Literature Review On Corporate Governance Structure and Performance in Non-Financial Firms in Bangladesh
Literature Review On Corporate Governance Structure and Performance in Non-Financial Firms in Bangladesh
Literature Review On Corporate Governance Structure and Performance in Non-Financial Firms in Bangladesh
ISSN 1946-052X
2015, Vol. 7, No. 1
The need for the mechanism of corporate governance arises due to conflicts of interest
between different stakeholders. Different stakeholders have different views and goals, as well
as incomplete knowledge of each others preferences. The whole world has seen the
corporate scandals of big companies such as Enron, Tyco, WorldCom, Satyam Computer
Services, etc. These collapses have brought into question the effectiveness of the corporate
governance mechanism applied by organizations as part of regulating their affairs and books
of accounts. This article discusses in detail the meaning and definition of corporate
governance, examines corporate governance practices in Bangladesh, investigates
Bangladeshs Corporate Governance Guidelines 2012 and performs a critical literature
review on corporate governance structure and performance inside Non-Financial firms in
Keywords: Audit Committee, Board of Directors, Corporate Governance, Directors,
Executives, Stakeholders, Securities and Exchange Commission
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting
ISSN 1946-052X
2015, Vol. 7, No. 1
1. Introduction
According to Hess (1996), corporate governance (CG) is the process of administration and
control of the firms human resources and capital in the firms owners interest. Sternberg
(1998) defines corporate governance as a way to ensure that corporate agents, assets and
actions are directed towards reaching the objectives of the corporation which is expanded by
its shareholders. The Centre of European Policy Studies (CEPS, 1995) indicates, in
describing corporate governance, that it acts as a whole system of processes, rights and
controls that is expanded externally and internally over the entity of business management
with the aim of protecting stakeholders interests. Shleifer and Vishny (1997) refer to
corporate governance as being a way in which the corporations financial suppliers ensure
that they will receive an investment return.
According to ODonovan (2003), corporate governance is an internal system that includes
processes, policies and people that serve the requirements of shareholders as well as other
stakeholders by controlling and directing activities by the firms management with good
business objectivity, savvy and integrity. Sound corporate governance is related to external
marketplace legislation and to a commitment to adding a healthy board culture that protects
processes and policies. In other words, corporate governance is defined as the moral, ethical
and legal corporation values that safeguard stakeholders interests.
Classens (2003) argues that corporate governance definitions, although widely varied, can be
categorized into two sets. The first set of definitions deals with a behavioural pattern set that
comprises the corporations actual behaviour, namely, its efficiency, financial structure,
performance, growth and treatment of shareholders and other stakeholders. The second set of
definitions deals with the normative framework. Corporate governance is based on rules
under which companies operate including judicial systems, financial markets, legal systems
and labour or factor markets. According to Blair (1995), corporate governance is the whole
set of cultural, institutional and legal arrangements that identify what public-trading
corporations can perform, who controls corporations, how the control is being exercised and
how the activities, risks and returns are allocated.
Saidi (2004) points out that corporate governance is the system by which firms can be
controlled and directed, and adds that the responsibility for corporate governance lies with the
shareholders, board of directors (BOD) and the management. These groups also act as
principal players in the corporate governance process. Other than the shareholders,
management and board of directors, other stakeholders included in the process are suppliers,
regulators, employees, creditors, the environment, customers and the community at large.
Likewise, according to Gillibrand (2004), the corporate governance structure deals with
procedures and rules that are used for making decisions on corporate affairs. Corporate
governance provides the structure through which the objectives of the firm can be framed and
by which the performance of these objectives can be monitored and achieved. Corporate
governance is the system of operating, structuring and controlling a firm with a view to
reaching long-term strategic goals that fulfill the expectations of creditors, shareholders,
suppliers and customers, while operating in compliance with regulatory and legal
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting
ISSN 1946-052X
2015, Vol. 7, No. 1
requirements. Thus, corporate governance is defined as the set of rules and regulations that
are framed to protect corporate values and shareholders interests.
2. Corporate Governance in Bangladesh
According to Jahangir (2008),corporate governance practices among Bangladeshi companies
are just emerging. The establishment of a corporate governance framework relies on the
principles of justice, fairness and open access. The model of control-based governance which
is applied within listed companies in Bangladesh is damaging to investors confidence and
also hurts stock market development. In Bangladesh, many listed firms, with the exception of
multinational corporations and a few large firms, are managed, owned and controlled by
family members and their peers. Policy decisions usually made by board members are made
by company owners who dispose of the firms executive functions, leaving no scope for the
isolation of board independence and ownership.
Ahmed and Yusuf (2005) point out that the current corporate governance system in
Bangladesh does not facilitate sufficient economic, institutional and legal motivation for
stakeholders to enforce and encourage corporate governance practices. All corporate
governance systems revolve around four principles: responsibility, fairness, transparency and
accountability. The specific challenges associated with these principles rely on the corporate
sectors ownership and structure. In Bangladesh, family members manage the structure of the
corporation. This practice hinders the levels of accountability, fairness and transparency. The
provision and enforcement of processes and bankruptcy laws are inadequate. No country can
have good corporate governance standards if it has poor processes and bankruptcy laws.
