Information: Walkair V2.0 Umn:Ted

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WALKair V2.0

UMN:TED Information
WALKair™ V2.0

U Important Note on Product Safety

Elevated voltages are inevitably present at specific points in this electrical equipment. Some of the
parts can also have elevated operating temperatures.
Non-observance of these conditions and the safety instructions can result in personal injury or in
property damage.
Therefore only trained and qualified personnel may install and maintain the system.
The system complies with the standard EN 60950 / IEC 60950. All equipment connected has to
comply with the applicable safety standards.
Safety Warnings:
• Protective earth must be securely fixed (GND STUD) and installed prior to TNV (Telecom
Network Voltage) connections.
• AC power must be disconnected prior to changing the Power Supply fuse.
• DC cable shield must be connected to ground on both sides. A secure connection to the BU
case should be provided via the D-type connector.
• Powering off the indoor units is performed by disconnecting the DC power supply cable.
• When disconnecting the DC power supply cable from the Main Distribution Power, first
disconnect the +/-48 V supply, and only then the DC cable shield.
• E1 output cables should be installed within the same building as the Base Station BU.

Copyright (C) Siemens AG 1999

Issued by the Information and Communication Networks Group

Hofmannstraße 51
D-81359 Munich

Technical modifications possible.

Technical specifications and features are binding only insofar as,
they are specifically and expressly agreed upon in a written contract.

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WALKair™ V2.0


1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 5
1.1 System Overview ................................................................................................. 5
1.1.1 Brief Description of the System Components ...................................................... 6
1.1.2 Operation and Maintenance................................................................................. 7
1.1.3 System Parameters for Maximum Configuration ................................................. 7
2 Base Station......................................................................................................... 8
2.1 General ................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Base Station/Sector Components........................................................................ 8
2.3 Hardware ............................................................................................................. 8
2.3.1 BS Powering ........................................................................................................ 9
2.3.2 Basic Unit (BU) .................................................................................................. 10
2.3.3 IF Multiplexer ..................................................................................................... 14
2.3.4 RFU.................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.5 Antenna.............................................................................................................. 16
3 Terminal Station................................................................................................. 17
3.1 General .............................................................................................................. 17
3.2 Terminal Station - Components ......................................................................... 17
3.3 Hardware ........................................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Terminal Station Basic Unit (BU) ....................................................................... 19
3.3.2 CPE Interface LED............................................................................................. 21
3.4 RFU and Antenna .............................................................................................. 22
4 Air Protocol ........................................................................................................ 23
4.1 General .............................................................................................................. 23
4.2 Air Protocol Allocation Mechanism..................................................................... 24
5 Management, Operation and Maintenance........................................................ 25
5.1 General .............................................................................................................. 25
5.2 LCI Terminal ...................................................................................................... 25
5.3 Management Features....................................................................................... 25
5.3.1 Configuration...................................................................................................... 25
5.3.2 Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 26
6 Specifications..................................................................................................... 27
7 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................... 32

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Fig. 1.1 General System Diagram ................................................................................ 5
Fig. 1.2 Basic WALKair Components ........................................................................... 6
Fig. 2.1 Base Station Installation - Typical Configuration ............................................. 8
Fig. 2.2 Base Station (BS) - Functional Diagram ......................................................... 9
Fig. 2.3 Base Station/Basic Unit - General View ........................................................ 10
Fig. 2.4 Base Station/Basic Unit - Functional Diagram .............................................. 11
Fig. 2.5 BU-BS Front Panel........................................................................................ 12
Fig. 2.6 BU-BS Rear Panel ........................................................................................ 13
Fig. 2.7 IF Multiplexer Front Panel (8-Port Model Shown) ......................................... 14
Fig. 2.8 IF Multiplexer Rear Panel.............................................................................. 14
Fig. 2.9 RFU Functional Diagram............................................................................... 15
Fig. 2.10 Base Station Antenna.................................................................................. 16
Fig. 3.1 Terminal Station Equipment .......................................................................... 17
Fig. 3.2 Terminal Station Installation - Typical Configuration ..................................... 18
Fig. 3.3 Terminal Station (TS) - Functional Diagram.................................................. 18
Fig. 3.4 BU-TS Front Panel ........................................................................................ 20
Fig. 3.5 BU-TS Rear Panel (48 VDC Power Option).................................................. 20
Fig. 3.6 BU- TS Rear Panel (220 VAC Power Option) ............................................... 20
Fig. 3.7 RFU-TS and Integrated Antenna .................................................................. 22
Fig. 4.1 WALKair Access Method Scheme ................................................................ 23
Fig. 4.2 WALKair FDMA ............................................................................................. 23
Fig. 4.3 WALKair TDMA ............................................................................................. 24


