257. APPETD highlighted the role that private institutions play in providing

access to higher education. They explained how many students rely on

bank loans, but that not all students are approved as they dont have the

necessary collateral. APPETD explained that they do not support free

higher education for all, as this would mainly benefit the rich and the

middle class, but that they would support free higher education for the

poor. They recommended that NSFAS support for the poor continue, but

that private providers be included in the same process (i.e. student

applies and is approved). Regarding the missing middle, they suggested

a voucher system for priority skills areas, which could also be used in the

private sector. In conclusion, they recommended that private providers

be seen as part of the solution in providing access to higher education.228

258. The PHEIG outlined the current funding crisis in the public higher

education sector, and highlighted the fact of a growing missing-middle

who could not afford fees and were not able to access NSFAS funding.

Given inequality in South Africa, the PHEIG suggested that a means of

ensuring financial access should be found. Regarding free education, the

PHEIG argued that those who can afford to pay should pay, and that

through their fees there could be some subsidisation of the poorer

students by the wealthier ones and the reality is that it is morally and

socially correct and necessary. Fees from fee paying students is

however, not an endless source of income for institutions and it is skewed

by institution with several of the more financially stable institutions

already having more access to fee paying students. The PHEIG also did

not give support to some institutions being designated fee-free; or to a

tiered solution which would be administratively onerous. Instead, it

recommended that institutions continue to charge fees; that the NSFAS

ceiling be lifted, and increased in line with CPIX; that NSFAS manage

repayment more tightly, possibly with SARS; possible gap funding for the

missing middle; NSFAS student repayments could be based on

performance with less being due by students who succeed

academically; and that universities are subsidised differently for

residential accommodation and meals and meal support for students who

APPETD Presentation, 22 September 2016.

are receiving fee assistance so that basic needs for food and shelter are

met for all registered students. Finally, the PHEIG noted that many in the

missing middle access bank loans, and that a bank tax could be

introduced in this regard; and that a graduate tax should be handled with

care as many in the missing middle and just above, incur significant debt

(including interest) to pay for higher education and there would be a

disproportionate burden on these people if a graduate tax and bank

interest were both to be paid from starting salaries.229

259. The Centre for Creative Education (an independent, not-for-profit,

educational institution) indicated that creating free Higher Education

would not be a fair solution if free education would only apply to studying

at public institutions. The Centre referred to the Constitutional right to

private education, and indicated that Free public education and cost-

based expenses for independent education we would regard as unfair


260. The Richfield Graduate Institute, a private institution, argued for funding

for students enrolled at low-cost private institutions. They argued that

they fill the gap in terms of access, and students should be able to select

their institution of choice. As such, they recommended that all students

have access to higher education funding, which they can use where they

PHEIG Presentation & Submission, 22 September 2016.
Centre for Creative Education, 5 September 2016.

prefer. This could also reduce the cost of expanding the public higher

education sector.231



261. The CHET, after referring to both public and private benefits, explained

that in countries with high Gini coefficients (like South Africa) free HET

privileges the already privileged, and as such CHET does not support

free university education for everybody. The CHET Director, Mr. Cloete,

went on to discuss how the current crisis was brought about through a

decrease in the public funding of higher education, leading to a great

dependency on fees and third-stream income. He also referred to the

comparatively low percentage of GDP spent on higher education in South

Africa. Cloete pointed to the so-called trilemma of trade-offs between

the size of the system, government subsidy, and tuition fees. He referred

to a number of possible (some inter-related) solutions including increased

government subsidy to 1% of GDP; either the retention of tuition fees,

except for the poor, or a sliding scale of fees; a more standardised

process in determining tuition fees; improving on NSFAS recovery of

loans and possible loan for the missing-middle; the introduction of greater

tax breaks for corporates contributing to universities; institutional

Richfield Graduate Institute, 30 August 2016.

differentiation models; introducing social impact bonds; or a graduate tax


262. The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) highlighted the public

benefit of education, but did not give its support to a free-for-all system.

It argued that higher education should be more affordable and

accessible, and suggested that ways should be found to reduce the cost

of a university education, and that TVETs should be utilised as a cheaper

alternative. NTEU also called for government to re-prioritise its spending

habits and construct a more equitable funding model for higher

education, balancing institutional and student needs. NTEU explained in

their presentation to the Commission that they do not support an increase

in taxes; a graduate tax; increased tax on business (which could affect

graduate employment); an indirect tax like VAT; or the privatisation of

universities. They suggested that university staff costs could be shifted

to the civil service structure and budget.233

263. Mr. Lukhona Mnguni, a PhD student at UKZN presenting in his personal

capacity, argued that progressively acquired fee-free higher education

and training is attainable. He suggested that this should start with the

most needy students, and explained how this term was difficult to define.

He said that the feasibility test should go beyond finances, to consider

issues including high attrition rates, over saturation of students in some

CHET, 11 August 2016.
NTEU Presentation, 01 September 2016.

institutions, students living conditions and the working conditions of

academic staff. He argued further that a feasibility study must envisage

a need for increased participation and thus propose a funding model that

is futuristic and sustainable precisely for the achievement of increased


264. Mr. Mnguni discussed the current ways of defining the poor, but argued

that the test should be as to whether people [could] objectively afford

University fees and related costs. Due to the difficulty in determining the

threshold, he gave his support to fee-free higher education for all. He

explained further than Many black young people choose to not

participate in higher education, though capable, because of exorbitant

fees and related costs; many others are financially excluded. However,

he also argued that Fee-free higher education will be unsustainable for

our context because of poorly endowed institutions of higher learning.

Mnguni suggested ways in which education could be better funded, and

referred to the governments declining subsidy. He suggested that

universities should pay more attention to growing endowments; that

unused money could be sourced from the National Skills Fund (NSF);

that government should increase their spending on higher education to

1.5% of GDP; that 10% of the budget for all mega infrastructure projects

be directed to human resource development; and that all successful BEE

and B-BBEE beneficiaries must give 10% of their shares as endowments

to universities, particularly to HDIs. Furthermore, a percentage of the

Mr Lukhona Mnguni Presentation & Submission, 29 August 2016.

Corporate Social Investment (CSI) budgets of companies with an annual

turnover of R50 million or more should be directed to higher education;

the Skills Development Levy should be increased by 1%; and a five year-

long 1% annual tax on wealthy individuals and corporates should be

introduced and managed though the Public Investment Corporation

(PIC). Finally, he suggested that government should reconsider the once

off tax proposed by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and must

improve its supply chain management processes to stop illegal and

corrupt transactions.235

265. Mr. Nzuza also made a submission to the Commission, in his personal

capacity, and argued that fees perpetuate inequality in post-apartheid

South Africa. They make the disadvantaged rely on NSFAS and

bursaries, and if they cannot access these, they are excluded. He argued

that continued fees will lead to greater disparity between individuals, and

will limit economic growth. He also argued that this went against our

Constitution, which is focused on the right to equality [which] is a right

and a value that strengthened and acts as a foundation to our

constitution. This is made worse by the lack of NSFAS funds to support

all poor students and increasing tuition fees, which together impact on

achieving equality. Mr. Nzuza suggested that, in the first instance, only

Mr Lukhona Mnguni Presentation & Submission, 29 August 2016.

the very poor should receive free education, while those who can afford

continue to pay.236

266. Mr. Clive Honman, a training and development manager presenting in his

own capacity, suggested that, considering the expense of a university

education, students leaving school should be required to go to a TVET

college first. Here they could become better prepared for university, and

this would cover the first year of the curriculum and reduce the time spent

at university. Considering the lower cost of TVET education, this could

be offered free. Furthermore, the government could provide free

university education in skills shortage areas, or other areas in line with its

development plan. Students who benefit from the above pay back via an

education tax which only kicks in when the individual earns over a specific

threshold and for a defined time period thus re-filling the coffers for future

generations. He also suggested that costs could be reduced by better

utilising universities for the full-day and over vacations.237

267. A parent, Ms. Ntabeni, gave testimony regarding her situation. She is a

teacher, and as such her son did not qualify for NSFAS, so she needed

to pay fees. She indicated that she has insufficient money, and has

borrowed money, used her investments and still owes the university. She

indicated that she does not support free education, as this is not

affordable. However, she recommended that the NSFAS means test be

Mr S.G Nzuza Presentation, 29 August 2016.
Mr C Honman Presentation & Submission, 30 August 2016.

reviewed to include those with a higher household income, and civil

servants. Ms. Ntabeni supported a loan, with repayment starting soon

after graduation or getting work. She said that black tax was not a reason

not to pay, as this was something most people had to assist with, and

that if somebody was supported, they should pay back. Free education

would not be sustainable.238

268. Equal Education began by referring to the still unequal school and

university education landscapes. They indicated that the differences

between historically white and black institutions have not been overcome,

and that participation by different race groups is not yet equal. As such,

when it comes to free education, EE indicated that as a historically

unequal society, immediate fee-free university for all students in South

Africa is not socially desirable, even if economically feasible. Free higher

education for all undergraduate students (irrespective of socio-economic

background) presents consequences: slashing the cost for the affluent,

while narrowing the pool of lecture theatre seats available to

impoverished learners. However, EE pointed out that while university

fees are low for some sectors of the population (sometimes lower than

school fees), for others, even the low fees of the HDIs are unaffordable,

and NSFAS cannot provide for all who need support. EE went on to

consider the percentage of GDP allocated to higher education, and how

this is lower than international averages. They argued that free education

could be afforded with a few simple changes, such as reducing the

Ms Ntabeni, 1 September 2016.

defence bill, cutting the state wages bill, and using the money allocated

to SETAs. EE argued that The financial strain of university expenses, as

well as the lack of return on investment due to future loan repayment,

demotivates students who are already struggling in their courses. Funds

need to be injected into NSFAS, or a new institution should be created

to provide bursary for low-income students, not based solely on

meritocracy. More funds must also be allocated to development

programmes that provide the proper tools and resources for students who

are struggling. EE concluded that state funding to higher education

should increase; student support at universities must be extended; no

student should be denied access on financial grounds; free education

should be focused on the poor initially; additional taxes on the most

wealthy should be considered; corruption and payments to state owned

enterprises should be investigated; and university spending needs to be

better understood.239

269. In their second presentation to the Commission, EE submitted that the

second series of protests highlighted the depth of the problem, and how

government was not taking it seriously. They also explained that when

government funding declines, HWIs can increase fees and find third

stream funding, but HBIs have few choices. Additional funding for these

institutions is required. Furthermore, NSFAS cannot continue as a loan.

When students leave university, they already have to struggle to find a

job and pull their families out of poverty. The burden of debt is too much

Equal Education, Presentation and submission to the Commission, 5 September 2016.

to carry. NSFAS should rather be a grant for the poor which is those

coming from no-fee schools. This should cover TVETs as well. EE also

called for businesses to contribute towards the grant scheme, with any

additional funding going towards the missing-middle.240

270. The Someleze Give Us Strength Women & Girl Education Rights

Movement presented to the Commission. They explained that while they

have compassion for the problems the students are facing, a sustainable

solution needs to be found that wont affect the quality and availability of

higher education. Someleze suggested that the instability in the higher

education sector would affect the universities negatively, and called on

students to look to other African countries where fees were removed.

Someleze recommended an income-contingent loan which would give

access to poor students but also show the student the value of the

investment, and ensure that they take responsibility for their studies.

Improving support programmes and success are key to sustainability.

Someleze stressed the importance of quality and inclusivity, with

bursaries and scholarships awarded on merit.241

271. Mr. Chikane was due to present to the Commission as an individual,

giving his own perspective as a student leader who had just completed

his studies at UCT, and was involved in the #Rhodes Must Fall, and later

the #Fees Must Fall Movements. While he couldnt make his presentation

Equal Education, Presentation to the Commission, 15 March 2017.
Someleze Presentation, 05 September 2016.

due to disruptions to the work of the Commission, his submission was

made available to the Commission. He explained that his focus on fees

began when an academically deserving friend was financially excluded,

and added that free education should be the gateway to opportunity. A

chance to better yourself, but more importantly your family. He explained

that too often, the solution is sought within the realm of economics rather

than that of sociology or politics. For whatever reason, when one speaks

of fees there is an automatic assumption that the solution lies in the

economics of the problem. He asked that rather than consider the best

economic solution, look for a solution that makes the most humane

sense for our country. He went on to explain that what needed to be

avoided was taking away money from other social priorities; excluding

international students due to increasing their fees; and maintaining

privileged access despite free education. He concluded that while he was

not going to try and answer the question of feasibility, he was of the view

that Free Higher Education, in the context of South Africas socio-

economic positioning, is a must. South Africa desperately requires skills,

young people dont have these skills, but universities can provide them.

Its the logic that drives the provision of free basic education in South

Africa. So why endanger their ability to access the skills made available

by these institutions?.242

272. Dr. Cosser is employed by the HSRC, but he presented in his personal

capacity. He emphasised how careful attention must be paid to the

Mr Chikane Presentation, 06 September 2016.

education sector as a whole, and the need for funding at the lower levels

(early childhood development). He argued for a long-term sustainable

solution, and suggested payment according to the students ability to pay.

This would require the calculation of each students household income

according to decile. This would still lead to a shortfall in fees, but would

be more equitable. He concluded that the size of the university sector in

relation to the education sector as whole, should be given attention.243

273. A group of academics, with Professor Vally presenting, gave their support

to free education for all. 244 They explained that we are faced with a

deep-rooted condition of unsustainable inequality, a government which

has prioritized education as a vehicle for expanding access to

employment and opportunity, but which has not funded Higher Education

sufficiently to allow for that priority to be effective. Vally stressed that,

given the students role in demanding free education, students must be

consulted before a final decision is made. Furthermore, the decision

should not be left to experts, advisors consultants and the agents of

institutions that represent a narrow fiscal driven approach to the provision

of public goods like higher education. Vally went on to describe higher

education as primarily a public good, which is essential to democratic

citizenry, social cohesion and the fight against socio-economic, political

and other forms of inequality. He rejected Treating higher education as

Dr MC Cosser, 10 November 2016.
Mondli Hlatshwayo (University of Johannesburg), Rasigan Maharajh (Tshwane University of
Technology), Zolisa Marawu (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University), Enver Motala
(University of Fort Hare), Leigh-Ann Naidoo (University of the Witwatersrand), and Salim Vally
(University of Johannesburg), 08 November 2016.

a commodity [as this would] perpetuate inequalities and divisions,

impoverish our society and the potential of our citizens. 245

274. Regarding funding for higher education, Vally argued that the costs of

education are not easily reconcilable with narrow economic goals alone

or to the rates of return to individuals since the remit of education is

simultaneously individual, social and global and has qualitative attributes

which are not measurable in conventional ways. He stressed the

importance of access for those previously marginalised, and argued for

comprehensive funding for universities. Vally spoke in favour of full public

funding, rather than a user-pays model, but in relation to this he favoured

the idea of responsible public service and citizen work by the recipients

of its benefits. Vally argued that a system that does not differentiate

between rich and poor students would assist in building social cohesion.

However, he mentioned that individuals will not be equal when education

is made free, [but that] the spirit of such a policy must also have as its

priority the goal of ending the culture of individualism, corporatisation and

unnecessary managerialism that is pervasive in the university system.

The importance of quality higher education was highlighted. Vally went

on to discuss the underfunding of higher education compared to other

countries and the unequal nature of institutions in terms of size, donations

and grants received and student fees. In conclusion, Vally recommended

that the state should fund all study fees for all students, and that other

Mondli Hlatshwayo (University of Johannesburg), Rasigan Maharajh (Tshwane University of
Technology), Zolisa Marawu(Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University), Enver Motala (University
of Fort Hare), Leigh-Ann Naidoo (University of the Witwatersrand), and Salim Vally (University
of Johannesburg), 08 November 2016.

costs could be covered for those in need by NSFAS and the Skills Levy.

Free education could be funded through freezing tax brackets rather than

adjusting these for inflation; additional taxation on high-net-worth

individuals; and by taxing the illicit financial flows of corporations.246

275. Oxfam argued for free education based on the Constitution and the

International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

(ICESCR). They submitted that the current system violates the

Constitution in that working class families in order to send a family

member through education, need to sacrifice retirement savings, the right

to food, health care and an appropriate standard of living. They added

that the means test was faulty in that it was applied to the parent, not the

student. Therefore, they argued that transfers from the wealth and

incomes of working age individuals are the most effective and efficient

mechanism to finance higher education, and supported the introduction

of an education tax for all earning over a certain amount, to spread the

burden on fees across society. They suggested a system where the debt

would be rolled over from one generation to the next, but that this

generation would need to bear the initial cost. This could be done through

using the Unemployment Insurance Funds (UIF) surplus; increasing the

skills development levy (to 3%); increasing corporate tax (to 30%);

closing loopholes in the tax regime for companies; introducing a 0.001%

Financial Transactions Tax or Tobin Tax (FTT); adjusting the top

Mondli Hlatshwayo (University of Johannesburg), Rasigan Maharajh (Tshwane University of
Technology), Zolisa Marawu (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University), Enver Motala
(University of Fort Hare), Leigh-Ann Naidoo (University of the Witwatersrand), and Salim Vally
(University of Johannesburg), 08 November 2016.

marginal tax rate by 2%, and all other bands by a corresponding amount

to ensure a progressive structure; and by dealing with corruption in the

public service. 247 In their second presentation, Oxfam highlighted that the

state must introduce measures to realise free education. They

highlighted the full cost of study, and discussed different deciles in South

Africa, concluding that 90% of households cannot afford higher

education. They concluded that the issue is financing (not funding) higher

education, and that the fiscal space is available.248

276. Mr. Xhanti Payi in his presentation highlighted the need for government

to make decisions based on the scarcity of resources. He added that

there are many myths in the discussion about higher education funding,

and that governments funding for tertiary education as a whole is actually

about 5% of GDP. He also pointed to state expenditure, which is

consistently above revenue, and the effect this would have on South

Africa in the future. He pointed out that about 50% of the governments

spending is on redistribution, and that the number of people depending

on that state is large. In brief, he highlighted the need to consider the

budget and its limits when discussing free education.249

277. As would be expected, the views of civil society groups, researchers and

various individuals differ substantially. There are some who support free

education for all, others for the poor, and others who agree with deferred

Oxfam, 9 November 2016.
Oxfam, 16 March, 2017.
Mr Xhanti Payi, 20 February 2017.

payment. The issue of whether free higher education for all would benefit

the rich was raised by more than one presenter. There was no agreement

among these participants regarding whether higher education is a public

or private benefit, or both. Suggestions on how funds could be raised are

made, and the issue of corruption and wasteful expenditure was

mentioned (as with students). Sustainability and quality were highlighted

by many.




278. This comprehensive report, the product of several years in the making,

provides a reality check for any assessment of the States ability to

provided fee-free higher education. The Commission heard no evidence

that lessened its effect or the force of its conclusions. We cite here those

Main Points250 which, on a conspectus of all the evidence we have heard

seem to be incontrovertible.

The Post School Education and Training (PSET) system makes a

major contribution to South Africas social and economic development. In
2014, they were about 1.9 million enrolments in public universities, TVET
and community colleges. Government spent R54.9 billion, which
represents about 70% of total expenditure on the PSET system.

Research Report pages (i)-(iii). Some of the detail has previously been referred to in
paragraph 158 above.

The White Paper for PSET seeks to increase enrolment to 5.1 million
by 2030 within universities, TVET and community colleges while at the
same time improving the quality of education and training programs.

This project models the cost of implementing the White Paper and the
funding available under three cost scenarios: Status quo (where all inputs
remain unchanged but enrolments expand to meet the policy targets), full
policy (where the enrolments increased rapidly and the quality of
education and training programs is improved substantially), mixed
scenario (which assumes moderate growth in enrolments with some
improvement in quality).

Under the full policy scenario, about R655 billion will be needed for the
public PSET system in 2030 (or R253.1 billion in real 2014 prices)
compared to a total expenditure of R64 billion on public PSET in 2014.

Whereas enrolments are expected to increase by 168% between 2014

and 2030, the total expenditure (in real terms) needed to achieve the
aims of the White Paper is expected to increase by 242%. Consequently,
expenditure on PSET as a percentage of GDP will rise from 2% in 2014
to 4.4% by 2030, if the policy targets are met.

The rapid expansion of the PSET system will result in expenditure

exceeding the funding available, if tax revenues grow in line with the
National Treasurys long-term fiscal projections. Under the full policy
scenario, a nominal shortfall of R370 billion in 2030 is expected. This
represents about 2.46% of GDP in 2030. Given the size of this shortfall,
there is an urgent need to determine whether the enrolment and policy
targets set out in the White Paper can be reasonably accomplished.

Fundamentally, the White Papers targets change the structure of the

PSET system; growing the share of enrolments in lower and mid-level
qualifications compared to university level qualifications. Therefore, the
share of enrolments in TVET colleges will account for about half of all

enrolments in PSET by 2030 whereas the proportion of university
enrolments will decline from 50% in 2014 to 31% in 2030.

The factors that influence expenditure estimates tend to differ by sector:

In the TVET sector, expenditure will rise from R8.7 billion to

R292.2 billion (or R112.4 billion in real 2014 prices) between
2014 and 2030. This increase is fueled by the rapid increase in
enrolments, improvements to the quality of current programs and
substantial changes to the mix of training programs offered at
colleges; effectively shifting from a predominantly partyear or
parttime to full qualifications.

The expenditure on the university sector does not grow as

quickly as the TVET sector. Expenditure will increase from R52.9
billion in 2014 to R334.3 billion in 2030 (or R129.8 billion in real
terms). Slower growth in expenditure reflects the fact that the
perstudent increase in costs due to quality improvements in the
University system is smaller; as universities throughput rates are
much higher and more stable than those in TVET colleges. The
factors that drive modeled expenditure in the university system
in the future are mostly policyrelated, and include, amongst
others, the increase in the number of enrolments, the higher
number of lecturers with a PhD (as articulated in the NDP),
increases in the number of PhD enrolments as a proportion of
total enrolments (to increase the number of PhD graduates to the
PhD graduate target as per the NDP) and a higher percentage of
students housed in university residences. In addition to these
policyrelated drivers of costs, there are other potential drivers
not explicitly targeted that could potentially improve performance
in the university sector. These include but are not limited to:

greater levels of student support (financial, academic and

psych social)

the introduction of bridging course and/or timeextended

improvement of living conditions.

The White Paper creates a new type of institution the community

college to deliver a range of adult, vocational and skills training
programs. Estimating the cost of training in the community college sector
is difficult as there is much uncertainty around the types of programs that
will be delivered through these colleges. Nevertheless, we estimate that
by 2030 R26.8 billion will be needed by the sector to achieve the target
of 1 million enrolments.

The rapid expansion in visits by the White Paper cannot happen without
additional investment in infrastructure. Under the full policy scenario,
another R771.5 will be needed for infrastructure investment in the PSET
system between 2014 and 2030.

The low levels of debt collection by the NSFAS continues to threaten

the sustainability of the university sectors funding framework. When
Cabinet took the decision to make additional funding available for fees
through the NSFAS, the policy intent was for university students to bear
part of the cost of their education. Increasing the collection rates on the
NSFAS should be a key priority for government, though it is recognised
that this is dependent on increasing the proportion of NSFAS-funded
students who pass and obtain employment after graduating.

This report sheds light on the amount of resources needed to meet the
policy targets set out in the White Paper. The large estimated funding
shortfalls will pose a major challenge for government, and require some
hard decisions from policymakers. The options available to policymakers
are to:

Reduce planned increases in expenditure: by reducing

inefficiencies, reducing enrolment targets (or extending the

timeframe for achieving the targets), changing the mode of
delivery and decreasing spending per capita.

Increase funding to PSET: by increasing the amount of state

funding available through higher taxes, increasing non-state
sources (primarily fees) or accessing funding from alternative

It is likely that a combination of the above mentioned options will be

needed by government. There is however a strong case to be made for
revisiting the policy targets, particularly as the modelling work shows that
there are trade-offs between access and quality. If the levels of quality
and throughput remain low, particularly in the college sector, the benefits
of rapidly increased enrolments to either students or the economy will be



279. The NSFAS succeeded the Tertiary Education Fund of South Africa

(TEFSA), which was established as an NGO to provide financial aid to

university students. 251 TEFSA was taken over by the state in 1999

through the promulgation of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme

Act (the NSFAS Act).252

TEFSA was set up in 1991 as an NGO funded through private funding, mainly donations
from international donors, to provide financial aid to university students in the form of loans
and bursaries. See transcript of the hearing held of 14 November 2016, p4 last paragraph
56 of 1999. See transitional arrangements set out in section 28.

280. The NSFAS scheme is established as a public entity under section 3 of

the NSFAS Act. It is a broader scheme than its predecessor in that in

extends financial aid to students at both public universities and TVET

colleges.253 The aim of the scheme is to provide financial aid to eligible

students who meet the criteria for admission to a further education and

training programme or to a higher education programme.254

281. Its broader objects are set out in the preamble as being to

281.1. redress past discrimination and ensure representivity and

equal access;

281.2. respond to human resource development needs of the nation;


281.3. establish an expanded national student financial aid scheme

that is affordable and sustainable.

282. Its functions are set out at section 4, and include to:

282.1. allocate funds for loans and bursaries to eligible students;

Section 2(1).
Section 2(2).

282.2. develop criteria and conditions for the granting of loans and

bursaries to eligible students in consultation with the Minister;

282.3. raise funds as contemplated in section 14 (1); and

282.4. recover loans.

283. The NSFAS is largely funded by public funds made up of:255

283.1. Monies appropriated by parliament for the DHET and

transferred to NSFAS; and

283.2. Ring-fenced and/or levy-funded grants from other organs of

state, including the Department of Basic Education (DBE),256

Department of Social Development (DSD),257 and the Sector

Education and Training Authorities (SETAs).

284. The balance of NSFAS funds are from universities, private donors and

recoveries from loans made to students.

285. Each benefactor prescribes rules and conditions to the funds allocated to


NSFAS presentation dated 14 November 2016, slide (unnumbered)
The Fundza Lushaka grant for teacher training.
E.g. funds early childhood development programmes.

286. The NSFAS has made significant strides since its inception to meet its

mandate. In 2013, African students made up 70.1% of students in

universities from about 5% in 2000. NSFAS funded 24% of student in

2015. As at 2016, African students accounted for 87% of NSFAS


287. According to the Department of Higher Education and Training, NSFAS-

managed funds have supported a total of 23% of all undergraduate


11.2 RULES


288. The DHET establishes the rules applicable to NSFAS funds allocated by


289. In terms of the rules applied to universities, NSFAS funds 261:

258 th
NSFAS presentation dated 14 November 2016, 35 page.
Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p25, fourth
NSFAS presentation dated 24 August 2016, slides 5 & 6; presentation dated 14 November
2016, 29 page (slides unnumbered)

289.1. eligible students, being those with a mix of both academic

excellence and financial need.

289.2. first undergraduate degrees (including extended

programmes);262 diplomas, (B-Tech programmes that lead to

a professional registration and employment in a professional

field) and postgraduate qualifications; for the entire period of

the study programme plus two years (N+2);263

290. NSFAS funds the full cost of study (i.e. covering tuition fees,

accommodation fees, meals and learning support materials costs;

including allowances for students with disabilities):

290.1. there is no obligation to repay a loan during the course of


290.2. the obligation to repay the loans arises only after the

beneficiary is gainfully employed264 and earning R30 000.00

per annum;265

Transcript of the hearing dated 16 November 2016, p46.
Transcript of the hearing dated 24 August 2016, p105 L5 11.
NSFAS presentation; Transcript of the hearing held on 24 August 2016, p94 L8 10. [poor
NSFAS presentation; Transcript of the hearing held on 24 August 2016, p94 L20 21.

290.3. NSFAS converts up to 40% of the loan to a bursary on

condition that the student passes all the modules they

registered for in a particular academic year;266

290.4. should a student pass all the modules registered for in the final

year of study, the final-year loan is converted to a 100%


290.5. the loan is interest free during the course of study, plus one

year. Thereafter, interest on the loan is levied at 80% of the

repo rate.268

291. According to NSFAS, almost 70 per cent of NSFAS funding is in the form

of bursaries, thus free.269


292. The NSFAS means test is used in two ways:

NSFAS presentation; Transcript of the hearing held on 24 August 2016, p108 L16 18.
NSFAS presentation; Transcript of the hearing held on 24 August 2016, p108 L19 23.
NSFAS presentation; Transcript of the hearing held on 24 August 2016, p108 L4 10;
transcript of the hearing held on 16 November 2016, p12.
NSFAS presentation dated 14 August 2016, slide 6; presentation dated 14 November
2016, 30 page first bullet point; transcript of the hearing held on 16 November 2016, p12 -

292.1. as a tool to identify which of the students applying for a NSFAS

award are most deserving of financial aid;270 and

292.2. to determine the size of the award.271

293. In rejecting the proposition that the NSFAS means test excludes students

falling within the missing middle category, NSFAS submitted that this

exclusion is the function of limited available resources with the result that

this category of students come second in terms of prioritisation to the

most needy students. In those circumstances, some universities have

introduced a threshold in order to curtail the number of applicants from

households that are better able to contribute to their childrens costs of


294. While in terms of its rules, NSFAS ought to fund the full costs of study, in

reality, it does not do so in respect of some students. That is because of

two main reasons:

294.1. NSFAS loans are capped. 273 As at 2016, the NSFAS cap

stood at R71 800.274

NSFAS submission dated 30 June 2016, p19 para 2.26.
NSFAS submission dated 30 June 2016, p20 para 2.27.
NSFAS submission dated 30 June 2016, p20 para 2.28.
NSFAS submission dated 30 June 2016, p13 para 2.9.
274 th
NSFAS presentation dated 14 November 2016, 29 page. The cap has increased R20 000
to R67 200 between 20032015, representing an annual average growth above CPI of 11
per cent.

294.2. some universities have adopted the practice referred to as



295. The cap on NSFAS loans has resulted primarily in the underfunding of

students. By extension, it has contributed to historical and prevailing

student debt.

296. That is because different universities have responded to the NSFAS cap,

and the limited allocations in general, in various ways, including:

296.1. by topslicing and

296.2. by increasing the costs of study. This has enabled some

universities to cross-subsidise its poorer student population

who would otherwise be unfunded and excluded from

studying; or alternatively;

296.3. admitting fewer poor students.


297. As alluded to earlier, the practice of top-slicing was introduced by some

universities in the light of the insufficient NSFAS funding to increasing

numbers of qualifying students. Consequently, these universities opt to

thinly redistribute the NSFAS allocation across all qualifying students,

with the result that while all students receive some funding, they receive

a lower amount that that originally recommended for them by NSFAS

through the means test.

298. It follows, therefore, that the combination of top-slicing the NSFAS award,

which is already capped and sometimes below an institutions average

FCS for a specific qualification, serves only to dilute the already limited

NSFAS allocation, which is being outpaced by the increasing NSFAS

qualifying student enrolments.275

299. The primary consequence for the affected students is debt.276

300. Some institutions, rather than top-slice, thus leaving future debt for

students, have opted to allocate the entire NSFAS grant to NSFAS

beneficiaries, with the consequence that other qualifying students do not

receive the limited grant.

301. We deal with the issue of student historic debt later herein. Before doing

so, we address two issues:

NSFAS presentation dated 14 August 2016, slide 7.
NSFAS presentation dated 14 August 2016, slide 7.

301.1. the first relates to concerns raised regarding the

appropriateness of the means test and measures taken by the

NSFAS to deal therewith. The crux of the challenge, mainly

from students, to the means test is that it violates the

constitutionally enshrined right to dignity to the extent that they

are required to demonstrate poverty. Other criticisms are that

it is not context specific and is open to fraud;

301.2. the second relates to the contribution to NSFAS from other



302. All stakeholders accept that the current NSFAS model (and specifically

the means test employed) is out-dated and requires urgent review. This

is all the more urgent so as to enable students who belong to the missing

middle to qualify for funding.

303. Accordingly, we do not intend rehashing the evidence which deals with

the shortcomings of the NSFAS. Instead, we focus on measures

introduced by NSFAS in response to those structural deficiencies.


304. Historically, universities have been acting as agents of NSFAS, in terms

of agreements contemplated under section 20(1) of the NSFAS Act, for

purposes of administering loans and bursaries to students of the

respective institution on behalf of NSFAS. 277 The functions of the

institutions are set out in section 20(2) of the NSFAS Act and involve the

following process 278

304.1. to receive loan and bursary applications from students;

304.2. to consider and assess the applications in the light of the

criteria for the granting of loans and bursaries determined by

the NSFAS;

304.3. to grant loans and bursaries, if the criteria are met, after

ascertaining that funds are available;

304.4. to administer loans and bursaries granted to students of the

institution; and

Transcript of the hearing held on 14 November 2016, p13.
NSFAS, Transcript of hearing held on 24 August 2016, p91 L12 p94 L18; transcript of the
hearing held on 14 November 2016, p13; presentation dated 14 November 2016, 30
page, fourth bullet point.

304.5. to enter into a written agreement with a borrower or bursar in

accordance with the provisions of the Act, and on the terms

and conditions determined by the NSFAS.

305. The institution must also apprise the NSFAS on the progress made by a

borrower or a bursar with regard to the course of study followed by him

or her; and immediately notify the board if a borrower or bursar

discontinues his or her studies.279

306. On receipt of the agreement between a student and the institution,

NSFAS pays the institutions the NSFAS award in respect of that


307. Evidence was presented which demonstrates the administrative

challenges faced by institutions in carrying out these functions. In certain

circumstances, there has been fraud committed at some universities in

respect of the allocations; there have been communication challenges

between NSFAS and university financial aid offices on one hand and

NSFAS and students on the other; there have also been disputes on

allocations for tuition and other costs (accommodation, food etc.). All of

these have led to a re-think of the model.

Section 2(3).
Transcript of hearing held on 24 August 2016, p93 L1 11.

308. In 2014, NSFAS introduced the student-centred model. 281 The model

primarily shifts the administrative functions of the award away from the

institutions to NSFAS itself. It does so in the following principal


308.1. NSFAS allocations are managed by NSFAS itself from the

application stage through to the funding decision;

308.2. recipients of funding are informed of the allocation prior to


308.3. applicants apply online and only once, in respect of their

selected course of study;284

308.4. allowances for applicants are paid within 48 hours of approval;

308.5. returning students are not required to apply again, but are

rather ranked and confirmed after their results are received.

Thereafter, they are provisionally funded and the allowance is

again paid promptly and within 48 hours.

281 th
NSFAS presentation dated 14 November 2016, 16 page; transcript of the hearing held on
14 November 2016, p12, second last line p13 first line.
282 st rd
NSFAS presentation dated 14 November 2016, 31 33 page; transcript of the hearing
held on 14 November 2016.
Successful recipients must register at the relevant university before they can access the
st th
NSFAS loan. See NSFAS presentation dated 14 November 2016, 31 34 page.
On award, the student signs an online Loan Agreement.

309. The model was developed further in 2016 to give effect to the finding by

the Ministerial Committee on the Review of NSFAS,285 which found that

the means test and the way it was being applied by institutions was

inappropriate, inequitable and required revision, specifically to the extent

that it excluded prospective students from families that earn above the

R122 000 per annum qualification threshold, but who still cannot afford

to attend university (the missing middle).286

310. Significantly, the student-centred model represents a significant deviation

from the traditional means test by introducing proxies to determine a

students ability to afford costs of study.

311. The 2009 Report of the Ministerial Committee on the Review of the

National Student Financial Aid Scheme recommended three alternatives

(proxies) to the means test to determine who qualifies for fully-subsidised

higher education and training:287

311.1. students with a household income below the lowest threshold

of the SARS tax tables;

311.2. students who attended a Quintile 1 school and those who

received fee waivers at other public schools; and

2009 Report; NSFAS transcript of hearing held on 14 November 2016, p13.
page xv, para 2.2.5.
pages xxi - xxii, para 3.1.2.

311.3. students from the poorest municipalities.

312. The 2013 Report of the Working Group on Free University Education for

the Poor in South Africa recommended the following additional proxies to

identify student financial need:288

312.1. household income below the lowest SARS tax threshold; and

312.2. school or municipal poverty quintiles.

313. It proposes other considerations that could be easily used to characterise

poor students who require financial aid, which factors include:289

313.1. students who are first generation university students in their


313.2. students from under-resourced and poorly performing schools

(which include quintile 1 3 schools); and

313.3. students from rural areas and from poor urban areas with

limited access to basic facilities.

p6 second last paragraph.
p31, middle of the page.

314. Accordingly, under the student-centred model, and in response to the

recommendations of the above-mentioned reports,290 students may be

means-test waived. The following will be used as proxies: 291

314.1. the quintile system; and

314.2. the SASSA grant.


315. In 2007, NSFAS began funding students in FET/ TVET colleges.292

316. NSFAS funding at TVET colleges relates to the 20% of the total

programme cost payable in students fees and only for students enrolled

in ministerially approved programmes. This means that the rest of TVET

college students must fund their studies by other means, failing which,

they are denied access to training.

317. Rules relating to NSFAS funding in TVET colleges are similar to those

applied at universities, with some minor deviations. As is the case with


NSFAS submission p21 para 2.32 p24 para 2.39.
291 rd
NSFAS presentation dated 14 November 2016, 33 page.
NSFAS presentation dated 14 November 2016.

317.1. qualifying TVET students are those that meet the criteria for

merit and financial need;

317.2. financial need is assessed using the means test;

317.3. in terms of funding norms for TVET colleges, 293 NSFAS

should fund students at full costs of study. Programme costs

are determined by the department.294

318. Unlike the case with universities students, NSFAS funding at TVET

colleges takes the form of full bursaries and not loans. As such, those

students receive fee-free education. There are, however, a large number

of unfunded NSFAS qualifying students, as well as underfunded

students, despite the obligation to fund at full costs of study.295


319. Different terms and conditions attach to funds managed by NSFAS on

behalf of various funders. To demonstrate, NSFAS manages funds on

behalf of the DBE. Those funds, under the Fundza Lushaka bursary

National Norms and Standards for Funding Technical and Vocational
Education and Training Colleges, 15 May 2015; DHET presentation dated
24 October 2016; slide 18.
NSFAS covers accommodation or travel costs for students who live 10 kilometres from the
institution they attend.
DHET submission dated June 2016, p32.

scheme, are meant to provide financial aid exclusively to students

pursuing a teaching degree, and the award takes the form of a bursary.296


320. Criticism of the NSFAS system is not new. In 2009 Minister Nzimande

appointed Professor Marcus Balintulo to lead a Ministerial Committee to

review the NSFAS system. The Committee reported in 2010 and

identified a number of achievements by the NSFAS, but also highlighted

challenges and made proposals for improving the scheme. Similarly, the

Report of the Working Group on Fee Free University Education for the

Poor in South Africa (2012) mentioned underfunding of NSFAS and some

inefficiencies with the system. Nonetheless, the achievements of the

scheme should not go unrecognised. Over 25 years, NSFAS has

assisted more than 17 million students to attend a university or TVET

college. Many of these individuals would not have had the opportunity of

further study without such a financial aid scheme. NSFAS numbers also

indicated the impact the scheme has had on transforming the student

body. The problems experienced with NSFAS, should not lead to a

complete rejection of the NSFAS model, although serious consideration

should be given as to whether the NSFAS structure is the appropriate

structure to minimise or eliminate the prevailing inefficiencies in the future

of student financial aid in this country.

DHET transcript of the hearing held on 12 August 2016, p83 L17 84 L6.

321. While it is not necessary to consider the Report of the Ministerial

Committee on the Review of the National Student Financial Aid

Scheme in detail, as it is in the public domain, a few points made by the

Committee should be highlighted. As heard by the Commission on many

occasions, despite budget increases, the growth in funds has not kept

pace with the ever-increasing demand. Even a fivefold increase in 10

years leaves NSFAS with a massive funding shortfall. It would probably

need to triple its budget to meet even current demand.297 The Committee

considered the state of the country in terms of unemployment, poverty

and NEETs, and suggested that the new policy framework for higher

education and further education and training envisages taking the next

step in the progressive realisation of the constitutional right of access to

education by providing free higher and further education to students from

poor and working-class communities. It also seeks to invert the current

ratio of the 760 000 students in higher education and the 223 000

(470 000) who are enrolled at further education and training (FET)


322. In highlighting the strengths of NSFAS, the Committee noted that NSFAS

has assisted in broadening access; the funds have grown considerably;

the means test has helped to ensure that the most needy are supported;

institutions are assisted with a 20% upfront fee payment; and The

provision of loans at a lower rate of interest than commercial educational

Report of the Ministerial Committee on the Review of the National Student Financial Aid
Scheme (2010), p. x.

loans, coupled with the income contingent nature of the loans, offers

students a potentially affordable loan on favourable repayment terms.

Linked to this is the incentive that NSFAS can convert up to 40 percent

of a loan to a bursary, based on academic performance.299

323. In terms of the shortcomings of NSFAS, the Committee highlighted the

fact that funding falls far short of demand.300 The Committee found that

NSFAS had less than half of what it needed to properly fund all qualifying

students. It also found that this shortcoming led to most of the other

challenges faced by NSFAS. The Committee also commented on low

throughput rates, especially for NSFAS students. The Committee

discussed the allocation formula and top-slicing, and the resultant

historical debt at institutions; problems with the administration (and fraud)

of the means test; and the exclusion of the missing middle. The

Committee also found that the scheme was not equipped to act as a

bursary manager; that there was dissatisfaction with the way NSFAS was

managing external monies; and that TVETS were generally dissatisfied.

Major concerns were raised regarding how NAFAS managed loan

administration; both in terms of processing and paying applications and

low recovery of loans; and also highlighted irregularities in terms of

interest charged. The Committee also commented on challenges with

management and governance, and the issue of unused funds.301

Ibid., xiii.
Ibid., p. xiii xix.

324. In their recommendations, the Committee suggested three components

to financial aid for higher education, including Full state subsidisation of

poor students and those from working class backgrounds, to be

progressively realised over a specific period and income-contingent

loans for the children of public sector employees (earning less than R300

000 per annum) and for students from lower middle-income families.302

The Committee noted that free higher education for the poor and working

class would require substantial additional funding, and that Budgetary

constraints may dictate that full subsidisation of poor and working class

students may not be possible in the immediate and short term but

suggested that if it is an accepted principle, then a progressive realisation

model could be adopted with a loan/ bursary mix in the interim. 303

Regarding the TVET sector, the Committee recommended fully-

subsidised education to all students registered for the NCV.304

325. In summarising their recommendations, the Committee suggested loan

repayment directly through the tax system; a simpler means test; bonded

bursaries which can be repaid through community or national service;

academic support; and the use of recovered funds to cover future

students. The committee did not support funding linked to priority fields

or funding for not-for-profit private institutions, and called for

Ibid., p. xxi.
Ibid., p. xxiv.
Ibid., xxvii.

acknowledgement that NSFAS cannot re-claim 100% of disbursements

due to the loan/ bursary mix and the low interest rate charged.

326. Similarly, the Report of the Working Group on Fee Free University

Education for the Poor in South Africa (2012) noted the escalating

costs of higher education and the need for interventions to ensure access

for academically deserving students who cannot afford it. The working

group discussed measures introduced thus far, as well as the proposals

of the NSFAS review Committee, the ANC resolutions, the NDP and the

White Paper. They recognised higher education as a public and private

benefit, and discussed cost-sharing models. In their recommendations,

they suggested a loan bursary mix for students from poor and missing-

middle households, where students repay their loans on an income-

contingent basis for 15 years. Only if and when a graduate (or a dropout)

reaches a minimum specified threshold of income, will they be required

to start paying back. The working group supported the notion of

collection of loans through SARS, but noted that current academic

performance rebates are very costly, representing 20% of gross loan

advances in terms of current NSFAS practice. This could be reduced to

10% under radically pruned assumptions which would release funds to

support a universal system.305

Report of the Working Group on Fee Free University Education for the Poor in South Africa
(2012), p. xii-xiii.


327. The Commission heard from NSFAS regarding their mission, vision,

strategic plans and similar developments. As these are all in the public

domain, they will not be elaborated on in detail in this report. NSFAS

explained that at its inception in 1991 (as TEFSA) it supported 7 220

students with an average loan of R2 977 and a total budget of R21

million. By 2003, when the first task team was appointed to assess the

impact of what was by then NSFAS, it supported 96 552 students with an

allocation of R893 million. In 2007, new bursary funding was introduced,

such as that for TVETs, Fundza Lushaka bursaries and for Social Work

(funded by DSD). At this point, the allocation totaled R1.76 billion and

125 897 students were supported in that year. In 2014, 414 802 students

were funded (at both universities and TVETs) with R8.96 billion in

funding. The average loan was R21 906, and in this year the student

centred model was piloted at 6 universities and 11 TVET colleges.

Allocations to NSFAS have, clearly, increased substantially over the

years, as has the number of students funded each year. Despite this, as

indicated previously, the funding need still outweighs the available

funding. As a result of the students protests, NSFAS allocations

increased considerably. In their testimony to the Commission, NSFAS

indicated that in 2016 they would fund more than 405 000 students with

a grant budget of R14.6 billion. It must be remembered that this budget

includes allocations from other Departments, SETAs etc. and includes

students in both TVETs and universities.306 Some of the achievements

highlighted by NSFAS were that by 2015, they funded 24% of students;

and that the total university population had been transformed from 5%

African to 70% African (2013), with African students constituting 87% of

NSFAS students.307

328. The NSFAS also explained the differences between the old model of

application (paper-based and through the university Financial Aid

Offices), and the new student-centered model (online applications where

students apply directly to NSFAS, and not the FAO). It hoped that some

of the problems identified by the students (as was recommended by the

2010 review of Balintulo) would be resolved through this new model

(including applying once for all years of study, and knowing the outcome

of the application prior to registration), to be fully implemented in 2017.308

We have been advised that the experience of the 2017 registrations has

shown that it did not go as smoothly as hoped, but this advice requires


329. NSFAS also explained the eligibility criteria, the means test and the

calculation of the NSFAS allocation. An important element of this is

determining the expected family contribution (EFC). NSFAS focuses on

both financial need and academic merit, but does not fund short courses,

BTech qualifications or anything for non-degree purposes, nor students

NSFAS presentation to the Commission, 14 November 2016.
NSFAS presentation to the Commission, 14 November 2016.
NSFAS presentation to the Commission, 14 November 2016.

in receipt of other bursaries or loans covering the full cost of study. For

the purpose of application (and means test), applicants must submit proof

of income of their parents/ guardian; copies of ID documents (own,

parents and all members of household); and copies of registration of a

sibling at another tertiary institution. The online system waives the need

for a means test for those receiving a social grant or from a quintile 1 or

2 school. For this purpose, NSFAS checks with the systems of Umalusi

and SASSA.309

330. NSFAS also explained that interest on loans is charged at 80% of the

repo rate, and is not charged during the period of study or for 12 months

after graduation or dropout. This is a hidden subsidy. Furthermore,

depending on performance, up to 40% can be converted to a bursary at

the end of the academic year, and 100% of the final year can be

converted to a bursary on completion in regulation time.310 NSFAS also

discussed the problems with recouping loans. They explained that the

student will start paying once they earn above thirty thousand rand per

annum. That is the condition, it is incumbent upon the debtor to notify

NSFAS when they are no longer employed. So they get employed the

first month; they start paying; for unforeseen reason they lose

employment; it is incumbent upon them to notify us and tell us that they

are no longer employed. They explained further that, as tax is not

charged at this level of income, SARS cannot assist in this regard and

NSFAS presentation to the Commission, 15 November 2016.
NSFAS presentation to the Commission, 15 November 2016.

students are expected to inform NSFAS. The sliding scale of deduction

based on your salary is 3-8 %. NSFAS explained that for the scheme to

begin to make a material impact on the funding of students [and to be

sustainable] well have to collect 70 times more.311

331. The funding of those with historical debt was discussed. It should be

noted that historical debt was as a result of over-claims on NSFAS by

universities, arising from the pressure of high demand for financial aid by

qualifying students on the one hand, and rising fees, as subsidies

declined on the other hand. After the Presidential Task Team in

December 2015, universities submitted lists of NSFAS-eligible students

with outstanding debt from 2013 to 2015 to the DHET. This was a total of

71 753 students owing R2.543 billion. This money was made available

through NSFAS after the re-allocations were done within the government

in order to circumvent possible disruptions at the beginning of 2016.312


332. Concerns relating to the NSFAS system were raised by a number of

stakeholders including government, PSET institutions and PSET

students. In many cases the issues overlapped, and for this reason this

section will focus on the challenges with NSFAS, rather than on the

individual or organisation holding a particular opinion. It must also be

NSFAS presentation to the Commission, 16 November 2016.
NSFAS presentation to the Commission, 15 November 2016.

remembered that NSFAS has introduced changes over the years to

improve its service.


333. Concerns about the way that NSFAS functions originated from a number

of stakeholders. Students complained about not being able to contact

NSFAS easily, about the slow outcome of applications for funding, about

being declined for a loan without being given a reason, and about

receiving money late into the year. Students also commented on the need

to re-apply for NSFAS annually, which left them in a state of uncertainty

and insecurity every year. This is made worse when students need to sit

supplementary or late examinations, as their results are delayed and so

is their communication from NSFAS. A student also raised a concern

about unused money being returned to NSFAS at the end of the year,

without the loan agreement recognising this amount as returned. While

this indicates the need for better communication with the student, it also

highlights the levels of distrust.

334. The timing of payments was also an issue raised, and many students

commented on the difficulty of paying registration fees before NSFAS had

released their grant or loan. This leads to some students missing the start

of the academic year, and important interventions like first-year


335. Students also raised the issue of NSFAS needing to be more proactive

in its communication with high school learners: many are not aware of

what needs to be done and do not meet time limits for applications.

336. Universities commented on the formula for allocation to universities (prior

to the student-centred model), about late payments from NSFAS, and

about lack of communication regarding student applications.

337. Government commented on a lack of data from NSFAS, governance

challenges, poor recovery of student loans, and lamentable throughput

of NSFAS students.


338. There was conflicting opinion regarding these support offices. Some

students complained that the staff at the offices were not willing to help,

that they were under-staffed and that there was corruption. Other

students complained that with the student-centred model they could no

longer get the assistance of these offices and that it was now harder to

find out about the approval of an application.

339. Students also complained about the long queues when applying, and the

many forms and agreements that need to be signed, often without clear


340. There appears to be some tension between these offices and NSFAS,

especially in the new student centred model, with lack of clarity regarding

roles. According to FAPSA, communication was much better prior to

2010. After 2010, there has also been a rapid increase in applications

and protests, changes have been made to the bursary/loan mix, and a

number of additional donors have been added to the NSFAS bundle.

FAPSA also complained about needing to complete additional forms,

often with short deadlines, high turnover at the NSFAS office, and

changing policies without sufficient notification.


341. The means test is very unpopular with students. It was characterised as

a humiliating exercise where students are required to plead poverty or

commit fraud in order to access a loan. It was explained how the

requirements are personal, and that some students dont apply as they

cannot prove where their father is or that they are part of a family (as they

were never formally adopted). As one student testified The system

operates on a process of mistrust: one implicitly premised on the

humiliation of Black students.313

342. There were also various claims about fraud at this level, resulting in richer

students receiving money and poorer ones being denied.

Lerato Motaung, Testimony to the Fees Commission, 17 November 2016.

343. The means test is also a costly exercise, which is hard to implement fairly

in a country like South Africa where data and administrative ICT systems

are not well-integrated. The evidence suggested to the Commission that

the ability and desire to confirm information provided by students is


344. Suggestions were made to simplify the test and NSFAS commented on

making use of school quintile and grant recipients as proxies.


345. This was another general complaint, with different permutations.

346. First, students complained that the size of a loan was insufficient to cover

the full-cost of study (especially at HWIs), leaving them without

accommodation or food, and with large debts. Students mentioned that

private accommodation is not funded or not funded sufficiently. Students

also complained about the S-Bux card, and the limit it places on where

students can shop. Some complained that it doesnt cover photocopies

and similar academic expanse: others complained that they have to buy

from supermarkets and cannot purchase from a person selling food on

the side of the road. Still others referred to fraud with students buying

goods on their cards and re-selling to raise money for other items.

Institutions also mentioned problems with the S-Bux and late payments.

Students also highlighted the need for access to academic study material

and ICTs and lack of funding in this regard.

347. Secondly, universities complained about not receiving the amount of

money requested, resulting in the practice of the top-slicing of loans.

Other universities rejected top-slicing, but then could only fund a smaller

number of students. All universities tried to find other bursaries or loans

to support students due to a lack of NSFAS resources but this is

especially hard at HDIs where a large percentage of students are NSFAS

funded. Universities complained about large debts owed to institutions,

making them financially unhealthy. Many of these loans are due to

NSFAS students not receiving enough to cover tuition and residence

fees, hence the accumulation of historic debt.

348. Thirdly, is the situation of the missing-middle, that has been brewing

over a number of years at universities. With insufficient money to support

poor students, NSFAS has not been able to increase the limit imposed

by the means test (based on expected family contribution), meaning that

in practice only students with household incomes of below approximately

R122 000 are funded. This means that a large group of students are

excluded from financial aid, but cannot access bank loans and other

funding due to a lack of capital and low salaries. The missing-middle have

also placed a huge burden of debt on universities, as they register

students who later cannot pay their fees. This situation is unsustainable

for both students and universities. Ensuring access to funding for the

missing-middle is a key concern for the Commission.

349. Finally, and linked to the above points, is concern about the total funding

to NSFAS. Despite substantial growth in NSFAS allocations as discussed

above, there are annually a number of qualifying students who do not

receive NSFAS funding (even with the current low means test). This is a

major problem for returning students.


350. The problems of student success were raised by all stakeholders. It was

highlighted how inefficient it is to fund large numbers of students who do

not complete their studies. Students indicated the need for academic

support, but also argued that full funding would reduce financial strain

and allow students to focus on their studies. Some students asked for a

longer period of funding to allow for completion. Treasury argued that a

more efficient system was needed before more money could be allocated

to the sector. Preliminary data suggest that NSFSAS students

throughput is lower than that of the student body as a whole. It is worth

noting that this situation has an adverse impact on the second eligibility

criterion (academic merit) in order to qualify for further funding. This is

not the same as the situation reported by the NRF with regards to the

students they fund, where the performance of the funded students is

better. This may indicate the need for better monitoring of NSFAS

students, and stricter academic requirements for continued funding. This

would include internal monitoring of students by higher education

institutions, in order to intervene and provide support as soon as

challenges are identified. The process of introducing such monitoring and

early-intervention mechanisms is underway, with funding from the

teaching development grants allocated by the DHET. It should also be

noted that lack of success also means that students are less likely to earn

an income of the level required to repay their loan, and this impacts on

the sustainability of the loan system.


351. There is widespread criticism of the system in place to recover loans from

students who have graduated and are now working. The graph below

highlights the decline in recoveries after 2009, although there has been

some improvement more recently as new systems have been put in

place. It has been suggested that any loan system would need to work

with SARS for the purpose of recovery.

NSFAS loan recoveries versus a normal growth trajectory314

CHE (2016) Kagisano 10: Student Funding, p.21.

352. Furthermore, research submitted to the Commission also highlighted

how the growing bursary component of NSFAS is affecting the long-term

sustainability of the fund.315 Obviously, as a larger portion is allocated as

bursaries, the benefit of recovering money reduces. In 1991, all money

was allocated as a loan, in 2000 the bursary component was 25%, while

in 2012 the bursary component amounted to 53%. The research

indicated that This is not a sustainable situation in a context of increasing

pressure on NSFAS funds. 316 Additionally, the recovery of loans was

compounded by the repeal of section 21 of the NSFAS Act which meant

that garnishee orders could not be issued; secondly, the promulgation of

the National Credit Act required positive consent from debtors. These two

developments, together with NSFASs lack of administrative capacity to

intensify the collection of loans resulted in the failure to collect loans as


Ibid., pp. 39-114.
Ibid., p. 63.


353. Students complained about the burden placed on them with a loan

system. It was argued that black tax already places a greater burden on

the previously disadvantaged, as they are expected to support their

families as soon as they are earning an income. The added pressure of

loan repayments means that these newly employed graduates cannot

maintain the same standard of living as their peers, with no loan and no

black tax. As such, the loan repayment adds to the pressure of

generational poverty.

354. A counter argument to this was the suggestion that it would be more

efficient for government to focus on poverty alleviation measures for all

the population, than for it to fund free education for the few in the hope of

them alienating the poverty of their family. This would also be more

equitable. Related to this, is the argument that black tax affects the

majority of the working population of South Africa, and not only university

graduates. In fact, as a result of their higher earning power, the overall

financial impact is more bearable than that on, for instance, a domestic

worker who is also expected to support her parents and siblings on a

much smaller salary. This again highlights the importance of universal

poverty alleviation measures, rather than for a small section of the



355. While there has been much criticism of NSFAS, their achievement in

terms of broadening accessing and changing the demographics of

universities should not be forgotten. That said if it is considered that

NSFAS should be retained in any form, there are a number of ways in

which the financial aid system could be made more efficient, more

sustainable, more user-friendly, and more equitable.

356. In determining a future financial aid system, it should also be

remembered that two of the major criticisms of the current model are

underfunding and ease of use. In terms of the second, major issues

include speed of pay out; difficulty with application and communication;

the means test; and difficulty for first time users. Another issue which

needs careful consideration is student success, as the sustainability of

the sector as a whole is impacted by low throughput and high dropout

levels. The fundamental question is whether pouring money into the

problem alone, is sufficient to improve the performance of the system

without giving consideration to the broader picture of rising poverty levels,

unemployment, early childhood development and other societal


357. As will be seen, the Commission recommends that NSFAS be retained

but only as the conduit for the funding of TVET students.


358. It will be recalled that one of the principal aims of the budget is to ensure

that public resources are allocated to meet government priorities.317 The

question of the extent to which higher education and training was

prioritised in the preparation of budgets featured prominently in the


359. Although the MTSF and NDP do not in their terms refer to higher

education and training as being an apex priority, the evidence

demonstrates that it is.

359.1. Professor Makgoba testified that education is apex number

one in the country.318

359.2. Both the Minister of Higher Education and Training and

National Treasury acknowledged that the higher education

and training sector as a whole is an apex priority for


359.3. Mr. Michael Sachs from National Treasury also testified that

there was a decision taken at the Cabinet Lekgotla of July

National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016 slide 33.
Transcript of the hearing held on 3 October 2016, p21.
Minister of Higher Education and Training, transcript of hearing held on 13 October 2016,
p53 & 74 77; National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 7 October 2016 p35.

2016 recognising higher education and training as an apex


359.4. The erstwhile Minister of Finance, Mr. Gordhan, testified that

education as a whole is an apex priority of government as

reflected in both the NDP and the MTSF.321 He suggested that

the demand in universities fragments the value chain that is

education. This speaks to the evidence that PSET should be

approached as a sector. The government allocated the bulk of

funding to universities and this is projected to continue over

the MTEF. The DHET by the manner in which it has dealt with

the 0% increase in university fees at the expense of TVETs

has not dealt with the issues in a sectoral context but

continually elevated the universities over TVETs.

360. The evidence clearly points to higher education and training being an

apex priority322. but not the only one. To the extent that this is correct, the

question that arises is how the elevation of higher education and training

to being an apex government priority translates in the process of

budgetary allocation and in the ultimate allocation to the DHET and


National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 7 October 2016, p36.
National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 7 October 2016 p35.
National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 3 March 2017, p43.
Understanding of students along these line, see Nelspruit transcript of 22 Aug p 45; 52.


361. In his testimony, Mr. Gordhan, testified to the realities while drawing a

link between accelerated transformation and inclusive economic growth.

The essence of his testimony is that the budget plays a central role in

transformation by promoting redistribution and directing scarce resources

towards catalytic investments in human and physical capital.323

362. A large part of the testimony of the National Treasury emphasised that

where the revenue does not meet demand, the issue becomes one of

balancing various competing interests.



363. A significant portion of the evidence presented by the National Treasury

is dedicated towards articulating the direct relationship between

economic growth, revenue growth and expenditure.

364. In its simplest form, the correlation between the three components is

represented by the equation:324

Expenditure = Revenue + Borrowing.

National Treasury, transcript of the hearing held on 3 March 2017, p34 37.
Presentation by Minister Pravin Gordhan dated 3 March 2017, slide 9.

365. The mainstay of that evidence is that the South African economy reached

its lowest growth level in 2016, at 0.9 per cent as a percentage of GDP

since 2000,325 having recorded its highest growth level of 5.6 per cent in

2007.326 The evidence indicates that the economy has been consistently

contracting since 2008 (registering a GDP growth level of 3.6 per cent),

registering negative growth in 2009 of -1.5 per cent in 2009. The

likelihood of significant increase in the short to medium term is small.

366. The plain consequence of this downward trend is that there is less

available government revenue, in the face of an increasing budget deficit

or government debt over the current METF, 327 at the cost of desired

government expenditure. 328 Willy-nilly, priorities become ranked with

also-rans in the allocation of reduced resources.

367. The main source of government revenue is taxation in all its


368. Borrowing, as further source of revenue, is itself dependent on various

factors including economic growth complemented by stability, interest

rates, credibility and the ability and willingness to pay debt.330

When the economy recorded a percentage growth of 4.2 per cent.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 9.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 8.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 11.
Such as personal income, corporate and wealth tax.

369. During his evidence, Mr. Michael Sachs 331 , testifying on behalf the

National Treasury, spoke to this relationship. What appears from his

evidence is the following:

369.1. From 1999 to about 2000, there was a reduction in public

spending as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product


369.2. The period between 2003 2008 saw improved growth in the

economy, at a rate of 5 per cent of GDP, against the back of

a buoyant tax revenue.333 The average growth rate between

2000 2007/2008 is recorded at 4.3 per cent.334

369.3. Strong revenue collection allowed government in 2008/1009

to increase its public spending per capita on social

programmes, such as education, which increased from about

R3 000.00 per South African in 2000 to about R5 000.00 per

South African in the 2012/2013 financial year.335

In his capacity as the Deputy Director General for the Budget Office.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slides 4 and 6; transcript of hearing
held on 12 August 2016, p12 L5 6.
National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p12 L20 25.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slides 9; transcript of hearing held
on 12 August 2016, p17 L24.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 4 & 6; transcript of hearing
held on 12 August 2016, p4 5; 12 L5 6.

369.4. Between 2002 to 2014/2015, this translated to an almost

doubling in governments real non-interest spending per capita

from R12 000.00 in 2000 to R21 000.00 in 2014/2015.336

369.5. Spending as a percentage of GDP also saw an increase in

government non-interest public spending from about 22% in

1996/1997 to about 27% in 2010/2011.337 During this period,

National Treasury was reducing some tax rates against the

increasing revenue.338

369.6. The increase in social spending can be attributed to two

identifiable factors:

369.6.1. an expanded public purse through the increased

employment of civil servants such as teachers, nurses

and police officers significantly expanded recipients of

social grants;339 and

369.6.2. prioritisation resulting in the shifting of allocations

from one department to another, as was the case with as

National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 5; transcript of hearing held on
12 August 2016, p6 L3 18. These figures are based on the consolidated budget as
opposed to the main budget. Based on the main budget, social spending per capita
increased from about R11 000.00 in 2000 to about R20 000.00 in 2014/2015.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 6; transcript of hearing held on
12 August 2016, p12 - 11 L23 p 13 L1.
National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p13 L2 3.
National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p10 L15 p 11 L 2.

the Department of Defence, which enabled government

to expand social spending and specifically social


369.7. The gap between revenue and spending was forecast to

converge during 2016/2017. This, however, did not

materialise partly as a result of the 2008 global financial crisis.

369.8. The consequence of that crisis was a negative growth rate of

-1.5 per cent in 2009.342 Pointedly, the impact on the national

budget presented in the form of reduced revenue (which fell

from a high point of about 26% of GDP in 2007 to a low of

about 23% of GDP in 2009, once again opening the

revenue/expenditure gap).343

369.9. Because of the disparity between revenue and expenditure

South Africa found itself unable to continue to raise sufficient

revenue to maintain the level of government spending on

social programmes.344 In these circumstances, it had to resort

National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p11 L4 15.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 6.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slides 9; transcript of hearing held
on 12 August 2016, p18 L1 3.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 6; transcript of hearing held on
12 August 2016, p13 L3 7.
National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p31 L6 10.

to other sources of revenue, namely borrowing and increased


370. In response to the deteriorating economic outlook, National Treasury

introduced fiscal consolidation measures in an attempt to balance the

debt-to-GDP ratio over the MTEF. This entailed three main steps:346

370.1. lowering the expenditure ceiling;347

370.2. increasing tax revenue;348 and

370.3. reprioritisation.349

371. The National Treasury opted to increase revenue through increased

taxation as the main source of increasing revenue, as opposed to

borrowing. Consequently, National Treasury has steadily increased

personal taxation from 23 per cent in 2009 to about 26 per cent in


371.1. Despite the fiscal consolidation measures, the evidence

shows that South Africa is nevertheless spending more than

National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p13 L7 14.
National Treasury, written submission dated 30 June 2016, p2.
By R10 billion in 2017.2018 and a further R15 billion in 2018/2019.
By raising an additional R18.1 billion in 2016/2017 and a further R15 billion in the balance
of the MTEF.
In the amount of R31.8 million over the 2017 MTEF.
National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p13 L10 p 14 L1.

its income. Barring 2006/2007 and 2007/2008,351 South Africa

has been experiencing a budget deficit (since 2002/2003). The

deficit, which at worst is structural,352 is projected to continue

through the 2016 2019 medium term, measured between 3.5

to 4 per cent.353

371.2. Government debt increased from about 22.3% of GDP in

2007/2008, to about 44.3% of GDP in 2015/2016. This

translates from a debt of about R483 billion in 2007/2008 to

about R1.8 trillion in 2015/2016.354

371.3. As at 2016/2017, South Africas debt stands at over R2 trillion,

which is about 50% of the current GDP, which sits at about R4

trillion.355 The current debt is projected to increase to about

R2.3 trillion in 2018/2019, being 46.2 per cent of GDP.356

371.4. Although the economy has taken steps to recover from the

2009 deficit,357 the evidence shows that the economy grew by

During which period there was sufficient revenue surplus which had to be spent. See
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 7; transcript of hearing held on
12 August 2016, p14 L9 14.
Indicative of a permanent state of economic stagnation/deficit and borrowing. See
transcript of the hearing held on 15 August 2016, p14 L14 p15 L8; p19 L1 9; p25 L12
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 7; transcript of hearing held on
12 August 2016, p14 L9 p15 L8.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 8; transcript of hearing held on
12 August 2016, p16 L14 24.
National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p16 L18 19.
Above note 53.
Recovering in 2011 to the 2008 level at 3.6 per cent. See National Treasury presentation
dated 12 August 2016, slides 9; transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p18 L3 4.

an average rate of 2.1 per cent between 2010 2016 (from

4.3% in 2007), and growth thereafter, year on year, has been

slow.358 This is against a growth target of 5 per cent in the


371.5. The economy is projected to grow by only 2.4 per cent in

2019. The IMF projects growth at 1 per cent for

2017/2018. 360 National Treasury projections for the same

period place growth at double the rate of the IMF, at around 2

per cent.

371.6. The main response of National Treasury to this situation has

been to introduce fiscal consolidation measures, which entails

stabilising of debt as a means to control the budget deficit

whilst maintaining social spending in a progressively

weakening economic environment.361

371.7. While the National Treasury intends to maintain the current

levels of public social spending, it estimates that the current

National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slides 9; transcript of hearing held
on 12 August 2016, p17 L25 p18 L5.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slides 9; transcript of hearing held
on 12 August 2016, p18 L6 19.
National Treasury representation dated 15 August 2016, slide 10. The IMFs forecast is a
forecast for global growth. See transcript of 15 August 2016, p22 L7 9.
National Treasury, transcript of the hearing held on 15 August 2016, p16 L 19 p17 L2;
p26 L5 10. A according to National Treasury, a countrys ability to contain debt is a factor
considered by lenders when deciding whether or not to advance loans. See transcript of
12 August 2016, p17 L3 8.

levels of spending can only be maintained if economic growth

returns to its historic average being three and a half

per cent. 362 Given the projected growth of two per cent,

revenue will be in line with that low growth.

372. This situation will undoubtedly impact on government expenditure on the

PSET sector. Furthermore, an analysis of National Treasury testimony

reveals that there is no extra money available to be used for PSET. Thus,

if there needs to be an increase in the PSET budget, such funding would

have to come from re-prioritising.

373. We turn at this point to interrogate how the national budget has

historically dealt specifically with the function of higher education and



375. It will be recalled that South Africa has adopted a three-stream model of

funding higher education and training.

