P25 Training Guide
P25 Training Guide
P25 Training Guide
P25 Radio
Training Guide
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Major Revisions:
The result of a major change to
product function, process or requirements.
Minor Revisions:
The result of a minor change to
product, process or requirements.
Editorial Revisions:
The result of typing corrections or
changes in formatting, grammar or wording.
Three-level revision numbers start at 1-0-0 for the first release. The
appropriate element of the revision number is incremented by 1 for each
subsequent revision, causing any digits to the right to be reset to 0.
For example:
If the current revision = 2-1-1 Then the next major revision = 3-0-0
If the current revision = 4-3-1 Then the next minor revision = 4-4-0
If the current revision = 3-2-2 Then the next editorial revision = 3-2-3
Phone: 250-382-8268
Fax: 250-382-6139
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On August 7th, 2012 - Codan Limited (ASX: CDA) announced DANIELS ELECTRONICS
the acquisition of Daniels Electronics Limited, a leading designer, IS NOW CODAN RADIO
manufacturer and supplier of land mobile radio communications
(LMR) solutions in North America. The acquisition of Daniels delivers
on Codans stated strategy of growing market share and diversifying
its radio communications product offering. Codan Limited designs,
manufactures and markets a diversified range of high value added
electronic products, with three key business divisions; radio
communications, metal detection and mining technology.
Pete Lunness is a member of the Applied Science Technologists ABOUT THE AUTHOR
& Technicians of British Columbia, has a Diploma in Electronics
Engineering Technology from Camosun College and a Certificate in
Adult and Continuing Education from the University of Victoria.
Page iii
Aeroflex, Inc.
Aeroflex Incorporated is a multi-faceted high-technology company
that designs, develops, manufactures and markets a diverse range
of microelectronic and test and measurement products. Aeroflex is
the manufacturer of the IFR 2975 P25 Radio Test Set.
www.P25.com www.aeroflex.com
APCO International
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials -
International, Inc. is the worlds oldest and largest not-for-profit
professional organization dedicated to the enhancement of public
safety communications
Digital Voice Systems, Inc., using its proprietary voice compression
technology, specializes in low-data-rate, high-quality speech
compression products for wireless communications, digital storage,
and other applications. DVSI is the manufacturer of the IMBE
and AMBE+2 vocoders.
The Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG) is a group
composed of public safety professionals and equipment
manufacturers with a direct stake in the further development
of, and education on, the P25 standards. PTIGs purpose is to
further the design, manufacture, evolution, and effective use of
technologies stemming from the P25 standardization process.
The Telecommunications Industry Association is the leading U.S.
non-profit trade association serving the communications and
information technology industry, with proven strengths in market
development, trade shows, domestic and international advocacy,
standards development and enabling e-business.
Page iv
Chapter 1: Introduction To P25 .............................................. 1
What is Project 25? .................................................................................... 1
P25 Phases ................................................................................................ 2
Conventional vs. Trunked .......................................................................... 3
How does Phase 1 P25 work? ................................................................... 4
P25 Radio System Architecture ................................................................. 5
Benefits of P25 ........................................................................................... 8
Other Digital Standards ............................................................................ 12
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This document is written with the intention of supplying the reader with a simple, concise and informative
description of Project 25. The document assumes the reader is familiar with conventional Two-Way
Radio Communications systems. The naming and numbering conventions used in this document
are those used in the TIA documents. Some manufacturers use different naming and numbering
conventions. Project 25 is a standards initiative, to be amended, revised, and added to as the users
identify issues, and as experience is gained.
Project 25 (P25) is a set of standards produced through the joint efforts of the Association of Public Safety
Communications Officials International (APCO), the National Association of State Telecommunications
Directors (NASTD), selected Federal Agencies and the National Communications System (NCS), and
standardized under the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA). P25 is an open architecture,
user driven suite of system standards that define digital radio communications system architectures
capable of serving the needs of Public Safety and Government organizations. The P25 suite of
standards involves digital Land Mobile Radio (LMR) services for local, state/provincial and national
(federal) public safety organizations and agencies. P25 open system standards define the interfaces,
operation and capabilities of any P25 compliant radio system. A P25 radio is any radio that conforms to
the P25 standard in the way it functions or operates. P25 compliant radios can communicate in analog
mode with legacy radios and in either digital or analog mode with other P25 radios. The P25 standard
exists in the public domain, allowing any manufacturer to produce a P25 compatible radio product.
P25 LMR equipment is authorized or licensed in the U.S., Canada and Australia.
in the U.S. under the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) or Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) rules and regulations.
in Australia under the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) rules and regulations.
Although developed primarily for North American public safety services, P25 technology and products
are not limited to public safety alone and have also been selected and deployed in other private system
applications, worldwide. The Project 25 users process is governed by an eleven-member steering
committee made up of nine U.S. federal, state and local government representatives and two co-
directors. Project 25 has four main objectives:
ensure competition in system life cycle procurements through Open Systems Architecture
provide enhanced functionality and capabilities with a focus on public safety needs
P25 compliant technology was deployed in two phases.
Phase 1
Phase 1 FDMA radio systems operate in 12.5 KHz analog, digital or mixed mode. Phase 1 radios
use Continuous 4 level FM (C4FM) non-linear modulation for digital transmissions. Phase 1 P25
compliant systems are backward compatible and interoperable with legacy systems, across system
boundaries, and regardless of system infrastructure. In addition, the P25 suite of standards provide an
open interface to the RF Sub-System to facilitate interlinking of different vendors systems.
Phase 2
The P25 Phase 2 Standards are based on a two-slot TDMA channel access method within 12.5 kHz
channel bandwidth and is used for P25 trunking systems. P25 Phase 2 two-slot TDMA trunking is an
addition to the P25 Standard and does not replace P25 Phase 1 FDMA. The P25 two-slot TDMA for
Phase 2 doubles the spectrum efficiency of Phase 1 (12.5 kHz).
The P25 Phase 2 TDMA CAI uses two different modulation schemes for over-the-air transmission of
the 12 kbps data stream, Harmonized Continuous Phase Modulation (H-CPM), is a common constant-
envelope non-linear modulation and is transmitted by the subscriber equipment. Harmonized Differential
Quadrature Phase Shift Keyed modulation (H-DQPSK), is a non-coherent modulation scheme and is
transmitted by the fixed site equipment.
A P25 Phase 2 FDMA solution was finalized (CQPSK), but never widely used.
The majority of this guide primarily deals with P25 Phase 1. More detailed information about P25
Phase 2 can be found in Chapter 7.
In P25 digital mode, the P25 transmitter will convert all analog audio to packets of digital information by
using an IMBE vocoder, then de-vocode the digital information back to analog audio in the receiver.
Error correction coding is added to the digital voice information as well as other digital information.
Analog CTCSS and DCS are replaced by digital NAC codes (as well as TGID, Source and Destination
codes for selective calling). Encryption information can be added to protect the voice information, and
other digital information can also be transmitted such as a user defined low speed data word or an
emergency bit.
P25 Radio
Digital Analog
Mode Mode
Voice Data
Message Packet
Secure Clear
Confirmed Unconfirmed TSBK
(Encrypted) (Not Encrypted)
Figure 1-1 shows the different operational modes of P25 Radio Systems in digital and analog modes.
P25 systems use the Common Air Interface (CAI). This interface standard specifies the type and
content of signals transmitted by P25 compliant radios. A P25 radio using the CAI should be able to
communicate with any other P25 radio using the CAI, regardless of manufacturer.
Phase P25 1 radios are designed for 12.5 kHz channel bandwidths. Phase 1 P25 radios must also be
able to operate in analog mode on 25 kHz or 12.5 kHz channels. This backward compatibility allows
P25 users to gradually transition to digital while continuing to use analog equipment.
In Phase 2, P25 radios will use a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth but will be divided into two time slots,
effectively giving 6.25 kHz of bandwidth per voice channel. Phase 2 radios must also be able to
operate in Phase 1 mode for backwards compatability with Phase 1 radio systems.
P25 secure transmissions may be enabled by digital encryption. The P25 standards specify the use of
the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, Data Encryption Standard (DES-OFB) algorithm,
and other encryption algorithms. There are additional standards and specifications for over-the-air
rekeying (OTAR) features. OTAR allows subscriber encryption key management through a radio
Phase 1 P25 channels that carry voice or data operate at 9600 bits per second (bps). These voice or
data channels are protected by forward error correction, which compensates for poor RF conditions
and improves useable range. Phase 1 P25 supports data transmission, either piggybacked with voice
(low speed data), or in several other modes up to the full traffic channel rate of 9600 bps.
Repeat Path
The P25 Radio System Architecture can be broken down into three main areas.
The IMBE vocoder samples the microphone input producing 88 bits of encoded speech every 20
milliseconds. Therefore, the vocoder produces speech characteristics at a rate of 4400 bits per second.
P25 error protection / correction channel codes include; interleaving and linear block codes such as
Hamming codes, Golay codes, Reed-Solomon codes, Primitive BCH, and shortened cyclic codes.
The modulation sends 4800 symbols/sec with each symbol conveying 2 bits of information. The
mapping between symbols and bits is shown below:
01 +3 +1.8kHz
00 +1 +0.6kHz
10 -1 -0.6kHz
11 -3 -1.8kHz
The C4FM modulator is comprised of a Nyquist Raised Cosine Filter, a shaping filter, and an FM
C4FM Modulator
12.5 kHz
C4FM Front Digital IF DSP
The C4FM demodulator receives a signal from the P25 C4FM modulator or analog FM modulator. The
frequency modulation detector in the first stage of the demodulator allows a single, Phase 1 demodulator
to receive C4FM or analog FM. The benefit of this is that when migrating to a P25 Phase 1 system, the
receiver is capable of detecting and receiving both analog and P25 digital signals.
P25 has many various benefits in performance, efficiency, capabilities and quality. Key P25 technology
benefits include:
Radio equipment that is compatible with P25 standards will allow users from different agencies or
areas to communicate directly with each other. This will allow agencies on the federal state/provincial
or local level (or any other agency) to communicate more effectively with each other when required
(emergencies, law enforcement, etc.)
The APCO Project 25 Interface Committee (APIC) has formed the Compliance Assessment Process
and Procedures Task Group (CAPPTG) to ensure that P25 equipment and systems comply with P25
standards for interoperability, conformance, and performance regardless of the manufacturer and in
accordance with the User Needs Statement of Requirements.
Multiple Vendors
The P25 open standard will allow competing products from multiple vendors to be interoperable. This
will allow customers of the P25 product to benefit from multiple manufacturing sources (decreased
costs, open bidding, non-proprietary systems).
Backwards Compatibility
A basic requirement for Phase 1 P25 digital radio equipment is backward compatibility with standard
analog FM radios. This supports an orderly migration into mixed analog and digital systems, enabling
users to gradually trade out radios and infrastructure equipment. By selecting products and systems
that comply with P25 standards, agencies are assured that their investment in the latest technology has
a clear migration path for the future.
Analog or Digital
Analog or Digital Analog Mode
Analog Mode Mode
Analog Portable P25 Portable P25 Mobile P25 Repeater Analog Base
P25 radios operate in analog mode to older analog only radios, and either analog or digital mode to
other P25 radios.
Phase 2 P25 radio systems are backwards compatible with Phase 1 P25 equipment.
Encryption Capability
The P25 standard includes a requirement for protecting digital communications (voice and data) with
encryption capability. The encryption used in P25 is optional, allowing the user to select either clear
(un-encrypted) or secure (encrypted) digital communication methods. The encryption keys also have
the option of being re-keyed by digital data over a radio network. This is referred to as Over The Air Re-
keying (OTAR). This capability allows the radio systems manager to remotely change encryption keys.
Spectrum Efficiency
P25 maximizes spectrum efficiency by narrowing bandwidths.
The RF spectrum is a finite resource used by every country in the world. Spectrum efficiency frees up
more channels for radio system use.
Enhanced Functionality
Phase 1 P25 radio systems use 2400 bits per second for signaling and control functions. The signaling
capabilities include selective calling (Source and Destination ID), talk groups (TGID), network (repeater)
access codes (NAC) and emergency flags all as standard P25 digital features.
