2013 Cognition and Capabilities

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Cognition & Capabilities: A Multi-Level


Article in The Academy of Management Annals June 2013

DOI: 10.1080/19416520.2013.769318


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2 authors:

J.P. Eggers Sarah Kaplan

New York University University of Toronto


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New York University
Stern School of Business
Department of Management and Organizations
40 West 4th Street, Tisch 715
New York, NY 10012
[email protected]

University of Toronto
Rotman School of Management
105 St. George St., Room 7068
Toronto, ON, Canada, M5S 3E6
[email protected]

Academy of Management Annals

January 15, 2013

Key words: cognition, capabilities, routines, dynamic managerial capabilities, exaptation,

interpretation, organizational change, assembly of capabilities

The authors are grateful for comments on earlier drafts from Pamela Barr, Gino Cattani,
Constance Helfat, Jennifer Howard-Grenville, John Joseph, Tomi Laamanen, Anita McGahan,
Sven Petersen, Mary Tripsas, and Gianmario Verona, as well as participants at the SMS Annual
Conference (2012). The authors are listed alphabetically. All errors and omissions remain the

Abstract: Research on managerial cognition and on organizational capabilities has essentially

developed in two parallel tracks. We know much from the Resource Based View about the
relationship between capabilities and organizational performance. Separately, managerial
cognition scholars have shown how interpretations of the environment shape organizational
responses. Only recently have scholars begun to link the two sets of insights. These new links
suggest that routines and capabilities are based in particular understandings about how things
should be done, that the value of these capabilities is subject to interpretation, and that even the
presence of capabilities may be useless without managerial interpretations of their match to the
environment. This review organizes these emerging insights in a multi-level cognitive model of
capability development and deployment. The model focuses on the recursive processes of
constructing routines (capability building blocks), assembling routines into capabilities, and
matching capabilities to perceived opportunities. To date, scholars have focused most attention
on the organizational-level process of matching. Emerging research on the microfoundations of
routines contributes to the micro-level of analysis. The lack of research on capability assembly
leaves the field without a bridge connecting the macro and micro levels. The model offers
suggestions for research directions to address these challenges.

Research on the impact of organizational capabilities on firm performance has been a

centerpiece of strategic management theory in the 1990s and 2000s. But through much of this

research, the role of managers has been conspicuously absent from the conversation (see such

seminal work as Collis, 1994, and Barney, 1991). This has begun to change. Adner and Helfat

(2003) and King and Tucci (2002) have more recently argued that capabilities (and resources)

must be properly utilized by managers in order to be effective at driving firm performance.

Similarly, in Teeces evolving discussion of dynamic capabilities, the focus is particularly

organizational in the early articles (Teece, Pisano & Shuen, 1994, 1997) and decidedly more

managerial later on (Teece, 2007; Augier & Teece, 2009).

Recognizing that strategies for the deployment of capabilities are conceived of and

implemented by managers, researchers have begun to devote more attention to the cognition of

managers and the interpretive processes in which they engage (e.g., Benner & Tripsas, 2012;

Eggers & Kaplan, 2009; Gavetti, 2005; Kunc & Morecroft, 2010). Their initial insights suggest

that managerial cognition plays a central role in capability development and deployment. While

these initial studies are intriguing, they remain fragmented. We sense that they are examining

different parts of the elephant without an appreciation of the whole animal. This article seeks to

draw together the different bits and pieces in order to provide a sketch of the elephant. In doing

so, we offer a detailed review, a dynamic model, and a roadmap for future research on the

interconnections between cognition and capabilities.

Intellectual history of cognition and capabilities

Starting with Lawrence and Lorschs (1967) seminal work on organizations responses to

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their environments and Learned, Christensen, Andrews and Guths (1965) introduction of the

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) framework, research in strategic

management focused primarily on the match that organizations made with exogenously given

parameters established by the environment in which they operated.

Since that time, two streams of research emerged one examining organizational

capabilities and the other managerial cognition. The capabilities approach (and the Resource

Based View) problematized the organization by showing that heterogeneous capability

endowments across organizations could lead to differential performance even in the same

environment (Barney, 1991; Henderson & Cockburn, 1994; Henderson & Clark, 1990; Nelson &

Winter, 1982; Prahalad & Hamel, 1990; Wernerfelt, 1984). Managerial cognition scholars

problematized the environment by suggesting that it is not purely exogenous; instead, managerial

interpretations of the environment shape how organizations respond to it (Barr, Stimpert & Huff,

1992; Daft & Weick, 1984; Lant, Milliken & Batra, 1992; Ocasio, 1997; Porac, Thomas &

Baden-Fuller, 1989; Reger & Palmer, 1996).

Both of these approaches capabilities and cognition were useful correctives to the

then-prevailing assumptions in strategic management. And they each spawned tremendously rich

streams of research that continue to this day. However, they have essentially developed along

parallel but separate paths (Laamanen & Wallin, 2009).1 That is, the cognition scholars have for

the most part foregrounded managerial interpretations of the environment while black boxing or

at least backgrounding the routines, skills and capabilities of the organization. And, the

capabilities scholars have focused on capabilities as a source of inertia or adaptation to the

environment without considering how the interpretation of the possibilities presented by the

Laamanen and Wallins (2009) search of 20 years of the top 10 management journals in the ISI Web of Knowledge
identified 426 research articles referring to cognition and 586 to capabilities, but only 30 that addressed both, of
which only 10 focused on the relationships between them.

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environment might matter for outcomes.

It is only recently that scholars have begun to link the two sets of insights. This has come

primarily in the form of studies that examine organizational response to change in the operating

environment. These studies highlight, for example, how the match between capabilities and the

market cannot be made if managerial beliefs are not aligned with the opportunity (Eggers &

Kaplan, 2009; Tripsas & Gavetti, 2000) or how forward-looking managerial attention to new

opportunities can even compensate for a lack of needed capabilities in spurring the organization

to take action (Gavetti, 2005). While most of the work has focused on the match made between

the organization and its environment, other research has shifted the focus to the

microfoundations of capabilities in order to shed light on how they are developed. Here, scholars

have suggested that routines and capabilities emerge from particular understandings about how

things should be done (Coriat & Dosi, 1998; Kaplan & Henderson, 2005) and that the nature and

usefulness of these capabilities is subject to interpretation over time (Danneels, 2011).

A plan for this study

To reflect on these recent developments and build a tighter link between research on

capabilities and that on cognition, this paper explores the possible interconnections at various

levels of analysis from routines to capabilities to organizations.2 It blends previously

unconnected or only partially connected literatures that together shed light on important

questions about how cognition and capabilities are reciprocally intertwined.

The literature points to three processes by which cognition and capabilities recursively

It is not within purview of this study, nor would it be feasible, to provide comprehensive reviews of each of the
separate domains of cognition and capabilities. For deeper considerations of these areas, see Walsh (1995) and
Kaplan (2011) on managerial cognition, and Becker (2004), Felin and Foss (2009), Parmagiani and Howard-
Grenville (2011), and Gavetti et al (2012) on routines and/or capabilities.

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interact. First, the process of construction addresses the ways in which cognition is implicated

in the development and maintenance of routines, which are the building blocks of capabilities.

Second, the process of assembly addresses how these building blocks are assembled based on

managerial interpretations of the potential value of the resulting capabilities. Third, the process

of matching addresses how choices about the application of capabilities to the environment are

shaped by managers interpretations of the match between them. A variety of literatures offers

glimpses into these three processes and, collectively suggest a model of capability development

and deployment that considers the role of cognition across the levels of routines, capabilities, and


This review first discusses why incorporating cognition should be valuable in updating a

basic model of capability development and deployment. The review then analyzes existing

studies that inform each of the three cognitive processes that generate a more complete model of

the relationship between capabilities and performance, and reflects on the recursive links that

identify the interdependencies in these processes. The model helps classify the literature into

meaningful categories and also identify gaps and open questions that should be useful in guiding

future research.


A central argument of many streams within strategic management is that capabilities and

resources are built through experience, and that these capabilities and resources in turn drive

organizational performance. The latter is the central contribution of the Resource Based View of

the firm, which views heterogeneity in organizational resources as an explanatory factor for

heterogeneity in performance (Barney, 1991; Wernerfelt, 1984). The concept that these

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capabilities and resources are accumulated through experience builds on concurrent work in

organizational learning (Argote, Beckman & Epple, 1990) and asset accumulation (Dierickx &

Cool, 1989). From an empirical perspective, experience-based measurements are often used as a

proxy for the resources and capabilities possessed by the organization (e.g., Klepper & Simons,

2000; Zollo, Reuer & Singh, 2002). A few studies (exemplified by King and Tucci, 2002)

highlight the managerial choice of a strategy moderates the link between capabilities and

performance, but in the majority of studies managerial choice is not explicitly modeled or

measured. Managers are seen as seamless and rational conduits in the deployment of capabilities.

The implied model of capability development and deployment therefore looks like Figure 1a

below organizations accumulate experience that leads to the creation of capabilities, and those

capabilities are deployed (implicitly through managerial choices) to generate organizational


-- Insert Figure 1a about here --

Yet, such a model connecting experience to organizational performance makes three

assumptions that elide important processes. The first assumption is that the origins and

emergence of capabilities are unproblematic experience consistently and predictably leads to

capability development. Organizational capabilities are seen as given from initial endowments of

the organization, are fixed at any one point in time, and evolve based on a path dependent

process of local search (Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993; Wernerfelt, 1984).