375.1. The first stream represents government funding in the form of

block and earmarked grant. Historically, government subsidies

National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p26 L11 19.

have represented the largest single component of the total

income of institutions and universities in particular.363

375.2. The second stream consists of tuition fees paid by students

(and of NSFAS on behalf of qualifying students), and has been

increasing, partly as a result of the declining state subsidy.364

375.3. The third stream represents own funding, that is funding

raised by the institutions from various sources such as

donations and research activities. Universities are finding it

increasingly difficult to raise these stream funds given the

financial situation.365

376. Government spending on higher education and training can be measured

either as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) or as a

percentage of the State budget.

377. GDP represents the total income or value, in the case of South Africa,

the Rand value, of all goods and services produced in the country over a

specific period of time, normally annually. In simple terms, it represents

DHET submission dated June 2016, p19.
DHET submission dated June 2016, p16.
DHET submission dated June 2016, p16.

the size of the economy and is one of the primary indicators to assess

the health of a countrys economy.366

378. Government revenue is linked to a percentage of GDP (which is then

translated into State budget), and other sources such as borrowing. That

revenue is collected by government in the form of taxation.

379. The 2016 budget amounted to around R1.3 trillion.367

380. There is little before the Commission to suggest that the budget amount

as a share of GDP is inappropriate. In those circumstances, we proceed

on the basis that the revenue for social spending represented by the

budget is appropriate.

381. In 2016/2017, the total State finance for universities was nearly 30% of


382. In what follows, we first deal with government funding of higher education

and training as a percentage of GDP. We then address government

funding of higher education and training as a percentage of the State


National Treasury, hearing held on 12 August 2016, p11 L22 25; Xhanti Payi, transcript
of the hearing held on 20 February 2017, p5 L16 24.
National Treasury presentation dated 7 October 2016, slide 4.
DHET: University State Budgets, March 2016, Table 1.2.



383. A significant amount of evidence before the Commission was dedicated

to government allocations to universities to demonstrate the historical

underfunding and constant decline of funding in the higher education

sector. 369 Departmental funding to universities in 2014 accounted for

38.4% of total university income, having fallen from 49% in 2000.370

384. Relying on 2014/2015 figures, the evidence presented by the Department

of Higher Education and Training shows a disparity in funding within the

sector itself.371

385. The government contribution (DHET transfers) to universities was 59

per cent, while the transfer to TVET Colleges was 14 per cent, despite

this sector experiencing significant enrolments, in pursuit of the NDP


Vital Stats 2013, p91, figure 148. The figure shows that universities funding allocated to
universities as a percentage of GDP has been increasing since 2008/2009, falling slightly
in 2013/2014 to 0.75 per cent of GDP from 0.76 per cent in 2012/2013. Funding as a
percentage of State budget has also been increasing during the same period, decreasing
slightly in 2013/2014 to 2.49 per cent from 2.5 per cent in the previous financial year.
DHET submission dated June 2016, p16, figure 2; CHET presentation dated 11 August
2016, slide 4.
DHET notes that the current funding in the TVET sector is not only insufficient, but also
inequitable because State grants are based on historical provincial allocation. See DHET
presentation on the funding of TVET and CET Colleges dated 24 October 2016, slide 30.
DHET presentation on the funding of TVET and CET Colleges dated 24 October 2016,
slide 5.

386. Moreover, the estimated shortfall in budget allocations to TVET Colleges

has been increasing. In 2013/2014, the shortfall stood at 19% of the

allocated budget. The shortfall has increased to a high of 44 per cent in

2016/2017 and is projected to increase to 47 per cent in 2017/2018.373

Staff compensation takes up a significant portion.374

387. An issue which emerged strongly in evidence is that when considering

the question of fee-free higher education and training, the post school

education and training sector must be considered holistically.

388. Evidence was presented which indicated that South Africas expenditure

on higher education and training as a percentage of GDP is well below

what other countries spend on the sector. CHET demonstrated this point

by reference to OECD 2012 data which shows that South Africa was

spending 0.71 per cent of GDP on higher education and training. The

only other countries that spend less than 1 per cent of their GDP on

higher education and training were Chile and Brazil, both spending

around 0.9 per cent. The majority of other comparators contributed over

1% of GDP on the sector. Cuba spent the highest, at 4.50% of GDP.375

The Commission is advised that the selection of countries for this

purpose is subject to various interpretations since there were, at the time

DHET presentation on the funding of TVET and CET Colleges dated 24 October 2016,
slides 7 and 31.
See also DHET presentation on the funding of TVET and CET Colleges dated 24 October
2016, slide 11 which indicates that of the total 85% government allocation to TVET
Colleges, DHET transfers 60%; while the balance is made up on NSFAS bursary funding
(20%), and that too is underfunded and 5% from the NRF for project funding.
CHET presentation dated 11 August 2016, slide 12.

of this comparison, other countries whose spending as a percentage of

GDP was less than South Africa. The United Kingdom is one such

example. It is therefore prudent to take into account the size of the

system, socio-political and economic circumstances etc. Nevertheless,

an increase from current levels is justified for South Africa as a result of

the systematic decline in spending over time.

389. According to National Treasury, government spending per student

relative to GDP per capita sits at 38.3 per cent, well above the world

average of 30.5 per cent. 376 Once again, Cuba is the higher at 63.0

per cent, followed closely by India, Denmark, Norway and Vietnam.377

390. National Treasury testified further that as at 2016/2017, South Africa

spends about 1.5% of GDP on higher education and training, up from just

over 1% in 2008.378 This is made up of all sources of funding, namely

university subsidies, NSFAS allocations to universities, other sources of

NSFAS, TVET and ABET, SDL and other sources.379

391. Of the 1.5% of GDP spent on higher education and training, just over

0.6% represents state subsidies to universities in 2016/2017.

National Treasury, presentation dated 7 October 2016, slide 11.
National Treasury, presentation dated 3 March 2017, slide 19; presentation dated
7 October 2016 slide 10; Xhanti Payi, transcript of the hearing held on 20 February 2017,
p8 L6 p9 L18; p16 L7 20. See also DHET presentation on the funding of TVET and
CET Colleges dated 24 October 2016, slide 4 which indicates that the total expenditure on
the PSET sector for financial year 2414/2015 was at 1.7% of GDP.
National Treasury presentation dated 7 October 2016, slide 10.

392. There are two main factors which have attributed to the decline in the

state subsidy. The first relates to linking the subsidy to the consumer

price index. The second factor is that the subsidy has failed to keep pace

with the growing student enrolments.



393. The evidence shows that HEPI is applicable to the sector and is on

average 2 per cent higher than the CPI.380 The result is the erosion of the

subsidy through inflation.

394. It has been noted that the current subsidy, including the NSFAS

allocation, is growing at CPI. Institutions have indicated that the

applicable inflation in the sector is the HEPI, which was 9,2% (in 2014)

when CPI was 6%.381 On average, the HEPI is, at any given time, 2%

higher than CPI. This in itself makes inroads to the subsidy.382 It has thus

been proposed that the budget allocation to higher education institutions

should match the HEPI.

395. On the other hand, evidence was presented challenging the

appropriateness of applying the HEPI uniformly across the cost items of

DHET submission dated June 2016, p17 18.
PBO presentation (undated), slide 25 which places HEPI at 9.8 per cent.
This phenomenon extends to the NSFAS allocation in that it widens the gap between FCS
and the NSFAS cap. See NSFAS presentation, Set 4, Day 3, dated 16 November 2016,
p18 19.

the institutions (e.g. from equipment to operational and fixed costs such

as staff salaries), and without further interrogation as to which services

or products it applies. For example, there may be questions about

applying the HEPI to staff salaries.


396. While enrolments have increased (as per enrolments plans determined

with the DHET), government allocations have not in turn swelled to meet

those numbers, resulting in lower funding per capita. The FFC notes that

the States current MTEF projections only provide for a standstill student

enrolment growth.383



397. Concerns were raised that the current amount allocated to higher

education and training as a percentage of GDP is not a true reflection of

what government actually dedicates to higher education and training.

That is because the current 1.5 per cent of GDP allocated to higher

education and training includes 2016 bailout384, being the once-off R2,

FFC presentation dated 2 March 2017, slide 37.
CHET presentation dated 11 August 2016, slide 11 para 3.

543 billion injected by government in 2016 to address historic student

debt relief.385

398. Several stakeholders testified that in the light of what other countries

spend on the sector as a percentage of GDP, South Africa is essentially

under-spending on the sector. There are proposals that South Africa

ought to raise the share of government funding to at least 1 per cent.

399. The appropriateness of utilising GDP as a beacon against which to

assess the sufficiency or not of public funding of higher education and

training arose in evidence.

400. Mr. Xhanti Payi testified before the Commission in his capacity as an

expert witness and economist.386

401. His evidence is in line with that of National Treasury, indicating that South

Africas expenditure is above its revenue and has to borrow in order to

supplement its revenue.387

402. It also pointedly highlights the fact that benchmarking what South Africa

spends on higher education and training and a percentage of GDP to that

DHET Universities Budgets March 2016, Table 2.13 para 1.
On 20 February 2017.
Xhanti Payi, transcript of hearing held on 20 February 2017, p6 L12 p7 L13; National

of other listed countries, particularly the OECD countries, 388 is not

appropriate. That is principally because South Africa is being

benchmarked against incomparable countries since these countries are

at different levels of economic development (and demonstrating a higher

level of GDP) and yield higher revenue due to higher taxation.389



403. In general and in spite of the decline in GDP growth, government social

spending has been increasing year-on-year, save for the defence

function.390 Evidence presented showed that South Africa spends about

50 per cent of its budget on social spending. 391 National Treasury

indicated that about two-thirds of the 2017 budget is allocated to functions

dedicated to realising constitutionally mandated social rights, including392


The Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is comprised of 35
countries and is established as a forum within which governments of member states
discuss and develop economic policies.
Xhanti Payi, transcript of hearing held on 20 February 2017, p8 L3 7; p9 L20 P10 L24.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 4.
Xhanti Payi, transcript of hearing held on 20 February 2017, p7 L14 p19.
National Treasury presentation dated 3 March 2017, slide 16.

404. Historically, education as a whole accounted for the majority of

allocations from the State budget.393 The largest portion of the education

allocation is dedicated to basic education.394

405. The 2016 budget was estimated at R1.3 trillion. This represents the

resources available for government expenditure on various programmes.

Post-school education and training was allocated 5.2 per cent of that
budget, amounting to an estimated R64.2 billion. The sector

experienced the largest nominal expenditure growth by function between

the relevant MTEF periods,396 second only to debt-servicing costs.397

406. The current budget allocation to the sector must be understood in its

historical context.

407. The Department of Higher Education and Training was established in

May 2009 and became operational in April 2010. It came about as a result

of splitting the higher education, further education and training (TVETS)

and Adult Education functions from the erstwhile Department of

Education.398 The TVET and Community Education and Training (CET)

National Treasury presentation dated 7 October 2016, slide 5.
National Treasury presentation dated 3 March 2017, slide 16. As at 2017/2018, education
accounts for 21% of the budget. Basic education receives 16% of the budget, while 5% is
allocated to post-school higher education and training.
National Treasury presentation dated 7 October 2016, slide 4.; presentation dated 3 March
2017, slide 16.
2013-2016 & 2016-2019 per National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016,
slide 18.
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 18.
The Skills Development functions were simultaneously moved from the Department of
Labour to the newly formed Department of Higher Education and Training.

functions remained a provincial competence until they were moved in

April 2015 to the Department of Higher Education and Training.

408. The first budget allocation for the newly formed Department of Higher

Education and Training was for the financial year 2010/2011. According

to the evidence of the Department of Higher Education and Training, this

shift in functions has had an adverse impact on the Departments

baseline allocation from National Treasury.399 This has had the result that

the Departments allocation reflected an annual growth of 7.9% between

the financial years 2012/13 and 2015/16.400

409. It was only during the 2016 MTEF that the National Treasury adjusted the

Departments baseline allocation with an amount of about R17.4 billion

to support the 2016 zero per cent fee increase at universities. The

majority of this additional amount, in the sum of about R16.2 billion, was

directed at resolving the historic NSFAS student debt challenge and to

offer financial support to continuing and new NSFAS students.

DHET submission dated June 2016, p10 para 4.1. according to the Department of Higher
Education and Training, since the 2012/2013 financial year, National Treasury adjusted its
original allocation to reflect the data inherited from the TVET and CET sectors in order to
ensure comparison between the years.
Excluding direct charges from the skills levy from the Sector Education and Training
Authorities (SETAs) and the National Skills Fund (NSF). See DHET submission dated June
2016, p10 para 4.1. 11 Table 1.

410. That being said, evidence presented by National Treasury shows that

allocations for the higher education and training sector have, at least over

the past 6 years, grown faster than budgets for other functions.401


411. Given the recent student demands, the question arises as to whether

increases in NSFAS allocations are a natural progression in line with the

commitment to prioritise the sector, or whether they are a response to


412. National Treasury indicated that in the context of the present fiscal

framework which introduced consolidation measures aimed at controlling

spending and debt, expenditure per capita has stabilised since the 2008

recession. Spending appears to have tapered off since 2011/12 and is

projected to decline over the 2017/19 METF.402

413. This suggests that any growth in the PSET allocation will probably be the

result of reprioritisation as opposed to national budget expansion. In the

light of the evidence by the National Treasury to the effect that the

expansion of the sector to meet NDP targets and providing fee-free

education to the poor would mean an addition of 2 3 per cent of GDP

National Treasury presentations dated 7 October 2016 and 3 March 2017, slides 9 and 18
National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 4.

to public spending, South Africa would have to resort to borrowing in

order to meet the NDP targets.403

414. National Treasury estimates that non-interest expenditure will grow at an

average of 7.1 per cent on average over the medium term. Of this:404

414.1. subsidies to universities are set to grow at 10.9 per cent

annually; and

414.2. transfers to the NSFAS are set to increase at 16.1 per cent.

415. In total, the PSET allocation is set to grow to just over 1.6 per cent of

GDP by 2019/2020,405 which is a total spend of R89.8 billion.406

416. The largest improvement in the recent 2016 budget appears to be as a

result of additional funds injected to address the zero per cent increase

in university fees for the 2016 academic year. In this regard, a total of

R21.1 billion is added to allocations to the sector over the MTEF, to

include 407

National Treasury presentation dated 12 August 2016, slide 12; transcript of the hearing
held on 12 August 2016, p26 L23 p28 L1.
National Treasury presentation dated 3 March 2016, slide 18.
Amounting to an annual growth rate of 9.2 per cent over the medium term. See National
Treasury presentation dated 3 March 2016, slide 19 20.
National Treasury presentation dated 3 March 2016, slide 20.
National Treasury presentation dated 3 March 2016, slide 20.

416.1. R5 billion provisional allocation in 2019/20;

416.2. R7.3 billion towards compensating institutions for the shortfall

resulting from the 2016 no fee increase for missing middle


416.3. an additional R7.7 billion to NSFAS over the MTEF to assist

unfunded qualifying students from 2016 academic year to

continue their studies;408

416.4. NSFAS allocations are projected to increase by about R2.5

billion in 2019/2020; while

416.5. Government has allocated R4.2 billion over the medium term

to cater for capital and operational costs at the two newly

established universities.409

417. The above shows that the NSFAS allocation started to increase prior to

the demands from students. This is supported by evidence to the effect

that NSFAS more than tripled in funds per learner from 2005 to 2014.410

National Treasury presentation dated 3 March 2016, slide 20.
National Treasury presentation dated 3 March 2016, slide 21.
TIPS presentation dated March 2017, slide 21.




418. This Chapter deals with the funding of institutions in the Post School

Education and Training Sector, specifically Universities, TVET Colleges

and Community Colleges.

419. This subject will be dealt with in the context of the income streams of

these institutions such as government grants, student fees, donations

and funding that these institutions generate by themselves. The chapter

will further look at the real cost of running a PSET institution.

420. The Commission in its investigations considered the competing demands

on institutions including inter alia the day to day operational costs;

research-focused prerogatives; staffing (academic and support staff

appropriations); transformation imperatives, including factors affecting

historically disadvantaged institutions; curriculum reform; staff

development (including career progression); student accommodation;

access and throughput.411

Structure of Oral Hearings, Pg. 3


421. The Higher Education Act (No. 101 of 1997)413 makes provision for the

funding of higher education. The Act outlines that the intentions of

government with regard to higher education, include the following:

421.1. the redress of past discrimination;

421.2. ensuring representativeness and equal access;

421.3. providing optimal opportunities for learning and the creation of


421.4. promoting the values that underpin an open and democratic

society based on: dignity; equality; freedom; respect for

academic freedom; the pursuit of excellence; the promotion of

the potential of every student; and appreciation for diversity.

422. The Higher Education Act further specifically addresses the funding of

higher education when it states that the Minister must, after consulting

the CHE and with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance, determine

the policy on the funding of public higher education, which must include

Chapter 5

appropriate measures for the redress of past inequalities, and publish

such policy by notice in the Government Gazette.414

423. From broad policy perspective, the following documents also address the

issue of institutional funding: -

423.1. Education White Paper 3 (DoE 1997);

423.2. National Plan for Higher Education, or NPHE (MoE 2001);

423.3. Green Paper for Post-School Education and Training (DHET


423.4. National Development Plan 2030 (NPC 2012);

423.5. 2013 White Paper.

424. The transformational goals for higher education articulated in Education

White Paper 3 and the National Plan in Higher Education, and whose

realisation is steered through the funding framework and other steering

mechanisms, are as follows:

424.1. improving access opportunities;

Section 39 (1)

424.2. increasing participation of disadvantaged students and of


424.3. ensuring that enrolments increase in academic programmes

linked to economic development and in postgraduate

programmes at masters and doctorate level;

424.4. improving the quality of teaching and research through

enhancing the qualifications of academic staff;

424.5. increasing the numbers of graduates produced by the

university system. 415

425. The current funding framework416 for Universities was introduced by the

then Ministry of Education in 2003.

426. The framework came into effect in the 2004/05 financial year and was

fully implemented in the 2007/08 financial year and replaced the SAPSE

funding framework which was implemented from 19832003 417

Report of the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Funding of Universities, 2013,
Page 95
Funding of Public Higher Education, November 2003
Report of the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Funding of Universities, 2013,
Page 57



427. The Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Funding of Universities,

2013 reviewed the funding framework since it was important to determine

if the frameworks implementation had met the transformation

requirements set out the 1997 Education White Paper.

428. The Committee made wide ranging recommendations. We summarise

those that we consider that remain pertinent to the investigation of the

viability of fee-free education:

428.1. The funding for higher education should be increased to levels

of comparable international expenditure.

428.2. Enrolment planning should remain a key steering instrument

for determining the size and shape of the higher education

sector with negotiated targets linked to the funding of


428.3. In instances of poor success and throughput rates more

attention should be devoted to improvement than to growth.

428.4. Where growth is appropriate it should be aligned with

institutional capacity, human resources, fiscal availability,

infrastructure and student accommodation.

428.5. The monitoring and evaluation capacity of the DHET in regard

to funding efficiency and effectiveness and the financial health

of universities requires enhancement.

428.6. The Minister of Higher Education should establish a funding

committee to oversee annually the funding allocations to


428.7. The formula-based approach to funding and the system of

block grants and earmarked grants should be retained.

428.8. All universities must offer quality undergraduate education.

428.9. The university sector is an integral part of the post-school

system. Inter-institutional and inter-system mobility for

students and staff is also integral to the system.

428.10. There is a need to reward equally the different roles of higher

education vis teaching and learning, research, and community


428.11. Each university should develop and participate in research

and innovation, adequately funded. The resources of the

DHET, NRF and donors should be employed to establish

centres of excellence (niche areas) at under-developed


429. The Committee made specific recommendations in relation to Historically

Disadvantaged Institutions. These included:

429.1. The introduction of an institutional factor grant amounting to

2% of the black grant allocation;

429.2. Prioritising the provision of infrastructure development grants

to eliminate backlogs so as to place all universities on a par in

offering quality teaching and learning for undergraduates;

429.3. Increasing funding allocations for foundation programmes,

implementing the recommendations of the NSFAS review

committee, and strengthening the institutional grant

component for disadvantage.

430. The Committee made itemised recommendations in relation to funding of

veterinary sciences, the developing of African languages, access for

students with disabilities, research and innovation, work-integrated

learning, and foundation programmes (until the inadequacy of basic

education has been overcome). All of these involved increased and

ongoing funding.

431. To provide in part financial resources for the implementation of its

recommendations the Committee advised that an earmarked university

development grant be allocated to include funding for development of

teaching, research, and the new generation of academics. It laid out the

proposed scope and implementation of development funds in details.

432. The Committee considered that the funding of universities should be

predicated on State subsidies and tuition fees, with provision for

financially needy students. [Much reduced provision will be needed if the

Commissions advice hereunder is accepted.]

433. The Committee was opposed to fee-capping fearing that the quality of

higher education might suffer and universities would be unable to cross-

subsidise financially needy students through university funded student

bursaries. [Fee-regulation as opposed to fee-capping has been fully

reported on by the CHE.]

434. The Committee recommended steep increases in NSFAS funding and

greater academic support for NSFAS recipients. [The Commission has a

vision of NSFAS limited to the TVET sector with a substantially reduced

funding function.]

435. The Committee appears to have focused almost entirely on public

(state) funding for universities and sought its remedies only in the

public sphere. It is the advice of this Commission that a much

broader view of the social responsibility of the private sector to

assist financially and otherwise in the funding and support of

students is justified. Such an approach will in the view of the

Commission free the state from the primary burden of student

funding. Instead such funds as would have been expended for that

purpose may be redirected to the fulfilment of the funding goals in

the wider education sector identified by the Commission in its



436. The income sources of public universities are divided into three

streams, which are government funding, student fees and private



437. This stream consists of the total of block grants as well as earmarked

grants that are paid by DHET in the form of subsidies.419

Rolf Stumpf Presentation
DHET Presentation, 4 October 2016, Pg. 8

438. Block grants are meant to cover expenses relating to the institutions day-

to-day operations, which are linked to the provision of activities related to

the institutions core activities:

438.1. Teaching and learning;

438.2. research; and

438.3. community engagement.420

439. The block grant may be spent at the discretion of the council of each

institution and reporting on the use of the block grant is mainly through

the universitys annual report, submitted to the DHET.421

440. The Higher Education Act gives the Minister the power to determine what

proportions of the higher education budget are to be allocated to block

and earmarked grants respectively.422

Report of the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Funding of Universities, 2013,
Page 58
This reporting must be done in terms of the Regulations for Reporting by
the Public Higher Education Institutions (Government Gazette No. 37726,
Notice 9 June 2014).
Report of the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Funding of Universities, 2013,
Page 58

441. The Minister of HET divides, on a three-year rolling basis, the higher

education budget into its various components. The block grant

components of the funding framework are as follows:

441.1. Teaching input funding, which funds universities for delivering

teaching services and the supervision of postgraduate

masters and doctoral students.423

441.2. Teaching output funding, based on the number of graduates

(excluding research masters and doctoral graduations),

thereby encouraging increased success and throughput rates

as a result of universities ensuring that students complete their


441.3. Research output funding, based on the number of publications

in accredited journals and in approved, peer-reviewed books

and published conference proceedings, as well as the

graduation of research masters and doctoral students.424

441.4. The institutional factor grant, which consists of two

components, the institutional factor for size, and the

The teaching input grant uses a funding grid for the distribution of grants to
universities. The funding grid is based on the relative cost of offering
teaching and research supervision in various fields of study.
The category of doctoral graduates receives the highest funding weight, as
an incentive to produce much-needed graduates for research and
innovation as well as the next generation of academic staff.

institutional factor for disadvantage. The institutional factor for

size allocates additional funding to universities with a FTE

enrolment of less than 25 000, due to the fact that it is more

expensive to provide the full range of services at a small

university than at a larger university that has the benefits of

economies of scale. The institutional factor for disadvantage

was introduced to provide an incentive for universities to enrol

more Black South African students as part of the redress drive.

442. Earmarked grants are funds that may only be used for specific purposes

designated by the Minister. Earmarked Grants are intended to steer the

sector in line with policy goals and priority areas, and broadly consist of,

NSFAS, Teaching Development, Foundation Provisioning, Veterinary

Science Grant, Infrastructure and efficiency, Research Development,

HDI Development Grant, Clinical Training Grant.425

443. The accountability for the use of earmarked funds is through the provision

of progress reports and audit certificates, which are provided on an

annual basis by the universities. The types of earmarked grants can be

summarised as follows:

443.1. NSFAS funding provides assistance to students with

academic potential who cannot afford university education.

Report of the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Funding of Universities, 2013,
Page 58

NSFAS is a statutory body that receives an annual allocation

of funding from the National Treasury through the Ministry of

Education. NSFAS also raises funds from South African and

international donors.

443.2. The infrastructure and output efficiencies funding is intended

to increase the capacity of the university system to cope with

the growth in student numbers, to provide the necessary

infrastructure and equipment for improving the quality of

teaching and learning and student success and completion

rates. It is also aimed at equipping universities to give effect to

national goals and priorities by providing incentives to

universities to deliver on the PME targets of the Minister.

443.3. The clinical training earmarked grant provides funding to

universities to fund the clinical component of health

professional students, which is also a national priority area.

443.4. The foundation programme grant provides funding for

extended programmes aimed at addressing the under-

preparedness of students and improving their chances of

success at university.

443.5. Teaching development and research development grants

provide financial assistance to universities to develop support

programmes that enhance their ability to increase student

success and completion rates, as well as to enhance their

capacity to produce research outputs.

443.6. The merger multi-campus grant provides funding to merged

universities in support of the cost of running additional

campuses as a result of the mergers.

443.7. The veterinary sciences earmarked grant provides funding for

the clinical training component of veterinary sciences

programmes and to support the cost of running an animal

hospital at the University of Pretoria.

443.8. The other examples of earmarked grants are as follows:

443.8.1. National Institutes in Mpumalanga and the Northern

Cape, which receive funding for the co-ordination of

university education in these provinces;

443.8.2. establishment of universities in Mpumalanga and the

Northern Cape, which provides seed funding for the

establishment of two new universities in these provinces;

443.8.3. interest and redemption on loans that fund former

agreements made for government contributions for the

establishment of university infrastructure by means of

government-guaranteed loans; and

443.8.4. The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences,

which funds a special project aimed at producing

postgraduate students in mathematics from formerly

disadvantaged groups.


444. This is reference to student fees, which includes all tuition and residence

fees paid by (or on behalf of) students to the universities. NSFAS funding

to institutions forms part of its second stream income.

445. The current approach to student fees is in terms of the cost sharing

model expressed in White Paper 3. Currently university students do pay

fees. Student fee income in 2014 made up 32.9% of the university

systems income.

446. The reliance on fee income differs across the sector, as is affected by the

ability of the university to attract third stream funding and by the fees

charged. Student fees differ substantially across the sector.

447. The #FeesMustFall campaign highlighted the cost of university education

saying that it was unaffordable and very expensive for individuals and

their families. The constitutional principle suggests that fees need to be

affordable and that academically deserving financially needy students

should not be denied access on the basis of their inability to pay.426

448. USAf shares this view and stated that the annual real increases in fees

are placing the possibility of higher education outside the means of the

majority of the students and their parents. It is evident that financially

needy students are not able to afford these rapidly increasing tuition


449. USAf further submits that another reason for fees increasing at double

digit percentages is the unrecoverable debt, which in turn is financed from

higher fees. This fuels the upward spiral in tuition fees


450. One of the central issues considered by the Commission was how

Universities determine their fee structures as well as annual fee


451. In order to shed light on this issue, a questionnaire was distributed to

several universities.

DHET Presentation, 10 August 2016, Slide 29
Paper by the Funding Strategy Group on the Review of the Funding of,
Universities USAf Board of Directors Workshop July 2015, Pg. 3

452. From the responses to this questionnaire, it became clear that the main

factors affecting fees are the costs for salaries, services, academic and

technical material, and utilities. For most of these, the rate of increases

cannot be negotiated by the University, the items are essential, and

annual increases are further affected by factors such as exchange rates

and not only CPI.

453. The cost base of universities has been increasing well in excess of CPI

due to various reasons, some of which universities have very little control

of. Below is the list of some of these costs:

453.1. electricity costs,

453.2. municipal rates and taxes,

453.3. building costs which rise at a rate higher than inflation,

453.4. depreciation in the Rand which affects, amongst others, the

following resources and expenses:

453.4.1. library resources in the form of journals, books etc.

(both printed and electronic forms);

453.4.2. research equipment;

453.4.3. research and laboratory consumables;

453.4.4. computer software and peripherals; and

453.4.5. computer hardware.428

454. In parallel with the expenditure base, it is also important to consider the

taxes the universities are paying in national, provincial and municipal

taxes, which, at a macro level have to be considered in any subsidy paid

from the national tax income. These taxes include:

454.1. Employment Tax (PAYE) on the remuneration of all


454.2. Value Added Tax (VAT) paid on all transactions performed by

the universities, which cannot be claimed back as per the

VAT Act;

454.3. import and excise duties on certain imports which is necessary

for the functioning of the university;

454.4. municipal rates and taxes.

Paper by the Funding Strategy Group on the Review of the Funding of,
Universities USAf Board of Directors Workshop July 2015, Pg. 3

455. The Commission has heard evidence that another consideration in

attempting to ease the burden on University Budgets is to make them

exempt from taxation.

456. It is also said that cross-subsidisation between programmes varies

annually and it not at a set rate.

457. Institutional budgets are determined rather than individual programme

costs. An Illustration of this would be that in most of these institutions,

BCom programmes tend to bring in money to support other programmes.

The allocation to Departments is on a different formula and takes into

account research output and other academic activities, which the

institution wants to encourage.

458. Comparing the BEd Foundation Phase programme at 2016 prices across

three institutions:

458.1. at the University of Venda, the cost increased from first, to

second and to third year;

458.2. at NMMU it decreases as one progresses;

458.3. at Stellenbosch University, it remains the same.

458.4. the first-year costs only R19 790 at UV, compared to R25 700

at NMMU and R31 704 at SU. However, when adding the

costs for the full three years, it costs R90 410 at UV; R73 810

at NMMU; and R95 112 at SU. Fourth year changes and it is

charged as Honours by some institutions.

459. The aforesaid indicates that comparing fees across institutions is not as

simple as it may initially appear; and high fee differentials may at times

be over-estimated when the full programme is taken into consideration.


460. Third stream income refers to university income from sources external to

the DHET and student fees. These include:

460.1. research funds from various sources, including the

Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the

National Research Foundation (NRF);

460.2. other Government Departments;

460.3. private entities and the private sector;

460.4. contracts;

460.5. rendering of services;

460.6. private gifts; and

460.7. donations.

461. Some analysis of third stream funding includes income from interest.429



462. There is severe competition between universities for third stream

income.430 For instance, the University of Venda has established a third-

stream income generating entity in 2010 in order to have a practical and

sustainable means of generating extra income.431

463. There is however a large discrepancy between the third-stream income

received by HDI institutions and the more affluent HA institutions. This is

on account of a number of factors such as their research capacity, their

more affluent alumni and being located in metropolitan areas.

Presidential Task Team on Short Term Student Challenges at Universities, Page 7
Presentation by Prof Stumpf, 18 October 2016, Page 13
Univen Presentation, 21 October, Slide 21

464. An illustration of this would be that in 2015, third stream income as a total

of institutional expenditure in institutions was as follows:432

464.1. UCT 41%

464.2. Stellenbosch University 44%

464.3. Wits 39%

464.4. University of Fort Hare 15%

464.5. University of Venda 14%

464.6. University of Zululand 17%



465. A funding formula provides financial stability in so far as its elements are

fixed and institutions are able to rely on these in their planning.

466. By contrast, the current South African subsidy system is based on a

funding framework. Although in many respects the framework shares

VitalStats 2015, pp. 95

the characteristics of a formula (and the terms are generally used

interchangeably), the frameworks parameters may be altered by the

Minister through publishing a Ministerial statement (subject to the

criteria of the Higher Education Act).

467. The funding framework therefore does not offer institutions the longer-

term stability of a formula.433

468. As stated above, the current funding framework was introduced in 2003

and came into effect in 2004/05 and was a response to the limitations of

the SAPSE funding framework which was implemented from 19832003.

It is under revision.

469. The key features of the current funding framework are as follows:

469.1. Affordability: Government first decides how much it can afford

to spend on higher education and then allocates funds to

institutions, according to the formula and according to national

needs and priorities.

469.2. Distributive mechanism: The funding framework becomes a

distributive mechanism to allocate government funds to

individual institutions, in accordance with the budget made

Report of the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Funding of Universities, 2013,

available by government, governments policy priorities and

approved national higher education plans.

469.3. Cost sharing: The principle of cost sharing of higher education

by government, students and families has been retained in the

current funding framework.

470. The current funding framework, therefore, links government higher

education funding to national and institutional planning, priorities and



471. There are some views that this formula should have been given more

time to mature before a review was undertaken.434

472. USAf has indicated its concern in relation to the HDI grant in that it is

important that the HDI grant does not erode the already thin block grant

allocated to the sector, but that new money should rather be found to

finance the grant. At the current inadequate funding levels such a drastic

shift in resources without new money will negatively influence non-


Paper by the Funding Strategy Group on the Review of the Funding of, Universities USAf
Board of Directors Workshop July 2015, pp. 8

473. The Commission has heard testimony from different institutions that the

current funding formula favours HAI in that they receive more due to their

research capacity. The Commission also heard evidence regarding the

cost of supporting and conducting research, and that the current funding

allocation to research does not sufficiently support this function.

474. The funding model also incentivises increased enrolment due to a

heavier teaching input grant, which can compromise quality and student

support. This problem is recognised in the Review of the funding

framework, and enrolment planning limits the negative impact of this

element. Discussions have suggested that the sector is not yet ready for

a more output focused formula, as this could negatively affect HDIs, and

could incentivise the lowering of standards to increase graduation rates.


475. Government steers the higher education system, mainly through three

instruments, as follows:

475.1. The funding framework, which provides financial incentives to

achieve the goals set for higher education. Accordingly, the

current funding framework has been designed to give the

Minister the ability to reprioritise funding allocations in line with

priority areas and policy incentives.

475.2. Quality assurance and the programme approval process. The

programme approval process gives the Minister the leverage

to phase out inefficient and expensive duplications, improve

the quality of programme offerings, align programme offerings

with institutional capacity and ensure that programme

offerings are aligned to economic needs. The Minister has to

approve the Programme Qualification Mix (PQM) of each

university for subsidy purposes, while the CHE has to accredit

programmes to ensure that both the programme content and

the university resources will ensure a quality programme


475.3. The enrolment planning process (linked to the funding

framework), which aims to ensure that student enrolment

growth in the system is aligned with broader social and

economic needs, the capacity of the system in terms of human

and capital resources, and the fiscal resources available.


476. The annual Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Higher Education and

Training outlines the funding instruments to steer the university sector,

and is issued in accordance with the requirements of the Higher

Education Act, 1997 (Act 101 of 1997 as amended) and the funding

framework for universities (Government Gazette, No 25824 of 9

December 2003).

477. Universities are required to put in place efficiency measures to ensure

that available funding is effectively utilised. These measures could


477.1. reducing overheads relative to the core functions of


477.2. collaboration amongst universities in order to save on


477.3. improving debt collection; and

477.4. putting in place processes to generate additional third-stream

income (including sourcing additional donor funding).

478. Phasing out of research grant and teaching infrastructure grant

479. One outcome from the funding review process as set out in the Report of

the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Funding of Universities,

2013, is a proposal that the Teaching Development Grant (TDG) and the

Research Development Grant (RDG) are consolidated and replaced by

a University Development Grant (UDG) as a result of overlap between

the TDG and the RDG.

480. The UDG, to be implemented in 2017/18, will take forward the purposes

of the TDG and RDG in a more streamlined and systematic fashion. The

UDG will be designed to address the developmental needs of the higher

education sector in relation to its core functions of teaching, research and

innovation, and social responsiveness related to these functions.

481. A clear distinction will be drawn between core, recurrent activities and

developmental initiatives, with the development grant clearly focused on

developmental activities.

482. Importantly, the UDG is envisaged to become the main vehicle through

which the Staffing South Africas Universities Framework (SSAUF) is

implemented. This will mean that a proportion of the UDG will be

allocated for SSAUF activities. From early 2016, the Department will work

with the sector to develop policy guidelines for the management and

utilization of the University Development Grant.435

483. The grants for merger multi-campuses have been phased out and have

been absorbed into the block grant. The multi-campus grant was

introduced following the merger of universities and has served its

purpose, which was to make up for the loss of some universities following

Ministerial Statement, June 2016, Page 3

the mergers. Detailed reasons about this decision were provided in the

2011 Ministerial Statement on University Funding and the sector has

been kept updated about the phasing out of this grant in the various

ministerial statements since then.



484. This Chapter will deal with Student Housing in the PSET sector. This

refers to accommodation used by students during the duration of their




485. In 2010, a Ministerial Committee was appointed to investigate student

accommodation at contact Universities in South Africa. The Ministerial

Committees findings culminated in the Report of The Ministerial

Committee for the Review of the Provision of Student Housing at SA

Universities, 2011.

485.1. The Report showed that in 2010, 20% or 107 598 students

were accommodated in on-campus accommodation and that

only 5.3% of first year entrants were accommodated. A target

had been set that in 10 years (i.e. 2020/21) at least 30% of the

total residence capacity must consist of first year entrants.436

485.2. Bed shortage in 2010 was estimated at 195 815 and this was

projected to increase to a shortage of 207 800 beds by 2013.

These numbers were based on the recommended coverage

of 50% of enrolments for urban campuses and 80% for rural


485.3. The cost (in 2010 prices) of providing the recommended

residence spaces over a period of 10 years was estimated at

R82.4 billion or R109.6 billion over 15 years.

485.4. The estimates are based on the cost of R240 000 per bed. The

10-year estimate translates to R147 billion when inflation

escalations are included.

485.5. To deal with the backlogs in student housing and university

infrastructure in general, the Earmarked Infrastructure Grant

(EIG) was introduced in 2006/07 when there was a

realisation that the university sector was growing without

sufficient emphasis on the development of infrastructure.

DHET Presentation, 20 October 2016

485.6. From 2006/07 to 2014/15, Government invested more than

R13 billion over three funding cycles.

485.7. Of the R13 billion investment by government, R1.69 billion

was allocated to student accommodation of which (R 1.443

billion (85%) was allocated to Historically Disadvantaged

Institutions (HDIs) and R247.3 million (15%) was allocated to

Historically Advantaged Institutions, together with co-funding

from universities in the sum of R670 million.

485.8. This investment into student accommodation enabled 9000

new beds and the refurbishment of old residences.

485.9. Some universities such as the University of Stellenbosch have

also experimented with Innovative Building Technology (IBTs)

for residences, which are not funded by the IEG.

485.10. A decision by DHET has been taken to focus on the provision

of university owned student accommodation. 437

485.11. For 2015/16, an amount of R850 million was allocated to

student accommodation.

Impacts on suggestion that UIF help build residences.

485.12. In the current cycle 2016/17 to 2018/19, R7.5 billion is

available for infrastructure development. It is envisaged that

50% of the R7.5 billion will be invested in student

accommodation while the other 50% will go towards

addressing other infrastructure needs.438

485.13. From 2015/16, there has been a change in the process of

allocating the EIG. The need for an integrated planning

approach was identified by means of a macro infrastructure

plan for the system to help steer infrastructure development.

485.14. All institutions are required to have campus master plans;

maintenance audits; disability audits and IT audits.

485.15. As a whole, the university system has an estimated

maintenance backlog of R25 billion.

485.16. Of the R25 billion, universities estimate the value of the current

national maintenance and refurbishment backlogs on student

accommodation at R2.5 billion.

485.17. Further to the R2.5 billion, an additional R1.9 billion is required

to modernise existing residences so that they are fit for

purpose, meaning that the residences must comply with The

DHET Presentation, 20 October 2016, Page 6.

Policy on the Minimum Norms and Standards for Student

Housing at Public Universities, September 2015, the contents

of which will be dealt with later in this Chapter.

23.2.2 TVETS

486. There is limited data relating to TVET student accommodation.

487. The Report on the Ministerial Committee for the Review of the Provision

of Student Housing at SA Universities focused entirely on universities.

488. The Commission has heard evidence to the effect that it may have been

an oversight not to conduct a study on student housing for TVETs. The

likelihood is that the housing deficit in relation to TVETs is worse than the

deficit in the university sector.439

489. The housing shortage in TVET institutions was confirmed by the Minister

when he stated that DHET carried out a survey of the 50 public TVET

Colleges in 2015. The survey showed that for the 710 000 college

students, there were only 10 120 beds.

26 January 2017 transcript, Page 6

490. TVET Colleges can provide accommodation for only 1.4% of students;

that is 1 in 70 students. Many of those students travel hundreds of

kilometres from their homes in rural areas to the nearest college.

491. DHET estimates that there is a need for at least 100 000 student beds in

TVET Colleges to meet the immediate demand. 440


492. After analysing all the data available, the Ministerial Committee

concluded that none of the critical issues for the provision of student

housing were currently being adequately addressed, being: -441

492.1. Access/equity/redress:

The Committee found that throwing open the doors of

learning without providing the minimum support required to

ensure a reasonable chance of success is not only

irresponsible but also dehumanising, and is negating the

very intention of increasing access to higher education.

Report on The Ministerial Committee for The Review of The Provision of
Student Housing at SA Universities, 2011. Pg. 129

492.2. Learning/success:

Academic learning and success are being severely

constrained and hampered by the overcrowding caused by

the shortage of student housing.

492.3. Inclusion/integration:

The current state of student housing provision hampers and

prevents students from inclusion and integration into the

workplace and thereby constrains participation in the

economy of the country.

492.4. Quality/standards:

Basic health and safety norms and standards are being

violated every day by the current poor quality of student

housing provision.

492.5. Governance/management:

Due to sheer pressure of numbers and the strain on

infrastructure, facilities and amenities, student housing

management structures and mechanisms are being sorely

tested on all campuses; in some instances, management

structures and mechanisms have entirely failed.

492.6. Cost/financing:

The administrative failings of NSFAS funding for student

accommodation are imposing severe hardships on

precisely those students who are most vulnerable, and the

poor housing conditions are undoubtedly a factor in

students poor academic performance and high dropout


493. The Committee made recommendations on:

493.1. Policies for residents, admissions and allocations;

493.2. Minimum standards for students housing and accommodation;

493.3. Private student housing and accommodation;

493.4. Residence management and administration;

493.5. The role of residences in the academic project;

493.6. Financing of student housing and student accommodation;

493.7. Residence infrastructure;

493.8. Future planning.

494. The evidence before the Commission established that important

improvements flowed from the recommendations. These include:

494.1. The development and implementation and of a policy on the

Minimum Norms and Standards for Student Housing at Public

Universities. This was published in Government Gazette

39238 of 2015 and came in effect of 29 September of that


494.2. It has encouraged the development of dormitory projects

financed by the private sector and NGOs that conform to such


495. There is a complex relationship between student housing and academic

success, but compelling preliminary evidence suggests that being

housed in a safe, well-managed residence does advantage students,

particularly those from poor, working class background.

496. Student Housing should be able to provide support to first year students,

who are the most vulnerable cohort of students which is likely to

contribution to academic success (throughput).

497. Rhodes University has the highest throughput and success rate in South

Africa, which is attributed partly to its residence system.442

498. It is also clear that adequate provision of accommodation and support is

still in its infancy, the more so in relation to TVET students. As pointed

our earlier in the Research Report on the Costing and Financing of the

White Paper on Post-School Education and Training, the cost of

providing infrastructure at institutions of higher. learning between 2014

and 2030 could amount to as much as R771.5 billion. But the problem is

broader than money can buy. We agree with the views of the CHE

(expressed in its comments on the Draft Policy on student housing) that

"the role of student housing as an extension of the intellectual project of

the university cannot be overemphasises and should inform the manner

in which a university approaches the management and structure of

residences". This view of the Commission holds good for TVET colleges.


499. Evidence given at the commission presents a bleak picture of the

experiences of students regarding Student Housing.

500. SAFETSA gave evidence that as a result of late payments for allowances

such as accommodation and travel has complicated the day to day life of

students in the TVET space. Many are not able to attend classes

Presentation Dlange, January 2017, Pg. 17

regularly precisely because of late payments and many of our students

are evicted by the landlords because of late accommodation


501. Sikho Qwatekane from Mangosuthu University of Technology gave an

account of his experiences with student accommodation:

"NSFAS restrictions when it comes to pay for accommodation of about

a 20 kilometre radius which makes our life difficult since accommodation
closer to campus is expensive."

502. Mr. Y Twani from SAFETSA gave evidence in relation to experiences at

TVET colleges when he stated that:

And students are given up to a maximum of [R]20 970 per annum for
accommodation. And travel is [R] 7 864 and that accommodation amount
its inclusive of meals. Its not [enough] cause if you divide it for an
example that 20 000 its 20 970 divided by 10 months - it gives you an
amount of 2 point something per month. Those students that are situated
in fact campuses or colleges in rural communities, those students they
manage to afford but the predicament is within urban areas - where you
go to Buffalo City College in East London. Accommodation rates there, if
you are in need of a decent space not luxury but a decent space for a
student to be able to study, charges they vary from 3 000 to 4 000 to 5
000. So in a nut shell, that 20 something its not enough for students.444

Presentation, 22 November 2016, Pg 3
Transcript, 22 November 2016, Pg 12

503. In relation to the conditions of the available student accommodation for

TVET students, Mr. Twani state the following:

If for an example you can visit some of our student residences not
college residences but these private accommodations. Students are
living in extreme conditions and we once asked some of our students to
say but why have you chosen this type of an arrangement in terms of
accommodation? And students will tell you that the financial assistance
that we are getting form our institutions is not sufficient to cover for proper
accommodation. But because our students they value education, they
have decided to live under those extreme conditions for as long as they
will acquire a qualification.

504. When asked to elaborate on what he refers to as extreme conditions,

Mr. Twani stated the following:

Its simply a bad space of an arrangement for accommodation. Ill make

an example of East London. There are very old houses in a street called
St Georges East London, where you find many of our black people; some
doing prostitution around those areas, some selling drugs.

Some of our students they live around those areas and its not as if there
are no better accommodations or the private accommodations but
accommodations with proper facilities are expensive. So when Im
speaking on to the issue of extreme conditions, I speak of a very bad
environment for a student to live under or to live in - a one room you cook
here, you sleep here, you are 3 or 2 paying 1 200 to 1 500 each. Imagine
that environment where there are no proper facilities to allow students to

505. Mr. Twani stated further that:

If you dont have means to provide accommodation, then as much as we
are addressing the issue of teaching and learning in terms of funding
tuition, but also its a predicament for one not to have a safe space to live
while he/she is in that process of acquiring that skill.

So its a crisis in the TVET space. Some students theyve resorted to

prostitution, some students theyve resorted to this thing whats this thing,
to have Blessers, so that the Blesser can afford to pay your
accommodation because the institution does not have insufficient funding
to cover all needy students for accommodation. And its on those basis
as to why Im saying we really to discuss and resolve that issue because
you dont want to send your kid to institution of higher learning but
because of he/she is frustrated in terms of accommodation
arrangements, that student ends up dating an older person just for
him/her to get accommodation.

506. Ms. Tukela Mbolani gave evidence that:

I remember when I first came to the college at Buffalo City TVET

College, I was coming from a place thats 60km far from East London.
And coming from that place not knowing anyone in East London because
there is no college in Streatham or anything; so I had to come to the
college expecting that I would receive accommodation but only to find out
that if you are NCV level 2, you cannot be accommodated you have to
be accommodated from level 3 and 4. So I face a challenge like that, so
I used to ask for a place to sleep from friends throughout that year. And
then following year when I was doing the level 3 - 2015, thats when I
applied for accommodation. And when I applied for accommodation I was
rejected, because I was told that it was full - the accommodation was

Transcript, 22 November 2016

507. Once Ms. Mbolani eventually got accepted into the Hostel, she said the

following about the living conditions:

Its not what I expected at all. Its not even in good condition to live in
because we live in a small room and there are two of us living in the room
and imagine we have to cook and to do everything in the room.


508. In addition to the aforesaid, various processes have taken place in order

to address the issue of student housing:

508.1. A Student Housing Task Team was established in 2015 to

develop a plan to accelerate the development of student

housing with private sector investment.

508.2. A symposium was held in July 2016 to engage different

stakeholders and to attract other sources of funding from the

private sector based on bankable funding solutions/projects.

508.3. A declaration of co-operation was signed with the Gauteng

Provincial Government and Department of Public Works to

transfer properties to universities and TVET colleges.

508.4. A Department of Public Works and DHET task team has been

established to identify vacant properties and land for possible


508.5. IIPSA donor funded programme (European Union) of R30m to

undertake feasibility studies at 5 universities and 1 TVET

college UL, VUT, UWC, NWU, UniZulu & King Hintsa.

508.6. A Task Team also undertaking feasibility studies at six other

institutions NMU, TUT, SMU, UFS, UJ & Motheo.

508.7. A ten-year plan developed to enable the development of

300 000 beds to enable sufficient university and TVET owned

affordable student housing (social housing) by 2026. First

phase of the plan (15 000 beds) expected to be implemented

by middle of 2018.

508.8. An Infrastructure Development Support Unit (IDSU) is to be

set up to assist the DHET to manage and ensure effective

oversight of accelerated infrastructure programme going



509. Outsourcing has been a contentious issue of discussion in the

investigations by the Commission. In addition to the demands for free

education, the students have demanded that universities insource

support services such as cleaners and security.

510. It is the students view that these employees are being exploited by the

companies that employ them and are being denied benefits due to the

contract nature of their employment.

511. At present, the debate on insourcing does not appear to have been

properly articulated. The process of dealing with the demands of the

students and workers for insources is being dealt with differently by the


512. USAf appeared before the Commission and gave evidence to the effect

that in 2014 numbers, there were approximately 4456 permanent staff,

inclusive cleaners, gardeners, security guards and messengers on

university payrolls.

513. The service work force remained overwhelmingly black, 98% of the total.

Women constitute 43% of the service staff in universities.

514. Should the universities concede to the demand for insourcing, an

estimated 18756 additional staff in the above services would be

insourced as follows:

514.1. 8100 cleaning staff;

514.2. 7300 security staff;

514.3. 1790 gardening staff; and

514.4. 1566 catering staff.446

515. The estimated costs of insourcing using R5 000 as a minimum wage over

the sector is estimated at around R400 to R450 million per annum. The

estimated costs of insourcing using R10 000 as a minimum wage over

the sector is estimated at around R1.6 billion per annum.

516. USAf made further submissions that can be summarised as follows: -

516.1. the international trend seems to be towards higher wages,

greater productivity and integrated services. Outsourcing for

labour arbitrage seems to be a South African phenomenon;

USAf presentation, 20 October 2016, Page 7

516.2. the supplementing of salaries and/or insourcing of labour

intensive activity could cost the sector between 1- 4% of total

expenditure. The USAf Finance Executives Forum and

Human Resources Directors forums acknowledge that this

could be offset by upside potential of efficiency. The benefit of

outsourcing was mainly labour arbitrage not the promised


516.3. profiteering has been noted to be a motivation for outsourcing

even at better universities;

516.4. universities are unable to pass on full VAT costs;

516.5. some universities are looking to implement insourcing at 0%

net increase. Cost of salary supplement and full insourcing

ranges from R0.5bn to R2bn.

517. Submissions by different stakeholders seem to confirm the lack of

conformity in dealing with this demand. Further submissions by different

stakeholders can be set out as follows: -

517.1. Professor Loyiso Nongxa has viewed outsourcing by

institutions as a way to reduce administration and support

costs. He confirms that the debate has not been properly

framed. There is a likelihood that the outsourcing of

specialised functions such as legal; IT; internal audit function;

payroll may create a perception of false savings?447

517.2. The University of Venda submitted that it is taking a cautious

approach in the 2017 salary negotiations as well as the

insourcing debate. DHET has set guidelines indicating that

expenditure on salaries and wages should be between 58%

and 62% of turnover (minus 3rd Stream Income and Research

Income). Insourcing would only be done under the Univen

Innovative Growth Company and at sectoral rates plus

medical and provident fund contributions 448 Univen decided

that as far as insourcing is concerned, that it be dealt with

under the Univen wholly-owned subsidiary UIGC on the

following terms: negotiations would be done at sectoral rates;

UIGC would assist to cover costs of overheads such as staff

and systems; and at Sector related Conditions of Service449

517.3. The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University has indicated

that its financial sustainability is at stake due to costs

associated with the debt/down payment relief measures and

the reintegration of outsourced services.450

Presentation Loyiso Nongxa, 19 October 2016. Slide 43
Univen Presentation, 21 October 2016, Slide 29 and 30
Univen Presentation, 24 August 2016, Slide 16
NMMU Presentation, 21 October 2016, Slide 22

517.4. The University of Pretoria has disclosed its costs of Insourcing

as follows: 2016 cost - R56,5m; and 2017 cost -R97,9m451

517.5. SASCO in its submission to the Commission has stated that

in its view changes in the South African higher education

landscape since the advent of the democratic dispensation

such as mergers and incorporations, changes in state funding

formula for higher education, a reconfiguration of relations and

rules of engagement between the state and institutions of

higher learning as well what it described as "the neoliberal

delineation between core and noncore" academic activities

has resulted in widespread outsourcing and privatisation in

higher learning.452

517.6. Walter Sisulu University has identified the insourcing debate

as a political risk, which could result in further protests.453

517.7. Prof M Jahed was of the view that, at the moment, the debate

seems to be whether insourcing will distract universities from

focusing on their core objectives which are teaching and


University of Pretoria presentation, 11 August, Slide 18
Sasco Submission, Page 3, 22 August
Walter Sisulu University Presentation, Slide 10
Set 8 Day 12 Transcript

518. From the above it is clear that there is no clear consensus in the sector

on how to deal with outsourcing.455

519. There should be sector wide debate on how outsourcing should be

approached since it clearly has grave financial repercussions.


520. The Commission has heard in evidence that libraries are an increasing

cost at Universities. However, the view seems to be that not enough

focus is given to funding and sustaining this part of the institutions.

521. In a presentation by the Commission South African National Library and

Information Consortium (SANLiC) , SANLiC made the following


521.1. Working Access to high-quality scholarly electronic

information is the lifeblood of research, teaching and learning

in a higher education institution.

521.2. High-quality scholarly electronic information is costly.

budget-to-hire-more-workers/ Wits instituted wide-ranging cuts in its operational budget (8% for
professional and administrative units; 6% for facilities). The Wits SRC president claimed many
students did not have tutors because of the cuts and that cuts were simply being used to justify
opposition to #Feesmustfall.
Set 3

521.3. Library collections and budgets are declining in real terms

leading to cancellations of resource subscriptions.

521.4. Currency depreciation in the past five years has had a serious

impact. If financial support is not increased urgently

institutions will decline.

522. Further evidence by the Committee of Higher Education Libraries of

South Africa (CHELSA) indicated that: -

522.1. there is a need to ensure that the higher education sector is

provided with optimal access to information for the purpose of

learning, teaching, research and community development;

522.2. library collections must be developed and better managed

through migration to digital information services where

possible and available;

522.3. a comprehensive and core foundational collections must be

created for subjects such as economics, education, politics,

law, etc.;

522.4. the size of a library collection is no longer the key matter, since

there is now a movement from ownership to access;

522.5. there has been active engagement with academics to support

the teaching curricula by identifying supplementary and

complementary material in all formats;

522.6. CHELSA has concerns in relation to factors which place

Library budgets under severe constraints, which are: -

522.6.1. access to information resources, print and online;

522.6.2. library systems and discovery tools;

522.6.3. wired and wireless connectivity;

522.6.4. the lifespan of computers;

522.6.5. software upgrades; and

522.6.6. access to PCs, Laptops and tablets;

522.7. there is also the issue of extended opening hours, in some

cases 24 hours, which has cost implications for staffing;

522.8. the current funding is inadequate. There is also no prescribed

formula in higher education for academic libraries. The

amounts received differ from university to university;

523. CHELSA went on to make the following recommendations :

523.1. Funding of libraries should be regulated and funded from the

annual Teaching Input Grant based on FTEs for Science and


523.2. Libraries should not be relegated to non-essential services

and subjected to less and less funding for areas that cannot

be sustained by fundraising.

523.3. Funding for libraries, according to international standards, can

vary between 1% and 6% of the total income of a university;

CHELSA supports funding at the higher level for South African

universities if quality is to be the criterion.

524. The rising cost of acquiring the resources necessary to support teaching

and research has far outstripped increases in library acquisition budgets.

The exorbitant cost of access to electronic resources are a challenge,

with double-digit inflation the norm in the online database industry. This

is particularly evident in the scientific, technical and medical journals.

There is decreasing financial support from institutions, and libraries

struggle to keep up with the seemingly relentless advances in computer

and information technology.



525. The Regulatory Framework for funding TVET Colleges is set out in the

Norms and Standards for Funding Technical and Vocational Training

Colleges which came into effect when published in Government Gazette

38796 on 15 May 2015.

526. The policy governs all funding and expenditure by the Department of

Higher Education and Training (DHET) of programs listed in the register

of nationally approved programmes offered by public TVET colleges.

527. The policy emanates from section 23 of the Continuing Education and

Training (CET) Act 2006, which requires the Minister of Higher Education

and Training to determine norms and standards for the funding of

public colleges.

528. The funding policy is intended to address the following challenges that

persist in the TVET college system:457

528.1. To ensure that TVET colleges are accessible to economically

active youth and adults outside of the school system, who wish

Norms and Standard, Pg. 10

to improve their skills, gain access to better jobs or to progress

to higher education.

528.2. It aims to reverse the low enrolments in colleges as compared

to universities so that a pyramid shaped education system is

gradually established in which the TVET college sector serves

more students.

528.3. The NATED Report 191 and NC(V) policy are designed to

ensure that TVET colleges offer high quality priority skills

programmes that are relevant and responsive to the needs of

a growing economy. This funding policy will help ensure that

more youth are enrolled in high priority skills programmes.

There is some concern, however, that NATED, in particularly,

is outdated.

528.4. Effective lecturers at TVET colleges are key to bringing about

the transformation of these institutions. The development of

the lecturer corps to deal with new challenges needs to go

hand in hand with greater flexibility in terms of the timing,

mode and location of the service offered. Physical facilities at

the institutions should be more extensively utilised.

529. By international standards, the size of the Technical and Vocational

Education and Training (TVET) college sector is too small for the size

and level of development of our economy.

530. The 15 to 19 year-old age cohort, which should comprise an important

target for this sector, has a mere 2% enrolment rate in technical and

vocational education and training. Industrialised countries have over 6%

of the youth cohort in vocational education and so it can be argued that

the TVET college sector should increase threefold.


531. The funding formula has three keys components: -

531.1. the government subsidy which covers 80% of the programme


531.2. a cap on college level fees;

531.3. the establishment of a national bursary system to ensure that

students who are academically capable but poor are assisted

to pay college fees.

532. The intention is that the State should fund 80% of the needs of the system

(for ministerial approved programmes) with 20% provided through

student fees. However, as explained early the funding is stagnant at 54%

and likely to decline further.

533. Currently students who are financially needy and academically capable

may receive bursaries to cover such fees though NSFAS, therefore

TVET students who qualify for NSFAS funding are already receiving free

higher education.458

534. The funding norms for TVET colleges cover three categories:

534.1. personnel;

534.2. operational costs; and

534.3. capital replacement

535. Personnel costs are allocated at 63% of the 80% grant of DHET,

operational costs at 27%, and capital replacement at 10%. The concerns

expressed to the Commission included complaints of shortfalls in

payment, insufficiency of the 63% allocations, a departmental

requirement that allocations not spent have the effect of reducing the

63%, and restrictions on the making of new appointments where

additional staff have been employed.

First DHET presentation

536. Other college funding needs such as new infrastructure or expansion

have to be funded either through conditional grants from National

Treasury and/or other sources of funding.

537. Currently there is no additional infrastructure grant from National

Treasury and the expansion of the new TVET campuses is being funded

through the National Skills Fund.



538. The Commission has been informed that a Ministerial Committee on the

review of the funding frameworks of TVET Colleges and CET colleges

has been appointed.

539. The Committee has been established and is yet to table its final report.

The Committee has been briefed to look into the following factors: -

539.1. do the current funding frameworks work?

539.2. what is the most suitable and preferable funding


539.3. should the funding approach be more diversified?

539.4. do we need funding legislation amendments? Can we expand

and yet not underfund?

539.5. efficiency and dealing with poor performance;

539.6. relevance of current adult learning centre funding;

539.7. determine the typical characteristics of the proposed

Community Colleges: performance, accountability, growth

potential, viable size, etc.,

539.8. types of vocational qualifications and costs;

539.9. where should new Community Colleges be established or


540. We understood from the evidence of Dr Charles Sheppard that the

Ministerial Committee is planning to recommend free education for the

TVET sector. This would accord with the advice of this Commission.

DHET Presentation, 24 October 2016


541. Evidence has been given at the Commission that while it is university

students who have brought the issues to a head, supporting TVET

colleges and TVET students is equally (if not more) important.

542. The system is currently skewed towards university education, and will not


543. A massive focus on TVET colleges is required to develop the

system, change perceptions and culture and make TVET colleges

attractive institutions of choice as envisaged in the White Paper on

Post-School Education and Training.

544. Enrolments in TVETs have increased from 345 000 students (headcount

enrolment) in 2010 to 709 535 in 2015.

545. In terms of the fully costed funding norms, the number of headcount

enrolments funded in the Ministerial approved programmes is

approximately 429 638, as compared to the approximately 664 748

enrolments in the system indicating the level of underfunding/over


546. Lack of funding has placed pressure on the personnel budgets of the

colleges, drastically affecting the goods and services budgets of colleges,

intended to cater for the college operations, students textbooks,

protective clothing and other related teaching and learning material

thereby undermining the quality of provision.

547. NSFAS bursaries (amounting to R2.3 billion in 2015) have been allocated

to poor students to fund tuition fees (229 000 beneficiaries), as well as to

provide accommodation and or travel allowances to needy students

staying 10 km or more from a TVET college campus. While significant

NSFAS funding is available, there simply is insufficient funding to support

all poor students, leading to unrest in colleges.

548. Colleges are expected to recover fees from students that do not qualify

for NSFAS bursaries; however due to the no fee increase decision for

universities in 2016, colleges are finding it difficult to recoup these funds.

549. There is also pressure on the examination system which is underfunded.

550. It is resource intensive to provide good quality and highly responsive

vocational education to young people. A poorly resourced TVET system

often leads to disjuncture with the labour market.

551. A costing exercise has been performed to quantify the additional funds

that are required to achieve the White Paper and NDP targets for

Ministerial approved programmes. The costing exercise took into account

the current funding (baseline) for the TVET college system for both the

80% programme funding by the state and the 20% funding to cover

student fees. The costing has been developed to cover the following two


551.1. funding of the system linked to the NDP and White Paper

Targets for 2030;

551.2. maintaining the 2015/16 reported enrolment of 709 535 over

the MTEF period460

552. Further challenges relate to Qualifications and the following issues:

552.1. which qualifications to offer?

552.2. the responsiveness and relevance of the qualifications;

552.3. coherence;

552.4. articulation problems;

552.5. foundational learning;

DHET Presentation, 10 August, Slide 38 -41

552.6. higher level opportunities and the need for stability (enrolment

and PQM planning) need to be addressed.

553. Further issues:

553.1. differentiation; who offers what and where (regional and

national responsiveness);

553.2. curriculum relevance and design;

553.3. staffing, teaching and learning and professional development;

553.4. strengthening management and governance;

553.5. workplace linkages;

553.6. addressing student success and throughput;

553.7. articulation in relation to workplace and higher levels;

553.8. expanded provision and access;

553.9. re-designing certification and examination system which is

currently expensive and unwieldy;

553.10. adequate financial support for delivery of qualifications and

supporting level of improvement required.461

554. Expenditure increased from R1.22 billion in 2010/11 to R1.73 billion in

2014/15. Despite the 45.5% increase in overall funding, the simultaneous

increase in enrolments means that revenue (from direct government

transfers) per learner decreased from R6 714 in 2014/15 to R6 071

in 2015/16.

555. As discussed above, the funding formula is based on enrolments in each

programme, regardless of certification or throughput rates. Once

enrolment-based allocation of funding was determined, TVET colleges

only received a percentage of the allocation as based on previous

provincial allocations and available funding.

556. There is serious underfunding of TVET colleges in some provinces and

gross inequalities between provinces. Expenditure analysis of 14 TVET

colleges revealed substantial differences between average spending per

Full Time Equivalent (FTE) student in the analysed colleges; with

average college spending ranging from approximately R20,063 to

R39,925 per FTE for NC(V) and from R15,462 to R36,763 for NATED.462

DHET Presentation, 4 October, Pg. 9
DHET Presentation 24 October 2016

557. Actual spending per FTE doesnt differ substantially between different

types of courses within the same college. Colleges do not in practice

spend substantially more on higher funded courses (more practical) than

lower funded ones. In practice, this means that practical courses are not

being taught in the appropriate way.

558. Approximately 6% of average college spending on NC(V) programmes is

on direct programme costs; i.e. textbooks, programme consumables,

toolkits, etc. Substantially less than what was assumed in the funding


559. Given the low throughput rates, the cost per graduate is exceedingly

large in many colleges as expenditure is apportioned to very few

graduates. A positive relationship was observed between certification

rates and each of: -

559.1. funding; and

559.2. expenditure per FTE student; and

559.3. staff development spending.


560. A fundamental issue raised by various stakeholders before the

Commission was the contention that the State subsidy to universities has

been declining over the past few years. This relates specifically to the

decline of government funding as a percentage of university income,

which decreased to 38.4 per cent in 2014 from 49 per cent in 2000.463

561. Universities, among other witnesses, pointed specifically to the decline in

the block grant allocation and attributed it to the financial and operational

challenges faced by students and institutions respectively.

562. As regards the TVET colleges, the evidence clearly demonstrates the

historical and continuing underfunding of that sector.

563. An analysis of the evidence as a whole supports the conclusion we reach

herein, and that is that the evident trend of the declining subsidy in the

form of the block grant cannot be divorced from the states obligations

and policy to provide progressive universal access, which is to a large

extent expressed through the corresponding growth in the earmarked

grant, and the NSFAS allocation in particular.

Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016,
p16, Figure 2.



564. The starting point in interrogating the question of the asserted decline in

the State subsidy to universities must therefore be assessed in its proper

constitutional, policy and macro financial context.

565. The evidence shows that the State subsidy to universities has been

growing nominally financial year on year.464 It grew almost three-fold

between 2004/2005 to 2016/2017. 465 The State subsidy allocated to

universities has also been increasing in real terms.466

Increasing from R9 878 704 billion in 2004/2005 to R36 858 629 in
2016/2017. This excludes NSFAS funds recovered from previous
beneficiaries for FY 2004/2005 22011/2013 (recovered amounts
increased from 223 298 in 2004/2005 to R750 500 million in 2011/2012).
See also Vital Stats 2013 and 2014, p91, Figure 147 which data collectively
shows an increase from R15 119 788 000 in 2008/2009 to R28,069,986,000
in 2014/2015.
Department of Higher Education and Training: University State Budgets, Public Report,
March 2016, Section 2: Detailed State Budget According to Institutions from FY 2004/2005
2016/2017, Tables 2.1 2.13 respectively. See also USAf submission dated 30 June
2016, p4 which deals with the increase in the State subsidy between 2012/2013 and
Growing from R12,246,779,950 to R15,276,588,896 between 2008/2009 to
2014/2015. See also Vital Stats 2013 and 2014, p91, Figure 147; [Using
04/05 as the base year]; National Treasury, transcript of the hearing held on
7 October 2016, p23; Department of Higher Education and Training
submission dated June 2016, p16, 2nd paragraph. See also National
treasury presentation dated 3 March 2017, slide 18, which indicates that
subsidies to universities grow at 10.9 per cent each year.


566. The evidence shows that the block grant,467 utilising the national inflation

rate of CPI, grew both in nominal and real terms between 2004/2005


567. During this period, the block grant increased significantly in nominal

terms by 139.7 per cent.469


568. The crisp issue appears to be that in spite of the increasing state subsidy

to universities, it has declined per Full Time Equivalent (FTE) student


569. Four principal factors emerge from the evidence which contribute to the

decline in the subsidy per FTE student allocation.