Securitization processes and inefficient foreclosures have become major issues in Bangladesh.
Most Bangladeshi firms have a pessimistic approach in order to attract foreign investment.
The outcome is a lack of drive from the international investor community for better corporate
governance and, thus, investor penetration levels of Bangladeshi firms in foreign investment
stock exchanges will be very low (Hossain, 2005).
For effective corporate governance in Bangladesh and a family-based management style,
Ahmed, Alam, Jafarand Zaman (2008) recommend that the following significant measures
must be undertaken. Members of the board have to be elected from all shareholder groups in
the proportion of their shareholding. For the chairmanship, the maximum term must be
mentioned and rotated among the directors. The board must appoint the top five managers
encompassing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who must remain on the board. Auditors
have an essential role in ensuring compliance with Bangladeshs Corporate Governance
Guidelines. All investors rely on the integrity of the auditor who must provide investors with
some assurance that the investments have credibility. Accounting has changed from cash
accounting to accrual accounting: accounting estimates, in part, are also included, playing a
critical role in estimating firms profits, especially for more complex businesses in economies
related to knowledge. Organizations must frame a code of conduct for their executives and
directors that is based on responsibility and ethical decision making. They also have to clarify
and publicly represent the responsibilities and roles of the management and board. Firms
must create purposeful and stronger boards, improve the timing, accuracy and scope of
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting
ISSN 1946-052X
2015, Vol. 7, No. 1
financial reporting and concentrate on the interests and rights of minority shareholders.
Tough accounting standards, proper security and corporate laws, efficient judicial systems
and effective regulators together can ensure the foundations of good corporate governance.
3.Bangladesh Corporate Governance Guidelines 2012
On 3 July 2012, the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) released the
revised Corporate Governance Guidelines for Bangladesh. In these guidelines, under board
effectiveness, the following revisions were made: separation between the roles of CEO and
chairman is required; at least one-fifth of the independent directors must be present at
meetings; and the independent director requirements must meet extra criteria including
specific qualifications criteria. In addition, the revisions stated that: the firm must not enter
into any illegal or fraudulent transactions or any transactions that violate the firms code of
conduct; independent directors must be nominated by the board of directors and shareholders
must approve the nomination at the annual general meeting; the post of independent director
should not be vacant for more than 90 days; the code of conduct applies to all members of the
board as does annual compliance; and the normal tenure of the independent director is three
years which can be extended for only one term. In relation to audit committee (AC) affairs,
the following guidelines were revised: the chairman of the audit committee shall be an
independent director; ten (10) specific roles of the audit committee must be identified with
professional qualifications needed for all members; one independent director is required at
meetings to satisfy the audit committees quorum; and the audit committees chairman must
be present at the annual general meeting. In addition, the revised guidelines state that: the
company secretary may also act as the audit committee secretary and that the audit committee
must report any material identification to the BSEC after the expiry of every six-month
period from the date of its first report to the board of directors or after reporting to the board
three times when it must be reported to the BSEC earlier. In terms of auditor independence,
the revised guidelines state that neither any partner nor any employee of the external auditing
firm can hold any shares in the client company during the audit assignment term.
In relation to governance of a subsidiary firm, the revised guidelines are as follows: the
subsidiary firms board composition must be the same as the holding firm; the holding firm
may appoint one of its independent directors to act as a subsidiary firm director; and the
board meeting minutes of the subsidiary firm can be presented to the holding firms board
meeting for review. In addition, the revised guidelines are that: the holding firms board
meeting minutes may state that the board has already reviewed the subsidiary firms affairs
and that the audit committee of the holding firm may review the subsidiary firms financial
statements encompassing any investment made by the subsidiary firm. In relation to
additional statements by the board of directors, the revised guidelines are as follows: the
outlook and possible future developments in the respective industry have to be specified;
product-wise or segment-wise performance has to be specified; and various risks faced by the
organization and related issues must be mentioned. In addition, discussion in the additional
statements is to include: the cost of products sold; net profit margin and gross profit margin
of the firm; the continuity of any extraordinary loss or gain; remuneration to board members;
a statement of all transactions related to any party encompassing the basis of party
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting
ISSN 1946-052X
2015, Vol. 7, No. 1
transactions; and the application of funds increased from rights issues, public issues or
through other instruments (Biswas, 2012).
4. Critical Literature Review on Corporate Governance Structure and Performance in
Non-Financial Firms in Bangladesh
Rouf (2010) carried out an investigation to determine the characteristics of linkages between
corporate governance attributes and their influence on voluntary disclosure as presented in
the annual reports of listed firms in Bangladesh. For this analysis, data were collected from
the sample of 120 Non-Financial firms listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) in 2008.
