Method Book Analysis - Band
Method Book Analysis - Band
Method Book Analysis - Band
Bruce Pearson-awarded the Midwest Clinic Medal of Honors for his contributions
to Music Education in 1998 and the Distinguished Alumni award at St. Cloud
University in 2007
Ryan Nowlin- Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees from Bowling Green
State University and in 2010 became the US Marine Band staff arranger
We did not include this book in our chart comparison because we only had a student
clarinet book to analyze
However, we thought that we would mention some things that we liked/disliked about
the book
Featured in SmartMusic
CDs included
Organized Icons
Pictures of Composers and Art/World happenings at the same time that the
composers were alive
Black and Blue not very pleasing to the eye in terms of organization
The Comparison
Criteria for Judgement?
-Instrumentation -Piano
- Introductory Content Accompaniment
- Note Sequences - Number of
- Rhythm Sequences Exercises
- Expression/Articulation Sequences - Multimedia
- Other Musical Vocabulary Sequences - Other Factors
- Warm-Ups
- Music Theory
- Music History
- Alternate Fingerings
All books included the following options for instrumentation:
Electric Bass
- Included DVDs feature -Each book comes with an -Each book has four pages -Includes DVD with video
master class videos on individual CD and play of full colored lessons, assembling your
how to assemble along track introductory content instrument videos,
/disassemble instruments. -Each book begins with -Provides an assembly breathing technique, and
- Each book has diagrams long tones and exercises section, however wording recorded
with parts of instrument to teach pulse can get a little confusing accompaniments
labeled -Has specific techniques depending on the -Each book has diagrams
- Each book has a picture for horn, oboe and instrument of each instrument, how
and description of proper percussion -Provides instrument care to assemble/disassemble,
posture and playing -Contains a pre-planned tips fingering chart, proper
position concert for students to -Embouchure and playing posture and breathing,
- Each book gives practice performing in posture explained as well daily care, hand position
breathing instructions front of their parents -Provides directions for -Music Standards Labeled
- Each books give -Contains scale and producing first tone -Has a flute checklist
embouchure instructions arpeggio studies and basic -Provides practicing tips -Provides new note
- Lists equipment needs theory concepts fingerings, rhythms, etc.
Note Sequences
Sound Innovations Essential Elements 2000 Accent on Achievement Tradition of Excellence
- Non-mallet percussion -Percussion learns -Percussion learns rhythm -Band starts with whole,
and the band learn different rhythms from techniques in addition to half notes, half rest,
rhythms at different times the rest of the band the rest of the band quarter note, quarter rest,
- Band starts with whole (different instrument -Chart is given as well eighth note, dotted half,
notes, moving to half techniques) corresponding with sixteenth note, dotted
notes and quarter notes. -Starts with long tone student pages quarter, syncopation
- 2/4 Time, Eighth Notes, (teacher tells students to -Starts with long tones -Percussion learns
Pickup Notes cut off) then half note, (Whole notes), then different rhythm
- Time, Dotted Rhythms, whole note, quarter note, quarter notes, half notes techniques in addition to
Single Eighths eighth note, dotted eighth notes, dotted what the band is covering
- Syncopations rhythms, sixteenth notes, quarter (with -Percussion learns quarter
- Percussion will learn syncopations corresponding rests) notes, quarter rest,
sixteenths and two -Fails to teach the quarter -Percussions learns paradiddle, flams,
sixteenth/eighth patterns. note paradiddles, flams, etc., sixteenth notes before
-Percussion learns flams and learns sixteenth notes band
and rolls before the rest of the
Expression/Articulation Sequences
Sound Innovations Essential Elements 2000 Accent on Achievement Tradition of Excellence
- Page 4 in each book -Terms are introduced -Key/Time Signatures: -Key Signatures: 4/4, C,
presents a diagram with a such as: 4/4, 2/4, 3/4, and C 2/4, 3 /4
lot of information soli, maestoso, trio, largo -Student book page 5 -Student page 6-7 teach
including clefs, meter, bar and D.C al Fine introduces how to read how to read music
lines, measures, flats, -Other historical music -Some terms: solo, soli,
sharps, naturals, and staff. vocabulary regarding -Other tutti, repeat, phrase,
- Solo, Duet, Harmony, musical style and vocabulary/concepts: round, accidental, keys,
Phrase, Tutti, Chorale, composition Solo, duet, repeat, round, interval, step, trio,
Round all in first section tie, moderato, allegro, introduction, theme,
- Intervals, Tempos, variation, repeat, pick-up, improvisation, pick-up,
Theme and Variations orchestration, vivace, theme and variation,
- Keys, Accidentals, D.C multiple measure rest, tempo, Andante,
and D. S. D.S. al Fine, D.C. al Fine, Moderato, Allegro, chord,
- Scale, Chromatics, Walz keys, chorales, major divisi, unison, D.C. al Fine,
- Arpeggio, Etude, Tacet, scales maestoso, major scales,