Other P25 signaling includes; Manufacturers identification codes (MFID) which uniquely identifies
different manufacturers to customize radio capabilities, Low Speed Data for user applications, encryption
keys and algorithms for secure transmission and many other standard signaling formats.
While P25 and TETRA appear to be the two leading digital Land Mobile Radio standards in the
world today, there are other digital, spectrally-efficient radio systems that have been submitted to the
International Telecommunication Unions Radiocommunication Sectors (ITU-R) Study Group 8 and its
Working Party 8A.
ITU-R is charged with determining the technical characteristics and operational procedures for a growing
range of wireless services. The Radiocommunication Sector also plays a vital role in the management
of the radio-frequency spectrum. Study Group 8 and its Working Party 8A is responsible for studies
related to the land mobile service, excluding cellular, and to the amateur and amateur-satellite services.
Digital radio systems can operate using different channel access methods such as FDMA (Frequency
Division Multiple Access), TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access), or other methods (FHMA - Frequency
Hopping Multiple Access).
Project 25, Tetrapol, and EDACS (Enhanced Digital Access Communications System) Aegis are
three different FDMA systems. TETRA, DIMRS (Digital Integrated Mobile Radio System), and IDRA
(Integrated Digital Radio) are three different TDMA systems.
France submitted Tetrapol to ITU-R Working Party 8A. It uses a constant-envelope modulation technique
that fits within a 10 kHz channel mask. Systems are in use in a number of countries in Europe and
around the world. EADS is the principal manufacturer of this equipment.
L.M. Ericsson AB (with support from the Swedish Administration) submitted EDACS Aegis to ITU-R
Working Party 8A. It uses a constant-envelope modulation technique and has four different selectable
levels of deviation and filtering that can result in the signal fitting within 25 kHz and 12.5 kHz channel
masks. Systems are in use in a number of countries around the world. M/A-COM, Inc. is the principal
manufacturer of this equipment.
A number of European countries submitted TETRA to ITU-R Working Party 8A on behalf of ETSI (the
European Telecommunication Standards Institute). TETRAs primary mode uses /4DQPSK modulation
that requires a linear or linearized amplifier and fits four-slot TDMA within a 25 kHz channel mask.
Canada submitted DIMRS to ITU-R Working Party 8A. It is a six-slot TDMA system using 16QAM
modulation that fits within a 25 kHz channel mask. It is designed primarily for public systems and is
in use in a number of countries around the world. Motorola Inc. is the principal manufacturer of this
equipment, under the name IDEN.
Japan submitted IDRA to ITU-R Working Party 8A. It also is a six-slot TDMA system using 16QAM (16
point Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) that fit within a 25 kHz channel mask. A major difference from
DIMRS is the use of a different vocoder.
Israel submitted FHMA to ITU-R Working Party 8A. The system primarily makes use of frequency
hopping and sectorized base station antennas to gain spectrum efficiency. The signals are error
protected and when a radio is at a sector boundary, due to different frequency hop patterns between
sectors, interference to and from nearby radios in the other sector is minimized.
Although the other digital standards seem to work well for their original intentions, APCO felt that these
standards would not meet all of the requirements for a public safety agency within North America. P25
standards were designed primarily for the public safety user, with range and performance given very
high priority. Also, unique flexibility has been designed into the standards to enhance interoperability,
privacy, gradual phase-in of new technologies, and the reliable transmission of voice and data.
There are currently more than forty technical documents in the set of P25 standards. The
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) developed these standards through well defined user
input. The P25 users continue to enlarge a Statement of Requirements while the industry develops the
standards for those requirements and the Project 25 Steering Committee verifies their adherence to
the users needs. The P25 documents have also been approved by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) as ANSI standards. This is the ultimate recognition in the United States of the utility
and support of a technology as a standard.
The individual documents describe component interfaces needed to build systems. Depending upon
the type of system the user needs, individual documents are available that detail how standardized
elements can make up a standardized system. These systems can be trunked or conventional, they
can be voice only, data only or voice and data, and they can be clear or encrypted.
The P25 standards are contained in the TIA-102 suite of documents. Copies of the standards
documents may be purchased through Global Engineering Documents by commercial entities. Public
agency users can get a copy of all of the documents on a CD-ROM from the National Communications
System (NCS). NCS is the standards arm of the U.S. Department of Defense. Copies may also be
obtained from the Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Standards and Technology
Group. NIJ is a primary advocate and supporter of the Project 25 process.
P25 defines six interfaces to an RF Sub-System (RFSS), one peripheral interface, and one over-the
air interface. These are shown in Figure 2-1 the P25 General System Model. Within the RFSS, all
equipment is unique to a single manufacturer. An example of a closed interface within the RFSS is
the interface between a trunking controller and its base station. Each of the open interfaces shown in
Figure 2-1 is defined in a TIA document.
The Inter Sub-System Interface (ISSI), Network Management Interface, Fixed Station Interface, and
Console Interface are being developed. It is TIAs intention to standardize these equipment sub-system
interfaces whenever practical. The ISSI, console, and fixed station interfaces are based on the use of
Internet Protocol (IP).
The general system model of a P25 compliant digital radio system defines the system elements plus
intra-system and inter-system interfaces and naming conventions of these elements and interfaces.
A Um
Um2 Inter
TRUNKED Sub-System
CONSOLE Interface
Um2 = Phase 2 TDMA CAI
The P25 Interface Standards as shown on the General System Model are as follows:
The P25 interfaces bound the RF Sub-System (RFSS) infrastructure. The RF Sub-System can be
made from any collection of site equipment (single station/site or multiple station/site), whose only
requirement is that the equipment supports the Common Air Interface, and contains all necessary
control logic to support the open intersystem interfaces and call processing. The RF Sub-Systems are
the building blocks for wide-area system construction and will connect with any other configuration of
equipment or RF Sub-Systems.
A breakdown of the information contained in the Common Air Interface can be found in Chapter 4:
Anatomy of the Common Air Interface. Chapter 8 contains some detailed information on the operation
and theory of the IMBE Vocoder.
The Inter Sub-System Interface (G) or ISSI permits multiple RF Sub-Systems to be interconnected
together into wide-area networks. The ISSI defines a multi-channel digital interface supporting standard
protocols to enable interoperability utilizing mobility management and wide-area service support
functionality. The interface is designed to give system designers the flexibility to combine any number
of RF Sub-Systems of any size. The Inter Sub-System Interface also provides a common meeting
place for RF Sub-Systems of different technologies (TDMA, FDMA, micro-cell) and different RF bands.
This interface is optional, and need only be supported when intercommunication amongst and across
RFSSs of Land Mobile Radio systems is desired.
Although a P25 subscriber radio may only operate freely among systems with the standard P25 common
air interface, the P25 ISSI has the potential to connect between different radio or telecommunications
networks as long as they also support the ISSI interface.
The ISSI messaging defines the basic structures to be shared among all equipped RFSSs. The
ISSI can be supported on any possible networking configuration, from a simple star configuration to
a full mesh, to an intelligent network. This can consist of private links and network support, or may be
public links and network support configured as a private network. Any intervening network supporting
the information of an ISSI link needs to preserve the ISSI messaging packet, but may intermediately
represent the ISSI packet in whatever convenient form (e.g. ATM cell) is available.
service transport,
The Telephone Interconnect Interface defines a 2-wire loop start and a 2-wire ground start connection
between the RF Sub-System and the PSTN or a PABX. In addition, other optional interfaces may be
provided. The Telephone Interface deals only with voice service because it has been assumed that
circuit connected data services would access a telephone network via a modem and connect to a data
port on the radio system.
The Network Management Interface defines a network management interface to all RF Sub-
Systems. According to a single selected network management scheme within any RF Sub-System,
all five classical elements of network management must be supported. It is expected that a network
management scheme will be selected that will bring with it the ability to manage RF Sub-Systems
with available network management system equipment. In addition, an existing network management
system, including computer and telecommunications equipment, may well be able to encompass P25
radio systems.
The Fixed Station Interface defines a set of mandatory messages, supporting analog voice, digital
voice (clear or encrypted), and data (under development). These messages will be of a standard
format passed over the interface. Manufacturers can enhance this functionality using manufacturer
specific messages.
The Conventional Fixed Station Interface (CFSI), which is a specialization of the Fixed Station Interface,
has been defined. A breakdown of the information contained in the CFSI can be found in Chapter 5:
Conventional Fixed Station Interface.
The CFSI defines both an Analog Fixed Station Interface (AFSI) and a Digital Fixed Station Interface
(DFSI). Either one of these interfaces can be used to connect to a fixed station operating in analog,
digital or mixed mode.
The AFSI configuration is 2 or 4-wire audio with E&M or Tone Remote Control.
The DFSI configuration is an IP based interface. The physical interface is an Ethernet 100 Base-T
with an RJ45 connector. The DFSI utilizes UDP for control information and RTP on UDP for voice
information. Digital voice information is IMBE and analog voice information is PCM audio.
The Console Sub-System Interface (CSSI) defines a multi-channel digital interface. This interface
is capable of supporting standard protocols to enable interoperable support functionality. The CSSI
defines basic messaging structures to interface a console sub-system to an RFSS.
The CSSI can be supported using a variety of networking technologies and topologies, from a simple
star configuration to an intelligent backbone network. The networks may be private, or public networks
configured as private networks.
The physical interface is an Ethernet 100 Base-T with an RJ45 connector. The CSSI will support
Ethernet 10 Base-T and 1000 Base-T as an optional physical interface. The CSSI will optionally support
auto-sensing. Other interfaces may be installed as a manufacturers option.
As a note, a console sub-system can connect directly to a fixed station and support one or more Fixed
Station Interfaces. Manufacturers may also optionally support a subset of the Data Host or Network
Interface in the Console.
The Console Sub-System Interface is a sub-set of the fixed station interface. Any device connected at
these points will arbitrate to determine the type of connection.
P25 equipment can be used in any configuration that is typically found in existing analog systems.
Base Stations, remote bases, repeaters, voting, and simulcast systems are all configurations of P25
conventional systems. Transmitter RF power output levels and receiver sensitivity levels of P25
equipment are very similar to those of conventional analog equipment. P25 equipment can therefore
be used in a one-for-one replacement scenario of analog equipment. This section will discuss some
of the issues surrounding the transition from an analog radio system to a P25 digital radio system as
well as supply general knowledge about P25 radio systems.
The frequency bands in which P25 radio systems are available are VHF (136 174 MHz) and UHF
(403 512 MHz, 806 870 MHz). In addition, P25, Phase 1 technology has been adopted by the FCC
as the digital interoperability standard for the 700 MHz (746 806 MHz) digital public safety band.
Frame synchronization
A special sequence of 48 bits marking the location of the first bit of the message provides frame
synchronization. Frame synchronization occurs at the beginning of every message (voice and data),
and is inserted every 180 ms throughout the voice message. This allows receivers to pick up voice
messages after the message has begun (late entry of receivers). Late entry can occur when a subscriber
unit selects a channel (or talk group) while there is already an active signal present. The subscriber unit
was not active when the transmission started, but is added when it detects the repeated frame sync
function. The frame synchronization is not accessible or programmable by the user.
Network ID (NID)
Every P25 data unit packet contains the 64 bit NID field. The NID is composed of a 4 bit Data Unit ID
and a 12 bit NAC code. The NID is protected with a primitive BCH Code and a single parity bit is added
to fill out the NID code word to 64 bits.
Data Unit ID
The NID contains the 4 bit Data Unit ID field. The Data Unit ID is used to determine the type of packet
information (eg. Header Data Unit, Logical Link Data Unit 1, etc.). The Data Unit ID is not accessible
or programmable by the user.
The NAC codes 12-bit field ranges from hexadecimal $000 to $FFF and contains 4096 addresses
(significantly more than the standard CTCSS and DCS tones).
$F7E a receiver set for NAC $F7E will unsquelch on any incoming NAC.
$F7F a repeater receiver set for NAC $F7F will allow all incoming signals to be repeated with the
NAC intact.
Shown below is the early TIA conversion table from CTCSS to NAC codes. These codes were
determined by taking the CTCSS frequency and multiplying it by ten, then converting the integer result
to a hexadecimal number.
