Tomas Claudio vs. CA

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G.R. No. 124262 October 12, 1999.


Mariano de Castro sold a parcel of land to the petitioner represented him self as the sole heir of the
property. The private respondents contended that the sale was affected only to his share inequivalent of
1/5 of the property. Petitioner then filed a motion to dismiss contending prescription/laches and lack of
jurisdiction but denied by the trial court. Petitioner filed with Court of appeals a special civil action for
certiorari anchored on the following grounds: a. the RTC has no jurisdiction to try and take cognizance of
the case as the causes of action have been decided with finality by the Supreme Court. b. the RTC acted
with grave abuse of discretion and authority in taking cognizance of the case. The Court of Appeals
dismissed the petition in a decision dated August 14, 1995.

ISSUE: Whether or not Mariano's sale affects the the shares of his co-owners.

RULING: No. The Court ruled that even if a co-owner sells the whole property as his, the sale will affect
only his own share but not those of the other co-owners who did not consent to the sale. Under Art. 493
of the Civil Code, the sale or other disposition affects only the seller's share pro indiviso and the
transferee gets only what corresponds to his grantor's share in the partition of the property owned in
common. Thus, in the case at bar, the sale made by Mariano while representing as "sole heir" will not
affect the shares of his co-owners which are the private respondents.

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