Badel Michigan Splint and Treatment PDF
Badel Michigan Splint and Treatment PDF
Badel Michigan Splint and Treatment PDF
Tomislav Badel1, Sunana Simoni-Kocijan2*, Vlatka Lajnert2, Nika Duli1, Dijana Zadravec3
Department of Removable Prosthodontics,
School of Dental Medicine, University of
Zagreb, Zagreb Abstract. Splints, in a broader sense, include various groups of removable intraoral appliances
which are used in biomechanical treatment approach and they help establish the neuromus-
Department of Prosthodontics,
cular functional balance between different parts of the stomatognathic system. The aim of the
Department of Dental Medicine School
paper was to review the literature related to temporomandibular disorder (TMD) treatment
of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Rijeka
with special attention given to clinical importance and the fabrication of the Michigan splint. A
Department of Diagnostic and clinical case with a 9-year follow-up is presented within the framework of Michigan splint
Interventional Radiology, Clinical Hospital practical use and an evaluation of TMD treatment success until now. Generally, in TMD trea-
Center Sestre milosrdnice, University of tment, the principle of palliative medicine is preferred, which means treatment, control and
Zagreb, Zagreb alleviating of temporomandibular pain. The principle of non-invasive and reversible methods
of treatment is preferred. The splint achieves a behavioral effect of self-awareness (cognition)
about the position, function and parafunction of the mandible as well as a placebo effect.
Primljeno: 7. 1. 2013.
Key words: magnetic resonance imaging, temporomandibular joint, treatment
Prihvaeno: 12. 4. 2013.
Saetak. Udlage u irem smislu predstavljaju velik broj skupina mobilnih intraoralnih naprava
pomou kojih se provodi biomehanika terapija te uspostavlja neuromuskularna funkcijska
harmonija dijelova stomatognatog sustava. Svrha rada je pregled literature vezan uz lijeenje
temporomandibularnog poremeaja s naglaskom na kliniki znaaj i nain izradbe michigan-
ske udlage. U sklopu praktine primjene michiganske udlage i dosadanje znanstvene evaluac-
ije uspjeha lijeenja TMP-a opisan je kliniki sluaj s 9-godinjim praenjem. Openito, principi
palijativne medicine preporuuju se u lijeenju TMP-a, to podrazumijeva lijeenje i kontrolu
temporomandibularnog bola. Prednost se daje neinvazivnim i reverzibilnim metodama
lijeenja. Udlaga postie bihevioralni uinak samosvjesnosti (kognicije) o poloaju, funkciji i
parafunkciji mandibule, te se postie uinak placeba.
Adresa za dopisivanje:
Sunana Simoni-Kocijan, dr. dent. med.
Katedra za stomatoloku protetiku
Medicinski fakultet Sveuilita u Rijeci
Kreimirova 40, 51 000 Rijeka
[email protected]
MRI has been accepted as the gold standard in freedom in centric in a space of 0.5-1.0 mm on
diagnostics of soft intraarticular structures20,21. the splint plane (Figure 1)30. During occlusal
Since disc displacement is a common finding, movements, the concept of canine guidance is
mostly in younger population of TMD patients, realized by planes of the splint in the canines re-
MRI was accepted as the gold standard but there gion, whereas the interference, hyperbalance
is still no agreement on the gold standard in and balance contacts between other teeth and
TMDs treatment22,23. The psychological factor can splint plane are avoided31.
be evident, even in non-characteristic geriatric Indications for Michigan splint are as follows:
population of TMD patients, and it can contrib- TMDs of arthrogenic and/or myogenic origin,
ute to the general clinical picture as a recurring management of nocturnal bruxism and uncon-
etiological factor24. trolled parafunction during the day, maintaining
Priority is given to noninvasive and reversible of centric relations as a precondition to extensive
treatment methods where the occlusal splint prosthodontic restoration in patients with painful
plays a key role in dental, that is, initial occlusal and stiff masticatory muscles or limited mandibu-
therapy25. The occlusal splint is the most com- lar movements, and as a means of differential di-
mon and efficient treatment procedure of arthro- agnostics of TMDs with respect to other ailments
genic and/or myogenic forms of TMDs and brux- with similar symptoms (orofacial and craniocervi-
ism. The occlusal stability is established by cal pain, tension headache, secondary tinnitus,
specific morphology of the splint which is placed etc.)32,33.