Tab. 1.1 Maximum Values of System Parameters ....................................................... 7

Tab. 2.1 Base Station BU Interfaces - Front Panel .................................................... 12
Tab. 2.2 Base Station BU Interfaces - Rear Panel..................................................... 13
Tab. 2.3 Base Station BU LED Indications................................................................. 13
Tab. 2.4 Base Station BU LEDs Color Coding ........................................................... 14
Tab. 3.1 Terminal Station BU Interfaces .................................................................... 20
Tab. 3.2 Terminal Station BU LED Indications........................................................... 21
Tab. 3.3 Terminal Station BU LEDs Color Coding ..................................................... 21

This document consists of 34 pages. All pages are issue 1.

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WALKair™ V2.0

1 Introduction

1.1 System Overview

WALKair is a wideband Wireless Local Loop (WLL) system that provides wireless
access solutions. The system connects customers in one spread area of a few tens
of kilometers to the central access point of the Telecom in that area. A general system
diagram is shown in Fig. 1.1.

o Sector
10-km Radius
o Sector

Base Station
Terminal Station

Business Customer Micro Cell Feeding

Application Radio To The Building (RTTB) Application Application

Fig. 1.1 General System Diagram

The Base Station, which is located on the network side, provides coverage to a
10-kilometer radius (referred to as a cell, extending in a 360 radius).
A cell can consist of 3 or 6 sectors. A sector (which can be seen as a slice of the cell)
o o
can provide coverage of 60 or 120 . The coverage angle is a function of the antenna
ordered with the system.
The base station provides Telecom service to Terminal Stations (TSs) which are
installed at the customer premises and connected to the CPE (such as PBXs, fax
machines, PCs).
WALKair implements a proprietary, patent-pending air protocol for communication
between the base station and terminal stations. The access method is based on a
WALKair supports operation in the 3.5-GHz- and 10.5-GHz-bands. These bands are
recommended in Europe for PMP systems by ETSI. WALKair is fully compliant with the
ETSI TM4-DE/TM-04020-TDMA standard for point-to-multipoint digital radio system
3 to 11 GHz.
WALKair features a modular architecture that helps reduce startup costs minimize
initial investment and maximize gradual growth capabilities.

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The deployment of WALKair systems offers the network operator a number of

advantages when compared with wireline networks and with alternative technologies:
• Cost-effective and rapid installation and commissioning
• Rapid first provisioning of telecommunication services, e.g. to new building
• Better utilization of in-place main cables
• Easier expansion of the network as subscriber base grows
• Very high radio efficiency (2.5 bits/s/Hz)
• Automatic frequency selection and auto-interference prevention scheme
• Efficient high speed Internet access
• Modular and fault tolerant architecture
• Wide variety of telecom interfaces
• An optimized solution for SME access with high growth potential
• Cost structure tailored to the new operator needs: low start-up cost, linear growth,
low life cycle costs.

1.1.1 Brief Description of the System Components

SNMP based NMS

Standard platform Base Station (BS) Terminal Stations (TS)

Antenna Antenna
Workstation . ISDN


. Frame
Telecom backbone

Voice & BU
Data Ethernet Workst

Fig. 1.2 Basic WALKair Components

Base Station Located at the network side, the base station provides service to
(BS) a cell (a circular coverage area of up to 10-km radius). The base
station provides the interfaces to the telecom switches.
Terminal Station Located at the customer premises, the terminal station interfaces
(TS) with the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE), including LAN
bridges/routers and PBXs.
The Air Protocol The air protocol is a patent-pending; proprietary protocol
developed to optimize the air traffic between the exchange and
CPE sides.

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1.1.2 Operation and Maintenance

Operation and maintenance for the system is provided via a Local Craft Interface (LCI)
which can be connected to any network element via an RS232 interface for element

1.1.3 System Parameters for Maximum Configuration

WALKair is a modular system that can be flexibly configured to suit the operational
requirements. The following table describes the main system parameters:

Parameter Value
Max. number of sectors per cell up to 6
Max. number of BU-BSs per sector up to 8
Max. number of TS per BU-BS up to 16
Max. number of telecom interfaces per base station BU up to 3
Max. number of CPE interfaces per TS BU up to 3

Tab. 1.1 Maximum Values of System Parameters

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2 Base Station

2.1 General
Located at the network side, the base station provides service to a coverage area of up
to 10 km, extended in a 360 radius (referred to as a cell). The base station provides
the interfaces to the telecom switches. The base station consists of several sectors,
which cover the cell (3 or 6 sectors can cover a single cell, depending on the type of

2.2 Base Station/Sector Components

Fig. 2.1 illustrates a typical Base Station installation.