A return to the original evolutionary theories that inform the resource-based view (Nelson

& Winter, 1982; and, more recently, Winter, 2000; Zollo & Winter, 2002) emphasizes the

cognitive underpinnings of capabilities. These theories conceptualize routines as building blocks

of capabilities and the source of routines as organizational truces around understandings of

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how things are done and what motivates people to act (Cohendet & Llerena, 2003; Coriat &

Dosi, 1998; Kaplan & Henderson, 2005; Zbaracki & Bergen, 2010). This literature proposes that

routines (capability building blocks) emerge through a collective process of developing beliefs

about what is in peoples interests and what activities should be done. Thus, an understanding of

the cognitive aspects affecting the translation of experience into routines that are ultimately

assembled into capabilities would improve the model of capability development and deployment.

Therefore, constructing routines is the first additional process that is useful to update Figure 1a.

Second, the model represented in Figure 1a assumes that managers are fully aware of

their organizations existing and potential capabilities. In reality, however, we know very little

about how managers understand what the organization is capable of and how the capability

building blocks are assembled into capabilities to be deployed in particular contexts.

Evolutionary theories are silent about how these building blocks are transformed into capabilities

(Abell et al., 2008), but an implication of the idea of routines as building blocks is that some

assembly is required. Research suggests that cognition could play a role in the assessment and

assembly of capabilities through two potential paths. One comes from a signal-plus-noise

perspective (Swets & Pickett, 1982) in which the organization possesses underlying capabilities

that could be used to create value, but managers develop only noisy perceptions of those

capabilities. These perceptions are subject to classic biases of interpretation (Garbuio, King &

Lovallo, 2011). By this logic, the best managers would be the ones with the most accurate

mental representations of their organizations capabilities. As Alchian and Demsetz (1972: p.

793) state, efficient production with heterogeneous resources is a result not of having better

resources but in knowing more accurately the relative productive performances of those


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An alternate view emerges from Helfat and Winters (2011: p. 1244) definition of a

capability as having a specific and intended purpose: as an example, the capability to

manufacture a car has the specific and intended purpose to produce a functioning automobile

(see also Amit & Schoemaker, 1993; Dosi, Nelson & Winter, 2000; Helfat et al., 2007; Winter,

2003). In this case, the development of an understanding or interpretation of that purpose must

be central to the assembly of the capability. This argument implies that capabilities exist in

part as managers interpret them (Daft & Weick, 1984; Weick, 1969). Until there is an

interpretation of a capabilitys purpose, the organization possesses only a set of routines,

knowledge, and assets and not capabilities per se. Cognition is a mechanism by which routines

are transformed into capabilities. By this logic, there is no difference between the organizations

capabilities and the managers interpretations of those capabilities. Under either assumption

signal-plus-noise or intended purpose an articulation of capability assembly is a second process

needed to update Figure 1a. This would provide a better understanding of how cognition affects

the assembly of capabilities from the building blocks of routines.

The third assumption in the basic model of capability development and deployment is

that the path from capabilities to performance is unproblematic. As Barney and Arikan (2001, p.

174) state, resource-based theory has a very simple view about how resources are connected to

the strategies that a firm pursues. The matching between capabilities and the opportunities

created by the environment is often seen as a set of implicit though rational strategic

choices (King & Tucci, 2002; Klepper & Simons, 2000; Lambkin, 1988). Yet, recent work on

the resource based view points out that what a firm does with its resources is at least as

important as which resources it possesses (Hansen, Perry & Reese, 2004, p. 1280). The

implication is that the mere possession of capabilities does not affect performance outcomes

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are contingent on what managers decide to do with their organizations capabilities.

Managers, of course, do not always make perfectly rational decisions and deploy

capabilities optimally to maximize performance. Further, even if managers rationally deployed

capabilities, this might lead to resource allocation that is ex post inadequate for the opportunity

or threat at hand (Henderson, 1993). Research has shown that managers possess incomplete

views of the external competitive landscape (Porac et al., 1989) and are subject to a number of

biases that affect decision making (March & Shapira, 1987; Miller & Shapira, 2004; March

1994). A focus on managerial choices as a process linking capabilities and performance pushes

us to recognize that managerial choices will be made based on the opportunities created in the

environment only as perceived by organizational participants. Thus, matching (when managers

assess matches between perceived capabilities and perceived opportunities) is the third process

needed to update Figure 1a.

This study seeks to uncover and investigate these hidden assumptions underpinning

Figure 1a, and builds from existing work to explore what we currently know or need to know

about these three processes that implicate cognition in the relationship between capabilities and

performance. The articulation of these three processes constructing, assembling, and matching

helps us to develop a revised model that both sheds light on these typically implicit or ignored

cognitive processes and serves as roadmap for a review of the literature. This revised model

(Figure 1b) provides a first revision to the standard model of the capability-performance

relationship. It is important to note that Figure 1b as drawn here is linear, suggesting that

experience flows through to performance in one direction only. This, of course, is also an

oversimplification that will be corrected after reviewing the literature and identifying the core

recursive processes that further complicate this model.

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-- Insert Figure 1b about here --



How do capabilities emerge? The literature in strategic management has suggested that

prior experience forms the basis of organizational capabilities (Helfat & Lieberman, 2002). The

pre-histories of organizations create potential capabilities that can be leveraged in new sets of

activities (such as entry into new markets) (Eggers, 2012a; Holbrook, Cohen, Hounshell &

Klepper, 2000; King & Tucci, 2002; Klepper & Simons, 2000). Even startups possess historical

roots through the experiences that founders and early members bring to the organization (Burton,

Sorensen & Beckman, 2002; Gong, Baker & Miner, 2005; Klepper, 2002; Klepper & Sleeper,

2005; Shane & Khurana, 2003). How exactly these experiences are transformed into capabilities

is a more difficult question, and most proposed answers center on the concept of routines.

Routines are important because they form the building blocks of capabilities (Dosi,

Nelson & Winter, 2001: p. 4; see also Nelson & Winter, 1982; Teece, Pisano & Shuen, 1997;

Winter, 2000). Routines are patterns of actions that constitute organizational skills:

organizational because they require coordination and cooperation across multiple actors, and

skills because they can be repeated reliably over time (Cohen & Bacdayan, 1994; Feldman &

Pentland, 2003; Miner, 1991; Nelson & Winter, 2002; Parmigiani & Howard-Grenville, 2011).

As such, routines are conceptualized as truces amongst the conflicting interests of these actors,

which embody understandings about how things are done as well as motivations based in what

actors believe to be their interests (Cohendet & Llerena, 2003; Dosi, Levinthal & Marengo,

2003; Gibbons, 2006; Kaplan & Henderson, 2005; Nelson & Winter, 2002; Zbaracki & Bergen,


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As Gavetti (2005) suggests, any consideration of the encoding of routines requires

attention to their cognitive microfoundations. This view suggests that human cognition plays a

major role in sensing, interpreting, encoding, and retrieving prior experiences to use in the

construction of organizational routines. As Kogut and Zander (1996: p. 515) argue:

Firms differ in what they can do. Some produce cars by highly flexible production lines;
others mass-produce. The capabilities to do one or the other is not the choice variable of
classic decision theory. The limitations are not simply that incentives are too weak, or
that people too selfish, to motivate changing capabilities. The roots of this inertia lie in
the wiring of human cognition to acquire tacit procedural knowledge as the basis of
interaction with other individuals.

Research at the individual level has identified procedural memory as the means by which actors

form routines. In experiments, Cohen & Bacdayan (1994) found that paired players in a card

game developed interlocked patterns for performing tasks (and continued to apply them even

when the game changed). They argue that such procedural memory is the means for selecting

and storing routines. Similarly, Chassang (2010) demonstrated that even without complete

information, actors in a repeated game can learn routines to coordinate their actions simply

through the accumulation of history together. Translated to the organizational level, according to

Kogut and Zander (1996: p. 508), such procedural memory provides the conceptual

underpinning to understanding the generation of routines as arising out of sustained

interactions. That which is retained in organizational memory can be deployed at a later time for

the advantage of the organization (Garud & Nayyar, 1994; Hargadon & Sutton, 1997).

The question is, which experiences are encoded into routines for potential future use?

Research on pre-adaptive capabilities (Cattani, 2005: p. 563) suggests that a firms prior

experience is accumulated without anticipation of subsequent uses. Similarly, from a real

options perspective, organizations may develop and store routines without knowledge of their

value nor their eventual deployment (Kogut & Kulatilaka, 2001; Miller, 2002). One risks

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assuming that the retention of routines in organizational memory is purely mechanical. However,

given the plethora of experiences that organizations accumulate, and the compelling evidence of

organizational forgetting (Argote & Epple, 1990; Engestrm, 1990; Holan & Nelson, 2004),

there is evidence to suggest that the selection of some experiences over others to encode into

routines is not mechanical but rather a product of cognitive processes (Levitt & March, 1988).

We consider several different cognitive processes by which experiences are encoded into

routines first, processes with behavioral bases, and, second, the mindful generation and

encoding of experiences (see Table 1 for a summary of the relevant research).

-- Insert Table 1 about here --

Encoding experience into routines

Scholars have identified three behavioral mechanisms that are likely to affect the

encoding of experiences into routines the degree of success, familiarity, and regularity of

experiences. First, Levitt and March (1988: p. 320) suggest that routines are based on

interpretations of the past, which for them means that actors in an organization select and adapt

routines based on the perceived success of outcomes. This behavioral perspective emphasizes

performance relative to aspiration levels as a source of cues that actors use to determine which

experiences to encode into organizational memory. The implication is that successful

experiences are more likely to be encoded than unsuccessful ones (Levinthal & March, 1993: p.