131.8 Hz $526
Status Symbols
Throughout the Data Units, 2 bit status symbols are interleaved so that there is one status symbol for
every 70 bits of information. The status symbols allow repeaters to indicate the status of the inbound
channels to subscribers. The repeaters assert the status symbols on both voice and data messages,
indicating inbound activity for both voice and data calls.
The subscribers set the value of the status symbol to signify an Unknown status in their messages
since they are unable to indicate the status of any inbound channel.
There are 4 possible values for the status symbol; 01 (for busy), 11 (for idle), 00 (unknown, used by
talk-around) and 10 (unknown, used for inbound or outbound). Repeaters use status symbols 01 and
11, and subscribers use status symbols 00 and 10.
There is one value for Busy (01), one for Idle (11), and two values to indicate Unknown status. When
the subscriber sends a message on a direct channel, it will use the Unknown value for direct mode
operation (00). When the subscriber sends a message inbound to a repeater, it will use the Unknown
value for repeater operation (10).
Status Symbols are used on a P25 trunking system for subscriber access to the inbound control channel
using the Slotted ALOHA technique. The Status Symbols are transmitted on the outbound control
channel, and the subscriber uses them to identify the slot boundaries for the inbound control channel.
The reference oscillator stability for repeaters and base stations is often better than for subscriber
radios. Subscribers may compare the frequency of their local reference oscillator with the carrier
frequency from a repeater or base station transmitter, in order to adjust and improve their local reference
oscillator. This adjustment is called Automatic Frequency Control (AFC). AFC operation is anticipated
by the FCC regulations for the 746-806 MHz band. Subscribers may detect a repeater or base station
transmission by checking the values of the status symbols on slot boundaries. A repeater or base station
will transmit Busy or Idle indications on slot boundaries. When a subscriber detects these values, it can
average enough data symbols from a transmission to obtain an estimate of the carrier frequency used
by the repeater or base station. It can then compare this to the receiver local oscillator to determine
any frequency corrections to improve local reference stability. After the repeater or base station stops
transmitting, the subscriber units will be in an unlock state. AFC locking resumes when a repeater or
base station restarts its transmissions.
Status Symbols are not widely used at this time, however there are many possible uses for them in the
future (such as data / voice priority).
Manufacturers ID (MFID)
The Header Code Word and Link Control Word (LDU1) contain the 8 bit MFID field. When the
manufacturer uses non-standard (data only) features, the MFID is asserted. When all of the other
information fields conform to the Common Air Interface definitions, the MFID has a standard value of
$00 or $01. A P25 radio must, as a minimum, transmit or receive messages using the the standard
values for the MFID field. As a minimum, a P25 receiver will ignore messages which do not contain
the standard values for the MFID field. Every manufacturer is assigned an MFID that can be used
for proprietary signaling. Non-standard data from one manufacturer may not pass through another
manufacturers repeater system.
Algorithm ID (ALGID)
The Header Code Word and Encryption Synchronization (LDU2) contain the 8 bit ALGID field. The
ALGID identifies the encryption algorithm used in the P25 system. The ALGID is entered through a Key
Management Facility or Key Loader when entering encryption keys.
The ALGIDs that have been defined for Type 1 algorithms are:
Key ID (KID)
The Header Code Word and Encryption Synchronization (LDU2) contain the 16 bit KID field. The KID
identifies the specific encryption key for use when multiple encryption keys have been loaded into the
encryption modules. The KID is also used for single encryption key systems. The typical default KID
for clear or secure systems is $0000. The KID is entered through a Key Management Facility or Key
Loader when entering encryption keys.
Talk-group ID (TGID)
The Header Code Word and Link Control Word (LDU1) contain the 16 bit TGID field. The TGID identifies
the talk-group for the message. The purpose of a talk group is to allow logical groupings of radio users
into distinct organizations. The TGID could also be used to minimize co-channel interference and allow
subscriber addressing.
TheTGID ranges from hexadecimal $0000 to $FFFF and contains 65,536 addresses.
$0000 no-one or a talk group with no users. Used when implementing an individual call.
Unit ID
The Unit ID is a 24 bit user programmable field that is used for both group and individual calling. The
Unit ID is used as both a Source ID (from the sending unit) and a Destination ID (in the receiving unit
in an individual call).
The Unit ID is different from the Electronic Serial Number (ESN) embedded in the radio. The ESN is
only programmable by the manufacturer of the radio.
The Unit ID ranges from hexadecimal $000000 to $FFFFFF and contains 16,777,216 addresses.
The Unit IDs should be programmed into the radios using a national, corporate or agency wide unit
identification scheme.
$FFFFFF designates everyone. Used when implementing a group call with a TGID.
Source ID
The Link Control Word (LDU1) contains the 24 bit Source ID field. The Source ID is the Unit ID of the
SENDING unit. The Source ID is typically sent in all voice messages and is used for both group and
private calling.
Destination ID
The Link Control Word (LDU1) contains the 24 bit Destination ID field. The Destination ID is used for
private voice messages only (called private or individual calling). The Destination ID is the Unit ID of
the intended recipient of the individual call.
Emergency indicator
The Link Control word (LDU1) contains the 1 bit Emergency indicator field. The Emergency indicator
is embedded in group voice messages to indicate an emergency condition.
The emergency indicator bit is designed to be selectable by a switch or programming in the subscriber
units. The emergency indicator bit can be set as follows:
%1 emergency condition
P25 voice messages can also be sent in P25 digital mode. P25 voice messages can be sent in either
encrypted (secure) or unencrypted (clear) mode. The secure / clear operation is typically an option that
is required to be installed in the subscriber units.
There are 3 methods to send a voice message, with several options and variations of each case. Each
of these 3 methods of sending a voice message can operate in clear or secure mode.
Routine Group Call This is the most common type of call and is intended for a group of users within the
radio system. This type of call is typically initiated by asserting the PTT switch.
Emergency Group Call This type of call is similar to a Routine Group Call, but is used during an emergency
condition. An emergency condition is defined by the radio system users This type of
call is typically initiated by asserting the Emergency switch.
Individual Call This type of call is addressed to a specific individual. The caller enters the subscribers
Unit ID, that they wish to call, and this is used as the Destination ID by the radio making
the call. This type of call is made after the Destination ID is entered into the radio.
The P25 transmitter has sufficient controls to support the three main types of voice messages. These
controls are as follows:
PTT Switch - The Push-To-Talk switch is pressed when the user wishes to transmit and released when
the transmission is over.
Channel Selector - The Channel Selector allows the user of the radio to select a radios mode of
operation. The Channel Selector controls the following parameters of the radio:
1. Frequency
2. NAC
Emergency Switch - The Emergency switch will allow the user to assert the emergency condition.
Once asserted, the emergency condition remains active until cleared by some other means (eg. turning
the radio off).
Numeric Keypad / Display - The Numeric Keypad / Display will allow the user to set numeric parameters
(eg. the Destination ID in an individual call).
MI, ALGID, and KID are set by secure or clear mode parameters.
MI, ALGID, and KID are set by secure or clear mode parameters.
MI, ALGID, and KID are set by secure or clear mode parameters.
Emergency Alarm
Emergency Alarm is activated by a user to inform the dispatcher an emergency situation is encountered.
The Emergency Alarm is typically used in a life threatening situation.
Call Alert
Call Alert sends a data packet to the destination subscriber identifying the source of the Call Alert and
requesting the destination to contact the source. Call Alert is typically used if the destination subscriber
did not respond to a voice message from the source.
Radio Check
Radio Check is used to determine if a specific subscriber is currently available on the radio system.
A response to the Radio Check is required, or the system will assume the subscriber is not available.
A Message may be sent by a subscriber or the RFSS to send a short message to another subscriber.
P25 Location Services, such as GPS, provide a method of supplying a Location Service Host System
(mapping software for example) with the location of subscriber units within a P25 Radio System
coverage area. The Location Services can include information such as latitude, longitude, altitude,
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), GPS quality, and many other location information messages. The
P25 standards break the location services into two tiers of service, Tier 1 and Tier 2.
Tier 1
Tier 1 is a simple subscriber to subscriber interface for Conventional direct (talkaround) or repeated
radio signals, without providing IP addressing, fixed host routing, or more advanced configuration
of triggering and reporting. Tier 1 is used for real-time field incident applications where the Location
Service Host System (LSHS) is built-in to the subscriber. It does not provide location information to a
Fixed Data Host through an RF Sub-System. Tier 1 uses a dedicated Service Access Point (SAP) on
the Common Air Interface (CAI) to transmit location information formatted as described in NMEA 0183.
National Marine Electronics Association, NMEA 0183 is a combined electrical and data specification
for communication between electronic devices (primarily marine) such as echo sounder, sonars, GPS
receivers and many other types of instrument. NMEA 0183 is a commonly used location protocol.
Tier 2
Tier 2 is a request/response protocol that allows an LSHS to make a request for location information
from a subscriber unit or Mobile Data Peripheral (MDP), and to receive a response from the subscriber
immediately, periodically or under various triggering conditions. The information can be transmitted
between subscribers in Conventional direct (takaround) or repeated mode, or between a subscriber
and a Fixed Data Host (FDH) in Conventional or Trunked Fixed Data mode. Tier 2 is used where there
is the necessary infrastructure to allow routing and transport in a customer data network using IPv4.
The Tier 2 approach utilizes Location Request/Response Protocol (LRRP) across the P25 Packet Data
Service to transport UDP/IP addressed location information packets from the LSHS to the subscriber,
and to transport location information from the subscriber to the LSHS. LRRP is an XML-based protocol,
and uses Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) compression for efficient transmission over the Common Air
Tier 1
Tier 2
Mobile Data Subscriber Subscriber Mobile Data Peripheral
Peripheral (MDP) Unit (SU) Unit (SU) Hosting LSHS
(RFSS) Ed Fixed Data Host (FDH)
Hosting Location Service
Host System (LSHS)
The LIS to subscriber or MDP interface is not standardized as the LIS industry is separate from the
Land Mobile Radio Industry, as well as the LIS could be part of the subscriber itself.
The LSHS might be hosted by (reside in) the Fixed Data Host (FDH), or the Mobile Data Peripheral
(MDP). Depending on the subscriber manufacturers design, the LSHS may be a part of the actual
subscriber (integrated map display for example).
Triggering conditions
A number of triggering conditions may cause the subscriber to transmit the location information. Most
of the triggers are actions performed by the subscriber user. The P25 Location Services supports
configuration and use of these triggers, but the subscriber manufacturer determines which triggers may
be implemented. All of the manufacturers supported triggering options should be enabled or disabled
by the administrator of the P25 system
The following are supported triggering conditions when the subscriber will transmit location information:
PTT at the end of each PTT. This is only available on Conventional systems; Trunking systems do
not support it.
Emergency when the emergency mode is entered, and whenever an emergency message is
Host Request in response to a request from the data host (Tier 2 only)
User Request when the user of the subscriber requests that it be transmitted. (a button push for
Distance Change when the distance between the current and the last reported location exceeds a
specified value.
The P25 Location Service specification does not support triggering conditions for speed change,
direction change or a proximity trigger. This does not mean that a manufacturer cannot implement
these triggers in their subscriber.
The triggering conditions can be configured by commands sent by the LSHS to the subscriber, via the
bi-directional request/response protocol used in Tier 2. Tier 1 does not support the response/request
P25 Encryption applies to both trunking and conventional systems, as well as voice messages and
data packets. The IMBE vocoder produces a digital bit stream for voice messages that is relatively
easy to encrypt. Major advantages of the P25 encryption design are that encryption does not affect
speech intelligibility nor does it affect the systems usable range. Both of these advantages are major
improvements over encryption previously used in analog systems.
Encryption requires that both the transmitting and the receiving devices have an encryption key, and
this key must be the same in each unit. This may be done using a Key Loader. Most P25 subscriber
equipment is optionally available with the capability of storing and using multiple keys. That is, a unit
could use one key for one group of users and use a separate key for another group of users. System
management of keys may be done in a Key Management Facility, or KMF.