Improvisation, Trio among MANY others
Sound Innovations Essential Elements 2000 Accent on Achievement Tradition of Excellence
-Throughout the -Each book contains a -No direct warm-up -Each section of the book
beginning of the book beginning warm up section is presented has a different warm-up
there are several chorales section that contains a within this book challenge
that are used to discus tone builder, rhythm -However some of the -At the very end of the
tuning builder, technique section Accent On sections are book there are Mastering
- In the end of the book and a chorale. sequential and can be Excellence that contain
there are scales and -Each book also contains a used as a warm-up warm-up and technical
arpeggios, chorales, scale more intermediate warm -There are also some exercises
etudes and interval etudes up section that contains a chorales in the back of the -The back of the book
in the keys on F major, B range and flexibility book in each of the major contains Major Scales,
flat major, E flat major, builder, technique section keys learned arpeggios, and thirds that
and A flat major that could and chorale can be used as a warm-up
be used for warm-ups. -There are also specific
- There are also 5 rhythm instrument solos that can
etudes in the back be used as a warm-up
when they get that far
Music Theory
Sound Innovations Essential Elements 2000 Accent on Achievement Tradition of Excellence
- The book introduces the -The book introduces -Theory resources -The book introduces
concept of harmony harmony early in the book available through theory terms as it goes
pretty early on through -Introduces concepts such additional Teacher along (a little at a time)
chorales and duets as theme and variations, Resource kit and builds upon previous
- The book introduces the chords, scales and -Does not talk about learning
concept of intervals and arpeggios harmony directly in the -The book contains
the octave and unison -Towards the end of the book, but it is embedded exercises in ear training,
- The book discusses form book compositional and in the music music theory, (more
slightly through using improvisation concepts -From what I can tell, not located in additional
theme and variation and are introduced and much emphasis on Teacher Resource kits)
having students compose practiced student composition or -Does contain
their own variations improvisation opportunities for student
- The book discusses compositions and
scales and major/minor improvisation throughout
tonality the book
-The book mainly deals
with major scales
Music History
Sound Innovations Essential Elements 2000 Accent on Achievement Tradition of Excellence
- The book introduces -The books start off with -Additional materials in -The book has an origin
several composers the history of the books Teacher Resource kit for each instrument
throughout, both of instrument -Gives list of featured -Also contains: Origin of
classical and other styles -Discusses composers composers in the the flat sign
of music. such as Mozart, Haydn, beginning of the book -Music Styles: Mexico,
- These introductions and Dvorak with their works, however Rock, Mariachi, Folk Song,
include descriptions of -Also has a lot of focus on no emphasis is placed on England, America, Spain,
when they composed, other genres of music learning about the Australia, Waltz, Russia;
their birth and death, and such as Japanese folk composers. -Some Composers:
usually lists some of their music and -Same emphasis is placed Beethoven, Pierpont,
most famous works African-American on different types of Bobrowitz, McGinty,
-The teacher guide urges spirituals World Music Tchaikovsky, Nowlin;
the teacher to have -Some Eras: Classical,
students research Romantic, Renaissance,
composers and share etc. and MANY more
thoughts with the class examples of everything
Alternate Fingerings
Sound Innovations Essential Elements 2000 Accent on Achievement Tradition of Excellence
- The teacher book makes -Teaches forked - Gives some alternate -Lessons contain some
several notes of alternate fingerings for oboe fingering options within alternate fingerings
fingerings from the -Teaches important the fingering chart and throughout the book
beginning such as the percussion techniques Accent On (instrument), starting in the middle
thumb B flat on Flute. such as flams and but not nearly as much as -Most of the alternate
- In specific songs the paradiddles expected fingerings are learned in
book suggests in the -Has optional F Horn and -Alternate versions are the Mastering
teacher edition when Oboe section that has available for the Oboe and Excellence portion in the
alternate fingerings would different techniques for Horn parts. Left facing back of the book along
benefit the student starting off teaching page of the music is with the fingering chart
- The fingering charts fingerings unison with band, and -Some songs have
contain alternate -Fingering charts contain right facing page of the beneficial alternate
fingerings on some notes. alternate fingerings music is a perfect 4th fingerings labeled, but it is
appropriate for each lower. To allow young not a guarantee
instrument players to play in a more
comfortable range.