110), which is consistent with research on the difficulty of learning from failure (Baumard &

Starbuck, 2005; Cannon & Edmondson, 2001; Eggers, 2012b; Shepherd, Patzelt & Wolfe, 2011).

Second, experiences that have links with existing routines, knowledge and capabilities

are easier to encode and thus more likely to be stored. This is the premise of absorptive capacity

(Cohen & Levinthal, 1990; Zahra & George, 2002; Lewin, Massini & Peeters 2011) it is easier

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to learn new things that are similar to things already known. Cohen and Levinthal (1990, pp.

129-131) build this assertion based on the cognitive psychological insight that associative

concepts facilitate learning activities. Gavetti, Levinthal and Rivkin (2005) extend the idea of

associative learning in explaining how analogies function to enable the recollection and reuse of

past experience. Thus, experiences that are similar to existing knowledge are more likely to be


Third, experiences that are repeated are easier to encode and remember than rare events.

The cognitive underpinnings of the learning curve suggest that repetition is an element to

improvement in performance (Argote, 1999; Argote & Epple, 1990). By contrast, learning from

rare or infrequent events is seen as difficult because these rare events provide uncertain

(Starbuck, 2009) and difficult-to-interpret cues (Rerup, 2009). Once exception to this

generalization is rare events, such as the space shuttle disasters and nuclear power plant crises

that have such a significant impact that managers cannot avoid encoding learnings (see Starbuck,

2009, and Rerup, 2009), though they may struggle to draw useful inferences from such rare

events. Thus, even if managers and organizations attempt to store and encode data from

infrequent experiences, this information may be improperly encoded and rendered useless, or

even harmful (Zollo & Reuer, 2010). As a result, experiences that are repeated are more likely to

be encoded into routines.

Mindfulness and the intentional creation of routines

The three behavior factors affecting the encoding experience and creation of routines

discussed above success, similarity, and repetition may occur without any conscious effort on

the part of organizational participants. But there is evidence that managerial intention and

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volition may also have significant effects on the encoding of experience. As discussed later in

this paper, managers may perceive the need for new routines to construct desired capabilities,

and this process of intended routine creation may play an important role in altering the

organizations stock of available routines. Salvato (2009) proposes that mindfulness to all sorts

of cues from the internal and external organizational environment (not just performance signals)

can shape how routines are formed and changed. Organizational actors replicate past

experiments by mindfully formalizing a selection of them into organizational routines (Salvato,

2009: p. 400; see also Levinthal & Rerup, 2006). Such mindfulness suggests that managers,

while having little direct control over experiences themselves, may have more control over

which experiences become encoded, presumably targeting experiences that meet desired needs

for the organization.

Thus, backward-looking attention to cues would appear to be complemented by forward-

looking cognition in the selective encoding of experiences into routines (Gavetti & Levinthal,

2000). Actors cognitive frames or schemata of interpretation influence their actions regarding

which experiences to retain and which to discard (Gavetti & Rivkin, 2007). Laamanen and

Wallin (2009: p. 965) describe this instrumental cognition as central to the process of

capability development. Indeed, Helfat and Peteraf (2003, p. 1000) argue that having a central

objective is the starting point for capability development. Frames shape the development of

routines but as experience with these routines accumulates, the frames are refined into heuristics

(Bingham, Eisenhardt & Furr, 2007; Bingham & Haleblian, 2012), which then reciprocally shape

which future experiences get incorporated into routines.

The development of routines as capability building blocks involves the interplay between

actions to perform the routines and understandings of what those actions and experiences mean

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(Feldman & Pentland, 2003). In one study, Knott, Gutpa and Hoopes (2011) identify the

intentional process of modifying existing routines to perform new tasks that better suit

organizational needs, and outline this modification or tricking process as a means of

intentionally changing the organizations routine structure. However, Pentland and Feldman

(2008), in documenting failed attempts at routine creation, highlight that intentionally creating

routines may be difficult at best, and impossible at worst.

At the extreme, routines and cognitive frames or schemata about routines are

coconstituted (Rerup & Feldman, 2011: p. 578; see also Howard-Grenville, 2005), where

interpretations of potential routine usage affect how managers encode new routines and alter

existing ones. This co-constitution involves intentions of actors as well as performances of the

routines that may lead to the retention of routines that deviate in some ways from intentions

(Rerup & Feldman 2011). That is, routines have performative and ostensive aspects where the

intention shapes the performance but the improvisation of the performance may influence

intention (Feldman & Pentland 2003). Further, the degree to which mindfulness matters in

encoding routines will vary by the type of routine (Becker et al 2005).

The various perspectives on the microfoundations of capabilities suggest that experience

is the source of organizational capability building blocks, but only as it is selected and encoded

into organizational memory and then repeated in organizational routines. The process by which

this happens is at least in part cognitive. That is, it involves procedural memory, attention to

cues, and cognitive frames that shape the interpretations of the value and usefulness of

experiences. Overall, the existing research in this area suggests that cognition at various levels

of the organization will have a dynamic relationship with routine formation (which then affects

which capabilities the organization possesses). That capability building blocks (i.e., routines) are

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based in cognitive processes has important implications for organizational inertia or adaptation in

the face of change, as any organizational response will require the breaking and remaking of the

truces that support organizational routines (Zbaracki & Bergen, 2010). We return to this

insight in the discussion and conclusion.


If routines are the building blocks of capabilities, how are they assembled? The literature

is nearly silent on this process. We are missing an articulation of the connection between the

micro foundations of routines and the macro-level organizational analysis of the match of

capabilities to the environment. This missing link in the capabilities literature can be at least

partly filled using cognitive explanations for the assembly of capabilities from their building


Helfat and Peteraf (2003) argue that the development of capabilities comes through an

iterative process of trials and reflection by management. Tripsas and Gavettis (2000) and

Laamanen and Wallins (2009) longitudinal analyses of capability evolution are initial empirical

efforts to unpack these dynamics. They show that in each of the organizations they studied,

cognition affected how capabilities were built by shaping choices about what capability

development actions to take. As an example, Laamanen and Wallin (2009) find that because the

leaders of the software firm they studied paid most attention to client needs, they chose to

develop programming capabilities and license external software to improve their offering. This

set of actions in turn provoked efforts to establish a strong capability in branding that would

allow them to position their increasingly standardized products in the market. At Polaroid,

Tripsas and Gavetti (2000) found that attention to new technologies enabled the company to

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develop leading-edge skills in digital imaging, but the belief in the razor/razor blade business

model meant that these skills were never combined effectively with capabilities in marketing and

manufacturing to allow Polaroid to develop profitable products.

In tracing such capability development paths, these scholars powerfully demonstrate that

capabilities are assembled form different sets of routines. Conversely, they also find that

capabilities are not developed if assembly does not take place. Yet, they do not give us a sense

for how the assembly from routines happens. Lavies (2006) theoretical argument about

capability reconfiguration highlights the role of managerial cognition in identifying the ideal

capabilities given the environment in which the organization operates. From his standpoint,

managerial cognition enables organizations to break apart capabilities into their constituent

elements and then reconfigure them through substitution, evolution or transformation. Despite

the lack of research on the assembly process itself, related clues emerge from diverse literatures.

Prior studies suggests that the transformation of routines into capabilities could be supported by

two interrelated sets of cognitive processes: identifying the purpose for which capabilities might

be applied and making interpretations of what the organization can or might be able to do.

Helfat and Winters (2011; see also Helfat & Peteraf, 2003) definition of a capability as

having a specific purpose provides a useful anchor. An essential component of the assembly

process would therefore be to identify that purpose. Seeing the identification of the purpose as

somehow separate from the interpretation of what the organization can do is a potentially

artificial separation of actions that occur concurrently or iteratively. Similarly, the assembly of

capabilities also happens in the matching between them and the environment (the subject of the

next section). However, because so little attention has been paid by scholars to the assembly

process, and because the studies of matching have assumed capabilities to be somewhat fixed,

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it is worth drawing out some of the underlying processes (see Table 2 for a summary of the

related literature). Given that few studies speak directly to the assembly of capabilities, this area

is ripe for future research.

-- Insert Table 2 about here --

Identifying a purpose

As theorized by Helfat & Peteraf (2003), the identification of a purpose is the initial step

in the capability life cycle. This is in line with Penroses (1959/1995) foundational suggestion

that capabilities (or services in her language) imply a designated purpose (p. 25). While the

encoding of experiences into routines may occur without clear intentions, the value of

introducing the idea of the assembly of routines into capabilities is precisely that it highlights

the role of a defined purpose. Purposes typically arise because managers perceive an

organizational shortcoming or a strategic opportunity external to the organization. A substantial

portion of the research on managerial cognition has focused on managers interpretations of the

environment (see Kaplan, 2011; Walsh, 1995, for reviews). The essential idea is that a managers

interpretations of the external landscape will affect how they see their own organizations

abilities to respond to it (Milliken, 1987).

A good deal of this work examines whether managers see the environment as posing

either threats or opportunities (Dutton & Jackson, 1987; Gilbert, 2006; Jackson & Dutton, 1988;

Milliken, 1990), where perceived threats are more likely to anchor managers in their current

understandings of internal capabilities (Bateman & Zeithaml, 1989; Thomas, Clark & Gioia,

1993; Thomas & McDaniel, 1990) while perceived opportunities can relax the rigidity of

routines (Gilbert, 2005). Relatedly, other scholars have shown that the direction of managerial

attention (Ocasio, 1997), either towards new opportunities or instead towards existing markets or

Cognition and Capabilities - 17 -

technologies, affects what capabilities are seen to be salient (Barr, 1998; Garud & Rappa, 1994;

Kaplan, 2008a). This section concentrates on how managers become aware of these challenges

or opportunities, and translate them into purposes that orient capability creation.

