English Proficiency Test For Aviation Set 2

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English Proficiency Test for Aviation

Set 2- Pilot


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Task 1. Introduction

Directions: You will be asked about yourself. Please answer in complete sentences.

(Audio Only)

1. Please state your name, and birth date. (20’)

2. How did you feel when you earned your commercial pilot license? (35’)

3. How is bi-annual medical exam for pilots conducted? (35’)

Task 2. Read-back Radiotelephony Messages

Directions: Read each message loudly and clearly. You have 20 to 40 seconds to read
each message, depending on the time allotted. Begin speaking after the prompt.

Now read Message A.

a. Kimpo approach, hold between ANYANG and DAEBU 8,00ft turn left, Sam Air 889.

Stop. Now read Message B.

b. Cleared straight in ILS approach runway 28 descend to 3,000 ft, QNH 1011 hpa,
wilco Air Asia 723 (20’)

Stop. Now read Message C

c. Western 813, holding, after departure climb straight ahead to altitude 2,500 ft before
turning right. (20’)

Stop. Now read Message D

d. Mayday, mayday, mayday, Incheon tower Hook-Air engine failed , will attempt to
land your field, 5 miles south, 4000 ft heading 360. (20’)

Stop. Now read Message E

e. Tower Good Air 880 at minima. No contact making go around. (20’)

Task 3. Stating Own Idea about a Situation

Directions: Look at the picture below and answer the questions about it. You have 20
seconds to study the picture, and 60 seconds to answer each question. Now, study the
picture. (20’)

1. Now describe the picture as much detail as possible. (60’)

2. How do you think this situation occurred? Now, answer the question. (60’)

Task 4. Answering Questions about a Conversation

Directions: Listen to the following conversation between a pilot and an air traffic
controller. You will be asked two questions about it. For each question, you have 20
seconds to prepare your answer and 30 seconds to respond. You may take notes while
listening to the conversation. Now, listen.

(Audio Only)

Controller: Jetwind 207, descend to FL 120, report passing FL180

Pilot: Leaving FL 180 for 120, wilco, Jetwind 207
Pilot: Jetwind 207, passing FL 160, descending
Controller: Roger, Jetwind 207

Pilot: Control, we got a problem here, warning light is on for unknown

reason, request priority landing
Controller: Jetwind 207, stand by for a moment, call you back shortly
Pilot: Jetwind 207
Controller: Jetwind 207, you’re number one, turn right, heading 210 and descend
6000 ft

1. Did the pilot make a wise decision in requesting for priority landing? Now, think
about your answer. (20’)

Now, answer the question in as much detail as possible. (30’)

2. In spite of the urgency of the situation, why did the controller instruct the pilot to
stand by for a moment? Now, think about your answer. (20’)

Now, answer the question in as much detail as possible. (30’)

Task 5. Creating a Story from Illustrations

Directions: The illustrations below show a story. You will tell the story in your own
words, based on the pictures. You have 20 seconds to prepare your story and 1 ½
minutes to tell the story.

Begin the story with:

“Yesterday Western 807 was landing during cloudy weather.”

Now, study the pictures. (20’)

1 2

3 4 5

Now, tell the story. (90’)

Task 6. Responding to a Communication Problem

Directions: Listen to the following situation. Afterward, you will have to respond to a
communication, then rephrase and clarify your response. You will have 15 seconds to
respond to the first communication and 45 seconds to clarify your response for second
communication. There will be no time provided to think about your response. Now listen
to the situation.

You are the captain of FineAir 428. Because of the changes you had to make in your
route to avoid adverse weather conditions, you have barely enough fuel to reach your
destination. Nearing your destination, the Approach Control contacts you and says:

(Audio Only)

Approach: FineAir 428, hold at LATI due traffic

Pilot: __________________________________________________________ (15’)

Approach: FineAir 428, I did not get what you said, say again and explain

Pilot: __________________________________________________________ (45’)

Task 7. Responding to an Emergency

Directions : Listen to the following situation, then explain how you would resolve the
situation. You will also need to provide a sample of your radio message. You will have
30 seconds to think about only for the first question, then you will have 60 seconds to
answer each question. Now listen to the situation.

(Audio Only)

You are flying a four engine passenger jet and you are number two in the landing
sequence behind a Fokker 50. As you turn to final, the controller informs you that the
twin turboprop airplane landed hard and its gears collapsed due to the presence of
strong windshear immediately above the runway.

1. What would you do in this situation? Now, think about your answer. (15’)

Now, answer the question with as much detail as possible. (60’)

2. Now, provide a sample of your radio message to the air traffic controller. (60’)

Task 8. Handling a System Malfunction

Directions: Listen to the following situation, and explain how you would resolve the
situation. You have 30 seconds to prepare your answer, and 1 ½ minutes to respond.
Now, listen.

(Audio Only)

Descending from a higher altitude, you notice that the altimeter and the air speed
indicator are giving unrealistic numbers. Just a few minutes ago, the altimeter was
indicating an altitude of 29,000 feet. Despite having been descending for awhile now,
the altitude reading remains at 29,000 feet. Your co-pilot’s instruments are also
affected. The controller is now expecting you to make a level report.

How would you handle this problem? Now, think about your answer. (30’)

Now, answer the question with as much detail as possible. (90’)

Task 9. Expressing an Opinion 1

Directions: Listen to the following question. You have 30 seconds to prepare your
answer, and 1 ½ minutes to respond. Now, listen.

Before the year ends, some airlines will be equipped with systems allowing
passengers to use their mobile phones during flight. A survey, however, shows that
many passengers are opposed to the use of mobile phones in aircraft. In your opinion,
what are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing passengers to use their phones
during flight?

Now, think about your answer. (30’)

Now explain your opinion in as much detail as possible. (90’)

Task 10. Expressing an Opinion 2

Directions: Listen to the following question. You have 30 seconds to prepare your
answer, and 1 ½ minutes to respond. Now, listen.

Some popular television stations are airing documentaries about the deadliest
plane crashes. These documentaries make rich use of re-enactments, plus
memories of survivors. Do you think such TV programs will put a bad image in
commercial aviation? Why or why not?

Now think about your answer. (30’)

Now explain your opinion in as much detail as possible. (90’)


Task 1. Introduction and Casual Conversation

Interviewer: Good morning. My name is ___________. I will be your interviewer

today. What is your name?

Interviewer: It’s nice to meet you ______________________. How are you today?

Interviewer: So, tell me a little about yourself, what do you do?

Task 2. Giving Information about Habitual Activities

Interviewer: When you land at a foreign airport, what do you usually do before the
next flight?

Task 3. Providing Job-Related Information

Interviewer: There are situations when a passenger aircraft needs to dump a large
amount of fuel. Describe and explain these situations.

Task 4. Providing a Solution to an Abnormal Situation

Interviewer: Imagine that you are the pilot of an aircraft that is making a descent in
preparation to land. What will you do if you hear radio
communications but get no response from the controller when you call
on the radio?

Task 5. Sharing an Opinion

Interviewer: Why is it so important for pilots to have very good English skills?


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