07 Real Gas Xi (J) (E) - Wa
07 Real Gas Xi (J) (E) - Wa
07 Real Gas Xi (J) (E) - Wa
What are the two major differences which distinguish an ideal gas from real
Can you predict the conditions at which a real gas will behave like an ideal
gas ?
'P' is read as pressure exerted when all the intermolecular attractions are
removed & 'V' is read as free volume available for the motion of molecules. The
inclusions of correction terms, then will give the Vander Waal equation.
What do you expect, "a" of a non polar gas to be more or of a polar gas to be
Compressibility factor :
PV volume occupied by real gas at given P & T
Z = =
nRT volume that ideal gas would have occupied at same P & T
Volume occupied by ideal gas is not same as "free volume available for motion".
Free volume available for motion will always be less than volume of container
where as volume occupied by ideal gas in the equation may be greater or smaller
than the volume of container depending upon values of "Z".
Can you predict where & how the graph of He will look in the above Z vs P case
if He has very negligible force of attractions?
Boyle Temperature :
TB =
Inversion Temperature :
Ti =
The graph of Z vs P for any gas will be dependent on whether the gas is above
its " Critical temperature" or below its critical temperature. For any gas
above its critical temperature graph would be similar to that of H2 or He and
for a gas at a temperature less than its critical temperature, it will be similar
to majority of the gases.
(ii) At high pressure z = = 1+
PV a
(iii) At extremely low pressure z = = 1 ; Pb =
(iv) For H2 and He, a will have negligible effect at most of the pressures at normal
Dieterici Equation :
Pena/VRT (V n b) = n R T
Berthelot Equation :
n2 a
P (V n b) = n R T (a & b are Berthlot's constant different from Vander Waal's constant)
T V2
Can you guess whether these equations are better than Vander Waal equation
or not?
Show that at low pressures Vander Waals and dielectric both give essentially
the same value of pressure.
Can you guess what will be the value of 'Z' compressibility factor for a gas at
its critical condition?
p a
(V b) = RT
Vm2 m
We obtain p r p c 2 2 (VrVc b) =RT
Vr Vc
Replacing pc, Vc and Tc in terms of a, b and R, we get
a a 8a
p r 2
2 2 {Vr (3b)b} = RT
27 b Vr (3b) 27 Rb
pVm (p r p c )(Vr Vc ) p c Vc p r Vr 3 p r Vr
Z= = = T
R (Tr Tc ) T = 8 T
RT c r r
Law of corresponding states establishes the fact that behaviour of every gas
is similar if it is at "identical" condition with respect to its critical conditions.
Q.1 The gas having higher value of Vander Waal's constant "a" will be __________ compressible than the
one having lower value of "a", provided Vander Waal's constant "b" is same for both the gases.
Q.2 The density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3. Estimate the b value.Atomic mass of Hg = 200.
Q.3 Calculate the pressure exerted by 22 g of carbon dioxide in 0.5 dm3 at 300 K using:
(a) the ideal gas law and (b) Vander Waals equation. Given:
[a = 360 kPa dm mol6 2 and b = 40 cm3 mol1]
[Use : R = 0.08 atmL/mol K, 1 atm = 105 Pascal]
Q.4 Calculate from the vander waal's equation, the temperature at which 128 gm of SO2 would occupy a
vol. of 10 dm3 at 15 atm pressure.[a = 25 atm lit2 mol2, b = 0.05 lit mol1]
[Use : R = 0.08 atmL/mol K]
Q.5 The molar volume of He at 10.1325 MPa and 273 K is 0.011075 of its molar volume at 101.325 KPa
at 273 K.Calculate the radius of helium atom. The gas is assumed to show real gas nature. Neglect the
value of a for He.
Q.7 Sign of initial slope of compressibility factor (z) versus P curves is ________ if a gas is below its Boyle's
temperature and ________ if it is above its Boyle's temperature.
Q.8 Correct option regarding a container containing 1 mol of a gas in 22.4 litre container at 273 K is
(A) If compressibility factor (z) > 1 then 'P' will be less than 1 atm.
(B) If compressibility factor (z) > 1 then 'P' will be greater than 1 atm.
(C) If 'b' dominates, pressure will be less than 1 atm.
(D) If 'a' dominates, pressure will be greater than 1 atm.
Q.9 The density of water vapour at 240 atm and 527C is 90 gm/dm3.
Determine the molar volume, (Vm) of water and the compression factor.
[Use : R = 0.08 atmL/molK]
Q.10 At 300 K and under a pressure of 10.1325 MPa, the compressibility factor of O2 is 0.8. Calculate the
mass of O2 necessary to fill a gas cylinder of 100 dm3 capacity under the given conditions.
[Use : R = 0.08 atmL/molK]
Q.15 The vander waals constant for O2 are a = 1.59 atm L2 mol2 and b = 0.0318 L mol1. Calculate the
temperature at which O2 gas behaves, ideally for longer range of pressure.
