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A Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Organizations

Charles Perrow

American Sociological Review, Vol. 32, No. 2. (Apr., 1967), pp. 194-208.

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Tue Apr 17 06:56:06 2007
over which the individual presumably has tion is more equitable? Which is more "just"
some control and, therefore, "merits." In if volition is involved in neither the mental
other words, the individual's private capaci- capacities that an individual inherits nor the
ties are involved. But do not the individual's social advantages conferred upon him by his
capacities depend to more than a trivial de- parents?
gree upon the genetic material with which Although one mode is perhaps no more
he enters the social contest, and over which equitable than the other, one does appear to
he has no more control than his race or his be more rational. Here, we would agree with
sex? And, therefore, is not the allocation of Linton's position, and others, that social
status according to ability actually just as heredity, while not "dysfunctional" in sim-
much an "ascribed" criterion as the more pler societies, no longer meets the demands
traditional assignment of positions based on of a complex technology. To the extent that
"social" heredity? the survival of our present technology (and
If one of the major social issues facing social order) depends upon the effective
contemporary societies, as we have sug- utilization of human resources, then the
gested, involves a basic confrontation be- identification, sorting, and development of
tween the principles of social heredity and talent will continue to be persuasive argu-
the meritocracy, then which mode of selec- ments.



University of Wisconsin

Complex organizations are ,conceptualized in terms of their technologies, or the work done
o n raw materials. T w o aspects of technology vary independently: the number of exceptions
that must be handled, and the degree t o which search is a n analyzable or unanalyzable pro-
cedure. If there is a large number of exceptions and search is not logical and analytic, the
technology is described as nonroutine. Few exceptions and analyzable search procedures de-
scribe a routine technology. T w o other types result from other combinations-craft and en-
gineering technologies. Task structures vary w i t h the technology utilized, and are analyzed
in terms of control and coordination and three levels of management. Social structure in turn
is related t o technology and task structure. Finally, the variations in three types of goals are
weakly related t o the preceding variables in this conceptualization, T h e perspective provides
a basis for comparing organizations which avoids m a n y problems found in other schemes util-
izing structure, function or goals as the basis for comparison. Furthermore, it allows one t o
selectively utilize competing organizational theories once i t is understood that their relevance
i s restricted t o organizations w i t h specific kinds of technologies. T h e scheme makes apparent
some errors i n present efforts t o compare organizations.

paper presents a perspective on or- tively the existing theories of organizational

ganizations that hopefully will provide
a basis for comparative organizational
analysis, and also allow one to utilize selec-
behavior. There are four characteristics of
this perspective.
First, technology, or the work done in
organizations, is considered the defining
*Revision of a paper read at the 1966 Annual
Meeting of the American Sociological Association. unstintingly, but I would like to single out Ernest
This paper was prepared during the course of re- Vargas, Geoffrey Guest and Anthony Kovner, who
search on industrial corporations supported by transcended their graduate student roles at the Uni-
Grant No. GS-742, National Science Foundation. versity of Pittsburgh during the formulation of
Numerous colleagues criticized an earlier version these ideas in sticky field situations.
characteristic of organizations. That is, or- TECHNOLOGY AND RAW MATERIALS
ganizations are seen primarily as systems
for getting work done, for applying tech- By technology is meant the actions that
niques to the problem of altering raw mate- an individual performs upon an object, with
rials-whether the materials be people, sym- or without the aid of tools or mechanical
bols or things. This is in contrast to other devices, in order to make some change in
perspectives which see organizations as, for that object. The object, or "raw material,"
example, cooperative systems, institutions, or may be a living being, human or otherwise,
decision-making systems. a symbol or an inanimate object. People
are raw materials in people-changing or
Second, this perspective treats technology
people-processing organizations; symbols are
as an independent variable, and structure-
the arrangements among people for getting materials in banks, advertising agencies and
work done-as a dependent variable. Goals some research organizations; the interac-
are conceived of as being in part a depend- tions of people are raw materials to be ma-
ent variable. What is held to be an inde- nipulated by administrators in organizations;
pendent and dependent variable when one boards of directors, committees and councils
abstracts general variables from a highly in- are usually involved with the changing or
terdependent and complex social system is processing of symbols and human interac-
less of an assertion about reality than a tions, and so on,
strategy of analysis. Thus, no claim is made In the course of changing this material in
t h a t for all purposes technology need be an organizational setting, the individual
an independent variable. must interact with others. The form that
Third, this perspective attempts to con- this interaction takes we will call the struc-
ceptualize the organization as a whole, rather ture of the organization. It involves the ar-
than to deal only with specific processes or rangements or relationships that permit the
subparts. Thus, while the importance of coordination and control of work. Some
te&nology has often been demonstrated work is actually concerned with changing
within work groups or for particular or- or maintaining the structure of an organiza-
ganizational processes, here it will be used tion. Most administrators have this as a key
as a basis for dealing with the organization role, and there is a variety of technologies
as an organization. for it. The distinction between technology
Finally, and in the long run perhaps most and structure has its gray areas, but bas-
importantly, the perspective holds that tech- ically it is the difference between an indi-
nology is a better basis for comparing or- vidual acting directly upon a material that
ganizations than the several schemes which is to be changed and an individual interact-
now exist.l ing with other individuals in the course of
None of these points in itself is new, and trying to change that material. In some cases
the last section of this article discusses the the material to be changed and the "other
uses to which the concept of technology has individuals" he interacts with are the same
been put by others. However, the attempt objects, but the relationships are different
to deal with all four points simultaneously, in each case.
or, to put it differently, to pay systematic There are a number of aspects of tech-
attention to the role of technology in analyz- nology which are no doubt important to
ing and comparing organizations as a whole, consider in some contexts, such as the en-
is believed to be distinctive. vironment of the work (noise, dirt, etc.) or
the possibilities of seductive or exploitative
1 E.g., social function (schools, business firms, relationships with clients, patients or cus-
hospitals, etc.), as used by Talcott Parsons in tomers. For our purposes, however, we are
Structure and Process in Modern Society, Glencoe, concerned with two aspects of technology
111.: The Free Press, 1960,pp. 44-47; who benefits,
proposed by Peter M. Blau and William R. Scott that seem to be directly relevant to organi-
in Formal Organizations, San Francisco: Chandler, zational structure. The first is the number
1962, pp. 42-45; or compliance structure, as used of exceptional cases encountered in the
by Amitai Etzioni, A Comparative Analysis of work: that is, the degree to which stimuli
Complex Organizations, New York: The Free Press,
2 Cf. James March and Herbert Simon, Organi-

