5 Years MCIC in Kosovo
5 Years MCIC in Kosovo
5 Years MCIC in Kosovo
Saso Klekovski
Executive Director
Mission statement
The Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) is a civic society
organization that operates in the domain of sustainable development,
awareness raising and social - humanitarian (basic) assistance.
The goal of MCIC is the promotion, support and development of local, national
and international initiatives for encouraging sustainable development of
human resources in Macedonia and abroad.
For the implementation of its goals and tasks, MCIC mobilizes and organizes
human resources, financial and material assets, both in the country and
MCIC provides funding for the activities from numerous agencies of the World
Council of Churches and from governmental and international organizations.
Gjakovica right after the end of the war Distribution of construction material for renewal
of homes
This part supported the factory for production of tiles IMN from Gjakovica,
which employed 220 persons. The production of this factory was restored
in November 1999, and the aid that MCIC provided was paid in kind, used
to build houses.
In the course of 1999-2000, besides the urgent aid, there were activities
implemented in the areas of water supply in the villages, distribution of
18 agricultural raw materials for the spring and autumn sewing season, and
there were pregnant heifers purchased for 165 families and the Association
of Dairy Producers from Gjakovica.
All of these activities contributed to recovery of the villages after the
conflict and rehabilitation of their production capacities, mainly in the
area of agriculture, because this is a rural area. MCIC, as in other programs
it had, mainly was guided by the needs of the people and tried to design
the aid according to these needs. One of the most successfully evaluated
methodologies was the use of vouchers for agricultural raw materials that
could be used by the farming facilities to choose products they were most
in need of in the local agricultural pharmacies.
The civic association “We Are with You”, through its activities supports the
concept of development of the democratic mentality and culture, where
citizen with creative ideas and capabilities are able to contribute to social
and economical welfare of the individual and the community.
Kosovo Development Centre (KDC) is civil and not-for-profit
organization, which was established in 2001 by the local initiative
and was supported by MCIC and ICCO. Kosovo Development Centre
is registered with UNMIK under registration number 510105-8. The
structure of the management consists of: assembly, board, executive
director, project associates, administrator, and an accountant.
Furthermore, depending on the needs, junior project associates are
participating in certain projects.
Organization Goal
Strategic goals of KDC are:
• Improvement of social and economic level of Kosovo’s
• Development of civil society;
• Distributing aid to the groups in need.
We would like to live in a society where woman would have gender
equality, where she would be emancipated and become professional
Iniciativa e Femrës Kosovare in all fields of life.
Kosovo Women Initiative (KWI) is civil and not-for-profit
organization, which serves economical, educational, and democratic
development of civil society, and especially women, through projects
and programs that unite sustainability of the non-profit sector and
improve professional structure.
Kosovo Women Initiative from Gjakovica is civil and non-profit
organization, which was established in June 2001. Since its early
beginnings it aimed toward supporting the inclusion of women and
youth into social life, by offering programs for strengthening their
position, and their schooling and education, as well as programs for
economic development, offering numerous trainings for managing of
their business.
Women inclusion in social life aims toward assistance, consulting,
and training in the fields of gender equality inclusion from all
aspects, and especially in the fields of politics, through mediation in 4
resolving various conflicts within the family, and establishing youth
monitoring groups in the municipal assembly. KWI participated in the
Children rejoice at the New Year’s presents
preparation of the Strategic National Plan for gender equality, which
now acts as a law after adoption by the Parliament of Kosovo.
Programs for schooling and education aim towards awareness raising
of women and monitoring of their position and role in Kosovo’s
24 society, as well as their better inclusion in social life. Within these
programs, a number of activities are incorporated, such as training of
women and girls in advocacy, course in Albanian language for young
Bosniacs, training of Gjakovica citizens in citizen participation and
advocacy, etc. Several round tables, debates, and seminars were held
on the topics of women and juvenile rights and their role in the
KWI is one of the most active civil associations in Gjakovica and has
good cooperation with various civil and government organizations in
Gjakovica and other municipalities.
Kosovo Women Initiative (KWI) was in charge of the development
of the civil society with a focus on women issues. Projects were
implemented in the field of trainings on women and family violence,
introduction to inheritance rights, and training for the business
improvement. In the field of awareness rising, the project for
Initiatives in Dragas
Within the program Transition of Kosovo (ToK), there were also supported small
development initiatives in Dragas, where eight projects were implemented:
Courses in English language (organized by CA Flaka) and Courses in computers
(Mother Teresa) were held, aimed to train CA activists in basic knowledge in
English language and working with computers. Likewise, with the project
Technical Support to CA Vatan, the newly established organization of Gorans in
Dragas was supported.