[Use : R = 0.08 atmL/molK]
Q.16 The Vander Waals constants for gases A, B and C are as follows
Gas a/dm6 kPa mol2 b/dm3 mol1
A 405.3 0.027
B 1215.9 0.030
C 607.95 0.032
Which gas has (i) the highest critical temperature, (ii) the largest molecular volume, and (iii) most ideal
behaviour around 1800K?
2 105
Q.17 For a real gas (mol. mass = 30) if density at critical point is 0.40 g/cm3 and its Tc = K, then
calculate Vander Waal's constant a (in atm L2mol2).
Q.18 Find the critical constant (Pc, Vc and Tc) in terms of A and B, also find compressibility factor (z) for the
following equation of state.
A 2B
PV = RT + 2
where A and B are constant, P = pressure and V = molar volume.
p a
2 (V b) = RT
Vm m
and the Dieterici's equation
p(Vm b) = RT exp (a/RTVm)
give essentially the same value of p.
Q.20 A commercial cylinder contains 6.91 m3 of O2 at 15 M Pa and 21C. the critical constants for O2 are
TC = 126C , PC = 50 bar . Determine the reduced pressure and reduced temperature for O2 under
these conditions.
Q.21 Calculate the value of , , Z1 and Z11 for nitrogen molecules at 25C and at pressure of 103 mm Hg.
Given that b for nitrogen is 39.1 cm3 mol1.
Q.1 One way of writing the equation for state for real gases is,
P V = R T 1 ...... where B is a constant.
Derive an approximate expression for 'B' in terms of Vander Waals constant 'a' & 'b'. [JEE 1997]
Q.2 Using Vander Waals equation, calculate the constant "a" when 2 moles of a gas confined in a 4 litre flask
exerts a pressure of 11.0 atmp at a temperature of 300 K. The value of "b" is 0.05 litre mol 1.
[JEE 1998]
Q.4 The compressibility of a gas is less than unity at STP. Therefore [JEE 2000]
(A) Vm > 22.4 L (B) Vm < 22.4 L (C) Vm = 22.4 L (D) Vm = 44.8 L
Q.5 The compression factor (compressibility factor) for one mole of a vander Waals gas at 0 C and 100
atmosphere pressure is found to be 0.5. Assuming that the volume of a gas molecule is negligible, calculate
the vander waals constant 'a'. [JEE 2001]
Q.6 The density of the vapour of a substance at 1 atm pressure and 500 K is 0.36 Kg m3. The vapour
effuses through a small hole at a rate of 1.33 times faster than oxygen under the same condition.
(i) mol. wt.; (ii) molar volume; (iii) compression factor (z) of the vapour and
(iv) which forces among the gas molecules are dominating, the attractive or the repulsive
[JEE 2002]
Q.7 Positive deviation from ideal behaviour takes place because of [JEE 2003]
(A) molecular attraction between atoms and >1
(B) molecular attraction between atoms and <1
(C) finite size of atoms and >1
(D) finite size of atoms and <1
Q.8 For a real gas obeying van der Waal's equation a graph is plotted between PVm (y-axis) and P(x-axis)
where Vm is molar volume. Find y-intercept of the graph. [JEE 2004]
0 P(atm)
(A) for the gas A, a = 0 and its dependence on P is linear at all pressure
(B) for the gas B, b = 0 and its dependence on P is linear at all pressure
(C) for the gas C, which is typical real gas for which neither a nor b = 0. By knowing the minima and the
point of intersection, with Z = 1, a and b can be calculated.
(D) At high pressure, the slope is positive for all real gases A, B and C. [JEE 2006]
Q.10 Match gases under specific conditions listed in Column I with their properties / laws in Column II.
Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of the 4 4 matrix given in the ORS.
Column I Column II
(D) Real gas with very large molar volume (S) P (V nb) = nRT [JEE 2007]
Q.12 The term that corrects for the attractive forces present in a real gas in the Vander Waals equation is
[JEE 2009]
an 2 an 2
(A) nb (B) 2 (C) (D) nb
V V2
PV (liter-atm mol )
(Graph not to scale)
2.0 3.0
1 1
(mol liter )
Q.5 r = 1.33 108 cm Q.6 (a) 2.52 103 l mol1, (b) 10.08 103 dm3 mol1
Q.13 A Q.14 C
Q.17 1.6875
6B A2 A3 PC VC 1
Q.18 VC = ,TC = , PC = 2 , compressibility factor = RT =
A 6RB 108B C 3
Q.20 PR = 3 , TR = 2
Q.21 314 pm, 7.015 cm, 6742 s1, 1.09 1017 cm3s1
Q.1 B = b Q.2 6.52 atmp L2 mol2
Q.3 C Q.4 B
Q.6 (i) 18.1 g/mol , (ii) 50.25 L mol1 , (iii) 1.224 , (iv) repulsive,
Q.7 C Q.8 RT
Q.13 C