are perceived as familiar or unfamiliar. This or relies upon chance and guesswork. Ex-
varies on a scale from low to high. amples would be work with exotic metals
The second is the nature of the search or nuclear fuels, psychiatric casework, and
process that is undertaken by the individual some kinds of advertising. We can conceive
when'exceptions occur. We distinguish two of a scale from analyzable to unanalyzable
types of search process. The first type in- problems.
volves a search which can be conducted on If we dichotomize these two continua into
a logical, analytical basis. Search processes the presence or absence of exceptional cases
are always exceptional actions undertaken and into the presence or absence of analyz-
by the individual. They are nonroutine. No able problems, we have a four-fold table as
programs exist for them. If a program exists, in Figure 1. The upper right-hand quadrant,
only a very trivial search is involved in cell 2, where there are many exceptional
switching from one program to another pro- cases and a few analytic techniques for an-
gram when the stimuli ~ h a n g e .But
~ though alyzing them, is one extreme to which we
nonroutine, one type of search may be logi- will refer as nonroutine. In the lower left-
cal, systematic and analytical. This is ex- hand quadrant, cell 4, we have the routine
emplified by the mechanical engineering unit extreme, where there are few exceptions and
of & firm building large machinery, or by there are analytic techniques for handling
programmers writing individual programs for those that occur. A one-dimensional scheme
slow readers in a special school. The second would follow the dotted line from routine
type of search process occurs when the to nonroutine. But note that the other two
problem is so vague and poorly conceptu- quadrants may represent viable cases in
alized as to make it virtually unanalyzable. themselves and they have been labeled with
In this case, no "formal" search is under- some industrial examples. Few cases would
taken, but instead one draws upon the resi- probably fall in the upper left-hand corner
due of unanalyzed experience or intuition, of cell 1, or lower right-hand corner of cell
3, but otherwise many organizations are
zations, New York: Wiey, 1958, pp. 141-142, where expected to appear in these two cells.
a related distinction is made on the basis of search Techniques are performed upon raw ma-
behavior. In our view the occurrence of an excep- terials. The state of the art of analyzing
tional case is prior to search behavior, and various
types of search behavior can be distinguished.
the characteristics of the raw materials is
3 lbid., p. 142. likely to determine what kind of technology

Technology Variable
(Industrial Example)

Unanalyzable Problems

Craft industries Konroutine 0000

. *

(specialty glass)
1 2 ,.

Few exceptions . 0
0 0
Many exceptions
Routine .'
(tonnage $admills,
(heavy machinery)
screw,lM'd bolts)
4 3

Analyzable Problems

will be used. (Tools are also necessary, of one hand, offenders are distributed into uni-
course, but by and large, the construction form categories by means of the conception
of tools is a simpler problem than the analy- of the "normal crime," and on the other
sis of the nature of the material and gener- hand, control over the individual offender
ally follows the analysis.) To understand is insured because the public defender well
the nature of the material means to be able understands the offender's "naturen--that
to control it better and achieve more pre- is, his low status, limited understanding and
dictability and efficiency in transformation. intellectual resources, and his impecunious
We are not referring here to the "essence" condition. The technology, then, can be rou-
of the material, only to the way the organi- tine because there are few exceptions (and
zation itself perceives it. these are handled by a different set of per-
The other relevant characteristic of the sonnel) and no search behavior on the pub-
raw material, besides the understandability lic defender's part is required. The lawyer
of its nature, is its stability and variability; in private practice, of course, is a contrast-
that is, whether the material can be treated ing case.6
in a standardized fashion or whether con- I t will readily be seen that these two
tinual adjustment to it is necessary. Organi- characteristics of the raw material are paral-
zations uniformly seek to standardize their leled in the four-fold table of technology
raw material in order to minimize exceptional (Figure 2). If the technology of an organi-
situations. This is the point of de-individual- zation is going to move from cell 2 to any of
izing processes found in military academies, the other cells, it can only do so either by
monasteries and prisons, or the superiority of reducing the variability of the material and
the synthetic shoe material Corfam over thus the number of exceptional cases that
leather. occur, or by increasing the knowledge of
These two characteristics interact, of the material and thus allowing more ana-
course. On the one hand, increased knowl- lytic techniques to be used, or both. One may
edge of the nature of the material may lead move from cell 2 to cell 1 with increasing
to the perception of more varieties of possi- production runs, clients served, accounts
ble outcomes or products, which in turn handled, research projects underway, agency
increases the need for more intimate knowl- programs administered and so forth, since
edge of the nature of the material. Or the this allows more experience to be gained
organization, with increased knowledge of and thus reduces the number of stimuli seen
one type of material, may begin to work with as exceptions. If technical knowledge in-
a variety of related materials about which creases, increasing the reliability of search
more needs to be known. as when a social procedures, one may move from cell 2 to
service agency or employment agency re- cell 3. If both things happen-and this is
laxes its admission criteria as it gains con- the aim of most organizations-one may
fidence, but in the process sets off more move from cell 2 to cell 4.6
search behavior, or when a manufacturing
organization starts producing new but re- TASK AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE
lated products. On the other hand, if in-
creased knowledge of the material is gained For our purpose, the task structure of an
but no expansion of the variety of output organization is conceived of as consisting of
occurs, this permits easier analysis of the
sources of problems that may arise in the Office," Social Problems, 12 (Winter, 1965), pp.
transformation process. I t *ay also allow 255-276.
6 For a more extensive treatment of raw material
One to prevent the rise of such problems by
somewhat along these lines, see David Street, Rob-
the design of the production process. ert Vinter and Charles Perrow, Organization for
A recent analysis of a public defender Treatment, A Comparative Study of Institutions
system by Sudnow highlights the twin char- for Delinquents, New York: The Free Press, 1966,
acteristics of the material variable.' On the Ch,":;ie organizations, such as mental
perceive that their technology is inadequate to their
David Sudnow, "Normal Crimes: Sociological goals, and try to move from cell 4 to cell 2 in the
Features of the Penal Code in a Public Defender search for a new technology.

