Instructions To Exam Officials O17 Final PDF

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The Principal of the institution where the examination is conducted or

a person nominated by the Chairman, Board of Examination will be
the Chief Superintendent for that institution or exam centre. The Chief
Superintendent at each centre will be fully responsible for the smooth
conduct of Board examination at that centre. One, two or more
Additional Chief Superintendents will be appointed by Chairman to
assist the Chief Superintendent in the conduct of examination. The
Chief Superintendent on no account for what so ever reason entrust
the conduct of exam to anyone else or absent himself on the day/days
of examination without prior written permission of the Chairman.


Instructions to Chief Superintendent:

The Chief Superintendent must not involve himself or herself in

any other work during the conduct of Board Examinations.

Principals acting as flying squad heads must not act as Chief

Superintendent or External Examiners.

One day prior to the commencement of Board practical exam,

the Chief superintendent (if appointed from other colleges) must
convene a meeting with students of all branches separately and
take an undertaking as follows: I am fully aware that I have
been given due training in all the lab exercises/experiments
in my regular classes and I am fully prepared to take up
my Board Practical examination.

Confirm the date of exam with the Internal/External examiner in

advance and enter the date in the on-line Question paper portal.

Ensure that the exam time table is displayed in the notice board
well in advance and intimated to all students.

Ensure the availability of 100% power back-up on the day of

Ensure that duly attested and valid hall-ticket is issued to all the
eligible students prior to the commencement of Board Practical
On the day of exam all students must be thoroughly frisked
before they enter the lab and only the following items must be
permitted inside:

1. College ID Card, Hall Ticket.

2. Pen, Pencil, and Eraser.
3. Scale, Instrument Box and Calculator.

All other belongings of the student must be removed at the

entrance itself and kept under safe custody.

A maximum of 90 students (3 batches of 30 each) alone must be

permitted to do lab exam per day.

Two lab exams of a particular Semester and Branch must not be

conducted on the same day by swapping batches.

External examiner, Internal examiner, Technical assistant and

Mechanic of the concerned lab alone must be present inside the
lab during Board examination.

A separate computer with internet facility must be provided to

the external examiner to enter the marks in the on-line portal.

The Chief Superintendent must be present in the campus on

every day of practical examination.

The job work done by students in workshop related exam must

be shown to flying squad during subsequent visits.


The Principals/Chief Superintendents of all Self-financing Polytechnic
Colleges should display the Readiness Certificate issued by the Local
Flying Squad in the Main Board for the entire spell of Board


The Principals/Chief Superintendents of all polytechnic colleges
should display the details of Local Flying Squad and Nodal officer as
detailed below:


(for Board Examination Related Complaints)
Local Flying Squad
Mobile Number:
E-mail ID:
Nodal Officer
Mobile Number:
E-mail ID:

Instructions to External Examiners:

The external examiner must be present in the exam centre at

least by 8.00a.m on the day of exam. The External Examiner
should meet the Chief Superintendent in person and produce
the duty order received from Chairman, Board of Examination
and the relieving order from his/her college, before taking up the

Verify and ensure the 100% availability of lab equipments as per

syllabus in working condition.

If the equipments are found to be insufficient, it must be

reported to the Chief superintendent, Local flying squad and
Regional officer-III at DOTE for further action.

The question paper for the days exam must be downloaded from
the on-line portal only by the external examiner and the
password will be sent to his/her mobile phone by SMS.

The password must be kept very confidential and should not be

revealed to anyone else including the internal examiner. External
examiners should not decline the duty after receiving the
The downloaded questions must be kept under safe custody by
the external examiner without giving access to internal
These downloaded questions must be issued to the students at
the time of examination only by the external examiner. Question
papers of the successive batches must be kept under lock and
key under the custody of external examiner.

Evaluation and award of marks must be done only by the

external examiner.

In computer related labs mark should be awarded only based on

printouts and not on screen output.

These printouts must be kept in the sealed cover along with the
answer books.

In exams conducted in workshops, all the job work done by

students must be labelled with register numbers and kept in a
sealed box and submitted to the Principal/Chief Superintendent.

The floor of the lab must be cleaned before commencement of

exam and no written or printed piece of paper or any other
manuscript must be found in the lab.

Instructions to Internal Examiners:

Verify and ensure that all machines/apparatus are in working


Exam must be conducted only for a maximum of 90 students per

day in batches of 30 each (I batch 9 to 12, II batch12 to 3 and III
batch 3 to 6).