570. The first is inflation. The Department of Higher Education and Training

shows that the nominal growth in the block grant of 139.7 per cent was

Historically, the block grant has been the largest component of the subsidy, making up
70% of the government allocation to university vis a vis 30% of the earmarked grant
Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016,
p17, Table 2, Column 3 & 7.
Increasing from R8 568 million in 2004/05 to R20 538 million in 2015/16.
470 nd
Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p16, 2
paragraph; National Treasury, transcript of the hearing held on 12 August 2016, p164 L4
p165 L15 20.

eroded by inflation (at CPI) to 29.8 per cent in real terms between

2004/05 2015/16.471

571. The evidence provided by USAf indicates that although the State

allocation to the Department of Higher Education and Training has been

growing and on average above CPI,472 it has been eroded by at least 3

factors, namely:473

571.1. the top slicing of the total allocation for various kinds of

earmarked grants;474

571.2. the annual increase in the number of students in the system;475


571.3. the higher education inflation rate (HEPI) is approximately

1.7% higher than CPI.476

Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016,
p17, Table 2, Columns 3 & 7, and second bullet point.
USAf uses the years 2012/2013 to 2015/2016.
USAf submission dated 30 June 2016, p4.
Which has grown at about 10% annually. The earmarked allocations includes the NSFAS
See also Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p17
last bullet point; National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p164 L10
See also Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p18,
1 paragraph.



572. The State subsidy, and the block grant in particular, is, in part, linked to


573. Universities have been experiencing cumulative growth in the number of

student enrolled year on year since the 2005 National Plan for Higher

Education growth targets were fixed, and the recent planning phase for

both the NDP and 2013 White Paper has set the bar even higher as part

of the transformation agenda of the State478.

574. The subsidy has not kept up with the rising enrolments, which in fact has

contributed to the decline in the subsidy per FTE student allocation.479

575. University student enrolments increased by 80 per cent between 2000

and 2013.480

The block grant is made up of 4 components: the teaching input (based on enrolment), the
teaching output (based on graduations), the research output (based on approved
publications and the research masters and doctoral graduations) and institutional factors
(based on institutional size and proportion of historically disadvantaged students). See Vital
Stats, Public Higher Education 2014, Definitions page ii, and Department of Higher
Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p14 para 4.3.2.
Save for academic year 2014 when the headcount enrolments fell from 983 698 in 2013 to
969 154 in 2014. See Vital Stats, Public Higher Education 2013 and 2014, p3, Figure1.
See also Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p5,
2 paragraph.
Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p17, last bullet
point; National Treasury, transcript of hearing held on 12 August 2016, p164 L4 22.
National Treasury submission dated 30 June 2016, p3 para 5.

576. Currently, the 26 universities offer higher education to an estimated 970

000 students.481

577. The NDP envisages enrolment growth to 1.62 million by 2030.482

578. This is a 70 per cent increase from 2010 to 2030.483

579. The plain result of the disparity has been the increasing reliance by

universities on student fees to make up for the difference in the lower

state contribution,484 which stood at 32.9 per cent in 2014,485 against a

state contribution of 38.4 per cent in the same year.486

580. The subsidy is incompatible with the Higher Education Price Inflation


481 th
Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p5, 4
paragraph; and presentation dated 10 August 2016, slides 7 and 8.
NDP p319, third bullet point; Department of Higher Education and Training presentation
dated 10 August 2016, slide 7.
Above. It is estimated that approximately 3 million youth between the ages of 16 to 24 are
not in education, employment or training, and would have to be accommodated in the
PSET system. See Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June
2016, p6 third paragraph.
Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p16, second
From 24 per cent in 2000.
From 49 per cent in 2000.

581. According to the Department of Higher Education and Training, the day-

to-day operational costs of universities, which are by nature fixed,487 are

defrayed from the block grant.488

582. In addition to the increasing enrolments,489 rising costs and expenditure

by universities have contributed to the erosion of the subsidy.490

583. The majority of subsidy (60%) is directed to staff remuneration.491

584. The evidence presented before the Commission shows that the subsidy

has at best been growing at CPI, and thus far below the inflation rate

generated by institutions, which is on average 2 per cent higher than the

national inflation rate.492

These costs primarily include staff salaries; utilities; municipal rates and taxes and
electricity. See Department of Higher Education and Training presentation dated 10 August
2016, slide 24, 2 bullet point, and 27 bullet points 1 & 2.
Department of Higher Education and Training: University State Budgets, Public Report,
March 2016, Section 2.2, General Notes.
Department of Higher Education and Training presentation dated 10 August 2016, slide 25,
1 bullet point.
See Department of Higher Education and Training presentation dated 10
August 2016, slide 27.
In 2014, personnel costs made up 53 per cent of expenditure. This amount
stood at 60 per cent in 2016. See Department of Higher Education and
Training presentation dated 10 August 2016, slide 7.
Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p18.

585. This is corroborated by USAf, which submitted that for the period 2010/11

2012/13, the higher education price index (HEPI) was 1.7% above


586. Professor Rolf Stumpf gave expert evidence on public funding of Higher

Education and Training. That evidence showed a cost differential of

approximately 1.4 per cent between CPI and HEPI in 2014. 494 This

means that, during that period, universities experienced a shortfall of 1.4

per cent and could not break even.

587. The effect of the HEPI on the block grant allocation is an increase in real

terms of 5.6 per cent and a negative per capita growth in real terms of

21.4 per cent, from 139.7 per cent nominal growth experienced between

2004/05 2015/16.495


588. Having regard to the above, it is plain that the subsidy to universities has

not kept pace with inflation, be it CPI or HEPI. It has also been outpaced
by the increasing student enrolment numbers The apparent

consequence is a decline in the government contribution (to the block

USAf submission dated 30 June 2016, p3, second paragraph and p4 para (e).
Prof. Rolf Stumpf presentation dated, slide headed Higher Education Price Inflation (3);
transcript of the hearing held on 18 October 2016, p94, third paragraph.
Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p18, Table 3;
presentation dated 10 August 2016, slide 24.
Department of Higher Education and Training submission dated June 2016, p17, Table 2,
and p18 Table 3.

grant and earmarked allocations, less NSFAS) as a proportion of total

university income.

589. The response of universities in these circumstances has been to increase

student fees.


590. Arguments have been put up in justification of the declining subsidy,

namely that subsidies are regressive in as far as they accrue also to

higher income groups alongside students from lower income

households. 497 To ensure that funding is directed where it is needed,

there has been an intentional and focused shift of funding allocations

from the block to the earmarked grant, and NSFAS in particular.

591. This is particularly having regard to the indiscriminate nature of the block

grant which, unlike earmarked grants, is applied to all university students

irrespective of their ability to pay tuition.

592. TIPS warned of the unintended consequences that may result from the

decline of the direct subsidies to universities and the increase in NSFAS

CHET presentation dated 11 August 2016, slide 17.

allocations, which is that it may incentivise universities to increase fees

because NSFAS will cover it.498


593. The decline in the block grant must be viewed in the light of the policy

decision to reduce the block grant in favour of redirecting those funds to

the NSFAS allocation.499

594. National Treasury characterises the change from a general subsidy to a

targeted subsidy to benefit for the poor.500

595. The underlying basis of this shift in funds from the block to the earmarked

grant is the governments interpretations of its obligation to realise the

right expressed under section 29 (1) (b) of the Constitution to make to

further education, progressively available and accessible through

reasonable measures.

596. The Minister of Higher Education and Training articulated the current

position as government having an obligation to make higher education

and training fee-free to the poor.501 The NSFAS scheme is considered by

TIPS presentation dated March 2017, slide 21, transcript p27 L3 12.
National Treasury, transcript of the hearing held on 7 October 2016, p8; TIPS presentation
dated March 2016, slide 17.
National Treasury, transcript of the hearing held on 7 October 2016, p22.
Defined as students coming from households earning no more than R120 000.

government to be the primary vehicle through which that obligation would

be met.502

597. The National Treasury explained that the policy decision informs current

budget allocations.

598. It explained that the rationale for the policy decision is that university

subsidies are regressive to the extent that they also benefit the top

percentile of the affluent parts of society,503 whereas NSFAS allocations

are targeted at the poorest sections in society.504

599. In addressing the effects of this policy decision on the block grant,

the National Treasury submitted that the increased reliance by

universities on student fees does not translate to the full burden being

passed on to households.505

600. That is because there has been a significant growth over the years in

governments contribution to student fees through NSFAS.506

DHET; Minister, See also National Treasury, transcript of the hearing held on 7 October
2016, p8.
National Treasury, transcript of the hearing held on 3 March 2017, p68 L21 22.
National Treasury, transcript of the hearing held on 7 October 2016, p54 L25 p56 L4.
National Treasury submission dated June 2016, p4 para 6.
National Treasury presentation dated 7 October 2016, slides 10 and 13; National Treasury,
transcript of the hearing held on 7 October 2016, p8; TIPS presentation dated March 2017,
slide 21.

601. NSFAS awards now accounts for 40 per cent of student fees.507 At the

same time, NSFAS has enabled a growing number of TVET students to

gain access to fee-free education (the sector with the largest enrolments).

602. The evidence presented by CHET shows that while the student fee

contribution increased from 24% in 2000 to 33% in 2013, the proportion

of students on NSFAS increased from 2% to 13% over the same


603. In addition, NSFAS allocations to university students have been

increasing per fulltime student since 2010509. However, it should be noted

that this increase does not offset the underfunding of the higher education

sector for a decade or so.

604. There has also been a notable shift in the ratio of allocations within

NSFAS itself, which sees allocations being converted from loans

(universities) to bursaries. This aligns with the governments

understanding of its obligations, and has made NSFAS increasingly

unsustainable and unable to recover loans.

605. National Treasury estimates that about 50% of the NSFAS allocation is

utilised to award bursaries (including the conversion element for

National Treasury submission dated June 2016, p4 para 8.
CHET presentation (undated) titled Fees and Sustainable Development, slide 28, para 3.
See also National Treasury transcript 2 October 2016, p.22
Ibid. p.23

university students and Fundza Lushaka and other bursaries managed

by NSFAS for third parties) rather than loans.510 NSFAS allocations to

TVETS increased seven-fold in five years for this purpose.511

606. NSFAS allocations are projected to increase at 16.1 per cent over the

medium term, 512 as transfers rise from R11.4 billion in 2016/2017 to

R13.9 billion in 2019/2020.513 Subsidies on the other hand will increase

a lower annual rate of 10.9 per cent.514

607. In the view of the commission any perception that there has not been a

period of sustained underfunding of universities an TVET colleges is

incorrect; nor has funding remained stable or increased with a more

progressive allocation.

608. First, this assumes that the amount allocated in 2 000 (40 000 per FTE

according to Treasurys graph on slide 14) was sufficient. There have

been claims that even this was insufficient, and that underfunding starts

earlier. However, for the purpose of this argument, we will compare the

2010 allocation for ease of reference.

National Treasury, transcript of the hearing held on 7 October 2016, p8.
Between 2010/2011 and 2014/2015 from R300 million to R2 billion. See National Treasury
submission dated June 2016, p4 para 10; transcript of the hearing held on 7 October 2016,
Having said that, however, NSFAS receives additional allocations of R7.7 billion over the
MTEF period to assist unfunded NSFAS university students from the 2016 academic year
to continue with their studies. See National Treasury presentation dated 3 March 2017,
slide 20.
National Treasury presentation dated 3 march 2017, slide 20.
National Treasury presentation dated 3 March 2017, slide 18.

609. Secondly, the argument of a stable FTE allocation when NSFAS is

added, only applies after 2010/11. The period before this is a period of

sustained underfunding (see Treasury slide 14). It is clear that from 2010

the subsidy per FTE, even including the NSFAS allocation, is below

40 000. The effect of 10-years of underfunding cannot be wiped-out with

a few years of funding at the same (in real terms) funding per FTE as in


610. Thirdly, the entire FTE calculation in real terms does not take into account

the HEPI. It is clear that spending in HE in different from household

spending, and the same inflation cannot be assumed.

611. The calculation also ignores Rand depreciation, and added e-resource

taxes, which have had an extremely detrimental impact on the HE sector.

612. In addition, the entire comparison of total state allocation per FTE, fails

to consider the internal allocation of subsidy between institutions.

613. The subsidy amount has declined, even when CPI is used (when NSFAS

is excluded).

614. By using FTE, the perception assumes that all else (except enrolment

numbers) has remained equal. This is not the case.

615. First, the effect of the increase in Earmarked funds as a proportion of total

subsidy. Earmarking funds is to help ensure that the system grows in line

with priorities. In effect, it increases allocations to HDIs in line with the

developmental need at these institutions. This has a negative effect on

HAIs, as there is no new money for these allocations.

616. Second, in a previous section we spoke about how the infrastructure

grant has stepped in to assist with building developments, student

accommodation etc. However, this is an earmarked allocation coming

from the overall subsidy amount. Therefore, all these calculations include

the amount allocated (with a focus on HDIs) to allow for infrastructure

development. This is a massive shift in funds from block allocation to

earmarked allocation, and affects all institutions in terms of the money

they can use for day-to-day activities. Even though HDIs have benefited

from the grant, they have still been negatively affected in terms of block

allocations, which they could allocate as per their own requirements.

617. Finally, this does not take into account the development of new

universities. This is considered new money, but in the Treasury

allocation this is added to the total government allocation. In 2010, DHET

appointed a Task Team to consider the new universities. (See the

website for allocations

for these universities.) This amount should be removed when discussing

allocations comparing 2000 to the present.



618. The question of student success looms large in the whole debate about

funding for HE institutions and their students, and likewise in relation to

the feasibility of providing fee-free higher education. The NDP notes that

massive investments in the higher education system have not produced

better outcomes in the level of academic performance or graduation

rates. It states that: While enrolment and attainment gaps have narrowed

across different race groups, the quality of education for the vast majority

has remained poor at all levels. The higher education sector therefore

tends to be a low participation, high attrition system515.

29.2 THE NDP

619. The NDP recognises that even if there were greater investment of funds

into higher education, this does not necessarily have any meaningful

impact because of high dropout rates and low throughput rates. It notes

that 80% (approximately 20 000) of our schools are

underperforming.516This needs to be addressed urgently.


620. Regarding the FET sector, the NDP notes that The college sector needs

to be expanded, but this must be preceded by clarity about its vision and

role. The priority is to strengthen colleges, address quality teaching and

learning, and improve performance. It also recognised that the FET

system is not effective. The NDP emphasised that this system is too

small and output quality is poor. It states that continuous quality

improvement is needed as the system expands. According to the NDP

the quality and relevance of courses offered in the FET system need

urgent attention. It notes that simply growing the sector without focussing

on quality is likely to be expensive and demoralising for young people.517


621. The 2012 Green Paper on Post School Education and Training also

noted the risks associated with expanding the PSET system without

addressing low throughput and high drop-out rates. It notes the need to

ensure quality in all education and training.518


622. The governments Medium Term Strategic Framework, 2014 2019

states that the poor quality of education available to many black students

has limited their opportunities to obtain employment and thus impeded


progress in creating sufficient skills and transforming the economy. The

MTSF states further that:

There are problems with the quality and reputation of many post-school
institutions. If these problems are not addressed, options for improving
human capital will remain limited and this will adversely affect the
competitiveness of the countys economy, while increasing the premium
for skilled labour. One of the goals is therefore to improve the quality of
TVET colleges by ensuring that the number of qualified lecturers is
increased and administration is improved. To support the quality of
lecturing, 10 universities will offer TVET lecturing qualifications by 2017
(currently only one offers such qualifications), and 30% of TVET college
lecturers should have work-place exposure every year by 2019. For the
university sector, the focus is on increasing the number of lecturers with
PhDs while reducing the student dropout rate. An additional area of focus
is on producing the next generation of lecturers by increasing the pool of
post-graduate students and by increasing research output. The number
of entry level academic staff receiving teaching and research
development opportunities from the Teaching and Research
Development Grant will increase from 50 academics in 2012 to 400
academics by 2019. To transform the historical and social composition of
the academic work force, by 2019, the number of new black entrants will
have to increase by at least 100 per annum by 2019, The number of
postgraduate students awarded bursaries and fellowships by the
National Research Foundation will increase to 27 411 cumulatively over
the five-year period for masters students (3 704 in 2012), and 15 209
cumulatively over the five-year period for doctoral students (2 265 in
2012). Work placements will be increased by encouraging closer
relations between industry and institutions of learning.519




623. The Report of the Working Group on the Feasibility of Providing Fee Free

Higher Education to the Poor noted that the academic factors limiting

poor student success at university include:

623.1. substandard basic education;

623.2. inadequate academic support at university;

623.3. receiving tuition in a second or third language; and

623.4. being first generation students.520


624. The 2013 White Paper deals with the high levels of student dropout. The

main causes listed in the White Paper for the lack of student success


Report of the working group on the feasibility of providing fee free higher education to the
poor; page viii

624.1. the weakness of much of the schooling system, especially

those schools catering to poor and rural communities;

624.2. high student-to-staff ratios at undergraduate level and

especially for first-year students;

624.3. inadequate systems for recognising students who need


624.4. insufficient student support for academic and social

adjustment to university life;

624.5. weak support for professional development and recognition of

academic staff in the area of undergraduate teaching.

625. There has been overwhelming evidence before this Commission of the

need to focus on student and academic support with a view to improving

student success ratios.


626. Professor Ian Scott testified before the Commission on a proposed

Flexible Curriculum structure for undergraduate education in South

Africa. He submitted that a flexible curriculum would go a long way

towards addressing high drop-out rates and low throughput rates.

According to Professor Scott, the minimum requirements for an effective

alternative curriculum framework are:

626.1. to allow additional time for the developmental provision that

many students need in order to overcome the systemic

obstacles they encounter as a result of educational

inequalities; and

626.2. to establish entry levels that allow for curriculum assumptions

that accord with the realities of these students backgrounds.


627. DHET provided evidence before the Commission on the steps it has

taken to address the question of student success.

628. Dr Green testified that:

628.1. DHET has over the last few years increased its focus on

student success in the system;

628.2. One of the structural things that has been done is the

establishment of a directorate within the Department called

Teaching and Learning Development within the Universities

Branch. This directorate has a specific focus on students and

staff success.

629. The DHET also referred to the Ministerial Statement on the

Implementation of the University Capacity Development Programme

through Effective Management and Utilisation of the University Capacity

Development Grant 2018 2020 (UCDP). This states that, overall, the

first-year drop-out rate in undergraduate programmes is decreasing, and

the ability of students to graduate in regulation time or close thereto is

increasing. However, drop-out rates and throughput rates still need much

improvement and still reflect apartheid era patterns with respect to


630. The UCDP is an integrated and holistic approach to staff development,

programme development and curriculum development in the university

sector. It will partly be supported by the University Capacity Development

Grant (a new earmarked grant which brings together the teaching

development grant and the research development grant) forms part of

the funding mechanism that the state uses to allocate funding to public

universities) as well as other DHET and institutional resources.

631. The UCDP will be introduced in 2018-2020 and will be aligned with the

academic year. It will require universities to develop a three-year


University Capacity Development Plan addressing the issues identified

in the UCDP Ministerial Statement.

632. There are questions raised as to whether or not the UCDP goes far

enough to adequately address the problem of lack of student success.

Prof Scott is of the view that the UCDP does not set out structural

curriculum reform that goes beyond the existing interventions. In his view

reform along the lines of the Flexible Curriculum proposal put forward by

him is a valid, viable and necessary approach.522

633. Although the differences between the DHET and Prof Scott cannot be

reconciled in this Commission, it is clear to your Commissioners that Prof

Scotts proposals warrant more thorough consideration than they appear

to have received from the Department. It seems to us (to quote Prof Scot)

that the balance has not yet been achieved in the DHETs suite of

interventions, with additional development in the area of structural

curriculum reform being necessary to meet the need of students who are

adversely affected by systemic obstacles.

Referred to in Prof Scotts response to the testimony of DHET.


634. According to Prof Vally et al523, poor student success can be addressed

by introducing the following measures:

634.1. Increasing the quantity and quality of contact time between

lecturers and students. Lecturer-student ratios need to be

adjusted so as to make it possible for lecturers to provide the

necessary support, especially to underprepared students and

specifically in first-year classes.

634.2. There have to be increased numbers of sufficiently qualified

and appropriately remunerated staff (both academic and

administrative). Renewed efforts must be made to provide,

and properly fund academic and language support.

634.3. Official university output targets and indicators need to be

cautiously managed, to ensure that too narrow a focus on

outcomes does not negatively affect teaching quality.

Submission to the Commission by Salim Vally, Mondli Hlatshwayo (University
of Johannesburg), Rasigan Maharajh (Tshwane University of Technology),
Zolisa Marawu (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University), Enver Motala
(University of Fort Hare), Leigh-Ann Naidoo (University of the Witwatersrand)
and Salim Vally (University of Johannesburg). 26 May 2016.



635. The Green Paper for Post-School Education and Training (DHET 2012)

sets targets for the expansion of the university sector to reach 1.5 million

students by 2030.

636. In order to meet this challenge, the Report of Ministerial Committee for

the review of the Funding of Universities states that South Africa will need

to move away from reliance on traditional models of provision with heavy

requirements of bricks and mortar to a learning system based on open

learning principles, where quality educational environments are designed

to achieve the educational purpose using the most appropriate and cost-

effective technologies available.524

637. This Chapter gives a broad overview of the options available within the

context of open learning in order to address accessibility to Higher

Education and Training.

Report of Ministerial Committee for the review of the Funding of Universities, Pg. 228


638. The Education White Paper 1 (DoE 1995) defines open learning as an

approach that combines the following principles:525

638.1. learner centredness;

638.2. lifelong learning;

638.3. flexibility of learning provision;

638.4. the removal of barriers to accessing learning;

638.5. the recognition for credit purposes of prior learning


638.6. the provision of learner support;

638.7. the construction of learning programmes in the expectation

that learners can succeed, and

DoE (1995), White Paper on Education & Training: Education and training in a democratic
South Africa. First steps to develop a new system.

638.8. the maintenance of rigorous quality assurance over the design

of learning materials and support.

639. DHET has approached open learning firstly by trying to counter a

tendency internationally and in South Africa, to conflate or equate open

learning with distance education, e-learning, online learning or blended

learning and other terminology.

640. While these learning modalities (distance education, resource-based

learning, e-learning, online learning and blended learning) are important

vehicles for open learning, none of them should be equated with open

learning. Open learning has no conceptual value as a synonym for any

of them. 526

641. DHET defines open learning as a general approach to education and

training based on a set of open learning principles. When the term open

learning is used, it refers to any education and training (mode) which

follows open learning principles, and is not specific to any particular mode

of delivery.527

642. DHET goes on to state that open learning should not be considered as

an add-on to existing education and training offerings, or seen as a

Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training, 8
March 2017, Pg. 6
Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training, 8
March 2017, Pg. 7

second-best option, but should be recognised as a principled approach

to learning which has the capacity to transform teaching, learning and

access to education and training in quite radical ways, whatever mode is

used. 528

643. Crucially, in developing countries like South Africa, open learning can

contribute substantially to cost-efficient provision to the benefit of both

the education fiscus and learners.


644. In its study of open learning, DHET has recognised certain international

trends. A proviso is given that these trends should be read against the

complex background of the poverty and exclusion from resources and

facilities experienced by many in the townships, informal settlements and

rural villages of South Africa, as well as the relative privilege, cultural

capital and access to facilities experienced by the middle class.

645. The trends should furthermore be read in the context of fundamental

rights and transformational issues of access, non-discrimination, redress

of inequalities, equality and equity.

Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training, 8
March 2017, Pg. 7
Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training, 8
March 2017, Pg. 8 - 12

646. The trends are as follows :


647. Throughout the developing world populations are increasing, and globally

(including in more developed countries) rising unemployment and

changes in employment patterns and the organisation of work, as well as

an increasing trend towards lifelong learning, are driving up the demand

for affordable post-school education and training.

648. Knowledge- and service-based economies, today highly dependent on

ICTs and automation, and accompanied by high rates of de-skilling and

re-skilling, are increasingly dominant in both developed and developing


649. All of these factors tend to increase the social demand for qualification

upgrades, re-skilling and other forms of lifelong re-education and training,

over and above the demand pressures resulting from population growth

and an inability on the part of many young school-leavers to find




650. The rapid pace of development in ICT opens up new ways to make

learning more flexible, accessible and in many cases, more effective and

more satisfying.


651. Educational and training institutions, and many national governments,

have established learning management systems (LMSs) to manage the

large volumes of student data resulting from massive enrolments, and to

track learners progress, allow student-to-lecturer and student-to-student



652. Open education licensing policies and Open Education Resources

repositories in both school and post-school education and training, often

driven by public policy and facilitated by the extensive use of ICT in

materials development and becoming more popular.


653. Blended learning is becoming increasingly common in contact and

distance modes, drawing on best practices in both online and face-to-

face methods. Online education and ICTs are used together with contact

education in order to enhance learning and incorporate different learning

styles. The extent of online or contact education can differ considerably

from course to course, and so also its effectiveness as a teaching method

depends on factors relating to both students and course design.


654. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provide access to a vast array

of free courses available on the internet, in many cases by reputable

international institutions. It is, however, necessary to point out the very

high dropout rates in such courses despite the participants being mainly

well-educated and employed individuals.


655. To overcome financial barriers to access, new types of open institutions

are emerging which make extensive use of digital technologies.

The integration of online with traditional face to face class activities in a planned,
pedagogically valuable manner.


656. Networks of institutions are formed, sharing courses and freely offering

them online for learners worldwide.


657. There is a growing emphasis in higher education on deeper learning

approaches, engaging students in critical thinking, problem-solving,

collaboration, and self-directed learning.

658. The advent of open learning with its emphasis on extending access, and

new learning opportunities such as MOOCs, are generating renewed

interest in recognition of prior learning and credit accumulation and

transfer as a means of achieving admission to, or advanced standing in,

academic programmes through the assessment of prior learning, or

learning by means other than conventional courses.


659. These are a form of online recognition of a skill achieved, or a project,

course or programme element successfully completed, even if a full

qualification is never pursued.


660. Non-formal learning refers to a type of learning offered by institutions that

does not have a formal credential or certification as an outcome. Learning

Content Management System(LCMSs) are increasingly being used to

produce curated content for informal learning information that is

sorted, verified and presented as learning that is accessible, meaningful,

engaging and relevant to learners needs.


661. The most significant technological advance is the widespread use of

smartphones and other mobile devices that place enormous computing

power in the users hands


662. This section gives a brief synopsis of the current legislative and policy

environment in place to regulate and direct open learning in South Africa.

663. The White Paper on Education and Training (1995), which laid the

foundation for the new Education and Training System in South Africa,

affirmed the Governments commitment to opening up learning and

removing barriers to education for those who had been disadvantaged by

South Africas past. 531

664. The White Paper for Post-School Education and Training (2014) supports

the development of a PSET system based on open learning principles,

where quality learning environments are constructed which take account

of student context and use the most appropriate and cost-effective

methods and technologies. 532

665. Section 38.1 of the Higher Education Act (Act No 101 of 1997) supports

collaboration and partnerships in higher education between public

universities. In alignment with the Act, the Policy for the Provision of

Distance Education in South African Universities in South African

Universities in the Context of an Integrated Post-School System signals

the intent of the DHET to draft a policy on partnerships and collaboration

that will likely also formalise opportunities for institutions to collaborate

on the offering of programmes, that in itself will open up learning. 533

666. As in the White Paper for Post-School Education and Training (2014), the

Policy for the Provision of Distance Education in South African

Universities in the Context of an Integrated Post-School System (2014)

Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training, 8
March 2017, Pg. 12
Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training, 8
March 2017, Pg. 12
Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training, 8
March 2017, Pg. 13

recognises the impact of ICT on the provision of education in the higher

education sector, and supports the creation of an enabling environment

for appropriate integration of ICT, and the expansion of distance

education provision in an orderly manner in which access and quality

issues are at the forefront.

667. In the wider national policy context, the Council on Higher Education

(CHE) published in 2014 the Distance Higher Education Programmes in

a Digital Era: Programme Accreditation Criteria and Good Practice

Guide, which makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the

implications of using ICT in support of both distance and classroom-

based education, and provides clear and detailed guidance in the

carefully thought-out choices that course and materials designers must

make when employing ICT in support of learning.

668. In relation to TVETs, the Continuing Education and Training Act (Act No

16 of 2006) commits to ensure access to basic adult education, further

education and training and the workplace through continuing education

and training by persons who have been marginalised in the past such as

women, the disabled, and the disadvantaged.

669. The CET Act further commits to provide optimal opportunities for

learning, the creation of knowledge and the development of intermediate

to high-level skills, in keeping with international standards of academic

and technical quality.

670. The act furthermore emphasises the provision of opportunities for life-

long learning.

671. White Paper 4: A Programme for the Transformation of Further Education

and Training (1998) commits to the development and expansion of high-

quality, flexible, innovative Further Education and Training (FET) (now

TVET) institutions, based on the principles of open learning and

responsiveness to the needs and demands of all learners of 15 or over.

672. The Skills Development Act (Act No 97 of 1998) requires that learners

have access to high quality and appropriate education and training, and

to skills development opportunities accessible in a work-integrated

approach. It emphasises the relevance of education in the workplace and

learning on the job.

673. Open learning approaches, and specifically technology-enhanced

learning, open a world of simulations and real-world applications to

support and reinforce theoretical training.

674. The Act also provides clear directives to the Sector Education and

Training Authorities (SETAs) regarding their function of providing

education and training opportunities.

675. With the promulgation of the National Qualifications Framework Act (Act

No 67 of 2008), three Quality Councils (QCs) were established to ensure

the accreditation of qualifications within their respective sub-frameworks.

676. Any qualification, regardless of mode of provision, has to be registered

on the NQF through the standard established processes. The QCs are

also responsible for the quality assurance processes relevant to their

respective sub- frameworks and the institutions which deliver their


677. One of the obligations of the DHET is to increase access to educational

opportunities for those who experience barriers to learning and for young

people who are not in education, training or employment (NEET). Such

barriers include:

677.1. geographic isolation from campuses or learning centres within

reasonable proximity;

677.2. lack of reliable access to digital infrastructure, adequate

bandwidth, the internet and ICT;

677.3. inability to take time off from work or family obligations for

structured learning;

677.4. discrimination on the basis of physical disability, gender, age,

social class or race;

677.5. a lack of qualifications considered necessary as requirements

for admission to particular programmes;

677.6. financial constraints and an inability to meet the cost of

studies; and

677.7. past experience of content-based, transmission-type

pedagogy and assessment that restrict accessibility, alienate

the learner or contribute to a loss of confidence. 534

678. In line with the policy directives presented in the White Paper for

Post-School Education and Training, DHET is developing a policy

framework which sets out its strategic intent in steering the PSET system

towards increasing access and improving quality cost-effectively through

open learning.

679. The scope of the policy is national and it is aimed at the entire PSET

system, including universities, technical and vocational education and

Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training, 8
March 2017

training (TVET) colleges and community education and training (CET)

colleges, as well as skills providers.

680. Before drafting the policy framework, DHET initiated a consultative

process to elaborate on the understanding of open learning and related

terms. Participants included, among others, representatives of non-

governmental organisations, academic institutions, the Department of

Basic Education (DBE) and DHET, and Sector Education and Training

Authorities (SETAs).

681. A University sector seminar and two TVET college seminars were

convened to discuss key challenges in these sectors, and to identify

critical success factors and elements to be included in open learning in

South Africa. 535


682. The DHET, in collaboration with other entities and organisations such as

SAQA, QCs and SAIVCET, will provide guidelines for, and engage with

institutions on, the development of particular programmes in appropriate

modalities reflecting open learning, as well as enrolment planning

Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-School Education and Training, 8
March 2017

processes that address national and student needs on the one hand, and

institutions capacity to deliver on the other.

683. The guidelines, together with historical data on student success and

throughput rates, will influence decisions about the desirability and hence

recognition of programmes of particular types, designations and modes

of provision.

684. Public institutions PQMs. and enrolment plans must be approved by the

DHET prior to applications for programme accreditation through the

relevant quality assurer.

685. Institutions may enter into partnerships to facilitate the provision of

support for open learning. The obligations of such partners must be

clearly spelled out.

686. DHET will draft guidelines on partnerships and collaborations in open

learning. It is imperative that institutions meet all the quality assurance

requirements of the relevant QC, and thereby take full responsibility for

the quality of the learning programmes in question.

687. Provision of open learning will also necessitate appropriate staffing

arrangements and the professional development of managerial and

administrative as well as academic staff.


688. The implementation of the proposed policy framework will be part of the

core activities of the DHET and institutions, and therefore be incorporated

in the funding allocation for institutions.

689. The DHET will determine funding norms and provide guidelines for

funding open learning and will ensure that the funding of open learning,

and of education provision in specific, is based on empirical evidence of

the relative costs of different modes of provision.

690. Open learning initiatives driven by the DHET such as the NOLS will be

funded initially through the European Union Sectoral Support

Programmes Budget. Funding has been secured for the implementation

of the initial and second phases of the Open Learning initiative, up to


691. Measures will be taken early in implementation of the policy framework

to ensure that open learning policies and practices gain a firm foothold in

a number of TVET and CET colleges and universities, that initially limited

open learning programmes and other initiatives are well-managed and

sustained, and that the momentum toward further development and

innovation is maintained.

692. Some of the DHETs strategic funding priorities will be to:

692.1. modify the relevant budgetary frameworks and funding norms

to recognise the importance and status of open learning,

including the development of quality OER;

692.2. raise awareness of key open learning and OER issues;

692.3. review the funding formula which assumes a neat and obvious

division between contact and distance education;

692.4. fund continued technical infrastructure development in order

to allow for increased and enhanced access to programmes;

692.5. support the sustainable development and sharing of quality

learning materials as OER; and

692.6. review National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS)

funding in order to facilitate the appropriate support of learners

availing themselves of open and distance learning


693. DHET accepts that although open learning and distance education

may be accompanied in the long term by financial advantages

accruing from expanded enrolments and relatively low expenditure

on new physical infrastructure, the initial costs of establishing the

necessary ICT networks, software and other infrastructure, in

addition to the heavy cost of course and materials development for

quality self-directed learning, tend to outweigh any shorter-term

cost benefits. Integrated budget planning and carefully monitored

and reviewed expenditure will therefore be needed.


694. The Commission received several submissions relating in some form or

the other to open learning and online education.

695. Mr. Ntokozo Mahlangu in his submission to the Commission submitted


695.1. technology is a well-known catalyst for growth and efficiency;

695.2. Khan Academy, and other learning institutions show the

possibility of a future where education can be given without

the need to lay a single brick;

695.3. government should allocate a budget to increase peoples

access to the Internet;

695.4. free access should be allowed to online universities where

courses are developed to cater to South Africans;

695.5. technology can be used to implement standardised tests in

basic education. With this approach, Government will have

enough data to determine whether schools require

intervention at an early stage. This will ensure that more

children are ready and equipped for higher education.

696. Mr. Ian McDonald made a proposal to the Commission relating to what

he refers to as Dream Catcher (DC). The crux of the proposal is that :

696.1. Higher Education must evolve, integrate and supplement its

product offering with completely free, accredited, mother-

tongue supported Online Distance Learning (ODL) diplomas

and degrees.

696.2. Dream Catcher and the University of Everywhere (UoE) would

provide a micro-franchised Community Centre, a free internet

education platform with 44 free work-stations, free devices

and free data in every settlement and village in South Africa.

The workstations would be leased to the DHET at an

estimated total cost of about R8 billion annually. The online

study material and lecturer support would be provided by the

existing universities.

696.3. The proposed free internet access made available by the DC

UoEs free education platform, would allow Anyone to learn

Anything, Anywhere, Anytime to bridge the digital divide and

resolve completely the #FMF challenge.

696.4. This entity would result in youth job creation and economic

stimulation through establishing thousands of fail-safe


696.5. Dream Catcher would resolve the fee-free challenge, establish

20,000 new, fail-safe, youth owned micro-franchises, create

over 100 000 new youth jobs, stimulate the economy and

reduce youth unemployment.

696.6. This would save taxpayers billions in future tertiary education

costs and help meet the NDP 2030 targets.

697. In the view of the Commission, Mr. McDonalds proposal is ahead of its

time in four particular respects:

697.1. the UNISA experience and results worldwide have shown very

low success rates in distance education: UNISA students

comprise a higher proportion of older, better-off participants

than maybe expected from the beneficiaries of universal

access to higher education.

697.2. the average South African student entering tertiary education

is insufficiently mature to maintain the level of dedication that

unsupported distance education requires (even online) without

interaction with his peers and teachers;

697.3. the security of freestanding facilities and the computer

hardware housed in them (as well as their users) must be

regarded as suspect in areas frequently disturbed by unrest or


697.4. the existing universities are neither staffed nor equipped to

service multiple online facilities; while the Dream Catcher

scheme provides the infrastructure to house and run the

project, it does not purport to contribute to the educational

input to which the dream depends for its success;

697.5. a further practical objection, though not in itself against the

viability of the proposal, lies in the firm disinclination of the

DHET to lend its support to the implementation of the


697.6. The role of TVET training and workplace integration in the

proposal is uncertain.

698. Questions were directed to DHET regarding the plausibility of these

models. As discussed previously, DHET has developed a policy on open

learning, the implementation of which involves financial and policy

considerations that Government has yet to assess.536

699. A detailed analysis of DHETs implementation plan for Open learning is

contained in the Report on the Implementation of the Strategy on Open

Learning and Distance Education in Post School Education and Training

System, 9 March 2017 and includes:

699.1. finalising the Open Learning Policy Framework for Post-

School Education and Training;

699.2. building an enabling environment for open learning in the


699.3. further developing the NOLS and materials;

699.4. building capacity of institutions in open learning;

699.5. developing of a model for sustained ICT infrastructure for

TVET and CET colleges;

Transcript, 24-03-2017, Pg. 28

699.6. advocating and communicating open learning and building an

understanding of open learning across the PSET system;


699.7. securing sustainable funding and building institutional

mechanisms for open learning in order to sustain open




700. The current framework for funding higher education and training is based

on the cost sharing approach, in terms of which the costs of higher

education are shared equitably between the state; institutions and private

beneficiaries (students).

701. This approach is based on the premise that higher education yields both

private and public benefits,537 such that these benefits are reflected in the

way the sector is funded.

White Paper 3 A Programme for Higher Education Transformation (1997), p51 para 4.39;
Ministerial Committee Report of Review of University Funding (2013), p121 122 para (c).
On the global private/public returns to higher education, see CHET presentation dated 11
August 2016, slides 18 19.

702. The state remains the largest funder of higher education and training. It

funds both institutions and students in various forms and to varying

degrees. It funds students through two channels (for different purposes),


702.1. indirectly through the block grant component of the subsidy;


702.2. directly, by providing financial aid through to cover tuition fees.

The mechanism chosen by government for this purpose is the

NSFAS scheme.538

703. A fundamental driver of the student demand for fee-free higher education

is the high fee increases, which have resulted in higher education costs

which the majority of students cannot afford.

704. Although the demand originates from the university student population, it

is plain from the evidence that TVET college students face similar issues

of affordability, albeit attributed to different factors which fall beyond the

scope of this section. The common factor shared, however, by both

universities and TVET colleges is the issue of underfunding. The

evidence presented demonstrates plainly that the PSET sector has been

historically underfunded, and this condition persists. Although this issue

National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act 56 of 1999; Ministerial Committee Report of
Review of University Funding (2013), p380.

falls beyond the scope of this section, it must be noted here that the 2015

decision relating to the no university fee increase for the 2016 academic

year in particular, has only exacerbated the financial challenges existing

in the sector.


705. Tuition fee income has been steadily increasing as a percentage of total

university income across all institutions since 2000. 539 The evidence

presented points to the student fee component of total university income

edging closer to the percentage received in the form of state subsidy. The

increase in student fees is largely attributed to the decline in the subsidy,

although the higher rate of inflation in the sector has also had an effect

on the increase.

706. According to the evidence presented, student fees increased as a

percentage of total university income, from 24 per cent in 2000 to 33

per cent in 2013. During the same period, the proportion of income from

state subsidy declined from 49% in 2000 to 40% in 2013.540

Student fees increased nationally from 24 per cent in 2000 to 33 per cent in 2014. See
DHET submission dated June 2016, p16.
National Treasury presentation, 12 August 2016, slide 13.

707. The reflected increase in student fees, as a percentage of total university

income, does not take into account the percentage paid by NASFAS. This

has increased from 3.4% in 2000 to 7% in 2013.541

708. The import of this is that fewer students have been contributing to tuition

fees due to the increasing government contribution through the NSFAS

allocations. While the majority of NSFAS allocations to university

students are in the form of loans, an increasing percentage are provided

as bursaries, thus slightly increasing the states allocation to higher




709. It is significant to note also that although student fee contributions have

increased on average as a proportion of the total universities revenue,542

the levels of appreciation differ between the various types of universities.

710. To demonstrate, the evidence shows that in 2014, the average student

fee contribution for traditional universities was 29.1 per cent (subsidy of

34.7%); followed by universities of technology at 34.7 per cent (subsidy

From R15.411 billion in 2012 to R19.589 billion in 2014, representing an average increase
of 9.03 per cent. See DHET submission dated June 2016, p20 second paragraph.

of 51.2 %). Comprehensive universities had the largest student fee

contributions at 41.5 per cent (subsidy of 40.5%).543

711. The evidence shows that the prevailing funding model translates

differently among the different types of intuitions.

712. CHET demonstrated these differences across the various types

institutions, showing that 544

712.1. the average student fee increase across the university sector

during the period 2010 to 2014 was 9.2% per annum

712.2. tuition fees at some universities, such as the University of

Cape Town (UCT), increased above the national average over

the same period, at 9.5 per cent per annum.545 In 4 years, the

student fees charged by UCT increased from just over

R45 000 to over R65 000546

713. Over this same period, the percentage received in third stream income

has not changed significantly, although there was a period of increased

third-stream income (2005 to 2009), which has since tapered off again.

The proportion of third stream income varies significantly form institution

DHET submission dated June 2016, p20.
CHET presentation dated 11 August 2016, slide 15.
Which is a 44 per cent increase in 4 years versus 42 per cent for all universities.
Versus an increase across all universities from about R19 000 in 2000 to about R25 000 in

to institution, depending on the institutions ability to attract additional

funding. In general, HDIs are less able to attract third stream income and

as such, are more dependent on subsidies and tuition fees. Evidence

was also provided indicating that third stream income is not a stable

source of income, and that much of the funding is earmarked in line with

the donors wishes. 547


714. Other than NSFAS, students are funded through other sources which


714.1. internal bursaries;

714.2. external bursaries;

714.3. CSI funding;

714.4. Eduloan (Fundi);

714.5. commercial loans; and

714.6. own funding.

DHET submission p21.

715. In 2016, the University of Witwatersrand generated R1 023 479 billion

from various sources from which to make disbursements to both

undergraduate and postgraduate students providing assistance to more

than 20 000 students548. Proportionally, undergraduates receive a bigger

allocation, accounting for over 70% of the total available amounts in 2015

and 2016.549

716. Disbursements include internal and external bursaries; government

bursaries and NSFAS awards.

716.1. NSFAS income accounts for the largest share of the amount

available for disbursements to students. It is, however, limited

in relation to funding postgraduate students, funding only

(policy), honours students.550

716.2. Most of the disbursements are directed to fund undergraduate

students. Wits does, however, disburse a significant amount

to fund postgraduate students. In 2016, it awarded more

internal bursaries (faculty) to postgraduates than to

undergraduates. 551 This is in line with its strategic plan the

Presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 3; transcript of the hearing held on 24
November 2016, p30 L1 7.
Presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 4; transcript of the hearing held on 24
November 2016, p30 L8 13; last paragraph p31 first paragraph.
Presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 6.
Presentation dated 24 November 2016, slides 3 & 6.

Wits Vision 2022, and with a view of meeting the NDP 2030

targets for postgraduates.

716.3. In 2016, the number of postgraduate students enrolled at Wits

was 12 644, an increase from 9 766 in 2012.552 Almost half of

these students received disbursements. 553 Wits contributed

R233 177 million towards those students.554

717. The NRF supported 858 postgraduate students to the value of

R56 456 325 in 2016.555

718. The University of Johannesburg (UJ) gave a presentation in which it

demonstrated how its student population has been funded over a 5-year


718.1. NSFAS funded 24 per cent of the total student population, up

from 22 per cent in 2012.557

718.2. NSFAS funded 95 per cent of the NSFAS qualifying students

in 2016, up from 75 per cent in 2013.

Presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 5.
Presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 7.
Presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 6. This is a significant increase from R61 080
million in 2012.
The student numbers increased from 485 in 2012. See presentation slide 8.
UJ presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 2; transcript of hearing held on 24
November 2016, p40.
UJ presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 3.

718.3. That left 5 per cent unfunded NSFAS qualifying students in

2016, compared to 25 per cent in 2013.

718.4. Internal bursaries are funded from the universitys operation

budget and from third stream income. UJ awards

undergraduate and postgraduate students, partially full tuition

costs, based on academic merits. It also rewards students

based on financial need and academic merit.559 Beneficiaries

of internal bursaries decreased to 17 per cent in 2016 (total

spend of R156 million) from 24 per cent in 2012.

718.5. The number of students funded through external bursaries

also decreased from 25 per cent in 2012 to 22 per cent in

2016. 560 The NRF funds postgraduate students only (about

8% of the student population).

718.6. The largest category of students are self-funded, comprising

37 per cent of the total student population in 2016.

UJ presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 4.
Other awards are for sports achievement, staff concessions (which covers tuition fees of
staff members, their spouses and children).
See also UJ presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 5. Sources of external funds
include CSI, NRF, SETAs and other public entities, funding from provincial governments
and municipalities, and donations from individuals and Trusts.

719. The University of Fort Hare is classified as a HDI.561 Its evidence in the

main demonstrates the differences in funding HDIs and HAIs.

720. For example, external donors funded 1 394 students in 2016, to the value

of R77 336 715 million,562 compared to the R189 303 million that was

received by the University of the Witwatersrand for external bursaries in

the same year. It must be born in mind that the student population of UFH

was about 13 500, whilst students attending the University of the

Witwatersrand numbered about 34 000.

721. Most of the students at Fort Hare are supported by NSFAS.563 NSFAS

allocated R864 050 562 million to Fort Hare to fund 9 059 students in

2016.564 The NSFAS allocation for Wits for the same year was almost

half that, at R463 586 million.565

722. We note that these NSFAS allocations for both Fort Hare and Wits distort

the actual NSFAS allocation because they include the amounts allocated

for historic debt and the Kgodisano allocations.566

Presentation dated 25 November 2016, slide 5.
Fort Hare presentation dated 25 November 2016, slides 5 & 8; Wits presentation dated 24
November 2016, slide 3.
Fort Hare presentation dated 25 November 2016, slide 7.
Fort Hare presentation slide 8.
Wits presentation slide 3 column 4.
Fort Hare presentation dated 25 November 2016, slides 13; transcript p4 fifth paragraph;
Wits presentation dated 24 November 2016, slide 3.

723. NSFAS funding also makes up the majority of student funding at the

University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), constituting 67.78% of student

funding income. 567 External bursaries amounted to R158 988 462.

UKZNs internal funding sources amounted to R168 285 480,568 while

Wits had R262 277 000 of internal funds for disbursement (a difference

of about R94 million).569

724. As the evidence suggests, HDIs are less able to raise third stream

income with the result that they have limited funding from this income

stream to support students.570 Their capacity to top up any NSFAS grants

or to fund postgraduate students is therefore equally constrained. Cross-

subsidisation within an institution is not possible when the student

population is largely within or below the missing middle.


725. The NRF is established under the National Research Foundation Act (the

NRF Act), 571 with the object of supporting and promoting research

through funding, human resource development and the provision of the

necessary research facilities in order to facilitate the creation of

UKZN submission dated 23 November 2016, para 5.
UKZN submission dated 23 November 2016, para 6.
Wits presentation slide 3. This amount comprises internal bursaries, internal bursaries
(faculty) and internal scholarships & Council funded scholarships.
Fort Hare transcript p3 4.
23 of 1998.

knowledge, innovation and development in all fields of science and

technology, including indigenous knowledge.572

726. The NRF gives effect to its mandate by, inter alia, giving financial support

to researchers and to postgraduate students (at Masters and PhD levels)

in all disciplines.573 The NRF also allocates grants for large infrastructure

equipment (which cannot be based on a single university).

727. The NDP targets envisage a significant increase in the postgraduate

system and envisage that over 25 per cent of enrolments should be at

postgraduate level by 2030.574 It sets targets in the numbers of:

727.1. masters and PhD students;

727.2. doctoral graduates both for teaching, research and innovation

purposes;575 and

727.3. staff with a PhD.

728. It expressly mentions that there has to be an increase in the number of

African and women postgraduates.

Sections 3 & 4.
Section 4(2); NRF presentation slide 2.
This translates to at least 5000 doctoral graduates per year.
NDP p319.

729. The NRF currently funds 10 per cent of all postgraduate students in the


730. In 2015, the NRF funded a total of 12 719 postgraduate student bursaries

and scholarships amounting to R732.70 million.577


731. The NRF is funded principally from

731.1. a parliamentary grant (transferred from the DST);

731.2. ring-fenced income (from the DST); and

731.3. designated income.

732. The total NRF income from these sources for 2015/2016 was

R4 163 000 000.578

NRF presentation slide 3.
NRF presentation slide 3.
NRF presentation, slide 7.


733. The NRFs income is broadly divided into discretionary and committed


733.1. Parliamentary and other income fall within the discretionary

category. They comprise 25 per cent of the total NRF income.

It is from these funds that the NRF disburses grants and

bursaries and funds its operations.

733.2. A total sum of R2 556 million was allocated to grants, bursaries

and other research funding in 2015/2016, from a total income

of R4 163 million.

733.3. Operational costs took up R1 243 million of the total income of

R4 163 million. Employee remuneration accounted for

R345 million of the total expenditure.

733.4. The balance of the funds comprise ring-fenced or contract

funding which are earmarked for other DST purposes.

734. The evidence of the NRF demonstrates historical underfunding, which is

projected to continue into the 2020 MTEF.

NRF presentation slide 10.

734.1. The NRF indicated that in order to scale up its research

enterprise and to be consistent with government policy

choices with regard to assisting needy postgraduate

students,580 it requires funding growth of about R6.3 billion by


734.2. Since 2009, the NRF baseline allocation from the DST has

been below both national inflation (CPI) and NRF inflation.582

On average, the allocation from DST has been registering a

negative growth in real and nominal terms. The result is a

current funding shortfall of R331 million.

734.3. Furthermore, the allocation by the DST to the NRF has shown

minimal growth since 2009, with the exception of 2012 and

2014. During these years, the parliamentary grant exceeded

inflation. This growth distorts the actual growth of the

allocation since it attributable to once-off additions to the

baseline allocation,583 which funds are earmarked for specific

CAPEX projects of the DST.584

NRF presentation slide 12.
NRF presentation slides 13 14.
NRF presentation slides 4 6.
NRF presentation, slide 6.
As appears from the two main cash injections to the baseline relate to the SKA project and
the SARChl project.

734.4. It is of great concern that since 2006/2007 up to 2015/16, NRF

expenditure has, on average, been near or above income.585

735. Thus the NRF has few resources to provide funding to the current pool

of students and none to expand its support or increase its targets.


736. Eduloan was established in 1996 as a credit provider specialising in

educational loans and bursary management at universities and TVET

colleges, at all levels of study.586 It was rebranded to FUNDI in 2016.587

737. Its funders include the:

737.1. UIF;

737.2. PIC;

737.3. Compensation Commission;

737.4. Standard Bank; and;

NRF presentation, slides 6 7.
FUNDI also extends loans and bursaries to private institutions, schools and
FUNDI presentation (undated) slide 2.

737.5. Mergence.

738. Its largest shareholder is the PIC, having a 40 per cent stake therein.588

32.2.9 LOANS

739. FUNDI offers loans primarily to civil guardians to defray their childrens

student fees. Loans can cover either tuition only, or can be for other costs

of study such as study material and accommodation.

740. FUNDI is affiliated to a majority of the 26 universities and some TVET

colleges. It deals directly with the institution. Once a loan is approved,

FUNDI pays the relevant institution directly, as opposed to the individual


741. It has to date advanced about 830 000 loans.589

742. Loan repayments are collected through salary deductions and by debit

order. These modes of collection facilitate the high rate of collection,

which is estimated at 98% from salary deductions and 95% from debit

order payments.590

Other shareholders are the Open Learning Holdings (20.93%); Standard Bank (16.5%);
Kopane Investment (17.63%). Its management & staff hold the smallest share at 4.94%.
See FUNDI presentation.
FUNDI presentation, slide 5.
FUNDI presentation, slide 5.

743. Interests rates for FUNDI loans are high, ranging from 19% 30%,

depending on whether or not the loan is secured or unsecured.591

744. FUNDI accepts that its loan funding scheme excludes students from the

poor and missing middle categories as they often cannot provide security

for the loan. To offset the risk attendant upon these classes of students,

FUNDI levies higher interest rates which can be as higher as 23%.592

745. The Commission is of the view that, should the recommendations made

by it in relation to funding by means of income contingent loans, be


745.1. FUNDI support will become unnecessary;

745.2. the resources FUNDI provides can be reprioritised for the

benefit of the broader education sector;

745.3. students will receive unsecured funding on far more

manageable terms.

FUNDI, transcript of the hearing held on 29 November 2016, p22 23.
Slide 6 and transcript.


746. FUNDI also manages funds for institutions and other private and public

donors,593 These are used to award bursaries to students.594 Currently,

about 128 437 students receive bursaries from this fund.595

747. Recipients of the funds can use the funds at the numerous FUNDI

affiliated merchants.596


748. The Banking Association of South Africa (BASA) appeared before the

Commission as a representative of the South African banking sector.597

749. In its presentation, BASA indicated that:598

749.1. the 5 largest banks control more than 90 per cent of total

assets of the 17 registered banks;

Stakeholders include provincial governments and entities; universities, vendors and
corporates. See FUNDI presentation, slide 12.
FUNDI currently manages funds on behalf of 40 funders, including universities. See FUNDI
presentation, slide 8.
FUNDI presentation, slide 8.
FUNDI presentation, slide 9. These merchants include Shoprite/Checkers, 107 book
stores, 300 accommodation providers and 508 food merchants.
BASA represents 3 mutual banks, 15 local branches of foreign banks and 17 registered
banks. See BASA presentation dated 8 February 2017, slides 3 & 4.
BASA presentation dated 8 February 2017, slide 5.

749.2. the 4 largest banks have student loan products;

749.3. the balance of the banks do not have student targeted loans,

and extend generic (personal) loan products which may be

used to fund education.

750. BASA highlighted the involvement of banks at various levels of

education. 599 It would appear that the majority of the initiates are

supported through CSI programmes.

751. BASA reports that most recently, banks have been involved in the

Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme and provided funding for the

pilot project, which commenced in 2017.

752. With specific regard to the banks financing of students, the testimony of

BASA shows that between 2013 2016, banks provided:600

752.1. a sum of R417 296 795 in bursaries;601

752.2. an amount of R5 357 619 345 in student loans; and

752.3. R172 976 583 in research and other funding.

BASA presentation dated 8 February 2017, slides 9 11.
BASA presentation dated 8 February 2017, slide 13.
BASA notes that banks spend roughly R500 million per annum on education.


753. Students applying for bursaries must meet the BASA criteria, which


753.1. whether or not they fall into the missing-middle category;

753.2. academic performance;

753.3. whether they are previously disadvantaged individuals; and

753.4. whether their qualification will yield critical skills for the sector.

754. The data presented by BASA shows that the number of students funded

by banks through bursaries has hardly grown over 3 years, averaging of

5 000 per annum. The average bursary amount awarded between 2014

and 2015 is around R21 000. While it is up from about R14 000 in

2013,602 it is significant to note that it does not cover the average costs

of study of the cheapest university, and falls far below the NSFAS cap.

755. The banks contributed to the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme

to the extent of R272 272 592.

BASA presentation dated 8 February 2017, slide 16.

32.2.13 BASA LOANS

756. The student loan products referred to above, include personal loans.603

As such, we can assume that the funding provided by banks specifically

for student loans is less than the amount provided.

757. While loan criteria and applicable terms and conditions of the loan differ

from one bank to another, BASA set out common considerations for

eligibility for a personal loan -604

757.1. credit score and ability to service the loan;

757.2. employment (of the principal debtor/surety);

757.3. minimum income (ranging between R3000 R6000 per


757.4. registration with a South African university; and

757.5. if applicants are part-time students, they must be employed

and prove their ability to service the loan.

BASA presentation dated 8 February 2017, slide 13.
BASA presentation dated 8 February 2017, slides 19 & 21.

758. BASA estimates that about R1 billion worth of students loans, including

personal loans, are provided by banks annually. A total of 103 665

students were funded through student loans provided by banks over 2013

2015. It indicates that when personal loans are factored in, the number

of students funded through bank loans doubles.605

759. The terms and conditions of the loan, while differing between banks, are

underpinned by the competitive nature of the business of banking. The

following are among the list of terms and conditions

759.1. Interests and fees attached to the loan (be it a student or

personal loan) are payable monthly and during the students

course of study;

759.2. the student capital loan amount is payable upon completion of

studies, subject to a grace period of between 6 12 months

to allow a student the opportunity to gain employment.606 The

student is responsible for informing the bank once he/she is

employed607 (as is the case with NSFAS loan debtor);

BASA presentation dated 8 February 2017, slide 18.
Repayment can be deferred in certain limited circumstances. See BASA presentation
dated 8 February 2017, slide 21.
BASA presentation dated 8 February 2017, slide 24.

759.3. students have up to 18 months for every year of study to repay

the loan.608

760. The interest rates levied on the loans range from prime to prime plus 6%.

761. The applicable interest rates are informed by various factors, including:

761.1. the risk profile of the borrower; and

761.2. the years of study completed.609

762. Banks apply default reducing measures ranging from soft collection

measures such as general follow-ups as in the case of loan default at the

early stage, to stricter measures which include litigation action in respect

of accounts that are over 6 months in arrears.

763. Where a loan recipient remains unemployed after completion of his/her

studies, up to six months grace period is given before the obligation to

pay the capital amount arises.

764. During this period, the parent, guardian or surety is liable to pay the

interest rate which runs throughout the subsistence of the loan. The

BASA presentation dated 8 February 2017, slide 21.
Some institutions offer between interest rates for each year completed.

parent, guardian or surety remains liable for the repayment of the loan

until it is paid up.

765. As is the case with FUNDI, the banks ability to extend more student loans

is constrained by the likelihood of the debtors ability to repay the loan,

which in turn, turns on the income of the parent, guardian or surety of the

student. [If the scheme proposed by the Commission is implemented, the

income of any person other than the (employed) ex-student will be


766. In this regard also, the recommendations in this Report in relation to ICLs

will provide all required student funding without provision of security on

more equitable terms.


767. The nature of the student debt discussed here relates to both self-funded

students and those that receive NSFAS loans, with specific emphasis

being placed on all NSFAS qualifying students.

768. The gross student debt of half of the total 26 universities as a percentage

of student fees is said to be above the sector average of 27.8 per cent.610

DHET submission dated June 2016, p22.

HDIs and universities of technology account for the largest portion of that


769. A PTT to assess the extent of historic debt was appointed in 2015. Its

work was detailed earlier in this Report. According to NSFAS, a further

amount of R9.2 billion has been added to the NSFAS allocation during

the October 2016 medium-term budget for student funding over the

MTEF period.611

770. The Department of Higher Education and Training costed the NSFAS

shortfall for the 2016 MTEF period, based on the NDP enrolment targets,

at R10 328 058.612 The NSFAS shortfall, should the current (2015/2016)

enrolment levels be maintained, amounts to R8 483 466.613

771. It is noted that this debt relief was exclusively for university students, thus

excluding TVET colleges in spite of the apparent and significant

underfunding and unfunded students in the increasingly expanding



772. The Commission was favoured with various models to fund students in

higher education and training. These models range from greater levels of

NSFAS presentation dated 14 November 2016, slide 16.
Submission DTED June 2016, p32, Scenario 1.
Submission dated June 2016, p33, Scenario 2.

government contributions to reduced subsidies in favour of targeted

funding; a combination of sources of funding, while some propose little to

no government student funding. They will be discussed in detail in a

subsequent Chapter.


773. In this section, we look at the viability of the various proposed alternative

sources of funding higher education and training. The following are some

of these sources:

773.1. Public Investment Corporation (PIC);

773.2. Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF);

773.3. the Skills Development Levy (SDL);

773.4. tax increases;

773.5. Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE);

773.6. unclaimed benefits in various pension funds;

773.7. social impact bonds;

773.8. Thuto ke lesedi;

773.9. corruption and other inefficiencies.


774. The Public Investment Corporation SOC Limited (PIC) is established

under section 2 of the Public Investment Corporation Act as a juristic

person outside of the public service.614

775. The PIC is wholly owned by the government.615

776. Section 4 of the PIC Act sets out the main object of the PIC, and that is

to be a financial services provider contemplated under the Financial

Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FAIS Act).616

777. Section 5 confers upon the PIC broad powers. The PIC has all the powers

necessary to realise its objects, unless expressly excluded or qualified by

the PIC Act.

Transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p9 L19 20.
Section 3. The Minister of Finance represents the shareholder, the state.
37 of 2002.

778. In particular, the PIC invests monies received or held by, for or on behalf

of the government and other bodies, councils, funds and accounts.617

779. In terms of section 10(2) of the PIC Act, the PIC, through its board,618

must adopt an investment strategy with guidelines to regulate the

investment of monies it receives.

780. In its presentation before the Commission, the PIC broadly outlined its

investment strategy and specifically as it relates to education.619


781. It is appropriate at the outset to emphasise that the monies held by the

PIC are held on behalf of third parties for purposes of investment.620

782. There are limitations imposed by the funders relating to the use of those

funds by the PIC. We address these limitations shortly. We first identify

the sources of funds managed by the PIC.

See preamble/introduction read together with sections 10 and 11, transcript of the hearing
held on 21 February 2017, p5 L20 25.
Under section 8, the board is responsible for the management of the business of the PIC.
PIC presentation made on 21 February 2017.
Transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p3 L22 p4 L7.


783. The PIC manages and invests funds of behalf of various public-sector

funds, including the:621

783.1. Government Employment Pension Fund (GEPF);

783.2. Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF);

783.3. Compensation Commission (CC).

784. The largest contributor to the PIC is the GEPF, which has contributed an

estimated 88% of the PIC funds.622

785. PICs investments are divided into a number of investment classes,623

which the PIC manages in terms of mandates given by the respective

clients who advance the funds for each asset class.624

785.1. The PIC acts in accordance with investment management

agreements concluded between itself and the client in terms

of which the client, in broad terms, prescribes the relevant

investment asset class and how much of its assets must be

PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p5 L20 25.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p5 L21 23.
Namely, listed and unlisted domestic investments; and offshore investments.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p6 L1 9.

invested in that class; and the returns it expects from such


785.2. The PIC has the discretion as to where to invest those funds,

with the view of giving effect to the clients broad mandate.626

786. As indicated, education falls within the broader development investment

asset class.627

787. In particular, it is allocated within the social infrastructure component of

that class628 in two forms, namely:629

787.1. education and skills development; and

787.2. student accommodation.

PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p6 L13 p8 L16.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p9 L4 14.
The developmental investment class makes provision for the following sub-classes:
economic infrastructure; social infrastructure; sustainable investments and priority sectors.
See transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p17 L17 p18 L9. Higher
education and training is located within the social infrastructure sub component. See PIC
presentation, slide 4, column 2.
PIC presentation slide 4, slide 4 column 2.
PIC presentation slide 4.

788. Education falls under the development investment asset class. 630 The

developmental investment portfolio accounts for approximately 20

per cent of the total investment asset portfolio.631

789. Of its clients, only 3 have mandated the PIC to invest their assets in the

developmental portfolio. Those are the:632

789.1. GEPF;

789.2. UIF; and

789.3. CC fund.

790. The PIC has a mandate from these clients to invest a collective 30

per cent of their developmental asset allocations in higher education,633

as part of the broader education portfolio.634

791. PICs investments take multiple forms. For example, it has the option of

investing in different investment vehicles, including equities, or the bond

and debt market in any given focus area.635

PIC presentation slide 3, column 2; transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p18
L14 21.
PIC presentation slide 3, column 2.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p18 L11 13.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p18 L14 19.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p18 L14 19.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p19 L18 p20 L16.

792. The UIFs investments are informed by its Social Responsibility

Investment (SRI) policy which stipulates the broad focus area of

investment, which is currently job creation. The policy also determines

the type of returns on investment expected.636 The PIC finds areas in

which to invest which can yield the developmental impact sought by the

UIF. The PIC carries out the UIFs mandate by investing in skills

development and education with a view of creating a skilled workforce.637

793. The PIC testified that, unlike the UIF, which is willing to trade-off a lower

return on investment in favour of developmental impact, the GEPFs

investment policy, the Developmental Investment Policy Statement, is

geared towards marked related returns on investment while at the same

time meeting the desired social impact.638

794. The PIC invests broadly in education, from primary to higher education

and training, including the area of skills development.639 It can be a direct

investment such as in infrastructure, or indirect by buying into existing

platforms, as with student accommodation or student loans.640

PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p21 L19 p22 L11.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p18 L22 p19 L22.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p22 L12 22.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p22 L24 p23 L22; presentation
slide 5.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p23 L10 p24 L5.


795. The PIC is heavily invested in student accommodation. One of the major

investments was the purchase of South Point, 641 which was a private

company that had established the largest student accommodation

market, servicing a total of 12 universities.642 The current South Point

portfolio has gross assets worth about R2 billion.643

796. PIC invests in both greenfield and brownfield opportunities. As at 2016,

the PIC had invested in 10 000 student beds, and it aims to increase that

number to 50 000 by 2020, and to 80 000 by 2025.644

797. The PIC proposes that student accommodation be funded through

multiple investments. It is premised on key assumptions set out in their

presentation. They include:

797.1. The funders will include including itself, the DFIs (who will

contribute a senior note worth R10 billion, backed by a

government guarantee) and from the private sector;

797.2. National Treasury will guarantee the senior note;

PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p27 L21 p28 L6; presentation
slide 9.
PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p23 L25 p25 L23.
PIC presentation slide 9.
PIC presentation slide 8; PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p24

797.3. the Department of Public works will purchase the property.

798. The PIC have made these investments with the view that the it will build,

own and operate the model. Government will, in the long term, be the

custodian of the student accommodation.645 The PIC proposes that the

Department of Public Works purchase the student accommodation

developments after 25 years.646


799. The PIC also contributes to student funding through its investments in

Eduloan (FUNDI).647

800. FUNDI loans have already been discussed in this Report, and the

onerous nature of these loans was emphasised.

801. The PIC is exploring an alternative student finance model which will make

loan repayments contingent upon the students employment.648

802. Its proposed student funding model entails:649

PIC presentation slide 8; PIC, transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p24
p25 L23.
PIC presentation slide 10.
PIC presentation slide 13, second main bullet point; slide 17. An estimated R244,3 million
of government employee funds under PIC management are invested in Eduloan. Eduloan
has issued an estimated 47 533 loans as at 30 September 2016.
PIC presentation slide 13, fourth bullet point.
PIC presentation, slides 14 16.

802.1. creating a special purpose vehicle (SPV) financed by multiple

funders (PPP approach), with NSFAS providing first loss


802.2. appointing a management company, for a fee, to manage the


802.3. only interest will be levied during course of study;

802.4. SARS to facilitate repayments through payroll deductions;

802.5. collections over 24 36 months;

802.6. parents to guarantee loan repayments.

803. If the proposals of the Commission are accepted the PICs proposed

funding model will become unnecessary.


804. The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) is established under

section 2 of the Government Employees Pension Law (GEPL),650 with


the object of providing pensions and related benefits to members,

pensioners and their beneficiaries.651

805. The fund is funded through contributions made by its members.652

806. Unclaimed benefits mean:653

806.1. a benefit which has, within a period of 24 months from the date

on which it became legally due and payable, not been paid by

the fund in respect of a member or beneficiary, other than an

unpaid benefit or a benefit payable in the form of a pension or

an annuity.654

807. The GEPF reported a total sum of an estimated R450 million in unclaimed

benefits over the period 2006/17 2015/16.

808. This amount excludes cases classified as unpaid for a number of

reasons,655 and excludes interest.656 Of these cases,657 a total of 6 200,

valued at an estimated R100 million, have been allocated tracing agents

Section 3; GEPF presentation slide 2.
Section 17(1).
2007 FSB Circular PF NO. 126, section 1; transcript of the hearing held on 21 February
2017, p60 L6 p64 L4.
The circular defines unpaid benefit at section 1 thereof; transcript p78 L13 p85 L16. The
remaining parts of the definition are not relevant to our consideration.
Such as disputed cases and those with incomplete documentation. This amounts to
R46 157 198.59. See Unclaimed benefits age analysis March 2016.
Interest amounts to R155 601 744.01. See Unclaimed benefits age analysis March
2016; 2007 FSB Circular PF NO. 126, section 1; transcript of the hearing held on 21
February 2017, p64 L12 L22.
See Notes to Unclaimed benefits age analysis March 2016.

in order to trace beneficiaries. Since November 2016, nearly 300 cases

have been successfully traced.