Raw Material Variables

(People-Changing Examples)

Not Well Understood

Socializing instit. Elite psychiatric
(e.g. some schools) agency
1 2

Perceived as uni- Perceived as non-

form and stable uniform and stable
Custodial institutions, Programmed learning
vocational training school
4 3

Well Understood

two dimensions, control and coordination. often be correlated: but there is an impor-
Control itself can be broken up into two tant distinction. Power affects outcomes di-
components. They are the degree of dis- rectly because it involves choices regarding
cretion an individual or group possesses in basic goals and strategies. Discretion relates
carrying out its tasks, and the power of an to choices among means and judgments of
individual or group to mobilize scarce re- the critical and interdependent nature of
sources and to control definitions of various tasks. The consequences of decisions in the
situations, such as the definition of the na- case of discretion have no direct influence
ture of the raw material. Discretion here does on goals and strategies; these decisions are
not mean freedom from supervision or free- formed within the framework of accepted
dom simply to vary task sequences or pace goals and strategies.
of work. Both of these are compatible with Coordination, on the other hand, can be
routine activities, and some nonroutine tasks achieved through planning or feedback, to
must be closely supervised or have precise use the terms proposed by March and
sequences of tasks, once a program is se-
lected, because of their critical nature. Nor logical Perspective," unpublished Ph.D. dissertation,
does the length of time between performance University of Pittsburgh, 1966. See also the discrep-
reviews 7 necessarily indicate discretion. ancy between scores on a similar matter resulting
Rather, discretion involves judgments about from different interpretations of discretion in two
whether close supervision is required on one studies: Rose L. Coser, "Authority and Decision-
Making in a Hospital,'' American Sociological Re-
task or another, about changing programs, view, 23 (February, 1958), pp. 56-64, and James
and about the interdependence of one's task L. Hawkins, and Eugene Selmanoff, "Authority
with other tasks.8 Discretion and power may Structure, Ambiguity of the Medical Task, Absence
of Doctor from the Ward, and the Behavior of
TEliot Jaques, The Measurement of Respolzsi- Nurses," Indiana University, mimeo.
bility, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. 8 See, for example, a developmental scheme which
8 This raises serious operationalization problems. holds that critical tasks requiring considerable dis-
I n my own work, first-line supervisors were said to cretion are the basis for group domination in hos-
have considerable independence in some routine pitals and other organizations, in Charles Perrow,
production situations, and to have little in some "Analysis of Goals in Complex Organizations,"
nonroutine situations, according to a questionnaire, American Sociological Review, 26 (April, 1961),
though it was observed that the former had little pp. 335-341. See also the compelling illustration
discretion and the latter a good deal. Kovner found presented in the discussion of maintenance person-
the same kind of responses with a similar question nel in a thoroughly routinized cigarette factory by
regarding control of job and pace of work among Michel Crozier, The Bureaucratic Phenomenon,
nurses in routine and nonroutine nursing units. See Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964, Chap.
Anthony Kovner, "The Nursing Unit: A Techno- 4.
Simon.lo Coordination by planning refers selling.ll I n the subsequent discussion we
to the programmed interaction of tasks, shall ignore marketing, and, for a time,
which interaction is clearly defined by rules Area One.
or by the very tools and machinery or the Figure 3 shows crudely the kinds of values
logic of the transformation process. Coordi- that might be expected to appear in the task
nation by feedback, on the other hand, re- structure, considering only Areas Two and
fers to negotiated alterations in the nature Three-technical control and support of
or sequence of tasks performed by two dif- production, and the supervision of produc-
ferent units. tion. Some global organizational characteri-
It is now necessary to distinguish three zations of structure are given at the bottom
functional or task areas within management of each cell. Those familiar with Burns and
in organizations. Area One, the design and Stalker's work will recognize cell 2 as closest
planning function, entails such major deci- to the organic structure and cell 4 as closest
sions as what goods or services are to be to the mechanistic structure.12
produced, who the customers will be, the I n cell 2, we have nonuniform raw mate-
technology employed, and the source of rials in both areas which are not well un-
legitimacy and capital. Area Two, the tech- derstood, and thus present many occasions
nical control and support of production and for exceptional handling. However, the
marketing, includes such functions (to use search required cannot be logically con-
industrial terms) as accounting, product and ducted, but must involve a high degree of
process research, quality control, scheduling, experimentation and "feel." I n such a tech-
engineering, plant management, purchasing, nological situation, the discretion of both
customer service, advertising, market re- those who supervise the transformation of
search, and general sales management. (Not the basic raw material, and those who pro-
all are important, or even existent, of course, vide technical help for this process, must be
in all' industrial organizations.) This is dis- high. The supervisors will request help from
tinguished as a function, though not neces-
sarily in terms of actual persons or positions, 11 The distinction between Areas Two and Three
from Area Three, the supervision of produc- is based upon a more limited distinction used by
tion and marketing. This area involves the Joan Woodward in her brilliant study, Zndustrhl
Organization, London: Oxford University Press,
direct supervision of those dealing with the 1965.
basic raw materials and those doing direct 12Tom Burns and G. M. Stalker, The Manage-
ment of Innovation, London: Tavistock Publica-
tions, 1961.

Task Structure
Task-Related Interactions

Interde- Interde-
Discre- Coord. pendence Discre- Coord. pendence
tion Power w/in gp. of groups tion Power w/in gp. of groups

Technical Low Low Plan High High Feed

Low High
Superv. High High Feed High High Feed
Decentralized Flexible, Polycentralized
1 2

4 3
Technical Low High Plan High High Feed
Low Low
Superv. Low Low Plan Low Low Plan
Formal, Centralized Flexible, Centralized
technical personnel rather than receive or- rect the activities of the supervisors of pro-
ders from them, or there may not even be duction on the basis of routine reports gen-
a clear line of distinction between the two erated by the supervisors. Those in Area
in terms of persons. That is, the clinical Three are likely to see those in Area Two as
psychologist or the quality control engineer hindrances to their work rather than aides.
will find himself "on the line" so to speak, Coordination can be through planning in
dealing directly with patients or exotic metals both groups, and the interdependence of the
and working side by side with the super- two groups is low; it is a directive rather
visors who are nominally of lower status. than an interdependent relationship.
The power of both groups will be high, and Cell 3 represents a variation from either
not a t the expense of each other. The co- of these extremes, for here, in contrast to
ordination will be through feedback-that cell 2, the existence of many exceptions
is, considerable mutual adjustment must be which require search procedures increases
made. The interdependence of the two groups both the power and the discretion of the
will be high. The development of product technical group, which handles these excep-
groups and product managers in industry tions, at the expense of the supervisory
provides an example, as does the somewhat group. The supervisors of production respond
premature attempt of one correctional insti- to the results of these search processes
tution to utilize a cottage system bringing rather than under'take search themselves. In
both clinical and line personnel together with the case of cell 1, the situation is reversed.
joint responsibility for running autonomous Because search cannot be logical and ana-
cottages.13 lytical, when the infrequent exceptions occur
In the case of cell 4, uniform stable ma- they are handled by those in closest contact
terials whose relevant nature is perceived as with the production process such as teachers
well understood can be handled with few and skilled craftsmen, and there is minimal
exceptions occurring, and those that do occur development of administrative services. Of
can be taken care of with analytical search course, in schools that attempt to do little
processes. In such a situation the discretion socialization but simply offer instruction
of both groups is likely to be low. This is a
- -
and provide custody, technical (adminis-
well-programmed production process and trative) services grow and we move to cell 2.
there is no need to allow much discretion. Having thus related technology to task
Indeed, there is danger in doing so. How- structure, let us turn to another aspect of
ever, the power of the technical group over structure-the non-task-related but organi-
the supervisory group is high, for they di- zationally relevant interactions of people.
We call this the social structure.
l3 Street, et al., op, cit., Chaps. 5 , 6. The organi- Figure 4 follows our previous four-fold
zation is called Milton. classification and indicates the variety of