In the U.S. there are four general types of encryption algorithms. Type 1 is for U.S classified material
(national security), Type 2 is for general U.S federal interagency security, Type 3 is interoperable
interagency security between U.S. Federal, State and Local agencies, and Type 4 is for proprietary
solutions (exportable as determined by each vendor and the U.S. State Department). The CAI supports
use of any of the four types of encryption algorithms. P25 documents currently standardize two different
Type 3 encryption processes. One encryption process is the U.S. Data Encryption Standard, or DES
algorithm, which uses 64 bit Output Feed Back and is denoted as DES-OFB. Another encryption
process is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) which is a 256 bit algorithm.
P25 also includes a standardized Over The Air Rekeying (OTAR) function. OTAR is a way to greatly
increase the utility of encryption systems by allowing transfer of encryption keys via radio. This remote
rekey ability, controlled from a Key Management Facility, or KMF, means that radios no longer have to
be physically touched in order to install a new or replacement key into a radio. OTAR signaling is sent
as Packet Data Units over the Common Air Interface.
Optionally, multiple encryption keys can be stored in P25 radio equipment. In order to identify the keys,
they are stored with an associated label called a Key Identifier or KID. The type of algorithm to be used
with the key is identified by an Algorithm ID or ALGID.
To be able to decrypt messages, the receiver decryption module software must be in the same
state as the transmitter encryption module software. The CAI provides space for up to 72 bits of this
synchronization information in the Message Indicator (MI) vector at the beginning of the message (in
the header), and periodically during the message in the LDU2 portion of the voice superframe.
AES and DES-OFB encryption solutions were tested and verified by an accredited National Institute of
Science and Technology (NIST) laboratory as compliant with the security requirements of the Federal
Information Processing Standard (FIPS).
P25 Phase 1 uses C4FM modulation. Because C4FM is a constant amplitude modulation, it allows use
of nonlinear power amplifiers. Use of nonlinear amplifiers results in digital equipment that produces
RF power levels that are equal to the power levels of current analog equipment. Systems can be
implemented with little or no loss of coverage. An analog transmitter can be replaced with a P25 Phase
1, digital transmitter that produces the same transmitter output level of the analog transmitter. This
is currently not necessarily true for higher power analog systems that are replaced by some TDMA
systems when bandwidth of the resultant signal is a critical issue.
In order to occupy a limited bandwidth, some TDMA systems use modulations that require linear power
amplifiers and system transmitter power in these systems can be a significant issue. GSM, for
example, uses a 200 kHz wide channel for 8 voice slots, and uses the fixed amplitude GMSK modulation.
TETRA on the other hand, uses 4 slots in a 25 kHz wide channel, and TETRA uses DQPSK that
contains amplitude and phase components to the modulation. By using a linear amplifier, the variable
amplitude modulation implementations produce a relatively lower output power. Their higher data rate
also tends to limit the coverage area because of the bit rate and the resultant bit timing. This can result
in a much larger infrastructure to support TDMA systems as opposed to the Phase 1 FDMA systems.
FDMA also promotes use of a very reliable direct mode of operation because of the power levels of
subscriber equipment and the lack of a requirement for any supporting infrastructure. This direct, or
talk around, mode insures reliable unit-to-unit operation without the need for any infrastructure. Again,
because of the use of non-linear power amplifiers, portable and mobile radio transmitter power of P25
digital equipment is comparable to the power level available in current FM analog equipment.
Since the RF power output levels of current FM analog and P25 digital equipment are equal, it would
seem that digital coverage and analog coverage are equal. This is not true, as much more of the
covered area is usable when sending a P25 digital signal. The signal-to-noise ratio in the subscriber
unit is a critical element of analog systems. P25 signals attempt to correct for noise-induced errors,
with the built in error correction, so that fringe areas that were not clearly audible in analog systems
have a good chance of being loud and clear with P25 digital.
Digital = BER
Analog = SINAD
45 dB Digital
40 dB
35 dB
30 dB
Audio Quality
25 dB
20 dB
15 dB
5% 12 dB
10 dB
5 dB
0 dB
-20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130
Although it appears that the digital radio signal performs with greater coverage area than an analog
radio signal, other factors must also be taken into consideration, such as multipath reflections. Multipath
reflections of the RF carrier occurs when two or more signals of the same origin arrive at the receive
antenna delayed in time because they traveled different path lengths or because of reflections and
scattering in the propagation environment. This deterioration of the signal must be considered when
planning coverage areas.
Direct Path
Analog Mode
RF multipath is a frequency dependant problem with higher frequencies being more vulnerable. When
a subscriber radio is in motion, multipath interference results in the amplitude modulation effect familiar
to mobile FM listeners as picket fencing. In the worst case, when the subscriber radio is stopped in
a signal null, the signal is severely degraded and a single, strong specular reflection may completely
cancel the transmitted signal. Where analog reception can become noisy, digital signals could be lost
altogether. Increasing power is not a viable remedy because both the direct and reflected signal will
increase proportionally, preserving the interference nulls.
Coverage studies
Many different agencies and organizations such as the federal government, state departments, fire
departments and other public safety organizations have conducted studies on analog and digital
propagation of RF communication systems and publish their studies online or in magazines. These
studies are typically specific to the type of communications systems the organization uses and the
environment they are deployed in. While these studies are extremely useful, they usually compare
different communication systems (eg. digital trunking vs. simplex analog) in different RF propagation
The following are some radio system tests that can be performed on P25 radio systems in analog or
digital mode:
The measurement device used in analog systems is typically the SINAD meter which shows a ratio in
dB of:
Sensitivity in a digital radio system is expressed in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER). BER is the percentage
of received bits in error to the total number of bits transmitted. The Digital Sensitivity test must be
conducted with a known test signal such as the Standard 1011 pattern. The radio is typically placed into
a special test mode for this test and radio specific software and a computer may be required to evaluate
a decoded 1011 patterns Bit Error Rate.
Modulation fidelity is determined by taking deviation measurements synchronously with the decoded
symbol clock and averages the measurements over a group of symbols to calculate a percentage
of error. The measured deviation is only important at symbol time. This test requires specific test
patterns to be generated from the transmitter.
In order to understand the different delay times, the following definitions for an analog system are as
follows (from TIA-603-C):
If an analog system uses CCTSS decode and / or encode the following definitions are applicable (from
According to TIA-603-C an analog system could have a maximum Receiver Attack Time of 150 ms (250
ms if CTCSS is used) and a maximum Transmitter Attack Time of 100 ms (150 ms if CTCSS is used). In
most analog systems the attack times are significantly lower than these values (especially if the system
does not have CTCSS).
The following definitions for a P25 system are as follows (from TIA-102.CAAA-A):
According to TIA-102.CAAB-B, a P25 system could have a maximum Receiver Unsquelch Delay of up
to 460 ms (if both talk groups and encryption is used) and a maximum Transmitter Power and Encoder
Attack Time of 100 ms (50 ms Power Attack Time; 100 ms Encoder Attack Time). Receiver Unsquelch
Delay can be reduced to a maximum of 370 ms if only the talk group OR encryption is used (not both).
If neither talk groups nor encryption is used the maximum Receiver Unsquelch Delay is 125 ms. In
most P25 systems the attack times are relatively close to these maximum values.
P25 Radio Systems also specify a Throughput Delay as follows (from TIA-102.CAAA-B):
Throughput delays are separate from attack times. Throughput delays assume that the equipment is
already powered and operational. TIA-603-C does not specify an audio throughput delay for analog
systems, as the throughput delay is typically negligible. P25 radio systems require much more
processing time (Digital Signal Processing, Vocoding, etc.) and typically have much greater throughput
delays than conventional analog.
< 250 ms
250 ms
< 125 ms
SU Repeater SU
< 350 ms
< 100 ms
< 500 ms
500 ms
P25 Radio Systems will have either a slight or great increase in the delays experienced by the user over
legacy analog systems, depending on the system infrastructure (more infrastructure to pass the signal
through equals more delay). System users may require re-training to accommodate for the greater
The P25 standard requires the use of the IMBE Vocoder to encode speech (tone and audio level) into
a digital bit stream. The IMBE digital bit stream is broken into voice frames where each voice frame
is 88 bits in length (representing 20 ms of speech). The voice frames are protected with error correction
codes which add 56 parity check bits resulting in an overall voice frame size of 144 bits. The voice
frames are grouped into Logical Link Data Units (LDU1 and LDU2) that contain 9 voice frames each.
Each Logical Link Data Unit is 180 ms in length and can be consecutively grouped into Superframes
of 360 ms. The superframes are repeated continuously throughout the voice message after a Header
Data Unit has been sent. Additional information (encryption, Link Control information and Low Speed
Data) is interleaved throughout the voice message.
The voice message structure for a P25 CAI voice transmission is shown in Figure 4-1. The voice
message begins with a Header Data Unit (to properly initialize any encryption and link control functions
for the message), and then continues with Logical Link Data Units or LDUs. The LDUs alternate until
the end of the voice message. The end of the message is marked with a Terminator Data Unit. The
Terminator Data Unit can follow any of the other voice data units.
Data messages are transmitted over the P25 CAI using a packet technique. The data information is
broken into fragments, packets and blocks are then error coded and sent as a single packet called a
Packet Data Unit. The Packet Data Unit can be of varying lengths and includes a header block that
contains the length of the data message.
Header Data Unit, Logical Link Data Unit 1 or 2, Packet Data Unit or Terminator Data Unit
Remainder of Header Data Unit, Logical Data Unit 1 or 2, Packet Data Unit or Terminator Data Unit
12 bits 4 bits
A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 S3 S2 S1 S0
The P bit is the last (64-th) parity bit in the code word.
Throughout all of the data units (Header Data Unit, Logical Link Data Unit 1, Logical Link Data Unit 2,
Packet Data Unit and Terminator Data Unit) the 2 bit status symbols are interleaved so that there is one
status symbol for every 70 bits of information.
792 bits
Status Symbol Each 2 bits for Every 70 Bits 11 X 2 = 22 Bits
770 bits
FS 48 bits
NID 63 bits+1Parity bit
Header Code Word 648 bits
10 bits
648 bits
Each encode with (18,6,8) shortened Golay
36X6=216 [(36,20,17) RS code adds 16 hex bits
120 bits
Initialization vector for
MI 72 bits
encryption algorithm
TGID 16 bits
KID 16 bits
ALGID 8 bits
MFID 8 bits
Figure 4-4: Header Data Unit
The Header Code Word field includes a Message Indicator (MI), and Algorithm ID (ALGID) for the
encryption algorithm, and the Key ID (KID) for the encryption key as well as the Manufacturers ID
(MFID) and Talk-group ID (TGID). These information fields total 120 bits.
The information fields are separated into 20 symbols of 6 bits each (these are called hex bits). The
symbols or hex bits are encoded with a (36,20,17) Reed-Solomon code to yield 36 hex bits. The 36 hex
bits are then encoded with a (18,6,8) shortened Golay code to yield 648 bits total.
The IMBE vocoder converts speech into a digital bit stream where the bit stream is broken into
voice frames of 88 bits in length for every 20 ms of speech. This corresponds to a continuous average
vocoder bit rate of 4.4 kbps. Voice frames consist of 8 information vectors, labelled u_0, u_1, ... u_7.
Voice frames are encoded into a 144 bit voice code word as follows:
The voice frame bits are rated according to their effect on audio quality and are then protected using
Golay and Hamming codes. The 48 most important bits (u_0 through u_3) are error protected with four
(23,12,7) Golay code words. The next 33 most significant bits (u_4 through u_6) are error protected
with three (15,11,3) Hamming code words. The last 7 least significant bits (u_7) are not error protected.
Construction of the IMBEdigital bit stream into voice code words is given in Figure 4-5.
1728 bits
1680 bits
Low Speed
FS 48 bits Data 32 bits
NID 64 bits
88 bits Voice Data +
56 bits Parity bits
Exclusive OR
After the voice data has been error protected using the Golay and Hamming codes, a 114 bit pseudo
random sequence (PN sequence) is generated from the 12 bits of u_0. The error protected voice data
in u_1 through u_6 is then bit-wise exclusive-ored with the PN sequence. This information is then
interleaved throughout the voice frame to resist fades.
