Instructions To Exam Officials O17 Final PDF
Instructions To Exam Officials O17 Final PDF
Instructions To Exam Officials O17 Final PDF
Ensure that the exam time table is displayed in the notice board
well in advance and intimated to all students.
The question paper for the days exam must be downloaded from
the on-line portal only by the external examiner and the
password will be sent to his/her mobile phone by SMS.
These printouts must be kept in the sealed cover along with the
answer books.
After all the students are seated in the respective halls, both the
Chief Superintendent and Additional Chief Superintendent
should verify and open the packets containing the question
paper pertaining to the days exam.
The first bell should be given only 20 minutes prior to the start
of Examination to open the sealed question paper packets. The
second bell should be given to indicate the start of the
Examination. The Chief Superintendents and Additional Chief
Superintendent(s) should ensure that question papers are issued
to all candidates, before the commencement of the Examination.
All the students must be made to enter the exam hall on the first
bell itself. The grace time of 30 minutes must be availed only by
students who are really late due to genuine reason and not as a
matter of right by all.
The Chief Superintendent should verify and certify that the exam
remuneration is paid on the spot to all exam staff (both internal
and external). Signature of exam staff must be obtained only at
the time of disbursement of cash and not in advance.
The nodal officer shall interact with the local flying squad and provide
instant solution and support to any of these issues/problems reported
from nearby colleges as per existing guidelines and in consultation
with DOTE officials concerned.
Board of Examinations