(Social Structure)
The bases of non-task-related interaction

Social identity Goal identification

(communal) (mission, "character" of organization, dis-
tinctive competence, etc.)
1 2

4 3
Instrumental identity Work or task identification
(job security, pay, protection from arbi- (technical satisfactions)
trary power)
bases for non-task-related interactions. All new industries such as electronics and aero-
are present in all organizations, but the space were probably nonroutine.l5 One
saliency varies. In cell 2, these interactions would expect that cell 1 would also be rou-
are likely to revolve more around the mis- tine, and cell 3 somewhat nonroutine. But
sion, long-range goals, and direction of de- the product environment can alter all this.
velopment of the organizations than around Organizations in cell 4 can be in a rapidly
the other three bases. This is because of the changing market situation even though the
task structure characteristic of a flexible, technical control and the supervision of pro-
polycentric organization, or a t least is re- duction are fairly routine. Consumer goods
lated to it. The category "social identity" in industries probably deal with many deci-
cell 1 is meant to convey that the non-task- sions where the search behavior confronts
related interactions of personnel that are or- unanalyzable problems such as the hemline
ganizationally relevant revolve around com- of women's clothes, fads in the toy industry,
munal or personal satisfactions born of long or the length of time that tail fins or the
tenure and close working relationships. This boxy look in autos will last. Generally speak-
is true especially at the supervisory level, ing, however, though the intrinsic charac-
which is a large management group in this teristics of the product remain the same,
type of structure. However, it is very pos- rapid'changes in the extrinsic characteristics
sible, as Blauner and others have shown, will introduce nonroutine tasks in the design
for communal relations to develop in cell 4 and planning area, even though it hardly
types of organizations if the organization alters the routine character of the technical
is located in a rural area where kinship and control and the supervision of production.16
rural ties are strong.'* The basis of inter- These are industrial examples, but it also
action in cell 3 is instrumental identity and seems likely that the tasks of Area One in
in cell 4, work or task identification. These custodial mental hospitals are quite differ-
would also be predicted upon the basis of ent from those in treatment-oriented hos-
the technology. pitals. Relations with the regulatory agen-
So far we have ignored Area One--design cies, supplying agencies, the consumers such
and planning. This area receives more in- as courts and families, and the other agen-
puts from the environment than the other cies that compete for funds or clients,' will
areas, and thus its tasks.and technologies be rather routine in the first, while they will
are derived from both internal and external be quite nonroutine and sensitive in the
stimuli. If the product environment of the second. This would not be true, of course,
organization-a term meant to cover com- if the latter have the means of isolating
petitors, customers, suppliers, unions and themselves from their environment.17 Simi-
regulatory agencies-were the same in all larly, the market situation of vocational
four cells of Figure 3, we would expect the training institutions may change rather
design and planning areas in cell 4 to have quickly as industrial technologies change,
routine tasks and techniques, and nonrou-
tine ones in cell 2. This is because the oc- On the former see Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.,
casions for design and long-range planning Strategy and Structure, Cambridge, Mass.: M I T
would be few in the one and many in the Press, 1962, pp. 329-330, and Chap. 7 in general.
other. For example, a t least until very re- The discussion of social structure and time periods
by Stinchcombe can be interpreted in this manner
cently, the decisions that executives in the also. Those exceptions that occur in his data ap-
primary metals industries, railroads and sur- pear to be examples of nonroutine technologies es-
face mining had to make were probably tablished in periods of predominantly routine tech-
rather routine, while those of executives in nologies, or vice versa. See Arthur Stinchcombe,
"Social Structure and Organizations" in James
March (ed.) Handbook of Organizations, Chicago:
14 Robert Blauner, Alienation and Freedom: The Rand McNally, 1965, pp. 142-169, esp. p. 158.
Factory Worker and His Industry, Chicago: Uni- 1% On the distinction between intrinsic and ex-
versity of Chicago Press, 1964, Chap. 4. Blauner's trinsic prestige, see Charles Perrow, "Organizational
theory, incidentally, is entirely consistent with the Prestige. Some Functions and Dysfunctions." Amer-
perspective proposed here, even though we do not ican fohmal of Sociology, 66 (January, 1961), pp.
concern ourselves explicitly in this article with the 335-341.
morale of hourly employees. 17 Cf. Street, et al., op. cit., Chap. 4 .
requiring changes in the design and planning attitudes towards the government, conserva-
of the institution, while the market of a tive political philosophies, conservative forms
public school that attempts to socialize of corporate giving. Also, they are perhaps
youths will not change as often. more likely to have individuals who exploit,
for their own benefit, relations with sup-
GOALS pliers, and who have collusive arrangements
with competitors and devious and excessive
Finally, let us turn to the last major vari- forms of management compensation. Obvi-
able, goals. Three categories of goals can be ously, these comments upon possible goals
distinguished for present ~ u r ~ 0 s e sThese
.l~ are open to serious question. For one thing,
are system goals, which relate to the char- we lack such data on goals for a large num-
acteristics of the system as a whole, inde- ber of organizations. Furthermore, personal-
pendent of its products; product character- ities and the environment may shape goals
istic goals, which relate to the characteristics more than the other variables of technology
of the products the organization decides to and structure. Finally, the link between
emphasize; and derived goals, which refer structure and goals is an intuitive one, based
the uses which power generated by upon unproven assumptions regarding atti-
organizational activities can be put, inde- tudes generated by task relations. But the
pendent of system or product goals. comments are meant to suggest how goals
We would expect may be shaped or constrained, though hardly
organizations to stress those "system" goals specified, through the influence of technol-
of organizational stability, low risk, and per- ogy and structure.
haps high profits or economical operations
rather than growth. (See Figure 5.) In
terms of "product characteristic" goals, they
would be more likely to emphasize quantity This truncated perspective ignores the
than quality, stable lines over unstable or role of the cultural and social environment
diversified lines, superficial transformations in making available definitions of raw mate-
(e.g., instilling discipline in deviant clients) rial, providing technologies, and restricting
over basic transformation (such as character the range of feasible structures and goals.l9
restructuring), and so forth. Their "derived" I t also ignores, for the most part, the role
goals are likely to emphasize conservative of the product environment-customers,
1 8 For a full discussion of these and three others Is The role of the cultural and social environment
see Charles Perrow, "Organizational Goals," Inter- is developed in somewhat more detail in a review
national Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, (rev. of studies of general and mental hospitals in Charles
ed.), forthcoming. (Draft copies, mimeo. 18 pp., can Perrow, "Hospitals: Technology, Structure and
be obtained from the author.) Goals," in James March, op. cit., Chap. 2 2 .


