01 Dec31quiz

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Written by Julie Weiss and Ingrid Porter Name ___________________

NEWSWEEK ThisWeek Weekly Quiz

Based on the December 31, 2001/January 7, 2002 edition of NEWSWEEK


Choose the correct answer for each item and write the corre- __ 8. Identify the INCORRECT statement about Mohamed
sponding letter in the space provided. Atta
a. He was Egyptian. b. Atta loved flying.
WAR ON TERROR c. He studied engineering. d. He had a contempt for women.
__ 1. It is alleged that in 1993, after the gulf war, Saddam
Hussein _____ . __ 9. What was Bill Feehan's connection to September 11?
a. planned a terrorist attack on New York City a. He was a clergyman who assisted victims at the
b. tried to murder George Bush in Kuwait Trade Center.
c. narrowly escaped an attack on his life by the CIA b. Feehan was a member of the New York City
d. suffered a debilitating stroke Fire Department.
c. He was the first journalist at the Pentagon attack site.
__ 2. Identify the country that does NOT border Iraq. d. Feehan wrestled with the attackers on the airplane.
a. Turkey b. Kuwait
c. Somalia d. Jordan __ 10. The Bush Doctrine states _____ .
a. that no terrorist will be tried with a military tribunal
__ 3. A study by the Joint Chiefs of Staff suggests that b. the rules for the Victim Compensation Fund
approximately _____ soldiers would be needed to eliminate c. that nations that harbor terrorists will be viewed
Saddam Hussein. as enemies of the United States
d. the conditions under which suspected terrorists
a. 10,000 b. 50,000 may be treated
c. 100,000 d. 500,000
__ 4. What country has signed billions of dollars in trade
__ 11. Hideo Kojima is known for creating videogames that
deals with Iraq?
_____ .
a. Russia b. the United States
a. force players to make ethical and moral choices
c. Afghanistan d. Iran
in their personal lives
b. use film techniques to make the games feel more realistic
__ 5. The total amount of money airlines can be held liable c. are less violent and more mentally challenging
for as a result of the September 11 attacks is _____ . d. cause controversy between parents and children
a. $3 million
b. $6 billion __ 12. The Institute for Genomic Research created a "shot-
c. $100 billion gun" technique that _____ .
d. still undetermined
a. is thought less reliable than other techniques for
investigating genomic structure
__ 6. The Victim Compensation Fund rules give every vic- b. lacks a scientific basis and has yet to be proven successful
tim's family _____ . c. blows apart a genome and uses a computer to
a. at least $250,000 plus $50,000 per dependent reassemble the pieces
b. the right to sue the airlines d. gives a snapshot of a genome at one particular stage
c. the same amount of money regardless of the of its development
victim's earning potential
d. an opportunity to outline in court the ways the attack __ 13. The ACLU is an organization whose mission is to
has changed the lives of the family _____ .
a. uphold government programs and laws
__ 7. The Victim Compensation Fund was created by _____ . b. defend the civil liberties of individuals
a. Congress b. President Bush c. promote sports programs for deserving high school
c. The Red Cross d. the families of Sept. 11 victims and college athletes
d. foster international race relations

Copyright © 2001 by NEWSWEEK, Inc.

__ 14. City school districts will be forced to make tough Use these discussion questions to help guide your understanding
decisions as a result of decreased funding. Identify the of the articles.
choice which will NOT be made by districts. A. "Next Up: Saddam" (pages 24-27)
What almost happened in Kuwait in 1993? List the countries
a. layoffs of teachers and other school personnel
that border Iraq. Summarize the options for military action devel-
b. school closings
oped by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. How is Russia connected to
c. an increase in class sizes
Iraq? Describe the Security Council's terms for Iraq. How might
d. elimination of special education programs
forces from within Iraq assist in Saddam Hussein's overthrow?
__ 15. As a result of the September 11 attacks, colleges
B. "A Tragic Calculus" (pages 28-31?)
have _____ .
Who set up the Victim Compensation Fund and who is in
a. stopped teaching about Islam charge of it? What are the rules of the fund? How is the fund
b. increased the number of courses about Islam connected to the airlines? What is the constitutional challenge
c. blamed Islam for terrorism in the world faced by the fund?
d. added a new psychology major to their offerings C. "The Day That Changed America" (pages 40-71, excluding
Sections IV, VII, VIII, XIII, and XV)
WHO’S WHO What did Mohamed Atta think of cities, the West, and women?
__ 16. Bill Clinton How did his father describe him? What did his flight school
instructors think of him? Describe Bill Feehan. How did he han-
__ 17. Kenneth Feinberg
dle the situation on September 11? Where was Dick Cheney on
__ 18. Dick Cheney the morning of September 11? How did he respond to the
__ 19. Ruth Simmons attacks? What is the "Bush Doctrine"?
__ 20. Anthony Romero D. "Who's Next: Ruth Simmons (page 81), Anthony Romero
a. special master of the Victim Compensation Fund (page 82), Claire Fraser (page 83)and Hideo Kojima" (page 85);
b. university president and youngest child of sharecroppers and "What's Next: Education (pages 99-100) and Religion"
c. discovered a new way to view the genomes of bacteria (pages 101-102)
d. ordered four days of bombing of Iraq in 1998 What new job does Ruth Simmons hold? What was her back-
e. took charge of the White House on the morning ground? Who is Anthony Romero? What challenges does he
of September 11 face? Who is Claire Fraser? How might we benefit from her
f. executive director of the ACLU research? Who is Hideo Kojima? What makes his creations dif-
g. lawyer representing New York victims of the ferent from those of others? What problems do urban schools
September 11 terrorist attacks face? How might Americans deal with religious diversity in the
coming year?

Write a brief response (no more than a sentence) to the follow-
ing questions.
Write a 500-word essay in response to one of the following ques-
21. How might a deployment of U.S. troops into Iraq affect
tions. Use information from your reading of this week’s
anti-Hussein factions in Iraq?
NEWSWEEK to support your answer.

1. This week's article, "Next Up: Saddam," suggests that the

22. Why might the rules of the Victim Compensation Fund
next front in the war on terror might be Iraq. As an American,
face a constitutional challenge?
how do you feel about your government planning to take on
another country's government, as it has done with Afghanistan?
2. As the new year begins, NEWSWEEK's writers weigh in with
23. What directions ("rules of engagement") did Dick Cheney
their predictions for 2002. Is this a valuable exercise? If you
give Air National Guard fighters who were guarding New
think so, explain why. If you think not, explain why not.
York City and Washington in case of further attacks?
3.You have done several activities on the theme "Humanities,"
including the value placed on a human life. Choose one of the
following examples and explain what it reveals about how
24. What does The Institute for Genomic Research do?
American society values human beings: the war on terrorism in
Afghanistan, the debate about assassination as a political strate-
gy, the Victim Compensation Fund or the precautions taken with
25. Why are city schools affected more by the recession than
the president and the vice president since September 11. Use
suburban districts?
examples from the past several months of NEWSWEEK to formu-
late your answer.

Copyright © 2001 by NEWSWEEK, Inc.

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