Record note books, observation note books must be verified

outside the lab and should not be allowed inside the lab during

Record note books must be signed both by Internal and External


Batch allocation must be finalised and displayed in the notice

board at least one day prior to the exam. Students should not be
shifted from one batch to another after commencement of exam.
Ensure that Technical assistant, Mechanic or any other person
does not assist the student to perform the experiment during
Co-ordinate with the external examiner in evaluation, posting of
marks, entry of mark in on-line portal, arranging answer books
in sealed cover and to complete the exam successfully.


Instructions to Chief Superintendent / Additional Chief


The Chief Superintendent must take possession of the exam

center 24 hours before the commencement of theory exam.

The student Nominal roll must be verified by the Chief

Superintendent and corrections if any must be reported to
Technical Assistant (Evaluation-I), Computer centre, DOTE.

Question papers should be collected from the distribution

centre personally by the Chief Superintendent and
Additional Chief Superintendent. The Chief Superintendent
and Additional Chief Superintendent order issued by
Chairman should be produced at the distribution centre for

On receipt of the parcel, the Chief Superintendent and

Additional Chief Superintendent should satisfy themselves by
checking the seal, flap and edges of the parcel and that they are
not tampered with in any manner. If anything is found to be
irregular or suspicious, it should be immediately reported to
Technical Assistant (Mech), DOTE.

Question paper must be stored in a fully secured place (a room

with only one entrance and no windows) with lock and key under
the custody of Chief Superintendent and Additional Chief
Superintendents. The Chief Superintendent shall enter the
question paper room and verify/arrange/tally the question paper
packets only in the presence of External Additional Chief

Representatives of managements/trusts or any other person

holding any position in connection with the college should not be
permitted in to the exam center during Board examination.

The Chief Superintendent must personally look after the seating

arrangements to students in exam halls. Candidates must be
provided with suitable seats and tables placed not less than 5
feet (1.5 meters) apart, from centre to centre. The seats must be
so arranged that when seated, they all face the same direction.
Students of the same branch/semester should not be allowed to
sit in adjacent rows.

A detailed hall plan and seat allotment chart must be prepared

and displayed in the college notice board 24 hours before the
commencement of theory exam.

A copy of the detailed hall plan must be sent to Regional officer

III by e-mail one day prior to the commencement of Examination

Ensure that all Hall superintendents allotted to your exam

center, report at least 45 minutes before the commencement of
exam. If sufficient number of Hall superintendents does not turn
up for duty, contact the local flying squad or nodal officer for
alternate arrangement.

Activities like coaching class, contact class of other universities,

training programs, and any other academic or non-academic
meetings or events must not be carried out inside the college
during Board theory exam schedule.

After all the students are seated in the respective halls, both the
Chief Superintendent and Additional Chief Superintendent
should verify and open the packets containing the question
paper pertaining to the days exam.

The first bell should be given only 20 minutes prior to the start
of Examination to open the sealed question paper packets. The
second bell should be given to indicate the start of the
Examination. The Chief Superintendents and Additional Chief
Superintendent(s) should ensure that question papers are issued
to all candidates, before the commencement of the Examination.

The question paper covers must be opened in the main exam

hall and the question papers due to other halls should be taken
and handed over to Hall superintendents by the Chief
Superintendent or the Additional Chief Superintendent and not
by any other staff member.

All the students must be made to enter the exam hall on the first
bell itself. The grace time of 30 minutes must be availed only by
students who are really late due to genuine reason and not as a
matter of right by all.

No candidate should be permitted to enter the exam hall after

the lapse of 30 minutes from the time of commencement of
examination. Similarly, no candidate should be permitted to
leave the exam hall before 45 minutes from the time of
commencement of examination.

Students must be thoroughly frisked before entering the exam

hall and only the following items shall be allowed in to the exam

1. College ID Card, Hall Ticket, Watch.

2. Pen, Pencil, and Eraser.
3. Scale, Instrument Box/Mini Drafter/Calculator.

It should be ensured that cell phones, programmable calculators

tablets or any electronic device with communication facility such
as blue tooth, infrared etc are not allowed inside the exam hall.
Blue or Black pen alone must be used to write exams and no
colour pen or pencil should be used in the answer books.
Logarithm book, code book, hand book, steam table and any
other permissible reference material must be supplied only by
the college with stamp and seal.

At least one external hall superintendent (from other institution)

must be posted in every exam hall during Board examination.

The question paper code and the subject/branch name must be

displayed in the concerned exam hall every day without fail.

The question paper account must be verified and closed within

one hour from the commencement of exam i.e. before 10.30a.m
in the forenoon and 3.15p.m in the afternoon.