System Product Derived System Product Derived

Stability Quality Conserv. High growth High quality Liberal

Few risks No innovations High risks Innovative
Moderate to low Low emphasis on
profit emphasis profit
1 2

4 3
Stability Quantity Conserv. Moderate growth Reliability Liberal
Few risks No innovations Some risks Moderate innova-
High profit Moderate profit tions
emphasis emphasis
competitors, suppliers, unions and regula- broad limits upon the range of possible
tory agencies-and the material and human goals.
resources. These will have their independent
effect upon the major variables. COMPARATIVE ANALYSES
I n addition, it is not proposed here that If all this is at all persuasive, it means
there are four types of organizations. The that we have a powerful tool for comparing
two-dimensional scheme is conceived of as organizations. The first implication of this
consisting of two continua. Nor are the for comparative studies is that we cannot
dimensions and the s~ecifications of the expect a particular relationship found in
variables necessarily thk best. I t is argued, one organization to be found in another un-
however, that the main variables-raw mate- less we know these organizations are in fact
rials, technology, task and social structure, similar with respect to their technology.
goals, and some differentiation of task areas Thus, the fact that the cosmopolitan-local
within organizations, are critical ones. As to relationship that worked so well in Antioch
the assignment of independent and depend- College was not found in the outpatient de-
ent variables, occasions can be readily cited partment of a hospital should not surprise
where changes in goals, for example those us; the work performed by the professionals
brought about by changes in the market in each case was markedly different.22 That
place or the personalities of top executives, morale was associated with bureaucracy in
have brought about changes in the technol- fairly routine public schools, but not in re-
ogy utilized. The argument is somewhat search organizations, is under~tandable.2~
more subtle than one of temporal priorities. Less obvious, however, is the point that
Rather, it says that structure and goals must types of organization-in terms of their
adjust to technology or the organization will function in society-will vary as much
be subject to strong strains. For a radical within each type as between types. Thus,
change in goals to be a successful one, it may some schools, hospitals, banks and steel
require a change in technology, and thus companies may have more in common, be-
in structure, or else there will be a large cause of their routine character, than rou-
price paid for the lack of fit between these tine and nonroutine schools, routine and
~ariables.2~ Furthermore, as one proceeds, nonroutine hospitals, and so forth. To as-
analytically, from technology through the sume that you are holding constant the
two kinds of structure to goals, increasingly major variable by comparing several schools
the prior variable only sets limits upon the or several steel mills is unwarranted until
range of possible variations in the next vari- one looks at the technologies employed by
able. Thus, technology may predict task
structure quite well in a large number of 22 Cf. Alvin Gouldner, "Cosmopolitans and LO-
organizations,2l but these two predict social cals: Toward an Analysis of Latent Social Roles,"
structure less well, and these three only set Administrative Science Quarterly, 2 (December,
1957, March, 1958), pp. 281-306, 444-480, and
Warren G. Bennis, N. Berkowitz, M. Affinito, and
20 This is argued in detail in Perrow, ibid., pp. M. Malone, "Reference Groups and Loyalties in
926-946. Kovner finds those nursing units with the the Out-Patient Department," Administrative Sci-
greatest divergence between technology and struc- ence Quarterly, 2 (March, 1958), pp. 481-500.
ture to have the lowest scores on a dimension of 23 Gerald H. Moeller and W. W. Charters, "Re-
goal realization. Op. cit., pp. 96-97. lation of Bureaucratization to Sense of Power
21 Unfortunately, verification of the predicted re- Among Teachers," Administrative Science Quar-
lationships would require a large sample of organi- terly, 10 (December, 1966), pp. 444-465. In addi-
zations since there are bound to be many examples tion, for this reason one becomes wary of proposi-
of incompatibility between the variables. However, tional inventories that fail to make sufficient dis-
even in a small sample, those whose structure was tinctions among organizations, but attempt to
appropriate to their technology should have fewer support the propositions by illustrations that are
"strains" than those whose structure was inappro- likely to restrict the scope of the proposition to
priate. Joan Woodward, using a similar approach the particular type of organization used in the
with 100 industrial firms found strong relationships illustration. For the most recent example, see Wil-
between production systems and certain aspects of liam A. Rushing, "Organizational Rules and Sur-
structure, though the rudimentary information and veillance: Propositions in Comparative Organiza-
analysis on the 100 firms leaves one in doubt as to tional Analysis," Administrative Science Quarterly,
how strong. See Joan Woodward, op. cit. 10 (December, 1966), pp. 423-443.
various schools or steel mills. In fact, the ganizations-to mention only a few of the
variations within one type of organization highly normative prescriptions that are being
may be such that some schools are like pris- offered by social scientists today-is to call
ons, some prisons like churches, some for a type of structure that can be realized
churches like factories, some factories like only with a certain type of technology, un-
universities, and so on.24 Once this is recog- less we are willing to pay a high cost in
nized, of course, analysis of the differences terms of output. Given a routine technology,
between churches or whatever can be a the much maligned Weberian bureaucracy
powerful tool, as witness the familiar con- probably constitutes the socially optimum
trast of custodial and treatment-oriented form of organizational structure.
people-changing institutions. If all this is plausible, then existing vari-
Another implication is that there is little eties of organizational theory must be selec-
point in testing the effect of a parameter tively applied. It is increasingly recognized
variable, such as size, age, auspices, geo- that there is no "one best" theory (any more
graphical dispersion, or even national cul- than there is "one best" organizational struc-
ture, unless we control for technology. For ture, form of leadership, or whatever) unless
example, in the case of size, to compare the it be so general as to be of little utility in
structure of a small R and D lab where the understanding the variety of organizations.
tasks of all three areas are likely to be quite The perspective proposed here may allow
nonroutine with the structure of a large us to utilize existing theories selectively.
bank where they are likely to be quite rou- For example, a characteristic of thoroughly
tine is fruitless. The nature of their tasks routinized organizations is the program-
is so different that the structures must matic character of decisions, and perhaps
vary independently of their different sizes.26 the infrequency with which important de-
A meaningful study of the effect of size on cisions have to be made. A decision-making
structure can be made only if we control for framework that attempts to simulate execu-
technology, and compare, say, large and tive behavior would be fruitful in such
small banks all of which have similar serv- cases, for decisions are programmed and
ives, or large and small R and D labs. Simi- routinized. There are fairly clear guidelines
larly, though the brilliant work of Crozier for decisions, and clear routing maps, flow
on French culture is very suggestive, many charts, and so forth. (See the examples in
of his conclusions may stem from the fact the second half of the Cyert and March
that only very routine organizations were volume, The Behavioral Theory of the
studied, and even those lacked many critical FirmF7) However, a decision-making per-
elements of the bureaucratic m0del.~6Equally spective which emphasizes uncertainty, such
routine organizations in a protected product as Herbert Simon's, or that illustrated in
environment in the U.S. might have dis- the first part of the Cyert and March vol-
played the same characteristics. ume, would not be fruitful here?* I t would
Finally, to call for decentralization, repre- be fruitful where nonroutine tasks are in-
sentative bureaucracy, collegial authority, or volved.
employee-centered, innovative or organic or- The study of organizations with a moder-
ate or high component of nonroutine activi-
24Many of the frameworks for comparative analy- ties, especially a t the design and planning
sis, such as those cited in footnote 1, break down level, would benefit from the institutional
because of their broad categories. The failure of analysis proposed by Selmick, whereas more
some of these schemes to meaningfully order the routine organizations would not. Selmick,
data from a large sample of a great variety of or- himself, would see them as technical tools.
ganizations is discussed in J. Eugene Haas, Richard
H. Hall and Norman J. Johnson, "Toward an The Communist Party is engaged in nonrou-
Empirically Derived Taxonomy of Organizations," tine activities and Selznick chose to analyze
in Raymond V. Bowers (ed.), Studies on Behavior the nonroutine rather than the routine as-
in Organizations, Atlanta: University of Georgia
Press, 1966, pp. 157-180. 27 Richard M. Cyert and James G . March, The
26 This may be a basic error in the ambitious Behavioral Theory of the Firm, Englewood Cliffs,
survey conducted by Haas and his associates, ibid. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1963, Chaps. 7-11.
26 Crozier, op. cit. 2s Ibid., Chaps. 1-4, 6.