Water supply for the villages of Brut and Kosava, reparation of a bridge in
village of Backa, children playground, and renovation of sanitary facilities of
the clinic in the village of Krusevo, were the projects for support of development
initiatives for improvement of the infrastructure in these villages.
The health education of women, organized by CA Flaka aimed towards rais-
ing the women awareness on health condition, in order to reduce diseases
and mortality at mothers and babies, and women training in timely seeking of
health care, through various lectures.
With the Bridge – Closer to the World
The village of Backa is situated in the eastern part of the municipality of
Dragas, on the slopes of the Sar Mountain, at 1,200 meters altitude, some
6 kilometers from the municipal center. There are approximately 150 houses
in the village. At the moment, there are 85 inhabitants in the village, while
during the summertime and summer holidays this number raises to 900
inhabitants, as the largest part of them have moved out of the village after
the war on Kosovo, as well as because of economical reasons. Only a small
number of inhabitants of this village are employed in the municipality. There
is a school in the village, for pupils of first to fourth grade, while children
of fifth to eight grade attend the primary school at the village of Brod. The
main occupation of the villagers living in the village is cattle breeding.
The only road that connects the village with the municipality of Dragas leads
over Brodska River where an old and damaged bridge is situated (8 meters
long). The bridge is not passable for vehicles.
“I went abroad in search for employment in distant 1952. We have a pastry
shop there. Our village is cut off from the world. By repairing the bridge,
we solved many problems. It is something indescribable. A real salvation
for us. We live well with Albanians. We have helped them a lot during the
crisis. There are some 900 inhabitants in the village during the summertime,
and barely eighty in the winter – the oldest and those who have a job here.
Almost all of the villagers are working in Vojvodina and Serbia,” told us Murat
Construction of the bridge has solved some of Shaqiri.
the problems of the villages of village Backa
Water for the Inhabitants of the Village of
The village of Kosava is located in the northern part of the municipality of
Dragas, some 13 kilometers from the municipality center. There is unpaved
road leading towards the village. Kosava is mountainous village at the foothill
of the Shar Mountain, at approximately 1,150 meters altitude. There are 110
families in the village, with some 1,200 permanent residents. Inhabitants
26 of this village are mostly working on cattel breeding. Approximately 30
inhabitants from the village live and work abroad, while some 40 inhabitants
are employed in or outside the municipality. The village has four hamlets
(mahalas), and each one of them has individual waterworks and water
networks, but there are no water meters in any of the settlements. The
hamlet of Mejzini-tertini has approximately 350 inhabitants.
“There was no water supply in the village, only village fountains. Now, all of
the houses are connected. We were in big trouble. There are vast amounts
of water in these mountains, there just be a way to use them. Women
were engaged in carrying the water, as well as the children. When bigger
quantities were needed, we, the men, were engaged too. But, even with all
those efforts, there was not enough water for all our needs,” told us Veiz
Sherifi, inhabitant of the village.
MCIC activity consisted of financial support for placing hydro insulation and
mortaring of a new tank, as well as for pipe connection of the tank with the
existing network, and installation and other works.
Support of Programs
The goal of the project was to contribute to the socio-economic development of the
farmers in the rural areas.
The activities were implemented in part of south-east Kosovo, where MCIC was active
in the period of 1999-2001. This covers the broader region of Gjakovica, Orahovec,
Prizren and the municipality of Dragas. Some of the activities were focused on
more regions with a specific target group of the rural areas (via the agriculture
Kosovo Development Centre was responsible for collection, preparation land
dissemination of the information relates to the agricultural sector in the Target
regions, via the “Fermeri” agro-newsletter. The newsletter contained information
on the regulations, momentary situation and the development of the agricultural
sector, case study (success stories of the target region), important
statistical data, advice for farmers, etc. The newsletter was issued on
quarterly basis, and it was distributed to the farmers and other NGO-s.
KRC also issued five brochures on various agricultural produce, such as
fruit and vegetables. The brochure covered information of the specific
character of the produce, conditions for its production, etc, with
various experts from the area of fruit and vegetables included. (picture
of the Bulletin).
Six training cycles were organized for farmer associations that are
founded with the help of KRC in the previous year. The training
was specifically related to the needs of the farmer association. KRC
also allocated 6 grants for various farmer associations, intended for
technical equipment.
Besides the training, there was also direct technical aid to farmers who
indicated interest for improving their work on the farms. This included:
advice for proper documentation, record and analysis of the production,
work plan development, etc. Study visits to positive examples among
the producers of the same produce in Kosovo were organized.