The learning literature on problem sensing (also called problem finding, problem

identification, problem recognition, etc.) helps draw out the processes involved with identifying

threats. This research indicates that managers must be aware of a failure or gap in performance

relative to aspirations in order to generate learning about the nature of a problem (Baumard &

Starbuck, 2005; Cannon & Edmondson, 2001; Eggers, 2012b; Haunschild & Sullivan, 2002).

Problem sensing is a starting point for creative action (Unsworth, 2001) and a central dynamic in

learning and education (Hmelo-Silver, 2004). Kiesler & Sproulls (1982) model of problem

sensing suggests a process by which managers attempt to infer causality behind perceived

problems in order to interpret and categorize them. Further, they argue that analogical reasoning

(the process of noting similarities between current problems and prior problems) is one means by

which managers perceive and understand the problems they face. Their model does not,

however, deal directly with how managers become aware of the existence of a problem in the

first place managers are presumed to receive negative (performance) stimuli that alert them to

the existence of the problem.

Research in entrepreneurship has focused instead on opportunities (and not threats),

seeking to understand how entrepreneurs identify which alternatives to pursue. Scholars have

argued that the ability to find market imperfections that might lead to profitable new businesses

is a core aspect of entrepreneurship (Shane & Venkataraman, 2000). This particular stream of

research is useful in thinking about capability assembly because, as Klein (2008: p. 187) argues,

entrepreneurship is about the exercise of judgment over the arrangement of heterogeneous

Cognition and Capabilities - 18 -

capital assets. Specifically, individuals that are more entrepreneurially alert are said to have

flexible schemas as the environment changes (Gaglio & Katz, 2001; Kirzner, 1973).

As articulated by Ardichvili, Cardozo and Ray (2003), entrepreneurial alertness is seen

as a multi-stage process: individuals first perceive an unmet market need, then discover a fit

between the need and available resources, and finally create a new business concept to match the

two. Individuals are heterogeneous in their abilities based on their genetic makeup, background

and experience, and/or the amount and type of information they possess about a particular

opportunity (p. 110). Such alertness takes the form of pattern recognition, and the ability to

recognize such patterns in the environment is a skill built through experience (Baron & Ensley,

2006). While these visions of entrepreneurial alertness are relatively passive individuals either

do or do not perceive opportunities (e.g., Shane, 2000) they offer a starting point for an

exploration of purposeful interpretive processes that the revised model of capability development

and deployment would suggest are likely to be present.

Note that the theories behind opportunity identification and threat (or problem) sensing

differ in their underlying assumptions. As Lai and Grnhaug (1994) suggest, problems may be

seen to exist objectively, waiting to be discovered, or they can be seen to be constructed through

managerial action (Agre, 1982; Nadler, 1983). Similarly most of the research on opportunities

sees them as exogenously determined, though some scholars have portrayed opportunities as

created through entrepreneurial action (Alvarez & Barney, 2007). Gregoire, Barr and Shepherd

(2010) offer just such a purposeful view in suggesting that awareness increases as managers

build on prior knowledge to diagnose potential opportunities. In either case, the identification of

the purpose for the deployment of capabilities should be central in the process by which

capabilities are assembled from their building blocks. The process of identifying a purpose also

Cognition and Capabilities - 19 -

provides inputs further downstream to the matching process (through the labeling and

identification of a given capability) and upstream to the processes of intentional coding of new

routines to fill gaps in the portfolio.

Understanding what the organization can do

The other cognitive aspect of capability assembly is in understanding what the building

blocks are, or said differently, in finding out what the organization can do. While academics and

practitioners both acknowledge the importance of managers understanding of their

organizations resources and capabilities (Danneels, 2011; Marino, 1996), it seems that doing so

is not straightforward. Managers in the same organization can have very different views about

the capabilities present within that organization (Birkinshaw & Arvidsson, 2004). For example,

Denrell, Arvidsson and Zander (2004) found via a large scale empirical survey that the interrater

reliability of respondents from the same organization in their assessment of the organizations

proficiency in strategic capabilities was only 0.28, suggesting significant internal disagreement

about the presence of certain capabilities. This variance in perception implies that studying the

differences in those interpretations is an important part of understanding how capabilities are

assembled. The process by which managers recognize what the organization can do is neither

straightforward nor linear it is inherently iterative, building on feedback about efficacy and

usefulness from attempts to use the capabilities being assembled.

The literature suggests two basic mechanisms by which actors learn about their own

organizations skills. The first is through their direct experience in the organization. Rulke,

Zaheer and Anderson (2000) introduce the term organizational self-knowledge to capture the

extent to which managers understand the strengths of their own organization, and show that such

Cognition and Capabilities - 20 -

knowledge derives largely from direct personal interactions with people and activities within the

organization. Denrell, Arvidsson & Zander (2004) found that when managers agreed about their

organizations capabilities, it was in cases of the greatest familiarity with the activities and

performance of the division or business unit where the capability was located. Similarly, Miner,

Gong, Baker and OToole (2011) argue that prior managerial experience with specific routines

and capabilities increases the likelihood that they are both well understood and redeployed

consciously or unconsciously to solve new problems.

The exact process by which direct managerial experience translates into understanding of

their organizations capabilities, however, is still somewhat unclear. One potential explanation is

based on transactive memory, which has been used to identify how individuals learn about the

skills possessed by others, especially team members (Argote & Ren, 2012; Ren & Argote, 2011;

Wegner, 1986). Transactive memory is built through interpersonal interactions and the

observation of the skills and actions of other individuals (Liang, Moreland & Argote, 1995). To

the extent that the routines and knowledge that form the building blocks of capabilities reside in

individuals within the organization, the transactive memory perspective may be applicable. A

second perspective that may be helpful is based on procedural memory, which captures the way

in which individuals build learned skills or nondivisible cognitive operations (Kogut &

Zander, 1996). Such memory is build through sustained interaction, and represents a form of

automatic, tacit knowledge about how to complete a task (Cohen & Bacdayan, 1994). Therefore,

managers can come to know what an organization can do through their own experiences in

executing routines. Transactive memory and procedural memory provide possible processes by

which experience helps managers understand the capabilities of the organization.

Another mechanism for understanding capabilities is through comparison with other

Cognition and Capabilities - 21 -

organizations (often, competitors). Benchmarking is a well-known procedure through which

managers can interpret their own organizations strengths and weaknesses (Drew, 1997).

Managerial cognition research points out that the selection of those competitors is itself an

interpretive process, where the relevant competitive strategic groups should be understood as

cognitive strategic groups (Baum & Lant, 2003; Giaglis & Fouskas, 2011; Porac et al., 1989;

Reger & Huff, 1993; Sutcliffe & Huber, 1998). Managers will notice and imitate those

organizations that they perceive to be in their industry (Benner & Tripsas, 2012). Further, the

identification of which aspects of these competitors activities to copy is also cognitive (Greve,

1998; Greve & Taylor, 2000). The sources of a competitors success (or failure) may not be

obvious, and thus managers must sort through noisy signals or make interpretations about what

might be worth copying (or worth avoiding).

The above studies on interpretations of the environment and interpretations of capabilities

suggest that the assembly of capabilities from routines happens through the intersection of these

two cognitive processes, where there is no strict temporal sequencing. Laamanen and Wallins

(2009: p. 977) conclusion from their analysis of capability development paths echoes this insight:

Managerial cognition and capability paths develop as distinct but mutually intertwined co-

evolutionary processes that over time condition each others evolution. The interpretation of the

environment (as an opportunity to seize or a problem to be solved) should be seen as an essential

part of the process by which managers interpret and assemble capabilities. This sense of purpose

provides some structure to the process of understanding what an organizations capabilities are.


The final process in the updated model of capability development and deployment is the

cognitive process by which managers match capabilities and opportunities. This matching

Cognition and Capabilities - 22 -

process affects what managers actually do with the capabilities that organizations possess (Foss,

2011; Hansen et al., 2004). Penrose (1959/1995) argues that capabilities are bundles of resources

that are deployed based on their match with perceived opportunities, where the environment is an

image in the entrepreneurs mind (p. 42). While capability assembly has received little

attention, studies of the match managers make between capabilities to opportunities have been

more plentiful (see Table 3 for a summary of the relevant research).

-- Insert Table 3 about here --

The insight of managerial cognition scholars such as Barr, Stimpert and Huff (1992),

Tripsas and Gavetti (2000) and Gilbert (2006) is that it is not enough for managers to develop

interpretive schema of their marketplace or to assemble a set of capabilities, they must mobilize

those capabilities in taking strategic action. More specifically, cognitive frames are seen to have

diagnostic and prognostic dimensions such that any strategic choice stems from interpretations

about the environment as well as about what actions should be taken (Kaplan, 2008b). Frames,

therefore, shape the organizations dedication of scarce resources to one capability or another

(Laamanen & Wallin 2009). This resource allocation process is the central task of strategic

management (Bower, 1970).

There are many disparate streams of research that make this point interpretive schema

shape resource allocation and capability deployment. For example, Prahalad & Bettis (1986)

have suggested that resource allocation is cognitive in that it is based in a dominant logic.