LDU1 with Embedded Link Control (LC 72 bits + 168 bits parity = 240 bits)
1728 bits
Status Symbol 2 bits Each for Every 70 bits (24 X 2 = 48 bits) Each Block 70 bits
1680 bits
VC1 ~ VC9 each 144 bits Low Speed
FS 48 bits Each 40 bits Data 32 bits
(88 Digital Voice IMBE + 56 bits Parity)
NID 64 bits
LC 1~4 LC 5~8 LC 9~12 LC13~16 LC 17~20
16 bits Data
240 bits
Hamming Code (10,6,3)
144 bits
RS (24,12,13)
LCF Service
$00 MFID Reserved TGID 16 bits Source ID 24 bits
LCF Service
MFID Destination ID 24 bits Source ID 24 bits
$03 Options
Link Control Format (LCF) to specify the word's information
content (this shows two examples only)
The Link Control Word is constructed by serializing the information into 12 hex bits and then encoding
them with a (24,12,13) RS code to yield 24 hex bits. The 24 hex bits are then encoded with a (10,6,3)
shortened Hamming code to yield 240 bits total. The 240 bits of Link Control (LC) information is then
inserted in between the voice code words (VC2 to VC8) in blocks of 40 bits (LC 1-4 is a block of 40
bits, etc.).
The Link Control Word is a portion of the voice message that resides in the Logical Link Data Unit 1
(LDU1) and the expanded Terminator Data Unit. There is a basic Link Control format that implicitly
assumes the Standard Manufacturers ID is used, and one that is used when the Manufacturers ID is
specified explicitly.
The Link Control Word field may include a Talk-group ID (TGID or Group Address), a Source ID
(Source Address), a Destination ID (Target Address), Service Options, including an Emergency
indicator, a Manufacturers ID (MFID) and any other necessary call ID information. The Link Control
Word uses a variable format (both implicitly and explicitly) since there is too much information for a fixed
field format. The type of format is identified by the Link Control Format (LCF). The LCF specifies
the the content of the Link Control Words information and contains the P, SF and LCO sub-fields. Two
format examples are diagrammed in Figure 4-7. All of the information fields (including the LCF) total
72 bits.
P - Protected flag
%0 Link Control is not encrypted
%1 Explicit Source ID is required. The next LC will contain the Source ID including
Network ID and System ID. Used for trunked systems only.
Service Options
This field contains individual bits that indicate the type(s) of service being requested or provided. The
Service Options are diagrammed in Figure 4-8:
Service options
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
E P D M R Priority Level
E - Emergency
%0 Normal or non-emergency status
%1 Emergency status requiring special processing
P - Protected
%0 Resources (other than the control channel) should be non-encrypted
%1 Resources (other than the control channel) should be encrypted
D - Duplex
%0 Half duplex, the subscriber is capable of transmitting but not simultaneously receiving on the assigned channel
%1 Full duplex, the subscriber is capable of transmitting and receiving simultaneously on the assigned channel
M - Mode
%0 Resources shall support circuit operation (data)
%1 Resources shall support packet operation (data)
R - Reserved
This bit is reserved and set to %0 by the sender and ignored by the receiver.
Priority Level
This indicates the relative importance attributed to the service that is being requested.
LDU2 with Embedded Encryption Sync (ES 96 bits + 144 bits parity = 240 bits)
1728 bits
Status Symbol 2 bits Each for Every 70 bits (24 X 2 = 48 bits) Each Block 70 bits
1680 bits
VC10 ~ VC18 each 144 bits Low Speed
FS 48 bits Each 40 bits Data 32 bits
(88 Digital Voice IMBE + 56 bits Parity)
VC10 VC11 VC12 VC13 VC14 VC15 VC16 VC17 LSD VC18
NID 64 bits
ES 1~4 ES 5~8 ES 9~12 ES13~16 ES 17~20
16 bits Data
240 bits
Hamming Code (10,6,3)
144 bits
RS Code (24,16,9)
Algorithm ID
The Encryption Sync Word field includes the Message Indicator (MI), Algorithm ID (ALGID) for the
encryption algorithm, and the Key ID (KID) for the encryption key. This information may be used to
support a multi-key encryption system, but is also used for single key and clear messages.
The Encryption Sync Word is constructed by serializing the information into 16 hex bits and then
encoding them with a (24,16,9) RS code to yield 24 hex bits. The 24 hex bits are then encoded with
a (10,6,3) shortened Hamming code to yield 240 bits total. The 240 bits of Encryption Sync (ES)
information is then inserted in between the voice code words (VC11 to VC17) in blocks of 40 bits (ES
1-4 is a block of 40 bits, etc.).
Low Speed Data is a serial stream of information. This information is provided for custom applications
that are not defined in the CAI. Low Speed Data is comprised of 32 bits of data, 16 bits of which are
inserted between VC8 and VC9 in LDU1 and 16 bits are inserted between VC17 and VC18 in LDU2.
Each group of 16 bits is encoded with a (16,8,5) shortened cyclic code, creating 32 bits total in each
LDU. Low Speed Data has a total capacity of 88.89 bps.
144 bits
Status Symbol Each 2 bits
for Every 70 bits (2 X 2 = 4 bits)
140 bits
FS 48 bits NID 64 bits
28 bits
The Terminator Data Unit can also be sent with the Link Control Word embedded in it. A diagram of the
expanded Terminator Data Unit is given in Figure 4-11. The Link Control Word is the same as the Link
Control Word used in LDU1, except that it is error protected with a Golay code instead of the Hamming
432 bits
Status Symbol Each 2 bits for Every 70 Bits (6 X 2 = 12 bits)
420 bits
FS 48 bits NID 64 bits LC Code Word 288 bits
20 bits
288 bits
Extended. Golay Code (24,12,8)
144 bits
RS Code (24,12,13)
LCF Octet
MFID Reserved 15 bits TGID 16 bits Source ID 24 bits
When the voice message is finished, the transmitter continues the transmission, by encoding silence for
the voice, until the Logical Link Data Unit is completed. Once the Logical Link Data Unit is completed,
the transmitter then sends the Terminator Data Unit to signify the end of the message. The terminating
data unit may follow either LDU1 or LDU2.
A diagram of the Packet Data Unit is given in Figure 4-12. There are two different types of delivery
for data packets. Confirmed delivery is used when the recipient of the packet is required to send an
acknowledgment of receipt. Unconfirmed delivery does not require an acknowledgment of receipt.
Confirmed or unconfirmed delivery is defined in the header block.
Trellis coded Header Block Trellis coded Optional Block Trellis coded Optional Block
FS 48 bits NID 64 bits 196 bits
196 bits 196 bits
Data is sent in variable length packets and the length of the data packet is defined in the header block.
When a data packet ends, nulls are added until the next status symbol.
The data message is split into fragments, and then formed into packets, and the packets are then split
into a sequence of information blocks that are error protected by a Trellis code. These blocks are then
transmitted as a single data packet.
The data packets include a CRC in both the Header block and the last Data Block. The CRC verifies
the accuracy of the error correction in the receiver. If the packet is corrupted in confirmed data mode
during reception, then an automatic retransmission request is generated to repeat parts of the packet.
The receiver then reassembles the packets into a continuous message.
A data packet may have any number of fragments. The fragments must not be longer than the storage
capability of the subscriber radio. The minimum storage capacity for a fragment in the subscriber is
512 octets.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Octet 0 Octet 0 Data Block Serial Number
Octet 1 Octet 1 CRC-9
Octet 2 Octet 2
Octet 3 Octet 3
Octet 4
User Data Octet 4
Octet 5 Octet 5
User Data
Octet 6 Octet 6
Octet 7 Octet 7
Octet 8 Octet 8
Octet 9 User Data Octet 9 User Data
Octet 10 or Packet CRC (Last Data Block Only) Octet 10 or Packet CRC (Last Data Block Only)
Octet 11 Octet 11
%0 Unconfirmed Data Packet
%0 Inbound Message
%1 Outbound Message
SAP Identifier
$00 Unencrypted User Data
$23 MR Loop-Back
$24 MR Statistics
$25 MR Out-of-Service
$26 MR Paging
$27 MR Configuration
Manufacturers ID (MFID)
The MFID standard value of $00 is used unless the data packet contains a nonstandard (manufacturer
specific) control channel message. $01 is reserved.
Logical Link ID
The Logical Link ID is the location that the data packet is being sent to, or received from (Source or
Destination ID of the subscriber).
%1 First try for complete packet (Unconfirmed Data Packet always uses 1)
Blocks to Follow
Blocks to Follow indicates the number of blocks in the Data Packet, not including the header.
Syn is a flag used to re-synchronize the sequence numbers of the packet when asserted, for specially
defined registration messages. Syn is used for Confirmed Data Packets only.
N(S) is the sequence number of the packet used to identify each request packet so that the receiver
may correctly order the received message segments and eliminate duplicate copies. N(S) is used for
Confirmed Data Packets only.
The Fragment Sequence Number Field is used to consecutively number message fragments that make
up a longer data message. FSNF is used for Confirmed Data Packets only.
Header CRC
The Header CRC is the CRC parity check for the Header Block
CRC-9 is the 9 bit CRC parity check for the Data Block.
Packet CRC
The packet CRC is the 4-octet CRC parity check coded over all of the User Data blocks (including the
User Data in the last block).
The Conventional Fixed Station Interface (CFSI) is the interface between a conventional fixed station
(base station), and either the RF Subsystem (RFSS) or a Console Subsystem. The RFSS and/or
Console Subsystem are referred to as the host. The fixed station is connected to a host via either an
Analog Fixed Station Interface (AFSI) or a Digital Fixed Station Interface (DFSI). A host can support
multiple analog and digital fixed station interfaces. The Console Subsystem is comprised of any type
of console from the telephone-type to software based computer consoles.
Currently, the CFSI is used for voice messages only. The data transfer capability is under
Figure 5-1 shows a P25 radio system with Conventional Fixed Station Interface. The fixed stations can
be analog only, digital only or mixed mode stations. Regardless of the RF mode of operation, the fixed
stations can use either the DFSI or AFSI. A digital only or mixed mode fixed station will have some
limitations in transporting digital information (NAC, TGID, Emergency, etc.) back to the host over an
SUB-SYSTEM Analog (FM) or
RFSS Digital (C4FM)
Analog (AFSI)
Console Ef Um
Sub-System Fixed Station Interface Common Air Interface REPEATER
Interface (FSI) (CAI)
Analog (FM) or
Digital (C4FM)
Analog (AFSI)
1) An intercom capability between the fixed station and the host without RF transmission.
2) Two different repeat modes. The fixed station can repeat the incoming signal directly from the
receiver to the transmitter, or if the audio connection from the fixed station to the host is full
duplex, the host may repeat the incoming audio back to the fixed station for transmission. If
the fixed station repeats the signal, any transmission from the host would override the repeat
transmission (except in an AFSI 2 wire simplex tone remote interface).
1.) E&M control signaling between the fixed station and the host for COR and PTT signaling.
2) Tone Remote Control signaling from the host to the fixed station allowing a variety of control
functions including transmitter keying, transmitter channel control, receiver squelch control,
receiver monitor control, clear/secure controls, analog/digital mode controls, etc.
Figure 5-2 shows the conventional Analog Fixed Station Interface (AFSI).
Host Repeats
(Full Duplex interface only) Fixed Station
2 or 4 Wire Audio with
E&M or Tone Remote Control
E&M Specifications
Fixed Station audio input range: -30 dBm to +10 dBm (maximum modulation in analog or P25 digital
Fixed Station audio output range: -30 dBm to the maximum limit permitted by leased circuit compliance
(maximum modulation in analog mode).
The E-pair expects the host end to provide a dry contact closure for fixed station transmission. The M-
pair provides a dry contact closure for fixed station reception. The E & M pairs work over a range of 5
to 150 mA current with 50 ohm maximum contact resistance while the contacts are closed, and 10 to
60 Vdc with 5 megohm minimum resistance while the contacts are open. The E-pair limits its current
to this range.
Function Tones used for additional control of the fixed station are shown in Table 5-1:
Although secondary functions can be used to select Analog / Digital and Secure / Clear modes, these
modes can be pre-programmed in the fixed station on a per channel basis.
Figure 5-4 shows the conventional Digital Fixed Station Interface (DFSI).
Host Repeats
(Full Duplex interface only) Fixed Station
Control Service
Internet Protocol
The Internet Architecture Layers are used to construct the Digital Fixed Station Interface (DFSI) protocol
suite as shown in Figure 5-5.
