ATF Form 4473
ATF Form 4473
ATF Form 4473
U.S. Department of Justice
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Firearms Transaction Record
WARNING: You may not receive a firearm if prohibited by Federal or State law. The information you provide will be used to Transferor's/Seller's
determine whether you are prohibited from receiving a firearm. Certain violations of the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. 921 et. Transaction Serial
seq., are punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment and/or up to a $250,000 fine. Number (If any)
Read the Notices, Instructions, and Definitions on this form. Prepare in original only at the licensed premises ("licensed premises"
includes business temporarily conducted from a qualifying gun show or event in the same State in which the licensed premises is
located) unless the transaction qualifies under 18 U.S.C. 922(c). All entries must be handwritten in ink. "PLEASE PRINT."
Section A - Must Be Completed Personally By Transferee/Buyer
1. Transferee's/Buyer's Full Name (If legal name contains an initial only, record "IO" after the initial. If no middle initial or name, record "NMN".)
Last Name (Including suffix (e.g., Jr, Sr, II, III)) First Name Middle Name
2. Current State of Residence and Address (U.S. Postal abbreviations are acceptable. Cannot be a post office box.)
Number and Street Address City County State ZIP Code
12.d.1. Are you an alien who has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa? (See Instructions for Question 12.d.)
12.d.2. If "yes", do you fall within any of the exceptions stated in the instructions? N/A
13. If you are an alien, record your U.S.-Issued Alien or Admission number (AR#, USCIS#, or I94#):
Previous Editions Are Obsolete Transferee/Buyer Continue to Next Page
Page 1 of 6 STAPLE IF PAGES BECOME SEPARATED ATF E-Form 4473 (5300.9)
Revised October 2016
I certify that my answers in Section A are true, correct, and complete. I have read and understand the Notices, Instructions, and Definitions on ATF
Form 4473. I understand that answering "yes" to question 11.a. if I am not the actual transferee/buyer is a crime punishable as a felony under
Federal law, and may also violate State and/or local law. I understand that a person who answers "yes" to any of the questions 11.b. through 11.i
and/or 12.b. through 12.c. is prohibited from purchasing or receiving a firearm. I understand that a person who answers "yes" to question 12.d.1. is
prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm, unless the person answers "yes" to question 12.d.2. and provides the documentation required in
18.c. I also understand that making any false oral or written statement, or exhibiting any false or misrepresented identification with respect to this
transaction, is a crime punishable as a felony under Federal law, and may also violate State and/or local law. I further understand that the repetitive
purchase of firearms for the purpose of resale for livelihood and profit without a Federal firearms license is a violation of Federal law. (See
Instructions for Question 14.)
14. Transferee's/Buyer's Signature 15. Certification Date
Handgun Long Gun Other Firearm (frame, receiver, etc. Name of Function:
(rifles or See Instructions for Question 16.)
shotguns) City, State:
18.a. Identification (e.g., Virginia Driver's license (VA DL) or other valid government-issued photo identification.) (See Instructions for Question 18.a.)
Issuing Authority and Type of Identification Number on Identification Expiration Date of Identification (if any)
Month Day Year
18.b. Supplemental Government Issued Documentation (if identification document does not show current residence address) (See Instructions for Question
18.c. Exception to the Nonimmigrant Alien Prohibition: If the transferee/buyer answered "YES" to 12.d.2. the transferor/seller must record the type of
documentation showing the exception to the prohibition and attach a copy to this ATF Form 4473. (See Instructions for Question 18.c.)
Questions 19, 20, or 21 Must Be Completed Prior To The Transfer Of The Firearm(s) (See Instructions for Questions 19, 20 and 21.)
19.a. Date the transferee's/buyer's identifying information in Section A was 19.b. The NICS or State transaction number (if provided) was:
transmitted to NICS or the appropriate State agency:
Month Day Year
19.c. The response initially (first) provided by NICS or the appropriate State 19.d. The following response(s) was/were later received from NICS or the
agency was: appropriate State agency:
Proceed Delayed Proceed (date) Overturned
Denied Denied (date)
[The firearm(s) may be transferred on
Cancelled Cancelled (date)
if State law permits (optional)]
No response was provided within 3 business days.