They define dominant logic as the way in which managers conceptualize the business and make

critical resource allocation decisions (p. 500). The essential point is that the dominant logic

represents a collective cognition about the strategy and objectives of the organization, and that

this shared cognition affects what opportunities the organization will choose to pursue. As

Cognition and Capabilities - 23 -

summarized by Bettis and Prahalad (1995) in their ten year retrospective, dominant logic has

been used to explain a large number of observed patterns of organizational change, including

diversification and learning (Ginsberg, 1990) and adaptation and inertia (Prahalad & Hamel,

1994). Subsequent research has focused on extending the effects of dominant logics to other

corporate activities, including the strategy creation of new ventures (e.g., West, 2007) and on the

international expansion patterns of large organizations (e.g., Levy, Schon, Taylor & Boyacigiller,

2007). The common thread has been that initial choices create a dominant logic that then dictates

the perceived suitability of future options in a path dependent fashion.

Relatedly, scholars examining organizational identity describe it as the perceptual lens

through which strategic choices are made (Milliken 1990; Dutton & Dukerich, 1991; Gioia &

Thomas, 1996; Gioia, Patvardhan, Hamilton & Corley, 2013). Researchers studying business

models describe them as the heuristic logic that connects technical potential with the realization

of economic value (Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002: p. 529) and thus shape the degree to

which organizations can mobilize their resources to pursue new opportunities (Chesbrough,

2010; Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002; Tikkanen, Lamberg, Parvinen & Kallunki, 2005).

Observing matching: inertia & adaptation, diversification & growth

The phenomena most amenable to observing the matching process have been in studies

of organizational inertia and adaptation to change and in studies of diversification and growth. It

is such moments of change that reveal cognitive dynamics that might otherwise be

indistinguishable from the standard operating procedures of the organization.

A central focus of the research on managerial cognition has been in understanding why

organizations tend to do a poor job of adapting to change in the environment (Milliken & Lant,

Cognition and Capabilities - 24 -

1991). As Barr, Stimpert & Huff (1992: p. 16) suggest, managers mental models both facilitate

and limit attention to and encoding of salient information about changes in organizational

environments and may lead managers to overlook important environmental changes so that

appropriate action at the organizational level is not taken. Their early study in this area

compared two railway companies and showed that it was not enough for the managers to see

changes in the environment, it was the ability to translate those insights into changes in the

organization that made the difference in eventual performance.

A series of studies have followed this approach, each establishing a link between

managers interpretations of the environment, their choices about strategic action and the

performance of their organizations. For example, Barrs (1998) study of pharmaceutical firms

showed that managers interpretations of an external shock (increases in regulation) varied across

organizations and changed over time. The insight here was that these interpretations did not lead

to a shift in resource deployment until the environmental shift was seen to have a meaningful

impact on performance (see also Nadkarni & Barr, 2008). Osborne, Stubbart and Ramaprasad

(2001) found that pharmaceutical firms fell into different cognitive strategic groups depending

on their views of various themes (such as overseas expansion). Affiliation with these groups

was associated both with differences in such strategic actions as facilities expansion or

introduction of new products and with reports about the performance impact of those activities.

Kaplan, Murray and Henderson (2003) found that pharmaceutical firms efforts to build new

capabilities in the emerging field of biotechnology (as evidenced by patenting and scientific

publication) were preceded by shifts in managerial attention toward this new market.

Related studies on organizational identity find that persistent and strong identities can

restrict the ability to adapt organizational capabilities to new environmental conditions and new

Cognition and Capabilities - 25 -

opportunities (Kogut & Zander, 1996; Zucker & Darby, 1997; Gioia et al, 1994; Gioia et al,

2013). That is, even if some capabilities are present, they may not be leveraged to address a

market threat or opportunity if it is inconsistent with the organizations identity. Tripsas (2009)

study of a flash memory company demonstrated how identity shaped managers interpretations of

external events. As a result, they filtered out changes that might challenge their organizational

identity. Further, because the organizations identity was an underpinning of their routines and

capabilities, the company could not change the organization without changing the identity and

vice versa: it was difficult to change the identity without changing the organizational capabilities

(see also, Nag, Corley & Gioia, 2007 on this last point).

The message of much of this research is that organizations will fail to adapt when they

cannot adequately match their capabilities to the opportunities or threats seen in the market.

Often the source of inertia is not a lack of capabilities, but rather managers failures to connect

these capabilities to the possibilities created in the environment (Eggers & Kaplan, 2009; Tripsas

& Gavetti, 2000). Their cognitive frames are stuck in an old understanding of the environment.

As Lavie (2006: p. 160) says, A timely recognition of technological change, an accurate

evaluation of its implications for incumbent capabilities, and, in particular, an estimation of the

value-maximizing capability configuration require significant monitoring, information

accumulation, and evaluation costs. Decision makers need to possess sufficient managerial

insight and cognitive abilities in order to analyze changes in the firms external environment.

Thus, possession of the requisite capabilities but without appropriate managerial

awareness may be insurmountable for the firm. The opposite, however, appears not to be true

when firms lack the needed capabilities but managers are attuned to the threat or opportunity,

the cognitive framing can actually compensate for missing capabilities in spurring action.

Cognition and Capabilities - 26 -

Managerial attention can direct the organization (through the mindful processes discussed

earlier) to build up new capabilities that would be better suited to the evolving market (Kaplan,

2008a; Rosenbloom, 2000).

A second research stream where the matching of capabilities to the environment is salient

is in studies of diversification and growth. The focus of most research on capabilities has been on

how capabilities, resources, and assets might be profitably redeployed towards new opportunities

(Penrose, 1959; Prahalad & Hamel, 1990; Teece, 1982). The implication is that the purpose for

which a capability is ultimately used need not always be the one for which it was initially

encoded. Resources and capabilities are fungible in that they are amenable to use in a diverse

set of applications (Danneels, 2007: p. 516). For organizations that are able to grow (and adapt to

change), managers find ways to create new capabilities or recombine old capabilities in new

ways. Managers can renew, redeploy, reapply, recombine, retrench or retire capabilities over the

course of the capability life cycle (Helfat & Peteraf 2003). This reuse or recombination has been

described as exaptation (or sometimes pre-adaptation) (Cattani, 2005; Dew, 2007; Marquis

& Huang, 2010). Borrowed from evolutionary theory (Gould & Vrba, 1982), the concept of

exaptation highlights the fact that traits that evolved for one purpose could be used later for

another (new) purpose. As adopted by management theory, it focuses attention on how

capabilities developed for one product market could be used in another.

While most of this research views fungibility as an inherent aspect of the capability itself,

some scholars have suggested that exaptation is a cognitive process. Most notable is Danneels

(2011), who introduces the concept of resource cognition to describe how managers

understand the organizations existing resources and their potential to be deployed in new tasks.

The implication is that managers with different perspectives on the possible applications of their

Cognition and Capabilities - 27 -

existing capabilities will look to recombine them in different ways. Similarly, Taylor and Helfat

(2009) focus on the process by which managerial cognition affects the ability to use existing

complementary assets in support of a new technological opportunity. They argue that such

redeployment is evidence of organizational ambidexterity (see also O'Reilly & Tushman, 2004;

Smith & Tushman, 2005), stating that, articulation by top management of a common vision and

values that bridge dual contexts increases the likelihood of ambidexterity (p. 725). Additionally,

Regnrs (2008) analysis of the relationship between strategy process research and dynamic

capabilities argues that managerial cognition and action affect organizational development of

new capabilities and capability redeployment in new contexts. The cognitive context the lens

through which existing capabilities and potential opportunities are interpreted in which

managers conceive of and craft strategies has implications for what new capabilities will be


Capabilities may be fungible, but their (re)deployment depends on managers cognitive

frames. What has been perceived in the past as core rigidities (Leonard-Barton 1997; Levinthal

& March, 1993; Tushman & Anderson 1986) may rest to a certain extent in managerial cognition

rather than in the organizational capabilities themselves. While this relationship between

capabilities and cognition is certainly interesting and provocative, more work is needed,

particularly on the boundary conditions under which managerial cognition can compensate for a

lack of capabilities and encourage organizational change and growth.

Identifying matching processes

If the prior section focused on the extent to which matching between capabilities and

opportunities occurs, comparatively less is known about the processes by which such matching

Cognition and Capabilities - 28 -

between capabilities and perceived opportunities takes place. We can infer some mechanisms,

however, from research on individual and social cognition. These can be grouped loosely into the

categories of attention and search.

Attention-based theories suggest that decisions about resource allocation are shaped by

how organizations channel managers attention (Ocasio, 1997: p. 188), What decision makers

do depends on what issues and answers they focus their attention on. Attention signals the

managers willingness to pursue a course of action, serving as a sign-post for the organizations

employees and stakeholders about the focus and orientation of the organization (Eggers &

Kaplan, 2009; Ocasio, 1997). DAveni and McMillans (1990: p. 650) study of managerial

attention in organizations that subsequently fail highlight the role of crisis-induced perceptual

shifts among top managers in influencing turnaround success. Joseph and Ocasios (2012) study

of General Electric showed how the channels of attention influenced the degree to which the

organization pursued adaptive moves such as commercializing products in new markets,

establishing distribution partnerships, or acquisitions of organizations. In each case, the potential

adaptation involved shedding old capabilities or building new ones, therefore implying that

channeling attention can shape how capabilities are developed and which potential matches are


Studies of top management teams have suggested that attention is shaped by team

demographics and collaborative processes. Researchers have found, for example, that top teams

with greater tenure resist change because they get wedded to the organizations traditional way

of doing business (Finkelstein & Hambrick, 1990; Hambrick, Geletkanycz & Fredrickson, 1993).