pects of the multi-organization, the Tennes- of the work that they do rather than their
see Valley A ~ t h o r i t y .Except
~~ for its Bell structure or their goals.
Laboratories, the American Telephone and
Telegraph Corporation is probably a rather OTHER STUDIES UTILIZING TECHNOLOGY
routine organization in a stable product If there is anything novel in the present
environment and Barnard's equilibrium anal- essay it is the setting forth of an integrated
ysis works well.30 Equilibrium analysis also and somewhat comprehensive viewpoint on
works well for the routine operatives at the technology and complex organizations. Nu-
production level in economic organizations merous studies have dealt with specific as-
that constitute most of the subjects for the pects of this viewpoint and some are dis-
discussion by March and Simon of the con- cussed here.
tribution-inducement modeL31 Where non-
routine activities are involved, however, the
There have been a few general theoretical
statements regarding technology and struc-
measurement of both inducements and con- ture. The one closest to the perspective pre-
tributions tends to be difficult, and little is sented here is a seminal essay by Litwak 33
gained by this model except the unenlighten- which distinguishes uniform and nonuniform
ing assertion that if the person stays in the tasks. His framework received some empiri-
organization and produces, there must be cal support in an interesting essay by Hall?4
some kind of an inducement a t least to One of the first attempts to specify some
match his contribution.52 structural and goal concomitants of tech-
There are, of course, many aspects of the nology in general terms was by Thompson
general perspectives or theories of organiza- and Bates36 March and Sim0n,3~and Simon
tions that apply to all organizations, and
many more will be forthcoming. What is 33 Eugene Litwak, "Models of Organization
Which Permit Conflict," American Journal of SO-
asserted here is that we know enough about ciology, 67 (September, 1961), pp. 177-184.
organizations in general, a t this point, to 34Richard H. Hall, "Intraorganizational Struc-
suggest that more of our effort should be tural Variation: Application of The Bureaucratic
directed toward "middle range" theories Model," Administrative Science Quarterly, 7 (De-
which attempt to increase their predictive cember, 1962), pp. 295-308. However, the norma-
tive anti-bureaucratic tone of many of Hall's ques-
power by specifying the types of organiza- tionnaire items precludes an adequate test. An
tions to which they apply. To do this we affirmative response to an item such as "I have to
need far better classification systems than ask my boss before I do almost anything" prob-
we now have. A better classification system ably indicates a very poor boss, rather than a situ-
ation where a bureaucratic structure is viable. A
will be based upon a basic aspect of all factor analysis of Hall's items was utilized to con-
organizations. In this paper we have sug- struct several discrete dimensions of some aspects
gested that a better system would be one of bureaucracy in connection with research re-
which conceptualizes organizations in terms ported by Aiken and Hage. I t appears that the
groupings are not on the basis of content, but on
the evaluative wording of the items. Those stated
Philip Selznick, The Organizational Weapon, negatively, as in the above example, group together,
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1952, and TVA and and those implying "good" leadership techniques
The Grass Roots, Berkeley: University of Cali- (rather than bureaucratic or nonbureaucratic tech-
fornia Press, 1949. See also Leadership in Adminis- niques) group together. I t is doubtful that any-
tration, Evanston, Ill.: Row, Peterson, 1957, Chap. thing but good or bad leadership in a gross sense
1. is being tested here. A valid item for degree of bu-
30 Chester Barnard, The Functions of the Execu- reaucratization would permit respondents to ap-
tive, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1938. prove of the necessity for close supervision, for
31March and Simon, op. cit., Chap. 4. example, as well as to indicate it is not appropriate.
32 Woodward's remarkable book offers several See Michael Aiken and Jerald Hage, "Organiza-
implicit examples of selective utility. It seems clear, tional Alienation: A Comparative Analysis," Amer-
for example, that firms in her middle category ican Sociological Review, 31 (August, 1966), pp.
(large batch, assembly and mass production) ex- 497-507.
hibit the characteristics of political science models 35 James D. Thompson and Frederick L. Bates,
such as Melville Dalton (Men W h o Manage, New "Technology, Organization, and Administration,"
York: Wiley, 1959) and the first part of Cyert and Administrative Science Quarterly, 2 (March, 1957),
March (op. cit.). But this view would not illumi- pp. 325-343.
nate the other two categories in her scheme; appli- 36 James March and Herbert Simon, Organiza-
cation must be selective. tions, New York: Wiley, 1958.