809. The GEPF testified that the balance (R369 million) is in the early stages

of the tracing process and is considered by the GEPF to be traceable.

810. These amounts make up the total estimated amount of R653 million

reported in unclaimed benefits in the GEPF 2016 Annual Financial



811. The GEPF, in its presentation before the Commission, highlighted the

legislative constraints attendant upon the use of unclaimed GEPF funds.

812. Section 21 of the GEPL prohibits cession and attachment of benefits

payable thereunder. Subsection (1) provides:

Subject to section 24A, no benefit or right in respect of a benefit payable

under this Act shall be capable of being assigned or transferred or
otherwise ceded or of being pledged or hypothecated or, save as is
provided in section 26 or 40 of the Maintenance Act. 1998 and section 7
(8) of the Divorce Act, 1979 (Act No. 70 of 1979), be liable to be attached

GEPF presentation slide 7; Unclaimed benefits age analysis March 2016; transcript of
the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p68 L21 p70 L3.

or subjected to any form of execution under a judgment or order of a court
of law.

813. It indicated that the primary responsibility of all pension funds, including

the GEPF, with regard to unclaimed benefits, is to trace the rightful

beneficiaries of the benefits. Those benefits cannot in those

circumstanced be used for any other purpose than to be paid out to the

rightful beneficiary.

814. It is only after the GEPF is satisfied that the beneficiaries will never be

traced that it may consider using the funds for other public interest related

uses, such as funding higher education and training.659

815. The GEPF referred the Commission to FSB Circular PF NO. 126 of 1007

which prohibits reverting benefits back to the fund. In terms of that

circular, pension funds are required to amend their rules to ensure that

unclaimed benefits remain in the fund until the beneficiary has been


816. The rationale behind the circular is to protect the beneficiarys right to

claim the benefit.661

See transcript p90 L24 p91 L14 for measures being taken to trace beneficiaries.
FSB Circular PF NO. 126 para 2.
Transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p67 L2 p68 L24.

817. Mr. Abel Sithole, principal officer of the GEPF, highlighted a further

constraint to using GEPF unclaimed benefits for purposes other than

those provided for by the legislative scheme. He noted that there is no

empowering provision which prescribes a period by when the benefits

can be considered unclaimable, and thus available for other uses. As

such, legislative amendments to use unclaimed funds and to empower

the funds to change their respective rules for that purpose are required

before unclaimed benefits can be transferred to non-beneficiaries.662

818. The GEPF made a further significant point, namely that even if such

funds were to be made available for funding higher education and

training, they we as a matter of fact finite. This assumes that they could

only make a limited contribution to the funding crisis in the PSET sector,

where challenges are by nature on-going, requiring a long-term source

of funding.663


819. The GEPF has invested an estimated R1.7 trillion with the PIC.664 The

PIC, in turn, and as already indicated earlier, has invested the GEPF

assets in Eduloan to provide student funding. Most of the returns, which

2007 FSB Circular PF NO. 126, section 1; transcript of the hearing held on 21 February
2017, p60 L6 p64 L4; p69 L14 17; p85 L21 p88 L3.
See note prepared by Mr Abel Sithole dated 12 February 2017, para 7.
Transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p74 L25 p75 L6.

seek to strike a balance between market related returns and

developmental impact, go to service fees such as management fees.665


820. The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) is established by section 4 of

the Unemployment Insurance Fund Act (UIF Act),666 as a fund into which

employers and employees contribute and from which employees who

become unemployed or their beneficiaries are entitled to benefits, with

the purpose to alleviate the harmful economic and social effects of


821. The UIF seeks to align its service delivery outcomes and strategic goals

with that of government and the Department of Labour to create and

inclusive and responsive social protection system.668

822. To this end, its priorities include:669

822.1. improving the processing of claims; and

Transcript of the hearing held on 21 February 2017, p75 L7 p77 L18.
63 of 2001, as recently amended by the Unemployment Insurance Amendment Act 10 of
Section 2; UIF presentation slide 3; and slide 9 VISION.
UIF presentation slide 8.
UIF presentation slide 8.

822.2. contributing to various schemes designed to alleviate the

harmful effects of unemployment. This includes investing

mandated funds in Social Responsibility Investments (SRIs).

823. The UIF is funded by various sources, including:670

823.1. contributions made by employers and employees and

collected by the Commissioner of the South African Revenue

Service in terms of the Unemployment Insurance

Contributions Act;

823.2. monies appropriated by Parliament; and

823.3. interest and returns on investments made by the Fund.

824. The UIF must be used, among other uses, for payment of benefits under

the UIF Act.671

825. The Unemployment Contributions Act (UIC Act) provides for the payment

of contributions for the benefit of the UIF and prescribes the applicable
collections procedures. Currently, the Act empowers the

Section 4(2).
Section 5; UIF presentation slide 5.
4 of 2002; UIF presentation slide 6.

Commissioner of the South Africa Revenue Service (SARS) to collect

monthly contributions from employers and employees.673


826. The UIFs funds are managed by the PIC amounting to net assets of

R120.12 billion, which amount is inclusive of an accumulated surplus of

R98.5 billion and technical reserves valued at R21.62 billion.674

827. In terms of its Annual Financial Statement for 2016, the UIF has

accumulated a surplus of around R10 billion.

828. By 31 December 2017, the UIF estimates a return on investment of about

10 per cent.

829. The evidence presented by the UIF shows that for 2016, it expended over

R10 billion against a revenue of around R17 billion. 675 Expenditure

includes benefit payments, and administration and operating costs.

829.1. Administration and operating expenditure includes employee

costs and technical reserve provisions for benefit payments

UIF presentation slide 4.
Presentation slide 4.
UIF presentation slide 16.

(excludes payments towards unemployment alleviation


829.2. The technical reserve relates to unpaid claims. These

amounts are placed into government bonds in order to

preserve the capital (i.e. for future benefit payments).

830. The UIF currently contributes to three unemployment alleviation

schemes, namely Training Layoff; Labour Activation Programme; and

Turnaround Solutions via Productivity SA:676

830.1. in 2016, the UIFs contribution to these schemes was an

estimated R81 million; and

830.2. committed an estimated R510 million thereto.


831. The UIF invests its accumulated surplus. As at 31 March 2016, it had the

following assets under management with the PIC:677

UIF presentation slide 17; & slide 33.
UIF presentation slide 19.

831.1. bonds, which are long term investments, accounting for 62

per cent of its total assets;678

831.2. followed by listed equities, at 20 per cent;

831.3. cash investments at 8 per cent of the total invested assets;

831.4. cash assets (trading account) amounting to 8 per cent;

831.5. money market instruments accounting for 3 per cent of the

invested assets; and

831.6. Development Instruments, which account for the smallest

proportion of the investment assets, at 2 per cent.

832. It will be recalled that education falls under the development asset class

of the PIC. This means that the UIF contributes 2 per cent to the PIC

investment portfolio which includes education in general.

833. Its liquidity depends on the duration of the investment, i.e. whether it is a

short or long-term investment. The majority of the UIFs investments are

long-term, non-current assets, 679 which account for 63 per cent of the

Bonds comprise capital market instruments. UIF bonds are split as follows: 79% in
government bonds; 18% in other bonds and 3% in parastatal bonds (41% with Eskom). In
total, they account for R74 495 790 000. UIF presentation slide 20.
More than 12 months.

investment portfolio.680 Current assets make up the balance.681 The total

assets under management exceeded R120 billion at the date of



834. Education in general makes up 18 per cent (R1 812 000 of a total of R9

943 912 committed to developmental instruments) of the 2 per cent which

the UIF invests in the various developmental instruments, while the rest

is directed to job creation initiatives.683


835. Much like the GEPF, the UIF pointed to certain legislative constraints

relating to the use of UIF benefits for purposes other than paying out


835.1. in the first instance, the legislative scheme reserves the use of

the funds exclusively in the interest of its contributors,

employers and employees to protect an employee in the case

of unemployment;

Reflected as R76 420 399 000.
Less than 12 months.
UIF presentation slide 19.
UIF presentation slide 22.
UIF presentation slides 27 30.

835.2. the Funds outstanding benefits provision increased to R4.4

billion in 2016, from 3.8 billion in 2015;

835.3. furthermore, the Funds technical reserves increased from

R19.1 billion in 2015 to R21.6 billion in 2016. These reserves

are required to sustain the Funds financial position;685

835.4. the Funds surplus funds are invested in the PIC. 686 An

estimated 90 per cent of those invested funds are in long-term

investment instruments.687

836. Irrespective of these constraints, the UIF sees scope for using its funds

in the PSET sector, mainly through:688

836.1. using 5 per cent of its total Portfolio, which is allocated to its

unlisted property mandate, towards infrastructure, in the form

of student accommodation. Practically, the Fund will carry the

project and building costs, and the PSET institutions will rent

the properties from the Fund; and

UIF presentation slide 28.
UIF presentation slide 29.
UIF presentation slide 30.
UIF presentation slide 32 (last slide).

836.2. the PSET will issue a private bond, which will be bought by the

UIF via the JSE. The UIF will trade off return of investment on

the bond for social impact generated by the PSET.

837. When the CEO of the UIF testified before the Commission, it became

apparent that the Fund had for many years operated as a moneylender,

accumulating huge annual surpluses which it merely reinvested resulting

in greater surpluses. The Commission gained a strong impression that

the fund controlled such large resources that it had very little idea of how

best to spend them. The CEO explained that all this had changed since

the amendment of the Act in 2016 to provide wider and increased

benefits: there was now no surplus which could seriously be considered

available for the purpose of student funding. In addition, the Fund

proposed to put further amending legislation before Parliament providing

inter alia for paternity leave benefits and repayment of contributions to a

contributor who resigned his or her employment. The Commission

requested the actuarial report on the costing of the 2016 amendments

and the new proposals. 689 A very different picture emerged from that

report690: according to the projections, the implementation of the 2016

amendments will leave the Fund with an accumulated surplus of R297

billion after ten years with a solvency ratio of 945%; if all the additional

proposed benefits are introduced and implemented, the surplus after the

A copy of the actuarial report is annexed to this Report.
Attached to this Report as annexure "C" is a copy of the report: Unemployment Insurance
Fund: Assessment of the Financial Impact of the Amendment Bill of 2015, QED Actuaries and
Consultants (Pty) Ltd 31 March 2016. The copy of the report presented to the Commission was
marked as draft.

same period will be R124.8 billion with a solvency ratio of 380% (the

actuaries recommended the implementation of an alternative proposal

resulting in a projected accumulated surplus of R136.1 billon after 10

years and a solvency ratio of 414%, described as a high position in para

10 of the Executive Summary to the Assessment).

838. The Commission requested the Fund to provide, through its actuaries, a

supplementary report explaining the effect on the Fund of the transfer out

of it of an amount of R50 billion. Despite the passing of several months

no meaningful response has been received other than that the Fund

hopes to have a further actuarial assessment by the end of July 2017.

This Report cannot await the Funds response. It seems clear from the

actuarial report that the utilisation of R50 billion for the benefit of

education would hardly scratch the surface of the Funds resources.

839. The Commission accordingly strongly recommends that any

necessary amendment of the legislation be considered to permit

surplus funds of the UIF to be transferred to the National Treasury

and earmarked for the upgrading of the TVET sector as

contemplated in this Report. In such a way, funds initially collected

to relieve the hardship of unemployment could instead be used to

reduce its incidence by increasing the productivity of the TVET

college system as a whole.


840. A number of stakeholders before the Commission have suggested an

increase in the skills levy, which revenue will be used to fund higher

education and training.691

841. When considering how the youth (aged 14 to 34) are engaged, it emerges

that 14% are in school; 6% are in universities; 4% are in TVET colleges;

1% are in community colleges; 2% are involved in workplace-based

learning; and 31% are employed. Of the remaining youth, 29% are

unemployed and 13% are not economically active. .692

842. The largest growth in the PSET sector is anticipated in the TVET and

CET sub-systems, with a strong link to the workplace.693

843. The SETAs and NSF play a critical role in linking the PSET institutions of

learning to the workplace. Their main contribution is through funding.

844. The skills development system comprises the SETAs, the NSF and the

NSA. These entities were transferred from the Department of Labour to

the newly established Department of Higher Education and Training in

See proposal of Professor P Hirschohn dated 10 November 2016 who proposes an
increase in the skills levy incrementally from 1% to 3% over 4 years.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slides 6 & 8.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 10.

2009 with a view of creating articulation between the world of work and

that of education.694

845. The Skills Development Act was adopted in order to facilitate the

development of skills in the South African workforce by, inter alia,

encouraging partnerships between the public and private sectors of the

economy to provide education and training in and for the workplace.

Institutional and financial measures have been introduced under the

Skills Development Act for this purpose.695 In particular, the SETAs, NSF

and NSA are the primary vehicles chosen to pursue that objective.

846. The SETAs are established under section 9 of the Skills Development

Act.696 There are currently 21 SETAs.697

847. The NSF is established in terms of section 27 of the Skills Development


848. Workplace-based learning includes learnerships, apprenticeship and


DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slides 17 & 18.
Section 2.
97 of 1998.
Down from 25 and then 23 in 2005.
97 of 1998.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slides 26 28.

849. Despite the recognition of the importance of TVET colleges, CET

colleges and workplace-based learning, the majority of the funding for the

PSET sector is directed towards higher education institutions. The

SETAs and the NSF receive 26 per cent of the total PSET allocation.700

850. The SETAs and NSF are funded through a compulsory skills

development levy. The levy is determined by an employers salary bill.701

Public service employees in the National or Provincial spheres of

government and exempted Municipalities are exempt but these

employers must budget for an amount equal to the levies payable for the

education and training of their employees.

851. Once the levy is received by the DHET from SARS, the DHET will allocate

80 per cent to the SETA and 20 per cent to the NSF.

852. We are satisfied by the Treasury response that an increase in the Skills

Development Levy (to fund education) presents a real threat to the cost

of doing business and corporate sustainability despite the advantages it

may bring. For this reason, we have not recommended its utilisation as a

long-term solution.

DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 11.
The levy is collected on a monthly basis by SARS and distributed to the SETAs and the


853. The skills development levy has grown significantly since its introduction.

It stood at over R15 billion in 2015/16 from less that R2 billion in

2001/01. An estimated R12 billion of the 2016 collection was

transferred to the SETAs in 2015/16.703

854. The evidence presented by the DHET shows that as the levy and

transfers to the SETAs grew, so has the SETAs expenditure.704

855. The majority of the expenditure has been for administration and in

relation to the mandatory and discretionary grants. 705 The bulk of the

grants have been increasingly expended on skills programmes, followed

by learnership programmes.706 Most of the expenditure is funded from

the discretionary component of the grant.707

856. The data presented by the DHET shows an improvement over the last 5

years in the provisioning of workplace based learning, with internships

improving by over 200%; apprenticeships by almost 150% and

learnerships by 63%. Completions grew by 65% over the same period.708

DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 41.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 44.
Expenditure increased from 8% in 2013/14 to 26% in 2014/15. See DHET presentation
dated 10 February 2017, slide 46.
See DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 47 for the programmes on which
the grants were expended.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 48.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slides 49 50.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 75.

Job placements for persons that underwent apprenticeships also

improved between 2010 and 2016.709

857. While the SETAs have recorded reserves as at 31March 2016 nearing

R10.5 billion, over R9 billion of this sum is already committed. This leaves

a surplus of just over R1 billion in uncommitted discretionary funds.710


858. The object of the National Skills Fund (NSF) is to fund programmes

aimed at skills development, especially in scarce and critical skills,711 in

line with national priorities. The NDP identifies the NSF as a key vehicle

for such purposes.712 In addition to funding research and innovation, the

NDP requires that the NSF and the SETAs use their discretionary grants

to fund skills development capacity in public education and training


859. The evidence presented by the DHET indicates that since 2013/14, the

NSFs expenditure of its skills development grant allocations has been

on par or exceeded revenue. Investments in skills development

increased by over 800% from 200/01 to 2015/16. 713 Its revenues

increased significantly during 2015/16. This was however the result of

DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 77.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 53.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 84.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 82.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slides 85 & 88.

receipt of funds from the SETAs uncommitted funds, amounting to R364


860. The additional injection of funds especially over 2014/15 2015/16 from

the SETAs for TVET college infrastructure and in uncommitted surplus

accounts for the increase in the NSFs accumulated reserves, which

stood at around R10.7 billion in 2015/16715


861. The NSF funded the shortfall (of R300 000 000) of the total amount

(R2 330 312 000) resulting from the no fee increase decision for the 2016

academic year.716

862. The NSF has committed to fund the no fee increase for the 2017

academic year, totalling a sum of R5 288 000 000.717

863. The effect on the NSF reserves of R10 609 401 billion is an over-

commitment of R366 323 million.718

DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 86 87.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 88.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 126.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 127.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 128 129.

864. This means that the NSF has no further revenue to fund additional skills

development initiatives.

865. The DHET drew the Commissions attention to the Ministerial Task Team

Report on SETA Performance. Some of the key recommendations

are that:719

865.1. SETAs should receive a reduced allocation of 70%;

865.2. the NSF allocation should be increased to 30% to enable it to

meet national priorities; and

865.3. the skills development levy should not be increased. It

proposed that research based evidence ought to be done

before any adjustment to the levy could be made.720

866. In the circumstances, neither an increase in the skills development levy

nor the use of existing NSF reserves, appears to be a viable alternative

source of funding for the higher education and training sector.

867. The National Treasury confirms that there is no legal basis to use the

funds from the skills levy, the UIF or unclaimed pension funds. It indicated

DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slides 61 63.
DHET presentation dated 10 February 2017, slide 63.

that using this money constitute an expropriation, in violation of section

25 of the Constitution.

868. Regarding pension funds in particular, National Treasury indicated that

the funds are not held by the state,721 but are rather under the control of
the private sector as an investment made by the member.

Furthermore, it is unlikely that the amounts that could be raised would be

sufficient for the purposes of funding higher education and training given

the significant amounts required in that sector.723 It concluded that the

only appropriate use of the funds is to increase efforts to trace their

rightful beneficiaries. It is the Commissions view that unless there are

realistic prospects of tracing the beneficiaries - without exhausting the

benefits in the cost of so doing - it makes no economic sense to leave the

funds unutilised provided that, with utilisation, a guarantee is provided

that in the event of a valid claim being received in respect of any such

fund the benefits will be restored to the fund.


869. The fee-free higher education and training model proposed by students

proposes that it be funded through increased taxation. This relates to

both direct and indirect taxes.

Response dated 25 April 2017; p13 para 10.
Response dated 25 April 2017; p15 para 9.
Response dated 25 April 2017; p13 para 10.

870. Although the National Treasury had advised on its general view on this

subject, the Commission solicited the further comment of the National

Treasury on the plausibility of this funding proposal.

871. We deal hereunder mainly with the responses from the National Treasury

to the proposals.


872. We deal herein with 3 categories of direct tax, namely personal income

tax (PIT); corporate income tax and graduate tax.

873. On the proposal for PIT imposed on high income earners (top 10% of

income earners) and high net worth individuals to be increased,

National Treasury records that:

873.1. this tax bracket has been under pressure as a result of the

deteriorating economic climate, which conditions have

negatively impacted upon individual earnings and purchasing

power. This has led in the previous two budgets, to a

downward revision to expected revenue collection.

873.2. It states further that PIT was increased by 1% in 2015 across

all marginal tax brackets (save the lowest). PIT was again

increased in the 2017 budget, introducing a new top bracket

taxed at 45% (from 40%) The new tax bracket will add an

additional R16.5 billion to revenue. The National treasury

noted however, that these recent tax increases were targeted

at covering the shortfall to fund existing expenditure


873.3. The National Treasury cautions against further increases in

this tax bracket as it may lead to negative results for economic

growth and investment.

873.4. In the alternative, the National Treasury considers VAT to

have the least economically damaging consequences, to the

extent that potential negative effect on poor households can

be mitigated through, for example, targeted public

expenditure. For the reasons set out below the Treasury

regards the imposition of increased VAT as undesirable.

874. On raising the corporate tax rate (CIT) by 2% from 28% to 30%, National

Treasurys response is as follows:

874.1. an increase in the CIT is not the only way to increase revenue.

According to the Davies Commission, it is the least

economically efficient tax as it, among other factors, moves

with the business cycle;

874.2. the likely behavioural response to an increase in the CIT is to

negate most of the assumed revenue increases;

874.3. that is because an efficient CIT regime is one that is conducive

to or encourages growth, or at least one which does not affect

growth negatively and protects the base against erosion and

profit shifting to tax havens;

874.4. adopting measures to broaden the tax base is a more effective

option than increasing CIT to raise revenue. 724 This is the

current CIT focus area.

875. National Treasury also notes that South Africas CIT rate is already high,

being at 3 per cent higher than the OECD rate and 8 per cent higher than

the United Kingdom.


876. In relation to a reliance on an increase in VAT, the National Treasury

referred to the finding of the Davis Tax Committee on the macroeconomic

impact of VAT. That found that increases in the current VAT rate would

be inflationary in the short-term and since prices for standard rated

consumer goods would rise immediately. This would in turn exacerbate

These measures include reducing tax incentives and introducing measures to curb

inequality. The Committee recommended that any further increases in

the VAT rate only be considered with a view of raising pro-poor

expenditure such as social grants or increasing school nutrition


877. National Treasury does not support the establishment of an Education

Fund by reason of its inconsistency with the prevailing arrangement of

appropriating funds by parliament from the NRF.


878. A few proposals recommend using Social Impact Bonds as a further

source of funding higher education and training.

879. The evidence presented before the Commission relating to Social Impact

Bonds (SIBs) shows them to be relatively untested funding instruments,

not only in South Africa, but across the world.

880. National treasury, through its Government Technical Advisory Centre, is

in the process of evaluating the viability of SIBs. There is as such no

concrete evidence for or against such a funding instrument.

881. Regarding ICLs, while the National Treasury points to the ISFAP model

and the feasibility study which it is currently conducting, it notes that

although it cannot comment on that proposal at this time, the ICL model

proposed by Professor Fioramonti, which is appears to be a variation of

the ISFAP model, can be accommodated through a restructured NSFAS.

32.12 BBBEE

882. The ISFAP model proposes using companies BBBEE contributions as a

further source from which to fund higher education and training. 725 It

specifically proposes using the Broad-Based Black Economic

Empowerment Act, 2003 (BBBEE Act) to actively use the Skills

Development Expenditure (6% compliance target) of companies to invest

in bursaries for students.726

883. The MTT report indicates that the Commissioner of BBBEE in the

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has advised that up to 25% of

the 6% compliance target could be used by private institutions by

donating funds to ISFAP.727

884. The implementation of this proposal would also require a legislative

amendment to allow those funds to be used for reasons other than

intended. Having said that, however, we reference the views of the

National Treasury regarding the use of funds intended for skills

development, which of itself, already flows through to the TVET sector.

MTT Report p13; ISFAP presentation dated May 2017, slide 7.
MTT Report p13.
MTT Report p56.

885. The Commission supports the use of BBBEE contributions in line

with the proposals of the MTT.


886. The next proposal is for the establishment of a central fund, the Lesedi

Education Endowment Fund (Lesedi Fund) to facilitate a multi-pronged

solution to funding education involving state, community and corporate


887. The model anticipates that funding would be rolled out in a phased

manner, prioritising the most financially needy students.729

888. It estimates a funding shortfall of R27 billion, although the calculation of

this amount was not adequately explained.730

889. Sources of funding include:731

889.1. corporate funding (entails the creation of a Capital

Infrastructure Fund funded by the private sector in exchange

for tax rebates). This it estimates will inject an additional R10

Mr Khaya Sithole withdrew his initial model (Lesedi 1) in the favour of the one under
discussion. Transcript of the hearing held on 9 March 2017, page unnumbered.
Lesedi Fund presentation (undated) slide 2.
Lesedi Fund presentation slide 37.
Lesedi Fund presentation slide 8 9.

billion to the current third stream university income of R8


889.2. NSFAS (representing government funding. The model

proposes restoring the state subsidy to the 2000 level of 50%

(phase in), thus adding R12 billion per annum);

889.3. the Skills levy; and

889.4. an education levy.

890. The proposed Lesedi Fund would be capitalised by existing funds of the

NSFAS (R12 billion) and the skills levy (R15 billion). Thereafter, it would

be self-sustaining by contributions by graduates through an education


891. The fund raised would be consolidated into the newly created Lesedi

Fund which, under the auspices of the DHET, would distribute the funds

as follows:732

891.1. Class 1 & 2 students at full costs of study. These are students

with a family income contribution of less than R300 000.

Lesedi Fund presentation slide 8.

891.2. Class 3 & 4 students, being those with a family income

contribution of between R300 000 to R600 000 would receive

a partial grant, and the balance would be funded by the


891.3. Class 5 student, being those with a family income contribution

above R600 000, would be completely self-funded.

892. The Lesedi fund would also fund historic debt.

893. This model is similar to the ISFAP. It does however extend the grant

portion to students with a family income contribution that is higher than

ISFAP, meaning that more students will receive grants. In other words, it

widens the scope of the poor. Whilst ISFAP places the expected family

income at less than R75 000, the Lesedi model places the figure at R300

000 or less.

894. The other key difference to ISFAP is that it does not have a loan

component, which means that students who do not qualify for a full grant

would have to pay for themselves without the support of a loan. For that

reason, it may limit access to some students, depending on the individual

circumstances such as students from household earning R300 000 but

having more than one child who want to enter the sector.


895. Various stakeholders pointed to the inefficiencies such as under-

spending in the system and within government which, if curbed, would

ensure further revenue is available to fund, among other things, higher

education and training.

896. The former Minister of Finance indicated that recovered monies would

not automatically be allocated towards funding higher education and

training.733 In fact, most of these funds have already been allocated, and

they would, therefore, remain with that sector.

897. The Democratic Alliance Student Organisation expressed the view that

by cutting corruption and inefficiencies in institutions, free higher

education for the poor with support for the missing middle was feasible.734

898. We agree with the view that curbing such wastage and corruption would

indeed create a larger public purse from which allocations to all social

programmes, including higher education and training, could be


Transcript of the hearing held on 3 March 2017, p62 L19 - p66 L7.
Presentation undated slide 12; transcript of the hearing held on 23 September 2016 p160



899. This Chapter deals with the regulation of fees in the PSET sector.

900. Fee regulation is not presently being implemented in the South African

PSET sector (although it could be argued that it is being applied at TVET

and CET colleges through DHETs capping of fees). It is an issue that

has been discussed within the sector for several years.

901. The report of the Presidential Task Team on Short-Term Funding

Challenges at Universities, 2015 (PTT) stated that the current cost-

sharing model for the funding of public higher education institutions would

likely continue into the foreseeable future.

902. The PTT recommended that student fees needed to be kept affordable

and that a regulatory framework for managing future university fee

structures and increases be developed through a broad consultative

process, and that this should be implemented in the 2017 academic


903. The Minister met with USAf and the CHE in January 2016. At the

meeting, it was agreed that the CHE was best placed, as an independent

Presentation Minister Nzimande, PG 30

body that had the statutory remit to advise the Minister on higher

education matters, to develop a regulatory framework for the regulation

of fees in the university system.736

904. In early March 2016, after agreement with USAf, the Minister requested

advice from the CHE on the development of a regulatory framework for

managing future university fee structures and increases.737

905. The Commission was alive to this process during its span.


906. In broad terms, fee-regulation can be conceptualised as a decision by the

State, or some other agency of the State, to place limitations on the fees


907. There are different methods adopted in different jurisdictions for the

regulating of fees.

908. Governments can either set fees at particular levels to be applied across

the system, set differentiated fees according to disciplines and types of

Presentation Minister Nzimande, PG 31
Presentation Minister Nzimande, PG 31

study, or allow universities to set their own fees in relation to their costs,

but regulate how they may or may not be increased.738

909. These methods will be discussed more substantively hereunder.


910. As stated above, the Report of the PTT recommended that a regulatory

framework for managing future university fee structures and increases

should be developed and agreed upon through a broad consultative

process. The framework should be applied as part of an integrated

planning process built on the current process for negotiated enrolment

planning implemented by the DHET.


911. Subsequent to the recommendations of the PTT and in March 2016, the

Minister requested that the CHE provide advice on a framework for the

regulation of fees in Higher Education.739

Phase 2 advice to the Minister, Page 28
Letter to Minister Nzimande from CHE, 10 April 2017


912. In doing its work, the Council on Higher Education (CHE) was mindful of

the two major national processes related to Higher Education funding,


912.1. this Commission, which has been mandated and funded to

conduct consultative processes on the broader issue of the

feasibility of fee-free higher education; and

912.2. the Ministerial Task Team on financial aid reform and the

funding of the missing middle.

913. The CHE concluded that to have suggested a framework for the future

regulation of fees at the time would likely have led to the charge that the

findings of the Presidential Commission were being prejudged, and to

preclude a possible finding that fee-free higher education was possible.

914. The CHE therefore divided its task into two phases:740

914.1. the First Phase, which would look only at the implications of

different levels of fee increase (including the possibility of no

fee increase) for 2017 to inform immediate advice, on the

assumption that this Commissions report would not be

Phase 2 Advice to the Minister, Pg 9

available in time for institutions to make budgetary plans for

2017 informed by its recommendations; and

914.2. the Second Phase, which would explore fee regulatory models

more broadly to inform the requested advice on a framework

for the regulation of fees, should student fees, following the

recommendations of the Presidential Commission, still form

part of the overall funding regime in the future.


915. The CHE completed Phase 1 of its work and presented its advice to the

Minister of Higher Education and Training on fee increases at public

universities for 2017 in July 2016.

916. The advice together with consultations with various stakeholders within

the sector resulted in the announcement by the Minister on 19 September

2016 which recommended amongst other issues, an 8% ceiling for fee

increases in 2017.741

917. The advice on Phase 2 was provided to the Minister by the CHE on 10

April 2017 and it is referred to as The CHEs Advice to the Minister of

Higher Education and Training on A Framework for the Regulation of

Phase 2 Advice to the Minister, Pg 10

Fees in Higher Education. This advice was furnished to the Commission

after the completion of the Commissions public hearings.

918. The Phase 2 advice was developed by taking a broader and longer-term

approach than the first, and the Task Team arrived at recommendations

on the basis of an argument that explores different means of regulating

fees in general, the South African context in particular, and a

consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of different models

of effecting regulation.

919. In its deliberations, the CHE considered the following models and their

various implications:

919.1. capped tuition fees 742 which entails the government, or the

agency with the responsibility for setting university tuition fees,

determining the percentage by which universities are allowed

to increase their fees, or permits institutions to set their own

tuition fee increases within a range specified by the


919.2. a shares approach to regulating fees,743 which is a manner of

regulating fees to determine the maximum share of total

university operating revenue that can comprise fees. This

Phase 2 Advice to the Minister, Pg 29
Phase 2 Advice to the Minister, Pg 30

means that if the share of revenue from tuition fees is below

the determined proportion, tuition fee increases would be

greater than subsidy increases for a time, although there could

be a specified ceiling on the rate of increase each year;744

919.3. fixed tuition fees,745 which applies where different institutions

charge different fees and regulation refers to determining the

parameters within which they may vary or be increased. Fixed

tuition fee models apply where students pay the same annual

tuition fees across the system. There are two main types:

919.3.1. the universal tuition fee model wherein a uniform fee

is charged, based on the notion that equity would be best

served if everyone paid the same fee, regardless of

programme, level of study, or university attended; and

919.3.2. a fixed fee model based on a locked-in average cost

of study.

919.4. Sliding scale models in which differentiated fees apply.746 The

sliding-scale tuition fee model is applied in mainly two kinds of

contexts, namely :

Phase 2 Advice to the Minister, Pg 29
Phase 2 Advice to the Minister, Pg 31
Phase 2 Advice to the Minister, Pg 33

919.4.1. within a context of state controlled tuition fees with the

aim of easing the financial burden on students. This

model is not designed for redistributive purposes; and

919.4.2. where institutions determine fees, students from

wealthier backgrounds pay significantly higher fees, part

of which is utilised to subsidise poor students. In this

system, fee increases are linked to the provision of

financial aid.

920. In considering the applicability of fee regulation models, the CHE found

that the financing of higher education, including models for regulating

tuition fees, in any single country, is deeply influenced by particular

histories, cultures, and often by the dominant political and ideological

currents of the moment.

921. Models range from those that rely on market forces to regulate fees, to

those that are more strictly controlled to advance certain policy


922. The CHE further found that as a highly unequal society, South Africa

faces challenges of access and success, and the post-apartheid

Phase 2 Advice to the Minister, Pg 34

imperative of transformation, which is underpinned by equity and social

justice considerations.

923. The determination of an appropriate model for regulating tuition fees

must consider a broad range of factors, for example: -

923.1. access and affordability by students from marginalised


923.2. public policy goals; and

923.3. levels of state funding and the financial sustainability of


924. The CHE then examined the various models for regulating tuition fees

and their applicability to the South African context and made the following


924.1. the establishment of a new independent regulatory structure

which will set fees for all universities. This is ordinarily in

contexts where there is a high level of centralisation of higher


Phase 2 Advice to the Minister, Pg 46

924.2. alternatively, instead of creating a new structure to regulate

fees, the regulation would be performed by an existing body

through a specialist committee. The CHE proposed that a

specialist committee of an independent body such as the CHE

could be formed to act as a neutral facilitator of annual fee

negotiations between the Department of Higher Education and

Training and universities, each of which would need to present

their particular case for any changes in fee levels;

924.3. the third recommendation is making the regulatory framework

part of the enrolment planning process of the DHET.

Enrolment planning is an already existing process within the

DHET in which institutions negotiate their overall annual

enrolment targets with the DHET, which is responsible for

allocating subsidy to institutions based on their enrolment

figures. It could be extended to include negotiations on fees

and fee increases, and give the Minister the power to control

fee increases, based on the application of a regulatory

framework and its provisions.

925. The CHE further recommended that the proposed framework must be

embedded in the overarching vision and goals for a transformed and

socially just higher education system and be guided by a number of

principles, which are:749

925.1. the achievement of the best possible balance of priorities of

the main stakeholders in determining the price of university


925.2. the principles of transparency and inclusion;

925.3. credibility;

925.4. stability (which is linked to affordability) and quality

926. The CHE found that none of the frameworks that were considered fully

comply with the principles set out above. A decision was made that

certain characteristics would have to be extracted due to the fact that:

926.1. South African higher education is not centralised like many

European countries, China etc. Each university has its own

cost structure, histories and levels of advantage and


Phase 2 Advice to the Minister, Pg 2

926.2. The frameworks that are studied are based on homogenous


926.3. Fee regulation should be undertaken as a consultative


926.4. Fee regulation needs to be supported by the relevant parties

first before the more technical work of developing guidelines

and criteria can be undertaken.


927. Institutional autonomy will be discussed in this chapter in the context of


928. In the immediate post-1994 phase there was a deliberate and

pronounced shift from a state control model of the apartheid government

to a state supervision model because of a belief that higher education

would perform better with the state in a supervisory rather than controlling

role. Participation was to be driven by stakeholder participation under the

auspices of a supervising state.750

929. By the time of the 1997 White Paper, the implementation process was

increasingly perceived to be one that required more direct government

Presentation, Professor du Toit, 17 October 2016

steering with the corollary of less consultation; by 2001 with the

publication of the NPHE the trend was definitely in the opposite direction.

The NPHE appeared to some to be a sign of intensified state steering of

the system.751

930. Cumulatively, the shifts and changes in the process of restructuring

higher education in the decade following 1994 are viewed by some as

on-going undermining of co-operative governance and a reversal to a

more interventionist approach on the part of the State although the

general view supports autonomy and accountability in the use of public


931. There are also differing views regarding fee regulation, both for and

against its implementation. It appears that DHET has up to this point

approached the subject on a consultative basis as per the

recommendations of the PTT.

932. In 2016, the Ministerial Commission on fee increases invited all

stakeholders to deliver presentations to the Commission on the matter of

institutional autonomy in relation to the determination of fees by

Government as well as a zero per cent fee increase proposal.

933. Various Stakeholders viewed the intervention of Government in agreeing

to a zero per cent increase (although the proposal was made by USAf)

Presentation, Professor du Toit, 17 October 2016

as a takeover of the role and responsibility of higher education institutions

in the setting of fee increases for future academic years.

934. The Minister of Higher Education and Training had frequently made

reference during speeches to higher education institutions remaining

autonomous while being socially responsible. Some vice-chancellors had

expressed concerns over the possibility of Government intervention in

the setting of fee increases seeing it to be erosion of the institutional


935. Evidence before the Commission suggested that the capping of fee

increases or benchmarking was conducted in many universities

internationally without necessarily eroding institutional autonomy.

936. It was further suggested that institutions should take cognisance of the

political phase that South Africa finds itself in and the limitations of the

current higher education landscape in that the setting of fees by

Government could bring certainty and support to university sector

provided that it does not lead to a position of under-funding.

937. There is a recognition that a danger exists though that a fee-free

environment within the current subsidy structuring would prioritise

teaching over research. Therefore, government determining the subsidy

as it pertains to the fee setting process would necessitate a certain level

of oversight by Government which could have implications for institutional

strategic choices.

938. An obvious issue that would have to be debated in a fee-free environment

would be that of admissions. It was submitted at the Commission that

Government should not be allowed to control the admission process of

the University simply for the reason that they were in control of the

subsidy allocation.

939. A possible zero fee sector would impact enormously on the admission

process as it would prove impossible to admit all students who qualified

for admission and therefore students from quintile one and two schools

who achieved grades that other students could not compete with would

be admitted resulting in poor students being unfairly disadvantaged. This

is already the case. Many students qualify for HE study but cannot get

access due to capacity constraints, individual course requirements and

university admission scales. However, most institutions have introduced

admission criteria which take account of more than just the mark, so as

to give admission to students with potential but from poor school


940. It was proposed that going forward, the university would need to identify

ways and means of substituting fees through possible business models

and should explore the processes of progressive institutions

internationally in this regard.

941. Another viewpoint is that the capping of fees will affect institutional

autonomy and will advance institutional homogenisation. Universities that

rely to a greater extent on fee income will suffer, research missions will

be jeopardised, capping fees will result in making higher education more

affordable for the wealthy but not necessarily improve access752

942. In relation to TVET colleges, the view of the TVET Governors Council

seems to be that the Continuing Education and Training Act 16 of 2006

makes provision for a college council to govern a public TVET college.

The DHET appears to interpret the legislation differently. As a result,

there is misunderstanding as to what governance means in relation to

certain administrative processes of the colleges.

943. DHET presently determines tuition fees, accommodation fees and any

other fees payable by students as well as accommodation fees payable

by employees.753

944. The TVETGC further indicated that it believes that the TVET sector and

TVET colleges can thrive and respond to the needs of the country if the

governing councils are allowed undertake their legally imposed mandate

to operate within the prescriptions of the CET Act.

(HESA, 2008).
Presentation, TVET Governors Council, 24 October 2016


945. The focal issue of the Commission is to find a sustainable funding

solution for higher education. As such, wide-ranging testimony was given

recommending a variety of funding models. Research was also done into

international examples, and the advantages and disadvantages of some

of such systems. In this section, these different models will be considered

briefly, together with their pros and cons in the South African context.


946. Before moving to compare the different funding models represented, it is

necessary to briefly consider the recommendation presented to the

Commission of an online university. More than one person gave

testimony to the Commission advising that a free, online university would

be the best solution.754 Mr. McDonalds presentation has already been

considered. Mr. Mahlangu also spoke about the benefits of an online

education system, which he argued would have much lower running

costs after the initial setup, and could be accredited to ensure quality. He

also suggested that data charges for the site be eliminated, and that

courses be compatible with hand-held devices.

Mr I MacDonald, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 29 September 2016; Mr
N. Mahlangu, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 10 August 2016.

947. Ms. Glennie from SAIDE also gave a presentation to the Commission on

blended and online learning techniques.755 She discussed the benefits of

incorporating online learning into traditional learning methods, and

innovative blended learning strategies to support traditional

correspondence instruction. She also highlighted the growing costs of

traditional contact education, and the opportunity created by online and

blended options. However, she also warned of the need for careful

pedagogic consideration in the development of such courses, and

pointed to the time and cost involved in establishing quality programmes.

Furthermore, Glennie highlighted the extreme throughput challenges

currently experienced by UNISA, and the difficulty most students have in

adjusting to a distance learning model without traditional support

mechanisms. She also discussed the development of Massive Open

Online Courses (MOOCs) internationally, and the high dropouts

experienced with these courses, with very low completion rates, despite

the fact that the target market was generally well-educated. She

suggested greater use of Open Educational Resources (OER) to reduce

costs, but highlighted the need to take our context into careful

consideration when making decisions of this kind.

948. In brief, while an online model was considered by the Commission, it was

determined that such a model could not provide the whole solution to the

problem. Traditional contact universities remain the most popular form of

institutions, and as such a proposal for funding those attending these

Ms J Glennie, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 27 October 2016.

universities is required. Nonetheless, the development of blended and

online courses continues, and many traditional universities are

increasingly using technology in the provision of their courses, supported

by contact teaching and tutoring.


949. In order to compare the models in our context, we have decided to

highlight some principles and challenges in our current system, so as to

ascertain how the different models assist with each of these and whether

they meet the basic aims of our higher education sector. These will be

outlined briefly, before moving to consider the various proposed models.

950. Dr. Hull, in his presentation and research article submitted to the

Commission, highlighted the principles of Access, Efficiency, Fairness

and Equality, and considered these in relation to various funding models.

His research will be drawn on extensively in this discussion, and is

included as annexure "A" to the Report.756 The principles identified by

Hull, are closely related to the Constitutional imperative of access and


951. Hull described Access as the exclusion of barriers to higher education

based on race, class, gender, socio-economic status etc. He explained

Dr G. Hull, Presentation to the Commission, 7 February 2017; G. Hull, Reconciling
Efficiency, Access, Fairness and Equality: The case for income-contingent student loans with
universal eligibility in CHE (2016) Kagisano 10: Student Funding, pp. 187-217.

that on the one hand is the formal denying of access (i.e. laws or rules

which prohibit someone access), which has been removed through

legislation. On the other hand, is substantial opportunity, which refers to

the removal of social barriers denying access. This would include

exclusion due to socio-economic status or financial exclusion, which is

the main topic of discussion in this context. For the purposes of this

analysis, the expansion of access as a constitutional imperative is added

as another dimension of access, despite Hulls discussion regarding

expansion of spaces as not necessarily solving formal or substantial

Access, a reservation also shared by the Commission.

952. With regard to Efficiency, Hull discussed how the sector needs to make

good use of funding, and not waste limited resources. Hull further

described three types of efficiency (allocative, intra-sectoral and inter-

sectoral). The first relates to student preferences and labour and labour-

market demand. The second relates to realising the broader aims or

purposes of higher education. The last is concerned with the broader

allocation of government funds in the pursuit of certain functions. Hull

explains that Inter-sectoral Efficiency is achieved if the values realised

through spending on higher education could not be realised more cost-

effectively through spending on other sectors, and do not crowd out more

important values that could have been realised through spending on

other sectors.757 In his presentation to the Commission, Hull referred to

this element of Efficiency when discussing black tax. He explained that

CHE (2016), Kagisano 10, p. 191.

it would be more efficient (and fair) to spend money on interventions to

deal with poverty for all citizens, than to spend on free education in a

round-about attempt to alleviate poverty (only in the families of certain

graduates) through giving them the necessary resources to pay black tax.

953. An element of efficiency highlighted during the Commission was the

problem of dropout and throughput in the PSET sector, and how this is

putting a strain on limited resources, and is wasteful (both financially,

psychologically (for the student), and in terms of human resources).

Efficiency, both in Hulls terms and in terms of throughput and dropout,

need to be considered when comparing different funding options.

954. Fairness relates to equity, in considering how the benefits and costs of

higher education are allocated among members of society. 758 This

discussion relates also to the benefits of higher education, and as

discussed previously in this report, there are both public and private

benefits to higher education. Furthermore, in the South Africa context

especially, only a small number of individuals benefit from higher


955. Finally, Equality is considered, which refers to the treatment of

individuals in society as though they are equal, and is based on the

removal of hierarchy, stigma, domination and exclusion. In Hulls article,

he connects the issue of Equality to another key challenge highlighted in

Ibid., p. 194.

the Commission, and that is the Means Test. The Commission

repeatedly heard how humiliating the means test is, and how it

stigmatises the poor and makes them beg poverty. Hull argued that the

means test goes against Equality as it creates stigma by throwing

suspicion on the applicants; makes applicants reveal aspects which they

find shameful; and humiliates them or makes them feel inferior.

956. Aside from the above principles highlighted by Hull and the two

challenges already discussed above, there were other challenges or

priorities highlighted during the Commission. First, quality higher

education. While it is hard to define what quality higher education is, it is

important for the higher education system to be sufficiently funded to

ensure that there is quality in order to demonstrate excellence,

consistency, the return on investment (value for money) and

transformation imperatives.

957. Sustainability was also highlighted by many participants, and it is

important that any funding system introduced will be sustainable in the

foreseeable future. A system which will lead to economic decline and

collapse is not sustainable. There are many examples world-wide of

higher education systems that have either collapsed, or are not coping

as a result of poor funding decisions that were made in the past.

958. It was also highlighted frequently that the system should not be

administratively burdensome, either on students, institutions or on

government departments. This is in some ways linked to efficiency, as it

is inefficient to spend money on an expensive bureaucracy to manage a

funding system. There is, therefore, the need for administrative ease

without too many additional expenses to manage a complex system.

959. Related to the Constitutional imperative, is the size and shape of the

sector. Any funding model needs to be able to support the transformation

and gradual expansion and of the sector, but also the development of the

desired type of PSET sector. This relates to a university/ TVET balance

(the pyramid), a research and teaching mix; a higher education system

responsive to the needs of our economy and society; and international


960. Finally, and also in line with the Constitution and higher education

legislation, is the need for the protection of Academic freedom and

institutional autonomy, within a framework of accountability and

transformation. Professor Du Toit presented to the Commission on

autonomy in its various forms, and the value of autonomy for the sector,

within a framework of public accountability. 759 One of the issues of

discussion related to the issue of autonomy, has been around the topic

of the regulation of fees. In this regard, the Council on Higher Education

(CHE) prepared advice for the Minister of HET, which was shared with

the Commission. This advice is attached as an annexure and should be

given careful attention. It is important to remember that in any funding

Professor A. Du Toit, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 17 October 2016.

system, there is still the need to determine a proxy for payment per

student whether this is funded by the state or the student. As such, the

issue of regulation of fees needs attention in any funding model.

961. Each of the funding systems considered below will take into account how

they relate to each of these principles, priorities and challenges. The

section below will give a very brief outline of the model and its

characteristics. For this purpose, the model will be discussed in terms of

international examples of where it is in place, and how it is structured.

Thereafter, the pros and cons in relation to these points and to any other

pertinent matter will be outlined. The international examples discussed

below are generally based on the presentation to the Commission by Dr.

Ouma, unless otherwise indicated.760 The discussion on pros and cons

is partly drawn from Hulls research, and is partly our analysis, often

based on a number of points of view put before the Commission through

submissions and throughout its hearings.


962. Dr. Ouma explained that upfront fees are based on the belief that parents

have a responsibility to cover some portion of their childrens higher

education costs. These fees can be differential (as in Colombia, the

Philippines, and Italy) and based on the parents income; or they can be

the same fee for all. In these instances (for instance Chile, China, India,

Dr G. Ouma, Presentation to the Commission, 24 February 2017.

Indonesia, Italy, Japan, South Africa, Kenya, USA) tuition fee levels do

not change with a familys income level, but eligibility for aid does change

and tuition fee costs are off-set by means-tested grants and/or

government subsidized loans.

963. Differential tuition fees vary according to the socio-economic background

of each student. Accordingly, students from lower-income families pay

lower fees while students from well-off families pay the full fee rate. These

sliding fees could be within a context of state controlled tuition fees or

institutionally determined fees. In the first instance (Indonesia, Colombia

and Italy), the state decides differential fees with the aim of easing the

financial burden on students and Universities in this context do not

generate extra income that could be utilised to provide financial aid. In

the second model (California), students pay higher fees to the university

to allow for cross-subsidisation without financial means. Some South

African universities testified to such a system at university level.

964. With regard to implementing such a system, Ouma indicated that:

Number one you have to means test all your students and determine

which socio-economic group they belong to; once you have done that

then you determine what fees they are going to pay, either you can have

a uniform fee where you say this is what everyone is going to pay knowing

very well that 20 percent, 30 percent, 40 percent of your students will not

be able to pay. Then you know those who pay the full rate have paid to

subsidise the others. Or decide, as the Indonesian case or even the

Columbian case or even the Italian case, where you decide to determine

particular fee levels for particular students from particular socio-economic


965. Dr. Ouma explained further than when the Department of Higher

Education [and Training] said that students from the so called missing

middle and the working-class backgrounds , the state is going to pay

the increased fees for them, this was exactly the challenge the

Universities were experiencing because they do not have data where

they can determine who exactly is missing middle and who exactly is

working class. That data is not systematically captured across all the

Universities, but they are trying to capture that, so my view is

Commissioner, it is doable.

966. Despite the fact that Dr. Ouma said this can be done, it is clear that it

would require means testing of all students, which would be both

cumbersome and may stigmatise specific students. Having said this, it

was also brought to the attention of the Commission that some students

misrepresent their socio-economic status and end up benefitting from a

system designed to assist the poorest students. Furthermore, in the

South African context, there is unlikely to be a sufficient number of

students able to pay fees at a high enough level to subsidise all other

students sufficiently.

967. Secondly, Dr. Ouma discussed a dual track system where a certain

number of free (or very low cost) university places are awarded by the

government based on academic merit, while other places are available

to qualified, but lower performing students on a tuition fee paying basis.

In this system Students in the parallel streams pay very high,

sometimes full cost fees. This is in practice in Russia, Hungary, Ukraine,

Kenya, Uganda, and Egypt.

968. He explained that it is practiced in quite a number of countries you know,

a lot of countries in Eastern Europe, Russia, the Russian Federation,

Estonia, Latvia, in Africa as well, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Egypt;

Pakistan practices this as well. India, as I have demonstrated in my

presentation, it creates two classes of students for want of a better word,

the one group are those who are considered to be high performers who

have passed their matriculation examinations and the state either over

subsidises them or in certain instances they actually go in for free. Then

they create another class of students who are told, look here, we have

got some capacity, if you want to come in you are welcome but you are

going to pay either the full rate or a substantial amount of fees. So then

you have got two streams of students, you have got one stream of

students who are subsidised by the state, in certain cases they pay

nominal fees like in the Indian case, in the Russian Federation as well

and then you have got another stream of students who pay the full rate,

at times even more, so that is how the dual track system works.

969. With regard to the dual track model, it is clear that those with the best

school marks will be prioritised, and given South Africas unequal school

system, this will not be in line with the Constitutional imperative to access.

970. In the context of the Commissions mandate, the current system is a mix

of a differential fee model and an ICL model (to be discussed later). For

the purpose of this discussion, it is included under differential fees.

Maintaining the status quo would require maintaining the basic

principles of the current system, with improvements to efficiency. The

characteristics of such a system include:

970.1. A cost sharing model as higher education and training is

interpreted as both a public and a private good.

970.2. A scheme which determines who can receive a loan/ bursary

and who cannot, based on household income. The current

determination of R122 000 could be shifted (up or down) as

funds allow.

970.3. A means test would be required to determine who qualifies.

970.4. A determination of incentive bursaries for university students.

970.5. Bursaries for TVET students within the qualifying household

income band.

970.6. Fees would be retained, with or without some form of


971. The pros and cons of such a model:

971.1. Students have rejected this model, and it is unlikely that they

would come to accept it without substantial change.

971.2. If implemented effectively, it can ensure Access.

971.3. The means test is retained (goes against the wish of students

and Hulls Equality argument).

971.4. A working and acceptable definition for poor would need to

be developed, and this together with the means test, results in

this model not meeting the criteria for administrative ease.

971.5. Unless funds are substantially increased, university debt will

remain a growing problem, which could impact on both

sustainability and quality in the short term (until additional

funds are made available).

971.6. Cost sharing means that the state would not need to shoulder

the full burden of cost, and the Fairness test would be met,

depending on the bursary/ loan mix.

971.7. As the state does not need to provide all the funds, the size

and shape of institutions is unlikely to be affected negatively

in the longer term.

971.8. The NSFAS model is developed, and may be continued with

radical improvements to efficiency.

971.9. Without additional academic support, it is unlikely that

throughput will improve.

971.10. Black tax remains an issue of tension and it may be difficult to

enforce repayment without a completely overhauled collection


971.11. Autonomy and academic freedom are retained.

972. Alternatively, a more traditional varying or differential fee model should

also be considered.

973. The characteristics of such a system include:

973.1. A cost sharing model, as higher education and training is

interpreted as both a public and a private good.

973.2. A system which determines categories for different fee-levels

based on household income/ affordability.

973.3. A means test (for all) would be required to determine who

qualifies for which level of fee.

973.4. Different levels of fees would need to be set for each and every

course at each institution.

973.5. Fees would be retained, with or without some form of


974. The pros and cons of such a model:

974.1. The means test is retained, and even extended (no equality).

974.2. A working and acceptable definition of categories of

household income would be required (no administrative


974.3. The effect of jumping bands would need careful


974.4. University debt could remain a growing problem (no

sustainability, possible impact on quality).

974.5. More students may find themselves unable to pay the

expected fees, considering the small number of households in

to the top tax brackets (no Access).

974.6. Universities which cater predominantly for poor students

would not be able to have a system of cross-subsidisation with

sufficient income to sustain the university. Even those with the

largest proportion of wealthy students, may find insufficient

opportunity for full subsidisation (Size and shape may be


974.7. Cost sharing (Fairness) means that the state would not need

to shoulder the full burden.

974.8. Without additional academic support, it is unlikely that

throughput will improve.



975. The new proposed ISFAP system is in many ways a continuation of the

current system, with some additions and variations to ensure support for

a wider number of students, and free education for the poor. The ISFAP

proposal provides for a complex system of loans and grants for students

from families who are deemed poor or part of the missing-middle. As

such, it manages to increase the amount of money available for students

through an elaborate PPP which includes money from the government,

banks and other providers of financial services, corporate social

investment, BBBEE and Social Impact Bonds. By increasing the pool of

money available, it can reach more students, and offer them an amount

equal to (or at least closer to) the real, full cost of study (i.e. tuition and

other expenses). If implemented, the ISFAP model should result in

broader access for the financially needy, a reduction in debt owed to the

universities, and possible improved throughput. The assumption of

improved throughput is based on effective wrap-around support being

provided to students, and an expectation that currently some dropout and

high failure rate is caused by financial stress. The latter assumption does

not take into consideration the complexity surrounding dropping out and

the high failure rate. There are numerous challenges as expressed in

some of the testimonies presented to the Commission. The envisaged

wrap-around support places more emphasis on the student and plays

down the support needed for teaching staff; infrastructure and

instructional technology needs in an uneven higher education system;

poor career choices that often lead to extended study periods, etc.

Academic freedom and institutional autonomy do not compel institutions

collectively to develop strategies that will make them accountable and

significantly improve the high failure rate, or improve their throughput. As

a result, this problem will persist for some time, and it will remain costly

to the system.

976. However, on a deeper level, a few key concerns regarding the proposal

come to the fore:


977. The means test is retained as an important element in the ISFAP model,

and in fact becomes even more central than it has been to NSFAS. While

ISFAP plans to include databases from SARS, Home Affairs and other

entities, problems remain and using quintile school divisions and social

grants as proxies for a means-test, hold their own risk and may result in

exclusion of other poor students (for instance, non-fee paying students

at quintile 5 schools).

978. Thus far, the means test has only needed to determine whether or not a

students family income/ affordability falls within the affordability range set

by NSFAS, and if so, the student has received a loan/bursary from

NSFAS, subject to the availability of funds.

979. Regarding the current situation, we have heard testimony viewing the

means test as one of the central problems of NSFAS. First, students have

indicated that they are humiliated when forced to prove and plead

poverty; they feel frustrated by the inefficiency of the system which delays

their approval for funding; and they had to in the past re-apply and go

through the means test on an annual basis, leading to insecurity (this

aspect has changed). Secondly, students and anecdotal evidence

indicate that the means test has led to fraud with students providing false

information in order to access loans. There are reports of ineligible

students accessing NSFAS loans, while the poor cannot access these

loans. The DHET has instituted an external audit of the extent of fraud at

selected institutions, and is yet to release the report.

980. The complexities of a means test in the South African context cannot be

ignored. Without going into detail records on births and deaths are not

always accurate, some people have more than one ID book, and in

general our information management systems need to be better

integrated across government. Furthermore, the nature of families is not

traditional nor nuclear: single-parent household without either proof of

divorce or any provision of maintenance are the norm; families take in

extended family members when needed, without any official

documentation (like adoption); grandparents raise children for a variety

of reasons; and incomes come from extended family members. Finally,

those part of the informal economy have little proof of income. In such an

environment, proving family income and the number of dependents is

extremely complex. So also, is the capacity to verify information even if

the will to do so exists, which, in itself, doubtful. The upper limit for the

means test may well admit some who can afford to pay while excluding

others who cannot.

981. While means testing is a necessary tool to guide who qualifies, and who

does not, such a model, if it is adopted, needs significant revision to take

into account a number of variables identified in the above paragraph. An

algorithm would have to be developed to determine which categories of

students/applicants would apply and have a reasonable probability of

success. It should apply across the races in order for it to be sustainable.

It should take into account the status of the family and/or other income or

not, since economic circumstances change and some families become

poorer over time even when they were not at the preferred quintile



982. As mentioned above, the means test becomes even more central in

ISFAP. No longer is it only required to assess whether or not income is

below a certain threshold for the purposes of a loan, but it introduces

multiple steps where different allocations are made and where either

grants or loans can be accessed. In addition, the interest rates to be

charged on loans will be different depending on the outcome of the mean-

test and the field of study.

983. With this system of loans and grants, the value of falling just under a

certain income threshold holds much more benefit than was the case with

NSFAS. Now, proving a certain income will determine whether you get a

grant or a loan, increasing the stakes substantially and increasing the

chances of fraud in the system. This is exacerbated by the fact that the

cut-off amounts for each band are simple numbers. This is different from

a graduate system (like our income tax brackets) which reduces the

chances of jumping brackets the detriment of the system.

984. Another concern with the ISFAP system is that grants are provided for

the initial years, with loans taking over later in studies. This means that

the greatest risk of failure and dropout is in fact carried by the government

(rather than the student or private funders in the PPP agreements) and it

removes the current incentive provided by NSFAS in the later years of

study. It may lead to students who are unsure about further study just

trying it out, as they have very little to lose. On the positive side, it makes

the loans provided less risky and more likely to be repaid (an advantage

for the providers of loans).


985. On the positive side, the inclusion of private sector money materially

increases the amount of funding available for students. ISFAP has been

successful in raising private money for the (limited) 2017 pilot where

NSFAS has not been able to so in the recent past. SARS is also to

become involved in recovering loans, which should lead to better

recoveries. However, the majority of private money is for the provision of

loans. In order to get the private sector involved, it needs to be sure that

the risk is limited. This leads, in the first instance, to a complex

bureaucracy where NSFAS is retained but side-lined in order for a new

body to manage the funds. The costs and efficiency of running the

complex system are not explored in the model, and alignment with the

PFMA needs to be considered. This PFMA accountability mechanism is

masterfully circumvented in the ISFAP blueprint. There are numerous

legislative changes recommended, but the PFMA is not on the list of

those, yet the retention of NSFAS in a diminished role is sought to be a

conduit to transfer funds to ISFAP to manage through its MANCO.

986. Secondly, it leads to the system discussed above, where loans only begin

when the student has a better chance of succeeding. ISFAP has

explained that it is a model where the risk is shared, but it appears as if

this is not balanced share of risk and benefit. The state also carries more

risk in the first years of the scheme, until a track record is established and

the private sector feels secure in lending.

34.4.4 CSI MONEY

987. Part of the risk-sharing, is through the fact that private money is also used

for the grants. This is expected to be provided partly through CSI

donations. However, it is unclear what quantum such donations could

reach. Testimony has been heard indicating that companies would

usually prefer small education projects where they can see and perhaps

benefit from the impact of their relatively small CSI activities.


988. Another stream of funds, directed mainly at the provision of wrap-around

support to improve student success, is through SIBs. These have not

been proven to be a successful tool in the developing world, and it is

unclear how much they would raise, particularly in struggling economy.

Also, it is unclear whether the same companies are going to be willing to

make both CSI donations and buy into SIBs. It is unclear what direct

benefits SIB investors would get if the project is successful. Finally, it is

unclear whether the wrap-around support is dependent on SIB

investment, or whether it will go ahead anyway, and where the money

would come from in such an instance.

34.4.6 BBBEE

989. The accessing of these funds seems to be possible and without much

risk. Even without the ISFAP model, this is a source of funding which

should be utilised to supplement any funding model which is adopted.



990. Despite the above pros and cons of the ISFAP system, the crux of fits

feasibility lies in the calculations made regarding the amount of money

needed and the amount available. A key element here is the costing done

by National Treasury, which is yet to be completed.

991. In modelling, various scenarios certain assumptions have been made.

Unfortunately, these are not clear in the report and the modelling has not

provided to the Commission, making it hard to fully understand the final

numbers. There are some specific concerns.

992. On page 81 a table is provided showing the number of students who

would need to be funded should ISFAP be introduced in 2018:


Income band < 150k < 300k < 450k < 600k
Number of 209,907 334,761 397,187 501,232
% university 30% 45% 52.5% 65%
Funding cost 19 28,9 33,8 42

993. The concerns with the above table are that:

993.1. The calculation of 65% falling below R600 000 p.a. is hard to

verify but lower than expected. Such numbers are not

collected by universities currently.

993.2. The number of 501 232 students and 65% of the student

population do not tally when current headcounts stands at

almost 1 million.

993.3. These numbers only include university students and no

calculation is made for TVET students, where an even greater

number should fall within this income bracket.

993.4. The full cost of study mentioned when the ISFAP team

presented was R135 000, but this would require more than

R42 billion annually, an amount much larger than ISFAPs

projected income.

993.5. It is unclear what level of growth in student numbers is factored

into the calculations. Even if overall numbers do not increase

dramatically, it can be expected that the proportion of students

from the missing-middle will increase once funding is available

to them.

994. On page 82 is a table showing the income which can be expected:

Short Term Medium Term Long Term
(2017/18) (2018/19) (2019/20)
Government R17,5bn R18,5bn R19,7bn
B-BBEE Skills R8bn R10bn R15bn
Development Levy

Private Capital
- Bonds R0,5bn R0,5bn R5bn
- 20% Credit
Enhancement R1,5bn R2bn R5bn
DFIs, Foundations, R1bn R1bn R5bn
Total R28,5bn R32bn R49,7bn

995. The concerns with the above table are that:

995.1. The amount of R42 billion calculated in the first table to

support only university students, is not actually available in the

year 2018/19, leaving a funding gap that is not explained.

995.2. The amount calculated in the proposal as government money

is based on what is currently given to NSFAS. However, there

are a few things to consider. First, this means that money

originally planned for loans, now automatically become grants.

While NSFAS collections have been poor recently, this would

preclude any option for sustainability in the future, and rather

makes allocations to NSFAS of this size an indefinite line item

in the budget. Second, the amount allocated to NSFAS has

increased substantially in recent years as a result of the

student protests. This calculation is based on an expectation

that allocations should remain at this level indefinitely, and

grow further. It is unclear if this is sustainable given the current

economic context, and it may lead to direct subsidies to

universities declining even further. Finally, the amount also

includes money currently allocated by NSFAS for specific

programmes. For instance, Fundza Lushaka money would

now be allocated as part of the broad ISFAP plan. This could

have repercussions for such targeted bursaries in scarce-skills

areas. The same applies for SETA money, with the added

complication of imminent changes to the SETA structure and

a possible planned reallocation of this funding.

995.3. It is unclear whether the NSFAS money for TVETs has been

similarly lumped together for the calculations discussed

above. This could have dire consequences for this sector, as

many of the calculations on the ISFAP model are based purely

on the numbers and costs for university students. The general

lack of inclusion of the TVET sector (apparently due to data

problems) is a major concern.

995.4. The growth in expected private contributions is unclear.

Consequently, the duration it may take to produce a track

record before private contributions are made, leads to further


996. Based on the above, the question arises of whether the ISFAP model is

currently affordable. In the report, it is indicated that should there be

insufficient funds, possibilities would include lowering the top threshold

of R600 000; declining students based on academic performance

(presumably students whom the universities have already accepted);

giving preference to scare skills; offering lower amounts in certain cases

and adjusting the loan/ grant matrix. The R600 000 threshold remains a

serious challenge in that it has been conceived under exceptional

circumstances characterised by pressure to address the missing-middle

category without a study to consider all the variables. It was a quantitative

exercise (yet to be verified with further work to be done), without much

credence to the qualitative circumstances and elimination of

discrimination. The recent negative economic situation in South Africa

could have an adverse effect on the financial planning, and the

willingness and/or capability of other private funders to commit

themselves in the wake of economic uncertainty needs consideration.

997. In his presentation to the Commission, the Mr. Nxasana indicated that

decisions would be made based on funding available and any funding

gap. However, any of these changes to the funding allocation would

impact students immediately. If students accept the ISFAP proposal, they

would expect it to be implemented as explained, and such changes could

lead to further altercations. Any solution needs to be sustainable for the

foreseeable future. The Commission further noted that there was no

universal acceptance of this model by students since other groupings

declined to participate in the consultative forums arranged in order to

refine the various stakeholder inputs.

998. In brief, the characteristics of the proposal are:

998.1. A cost sharing model as higher education and training is

interpreted as both a public and a private good; but free

education for the poor (full cost of study)

998.2. A scheme which determines who can receive a loan/ bursary

and who cannot, based on household income. This is a

complex system where based on (still undefined) income

levels, the bursary/ loan mix changes.

998.3. A means test would be required to determine who qualifies,

and many more students would be subject to the means test.

998.4. Unclear on the level of support for TVET students, most likely

treated the same as university students.

998.5. Fees would be retained, with or without some form of


999. The pros and cons of such a model:

999.1. No financial exclusion (Access). Assuming that the family

income level of R600 000 can be maintained and that there is

no student whose family income exceeds that level who

cannot afford to pay the fees and ancillary support (which is


999.2. The means test is retained (no Equality).

999.3. A working and acceptable definition for poor and missing

middle (in 4 steps) would need to be developed (no

administrative ease).

999.4. If all the proposed funds are forthcoming, students should

receive full cost funding and university debt would be reduced

(yes to sustainability and quality).

999.5. The public-private relationship could prove problematic if the

banks are unhappy with the progress and withdraw, the state

will be left to shoulder the full costs (in this case, sustainability

is a problem).

999.6. Cost sharing means that the state would not need to shoulder

the full burden (yes to Fairness), making this model more

sustainable (no impact on size and shape); however, there is

insufficient detail regarding the free first year, and how the cost

of this would be carried. It could prove more costly than


999.7. Wrap around support could improve throughput and reduce


999.8. Black tax remains an issue of tension, but working with SARS

could improve collection.

999.9. No relief of the present burden on the state would result and

the scheme would therefore not facilitate diversion of the

present contribution of the state to the wider education sector.


1000. A free higher education model means that there is no payment of fees by

any students. The whole cost of education is covered by the state through

direct transfers to institutions (universities and TVETs). While the issue

of fees is covered by the state, it should be remembered that even in

such a context, a tuition fee needs to be determined to calculate to

amount to be paid by the state to each institution, based on the number

of students, the courses enrolled for, and any other identified costs.

1001. Dr. Ouma761 made the following observations concerning fee-free higher


1001.1. It was first introduced in many African countries (eg. Uganda,

Ghana and Nigeria) as a legacy of the colonising power. The

experience has been that fee-free education is unsustainable.

G Ouma, Evidence to the Commission, 24 February 2017

1001.2. The worldwide trend is for countries that previously provided

higher education at no cost to the student to move towards

cost-sharing. This primarily due to lack of financial means from

the side of the state.

1001.3. Payment of tuition fees created capacity for a system to

expand and provides more spaces for students.

1001.4. Where the massification of higher education is a necessity (as

in South Africa), charging tuition fees is more advantageous

to the maintenance of the higher education system than fee-

free education. Dr. Ouma testified that he knew of no country

that had massified on a fee-free model.

