Virtues of Itikaaf
Virtues of Itikaaf
Virtues of Itikaaf
Praise be to Allaah, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allaah from the evil of our own souls and from our
bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides will never be led astray, and whomsoever Allaah leaves astray, no one can guide. I bear
witness that there is no god but Allaah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Virtues Of Itikaaf
By A Student Of Darul Uloom, Holcombe, Bury
Ibn Abbas relates that the Messenger of Allah said, "The person
performing Itikaaf remains free from sins and he is indeed given the
same reward as those who do good deeds (in spite of not having done
these deeds). (Ibn Majah)
This hadith mentions two great benefits of Itikaaf. The first is that the
person performing Itikaaf avoids sins. The world around us is full of
temptations and more often than not one falls into them. To commit
sins in this blessed month is indeed a great injustice to ourselves.
Through remaining secluded in the masjid, one completely avoids the
temptation of doing a sin.
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good deeds like joining in funeral prayers, attending burials, visiting
the sick, etc. But according to this hadith, one is rewarded for even
those deeds which he could not perform as a result of his Itikaaf.
The purpose of our creation is to worship our Creator.
And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should
worship Me (alone). I seek not any provision from them nor do I ask
that they should feed Me. Verily, Allah is the All-Provider, Owner of
Power, the Most Strong.
(Surah 51)
This verse is telling us that Allah created man for His worship, and that
He will reward him fully for his obedience but will punish him for His
disobedience. This verse also makes clear the fact that we are
dependent upon Him for our survival while He has no need for us.
This point has also been made in a hadith, recorded by Ahmad in which
the Prophet stated that Allah the Almighty says, "O son of Adam
engage and devote yourself in My worship and I will fill your heart with
contentment and I will fulfil your needs but (on the other hand) if you
do not do this, I will fill your heart with concern and apprehension and
nor will I provide for you."
What Is Itikaaf ?
Literally Itikaaf means to apply oneself assiduously to something.
Technically (in the terminology of the Shariah) it means to remain in a
masjid (where the five times daily prayers are held) with the intention
of worship.
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superiority over other methods of worship because it encompasses
many other forms of worship within itself.
Is Itikaaf Compulsory ?
There are three types of Itikaaf.
Benefits Of Itikaaf
A person doing Itikaaf (mutakif) will be able to perform his salat on
time with congregation hence acquiring the reward of salat with
congregation, which is twenty-seven times more than performing it
alone. On the other hand the layman outside will not attain this great
reward with such consistency because of distractions and
preoccupation especially in this modern age.
1. Itikaaf makes it easy to perform salat with full devotion because the
mutakif breaks all ties with the outside world and is in a state of
tranquillity, where he is free from everything that diverts him from
Allahs remembrance. This leaves him to focus his mind solely towards
Allahs obedience and happiness.
And seek help in patience and As-salat (the prayer) and truly, it is
extremely heavy and hard except for Al-Khaashi’un (i.e. the true
believers in Allah – those who obey Allah with full submission, fear
much from His punishment, and believe in His Promise and in His
Warning). (They are those) who are certain that they are going to meet
their Lord, and that unto Him they are going to return.
(Surah 2)
Successful indeed are the believers. Those who offer their salat
(prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness. And those who
turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty, false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and all
that Allah has forbidden).
(Surah 23)
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2. More voluntary prayers will be performed by a mutakif because his
aim is to worship his Lord and to build up a close tie with Him and the
best way of achieving this is by performing salat.
3. Another benefit of Itikaaf is that the mutakif can perform his prayer
in the first row. It is very easy for him to derive the full benefit of
offering prayer in this row.
Abu Hurairah narrates that the Messenger of Allah said, "Had the
people known the reward of azaan and the first row, they would most
certainly draw lots (to decide who should give the azaan and stand in
the first row). (Bukhari)
4. The mutakif gains the reward of waiting for salat. The Prophet
said, "You will be regarded as performing salat while you are waiting
for salat and the angels supplicate saying, O Allah forgive him and
have mercy on him as long as he does not leave his prayer place or
break wind."
The Prophet said, "From amongst the seven whom Allah will give
shade to on the day when there will be no shade except His shade, will
be that person whose heart was attached to the masjid." (Bukhari)
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Rules And Regulations Of Itikaaf
1. The performance of Itikaaf during the last ten days or Ramadhan is
a sunnah muakkadah alal kifaya (a sunnah which has to be observed
by at least one person from the locality for its fulfilment or else the
entire locality will be sinful for negligence of this sunnah).