The corporate governance factors that were examined included: board size; independent
non-executive directors as members of the board; structure of the board leadership; board
audit committee; percentage of equity owned by insiders in relation to the firms overall
equity; and the firms profitability. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression was used in this
analysis to determine the relationship between voluntary disclosure and explanatory variables.
It was also used to assess the impact of each and every variable presented in the disclosure
data with this linked to the index of aggregate disclosure and used to test the proposed
hypotheses. The un-weighted relative disclosure index measured voluntary disclosure in
Roufs (2010) study with the study also using Pearsons correlation analysis. In the findings,
a positive relationship was observed between board size and voluntary disclosure; between
the board having an audit committee and voluntary disclosure; and between the structure of
board leadership and voluntary disclosure. Negative associations were observed between
voluntary disclosure and the proportion of independent directors, net profitability and the
ownership structure. Thus, in the studys conclusions, a positive relationship was found
between board size, board audit committee, board leadership structure and voluntary
disclosure. Voluntary disclosure had a negative relationship with the ownership structure and
net profitability.
Siddiqui (2012) conducted a study to analyse the determinants of the capital structure of
Non-Financial institutions in Bangladesh. The source of the data was the Bangladesh Bank
database which collects information regarding Bangladeshs Non-Financial institutions with
24 of the listed Non-Financial institutions selected for this study. Feasible generalized least
squares (FGLS) regression was used to gauge the explanatory variables effects on the
dependent variables. The FGLS regression technique was used to estimate the
variancecovariance matrix. As cross-sectional time series panel data were used for this
analysis, the data may have had the problem of heteroscedasticity. However, FGLS
regression automatically corrects the problem of heteroscedasticity if it exists among the
variables. Eight factors were identified, namely: liquidity ratio; growth rate; debt service
coverage; tangibility ratio; operating leverage; profitability ratio; firm age; and firm size, and
their debt ratio relationships were studied. It was observed that leverage ratios of all these
factors increased with a rise in firm size and growth rate. Operating leverage, debt service
coverage and age were also observed as being negatively associated with three debt ratios,
namely,the short-term ratio, total-term ratio and long-term ratio. In terms of ratios for
liquidity, profitability and tangibility, mixed results were found. Firm age was not significant
for all three cases. Long-term debt ratio was maximized with an increase in tangibility and
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting
ISSN 1946-052X
2015, Vol. 7, No. 1
liquidity ratios, while total-term and short-term debt ratios declined with an increase in
tangibility and liquidity ratios.
Rashid, Lodh, De Zoysa and Rudkin (2010) carried out a study to determine the influence of
board composition, with regard to the representation of external independent directors, on
companies economic performance in Bangladesh. Data were collected from 90
Non-Financial firms listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) during the period from 2005
to 2009. A regression model was used to determine the relationship between board
composition and firm performance. No significant relationship was found to exist between
board composition in terms of representation from external independent directors and firm
performance. This result implied that the external independent director cannot add potential
economic value to the Bangladesh firm. The size of the board was observed to have a
negative and significant influence on firm performance under accounting based on the
performance measures. This implied that information asymmetries exist between external
independent directors and other directors. In the findings, it was also noted that external
independent directors from Bangladesh companies were unable to ensure that checks and
balances were in place in the accounts and in the activities of management. Board size was
found to have a negative influence on firm performance under the return on assets (ROA)
measure. It was concluded that, while introducing independent directors will have advantages
for greater transparency, in the emerging economy such as in Bangladesh, due to the presence
of cultural and institutional difference, it will not add potential economic value to the
company. From the policy point of view, the findings of Rashid et al.s (2010) research will
be helpful in providing extra insight to regulators in harmonizing the practices of corporate
governance in Bangladesh with international corporate governance best practices.
Sufian and Zahan (2013) examined the relationship between ownership structure and
corporate social responsibility disclosure(CSRD) in Bangladesh. Data were collected from
254 firms listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). Of these firms, the categories of
financial institution, real estate, bank, insurance, travel and leisure, and mutual fund were
excluded from the sample data. Firms usually disclose corporate social responsibility (CSR)
information in many ways, namely, published articles or advertisements which explain the
firms activities; annual reports; corporate websites; leaflets or booklets; interim and
quarterly reports addressing the firms social activities; special announcements; employee
reports; environmental reports; and press reports. Data were collected from these sources and
analysed using OLS regression to determine the relationship between corporate structure
variables and corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD). To assess the degree of
disclosure made by listed firms in Bangladesh, a sophisticated statistical measure, namely,
multivariate regression was used to analyse the collected data with the help of Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The coefficient of board size was observed
to be negatively associated with corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD). The
coefficients of the number of external shareholders, ownership concentration and foreign
ownership were positively correlated with corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD).
The relationship between concentrated ownership and CSRD was also found to be positive.
Companies with a higher concentration of ownership disclosed less CSR information than
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting
ISSN 1946-052X
2015, Vol. 7, No. 1
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting
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