BU1 . . . BU8


Fig. 2.1 Base Station Installation - Typical Configuration

2.3 Hardware
The configuration of the sector is modular, and can contain from 1 to 8 Basic Units
(BU), an IF Multiplexer, an RF unit and an antenna.
All equipment complies with the ETSI 300-019 standard (indoor: class 3.2;
outdoor: class 4.1E).
Each BU-BS operates independently from other BU-BSs, therefore minimizing
downtime and allowing for quick recovery in the event of equipment failure.

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The following functional diagram shows the basic components of the Base Station.







Tx Chain


IF & Dual Synthesizer

IF IF Rx Chain


Fig. 2.2 Base Station (BS) - Functional Diagram

2.3.1 BS Powering
The BS is powered by a DC standard source (48 V) connected to the indoor unit and
applied to the outdoor equipment via coaxial cable.

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2.3.2 Basic Unit (BU)

Fig. 2.3 Base Station/Basic Unit - General View

The Base Station Basic Unit (BU) is a modular device encased in a compact (1U)
housing. The BUs main board has three sockets for the telephony/data interface
daughter boards. Each slot can be equipped with a different type of telecom network
interface. A BU can be installed with one, two or all three telecom network interfaces.
Daughter boards can be changed/added at any time, to support a "grow as you need"
The following telephony interface daughter boards can be ordered:
• E1, G.703, at speed of 2.048 Mbps; traffic range may vary in 64 Kbps increments,
from 64 Kbps to 2.048 Mbps.
The BU converts the telecom voice/data into IF signals, which are output to the IF
Multiplexer. In the Upstream direction, the BU converts the IF signals back into
voice/data for output to the telecom switch.
Each BU transmits and receives one 1.75 MHz carrier and, by employing TDMA,
handles the traffic of several remote Terminal Station (typically 2-10, maximum 16).

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The BU-BS functional diagram is shown in Fig. 2.4.

T e le c o m
In te rfa c e T e le c o m In t e r f a c e c a r d

T e le c o m
In te rfa c e T e le c o m In t e r f a c e c a r d

T e le c o m
In te rfa c e T e le c o m In t e r f a c e c a r d

E th e rn e t/
M odem


S y s te m
E x te n s io n

Fig. 2.4 Base Station/Basic Unit - Functional Diagram Modem
The Modem features operation at high bit rates of 4.48 Mbps and symbol rates of
1.12 MHz. It delivers a net payload of 4.096 Mbps at a low BER of 10 . The modem is
highly efficient, with a spectral efficiency of 2.5 bit/sec/Hz. It implements 64QAM and
Trellis coding.
An adaptive equalizer, integrated into the modem, supports NLOS fading and time
variations. Framer
The framer converts the telecom signals (PCM format) into air packets using updated
location data from the CPU.
The framer is responsible for constructing the airframe according to the air protocol.
The framer multiplexes the traffic channels, control channel and overhead bits of the
airframe into one bit stream. This bit stream is modulated by the modem.
The framer supports the logic and procedures defined by the air protocol. A sophisti-
cated interface between the framer and the main CPU is used to provide the enhanced
capabilities of the air protocol. IF Block
The IF module generates the IF signal and interfaces between the baseband received
from the modem and the IF frequency signal output to the RFU. This block is also
responsible for supplying the DC power to the RFU. The IF and DC signals are carried
on the coaxial cable to the RFU.

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WALKair™ V2.0 CPU
The CPU block is responsible for handling of the air protocol and the Local Craft
Interface (LCI) and the management protocol (future use). The CPU block contains the
CPU, data storage and software storage (FLASH memory). Up to two software
versions can reside simultaneously on the FLASH, allowing download of new software
versions to the TS without service interruption BU-BS Interfaces

The BU interfaces are located on both the front and rear panels of the unit. The inter-
faces found on the front panel are shown in Fig. 2.5 and are listed in Tab. 2.1. The
interfaces found on the rear panel are shown in Fig. 2.6 and are listed in Tab. 2.2.

a b c
Port 2 Port 1 Port 0
Rx Tx


x x x

a s d f g

Fig. 2.5 BU-BS Front Panel

Note: Some of the BU front panels may have the following signs instead of Tx/Rx:
Tx (Output from the BU)
Rx (Input to the BU)

