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Don't overlook the value of observation. Instead of being preoccupied, keep an ear and an eye
out; you'll see pertinent parts of the picture you've been missing. Around the middle of the
week, a few minor adjustments make much more sense than attempts at big changes or
starting from scratch.

Don't wait 'til the last minute - try to anticipate problems by deep concentration. Only in this
way will you find solutions and come out of this with your head held high. Those with an
Ascendant in Taurus will be irritable and bad-tempered towards those who are simply trying
to lend a hand.

If you cannot change things, you should move on. Spend more time getting yourself in shape
and sharpening your skills. New opportunities are soon to come. Those of you planning to go
abroad will get success.

Many demands on your money and patience/time early in the week can deplete both your
pocket book and your resolve. 'Caving in,' is likely but the rewards can be stunning, especially
in contentment. You may reap the rewards of a 'job well done'. Children are costly this week
and single/childless Archers fair best.

You might face several problems over small issues. Financial investment or a similar decision
of great proportion should be delayed. Expenditure remains high. You will be in a situation to
reply to all the accusations hurled at you. Gains will be in proportion to the hard work put in
by you.

You are sure to be 'super busy' early in the week helping pals from 'all over your life,' both
near and far and in person or via communications like email and phone. Putting in a good
word may be required along with keeping them calm during emotionally charged situations.

Stomach and bile related problems continue to trouble you. You might be plagued by ill-
health and mental trauma and frustration of a lost opportunity. There may be a few tensions
but you will be able to overcome it.

Work and other practical responsibilities can become detours from romance this week.
Ideally, you can find someone with whom you can work and play at the same time. There's
nothing like heating up with some physical activity to make you and a partner relax for some
adult fun.

Who needs to drive when you can skip, ride and saunter? If your current destination offers
guided tours by foot, horseback or carriage, take them up on the offer. Moving at a slower
pace means you get to see much more than you would if you were zipping by in an
automobile or bus.
State of Mind: Happy and Satisfied

Compatible Signs: Leo, Scorpio

Lucky Colors: Magenta, Slate Blue

Lucky Days: Your lucky days will be Friday and Saturday.

Lucky Numbers: 2, 5, 11, 14, 32

The Prophecy Report

Generated on Monday, July 21, 2008

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Name CLAUDIA Szekrényes

Date of Birth Monday, December 20, 1965
Time of Birth 3:15
Place of Birth Gyongyos, HUNGARY
Your Planetary Table

Planet Sign Degree

Ascendant Libra 14:52
Neptune Libra 27:41
Ketu Scorpio 11:16
Mercury Scorpio 13:1
Moon Scorpio 2:29
Sun Sagittarius 4:36
Mars Capricorn 4:9
Venus Capricorn 15:28
Saturn Aquarius 18:13
Rahu Taurus 11:16
Jupiter Gemini 2:37
Pluto Leo 25:5
Uranus Leo 26:14


From times immemorial, astrologers and seers have tried to refine and enlarge their
knowledge of astrological sciences by the study of the special attributes of the qualities
attached to the various degrees of the Zodiac. Astrologers have felt that if they could
define the different degrees of the Zodiac with the same precision that Houses, Planets
and Signs and their influences can be read, their knowledge of celestial influences would
be enormously extended.

In Ancient India, this art and line of research had once bordered upon perfection. The
famous ancient "nadigranthams" (nadi=nerve grantham=reading) bear full testimony to
that. However, these readings have not been translated and are guarded by such close
secrecy that not much is known about them to this very day.

In our search to revive the unusual and interesting aspects of astrology, we present you
with a unique look at a 16th century treatise named "The Faces and Degrees of the
Zodiac" or "La Volasfera". This was written by Johannes Angelus and reprinted by
"Raphael", a very well known 19th century French astrologer. This was then translated
by Sepharial, a well-known astrologer, clairvoyant, occultist, and prolific author, who
was the first president of the British Astrological Society. Sepharial also added his own
interpretations to the degrees. Sepharial's work was published in a book called "The
Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolized". This book also contains his translations of Charubel,
an 18th century Welsh clairvoyance and seer.

Your report below will give you an interesting look into your personality interpreted on
the degrees of the planets in your Natal Chart. These interpretations have been highly
thought of and are constantly used by many who have unusual opportunities for testing
them in their daily work.

Prophesy on your Ascendant, Moon Sign and Sun Sign

Ascendant In Libra - A man walking with two women, their arms linked in his.

It denotes a person of untrustworthy nature frivolous, insincere, capable of duplicity: of

a light, joyous spirit sometimes running away with the reason. The native will be given
to self-indulgence, and to the flattery of women. There will be trouble in love affairs and
in marriage. It is a degree of VACILLATION.

Sun In Sagittarius - A man of middle age watching over a cradle.

It is the index of a nature that is given to repining and solitude yet bound by ties of
kinship or love to those who are either enfeebled or bereft of health and fortune. In this
character there is a melancholy resignation to the decrees of destiny, and an
uncomplaining submission to the wrongs of this world. Themselves, a sufferer in silence,
they will be little able to help in removing the load of care from the brows of others, yet
their fidelity and natural sympathy will prevent them from deserting their friends
altogether. Such a person will suffer severe bereavements and sorrows. It is a degree of

Moon In Scorpio - An old man seated beneath a shady tree, his head bowed in
thought. A pilgrim.

