Tankeh v. DBP Digest

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DEVT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES *it is essential that such insidious words or machinations
[Topic] Fraud: Requisites must be prior to or contemporaneous with the birt h or
perfection of a contract
Art. 1338. There is fraud when, through insidioua words or VOCAB*LAR+:
machinations of one of the contracting parties, the other is Fr#$d 'will render the contract voidable(
induced to enter into a contract which, without them, he
would not have agreed to. SHORT ANS,ERS:
1. ,-! # (-#in/ -!: +leandro Tankeh was chasing
Ar t. 13 44 . In order that fraud may make a contract -uperto Tankeh
voidable, it should be serious and should not have been 0. ,-&r& did t-& r!2%& t#rt: hen +leandro Tankeh
employed by both contracting parties. Incidental fraud only wrote a letter to -uperto Tankeh saying that he was severing
obliges the person employing it to pay damages. all ties and terminating his involvement with /terling
*1338 fraud in performance of a contract ! employed by a 3. ,-#t0ines
i t- & (! ntr#(t in )$&ti !n :+ssignment of
party to the contract in securing the consent of the other /hares of /tock with oting -ights
*11"# ! fraud in performance of an obligation ! employed by FACTS:
the obligor in the performance of a pree$isting obligation. /ometime in 128#, +leandro was approached by his
brother, -uperto %president of //0& informing him that the
Kind !" Fr#$d latter was operating a new shipping line business and
D! %! C # $ #n t & ' refers to those deceptions or oered him 1### shares worth 415 to be a director of the
misrepresentations of a serious character employed by one business. +leandro acce pted the oer base d on the
party and without which the party would not have entered promised that he be part of the admin sta so that he can
into the contract. oversee the operation of the business plus his son, who is a
practicing lawyer would be given a position in the company.
D!%! In( id&nt& ' deceptions or misrepresentations which + loan was appl ied from 674 for nancing of an
are not serious in character and without which the other oceangoing vessel with the conditions that the rst
party would still have entered into the contract. mortgage is obtained over the vessel, the future earnings of
the mortgage including proceeds should be assigned to 674
R&)$iit&: and 674 is assigned to no less than 9": of the voting
%1& 'raud or insidious words or machinations must have shares of the company. +leandro signed the +ssignment of
been employed by one of the contracting parties( /hares of /tock with oting -ights and the promissory note
%)& The fraud or insidious words must have been serious( making him liable ointly and severally for the amount of the
%3& The fraud or insidious words must have indu ced the loan. +fter the vessel is ac;uired, a deed of assignment was
other party to enter into the contract( and e$ecuted in favor of 674. <n 1283, upon reali=ing that he
%& The fraud should not have been employed by both of was only being made a tool to reali=e the purposes of
the contracting parties or by third persons. -uperto, +leandro o>cially informed the company by
means of letter that he has severed his connection with the
company and askin g the board to pass a resolution to
released him from his liabilities with 674 and notify the and dolo causante or fraud serious enough to render a
latter about this. contract voidable. If there is fraud in the performance of the
<n 1289, the account of //0 in the 674 were contract, then this fraud will give rise to damages. If the
transferred to +sset 4rivati=ation Trust by virtue of fraud did not compel the imputing party to give his or her
4residential 4roclamation ?o. @#. The asset including loan in consent, it may not serve as the basis to annul the contract,
favor of 674 were ordered to be transferred to the national which e$hibits dolo causante. Aowever, the party alleging
government. 6espite the assignment and cash e;ui ty the e$istence of fraud may prove the e$istence of dolo
contribution of //0 to cover part of the ac;uisition cost of incidente. This may make the party against whom fraud is
the vessel and the like, the promissory note still subsisted. alleged liable for damages.
Aence, +leandro is still bound as a debtor because of the +rticle 13# of the Divil Dode recogni=es the reality of some
promissory note. e$aggerations in trade which negates fraud. It readsC The
A%&#ndr! (!nt&nti !n:The promisorry note must be usual e$aggerations in trade, when the other party had an
declared as null and void and he be absolved from any opportunity to know the facts, are not in themselves
to bind. himself
-uperto e$ercised deceit and
to fraud
in causing him fraudulent.
ointly and severally pay 674 the amount
of the mortgage loan. +ll the money supposedly invested by Eiven the standing and stature of the petitioner, he was in a
him were put by -uperto, hence he had never invested any position to ascertain more information about the contract.
money. Ae was invited to attend the board meeting only The following facts show that petitioner was fully aware of
once and he was never compensated by //0 for being called the magnitude of his undertakingC Firt, petitioner was fully
director and stockholder. ?one of the promises of -uperto aware of the nancial reverses that //0 had been
was complied with. undergoing, and he took great pains to release himself from
the obligation. S&(!nd, his background as a doctor, as a
ISS*E: bank organi=er, and as a businessman with e$perience in
<? the fraud perpetrated by -uperto is serious enough to the te$tile business and real estate should have apprised
warrant annulment of the contractB him of the irregularity in the contract that he would be
undertaking. This meant that at the time petitioner gave his
HELD: consent to become a part of the corporation, he had been
?o. <nly incidental fraud e$ists in this case. Therefore it is fully aware of the circumstances and the risks of his
not su>cient to warrant the annulment of the contracts participation. Intent is determined by the acts. Fin#%%5, the
petitioner entered into but respondent -uperto is liable to records showed that petitioner had been fully aware of the
pay him damages. The distinction between fraud as a eect of his signing the promissory note. The bare assertion
ground for rendering a contract voidable or as basis for an that he was not privy to the records cannot counteract the
award of damages is provided in +rticle 13C In order that fact that petitioner himself had admitted that after he had
fraud may make a contract voidable, it should be serious severed ties with his brother, he had written a letter seeking
and should not have been employed by both contracting to reach an amicable settlement with respondent -upert.
parties. Incidental fraud only obliges the person employing it 4etitionerFs actions deed his claim of a complete lack of
to pay damages. awareness regarding the circumstances and the contract he
had been entering.
There are two types of fraud contemplated in the
performance of contractsC dolo incidente or incidental fraud
The re;uired standard of proof ! clear and convincing Aowever, in refusing to allow petitioner to participate in the
evidence ! was not met. There was no dolo causante or management of the business, respondent -uperto . Tankeh
fraud used to obtain the petitionerFs consent to enter into was liab le for the commi ssion of incidental frau d. In
the contract. 4etitioner had the opportunity to become Eeralde=, this Dourt dened incidental fraud as Gthose which
aware of the facts that attended the signing of the are not serious in character and without which the other
promissory note. Ae even admitted that he has a lawyerson party would still have entered into the contract. +lthough
who the petitioner had hope d would assist him in the there was no fraud that had been undertaken to obtain
administration of /terling /hipping 0ines, Inc. The totality of petitionerFs consent, there was fraud in the performance of
the facts on record belies petitionerFs claim that fraud was the contract.
used to obtain his consent to the contract given his personal
circumstances and the applicable law.

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