1002. In his testimony to the Commission, Dr. Ouma spoke about three free

higher education examples Brazil, Norway and Chile. He described how

the Brazilian model is an elite public / mass private model of free higher

education. As such, the public system has remained small and relatively

well-funded, and is academically selective. The free public system caters

for the top performers academically who, given the schooling system and

the unequal nature of their society, tends to be the socially elite. The

private sector, is much larger, depends on tuition fees and is of varying

quality. This sector caters for the majority of the growth in demand for

higher education, and less well-performing and poorer students tend to

be catered for by these private institutions. Ouma explained that nearly

60% of students in the public higher education system come from the top

income quintile while about 70% of [total] enrolments are in private

universities. While public universities are tuition free, students pay

registration fees and cover their own living costs.

1003. In an attempt to deal with the unequal nature of the higher education

system, the Brazilian government introduced a programme in 2002

where private (for-profit) institutions are encouraged to offer free

education to low-income students in exchange for exemption from tax

payments. Furthermore, non-profit institutions are required to allocate

20% of their revenue towards funding free places (this is necessary in

order to maintain their existing status of exemption from taxes). There

are, however, abuses in the system, with institutions offering these places

to relatives of staff members, rather than to needy students. Other

interventions by the state include the introduction of a student loan

scheme, FIES, in 1999, which covers 70% of the fees and is paid directly

to the institution; the introduction of affirmative action policies in both the

public and private higher education institutions to address racial

inequalities; and a 2012 law which requires that half of the places at

undergraduate level at federal universities are reserved for candidates

from the public basic education system and minorities.

1004. The free higher education system in Norway, as explained by Dr. Ouma,

is very different from that in Brazil. In Norway, education is free at public

institutions, although there may be fees for selected specialised

programmes (particularly Masters programmes). Students pay a

registration fee each semester (approximately US$35 to $70) to cover

campus health services, access to sports facilities, etc. Students cover

all their own living costs, often through student loans. The provision of

fee-free higher education is aligned with Norways (and other Nordic

countries) social welfare system, which is sustained through high

personal income tax, which is paid by the vast majority of the population

(low unemployment). The country is also characterised by a high

participation rate in higher education, meaning that the benefit of free

education is shared among much of the population, thereby leading to

stable economic growth, characterised by high employment.

1005. Dr. Ouma discussed Chile where a law was passed toward the end of

2015 granting tuition free higher education to students from poor families.

The law defined the poor as those from the poorest three income

quintiles, with a per capita family income of US$221 per month or less.

Students without access to fee-free higher education can apply for

bursaries or loans. Chile has a standard reference fee for each degree

programme that is used to determine the amount to be disbursed in

student loans. The Ministry of Education sets this amount annually [and]

participating universities are required to pay from their own resources the

difference between the reference tuition set by the Ministry of Education

and their actual fee. This requirement to pay the difference between

actual fees and government determined fees has meant that some

institutions have selected not to participate, even though they have

students who qualify. In order to cover the costs of free education, Chile

increased company tax to 27%, but this is insufficient to meet the

demand, and due to economic constraints, only 50% of the countrys

poorest students benefit from fee-free higher education.

1006. As discussed earlier Mr. Kaya Sithole presented the free-education

model developed by the University of the Witwatersrand research group

the Lesedi Education Empowerment Fund. 762 This model is a

combination of a traditional fee model (introduced over time) and a

graduate tax. This is a model towards free education drawing on state,

community and corporate participation. He explained that it would fund

more students over time through a self-sustaining Endowment Fund

[which] ultimately shifts the burden of funding higher education away from

society to the primary beneficiaries. The model was based on the

assumption of a R27 billion funding gap; however, when this was

interrogated it was found to under-estimate the required funds. However,

Sithole suggested that the same model could still be retained. The Lesedi

Education Empowerment Fund would be made up through current

NSFAS allocations; a Corporate Infrastructure Fund (with private sector

contribution in lieu of tax rebates); the Skills Development Levy; and an

Education Levy collected on all graduates regardless of their funding

status. Initially, those from households with less than R300 000 family

income p.a would be fully funded, those between R300 000 and R600

000 would only have tuition funded; and the rest would pay full cost. In

Mr K. Sithole, Submission and presentation to the Commission, 7 March 2017.

the model, even those paying for their education, would still be expected

to pay the Education Levy once employed.

1007. The three presentations on free higher education system raise a number

of concerns with such a model. First, as in Brazil, free education tends to

benefit the wealthy or upper middle class in an unequal society. This

relates to the need to restrict the growth of the sector in line with available

resources, and the academic competitiveness of those coming from

better resourced secondary schools. Second, free education tends to

reduce access, based again on the need to restrict the size of the public

higher education sector. Third, free higher education works well in a

system of high taxes and widespread tax payment, where the majority of

adults pay taxes and the majority of youth attend higher education. In

such systems, the benefit of free education is not restricted to a small

number of individuals, who are in general the future elite. In the South

African context, the number of individuals attending university is very

small as a portion of the population, and spending such a large

percentage of the state budget on a few people, distorts tax expenditure

in their favour. Furthermore, in systems with low participation and high

income inequality, the private benefits of higher education are much

greater. Finally, the need to fully compensate universities for lack of

tuition fees is highlighted by the Chilean example. Offering higher

education is expensive, and universities do not have their own extensive

sources of income to subsidise free education. Third stream income is

neither stable nor without restrictions regarding how it can be used. The

Chilean example highlights the need to fully assess the financial situation

first, before introducing a funding system which is not sustainable, and

which cannot be provided as envisioned. There are a number of countries

across the world who have moved away from free models as these have

proved unsustainable in the long term.

1008. In brief, the characteristics of such a system include:

1008.1. The state would carry the full cost of funding higher education

and training as this is seen as a public benefit.

1008.2. Access based on merit would be retained.

1008.3. Limits would be placed on admissions in line with available


1009. The pros and cons of such a model:

1009.1. There would be access for all and no means test.

1009.2. However, access could be severely restricted by available

income, limiting the size of institutions and the number of

students, especially in particular fields. Increases in

participation rates could become stagnant, or participation

could even decrease.

1009.3. This system would be administratively simple.

1009.4. Institutions would turn to the state for all funding needs,

although some third-stream income may be retained (may

affect autonomy, sustainability and quality).

1009.5. Collection of student debt owed to universities would no longer

be a problem.

1009.6. All students would be treated equally; but Hull argues against

Fairness as students who gain the benefits of higher

education (the future wealthy) have received a benefit paid for

by all of society. In effect, those not attending higher education

institutions are subsidising those who are as there is a

balancing of spending priorities in favour of higher education.

This relates to the public/ private benefit discussion the state

should fund the private benefit as this benefits society, but if it

funds this private benefit this only benefits those individuals.

In a low-participation; high private-benefit scenario (like South

Africa) this is particularly unjust.

1009.7. Unless new sources of revenue are found, the state would

have to borrow sufficient money to support institutions as there

is currently insufficient money to fund this model.

1009.8. Institutions may continue to face declining subsidy, as has

been the case in the past (impact on size and shape). The

size of institutions would need to adjust to the funding

available, which could lead to fewer university places (a

decline in availability). Research and quality may be

impacted negatively.

1009.9. There may be a growth in private higher education institutions

to cater for the lack of available places in the public sector.

1009.10. Without additional academic support, it is unlikely that

throughput will improve.


1010. On the proposed imposition of a graduate tax, the National Treasury

testified that it will result in unintended consequences. For example:

1010.1. there is no correlation between the cost of study and the

revenue collected from an individual graduate;

1010.2. there is a risk of graduate flight in order to avoid paying the

graduate tax;

1010.3. it raises issues of fairness among graduates who must pay

higher tax rates compared to similar employees without

degrees who would be exempt from paying the tax;

1010.4. in considering a graduate tax model, one would have to

consider whether the tax would apply retrospectively, such

that it is levied on graduates who did not benefit from fee-free

education or would be forward looking. The former raises

issues of fairness, while the latter would create a funding gap

if the graduate tax was not levied immediately. That gap would

have to be filled through the general revenue fund or by other


1010.5. National Treasury notes further that in the light of the

prevailing poor throughput rates and immediate earning

capacity, applying the tax from a particular future date will

likely result in a low revenue base, leaving a significant funding

gap which would have to be funded through other means.

1011. Dr. Ouma described the graduate tax alternative as another deferred

payment option. He explained that once you have graduated there is a

surtax which you pay until you [retire] Of course there can be variations

where you can start paying that surtax [only] after you start earning a

certain salary threshold. The surtax actually is a fraction of your salary

irrespective of [what you would have paid, as you] are not getting any

loan at this point. So the system technically, when you get in it is for free,

once you have graduated then the state imposes a surtax on your income

Some people argue that it is equitable in the sense that if you are

earning R100 000 you pay more than the guy who is earning R20 000,

for example, per month. If you become a business mogul then you earn

a lot of money of course, and the percentage that you pay from your

earnings is bigger [than] a teacher but the idea here is you pay until

you stop working. Dr. Ouma explained further that the idea is not for

them to pay exactly what the state would have spent on them. He added

that the philosophical underpinning is that education is largely a public

good, and for this reason the state supports you to enrol. However, you

must also support the others who are coming after you to gain access to

education. Secondly it is the equity element so there are those who are

going to pay beyond what the state spent on them but also those who

are earning far less who are going to pay probably considerably less than

what the state spent on them, so it is almost an equalisation

mechanism but in the final analysis, the expectation is, when you put

the two together, then there is still enough to fund students who are going

to university.

1012. Dr. Ouma testified that there is currently no country that applies the

graduate tax, and for this reason it is hard to ascertain what its

implementation would look like. He also suggested that certain

permutations would need to be considered before implementation like

the policy regarding those that dropout of university before graduation,

but nonetheless go on to earn well.

1013. In summary, the graduate tax could be applied as a deferred payment

model, but it would need careful planning to ensure that it does not

become burdensome on tax collectors or tax payers. Issues would need

to be resolved regarding the payment of the surtax by certain individuals

such as those who received a qualification outside of the country and now

earn in South Africa; those who attended university and dropout without

a qualification; and those who emigrate on graduation. It may become

burdensome for the tax system to ascertain the exact qualification status

of all tax payers. The graduate tax does not differentiate between those

who spend ten years at university and those who spend three years

obtaining the same qualification. The more speedily a student qualifies

the more unfair will be his or her obligation compared to that of his or her

slower counterparts.

1014. The characteristics of such a system include:

1014.1. A cost sharing model as higher education and training is

interpreted as both a public and a private good.

1014.2. There would be no upfront payment.

1014.3. This takes a lifecycle approach meaning that it interprets the

funding problem within a life cycle at the moment the student

may not have financial means, but with their qualification they

will earn enough to repay.

1014.4. It puts the control and onus on the student (not the parent)

to decide when, where and what to study, and students

responsibility to pay.

1014.5. Graduates would pay an additional tax on top of their income

tax, which would be used to fund universities.

1014.6. Payment would be for the students entire work life.

1014.7. Access based on merit would be retained.

1015. The pros and cons of such a model:

1015.1. This allows for Access; sustainability; size and shape; and

quality. However, the growth of the system could be affected

by the fact that the graduate tax will be collected based on the

number of current graduates who are employed. The effect of

higher education inflation would also need to be considered.

1015.2. Treasury suggested that this model would not raise sufficient

taxes to cover higher education costs, unless it was a relatively

high tax, which would become burdensome.

1015.3. It would be hard to determine who would pay what about

those who graduated prior to the introduction of the deferred

payment model? What about those with an international

qualification? According to Hull, this meets some of the

Fairness criteria, but not all, considering these points and the

fact that some pay more than their private benefit, and others


1015.4. Students emigrating on graduation would have received free

education, and others would bear this cost (unless a solution

is found to this challenge).

1015.5. Ring-fenced taxes are unpopular and it is possible that money

destined for higher education would be diverted elsewhere.

1015.6. Autonomy could be impacted as all funding will, in effect, come

from the state.

1015.7. Graduate tax does not meet Efficiency criteria as money all

comes from the state.


1016. An income contingent loan system allows for a student to take out a loan

at the start of their study, with all payment being deferred until such a

time when he/ she can repay the loan without it being a burden (low

repayment rate). Some key points about such a loan are that: repayment

only begins when the student reaches a certain threshold income;

payments only continue until such a time as the loan is paid off; the

repayment period could be set to a maximum period so as ensure that

payment does not impact on retirement accumulation; students could be

allowed to settle the loan more quickly should they be able to; those who

emigrate could be required to pay off the loan before leaving; and the

size of the loan could be large enough to cover full cost of study. Various

other permutations could be factored in to tailor the model to the South

African context. Such models work well in countries like Australia and the

United Kingdom763, provided effective fee-regulation is employed which

limits the potential extent of the loans and there is effective collection of

debts (through the tax system). The system is flexible and can be

adapted to the social and economic needs of a country.

1017. The ICL model was presented to the Commission by a number of

presenters as the best possible funding option in our context.764 Rather

than consider each of these presentations individually, the general

Evidence of Dr. G. Ouma, 24 February 2017.
For instance: Dr G. Hull (7 February 2017); Dr D. Blackmur (7 March 2017); Professor L.
Fioramonti (9 March 2017).

reasons for advocating an ICL will be summarised. Of particular

relevance are the presentations and research by Dr. George Hull and

Professor Lorenzo Fioramonti. Both reports warrant closer attention and

are attached to this Report as annexures. The report of Professor

Fioramonti entitled "Governance innovation for funding tertiary education

in South Africa: The case for a public private partnership in the

management of income contingent loans" is annexed hereto as Annexure


1018. The characteristics of such a system include:

1018.1. A cost sharing model as higher education and training is

interpreted as both a public and a private good.

1018.2. There would be a choice in terms of upfront payment or

deferred payment. This takes a lifecycle approach and puts

the control on the student (not the parent).

1018.3. Former students would repay their loan indebtedness in

annual installments in addition to their income tax, for a period

to be determined or until they have repaid their initial loan.

1018.4. Payment only starts when a certain minimum income

threshold has been met.

1018.5. The pay-back period could be limited.

1018.6. Access based on merit would be retained.

1018.7. Ideally, such loans would be available to all, thus cutting out

the need for a means test, while improving sustainability of the


1018.8. Fees would be retained, with or without a regulation model.

1018.9. Those wishing to emigrate on graduation would be required to

pay immediately, and a surcharge could be levied.

1019. The pros and cons of such a model:

1019.1. It meets Access criteria.

1019.2. Students have rejected the concept of loans but have almost

without dissent espoused the principle that those who can

afford to pay should do so.

1019.3. The means test is eliminated. As such, it meets equality

criteria. Furthermore, it also leaves the choice of study to the

student (no parental domination in terms of career, favouring

of one gender etc.).

1019.4. However, should sufficient funding not be available

immediately, a phased-in approach could be used in the short

term with income thresholds.

1019.5. Such loans could, in the longer term, be offered to students

attending private higher education institutions too (availability


1019.6. University debt would no longer be a problem, and loans could

be offered to all those with historic debt too (sustainable,

quality, size and shape).

1019.7. Cost sharing (Fairness) means that the state would not need

to shoulder the full burden, making this model sustainable.

1019.8. In the short term, a large amount of money would be needed

to fund the system for 3 to 5 years until students have

graduated and start making repayments (could involve private

money and banks).

1019.9. This is true free education for the poor as the student who

never earns above the minimum income threshold, never


1019.10. The ICL can be linked with a bursary database, and state

priorities could be expressed through a bursary mix. Bursaries

could be provided based on any state priorities (could affect


1019.11. Without additional academic support, it is unlikely that

throughput will improve.

1019.12. Black tax remains an issue of tension, but the pressure will be

lessened by implementation of the scheme proposed by Prof


1019.13. Autonomy could be impacted as all funding will, in effect,

come from the state.

1019.14. It is essential to ensure that higher education charges to do

not spiral out of the range of fair and equitable repayment.


1020. The evidence before the Commission points to an international shift from

both free education and upfront payment for education to income

contingent loans. In Australia, New Zealand and England this model has

See para 1022.6 below

worked with success for between 10 and 20 years. The scheme proposed

by Professor Fioramonti has the following characteristics:

1020.1. All students who wish to attend university must subscribe to it

irrespective of their means at the time of application. In this

way its viability is assured since the wealthiest students are

most likely to be able to repay. Any applicant for university who

does not wish to participate in the scheme should be entitled

to opt out. Because all students will have a common interest

in the viability of the scheme 766, any person who so elects

should, in addition to the tuition fees payable to the University,

be obliged to pay a substantial equalisation premium to the

state. Such payments should be held in a special account

dedicated to making up any shortfall resulting from any

student failing to meet his or her loan repayment obligation.

The same requirement should be applied to any student who

voluntarily ceases to participate in the scheme prior to

completing a degree for which he or she has enrolled; to a

student or former student who permanently leaves South

Africa prior to fully honouring his or her loan obligations; and

to any student who having completed his or her university

education (whether having graduated or not) elects to

accelerate repayment of his or her loan. The precise

The benefits of which as will be explained below far exceed mere funding of
student fees.

obligations arising in relation to such premiums will require

clear definition and explanation in the formulation of the


1020.2. The scheme provides universal access to all academically

qualified students. In this regard it satisfies the limit of the

States obligation under the Constitution.

1020.3. The financing of every university student is achieved through

a bank loan at a rate favourable to the student. Whether such

financing should extend to the full cost of education will

depend solely on the choice of the borrower and his need for

such an extension.

1020.4. The state can either guarantee the loan or, better still,

purchase the loan, so that the student becomes a debtor in its


1020.5. Collection and recovery of the loan will be undertaken by

SARS through its normal processes.

1020.6. No student is obliged to repay a loan unless and until his

income reaches a specified level. At the lowest specified level

the interest rate is at its lowest but will increase in in

accordance with specified increases in income growth.

1020.7. Repayment can be so structured that highly successful

earners repay more than the loan costs thus contributing to

the stability of the scheme.

1020.8. If the loan is not repaid within a specified number of years the

balance can be written off.

1020.9. The State will repay each student loan to the bank at a given

date (say five years from the first advance).

1020.10. The precise terms of the scheme are subject to negotiation in

a public/private partnership between say the state

(representing the SARS, the DHE and the Treasury), the

banks, universities, and perhaps a student representative.

1021. The disadvantages of scheme as presented are the following:

1021.1. It has not been designed with TVET colleges in mind but could

be extended to that sector depending on a policy decision as

to whether the whole or any part of the full cost of education

at TVET should be subjected to the scheme.

1021.2. Although the Banking Association of South Africa has

expressed the interest of its members in participating in such

a scheme it has remained essentially uncommitted. That is

understandable and is a matter that can and should be

resolved in proactive negotiation between the state, BASA and

its members. We quote the response of BASA:

"We appreciate the importance as well urgency of the matter

and we would like to continue playing a role in finding a lasting
solution to the complex challenge of higher education funding.
We would like to engage further with the Commission to
develop a financial model that would enable an assessment of
viability and feasibility of the proposed scheme." 767

1021.3. Universities, at no risk of default in payment of tuition fees,

may increase such fees to make up shortfalls in subsidies,

third stream income and other expenditure. This can be met

by implementation of the proposals of the CHE on fee

regulation. The added availability of subsidy income in

consequence of the decrease in the states students-fee

obligations will mean that universities will have less

justification for such increases.

1022. The advantages of an income contingent loan scheme such as that

proposed by Professor Fioramonti are many and varied:

A copy of BASAs full response (dated 26 May 2017) to an enquiry from the Commission is
annexed to this report as annexure "E".

1022.1. The scheme is flexible and capable of easy tweaking, as the

experience of a country such as Australia shows.

1022.2. The scheme provides universal accessibility. Nobody will be

refused a loan on grounds other than normal admission


1022.3. It complies with the principle enunciated by many witnesses

before the commission: that those who can pay should do so.

1022.4. The income contingent element is fairer than one which

determines ability to pay at the time of applying for university

admission since it is tested by the receipt of an income that

derives from the benefit of the education which enables the

former student to pay and does not depend upon parental or

family income at the time of application.

1022.5. The obligation to repay never attaches to a borrower who does

not earn sufficient income to enable reasonable compliance.

1022.6. The scheme negates the moral responsibility for "black tax"

insofar as that extends to supporting the university education

and maintenance of siblings and other family members.

1022.7. The scheme is simple in implementation, generates low

administration costs and does not require application of a

means test.

1022.8. The scheme will eliminate the hard cases that may arise under

the sliding means test proposed by the MTT with its multiplicity

of degrees of entitlement and arbitrary cut-off level of R600

000 per annum.

1022.9. The scheme can and should be easily extended to students

who apply to private higher education institutions. This

principle is not only sanctioned by section 29(3) and (4) of the

constitution but will be a very important advantage in the early

years of the scheme when the universities will lack the

capacity to admit all qualifying applicants.

1022.10. The scheme affords the state an initial period of freedom from

any obligation to fund student education at universities for an

initial period of perhaps five years or more. During this period,

the state will have the freedom to use the funds that would

otherwise be devoted to such tuition fees on the improvement

of infrastructure, teaching curricula, etc. for the strengthening

of the education sector as a whole. In this respect, the ICL

proposal represents an important advance on the ISFAP

scheme. After the initial period the scheme will quickly

stabilise through effective collection measures.

1023. The question which arises is how the state is to fund that proportion of

student debt that is not recoverable by reason of default and insufficient

earning levels to generate the repayment obligation. The Commission

has heard evidence which in its view provides at least three ready

sources. They are:

1023.1. the BBEEE contributions proposed by the MTT;

1023.2. the amendment of the UIF Act to provide for the release of R50

billion of its accumulated surpluses (both these have been

considered earlier in this report);

1023.3. the use of the long unclaimed pension benefits amounting to

more than R42 billion in funds overseen by the Registrar of

Pension Funds - these funds do not include R500 million in

unclaimed benefits in the GEPF - subject to an undertaking by

the State to make good any valid claim made on such funds.

1024. It was highlighted that NSFAS is in fact an ICL, but that repayment starts

at too low an income threshold (R30 000 p/a); repayment is not linked to

the tax system; and the loans are not offered to all students (only the very


1025. Dependent on the decision made regarding the interest rate, the impact

of the loan on the individual and the state would be marked. Such loans

would have the advantage to the lender of being risk-free and carrying

no collection costs. It may therefore be expected that favourable rates

will be negotiated. The state may however, in the student interest,

consider bearing some portion of the interest obligation. The size of the

loan should not exceed what an individual could be expected to pay off

within the set period. Bursaries could be factored into the loan system for

scarce skills or in line with other policy priorities. The loan should be

reflected in the government budget as a loan so as not to impact on the

financial status of the government.

1026. The introduction of the ICL would require substantial funding in the short

term, until graduates could be expected to start repaying. However,

depending on the decisions regarding interest rates, years to repay etc.

the system will become largely self-sustaining within a reasonable time.

Prof Fioramonti, in his model has proposed the inclusion of the banks as

lenders to students, with a government guarantee, so as to cover the cost

for the initial years. He also argued that this public-private partnership

(PPP) would give the banks an interest in the success of the economy

and the future employment of graduates, which could assist in general

economic development. The pros and cons of involving the private sector

need careful consideration, as was discussed when considering the

ISFAP model. However, the ICL provides a more balanced sharing of

responsibility for student funding than does the ISFAP model, that is more

consistent with recognition of the benefits that accrue to the private sector

from higher education. Prof Fioramonti also suggested that extending the

ICL to all students is essential as this would greatly improve its overall

return on investment and hence its viability. Another alternative, not

suggested by him, would be to add a surcharge for those wishing to opt

out or pay early or emigrate. Conversely, the Australian system originally

offered incentives for upfront payment or quick re-payment of an ICL, but

this has subsequently been phased out.

1027. Dr. Ouma explained that the ICL has been introduced in Australia and

the UK, and he spent some time explaining the issue of regulating fees

in the context of an ICL. He also explained how the ICL in both these

countries is the students choice, and that a student can decide to take a

portion of the loan or the whole loan. He also described changes made

to ICL policies over the years. What his discussion highlighted is that

should an ICL be introduced, careful consideration would need to be paid

to the nature of the ICL in the South African context. This is supported by

a preliminary look at the ICL in Australia and Britain and other countries,

which highlights a few concerns.

1028. In the British system, it is expected that the vast majority of students will

not be able to repay the full loan amount. In an article in The Guardian, it

was argued that students are borrowing more than they will be able to

pay in the 30-year period [the maximum period for repayment established

in the UK], making the system unsustainable in the long term. It

explained that those who started university after September 2012 will not

start repaying their loan until they are earning more than 21 000 a year,

adding that Unless you start off with a graduate salary of higher than 30

000, its unlikely you will pay off your full loan and interest before its wiped

after 30 years anyway. The article explained that the fee problem is

thought to be partially caused by the capping of fees as most institutions

set fees at the highest possible level. It has been suggested that fee

regulation is key, as an ICL cannot function in a high fee system, without

a strict cap. The article suggested that the other key concern is that there

has not been sufficient control of student intake numbers, which has

resulted in higher loan risk. Universities, in an attempt to maximise

income from fees in the face of a reduction in state subsidies, increased

student numbers. This meant that more students enrolled for degrees

where options of employment/ salary were lower, or students were

enrolled who never completed. The Guardian also criticised the fact that

in the UK the interest rate of the ICL was linked to inflation rather than

repo, which has put an extra burden on students as currency volatility

has affected inflation (6.1% vs repo at less than 1%). The burden of the

ICL is, therefore, being felt by new graduates.768

1029. In Australia, the issue of repayment is also of concern. An article in The

Australian explains that The rapid escalation in the total debts owed to

government and the amount that will never be repaid was triggered


by a series of policies instituted by recent governments. The first was

the Rudd governments 2009 decision to remove limits on the number of

students universities could enrol. This was followed by extending the

loan scheme to students in private institutions, adding millions to the loan

scheme. The article explained further that: The situation is likely be

exacerbated, the PBO modelling shows, if planned but unimplemented

deregulation reforms proposed by the Abbott government are legislated.

Those would cut subsidies to universities by one-fifth, but allow

universities to charge whatever fees they like. In effect, that would give

universities the freedom to enrol as many students as they wanted and

charge them as much money as they liked, all backed by buy-now, pay-

later arrangements, totally guaranteed by the taxpayer. In an attempt to

reduce outstanding loans, there has been a suggestion to lower the

income threshold for repayment to begin.769

1030. The experience of these two countries needs further investigation, but it

is clear that an ICL system requires some form of fee regulation and

enrolment planning. Without these in place, debt is likely to spiral out of

control. In addition, calculation of the amount likely to be repaid over the

selected period is required, and loans should not exceed this amount. It

is also important for throughput to be improved and dropouts to be

reduced if the system is going to be sustainable over the long-term, as

students who never graduate are less likely to be able to repay their


loans. Finally, it is important for government block subsidies, in line with

the public benefit portion of higher education, to remain in place so that

universities dont rely on student fees to too great an extent. In his

research report to the Commission, Prof Fioramonti raises many of the

key considerations in developing and appropriate ICL for the South

African context.

1031. The repayment challenges in Australia are deepened by the fact that

TVET students are also given ICLs. The problem with this is that only a

few graduates from these institutions earn salaries of the level that

enables them to fully repay their loans. For the same reason, the

Commission inclines to excluding TVET students from an ICL model.

However, on the positive side, it should be remembered that in South

Africa, given the lack of skilled persons and low participation rates in

higher education, the private return on higher education is higher than in

developed economies, and as such repayment should be less

burdensome and more sustainable. It should also be recognised that the

ICL is free education for the poor, as the student who is never employed

or well-employed and never reaps the benefit of their higher education,

will not need to repay the loan. The system is based on the student and

his or her future income, rather than on the income and socio-economic

status of the parents at the time the student embarks on tertiary



1032. During the course of its work, the Fees Commission heard testimony is

support of various different student funding models, most of which have

been implemented somewhere across the world. It is the work of the

Commission to take into account the South African context, and

economic situation, to assess which of these models is most likely to

meet the criteria of a funding model for South Africa that will be

sustainable into the foreseeable future. Some principles for consideration

were raised by Hull; he found that the ICL model is the only one to meet

all his principles. Other priorities and challenges have been raised in the

course of this discussion, and the various models have been analysed in

relation to these.

1033. In our opinion, the ICL model is the one which most closely meets the

needs of South Africa, as a developing economy, with high levels of

inequality. It is the one which will allow for access and accessibility in

terms of the Constitution, as money will not be tied to covering tuition fees

for all students indefinitely. It is also the one that takes into consideration

the public and private benefits of higher education, especially in a

developing economy where private benefit is higher. Furthermore, it will

not deny anybody access based on their socio-economic standing, as all

registered students could access an ICL if they wish. The ICL is

sustainable (if managed appropriately) and will not take money from other

national priorities or from core/ block university funding. It is in fact, free

education for the poor (i.e. the student who never reaps the benefit of

higher education post-graduation or as a result of not graduating). If

structured appropriately, the ICL should not be a burden to pay off, and

should not deter individuals from entering higher education. However, the

ICL is still a loan, and black tax remains a reality. In this regard, it was

suggested to the Commission that focused national spending on poverty

alleviation is the most fair and effective way to reduce the burden of the

black tax. The ICL will mean that government spending will not be

channeled towards tuition fees for university students, and as a result

more progressive use of taxes can be made, including mechanisms to

support the poor. In brief, as long as the ICL is well structured and

implemented, it can provide a lasting solution to the funding of higher

education tuition fees.




1034. The extensive overview that the Commission has undertaken of the

higher education sector (which is partially reflected in this Report)

demonstrated to us its immense complexity and the multiplicity of

challenges faced by those responsible for making it work effectively and


1035. There are ongoing interventions in almost every area of higher education

intended to improve its presentation and performance. Most impact to a

greater or lesser extent on funding and mean that fewer resources are

available to finance student tuition.

1036. It is neither our task nor our intention to present a critique of these

interventions. We have accordingly identified them as part of an

environment in which the question of the feasibility of providing fee-free

higher education must be answered.

1037. The report of the Ministerial Task Team occupies a different place. It

promotes its recommendations as a long term solution for the funding

of the poor and missing middle. Its representatives who presented the

report to the Commission emphasised that its eventual implementation

would be subject to the acceptance of the advice of the Commission.

However, by the time of the presentation, the MTT report had been

approved by the Minister. We understand that pilot schemes and

Treasury costings are well underway.

1038. If we had not reached the conclusion that there is a better and more

feasible solution we would have supported the MTT proposals, although

with the reservations expressed earlier in this report. Before setting out

our conclusions and our reasons we wish, respectfully, to make (or

reiterate) the following considerations:

1038.1. The MTT report accepts as its premise that free higher

education (without an obligation to repay) should be available

to those who cannot afford it. It finds itself presently unable to

devise a model that satisfies that premise in full.

1038.2. Without a survey of the wider implications it commits itself to a

path that will lead to that end. The state, once committed to

the principle, will be hardpressed to reverse it when scarce

resources are needed elsewhere and/or can be better spent

otherwise (as they are and can now, in the opinion of the


1038.3. Moreover, pressure to achieve feefree education for all will

not go away. Most likely it will increase and lead to further

dissatisfaction and protest. The Commission respectfully

advises the President that a stand taken at the outset that

university students should accept the common sense and

inevitability of paying for what they receive if and when they

can afford to do so would be politic and responsible and very

much in favour of future generations who enter the higher

education system.

1038.4. It may be that the same considerations apply to students at

TVET colleges. There are however substantial reasons for

differentiating their position from that of university students

which go beyond the private interest of the student or his or

her family. Such reasons are dealt with elsewhere in this


1039. From the overview to which we have referred certain general conclusions

and principles become apparent. These must necessarily inform the

question of who should be funded and to what extent.

1039.1. Much the larger proportion of the student population today and

in the foreseeable future, is and will be, through family

circumstances, wholly or substantially unable to pay its way to

an undergraduate degree or technical education. Many of

those are and will be unable to support themselves and their

"dependents while studying, even if they can scrape together

the tuition costs. In order to provide meaningful access,

whether to university or college, higher education must be

provided freefree at the point of access for the academically

acceptable duration of an undergraduate degree or market-

acceptable technical qualification.

1039.2. The goal must be universal access to quality education which

is productive of successful outcomes in the academic sphere

and the workplace.

1039.3. Everything possible must be done to improve the status,

attractiveness, capacity and productivity of TVET colleges with

the goal of rendering such institutions a first resort for the

technically inclined student.

1039.4. The Commission accepts that the states ability to fund those

who require higher education is limited by an infinite number

of factors that include a tottering economy, competing policy

priorities, public waste and corruption and a disinclination to

fund education through increased taxes.

1039.5. The needs of the broader higher education system (excluding

student tuition fees) are more financially demanding than

public finances can cater for, particularly in a developing

economy such as South Africa. Many of these needs must be

addressed if student funding is to be productive of success

and not a costly or futile adventure in idealism. Therefore, any

student funding solution that materially relieves the state of the

burden (but not the responsibility) of student funding and

contributes to meeting the broader needs must be favoured.

1039.6. Any student funding solution must be one that can move

towards selfsustainability (even if that end is not fully

attainable). Thus the (NSFAS) practice of converting loans

into bursaries should be stopped. The Commission does not

recommend that the provision of scholarships or bursaries by

the private sector be discouraged but scholarships and

bursaries rather be encouraged. Payments so made should

be credited by SARS to the student concerned and such

payments should not attract a premium.

1039.7. There is good reason for greater involvement of the private

economy, particularly South Africas strong and well-regarded

banking sector in the funding of student tuition. (This was

recognised by the MTT task team. The Commission favours a

model that upgrades the extent of such participation.)

1039.8. Any workable solution to the funding problem will require:

1039.8.1. Limitation of the expansion of university tuition fees

with due regard to the genuine costs of supplying higher

education at each particular university. Each university

should be required to justify the structure to a regulatory

body of experts in the education and finance spheres.

The fees charged by each university may then be subject

to capping as contemplated in the CHE report on the


See also the evidence of Dr. Ouma, 24 February 2017 to the same effect.

1039.8.2. That enrolments be controlled (within resources,

capacity, academic merit, transformational goals etc.) by

the universities and the overflow be directed to private

institutions or TVET colleges as appropriate;

1039.8.3. That university enrolment favour suitable applicants

for study in scarce skills.

1040. For the reasons which we have set out at length it is the advice of the

Commission that the Income Contingent Loan model is best suited to the

achievement of the goals of the NDP, will not be hampered by the

restricted public resources, will provide a huge step towards the

attainment of universal access to higher education that the Constitution

guarantees, is equal and fair in its operation; is cost efficient, doing away

with substantial administration costs; is easily collected and recovered;

will be the most likely model to provide longterm sustainability; and is

feasible subject only to willing, serious and informed negotiations

between the public and private sectors.

1041. The ICL model that should be created in the best interests of all should

be designed by a committee of experts that will pay due regard to models

used in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

1042. The Commission is of the opinion that higher education and training can

feasibly be funded along the following lines:

1042.1. The full cost of education can and should be provided free of

cost to all TVET College students. The present system of

NSFAS effectively means that about 80% of such funding

takes place (and is not repaid). The cost of extending the full

cost of education (where required) to all students is within the

states capability and means.

1042.2. Such funding will be consistent with and promote the idea of a

muchexpanded TVET sector with increased success and

increased status. The building of such a sector is crucial to the

creation of jobs, reduction of unemployment, the

encouragement of entrepreneurs, and the general welfare of

the economy of South Africa.

1043. Higher education at universities can feasibly be provided feefree at the

point of access on the basis of income contingent (deferred) loans. The

model favoured by the Commission, when in full operation, will eventually

relieve the state (and the private sector) of all contributions to the funding

of the full cost of university education for students. The resources that

would have been devoted to that funding (in the form of NSFAS grants

and bursaries and private sector bursaries and scholarships) can and

should be devoted to the ongoing improvements that are essential to

ensure student success in the widest sense. The fundamental pillars of

the scheme are:

1043.1. The involvement of the private financial sector in the provision

of the full cost of education (to the extent that such is required)

by granting student loans on favourable terms without a

means test or provision of security.771 The engagement of the

banking sector in constructive negotiation to develop a

public/private partnership to design and implement a workable

ICL scheme is an urgent necessity.

1043.2. The purchase by the state of any such loan indebtedness.

1043.3. The loan shall only be payable when the (former) student

earns a specific income, with repayments increasing as

income increases. The income levels shall be fixed so as to

avoid oppression of the debtor.

1043.4. The collection and recovery of the loan debt by SARS.

1043.5. The repayment of the amount of each loan (plus interest) to

the lender by the state on a date not earlier than five years

from advance of each loan.

When reference is made to the private financial sector, we refer only to accredited financial

1043.6. Every student, irrespective of his personal or family means,

shall be required to participate in the scheme but will have a

right to opt out in advance or subsequent to taking out a loan.

1043.7. Any student who opts out, and any student or former student

who wishes to accelerate repayment or to leave the country

permanently before full repayment has been made shall pay

an equalisation premium. Such an obligation is justified by the

transformational goals inherent in the general improvement of

the university sector and the common interest of students in

making university education accessible to all in the interest of

social advancement and cohesion. Fulfilment of the

obligations will also contribute to the viability of the scheme.

For these reasons, all amounts so received should be

deposited in a fund dedicated to making good the repayment

of student loans that SARS is unable to recover from loan


1044. The Commission further proposes that the ICL scheme arrived at and

duly incorporated in legislation, to the extent required, should be

extended to students who attend private institutions of higher learning

A participant in the scheme effectively receives a discount on the real cost of
education through fee regulation, deferred payment and low interest rates.
The premium should represent the discount.

whether universities or institutions that provide technical training.773 The

reason for so recommending is not only fairness in recognising the

students right of choice, but, more important, the probability that, at least

until the envisaged systemic improvements are affected at public

universities and TVET colleges, the capacity of such institutions to

provide access to quality education to the additional number of students

who will seek to take advantage of the opportunity, will necessarily be




1045. We refer to the well-researched and comprehensive content of the

Research Report of September 2016 which has been cited in section 10

of this Report.

1046. At the request of the Commission, the Actuarial Society of South Africa

assessed the cost of twenty different scenarios for the funding of public

higher education universities and TVET colleges. Their extensive work

was undertaken voluntarily, at no cost to the Commission and in the

interests of the country. The Commission expresses its thanks and

The Commissions recommendation in respect of the public TVET sector
differs from that which it attaches to those who choose private technical
education. The former should receive free-higher education with no loan
obligation; the latter, fee-free education at the point of access with an ICL.
This distinction assumes that there will be no lack of capacity in the TVET
sector. If the practice proves otherwise the issue can be reconsidered.

appreciation to the Society and those who contributed to the report Cost

of Different Scenarios for the Funding of Higher Education and Training

a copy of which is attached to this Report as annexure "D" together with

a copy of the brief from the evidence leaders.

1047. Attention is drawn to the section of the actuarial report which deals with

loan funding and in particular to the following:

"Loan based funding for some or part of the liability would be effective
only if there is an effective collection method of recovering loans after
students have graduated or dropped out. Small changes in loan
collections would over time have a significant effect on annual cash flows
and the sustainability of the loan book.

Without the benefit of further economic analysis it appears that a system

of loans only and grants for students from poorer backgrounds would be
more sustainable than the system providing support to all students"

1048. The Commissioners respectfully point out with regard to the reservations

of the actuaries that loans under the ICL scheme proposed will:

1048.1. be collected and recovered by SARS in the ordinary course

of its duties;

1048.2. be collected from tax payers who generate an income

realistically related to the loan obligation to repay of each tax


1048.3. will ensure that the involvement in the loan scheme of all

students must necessarily increase the viability of the scheme

since those who would ordinarily have paid student fees

upfront would mostly likely be the well-to-do and a stable

element in the workforce or, those most readily capable of

satisfying the obligation when due. As pointed out elsewhere,

all those who choose not to participate in the scheme will be

relieved of the obligation subject to a liability to pay an

equalisation premium for the privilege of not participating

which will in itself enhance the viability of the scheme.

1049. In an ICL scheme in the form proposed in this Report:

1049.1. the primary responsibly for funding the scheme will lie with the

lenders i.e. the commercial banks. They will no doubt

undertake that liability on the foundation of sound business


1049.2. the secondary or ancillary liability rests on the state as

purchaser or guarantor of student debt. Essentially the

measure of this liability depends on:

1049.3. the amount of debt that SARS is unable to recover;

1049.4. the numbers of ex-students who fail to attain the minimum

income levels that are a pre-condition to repayment;

1049.5. the interest burden that is either unable to be recovered or

which is deemed by the state as not appropriate to lay to the

students account (in terms of the schemes conditions).

1049.6. The ultimate amounts of ex-student indebtedness for which

the state must stand good are, as the actuaries acknowledge,

imponderable. Mindful of this, the Commission has

recommended that long unclaimed pension benefits

(amounting to in excess of R42 billion) should be utilised as a

backup for the States liability to pay the banks for such loan

debt as it cannot recover through SARS. Such appropriation

should only take place subject to an undertaking by the State

to repay any valid claim made on a pension fund. (It should be

repeated that the Commission remains wholly unpersuaded

that the tracking and reliable identification of beneficiaries in

small pension funds, as suggested by the Registrar of Pension

Funds, will be either financially efficient or practicable.)

1050. The evidence suggests that the generation of work opportunities by and

in relation to students who graduate will be sufficient to support the

stability of the scheme.


1051. The Commission recommends that fee-free education for all students is

feasible within the terms of the implementation of the principles and

practices set out in the following sections.

1051.1. Any implementation must have regard to the rights of those

students already in the system.


1051.2. Any financial decisions made must take into account the

education sector as a whole.

1051.3. The Early Childhood Development sector is in dire need of

development. It should cater for all youth (not just a segment)

and has been recognised as key in the future success of a


1051.4. School education remains unequal, with pockets of

excellence, but it is not clear that more money will necessarily

improve the outcomes in this sector as the lions share of the

state budget is allocated to basic education already.

1051.5. Regarding the PSET sector the priorities in CET, TVET and

universities need to be balanced money cannot be diverted

to universities just because this is where the focus of the

protests was. This will only lead to neglect of other equally

deserving sectors, which can contribute to economic


1051.6. It is also clear that all funding decisions are political in nature,

and the government must weigh the competing demands for

education with those for basic services, social services,

housing etc. This was testified to the Commission by both the

parliamentary Portfolio Committees on Finance and


1051.7. Funding for higher education cannot be considered in

isolation, as was clearly presented by the National Treasury

and (former) Minister of Finance, as well as the Statistician


1052. Block funding to PSET institutions needs to increase in line with

increased costs for providing quality education and infrastructure needs:

1052.1. The Commission was apprised of the dire funding situation in

the TVET and CET sectors, as well as the financial pressure

which a number of universities are under, considering the

Higher Education Price Index (HEPI) in this sector in


1052.2. Subject to the reservations expressed earlier over the last 20

years, block funding has declined per capita; partly as a result

of the high increase in enrolment numbers resulting from

strategic priorities to increase access in the sector.

1052.3. This situation is unsustainable and has disastrous

consequences for the sustainability of institutions.

1052.4. Despite pressure on the National Treasury to consolidate the

budget, it is necessary for all three arms of the PSET sector to

be funded at an appropriate level to ensure quality education

and training.

1052.5. The CET and TVET sectors particularly need attention as they

are severely underfunded, and cannot perform at their current

funding levels.

1052.6. A process should also be undertaken to reduce inefficiencies

in all three types of institutions.

1052.7. In the short term, steps to contain enrolment numbers should

be taken, until the necessary money to fully fund these

enrolments is in place. The targets as per the NDP are not

realistic given the economic downturn. Revised figures, based

on actual GDP growth, should be developed for CET, TVET

colleges and universities.

1052.8. In the short term, policies and plans for new institutions or new

developments should be assessed to ascertain whether they

can be delayed until the necessary funding is available.

1052.9. We recommend that, in the short-term, the government work

towards funding universities with 1% of GDP (excluding the

funding required to establish the recommended student

funding model). This should not be a fixed figure, but can be

reconsidered in the medium-term expenditure framework.


1052.10. Financial pressures are likely to impact on the quality of

teaching, research and learning at all PSET institutions.

However, all necessary steps must be taken to ensure that

quality is maintained and improved across the sector,

including appropriately funded institutions and Quality

Councils that should oversee this function.

1052.11. Throughput and drop out levels in TVET Colleges and

Universities need serious and urgent attention, with

appropriate intervention in the case of underperformance.

1052.12. Interventions to improve throughput need additional and

urgent funding, and this must be recognised as a priority

before expanding the sector further.

1052.13. This is a major inefficiency, which impacts on the psyche of

the student and on the sustainability of the PSET sector and

of any student funding model.


1052.14. The purpose of institutions in the PSET sector is not solely

student education. It is important to develop a holistic view of

the PSET sector, and to realistically determine the desired

size and shape of such a sector.

1052.15. There is a need for curriculum reform in all parts of the PSET

sector, to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of the

economy and society. The transformation of the curriculum

needs to be given urgent attention by both institutions and the

state (through appropriate funding), in order to increase the

relevance of our societal demands and the emerging

technologies that have revolutionized learning and teaching.

1052.16. The TVET sector needs to be expanded to meet the demands

of the economy, and should grow to invert the pyramid.

However, this cannot be the case while programmes are

outdated and not in line with the needs of industry. Expansion

should be dependent on the necessary improvements and on

the needed funding.

1052.17. Universities must retain their triple mandate of teaching,

research and community engagement. The research mandate

should not be subsumed by teaching, and requires better

support than is currently the case in order to address the

challenges of the knowledge economy.

1052.18. Academic staff development is required across the sector. At

the TVET level, lecturers with the required skills and industry

experienced need to be trained and encouraged to enter the

sector. At the university level, academic staff with

qualifications up to the doctoral level need to be trained and

encouraged to remain in the sector. This is a long-term

process, and must be done bearing in mind future enrolment

targets. This kind of investment will yield positive results not

only in a learning society, but in our standing globally.

1052.19. The importance of libraries and journal collections is clear, and

DHET should find ways to better share resources and costs

between institutions, possibly through a national licence, at a

reduced cost, negotiated to benefit the sector in the medium

to long term.

1052.20. The benefit of multi-lingual education has been recognised,

but the costs associated with it must also be borne in mind

when considering dual/multi- lingual instruction. This will

require better planning by all stakeholders involved in order to

secure buy-in by all and avoid pitfalls.


1052.21. The dire state of student accommodation was highlighted to

the Commission. While the proposals for expansion and

improvement require billions of Rands, an affordable plan over

the medium-term should be developed, focusing on the most

needy institutions and students.

1052.22. Workable partnerships should be worked out between the

government; other state agencies such as the PIC and

municipalities; private student housing providers;

parents/guardian; and sponsors to determine affordable

housing for students, including transportation arrangement for

facilities that are away from campuses.

1052.23. Accommodation for TVET students should also be considered

in the same manner as it is provided for universities, but the

Department should further explore infrastructure injection for

this in close proximity to the campuses, where possible.

1052.24. The option of PPPs in this regard should be given serious




1052.25. The benefits of blended learning were highlighted to the


1052.26. Institutions are encouraged, where possible, to make

efficiency savings and academic support improvements

through the use of ICTs. This should mainly be supplementary

support, rather than a massive shift towards online education

which could be detrimental to the South African education


1052.27. The DHET should provide support to TVET colleges in this

regard and be active in eliciting the support of other

government departments and the industry to make the

learning experiences of students meaningful and pleasant with

high placement opportunities into the world of work upon



1052.28. Funding for CET students falls under the part of the

Constitution dealing with school education, and that CETs

should, therefore, be funded in the same way as basic


1052.29. Although this is not the focus of the Commission, it is

recommended that the most appropriate location for the CET

division (between DBE and DHET) be given careful

consideration, as it is not clear that this should form part of

higher education and training.



1052.30. With regard to recommendation on funding of both TVET

students and university students which follows. we

recommend that a careful costing and actuarial analysis

of the various recommendations in this report be carried

out. In this regard, the tendency to develop policy without

costing it prior to publishing should be avoided.


1052.31. Similarly, the Commission is of the opinion that the NCV also

falls under basic education, and their funding norms.

1052.32. We note the dire need for TVET graduates in order to invert

the skills pyramid and recommend that urgent attention be

given to the development of a skills matrix in collaboration with

employers, with time lines within which to realize the


1052.33. TVET colleges tend to attract the poorer students who need

financial support and academic support. It is thus

recommended that students be given the necessary support

that should serve as a catalyst for the transformation of the

TVET sector. This could develop these colleges as institutions

of first choice.

1052.34. The Commission noted the lower earning power of TVET

graduates and the challenges associated with their

employability after graduation (often due to lack of workplace

experience during training). If this desperate situation is left

unattended, the quality of the lives these graduates will not

improve, and inverting the pyramid will not materialize in the

foreseeable future.

1052.35. As such, we recommend that public TVET education be

fee-free. Currently, the DHET is meant to fund TVET

students at an 80:20 ratio. This has fallen behind. We

recommend that this should move to 100% funding

directly from the DHET. We further recommend that the

current handling of the TVET colleges funding arrangements

(over centralisation) be revised in a manner that the persisting

misunderstanding of the allocations model of full time

equivalents (FTEs) be clarified to all college governing

councils, student structures and college principals.

1052.36. Furthermore, we recommend that stipends be made

available through TVET colleges for needy students to

cover full cost of study. Should this not be possible, ICLs

(as discussed earlier) should be made available to such



1052.37. While we recognise the public benefits of higher education, we

also acknowledge substantial private benefit, especially in the

South African context of a low-participation university

environment with very low graduate unemployment. We

recommend a cost sharing model.

1052.38. In such a model, the government should aim to fund with at

least 1% of GDP (as discussed above) towards the cost of

running a university. This is in the form of subsidy to

universities. It must be acknowledged that despite financial

pressure, government does subsidise higher education.

1052.39. Student tuition fees should be regulated according to the

advice of the CHE, so as to ensure that they are fair and

affordable, and to ensure that universities are able to access

the funds they require to carry out quality teaching. Cross-

subsidisation of courses and students should be factored into

this to ensure the balance of university education.

1052.40. We propose an income-contingent loan system available

to all students along the lines proposed earlier in the

Report. We believe that such a model takes the students

circumstances into account, and ensures the sustainability of

the system in the long-term. As explained, an ICL model will

result in totally free education for some students who do not,

in the course of their careers, reach an income threshold

appropriate to a repayment obligation.

1052.41. Application and registration fees should be scrapped across

the board. This has implications for the Central Applications

Service that is being planned to streamline the placement of

students into universities according to their career choices,

subject to admission by universities. Proof of application for

the ICL can be required as proof of financial ability.

1052.42. ICLs should be for any necessary amount up to full cost

of study. Full cost should include reasonable

accommodation expenses (private or university); tuition

material (including computers where needed); stipend for

food and daily expenses; travel; etc.

1052.43. Loans should not exceed what it is reasonably expected that

the student will be able to repay in their repayment period. For

this reason, cross-subsidisation of fees may need to take into

account lower-earning degrees with a higher public benefit,

such as teacher education and social work.

1052.44. Money should be paid upfront, monthly, into a debit card

similar to S-Bux, or any equivalent method of payment where

restrictions are placed on what can be purchased. Money

should be available in tranches from the date of registration at

the beginning of the year until the last day of examinations.

1052.45. Tuition fees (and residence if applicable) should be paid

directly to the institution at the start of the academic year, or in

the manner in which the government allocations cycle works

but not to the detriment of universities to handle cash flow and

other contractual obligations.

1052.46. Where possible, the provision of meals at reasonable prices

on campus or in residence catering facilities should be

considered. This would be a cheaper option, and could assist

in solving the hunger crisis at many institutions.

1052.47. Students who are awarded a scholarship or bursary from other

sources should be credited with the amount by SARS against

cession of the benefits.

1052.48. The parameters of such an ICL need careful research and

actuarial modelling in order to set appropriate limits.

1052.49. Government can make interventions into the ICL structure

when additional funding is available, based on then-current

priorities. For instance, bursaries could be allocated based on

scarce skills; Fundza Lushaka bursaries with the work

component can be maintained etc.

1052.50. The current incentive bursaries from NSFAS should be

discontinued (at least until the loan system is sustainable).

1052.51. Strict academic requirements for continued access to an ICL

should be introduced. This should be monitored from as early

as the first module or semester of the first year. This could

work together in a wrap-around support model as envisaged


1052.52. The collection of loans should be through SARS, and on

approval of an ICL the student should also register as a


1052.53. Enrolment planning must form a key part of the ICL process to

ensure that there will not be excessive bad debt.

1052.54. The ICL should be reflected in the government books as a loan

and not an expense.

1052.55. The extension of ICLs to students studying at private

institutions is recommended, based on the same criteria as for

public institutions. The rationale for this is that they are citizens

and residents with full constitutional entitlement, and by

entering these institutions they contribute to the advancement

of the access imperative and the economic growth of the

country. As they will be required to repay like any other

students, they should be treated fairly in this manner.

1052.56. Foreign students should still be charged fees, and should not

be given access to ICLs. These fees should not be subject to

capping in cases where the real cost of the course or

qualification exceeds the regulated limit.


1052.57. The value of postgraduate qualifications for the research and

academic sectors is recognised and it is recommended that

postgraduate students be supported financially.

1052.58. NRF bursaries (based on merit, or other criteria as developed

by the NRF) for postgraduate students should be retained and

expanded when possible.

1052.59. Postgraduate students should have access to an ICL just as

undergraduates do.

1052.60. The R&D budget should be increased to 1% of GDP as soon

as possible.


1052.61. Universities reported on the dire situation with regards historic

debt, which has increased beyond the acceptable ratio to

expected fee income. This dire situation was partially

ameliorated with the 2016 injection of R2 543 billion from 2013

to 2015. Students who were still in the system in 2016 were

further assisted with an additional allocation of R2 039 billion.

It is expected that debt has decreased substantially, but it is

possible that some students may face problems if they do not

comply with the criterion of satisfactory academic


1052.62. Annually, a large amount of student debt is written off by some

universities making it difficult for them to operate without

bailouts from the DHET. The cost sharing model

recommended will ease this burden on the balance sheet of


1052.63. The TVET sector raised the same concern, but found that they

wrote off an even larger percentage as bad debt as a result of

a significant number of poorer students who cannot afford the

cost of tuition, combined with the perennial decline in the

funding of TVET students by the DHET.

1052.64. Various reasons for this debt have been found, including the

underfunding of NSFAS students and missing-middle students

who cannot afford to pay.

1052.65. It is recommended that students with debt, who have since

graduated, be offered income-contingent loans as well.

37.12 NSFAS

1052.66. We recommend that the participation of NSFAS in the funding

of university students be replaced by the provision of ICLs.

1052.67. NSFAS should be retained for the provision of the funding of

all TVET students and TVET student support if such retention

is considered necessary.


1052.68. We recognise the dire need for an injection of funds to develop

the TVET sector and its infrastructure. It is recommended that

an amount of R50 billion from the surplus in the

Unemployment Insurance Fund be ring-fenced for

infrastructure funding of the TVET colleges facilities.

1052.69. We advise that money from the NSF be prioritised towards the

TVET sector for infrastructure development to augment the

UIF portion.

1052.70. We advise that the SETA sector be restructured to reduce

costs and inefficiency, and that this saving be used for

curriculum development, lecturer training or other costs

related to improving teaching and learning in the TVET sector

and the facilitation of job placement for graduates.

1052.71. It is also recommended that SETA allocations be used to fund

occupation programmes not currently funded in the TVET



1052.72. Subsidy should increase to 1% of GDP (excluding allocations

to establish the ICL system).

1052.73. It is important for funding to be channelled to HDIs to allow

them to develop to the same level as HWIs, but without failing

to maintain the current status of the top institutions.

1052.74. Additional money for infrastructure development, throughput

intervention, and student accommodation should be invested

in the sector.

1052.75. Consideration should be given to take the HEPI into account

in funding universities.



1052.76. We support the proposal of making use of BBBEE points

for higher education purposes.

1052.77. We support the use of excess UIF reserves towards

infrastructure development.

1052.78. We recommend that long unclaimed pension benefits be

used to provide stability to the ICL system subject to the

provision of state guarantees for their repayment.

1052.79. We supported a more concerted effort by universities to form

alumni relations and raise money through such channels, as

is the case in the USA, UK and other parts of the world.

1052.80. We recommend the development of an Education Fund where

companies, individuals and international aid agencies can be

encouraged to donate money towards higher education

development, bursaries etc. Companies could be encouraged

to donate from their CSI budget. It is also clear that current

calls by universities for funding for the missing middle have

proven a success, and this could be maintained and

strengthened through such a coordinated fund. A Fund

administration process should be considered which will allow

for public confidence in the fair and useful allocation of funds.

1052.81. Alumni and donor funding recommended above should be

accompanied by aggressive strategies to eliminate violent

student protests and the destruction of property at campuses.

This approach could encourage generous funding from these

sources, as is proven in other countries.


1053. As previously stated in this Report, should the government be opposed

to the recommendations we have made, the most viable alternative

solutions would seem to be along lines similar to the ISFAP proposal

developed by the Ministerial Task Team. We emphasise our reservations

in this regard which are set out in Chapter 27 above.

Annexure A
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 187

Reconciling Efficiency,
Access, Fairness and
Equality: The case for
income-contingent student
loans with universal
George Hull
Department of Philosophy
University of Cape Town

The harmful legacy of colonial and apartheid social engineering means

South Africas tertiary-education sector faces a number of distinctive
challenges, and deep-rooted disagreement persists about how best to
manage university curricula and research in a democratic South Africa.1
When, though, our focus is on the specific issue of how university tuition
is to be funded, the challenges faced by South Africa have many points of
similarity with those faced by its African neighbours, other middle-income
countries, and indeed most of the industrialised world.
South Africa needs to continue to expand its higher education sector so
as to attain an informed civil society and the skilled workforce which will
enable it to compete in a knowledge-driven global economy; but it must
also break down barriers to access in order ultimately to realise equality of
opportunity for all its citizens. The South African Government should aim

1 For particularly helpful discussions of these issues, see T. Reddy (2004) Higher education and social transformation:
South Africa case study (report); A. Bawa (2012) South African higher education: At the center of a cauldron of national
imaginations in Social Research: An International Quarterly, 79(3), pp. 669-694; P. Tabensky & S. Matthews (2015) Being at
home: Race, institutional culture and transformation at South African higher education institutions.
188 | Student Funding

to achieve its higher-education goals cost-effectively, at a time when there

are compelling demands for increased spending in other sectors (e.g. health,
basic education); but it must also ensure the costs of university tuition are
spread fairly, preventing a middle-class capture of state funds. Finally, South
African higher-education funding policy must be shaped in ways that foster
cohesive egalitarian relations among its citizenry, and avoid entrenching
stigma, social divisions and hierarchical relations of domination.
This paper identifies four principal values which a funding model for higher
education should aim to realise, and by which it should be constrained: Efficiency,
Access, Fairness and Equality.2 Though potentially these values conflict, the aim
in South Africa as in other countries must be to select a funding model which
reconciles all four values as far as possible. It is fruitful to separate out these four
values analytically, as this enables us to compare different potential funding
models along four separate dimensions. A funding model which is superior
to others along one or some of these dimensions is not necessarily the best
funding model overall. In its deliberation about which higher education funding
model reconciles the four guiding values most satisfactorily, South Africa can
draw on the experiences of other countries, avoiding common mistakes and
incorporating successful features. Clarity about the different values which
inform a choice of higher education funding model enables policy-makers not
only to choose the right policy, but also to communicate the justification for
that policy effectively something which will be crucial in the Governments
on-going dialogue with the articulate, and sporadically well-organised, interest
group constituted by South Africas students.
Sections 1 to 3 of the paper argue that a funding model combining public
subsidy and fees, accompanied by income-contingent student loans, is the
model which best enables Efficiency, Access and Fairness to be realised
together. Section 4 presents reasons of Equality, Access and Efficiency for
extending eligibility for substantial student loans to all South African first-time
undergraduate students. Section 5 then outlines six concrete measures which
will enable the proposed higher-education funding reform to be introduced
affordably in South Africa.

2 I capitalise these terms since I am attaching a specific, well-defined meaning to each, rather than using them in a colloquial
way. I introduce these well-defined meanings in the course of the text.
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 189

1. Efficiency
It is uncontroversial that a higher-education funding model should avoid
waste, and instead should foster Efficiency. There are at least three types of
Efficiency a funding model should embody.

1.1 Allocative Efficiency

There is, in the first place, a relatively narrow, clear-cut type of allocative
Efficiency which society needs its higher-education sector to achieve in a cost-
effective way. Students entering higher education have preferences for various
courses and degree programmes. An individual students preferences can be
assumed to be a function of their areas of interest and curiosity, their estimation
of their own skills and determination, and their aspirations in life (e.g. career path,
public service). At the output end, there is demand from employers for graduates
with various qualifications. This demand can be assumed to be a function of
broader demand in the economy and the needs of public administration. Other
things equal, it is desirable that the higher education sector satisfy both student
preferences and labour-market demand as far as possible.
As student numbers grow, and both the labour market and degree and
course offerings become more differentiated, this allocative goal becomes
too complex for central planning. Assuming a minimum level of informedness
among students, both about their own preferences and skills and about the
labour market, it becomes helpful for universities competing for students
to set fees autonomously (possibly within set limits).3 Price then operates
as a market mechanism, signalling cost and quality, and matching supply to
demand better than a central planner ever could.4 Competition between
universities for students will encourage institutions to use resources ever
more cost-effectively to meet demand.5
This is the Efficiency argument for making universities fee-charging
institutions which compete with one another for fee-paying students. In

3 For some considerations in favour of a cap on university fees, see: N. Barr (2009) Financing higher education: Lessons from
economic theory and reform in England in Higher Education in Europe, 34(2), pp. 204-205.
4 N. Barr (1998) Higher education in Australia and Britain: What lessons? in Australian Economic Review, 31(2), pp. 180-182;
P. Pillay (2008) Higher education funding frameworks in SADC in Towards a common future: Higher education in the SADC
region, p. 191.
5 Barr (2009) Financing higher education: Lessons from economic theory and reform in England in Higher Education in
Europe, 34(2), p. 202.
190 | Student Funding

contrast to many other African countries, South African universities have an

established history of charging fees,6 and there exists a healthy range in the
fees charged by different institutions and for different degree programmes.7
From the point of view of allocative Efficiency, this is a virtue of the current
South African funding model.

1.2 Intra-sectoral Efficiency

But the higher-education sector needs to achieve a broader set of goals
than only the narrow, clear-cut goals which a price mechanism is particularly
helpful in realising. Here we can usefully distinguish between the public
goods and the private goods which the higher education sector should aim to
achieve in a cost-effective manner:

1.2.1 Public goods

Services delivered by well-trained professionals (e.g. doctors, civil
Technological innovations by excellent graduates (e.g. smartphones,
computers), which can improve everybodys lives;
Critical reasoning skills cultivated by humanities subjects (e.g.
economics, African studies), which enhance civil societys ability to
hold government to account;
Works of intrinsic cultural value created by excellent graduates,
which can be appreciated by others and can form the basis of a
national identity, fostering social cohesion;8 and
A socially responsive governing and managerial class.9
It would be unrealistic to expect a market in higher education to achieve
this broad set of goals in a balanced way of its own accord. So there is good
reason for government to intervene with subsidies, regulation and earmarked
funds, to ensure that the higher education sector is achieving this broad set of
goals in a cost-effective manner.

6 G. Wangenge-Ouma (2012) Tuition fees and the challenge of making higher education a popular commodity in South
Africa in Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education Research, 64(6), p. 832.
7 N. Dirk (2015) Activists forcibly removed as protest spreads to CPUT campus in Cape Times, 21 October.
8 A. Bawa (2000) A social contract between the public higher education sector and the people of South Africa (research
9 A. Cudd (2015) What is equality in higher education? in G. Hull (ed.) The equal society: Essays on equality in theory and
practice, p. 272.
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 191

1.2.2 Private goods

Intrinsic interest and value;10 and
Competitive advantage over non-graduates in seeking highly skilled
and paid work.
It is much harder to quantify the public goods generated by higher
education than the private financial benefit to graduates of earning a
substantially higher salary than they would have done without a degree.
This can lead to governments underestimating how important investment in
higher education is for national development.11

1.3 Inter-sectoral Efficiency

There is a further type of Efficiency which must constrain higher-education
funding due to the fact that, in a situation of serious resource constraints,
there is often keen inter-sectoral competition for financial resources from
health, housing, social welfare and other government functions.12
The higher-education sector must compete with other sectors (e.g. basic
education, national security) for public funds. Sometimes a given value could
be achieved more cost-effectively through allocation of funds to a sector other
than higher education (e.g. basic education) than through allocating funds to
higher education. In other cases there will be a different type of value, which
higher education is incapable of or inept at realising, which justifies diverting
funds away from the higher education sector to a sector which is capable of
realising it (e.g. national security).
Inter-sectoral Efficiency is achieved if the values realised through spending
on higher education could not be realised more cost-effectively through
spending on other sectors, and do not crowd out more important values that
could have been realised through spending on other sectors.

10 G. Brown (2010) Why the right is wrong: The progressive case for Britains future, p. 60.
11 Pillay (2008) Higher education funding frameworks in SADC in Towards a common future, p. 139.
12 Ibid., p. 137.
192 | Student Funding

2. Access
There is a broad consensus that it is unacceptable for individuals to be
effectively barred from pursuing higher education, or realising their career
aspirations, due to their gender, racial group or socio-economic background.
In other words, there is broad agreement that a quite demanding form of
equality of opportunity ought to guide policy-making in South Africa. Most
relevantly for us here, society-members should have equal opportunities to
receive both a university education and to secure employment.
It is useful to distinguish between formal and substantial equality of

2.1 Formal Equality of opportunity

Formal equality of opportunity is the principle that there must be no
legal or conventional barriers preventing the most qualified applicant for a
university place or job from taking it up.
This principle forms the basis for anti-discrimination legislation in South
Africa as elsewhere.14

2.2 Substantial Equality of opportunity

Substantial equality of opportunity is far more demanding than formal
equality of opportunity. It is the principle that there must be no social barriers
preventing individuals from becoming equally qualified for a university place
or job for which they have equal natural aptitude.
An individuals socio-economic background can prove a barrier to the
realisation of their aspirations just as surely as discriminatory laws and
conventions can. But whether one is born into a rich family or a poor family is
just as arbitrary from a moral point of view as what caste or bloodline one

13 For more detail, see G. Hull (2014) Affirmative action in J. Winfield, G. Hull & G. Fried, Business ethics & other paradoxes,
pp. 200-201.
14 The formal equality of opportunity principle can be overridden by the need for affirmative action programmes in countries,
such as South Africa, with a history of racist discrimination and exclusion. Such programmes can be justified on intra-
sectoral Efficiency grounds, if they can be expected to make society more just in the future (R. Dworkin (1976) DeFunis
v. Sweatt in M. Cohen, T. Nagel & T. Scanlon (eds.) Equality and preferential treatment, pp. 63-83). They may also be
justifiable on Equality grounds (see section 4; and see T. Hill (1991) The message of affirmative action in Social Philosophy
and Policy, 8(2), pp. 108-129) or because they provide redress for past wrongs (G. Hull (2015) Affirmative action and the
choice of amends in Philosophia, 43(1), pp. 113-134).
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 193

happens to be born into.15 None of these morally irrelevant factors should

be allowed to determine whether somebody realises their educational and
career aspirations or not. This is the philosophical rationale for embracing not
just formal but also substantial equality of opportunity.16
I use the term Access to refer to the requirement that, other things equal,
both formal and substantial equality of opportunity should be realised as
far as possible. It is important to be aware of a potential ambiguity here,
though. Sometimes the word access is used to mean simply the number of
undergraduate places in the higher education system. Used in this different
sense, widening access to higher education is not necessarily the same thing
as increasing equality of opportunity. It would be possible to increase the
number of undergraduate places at universities while reducing equality of
opportunity in how they were assigned; and, conversely, it would be possible
to equalise opportunities to study at university while shrinking the size of the
student cohort year on year.
The greatest impediment to Access is the variable level of basic and
secondary education received by different groups in society.17 There is thus
a powerful inter-sectoral Efficiency argument against diverting public funds
away from basic and secondary education to fund higher education. Indeed,
if Access was all that mattered, it would make sense to reduce the funding of
higher education and instead dedicate resources to ensuring an equally high-
quality school education for all South Africans. But doing this would be likely
to reduce the extent to which the public and private goods outlined above
in 1.2 were realised, in which case there would be inter-sectoral Efficiency
reasons for not pursuing this strategy.

3. Fairness
For the value of Access as discussed above in Section 2 what matters is
what determines whether a given individual will receive a university education.