on the teeth alignment of one jaw thus serving as In Michigan splint, centric relation serves as a
an orthopedic means of TMJ stabilization26. therapeutic position which stabilizes the mandi-
The occlusal splint is used as a temporary means ble in occlusal relations, wherein the habitual
of obtaining therapeutic occlusion and as a pre- mandibular position is often identical to the cen-
paratory stage for definite prosthetic treatment27. tric position in the TMJ. Apart from excluding oc-
In treatment with occlusal splints, their biome- clusal interferences, the relaxation of masticatory
chanical concepts of activity, characteristics of muscles is achieved by increasing the occlusal
position and retention have changed and com-
plemented each other. The morphology of the
occlusal splint plane has been tested as well as its
influence on mandibular position and move-
ments and the position and relationship between
the intraarticular structures of TMJ. Depending
on the indications of use and treatment effects of
the occlusal splint, hyperactivity is reduced, that
is, the masticatory muscles are relaxed, the con-
dyle is therapeutically positioned, which means
that it is placed into the centric relation position
with the behavioral effects increasing awareness
about the position, function and parafunction of
the mandible thus achieving placebo effect28,29.
The most complicated stage of laboratory fabri- transparent acrylic is used (such as Futura Jet,
cation is replacing the wax by acrylic, which be- Schtz Dental). The stone mould is slowly closed
gins by surrounding the vestibular splint edge in order to squeeze out the excess acrylic mass
with putty impression material. A space for ex- (Figure 4). The cast with splint is then placed into
cess acrylic putty is situated dorsally (Figure 3). a pressure chamber (6 bar and temperature
The wax cast is replicated by dental stone fixator 40C/15min).
which will precisely copy the splint surface. By re- The polymerized splint is not removed from the
moving the hardened stone negative from the casting mould; it is mounted into the articulator
cast, the entire wax is also removed. The cast for preliminary occlusal adjustment to obtain oc-
should then be isolated by a hard, clear resin clusal contacts in centric relations (Figure 5). Af-
sheet as well as the stone mould. The self-curing ter this, the canine guided movements are
checked (Figure 6). The splint is then removed
The Michigan splint increases occlusal vertical dimensi- from the cast and the final polishing is carried
on which has to provide comfort to the patient. out. Occlusion is also additionally adjusted when
the splint is tried in by the patient.
a b
The prevalence of pain varies with age (mild pain
was more frequent in younger age), with the Figure 7 MRI of the right TMJ
peak occurring between 41 and 55 years of age. A) in the closed mouth; B) open mouth position
Another issue in the TMD epidemiology is de- Disc displacement without reduction (arrows; 1, condyle; 2 tuberculum)
pendence on the age and gender of the patient.
Manfredini et al.22 differentiated two age peaks
(two peaks of greatest incidence) in TMD pa-
tients (30-35 and 50-55 years) with the female:
male ration 5:1, which partly coincides with pre-
vious knowledge that the greatest prevalence is
in women of reproductive age (that is between
18-45)11, 35. Mobilio et al.13 found clicking as the
most common TMD symptom (33%), whereas
pain was present in 5.1% of subjects from the
general population. Clicking can be a benign
symptom of disc displacement in patients with
dental anomalies in childhood36.
The issue of occlusion in dental medicine has
reached a dogmatic level, which in case of TMD Figure 8 MRI of the right TMJ with the splint applied in closed mouth
patients should not apply, particularly the use of position. Note: condyle was situated in a therapeutic position posteriorly
within the glenoid fossa
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