Port Number Type Description

IF Ports a SMA Provides the interface to the IF Multiplexer.
When ordered with an N-type connector, the BU
can be connected directly to a RF Unit (single
BU option).
E1 Telecom s RJ45 Each of these ports provides the interface to a
Ports (1 to 3) 2 Mbps telecom switch channel
Ethernet d Ethernet 10baseT, Provides an interface to an external manage-
RJ45 connector ment system. Intended for future use.
Serial f RJ45 Provides an interface to a modem or PAD
device for an external management system.
Intended for future use.
LCI g RJ45 Provides the interface to a Local Craft Terminal
(Local Craft Interface)

Tab. 2.1 Base Station BU Interfaces - Front Panel

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Input Vol: 48VDC
Input Curr: 5

h j k l

Fig. 2.6 BU-BS Rear Panel

Port Number Type Description

Power h 3-pin D-type Provides 48VDC operating power to the BU
Ground Screw j NC8 diameter Provides the connection to an earth ground
Extension Bus (2) k 25-pin D-type Allows chaining of BUs in Master/Slave management
configuration. In this configuration, one BU serves as the
mediation device for all chained BUs, transferring the
management data to all BUs. Intended for future use.
External Clock (2) l RJ45 Allows chaining of BUs, when locking the clock of all
chained BUs to an external 2 MHz clock. Intended for
future use.

Tab. 2.2 Base Station BU Interfaces - Rear Panel BU-BS LED Indications

The front panel of the BU houses 3 LED indicators, listed in Tab. 2.3. The color coding
of the LEDs is described in Section

LED Letter Description

EXT (Outdoor) a Indicates the status of the outdoor equipment
(e.g., failure in the RFU or a lost connection with one of
the TSs)
INT (Indoor) b Indicates the status of the indoor equipment
(e.g., Loss of Signal on one of the E1s connected to the
ETH (Ethernet) c Indicates the status of the Ethernet port

Tab. 2.3 Base Station BU LED Indications Telecom LED

Each telecom module has a single LED, which provides indications as to the operation
of the telecom channel. The color coding of the Telecom LED is described in

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WALKair™ V2.0 LEDs Color Coding

Tab. 2.4 summarizes the various BU-BS LED states.


Internal External Ethernet Telecom
Blinking RED Disable Major Disable
RED Major Major Major
Blinking Yellow Loopback Loopback Loopback
Yellow Minor Minor Minor
Blinking Green Software Download

Tab. 2.4 Base Station BU LEDs Color Coding

2.3.3 IF Multiplexer

Rx1 Rx2 Rx3 Rx4 Rx5 Rx6 Rx7 Rx8

XXXXXXXX Tx1 Tx2 Tx3 Tx4 Tx5 Tx6 Tx7 Tx8 POWER

Fig. 2.7 IF Multiplexer Front Panel (8-Port Model Shown)

Input Vol: 36-72VDC IN

Input Curr: 3Am p


Fig. 2.8 IF Multiplexer Rear Panel

The IF Multiplexer combines the IF signals from/to the various BUs and the 48 VDC
feeding into a single coax cable that goes up to the roof top, where the RF unit and
antenna are located. Up to 8 BUs may operate together combined by the same IF
The input/output of the IF Multiplexer are:
• Tx 1000 to 1150 MHz
• Rx 650 to 800 MHz
The IF Multiplexer has 8 SMA port pairs (IN and OUT), each of which can be
connected to a single BU-BS. Two extension bus ports are provided for connecting the
IF Multiplexer to a BU-BS for management purposes (intended for future use).

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2.3.4 RFU

T x C h a in


IF &
D u a l S y n th e s iz e r
P ower

R x C h a in

Fig. 2.9 RFU Functional Diagram

The RFU converts the IF to RF, amplifies the signal to its correct level and transmits it
through the antenna. The RFU is mounted near the antenna, and is connected to it by
means off a single LMR600 coaxial cable.
The RFU contains a diplexer, which allows a single cable to connect the BU to the RFU
including Rx signals and Tx signals.
All RFUs are isolated from the indoor equipment and operate with the same BU and IF
Multiplexer. The RFU is connected to the indoor equipment with a single coaxial cable
The RFU has a radio transmitter with up to 27 dBm power and a radio receiver with
sensitivity of -87 dBm (@ BER 10 ). Radio transmissions are fully compliant with ETSI

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2.3.5 Antenna

Fig. 2.10 Base Station Antenna

o o
The antenna is a sector type. It covers an angular area at either 60 or 120 . Several
sector antennas (3 or 6), each with its own RFU, may cover a whole circular area (cell).
Antennas should be installed near the RFU (recommended distance: up to 1 m), on a
suitable pole.
The following antennas can be installed at the base station side:
• 3.5-GHz Microstrip Antenna
⇒ 120 , 13 dBi, 40 x 20 x 5 cm

⇒ 60 , 16 dBi, 40 x 20 x 5 cm

• 10.5-GHz Wave Guide Slot Array

⇒ 120 , 17 dBi, 75 x 20 x 15 cm

⇒ 60 , 19 dBi, 75 x 20 x 15 cm

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3 Terminal Station

3.1 General
The Terminal Station (TS) is located at the customer premises and is connected to the
Customer Premises Equipment (CPE).
The TS is comprised of two units, the BU-TS and the TS/RFU, interconnected by a
single LMR400 cable.