15 J. Rawls (1999) A theory of justice, p. 63.

16 Versions of this argument are set out in B. Williams (1973) The idea of equality in B. Williams, Problems of the self:
Philosophical papers 1956-1972 and Rawls (1999) A theory of justice, section 12.
17 N. Barr (2012) The Higher Education White Paper: The good, the bad, the unspeakable and the next White Paper in Social
Policy & Administration, 46(5), pp. 487-488; P. Pillay (2010) Good practices, possible lessons and remaining challenges in
P. Pillay (ed.) Higher education financing in east and southern Africa, p. 224.
194 | Student Funding

For the value of Fairness, by contrast, what matters is how the benefits and
costs of higher education are allocated among members of society. The
term equity is often used to cover both values. This is understandable since
philosophically they are both grounded in an acknowledgement of the equal
moral worth of all society-members. Nonetheless, the two values are distinct,
and realisation of one of them does not entail realisation of the other.
The on-going life of a society is a co-operative enterprise, in which all its
members participate to some degree, and from which all its members benefit
in ways they could not have done in isolation. There is, consequently, a strong
presumption in favour of an equal distribution of the benefits of social co-
operation, and against an allocation which entails benefits to one societal
group being paid for by a different societal group which does not receive
equivalent benefits.
The presumption in favour of distributive equality is not inviolable,
however. If (a) some individuals have sacrificed more and worked harder
than others, or if (b) an equal share of the social product does not translate
into as much well-being for some individuals as it does for others, then it is
fair that those individuals receive a larger share of the social product than
others.18 In addition, if (c) an improvement in the condition of the least well-
off members of society is impossible without a material incentive to the most
enterprising in society, then the resulting inequality would arguably not be
unfair.19 Considerations of type (c), among other factors, will be relevant to
the complex issue of how large the publicly subsidised higher education
sector should be. Considerations of type (b) mean that students with special
needs (e.g. disabled students) should not have to pay extra for university
facilities which meet those needs (e.g. wheelchair ramps). I assume here that
considerations of type (a) do not justify significant departures from distributive
equality within a higher-education funding model, but rather explain in
conjunction with considerations of type (c) why it is not necessarily unfair
that some graduates in employment earn significantly more than others.
University tuition can be fully publicly funded, or it can be fully funded by

18 For more detail, see W. Kymlicka (2002) Contemporary political philosophy: An introduction, pp. 73-74; A. Sen (1999)
Development as freedom, pp. 72-74; G. Hull (2015) From well-faring to well-being: Prospects for a metric of liberal
egalitarian justice in Hull (ed.) The equal society, pp. 153-154.
19 For a statement of this position and argumentative support for it, see Rawls (1999) A theory of justice, section 13.
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 195

student fees, or it can be funded by a mixture of the two.20 If higher education

generated only public goods, then all society-members could be expected to
benefit equally from it, and it would consequently be fair for higher education
to be fully publicly funded. But, as was discussed above in 1.2, in fact university
education generates a mixture of public goods and substantial private goods.
If everybody attended university, so that the substantial private goods of
higher education accrued to everyone, then again all society-members
could be expected to benefit equally from it, and it would be fair for higher
education to be fully publicly funded.
But it is only a minority of society-members who receive a university
education. Fairness therefore tells us it would be wrong for university tuition
to be fully publicly funded, as this would amount to intrinsic benefits and
a considerable competitive advantage in the employment market for one
group in society (those who complete a university degree) being funded by
another group (those who dont complete a university degree) which does
not receive equivalent benefits.
This is true despite the fact that university graduates generally pay more
tax over their lifetime than non-graduates. This can be seen most clearly by
comparing a graduate and a non-graduate with the same lifetime earnings,
who as a result pay the same amount of tax over their lifetimes say R1 000
000. If the cost of the private benefits of the graduates university tuition was
R200 000, and this was paid for from the public purse, then over their lifetime
the graduate contributes R800 000 to public services (e.g. infrastructure,
healthcare) via taxation, once they have repaid the cost of the private
benefits to them of higher education. This is 20% less than the R1 000 000
contributed by the non-graduate with identical lifetime earnings, which is
horizontally inequitable.21 However much tax they pay, graduates contribute

20 Some South African universities have succeeded in attracting voluntary funding from corporations to cover a proportion
of tuition costs (G. Wangenge-Ouma & N. Cloete (2008) Financing higher education in South Africa: Public funding,
non-governmental revenue and tuition fees in South African Journal of Higher Education, 22(4), p. 912), and the idea of
increased taxation of the corporate sector to fund higher education is often floated (B. Wolhuter & S. Mlambo (2015) Tax to
help poor students mooted in Cape Argus, 19 October). Taxation of corporate income raises complex theoretical issues (R.
Reich (2009) Supercapitalism: The battle for democracy in an age of big business, pp. 216-218). Voluntary funding from non-
governmental sources (apart from student fees) tends to fluctuate, at times significantly, from year to year. This revenue
volatility (Wangenge-Ouma & Cloete (2008) Financing higher education in South Africa: Public funding, non-governmental
revenue and tuition fees in South African Journal of Higher Education, 22(4), p. 913) means it would be unwise for a higher-
education funding model to depend on voluntary corporate contributions. So in the text I concentrate on student fees and
government subsidies as the principal sources of funding for higher education.
21 N. Barr (2004) Higher education funding in Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 20(2), p. 267.
196 | Student Funding

proportionally less in taxation to public services than non-graduates when

university tuition is fully publicly funded. Fairness tells us this is unacceptable.
On the other hand, there is no Fairness objection to the public goods
produced by higher education being publicly financed, since these benefit
all of society. Thus from a Fairness perspective, a mixed model of higher-
education funding is desirable. To the extent that higher education generates
private benefits, the recipients of those benefits should pay for it. To the
extent that higher education generates public goods, it should be paid for
from the public purse. The public funding of higher education can come partly
in the form of incentives and earmarked subsidies designed to promote the
balanced pursuit of the broad set of goals outlined above in 1.2.
As noted above in 1.2, it is difficult to quantify the external benefits generated
by university education. Though it is very important for government not to
discount these less tangible public goods generated by higher education, we
can justifiably conclude that since its private benefits are both very substantial
and more certain than its public benefits, higher education should be financed
somewhat more from student contributions than from public money.
In South Africa, the split between public funding and fees varies from
institution to institution.22 In the sector as a whole, the proportion of university
income from Government subsidy has steadily declined in recent years;23
however, it remains larger than the proportion of income from student fees.24
The argument of this section indicates that it would be fair for student fees to
rise until they contribute somewhat more than Government subsidies to the
costs of university tuition.
If Fairness was all that mattered, students could be required to pay these
higher fees before or during their programme of undergraduate study.
However, many qualified students would not be able to access the necessary
funds at that time from their family or other sources. This would make socio-
economic background a determinant of who was able to study at university:
a clear violation of Access. On top of that, upfront fees to be paid before or
during study would undermine intra-sectoral Efficiency, since society would

22 Wangenge-Ouma & Cloete (2008) Financing higher education in South Africa: Public funding, non-governmental
revenue and tuition fees in South African Journal of Higher Education, 22(4), p. 911.
23 Wangenge-Ouma (2012) Tuition fees and the challenge of making higher education a popular commodity in South
Africa in Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education Research, 64(6), p. 835.
24 N. Cloete (2015) The flawed ideology of Free Higher Education in University World News, 6 November.
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 197

not benefit from the contribution which its gifted young people from less
advantaged socio-economic backgrounds could have made.
Can Fairness, Access and Efficiency be combined in a higher-education
funding model? In the remainder of this section, four different funding
models are compared with special attention to their ability to realise Fairness,
Access and Efficiency simultaneously.
Free Higher Education (FHE). FHE is the funding model whereby university
tuition is fully publicly funded. In South Africa this model has attracted a
lot of support from student organisations and movements,25 and it appears
to have some support from within the ANC-led Government as well.26 FHE
removes the Access problem created by upfront fees. However, it is highly
objectionable from a Fairness point of view, as has been argued earlier in this
section. Though its violation of Fairness is the main problem with FHE, it can
also be expected to lead to shortfalls in allocative Efficiency, since with FHE
price can no longer serve as a signalling mechanism and the sector must resort
entirely to the potentially much less efficient method of central planning.27
Differential Fees (DF). DF is the funding model on which different students
pay different levels of fees for the same programme at the same university,
depending on their household assets and income.28 Some of those campaigning
with the slogan Free education in our lifetime in South Africa in 2015 actually
supported free higher education only for the poor i.e. a version of DF. If well
designed, DF can like FHE remove the Access problem caused by upfront
fees. However, DF relies on a means test to determine households ability to
pay. Means tests are known to be expensive to administer, often unreliable

25 See, for example, L. Mantashe (2015) Give the masses free education in Cape Times, 21 October; B. Kamanzi (2015)
Open the gates once and for all in Cape Argus, 23 October; Wangenge-Ouma (2012) Tuition fees and the challenge of
making higher education a popular commodity in South Africa in Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher
Education Research, 64(6), p. 838; E. Redden (2015) #FeesMustFall in Inside Higher Ed, 18 November.
26 Minister of Higher Education and Training Blade Nzimande said in a radio interview on Monday 19 October 2015 that
no fee universities, like those in Germany, were the ideal (Q. Mtyala (2015) Students reject deal in Cape Times, 21
27 The absence of pricing in itself arguably leads to a Fairness shortfall. Barr writes: Counter-intuitively, variable fees
are also fairer than other approaches; why should fees at a local institution be the same as one at an internationally
renowned university? (Barr (2009) Financing higher education: Lessons from economic theory and reform in England
in Higher Education in Europe, 34(2), p. 205).
28 For example, Democratic Alliance Shadow Minister of Higher Education and Training, Belinda Bozzoli, has suggested that
[u]niversities could urgently adopt a sliding fees scale approach, as in Italy, where students family income levels dictate
the fees charged and Pillay also advocates a differentiated fee structure in universities based on socio-economic status
(B. Bozzoli (2015) University funding: There are budget-neutral options in Financial Mail, 29 October - 4 November, pp.
16-17; P. Pillay (2015) Financing of universities: Promoting equity or reinforcing inequality (unpublished colloquium
198 | Student Funding

and open to corruption.29 The value of Equality provides a further reason

for objecting to means-testing, which will be introduced below in Section
4. But just as in the case of FHE, the strongest objection to DF is a Fairness
objection. If a student from a poor household completes a degree and goes
on to become a middle- or high-earner, accumulating assets over the course
of their adult life, it is surely unfair that the university education which gave
this student a competitive advantage in the labour market should be funded
entirely by other society-members (including the unemployed and the very
poorest, through their consumption taxes), and not at all by the recipient of
the private benefits of higher education themselves. The Access gains of FHE
and DF come at the cost of significant Fairness losses.
Graduate Tax (GT). GT is a special tax which only graduates of public
university degree programmes have to pay. A standard model is for every
income-tax-paying graduate to pay one percentage point more income tax
than a non-graduate income-tax-payer within the same income bracket.
GT enables students to pay for the private benefits of university education
(potentially realising Fairness), but not to do so until, and unless, that
education has resulted in a substantial income, thus making payment
manageable (realising Access). Though this reconciliation of Fairness and
Access is a positive achievement as far as it goes, there are two important
downsides to GT. First, since the special tax serves as a substitute for fees,
price cannot serve as a signalling mechanism in the higher education sector,
which would tend to undermine allocative Efficiency. Second, the amount of
GT paid by a given graduate is likely to correspond at best only very roughly
with the cost of the private benefits they received from higher education.
While the Fairness objection to DF is that many students will pay less for the
private benefits of higher education than they should, the Fairness objection
to GT is that high-earners in particular will pay more for the private benefits
of higher education than they should, since they will continue to pay an extra
percentage point of income tax throughout their income-tax-paying lives.
Income-contingent Loans (ICL). ICL is a loan whose rate of repayment is
determined neither by its size nor by the interest rate on the loan, but by the

29 Pillay (2010) Good practices, possible lessons and remaining challenges in Pillay (ed.) Higher education financing in
east and southern Africa; p. 229; J. Kruger (2015) Perspectives on student funding: Credit market, social protection
and pyramid inversion (unpublished colloquium paper); E. Garwe (2015) Responsive and sustainable higher education
funding: Lessons from Zimbabwe (unpublished colloquium paper).
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 199

level of income of the individual who takes out the loan.30 Income-contingent
student loans are loans provided to students by the government to help with
the costs of university study, for which no security need be provided by either
the student or their household-members. Once a student has graduated and
achieved a set threshold level of earnings, they begin to repay the loan at a
rate which is a specified percentage of their income. This percentage may
increase as their income increases. How much of the loan the graduate pays
back, and how quickly, is determined entirely by the level of income they
ICL makes Fairness compatible with Access in precisely the same way as
GT: by ensuring that payment for the private benefits of higher education
occurs at a time, and at a rate, which is manageable for the recipient of
those benefits. But ICL avoids both of the downsides of GT. First, providing
students with loans from which to pay fees enables price to continue to play
a signalling role in the higher education sector, fostering allocative Efficiency.
Second, on the ICL model, the amount ultimately paid by each graduate
tracks much more closely the extent of private benefit they received from
higher education than happens on the GT model. Once they have repaid their
loan, graduates make no further payments. Thus ICL is superior to GT from
the point of view of Fairness as well as from that of Efficiency.
By allowing the retention of fees thus fostering Fairness and Efficiency but
using the consumption-smoothing device of income-contingent student loans to
ensure manageable payment thus fostering Access ICL reconciles the three
values of Efficiency, Access and Fairness more successfully than FHE, DF or GT.
The virtues of ICL have been visible to policy-makers for some time.
Versions of ICL have been successfully introduced on a large scale in Australia
and the United Kingdom.31 South Africas National Student Financial Aid
Scheme (NSFAS) already embodies it to a limited degree.32 In recent years
other African countries have increasingly turned away from FHE and DF
funding models and towards ICL models.33

30 Barr (2009) Financing higher education: Lessons from economic theory and reform in England in Higher Education in
Europe, 34(2).
31 Barr (1998) Higher education in Australia and Britain: What lessons? in Australian Economic Review, 31(2), pp. 179-
188; Barr (2012) The Higher Education White Paper: The good, the Bad, the unspeakable - and the next White Paper in
Social Policy & Administration, 46(5), pp. 483-508.
32 Pillay (2008) Higher education funding frameworks in SADC in Towards a Common Future, p. 169.
33 Pillay (2010) Good practices, possible lessons and remaining challenges in Pillay (ed.) Higher education financing in east
and southern Africa, p. 230.
200 | Student Funding

In order fully to realise the value of Access, an ICL scheme must enable
prospective students from even the poorest backgrounds to pursue higher
education without fear of running into serious financial difficulties either
during their course of study (which could lead to them failing or dropping out)
or afterwards (which could lead to bankruptcy and personal disaster). Thus
Access provides us with a strong reason for increasing the size of NSFAS loans
in South Africa so that they cover not only full tuition costs, but also the costs
of transport, books, food and accommodation, and other reasonable living
costs.34 For the same reason, the earnings threshold at which repayment
of a NSFAS loan kicks in should be raised from the current very low level of
R30 000 per year,35 to at least the earnings threshold at which income tax
payment begins.36 Access also dictates that the coverage of NSFAS loans should
be extended to include the missing middle households with a total annual
income of between R122 000 and R500 000, which do not qualify for NSFAS
loans but struggle to fund university tuition.37 These households frequently
take out expensive and risky private loans in order to cover university fees.38
The Government should use its ability to borrow money more cheaply than
private individuals can to convert bad debt into good.39
It might be thought that, owing to human psychology, the presence of
fees even when accompanied by a comprehensive loan scheme must
always constitute a substantial disincentive to go on to university study,
particularly for those from less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds, so
that from an Access point of view FHE and GT would always have the edge
on DF and ICL. However, empirical findings indicate otherwise. Data collected
by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
show absolutely no cross-country relationship between the level of tuition
countries charge and the participation of disadvantaged youth in tertiary
education. On the contrary, social mobility is worse in Germany which pays

34 The Department of Higher Education and Training and other stakeholders agreed that such an expansion of NSFAS was
a priority at the Higher Education Transformation Summit in Durban in October 2015, as recorded in the summits press
release (; see also Wolhuter & Mlambo (2015) Tax to help poor students mooted in Cape Argus, 19
35 This is the earnings threshold quoted on the NSFAS website:
36 I give a further reason for this reform to NSFAS loans below in section 5.1.
37 Cloete (2015) The flawed ideology of Free Higher Education in University World News, 6 November.
38 Z. Dano (2015) Not poor enough for student financial aid in Cape Argus, 2 November.
39 Kruger (2015) Perspectives on student funding (unpublished colloquium paper).
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 201

for all university education through the public purse than it is in the UK.40
In the UK, university fees were allowed to rise to up to 9 000 per year in
2011, in conjunction with an expanded ICL scheme. Yet the Universities and
Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) reported that in 2014, disadvantaged
young people were over 10% more likely to enter higher education than in
2013, and over 30% more likely to than in 2009.41
In the South African context a different argument against ICL is sometimes
made. This argument claims it is unfair for graduates from less advantaged
socio-economic backgrounds to have to repay their NSFAS loans, because
they are often expected to support members of an extended family or other
members of their home communities.
It is certainly true that many South African students with NSFAS loans pay
the black tax. But this is not a good argument against ICL, and in favour of
FHE or DF. South Africans who suffer due to sickness, old age, poverty or
unemployment should not be helped by the clumsy and uncertain method
of writing off their relatives student debt. Instead, help should come to them
directly through targeted policies: public pensions, measures to end child
poverty, a comprehensive unemployment insurance scheme and adequate
public healthcare. The country will have more funds for these vital purposes
if NSFAS loans to cover university fees are paid back in full by all middle- and
high-income graduates.

4. Equality
So far this paper has made the case for a mixed higher-education funding
model, combining public subsidy and student fees. In Section 3 it was argued
that it would be justifiable for fees at South African public universities to rise
until they contributed somewhat more to tuition costs than government
subsidy. But rising fees are only acceptable when accompanied by the
consumption-smoothing device of income-contingent government loans to

40 A. Schleicher (2015) The sustainability of the UKs higher education system in OECD Education & Skills Today, 6th
41 N. Hillman (2015) Keeping up with the Germans? A comparison of student funding, internationalisation and research in
UK and German universities, pp. 17-18.
202 | Student Funding

students. If the value of Access is to be realised simultaneously with the values

of Fairness and Efficiency, NSFAS must increase the size of its loans, broaden
its coverage, and raise the threshold earnings level at which repayment of
student loans kicks in.
The present section goes further, arguing that eligibility for expanded
NSFAS student loans needs ultimately to be extended to all South African
first-time undergraduate students. An expansion of NSFAS on this scale would
clearly require a large capital investment to begin with, and many would
object that it is simply unaffordable. I explain below in Section 5 why this is
not necessarily the case. The primary basis for expanding NSFAS into a loan
scheme with universal eligibility is the present section argues the value of
There is a growing consensus among egalitarian political philosophers that
acknowledgement of the equal moral worth of all society-members entails
more than just instating equal legal status, fostering equality of opportunity,
and achieving a fair distribution of goods crucial and challenging as these
goals are. How equal a society is depends also on the nature of the relations
which exist between its members.42 This development in philosophical theory
complements an increasing interest from governments and international
bodies in the texture of social relations, and especially in identifying measures
which foster social cohesion.43
Of course, many societies in the past achieved cohesion through systems
of violent coercion, practices of habitual deference and myths of natural
superiority and inferiority, all of which are anathema to a country like
present-day South Africa which acknowledges each citizens equal moral
worth. So the goal of policy must be, not cohesion of any sort whatever, but
a cohesive society of equals.
I use the term Equality to refer to the social or relational value realised by
a society whose cohesion depends, not on deference, obedience or mythical
natural hierarchies, but rather on the solidarity of individuals who treat each other
as, and feel that they are, equals.44 Moving a society towards Equality will involve

42 C. Fourie, F. Schuppert & I. Wallimann-Helmer (2015) The nature and distinctiveness of social equality: An introduction
in C. Fourie, F. Schuppert & I. Wallimann-Helmer (eds.) Social equality: On what it means to be equals, pp. 1-17.
43 M. Healy (2013) Philosophical perspectives on social cohesion: New directions for education policy.
44 D. Miller (1997) Equality and justice in Ratio (new series) 10(3), pp. 222-237; E. Anderson (1999) What is the point
of equality? in Ethics, 109(2), pp. 287-337; C. Fourie (2012) What is social equality? An analysis of status equality as a
strongly egalitarian ideal in Res Publica, 18(2), pp. 107-126.
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 203

dismantling and minimising relations of inequality between society-members,

including relations marked by exclusion, stigma, hierarchy and domination.45
The current South African higher education funding model makes use of a
means test to determine eligibility for a NSFAS loan, and relies on household
contribution to fund some or all of the tuition fees students are charged by
universities. These features of the current model tend to undermine Equality
in two principal ways.

4.1 Stigma
Egalitarian political philosophers have for some time warned that extensive,
invasive means tests tend to undermine efforts to create a cohesive society
of equals. There is potential for conflict between the values of Equality and
Fairness here. Fine-tuning the distribution of the social product to accord with
Fairness is likely to require continuous data collection and comprehensive
means-testing; but these can give the impression that one is not trusted,
that one is an object of suspicion and hence is not being respected,46 and
often require people to do things, or reveal things about themselves, that
they find shameful, leading to a reduction in their respect-standing.47
Means-testing is objectionable from the perspective of Equality insofar
as it causes people to be made to feel inferior,48 and makes government
support into humiliating aid, stigmatising its recipients.49 Means-testing
should be avoided when possible, due to the disrespect communicated by
subjecting the poor to a level of scrutiny and control not experienced by the
better off and the harmful effects on respect-standing and self-respect
caused by shameful revelation.50
Consequently, advocates of social equality tend to support universal
benefits over conditional benefits, other things equal.51 It can even be worth
tolerating some Fairness losses for the sake of the Equality gains which accrue
from doing away with means-testing.52
Issues raised by students during the campus protests in South Africa in

45 J. Wolff (2015) Social equality, relative poverty and marginalised groups in Hull (ed.) The equal society, Section 1.
46 J. Wolff (1998) Fairness, respect, and the egalitarian ethos in Philosophy & Public Affairs, 27(2), p. 108.
47 Ibid., p. 109.
48 T. Scanlon (2002) The diversity of objections to inequality in M. Clayton & A. Williams (eds.) The ideal of equality, p. 43.
49 Anderson (1999) What is the point of equality? in Ethics, 109(2), p. 308.
50 Wolff (1998) Fairness, respect, and the egalitarian ethos in Philosophy & Public Affairs, 27(2), pp. 121-122.
51 Ibid., p. 121; G. Hull (2014) Creating a society of equals in Cape Times, 12 August.
52 Wolff (1998) Fairness, respect, and the egalitarian ethos in Philosophy & Public Affairs, 27(2), p. 117.
204 | Student Funding

October 2015 resonate with these political philosophers warnings about

means-testing. University of the Witwatersrand student Phaphama Dulwana
wrote of the humiliation of standing in a National Student Financial Aid
Scheme line, of being treated like a number while your entire future hangs
on how someones day is going, being told you have to prove the degree of
your impoverishment.53 A member of the University of the Western Cape
Fees Must Fall movement, Thozama Nozuko, wrote, [W]e are calling for the
Student Credit Management office, which expects students to prove their
poverty before every registration, to fall.54
If Equality was all that mattered, it would be justifiable to introduce
universal free higher education for the sake of fostering a cohesive society of
equals. The campaign for free higher education in South Africa last year itself
frequently achieved an impressive degree of solidarity among students, with a
reduction of the familiar divisions along class and racial lines on South African
university campuses. But our goal must be to realise Equality simultaneously
with the distinct values of Efficiency, Fairness and Access as far as is possible.
This points us towards an alternative universal solution: not universal free
higher education, but universal eligibility for income-contingent student

4.2 Domination
A higher-education funding model, like South Africas, which relies on a
household contribution to a students costs of study (up to full tuition and
living costs) preserves the power of household-members to interfere with
students decision-making about which university to apply to, which subject
to study, and even whether to go to university at all. This discretionary power
undermines Equality, since it establishes asymmetrical relations of domination
between adult society-members with regard to important life decisions.
The financial leverage that heads of households currently have over
prospective students decision-making is also likely to undermine Access and
Household-heads may decide to fund the university costs of one but not
all of their dependent household-members, or else may fund their costs

53 P. Dulwana (2015) #WitsonFire: Student factionalism must fall in Mail & Guardian Thought Leader, 28 October.
54 T. Nozuko (2015) Institutional racism quietly thrives at UWC in Cape Argus, 23 October.
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 205

differentially, due to prejudices of various kinds. In the UK context, Barr

& Crawford found that both unpaid parental/spouse contributions and
pressure to conform with parental/spouse wishes were likely to affect
women more strongly than men, particularly women from certain cultural
and ethnic backgrounds.55 Though in the Southern African Development
Community region there is a general trend for fewer women than men to
attend university,56 this is not true in South Africa, where the reverse is the
case.57 But household-heads financial leverage can undermine Access without
doing so along gender lines indeed it can do so without resulting in any
statistical trend likely to be detected. The larger point is that when a higher-
education funding model relies on household contribution, it effectively
makes Access a hostage to the beliefs and attitudes of household-heads.
Reliance on household contribution can also be expected to impede
allocative Efficiency. Due to the rapid pace of technological change, parents and
grandparents are likely to be less well-informed about the current demands
of the labour market than their adult children or grandchildren. They are also
sure to be less well-informed about the true aspirations, interests and to an
important degree skills and talents of their adult children or grandchildren
than those adult children or grandchildren themselves. To the extent that
household-heads use their financial leverage to influence prospective
university students choices regarding university study, we can legitimately
fear they will track the nature of the labour market twenty or more years
ago rather than the nature of the labour market today. These problems with
the information on which decisions influenced by household-heads are based
will likely lead to the supply of graduates not matching demand in the labour
market, to students dropping out or underperforming, and to graduates
being unmotivated in their jobs or opting to return to university for reskilling.
But most fundamentally, the arbitrary power which a funding models
reliance on household contribution puts into the hands of household-heads
generates asymmetrical relations of domination and dependence between

55 Barr & Crawford (1997) The Dearing Report, the governments response and a view ahead in The Dearing Report,
paragraph 115.
56 P. Pillay (2008) Higher education funding frameworks in SADC in Towards a common future, pp. 130-135.
57 Wangenge-Ouma (2012) Tuition fees and the challenge of making higher education a popular commodity in South
Africa in Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education Research, 64(6), p.833.
206 | Student Funding

adult society-members which undermine Equality.58 This is an objection

to the funding model even in cases in which Access and Efficiency are not

5. Reconciling Efficiency, Access,

Fairness and Equality
Sections 1 to 4 of this paper together amount to an argument for a very
substantial expansion of NSFAS. I have made the case that reconciling the
values of Efficiency, Access, Fairness and Equality requires that all South
African first-time undergraduate students be eligible for income-contingent
government loans covering university tuition fees, accommodation, books,
food, transport, and other reasonable living costs.
Implementing this proposal would, in the first few years, require a very
large outlay of funds. DHET officials quote just shy of R40 billion as the extra
annual outlay which would be required to extend NSFAS loan coverage to
students from the missing middle.59 Implementing universal eligibility for
NSFAS loans could require the same amount again, bringing annual outlay
on loans up to a total of close to R90 billion (since annual transfers to NSFAS
are at the time of writing a little less than R10 billion).
It might seem that this proposal is patently unaffordable. In terms of
the conceptual apparatus introduced above in 1.3, wouldnt this inevitably
constitute a violation of inter-sectoral Efficiency?
A full answer to this question would require us to determine what proportion
of the total national budget should be allocated to higher education. There
is currently deep disagreement on this issue, with some advocating a large
increase in government spending on higher education as a percentage of
gross domestic product (GDP),60 and others arguing that, even if government
revenue could be increased, the extra funds should be allocated to sectors

58 M. Garrau & C. Laborde (2015) Relational equality, non-domination, and vulnerability in Fourie, Schuppert &
Wallimann-Helmer (eds.) Social equality, pp. 45-64.
59 D. Parker (2015) Higher education funding challenges and the call for free education (unpublished colloquium
60 Cloete (2015) The flawed ideology of Free Higher Education in University World News, 6 November.
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 207

other than higher education.61 I cannot resolve this complex debate here.
This section outlines six concrete steps which, if taken, could make
universal student loans an affordable policy even without any substantial
increase in the proportion of GDP spent on higher education. Some of these
are measures needed to confirm NSFAS identity as a loan, not a bursary,
scheme. Others are levers which policy-makers can use to ensure the shape of
the loan scheme is in line with government spending decisions and liquidity.

5.1 Collection of NSFAS debt via the South African Revenue Service (SARS)
Efficient debt collection is indispensable to any large-scale student loan
scheme. In South Africa, student loan debt collection has recently become
less efficient.62 This state of affairs must be rectified, by making student
loan debt collection a responsibility of SARS, to be carried out in the course
of income tax collection. Each NSFAS loan should be a direct contractual
arrangement between a student and NSFAS, with SARS collecting payments
due on the basis of a graduates declared earnings. Debt collection by SARS
can be facilitated by bringing thresholds for NSFAS loan repayment into line
with the income tax thresholds.

5.2 No conversion of loan into bursary

Currently up to 60% of a NSFAS loan is converted into bursary in order to
incentivise performance and timely completion of a degree.63 It is uncertain
to what extent these incentives have an effect upon student behaviour, and
to what extent they simply reward students who attended higher-quality
secondary schools. What is certain is that converting so much loan into
bursary makes the current student loan scheme far more expensive than it
would otherwise be. Eliminating the conversion of NSFAS loans into bursaries
would make the scheme both hugely more affordable and for the reasons
given above in Section 3 ultimately more fair.

61 Pillay (2015) Financing of universities (unpublished colloquium paper).

62 Cloete (2015) The flawed ideology of Free Higher Education in University World News, 6 November.
63 The figure quoted on the NSFAS website is 40 per cent: However with the introduction of the Final
Year Programme this figure must be revised up to 60 per cent (Parker (2015) Higher education funding challenges and
the call for free education (unpublished colloquium presentation)).
208 | Student Funding

5.3 An interest rate above the Governments cost of borrowing

In South Africa, as previously in other countries, the error has been committed
of both setting the rate of repayment of a student loan at a percentage of a
graduates income, and subsidising the interest rate on the loan. The interest
rate on NSFAS loans currently stands at 80% of the repo rate.64
How much of their NSFAS loan a graduate pays back per month is
determined, not by the size of their loan or the interest rate on their loan, but
solely by how much they are earning. Consequently, lending to students at
a subsidised interest rate does not break down barriers to Access by making
repayment more manageable; all it does is reduce the total amount of money
repaid by loan-recipients to NSFAS. Due to the relatively long time it can take
for graduates to repay their loans, a subsidised interest rate greatly increases
the ultimate cost to the taxpayer of a student loan scheme.65 This extra
expense, rather than fostering Access, just undermines Fairness, since it in
effect takes the form of an extravagant gift from the state to middle-income
graduates.66 Thus the interest rate on NSFAS loans should on no account be
lower than the Governments cost of borrowing.
There are two good reasons for raising the interest rate on NSFAS loans even
further, to above the Governments cost of borrowing though still below the
rate charged in the commercial credit markets.67 Firstly, it disincentivises the
practice of arbitrage, whereby students with access to other funds nonetheless
take out a NSFAS loan, place the money in a high-interest savings account, and
reap the profit.68 Arbitrage undermines Fairness, so it is desirable for an end
to be put to this practice. Secondly, when the rate of interest stands at above
the Governments cost of borrowing, this means that not all of the loss on the
loans portfolio must be borne by the taxpayer. Adding a risk premium69 to the
interest rate introduces a social insurance element into the higher-education

64 This is the rate quoted on the NSFAS website: The repo rate is the rate at which the South African
Reserve Bank lends to commercial banks.
65 In a previous incarnation of the UKs student loan scheme, one third of all money lent to students was not repaid purely
because of the interest rate subsidy (Barr (2004) Higher education funding in Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 20(2),
p. 271.
66 Ibid., p. 271.
67 I am no longer of the view that government loans to students should be low-interest, if that is taken to mean an interest
rate at or below the governments cost of borrowing (G. Hull (2015) Free university education is not the route to social
justice in The Conversation (Africa), 27 October).
68 Barr (2004) Higher education funding in Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 20(2), p. 271.
69 Barr (2012) The Higher Education White Paper: The good, the bad, the unspeakable - and the next White Paper in Social
Policy & Administration, 46(5), p. 503.
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 209

funding model, and can make a loan scheme substantially more affordable. This
feature has already been successfully introduced in New Zealand and the UK.70
Once a risk premium is added to the interest rate, a loan scheme with
universal eligibility has a progressive fiscal incidence across those who attend
university. In South Africa, the non-completion rate is far higher for students
from poorer households currently eligible for a NSFAS loan than for students
from richer households.71 When they pay back their loan at the higher interest
rate, graduates from the latter group will also cover the cost of irrecoverable
loans to non-graduates from the former group to a substantial degree.

5.4 Recoverable loans recognised as an asset in the public accounts

When a government introduces a large-scale student loan scheme, it is
crucial for it to represent perspicuously in its national accounts the distinction
between (a) money invested which will ultimately be recovered and (b)
monetary outflows which will not be recovered. Only outflows of type (b)
i.e. that portion of outlay on loans which is not expected to be recovered
should be marked as expenditure in the public accounts. Finance Minister
Pravin Gordhan has recently reaffirmed that South Africas expenditure
ceiling is sacrosanct.72 This is a welcome move. However, it should not be
allowed to disable the Government from turning bad student debt into good,
which it will do for as long as the repayable part of loans is treated in the
same way as grants to students in the national accounts.73
Of course, until a reliable method of debt collection has been put in place, it
is impossible to make an accurate prediction of how much outlay on loans will
ultimately be recovered. And, even with a reliable method of debt collection
in place, if overly large chunks of student debt are routinely written off, and
the interest rate on loans is too generously subsidised, then outflows of type
(a) i.e. the investment in loans which will ultimately make its way back into
the public coffers will amount to nil, or close to nil.
But if the reforms outlined above in 5.1 to 5.3 are implemented, the
situation changes considerably. Let us assume that, with debt collection by

70 Ibid., p. 497; Barr (2004) Higher education funding in Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 20(2), p. 271.
71 S. Nxasana (2015) Education is part of the real world in News 24, 30 November.
72 C. Bisseker & L. Ensor (2015) One blow too many: SA heads for recession and an earlier junk rating after the Finance
Ministers axing in Financial Mail, 17-23 December, p. 28.
73 National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education (1997) Higher education in the learning society: Report of the
National Committee, p. 327.
210 | Student Funding

SARS, an end to the conversion of loan into bursary, and an interest rate equal
to the governments cost of borrowing, 80% of outlay on loans can ultimately
be recouped once borrowers have achieved healthy earnings.74 That means
that, of R90 billion total outlay, only R18 billion should be recognised as
expenditure in the public accounts. Then let us assume that, with the interest
rate on loans raised somewhat above the governments cost of borrowing,
as recommended above in 5.3, half of the loss on the loans portfolio can
ultimately be borne by repaying graduates. That brings the total expenditure
on NSFAS loans down to R9 billion a much less daunting figure.
NSFAS counts its outflows on student loans adjusted for an impairment
due to anticipated non-repayments as an asset on its financial statement.75
This is as it should be, and is in accord with the Standards of Generally
Recognised Accounting Practice.76 But the repayable part of loans should be
recognised as an asset not just of NSFAS, but of the State. To effect this, an
amount equal to the loans asset on NSFAS balance sheet should be recognised
as owed by NSFAS to DHET,77 and the same amount should be recognised as
owed in its turn by DHET to the National Treasury. This would be a simple and
perspicuous way of marking the difference between loans (refundable) and
bursary payments (expenditure) in the public accounts.
Currently, the South African Governments accounts treat student loans in
the same way as bursaries, a practice which misleads rather than informs.78
For as long as it persists in this accounting practice, Government expenditure
targets will irrationally constrain South Africas ability to empower its young
people to invest in their future.79

74 I dont think this is an unrealistic assumption, given that South African university fees are cheap by international
standards (see Cloete (2015) The flawed ideology of Free Higher Education in University World News, 6 November),
and graduate unemployment in South Africa is low.
75 NSFAS (2015) 2014/2015 annual report: Toward a student-centred approach, p. 79 & 87.
76 Thanks to Ilse Lubbe for guidance on this point.
77 Currently DHET recognises all outflows to NSFAS as grants.
78 National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education (1997) Higher Education in the Learning Society, p. 327; Nicholas
Barr and Iain Crawford write: Since not all lending to students is repaid, it would be wrong to deduct all student loans
from public expenditure. But it makes equally little sense to present the public accounts as though no student loans
are repaid. This approach implicitly assumes that there will be a plague which wipes out all graduates on the day they
graduate, thus preventing any repayments at all (Barr & Crawford (1997) The Dearing Report, the governments
response and a view ahead in The Dearing Report, paragraph 93).
79 Barr comments: It is true that loans will bring in significant additional resources in 20 years time but (as one Vice-
Chancellor put it on the day the Dearing Report was published) you cannot revive a corpse (Barr (1998) Higher
education in Australia and Britain: What lessons? in Australian Economic Review, 31(2), p. 183).
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 211

5.5 A temporary graduate tax

Needless to say, the change in accounting practice outlined above in 5.4
does not conjure money out of thin air. There remains the cash-flow issue
of how to raise the capital required for the substantial expansion of NSFAS
argued for in this paper. It might be possible to raise sufficient capital through
the issue of Government bonds and by restructuring the higher-education
budget so that less is spent on subsidies to universities and more on student
financial aid.80 If not, a temporary graduate tax is one device which could
help achieve the necessary liquidity without redirecting funds from other
Government priorities.
Above in Section 3 it was explained why an income-contingent student
loan scheme is a better form for the student contribution to the costs of
higher education to take than a graduate tax. But there would be a clear
Fairness rationale for temporarily levying a tax on current graduates who
studied and paid fees in the past. Current graduates paid proportionally less
towards the costs of their higher education than todays students, which is an
intergenerational inequity. A temporary graduate tax on current graduates
taking the shape outlined above in Section 3 would enable that inequity to
be rebalanced, albeit in a rough and ready manner.

5.6 Universal eligibility to be phased-in gradually

Another way of ensuring sufficient liquidity for the proposed reforms to
NSFAS would be to introduce these reforms not all at once, but gradually. The
changes outlined above in Section 3 increasing the size of loans and bringing
the missing middle inside the NSFAS tent need to be prioritised and ideally
implemented within the next two to three years. On the other hand, the
introduction of universal eligibility for NSFAS loans though important (as
argued above in Section 4) is not quite so urgent. This further expansion of
NSFAS could be implemented five to ten years from now, once the trickle of
NSFAS loan repayments has increased to a steady stream.
The measures outlined in 5.15.6 above indicate that the policy of income-
contingent student loans with universal eligibility can reconcile the values of
Efficiency, Access, Fairness and Equality not only in theory but also in practice.

80 Above in section 5 I explained why such a restructuring would be fair.

212 | Student Funding

Once it is decided how much funding should be allocated to higher education,

and what a fair split between university subsidies and student financial aid
would be, (a) a temporary graduate tax, (b) adjustment to the interest rate on
loans, and (c) the gradual introduction of universal eligibility can all be used to
tailor the loan scheme to fit budgetary and cash-flow constraints.
To achieve the liquidity required for the expansion of the loan scheme in the
short term, the Government should issue special Government bonds marked
as Student Financial Aid Scheme Government Bonds, which will attract
socially responsive investors both in South Africa and abroad. Investing in
these specially marked Government bonds would be a more constructive way
for business corporations to contribute to the funding of university tuition
than the current somewhat piecemeal approach. Investment in Student
Financial Aid Scheme Government Bonds would be an attractive form of
corporate social responsibility for many business corporations.
In the closing months of 2015, the South African Government was
confronted with an articulate, attractive and well-coordinated student
pressure group which demanded lower university fees and ultimately free
higher education. As argued in this paper, neither of these policies would lead
to a more just society for South Africa. If it is to engage successfully with this
pressure group, and maintain its legitimacy in the eyes of its broader citizenry,
the Government must not only choose the right higher education funding
policy, but also communicate persistently and persuasively why the values
behind that policy make it the right one. The route to social justice is for South
Africa to empower its young people from all socio-economic backgrounds to
invest in their shared future.81

81 I acknowledge gratefully the helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper which I received from Dean Chapman, Greg
Fried, Rob Hull, Catherine Kannemeyer, John Kruger, Ilse Lubbe, Sean Muller, Lungisile Ntsebeza, Ian Scott, Bernhard
Weiss, Jimmy Winfield and Jonathan Wolff.
Reconciling efficiency, access, fairness and equality | 213

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reform in England in Higher Education in Europe, 34(2), pp. 201-209.
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unspeakable and the next White Paper in Social Policy & Administration,
46(5), pp. 483-508.
N. Barr & I. Crawford (1997) The Dearing Report, the governments response
and a view ahead App. 8 of Education and Employment Committee in The
Dearing Report: Some funding issues, II (The Stationery Office: London).
Bawa, A. (2000) A social contract between the public higher education sector
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Annexure B

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Governance innovation for funding tertiary

education in South Africa:
The case for a public private partnership in the
management of income contingent loans

Report to the Commission of Inquiry

into Higher Education and Training
19 May 2017

Lorenzo Fioramonti
Professor of Political Economy
Director - Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation
University of Pretoria
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 012-4202696

Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (Govlnn)

Old College House
University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20
Hatfield - 0028 Pretoria
South Africa
Phone: +27 (0)12-4204178


Background........................................................................................................................................ 3

Income contingent mechanisms: a brief technical overview ............................................................ 5

An income contingent mechanism has two generic forms: a graduate tax and a loan. ................... 6

Repayments can be organised in different ways: .............................................................................. 7

A practical example: Australia ............................................................................................................8

Designing an ICL system .....................................................................................................................9

Repayment rate .............................................................................................................................. 9

Repayment threshalds .................................................................................................................... 9

Interest rate .................................................................................................................................. 10

Capping loans ...............................................................................................................................10

Time horizon: early repayment and maximum duration ............................................................. 11

Collection mechanism................................................................................................................... 11

A hybrid ICL approach to the case of South Africa........................................................................... 11

A public-private partnership ......................................................................................................... 12

How much funding is needed? ..................................................................................................... 13

Flexible design ..............................................................................................................................14

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 16

References and further reading .......................................................................................................17

There is growing consensus that the future of development is heavily dependent on the quality of
human capital. Societies that do not put education at the core of their economic policy planning
are doomed. Wealth and progress indeed depend on how we treat young and future generations
as well as the resource base upon which they thrive. This is why the issue of financing education
is so important. In many regards, education is the essential driver of economic transformation,
technological progress, social emancipation and conflict resolution.

State support for universities in South Africa has been declining over time, with levels of public
investment far below other 'developing' and 'middle-income' countries like Cuba, Senegal, Ghana
and Malaysia.' Often third-stream income is presented as a substitute for public funds, but it is
unlikely to fill the gap for a number of reasons: 1) universities compete with one another for
national funds; 2) international funds have been shrinking due to the global economic crisis as
well as the exclusion of South Africa from more traditional development aid in line with its 'upper
mille-income' status; 3) private sector funding is less likely to be available for disciplines and
sectors that have no immediate application and relevance to industry's priorities; 4) project
based research can interfere with academic freedom and may ultimately skew accountability
relations, with priorities being dictated by external preferences rather than lecturers and

Currently the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is under a lot of pressure because of
insufficient resources and because of the so-called 'missing middle': a growing number of
students who cannot afford the rising costs of tertiary education, yet does not qualify for aid or
preferential loans. At the same time, government has been decreasing its overall investment in
universities, which forces management to increase fees. It is a vicious circle that makes
everybody tense and can easily trigger conflict.

Against this backdrop, students and most academics have called for free tertiary education,
arguing that public resources can be diverted from other sectors and additional taxes can be
introduced, especially on top income earners. This is certainly a legitimate demand, which points
to the need to redistribute resources in what remains one of the most unequal societies in the
world. At the same time it begs the question of whether allocating such additional revenues to
tertiary education would be the most 'socially just' decision, in a country in which public
healthcare as well as public primary/secondary education are extremely under-resourced. In fact,
achieving free tertiary education through public revenues may not be a very equitable decision.
Indeed, university graduates tend to enjoy higher incomes than average citizens. As result,
funding their studies by diverting ordinary taxation, which could instead be used to support the
achievement of more basic needs, would be tantamount to asking the current poor to subsidize
the future rich through forfeited benefits. While additional and more innovative taxation systems
would be needed in the country, the revenues should be channelled towards fulfilling more basic
needs than tertiary education.

To break out of this impasse we may benefit from some governance innovation capable of
reducing the frictions between students, universities and government while involving the rest of
society to take responsibility for ensuring a more equitable and affordable education system. In
this regard, it is an encouraging sign that the lkusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP)
was launched in 2017 with a pilot in a selection of universities. ISFAP adopts a hybrid model

Universities South Africa, University Funding in South Africa; A Fact Sheet. Available online: FactSheet.pdf

involving public grants, bank loans and a series of other funding mechanisms, including donations
and social impact bonds with a view to providing support particularly for the 'missing middle'.
Key private sector organizations in the country, including the Banking Association of South Africa
(BASA), Business Leadership South Africa and the Association for Savings and Investment South
Africa have supported the ISFAP pilot, with private institutions donating over ZAR 138 million and
ZAR 20 million in operating costs to ensure the pilot is implemented despite the short notice.

This report recommends building on the current ISFAP public-private partnership with a view to
streamlining and simplifying the approach. In particular, it is recommended that one unified
funding structure be managed by a single private partnership providing funding to all students,
not only to the poorest segments of the population and a selection of missing-middle
households. To achieve such a universal approach, South Africa can learn from the experience of
Australia and other countries, which have introduced a financial mechanism allowing students to
defer the costs of tuition until they get employment and making repayments proportional not to
the amount due but to their future salary scales. In technical terms, this system is called 'income
contingent loans' (!CL). Unlike conventional loans, which fuel a debt trap among millions of
students, also in South Africa, a repayment method proportional to future earnings guarantees
fairness and a better distribution of risk, given that some students will end up paying more than
they have loaned, thus subsidizing those whose jobs are not remunerated well enough, who may
enjoy lower premiums. Students who do not find a job or fall beneath a minimum 'salary
threshold' will be exonerated from repayment for as long as they remain in that condition,
provided that the government may require them to perform functions of collective benefit in
return for the public investment that allowed them to study at no cost.

Such a system has numerous advantages. First of all, it provides an immediate relief to students
who want to pursue an education but have no means to do so. By using future earnings rather
than current economic conditions as the repayment parameter, it breaks the vicious cycle of debt
and the anxiety that comes with the uncertainty surrounding the capacity to repay. Moreover,
this system is more efficient than conventional public funding and more democratic than private
loans: anybody can access it, poor and rich, without expensive screening processes that delay
applications and sap already limited financial resources. Indeed, diverse participation in the
funding scheme is crucial, because the financial sustainability of the system depends on the
possibility of future cross-subsidies between students accessing higher-paid professions and
those who get less lucrative jobs. The more diverse are the applicants, the more likely it is that
high-income earners' contributions will offset the lower repayments of those earning less.

Given the specific circumstances of the South African economy and in line with the ISFAP
approach, the report recommends a 'hybrid' adaptation of the ICLs, with the establishment of a
public-private partnership involving government, revenue service and private banks. The revenue
office would be in charge of collection, given that the simplest and most effective repayment
process is through conventional employer withholding in the payslip (similar to social security
withholdings). The banks would make funding available and the government may act as a payer
of last resort, either as a guarantor that public money would be injected into the system in case
of unexpected losses or by committing to buy off the banks any debt excessing a mutually agreed
margin. This proposal has been discussed with South Africa's banking associations and
representatives of commercial banks, with a generally positive feedback and interest to engage in
developing it further.

The crucial positive aspect of this hybrid approach is that it shifts the responsibility for equitable
education from individual students and their families to society as a whole. It also produces an

important alignment of interests between the public and the private sectors. Why? Because both
government and the business community will be able to profit from the proper management of
the economy and the creation of decent and well-remunerated work. On the one hand,
government would indeed save previous resources for as long as the positive cycle of repayments
is maintained: resources that could be invested in other critical areas of social development, thus
reinforcing the positive cycle. On the other hand, banks could profit directly from job creation,
which would give them an additional incentive to provide credit particularly to companies that
create good jobs, thus reducing their appetite for financial market operations. This alignment of
interests has the potential to turn the current lose-lose economic situation into a win-win, saving
government a lot of money and creating good investment opportunities for the private sector.
This system would be not only an innovative way to deal with the funding crisis in tertiary
education, but could also be a trigger of transformation and social justice. It is exactly what we
need to turn the economy around.

Income contingent mechanisms: a brief technical overview

We all understand how conventional mortgage style loans work. To begin with, they involve a
nominal repayment of $X per month for n years. Moreover they have the following
characteristics: 1) an increase in the interest rates raises monthly nominal repayments; 2) the
duration of the loan is fixed but the fraction of a person's income absorbed by repayments
(referred to as the repayment burden) can vary; 2) the repayment burden increases if income
falls, because repayments stay the same (in the absence of interest rates changes) regardless of
the borrower's salary fluctuations.

An income-contingent loan (ICL) challenges most of these aspects. For starter, repayments
depend on the borrower's income at the time of repayment (not on the amount loaned). In
virtually all !CL systems, payments are taken only after income reaches a threshold, with a view
to eliminating (or at least minimizing) financial stress and risks. In an ICL system the variable
component is the duration of the loan and the repayment rate applied, which can be longer or
shorter, higher or lower depending on the levels of income.

As a consequence, income-contingency turns many standard understandings about student loans

upside down:
Repayment rates do not change unless income changes, so as to keep the repayment
burden constant.
Duration of the loan is flexible to allow for more sustainable repayments (and higher
returns for the banks, given that graduate students tend to earn a higher salary as their
career progresses).
No repayment is expected until and unless the borrower is in the financial conditions to

The repayment burden is a crucial aspect of student loan design because it reflects the difficulty
or ease of meeting contractual obligations. With non-lCL systems, a borrower is required to repay
its debt each month for the duration of the loan (usually 10 years), irrespective of his/her
financial capacity to do so. As a result, borrowers experiencing unemployment or low earnings
through non-graduation (a particularly likely outcome for borrowers who did not complete their
degree), may end up facing proportionally higher repayment burdens, causing hardship and in
many cases leading to default. As a consequence, the fixed character of conventional loans can
seriously distort both labour market decisions (whether to work in the public or private sector, do

volunteering, look after family members) and decisions about family formation (partnership and
when to have children) in ways that are neither efficient nor equitable.

The distinction between past and current income would be immaterial with stable and
predictable incomes, but that is not the way the world works for borrowers. For instance, the
incomes of young people are least stable, and depend significantly on the state of the labour
market when first seeking full-time employment.

Thanks to its adaptability and flexibility, an income contingent design is always to be preferred to
a conventional loan as a means to finance human capital. Indeed, financing education is very
different from financing conventional built capital (Friedman 1955). Why?
There is a lack of collateral. In contrast to home loans, for instance, there is no tangible
property a borrower can offer to the lender in case of default.
There is asymmetric information. Students are better informed than lenders about
whether they aspire to careers in say financial markets or the arts, with implications in
terms of ability to repay.

The first problem implies excessive risk for borrowers; both problems imply excessive risk for
lenders. As a result, with conventional mortgage-type loans, investment in human capital is too
low, because lenders impose tough conditions to guarantee repayment, which make the
repayment burden excessive and often leads to default: a negative outcome for both borrower
and lender. Mortgage-type loans are also discriminatory, because they tend to offer more
favourable conditions to well-off students, who are more likely to repay, than to students coming
from more disadvantaged backgrounds. In turn, this reinforces inequality and marginalization.

These market failures imply that to achieve an efficient level of investment in human capital a
loan system needs two elements:
Consumption smoothing: the loan needs to be large enough to provide full support over
the course of the loan.
Insurance: if consumption smoothing is to be effective (that is, people borrow enough to
finance the efficient amount of investment in human capital), the loan needs to provide
an element of insurance against low earnings.

In many ways, student loans are analogous to social security and should operate on the same
principles. Pensions redistribute from a person's younger to her older self; student loans
redistribute from middle years to earlier years, and across individuals with different earning

An income contingent mechanism has two generic forms: a graduate tax and a loan.
In the case of a graduate tax, graduates pay a fraction of their earnings for life or (say) till
retirement. This is equity finance: repayments are contingent on lifetime income; thus
people with higher lifetime earnings repay more in present-value terms.
In the case of loans, repayment continues until the borrower has repaid some specified
amount, for example, 100% of the amount borrowed in present value terms (thus
including an interest rate). In this design, contingency affects both the rate and the
timeline of repayments, which vary according to the ability to repay and the income of
the borrower.

The report will deal at length with the strengths and weaknesses of the second approach, which
is based on income contingent loans. As regards the graduate tax (which this report does not
discuss in detail), the strengths include: low administrative costs and perceived fairness; the
weaknesses include: negative social perceptions of additional taxation, life-time duration of the
tax and cyclical tendencies in times of low economic growth.

Repayments can be organised in different ways:

They can be based on current income at the time of repayment, which adjusts
automatically to current earnings (this is the case in Australia and New Zealand).
They can be based on past income (which is the case in Hungary).
Or they can be developed through a combined arrangement, like in the Netherlands,
where the system follows a traditional mortgage-like approach, but if a person's earnings
are low, he/she can contact the student loans administration and request a lower
repayment rate.

For a number of reasons, including automaticity and low administrative transactions costs, the
first model is the most desirable.

Stiglitz (2014) has labelled these advantages 'transactional efficiencies' and promotes this aspect
as one of the most important benefits of ICL. The resulting benefits take two forms:
The marginal cost of collection is small because the system builds on an existing
administrative income-contingent collection apparatus'.
The benefit for the borrower is that repayments automatically adjust to financial

In general, ICL systems are designed so that higher-earning borrowers will generally be in a
position to repay their loans (plus interest) over a shorter period of time than low-earning
graduates. However, it is important to point out that there is good economic argument for having
a relatively long-term repayment term for these loans (say 20-30 years). It would be efficient to
set a short repayment period if the lifetime of a loan were somehow related to the lifetime of the
asset: for instance, a 3-year car loans and 25-year home loans. But given that the benefits of
higher education last throughout a person's working life, the option of longer repayment
duration should be seen as efficient, with the advantage that it reduces the risk of default.
Moreover, as already indicated, graduate students tend to earn more as their career progresses,
which means that longer loan terms are likely to generate higher returns for the lenders.

Important: it is always possible to design an ICL system that is cost neutral to the state and, by
association, to tax payers. In this regard, key variables include a combination of low loans, real
interest rates above the government cost of borrowing, loan surcharges, lower thresholds, higher
repayment rates, longer loan terms, and a healthy labour market with good earnings growth.
Some of these variables can be controlled, others cannot. A good ICL system should be
transparent, easy to understand, with universal take-up (essential to spread the risk and
guarantee smooth repayment), easy to access, easy to administer, placing low burden on
borrowers once they enter the labour market, and basing repayments on current earnings.

To summarize, the core elements of an ICL are:

Administrative costs in the Australian system is about 3% of the annual revenue collected (Chapman,

The repayment rate(s), that is, the percentage of a person's income after graduation that
is directed towards repaying the loan, which also includes the interest rate;
The repayment threshold, that is, the level of income at which repayments start;
A cap on total and/or annual borrowing from the student loan system;
The maximum number of years of repayment, that is, forgiveness after n years;
Conditions for early repayment;
A robust collection mechanism.

A practical example: Australia

Universities in Australia operate in the public sector with tuition charges set by government. Fee
levels have changed considerably over the last 20 years and are currently between about AUD
6,000 (ZAR 60,000) and AUD 9,000 (ZAR 90,000) per full-time student per year depending on the
course studied, there being three tiers (for example, law and medicine are in the top and arts and
humanities are in the bottom tiers).

Upon enrolment, domestic students choose between paying tuition upfront or deferring their
obligation through an ICL system. Over 85% choose to defer, because of the financial advantages
integrated into the ICL, and a student's debt is recorded and linked to his/her unique social
security/tax file number. When a borrower starts work, employers withhold loan repayments
based on the borrower's current income in the same way that they withhold social security
payments and income tax. Outstanding debt is recorded and reconciled within a government
agency. In other countries, this process is managed by a public private partnership (in the case of
the UK, for instance, it a separate a separate loans administration, the UK Student Loans

Like in most countries adopting the ICLs, borrowers have no repayment obligation unless their
incomes exceed a certain amount. In Australia, this is set at AUD 57,000 (ZAR 570,000) per
annum. Above these thresholds loan repayments increase proportionally with income up to a
maximum of 8% of the monthly salary (repayment burden). When the loan (plus interest) has
been fully repaid, employers are informed and repayment collections cease; the median duration
is about 8 years (in the UK, where average debts are much higher due to the high-cost of tertiary
education, the median is over 20 years). Although in Australia there is no maximum repayment
period, in other countries all outstanding debt is forgiven after about 30 years. ICL repayments in
Australia reflect a borrower's current capacity to repay, since repayments are collected on the
basis of the borrower's current weekly, fortnightly or monthly income.

Between 1994 and 2004, the Australian government introduced a Student Financial Supplement
Scheme that operated in part as a hybrid model, with funding sourced from the Commonwealth
Bank of Australia.3 In line with the conventional ICL design, repayments would not commence
until five years after the loan was taken out and only if the minimum threshold was exceeded. In
the meantime, voluntary repayments made during the contract period and before the repayment
terms attracted a 15% bonus. When the contract period expired, the Government paid the bank
the amount the student still owed and collected the debt through a HECS style arrangement
administered by the Tax Office.

The Australian experience points to the following conclusions.

See: Business/Bills Legislation/bd/bd0304/04bd027.

ICLs deliver major benefits in terms of consumption smoothing and insurance, because
they eliminate concerns with high repayment burdens and hence largely eliminate
A system of repayments through employer withholding based on current income is the
simplest and cheapest approach for both lenders and borrowers;
Avoiding the complications of reapplication has significant administrative and financial
benefits both for government and borrowers; and
The parameters of an ICL must be developed and agreed upon by all parties involved,
especially if a hybrid model involving public and private institutions is chosen.

Designing an ICL system

As discussed, the ICL approach has multiple objectives, including consumption smoothing and
social mobility (hence avoiding high repayment burdens), as well as fiscal parsimony (thus
limiting the financial burden on governments/tax payers while allowing loans to be large enough
to provide full support for students, and sufficiently widely available to bring about the efficient
level of investment in skills).

In designing an JCL, the choice of parameter values will depend on:

The relative weights given to these different objectives;
The choice of the other parameters, i.e. the parameters interact with each other;
The size of the Joan;
The level, distribution and projected rate of change of graduate earnings;
The tax and benefit regime operating in a country and the tax base;
Political sensitivity connected with taxation, real interest rates and surcharges.

Repayment rate
Let us start with the choice of a repayment rate. In the UK, the 9% repayment rate applies only to
earnings above the threshold of GBP 21,000 per year; thus the repayment for someone earning
GBP 22,000 per year is GBP 90, i.e. 9% of GBP 1,000. In Australia, once a borrower's earnings
cross the threshold of AUD 54,000, a 4% repayment rate applies to all earnings; thus the
repayment for someone earning AUD 55,000 is AUD 2,200, i.e. 4% of AUD 55,000. Other things
equal, the Australian system can have a lower starting repayment rate, but at the expense of a
'cliff edge' as earnings cross the threshold. Australian evidence suggests that this has behavioural
tax reporting effects in the short run (a bunching of earnings just below the threshold), which
however quickly disappears (after about one year).

In cases where income inequality is particularly pronounced, as in South Africa, it would be

advisable to consider a number of brackets with different repayment rates, so as smoothen the
burden more efficiently and ensure that top income earners offset lower repayment rates among
Jess well-off borrowers.

Repayment thresholds
This is the point at which a borrower's income activates repayments. In societies in which salary
gaps are wider, the risk of a 'cliff edge' can be reduced by having more thresholds with smaller
changes in the repayment rates. Other things being equal, a lower repayment threshold increases
repayments, making it possible, for example, to have a lower repayment rate. At the same time,
the case for a higher threshold is to avoid the proportionally higher marginal tax rates faced by
many low earning recipients and to reduce financial stress on low earners. In sum, a higher

threshold disentangles student loan repayments from other welfare considerations, with both
efficiency and equity gains, but it reduces revenue.

The choice of threshold depends on the balance between repayment flows and social concerns,
and will depend crucially on the median level of income in a country, the extent of income
inequality, its tax and benefit systems and the efficiency of the tax collection/employer
withholding system.

Interest rate
If government is in charge of the ICL system, then the interest rate can be tweaked according to
political preferences, but if banks are involved, then the interest rate must take into account the
cost of borrowing and must be set at prime or above prime to generate a level of profit for the
private investors.

As a general rule, an interest rate below the cost of borrowing means that taxpayers or private
,investors will have to fill the gap, given that no borrower is expected to repay in full in present
value terms. In the case of government loans, the outcome can be expensive in fiscal terms
(especially if the government's cost of borrowing is high). However, a lower interest rate may be
politically more palatable, reduce adverse selection and is also more progressive in terms of the
proportion of the loan paid by the cohort of borrowers in present value terms across the earnings

If the interest rate is set above the cost of borrowing, borrowers who repay their loan in full
r:epay more than the cost of their loan in present value terms. However a note of caution is
necessary here, given that the interest rate and repayment rate may interact in ways that affect
the progressivity of the monetary contribution made by borrowers. For instance, if the richest
graduates repay their loan faster, they contribute less proportionately in present value terms. An
alternative to a positive real interest rate, or an option alongside a real interest rate, is a loan
surcharge. A surcharge has the advantage of transparency (unlike compound real interest rates)
and can help maintain progressivity within the cohort of borrowers by allowing real interest rates
in a revenue neutral way (due to the increased revenue from the surcharge). A disadvantage is
that the surcharge, particularly a large surcharge, invites adverse selection.

Capping loans
Loans should be capped for two reasons: 1) to prevent people from borrowing more than the
fees and associated costs will require; 2) to help to contain fee inflation, a relevant consideration
in most countries, where tertiary education is becoming extremely expensive. In the UK, where
fees were allowed to rise up to a maximum of GBP 9,000 in 2012 and ICL loans were allowed to
rise commensurately, virtually all fees went up to GBP 9,000. This was repeated in 2016 when
fees for 2017 were allowed to rise to GBP 9,250 and all but a handful of universities raised fees to
the maximum level. In order to avoid a sudden increase in tuition fees, the cap should not be set
to a general threshold across all universities, but pegged to the inflation rate and proportional to
the cost of tuition applied before the entry into force of the ICL mechanism. This would avoid

In Australia, the interest rate is 0% real, in New Zealand is is 0% nominal - so below the government cost
of borrowing. Conversely in the UK the interest rate is 3% real and above the government cost of
See Haroon Chowdry et al. (2012b) and Lorraine Dearden et al. (2014).

that 'cheaper' universities resort to increasing their fees instrumentally to reach the cap, as was
the case in the UK.

Time horizon: early repayment and maximum duration

In a system with positive real interest rate, a lower maximum repayment duration is more
progressive (since lower earners are increasingly protected), but at the expense of less revenue.
As discussed, the U K has a maximum repayment duration of 30 years, i.e. any outstanding loan
balance after 30 years is forgiven. In Australia, by contrast, there is no maximum period of
repayment but implicitly is set to be the death of a debtor.

A well designed system should have no incentives to repay early and/or ensure that there is no
loss of revenue if there is early repayment.

Collection mechanism
As discussed earlier, employer withholding on the basis of current earnings is cheap, robust (also
in South Africa, where tax authorities are well resourced and skilled) and essential if the
insurance element in the loan is to be effective. A system in which employer-withholding is done
in the same way as is done for social security contributions is ideal (Dynarski 2016).

In sum, a good loan scheme has the characteristics summarized below:

Income-contingent repayments based on future earnings.
A write-off after n years, or at retirement or death.
Repayment threshold and rate so that:
o A graduate with 'good' earnings repays (in PV terms) 100% and for high-earners
more than 100%.
o Distortions like large cliff edges or wedges are avoided.
Low administrative costs and fiscal efficiency, because a streamlined loan approach
reduces bureaucratic costs and increases investment in human capital. By contrast,
complex administration processes restrict one or more of:
o The number of loans that are made available;
o The size of loans;
o Student numbers;
o The breadth of the loan system, e.g. not covering living costs, or excluding part
time students, postgraduate students and students in sub-degree tertiary
All these problems are particularly detrimental to students from disadvantaged
backgrounds, who enjoy limited family financial support.
A fair and sustainable approach to offsetting losses and spreading risk. Here the critical
question is where the loss on low-earning borrowers should fall: (a) on the taxpayer, or on
the cohort of borrowers through (b) a cohort risk premium or (c) a surcharge. A large
fiscal cost creates downward pressure on the number and/or size of loans, and crowds
out other beneficial activities (like spending on other areas of welfare). A large loss
requires a substantial risk premium, that is, an interest rate significantly above the cost of
borrowing, risking adverse selection and creating potential political and social problems. A
large loss requires a substantial surcharge, again raising the prospect of adverse selection.

A hybrid ICL approach to the case of South Africa

The key virtue of the ICL approach is its flexibility: it can be adapted in many different ways, with
a view to responding to specific economic factors and cultural/social dimensions. South Africa is a

highly unequal country, which means that the income capacity of one sector of the population
can be used to rebalance low levels of repayment in other sectors. The country also needs to
prioritize public spending in the provision of basic services, notably healthcare and
primary/secondary education, which means that additional public taxation or different budgetary
decisions should target these critical areas first, rather than funding tertiary education.

For all these reasons, a hybrid ICL approach is preferable. Involving the private sector will indeed
unleash new capabilities and financial resources, potentially addressing the problem at no cost to
government. Moreover, it would guarantee a reasonable spreading of risk by making the funding
approach universally applicable to everyone. Finally, it creates an opportunity for a public-private
partnership aimed at shifting the responsibility to fund tertiary education from government,
universities and families to society as a whole.

The desirability of a hybrid approach has also been stressed by a number of universities. For
instance, a report by the University of the Witwatersrand states:

to surpass the current crisis a new "hybrid model" is required. This envisages a multi-faceted
approach in which Government {as the main custodian of higher education), the Private
Sector and university revenues {fees, donor funds and endowments) all contribute in various
ways ta the general we/I-being and sustainability of the higher education sector'.

In the next sections, the report outlines various options for a hybrid ICL model to tackle the
tertiary education crisis in South Africa.

A public-private partnership
For the ICL approach to work effectively in the South African context, where state resources
should prioritize other basic needs, it is essential to involve the private sector in the lending
process. In particular, South African banks appear well positioned and resourced to provide a
leading role. Many commercial banks in the country are already providing conventional loans to
students, parents and guardians, whose investment could be more usefully directed towards
funding the ICL approach. In addition, banks also fund an increasing number of scholarships,
whose administration comes with a cost, which could be better streamlined by investing directly
in the ICL funding scheme. According to BASA's report to the Commission, South African banks
already spend roughly ZAR 500 million per annum through grants and bursaries, with roughly
5000 bursaries dispensed across the country each year and ZAR 1 billion worth of student loans
annually. Most of these loans already include flexibility in repayment, with only interest and fees
charged during the period of study, some support in case of unemployment and a grace period
after graduation, when full repayment begins. It's clear that the ICL approach would make this
process much more streamlined for both borrowers and lenders, limiting administrative burdens
and spreading the risk across a more diverse population.

In preparing this report, a series of conversations were held with South African commercial
banks, namely, Standard Bank, ASSA, Nedbank and First National Bank, as well as with BASA. All
parties involved confirmed their interest in engaging in conversation with all parties involved to
discuss how a hybrid ICL approach could be implemented as a response to the current funding

Report of the University of the Witwatersrand Panel on Funding Model(s) for Higher Education in South
Africa. Available online:

In order to guarantee 'neutrality', such partnership should be managed by an independent
institution similar to the several bodies already identified by the Chapter 9 of the Constitution. It
should be accountable to Parliament, but guided by a board involving also the Banking
Association of South Africa and the South African Revenue Service (SARS). The role of SARS is
crucial to ensure that repayments are processed automatically as part of tax returns through
direct employer withholdings.

Why such a partnership? First of all, because the private sector needs to take more responsibility
in ensuring that tertiary education is made accessible to everyone. Second, because it would be a
good investment for many banks seeking a decent return on investment, especially against the
backdrop of widespread unsecure lending in the economy at large. Third, because it would save
government money (at a time of shrinking public budgets), which should rather be invested in
other critical areas of social development, from primary and secondary education to healthcare.

