Vivek Singh
C/O M.Z. Siddiqui, Sir Syeed Nagar, Aligarh 202002.
E.Mail [email protected]
Hand held no. +91 - 7060080052
Ph.D. In Cultural Studies (Pursuing) from University of English and Foreign Languages,
M. Phil. in English Literature from Pondicherry University, Kalapet Puducheery
M.A. in English Literature in 2007-2009 from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
B.A. (honors) in English Literature in 2004-2007 from Banaras Hindu University,
Qualified NET-JRF in English in December 2012.
Paper Presentations
1- National Seminar " Repositioning 'Subalternity' in Globalised India: The Dynamics of Social
Question" organised by centre for Study of social exclusion and inclusive policy, faculty of
2-National Seminar " Women Empowerment: Issues and Strategies " presented a paper titled as
Women or Monsters? Held on 1st and 2nd April 2010 by Annamalai University, Directorate of
3- UGC Sponsored National Seminar on "Gender and Literature: Women's Writing Today in
India" held on 24th Sept 2010, Presented a Paper on Interrogating Sexuality and Gender in Suniti
as Theory at Work : Text, History And Culture Presented a paper entitled Interrogating sexuality
and Gender in Geanette Wintersons Novel Sexing the Cherry, held on 11 November, 2010.
5-National Seminar on Translation and Indian Culture 15-16 November 2010, Faculty of Arts,
6-Indian Asscoiation for Women's Studies 13th National Conference, Wardha, 21-24 Jan 2011.
presented two papers. First one-Power Politics behind the Subjugation of Women. and Second
7- Advanced Centre for American Studies centre for participation in a workshop on research
8-The EFL University, Department of Cultural Studies, School of Inter Disciplinary Studies
participated two day international conference on Film Cultures: Historical Perspectives 21st and
and Globalisation 16th jan 17th 2013, presented a Paper on Singing the Nation State: Narrating
entitled Disability and the Question of Identity: Reconstructing Normalcy held on 2nd to 4th feb
11-International Conference on Voices from the Margin: Society, Culture and Exclusion, 20th -
22nd feb 2013, entitled - Disability that Matters: A Question of Bio-politics by School of
1. Disability and the Politics of Globalisation published in the Journal The Volcano: An
2. Disability and The Question Of Identity Published in the Journal The Criterion: An
3. Norm(s) and Normality in the Discourse of Nudity published in the Journal The
River Sutra published in the Journal Wizcraft Journal of Language and Literature. Issue
September 2013.
Study In Abroad:
Conference/Seminars attended
3 days International seminar on Translation and Multilingualism at BHU, Varanasi
Guest Lecture on Translation and Technology at BHU, Varanasi
Guest lecture on Linguistics and Literature interface at BHU, Varanasi.
Technical skills
Good hand at Microsoft Office Package
Good knowledge of Basic Internet operations
Personal Information
Place: Hyderabad
Vivek Singh