KRC financially supported 2 local initiatives in the region of Gjakovica Bulletin for the farmers
(municipal representatives, village boards, suburban boards, etc)
for repairs to the public infrastructure (schools, clinics, children
Support of Programs
The goal of the project is institutional development and organizational
strengthening of the local NGO-s. The target area was part of south-east
Kosovo, where MCIC was active in the period of 1999-2001. This covers
the broader region of Gjakovica, Orahovec, Prizren and the municipality
of Dragas.
Aleksandar Krzalovski
Coordinator of MCIC program
in Kosovo in the period 1999 – 2001
Experience with many peripetia
At the end of 2001 I was faced with an interesting decision,
whether to apply or not for a job in Kosovo, as MCIC’s
representative in Kosovo. It was challenging to apply, but
in the same time I had a dilemma whether the time spent
there with the partner organizations would be productive
and fruitful. Yet, I applied, although that meant additional
engagement for me. And a lot of energy as well. One thing
was obvious that what we have tried to do in our attempts
for capacity development of our three local partners was just
a small investment in the development of the civic society
in Kosovo. At the beginning the work was just the same as
taking care of a toddler or an adolescent child, when they
think they know everything and do not need help. This
made our job more challenging for me and the other MCIC
colleagues involved in this.
I remember one moment when I talked with the three local
partners about the need of strategic planning and thinking
of changes, because that was the only way for tackling
the new emerging challenges. It seemed to them that we
were talking about something that was beyond their needs.
After a year, two of the three organizations started to talk
on this topic, started to think strategically on their future
directions. We from MCIC were normally there to support
them, to help them with our experience in finding out the
road that will be fulfilling for them and their target groups.
32 Now the three local partners are well known organizations in
different areas. KDC in the field of agriculture, WAWY in the
field of civic society through strengthening the capacities
of NGOs and the institutions of the local government, and
the third partner KZI which following the internal structural
changes has divided into KZI and KZI new vision are well
known for resolving the gender issues.
Fatmir Bytyqi
Coordinator of MCIC program
in Kosovo in the period 2002 – 2004
Aleksandar Stevanovski
Project Assistant for MCIC
MCIC follows its achievements with a project portfolio monitoring system, as well as by keeping specific records of
the individual products. MCIC does the project portfolio monitoring through several mechanisms: sector, programs,
location, target group and instruments. This overview shows the results according to some of these parameters,
providing table overview by years. In its five-year work in Kosovo, MCIC has realized 120 projects, with overall
budget of MKD 458 million or EUR 7 million. The table 1 shows the results realized according to sectors and
years. Over 50 percent of the realized projects are in the civic society sector, followed by the agriculture, emergency
assistance etc.
The distribution of the
target group in these
Celna group
Target grupa 1999 2000 2001
2000 2001 2002
2002 2003
2003 2004
2004 Vkupno
Total categories is made
Women 1 33 88 11 13
13 according to the dominant
Peasants 77 11 88 Table 3 participation of the users
Ethnic malcinstva
minorities 22 22 22 66 in the projects. In cases
Number of
of multiple vulnerability
Children and youth
Deca i mladina 3 11 44 projects
of the users (belonging to
according to the
Marginalizirani 44 44 two or more categories,
grupi target groups in
such as young Goran’s
the period 1999
Begalci iand
raseleni 15 11 22 10
10 28
28 women in rural areas),
– 2004
lica persons only one is taken in
Op{ta 11 14
14 33 24
24 44 11 57
57 consideration, the most
Vkupno: 30 32
32 55 44
44 88 11 120
relevant regarding the
number of users and the
type of project activities.
* The balance in 2000 originates from ICCO and it has been employed for financing the Kosovo programs in the following years. The
allocation of financial means per year is listed in the table, whereas the overall amount of funds from ICCO has been decreased for
that amount.
MCIC was founded on 14 December 1993. The seven founders and three other
members comprise the first governance and management structure of MCIC:
Assembly, Executive Board and Professional Service, managed by the Programme
Director. MCIC was registered in 1994.
The highest governance body of MCIC is the Assembly/Council, The Council has the
following competences: to adopt, amend and supplement the Charter; adopt general
policy and strategy; to adopt the annual report on operations and the financial
report, and receive the report by an independent auditor; to select members of
the governance Board; to decide on merging with another foundation and on MCIC
membership in national and international associations and organizations; and
perform other work in conformity with the Charter and general acts of MCIC.
^lenovite na Sobranieto/Sovetot izbiraat Izvr{en/Upraven odbor od 10
~lena. Members of the Assembly/Council elect a 10-member Executive/Governance
Board. A total of 19 persons have been members of the Board during this ten-year
period. The Governance Board of MCIC: adopts future and annual work programmes
and plans; adopts financial plans; adopts the annual financial report; decides on
establishing awards and recognitions; adopts acts that regulate the operation of
the executive Office; appoints an Executive Director, establishes companies and
other legal entities.
