Studies in The Synthesis of ZSM-5 Zeolites
Studies in The Synthesis of ZSM-5 Zeolites
Studies in The Synthesis of ZSM-5 Zeolites
Figure 3 Infrared spectra of Na-ZSM-5 zeolite. See Table 2 for Table 3 Conversion of methanol to hydrocarbons
values of framework vibration frequencies
Catalyst H-ZSM-5
Feed Pure methanol
WHSV 2.3 g/g h
Temperature (K) 668
Table 1 Lattice spacings, d, and relative intensity (I/I o) values for Conversion of methanol 100%
Na-ZSM-5 synthesized using TEPABr
Hydrocarbon product distribution (wt. %)
d (A) I~o d(A) I~ o Methane 0.7
Ethylene 2.9
11.040 81,1 3.705 52.4
Ethane 0.2
9,927 51.5 3,698 33.2
Propylene 14.2
9,688 22.0 3.477 6,7
Propane 2.2
7.405 4.9 3.458 11.2
6.681 8.1 3.343 8.9 C4 hydrocarbons 27.9
6.320 15.2 3.299 12.5 C s hydrocarbons 9.9
5.964 18.8 3.162 3.1 C 6 hydrocarbons 10.2
5,675 11.2 3.129 4,5 C 7 hydrocarbons 1.2
5.555 14,8 3,041 13.4 C 8 hydrocarbons 0.5
5.316 3,6 2,976 14,3 Benzene 1.3
5.121 2,7 2,939 8.1 Xylenes 14.4
4.941 6.7 2,855 4.0 Toluene 5.9
4.595 6,3 2.777 2.2 C~ aromatics 8.8
4,349 9,8 2.728 6.3
4.238 15.2 2.602 6.3 Note: H-ZSM-5 was prepared from Na-ZSM-5 by ion-exchange with
3.983 7.2 2.506 4.5 5 N NH4NO 3 solution
3.840 100,0 2.479 6.3
3.808 72.2 2.408 4.0
3,744 35,9 2.390 4.5
The catalytic activity of the sample in the con-
version of methanol into hydrocarbons is illus-
trated in T a b l e 3. The product distribution is quite
framework frequencies of absorption with their similar to that reported 19f o r ZSM-5 zeolite. On
assignments are given in T a b l e 2. Chao et al. 15 and the basis of the evidence presented above, it may
Jacobs et al. 18 had studied the framework i.r. be concluded that ZSM-5 crystals can be obtained
spectra of ZSM-5 crystals. Chao et al. is found from TEPA-alkali-hydroxide, mixed-base systems.
absorption bands of external linkages at 4 0 0 , 5 4 5 ,
800 and 1000-1200 cm -1. The Raman spectrum Kinetic studies o f the f o r m a t i o n of ZSM-5 crystals
of ZSM-5 is exhibited the vibration modes of the T h e crystallization curves at 4 3 3 , 4 5 3 and 473 K
skeletal framework at 330, 350, 770 and 1090 using T E P A B r as the source o f the organic cation
cm -1. The band at 540 cm -1 had been assigned by are illustrated in Figure 4a. T h e s e curves exhibit
Jacobs et al. ~8 to highly distorted, double, five- the t y p i c a l sigmoid n a t u r e characteristic o f
membered rings present in the ZSM-5 structure. processes involving t w o distinct stages: (i) an
The absorbance at this frequency had been utilized i n d u c t i o n p e r i o d w h e n nuclei are f o r m e d ; (ii) a
by Jacobs et al. 2o to estimate the i.r. crystallinity crystal g r o w t h p e r i o d w h e n the nuclei grow into
of the material. The d.t.a./t.g, curves for the crystals. T o c h e c k that the z e o l i t e - f o r m a t i o n in our
sample revealed that the temperature of framework case c o n f o r m s to this general picture, the data in
decomposition of the zeolite was above 1273 K, Figure 4a were f i t t e d to the A v r a m i - E r o f e e v
again in accordance with published literature is. e q u a t i o n , In (111 --c~) = [(kt)] m . T h e results are
l values.
The crystallinity of the samples obtained at
5o different synthesis times were evaluated b y both
0 a
X-ray diffraction and i.r. spectroscopy (Figure 6).
As mentioned earlier, the absorbance of the
25~/ n skeletal vibration at 540 cm -1 was used to estimate
i.r. crystallinity using a high crystalline (X-ray)
:. ,../Xo sample as the 100% standard. Both the i.r. and
Figure4 Influence of temperature on the kinetics of crystalliza-
tion; organic cation -- TEPA; curves 1, 2 and 3, refer to 4 3 3 , 4 5 3 Table 4 Avrami-Erofeev parameters f o r ZSM-5 synthesis using
and 473 K, respectively; (a) crystallization curves; (b) f i t of experi- TPABrandTEPABrln(1/1 c~)=(kt) m
mental data to the Avrami-Erofeev equation (see text)
Source of organic base
shown in Figure 4b. In the above equation, c~ and Synthesis
temperature (K) 10 2k m 10 2 k m
t are the fractional conversion and time, respec-
tively, and h and m are constants. The values of h 433 9.0 2.4 2.2 4.5
and m at 4 3 3 , 4 5 3 and 473 K are given in Table 4 453 38.3 2.0 3.7 3.2
473 44.9 1.2 14.9 2.4
where they are compared with those obtained
using TPABr instead of TEPABr as the source of
the organic base. The crystallization curves for the
TEPABr system are compared with those of
TPABr in Figure 5. From the good 'fit' of the data
to the equation, it is concluded that the crystalliza- ,P /6 I
tion process can be described, at least mathemati- F P / I
cally, by the Avrami-Erofeev equation involving
the nucleation and growth of the crystalline,
zeolite phase. Assuming that the formation of the
nuclei during the induction period is an energeti-
'11' /' /3
d /
cally activated process and, since nucleation is I r 7 /o
the rate determining step during the induction It /
period, the apparent activation energy for nuclea-
tion, En, was calculated from the temperature Ji / / o
dependence of the rate of nucleation. The rate of /
nucleation was assumed to be inversely pro- " 8o J 24 40
portional to the induction period. Similarly, Ec, /(h)
the apparent activation energy for crystal growth,
Figure 5 Influence of organic cation on kinetics of crystallization:
was calculated from the temperature dependence (1) TPABr, 453 K; (2) TPABr, 433 K; (3) TEPABr, 453 K; (4)
of the rate of crystallization. Assuming that the TEPABr, 433 K
Table 6 Activation energies for nucleation and crystallization: both the induction period for nucleation and the
OH/H2O = 5.5X 10-3; Na~O/Si% = 0.295
rate of crystallization. Now, during the synthesis
Source of reaction, the amorphous aluminosilicate gel formed
organic base SiOJAIzO 3 En (kJ moF 1) Ec (kJ reel -1) initially dissolves, under the influence of OH ions,
TEPABr 86 270.4 206.8 into smaller hydroxylated A1, Si and alumino-
TEPABr 800 249.5 276.3 silicate species, OH- ions accelerate this process.
TPABr 86 199.5 238.6
In the next stage, these dissolved species, in the
presence of templates, like the quaternary
ammonium ions, condense to form nuclei which
grow into zeolite crystals. OH- ions, when present
a b in excess, inhibit this nucleation and crystal
.~ 75
'e 4
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