alone:' proposed and discussed a distinction sophisticated statement of the impact upon
between programmed and nonprogrammed workers is presented by Bla~ner,4~ who uses
decisions in general terms. Bennis 38 verges a comparative framework to great effect; he
upon a technological conceptualization in also summarizes the vast literature on this
parts of his excellent review of leadership topic which need not be cited here. Studies
theory and administrative behavior. of experimental groups have provided evi-
There have been numerous studies of the dence of the effect of technology upon small
role of technology in work groups and small group structure. See the work of Bavela~:~
groups. One of the most widely cited is that Guetzkow and Sim0n,4~and L e a ~ i t t . * ~
of the long-wall coaling method by Trist and The impact of routine technologies upon
B a m f ~ r t h .In
~ ~our terms this represents a both managerial and nonmanagerial person-
premature attempt a t rationalizing nonrou- nel is apparent, though not explicit, in Argy-
tine activities. An assembly-line work layout ris' study of a bankts in Sudnow7s study
was imposed on a craft and job-shop opera- of a court system,4O and in two studies of
tion which was essentially nonroutine, and French organizations by Cr0zier.6~
the results were predictably unfortunate, as Technology plays an explicit and impor-
were similar attempts to impose a bureau- tant role in a number of studies of single
cratic structure on the nonroutine under- types of organizations, such as Janowitz's
ground mining operations described by outstanding study of the military,6= and
G ~ u l d n e r Those
. ~ ~ interested in human rela- Rose Coser's contrast of two units in a long-
tions in organizations have increasingly term h0spital.5~I t is implicit in her contrast
toyed with technology as an independent of a medical and a surgical ~ a r d . 6It~is also
variable, but with mixed feelings and re- implicit in Rosengren7s analysis of milieu
luctance, since it appears to jeopardize some therapy.64 It plays the key role in the au-
implicit values of this school of thought. 44 Robert Blauner, Alienation and Freedom: The
See, for example, the curious chapter in Factory Worker and His Industry, Chicago: Uni-
Likert 41 where many of the central hypoth- versity of Chicago Press, 1964.
eses of previous and subsequent chapters are 45 Alex BaVelas, "Communication Patterns in