This symbol is the index of one given to solitude and deep philosophic thought, a lover
of the mysterious and abstruse. Impressed with the unreality of things around them and
the changefulness of human relations, they are disposed to the study of eternal verities
and feels in no need of companionship. They are neither misanthropes nor pessimists,
but they have a true perspective of life and regard things and persons according to their
true value. It is a degree of DISILLUSION.

Prophesy for other Planets in your Chart

Neptune In Libra - An ass tethered to the shaft of a grinding mill.

It indicates a nature that is inured to arduous and homely work; one who will pursue the
beaten track of an un ambitious life with but slight regard to their own limitations and
still less to the wider projects and life of others. It is a degree of SERVITUDE.

Ketu In Scorpio - A small cottage surrounded by a thicket.

It is the index of a mind that is prudent and resourceful, provident and reserved. But it
also shows one who is surrounded by enemies and liable to ambushes and deceit. This
circumstance will unfortunately call forth all the lower and useful faculties of the nature,
and while rendering the person free from harm by such enemies will at the same time
tend to degenerate the mind. It is a degree of SELF-DEFENCE.

Mercury In Scorpio - Two men seated at a table with beakers of wine before them.

It is an indication of a jovial arid sympathetic nature, disposed to some degree of self-

indulgence, and liable to indiscretions, which will prove harmful to the fortunes. It
augurs much liberality and frankness of mind, a kindly but weak nature, and a very
intimate knowledge of human character. It is a degree of COMRADESHIP.
Mars In Capricorn - A small cottage with wide-open door.

This is the sign of a hospitable and generous nature, a kindly and warm-hearted
disposition. Austere and rigid in their own methods of life they will nevertheless show
much sympathy for others, and compassion for their weaknesses and foibles. Withal
they will evince a singular lack of prudence, and though denying themselves and
sustaining others they will be liable to imposition and theft. Such a one should safeguard
the doors of their speech and be select in the choice of their friends and confidants. It is
a degree of HOSPITALITY.

Venus In Capricorn - A man riding at high speed upon a well-conditioned horse.

This denotes one who has a taste for and ability in the management of horses, and to
whom the delights of horsemanship will not be less than those of hazard and adventure.
They will lead a romantic life, will travel afar, and undertake many hardy exploits. Their
occupation may bring them largely into touch with foreign people and strange lands, and
either they will be an importer of foreign wares, an explorer, or an archaeologist. Should
they incline to the law they will make great progress therein and honors will attend their
efforts on all occasions. In scholastic work also they will find their prevailing passion fully
satisfied, for in the taming and bridling of the untrained mind and the right directing of
its powers they will prove himself not less successful than capable and zealous. It is a
degree of INSTRUCTION.

Saturn In Aquarius - A boat upon the sea to which a submerged man is clinging for

This symbol is related to one in whose life some great catastrophe will occur at a time
when providentially there will be a friend at hand to rescue them from danger. It
indicates that a deficiency of tact and skill is liable to render them subject to adversity of
fortune and they will suffer financial disaster and even peril of death, but there will be
raised up to them a friend capable of sustaining them in their extremity and they will not
therefore sink into the depths. This will be in response to their great faith. The nature,
although daring, is lacking in tact and strength. All their troubles will arise from failing to
admit their own incompetence. They will travel afar. It is a degree of INSECUITY.

Rahu In Taurus - A flower of. a bright orange tint, upon which two butterflies are
resting and fanning their wings.

It denotes a sympathetic and graceful nature, ever ready to please others, and yet
anxious of recognition and affection from those to whom they are devoted; one that
desires peace and concord, and finds delight in associating with those of a similar
character to themselves; a hopeful and happy nature, upon which the heavens will
smile. It is a degree of RECIPROCITY

Jupiter In Gemini - A troubadour stands with one, foot upon the ledge of a rock, his
instrument slung at his side; he is listening to the music of a cascade which, falls at his

This denotes a person of Bohemian habits, refined tastes, a love for things beautiful, as
well as music, poetry, art, etc. The person with this degree will lead a roaming life; will
have much happiness, but not great fame. They will be talented, but may be too
contented in the possession of their powers and think too little of wider uses. They will
have a strong imagination, love of the marvelous, and will be very sensitive to the
opinions and influence of others. It is a degree of HARMONY.
Pluto In Leo - A thick wood at the back of a field, in which is a man ploughing with an

It indicates a person of laborious habits, very much attached to the country life, and a
close student of nature. The mind is retiring and modest, very intelligent., and gifted
with patience and firmness, capable of sustaining close researches or yet heavy labors of
a purely physical kind. The native will be fortunate, but never very rich or very
prominent. It is a degree of STEADFASTNESS.

Uranus In Leo - A dagger.

This is an ominous sign! It may mean danger to the native at the hands of an enemy,
or, yet more unhappily, it may mean the reverse of this. The native will certainly be of a
quarrelsome, argumentative nature; given over to impulsive actions. A restless and
destructive mind, always on the alert to attack, to oppose, to argue. Very executive, but
by no means constructive in disposition, and hence liable to go through life like a
tornado, remarked but not esteemed. It is a degree of DESTROYING.


In Sepherial's own words: "Wherever thers is truth there is its symbol. Symbols are
more true than language, more eloquent than poetry, more sugggestive than definations
and the more valuable because they rather hint at the unknown than map out the

Sepherial's transalation of Charubel's work in area of symbols and his own influenced
astrologers later in time. Sabian Astrology or Astrology of the Symbols plays an
important part in the world of Astrology today and has a large following.

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