More importantly, perhaps, this partnership helps align the short-term interests of government
and business with those of society at large. How? By making government revenues and banks'
profits directly dependent on the creation of good jobs. By investing in the future careers of
students, banks will have a stake in the real economy rather than in the financial markets, thus
redirecting most of their capital towards lending rather than speculation. Indeed, the likelihood
of steady repayment will be proportional to the creation of good and dignified jobs across
society, not in one sector but in as many sectors as possible. As the profitability of the loans will
depend upon the diversification of such job creation, banks will be more inclined to provide
credit to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which are the real job creators vis-a-vis some
traditional corporate giants, which have become structurally unable to generate good jobs and
are actually downsizing the workforce across the board. The ICL partnership would be a further
incentive to upgrade existing efforts by the banking industry, including their activities under
auspices of the CEO Initiative, such as the creation of an SME fund to invest in black enterprises
and the Youth Employment Service.

Government will have a similar interest, because if the repayment cycle sustains itself thanks to
the steady creation of good jobs, it will not need to use its own resources to back up the loans. As
a consequence, we should expect policymakers to focus on policies that promote diversification,
job creation, good governance, and broad-based economic empowerment. This will contribute to
levelling the regulatory playing field between large corporations, which have thus far been
supported by cheap labour and direct/indirect subsidies without a direct impact on the creation
of dignified and sustainable jobs, and the many small and medium enterprises, which are the real
job creators, yet struggle to access credit and operate in a legislative environment that is not
enabling to their success.

How much funding is needed?

It is difficult to gauge exactly the amount of financial resources necessary to cover the costs of
tertiary education for all students, also because the elimination of fees may increase enrolments.
A generic estimate is however possible. According to the Centre for Higher Education and Trust,
which collects data from the South African Department of Higher Education and Training's Higher
Education Management Information System and universities' annual financial statements, there
are about 1 million students enrolled nationally, with a success rate of about 77%. A rough
estimate of yearly tuition fees plus basic additional costs (including a small stipend for


accommodation and transport) hovers around ZAR 50,000 per year (with a Bachelor of Medicine
at the University of Cape Town, which is the most expensive degree in the country, costing about
ZAR 65,000 per annum and a Bachelor of Science at UNISA set at about ZAR 13,000 per annum).
This would amount to about ZAR 150,000 ZAR for bachelor degree and roughly 200,000 ZAR for a
full degree including honours. Such an admittedly generic and rough calculation sets the overall
need of funding at about 50 billion ZAR per an num, with a total of about 200 billion ZAR for all
completed degrees nationally.

Ideally, a good system of funding and incentives should minimize failure and drop-out, which is
why we assume a 100% success rate. Should the success rate only improve marginally from
current trends (say from 77% to 85%), the overall cost of education would obviously decrease as
compared to the assumed trajectory. In comparison, NSFAS has a budget of about 15 billion ZAR
in 2017, which has been disbursed through grants and loans to assist over 400,000 students. At
the national level, South African banks possess assets for about 4 trillion ZAR, with a significant
(albeit decreasing) amount invested in unsecured credit, which could be more profitably directed
to support socially beneficial activities, including tertiary education.' Moreover, private
companies already make significant funds available in terms of bursaries and fellowships to a
number of universities, faculties and departments. All this funding, which is possibly quite
significant in terms of scale, could be absorbed by the ICL mechanism, thus reducing the actual
amount of money loaned directly from the banks.

In short, the partnership would work as follows:

An independent institution is created as a joint initiative by the Department of Higher
Education and Training, SARS and the Banking Association of South Africa, accountable
directly to Parliament. This institution will manage an annual funding portfolio of roughly
150-200 billion ZAR, made available by South African private banks and other investors.
The NSFAS's annual budget (currently 15 billion ZAR) is set aside as a guarantee fund in
case of insufficient repayments. If the system is in balance after four years, the NSFAS
budget can be redirected to finance other areas of social welfare. Two alternatives are
possible: 1) these funds could be used to start repaying banks at a low interest rate after
the first two years of contract; 2) these funds are used to cover most of the costs of first
year e nrolments, where drop-out rates tend to be higher (about 12% on average
according to recent studies of the cost implication of the White Paper), thus absorbing
much of the risk upfront while leaving banks to cover the students during the remaining
years, in line with the current approach adopted by ISFAP.
Private businesses interested in providing bursaries and fellowships would contribute
directly to the ICL public-private partnership, either by making donations or purchasing
interest-free bonds or equivalent financial obligations, in exchange for the right to
indicate the sector of learning to which they would like their funds to be allocated.

Flexible design
This hybrid ICL partnership must be designed in a flexible fashion so as to achieve social mobility,
redistribution and drive the economy in a more sustainable direction, ultimately becoming a
countercyclical process to spur economic development, especially in times of stagnation. To
achieve such multiple objectives, the following is recommended:


Time horizon
Preference should be given to a long-term repayment horizon in order to minimize risks of
default. There should be a possibility for early repayment, but with a premium (or loan
surcharge) in order to discourage a surge of repayments in the early stages of a professional
career, when income is lower and risks are higher.

The long-term repayment is also likely to ease the burden on graduates facing the so-called
'black tax', a customary tradition among many black communities in the country, according to
which young professionals are expected to support their families mostly through covering the
cost of their siblings' education. It must be noted that, in a fully-functional ICL system, it is
likely that education expenses will massively decrease or disappear altogether, thus reducing
the burden associated with customary practices.

Thresholds and caps

As discussed, the choice of threshold depends on the balance between repayment flows and
social concerns. It will need to take into account the level of inequality in South Africa and the
median income, ultimately exonerating all post-graduation poor households (and potentially
some of those belonging to the so-called 'missing middle') from any repayment obligation.

It is important that loans are capped to avoid an increase in university fees. However, given
the vast disparity in costs among the various South African universities, the cap must be
introduced in ways that do not generate a perverse incentive for 'cheaper' universities to
increase their charges instrumentally to reach the cap.

Unlike conventional ICLs, in which government manages loans directly and can decide to set
interest rates below the cost of borrowing (thus requiring an injection of revenues from
taxpayers), a hybrid model involving private banks will require a higher, although
incremental, approach to interest rates. In practice, it is recommended that a minimum entry
level be equivalent to prime plus inflation, with progressive marginal increments proportional
to the income of the borrower. Due to South Africa's massive inequality, it is advisable to
introduce a relatively large number of repayment scales (thus smoothening repayment
obligations) with an exponential increase for top income earners.

It is paramount that interest rates are chosen carefully so as to ensure that repayments
exceed the amounts loaned, with a view to offset the forfeited debt owed by those falling
below the threshold.

For the ICL approach to work optimally, the pool of students signing up to the facility should
be as large and diverse as possible. Ideally, it should be universal, with all students
subscribing to it upon successful registration. As discussed, uptake rates around the world are
quite high, because ICL systems are designed in a way that comes with virtually no risk to the
students and repayments are proportional to the financial means of the graduate after
finding employment. In a country like South Africa, which suffers from high levels of income
and wealth inequality, it is paramount that students from all socioeconomic backgrounds
participate in the process. Otherwise, there would be a significant risk of adverse selection,
with low levels of repayment, which is currently a major problem for both NSFAS and ISFAP.
An optimal level of uptake can be achieved in two ways:

Making it mandatory for all students to subscribe to the ICL funding mechanism upon
Attaching a 'fee discount' to students that sign up for the ICL approach.
In the first case, the legislator would need to introduce a universal requirement for students
in public universities, adapting it to Constitutional requirements of equal treatment and non
discrimination. In the second case, it would be a process agreed upon directly between the
ICL partnership and universities. For instance, it could be agreed that universities will only
receive government subsidies in proportion to the number of students enrolled through the
ICL process. As a consequence, universities may need to increase tuition fees to supplement
the forfeited public funds, which however would not apply to students funded through ICLs.
For ICL students fees would only increase proportionally to the rate of inflation, while non-lCL
students would be charged according to other financial considerations. Not only is such an
approach a powerful alternative to the obligatory adoption of ICLs, but it can easily result in
an indirect subsidy from opt-out students to ICL students, thus maintaining the sustainability
of the partnership.

Incentives and sanctions

Last but not least, there is a clear need for better incentives and stricter sanctions for
students. Good performance is indeed essential for this hybrid mechanism to work
effectively. Being a loan, the ICL is less likely than other types of funding (e.g. a graduate tax)
to generate perverse incentives, whereby students with no real interest to pursue graduation
or no particular professional aspirations attend university simply because it is free, thus
posing an excessive burden on public funds. In any case, stricter performance assessment
mechanisms will need to be implemented by universities to minimize such risk and to ensure
that as many students as possible graduate in time and with distinction.

No funding system is perfect, but the hybrid ICL approach described in this report is possibly the
least imperfect of all. It avoids the debt trap in which many students are currently falling, which
feeds suspicious financial schemes, often with the tacit consent of university administrators. It
avoids sapping important public funds, which should rather be spent to support other areas of
social welfare.

In some ways, this hybrid model is a better option than any other income contingent forms of
funding, including a 'graduate tax'. The latter, too, has a number of advantages, but it is unlikely
to alter the current economic status qua, which points towards a shrinking labour market going
forward. A tax risks undermining its sustainability even in the short term, because the graduates
expected to pay it may never find the good jobs they want. Moreover, it is more likely to cause an
inflation of enrolments, also by students who may not be particularly motivated or interested to
achieve graduation but would welcome the idea of attending university with no strings attached.

Above all, what makes the hybrid approach more promising is its capacity to align different
interests in society. Unlike a tax, this hybrid system may activate countercyclical dynamics, thus
helping turn the economy around: something unlikely to happen for as long as government,
business and the rest of society pull in different directions. Unlike a tax, which becomes a
bilateral relationship between students and government, the hybrid model turns the private
sector into a direct stakeholder in the tertiary education process. Achieving accessible quality
education is not just a responsibility of public departments, universities and students: as a public
good at the basis of a healthy society, it is everybody's moral duty and in everybody's best

References and further reading
Nicholas Barr (1989),'Alternative Proposals for Student Loans in the U nited Kingdom', in Maureen
Woodhall (ed.), Financial Support far Students: Grants, Loans ar Graduate Tax?, Kogan Page,
pp. 110-121.
Nicholas Barr (2010), 'A properly designed 'graduate contribution' could work well for U K
students and higher education - even though the original "graduate tax" proposal is a terrible
idea', LSE British Politics and Policy, 20 August 2010, designed-%E2%80%98graduate
contribution%E2%80%99-could-work-well-for-uk-students-and-high e r -education-even
Nicholas Barr (2012a), The Economics of the We/fore State, 5th edition, Oxford and New York:
Oxford University Press.
Nicholas Barr (2012b), 'The Higher Education White Paper: The good, the bad, the unspeakable -
and the next White Paper', Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 46, No. 5, October, pp. 483-
Bruce Chapman (2014), "Income Contingent Loans: Background" in Bruce Chapman, Timothy
Higgins and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds), Income Contingent loons: Theory, practice and prospects,
Palgrave McMillan; New York: 11-19.
Bruce Chapman and Lorraine Dearden (2016), "Conceptual and Empirical Issues for Alternative
Student Loan Designs: The Significance of Loan Repayment Burdens for the US", forthcoming
Bruce Chapman, Lorraine Dearden and Louis Hodge {2016), "The distributional and fiscal
implications of different income contingent loan systems for the US", forthcoming IFS
Working Paper.
Bruce Chapman and Andrew Leigh (2009), "Do Very High Tax Rates Induce Bunching?
Implications for the Design of Income Contingent Loan Schemes", Economic Record, Vol. 85
(270) (September): 276-289.
Haroon Chowdry,, Lorraine Dearden, Alissa Goodman and Wenchao Jin. (2012a), The
Distributional Impact of the 2012-13 Higher Education Funding Reforms in England. Fiscal
Studies, 33: 211-236. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-5890.
Haroon Chowdry, Lorraine Dearden, Wenchao Jin and Barnaby Lloyd, November (2012b), Fees
and student support under the new higher education funding regime: what are different
universities doing?, IFS Briefing Notes , BN134,
Lorraine Dearden, Louis Hodge, Wenchao Jin, Alexander Levine and Laura Williams {2014),
"Financial support for HE students since 2012", IFS Briefing Notes, BN152,
Susan Dynarski (2016), "How to - and How Not to - Manage Student Debt", The MiIken Institute
Review, 2 Quarter.
Milton Friedman (1955), 'The Role of Government in Education', in Solow, Robert A. (ed.),
Economics and the Public Interest, New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, pp.
Adam Looney and Constantine Yannelis (2015), "A crisis in student loans? How changes in the
characteristics of borrowers and in the institutions they attended contributed to rising loan
defaults". Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Fall, Washington, DC.
Hamish Low, Costas Meghir and Luigi Pistaferri (2010), "Wage Risk and Employment Risk over the
Life Cycle." American Economic Review, 100(4): 1432-67.
Shapiro, D., Dundar, A., Wakhungu, P.K., Yuan, X., Nathan, A. & Hwang, Y. (2016, November),
Completing College: A National View of Student Attainment Rates - Fall 2010 Cohort
(Signature Report No. 12). Herndon, VA: National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

Joseph E. Stiglitz (2014), "Remarks on income contingent loans mitigating risk" in Bruce
Chapman, Timothy Higgins and Joseph E. Stiglitz (eds), Income Contingent loons: Theory,
practice and prospects, Palgrave McMillan; New York: 29-37.

-- .. Annexure C

Unemployment Insurance Fund

Assessment of the financial impact of the Amendment Bill of

31 March 2016

OED Actuaries & Consultants (Pty) Ltd


.. .

Table of Contents
ExectJtive Summary................................................................................................................................. 2

1 ..... JntrodtJction .............................................................................., ......... f+++-o.oo. ....................................... 5

2 ..... Reliances and Limitations ................................................................................................................6

3 ...... Data ............................................................................................................................................................. 7


4 ..... Changes Since the Previous Review .............................................................................................. 9

5 ..... Benefit amendments and proposed methodology .........................................................................1O

6 .... Results .........................................,...................................................................................................................19

7 ....... Concius.ion fp-....PPt-47

Appendix A: Part o:................................................................................................................................ 50

Appendix" B: Part 1: ...............................+t".............................................................................................. 51

Appendix C: Part 2: ............................................................................................................................... 52

Appendix O: Part 3: ............................................................................................................................... 53

Ap:per,dix E: Part 4: ..... f ............................................, ....... ,................................................ p.... ...... t ..., ......,, .... ........... 54

Appendix F: Part 6: P+ ............................................................. , ............... .............,............................................55

Appe:OOtx G: Part 7; ....t+..............................56

Appendix H: Part 9: .................................................,. p........................................................ p P-57

Appendix I: Part 10: ............................................................................................................................... 58

Appendix J: Part 11: ++f._...............................................,................ ,.t ......................................

Appentlix K: Part 12:.................. .....

p .. ........... +

1 ..............................................................14( ........................................ ........


Appendix L: Part 1'2A: +-+.................... p............. ...... ,.................................................... , ...... , ...... , .. 61

Appendix M: Shocks applied .................................................................................................................62

Appendix N: Shocks to Part 11 .............................................................................................................64

Appendix 0: Shocks to Part 12 .............................................................................................................68

Appendix P: Shocks to Part 12A ...........................................................................................................72

Appendix Q: Benefit deseriptiOn ............................................................................................................76

Unemployment Insurance Fund I Actuarial Review

R \South Alrica\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment Sill.docx 1

., '

Executive Summary
1. QED Actuaries & Consultants (Pty) Ltd C-OED") has been appointed by the management of
the Unemployment Insurance Fund ("UIF" or "the Fund") to assess the financial impact of
proposals in the Unemployment Insurance Amendment Bill of 2015. Management have
requested that additional scenarios, which are currently under discussion in the National
Economic Development and Labour Council ("NEDLAC"), be considered, the financial impact
of which is also assessed in this report.

2. This report focuses on the adjustments that will have an impact on the future financial
performance of the Fund.

3. Benefit changes proposed in the 2013 Amendment Bill, which also appear in the 2015
Amendment Bill, are considered in the following Parts of the report:

Part 1: Extension of benefits to 365 days with a flat rate of 20% after 238 days, and
adjustment of benefit. accrual at rate of 1 day for every 5 days worked
Part 2: Maternity and Illness benefit changes
Part 3: Unemployment benefit cycle changes
Part 4: Extension of Death claims submission period from 6 to 18 months
Part 5: Extension of Unemployment claims submission period from 6 to 12 months
Part 6: Death claims to allow for nominated beneficiary
Part 7: Inclusion of persons on leamership contracts and migrant workers

4. Benefit changes proposed in the 2015 Amendment Bill, which were not proposed in the 2013
Amendment Bill, are considerd In the following Parts of the report:

Part 8: Payment of benefits in the case of reduced salary

Part 9: Extension of Maternity claims submission period from 8 weeks prior to birth to
12 months after child birth

5. Benefit. changes as under discussion in NEDLAC are considered in the following parts of the

Part 10: Inclusion of persons employed in the informal sector

Part 11: Payment of 12 days of paternity leave to fathers
Part 12: Payment of benefits to persons who have resigned

6. As an alternative option for Part 12, which we have referred to as Part 12A, we recommend
that the IRR used to calculate resignation benefits be 60% of the actual IRR for the first 238
days, and the proposed fixed 20% IRR thereafter.

7. The cumulative PAYG rate following the respective proposed benefit changes that lead to a
deterioration in the claims experience of the Fund is estimated as follows:
Unemployment Insurance Fund I Actuarial Review
R \South Afrlca\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment Bill.docx 2

Death Illness M&A Total Chan e
Q.Jrrent 0.041% 0.038% 0.117% 0.892% 1.322%
Part 1 0.047% 0.038% 0.120% 1.044% 0.235% 1.483% 0.161%
Part 2 0.047% 0.043% 0.183% 1.044% 0.235% 1.552% 0.069%
Part3 0.047% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0.235% 1.708% 0.157%
Part4 0.047% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0.235% 1.708% 0.000%
Part6 0.070% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0.235% 1.732% 0.023%
Part7 0.072% 0.045% 0.189% 1.239% 0.235% 1.780% 0.048%
Part B
Parts 0.072% 0.046',(, 0.208% 1.239% 0.235% 1.799% 0.019%
Part 10 0.078% 0.048% 0.223% 1.327% 0.235%
Part 11 0.078% 0.048% 0.351% 1.327%
!, .OiD'illYt___.O..B'W !0:3.51'KI 2.D.Bt'I.%
Part12A 0.078% 0.048% 0.351% 1.779%

8. Benefit changes that lead to no anticipated deterioration in claims experienc;e to the Fund are
reflected as blank lines in the above table. The revision in PAYG rate for each line reflects the
cumulative impact of all benefit changes considered up to that Part.

9. Part 9, highlighted in light grey and balded in the table above, shows the cumulative impact on
the PAYG rate, should the changes proposed in the Amendment Bill be implemented. Part
12, highlighted in dark grey and balded, shows the impact on the Fund, should the changes
proposed in the Amendment Bill, as well as those under discussion in NEDLAC be
implemented. Part 12A, at the bottom of the table, shows the impact in the Fund, should Part
12A be implemented instead of Part 12.

10. The cumulative Impact of benefit changes proposed in the Amendment Bill that lead to a
deterioration in claims experience of the Fund is a revision of the PAYG rate for the Fund from
1.322% in the base financial projection to 1.799%. This means that all changes proposed in
the Amendment Bill are affordable at the current contribution rate of the Fund of 2.00%.

11. The cumulative impact of benefit changes proposed in the Amendment Bill and those under
discussion in NEDLAC result in the PAYG rate of the Fund increasing from 1.322% to 2. 792%.
This means that all benefit changes under discussion in NEDLAC cannot be fully funded by
the current contributions to the Fund. However, the high level of accumulated funds results in
the investment income being able to fund the difference. As a result, the Fund is able to afford
the changes under discussion in NEDLAC as well as those proposed in the Amendment Bill.
However, the operating shortfall under this scenario is significant. As most of this is due to
Part 12, we recommend that the Fund consider implementing Part 12A initially, rather than
Part 12.

12. Details of the base financial projection (per the 2016 Actuarial Review Report), and a 10-year
financial projection conducted using the revised PAYG rate of 1.799% and 2.792% are shown
in the report. The surplus and Solvency Ratio of the Fund continue to grow in the long term
under a PAYG rate of 1.799%, although there is an initial decrease in the year in which the
changes are implemented. The once-off, initial decrease in surplus and solvency ratio is due
to an increase in the Unexpired Risk Reserve ("URR"), which is dependent on the PAYG rate
of the Fund. An increase in the PAYG rate results in an increase in the URR.

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13. Under a PAYG rate of 2.792% the accumulated surplus continues to grow, however the
solvency ratio decreases due to the increase in contributions.

14. The Fund continues to earn substantial investment returns under a scenario of a PAYG rate of
2.792%, and this leads to ongoing growth in the surplus position of the Fund, in the long term.
The projected surplus of the Fund, after 10 years, allowing for the changes proposed by the
Amendment Bill is R297.0 billion, with a solvency ratio of 945%. Should the changes
proposed by NEDLAC discussions also be implemented the surplus is projected to be
R124.8 billion in 10 years with a solvency level of 380%. Based on Part 12A the solvency in
10 years is projected to be 414% and the accumulated surplus is projected to be
R136.1 billion.

15. We conclude that we are comfortable that the proposed benefit changes in the 2015
Amendment Bill as well as those proposed by NEDLAC are affordable by the Fund. However,
we recommend that the IRR used to calculate the resignation benefit be set at 60% of the
actual IRR for the first 238 days, rather than 100%. The key measure in making this
conclusion is that the accumulated funds continue to increase after the benefit changes are
made, although there is an initial sharp decrease initially. Furthermore, the solvency position,
though decreasing slowly, remains at a high position.

L Moroney
Consulting Actuary
Fellow of the Actuarial Society of South Africa

Telephone : +27 11 038 3713

E-mail : [email protected]

1 June 2016

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1. Introduction

1.1 OED Actuaries & Consultants (Pty) Ltd ("OED.), has been appointed by the management of
the Unemployment Insurance Fund ("UIF" or "the Fund") to assess the financial impact of
proposals in the Unemployment Insurance Amendment Bill of 2015.

1.2 This report is produced in our capacity as employees of OED.

1.3 This report is addressed to the directors and management of the Fund.

1.4 In Notice 738 of 2013 ("2013 Amendment Bill"), the Minister of Labour published proposed
amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act of 2001 ("the Act"). In Government Gazette
No. 39273 of 8 October 2015 ("2015 Amendment Bill"), the Minister of Labour has published
proposed revised amendments to the Act. Furthermore, proposed additional scenarios, which
are currently under discussion in NEDLAC have been considered.

1.5 The purpose of the Act is to establish a Fund to which employers and employees contribute
and from which employees who become unemployed, or their beneficiaries as the case may
be, can benefit. In that regard, the harmful economic and social effects of unemployment can
be alleviated.

1.6 In order to improve service delivery by the Fund, the Unemployment Insurance Board decided
to recommend to the Minister that the Act should be amended so as to meet these demands.

1.7 The Minister for Labour has introduced in the National Assembly and gazetted a number of
proposed amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act (Act 63 of 2001 ).

1.8 The financial impact of previous proposed amendments to the Act has been assessed in a
report by OED, previously known as Aon Hewitt (Actuarial).

1.9 This report focuses on the adjustments that will have an impact on the future financial
performance of the Fund. Further detail qf the latest proposed benefit adjustments proposed
in the 2015 Amendment Bill as well as additional scenarios being discussed by NEDLAC is
described in the report. An attempt is made in the results section of this report to quantify the
impact of the respective proposed benefit changes on:

the claims ratio (expressed as a pay-as-yotrgo rate); and,

the projected financial position of the Fund.

1.1O Appendix Q details the benefits which the Fund currently provides, as well as the proposed

1.11 The contents of this report are confidential. Further, the report should not be considered as
appropriate for any purpose other than that for which it was intended. The written approval of
the signing actuary must be obtained before this report is disclosed, whole or in part, to any
party other than those mentioned in paragraph 1.3 above.

1.12 This report should be read as a whole, as sections taken on their own could be misleading.

1.13 This report assumes knowledge of certain financial and actuarial concepts and principles.

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2 Reliances and Limitations

2.1 This report and the estimates of value and opinions contained herein are subject to the
following primary reliances and limitations, amongst others.

2.2 This exercise relies on our interpretation of the intended purpose of the assessment;
specifically: to provide Management with insight into the expected impact of the
2015 Amendment Bill as well as additional scenarios proposed by NEDLAC on the financial
performance of the Fund.

2.3 Reliance is placed on the 10-year financial projection conducted as part of the Actuarial
Review Report as at 31 March 2016.

2.4 The results are based on internal data of the Fund as provided by Management.

2.5 The responsibility for maintaining accurate data files in respect of the Fund's business lies with
Management. Certain reasonability checks are undertaken and no material errors are noted.
This comment notwithstanding, these checks do not guarantee the integrity of the data used.

2.6 The accuracy of the values in this report and the conclusions based thereon are limited to the
accuracy of the data.

2.7 More specific reliances and assumptions are documented, where relevant, in the remaining
sections of the report.

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3 Data
3.1 This review relies on data provided by the Fund.

3.2 The following data and information were considered in order to perform the assessments in
the report:

claims information tables for the 2016 financial year, split by the type of claim into
Unemployment, Adoption, Death, Illness and Maternity;
payment information tables for the 2016 financial year, split into the same claim types;
QED's Actuarial Review Report as at 31 March 2016; and
QED's Report on the expected impact of the Proposed Unemployment Insurance
Amendment Bill of 2013.

3.3 The claim and payment data tables each contain multiple dimensions which can be used to
assess the impact of a proposed change in benefits. These include:

date of the event giving rise to the claim;

date of the claim application;
date of approval or rejection;
date the claim was captured in the system;
average salary;
benefit amount;
number of credit days entitled, claimed and available;
date of payment;
amount of payment; and
any over- or underpayments.

3.4 The following table shows a summary of the financial year 2016 claims data by benefit type in
terms of the total benefits that claimants had accrued.

Benefit cate90 Number of claims Data

Death 16,470 R 314,086,226
Dlness 17,342 R 336,209,031
Maternity 97,006 R 975,149,228
Une!!]:!loll'T'ent 589,740 R 7,608,100,043
Total 720,558 R 9,233,544,527

3.5 The Adoption benefit is ignored for the purpose of quantifying the impact of benefit changes as
there are very few claims for this benefit type (70 claims in 2016).

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3.6 The claims data captured over the year ending 31 March 2016 is based on an Income
Replacement Ratio ("IRR") of 38%-60% and an earning threshold of R14,872.

3.7 The table below shows the average salary, average IRR and average credits available at the
claim stage for the 2016 claims data.

Benefit category Average salary Average IRR Average credits available

Death R G,670.30 44.37% 178.86
Illness R S,905.48 45.16% 195.84
tollaternlty R 6,458.32 45.74% 108.09
Unelll)loyrrent R S,798.32 46.51% 138.33
Average R &,933.75 46.33% 1 36.67

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4 Changes Since the Previous Review
4.1 The financial impact of previous proposed amendments to the Act has been assessed by

4.2 The following changes proposed in the 2013 Amendment Bill, and assessed in QED's
previous report, are not being considered in the 2015 Amendment Bill:

4.2.1 Changes in unemployment start date, from the date of unemployment to the date of
application for a benefit.

4.2.2 Adjustment of benefit accrual at a rate of 1 day for every 4 days worked and 1 day for
every 5 days worked were previously considered. We now only consider accrual at a
rate of 1 in every 5 days worked.

4.2.3 Inclusion of public servants.

4.3 The following changes were not included in the 2013 Amendment Bill, but have been
proposed in the 2015 Amendment Bill:

4.3.1 Payment of benefits to contributors, in the case of a salary reduction following a

reduction in their working hours.

4.3.2 Extension of the Maternity claims submission period from before 8 weeks prior to birth,
to up to 6 months after birth.

4.4 The items below are changes which are currently under discussion in NEDLAC:

4.4.1 Inclusion of persons employed in the informal sector.

4.4.2 Payment of 12 days of paternity leave to fathers.

4.4.3 Payment of unemployment benefits to persons who have resigned from


4.5 We recommend an alternative to the resignation benefits, where the benefit is based on 60%
of the contributors' IRR, rather than 100%.

4.6 The methodologis that are applied in this report to estimate the impact of proposed benefit
changes per the 2015 Amendment Bill are consistent with that applied in the previous report.
Further detail is contained In the following sections of the report.

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5 Benefit amendments and proposed methodology
5.1 A description of the proposed benefit adjustments included in the 2015 Amendment Bill and
proposed by NEDLAC, together with the methodology used to assess the financial impact, is
given in this section.

5.2 In all cases, the financial impact Is first assessed in terms of the impact on the pay-as-you-go
rate ("PAYG rate") and then the impact on the projected financial position is assessed.

5.3 The financial impact of the respective areas of benefit change is reported in the Results
Section 6. Part O of the Results Section shows the 10-year financial projection of the Fund
from the QED 2016 Actuarial Review. The subsequent parts of the Results Section
progressively assess the impact of the benefit adjustment being considered. In the projections

we have assumed that all benefit changes will apply from 31 March 2017.

5.4 The benefit changes impact the Unexpired Risk Rserve ("URR") from 31 March 2017, due to
the URR being linked to the PAYG rate. In the following year (i.e. from 1 April 2018 onwards)
the claims ratio is projected to increase, based on the change in the PAYG rate.

5.5 Text in italic in the below sections describes the proposed benefit changes per the 2013 and
2015 Amendment Bills or as under discussion in NEOLAC.

Part O: Base Financial Projection

5.6 A 1 0-year financial projection of the Fund, on a best-estimate basis, is included in this section
(per QED's 2016 Actuarial Review). This is used as a base from which to project the impact of
the respective areas of proposed benefit change per the 2015 Amendment Bill.

5.7 The Solvency Ratio as at each year-end is included in the projection. This is quantified as the
ratio of the accumulated surplus at the financial year-end to the contributions received in the

last 12 months. The Solvency Ratio is a key measure of the financial strength of the Fund,
and changes In this ratio will indicate a change in financial strength of the Fund.

5.8 Part O of Section 6 sets out the assumptions underlying this projection .

Part 1: Extension of benefits to 365 days with a flat rate of 20% after 238 days, and adjustment
of benefit accrual at rate of 1 day for every 5 days worked


5.9 Currently, the benefits that an eligible contributor is entitled to, accrue at a rate of 1 day's
benefit for every completed 6 days of employment as a contributor. This is subject to a
maximum of 238 days' benefit in the four-year period preceding the date of application for
benefits less any days received by the contributor (excluding maternity benefits) during this

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5.10 The benefit level is based on the current Income Replacement Rate ("IRR") formula. The IRR
is at its maximum when income equals zero, and it reaches its minimum where income is
equal to the benefit transition level (currently R14,872 per month). The maximum IRR is
currently set at 60%. The minimum IRR is currently set at 38%.

5.1 1 The 2015 Amendment Bill seeks ta extend the benefits ta 365 days. The first 238 days are
paid at the /RR rate, and at a flat rate of 20% after the 238 days will apply. Benefits will
accrue at a rate of one day's benefit far eve,y completed 5 days of employment as a

5.12 Methodology

5.13 The methodology used to quantify the impact of this benefit change is described as follows.

5.14 All benefit types are impacted by the benefit change being considered in Part 1 . The revised
benefit that each beneficiary will be eligible for after the proposed benefit change is calculated
from the 2016 claims data. A ratio of the revised eligible benefits to the actual 2016 eligible
benefits is calculated per benefit type. A revised PAYG rate for each benefit type is calculated
by applying this ratio to the current PAYG rate per benefit type.

5.15 The maximum number of days that an Individual can accumulate, based on benefits accruing
at a rate of one day's benefit for 5 days of employment. is 292 days. Thus, the benefit change
which has been modelled is effectively that the first 238 days are paid at the IRR rate and a
flat rate of 20% is applied to the following 54 days (292 days less 236 days)

5.16 It is assumed the change In benefit will apply from 31 March 2017. The revised benefit will
apply immediately from this date accordit)Q to the number of days worked in the last four

Part 2: Maternity and Illness benflt chaf'!ges


5.17 For Maternity claims the maximum accrual period is currently 121 days (17.32 weeks) for
normal births and 6 weeks for a miscarriage or still birth. The benefit level is based on the IRR

formula. The days of benefits that a contributor is entitled to is reduced by the payment of
Unemployment benefits.

5.1 8 The Amendment Bill looks to improve the /RR on Maternity benefits to a flat rate of 66%.
Further, the payment of Unemployment benefits may not affect the payment of Maternity

5.19 A contributor who has a miscarriage during the third trimester or bears a stillbom child will be
entitled ta a full maternity benefit (of 17.32 weeks).

5.20 In addition, the Amendment Bill looks to decrease the waiting period on Illness benefits from
14 days ta 7 days.

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5.21 The impact of all benefit changes described in this section is quantified in one step.

5.22 For each claimant in the 2016 Maternity claims data, we calculate the revised Maternity benefit
assuming that the claimant did not have their benefits reduced by prior Unemployment claims.
We also adjust the maternity benefit to a flat rate IRR of 66%.

5.23 It is possible to identify miscarriage/ still born maternity cases from the 2016 claims data. A
lower usage of eligible benefits was indicated for these cases compared other Maternity
claimants. Benefit levels for these cases were increased to the usage level indicated for
normal Maternity cases.

5.24 Four times the eligible benefits in respect of claims that were rejected due to the period of
Illness being less than 14 days were included in the eligible benefit total. These have been
multiplied by four to allow for claimants who have not applied due to the knowledge that their
claim would be rejected due to a period of illness of less than 14 days.

Part 3: Unemployment benefit cycle changes


5.25 Unemployment benefits must be paid to the Unemployed contributor regardless of whether the
contributor has received benefits within that four-year cycle or not provided the contributor has


5.26 Discussions with Management have revealed that this benefit change may have a material

impact on the claims experience of the Fund. Data on potential additional claimants that can
arise from this benefit change is not readily available to the Fund, as in many cases 'repeat'
claimants may not have been registered by the Fund .

5.27 The method relies on the usage of credit days observed in the claims data. For each claim, it
is possible to determine the percentage of available credit days used, which comes to 86.1 %.
To make an allowance for repeated claims, the benefit has been recalculated 'as if the 9redit
days' usage was instead 100%. This leads to an approximate 15% increase in the amount
paid for unemployment benefits.

Part 4: Extension of Death clalms submission period from 6 to 1 8 months


5.28 The UIF looks to extend the application for Death benefits from 6 months to within 18 months
of the date of termination of employment.

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5.29 The distribution of claim application delays by month since Death is graphed in respect of the
2016 claims data. A Poisson Statistical Distribution is fitted to the empirical distribution to
project the additional claims that are expected to will be submitted after six months under this
new condition.

Part 5: Extension of Unemployment claims submission period from 6 to 12 months


5.30 The UIF looks to extend the application for Unemployment benefits from 6 months to within
12 months of the date of termination of employment.


5.31 The distribution of claim application delays by month since Unemployment is graphed to
assess the potential impact of extending the claim submission period.

Part 6: Death claims to allow for nominated beneficiary


5.32 Currently, the surviving spouse or a life partner of a deceased contributor is entitled to the
dependant's benefits.

5.33 Any nominated beneficiary of the deceased contributor may claim dependant's benefits. A
nominated beneficiary will qualify for benefits ff there is no surviving spouse, life partner or
dependent children ofthe deceased.


5.34 For the purpose of this draft report, the impact of this benefit change is illustrated by assuming

that Death claims will increase by 50%. This is considered a prudent estimate of the potential
impact of this benefit change.

5.35 NBC, a previous actuarial service provider to the Fund, estimated that the number of such
Deaths were almost equal to the actual Death claims submitted to the Fund in the period. A
potential under-utilisation of this benefit is indicated from the data. It was agreed in
discussions with management in prior years that this change should not have a significant
impact on claims experience, as in the majority of cases there should be either a surviving
spouse, life partner or a dependent child of the deceased contributor. Some work will need to
be done to control the process of submitting evidence of the existence of nominated

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= )
Part 7: Inclusion of persons on learnershlp contracts and migrant workers


5.36 The Act currently excludes employees under a contract of employment contemplated In
section 18(2) of the Skills Development Act, 1988 (Act No. 97 of 1 998), and their employers.

5.37 The Amendment Bill looks to delete this section so that the benefits of the Fund will apply to
such persons.


5.38 The impact of allowing migrant workers to claim is estimated from data on migrant workers
obtained from the 2011 census. The overall proportion of non-SA citizens in the country
(3.2%) is used to ratio up the total expected claims experience of the Fund.

5.39 Workers on Government learnershlp and internship programs will be more significant than
those on such programmes in the private sector. Such learners classify as public servants
and any benefit payments will be reimbursed by the Government.

5.40 Per the above point, learnerships in the private sector will not be many, salaries will be low
and the contract term will be one year. For this reason, the impact of inclusion of learnerships
on claims experience of the Fund is not considered to be significant and is not quantified in
this report.

Part B: Payment of benefits In the case of reduced salary


5.41 The Act currently dos not provide for benefits to be paid should a contributor's salary reduce
due to reduced working hours.

5.42 The Amendment Bill seeks to provide benefits to contributors, whose salary has reduced, due
to a reduction in working hours, provided the total income is below the benefit level that the
contributor would have received should they have become unemployed.


5.43 We have considered the total benefits that would be payable to contributors, based on various
levels of salary and reductions In working time, should their salary reduce due to reduced
working hours. This Is compared to the benefit which they would have been eligible to receive
if they had become unemployed. We assume that all employees have the full number of credit
days available for use, thus we consider this to be the upper limit of the claims that could

5.44 The difference between the benefit following unemployment, and the reduced salary is the
resulting benefit.

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Part 9: Extension of Maternity claims submission period from 8 weeks prior to birth to 12
months after child birth


5.45 Currently the Amendment Bill states that all applications for maternity benefits must be made
at least 8 weeks before childbirth, while the Commissioner may on good cause shown accept
an application made after the 8 weeks.

5.46 The Amendment Bill seeks to include allow persons 12 months after the birth of a child to
claim for maternity benefits.


5.47 We have considered the average time in months between the birth of a child and application
for maternity benefits, as presented in the current data. This, combined with research of the
UIF maternity benefits, indicates that many of the claims which are paid are in respect of
applications made after 8 weeks prior to birth up to 6 months after the birth of the child. The
claims data further indicates that most of the applications made for maternity benefits occur
after childbirth.

5.48 We have thus allowed for a 10% increase to the claims, which may result if employees are
made more aware of the extended timeframe for submission of applications.

Summary of Impact of amendments proposed In the Amenqment BIii


5.49 This section shows a summary of the impact of all proposed amendments to the 2015
Amendment Bill as assessed in the respective Parts of Section 6.

Part 10: Inclusion of the lnfonnal sector


5.50 The Act currently does not include the informal sector.

5.51 NEDLAC seeks to include workers in the informal sector.


5.52 The 2011 census report indicates that the informal sector is 14.3% of those who are formally
employed and employed in private households. We have assumed that the claim experience
of these individuals will be 50% higher than the average claim experience. We consider this to
be a prudent assumption.

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5.53 Although this 50% increase would slowly phase into the Fund, as those in the informal sector
build up credit days, we have allowed for the full impact from 31 March 2017. This allows for
the additional administration expenses which the Fund may occur, due to additional
contribution collection as well as an increase in the number of claim applications.

5.54 We have also allowed for a 2% increase in the contributions received by the Fund.

Part 11: Payment of 12 days of paternity leave to fathers


5.55 The Act currently does not provide any benefits with respect to paternity.

5.56 NEDLAC seeks to include 12 days ofpaternity leave for fathers.


5.57 The average age of women claiming maternity benefits Is 31.0 years. We have assumed that
on average males will be three years older than the females, thus the average age of males
claiming paternity benefits is a ssumed to be 34.0 years.

5.58 To assess the financial impact which this change will have on the Fund we have assumed that
there will be twice as many paternity claims as maternity claims. This allows for the high level
of maternity benefits which are offered by most companies, compared to a lower level of
paternity benefits. Thus many females may not claim from the Fund, while their partners may
submit a claim, as they do not receive paternity benefits from their company. It also allows for
the higher number of employed males compared to employed females. For example, the
Unemployment Insurance Fund Statistics Report as at 31 March 2015, as prepared by OED,
shows that there are 57% more male unemployment claims that female unemployment claims
in the 2015 financial year.

5.59 We have further assumed that each father will have all 12 days available to claim. The
average salary for fathers at age 34 was found for male claimants in the Unemployment
claims data. The ratio of the average salary for females age 34 in the maternity claims data
over the average salary for 34-year-old females in unemployment data was derived. This ratio
was applied to the average 34-year-old male salary for unemployment claims, to derive the
expected salary for paternity claims. We have assumed a flat IRR of 66% for paternity
benefits, in line with the proposed change to the maternity benefits.

Part 12: Payment of benefits t o persons who have resigned


5.60 The Act currently pays unemployment benefits provided the reason for unemployment is
termination of the employees' contract, or the ending of a fixed term contract, the dismissal of
the contributor, insolvency or, in the case of a domestic worker, termination of a contract due
to the death of the employee.

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5.61 NEDLAC considers extending benefits to include paying benefits to contributors who have
resigned from their employment and not taken up employment elsewhere.

5.62 We have assumed that employees who retire may also claim this benefit.

5.63 We have not allowed for abuse of this benefit and the Fund should ensure that this benefit
cannot be manipulated. For instance, an unintended consequence may be that individuals
resign from their job for a few months to take a vacation, while relying on benefits from the
Fund to support them. Then once the benefits are depleted they may seek employment again.

5.64 Furthermore, should an individual resign to become a housewife for example, it is unlikely that
they are In financial difficulty. This person has contributed to the Fund and hence an

argument can be made that they should receive some benefit. However, the Fund should also
consider whether this is the best use of the available funds.


5.65 The Fund currently does not receive any data which can be used to quantify the impact of this
benefit, as contributors are not currently able to claim if they resign. Furthennore, awareness
is likely to be created about the benefit, should it be added to the Amendment Bill. We have
thus made use of conservative assumptions in calculating the impact. Furthennore, we have
assumed that all contributors retiring from employment will be able to claim.

5.66 Research has shown that the annual tumover rate of staff is approximately 10%. We have
applied a 2.5% loading to this, to allow for additional staff turnover which this change may
cause. We have assumed that 20% of this turnover is in respect of individuals who are
leaving the workforce (as opposed to changing jobs etc.).

5.67 The December 2015 Quarterly employment statistics report, prepared by Statistics South
Africa, indicates that there were 9 million people employed in South Africa as at
December 2015: This excludes private households, agriculture and the informal sector. If
these are include<! the number of people employed in South Africa is approximately 13 million,
excluding the public sector.

5.68 We have applied the assumed rates of turnover and exit from the workforce to the number of
employed individuals, and assumed that they will claim 20% more than the average amount
experienced for unemployment.

5.69 Given the large impact which this is likely to have on the Fund, as well as the difficulty in
quantifying the impact to the Fund, we recommend that the Fund consider basing the benefit
on 60% of the contributor's IRR rather than 100% for the first 238 days and using the fixed
20% IRR thereafter. This can be revised later on, should the impact be less than expected.

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Summary of Impact of all proposed amendments


5.70 This section shows a summary of the impact of all proposed amendments to the 2015
Amendment Bill and changes under discussion in NEDLAC as assessed in the respective
Parts of Section 6 .

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6 Results
Part O: Base Financial Projection

6.1 A 10-year financial projection of the Fund, on a best-estimate basis, is graphed in this section
(per QED's 2016 Actuarial Review). Detailed figures underlying the projection are shown in
the Appendix A. This is used as a base from which to project the impact of the respective
areas of proposed benefit changes. This projection is made on the basis of the current benefit
structure of the Fund.

6.2 The Solvency Ratio as at each financial year end is included in the projection. This is the ratio
of the accumulated surplus divided by contributions received in the last 12 months.

6.3 The Fund is in a very strong financial position as at 31 March 2016 (the starting point of the
financial projection). Per the 2016 Actuarial Review Report, the surplus of the Fund at this
date was R98.5 billion with a Solvency Ratio of 575%. As can be seen in the below graph, the
surplus and Solvency Ratio is projected to grow substantially over the next 10 years.

450 1400%


-. 350


- -- --

_. --
:S 250 0

u, 200
:J 600% 0

1 00

0 0%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Accumulated surplus elf - - Solvency ratio

6.4 The graph below shows the operating surplus and investment income over the next 10 years.
The top of the bar indicates the combined income for each of the next 10 years.

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- )
C 30
:: 25
ft: 20

2016 2017 2018 201 9 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Operating income Investment income

6.5 The key assumptions underlying this projection are as follows:

The salary contribution rate will remain constant over the period of the projection;
Fund contributions are projected using the 2016 revenue Indicator model combined with a
projection of economic variables;
The unexpired risk reserve is projected allowing for a 48 month earning period of
The Fund's incurred PAYG rates for benefits (1.09%) and expenses (0.23%) will remain
Expenses arising from Unemployment Alleviation Schemes are budgeted figures for the
next three years, and thereafter the Lay-off schemes and Social Plan funding portion is

e projected forward at the inflation rate assumed below. The Training of the Unemployed
portion is as per the three-year budget.
The following balance sheet asset items remain constant:
o Property, plant and equipment
o Intangibles
o Trade and other receivables
o Financial derivatives
The following balance sheet liability items remain constant:
o Trade and other payables
o Financial derivatives
o Overdraft
o Non-current provisions

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The following asset return assumptions are made:
o Inflation of 6% per annum
o Equity real return of 4.9% , i.e. 10.9% nominal
o Government bond real return of 2.5%, i.e. 8.5% nominal
o Corporate bond real return of 3.5%, i.e. 9.5% nominal
a Property real return of 3.7%, i.e. 9.7% nominal
o Money market real return of 1%, i.e. 7% nominal

o Cash real return of 0.5%, i.e. 6.5% nominal
Assuming that the Fund's asset split remains constant over the period, the portfolio total
return is 9.01% per annum.

6.6 A breakdown of the PAYG rate, showing detail by benefit type and expenses, is given in the
table below.

Benefit category PAYG Rate

Death 0.041%
Dlness 0.038%
Maternity 0.117%
Unef'Tl)loyment 0.892%
ecpenses 0.235%
Total 1.322%

Part 1: Extension of benefits to 365 days with a flat rate of 20% after 238 days, and adjustment
of benefit accrual at rate of 1 day for every 5 days worked

6.7 Actual eligible benefits per the 2016 claims data, and revised eligible benefits allowing for this
change in benefit, are shown in the table below.

Amount eligible to be claimed

Benefit category Number of claims Original Data Revised Part 1 Ratio

Death 16,470 R 314,086,226 R 359,295,598 1.144
Hlness 17,342 R 336,209,031 R 336,213,115 1.000
Maternity 97,006 R 975,149,228 R 1,001,002,064 1.027
Une!!:Ek>):ment 589,740 R 7,608,100,043 R 8,904.645,408 1.170
Total 720,558 R 9,233,544,527 R 10,601,156,185 1.148

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6.8 The revision in PAYG rate taking into account this benefit change is as follows:

Benefit catego PAYG Rate Ratio New PAYG Rate

Death 0.041% 1.144 0.047%
fllness 0.038% 1.000 0.038%
Mlternlly 0.117% 1.027 0.120%
Unerrployrrent 0.892% 1.170 1.044%
Exe!:nses 0.235% 1.000 0.235%
Total 1.322% 1.122 1.483%

6.9 A 10-year financial projection is conducted using this revised PAYG rate. The graph of
projected accumulated surplus allowing for this benefit change is shown below.

450 1400%
400 1 200%
- 350
0 1 000%
: 300


250 800%
en 200 600% 0
a. UJ
1 50 !!!!I
:l 400%
UJ 1 00 -- f/!;!J

0 0%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
- - Accumulated surplus elf - - Accumulated surplus elf new
solvency ratio - Solvency ratio new

6.1 O The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 10 years. The solid black line indicates the new operating income, based on the changes
to the benefits. The increase to the dotted line indicates the new investment income. The
level of the dotted line indicates the combined income, based on the revised benefits, over the
next 10 years.

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R \South Africa\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment BUl.docx

6 30
= 25
it= 20
2m6 2m1 2ma 2mg 20 21 22 23 24 2s 26
- Operating income - Investment income
- Operating income (new) - - Combined income (new)

6.11 Detailed figures underlying the financial projection are shown in Appendix B.

Part 2: Maternity and Illness benefit changes

6.12 Eligible benefits per the 2016 claims data post the benefit change considered in Part 1, and
revised eligible benefits further adjusted allowing for the benefit change considered in this
Part 2, are shown in the below table:

Amount eligible to be claimed

Benefit catego Number of claims Revised Part 1 Revised Pa rt 2 Ratio
Death 16,470 R 359,295,598 R 359,295,598 1.000
Rlness 17,342 R 336,213,1 1 5 R 385,088,701 1 . 1 45
Maternity 97,006 R 1,001,002,064 R 1 , 533,263,840 1.532
lkllormnt 589,740 R 8,904,645,408 R 81904,645,408 1 .000
Total 720,558 R 10,601,156,185 R 11,182,293,548 1.055

6.13 The revision in PAYG rate taking into account this benefit change is as follows:

Benefit catego PAYG Rate Ratio New PAYG Rate

Death 0.047% 1.000 0.047%
Ulness 0.038% 1.145 0.043%
Maternity 0.120% 1.532 0.183%
Unell"()loyrmnt 1.044% 1.000 1 .044%
cxeenses 0.235% 1.000 0.235%
Total 1.483% 1.047 1.552%

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6.14 The base financial projection, and a 1 0-year financial projection conducted using this revised
PAYG rate is graphed as follows:

450 1400%
400 1200%
0 1000%
: 300
:s 250
,, ,,,,
800% C

,, -,
U> 600% 0


a. 150
c::, e t!9 400%
U> 1 00
50 200%

0 0%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus elf - Accumulated surplus elf new

- Solvency ratio - Solvency ratio new

6.15 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 10 years.

5 30
;; 25
o: 20
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
- Operating income - Investment income
- Operating income (new) - - Combined income (new)

6.16 Detailed figures underlying the financial projection are included in Appendix C.

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R\South Africa\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment Bill docx 24

Part 3: Unemployment benefit cycle changes

6.17 Eligible benefits per the 2016 claims data post the benefd change considered in Part 2, and
revised eligible benefits further adjusted allowing for the benefit change considered in this
Part 3, are shown in the table below.

Amount eligible to be claimed

Benefit catego Number of claims Revised Part 2 Revised Part 3 Ratio
Death 16,470 R 359,295,598 R 359,295,598 1.000
Illness 17,342 R 385,088,701 R 385,088,701 1.000
Maternity 97,006 R 1,533,263,840 R 1,533,263,840 1.000
UneIO}'.rTeOt 589,740 R 8,904,645,408 R 10,240,342,219 1.150
Total 720,558 R 11,182,293,548 R 1 2,517,990,359 1.119

6.18 The revision in PAYG rate taking this benefit change into account is as follows:

Benefit catego PAYG Rate Ratio New PAYG Rate

Death 0.047% 1.000 0.047%
Blness 0.043% 1.000 0.043%
Maternity 0.183% 1.000 0.183%
Unerrployrrent 1.044% 1.150 1.200%
Expenses 0.235% 1.000 0.235%
Total 1 .662% 1.101 1.708%

6.19 The base financial projection, and a 10-year financial projection conducted using this revised
PAYG rate is graphed as follows:

450 1400%
- 350
0 1000%
: 300

:E 250 800%
in 200
-- -- 600%

....-- ::::
ii 150 --
UJ 100 - d

50 200%

0 0%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus elf - Accumulated surplus elf new

- Solvency ratio - Solvency ratio new

Unemployment Insurance Fund I Actuarial Review

R \South Africa\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment Bill doe,r 2S

= )
6.20 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 1O years.

C 30
= 25
h: 20
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating income - Investment income

- Operating income (new) - - Combined income (new)

6.21 Detailed figures underlying the financial projection are included in Appendix D.

Part 4: Extension of Death claims submission period from 6 to 18 months

6.22 The below graph shows the number of Death claims by application delay from the 2016 claims
data (in blue). A statistical function is fitted to the graph of actual Deaths to project the
additional claims that are expected to arise (in grey) if the claims submission period is
extended to 18 months.

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R \South Alrlca\UIF\2016\Repost$\002 Amendment 8ill.docx

E 3500
o 2500

j 1 soo
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Actual Projection
Delay in months

6.23 Eligible benefits per the 2016 claims data post the benefit change considered in Part 3, and
revised eligible benefits further adjusted allowing for the expected increase In number of Death
claims considered in this Part 4, are shown in the below table:

Amount eligible to be claimed

Benefit catego Number of claims Revised Part 3 Revised Part 4 Ratio
Death 16,470 R 359,295,598 R 360,758,708 1.004
llness 17,342 R 385,088,701 R 385,088,701 1 .000
Maternity 97,006 R 1,533,263,840 R 1,533,263,840 1.000
Uneloxrrent 589,740 R 10,240,342,219 R 10,240,342,219 1.000
Total 720,658 R 12,517,990,359 R 12,519,463,469 1.000

6.24 The revision in PAYG rate taking this benefit change into account is as follows:

Benefit catego PAYG Rate Ratio New PAYG Rate

Death 0.047% 1.004 0.047%
Ulness 0.043% 1.000 0.043%
Maternity 0.183% 1.000 0.183%
Unerrploym:,nt 1.200% 1.000 1.200%
Exnses 0.235% 1 .000 0.235%
Total 1.708% 1.000 1.708/.

6.25 The base financial projection, and a 1 0-year financial projection conducted using this revised
PAYG rate is graphed as follows:

Unemployment Insurance Fund I Actuarial Review

R \South Africa\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment Blll.docx 27

,,0 : )
450 1400%
0 1000%
:: 300


.,.. --

200 .?

-:: --
u, 600%

a. 150 .,.. en0

en 100 .,e,. e'!

50 200%

0 0%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus elf - - Accumulated surplus elf new

-Solvency ratio - Solvency ratio new

6.26 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 10 years.

S 30
:: 25
o= 20
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating income - Investment income

- Operating income (new) - - Combined income (new)

6.27 Detailed figures underlying the financial projection are shown in Appendix E.

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Part 5: Extension of Unemployment claims submission period from 6 to 12 months

6.28 The below graph shows the number of Unemployment claims by application delay from the
2016 claims data.



- 200000

o 150000

1 00000


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Actual Projection
Delay in months

6.29 The graph shows that the reporting of Unemployment claims has already tailed off by month 6.
The extension of the claim submission period for this benefit to 12 months is not considered to
have a material financial impact on the Fund.

Part 6: Death claims to allow for nominated beneficiary

6.30 For the purpose of this draft report, the impact of this benefit change is illustrated by assuming
that Death claims will increase by 50%. This is considered to be a conservative estimate of
the impact of this benefit change. The additional take-up rate of the Death benefit is expected
to be less than modelled here.

6.31 Eligible benefits per the 2016 claims data post the benefit change considered in Part 4, and
revised eligible benefits further adjusted allowing for the expected increase in number of Death
claims considered in this Part 6, are shown in the below table:

Amount eligible to be claimed

Benefit catego Number of claims Revised Part 4 Revised Pa rt 6 Ratio
Death 16,470 R 360,758,708 R 541,138,062 1 .SOO
Dlness 17,342 R 385,088,701 R 385,088,701 1.000
Maternity 97,006 R 1,533,263,840 R 1,533,263,840 1.000
une!!Elolrrent 589,740 R 10,240,342,219 R 10,240,342,219 1.000
Total 720,568 R 12.619,463,469 R 1 2.699,832,823 1.014

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R\Soulh Africa\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendmenl Blll.docx 29

- )
6.32 The revision in PAYG rate taking this benefit change into account is as follows:

Benefit catego PAYG Rate Ratio New PAYG Rate

Cleath 0.047% 1.500 0.070%
Blness 0.043% 1.000 0.043%
Maternity 0.183% 1.000 0.183%
Unerrployrrent 1 .200% 1.000 1 .200%
Exnses 0.235% 1.000 0.235%
Total 1.708% 1.014 1.732h

6.33 The base financial projection, and a 10-year financial projection conducted using this revised
PAYG rate is graphed as follows:

450 1400%
400 1 200%
0 1 000%
: 300
:sb:: 250
800% C
0 200 600% 0

1 50

U> 1 00
0 0%

2016 201 7 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus elf Accumulated surplus elf new

....--- soency ratio - Solvency ratio new

6.34 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 1 O years.

Unemployment Insurance Fund I Actuarial Review

R \South Alrica\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment a docJi 30

C 30
:: 2 5
1' 20
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating income - Investment income

- Operating income (new) - - Combined income (new)

6.35 Detailed figures underlying the financial projection are included in Appendix F.

Part 7: Inclusion of persons on learnershlp contracts and migrant workers

6.36 The impact of allowing migrant workers to claim is estimated by factoring up the total expected
claims experience of the Fund by 3.2%.

Amount eligible to be claimed

Benefit category Number of claims Revised Part 6 Revised Part 7 Ratio
Death 16,470 R 541,138,062 R 558,454,480 1.032
llness 17,342 R 385,088,701 R 397,411,540 1.032
IVlaternlty 97,006 R 1,533,263,840 R 1,582,328,283 1.032
Uneroirrent 589,740 R 10,240,342,219 R 10,568,033,170 1.032
Total 720,558 R 12,699,832,823 R 13,106,227,473 1.032

6.37 The revision in PAYG rate taking this benefit change into account is as follows:

Benefit cateeo!:l PAYG Rate Ratio New PAYG Rate

Death 0.070% 1.032 0.072%
mness 0.043% 1.032 0.045%
IVlaternlty 0.183% 1.032 0.189%
Unerrployrrent 1.200% 1.032 1.239%
eceenses 0.235% 1.000 0.235%
Total 1.732% 1.028 1.780%

6.38 The base financial projection, and a 10-year financial projection conducted using this revised
PAYG rate is graphed as follows:

Unemployment Insurance Fund I Actuarial Review

R \South Africa\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment Bill.docx 31

450 1400%
1 200%
0 1 000%
= 300

- 800%

,..... - -
:S 250
0:: C


en 200 600%
-- --
::, 0
e- 150
::, 400%
u, 1 00 -= :::.
50 200%

0 0%
2016 2017 2018 201 9 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
- - Accumulated surplus elf - - Accumulated surplus elf new
---- Solvency ratio - Solvency ratio new

6.39 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 10 years.

C 30
: 25
O:: 20

2016 2017 201 8 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating income - Investment income

- Operating income (new) - - Combined income (new)

6.40 Detailed figures underlying the financial projection are included in Appendix G.

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R \South Alrtca\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment Blll.docx 32

Part 8; Payment of benefits In the case of reduced salary

6.41 The impact on the Fund of the total benefit payable, should the salary be reduced, for
various levels of salary, and for differing levels of reduced hours, is shown in the table below.

Reduction In working time

Monthl:t sala!l'. 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
R 2,000 R 352 R 1,917 R 3,482 R 5,047 R 6,967 R B,887
R 3,000 R 2,271 R4,618 R 6,966 R 9,846 R 12,726
R 4,000 R 2,384 R 5,514 R B,644 R 12,484 R 16,324
R S,000 R 2,322 R 6,234 R 10,146 R 14,946 R 19,746
R 6,000 R 2,129 R 6,823 R 1 1 ,518 R 17,278 R 23,038
R 7,000 R 1,835 R 7,312 R 12,789 R 19,509 R 26,229
R S,000 R 1,462 R 7,722 R 13,981 R 2 1 ,661 R 29,341
R 1 0,000 R 538 R B,363 R 16,188 R 25,788 R 35,388
R 1 2,000 R B,834 R 18,223 R 29,743 R 41,263
R 14,000 R9,185 R 20,140 R 33,580 R 47,020
R 14,872 R 9,309 R 20,948 R 35,223 R 49,501

6.42 The 100% reduction shows the total unemployment benefit payable, should the contributor
become unemployed.

6.43 Only in cases where the reduction in hours exceeds 50% is a benefit payable to the individual.
Furthermore, the benefits remain small, in the lower salary bands and lower reductions in
working time. While the benefits under a 90% reduction in time become larger it is unlikely
that any individual will retain 10% of their working hours, rather they are more likely to become
fully unemployed and already be covered by the Fund.

6.44 Given the low level of benefits, on a conservative assumption that the full number of credit
days are available, it is unlikely that this benefit change will have a material impact on the

Part 9: Extension of Maternity claims submission period from 8 weeks prior to birth to 12
months after child birth

6.45 The graph below shows the difference, in months, between the application date for maternity
benefits and the date of birth of the child, rounded down. Thus, to interpret the graph below,
claims in the zero band represent all claims where the application date was either the same as
the date on which the child was born, or in the month following birth.

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R \South Africa\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment Bill.docx 33

70, 000

60, 00 0

.5 50,
00 0

40, 000

.!'- 30, 000

i 20, 00 0

1 0, 00 0

a _____I
(7) (6) (5 ) (4) (3) (2 ) {1 ) 0 1 2 3 4 5
1__ 6
Delay in months between a plication and birth

6.46 Given the sharp decline in the number of claims following the birth of a child, we do not expect
the applications to increase significantly due to the extended application period. However,
there may have been some mothers who did not submit a claim eight weeks prior to birth and
decided not to apply later due to reading the Amendment Bill, and thinking that their claim
would not be accepted. We have thus allowed for a 10% increase in maternity claims.

6.47 The impact on the Fund of extending the application for maternity clafms is shown in the table

Amount eligible to be claimed

Benefit catego Number of claims Revised Part 7 Revised Part 9 Ratio
Death 16,470 R 558,454,480 R 558,454,480 1.000
lness 17,342 R 397,411 ,540 R 397,41 1,540 1.000
Maternity 97,006 R 1,582,328,283 R 1,740,56 1 . 1 1 1 1.100
Une!!Elolrrent 589,740 R 10,568,033,170 R 10,568,033.170 1.000
Total 720,558 R 13,106,227,473 R 13,2641460,302 1.012

6.48 The revision in PAYG rate taking this benefit change into account is as follows:

Benefit cateso PAYG Rate Ratio New PAYG Rate

Death 0.072% 1.000 0.072%
Ulness 0.045% 1.000 0.045%
Maternity 0.189% 1.100 0.208%
Unerrployrrent 1.239% 1 .000 1 .239%
Exeenses 0.235% 1.000 0.235%
Total 1.780% 1.011 1.799%

Unemployment ln1urance Fund I Actuarial Review

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6.49 The base financial projection, and a 10-year financial projection conducted using this revised
PAYG rate is graphed below.

450 1400%
400 1 200%
- 350
1 000%

o 300

P 250

--- - - -- --
en 200

.. - ,,,
600% 0
c. 1 50
:::, 400%
rn 1 00 - C:
50 200%

0 0%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus elf Accumulated surplus elf new

- Solvency ratio - Solvency ratio new

6.50 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 1 0 years.

C 30
: 25
b:: 20
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating income - Investment income

- Operating i ncome (new) - - Combined Income (new)

Unemployment Insurance Fund I Actuarial Review

R \South Alrica\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment BI: doe.,r 35

Summary of Impact of amendments proposed In the Amendment BIii

6.51 This section shows a summary of the impact of the amendments to the 2016 Amendment Bill
proposed in the Amendment Bill, as assessed in the respective Parts of Section 6.

6.52 The revision in PAVG rate taking the proposed benefit changes into account is as follows:

Death Illness M&A Unemeloiment Exeenses Total
Current 0.041% 0.038% 0.117% 0.892% 0.235% 1.322%
Part 1 0.047% 0.038% 0.120% 1 .044% 0.235% 1 .483%
Part 2 0.047% 0.043% 0.1 83% 1.044% 0.235% 1 .552%
Part 3 0.047% 0.043% 0.1 83% 1.200% 0.235% 1.708%
Part 4 0.047% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0.235% 1.708%
Part 5
Part 6 0.070% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0.235% 1 . 732%
Part 7 0.072% 0.045% 0.189% 1 .239% 0.235% 1.780%
Part 8
Part 9 0.072% 0.045% 0.208% 1 .239% 0.235% 1 .799%

6.53 Benefit changes that lead to no anticipated deterioration in claims experience to the Fund are
reflected as blank lines in the above table. The revision in PAYG rate for each line reflects the
cumulative impact of all benefit changes considered up to that Part.

6.54 The cumulative impact of all benefit changes that lead to a deterioration in claims experience
of the Fund is a revision of the PAVG rate for claims and expenses from 1.322% in the base
financial projection to 1.799% considering all changes proposed in the Amendment Bill. This
means that all benefit changes proposed in the 2015 Amendment Bill result in the claims and
expenses being below the current contribution rate of the Fund of 2.00%.

6.55 The base financial projection, and a 10-year financial projection conducted using the revised
PAVG rate of 1. 799% is graphed as follows and is the same as that presented in Part 9 of this

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... bol'-

450 1400%
0 1000%
: 300

u, 200

e- 1so ,: -
, .,,,. 600% 0
VJ 100 .- :::
50 200%

0 0%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus elf - - Accumulated surp lus elf new

- Solvency ratio - Solvency ratio new

6.56 Should the changes proposed in the Amendment Bill be implemented, the solvency and
accumulated surplus continue to increase. By Implementing the changes proposed in the
Amendment Bill the growth of the solvency is slower, but continues to increase at a steady
rate and is projected to be 945% in 10 years' time.

6.57 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 10 years, based on the changes in the Amendment Bill.

C 30
E 25
o::: 20
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating income - Investment income

- Operating i ncome (new) - - Combined income (new)

Unemployment Insurance Fund Actuarial Review
R \South Alrica\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment Bill.docx 37

6.58 Should the changes proposed in the Amendment Bill be implemented, the operating surplus
becomes remains positive and continues to increase. This, combined with the increasing
investment income, results in a steady increase in the combined income, even after the
change proposed in the Amendment Bill have been implemented.

6.59 We thus conclude that the Fund can afford the all the benefit changes proposed in the
Amendment Bill.

Part 10: Inclusion of persons employed In the Informal sector

6.60 The impact on the Fund of including persons employed in the informal sector is shown in the
table below.

Amount eligfble to be claimed

Benefit cateso!l Number of claims Revised Part 9 Revised Pa rt 10 Ratio
Death 16,470 R 558,454,480 R 598,470,283 1 .072
Ulness 17,342 R 397,41 1,540 R 425,887,884 1.072
Mlternlty 97,006 R 1 ,740,561 ,1 1 1 R 1 ,865,280,230 1.072
Unerrploment 589,740 R 10.568,033.170 R 1 1 ,325,280,804 1.072
Total 720,568 R 13,264,460,302 R 14,214,919,202 1.072

6.61 The revision in PAYG rate taking this benefit change Into account is as follows:

Benefit catego!l PAYG Rate Ratio New PAYG Rate

Death 0.072% 1 .072 0.078%
Illness 0.045% 1 .072 0.048%
Mltemlty 0.208% 1.072 0.223%
Unerrployrrent 1 .239% 1 .072 1.327%
E'xe!!nses 0.235% 1 .000 0.235%
Total 1.799% 1.062 1.911%

6.62 An allowance is made for a 2% increase in contributions under this scenario.

6.63 The base financial projection, and a 10-year financial projection conducted using this revised
PAYG rate and contribution rate is graphed as follows:

Unemployment Insurance Fund I Actuarial Review

R \South Africa\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment BWI docx 38


450 1 400%

P 250


.,, 200 600% 0

,.- -

::, 1 50
,_. _. u,

Cl) 400%
1 00 .0

0 0%

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
- - Accumulated surplus elf Accumulated surplus elf new
- Solvency ratio - Solvency ratio new

6.64 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 1 0 years.

c: 3 0
:: 25
b:: 20

2016 201 7 201 8 201 9 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating income - Investment income

- Operating income (new) - - Combined income (new)

Unemployment Insurance Fund f Actuarial Review

R \South Africa\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment B.:J doQ 39

Part 11: Payment of 12 days of paternity leave to fathers

6.65 The impact on the Fund of paying 12 days of paternity leave to fathers is shown in the table
Amount eligible to be claimed
Benefit catego Number of claims Revised Part 1 0 Revised Part 1 1 Ratio
Death 16,470 R 598,470,283 R 598,470,283 1.000
Illness 17,342 R 425,887,884 R 425,887,884 1.000
Maternity 97,006 R 1,865,280,230 R 2,933,356,759 1.573
Une!!]:!lo):rrent 589,740 R 11,325,280,804 R 11,325,280,804 1.000
Total 720,568 R 14,214,919,202 R 15,282,996,731 1.075

6.66 The revision in PAYG rate taking this benefit change into account is as follows:

Benefit catego PAYG Rate Ratio New PAYG Rate

Death 0.078% 1.000 0.078%
nrness 0.048% 1.000 0.048%
1'111aternlty 0.223% 1.573 0.351%
Unerrployrrent 1.327% 1.000 1.327%
Exeenses 0.235% 1.000 0.235%
Total 1.911% 1.067 2.038%

6.67 The base financial projection, and a 10-year financial projection conducted using this revised
PAYG rate is graphed as follows:

450 1400%
- 350
=0 300 1000%
- -
- ,
:S 250
, 800%

b: G)

_. ,,,,,.