Maybe the best way to describe MCIC is to quote what others said about
MCIC: evaluators, partners and associates.
Evaluations of the ACT Programs in Kosovo (2000-2002)
MCIC participated in three evaluations of ACT, for the Macedonia and
Kosovo operations from 1999 to 2001. The main findings with regard to
MCIC were: innovative design of support and unique positive example for
possible cooperation of the people with various ethnic and religious origin
in the Balkan context.
The presence of MCIC in Kosovo was a challenge in itself. As one of the
evaluators of the ACT programs in Kosovo said, the evaluation team was
impressed that Muslim Slavs (Gorans) in the remote region of Dragas
were helped by MCIC (mainly Orthodox, ethnic Macedonians in the
Skopje personnel) with a local personnel made of ethnic Albanians. With
this involvement, MCIC gave an example on a good neighborly regional
“The cooperation with MCIC started in September 1999. In December the same
year we implemented the first project with MCIC. In 2002 it was decided that We
Are with You would be the partner of MCIC in the issues of civil society. We have
implemented various activities, such as training, lobbying, accountability of the
civil organizations to the public, within our program. In the last five years MCIC
became very well known in Kosovo. We too managed to build confidence with the
others. Happy birthday and a lot of success in the future.”
40 Luan Gola, Program Manager at We Are with You
“In August 1999 the activities for analysis of the municipalities where MCIC
could be active started. The Dukagjin region had many damages. Then MCIC
decided that the seat of the office should be in Gjakovica, which would cover
the municipalities of Gjakovica, Prizren and Decane. The second phase was the
reconstruction of the damaged houses. Assistance was also provided in the area
of agriculture and civil society. There was a significant cooperation with the local
population and international organizations. We received the basic knowledge
from MCIC, as well as from the training and work experience. MCIC is a big
organization, not only in Macedonia, but also in the region. The lessons learned
from working with MCIC will be implemented in the future as well. Although now
we have become independent as an organization, we have continued with the
same scope of activities. Thank you for everything that you have done for us.”
Eranda Kumnova, President of the Kosovo Women Initiative
“At the moments when there were big efforts made in the Construction Material Industry
at Gjakovica made to restart the factory, there were many promises from various foreign
organizations, but it was the promise of MCIC for assistance that resulted in a fast and
effective implementation of the basic needs for activating the brick stove. This meant
start of the production in a time when there was a big demand for construction material
for reconstruction of Kosovo after the war. In the last five years we have increased
the capacity of the production, and in this way the quality and application of modern
methods of our products. Thank you for your contribution and for the things that we
have achieved in the last period with your help.”
Oliver Curi, IGM Director
“Our organization has been working at the territory of the municipality of Strpce since
2000. At the time after the war in Kosovo, and since the start of our organization until
today, it has not happened that organizations such as MCIC appear in this area, both
in the way they work and in the assistance that we receive.
The only thing that has happened after the war is the presence of MCIC. It was the 41
only organization that looked for us, and thanks to God, they found us and offered
us cooperation. What MCIC did in our 13 villages in the municipality of Strpce, was
something that we could not think of or do better even ourselves. On behalf of the
organization and all citizens of our municipality we want to thank MCIC for the
assistance given. We were happy to have such a partner, which helped us via the
humanitarian work to learn a lot from that. Even nowadays the old, the young speak of
MCIC, of Alek, the man who worked with dedication and unselfishly together with us
in the worst weather. May God protect MCIC and its personnel.”
Miroslav Milosavlevic, Vice President
of the “Better Life” NGO from Strpce
“In the period of conflict in 1999, our municipality was in a very difficult position.
The assistance that came from Macedonia surprised us all; it was something that we
will never forget. Its presence in the municipality of Dragas has changed many things
in our lives. We have not heard anything until it came, but later we found out that
they had taken care of many refugees from Kosovo. We will not forget the distributed
humanitarian aid, the water supply system that they built in our villages and other
activities. Thank you from our hearts.”
Nuhija Tahirovci, Municipality of Zlipotok
Publisher Design and preparation
Macedonian Center for Koma, Skopje
International Cooperation
MCIC Executive Director and Boro Grafika, Skopje
Editor in Chief
Sašo Klekovski Copies
Gramoz Shabani Address
Macedonian Center for
The following contributed International Cooperation
to the monograph str. ”Nikola Parapunov” bb,
Gonce Jakovleska P.O.Box. 55 1060 Skopje
Aleksandar Kržalovski Republic of Macedonia
Fatmir Bytyqi e-mail: [email protected]
ISBN 9989-102-19-8
1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Klekovski, Sašo
a) Macedonian Center for International Cooperation – Kosovo
– 1999-2004
COBISS.MK-ID 63068426