The degree of consensus amongst top team members affects what opportunities they perceive as

salient and which are not attractive or feasible (Ginsberg, 1989, 1990; Kazanjian & Drazin,

Cognition and Capabilities - 29 -

1987). When top teams fail to recognize change (Barr et al., 1992; Cho & Hambrick, 2006;

Kaplan et al., 2003; Milliken, 1990; Wiersema & Bantel, 1992), their organizations exhibit


Cho and Hambrick (2006) explicitly address the links between top team demographics

and direct measures of attention. In their study of deregulation in the airline industry, they

showed first that the industry tenure, the functional experiences and the heterogeneity of the

team were all associated with strategic change and adaptation. Second, they found that shifts in

the top teams attention from an engineering to an entrepreneurial orientation were also

associated with subsequent changes in strategic actions and these attention shifts partially

mediated the effects of the top team characteristics. These results suggest a top teams

knowledge and interactions work in part to channel attention towards some matches between

opportunities and capabilities and not others.

A second category of cognitive matching processes is that of search. Tripsas and Gavetti

(2000, p. 1157), in their detailed study of Polaroids failure to adapt to the new digital

photography technologies, state that search processes in a new learning environment are deeply

interconnected to the way managers model the new problem space and develop strategic

prescriptions premised on this view of the world. They show in their map of the evolution of

capabilities and beliefs over several time periods that Polaroid did not have difficulties in

developing new digital technological capabilities. They failed, instead, to make the match

between those capabilities to the changing environment. The set of beliefs of top management

in the primacy of technology and in the razor and blade business model in which hardware was

not seen as a source of profits shaped the degree and direction of their search activities.

Analogical reasoning is another search process by which matching of opportunities and

Cognition and Capabilities - 30 -

capabilities occurs. With roots in cognitive psychology (Gick & Holyoak, 1980), studies of

organizational analogical reasoning suggest that it is key to strategic decision making (Gavetti,

2013; Gavetti et al., 2005). First, managers assess the similarity between a focal new option and

prior opportunities pursued by the organization. If the new opportunity is perceived as a close

match, and the prior decision was successful, then the new opportunity is more likely to be seen

as a match. If, conversely, the new opportunity is perceived as closely matching a prior action

that was unsuccessful, the likelihood of perceiving a match decreases. Comparative analogues

between current and past opportunities act as a means by which search is conducted and filtered.

We suspect that there is more going on in the matching process than only attention and

search. Prior research says very little about whether, for example, managers might evaluate

potential matches through experimentation (akin to the online search discussed by Gavetti &

Levinthal, 2000), either through adopting potentially reversible courses of action or testing

possible matches in beta or pilot form. Given recent interest in crowdsourcing (Surowiecki,

2005), do (and should) managers turn to polling or voting by managers, employees, or

shareholders to evaluate potential matches? Future research might explore these and other



This review uncovered three dynamics by which cognition is implicated in capability

development and deployment: constructing (forming the microfoundations of routines),

assembling (shaping how managers assemble and understand the organizations capabilities),

and matching (driving how managers see a fit between internal capabilities and external

opportunities). Adding these cognitive processes to the model of capability development and

Cognition and Capabilities - 31 -

deployment (as in Figure 1b above) enriches the standard view in the capabilities literature.

However, research suggests that these processes are not as linear as presented in Figure 1b.

Indeed, scholars have highlighted several ways that the relationships are recursive. Figure 1c

documents these recursive relationships and represents a more comprehensive cognitive model

of capability development and deployment. Having already discussed the three central cognitive

processes included in Figure 1b, this next section identifies the recursive relationships included

in Figure 1c. We also highlight different perspectives on the temporal ordering of these


-- Insert Figure 1c about here --

Five iterative processes

To start, experience is often portrayed as the initial input to the development of routines

while performance is shown to be the central outcome of interest. However, this outcome is also

a potential contribution to experience, as organizational performance in the current period

becomes prior experience that drives capability development in a future period (recursive link 1

in Figure 1c). This highlights an iterative pattern of feedback-based learning as actions and

outcomes are (given the limitations discussed above) encoded into future routines. This circular

pattern plays out in two ways. First, positive performance is more likely to result in knowledge

that managers are willing and able to encode into routines for future reuse (Levinthal & March,

1993). Failed experiences, therefore, are less likely to result in the development of new routines

than successful ones (Cannon & Edmondson, 2001; Eggers, 2012b; Starbuck & Hedberg, 2001).

Second, prior organizational performance provides one set of aspiration levels that affect the

likelihood of managers engaging in active search processes to develop new routines and

capabilities (Gavetti & Rivkin, 2007; Greve, 2003). This relationship is not necessarily linear

Cognition and Capabilities - 32 -

performance below aspirations may increase search activities, but poor performance that

increases the risk of bankruptcy (March & Shapira, 1992; Miller & Chen, 2004) or occurs in

unfamiliar domains (Denrell & March, 2001; Eggers, 2012b; Eggers & Suh, 2012) may dampen

search activities. Thus, experience that is transformed into routines does not only come from

learning by doing (Levitt & March, 1988), but also from learning that is triggered by prior


The next two feedback loops shape the encoding of experience into routines. As Huff,

Huff & Barr (2000) suggest in their cognitively anchored model of strategic change, feedback

may initiate in the assembly process (recursive link 2 in Figure 1c), as managers realize that they

lack the building blocks to assemble the desired capability, or in the matching process (recursive

link 3 in Figure 1c), as managers perceive external opportunities that require the creation of new

capabilities. Thus, it may be the very matching process that triggers or enables the assembly of

capabilities from their building blocks, and the resulting revised goals also instigate the

construction of new routines.

Such triggers lead to the intentional absorption of new experiences to augment the

knowledge stock of the organization. Experiences can also result from intentional actions to

augment the knowledge stock of the organization. Such intentional processes include internal

search and development (Gavetti, 2005), learning from others (Haunschild & Miner, 1997),

learning through hiring (Rosenkopf & Almeida, 2003; Song, Almeida & Wu, 2003), or learning

through alliances and mergers (Khanna, Gulati & Nohria, 1998; Koza & Lewin, 1998). Such new

knowledge and skills can then be encoded into organizational memory, repeated and retained as

new routines. Gavetti and Levinthal (2000), in their simulation work, applied this general insight

to show that cognitive representations guide organizational search and experiential learning.

Cognition and Capabilities - 33 -

Assembly and matching are therefore iterative processes that shape the organizations portfolio

of routines. Managers may become aware of an opportunity, but if the organization lacks the

capabilities to take full advantage of it, managers might instigate search processes to build or

acquire the necessary capabilities.

With regard to assembly itself, the distinction between the identification of a purpose and

the diagnosing of organizational routines is analytically useful but likely unrealistic in practice.

Helfat & Peteraf (2003) make a temporal distinction between identifying a purpose and the

process of actually building a new capability, but are silent about diagnosing the existing

capability building blocks beyond suggesting that the endowments present at founding set the

stage for further capability development by preconditioning the emergence of a capability (p.

1001). From this, one could infer that managers must understand the existing routine base before

developing a plan for a new capability. Conversely, the identification of a purpose has been

argued to precede the intentional creation of new routines (in order to know which routines to

create), but even this process is muddied by the potential that the results of any intentional

routine creation processes may not perfectly match the intended outcome (Rerup & Feldman

2001; Howard-Grenville 2005). This might necessitate further updates to the purpose of the


As a result, the two parts of the assembly process (identification of a purpose and

diagnosing existing routines) should be seen as interacting (recursive link 4 in Figure 1c) as

managers use their perceptions of an organizations goals to shape their understanding of the

potential value of the routines that the organization possesses. Thus, there likely is not a strict

temporal sequencing in aggregating routines into capabilities. Routines are building blocks that

can be taken apart and assembled in new ways based on new interpretations. That said, there is

Cognition and Capabilities - 34 -

so little existing research on the assembly process that future research specifically on the

interplay between these two activities would be useful in providing more detail and context.

Just as cognition has been shown to shape the development of capabilities, capabilities

can influence the interpretations that managers apply (recursive link 5 in Figure 1c). This is the

underpinning of the concept of organizational myopia (Levinthal & March, 1993) in which

routines and capabilities cannot be changed to respond to changes in the environment.

Capabilities can be codified in manuals or guidelines (Zollo & Winter, 2002) or transformed into

shorthand rules of thumb (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000) which become the schema through

which subsequent interpretations are made. As Verona (1999, p. 139) argues, capabilities

contribute to structuring the attention of each agent shaping organizational behavior and,

therefore, affect his or her performance over time. As capabilities get refined in their use, they

become part of well-oiled systems that involve not just day-to-day operations but also managers

understanding of markets and technologies. The smooth functioning of this system maybe useful

in stable contexts, but may block adaptation when the environment changes (Kaplan, 2008b;

Siggelkow, 2001).

This view of capabilities affecting interpretive schema is also related to the idea of

situated attention. According to Ocasio (1997: p. 188), what issues and answers decision-

makers focus on, and what they do, depends on the particular context of situation they find

themselves in (see also Ocasio, 2011) Under this perspective, organizational capabilities

provide important context that affects how managers perceive and interpret the complex array of

routines that the organization possesses. This filtered interpretation process implies that

differences in context may alter the way two different managers perceive the same foundational

building blocks.