undermined by observing that the conse- Task-Oriented Groups," Journal of the Statistical
Society of America, 22 (1950), pp. 725-730.
quences of leadership style varied with the 4eHarold Guetzkow and Herbert Simon, "The
routine and nonroutine nature of the work. Impact of Certain Communication Nets Upon Or-
More sophisticated statements of the impact ganization and Performance in Task-Oriented
of technology upon work groups can be Groups," in Albert H. Rubenstein and Chadwick J.
Haverstroh, eds. Some Theories of Organization,
found in Dubin 42 and in the comparative Homewood, Ill.: The Dorsey Press, 1960, pp... 259-
study of Turner and L a w r e n ~ e The. ~ ~ most 277.
47 Harold J. Leavitt, "Some Effects of Certain
37 Herbert Simon, The New Science of Manage- Communication Patterns on Group Performance,"
ment Decisions, New York: Harper, 1960. Readings in Social Psychology, Eleanor Maccoby,
38 Warren G. Bennis, "Leadership Theory and et al., eds., New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston
Administrative Behavior: The Problem of Author- Inc., 1958, pp. 546-563.
ity," Administrative Science Quarterly, 4 (April, 48 Chris Argyris, Organization of a Bank, New
1959), pp. 259-301. Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1954.
89 Eric L. Trist and E. K. Bamforth, "Some 49 David Sudnow, "Normal Crimes: Sociological
Social and Psychological Consequences of the Long- Features of the Penal Code in a Public Defender
Wall Method of Coal-Getting," Human Relations, Office," Social Problems, 12 (Winter, 1965), pp.
4 (1951), pp. 3-38. 255-276.
40Alvin W. Gouldner, Patterns of Industrial 50 Michel Crozier, The Bureaucratic Phenomenon,
Bureaz~cracy,Glencoe, 111.: The Free Press, 1954. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964.
4 1 Rensis Likert, New Patterns of Management, 51 Morris Janowitz, The Professional Soldier,
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961, Chap. 7. Glencoe, Ill.: The Free Press, 1960.
42 Robert Dubin, "Supervision and Productivity: 52Rose L. Coser, "Alienation and the Social
Empirical Findings and Theoretical Considerations," Structure: A Case Analysis of a Hospital," in Elot
in Robert Dubin, George C. Homans, Floyd C. Freidson (ed.), The Hospital in Modern Society,
Mann and Delbert C. Miller, Leadership and Pro- New York: The Free Press, 1963, pp. 231-265.
ductivity, San Francisco: Chandler, 1965, pp. 1-50. gS Rose L. Coser, "Authority and Decision-Making
43Arthur N. Turner and Paul R. Lawrence, Zn- in a Hospital," American Sociological Review, 23,
dustrial Jobs and the Worker, Cambridge: Harvard (February, 1958), pp. 56-64.
University Press, 1965. 64 William R. Rosengren, "Communication, Or-
thor's analysis of the literature on general dustrial firms by Lorsch." In both these
and mental hospitals:5 and in his longitudi- cases it would appear that technology is an
nal study of a maximum security institution important variable but is absorbed in the
for juveniles.56 I t plays an ambiguous role broader variable, environment. A study of
in the Street, et al., study of six correctional several British firms by Burns and Stalker
institutions where its impact is obscured by uses technology as an important variable,
a competing emphasis upon executive goals though in a quite nonrigorous fashion; their
and behavior, and an inappropriate reliance one explicit comparison of a routine and a
upon a simple custodial-treatment continuum nonroutine firm is e x ~ e l l e n t . ~ ~
which leads to many ambiguities about the The most ambitious and stimulating com-
middle organizations where components of parative study using technology as an inde-
treatment vary inde~endently.~T pendent variable is Joan Woodward's survey
Explicit contrasts of organizations have of 100 industrial 0rganizations.8~Her inde-
utilized technological variables. The most pendent variable is not, strictly speaking,
ambitious, of course, is Udy's analysis of technology, but is a mixture of type of pro-
simple organizations in nonindustrial soci- duction, size of production run, layout of
eties where the emphasis upon technology is work and type of customer order. These dis-
explicit.68 Unfortunately, it is difficult to tinctions overlap and it is difficult to decide
import his techniques of operationalization how a particular kind of organization might
and his theory into the world of complex be classified in her scheme, or how she made
organizations in industrialized societies. As her final classification. An examination of
is noted in the preceding essay, technology the actual types of organizations (bakery,
is a relevant variable, and is sometimes made electronic firm, etc.) utilized in her study,
explicit, in Stinchcombe's discussion of struc- kindly provided by Miss Woodward, sug-
ture and time periods.K9I t also plays a role, gests that most of those in the general cate-
though not the key one, in his discussion of gory "small batch and unit" are probably
craft and bureaucratic 0rganization.8~The involved in nonroutine production; those in
key role is reserved for market factors, and the "large batch and unit" are probably in-
this is true of two other comparative studies volved in routine production; those in the
-the study of two business concerns by "large batch and mass production" category
Dill 61 and an ambitious study of two in- have a mixture of routine and nonroutine
technologies, but are predominantly routine.
If so, her findings would be consistent with
ganization and Conduct," Administrative Science
Quarterly, 9 (June, 1964), pp. 70-90. our perspective. However, her analysis of
65 Charles Perrow, "Hospitals: Technology Struc- continuous process firms unfortunately can-
ture and Goals," in James March, ed., Handbook not easily be incorporated in the scheme
of Organizations, Chicago: Rand McNally, 1965, advanced here. Efforts' to do so after her
Chap. 22. book appeared floundered because of lack
66 Charles Perrow, "Reality Adjustment: A
Young Organization Settles for Humane Care," of crucial data.
Social Problems, 14 (Summer, 1966), pp. 69-79. Considering the strong empirical tradition
67 David Street, Robert Vinter and Charles Per- of sociology, it is surprising that so few
row, Organization for Treatment : A Comparative studies actually give details regarding the
Study of Institutions for Delinquents, New York:
The Free Press, 1966. kind of work performed in organizations that
68 Stanley Udy, Organization of Work, New permit technological generalizations. Two of
Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press, 1959. the best are Gouldner's contrast of mining
69Arthur L. Stinchcombe, "Social Structure and
Organization," in James March (ed.), Handbook of
Organizations, Chicago: Rand McNaUy, 1965, Chap. 62 Jay W. Lorsch, Product Innovation and Organ-
4. ization, New York: Macmillan, 1965.
soArthur L. Stinchcombe, "Bureaucratic and 6sTom Burns and G. M. Stalker, The Mamge-
Craft Administration of Production: A Compara- ment of Innovation, London: Tavistock Publica-
tive Study," Administrative Science Quarterly, 4 tions, 1961.
(September, 1959) pp. 168-187. 64 Ibid., Chap. 5.
e1 William Dill, "Environment as an Influence on 65 Joan Woodward, Industrial Organtation:
Managerial Autonomy," Administrative Science Theory and Practice, London: Oxford University
Quarterly, 2 (March, 1958), pp. 409-443. Press, 1965.
and manufacturing within a gypsum plant,B6 enough to apply to other types of organiza-
and Blau's implicit contrast of a routine tions than industrial firms, and the material
employment agency and a nonroutine regu- is limited to blue-collar workers, but it is a t
latory agency.67 The works of Argyris,08 least encouraging that in our own study of
Crozier,s9 Sudnow,7O and Trist and Bam- industrial firms we arrived independently a t
ford also are exceptions. some roughly similar measures.
Finally, we should mention the problem of Udy, in a discussion of this paper, aptly
operationalizing the various concepts of tech- noted the difficulty of reconciling the re-
nology-programmed and nonprogrammed spondent's perception of the nature of his
decisions, uniform and nonuniform events, work with the observer's perception, which
routine and nonroutine techniques, simple is based upon a comparative view. Few or-
and complex technologies, and so forth. This ganizations will characterize themselves as
has rarely been systematically handled. routine, and most employees emphasize the
Udy's procedures do not seem to be applica- variability of their jobs and the discretion
ble to complex organization^.^^ Neither required. Nevertheless, contrasts between ex-
Lorsch 7s nor Ha11 74 indicate in detail how treme examples of a single type of organi-
they make their distinctions. March and zation appear to present no problem. I t
Simon provide some general guideline^,'^ but seems clear that the technology of custodial
Litwak 76 provides none. I t is impossible to and therapeutic mental hospitals, or of firms
determine how Woodward or Burns and producing ingot molds and those producing
Stalker 78 arrived a t their classifications of titanium-based metals, differ greatly. On the
companies. Street, et provide indica- other hand, to say precisely wherein these
tions of operationalization, but these are not differences occur, and how one might com-
particularly applicable to other types of or- pare the two routine examples, is far more
ganizations nor are the authors particularly difficult. Such operationalization, however,
sensitive to the problem. Only Turner and depends first upon adequate conceptualiza-
Lawrence 80 have approached the problem tion. That proposed in this essay-the two
systematically and fully described in an ap- continua of exceptions and search procedures
pendix the measurement of their variables. -hopefully can be operationalized for a va-
The level of conceptualization is not general riety of settings. (An attempt is made, with
fair success, by Kovner in his study of nursing
66 Gouldner, op. cit. units.81) But much more research and theory
67 Blau, Peter, Dynamics of Bureaucracy, Chi-
cago: University of Chicago Press, 1955. will be required to determine if these con-
68Argyris, 09. cit. cepts are relevant and adequate. Meanwhile,
69 Crozier, op. cit. we are aware of a number of other studies
70 Sudnow, op. cit. of technology and organization currently un-
71 Trist and Bamford, o p . cit.
7z Udy, op. cit. der way or even in press; other concepts
78 Lorsch, op. cit. will no doubt be formulated and perhaps
74 Hall, op. cit. will be given systematic operational defini-
76March and Simon, op. cit., pp. 142-143. tion.
76 Litwak, op. cit.
77 Woodward, op. cit.
78 Burns, op. cit. 81 Anthony Kovner, "The Nursing Unit: A Tech-
79 Street, et al., 09. cit. nological Perspective," unpublished Ph.D. disserta-
80 Turner, op. cit. tion, University of Pittsburgh, 1966.

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