Piano Accompaniment
Sound Innovations Essential Elements 2000 Accent on Achievement Tradition of Excellence
- The teacher score has -The teacher score -The conductors score -The conductors score
piano accompaniment in contains all of the parts contains all of the parts contains all parts and a
it. and has a full score but and has a full score written accompaniment
- The accompaniment has doesnt contain a piano -Piano accompaniment is with chord symbols
parts written out as we all accompaniment offered throughout the attached
the chords that the piece songs within the book, as -The DVD that comes
is harmonized with. well as the chord with the conductors book
progressions has pre-recorded
accompaniment tracks for
the teacher to use
Number of Exercises
Sound Innovations Essential Elements 2000 Accent on Achievement Tradition of Excellence
- 1-183 Exercises, often -1-181 regular exercises -About 36 New Material -1-140 regular exercises
listed with specific that focus on technical lessons with assorted that focus on technique,
pedagogical skills and instrumental songs to emphasis the improving on the
reasons/focuses improvement new material instrument, pedagogue of
- 184-199 Scales and -Several examples of -Scales and chords in back the instrument
Arpeggios, Chorales, Scale scales and arpeggios of the book -An Instrument Specific
etudes, and Interval -Several performance -Rhythm exercise section Solo (Such as Minuet for
etudes in 4 keys examples in the back of the book Bassoon or Rockin the
- 200-204 Rhythmic - Accent On section Blues for Electric Bass)
etudes scattered throughout, but - Mastering Excellence
grouped in the back of the Portion contains about 20
book exercises pertaining to the
-B-flat, F, E-flat, and A-flat individual instrument
chorales in the back of the -Contain scales,
book arpeggios,and warm-up
selections that arent
Sound Innovations Essential Elements 2000 Accent on Achievement Tradition of Excellence
- Masterclass DVD -Play along CD that comes -Interactive CD Rom is -DVD/CD that contains:
included with each book with each book. It gives included in the pre-recorded
that is instrument specific. the students an example conductors manual, accompaniment,
It covers basic and of a professional however the instrument specific videos
advanced skills learned performing on their software/program may be for embouchure, posture,
through the book, and specific instrument. out of date. and assembly, breathing
includes a performance of -Smart Music is used in -Accompaniment exercise, also contains
the final solo to model the CD recording CD is available some video lessons
good tone for students -The conductor book through the Interactive -Smart Music is used in
- MP3 Recordings that contains a play-along CD CD as well (2 in one I the CD
include every line of music featuring a small band guess) -The recordings use an
from the book. Recordings ensemble demonstrating -No DVD included instrument to
with the melody and the melody part demonstrate the student
accompaniment and just part, then the
the accompaniment by accompaniment alone,
itself to play-along. and can be transferred to
- SmartMusic your computer
Other Factors - Sound Innovations
Sound Innovations
Tradition of Excellence
I could honestly work with any of these books because its all pretty standard
information just organized a little differently
-The master classes on the DVDs would be very beneficial to the students
-Also, it is the most up to date out of all of the books that we analyzed
Brody Lemke
Sound Innovation
Sound Innovations
Thank You.