Cognition and Capabilities - 35 -

Thus, the presence of these recursive dynamics offers an explanation for sources of

organizational stability and change. If capabilities become tightly intertwined with schema, the

organization can get locked into an existing way of doing business and become unable to shift

their capabilities when such a move might be required. On the other hand, changes in

interpretations, perhaps provoked by performance feedback or by poor matches between the

environment and existing capabilities, can lead to the development of new capabilities over time.

Inside-Out versus Outside-In?

The temporal sequencing and underlying logic of the recursive processes identified in

Figure 1c may occur from the inside out or from the outside in. The views of organizational

growth espoused by Penrose (1959) and Barney (1986), as well as Danneels concept of resource

cognition (2011), focus on understanding the firms existing routines and capabilities first before

considering external opportunities. Under this logic, managers would be likely to engage in the

assembly of routines into potentially useful capabilities before seeking to match those

capabilities to the set of perceived opportunities. This process functions inside-out, with the

initial focus being on the existing capabilities (the inside) before turning to consider the

external (outside) opportunities.

A contrasting perspective of the process builds on cognitive mechanisms such as identity

(Tripsas, 2009) and dominant logic (Prahalad & Bettis, 1986). In this perspective, these

mechanisms are seen as filters that affect how senior managers view specific opportunities. The

presumption is that managers are actively searching for external opportunities, and then engaging

in a matching process (driven by the understanding of the firms routines and capabilities) that

assesses the feasibility of building new capabilities to address the perceived opportunities. This

Cognition and Capabilities - 36 -

process is outside-in, where the perception of a potentially attractive external opportunity (the

outside) encourages managers to look within the firm (inside) to assess whether resources

and capabilities can be cost-effectively marshaled to exploit the opportunity.

Relatedly, Stevenson and Gumpert (1985) contrast typical and entrepreneurial

strategy processes. The typical (of the large, established organization) begins with an

understanding of the resources controlled by the organization in order to decide where to apply

them. The entrepreneurial process begins with the identification of an opportunity before

considering what resources the firm has and (more importantly) where to acquire the resources

that the firm lacks. Both of these two temporal sequences (inside-out or typical and outside-in or

entrepreneurial) are ideal types the reality of organizational behavior and managerial action

will be a complex of both. But, to the extent that (for example) large incumbent organizations

may follow the inside-out method, while entrepreneurs may be more prone to follow an outside-

in approach, taking a cognitive perspective on capability development and deployment may

create a useful meeting point for entrepreneurship and strategic management research.


This review allowed us to build a conceptual model that highlights the importance of

cognition in capability development and deployment. The first part of the multi-level model

articulated the cognitive microfoundations of routines that are the building blocks of

organizational capabilities, namely by exploring what is known about the encoding of experience

as routines are constructed. The second part of the model addressed the cognitive processes by

which managers assemble routines into capabilities in response to interpretations of the

environment. The third part of the model detailed the matching process by which managers make

Cognition and Capabilities - 37 -

strategic choices about whether and when to deploy organizational capabilities towards potential

opportunities. This model extends the existing framework by which capabilities are presumed to

lead to organizational performance and identifies how cognition about experience, capabilities,

and opportunities affects the capability-performance relationship. By highlighting the recursive

relationships amongst these processes, we also emphasize the dynamic, iterative relationship of

cognition and capabilities. Cognition shapes capabilities just as capabilities shape cognition.

In integrating across several previously unconnected literatures, this study has fleshed out

many aspects of a cognitive model of capability development and deployment while at the same

time identifying lacunae to be filled. The recursive model is necessarily complex: no individual

research project could or should endeavor to analyze the entire process. The most fruitful way

forward will continue to be to examine parts of the whole elephant. But the model sensitizes the

scholar to the complexity of the full system and helps make explicit what is being black boxed

while other dynamics are being explored. In using the multi-level model as a foil for analyzing

the existing literature, this review identifies a number of avenues for future research on the role

of cognition in the emergence and assembly of capabilities, in organizational change and

growth, and in dynamic (managerial) capabilities.

The emergence and assembly of capabilities

Recent inquiries into the microfoundations of strategy have dramatically increased

understanding of the origins of capabilities. Despite this work, how experiences are encoded into

routines and then assembled into capabilities is less understood. Prior research offered a number

of suggestions about which types of experience are more likely to be encoded into routines and

capabilities (much of which has been based on laboratory experiments), but few studies have

Cognition and Capabilities - 38 -

tested these ideas within real-world organizations.

There is ample opportunity to develop a more comprehensive and organizationally-

situated approach to questions about which experiences are actually encoded, stored, and

retrieved. In addition, it would be helpful to investigate how managerial action can affect this

process. Scholars could study whether managers, through purposeful action, can increase the

volume, direction or efficiency of experience encoding potentially through mechanisms such as

knowledge management systems and managerial rotations. Alternatively, it may be that there is a

limit to how much organizations can process and store. Recent work has begun to explore these

questions (Laamanen & Wallin, 2009; Rerup & Feldman, 2011; Salvato, 2009), but the field is in

the early stages of understanding these dynamics.

In addition, we need to know more about how managers become aware of and understand

their organizations capabilities (existing and potential). We know that managers disagree about

organizational capabilities (e.g., Denrell et al., 2004; Rulke et al., 2000), but the processes

underlying this effect are not well understood. Without such a perspective, it is hard to diagnose

the exact role played by managers in the creation of organizational capabilities. What actions can

managers take to increase awareness and agreement, and to what extent does this lack of

agreement lead either to costly infighting over a single organizational frame or the inefficient

allocation of resources as different managers pull capabilities in different directions?

Most importantly, the process of capability assembly remains a nearly unexplored

topic. If routines are the building blocks of capabilities, what are the actions that managers (at

any level of the organization) take to assemble routines into capabilities? To the extent that

capabilities are assembled from routines to address a particular opportunity, this question relates

to work on strategic implementation. Recent research on resource orchestration suggests that

Cognition and Capabilities - 39 -

managerial decisions about the deployment of assets plays a role in creating competitive

advantage (e.g., Sirmon, Hitt, Ireland & Gilbert, 2011), but neglects the cognitive dynamics that

the revised model would suggest are important. This question is a space where scholars of

routines and scholars of capabilities can, and should, meet. We suggest that cognition is the

bridge between these two hitherto poorly connected domains.

Organizational change and growth

Of all of the topics discussed in this review, scholars know the most about the role of

managerial cognition (and related concepts) in affecting strategic change and inertia. In part this

is because organizational actions and outcomes at this level are relatively observable, facilitating

empirical research and case study identification. At the most general level, there is an already

sizable stream of research about the relationship between cognition and strategic change. Prior

research has investigated how managers perceive and become aware of threats brought about by

technological change (e.g., Kaplan, 2008b), and how entrepreneurs identify potential

opportunities (e.g., Gaglio & Katz, 2001). Less is known, however, about the cognitive aspects

of how organizations identify and pursue opportunities for expansion in situations other than

those brought about by radical environmental change.

There is room for additional work on the matching process itself, where managers

consider potential alternatives and weigh uncertainty and organizational risk as they evaluate

matches. While existing research has shown that matching occurs, our understanding of exactly

what managers do during this matching process is limited. Attention and search are two

candidates, but as suggested above, other possible processes such as experimentation or

crowdsourcing should be explored in order for the field to have a better sense of the mechanisms

Cognition and Capabilities - 40 -

at play. Moreover, recent research has pointed out that cognition may be able to substitute for a

lack of capabilities in spurring organizational action (Kaplan, 2008a; Eggers & Kaplan, 2009;

Gavetti, 2005), but less is known about how this works in practice.

Research on exaptation (Cattani, 2006; Dew, 2007; Marquis & Huang, 2010) has begun

to explore how resources and capabilities may be redeployed to serve new purposes, but most

(with the notable exception of Danneels, 2011) give little consideration to the cognitive

processes that underlie this matching process. Given recent work highlight the importance of pre-

entry experience as potential driver of organizational performance (Eggers, 2013; Helfat &

Lieberman, 2002; Sosa, 2013), understanding how managers perceive and (re)deploy existing

capabilities towards new potential uses would seem to be an extremely promising direction for

future research. Further, exaptation must surely be recursive with the process of assembling the

capabilities themselves. Research, likely in-depth field studies, to unpack the iterations between

these two processes might be particularly useful.

Cognition as a capability: Dynamic managerial capabilities

The model offered in this paper has implications for thinking about cognition as a

capability, which may inform the ongoing puzzle about how dynamic capabilities operate

(Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000; Lavie, 2006; Peteraf, Di Stefano & Verona, 2013; Teece et al.,

1997). Consistent with the work of prior scholars in situating dynamic capabilities in managers

abilities to build, integrate and reconfigure organizational resources and competences (Adner

& Helfat, 2003: p. 1012), managerial cognition can be seen as a dynamic managerial capability

(see also, Eggers & Kaplan, 2009). This highlights the potential for the purposeful action of

managers to interpret the environment in new ways, reconfigure organizational capabilities to

Cognition and Capabilities - 41 -

match those opportunities (Bingham et al., 2007; Gavetti & Levinthal, 2000), and build

organizational flexibility (Zollo & Winter, 2002). Such a view is also aligned with recent

research on organizational ambidexterity (OReilly & Tushman 2004; Smith & Tushman 2005).

There are three ways the discussion of dynamic managerial capabilities may be advanced by a

cognitive model of capability development and deployment.