RFU and

Basic Unit (BU)

Fig. 3.1 Terminal Station Equipment

3.2 Terminal Station - Components

The TS indoor unit can be conveniently mounted using one of the following mounting
• Rack mounted (19" or ETSI racks)
• Wall mounted
• Desktop
The indoor BU-TS features front panel connection points for easy access to all
The outdoor unit is a compact integrated RFU and antenna unit, which is easily
mounted on the antenna pole.
The TS requires minimal local configuration via the LCI. Maintenance and configuration
is performed via the base station.
A single coaxial cable connects the indoor mounted BU to the outdoor unit.

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Fig. 3.2 shows a typical TS installation.






Serial LCI

Fig. 3.2 Terminal Station Installation - Typical Configuration

3.3 Hardware
The following functional diagram shows the basic TS components.

Interface Telecom Interface card

Interface Telecom Interface card

Interface Telecom Interface card

IF &

Fig. 3.3 Terminal Station (TS) - Functional Diagram

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3.3.1 Terminal Station Basic Unit (BU)

The Terminal Station Basic Unit (BU) is a modular device encased in a compact (1U)
housing. The BUs main board has three sockets for the CPE interface daughter
boards, for connection to a wide range of CPE (Multiplexer, NTU, router, PBX, etc.).
Each slot can be equipped with a different type of interface. A BU can be installed with
one, two or all three CPE interfaces. CPE interfaces include E1/G.703, ISDN-BRI,
ISDN-PRI and Frame Relay. Daughter boards can be changed/added to support a
"grow as you need" modularity.
The BU converts voice/data into IF signals, which are output to the RFU for upstream
transmission to the Base Station. Modem
The modem is implemented on the motherboard, which is identical on all BUs. The
interface cards and the IF module are implemented on daughter boards, and therefore
allow maximum flexibility.
The RF Modem features a high bit rate of 4.48 Mbps, a low BER of 10 , a net payload
of 4.090 Mbps and a high spectral efficiency of 2.5 bit/sec/Hz. It implements 64QAM
and Trellis coding.
An adaptive equalizer, integrated into the modem, supports NLOS and time variations. Framer
The framer converts the E1 frames into air packets and is responsible for constructing
the airframe according to the air protocol. The framer multiplexes the traffic channels,
control channel and overhead bits of the airframe into one bit stream. This bit stream is
modulated by the modem.
The framer supports the logic and procedures defined by the air protocol. A sophisti-
cated interface between the framer and the main CPU is used provide the enhanced
capabilities of the air protocol. IF Block
The IF module generates the IF signal and interfaces between the baseband received
from the modem and the IF frequency signal output to the RFU. This block is also
responsible for supplying the DC power to the RFU. The IF and DC signals are carried
on the coaxial cable to the RFU. CPU
The CPU block contains the CPU, data storage and software storage (FLASH
memory). Up to two software versions can reside simultaneously on the FLASH,
allowing download of new software versions to the TS without service interruption.
The CPU block also contains software for handling the air protocol, the Local Craft
Interface and the management protocol (for future use).

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WALKair™ V2.0 BU-TS Interfaces

The BU-TS interfaces are located on both the front and rear panels of the unit. The
interfaces are listed in Fig. 3.4 and Fig. 3.5.



xxxxxxxx LCI

1 2 3
Fig. 3.4 BU-TS Front Panel

Note: Some of the BU front panels may have the following signs instead of Tx/Rx:
Tx (Output from the BU)
Rx (Input to the BU)

Inp ut Vo l: 36-72VDC
Inp ut Curr: 3Am p

Fig. 3.5 BU-TS Rear Panel (48 VDC Power Option)

Input vol: 90-250 VDC

Frequency: 47-63Hz
Input curr: 2 A
Fuse: 2A/250V Slow

Fig. 3.6 BU- TS Rear Panel (220 VAC Power Option)

Port Number Type Description

IF Ports a N-type Provides the interface to the RFU
CPE Ports s RJ45 Each of these ports provides the interface to a
(1 to 3) 2 Mbps channel
LCI d RS232 Provides an interface to a modem or PAD device
Power f 3-pin D-type for 48 VDC Provides 48 VDC or 110/220 VAC operating power to
or the BU (depends on ordered configuration)
standard socket for
110/220 VAC mains

Tab. 3.1 Terminal Station BU Interfaces

20 A50010-Z3-C100-1-7618
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WALKair™ V2.0 BU Powering
The BU-TS is powered by a 48 VDC source or the 110/220 VAC 50/60 Hz AC power
mains (depends on ordered configuration). BU-TS LED Indications

The front panel of the BU-TS houses 2 LED indicators, listed in Tab. 3.2.