Application Conveyance
Network IPv4
Network Layer
The DFSI uses the Internet Protocol (IP), a connectionless packet protocol. The Internet Protocol uses
unicast IP addresses to send information to a particular destination, and multicast IP addresses to send
information to a number of hosts. Host and fixed station equipment support unicast IP addresses, and
hosts are also able to send to IP multicast addresses. The DFSI currently uses IPv4, while IPv6 is for
possible future use.
Transport Layer
The DFSI uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for its multicast capability and its ability to suit real
time applications. The Control Service transports information over UDP, and the Voice Conveyance
Service transports information over Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) on UDP for more reliable
transport. Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) may be used as well, but is not required.
Control Service
The Control Service provides control capabilities similar to the control capabilities of the analog fixed
station interface. The Control Service also establishes and maintains the connection between the host
and fixed station.
There are ten control messages defined for the DFSI as shown in Table 5-2.
FSC_CONNECT Sent by the host only to establish a connection with the fixed station.
FSC_HEARTBEAT Sent periodically by both the fixed station and the host to establish
and maintain heartbeat connectivity.
FSC_ACK Sent by both the host and the fixed station to acknowledge (or not
acknowledge) the receipt of a control message.
FSC_SBC Sent by both the host and the fixed station to convey Single Block
Control messages such as Emergency Alarm and Telephone
Interconnect Dialing.
FSC_MAN_EXT Sent by the host and the fixed station to convey manufacturer
specific value added control messages.
FSC_SEL_CHAN Sent by the host to select the fixed station receive and transmit
FSC_SEL_RPT Sent by the host to select repeat or non-repeat mode of the fixed
FSC_SEL_SQUELCH Sent by the host to select the squelch mode (monitor) of the fixed
FSC_REPORT_SEL Sent by the host to cause the fixed station to report selected modes
(repeat, squelch, channel select) back to the host.
The Voice Conveyance Service transports full-duplex clear (non-encrypted) or secure (encrypted)
audio, PTT and COR signaling (by way of start of stream information), voter identification and CAI
information such as Unit ID (or Console ID), TGID, NAC, and Emergency bit between the fixed station
and its host.
P25 trunking standards specify a control channel, and one or more traffic channels. The control channel
can be a dedicated control channel, or optionally, a composite control channel. A dedicated control
channel will operate as a control channel only, where a composite control channel can operate as a
control channel or as a traffic channel when all other traffic channels are busy. A secondary control
channel can also be specified, to be used when the primary control channel is unavailable.
The P25 trunking standards and P25 digital conventional standards use identical modulation (C4FM),
bit rate (9600 bps), voice messages (CAI), and control messages (data packets) for various features,
including voice, data, status, message, or other features. The Common Air Interface for both trunking
and conventional P25 digital systems is similar. The only difference is that the trunked version requires
a command/response process to a trunking controller (on a control channel) using packet access
techniques which coordinates the users access.
P25 Radio
Trunking Conventional
Trunking Traffic
Controller Channel
Control Traffic
Channel Channels Data Voice
Packet Message
Data Voice
Packet Message Confirmed Unconfirmed
Link Control
Confirmed Unconfirmed Word used for
Link Control
Word used for signalling
A P25 trunked system can be configured in either the implicit mode or the explicit mode of operation.
In the implicit mode of operation, all radios are pre-programmed with the channel and frequency
information. The radio then looks internally to the pre-programmed channels when switching between
control and traffic channels. The explicit mode sends the channel and transmit or receive frequency
over the air to the radio. The implicit mode of operation typically uses single block messages, where
the explicit mode typically uses multi block messages.
The subscriber unit (mobile or portable radio unit) registers with the network whenever the subscriber
is turned on or moves into a new zone. Registration ensures that only authorized users access the
network, and that the network can track where the subscriber is located.
There are two types of registration in a P25 trunked network, a full registration and a location registration.
A full registration will check the validity of the subscriber and will occur when the subscriber is first
switched on, enters a new registration area, the user selects a new network or when the RFSS requests
registration. A location registration occurs when the subscriber has moved to another site within the
coverage area.
Figure 6-2 below shows an example of a P25 trunked system infrastructure configuration. The
registration area is defined as a System and the Location Registration Area may be defined as one or
more sites within the RFSS.
Each component of the trunking system infrastructure is uniquely addressable by the following
$00000 reserved
$FFFFF reserved
System ID 12 bits
$000 reserved
$FFF reserved
RFSS ID 8 bits
$00 reserved
$FF reserved
Site ID 8 bits
$00 reserved
$FF reserved
Each subscriber unit in a trunking system is uniquely addressable by the following identifiers:
$0000 no-one
During Registration, the trunking controller assigns each Subscriber a Working Unit ID (WUID) and
Working Group ID (WGID). The WUID and WGID are temporary IDs assigned to the subscriber while
in that Registration Area. The trunking controller maintains a database to track the assignment of WUID
and WGID to the subscribers Unit ID and Talk-group ID (TGID), also referred to as the Subscriber
Group ID (SGID).
(4) Idle
Subscriber Idles (5) Traffic Channel Request
(monitoring control channel) Subscriber requests a traffic channel
until a traffic channel via an ISP (Slotted ALOHA)
is requested (PTT)
Subscriber Unit
(1) Control Channel Hunt the subscriber unit will hunt for the control channel by scanning its list
of pre-programmed channels for the OSPs that are continually broadcast from the trunking
(2) Registration Request the subscriber will register with the trunking controller (RFSS). The
trunking controller can restrict access to only valid subscriber units and can record where that
subscriber is located within the network. Full registration or Location Registration can occur here.
(3) Registration Grant / Talk Group Affiliation the trunking controller will grant access to the
subscriber and will assign a Working Unit ID (WUID) and Working Group ID (WGID) to the
(4) Idle the subscriber will monitor the control channel until the subscriber requests a traffic channel
or is assigned a traffic channel based on another subscriber in the talk group requesting a traffic
channel for that group.
(5) Traffic Channel Request the subscriber requests a traffic channel for voice or data
(6) Traffic Channel Grant the trunking controller grants a traffic channel to the subscriber and
notifies the recipients of the voice or data message with a traffic channel grant (typically a talk
(7) Voice or Data Communications All subscribers in the Talk Group access the traffic channel and
communicate voice or data message.
(8) Call Termination All subscribers in the talk group return to Idle (4) and monitor the control
The traffic channel can be assigned to a talk group in two different ways.
Transmission Trunking assigns the traffic channel for the duration of that transmission. Once the
transmission is over, the call is terminated. A new traffic channel is assigned for the next transmission.
A conversation with multiple transmissions will require a new traffic channel for each transmission.
Message Trunking assigns the traffic channel to a talk group for the entire conversation. The conversation
is deemed to be finished when the delay between transmissions exceeds a preset time. The trunking
controller may terminate a conversation if the traffic channel is required for a higher priority use.
The traffic channels of a trunked system can be encrypted in the same manner as a conventional system
encrypted system, using the Algorithm ID, Key ID and Message Indicator for encryption variables.
The control channel of a trunked system may also be optionally encrypted. In a TSBK message, the
Opcode and Arguments may be encrypted and the Protected trunking block flag (P) is set to indicate
encryption. In an MBT message, the Logical Link ID, (and in the alternate header format, the Opcode
and Octets 8 and 9) as well as all Data (except the CRC) may be encrypted, and the SAP Identifier is
set to indicate encryption.
The Algorithm ID, Key ID and initial Message Indicator (which is incremented each microslot) may be
set by sending control channel information in the form of a Protection Parameter Update using standard
trunking control channel formatted information.
The structure for conventional data packets is the same structure used for ISP and OSP control channel
packets. The Frame Synchronization (FS) and Network Identifier (NID) are sent before the information
block(s) for the packet. There is one Status Symbol (SS) consisting of two(2) bits inserted after every
70 bits in a packet.
The 4-bit Data Unit ID portion of the 16-bit Network Identifier(NID) indicates the format of the control
channel packet as either:
A special abbreviated data packet, the Trunking Signaling Block (TSBK) is used for control channel
messages that are time sensitive (requests and grants for traffic channels) and is the typical data
packet used. The ISP is limited to one TSBK where the number of TSBKs in the OSP is variable
(single, double or triple block) and determined by the trunking controller to maximize the control channel
resource. Figure 6-4 shows the Trunking Signaling Block structure and Figure 6-5 shows the contents
of the TSBK.
Control channel messages that are not time sensitive, and that contain more information than a TSBK
can handle, such as registration, can be sent as a Multiple Block Trunking (MBT) message. MBT uses
the unconfirmed data packet format with the packet split into blocks of 12 octets. The first block is a
header block, with up to 3 data blocks following. Figure 6-6 shows the Multiple Block Trunking structure
(unconfirmed data packet) and Figure 6-7 shows the contents of the two MBT formats.
FS 48 bits NID 64 bits TSBK 196 bits
42 bits
The Trunking Signaling block contains 10 octets of address and control information,
followed by 2 octets of CRC.
The Opcode defines the specific type of message the TSBK contains in the Arguments field (eg. Group
call, unit to unit call, status message, registration, etc.).
Manufacturers ID (MFID)
The MFID standard value of $00 is used unless the TSBK contains a nonstandard (manufacturer
specific) control channel message. $01 is reserved.
The Arguments contains the information of the TSBK. The specific type of information is defined by
the Opcode.
The CRC is the CRC parity check for the TSBK.
Trellis coded Header Block Trellis coded Optional Block Trellis coded Optional Block
FS 48 bits NID 64 196 bits
196 bits 196 bits
Data Block Protected Last Data Block
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Octet 0 Octet 0
Octet 1 Octet 1
Octet 2 Octet 2
Octet 3 Octet 3
Octet 4 Octet 4
Trunking Control Message
Octet 5 Octet 5
Octet 6
Trunking Control Message Octet 6
Octet 7 Octet 7
Octet 8 Octet 8
Octet 9 Octet 9
Packet CRC (Last Data Block Only)
Octet 10 Octet 10
Octet 11 Octet 11
This chapter describes the Um2 over the air interface, the P25 Phase 2 two-slot Time Division Multiple
Access (TDMA) Common Air Interface. The P25 Phase 2 Standards are based on a two-slot TDMA
channel access method within 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth and is used for P25 trunking systems.
The Project 25 Statement of Requirements (SoR) defines a key goal to achieve spectrum efficiency in
Phase 2 equivalent to one voice channel per 6.25 KHz. The P25 two-slot TDMA Standard for Phase
2 doubles the spectrum efficiency of Phase 1 (12.5 kHz) operation to achieve this goal. The two-slot
TDMA Standard also maintains interoperability and compatibility with the Phase 1 Standard, including
support for the Inter-RF Sub-System Interface (ISSI), backwards compatibility with Phase 1 subscribers,
and encryption capability.
The P25 two-slot TDMA Standard is based on P25 trunking systems and does not support P25
conventional systems.
A P25 Phase 2 Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) solution was finalized using Compatible
Differential Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (CQPSK) modulation but is not in use. Phase 2
FDMA required transmitter linearization on subscriber units and infrastructure equipment to pass the
amplitude component of the CQPSK signal.
The P25 Phase 2 two-slot TDMA trunking Common Air Interface (CAI) is an addition to the P25 Standard
and does not replace the P25 Phase 1 FDMA CAI. The Inter Sub-System Interface (ISSI) has been
updated to include Phase 2 two-slot TDMA trunking messages. The Console Sub-System Interface
(CSSI) and Fixed Station Interface (FSI) are defined for conventional systems only. Phase 1 and
Phase 2 trunking systems connect to a Console Sub-System using the ISSI interface.
Channel 1
Frequency 1
Channel 1
(12.5 KHz)
Frequency 2 Channel 2
(12.5 KHz)
Channel 2
Figure 7-1: Frequency Division Multiple Access
Channel 1
Frequency 1
Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 2
(12.5 KHz)
Channel 2
Talk Group
Subscriber Unit Subscriber Unit
Registration Voice or Data Call
Registers on Phase 1 FDMA Assigned any Phase 1 FDMA
Control Channel Traffic Channel for all Voice
or Data Communications
Figure 7-3: P25 Phase 1 Trunking System
The control channel and all voice and data traffic channels operate in a 12.5 KHz FDMA mode. The
subscribers request a traffic channel by communicating with the Trunking Resource Controller (TRC)
on the control channel.