First, bringing in the perspective of cognition as a pillar in the microfoundation of

routines (Dosi et al., 2000; Gavetti & Rivkin, 2007; Kaplan & Henderson, 2005) helps to identify

what efforts might be involved in reconfiguring capabilities. The implication is that the cognitive

and motivational truce (Nelson & Winter, 1982) that is represented in a routine would have to be

broken and remade in another form (Zbaracki & Bergen, 2010). Future research could

investigate how purposeful action including the initiation of search to accumulate new and

useful routines affects the availability of potential capability building blocks and thus improves

chances for adaptation. This is one place where attention to the cognition of people at different

levels of the organizational hierarchy might matter most. Routines are executed by the front line

in many cases, but changes in routines might be initiated by either those workers through their

everyday practice (Howard-Grenville 2005; Rerup & Feldman 2011) or perhaps by the top

management team in a deliberate attempt to create new truces (Zbaracki & Bergen, 2010). To

date, research on deliberate managerial action in relation to the creation of routines is


Second, by focusing on the role of cognition in the assembly of capabilities and

opportunities, we argue that managerial awareness both internally and externally shapes how

organizations pursue new opportunities. Managerial cognition has a significant impact on how

building blocks are assembled into capabilities, on the comprehension of the potential value of

Cognition and Capabilities - 42 -

those capabilities (Danneels, 2011; Rulke et al., 2000), and on the breadth of opportunities

considered (Barr, 1998; Jackson & Dutton, 1988). Future research could explore how managers

experiment with potential building blocks in order to create new capabilities. Scholars could also

investigate at a more granular level how managers familiarize themselves with the organizations

existing capabilities and the opportunity set.

Third, by showing that the process of matching capabilities to the environment is

cognitive, this study highlights the degree to which perceived matches result in positive

outcomes for the organization (Eggers & Kaplan, 2009; Taylor & Helfat, 2009). It also brings

into relief the opportunities that are missed due to perceived lack of fit (Tripsas & Gavetti, 2000).

The iterative nature of the matching process also drives managerial decisions to explore less

understood opportunities and to build or reconfigure capabilities.

A cognitive model of capability development and deployment therefore offers specific

ideas for future empirical research to explore the operation of dynamic capabilities and

organizational ambidexterity. Further, it suggests that such capabilities are resident in managerial

cognition and thus are perhaps best characterized as dynamic managerial capabilities.


The purpose of this article has been to review the various literatures that link capabilities

and cognition in organizations. The model that emerged proposed three central processes in

capability development and deployment: the construction of routines, the assembly of routines

into capabilities, and the matching of (perceived) capabilities to (perceived) opportunities. While

the role of cognition in the matching process and (to a lesser extent) the role of cognition in the

microfoundational development of routines have both been studied through various empirical

Cognition and Capabilities - 43 -

and theoretical approaches, the processes by which managers assemble routines into capabilities

have been largely overlooked. As such, the connection between the microfoundations work and

organizational performance is tenuous. Attention to the assembly process should help build the

macro-micro bridge in strategic management. Further, our mapping of the whole elephant in a

cognitive model of capability development and deployment enables future researchers to focus

on individual aspects while remaining sensitive to the entire animal.

Cognition and Capabilities - 44 -


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Cognition and Capabilities - 59 -

Figure 1a: Capabilities and performance the standard model

Figure 1b: Cognition and capabilities a linear model


Identify a purpose Make interpretation

Mindful for which of match between
selection of capabilities would capabilities and the
experience be assembled environment

building Strategic
Experience Capabilities Performance
blocks choice

Encode Understand
experience what the
is capable of

Figure 1c: Cognition and capabilities a recursive model


Identify a purpose Make interpretation

Mindful 2 for which 3 of match between
selection of capabilities would capabilities and the
experience be assembled environment

Capability 4
building Strategic
Experience Capabilities Performance
blocks choice

Encode Understand 5
experience what the
is capable of

Cognition and Capabilities - 60 -

Table 1: Constructing capability building blocks (routines)

Topics References Key insights

Overall: Cognition in Cohen & Bacdayan (1994); Kogut Cognition plays a role in creation
microfoundations & Zander (1996); Kogut & of routines
Kulatilaka (2001); Miller (2002);
Nelson & Winter (2002); Dosi,
Levinthal & Marengo (2003);
Cattani (2005); Gavetti (2005);
Kaplan & Henderson (2005);
Gibbons (2006); Zbaracki &
Bergen (2010)
Encoding based on
success Levitt & March (1988); Levinthal Successes are more likely to be
& March (1993); Cannon & encoded than failures
Edmondson (2001); Baumard &
Starbuck (2005); Shepherd,
Patzelt & Wolfe (2011); Eggers

similarity Cohen & Levinthal (1990); Zahra Experiences similar to existing

& George (2002); Gavetti, memories are easier to encode and
Levinthal & Rivkin (2005); retrieve
Lewin, Massini & Peeters (2011)

repetition Argote & Epple (1990); Argote Infrequent and unrepeated

(1999); Starbuck (2009); Rerup experiences are difficult to encode
(2009); Zollo & Reuer (2010) properly

mindfulness Helfat & Peteraf (2003); Experiences generated through

Levinthal & Rerup (2006); mindful action are more likely to
Gavetti & Rivkin (2007); be encoded
Laamanen & Wallin (2009);
Salvato (2009); Knott, Gupta &
Hoopes (2011)

Cognition and Capabilities - 61 -

Table 2: Assembling capabilities

Topics References Key insights

Overall: Cognition in Helfat & Peteraf (2003); Lavie Cognition plays a role in the
assembly process (2006) movement from routines to
Identifying a purpose
via problem sensing Keisler & Sproull (1982); Lai & Poor performance can create
Grnhaug (1994); Haunschild & awareness of a problem that needs
Sullivan (2002); Greve (2003) to be addressed

via opportunity awareness Kirzner (1973); Shane & Individuals vary in their ability to
Venkataraman (2000); Gaglio & perceive potentially unmet market
Katz (2001); Ardichvili, Cardozo needs that represent
& Ray (2003); Baron & Ensley entrepreneurial opportunities
(2006); Gregoire, Barr &
Shepherd (2010)
Understanding capabilities
via experience Liang, Moreland & Argote Managers with greater experience
(1995); Kogut & Zander (1996); with a capability have a more
Rulke, Zaheer & Anderson refined understanding of its
(2000); Denrell, Arvidsson & potential (through transactive or
Zander (2004); Miner, Gong, procedural memory)
Baker & OToole (2011); Ren &
Argote (2011); Argote & Ren

via benchmarking Greve & Taylor (2000); Greve Managers will imitate and
competition (1998); Baum & Lant (2003); benchmark themselves against
Benner & Tripsas (2012) firms that they view as similar and
relevant to their firm

Cognition and Capabilities - 62 -

Table 3: Interpreting the match between capabilities and the environment

Topics References Key insights

Overall: matching Penrose (1959/1995); Barr, Stimpert & Capabilities are bundles of resources that
Huff (1992); Tripsas & Gavetti (2000) are deployed based on a match with
perceived opportunities.
Interpretive schema
Cognitive frames Barr, Stimpert & Huff (1992); Tripsas Cognitive frames are both diagnostic of
& Gavetti (2000); Gilbert (2006); the environment and prognostic about
Kaplan (2008b); Laamanen & Wallin what organizational capabilities should
(2009) be deployed

Dominant logic Prahalad & Bettis (1986); Ginsberg Organizations create dominant logics
(1990); Bettis & Prahalad (1995); that screen out potential opportunities
Levy, Schon, Taylor & Bogacigiller that do not match with capabilities
(2007); West (2007)

Identity Milliken (1990); Dutton & Dukerich Organizational identity is a lens through
(1991); Gioia, Thomas, Clark & which potential matches are assessed
Chittipeddi (1994); Gioia & Thomas

Business models Chesbrough & Rosenbloom (2002); Organizational perception of business

Tikkanen, Lamberg, Parvinen & models for value creation affect which
Kallunki (2005); Chesbrough (2010) opportunities are seen as viable
Attention Milliken & Lant (1991); Barr, Stimpert Managerial attention to new
& Huff (1992); Barr (1998); Osborne, opportunities increases likelihood of
Stubbart & Ramaprasad (2001); organizational action
Kaplan, Murray & Henderson (2003);
Kaplan 2008a

Identity Kogut & Zander (1996); Zucker & Potential opportunities that do not fit
Darby (1997); Tripsas & Gavetti with the organizations identity are
(2000); Nag, Corley & Gioia (2007); typically disregarded
Tripsas (2009); Gioia et al (2013)
Exaptation Cattani (2005); Dew (2007); Marquis Organizations will expand based on
& Huang (2010) reusing and repurposing existing

Fungibility Regner (2008); Taylor & Helfat Cognition about the applicability of
(2009); Danneels (2011) existing capabilities to new
environments affects growth patterns

Cognition and Capabilities - 63 -

Topics References Key insights
Attention Kazanjian & Drazin (1987); Ginsberg The focus of managerial attention affects
(1989, 1990); DAveni & McMillan strategic action and adaptation. Senior
(1990); Milliken (1990); Milliken & managers tend to be inert in their frames
Lant (1991); Wiersema & Bantel and must be replaced in order for the
(1992); Ocasio (1997); Cho & organization to shift attention.
Hambrick (2006); Eggers & Kaplan
(2009); Joseph & Ocasio (2012)

Search Tripsas & Gavetti (2000); Gavetti Conscious efforts to build new
(2005); Gavetti, Levinthal & Rivkin capabilities will lead to exploratory
(2005); Gavetti (2013) action. Managers reason and search for
new opportunities based on analogies
with existing knowledge

Cognition and Capabilities - 64 -

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