Stamford University Bangladesh: Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

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Stamford University Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Course outline

Course CSE 415 Trimester: Fall 2017

Course Title: Computer Networks Course Level: L3 T2
Credit 3.0 hours/week Program: CSE

Course Md. Rayhan Ahmed Towhidul Islam Robin Nahida Parvin

Teacher Lecturer, Dept. of CSE Lecturer, Dept. of CSE Lecturer, Dept. of CSE
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Office: A216 Office: A216 Office: A401

Course This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of computer networking.
objective: In this class, you will familiarize yourself with the architecture underlying computer
networks, and we will go over the main components and applications of TCP/IP and
the network security.

Textbook: 1. Computer Networks written by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Published by

McGraw-Hill, 5th edition.
2. Data Communications and Networking written by Behrouz A. Forouzan by
McGraw-Hill, 4th edition, Fourth edition.

Reference Computer Networking: A top down approach written by jim kuros, by Pearson
Books: publication, Sixth edition and Lecture notes provided by course teacher.

Lesson Plan: Week Lecture Topic Textbook

1. 1. Networking basics, Uses of computer (Ch.1,T:1)
networks, Types of transmission
technology, Local, wide and
metropolitan area networks.
2. Reference Models: OSI and TCP/IP (Ch.1,T:1)
2. 3. Framing techniques (Ch.11,T:2)
4. Data Link layer Protocols IPv4, IP (Ch:11,T:2)
address classes, public and private IP. (Ch:19,T:2)
3. 5. Sub netting based on: Networks. Notes
6. Sub netting based on: Host. Notes
4. 7. Sub netting: VLSM. to 5). Notes(ICND1)
8. Sub netting: VLSM (Continued). Notes(ICND1)
5. 9. 1st class test and Review of lectures (1
to 8)
10. Routing algorithms: Shortest path (Ch.5,T:1)
routing, Flooding.

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6. 11. Routing algorithms Distance vector (Ch.5,T:1)
12. Routing algorithms: Link state (Ch.5,T:1)
7. 13. Hierarchical Routing, Broadcast (Ch.5,T:1)
Routing, Spanning tree.
8. 14. OSPF protocol Notes(ICND2)
15. Congestion Control Techniques Notes(ICND2)
9. 16. The leaky bucket & Token bucket (Ch.5,T:1)
17. CSMA/CA, CSMA/CD protocols. (Ch.4,T:1)
10. 18. Load shedding, RSVP, Jitter (Ch.19,T:2)
Controlling. (Ch.5,T:1)
19. 2rd Class Test + Review of lectures (Ch.20,T:2)
(14 to 18) + IPV6 basics, IPV6
addressing rules, Classes of IPv6
11. 20. Transition from IPV4 to IPV6. (Ch.20,T:2)
Network address translation (NAT).
21. Network security, Cryptography, (Ch. 8,T:1)
Substitution ciphers, Transposition
12. 22. Data encryption algorithm: RSA (Ch. 8,T:1)
23. 3rd Class Test and Review of (Ch. 8,T:1)
lectures (19 to 22)
13. 24. Public key algorithm: DES. (Ch. 8,T:1)
25. Review of the course

Learning Problem discussion, Class tests, Assignments, Examinations etc.

Assessment: Attendance 10%
Class Tests 20%
Assignments 10%
Mid-term Exam 30%
Final Exam 30%

Grade Percentage Letter Grade Grade Point

References: 80% or above A+ 4.00
75% to less than 80% A 3.75
70% to less than 75% A- 3.50
65% to less than 70% B+ 3.25
60% to less than 65% B 3.00
55% to less than 60% B- 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ 2.50
45% to less than 50% C 2.25
40% to less than 45% D 2.00
Less than 40% F 0.00
Plagiarism Any form of unfair means is strictly prohibited in the exams/assignments.
-: THE END. :-

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