19.e. (Complete if applicable.) After the firearm was transferred, the following response was received from NICS or the appropriate State agency on:
(name) (number)
20. No NICS check was required because a background check was completed during the NFA approval process on the individual who will receive the
NFA firearm(s), as reflected on the approved NFA application. (See Instructions for Question 20.)
21. No NICS check was required because the transferee/buyer has a valid permit from the State where the transfer is to take place, which qualifies as an
exemption to NICS. (See Instructions for Question 21.)
Issuing State and Permit Type Date of Issuance (if any) Expiration Date (if any) Permit Number (if any)
REMINDER - By the Close of Business Complete ATF Form 3310.4 For Multiple Purchases of Handguns Within 5 Consecutive Business Days
29. Total Number of Firearms Transferred (Please handwrite by printing e.g., zero, one, 30. Check if any part of this transaction is a pawn redemption.
two, three, etc. Do not use numerals.) Line Number(s) From Question 24 Above:
31. For Use by Licensee (See Instructions for Question 31.) 32. Check if this transaction is to facilitate a private party transfer.
(See Instructions for Question 32.)
33. Trade/corporate name and address of transferor/seller and Federal Firearm License Number (Must contain at least first three and last five digits of FFL
Number X-XX-XXXXX.) (Hand stamp may be used.)
NICS responses: If NICS provides a "proceed" response, the transaction may Privacy Act Information
proceed. If NICS provides a "cancelled" or "denied" response, the transferor/seller
is prohibited from transferring the firearm to the transferee/buyer. If NICS provides Solicitation of this information is authorized under 18 U.S.C. 923(g). Disclosure
a "delayed" response, the transferor/seller is prohibited from transferring the firearm of this information by the transferee/buyer is mandatory for the transfer of a
unless 3 business days have elapsed and, before the transfer, NICS or the State has firearm. Disclosure of the individual's Social Security number is voluntary. The
not advised the transferor/seller that the transferee's/buyer's receipt or possession of number may be used to verify the transferee's/buyer's identity.
the firearm would be in violation of law. (See 27 CFR 478.102(a) for an example
of how to calculate 3 business days.) If NICS provides a "delayed" response, NICS For information about the routine uses of this form see System of Records Notice
also will provide a Missing Disposition Information (MDI) date that calculates the 3 Justice/ATF-008, Regulatory Enforcement Records System (68 FR 163558,
business days and reflects when the firearm(s) can be transferred under Federal law. January 24, 2003).
States may not provide an MDI date. State law may impose a waiting period on
transferring firearms. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
Questions 20 and 21. NICS Exceptions: A NICS check is not required if the The information required on this form is in accordance with the Paperwork
transfer qualifies for any of the exceptions in 27 CFR 478.102(d). Generally these Reduction Act of 1995. The purpose of the information is to determine the
include: (a) transfers of National Firearms Act firearms to an individual who has eligibility of the transferee to receive and possess firearms under Federal law. The
undergone a background check during the NFA approval process; (b) transfers information is subject to inspection by ATF officers and is required by 18 U.S.C.
where the transferee/buyer has presented the licensee with a permit or license that 922 and 923.
allows the transferee/buyer to possess, acquire, or carry a firearm, and the permit
has been recognized by ATF as a valid alternative to the NICS check requirement; The estimated average burden associated with this collection is 30 minutes per
or (c) transfers certified by ATF as exempt because compliance with the NICS respondent or recordkeeper, depending on individual circumstances. Comments
check requirements is impracticable. If the transfer qualifies for one of these about the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing it should
exceptions, the licensee must obtain the documentation required by 27 CFR be directed to Reports Management Officer, IT Coordination Staff, Bureau of
478.131. A firearm must not be transferred to any transferee/buyer who fails to Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Washington, DC 20226.
provide such documentation.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Confidentiality is not assured.