The answer book despatch details must be entered in the on-line

Ex-2 portal on a day to day basis exclusively by one Additional
Chief Superintendent.

Exam officials like Chief supt/Additional Chief supt/internal and

external hall supt/exam cell staff alone must be present in the
exam center during Board examination. Teaching staff without
exam duty should not be permitted inside the exam center
during Board exam.
At the end of the examination, packing of answer books should
be done under the direct supervision of the Chief
Superintendent, Additional Chief Superintendents with at least
two external Hall Superintendents.

The Chief Superintendent should verify and certify that the exam
remuneration is paid on the spot to all exam staff (both internal
and external). Signature of exam staff must be obtained only at
the time of disbursement of cash and not in advance.

Discrepancies if any with regard to spot payment of

remuneration, TA&DA must be brought the notice of Regional
Officer IV (DOTE) immediately.

Surveillance camera (CCTV) must be installed in the

Question paper strong room and exam cell. Packing and
sealing of answer books must be done only under CCTV
Surveillance camera and the video footages must be
preserved for at least one year.

Instructions to Hall Superintendent:

Distribution of question paper and answer book to candidates

will be entrusted only to hall superintendents this must be done
with utmost care and caution.

If candidates appearing for different subjects are seated in an

exam hall, the candidates appearing for a particular subject
must be asked to stand up and receive the appropriate question
paper from the hall superintendent.

It will be the duty of the Hall superintendent to verify and ensure

that the appropriate question paper pertaining to the days exam
has been received by him/her at the exam hall.

Hall superintendents will be held responsible for issuance of

inappropriate question paper to students if any.

Hall superintendents are not permitted to use mobile phones or

any other communication devices at the exam hall during

Hall superintendents should verify the candidate present in the

exam hall with the photo in the hall ticket. Similarly the register
number written in the fly slip must be cross checked with the
register number in the hall ticket.

Signature of all students present in the exam hall must be

obtained in the prescribed format. The number of students
present must be tallied with the number of answer books
received at the end of the examination.

Hall superintendents must maintain strict vigil inside the exam

hall during exam and prevent any teaching / non-teaching staff
or any other person unconnected with Board exams from
entering the exam hall during exam.

Hall superintendents are not permitted to leave the exam hall

during the exam. Under extraordinary circumstances, if the Hall
superintendent has to necessarily leave the exam hall, a stand
by Hall superintendent has to be allocated to that hall in
consultation with the Chief/Additional Chief superintendent.

At five minutes before the close of the examination candidates

must be asked to prepare their answer book for handing over.
Candidates must be asked to hand over the answer book in
person to the Hall superintendents and not to leave it in their

Instructions for Booking of Students under Malpractice during

Board Examinations:

The revised guidelines for punishment to students who indulge

in Malpractice in Diploma Board Exam is available in our

Note down the page number and time of copying.

Collect the hall ticket and malpractice material if any possessed

by the candidate and hand over them to the Chief

If a candidate is booked under category 1F, H, I, J or K, he/she

must be asked to hand over the answer book and leave the exam
hall after taking a letter of undertaking/acceptance to the
category or nature of malpractice committed by him/her. This
letter of undertaking/acceptance must be duly signed by
Student, Chief Supt. Addl. Chief Supt. And Hall Supt.
If a candidate is booked under any other category of malpractice,
he/she must be issued with a show cause notice to appear and
attend enquiry by the Chief Superintendent.
The answer books of those candidates must be sealed in a
separate cover and sent to Regional Officer III, DOTE for
further process.
All cases of Malpractice including 1F,H,I,J or K, must be
entered in the Malpractice register duly signed by Exam officials
(Chief Supt. Additional Chief Supt. Hall Supt.) and must be
produced to the flying squad during visit.


With a view to control and manage the day to day bottlenecks

effectively during theory exams, 9 Nodal Centres are formed with the
Principal as Nodal officer.

Polytechnic Principals/Chief superintendents/Additional Chief

Superintendents shall contact the nearby nodal officer for instant
solution and guidance in connection with any of the following issues
during theory exams.

Poor turnout of Hall superintendents on the day of exam.

Shortage of answer books in any exam center.
Immediate alternate arrangement/substitute to any exam official
during the exam.
Any other emergency that occurs during the examination.

The nodal officer shall interact with the local flying squad and provide
instant solution and support to any of these issues/problems reported
from nearby colleges as per existing guidelines and in consultation
with DOTE officials concerned.

Board of Examinations

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