2. Itikaaf should be done in a masjid where the five times daily prayers
are held.
3. A woman can designate a place for salat in her house and observe
Itikaaf there and she will acquire the same reward as one performing
Itikaaf in the masjid.
11. The sunnah of observing Itikaaf during the last ten days of
Ramadhan will only be fulfilled, if the mutakif enters the masjid with
the intention of Itikaaf before the sun-set of the twentieth of
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12. Fasting is a prerequisite of Itikaaf. The nullification of the fast will
result in the nullification of the Itikaaf.
13. The intention of Itikaaf can be made in the heart but it is better to
do it with the tongue.
Can Itikaaf only be done during the last ten days of Ramadhan or can
it also be done during the first and middle ten days of Ramadhan?
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the middle ten days. (One day) he stuck his head out (of the tent) and
said, "I did Itikaaf during the first ten days, searching for this night
(laylatul-qadr). I continued it (the Itikaaf) into the middle ten days (for
the same purpose). I was then approached (by an angel) and informed
that this night occurs in the last ten days. So those who have done
Itikaaf with me should continue it into the last ten days because I was
shown this night and then made to forget it (but as an indication) the
morning after this night, I saw myself prostrating on mud. This being
the case, search for this night during the odd nights of these last ten
The narrator continues that it rained that night and the water leaked
through the mosque as it was made out of twigs. On the morning of
the 21st, I saw with my own eyes that there were traces of mud on the
Prophets forehead. (Mishkaat on the authority of Bukhari and
It is because of this tradition that the fuqahaa (Islamic jurist) have said
that this is the sunnah. This is precisely why many of the scholars and
saints have made it a habit to perform Itikaaf during the entire month
of Ramadhan. However it must be pointed out that the observance of
Itikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadhan is an emphasised sunnah
(a sunnah which must be observed by at least one member of the
locality or else the entire locality will be sinful). This is why special
importance is attached to its observance during the last ten days.
It is clear from this that Itikaaf is not fixed with any particular period of
the year.
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Question 2
If a locality does not have a purpose built mosque but the residents of
that locality rent a place to perform prayers in congregation, it will be
correct for a person to observe Itikaaf in this particular place. All the
rules and conditions of a mosque will also apply to him. This issue has
been clarified further by the following query which appears in Fataawa
A woman can designate a spot in her house for doing Itikaaf instead of
going to the mosque. This particular place will be a substitute for the
mosque and in this spot she will be subject to all the rules and
conditions which would normally apply to her in the mosque. For
example the woman cannot leave this spot without a genuine cause
e.g. to relieve herself.
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Things which are forbidden in Itikaaf
He also used to go out to purify himself from minor impurities and to do wudoo, as
Aaishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to put his head into my room whilst he was in the
mosque, and I would comb his hair. He would not enter the house except in the case of
need when he was in Itikaaf.” (Fath al-Baari, 4/808).
To complete iddah. If the husband of a woman who is in Itikaaf dies and she is in the
mosque, she has to leave the mosque so that she can do her iddah in her house.
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Educational aspects of Itikaaf
Itikaaf plants in the soul of the person who does it the concept of
true enslavement to Allaah (uboodiyyah), and trains him in this
important matter for which man was created. For Allaah (may He
be exalted) says (interpretation of the meaning): “And I (Allaah)
created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship
Me (Alone).” [al-Dhaariyaat 51:56]. For the person who is in
Itikaaf has devoted his whole self and his whole time to worship
Allaah, may He be glorified.
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Al-Qurtubi said: “my living means, whatever I do in my life; my
dying means what I advise you to do after my death; for Allaah,
the Lord of the ‘Aalameen means, they are only for the purpose of
drawing closer to Him.” (7/69).
This was the main purpose behind the Itikaaf of the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). At first his Itikaaf
lasted for the entire month, then he did Itikaaf during the middle
ten days, seeking Laylat al-Qadr. When he learned that it is in the
last ten days of the month of Ramadaan, he limited his Itikaaf to
these blessed ten days.
1. The person who stays in the mosque finds that the mosque
becomes dear to him, and he understands the value of the houses
of Allaah, may He be exalted. This love has a great value with
Allaah, because those who love the houses of Allaah will be one of
the groups whom Allaah will shade on the Day when there will be
no shade except His shade.