-- -- - -

:sCl> 200
,,,,,. 600%
e, 150
:J 400%
U> 100 c::,

0 0%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus elf - - Accumulated surplus c/f new

- Solvency ratio - Solvency ratio new

6.68 The above graph shows that although the PAYG rate is slightly higher than the 2%
contribution, the Fund's surplus and solvency ratio continue to grow steadily.

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6.69 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 10 years.

:: 25

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating income - Investment income

- Operating income (neN) - - Combined income (nEMI)

6.70 The above graph shows that should the first 11 changes be implemented, the operating
income will become almost zero, while the investment income will continue to increase, driving
the continuous increase in the combined income. This is the cause of the growing solvency
ratio, see in the previous graph.

6.71 We have considered two shock scenarios based on Part 11. These include an increase to the
assumed change in the PAYG rate based on the amendments, as well as the impact should
investment returns decrease due to economic downturn.

6.72 The results of these shocks are shown in Appendix N. Details of the shocks applied can be
found in Appendix M.

Part 12: Payment of benefits to persons who have resigned

6.73 The table below shows the impact on the Fund, should benefits be paid on resignation.

Amount eligible to be claimed

Benefit catego!l'.: Number of claims Revised Part 1 1 Revised Part 1 2 Ratio
Death 16,470 R 598,470,283 R 598,470,283 1.000
Illness 17,342 R 425,887,884 R 425,887,884 1.000
Maternity 97,006 R 2,933,356,759 R 2,933,356,759 1.000
Une!!Elolrrent 589,740 R 11,325,280,804 R 17,755,160,128 1.568
Total 720,558 R 16,282,995,731 R 21,712,875,054 1.421

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6.74 The addition of resignation benefits leads to a projected 56.8% increase in the unemployment
claims, which translates to a 42.1% increase in the Fund's overall claims. Of all the changes
considered in this report, the proposed inclusion of resignation benefits is projected to have
the biggest impact on the overall PAYG rates.

6.75 The revision in PAYG rate taking this benefit change into account is as follows:

Benefit cateso!1 PAVG Rate Ratio New PAYG Rate

Death 0.078% 1.000 0.078%
Ulness 0.046% 1.000 0.048%
Maternity 0.351% 1.000 0.351%
Unerrploy ment 1.327% 1 .568 2.081%
eceenses 0.235% 1.000 0.235%
Total 2.038% 1.370 2.792%

6.76 The resulting PAYG rate now significantly exceeds the 2% contribution level. This means that
value of the benefits provided to contributors exceeds the contribution made.

6.77 The base financial projection, and a 1 0-year financial projection conducted using this revised
PAYG rate is graphed as follows:

450 1 400%

C 1 000%
.2 300

:S 250

tn 200


--- --- - - - - - - -- -
e- 1 50
u, 1 00 <I -

0 0%
2016 2017 201 8 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus elf Accumulated surplus elf new

- Solvency ratio - Solvency ratio new

6.78 The accumulated surplus continues to increase, following the implementation of all the benefit
changes. This, as seen in the graph below, is primarily due to the investment returns
generated by the significant level of surpluses accumulated to date. The accumulated surplus,
should all amendments be made, is projected to be R124.8 billion In 1 0 years' time.

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6.79 Although the accumulated surplus continues to grow the solvency ratio slowly reduces, due to
the increase in the contributions received by the Fund.

6.80 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 1 0 years.



.2 20


( 1 0)

2016 2017 201 8 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating income - Investment income

- Operating income (na.v) - - Combined income (na.v)

6.81 Should the Fund implement the resignation benefit, in addition to the other changes proposed,
the Fund will incur an operating loss. The investment income will result in the Fund
experiencing a combined surplus.

6.82 The results of the two scenario tests based on Part 12 are detailed in Appendix 0.

6.83 Given the large impact on the Fund, due to the introduction of the resignation benefit, we
recommend that this benefit be gradually implemented. We recommend that the IRR used to
determine the benefits on resignation be 60% of actual IRR for the first 238 days, and the fixed
20% IRR thereafter. We have referred to this alternative as Part 12A in the remainder of this

6.84 This serves two purposes. Firstly, it reduces the impact to the Fund, allowing the Fund to
gradually determine the impact which this amendment will have. Given the level of awareness
that is likely to be created, should this benefit be introduced, it is likely that the Fund will
experience significant claims, the level of which being difficult to quantify with a high degree of
accuracy. Once the impact is better understood, the Fund could consider adjusting the
proportion of salary used to detennine the resignation benefits.

6.85 Secondly, this will reduce the incentive for contributors to take a vacation, as the benefit which
they will receive will be lower compared to the salary levels.

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Part 12A: Payment of benefits to persons who have resigned based on 60o/. of IRR

6.86 The graph below shows the benefit, as a proportion of monthly salary, for the first 238 days,
where the resignation benefit is based on 100% of IRR (dark blue line) and 60% of IRR (light
blue line).


: 600/o

0 50%
4 0%

i 300/o
e8_ 20%
: 10%


Monthly salary

- 100% of IRR -60% of IRR

6.87 Should the benefit be based on 60% of the IRR for the first 238 days, the benefit as a
proportion of salary at the threshold of R14,872 is 22.8%. This results in a smooth transition
for the subsequent days, where the proposed amendment is that a fixed IRR of 20% be used.

6.88 The graph below shows the solvency ratio and accumulated surplus of the Fund, should 60%
of IRR be used to determine the resignation benefits.

6.89 The base financial projection, and a 10-year financial projection conducted using this revised
PAYG rate is graphed as follows:

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= )
450 1400%
400 1200%
c 3so
: 300


250 800% C

- -- -- - - - - - - - - ...
u, 200 >

... 150
600% 0
"':s 100 C:

2016 2017 2016 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus - - Accumulated surplus (new) e

- Solvency ratio - Solvency ratio (new)

6.90 The accumulated surplus in 10 years' time is projected to be R136.1 billion, should all
amendments be implemented and Part 12A be implemented instead of Part 12.

6.91 The graph below shows the impact which this change has on the income of the Fund over the
next 10 years.





10 - -

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating surplus - Investment income

- Operating surplus (new) - - Combined income (new)

6.92 The scenario tests, based on Part 12A, are detailed in Appendix P.

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Summary of Impact of all proposed amendments

6.93 This section shows a summary of the impact of an proposed amendments to the 2016
Amendment Bill as assessed in the respective Parts of Section 6.

6.94 The revision in PAYG rate taking the proposed benefit changes into account is as follows:

Death Illness M&A Total Chan e
Current 0.041% 0.038% 0.117% 0.235% 1.322%
Part 1 0.047% 0.038% 0.120% 1 .044% 0.235% 1.483% 0.161%
Part 2 0.047% 0.043% 0.183% 1 .044% 0.235% 1.552% 0.069%
Part 3 0.047% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0.235% 1 .708% 0.157%
Part 4 0.047% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0.235% 1.708% 0.000%
Part 5
Part s 0.070% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0.235% 1.732% 0.023%
Part 7 0.072% 0.045% 0.189% 1.239% 0.235% 1.780% 0.048%
Part s
Part 9 0.072",{, 0.046% 0.20% 1.23_9,(, 0.236% 1.799% 0.019%
Part 10 0.048% 0.223% 1 .327% 0.235%
Part 11 0.235%
- o.:SS%
0.236% 2.490% 0.452"k

6.95 Benefit changes that lead to no anticipated deterioration in claims experience to the Fund are
reflected as blank lines in the above table. The revision in PAYG rate for each line reflects the
cumulative impact of all benefit changes considered up to that Part.

6.96 The cumulative Impact of all benefit changes that lead to a deterioration in claims experience
of the Fund is a revision of the PAYG rate for claims and expenses from 1.322% in the base
financial projection to 2.792% considering all proposes benefit changes. This means that all
benefit changes proposed in the 2015 Amendment Bill result in the claims and expenses being
likely to exceed the current contribution rate of the Fund of 2.00%. Should Part 12A be
Implemented instead of Part 12, the PAYG rate will increase to 2.490%.

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7 Conclusion

7.1 A summary of the impact of all proposed benefit changes in the 2015 Amendment Bill as well
as changes proposed by NEDLAC, in terms of the estimated impact on the PAYG rate, is as

Death Illness M&A Total Chan e
QJrrent 0.041% 0.038% 0.117% 0.892% 0.235% 1.322%
Part 1 0.047% 0.038% 0. 120% 1.044% 0.235% 1 .483% 0.161%
Part 2 0.047% 0.043% 0.183% 1.044% 0.235% 1.552% 0.069%
Part 3 0.047% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0. 235% 1.708% 0.157%
Part 4 0.047% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0.235% 1.708% 0.000%
Part s
Part 6 0.070% 0.043% 0.183% 1.200% 0.235% 1.732% 0.023%
Part 7 0.072% 0.045% 0.189% 1.239% 0.235% 1.780% 0.048%
Part s
Part 9 O.J>72% O.CM5k 0.208% 1,239% 0.235'.4 1.799% 0.019%
Part 10 0.078% 0.048% 0.223% 1.911% 0.112%
Part 11 0.128%
Part 12A 0.078% 0.048% 0.351% 1.779% 0.236% 2.490% 0.462%

7.2 The cumulative impact of benefit changes proposed in the Amendment Bill that lead to a
deterioration in claims experience of the Fund is a revision of the PAYG rate for the Fund from
1.322% in the base financial projection to 1.799%. This means that all changes proposed in
the Amendment Bill are affordable at the current contribution rate of the Fund of 2.00%.

7.3 The cumulative impact of benefit changes proposed in the Amendment Bill and those under
discussion by NEDLAC result in the estimated PAYG rate of the Fund increasing from 1.322%
to 2.792%, This means that all benefit chnges proposed by NEOLAC cannot be fully funded
by the current contributions to the Fund. However, the high level of accumulated funds results
in the investment Income being able to fund the difference. As a result, the Fund Is expected
to be able to affora the changes proposed by NEDLAC as well as those proposed in the
Amendment Bill, although there will be a gradual decrease in the solvency level as a result.

7.4 The 10-year projection of accumulated surplus for the base projection, Part 9, Part 12 and
Part 12A is shown in the graph below.

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:a 200
1 00

tl 2016 2017 201 8 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
-Base - Part 11 - Part 12 Part 12A

7.5 Under a scenario of the PAYG rate of the Fund being 2.792% (above the contribution rate of
2.00%), the surplus of the Fund continues to grow. The reason for the continued p rojected
growth of the Fund, where benefits and expenses exceed contributions, is due to the
substantial the surplus of the Fund as at 31 March 2016 of R98.5 billion with a Solvency Ratio
of 575%. The Fund continues to earn substantial investment returns under a scenario of a
PAYG rate of 2.792%. A surplus of R124.8 billion is projected after 10 years considering all
proposed benefit changes.

7.6 The graph below shows the projected solvency for the base case, Part 9, Part 1 2 and Part


1 200%






2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

-Base - Part 11 - Pa rt 1 2 Part 1 2A

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7.7 The solvency ratio continues to increase in Part 9, although for Part 12 and Part 12A it
gradually reduces despite the increase in accumulated Funds. The reason for this decrease is
the projected increase in the contributions.

7.8 In conclusion, we are comfortable that the proposed benefit changes in the 2015 Amendment
Bill and the changes proposed by NEDLAC are affordable by the Fund. The key measure in
making this conclusion is that the accumulated surplus continues to grow under a scenario of
a PAYG rate of 2.792% largely because of a substantial surplus position of the Fund as at
31 March 2016. The Fund is expected to maintain a strong solvency ratio in 1 0 years' time of

7.9 As seen in the report, the resignation benefit has the biggest impact on the financial position of
the Fund. As can be seen in the scenarios shown in the Appendices, by reducing the benefit
offered in Part 12, the Fund will have greater resilience against adverse scenarios. We thus
recommend that the Fund consider implementing Part 12A (with some reduction to the IRR
used to determine the resignation benefit). Based on a 60% reduction to IRR the Fund is
expected to have a solvency ratio of 414% in 1 0 years' time.

7.10 We would be pleased to assist with any matters that may arise in respect of the interpretation
of the content of this report.

7.1 1 We would like to thank the management of the Fund for their assistance.

L Moroney
Consulting Actuary
Fellow of the Actuarial Society of South Africa

Telephone : +27 1 1 038 3713

E-mail : [email protected]

1 June 2016

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= ) ., ..... .)l\ ,.)gil:f"...

Appendix A: Part 0:
Base Financial Projection
2016103/31 2017/03131 2018/03/31 2019/03/31 2020/03/31 2021103/31 2022/03/31 2023/03/31 2024103/31 2025/03/31 2026103/31

Ace surplus blf 90,292,812 98,498,097 114,146,241 132,115,436 162,277,238 175,430,057 201,329,422 230,261,417 262,537,576 298,488,441 338,481,227

Ravsnue received 171128,778 18,001,003 19,176,185 20,495,327 21,943,658 231472,199 25,067,867 26,742,998 28,479,878 30,302,881 32,208,420
Benefits paid (7,691 ,153) (8,313,414) (8,803,089) (9,322,540) (9,893,808) (10,526,774) (11 ,234,653) (12,010,580) (12,833,838) ( 13,697,734) (14,600,702)
01!!!! In erovlslon !392.211) !253,153) 260,275) (285,20 p14',7912 p50,129) (393,678) !420,638) (443,05") (483,106) (4'84,036)
Benefits Incurred (8,083,364) (8,666,567) (9,063,363) (9,607,746) (10,208,600) (10,1176,903) (11,628,330) (12,431,218) (13,276,892) (14,160,841) (1 6,084,738)
Adjuslrrent to provision
Training of the LhelTl)loyed (28,799) (500,000) (529,000) (559,882)
Lay-off schemes & Social Ran funding (51 ,772) (1 ,448,400) (1 ,056,021) (1 ,065,226) (1,129,140) (1,196,888) (1,268,701) (1,344,823) (1 ,425,513) (1,511,043) (1 ,601,706)

Operallng exe!!!ses !1,788,0892 {1,852,594} {1 .960,0302 c2.on.1sa2 2.207.6982 !2,352,224') (2,514,727) (2,688,358} (2,871 ,242) !3.062,404) (3,262.205)
Operating surplus 7,176,764 6,633,442 6,567,770 7,184,916 8,398,221 9,046,184 9,666,109 10,278,696 10,906,231 11,568,693 12,269,771
hveslrrent lncamt 3,504,047 1 1.199,691 12.739,749 14,503,472 16,484,040 18.755,151 21,292,555 24,117,566 27.255,743 30,735,369 34,590,1 36
Net surplus for year 10,6110,801 16,833,133 19,307,619 21,688,388 24,882,261 27,801,336 30,948,664 34,396,162 38,161,974 ..2,303,962 46,849,907

Transfer to lflR (2,475,516) (1,184,989) (1 ,338,324) (1 ,526,585) (1 ,729,442) (1 ,901 ,970) (2,016,670) (2,120,004) (2,211,108) (2,311,177) (2,415,863)
Ace a urplua elf 98,498,097 114,146,241 132,11 5,436 152,277,238 175,430,057 201,329,422 230,261,417 262,637,576 298,488,441 338,481,227 382,915,270

Solvan!:l ratio 576% 634% 689% 743% 799".4 858% 919% 982% 1_048/o 1j_ _17"/o_ 1 189%

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#IQ ....h-r.';! ""

Appendix B: Part 1 :
Extension of benefits to 365 days with a flat rate of 20% after 238 days, and adjustment of benefit accrual at rate of 1 day for
every 5 days worked

201 6/03131 2017/03/31 201 8/03131 2019103/31 2020103131 2021103131 2022/03/31 2023/03131 2024/03131 2025103/31 2026103131

Ace surplus blf 90,292,81 2 98,498,097 1 10,928,870 1 26,883,838 144,792,099 1 65,369,685 1 88,306,592 213,881 ,255 242,352,376 274,005,280 309,1 55,179

Revenue received 17,1 28,778 1 7,560,306 1 8,706,717 1 9,993,564 21,406,437 22,897,657 24,454,160 21>,088,279 27,782,639 29,561 ,01 2 31 ,419,899
Benefits paid (7,691,153) (8,313,414) (9,442,052) (10,703,015) (11 ,358,876) (12,085,571) (12,898,272) (13,789,098) (14,734,263) (15,726,085) (16,782,764)
Ola!;!ae In Erovlsion SJ92.21 1) !253,153! !983,408) !327,438) !361 ,405} !401,975) (451 ,973) (482,928) {508,661) !531,683) (555,712)
Benefits Incurred (8,083,364) (8,566,567) (10,405,459) (11,030,453) (11,720,281) (12,487,547) (13,350,246) (14,272,024) (15,242,925) (16,257,768) (17,318,475)
Adjustment to provision
Training of the Ulelr()loyed (28,799) (500,000) (529,000) (559,682)

Lay-off schemes & Social Aan funding (51,772) (1,448,400) (1,056,021) (1 ,065,226) (1,129,140) (1,198,888) (1 ,268,701 ) (1,344,823) (1,425,513) (1,511 ,043) (1 ,601 ,706)
Opera!!!:!!! exEenses (1 ,788,089) (1 ,852,594} {1,960,030) (2,077,758} !2,207,698) !2,352.224} 12.s14,12n (2,888,358) !2,871 ,242} p,062,404) (3,262,205)
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 4,766,206 5,260,446 6,349,319 6,860,898 7,320,487 7,783,074 8,242,969 8,729,797 9,237,613
vestment tncome 3,504,047 11,199,891 12,700,027 14,360,263 16,158,269 18,219,543 20,516,375 23,066,161 25,890,254 29,012,665 32,462,466
Net surplus for year 10,680,801 1 6,392,436 17,466,233 1 9,620,708 22,507,588 25,080,441 27,836,863 30,849,235 34,133,21 3 37,742,462 41,699,980

Transfer to (2,475,516) (3,961,663) (1,501,285) (1,712,447) (1,940,001) (2,133,534) (2,262,199) (2,378,114) (2,480,310) (2,592,562) (2,709,994)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 11 0,928,870 1 26,883,838 144,792,099 166,369,685 1 88,306,692 213,881 ,255 242,362,376 274,006,280 309,1 65,179 348,145,16 5

Solve n.!:I ratio 575% 632% , 678% 724 !. 772% 822% 87&9!. 929% 986% 1046% 1108%

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e e
= ) tr..on:ll'W!ticrt:-. Ofw.J

Appendix C: Part 2:
Maternity and Illness benefit changes

2016'03131 2017/03/31 2018/03/31 2019103131 2020/03/31 2021/03131 2022/03/31 2023/03/31 2024/03/31 2025/03/31 2026'03131

Ace surplus b/f 90,292,812 98,498,097 109,736,507 125,045,180 142,237,956 161,985,583 183,997,062 208,509,175 235,777,275 266,072,589 299,694,051

Revenue received 17,128,778 17,560,306 18,706,717 19,993,564 21,406,437 22,897,557 24,454,160 26,088,279 27,782,639 29,561,012 31,419,899
Benefits paid (7,691 ,153) (8,313,414) (9,716,436) (11,295,820) (11 ,988,007) (12,764,952) (13,812,665) (14,552,831) (15,550,346) ( 18,597,101) (17,891 ,198)
Otange In provision (392,2112 (253,153} f1,265,3482 (345,574) (381,422) (424,240) (477,006) (509,674) (538,834) (561 ,131) (566,491)
Benefits Incurred (8,083,364) (8,566,587) (10,981,784) (11,641,394) (12,389,430) (13,179,191) (14,089,671) (15,062,505) (16,087,181) (17,158,233) (18,277,689)
Adjustmmt to provision
Training of lhe U'le111>loyed (28,799) (500,000) {529,000) {559,682)
Lay-off scherres & Social Ran funding {51,772) (1 ,448,400) (1 ,056,021) (1,065,226) { 1 ,129,140) (1,196,888) ( 1.268,701 ) (1,344,823) (1 ,425,513) (1,511 ,043) (1,601,706)

Operating exeenses (1.788,0892 {1,852.5942 (1,960,030) (2,077,758) (2,207,6982 (2,352,224) (2,514.7272 (2.688,3581 (2,871.2422 (3,062,404) (3,262,205)
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 4,179,882 4,649,504 5,700,170 6,169,254 6,581,061 6,992,593 7,398,703 7,829,332 8,278,299
mestment Income 3,504,047 11,199,691 12,700,027 14,3351531 16,0771877 18,0751198 20,298,686 22,764,460 25,492,521 28,505,525 31,831,109
Net surplus for year 10,680,801 16,392,436 16,879,909 18,985,036 21,778,047 24,244,452 26,879,747 29,757,052 32,891,224 36,334,858 40,109,408

Transfer to Lm (2,475,516) (5,154,026) (1,571 ,235) (1,792,260) (2,030,420) (2,232,973) (2,367,634) (2,488,952) (2,595,91 1) (2,713,395) (2,836,300)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 109,736,507 125,045,180 142,237,956 161,985,583 183,997,062 208,509,175 235,777,275 266,072,589 299,694,051 336,967,159

S0IV8R9'. ratio S7S-/. 625% 688% 711% 75'r.4 804% 853% 904.4 958% 1014% 1072.4

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Appendix D: Part 3.:

Unemployment benefit cycle changes

2016/03131 2017/03131 2018/03131 2019I03131 2020/03131 2021/03131 2022/03131 2023/03131 202./03131 2025/03131 2026/03/31

Ace surplus bn 90,292,812 98,498,097 107,035,210 120,879,70. 136,.51,5'9 15',341,560 174,233,829 196,338,73 220,881,39' 2"8,101,090 278,259,881

Revenue received 17,128,778 17,560,306 18,706,717 19,993,564 21,406,437 22,897,557 2.454,160 28,088,279 27,782,639 29,561,012 31,419,899
Benefits paid (7,891,153) {8,313,414) (10,338,053) (12,838,819) (13,413,303) (U,271,432) (15,231,122) (16,283,067) (17,399,181) (18,570,388) (19,794,566)
Ola!:!ie In provision (392,211} (253,153) (1 ,949,393) (388,681) (426,771) (474,678) {533,719) (570,271) (600,660) (827,646) (856,221)
Benefits Incurred (8,083,364) (8,566,567) (12,287,446) (13,025,480) (13,840,074) (14,746,111) (15,764,841) (16,853,338) (17,999,841) (19,198,234) (20,450,787)
AdJustrrent to provision
Training of the Uie1111loyed (28,789) (500,000) (529,000) {559,882)
Lay-off schemas & Social Ran fundtog (51,772) (1 ,448,400) (1,056,021) 11 ,085,226) (1 ,129,140) (1.196,888) (1,268,701) (1,344,8231 l 1,425,513) (1,511 ,0431 H ,601 ,706)

Qe!!ra!!!!a ex[!en&es (1 ,788,089! p,852,584! (1,960,030) !2,077,758) (2,207,898) i2,352,224} (21514.727} (2,688,358} (2,871,242} i3,082,404} (3,262,205)
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 2,874,219 3,265,418 4,229,526 4,602,334 4,905,891 5,201,759 5,486,043 5,789,330 6,105,202
lnvestrrent lncoma 3,504,047 11,199,691 12,700,027 14,279,503 15,895.748 17,748,186 19,805,512 22,080,958 24,591,457 27,358,603 30,400,768
Net surplus for year 10,680,801 16,392,436 15,574,246 17,544,921 20,125,274 22,350,520 24,711,403 27,282,716 30,077,500 33,145,933 36,505,970

Transfer to t.m (2,475,516) (7,855,322) {1 ,729,753) (1,973,076) (2,235,263) (2,458,251) (2,606,498) (2,740,055) (2,857,805) (2,987.142) {3,122,446)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 107,035,210 120,879,704' 136,451,549 154,341,560 17.t,233,829 196,338,734 220,881,39.t 2"8,101,090 278,259,881 311,643,<tOS

Solveng,_ratlo_____ _ _ __ _S7k _ _ 610%_ 646% 682% 721% 761% 803% 9"1% 99:Z-k
_ 847 .4

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Appendix E: Part 4:
Extension of Death claims submission period from 6 to 1 8 months

2016/03131 2017/03/31 2018/03/31 2019/03131 2020/03131 2021/03/31 2022/03131 2023/03131 2024/03131 202SI03l31 2026/03131

Ace surplus blf 90,292,812 98,498,097 107,031,934 120,874,652 136,444,532 154,332,290 174,221,989 196,323,974 220,863,330 248,079,295 278,233,887

Revenue received 17,128,778 17,560,306 18,708,717 19,993,564 21;406,437 22,897,557 24,454,160 26,088,279 27,782,639 29,561,012 31,419,899
Benefits paid (7,691,153) (8,313,414) (10,338,807) (12,640,448) (13,415,031) (14,273,271) (15,233,085) (16,285,166) (17,401,423) (1 8,572.781 ) (19,797,117)
Ola!!9e in erovision pe2.211) {253,153) p.950,222) {386,711) {426,826) {474,740) {533,788) {570,344) (600,738) {627,927! {656,305)
Benefits incurred (8,083,364) (8,586,567) (12,289,030) (13,027,158) (13,841 ,857) (14,748,01 1) (15,766,873) (16,855,510) (18,002,161) (19,200,708) (20,453,422)
Adjustnent to provision
Training of the U\e111>loyed (28,799) (500,000) (529,000) (559,682)
Lay-off schenes & Social Plan funding (1 ,448,400) (1 ,.056,021) (1,065,226)

(51,772) (1,129,140) (1,196,888) (1,268,701) (1 ,344,823) (1 ,425,513) (1,511,043) (1 ,601,706)
Operating exeenses {1,788,089} (1,852,594) {1,960,030) {2:077,758} {2,207,698) (2,352,224} {2,514,72:Q {2,6881358) (2,871 ,242) {3,062,404) {3,262,205)
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 2.872,636 3,263,740 4,227,742 4,600,434 4,903,860 5,199,588 5,483,723 5,786,856 6,102,566
'1vestmenl lnco1TB 3,504.047 11 ,199,691 12.700,027 14.279,435 1 5,895,527 17,747,789 19,804,914 22,080,127 24,590,365 27.355,209 30,399,034
Net surplus for year 10,680,801 16,392;43& 15,572,663 17,543,175 20,123,269 22,348,223 24,708,774 27,279,715 30,074,088 33,142,066 36,501,600

Transfer to (2,475,516) (7,858,598) (1 ,729,945) (1 .973,295) (2,235,512) (2,458,524) (2,606,788) (2,740,360) (2,858,122) (2,987,474) (3,122,793)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 107,031,934 120,874,652 136,444,532 154,332,290 174,221,989 196,323,974 220,863,330 248,079.295 278,233,887 311,612,694

Solven ratio 575% 610% 646% 682% 121k 761% 803% 847% 893% 941% 992%

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Appendix F: Part 6:
Death claims to allow for nominated beneficiary

2016/03131 2017/03/31 2018/03131 2019/03/31 2020/03131 2021/03/31 2022/03131 2023/03131 2024/03131 2025/03131 2026/03/31

Ace surplus b/f 90,292,812 98,498,097 106,628,059 120,251,865 135,579,397 153,189,420 172,762,272 194,504,353 218,636,223 245,392,348 275,029,231

Revenue received 17,128,778 17,560,306 18,706,717 19,993,564 21,406,437 22,897.557 24,454,160 26,088.279 27,782,639 29,561,012 31,419,899
Benefits paid (7,691,153) (8,313,414) (10,431,746) (12,841 ,242) (13,628:129) (14,500,003) (15,475,063) (16,543,856) {17,677,845) (18,867,811) (20,11 1,595)
Ola!:!2!! i'I J!!:Ovision {392,211! {253,153! {2,052,495} (392,853) {433,606! {482,281! {542,26!} {579,404) {610,281! (637,902! (666,731)
Benefits Incurred (8,083,364) 18.566,567) (12,484,241) (13,234,095) (14,061,7361 (14,982,284) (16,017,330) (17,123,260) (18,288,126) (19,505,712) (20,778,325)
Adjustrrent to provision
Trainilg of the UielllJloYed (28,799) (500,000) (529,000) (559,682)
Lay-off schemes & Social Ran funding (51,772) (1,448,400) (1 ,056,021) (1,065,226) (1,129)140) (1,196,888) (1,268,701) (1,344,823) (1,425,513) (1,511,043) (1,601,706)

Opera!!!!! exe!!!!ses (1,788,089) (1.852,594! (1,960,030! {2,077,758 (2,207,898! {2,352,224! (2,514,727) {2,688,358! !2,871,242) (3,062,404) (3,262,205!
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 2,677,424 3,056,803 4,007,864 4,366,161 4,653,402 4,931,837 5,197,758 5,481,853 s.m,663
nvesln'Snt ncoll'B 3,504,047 11,199,891 12,700,027 14,271,058 15,888,297 17,698,897 19,731,179 21 ,977,936 24,455,645 27,183,432 30,185,181
Net s urplus for year 10,680,801 16,392,436 15,377,451 17,327,861' 19,876,161 22,065,058 24,384,581 26,909,773 29,653,403 32,665,285 35,962,844

Transfer lo UR {2,475,516) (8,262,473) (1,753,645) (2,000,329) (2,286,138) (2,492,206) (2,642,501. (2,777,902) (2,897,278) (3,028,402) (3,165,575)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 106,628,059 120,251,865 135,579,397 153,189,420 172,762,272 194,504,353 218,636,223 245,392,348 275,029,231 307,826,500

Solven ratio 575% 607% 643% 678% 716% 755",{, 795% 838% 883% 930% 980%

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Appendix G: Part 7:
Inclusion of persons on learnership contracts and migrant workers

2016/03/31 2017/03/31 2018/03/31 2019/03/31 2020/03/31 2021/03/31 2022/03/31 2023103/31 2024/03/31 2025'03/31 2026/03/31

Ace surplus b/f 90,292,812 98,498,097 105,801,539 118,977,348 133,808,921 150,850,565 169,774,999 190,780,542 214,078,505 239,893,578 268,470,981

Revenue received 17,128,778 17,560,306 18,706,717 19,993,564 21406,437 22,897,557 24,454,160 26,088,279 27,782,639 29,561,012 31,419,899
Benefits paid (7,691.153) (8,31 3,414) (10,621 ,943) (13,252,162) (14;064,230) (14,964,003) (1 5,970,265) (17,073,260) (18,243,536) (19,471 ,581) (20,755,166)
0,a!:!2e in erovislon {392,21 1) {253,153) {2,261,793) (.COS,425) {447,482) {.C97,714) (559,620 {597,945) (629,810) (658,314) {688,066)
Benefits Incurred (8,083,364) (8,566,567) (12,883,737) (13,657,586) (14,511,711) (15,461,717) (16,529,885) (17,671,205) (18,873,346) (20,129,895) (21,443,232)
Adjustmmt to provision
Trawiilg of the lxlen1)1oyed (28,799) (500,000) (529,000) (559,682)
Lay-off schemes & Social Ran funding (51 ,772) (1 ,448,400) (1 ,056,021) (1,085,226) (1 ,129,140) (1,196,888) (1,268,701) (1,344,823) (1,425,513) (1,51 1,043) (1 ,601,706)

QE!rating exeenses p,788,089) (1,852,59,C) {1 ,960,030) {2,077,758 {2,207,698) {2,352,224) {2,514,727) (2,688,358) {2,871,242) p,062,404) {3,262.205)
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 2,277,929 2,633;312 3,557,889 3,186,728 4,140,848 4,383,893 4,612,538 4,857,670 5,112,756
nvestment income 3,504,047 1 1 ,199,891 12,700,027 14,253,915 15,812,570 17,598,841 19,580,282 21 ,768,803 24,179,945 28,831,894 29,747,538
Net surplus for year 10,680,801 16,392,436 14,977,956 16,887,226 19,370,459 21,485,589 23,721,129 26,152,696 28,792,483 31,689,564 34,860,294

Transfer to LRR (2,475,516) (9,088,994) (1,802,147} (2,055,653) (2,328,814) (2,561 .135) (2,715,586) (2,854,733) (2,977,41 1) (3,1 12,161) (3,253,128)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 1os.ao1.s39 1 1a.s77,348 133,aoa,s21 1so,aso,56s 1&9,n4,999 190,780,542 214,078,505 239,893,578 268,470,981 300,078,148

Solven ratio 575% 603% 636% 669% 705% 741% 780% 821% 863% 908k 955%

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Appendix H: Part 9:
Extension of Maternity claims submission period from 8 weeks prior to birth to 1 2 months after child birth

2016/03131 2017103/31 2018103131 2019103/31 2020103131 2021103131 2022/03131 2023103131 2024103131 2025/03131 2026/03131

Ace surplus bit 90,292,812 98,498,097 105,475,166 118,474,071 133,109,802 149,927,008 168,595,397 189,310,099 212,278,772 237,722,245 265,881,286

Revenue received 17,128,778 17,560,306 18,706,717 19,993,564 21,406,437 22,897,557 24,454,160 26,088,279 271782,639 29,561,012 31,419,899
Benefits pald (7,691 ,153) (8,313,414) (10,697,048) (13,414,424) (14,236,435) (15,147,225) (16,165,806) (17,282,308) (18,466,914) (19,709,995) (21,009,297)
Ola!l!e in f!OVision {392,2111 (253,153) 2.344,440) !410,389} (452,961) (503,808} !566,4721 {605,26!} (637,5211 {666,375) {696,491)
Benefits Incurred 18,083,364) (8,566,567) (13,041,488) (13;824,813) (14,689,396) (15,651,034) 116,732,280) (17,887,575) !19,104,435) (20,376,370) !21,705,7871
AdjusllTBnl lo provision
Training of the Une"1)1oyed (28,799) (500,000) (529,000} (559,882)

Lay-off scheJT'es & Socia! Ran funding (51 ,772) (1,448,400) (1 ,056,021) (1,065,226) (1,129,140) (1,196,888) (1,344,823) (1,425,513) lt,511,043) (1,601,706)
Opera exeenses (1,788,089) (1,852,594! (1,960,030! {2,077,758! {2,207,6981 {2,352,224! (2,514,727! (2,888,358) (2,871,242) (3,062,404! !3.262,205)
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 2,120,177 2,466,085 3,380,204 3,697,411 3,938,452 4,167,523 4,381,449 4,611,195 4,850,201
hvestrrent incorre 3,504,047 1 1,199,691 12,700,027 14,247,145 15,790,565 17,559.331 19,520,696 21,686,221 24,071,078 26,693,080 29,574,723
Net surplus for year 10,680,801 16,392,436 14,820,204 16,713,231 19,170,769 21,256,742 23,459,148 25,853,744 28,452,527 31,304,275 34,424,924

Transfer to lJRR (2,475,516) (9,415,367) (1,821,299) (2,077,500) (2,353,564) (2,588,3531 (2,744,446) (2,885,071) (3,009,053) (3,145,235) (3,287,700)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 105,475,166 118,474,071 133,109,802 149,927,008 168,595,397 189,310,099 212,278,772 237,722,24'5 265,881,286 297,018,509

Solveng ratio 575% 601% 633% 666% 700% 736% 774% 814'% 856% 899% 945%

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Appendix I: Part 10:

Inclusion of persons employed in the informal sector

2016/03/31 2017/03/31 2018/03/31 2019/03/31 2020/03131 2.021/03/31 202.2!03/31 202.3/03/31 2024/03/31 2025/03/31 2026/03131

Accsurplus b/f 90,292,812 98,498,097 103,541,808 116,345,769 130,257,147 145,902,519 162,888,152 181,328,256 201,510,549 223,789,224 248,354,292

Revenue received 17,128,778 17,560,308 19,559,708 20,905,233 22,382,531 23,941,643 25,569,224 '1:1 ,856 29,049,476 30,908,939 32,852,588
Benefits paid {7,691,153} (8,313,414) (11,141 ,949) (14,464,762) (15,649,507) (17,072,196) (18,641,508} (20,259,183) (21,769,168) (23,234,536} (24,766,179}
Ola!!2e in l!rovislon (392,211} (253,153} {2,8341022) (537,880) {711,829! p82,251) 866,104) (827,048) (751,523! {785,536) (821,037}
Benefits Incurred (8,083,364) (8,566,567) (13,975,970) (15,002,6421 (16,361,3361 (17,854,447} (19,507,613) (21,086,231) (22,520,690) (24,020,072) (25,587,216)
Adjusbrent to provision
Trainng of the Ulelll)loyed (28,799) (500,000) (529,000) (559,682)

Lay-off schenes & Social Ran funding (51,772} {1,448,400) (1.056,021) (1,065,226) (1,129,140) (1,196,888) (1 ,268,701) (1,344,823) (1,425,513) (1,511,043) (1 ,601,706)
Operating expenses !1,788.089) {1,852,594) {1,960,030! {2,104,014) (2,294,561) (2,503,959} (2,735,804) (2,957,194} {3,158,367) (3,368,644) (3,588,425)
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 2,038,687 2,173,669 2,597,494 2,386,349 2,057,106 1,889,608 1,944,906 2,009,179 2,075,240
investirent inco 3,504,047 11,199,.691 12,700,027 14,283,928 15,815,798 17,539,622 19,406,137 21,418,770 23,594,193 25,963,872 28,555,998
Nat surplus for year 10,680,801 16,392,436 14,738,714 16,457,597 18,413,293 19,925,971 21,463,243 2.3,308,378 25,539,099 '1:1,973,051 30,631,238

Transfer to lm (2,475,516) (11,348,725) {1,934,753) (2,546,219) (2,767,921) (2,940,338} (3,023,138) (3,126,086) (3,260,424) (3,407,983) (3,562,349)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 103,541,808 116,346,769 130,257,147 145,902,519 162,888,152 181,328,266 201,510,549 223,789,224 248,354,292 '1:15,423,181

Solven9:. ratio 575% 590% 595% 623% 652% 680% 709"k 739% 770% 804% 838%

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Appendix J: Part 1 1 :
Payment of 12 days of paternity leave to fathers

2016/03/31 2017/03131 2018103/31 2019/03/31 2020103131 2021103131 2022/03131 2023/03131 2024/03131 2025/03131 2026/03131

Ace surplus blf 90,292,812 98,498,097 101,338,780 112,948,637 125,501,137 139,565,846 154,724,623 171,064,804 188,854,899 208,431,998 229,952,687

Ravenue received 17,128,778 17,660,306 19,559,708 20,905,233 22,382,531 23,941,643 25,569,224 27,277,856 29,049,476 30,908,939 32,852,588
Benefits paid (7,691 ,153) (8,313,414) (11,648,905) (15,566,829) (16,841 ,840) (18,372,923) (20,061,801) (21 ,802,725) (23,427,756) (25,004,nO) (26,653,109)
Ola!:)2e in erovision (392,211) !253,153) (3,391,891} (578,861 (766,063) (841,850) (932,093 (890,061) (808,781) (845,386) (883,592)
Benefits Incurred (8,083,364) (8,566,567) (15,040,796) (16,145,690) (17,607,902) (19,214,774) (20,993,894) {22,692,788} {24,236,537} (25,850,156} {27,536,701}
Adjustment to provision
Training of the lkle111>loyed (28,799) (500,000) (529,000) (559,682)

Lay-off schenes & Social Aan funding cs1,n21 (1,448,400) (1,056,021} (1,065,226) (1,129,140) (1,196,888) (1,268,701) (1,344,823) (1,425,513) (1,511,043) (1,601,706)
Operating expenses {1,788,089) (1,852,594) (1,960,030) (2,104,014} (2,294,561) (2,503,959) (2,735,804) (2,957,194) (3,158,367) !3,368,644! (3,588,425)
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 973,881 1,030,621 1,350,928 1,026,022 570,825 283,052 229,060 179,095 125,756
lnvestrrent incorre 3,504,047 11,199,691 12,700,027 14,238.234 15,666,652 17,269,563 18,994,496 20,842,010 22,826,321 24,977,294 27,320,938
Net surplus for year 10,680,801 16,392,436 13,673,888 15,268,855 17,017,580 18,295,585 19,565,322 21,125,063 23,055,381 25,156,389 27,446,694

Transfer to Lm (2,475,516) (13,551 ,753) (2,064,031) (2,716,355) (2,952,871) (3,136,808) (3,225,141) (3,334,967) (3,478,282) (3,635,700) (3,800,382)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 101,338,780 112,948,637 125,501,137 139,565,846 154,724,623 171,064,804 188,854,899 208,431,998 229,952,687 253,598,999

Solven!:l!!!!,o ___ 575% 577% - 577% 600% 624% 646% 669% 692% 718% 744% 772%

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Appendix K: Part 1 2:
Payment of benefits to persons who have resigned

2016/03/31 2017/03/31 2018/03/31 2019103/31 2020103/31 2021103/31 2022103/31 2023103/31 2024/03/31 2025103/31 2026/03/31

Ace surplus b/f 90,292,812 98,498,097 88,335,073 92,896,550 97,428,070 102,162,680 106,538,165 110,483,227 114,1 53,020 117,783,661 121,334,440

Rltvenue received 17,128,778 17,5601306 19,559,708 20,905,233 22,382,531 23,941,643 25,569,224 27,277,858 29,049,476 30,908,939 32,852,588
Benefits paid (7,891,153) (8,313,414) (14,641,294) (22,071,946) (23,879,783) (26,050,660) (28,445,292) (30,913,719) (33,217,823) (35,453,845) (37,790,997)
O,ae In erovision !392,21 1) {253,153) (6,684,799! (820,757) {1,088.187) (1,193,646) {1,321,599) !1,2621003! {1,146,757) {1,198,658) (1,252,830)
Benefits Incurred (8,083,364) (8,566,567) (21,326,093) (22,892,704) (24,965,950) (27,244,306) (29,766,890) (32,175,722) (34,364,580) (36,652,504) (39,043,827)
Adjuslll'Bnt to provision
Traini,g of lhe lk'lelfl)loyed (28,799) (500,000) (529,000) (559,682)
Lay-off schemas & Social Ran funding (S1.n2) (1,448,400) (1,056,021) (1,065,228) (1,129,140) (1 ,196,888) (1 ,268,701) (1,344,823) (1,425,513) (1 ,511 ,043) (1 ,601,706)

Qe!ra!!!a expenses (1,788,089) (1,852,594) {1 ,960,030) (2,104,014} {2,294,561) (2,503,959) (2,735,804! (2,957,194) p,158,367) (3,368,644) (3,588,425)
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 (5,311 ,436} (5,716,392} (6,007,120) (7,003,510) (8,202,171) (9,199,883) (9,898,983) (10,623,252) (11,381,370)
.,veslll'Bnl income 3,504,047 11,199,691 12,700,027 13,968,518 14,786,293 15,675,498 16,564,727 17,437,598 18.293,846 19,153,870 20,030,809
Net surplus for year 10,680,801 16,392;436 7,388,591 8,252,126 8,779,173 8,671,988 8,362,555 8,237,715 8,394,862 8,530,618 8,649,438
Transfer to l.m (2.475,516) (26,555,459) (2,827,1 14) (3,720,606) (4,044,563) (4,296,503) (4,417,493) (4,567,922) (4,764,222) (4,979,838) (5,205,403)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 88,335,073 92,896,550 97,428,070 102,162,680 108,538,185 110,483,227 114,153,020 117,783,661 121,334,440 124,778,475
Solveng ratio 575% 503% 475% 466% 456% 445% 432% 418% 405% 393% 380%

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= ) k't'Q'IOf'ltW\."Qn lou,e,..._

Appendix L: Part 1 2A:

Payment of benefits to persons who have resigned (60% of IRR)

2016103/31 2017/03/31 2018103/31 2019103/31 2020103/31 2021/03131 2022/03/31 2023103/31 2024'03/31 2025/03/31 2028/03/31

Ace surplus blf 90,292,812 98,498,097 89,481 ,432 94,664,267 99,902,887 105,460,004 110,786,104 1 15,823,874 120,738,460 125,774,881 130,909,821

Revenue received 17,1 28,778 17,560,306 19,559,708 20,905,233 22,382,531 23,941,643 25,569,224 27,277,856 291049,476 30,908,939 32,852,588
Benefits peid (7,691.153) (8,313,414) (14,377,496) (21.498,479) (23,259,326) (25,373;819) (27.706,234) (30,110,528) (32,354.767) (34,532,894) (36,809,122)
Olange in erovislon {392,211) {253,153) {6,394.509) !799,433) {1,057,966) {1.162,6332 {1,287.261) {1,229.2142 {1.116,9622 {1.167,515) (1 ,220.279)
Benefit. Incurred (8,083,364) (8,566,567) (20,772,005) 122,297,912) (24,317,292) (26,536,452) (28,993,496) (31,339,742) (33,471,729) (35,700,209) (38,029,402)
Adjustment to provision
Training or the Uleoyed (28,799) (500,000) (529,000) (559.682)
Lay-off scherres & Social Ran funding (51.772) (1 .448,400) (1,056,021) (1,065.226) (1 ,129,140) (1,196,888) (1,268.701) (1 ,344,823) (1,425,513) ( 1 ,51 1 ,043) (1,601,706)

rating exeenses {1 ,788,089) {1.852,594) {1,960.030) (2,104.0142 {2,294.5612 {2.503.959) {2,735,804) !2,957,1942 {3,1 58,367) {3,368,644) p,588,4252
Operating surplus 7,176,754 5,192,745 (4,757,348) (5,121,601) (5,358,462) (6,295,656) (7,428,776) (8,363,903) (9,006,133) (9,670,958) (10,366,945)
lnvesllTent Income 3,504,047 11.199,691 12,700,027 13,992,295 14,863,.902 15,818,024 16.778,926 17,737,718 18,693,412 19,667,241 20,673,479
Net surplus for year 10,680,801 16,392,436 7,942,679 8,870,695 9,505,441 9,520,368 9,350,150 9,373,816 9,687,279 9,996,284 10,306,534

Transfer lo URR (2,475,516) (25,409,101) (2,759.843) (3,632,075) (3,948,323) (4.194,268) (4,312,380) (4,459,230) (4,650,858) (4,861,344) (5,081,542)
Ace surplus elf 98,498,097 89,481,432 94,664,267 99,902,887 105,460,004 110,786,104 1 15,823,874 120,738,460 125,774,881 130,909,821 136,134,813

Solvency ratio 575% 510% 484% 478% 471% _ 483% - 53,(, 4,Q% 433% 424% 414%

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e e
Appendix M: Shocks applied
M.1 We have considered the impact on the Fund of the following two scenarios:

Scenario 1: The impact on the Fund, should the impact of the changes considered in this
report be 20% greater than quantified in the report.
Scenario 2: The impact on the Fund, should there be an adverse economic experience (a
large scale geographical turmoil scenario), which drastically reduces the value
of the Fund's assets over the 2017 financial year.

M.2 We consider Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 to be an indication of the worst case scenarios.

M.3 The table below shows the PAYG rates, for amendments proposed in the Amendment Bill and
those under consideration in NEDLAC, should the impact be 20% greater than determined in
Section 6 of the report. This is used to determine the impact on the Fund, should the changes
be significantly greater than determined above.

Death Illness M&A Unemployment Expenses Total
Q.irrent 0.041% 0.038% 0.117% 0.892% 0.235% 1 .322%
Part 1 0.048% 0.038% 0.120% 1.074% 0.235% 1.515%
Part 2 0.048% 0.044% 0.197% 1.074% 0.235% 1 .598%
Part 3 0.048% 0.044% 0.197% 1.262% 0.235% 1.785%
Part 4 0.048% 0.044% 0.197% 1.262% 0.235% 1 .786%
Part 5 0.048% 0 044% 0.197% 1.262% 0.235% 1.786%
Part 6 0.076% 0.044% 0.197% 1.262% 0.235% 1.814%
Part 7 0.079% 0.046% 0.204% 1.308% 0.235% 1.871%
Part 8 0.079% 0.046% 0.204% 1.308% 0.235% 1.871%
Part 9 0.079% 0.046% 0.226% 1,308% 0.235% 1.894%
Part 10 0.050% 0.244% 1.414% 0.235% 2.028%
0.050% 1.414% 0.235% 2.182%
% -...
3j j,.l>_Bjl.
Part 12A o.oso01o 1.957% 0.235% 2.724%

M.4 The table below shows the real and nominal investment returns assumed, for each asset class,
over the projecting period, applied in Scenario 2.

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2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 to 2026
Inflation 6 00% 6 00% 6 00% 600% 6 00% 6 00%
1:qulty Real (45.80%) 8.40% 8.70% 8.70% 13.20% 4.90%
Noninal (39.80%) 14.40% 14.70% 14.70% 19.20% 10.90%
Corporate bonds Real (25.80%) 6.70% 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.50%
Norrinal (19.80%) 12.70% 11.00% 11.00% 10.00% 9.50%
Governrrent bonds Real (25.80%) 6.70% 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 2.50%
Norrinal (19.80%) 12.70% 11.00% 11.00% 10.00% 8.50%
A"operty Real 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 3.70%
Norrinal 10.50% 10.50% 10.50% 10.50% 10.50% 9.70%
M:mey market Real 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% 0.75% 1. 00%
Norrinal 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 6.75% 7.00%
Cash Real (0.25%) (0.25%) (0.25%) (0.25%) (0.25%) 0.50%
Norrinal 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 5.75% 6.50%

M.5 We assume that the asset portfolio is rebalanced at the end of each year, such that the
proportion of assets held in each class remains constant.

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Appendix N: Shocks to Part 1 1
N.1 Scenario 1: The Impact on the Fund, should the Impact of each change in the Amendment
Bill and under discussion In NEDLAC be 20% higher than estimated in Section 6

N.2 The graph below shows the solvency ratio and accumulated surplus of the Fund, should the
impact of the changes considered in Parts 1 to 1 1 be 20% greater than that shown in Section 6.

N.3 The blue lines indicate the solvency and accumulated surpluses, based on the PAYG rates
derived in Section 6, while the grey lines are based on PAYG rates where the impact is 20%
greater than that determined in Section 6.

300 900%
_ 250


= 200
, 700%
600% >.

-- - - -
:s 500% C
1 50 >
II) 400% 0
Q. 100 c:i, e :::: 300% C/J
0 0%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus (Part 1 1) - - Accumulated surplus (Scenario 1 )

-- Solvency ratio (Part 1 1 ) --- Solvency ratio (Scenario 1 )

N.4 The graph below shows the impact which this scenario has on the income of the Fund over the
next 1 O years. The solid black line indicates the operating income, based on a 20% increase in
the changes to the benefits. The increase to the dotted line Indicates the investment income of
Scenario 1 . The level of the dotted line indicates the combined income, based on Scenario 1 ,
over the next 1 O years.

N.5 The bars indicate the operating income and investment income as determined in Part 1 1 of
Section 6.

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- I



2016 2017 201 8 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating surplus (Part 1 1 ) - Investment income (Part 1 1 )

- Operating surplus (Scenario 1 ) - - Combined income (Scenario 1)

N.6 Should the impact of the amendments proposed be 20% greater than what has been determined
in Section 6, the operating surplus will become negative. However the investment income is
proj ected to be sufficient to match the operating losses for the next 10 years. This will result in a
combined surplus.

N.7 It is important to note that this is a worst case scenario, particularly given that the assumptions
used to estimate the impact of the amendments have erred on the side of caution.

N.B Scenario 2: The Impact on the Fund, should there be significant economic turmoil In

N.9 The graph below shows the solvency ratio and accumulated surplus of the Fund, should the
investment returns be as shown Appendix M.

N.10 The blue lines indicate the solvency and accumulated surpluses as per Part 11 in Section 6,
while the grey lines are based on the investment returns in Appendix M .

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= )
300 900%
_ 250
s: 700%
= 200 600%


.,,,,. -
_. ,
-- 500%

-' -- - - -
,,,,,. C
400% 0
a. 1 00 300% "'
0 0%
2016 201 7 2018 201 9 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus (Part 11) - - Accumulated surplus (Scenario 2)

-- Solvency ratio (Part 1 1) - Solvency ratio (Scenario 2)

N.11 The graph below shows the impact which this scenario has on the income of the Fund over the
next 1 0 years. The solid black line indicates the operating income, based on the investment
returns in Appendix M. The increase, or decrease, to the dotted line Indicates the investment
income of Scenario 2. The level of the dotted line indicates the combined income, based on
Scenario 2, over the next 10 years.

N.12 The bars indicate the operating income nd investment income as determined in Part 11 of
Section 6.

C 10

:s 5
201 s , 20111 201 a 2019 2020 2021 i022 023 2024 2025 2026
( 1 0) \ I
( 1 5)


- Operating surplus (Part 1 1 ) - Investment income (Part 11)

- Ope rating surplus (Scenario 2) - - Combined income (Scenario 2)

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N.13 The large decrease in investments occurs in 2017. Thereafter the investment returns are
expected to be higher for the next five years as assets recover from the market shock. This
results in the combined income from 2018 to 2021 being similar to the combined income shown
in Part 1 1 . However, the shock does result in a reduction in the accumulated surplus. Thus
from 2022, when the investment return assumption reverts to 9.01%, the investment income is
slightly below that in Part 1 1 , resulting in a slightly lower combined income.

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" I

Appendix O: Shocks to Part 1 2

0.1 Scenario 1 : The Impact on the Fund, should the Impact of each change In the
Amendment BIii and under discussion In NEDLAC be 20% higher than estimated in
Section 6

0.2 The graph below shows the solvency ratio and accumulated surplus of the Fund, should the
impact of the changes considered in Parts 1 to 12 be 20% greater than that shown in Section 6.

0.3 The blue lines indicate the solvency and accumulated surpluses, based on the PAYG rates
derived in Section 6, while the grey lines are based on PAYG rates where the impact is 20%
greater than that determined in Section 6.

140 700%

- 120 600%

,g 1 00 - -"!. 500%

80 400% C

60 300% 0
I,, 40 200%
20 100%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus (Part 1 2) - - Accumulated surplus (Scenario 1 )

-- Solvency ratio (Part 1 2) - Solvency ratio (Scenario 1 )

0.4 Should the impact of the amendments be 20% greater than determined in Section 6, for Parts 1
to 12, the accumulated surplus and solvency ratio will drastically reduce over the next ten years.

0.5 The graph below shows the impact which this scenario has on the income of the Fund over the
next 10 years. The solid black line indicates the operating income, based on the revised PAYG
rate. The increase to the dotted line indicates the investment income of Scenario 1 . The level
of the dotted line indicates the combined income, based on Scenario 1 , over the next 1 O years.

0.6 The dark blue bars indicate the operating income as determined in Part 12 of Section 6, while
the top of the light blue bar indicates the combined income.

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' .



-1 1 t 1
:s (5)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating surplus (Part 1 2) - Investment income (Part 12)

-- Operating surplus (Scenario 1) - - Combined income (Scenario 1)

0.7 The above graph shows that the operating surplus under Scenario 1, including Part 12,
drastically decreases during the next 10 years. Furthermore, the combined income is negative
from 2022 and decreases over the next 10 years.

0.8 The combined loss results in the accumulated surpluses being utilised in order to pay the claims
to the Fund, thus reducing the accumulated surpluses. Thus the investment income decreases,
as shown in the graph by the narrowing gap between the solid and dotted lines.

0.9 Scenario 2: The Impact on the Fund, should there be significant economic turmoil In

0.1O The graph below shows the solvency ratio and accumulated surplus of the Fund, should the
investment returns be as shown in Appendix M and the amendments reviewed in Parts 1 to 12
be implemented.

0.11 The blue lines indicate the solvency and accumulated surpluses as per Part 12 in Section 6,
while the grey lines are based on the investment returns in Appendix M.

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- - - - --
140 700%


. 1 00
- 600%


- - - - - .. .. - -
:ci 80 400% C

cn -- i
:, 60 300% 0
e, 40 200%

20 100%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus (Part 12) - - Accumulated surplus (Scenario 2)

-- Solvency ratio (Part 1 2) - Solvency ratio (Scenario 2)

0.12 The graph below shows the impact which this scenario has on the income of the Fund over the
next 10 years. The solid black line indicates the operating income. The Increase to the dotted
line indicates the investment income of Scenario 2. The level of the dotted line indicates the
combined income, based on Scenario 2, over the next 10 years.

0.13 The dark blue bars indicate the operating income as determined in Part 12 of Section 6, while
the top of the light blue bar indicates the combined income.




2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating surplus (Part 1 2) - investment income (Part 12)

-- Operating surplus (Scenario 2) - - Combined income (Scenario 2)

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. . .,

0.14 Investment losses in 2017 result in a combined loss in 2017, despite an operating surplus.

0.1 5 From 2018 to 2021 the combined income is similar to that shown in Part 12, while from 2022 to
2026 the combined income is lower, as investment returns return to the original 9.01% level.

0.16 The combined income remains positive overthe next 1 0 years.

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I r

Appendix P: Shocks to Part 1 2A

P.1 Scenario 1: The impact on the Fund, should the Impact of each c hange in the
Amendment BIii and under discussion In NEDLAC be 20% higher than estimated in
Section 6

P.2 The graph below shows the solvency ratio and accumulated surplus of the Fund, should the
impact of the changes considered in Parts 1 to 11 and Part 12A be 20% greater than that
shown in Section 6.

P.3 The blue lines indicate the solvency and accumulated surpluses, based on the PAYG rates
derived in Section 6, while the grey lines are based on PAYG rates where the impact is 20%
greater than that determined in Section 6.

160 700%
140 600%
s 120
0:: 80
.... - 400%

:, 60 U)
40 200%

20 100%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus (Part 1 2A) - Accumulated surplus (Scenario 1 )

-- Solvency ratio (Part 1 2A) - Solvency ratio (Scenario 1}

P.4 Should the impact of the amendments be 20% greater than determine in Section 6, for Parts 1
to 11 and Part 12A, the solvency ratio will reduce over the next ten years.

P.5 The graph below shows the impact which this scenario has on the income of the Fund over the
next 10 years. The solid black line indicates the operating income, based on the revised PAYG
rate. The increase to the dotted line indicates the investment income of Scenario 1 . The level
of the dotted line indicates the combined income, based on Scenario 1, over the next 10 years.

P.6 The dark blue bars indicate the operating income as determined in Part 1 2A of Section 6, while
the top of the light blue bar indicates the combined income.

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' ' '


5 -
( 1 5)
2016 2017 201 8 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating surplus (Part 1 2A) - Investment income (Part 1 2A)

--Operating surplus (Scenario 1) - - Combined income (Scenario 1)

P.7 The above graph shows that the operating surplus under Scenario 1, including Part 12A,
drastically decreases during the next 10 years. The combined income is positive from 201 8 and
decreases over the next 10 years.

P.8 Scenario 2: The Impact on the Fund. should there be significant economic turmoil In 2017.

P.9 The graph below shows the solvency ratio and accumulated surplus of the Fund, should the
investment returns be as shown in Appendix M and the amendments reviewed in Parts 1 to 1 1
and Part 12A be implemented.

P.10 The blue lines indicate the solvency and accumulated surpluses as per Part 1 2A in Section 6,
while the grey lines are based on the investment returns in Appendix M.

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.,, i t .,


- - - - - - - - 700 %

- - - - - - - - ... -
140 600%
5 1 20 500 %

:: 1 00 >,
.c 400 %
0:: 80 ID

c. 60

20 1 00%

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- - Accumulated surplus (Part 1 2A) - - Accumulated surplus (Scenario 2)

-- Solvency ratio (Part 12A) - Solvency ratio (Scenario 2)

P .11 The graph below shows the impact which this scenario has on the income of the Fund over the
next 1 0 years. The solid black line indicates the operating income. The increase to the dotted
line indicates the investment income of Scenario 2. The level of the dotted line indicates the
combined income, based on Scenario 2, over the next 1 0 years.

P.12 The dark blue bars indi9ate the operating income as determined in Part 12A of Section 6, while
the top of the light blue bar indicates the combined income.

:c (5)
(1 0)
( 1 5)
2016 2017 201 8 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

- Operating surplus (Part 1 2A) - Investment income (Part 12A)

--operating surplus (Scenario 2) - - Combined income (Scenario 2)

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. ' .,.

P.13 Investment losses in 2017 result in a combined loss in 2017, despite an operating surplus.

P.14 From 2018 to 2021 the combined income is similar to that shown in Part 12A, while from 2022
to 2026 the combined income is lower, as investment returns return to the original 9.01% level.

P.15 The combined income remains positive over the next 10 years.

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- )
Appendix Q: Benefit description
Q. 1 The table below summaries the key components which define the benefits which the Fund
currently provides to contributors.

Unemployment lllnen Maternity & Adoption Death

Application of This Act applies lo all e"l)loyers and e"l)loyees, other than-
theAcl (a) elll)loyees errployed for less than 24 hours a rronth wtth a pertk:ular erl1Jloyer, and their errpoyers;
(b) errpoyees under a con!ract of errploym11nt conltnl)lated In section 18(2) al the SkiBs Development Act, 1998, and thl!ir
(c) enl)loyees In lhe nallonal and provincial spheres of governrn,nl who are offlcer1 or enl)loyees as defined Jn section
1(1) or the Rlblic Service Acl, 1994 (A-oclarmtlon No. 103 of 1994), and their ertployers;
(d) persons who enter the Rapublc for the purpose of carrying out a contract of service, apprenticeship or leamershlp
w tthln lhe Republic If upon the terrrinaUon thereof the errployer Is required by law 0( by the contract of service,
apprentieeshlp or leamership, as the case nay be, or by any other agreem11nt or undertaki'lg, to repatriate lhat person, or
that person is 10 required lo leave the Republic, and thl!ir errpoyers; and
lel cersons who recl!ive a m:mlhlv """lion as contermlRled in section 14lallll and thl!ir erTDiovers.
Contributors not A contributor Is not entitled to benefits for any period that the contributor was In receipt of-
erigible for a (Q a rronthly pension fromthe Slate;
beneftt If: (ii) any benefft from the Corrpensatlon Fund estabished under the Corrpensation lor Occupational Injuries and Diseases
Act, as a r11Sult of an occupational injury or disease, which Injury or disease caused lhe total or temporary unell'pioym11nt;
(iii) beneltts from any unerrpoymenl fund or schll!lll establshed by a c:ounci under section 2B(g) or 43(1)(c) of the Labour
Rl!latlons Act, 1995;
Accrual rate 1 dav for everv 6 davs worked
Period of accrual 4 vears v

ApplcaUon wthln 6 rrtJnths \Mlhln 6 ITDnths Matern!y: At least 8 weeks wthln 6 rrtJnths of death
period before childbirth

.... _.....
Adoption: w Nhln 6 rrtJnths of
Duration From dale of unenl)loyrn,nt, Fromdatethat work ls Mat11rn!y 1T11X: 17.32 weeks Unenl)loyrTl!nt beneftt
rrax 238 days ceased due to llness, rrax MscarrlagefstlD born rrax: 6
238 days weks
Adoption: from date court
grants adoption, rrax 238
- davs
Right to benefff The reason for the (a) unable to performwork on Clnly one contributor of the Toa surviving spouse or a life
unell'pioyrrent is- account of lness; adopting parties is entitled to partner al a deceased
(ij the tenrinallon of contflltt (b) fulfis any pr11Scrlbed the adoption beneftts in contributor
by the eriployw or ending of requltemints In respect of respect ot each adopted child Any dependent child of a
a fixed term contract, any specified llness and only If- deceased contributor If
(II) the disnissal of the (a) adopted in term1 of the (a) there is no surviving
contributor, Chid Care Act; spouse or life partner; or
(ii) lnsotvency; or (b) the period was spent (b) the surviving spouse or
(iv) in the case of a dorrmli: caring for the child; lfe partner has not rrade
worker, the temtnaUon of (c) the child is below the age application for the benefs
errpoyrrent by the death of of two wffhln six mmths or the
the IHTDlover. contributor's death.
RR Mn 38%; Max: 60%
Waitino oerlod 14 days 14 davs N'A N'A
Benefff cycle May only claim once in a 4 N'A N'A N'A
year cycle

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I ' II

Q.2 The table below summaries the key components which define the benefits as proposed in the
Amendment Bill, and under discussion in NEDLAC. bChanges from the current benefits are
shown in bold.

Unam nlovment I Illnes s Matarnffv & Adontlon

11) This ActappllH to all em ployers and em ployees, other than employaes employed for leas than 24 hours
Applic:ation of
the Act a month with a particular em ployar, and their em ployers.
12) This Act does not apply to m em bar11 of parliament, cabinet m Inlstare, deputy m lnl1ter11, m em bars of
provlnclal executive counclls, member of provincial laglslaturas and m unlclpal councmors.
NBLAC propos&1 that the Act also apply lo the Informal sector.
Contribu1ors not A contribulor is not entitled lo beneffts for any period that the comritnrtor was In receipt of-
e&gible for a ( a m:mlhly pension fromthe State;
benefH If: (ii) any benefit from the Compensation Fund estab&shed under the Compensation for Occupational tljurles and Diseases
Act, as a resuft an occupa!kmal Injury or disease, w hich ln)Jry or disease caused the total or tell'!lDrary unellllloyrnmt:
(ii) benefits lromany unerrpoylTlln1 fund or sche1T11 establlshed by a councl under section 2B(g) or 43(1)(c) of tha Labour
Relations Act, 1995:
Accrual rate 1 dav for everv 5 clavs worked
Period accrual 4 vears
Applicallon V\llhln 12 rronths V\llhln 6 rronlhs or
Maternfty: \Mlhln 12 ITIJllths Wthl n 11 rmnths death
period after chDdb1r1h
Adoption: w fthln 6 ITIJllths af
court order
D.lrallon From date of unerrpoylTllnt, From date that w ork Is Maternily muc 17.32 weeks l..kierrpoy1T11nt beneu
rrax 238 days ceased due ta Illness, rrax Mscarrtage/slil born max:
23B days 17.32weeks
Adoption: from date court
grants adoption, rrax 238
Paternltv leave: 12 d1111
Rght to benefit Toa reason for the (a) unable to performw ark on Ooly one con1ribu1or of the The spouse or a Ie partner
unellllloym,nt Is- account of lne11: adoplilg parties Is en1itled to Any dependent child If
(ij the terrrinatlon of contract (b} furls any prescribed adoption benefils for each (a) no spouse/life partn11r; or
by the errpoyer or ending of requiterrents In respect of child and only If- (b) spouse/lf11 partner has
a Jilted term conuact, any specified mness (a) adopted In tem11 of the not !l'Bde application w tthln
(i) the disrrissal of the Chld Care Act: sbc rronths.
comrlbutor, (b) the period was spent A nominated beneficiary If
(i) Insolvency; or caring for the chld; there Is no spousentra
(Iv) In the case of a do1T11stic (c) the child Is below the age partner or dependant
worker, tha leminatlon of DI two child
errpoymint by the death of Fathars ara eOglble for a
1h11 errpoy11r. pate rnlty benefll
Jf a contributor losn his
or har Income due to
'reducid working time; or
If a contributor res lgns
from em ployment
RR Mn: 38%; Max: S<W.: flat rate of 20'/. altar 2311 days Flat rate of 88% Mn: 38%; Max 60%; flat
rate of 20% after 2311 davs
Waltlna Deriod 14 davs 7 <laVS NIA NIA
Benefft cycle May claim m ultiple times NIA NIA NIA
In a 4 year cycle, provided
there are credits avallable

Unemployment Insurance Fund I Actuarlal Review

R:\Soulh Africa\UIF\2016\Reports\002 Amendment BIii docx 71

About QED
QED Actuaries & Consultants (Pty) Ltd is one of the largest independent actuarial consulting firms in
Africa. With a team of 30 actuarial and support staff, we provide actuarial and consulting services to
more than 60 clients in in South Africa and the broader African continent. We are firmly established in
Africa where we have been in operation for over 80 years - previously as Hymans Robertson in the
UK and more recently from South Africa as QED. We offer statutory actuarial, risk management and
strategic consulting services to:

Life insurance companies;

General insurance companies;
Health insurance companies;
Medical schemes;
Insurance and other Industry Associations, and,
Government and other Regulatory Bodies.

For more information visit our website -

QED Actuaries & Conaultanll lPty) Ltd

1st Floor - The Bridle. Hunts End Office Park. 38 Wierda Road Weal Wierda Valley, Sandton 2196, Johannesburg, South Africa
P O Box 413313, Cralghall 2024, Johannesburg, South Africa
l +27 11 038 3700 I
Registration Number 1991/005277/07 I VAT Number 4790126538
Oitectors C Falconer I R Chauhan
Consulting Actuaries: T Fahy I X Feure I L Moroney I S Porfozis J H Snyders I C van Heerden

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Annexure D

Annexure E


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