LED Description
EXT Indicates the status of the outdoor equipment
(Outdoor) (e.g., failure in the RFU or a lost connection with one of the TSs)
INT Indicates the status of the indoor equipment
(Indoor) (e.g., Loss of Signal on one of the E1s connected to the BU)

Tab. 3.2 Terminal Station BU LED Indications

3.3.2 CPE Interface LED

Each CPE Interface module has a single LED, which provides indications as to the
operation of the CPE channel. The color coding of the CPE Interface LED is described
in Section BU-TS LEDs Color Coding

Tab. 3.3 summarizes the various BU-TS LED states


Internal External CPE Interface
Blinking RED Disable Major Disable
RED Major Major Major
Blinking Yellow Loopback Loopback Loopback
Yellow Minor Minor Minor
Blinking Green Software Download
Green OK OK OK

Tab. 3.3 Terminal Station BU LEDs Color Coding

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3.4 RFU and Antenna

Fig. 3.7 RFU-TS and Integrated Antenna

The RFU converts the IF to RF, amplifies the signal to its correct level and transmits it
through the antenna. The antenna is integrated into the cover of the RFU.
The integrated RFU-antenna features simple installation, with a single coaxial cable
connecting it to the indoor BU-TS. The integrated RFU-antenna also features
adjustable tilt and elevation.
The RFU has a radio transmitter with up to 15 dBm power and a radio receiver with
sensitivity of -87 dBm (@ BER 10 ). The transmissions of the radio unit fully comply
with ETSI TM4.
• RFU 3.5-GHz Planar Microstrip Antenna, 18 , 18 dBi, 25 x 25 x 8 cm.

• RFU 10.5-GHz Planar Microstrip Antenna, 8 , 25 dBi, 25 x 25 x 8 cm.


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4 Air Protocol

4.1 General
WALKair implements a proprietary air protocol for communication between the base
station and terminal stations. The air protocol is based on a TDMA/ FDMA/FDD
scheme, which is illustrated in Fig. 4.1.

Terminal Stations TDMA Base Station

TS 1
Carrier # 1
60 x 64 Kb/s 1.75 MHz
Leased Line Real Time
Frame Relay
TS n Dynamic Allocation
ISDN Carrier # n
ATM 1.75 MHz

Carrier # 16 Frame Relay/ATM

1.75 MHz

TS 16
1-16 x TS per carrier 1-16 x carriers

Fig. 4.1 WALKair Access Method Scheme

Each Base Station BU transmits and receives on one FDMA carrier. The entire avail-
able frequency band is divided into radio channels of 1.75 MHz, and each is assigned
to a BU-BS. FDMA is characterized by continuous access to the carrier in a given fre-
quency band. No synchronization is required among BUs, and each BU can use its
own band without interference. The FDMA implementation is illustrated in Fig. 4.2 .


Up to 16 x 1.75 MHz carriers

Tx, Rx, DC


BU #1 f1 (1.75 MHz)
BU #2 f2 (1.75 MHz)
Up to 16 BUs f3 (1.75 MHz)
BU #3
(16 carriers)
. . .
BU #16 fn (1.75 MHz)

Base Station (BS)


Fig. 4.2 WALKair FDMA

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Using TDMA, each BU handles the traffic of several remote Terminal Stations (typically
2-10, maximum 16) shared at a radio bandwidth of 1.75 MHz. In TDMA, the time is
divided into time slots. Each time slot is pre-assigned to a Terminal Station (TS).
During the assigned time slot, each TS is allowed to transmit freely. The time slot
assignments are periodic, and each period is called a cycle or frame. A TS could be
assigned to several time slots during a cycle. The TSs are synchronized on the base
station clock so that each one knows exactly when to transmit. The TDMA implemen-
tation is illustrated in Fig. 4.3.