2. When a person stays in the mosque, whilst he is waiting for the
prayer, he is rewarded as for praying, and the angels pray for
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forgiveness for him. According to the hadeeth narrated by Abu
Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), the Messenger of
Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The
angels will pray for blessings for any one of you as long as he
stays in his place of prayer and as long as nothing happens to
break his wudoo. [They say:] ‘O Allaah, forgive him, O Allaah have
mercy on him.’ As long as any one of you stays in his place of
prayer, as long as what is keeping him there is the fact that he is
waiting for the prayer, and nothing is keeping him from going
back to his family apart from his prayer.” (al-Bukhaari, 2/360 Fath
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and are not seen as having any harmful impact either on the religion
or the individual. These habits include smoking, listening to music
and watching scenes and events broadcast by satellite channels
which go against the aqeedah (belief) of the Muslim and his sense of
modesty and chastity, and other habits which affect the religion and
the individual.
The time of Itikaaf gives the individual the opportunity to see the
falsehood of these habits and the futility of the belief which many
Muslims have, that they do not have the ability to rid themselves of
these habits, because they have gained control over them.
During the period of Itikaaf, when he is alone with his Creator, the
Muslim comes to understand the concept of worship in the most
comprehensive sense and that he has to be enslaved to Allaah every
hour of the day, in both his public and his private life. When he takes
the pleasure and love of Allaah as the yardstick against which he
measures all his actions, he will find that the habits we have
referred to above, and many others, do not agree with that love of
Allaah, and indeed they are the opposite. So he discovers that habits
such as these take him out of the circle of sincere uboodiyyah
towards Allaah. If this is the case, then he is obliged to rid himself of
these habits as quickly as possible.
During the period of Itikaaf, the Muslim is not allowed to go out except
in the case of definite needs which serve to facilitate his staying in the
mosque for Itikaaf. Apart from that, he should not go out, even if it is
for a permissible purpose. So – for example – he cannot go out and
walk around in the market-place, even for a short time, to buy things
that have nothing to do with his Itikaaf. If he goes out to buy siwaak,
this will not affect his Itikaaf because it is something that is required
for his prayer during his I’ikaaf. But if he went out to buy a gift for his
wife or for one of his children, that would invalidate his Itikaaf, because
the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not go
out except in the case of “human need”, as mentioned above. So how
about if the person in Itikaaf goes out to do something haraam such as
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smoking cigarettes for example, or to watch a satellite TV show that he
usually watches? Undoubtedly this would invalidate his Itikaaf.
There is also the kind of patience which is required for dealing with
the absence of things which a person may be used to, such as
different kinds of food that he eats at home but which are not
available in the mosque. So he puts up with having little for the sake
of earning the pleasure of Allaah, may He be exalted and glorified.
And there is the kind of patience which is required for putting up with
the place where he is sleeping, for he will not have a bed put in the
mosque for him, or a comfortable mattress on which he could sleep. He
sleeps on a very modest mattress or even on the carpets in the
And there is the kind of patience which is required for putting up with
the conditions in the mosque, the crowds of people around him, the
lack of peace and quiet such as he enjoys at home when he wants to
And there is the kind of patience which is required for suppressing his
desire for his wife, with whom he is not allowed to have sexual
relations if he goes home for any purpose; he cannot even kiss her or
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hug her, even though she is halaal for him. Thus the value of patience,
strong will power and self-control is manifested. Through these
practices and others, a person can train himself to delay many of the
things he desires for the sake of things which are more important, so
he puts off these psychological and material needs for the sake of
earning the pleasure of Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted.
We ask Allaah to help us to remember Him, thank Him and worship Him properly. And
Allaah knows best. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.
Al-I’tikaaf Nadrah Tarbawiyyah, Dr. ‘Abd al-Lateef ibn Muhammad Baaltoo
Al-Ithaaf fi Bayaan Masaa’il al-I’tikaaf, Abu ‘Umar Haay al-Haay
source :
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This all work is done by the grace & help of
ALLAH (Subhanahu Wa Taa’aala)
Just for the sake of ALLAH (Subhanahu Wa Taa’aala)
Anyone is free to use, edit, and publish these slides anywhere in Islamic way.
Jazak ALLAH for your comments & prayers these are very precious.
Be blessed ever here & hereafter.
Special request: Please pray for my son Mohammed Baseer Ahsan Junaid,
Who passed away on 23rd Ramadan 1429 Hijrah (24th September 2008)
At the age of 22 Years, 3 Months and 7 Days
Ur brother in Islam
Mohammed Zaheer Ahsan Shakeel – Abu Dhabi, UAE
E-mail: [email protected]
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