H- D
Subscriber Unit Subscriber Unit Talk Group Subscriber Unit Talk Group
Registration Voice Call Data Transmissions
Registers on Phase 1 FDMA Assigned any Phase 2 TDMA Assigned any Phase 1 FDMA
Control Channel Traffic Channel (with time slot) Traffic Channel for all
(with TDMA extensions / for all Voice Communications Data Communications
advanced signalling)
The P25 Phase 2 trunking system uses an FDMA Phase 1 Control Channel (with TDMA extensions
/ advanced signaling) for all registration, channel access and other system control. Two-slot TDMA
channels are used for voice traffic channels, and FDMA channels are used for data traffic channels.
The Phase 2 subscribers request a voice traffic channel by communicating with the TRC on the control
channel using advanced signaling (over Phase 1) to identify the TDMA time slots.
A P25 Phase 2 two-slot TDMA fixed site trunking system and subscribers will support the Phase 1
CAI. This facilitates interoperability among multiple manufacturers equipment, migration planning from
Phase 1 FDMA to Phase 2 two-slot TDMA, and inter-system roaming, according to network operator
The use of an FDMA Phase 1 Control Channel provides backwards compatibility to Phase 1 systems,
as it can control and manage both Phase 1 FDMA and Phase 2 TDMA subscribers (using the TRC) as
shown in Figure 7-5. A Phase 2 trunking system must have Phase1 traffic channels available for this
backwards compatibility and for any data capability.
12.5 KHz 12.5 KHz 12.5 KHz 12.5 KHz 12.5 KHz
Phase Phase Phase Phase
Phase 1 2 2 2 2 Phase 1 Phase 1
Subscriber TDMA capabilities are registered with the TRC during the registration process on the control
channel. When Phase 2 subscribers make a voice call to other Phase 2 subscribers (in the talk group),
the TRC will identify the TDMA capability of the subscribers and assign a TDMA traffic channel (and
time slot). When a Phase 2 subscriber makes a data call, or a voice call to a Phase 1 subscriber, the
TRC will assign an FDMA traffic channel. Phase 1 subscribers will ignore any messages relevant only
to TDMA subscribers. Phase 1 FDMA is used by all Phase 1 and Phase 2 subscribers for Talk-Around,
direct subscriber to subscriber communications.
Phase 2 trunking systems do not synchronize the FDMA control channel to the TDMA traffic channels.
Phase 2 TDMA subscribers, when monitoring the Phase 1 FDMA control channel, use the Phase
1 control channel (with TDMA extensions) to synchronize and align with the inbound TDMA traffic
channel. The Phase 2 standard allows for low latency switching between the FDMA control channel
and TDMA traffic channels.
Subscriber Subscriber
Vocoder Vocoder
Optional Optional
Encryption RF Sub-System Encryption
A P25 Phase 2 (Um2) system also supports a Phase 1 (Um) FDMA CAI for the control channel and direct
unit to unit calling (bypassing the RF Sub-System).
Common functions that operate in both Phase 1 and Phase 2 include voice, encryption and trunking
control. The voice information is vocoded using the half-rate vocoder for TDMA and the full rate
vocoder for FDMA. If optional encryption is enabled, the encryption is applied to the vocoded voice
information to provide encrypted voice service through either the FDMA CAI or the two-slot TDMA CAI.
The trunking control functions are transmitted through the Phase 1 FDMA control channel or as MAC
Protocol Data Units (PDUs) in the Phase 2 two-slot TDMA CAI.
P25 Phase 1 equipment originally used the IMBE full-rate vocoder, but was replaced in all P25
equipment (Phase 1 and 2) in 2009 by the AMBE+2 dual-rate vocoder, which consists of the Phase
1 enhanced full-rate vocoder (7.2 kb/s) for Phase 1 FDMA, and the enhanced half-rate vocoder (3.6
kb/s) for Phase 2 two-slot TDMA operation. The full-rate enhanced vocoder in the AMBE+2 allows
for backwards compatibility with all other P25 Phase 1 radio systems (including IMBE vocoders) and
direct or talk-around communications between Phase 2 subscribers. TDMA systems typically require
a high degree of synchronization from fixed site equipment that makes direct subscriber to subscriber
communications more difficult.
An AMBE+2 vocoder does not reproduce the input speech signal on a sample by sample basis, but
constructs a synthetic speech signal which contains the same perceptual information as the original
speech signal. The AMBE+2 vocoder divides a digital speech input signal into overlapping speech
segments (or frames) spaced 20 ms apart and uses a robust speech model and sophisticated parameter
estimation algorithms to achieve a low data rate while maintaining most of the quality, intelligibility and
speaker recognizability found in the original speech signal.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have found that there is no significant
statistical difference between the quality of the full and half rate AMBE+2 enhanced vocoders.
Bit Rate
A Phase 2 two-slot TDMA system uses an overall bit rate of 12.0 Kbps, equaling 6.0 Kbps per time slot.
The half-rate vocoder uses a net bit rate of 2450 bps for voice information plus 1150 bps for Forward
Error Correction (FEC) information, resulting in a total channel bit rate of 3600 bps per time slot. Each
time slot also uses 2400 bits per second for signaling and control functions.
Time Slots
The radio physical channel for P25 two-slot TDMA consists of a 12.5 kHz frequency pair divided into
30 msec time slots. The physical traffic channel supports two logical voice channels. A P25 Phase 2
superframe consists of twelve sequential 30 ms time slots for a total duration of 360 ms, the same time
interval for 48 Phase 1 micro-slots (a Phase 1 superframe). A P25 Phase 2 ultraframe consists of 4
consecutive superframes. Figure 7-7 shows the superframe structure for two-slot TDMA.
Inter-slot Signaling Channel (ISCH)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
30 ms
360 bits
Superframe 360 ms 4320 bits
Figure 7-7: Superframe Structure for Two-Slot TDMA
The first 10 slots in a superframe, numbered 0 to 9, can be used for voice or signaling information. If they
are used for signaling (call setup / teardown, and hangtime) they are called a Fast Associated Control
Channel (FACCH). If they are used to transport voice frames, they are called a Voice Transport Channel
(VTCH). The VTCH is used to exchange voice and encryption synchronization signaling (ESS). The
last 2 slots in a superframe, numbered 10 and 11, can only be used for signaling information. They are
called the Slow Associated Control Channel (SACCH) and they are in an inverted position.
The Inter-slot Signaling Channel (ISCH) is the logical channel that is located between 2 consecutive
outbound slots. It is sized to occupy the space reserved in the inbound path for ramping up and down,
pilot sequences (at the beginning and at the end of the burst) and guard time. This logical ISCH is
composed of 40 consecutive bits (comprised of the 20 bits at the end of an outbound slot and the 20
bits at the beginning of the next outbound slot).
Bi-directional Signaling
Phase 2 systems use bi-directional signaling with a dedicated signaling slot in each superframe called
the Slow Associated Control Channel (SACCH). This SACCH occurs in an inverted position, meaning
the outbound signaling slot will appear in the inbound signaling slot and vice versa. This ensures a
transmitting subscriber has time to momentarily switch from transmit to receive, and to look at its
signaling slot from the fixed site trunking system without disrupting the subscribers transmitted voice
Bi-directional signaling allows for a transmitting subscriber to be notified about other active calls, be
alerted if the subscriber passes out of system coverage while transmitting, be alerted that the subscriber
has been interrupted by another unit, and possibly shut down for emergency situations. Bi-directional
signaling can also include transmitter power control information. A transmitting subscriber can receive
power control updates from the fixed site trunking system to mitigate interference or low signal quality.
Timing Synchronization
All outbound TDMA channels at each site are synchronized in time. Each of the superframes on all the
outbound paths of TDMA channels are time aligned so that the synchronization of one TDMA channel
will synchronize to all other TDMA channels at that site.
It is not mandatory to synchronize TDMA channels with the FDMA control channel; however, a subscriber
can transmit or receive sooner on a TDMA channel when it is already synchronized to the FDMA control
channel. This allows the subscriber to skip the process of having to acquire this synchronization after
moving to the assigned TDMA channel. The TDMA channels can be synchronized to the FDMA control
channel by regularly transmitting a Synchronization Broadcast message on the control channel.
Physical Layer
The P25 Phase 2 TDMA CAI uses two different modulation schemes for over-the-air transmission of
the 12 kbps data stream, one inbound to the fixed site trunking system (from the subscribers), and a
different one outbound from the fixed site trunking system (to the subscribers).
The inbound modulation used is Harmonized Continuous Phase Modulation (H-CPM), a common
constant-envelope non-linear modulation. This allows the subscribers to use the same non-linear
amplifiers currently employed in P25 Phase 1 FDMA. Non-linear amplifiers help preserve the battery
longevity of the subscribers. The level of sidebands of the transmitted signal is reduced by having a
continuous phase modulation scheme.
The outbound modulation used is Harmonized Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keyed modulation
(H-DQPSK), a non-coherent modulation scheme that splits the information stream into two channels,
delays one channel by 90 in phase (quadrature) and then recombines the two phase shift keyed
channels using differential coding (encoding the difference of the current data word applied to the
transmitter with its delayed output). Combining two channels in quadrature lowers the transmitted baud
rate, improving the transmitted spectral characteristics. H-DQPSK modulation requires linear amplifiers
in the fixed site trunking system.
- Outbound: an ISCH logical channel is emitted at the beginning and end of a burst. The ISCH occurs
at the equivalent location in the outbound burst as the rampguard and pilot portions for the inbound
direction as shown in Figure 7-8.
20 bits
1.67 ms ISCH
30 ms
1 ms 28 ms 1 ms
ramp ramp
pilot pilot
up down
Figure 7-8: TDMA Transmission Format
The outbound emission is continuous (never bursty) and a replacement burst is transmitted in the other
TDMA slot when only one TDMA slot is used.
For inbound bursts, a total of 2 ms of time is reserved as Guard time to allow for power ramping and
propagation delay protection. The modulation burst is centred in the 30 ms time slot, with 1 ms of the
Guard time at the beginning of the burst and 1 ms at the end of the burst as shown in Figure 7-8.
Of the 2 ms of Guard time, a minimum of 0.8 ms shall be allocated for propagation delay protection
while the remaining time up to 1.2 ms shall be allocated for power ramp up and ramp down. Note that
overlapping of the ramps is allowed as long as the portion of the waveform containing useful information
located in the center portion of Figure 7-8 (including data, synchronization and pilot sequences) remains
Spectrum Efficiency
Two-slot TDMA systems double the number of voice paths (compared to FDMA) in 12.5 kHz bandwidth
radio channels and meets the new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) spectral efficiency
Backwards Compatibility
A basic requirement for Phase 2 radio equipment is backward compatibility with Phase 1 radio systems.
Phase 2 two-slot TDMA uses Phase 1 FDMA for the control channel, data capability and all talk-around
/ direct mode communications. Phase 2 uses most of the other interface standards (eg. ISSI, CSSI)
and maintains the IMBE / AMBE+2 vocoder family. Phase 2 maintains all of the Phase 1 encryption
and signaling capability.
Enhanced Functionality
Phase 2 radio systems use bi-directional signaling allowing for emergency alerting and informed
preemption of talkers. Bi-directional signaling is also used for subscriber RF power control for
interference mitigation from fixed site trunking equipment.
P25 radios use the Improved Multi-Band Excitation (IMBE) vocoder, developed by Digital Voice
Systems, Inc. (DVSI), to convert analog speech into a digital bit stream suitable for transmission
over the P25 Common Air Interface (CAI). At the transmitter, the vocoder consists of an encoder that
converts the analog voice signal from a microphone into a digital bit stream, while at the receiver, the
vocoder consists of the decoder that converts the digital bit stream back into analog voice suitable for
playback through a speaker.
In P25, analog voice is converted into a digital bit stream with a net bit rate of 4.4 kbps for voice
information and a gross bit rate of 7.2 kbps after error control coding (note: after vocoding, 2.4 kbps of
signaling information is added to make 9.6 kbps total). The vocoder uses a frame size of 20 ms.