Range = 300 m - 10 km RFU +

Antenna Antenna
. TS1

Tx,Rx,DC .
BU #1 f1 - Single Carrier . 1 - 16 TS

Base Station (BS) TS16

Sector One BS-BU supports up to BU
16 TS using TDMA
Terminal Stations (TS)

Fig. 4.3 WALKair TDMA

With FDD (Frequency Duplexing Division), different frequencies are used for upstream
(towards the Base Station) and downstream (towards the TS) allowing full duplex
The air protocol supports access for a maximum of 16 Terminal Stations with maximum
combined traffic of 64 x 64 Kb/s data/voice channels in addition to 128 Kbps for
The air access protocol includes the downstream air access protocol (BS → TS’s) and
to the upstream air access protocol (TS’s → BS). The downstream air access protocol
is built from one continuous transmission (broadcast) and has the capability of
providing accurate timing and control to the TS’s. The upstream air access protocol is
built from transmission bursts of the TS’s (TDMA).

4.2 Air Protocol Allocation Mechanism

The air protocol provides fixed allocation, which allows for transparent voice, data and
signaling over a bandwidth pre-allocated by the manager. Fixed allocation can vary
from 64 Kbps up to 2 x E1, in 64 Kbps granularity. The allocation is symmetric in both
the uplink (from TS to BS) and downlink (from BS to TS) traffic directions. Bandwidth
can be allocated using LCI, during the commissioning phase. Changes in the allocated
bandwidth can be made at any time using the LCI.

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5 Management, Operation and Maintenance

5.1 General
This section describes WALKair system management capabilities.

5.2 LCI Terminal

The LCI terminal is used for installing, provisioning and maintaining network elements.
It is connected to BU-BSs and BU-TSs via the LCI port RS232 interface. All LCI
software resides in the BU. The LCI terminal must have a VT100 emulation software
(e.g., Procomm, ProWin, PCPlus). The LCI terminal can also be used to manage the
Terminal Stations associated with the Base Station using the air link.
Using the LCI terminal, the operator can obtain information regarding the current active
services and regarding the resources (telecom and air links) that are being utilized by
the network elements. The information presented is at all time accurate and updated.
The LCI terminal is used to configure all network elements: Base Station elements and
the associated Terminal Stations. The BU-BSs and BU-TSs each store their current
configuration (hardware/software installation data, configuration data, operating
parameters, subscriber data) internally. The operator can always retrieve specific up-
to-date information about the configuration of the system and the individual NEs via the
operator PC.
The operator can define parameters for each service provided by the WALKair system.
The defined service can be attached to a specific port at the terminal station and at the
base station. Using the LCI terminal, the operator can define and/or retrieve the
• Physical installation data
• New services
• BU-BSs and BU-TSs, and individual ports connected to the elements
• Current active alarms.

5.3 Management Features

The following lists the management features provided by the LCI, by topic.

5.3.1 Configuration
The LCI terminal allows the user to configure:
• Network elements
• Radio parameters for establishing a link
• Administrative parameters such as serial numbers, clock source, status
• Service parameters such as allocation of the required distance between the BU-BS
port and the TS port.

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5.3.2 Maintenance
The LCI terminal allows the user to:
• Configure obtain status and provisioning information regarding a network element
• Perform system testing functions such as loopback tests on the telecom interfaces
• Obtain data regarding the current active alarms and errors
• Obtain version control information.

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6 Specifications
General Specifications
Radio access method Multiple carrier TDMA / FDD
Supported distance 10 km
Spectral efficiency 2.5 bit/sec/Hz
Flexible bandwidth per 64 Kbps to 2 x 2 Mbps*
single user *) It is possible to double the capacity per user by
using 2 Terminal Stations with IF-MUX and single
outdoor unit
System capacity per one 65 Mbps @ 14 MHz, Single polarity*
base station 130 Mbps @ 28 MHz, Single polarity*

*) It is possible, based on special requirement, to

double the bandwidth per cell by applying different
polarization to adjacent sector antenna within the
same base station
Number of terminal stations up to 256 (depending on allocated bandwidth)
per one Base Station
Modulation & coding 64QAM @ convolutional coding, rate 2/3

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Terminal Station Specifications

3.5 GHz
Frequency band Transmit: A: 3.40 to 3.44 GHz
B: 3.43 to 3.47 GHz
C: 3.46 to 3.50 GHz
Receive: A: 3.50 to 3.54 GHz
B: 3.53 to 3.57 GHz
C: 3.56 to 3.60 GHz
Output power 18 dBm
Antenna size 25 x 25 cm
Antenna beamwidth 18 vertical and horizontal
Antenna gain 18 dBi
Standard compliance ETSI TM4 (ETS 301 021)
RF bandwidth 1.75 MHz
Receiver sensitivity -87 dBm (@ BER 10 )
10.5 GHz
Frequency band Transmit: 10.50 to 10.65 GHz
Receive: 10.15 to 10.30 GHz
Output power 15 dBm
Antenna size 25 x 25 cm
Antenna beamwidth 8 vertical and horizontal
Antenna gain 25 dBi
Standard compliance ETSI TM4 (ETS 301 021)
RF bandwidth 1.75 MHz
Receiver sensitivity -87 dBm (@ BER 10 )
Indoor Unit allows for up to E1/G.703
3 telecom ports with the
following interfaces
Indoor Unit allows for up to Leased Line (E1 or fractional E1)
3 telecom ports with the
following services

