Stamford University Bangladesh: Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Stamford University Bangladesh: Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Stamford University Bangladesh: Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
Course This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of computer networking.
objective: In this class, you will familiarize yourself with the architecture underlying computer
networks, and we will go over the main components and applications of TCP/IP and
the network security.
Reference Computer Networking: A top down approach written by jim kuros, by Pearson
Books: publication, Sixth edition and Lecture notes provided by course teacher.
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6. 11. Routing algorithms Distance vector (Ch.5,T:1)
12. Routing algorithms: Link state (Ch.5,T:1)
7. 13. Hierarchical Routing, Broadcast (Ch.5,T:1)
Routing, Spanning tree.
8. 14. OSPF protocol Notes(ICND2)
15. Congestion Control Techniques Notes(ICND2)
9. 16. The leaky bucket & Token bucket (Ch.5,T:1)
17. CSMA/CA, CSMA/CD protocols. (Ch.4,T:1)
10. 18. Load shedding, RSVP, Jitter (Ch.19,T:2)
Controlling. (Ch.5,T:1)
19. 2rd Class Test + Review of lectures (Ch.20,T:2)
(14 to 18) + IPV6 basics, IPV6
addressing rules, Classes of IPv6
11. 20. Transition from IPV4 to IPV6. (Ch.20,T:2)
Network address translation (NAT).
21. Network security, Cryptography, (Ch. 8,T:1)
Substitution ciphers, Transposition
12. 22. Data encryption algorithm: RSA (Ch. 8,T:1)
23. 3rd Class Test and Review of (Ch. 8,T:1)
lectures (19 to 22)
13. 24. Public key algorithm: DES. (Ch. 8,T:1)
25. Review of the course
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