P25 selected the IMBE vocoder in 1992 after a competition with several other proposed vocoders.
All the vocoders were evaluated through an extensive set of Mean Opinion Score (MOS) tests that
compared voice quality for different male and female voices in a range of conditions. These conditions
included simulations of vehicles traveling at various rates of speed. In addition speech was tested with
various background noises, such as sirens, gunshots, and traffic, that are likely to be encountered by a
public safety radio system. The result of this evaluation was that the IMBE vocoder was judged best
by a panel of listeners under almost every test condition. As a result the IMBE vocoder was selected
as the standard vocoder for the P25 system.
The IMBE vocoder is a model-based speech coder, or vocoder, that does not try to reproduce the
input speech signal on a sample-by-sample basis. Instead, the IMBE vocoder constructs a synthetic
speech signal that contains the same perceptual information as the original speech signal. The
IMBE vocoder is based on the Multi-Band Excitation (MBE) speech model that was developed at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from research on high quality, robust speech modeling.
The IMBE vocoder models each segment of speech as a frequency dependent combination of voiced
(more periodic) and unvoiced (more noise-like) speech. This ability to mix voiced and unvoiced energy
is a major advantage over traditional speech models that require each segment of speech to be entirely
voiced or unvoiced. This flexibility gives the IMBE vocoder higher voice quality and more robustness
to background noise.
The IMBE encoder uses sophisticated algorithms to estimate a set of model parameters for each
segment of the incoming speech signal. These parameters consist of: (1) a fundamental frequency,
to represent the pitch of the speaker; (2) a set of Voiced/Unvoiced (V/UV) decisions, to represent the
mixture of voiced and unvoiced energy; and (3) and a set of spectral magnitudes, to represent the
frequency response of the vocal tract. The encoder computes a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) for
each segment of speech and then analyzes the frequency content to extract the model parameters for
that segment. These model parameters are then quantized into 88 bits, and the resulting voice bits are
then output as part of the 4.4 kbps of voice information produced by the IMBE encoder. An additional
2.8 kbps of error correction information is then added to the voice information to produce the 7.2 kbps
bit stream that is transmitted over the CAI.
The IMBE decoder reproduces analog speech from the 7.2 kbps digital bit stream that is received
over the CAI. The decoder first uses the error correction information included in the received bit stream
to attempt to correct any bit errors that may have been introduced by the radio channel. The decoder
then reconstructs the model parameters for each segment and uses these parameters to synthesize
both a voiced signal and an unvoiced signal. The voiced signal represents the period portions of the
speech and is synthesized using a bank of harmonic oscillators. The unvoiced signal represents the
noise-like portions of the speech and is produced by filtering white noise. The decoder then combines
these two signals and passes the result through a digital-to-analog converter to produce the analog
speech output.
DVSI has also introduced new Enhanced Vocoders for P25 based on DVSIs latest AMBE+2 Vocoder
technology. The Enhanced AMBE+2 Full Rate Vocoder is fully interoperable with the current P25
7.2 kbps (IMBE) standard. The AMBE+2 can also operate at half rates of 3.6 kbps for Phase 2.
The AMBE+2 provides improved voice quality, better noise immunity, tone capability, and other new
features. The Enhanced Vocoders significantly improve the voice performance of the P25 system, while
facilitating the migration and interoperability between new and existing P25 equipment. DVSIs vocoder
technology is used extensively in digital radio systems and in mobile satellite telephony worldwide.
AMBE+2 Bandwidth
Abbreviation for Advanced Multi Band The difference between the limiting
Excitation. An enhanced Vocoder that frequencies of a continuous frequency
is backwards compatible with IMBE. band. Typically measured in Kilohertz.
May be considered the amount
APCO in kilohertz required for a single
Abbreviation for Association of Public- communications channel.
Safety Communication Officials
APCO Project 16A Abbreviation for Bose-Chaudhuri-
A suite of operational requirements Hocquenghem, a binary coding
developed by APCO for Public Safety scheme.
trunked radio systems. It is titled 900
MHz Trunked Communications System BER
Functional Requirements Development, Abbreviation for BIT Error Rate
Dated March 1979.
Automatic Retry Request to retry
corrupted data packets
Abbreviation for Data Encryption Abbreviation for Dual-Tone Multi-
Standard - Output Feedback Frequency - a signaling scheme used
by the telephone system in which two
Differential Modulation voice band tones are generated for each
A type of modulation in which the choice keypad key press.
of the significant condition for any signal
element is dependent on the choice for Dual Mode Equipment
the previous signal element. Equipment which will transmit and
receive information using either the
DNA APCO Project 25 standard digital signals
Abbreviation for DECs Digital Network or current analog standard signals
Architecture. without modification or interfacing
Abbreviation for Demand Protocol DVP
Architecture Abbreviation for Digital Voice
Protection - one of several encryption
DPSK algorithms used to provide secure voice
Abbreviation for Differential Phase Shift radio transmissions.
Keying modulation technique. A method
of encoding information for digital ECC
transmission. In DPSK, each signal Abbreviation for Error Correction Code
element is encoded as a change in the See Error Correction.
phase of the carrier with respect to its
previous phase angle. Ed Interface
The label given to the Host and Data
DQPSK Interface in the General System Model.
Abbreviation for Differential Quadrature
Phase Shift Keying modulation En Interface
technique. The label given to the Network
Management Interface in the General
DRT System Model.
Abbreviation for a Diagnostic Rhyme
Test An audio intelligibility test Encryption
A coding of plain text (or clear voice)
DS0 into unintelligible forms for secure
Abbreviation for a 64 kBPS telephone transmission.
Error Correction
DS1 Digital coding technique for detecting
Abbreviation for a 1.544 MBPS and correcting information transmission
telephone service. errors.
Abbreviation for Digital Signal Encryption Synchronization information
Processor a specialized microcomputer. embedded in a voice data frame
Et Interface Format
The label given to the Telephone In data transmission, the arrangement
Interconnect Interface in the General of contiguous BITs or Frame sequences
System Model. which make a group, word, message or
Error Vector Magnitude Frame
In data transmission, the sequence
ETSI of contiguous BITs bracketed by and
Abbreviation for European including beginning and ending flag
Telecommunications Standards sequences. Unit of data of the data link
Institute. layer.
Abbreviation for Federal Frame Synchronization to mark the first
Communications Commission information BIT
FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access) FSI
Access method that divides a Abbreviation for Fixed Station
communication channel into two or more Interface.
individual channels.
FEC Frequency Shift Keying A form of
Abbreviation for Forward Error frequency modulation in which the
Correction modulating signal shifts the output
frequency between predetermined
FIFO values.
A service discipline of queuing systems,
based on the First In, First Out rule. FSNF
Abbreviation for Fragment Sequence
FIPS Number Field in the Common Air
Abbreviation for Federal Information Interface.
Processing Standard.
Firmware Abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol.
Software that is permanently stored in a
hardware device which allows reading Full-Duplex
and executing the software, but not An operating method in which
writing or modifying the software. transmission is permitted,
simultaneously, in both directions of a
Flow Control telecommunications channel.
In data communications systems, a
device function that controls the rate at G Interface
which data may be transmitted from one The label given to the Inter Sub-System
terminal so that it is equal to the rate Interface in the General System Model.
at which it can be received by another
terminal. Galois Field (GF)
A data field used to calculate parity
FNE checks for a Reed-Solomon code.
Abbreviation for Fixed Network
Equipment. Gateway
An interface that provides the necessary
protocol translation between disparate
PBX Protocol
Abbreviation for Private Branch A set of unique rules specifying a
Exchange. A privately owned switch, sequence of actions necessary to
generally of relatively small size, perform a communications function.
connected via output trunks to the public
switched telephone network. PSDN
Abbreviation for Public Switched Data
PCM Network.
Abbreviation for Pulse Coded
Modulation. That form of modulation PSK
in which the modulating signal is Abbreviation for Phase Shift Keying.
sequentially sampled, quantized, A method of modulation used for digital
and coded into a binary form for transmission wherein the phase of the
transmission over a digital link. carrier is discretely varied in relation to
a reference phase, or the phase of the
PDT previous signal element, in accordance
Abbreviation for Portable Data with the data to be transmitted.
/4 DQPSK Abbreviation for Public Switched
Abbreviation for Differential Quadrature Telephone Network.
Phase Shift Keying modulation
technique. /4 indicates 90 phase PTT
angles. Abbreviation for Push-to-Talk, the
switch on a subscriber unit which, when
/4 QPSK pressed, causes the subscriber unit to
Abbreviation for Quadrature Phase transmit.
Shift Keying modulation technique. PSK
using four phase states. /4 indicates Quadrature Modulation
90 phase angles. Modulation of two carrier components
90 apart in phase by separate
PN Sequence modulating functions.
A pseudo random BIT sequence used in
vocoding. QAM
Abbreviation for Quadrature Amplitude
Polling Modulation. Quadrature modulation
A network control system in which a in which some form of amplitude
designated control station invites its modulation is used for both inputs.
tributary stations to transmit in any
sequence specified by the control QPSK
station. Abbreviation for Quadrature Phase
Shift Keying modulation technique. PSK
POTS using four phase states.
Abbreviation for Plain Old Telephone
Service. Reed-Solomon (RS)
An error correction coding scheme for
PPP binary data fields.
Abbreviation for Point-to-Point
Protocol. Reference Vocoder
The particular implementation of the
Processing Delay APCO Project Vocoder available from
The time in ms required for the Digital Voice Systems Incorporated as
coding and decoding of voice or data Model VC-20-PRJ25. This is the agreed
information. upon reference implementation of the
APCO Project 25 Vocoder.
Abbreviation for Radio Frequency. Abbreviation for Sinusoidal Transform
Coding A voice coding technique
RF Sub-System (analog to digital voice conversion).
The RF infrastructure which is bounded
by the five open APCO Project 25 Subscriber Unit
interfaces and three standard computer A mobile or portable radio unit used in a
network gateway interfaces. It is the RF radio system.
equipment and related non standard
peripheral equipment which provides Sub-System
a standardized RF communication A defined portion of any organized
channel. One of the APCO Project 25 assembly of resources and procedures
interfaces is the Common Air Interface united and regulated by interaction or
(CAI). interdependence to accomplish a set of
specific functions.
An asynchronous, serial, data System
transmission standard that defines Any organized assembly of resources
the required sequence, timing, and and procedures united and regulated
hardware interface. by interaction or interdependence to
accomplish a set of specific functions.
Reed-Solomon error correction code. T1 system
A digital communication system
RTP designed to handle 24 voice channels
Abbreviation for Real-time Transport at 64 kBPS each. Digital transmission
Protocol. media to support 1.544 Mbps.
transmission speed.
Service Access Point, where a network TCP
provides a service. Abbreviation for Transmission Control
Protocol. ARPAnet developed transport
Setup Delay layer protocol.
The time in ms required to actuate
equipment for transmission and TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
reception. A communications technique that uses
a common channel for communication
Signal among multiple users by allocating
The detectable transmitted energy which unique time slots to different users.
carries information from a transmitter to
a receiver. Telnet
Terminal-remote host protocol
SINAD developed for ARPAnet.
Abbreviation for SIgnal plus Noise And
Distortion to noise and distortion ratio. TGID
Abbreviation for Talk-Group Identifier. A
SMRS sixteen BIT field identifying talk-group of
Abbreviation for Specialized Mobile the radio message.
Radio Service.
Throughput Delay
Squelch The total time in ms between the
A radio circuit that eliminates noise from initiation of a voice or data signal, ie.
the speaker when no transmitted signal push-to-talk, until the reception and
is present. identification of the identical signal at the
received output speaker or other device.
3 BITs grouped together into a symbol
for a trellis code
Technical Requirements Specification
A single transmission channel between
two points that are switching centers or
nodes, or both.
Trunked (system)
Systems with full feature sets in which
all aspects of radio operation, including
RF channel selection and access, are
centrally managed.
Abbreviation for User Datagram
Abbreviation for Upper Layer Protocol.
Layer above TCP.
Um Interface
The label given to the Common Air
Interface reference point in the General
System Model.
Phone: 250-382-8268
Fax: 250-382-6139