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Indoor 44 cm (19”) Width, 4.4 cm (1U) Height, 23 cm Depth,
Weight: 3 kg.
Either rack mount, wall mount or desktop.
Outdoor 25 x 25 x 8 cm, including the antenna. Weight: 4 kg.
Either pole mount or wall mount.
A single Coaxial cable connects the indoor to outdoor
device, (maximum distance depends on cable type, e.g.,
and for LMR400 distances can be up to 150 m).
Power consumption: 40 W
Power supply* : 48 VDC
110/220 VAC 50/60 Hz
*) Power is supplied, from an external power supply, to the
indoor device only
o o
Indoor device -5 C to +45 C
(complies with ETS 300-019, class 3.2E standard)
o o
Outdoor device -45 C to +55 C
(complies with ETS 300-019, class 4.1E)

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Base Station Specifications

3.5 GHz
Frequency band Transmit: A: 3.40 to 3.44 GHz
B: 3.43 to 3.47 GHz
C: 3.46 to 3.50 GHz
Receive: A: 3.50 to 3.54 GHz
B: 3.53 to 3.57 GHz
C: 3.56 to 3.60 GHz
Output power up to 27 dBm
o o
Antenna size Sector antenna of 120 or 60 per sector
Antenna beamwidth 40 x 20 x 5 cm
o o
Antenna gain 13 dBi (120 ) or 16 dBi (60 )
Standard compliance ETSI TM4
RF bandwidth Multiple 1.75 MHz
(max. no. depends on allocated spectrum)
Receiver sensitivity -87 dBm (@ BER 10 )
10.5 GHz
Frequency band Transmit: 10.15 to 10.30 GHz
Receive: 10.50 to 10.65 GHz
Output power up to 27 dBm
o o
Antenna size Sector antenna of 120 or 60 per sector
Antenna beamwidth 75 x 20 x 15 cm
o o
Antenna gain 17 dBi (120 ) or 19 dBi (60 )
Standard compliance ETSI TM4
RF bandwidth Multiple 1.75 MHz
(max. no. depends on allocated spectrum)
Receiver sensitivity -87 dBm (@ BER 10 )
Indoor Unit allows for up to E1/G.703
3 telecom ports with the
following interfaces
Indoor Unit allows for up to Leased Line (E1 or fractional E1)
3 telecom ports with the
following services

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Indoor One or more stackable 44 cm (19”) Width,
4.4 cm (1U) Height, 23 cm Depth and 3 kg Weight units.
These are rack mount devices.
Outdoor 36 x 15 x 24 cm, not including the antenna. Weight: 9.5 kg.
Pole mount device.
A single coaxial cable connects the indoor to outdoor device,
(maximum distance depends on cable type, e.g., for LMR400
distances can be up to 150 m)
Power consumption for a single stackable unit: 40 W.
Power supply* : 48 VDC
*) Power is supplied, from an external power supply, to the
indoor device only
o o
Indoor device -5 C to +45 C
(complies with ETS 300-019, class 3.2E standard)
o o
Outdoor device -45 C to +55 C
(complies with ETS 300-019, class 4.1E)

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7 Abbreviations
AC Alternating Current
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BER Bit Error Rate
BRI Basic Rate Interface
BS Base Station
BU Base Station Basic Unit
BU Basic Unit
CPE Customer Premises Equipment
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundant Check
DC Direct Current
DLC Data Link Control
EOC Embedded Operation Channel
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FDD Frequency Duplexing Division
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
GHz Giga Hertz
IF Intermediate Frequency
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ITU-T International Telecommunications Union
Telecommunications Standardization Sector
LAN Local Area Network
LCI Local Craft Interface
LLC Logical Link Control
LOS Loss of Signal
MAC Media Access Control
Mbps Mega Bits per Second
MHz Mega Hertz
PABX Private Branch Exchange
PAD Packet Assembler/Disassembler
PC Personal Computer
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PM Performance Monitoring
PMP Point-to-Multi-Point
PRI Primary Rate Interface
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

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RAM Random Access Memory

RF Radio Frequency
RFU Radio Frequency Unit
SME Small/Medium Enterprise
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TS Terminal Station
BU-TS Terminal Station Basic Unit
VAC Volts Alternating Current
VDC Volts Direct Current
WLL Wireless Local Loop

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